Levi Strauss

Found in 26 Books

File: Antony Sutton - Trilaterals Over America -


  • uninspected beef. Mexico is now highly advantag eous for Trilateral firms like General Electric (Vice Chairman Paolo Fresco is a Trilateral), Motorola (Chairman George M. C. Fisher is a Trilateral), Levi Strauss (Robert D. Haas is a Trilateral and close to David Rockefeller), Mobil Corporation (Allen Murray, Chairman, is Trilateral), and several major pharmaceutical companies (Johnson and Johnson, Smith Klin


  • ecutive Officer, American International Group, Inc. Gutfreund, John H., former Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Salomon Inc. * Haas, Robert D., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Levi Strauss & Company Hamilton, Lee H., Member, U.S. House of Representatives Hennigar, David J., Chairman, Crow nx Inc.; Vice-Chairman, Crown Life Insurance Co.; Atlantic Region al Director, Burns Fry Limited,

File: Colin Wilson - Interview - World Interviews 2001 -


  • enly realise, we do that most of the time. W e're always looking back on some past time and saying 'that was a happy time' but you didn't realise it at the time it was happening!" It seemed that what Levi Strauss was saying might be fairly sound, that the answer to some extent lay in the unconscious. Maslow , with whom Wilson had discussed this subject in detail - instead of dealing with sick people, had inve


  • n never take into account, because you can't cause it at will. Aldous Huxley thought you could with mescalin, but that doesn't really work, it doesn't cause the peak experience. "It seemed to me that Levi Strauss was on the right track but, you know , I couldn't really feel very much trust in it. W ell, then I heard about Derrida - so I proceeded to try and read him, and as you know , it's totally unreadable!

File: Daniel Pinchbeck - Toward 2012 Perspectives On The Next Age -


  • i- torial director of Reality Sandwich . Michael Robinson is educator, visual artist, and director of the acclaimed New Y ork design studio Nowhere. Recent clients include Alicia Keys, Courtney Love, Levi Strauss, and Coca-Cola. He led the global rebranding of the Ramada Hotels and Kmart. He is currently at work on the first monograph of his Uni - versus project, which will feature twenty-two meditations for

File: David Icke - 2019 - The Trigger -


  • ars 2000-2004, the Grove Foundation (associated with the Jewish Andrew Grove, a co-founder of the Intel Corporation) at $875,000 from 2001-2011, the Richard and Rhoda Goldman Fund Uewish heirs of the Levi Strauss fortune) at $535,000, and Rockefeller Philanthropy at $510,000 between 2008-2010, amongst many others.

File: David Icke - 2019 - The Trigger -


  • ars 2000-2004, the Grove Foundation (associated with the Jewish Andrew Grove, a co-founder of the Intel Corporation) at $875,000 from 2001-2011, the Richard and Rhoda Goldman Fund Uewish heirs of the Levi Strauss fortune) at $535,000, and Rockefeller Philanthropy at $510,000 between 2008-2010, amongst many others.

File: Fritz Springmeier - Bloodlines Of The Illuminati - Volume 2 -

  • $730,000 * PRUDENTIAL Foundation -- $8,000 * Kate B. REYNOLDS Charitable Trust -- $25,000 * Z.S. REYNOLDS Foundation -- $30,000 * Russeil SAGE Foundation -- $5,000 * Max STERN Foundation -- $20,000 * Levi STRAUSS Foundation -- $5,000Other Foundations Contributing To Planned Parenthood -- (Some Of These May WellAlso Have The Illuminati Behind Them.) * AHMANSON Foundation -- $125,600 * Theodore & Beulah BEASLEY

File: Fritz Springmeier - Bloodlines Of The Illuminati -


  • al Trust -- $730,000 PRUDENTIAL Foundation -- $8,000 Kate B. REYNOLDS Charitable Trust -- $25,000 Z.S. REYNOLDS Foundation -- $30,000 Russeil SAGE Foundation -- $5,000 Max STERN Foundation -- $20,000 Levi STRAUSS Foundation -- $5,000 OTHER FOUNDATIONS CONTRIBUTING TO PLANNED PARENTHOOD- (Some of these may well also have the Illuminati behind them.) AHMANSON Foundation -- $125,600 Theodore & Beulah BEASLEY Fou

File: Fritz Springmeier - Illuminati Bloodlines -

  • al Trust -- $730,000 PRUDENTIAL Foundation -- $8,000 Kate B. REYNOLDS Charitable Trust -- $25,000 Z.S. REYNOLDS Foundation -- $30,000 Russeil SAGE Foundation -- $5,000 Max STERN Foundation -- $20,000 Levi STRAUSS Foundation -- $5,000 OTHER FOUNDATIONS CONTRIBUTING TO PLANNED PARENTHOOD- (Some of these may wellalso have the Illuminati behind them.) AHMANSON Foundation -- $125,600 Theodore & Beulah BEASLEY Foun

File: Fritz Springmeier - Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines -


  • Memorial Trust - $730,000 PRUDENTIAL Foundation - $8,000 Kate B. REYNOLDS Charitable Trust - $25,000 Z.S. REYNOLDS Foundation - $30,000 Russeil SAGE Foundation - $5,000 Max STERN Foundation - $20,000 Levi STRAUSS Foundation - $5,000 OTHER FOUNDATIONS CONTRIBUTING TO PLANNED PARENTHOOD - (Some of these may well also have the Illuminati behind them.) AHMANSON Foundation - $125,600 Theodore & Beulah BEASLEY Foun

File: History Of A Free Nation -


  • i- ety 533 Museum of the City of New York 534, 535{t) The Bettmann Archive 535(b) Courtesy of the Ameri- can Petroleum Institute 537, 538 Chicago Historical Society 541 Culver Pictures 542(t) Counesy Levi Strauss & Company, San Francisco, California 542(b) Culver Pictures 545 The Bettmann Archive 547(t) UPl/ Bettmann Newsphotos 547(b) The Bettmann Archive 548 The Metropolitan Museum of An. Gift of Frederic H,

File: Synergetic Qabala -


  • xpression is conventional or obligatory, group values are reveal ed through the physical enactment of a myth. Ritual is the key to understandin g society, according to many anthropologists, including Levi Strauss. It is a key to getting a be tter understanding of a given society, and how it may function from within.

File: MUFON Journal - December 2003 -


  • to program mat- ter itself—to change it, with the click of a cursor, from hard to soft, from paper to stone, from fluorescent to super-reflec- tive to invisible. "Supported by companies ranging from Levi Strauss to IBM and the Defense Department, solid-state physicists in labo- ratories at MIT, Harvard, Sun Microsystems, and elsewhere are cur- rently creating arrays of microscopic de- vices called "quantum d

File: Michael Tsarion - Atlantis, Alien Visitation And Genetic Manipulation -


  • l positioning and why they and even banks are designed to subliminally represent churches. What do words like Lexus, Nissan, Coke, Visa, Nike, Fila, Marlboro, etc., mean? Why are corporations such as Levi Strauss screening girls as young as 5 and 6 years of age? Divination Scholar and Sidereal Mythologist Michael Tsarion speaks on one of the most pernicious and subversive psychosocial phenomena of modernity:

File: Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier 1998 -


  • al Trust -- $730,000 PRUDENTIAL Foundation -- $8,000 Kate B. REYNOLDS Charitable Trust -- $25,000 Z.S. REYNOLDS Foundation -- $30,000 Russeil SAGE Foundation -- $5,000 Max STERN Foundation -- $20,000 Levi STRAUSS Foundation -- $5,000 OTHER FOUNDATIONS CONTRIBUTING TO PLANNED PARENTHOOD- (Some of these may well also have the Illuminati behind them.) AHMANSON Foundation -- $125,600 Theodore & Beulah BEASLEY Fou

File: bloodlines2 -


  • rust -- $730,000 PRUDENTIAL Founda tion -- $8,000 Kate B. REYNOLDS Charitable Trust -- $25,000 Z.S. REYNOLDS Founda tion -- $30,000 Russeil SAGE Founda tion -- $5,000 Max STERN Founda tion -- $20,000 Levi STRAUSS Founda tion -- $5,000 Other Foundations Contributing To Planned Parenthood -- (Some Of These May Well Also Have The Illuminati Behind Them.) AHMANSON Foundation -- $125,600 Theodore & Beulah BEASLEY

File: Antony Sutton - Trilaterals over America -


  • uninspected beef. Mexico is now highly advantag eous for Trilateral firms like General Electric (Vice Chairman Paolo Fresco is a Trilateral), Motorola (Chairman George M. C. Fisher is a Trilateral), Levi Strauss (Robert D. Haas is a Trilateral and close to David Rockefeller), Mobil Corporation (Allen Murray, Chairman, is Trilateral), and several major pharmaceutical companies (Johnson and Johnson, Smith Klin


  • ecutive Officer, American International Group, Inc. Gutfreund, John H., former Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Salomon Inc. * Haas, Robert D., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Levi Strauss & Company Hamilton, Lee H., Member, U.S. House of Representatives Hennigar, David J., Chairman, Crow nx Inc.; Vice-Chairman, Crown Life Insurance Co.; Atlantic Region al Director, Burns Fry Limited,

File: Eustace Mullins - The World Order (1st Edition, 1985) -


  • Guaranty Trust, Merck, Tex aco, Rockefeller Univ. Museum of Modern Art; William T. Coleman Jr, forme r Sec. transportation; John B Debutts former chairman ATT; Roger W. Heyns, director Kaiser Steel, Levi Strauss, Times Mirror Corp., Norton Sim on Museum, James Irvine Fndtn; Carla A. Hills, former Sec. HUD – her husba nd is chairman SEC, she is on board of IBM, American Airlines, Trilateral C ommission, Woodr


  • -43, spec. adviser President of the U .S. 1970, director Time since 1968; other directors are Hedley Donovan, ed itor in chief of Time, director of Trilateral Commission; Walter A. Haas, president of Levi Strauss, director Bank of America, NAACP Legal Fund, chmn Un ited Jewish Appeal, and Alliance Israelite Universelle; Donald S. Perk ins, of J.P. Morgan; Irving S. Shapiro, former chairman DuPont, director of

File: Eustace Mullins - The World Order -


  • Guaranty Trust, Merck, Tex aco, Rockefeller Univ. Museum of Modern Art; William T. Coleman Jr, forme r Sec. transportation; John B Debutts former chairman ATT; Roger W. Heyns, director Kaiser Steel, Levi Strauss, Times Mirror Corp., Norton Sim on Museum, James Irvine Fndtn; Carla A. Hills, former Sec. HUD – her husba nd is chairman SEC, she is on board of IBM, American Airlines, Trilateral C ommission, Woodr


  • -43, spec. adviser President of the U .S. 1970, director Time since 1968; other directors are Hedley Donovan, ed itor in chief of Time, director of Trilateral Commission; Walter A. Haas, president of Levi Strauss, director Bank of America, NAACP Legal Fund, chmn Un ited Jewish Appeal, and Alliance Israelite Universelle; Donald S. Perk ins, of J.P. Morgan; Irving S. Shapiro, former chairman DuPont, director of

File: FINAL WARNING - A History of the New World Order (2004) -


  • Tractor, Cargill, Cummins Engine, Xerox, Sony, Toyota, Johnson & Johnson, Fiat, Dunlop, Rolls-Royce, Thyssen, Bendix, Texas Instruments, Exxon, Texaco, Mobil, Arco, Pepsico, Rand Corp., RJR Nabisco, Levi Strauss, Archer Midland Daniels, Coca-Cola, American Express, ITT Corp, Hewlett-Packard, Kaisar Resources, Shell, Mitsubishi, Hitachi, Nippon Steel, Sears and Roebuck, Weyerhaeuser, and General Motors. They

File: Illuminati Handbook -


  • ne The Round T able International Monetary F und T errorism Cosa Nostra Oil Cartel The Round T able New Age Religions Universities RAND Labor Unions Different Law firms Du P ont Coca Cola P epsi Cola Levi Strauss General Electric F ord Industries Sony Boeing Company Rockefeller F oundations Reader's Digest US Government International Monitary F und F ederal Reserve System W orld Bank Unilever Die Zeit

File: One World, Ready Or Not - William Greider -


  • Rights Watch Asia, May 16, 1994; Southeast Asia Labor Notes, Summer 1994; Indonesia Observer, January 31, 1995; "Indonesia Human Rights Practices," U.S. State De- partment, February 1995. 13. Reebok, Levi Strauss and some other firms, sensitive to public complaints about exploitation and environmental abuses, have developed their own codes of conduct on human rights, covering working conditions in their facto

File: Trilaterals Over America -


  • uninspected beef. Mexico is now highly advantag eous for Trilateral firms like General Electric (Vice Chairman Paolo Fresco is a Trilateral), Motorola (Chairman George M. C. Fisher is a Trilateral), Levi Strauss (Robert D. Haas is a Trilateral and close to David Rockefeller), Mobil Corporation (Allen Murray, Chairman, is Trilateral), and several major pharmaceutical companies (Johnson and Johnson, Smith Klin


  • ecutive Officer, American International Group, Inc. Gutfreund, John H., former Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Salomon Inc. * Haas, Robert D., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Levi Strauss & Company Hamilton, Lee H., Member, U.S. House of Representatives Hennigar, David J., Chairman, Crow nx Inc.; Vice-Chairman, Crown Life Insurance Co.; Atlantic Region al Director, Burns Fry Limited,

File: Zinn, Howard - A People's History of the United States, 1492-Present (2003) -


  • . In 1985, 1700 cannery wo rkers, most of them Mexican women, went on strike in Watsonville, California, and won a union contract with medical benefits. In 1990 workers who had been laid off from the Levi Strauss company in San Antonio because the company was moving to Costa Rica called a boycott, organiz ed a hunger strike, and won concessions. In Los Angeles, Latino janitors went on strike in 1990 and despi

File: When Rituals go Wrong Mistakes Failure and the Dynamics of Ritual -


  • f young men is their passage from the second group into the  rst, and it involves the exposure of the simulation” (Smith 1982: 105). But astonishingly, this does not affect the belief of the people. Levi Strauss (1991) uses the example of the shaman as a trickster, who can still be an effective healer. Boyer (1994) claims (following Kapferer 1983) that the possession of the exorcist is merely mimed, while pe

File: Shamanic_trance_in_modern_Kabbalah -


  • racters): of fire, 85, 171n110; Hebrew, 40–41; illuminating, 88; permutation of, 53, 69; the world as, 108; and yihudim, 84. See also Hebrew (language)letters (documents), 18, 30, 69, 71, 77, 113, 146Levi Strauss, Claude, 24Levi Yitzhaq of Berditchev, 94, 223n72Liebes, Yehuda, 5–6, 13Lipshitz, Yaʿaqov Qopel, 13Liqqutei Amarim (Tanya), 129, 172n116Liqqutei Moharan, 92literature: Amoraic, 32; anthropological, 3

File: Shadows of the Prophet Martial Arts and Sufi Mysticism -


  • a sucking and spitting up of a foreign object, is involved in a kind of self-deception.24 Prior to the performance the object is concealed in the 23 Here I am indebted to Bloch (1986).24 According to Levi Strauss “The shaman hides a little tuft of down in the corner of his mouth, and he throws it up, covered with blood—after having bitten his tongue or made his gums bleed—and solemnly presents it to his patie

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