Reader's Digest
Found in 108 Books
File: handbook_maine -
- There are many sources available to you - almost everywhere you look! Previous trestleboards from your own lodge and from other lodge's; your own periodicals or your Maine Mason, news magazines, the Reader's Digest, local newspapers, and others all provide inspiration. Publications from concordant bodies such as Scottish Rite's Northern Light, the York Rite's Knight Templar, etc., are also excellent sources of
File: Colin Wilson - Dreaming To Some Purpose -
- el 23–4, 33> > > > Rachman, Peter 181–2> > > > Raine, Kathleen 134> > > > Random House (publishers) 278, 306> > > > Rasputin, G.E. 187, 313> > > > Raubal, Geli 321> > > > Read, Herbert 63, 141> > > > Reader's Digest 313> > > > Redgrove, Peter 296> > > > Reich, Wilhelm 319, 342> > > > Rety, John 107, 151> > > > Rexroth, Kenneth 250, 251–2, 255, 268; An Autobiographical Novel 251> > > > Rexroth, Marthe 250, 251> >
File: David Icke - And The Truth Shall Set You Free -
- On Sunday; The Observer; Daily Telegraph; The Times; The Scotsman; The York shire Post; Reuters, the international news agency; The New York Times; The Washington Po st; The Wall Street Journal; The Reader's Digest; and, quite outrageously for an organisation claiming to be independent, the BBC World Service; the BBC Mon itoring Service; and BBC Radio. Taxpayer funding and support for the RIIA is given not only
File: David Icke - And the Truth Shall Set You Free, 21st Century Edition (2004) -
- On Sunday; The Observer; Daily Telegraph; The Times; The Scotsman; The York shire Post; Reuters, the international news agency; The New York Times; The Washington Po st; The Wall Street Journal; The Reader's Digest; and, quite outrageously for an organisation claiming to be independent, the BBC World Service; the BBC Mon itoring Service; and BBC Radio. Taxpayer funding and support for the RIIA is given not only
File: David Icke - Mapped Layout of the U.S. Media -
- ution agreements w/ Intertainment and MGM MAGAZINES TV Guide, (TV Guide Ultimate Cable and Celebrity Dish) The Weekly Standard; distribution unit handles also publications from Bauer Publishing L.P., Reader's Digest, PRIMEDIA, Weider Publishing, Consumer Union, Essence Communications, Emmis Corporation, McGraw-Hill, The World Almanac (all 44% w/ 44% AT&T) WEB News, sports, entertainment and game sites related to
File: 10_05_2003_Part 2 - Cuban Megaliths and the Atlantis Question -
- hatcould have been an ancient Olmec ruler. Two faint lines on his right cheek, now barelyvisible, give the name "The Lord of the Double Scroll." Source: Mysteries of theAncient Americas © 1986 by The Reader's Digest Association Far East Ltd.The elongated Mexican and Olmec heads are also reminiscent of thelong-headed, reptilian humanoids known as Ubaid figurines from Sumeria,carved at least 4,500 years ago. Thous
File: 08_04_2004_Silbury Hill Design and Aztec God, Xochipilli -
- side of the volcano Popocatapetl near Tlamanalco, Mexico. The statue is of a singlefigure seated upon a temple-like base. Xochipilli statue photograph, Mysteries of the Ancient Americas© 1986 Pegasus/Reader's Digest.Both the statue and the base upon which it sits are covered in carvings of sacred andpsychoactive flowers including mushrooms (Psilocybe aztecorum), tobacco (Nicotiana
File: 05_08_2006_Another Extraordinary EBE Telepathic Upload Download -
- Grandpa's doing fine, by the way. He's another interesting story.Since it indirectly involved him, I decided after a few years that I really had to bring up thesubject with Grandpa. So I told him the reader's digest version of things, without getting toomuch into the telepathy and such. Just that I had this not-human thing in my room, talked to it,woke up later and was already on the way out the door to see him
File: 06_25_2006_Morgellons Disease E-mail from CDC and Viewers Listeners -
- that supports my theory. As amatter of fact any analysis of images will show that the lesions are identical." 7) "About one or two years ago I was in a doctor's office waiting room flippingthrough a Reader's Digest magazine, when I came upon an article about this strange newdisease that was popping up all of the sudden in which the afflicted would suffer from crawlingand itching sensations under the skin accomp
File: 10_12_2008_Part 2 Pennsylvania High Strangeness - Thunderbird Sightings -
- man, but a beak like a bird. In one eyewitness case,a person actually shot at the Bird Man. The Cherokee referred to themselves as “Friendsof the Thunderbird.”The 1978 American Folklore and Legend by Reader's Digest states, “The Sioux describedfour varieties of Thunderbird. One was black; another was yellow; a third was scarlet withenormous wings; and the fourth Thunderbird was a blue sphere having neither eyes
File: None Dare Call It Education -
- other similar nonsense has not crept into the local school system. Jennings, a professor at Arizona State and the mother who uncovered the book, had an article titled, "Why Our Kids Can't Do Math" in Reader's Digest in Decem- ber 1997. She added to what Senator Byrd said, saying: U.S. math educators have all but eliminated numbers. They are creating a generation of math nitwits. After five years of experi mentat
- nal Center for History in the Schools received $2-million in federal tax money to produce standards on how to teach American and world history in K-12. The sta ndards provoked much con- troversy. The Reader's Digest publ ished "Hijacking America's History" by Lynne V. Chen ey. As chairwoman of the National Endowment for the Humanities during the Bush Administration, she had launched the project. She was outraged
- he Weak," Area Student Says....School Violence, Congress Is Moving To Intervene Violence makes headlines but this isn't the only prob- lem. Even the "nice" kids have been affected. In October 1995, a Reader's Digest arti cle was headlined, "Cheat- ing In Our Schools: A Na tional Scandal." The story reported that 34 percent of high school students ad- mitted using "cheat sheets" on tests in 1969. By 1989 the figu
- mis- sion of the States, The National Education Association, the American Federation of Teachers, the National PTA, National Association of School Boards, the Carnegie Corporation, the DeWitt Wallace Reader's Digest Foundation, Pew Charitable Trusts, the Committee for Economic Development, the Na- tional Alliance of Business, the Association of Manufacturers, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the U.S. Conference of
- . 6 30 Applying Basic Principles, 1BYC, Vol X, 1984, pg. 17; Rep. Sam Roh- rer, St. Louis, September 1997. 31 St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 1/16/86, p. 16A 32 Republished, Human Events, 10/23/65, p. 10 33 Reader's Digest, Jan. 1995 34 Ibid. 35 Wall Street Journal, 12/31/94, p.A8. 36 Washington Times, 11/27/96, p.A14 37 Ibid. 38 Wall Street Journal, 12/30/94, p. AS 39 Reproduced, Gabler Newsletter, March 1992 40 Houst
File: Edward Bernays - Public Relations -
- n Varnum bis Bernays," Der Querschnitt, 13 Jahrgang, Heft 4, Apr 1933, pp. 255-269. A profile of Edward L. Bernays by Arthur Rundt, in a leading German magazine subsequently sup pressed by the Nazis. Reader's Digest. "The Science of Ballyhoo." Vol. XXI, No. 122, Jun 1932. pp. 5-8. This profile of ELB by John T. Flynn is a condensa tion of one which appeared in Atlantic Monthly, May, 1932, see above. Review of Re
File: Energy Non-Crisis -
- ng smaller than the "National Debt." Perhaps you have read statements by t he oil companies telling us that their "declared" profits don't really give the true picture. Even such articles as those in Reader's Digest don't reveal the whole story. Oil companies are not allowed to include those exorbitant interest c harges as deductions from profits, which for you and me would be the usual proc edur e. Remember the
File: Scarlet And The Beast -
- ey changed the name to the National Council of Churches. From this was created the World Council of Churches. 68 The communist activity of this Masonic front did not cease with its many name changes. Reader's Digest, January 1983, documents that both the National Council of Churches and World Council of Churches have funded communists and terrorists. The title of the six-page article asks the question, "Do You K
- listed by the CIA as an international Soviet front organization. Reader's Digest points out that many of the executives in the NCC believe that a just society is possible only under communism. Yet, most of the great communist human-rights outrages of our time have never been cond
- ey, Tragedy and Hope: A History of the world in our time (1966; Los Angeles: Angriff Press, 1974) 5. 67. Antelman 26. 68. Fagan 28. 69. Rael Jean Isaac, "Do You Know Where Your Church Offerings Go?," Reader's Digest (January 1983) 120. 70. "Church Offerings" 124. 71. "Church Offerings" 121. 72. "Church Offerings." 73. "Church Offerings" 125. 74. "Church Offerings" 121. 75. "Church Offerings" 122. 76. "Church Off
File: Fritz Springmeier - Be Wise As Serpents -
- d seem to insure that the RLDS church will move even closer to a New Age stance. NOTES 1. The Temple Ensign of Peace. RLDS broshure, Inde pendence, Mo. (printed in the '80s) 2. Gardner, Joseph L.,ed. Reader's Digest Atlas of the Bible. NY: Reader 's Digest Assoc.,Inc, 1981, p.11 3. Saints Herald, Oct. 1988 4. The Temple Ensign of Peace, op cit. 5. Launius, Roger D. Joseph Smith III, Pragmatic Pr ophet. Chicago,
File: G. Edward Griffin - The Creature From Jekyll Island -
- is was a planned famine. It was modelled after Stalin's J- "Ethiopia Bars Relief Team," by Blaine Harden, Washington Post, December 3, W85,p. A-21. • "Famine Aid: Were we Duped?" by Dr. Rony Brauman, Reader's Digest, October 19g 6, p. 71.
File: G. Edward Griffin - The Creature from Jekyll Island -
File: Combatting Cult Mind Control -
- Inc. , 1976) . 10. Alla n Maraynes , producer , "Scientology, " 60 Minutes (Volum e XII , Numbe r 51) , aire d Au g 31 , 1980 . Eugen e H . Methvin , "Scientology : Anatom y of a Frightenin g Cult, " Reader's Digest (Ma y 1980) , an d "Scientology : Th e Sicknes s Spreads, " Reader's Digest (Sep t 1981) . Ben t Corydo n an d L . Ro n Hubbard , Jr. , L. Ron Hubbard: Messiah or Madman? (Secaucus , Ne w Jersey : Ly
File: Emperor Wears No Clothes - Hemp & The Marijuana Conspiracy -
- al Academy of Science, Marijuana and Health, evaluation on past studies, Reiman, Arnold, M.D., editor, National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1982. Radio Activity-The New Found Danger of Cigarettes, Reader's Digest, March, 1986. Chapter 16: The Emperor Anderson, Hans Christian, The Emperor’s New Clothes, 19th Century Morris, David, ‘Collective Conscience Breeds Tblerance,’ The Oregonian, October 19, 1989. Los A
File: Murder By Injection - Eustace Mullins -
- ompany since 1935, he also serves as treasurer of Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, and is director of Bethlehem Steel, Engelhard Hanovia, and Morgan Stanley; Laurance S. Rockefeller, who is director of Reader's Digest, National Geographic Society, and the Caneel Bay Plantation; Charles J. Scanlon, director of the GM Acceptance Corporation, Arab-American Bank of New York, and trustee of Roosevelt Hospital, New York
- oca Cola, Fire-mans Fund Insurance, chairman of Memorial Sloan Kettering, and Rockefeller University; James S. Ro ckefeller, director of Cranston Print Works; Laurance Rockefeller, who is director of Reader's Digest with 18 million circulation and National Geographic with 10 million circulation—meaning that he influences 28 million middle class American homes each month— Dr. Ralph Moss, former public relations d
- America shaking their tincans and begging for the rich. They have been making these same promises and raising the same amounts of money, or more, for almost fifty years. Laurance Rockefeller noted in Reader's Digest, February 1957 an exultant comment, "There is, for the first time, a scent of ultimate victory in the air," as he described "progress against cancer." Sloan Kettering director C. P. Dusty Rhodes was
File: Rawsome -
- y Food for Good Health. New York, NY: Dorling Kindersley Publishing, Inc., 1997. Raso, Jack. Mystical Diets: Paranormal, Spiritual and Occult Nutrition Practices. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1993. Reader's Digest Association. Foods that Harm, Foods that Heal. Pleas- antville, NY: Reader's Digest Association, Inc., 1997. Rhio. Hooked on Raw. New York, NY: Beso Entertainment, 2000. Robbins, John. Diet for a New
File: Seeds of Destruction -
- , Nature, Accident or Intentional?", Sandpoint, Tetrahedron Publishing Group, Idaho, 2001, pp. 275- 288. 7. Ibid.,p.41l. 8. Ibid., pp. 41O-41l. 9. Ira Wolfert, "Chickens: Cheaper by the Mission': The Reader's Digest, February 1968. 10. WATT Poultry USA, WATT Poultry USA's Rankings, October 2006. 11. Viva! USA, Chicken/Broiler Industry Media Briefing, campaigns/chickens/media .html,200S. 1
File: Joseph P. Farrell - Giza Death Star -
- Gods of air and Darkness (New York City: Stein and Day, 1975); The Atlas of Archaeology (St. Martin's Press, 1982); Alastair Service, Lost Worlds (New York: Arco publishing, 1981); Into the Unknown (Reader's Digest Assoc, 1981); Peter Kolosimo, Not of This World 97
File: MUFON Journal - April 1986 -
- ld have been seen by about 6(12)(2000) = 144,000 people. That exposure, however, would be counter-balanced or overwhelmed by a single, negative article in Omni (817,000), Science Digest (530,000), or Reader's Digest (17,900,00). In terms of transmitting UFO information to the public, the commendable achieve- ments of the MUFON UFO Journal are but a spoonful of sand at Copacabana. Alas, a sad footnote; Informatio
File: MUFON Journal - December 1989 -
- s in a three-hour trance session? Did he attend the trance session in which I and the senior editors of two major magazines were permitted to ask questions to verify every word in my articles for the Reader's Digest, Look, and The Saturday Review, three of the highest ranking national magazines in the country? These trance sessions have never been published. I am the only one in possession of the tapes, each ove
File: MUFON Journal - February 1978 -
- February 7 issue reported on the new Jack Webb TV series, "Project UFO." The dramatized incidents will be based on the Project Blue Book files and begins February 19 on NBC-TV. The February issue of READER'S DIGEST contains a lengthy excerpt from THE FIRE CAME BY by Baxter & Atkins, a highly readable account of the 1908 explosion of a mystery object over Siberia. Perhaps this condensation will help offset the t
File: MUFON Journal - July 1999 -
- . Paper, film laminated cover; 6" x 9"; June 1998; 395 pgs; Moon Lake Media, P.O. Box 251466, Los Ange- les, CA 90025; $19.95. Reviewed by Dwight Connelly Fitzgerald, who is a contributing editor for Reader's Digest, takes a generally even-handed look at extra- terrestrial contact by reviewing many, many books in the field. This is his second book in the UFO field, having written The Complete Book of Extraterres
File: MUFON Journal - June 1978 -
- petent scientists, educators, and engineers throughout the nation, scientific progress in resolving "the greatest mystery of our time" would immediately become stagnant. It is a pity and a shame that Reader's Digest, a publication read throughout the world, should allow itself to be a vehicle for such unscientific trivia on UFOs and be literally "used" by a few people, posing as experts. I wonder what brand of c
- omination, election, and approval was immediately forthcoming. "UFOs! Horoscopes! (And Other Nonsense)" by Kendrick Frazier, condensed from Smithsonian magazine is published in the July 1978 issue of Reader's Digest. It appears that the editors of Reader's Digest have been duped again, but to a far greater extent than by Ronald Schiller's "Three UFOs — How Real Were They?" that appeared in the November 1977 edit
File: MUFON Journal - March 1989 -
- e latter. Under "Chroniclers of the Unex- plained," for example, Michael Per- singer and Gyslaine Lafreniere's now classic Space-Time Transients and Unusual Events (p. 84) is listed as available from Reader's Digest (!). Stranger things have happened, but the last time I looked the publisher was Nelson-Hall (1977). These cavils and quibbles aside, some major, some slight, should you drop 15 hard-earned dollars o
File: MUFON Journal - May 1995 -
- " Four-part article in FATE mag- azine, Jan-Apr 1988. (22) Jacobs, David M. Secret Life: Firsthand Accounts of UFO Abductions, Simon and Schuster, 1992. (23) Tracey, N. M. "The Courage of Meg Casey." Reader's Digest 124:81-5, January, 1984. (24) Lea, D.E. Actions of Radiation on Living Cells, Second Edition, Cambridge University Press, 1962. (25) "Geraldo Rivera Show" (Travis Walton abduction), March 26, 1993. (
File: MUFON Journal - November 1977 -
- tact with extraterrestrials within the next 40 years in this same issue. A proposal for a United Nations examination of the UFO subject is discussed in the November 15 ENQUIRER. The November issue of READER'S DIGEST contains an anti- UFO article by Ronald Schiller. He "explains" specific UFO cases by using Klassic methods, apparently unaware of the total inadequacy of Klass' "research." Another report on the Aca
File: MUFON Journal - October 1977 -
- his event. The Los Angeles area people also bid on the 1979 symposium, but are now reconsidering 1981 as a prospect. The 1980 conclave will be held in either the Central or Eastern MUFON Region. When Reader's Digest magazine assigned one of their Roving Editors, Ronald Schiller, to write a UFO article for this prestigious publication, some of us who had appointments to meet with Ron were elated. After Mr. Schill
File: MUFON Journal - October 1987 -
- Strieber's COMMUNION, etc. Overall, a well- balanced article with a minimum of errors. The magazine is free and copies of this particular issue may be ordered from: 120 Park Avenue - N.Y., NY 10017. READER'S DIGEST also has an update on recent UFO books and events in their August issue, but there is little here that we have not already read elsewhere. The "Anti-Matter/UFO Update" column in the September issue o
File: MUFON Journal - October 1990 -
- of it were really classified or taken seriously he would have escaped detection and ar- rest. The methods available to track and identify ports on a computer net- work are very sophisticated; see the Reader's Digest for April 1990. Cooper states (page 292) that he was frightened that his actions might have "signed his death warrant." Had he any idea of how computer net- works can be monitored and tracked, and if
File: MUFON Journal - October 1994 -
- the first solo, non-stop flight from New York to Paris in 1927. During the 1930s, Keyhoe was a freelance writer whose work appeared in such publica- tions as The Nation, The Saturday Evening Post and Reader's Digest. He passed away on November 29, 1988. The recipient of the 1993 Donald E. Keyhoe Journalism Award was Ben Helwarth for his article on the UFO "abduction" phenomenon, which appeared in the October 19,
File: MUFON Journal - October 1997 -
- s viewed as heresy. Interestingly enough, I know for a fact that we have been visited by extraterrestri- als. And ironically, it happened in New Mexico exactly twenty years after Roswell. This is the Reader's Digest version of my
File: MUFON Journal - September 1980 -
- escribed which crossed the screen completely in three revolutions of the antenna, an extraordinary velocity. All work on this project stopped suddenly in 1962. Archer remembers reading an article, in Reader's Digest, he believes, which described a UFO exploding over eastern Nevada after crossing the U.S. from the east coast. He assumed that it might have been the craft being tested, since the date given in the a
File: MUFON Journal - September 1982 -
- 1. Nicholls, P. op. cif., p. 484. 12. Simon, A. op. cif., p. 47. 13. Morehouse, F.G. '"Case of the Flying Saucers," - Argosy, July 1949, p. 22-24, 92. 14. Taylor, H.J. '"Flying saucer' is good news," Reader's Digest (U.S. ed), July 1950, p. 14-16.
File: Skylook - August 1970 -
- IN OTHERS' WORDS . . . . . . . . By Lucius Farish -7 The magazine, SPUTNIK, is a sort of "Russian READER'S DIGEST, " pre- se'Mng articles from -a variety of Soviet publications, translated into English. In the psst, have carried UFO articles by such writers as Felix Siege1 (or and klexar,der Kazantsev. The June
File: Skylook - July 1974 -
- e contains a variety of material, both new and reprinted. Some very interesting articles are included, so this seems to be well worth the price. Ralph Blum contributes an article to the June issue of READER'S DIGEST. The material is the same as that contained in his book, BEYOND EARTH, but it is good to see a magazine such as RD de- voting space to the UFO subject. - " Bantam Books, having found a x goldmine wit
File: Michael Talbot - The Holographic Universe -
- Fackelmann, "Hostility Boosts Risk of Heart Trouble, " Sci- ence News 135, no. 4 (January 28, 1989), p. 60. 50. Steven Locke, in Longevity (November 1988), as quoted in "Your Mind's Healing Powers, " Reader's Digest (September 1989), p. 5. 51. Bruce Bower, "Emotion-Immunity Link in HIV Infection, " Science News 134, no. 8 (August 20, 1988), p. 116. 52. Donald Robinson, "Your Attitude Can Make You Well, " Reader'
- 316 NOTES 19. Editors of Reader's Digest, Strange Stories, Amazing Facts (Pleasant- ville, N. Y.: Reader's Digest Association, 1976), pp. 384-85. 20. J. B. Rhine, "Experiments Bearing on the Precognition Hypothesis: III. Mechanically Select
File: Michael Tellinger - Slave Species Of The Gods -
- liography]Descriptions of Egypt – Gilles NeretValley of the Kings – Reeves & Wilkinson 1996The Peopling of Southern Africa – RR Inskeep 1979Southern Land – AR Willcox 1976The World's last Mysteries – Reader's Digest 1977Tutankhamun – Aude Gros de Beler 2004The Atlas of Early Man – Jacquetta Hawkes 1976Atlas of Archaeology – Prof. K Branigan and other contributors.Jewellery in Ancient Times – Renate Rosenthal 197
File: Media Sexploitation - The Hidden Implants In America's Mass Media -
- e Unconscious Jantzen Looks for You? To briefly illustrate subliminal stimuli, study the rather innoc- uous advertisement for Jantzen swimsuits that appeared in the Canadian edition of the April 1972 Reader's Digest (see Figure 1). The ad portrays two suntanned models posed crotch-deep in boiling surf, wearing red and blue swimsuits designed on a Union Jack motif, still a stirring patriotic symbol for many Canad
- ations for young women going through puberty. To cite only one example of the level of venality into which American media have fallen, a Miss Clairol ad on the inside front cover of the February 1975 Reader's Digest, (a 57
File: Mind Control In The United States -
- State Department human rights reports . Officials explained yesterday that the government considers it more pre cise to say "unlawful or arbitrary deprivation of life." 76 The January 1984 edition of Reader's Digest contain s an article titled "1984 Is Here: Where is Big Brother?" "Many would have us believe that George Orwell's classic novel 1984 is in fact a portrait o f present-day America. Nonsense!" 77 The
- rk: Bantam Books, 1978), pp. 54-55. 76 "State Department Strikes 'Killing' From Reports," Winston- Salem Journal, February 11, 1984, p. 14. 77 Norman Podhoretz, "1984 Is Here: Where Is Big Broth er?" Reader's Digest, January, 1984, p. 33. 60
- . 189 Peter Marin, "A Revolution's Broken Promises," Psyc hology Today, July 1983, pp. 50-57. 190 Goodman, Countdown to 1984, p. 352. 191 Eugene H. Methvin, "TV Violence: The Shocking New E vidence," Reader's Digest, January 1983, p. 50. 192 Winn, The Manipulated Mind, pp. 72-73. Also, Peter Watson, War on the Mind: The Military Uses and Abuses of Psycho logy, (London: Hutchinson & Co., 1978), pp. 248-250. 193 C
File: IRS, Taxes And The Beast -
- ecognized by leading magazines and financial journals such as M oney Magazine, Family Circle, Wall Street Journal, Investors Business Daily and many others. Dan has contributed to major ar ticles for Reader's Digest, the National Review and the Family Voice. Additionally, Dan was a featured speaker at Pat Buchanan's seminar and is an official tax consultant to the US Taxpayer's Party, Howard Phillips' Conservati
File: Legalized Crime Of Banking And A Constitutional Remedy -
- riends to ourselves, we would in turn be such good friends to the rest of the world, that no one would hate and seek to destroy, but all nations would seek to emulate our way of life. Read in current Reader's Digest the threatening situation growing up between Canada and the United States . . . and the core of it is that our oil men have gone in and practically taken over Canada's oil and gas resources . . . not
File: Non-Verbal Dictionary -
- logy (June, Vol. 76, No. 6), pp. 893- 910. Chase, Richard A. and Richard R. Rubin, eds. (1979). The First Wondrous Year (New York: Macmillan Pub. Co). Chelminski, Rudolph (1999). "Secret Soldier." In Reader's Digest (excerpt of Chelminski's book, Secret Soldier , April), pp. 200-201. Cherkovich, G.M., and S.K. Tatoyan (1973). "Heart Rate (Radiotelemetrical Registration) in Macaques and Baboons According to Domin
File: Sacred Texts - The Internet Book of Shadows -
- y with Her and Her ways. Women reflect the Goddess, Men reflect the God, so the Wicca have a Priestess and Priest to 'run' the religious services. We call our services circles. This was sort of an "Reader's Digest Condensed Version" of Wicca. Blessed be >>Phoenix<<
File: DhammapadVol8 -
- hat other day? I have completely forgotten! My memory is not very good. Harvey was traveling east by train to a bu siness convention in New Orleans. On the train he happened to read an article in the READER'S DIGEST about a seventy-five- year-old American Indian from Arizona who was reported to have the longest memory in the world. Since the train was passing within a few miles of this famous Indian , Harvey dec
File: Paramahansa Yogananda - Second Coming Of Christ - Volume 1 -
- nce again, Jesus harked back to Old Testament tradition even as he inaugurated his revolutionary movement of spiritual re- newal."— from Jesus and His Times, Kaari Ward, ed. (Pleasantville, New York: Reader's Digest Association, 1987). (Publisher's Note) Following the wisdom- guidance of the guru bestows freedom of will and liberation 236
- sions of the Bible in English translate it simply as "food." Regarding the customary diet among Jewish families of Jesus' time, the book Jesus and His Times (Kaari Ward, ed.; Pleasantville, New York: Reader's Digest Association, 1987) states: "Most familie s ate two meals. Breakfasts were likely to be light and were carried to the fields or other places of work and eaten at mid-morning or midday. Sup- pers, by c
File: Adams, Silas Walter - The Legalized Crime of Banking and a Constitutional Remedy (1958) -
- riends to ourselves, we would in turn be such good friends to the rest of the world, that no one would hate and seek to destroy, but all nations would seek to emulate our way of life. Read in current Reader's Digest the threatening situation growing up between Canada and the United States . . . and the core of it is that our oil men have gone in and practically taken over Canada's oil and gas resources . . . not
File: Age Of Turbulence - Adventures In A New World -
- 5. Feldstein, Martin. "There's More to Growth Than China ..." Wall Street Journal, Febru- ary 16, 2006. Ford, Gerald R. A Time to Heal: The Autobiog- raphy of Gerald R. Ford. New York: Harper & Row / Reader's Digest Association, 1979. Friedman, Milton, and Rose D. Friedman. Free to Choose: A Personal Statement. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1980. Friedman, Milton, and Anna (Jacobson) Schwartz. A Monetary
File: Barbara Kulaszka - 'Did Six Million Really Die' (1998) -
- January, 1957), for he reveals that "Soon after World War II, by Presidential decree, 90 per cent of all quota visas for central and eastern Europe were issued to the uprooted." Christie produced the Reader's Digest from January of 1957 and the Maisel article, where it said: Soon after World War II, by Presidential directive, 90 percent of all quota visas for central and eastern Europe were issued to the uproote
- r's War, my literary agent warned me of the severe consequences of the controversy that would develop from omitting Hitler's role in the Holocaust. He told me we would lose the Sunday Times deal, the Reader's Digest deal, the Book of the Month Club deal, and we would not sell the book as a paperback in the United States. We lost about one million dollars. Controversy is not necessarily good." (33-9334, 9335) Wel
- ty, New York: Doubleday, 1948) Lozowick, Yaacov, "Rollbahn Mord: The Early Activities of Einsatzgruppe C," Holocaust and Genocide Studies 2 (1987): 221-242. Maisel, Albert Q., "Our Newest Americans," Reader's Digest January 1957: 162-68. Manvell, Roger, and Heinrich Fraenkel, Dr. Goebbels: His Life and Death, (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1960) Manvell, Roger, and Heinrich Fraenkel, Himmler, (New York: G.P. Put
File: Blum, William - Rogue State, A Guide to the World's Only Superpower (2002) -
- m ilitary personnel, both on and off camera, who corroborated the incidents described above. Then all hell broke loose. This was a st ory too much in conflict—painfully so—with American schoolbooks, Reader's Digest, the fl ag, apple pie and mom. It was damage- control time. The big guns were called out—H enry Kissinger, Colin Powell, Green Beret veterans, the journalistic elite, the Pe ntagon itself. The story
File: Blumenfeld, Samuel L. - National Education Association (NEA), Trojan Horse in American Education (1984) (Scan, OCR) -
- mple truth is that most of the money collected from teachers by the NEA goes for union organizing and political action . The NEA now employs 1,172 full-time, highly trained field organizers which the Reader's Digest of May 1984 called "the largest grassroots political army ever deployed in the United States ." Of the $77 .5 million the NEA spent in 1982, only $2 .4 million, or a mere 3 .1 percent, was spent on "
- 100 Psychological Corporation, 108, 112 Psychopolitics, 129 Purdue University, 57 Puritans, 2, 4 Quincy (Mass .), 98 Radical Bourgeoisie, The (Auspitz), xiv Rathis, Louis E ., 237 Ravitch, Diane, 222 Reader's Digest, 209 Reading disability, 101, 110, 127, 131 Reading instruction, 84, 96, 99, 100, 101, 104,110,121-22,132-33, 135 Reading, Its Nature and Develop- ment (Judd), 112 Reading scores, 124, 243 Reading Te
File: Bowart, Walter - Operation Mind Control (1978) -
- LE PRODUCTIONS. Used by permission. From OPERATION OVERFLIGHT by Francis Gary Powers: Used by permission of Hodder & Stoughton. From THE C.I.A.'S SECRET OPERATIONS by Harry Rositzke: By permission of Reader's Digest Press. From P.O.W. — Two Years with the Vietcong by George E. Smith: Re- printed with permission. © 1971 Ramparts Press, Palo Alto, Cali- fornia. First published in Ramparts. From OSS: THE SECRET HIS
- r Dulles (Boston, Atlantic Monthly Press, 1973) 10. David Wise and Thomas Ross, The Invisible Government, 5th ed. (New York, Random House, 1964) 11. Harry Rositzke, CIA's Secret Operations (New York, Reader's Digest Press, 1977) Chapter 10 1. John B. Watson, Behaviorism, rev. ed. (New York, Norton, 1930) 2. B. F. Skinner, Beyond Freedom and Dignity (New York, Knopf, 1971) 3. Interview. Name withheld by request.
File: Christina Hoff Sommers - Who Stole Feminism - How Women Have Betrayed Women -
- ily get people worked up about the problem of neighborly harassment. We begin by writing a story describing a case of horrifying neighbor behavior. Assume that we print this in a publication like the Reader's Digest. Certain passages would be highlighted—"It's probably happened to you" and "You don't have to put up with it—in fact it's illegal. And your city government is responsible for stopping it." We would t
File: Cook, Terry L. - Big Brother NSA and Its Little Brothers, The National Security Agency's Global Surveillance Network -
- THE NSA'S SISTER INTELLIGENCE ORGANIZATIONS 327 FBI Fact Sheet Think of this as the "Reader's Digest version" of the stats on the FBI (as of July 31, 1996). I will elaborate a bit more on its investigative programs, after I have furnish ed this con- centrated version of its history and current statu
File: David Icke - And the Truth Shall Set You Free, 21st Century Edition (2004) -
- nt On Sunday; The Observer; Daily Telegraph; The Times; The Scotsman; The Yorkshire Post; Reuters, the international news agency; The New York Times; The Washington Post; The Wall Street Journal; The Reader's Digest; and, quite outrageously for an organisation claiming to be independent, the BBC World Service; the BBC Monitoring Service; and BBC Radio. Taxpayer funding and support for the RIIA is given not only
File: Ecoscience - John Holdren -
- W. Park; and R. Hunt. 1975. "Potential energy conservation from recycling metals in urban solid wastes". In The energy conservation papers , R. Williams, ed. Fuller, R. 1975. We almost lost Detroit . Reader's Digest Press, Garden City, N.Y. Notwithstanding the sensational title, a genera lly sober and accurate popular account of the 1965 accident at the Fermi breeder reactor near Det roit, as well as other react
- t a reaffirmation by Pope Paul of his antipopulationc ontrol dogma at the 1974 World Food Conference in Rome was greeted by almost universal ridicule. Within the church, Pope ____________________ 2 Reader's Digest , January 1969. 3 Celebration of awareness . 4 F. X. Murphy and J. F. Erhart, "Catholic perspectiv es on population issues", Population Bulletin , vol. 30 ( 1975), no. 6. 5 Catholic schools in a decl
- devote resources to anything but maximizing profits (neglecting the role businessmen play in determining the passage and administration of those laws). Fuller, John G. 1975. We almost lost Detroit . Reader's Digest Press, New York. Documents how the AEC pressed on with Fermi fast breeder, eve n though a string of accidents had indicated how little could be predicted about nucle ar technologies. Galbraith, John
File: Final Judgment - Missing Link in JFK Assassination Conspiracy -
- 05: The Story of the Draft Goldwater Movement, and Why Reagan Won. A journalist with United Press International and the Pittsburgh Press, Gill also wrote for Life, Fortune, the Saturday Evening Post, Reader's Digest and National Geographic. He also served as executive director of the prestigious Allegheny Foundation and was a well - known Washington representative for the domestic steel industry. • A former top
- that secret meeting — a meeting which says much about Kennedy's line of thinking: "In October 1943, Lawrence Dennis received a telephone call from his friend, Paul Palmer, then a senior editor of The Reader's Digest. Before the war, Dennis had contributed to the Digest, but the author of The Coming American Fascism since had become too controversial for his byline to appear in the nation's largest magazine. Now
File: Final Warning - History Of The New World Order -
- ed; and Hedley Donovan), Newsweek(owned by the Washington Post, W. Averell Harriman, Roland Harriman, and Lewis W. Douglas), Business Week, U.S. News & World Report, Saturday Review, National Review, Reader's Digest, Atlantic Monthly, McCall's, Forbes, Look, and Harper's Magazine. Some of the publishers that have been controlled or influenced by the CFR: Macmillan, Random House, Simon & Schuster, McGraw-Hill, Ha
File: Franklin Cover-Up - John DeCamp -
File: Franklin Cover-up - John DeCamp -
- vestigations has convinced him that tens of thousands of children or young people disappear from their homes each year, and that many are ritually sacri ficed. A decade ago, one estimate, printed in Reader's Digest in July 1982, was that "approximately 100,000 children are unaccounted for" each year. That number sounds too high, but
- 246-7 Pronto, 241 Queen, John, 48, 51, 60-1 Quinlan, Thomas c., 159 Quist, David, 224 Ramsey, William E., 155 Randall, Casey, 8 Randall, Gary, 8, 137 Rasmussen, Dean, 47, 50 Rasmussen, Jessie, 47, 50 Reader's Digest, xx Reagan, Maureen, 55, 164 Reagan, Ronald, xi-xxiii, 54, 164 5,169,174,178,326,356-7 Rees, John R., 331 Rees-Mogg, William, 387-8 Remmers, Sen., 57 Reno, Janet, 296, 378 Rentfro, Robert, 45 Republ
File: Global Bondage - The UN Plan To Rule The World -
- ted by his failure to expose and shutdown the ongoing Russian chemical/biological weapons program. This program was the subject of a major investigative piece by J. Michael Waller in the October 1994 Reader's Digest. Assuming he is sober, there is no question that Yeltsin knows what is going on. Indeed, he was the chief Communist party official in Sverdlovsk at the time of the 1979 incident. A U.S. congressional
File: Healed Planet -
- smokers, blasting the effects of smoking. The Nazis quickly found out how deadly smoking was. George Seldes was excoriating the American press in the 1930s for covering up the ill effects of smoking. Reader's Digest began a heroic campaign in 1941 against smoking, a campaign that continues to the present day. It took JAMA until 1950 to produce their first word on the hazards of smoking, and that did not even slo
- ] Physicians began complaining to the AMA about those shameless displays, especially when increasing evidence was submitted from the American scientific community about the harmfulness of cigarettes. Reader's Digest was in the midst of a tremendous anti-tobacco campaign at the same time that Lorillard's Fishbein-inspired ad blitz was taking America by storm. Reader's Digest was running articles with titles such
- f the (Salk) tests was ready for publication, there were no takers in the scientific field. The report was handed out at a press conference..." - Glen D. Kittler, (author of 40 books, and articles in Reader's Digest, The Saturday evening Post, etc.) Laetrile: Nutritional Control for Cancer with Vitamin B-17 . (In)" 1970, in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania....Bruce Butt...convened a meeting at which he showed...Nature's
File: Idiot America -
- p the template. In the 1950S, a scientific consensus was growing around the notion that smoking carried a serious risk of cancer. The consensus was reaching so deep into the mainstream that, in 1952, Reader's Digest, the best-selling periodical in the country and a main- stay of small-town doctors' offices across America, reprinted an obscure piece from the Christian Herald entitled "Cancer by the Carton." This
File: Illuminati Handbook -
- T able New Age Religions Universities RAND Labor Unions Different Law firms Du P ont Coca Cola P epsi Cola Levi Strauss General Electric F ord Industries Sony Boeing Company Rockefeller F oundations Reader's Digest US Government International Monitary F und F ederal Reserve System W orld Bank Unilever Die Zeit
File: Invisible Government -
- Apperson John W. Armour, Norman (CFR) Armstrong, George S., President, George S. Armstrong & Co., New York City, Trustee, Committee for Economic Development Armstrong, O. K., Member, Editorial Staff Reader's Digest, Former Congressman; Founder, Department of Journalism, University of Florida Arnold, Remmie L. Arnold, Thurman, Former U. S. Assistant Attorney General Arzt, Dr. Max, President, Jewish Theological S
- Workers of America; Member, American Heritage Foundation Ferguson, Charles W., Senior Editor, The Reader's Digest Ferguson, Mrs. Walter Fischer, Louis, Author, Foreign Correspondent; Authority on the Soviet Union, Spain and Mahatma Gandhi Fisher, Kenneth Fitch, H. M., Vice-president, American Air Filter Company
- Robert, Former Member of Congress from Maine Haley, Andrew G., Member Federal Communications Commission; Member, Society for Comparative Legislation & International Law Hall, Dr. Clarence W., Editor, Reader's Digest Hall, Hon. Fred, Former Governor of Kansas Hallauer, Carl S., Chairman of the Board, Bausch & Lomb Optical Company Halverson, Rev. Dr. W. Q. Hamilton, G. E. Hamlin, Chauncey J. (CFR) Hammond, H. O. H
- ultural Producers; Trustee, National Planning Association Patty, Dr. Ernest N., President, University of Alaska Pavlo, Mrs. Hattie May Pearl, Stuart D. Peattie, Donald Culross, Author, Roving Editor, Reader's Digest Pell, Herbert Claiborne, Former Congressman from New York; Member, Advertising Council, Rhode Island Labor Department; Member, Advisory Council, Yenching University, Peiping, China Pell, Rev. Walden,
File: JJ Luna - How to be Invisible -
- ich she receives mail from her mother and sister, as well as bank statements, telephone bills, and other personal mail. However, she wants to make her new name known so she receives Family Circle and Reader's Digest, as well as small shipments of mail-order vitamins, at her home. The or- ders and the subscriptions have automatically put her new name into various databases, and she receives Sweepstakes offers and
File: Jim Marrs - Rule By Secrecy -
- de Borchgrave of the Washington Times; Richard Wood, Robert Bartley, and Karen House of the Wall Street Journal; William F. Buckley Jr. of Natioal 'Review; and George V. Grune and William G. Bowen of Reader's Digest. Furthermore, sitting on the boards of directors of the corporations which own the media are secret society members. Some of the well-known reporters, anchors, and columnists who are members of the C
File: Key, Wilson Bryan - Media Sexploitation, The Hidden Implants in America's Mass Media (1976) -
- e Unconscious Jantzen Looks for You? To briefly illustrate subliminal stimuli, study the rather innoc- uous advertisement for Jantzen swimsuits that appeared in the Canadian edition of the April 1972 Reader's Digest (see Figure 1). The ad portrays two suntanned models posed crotch-deep in boiling surf, wearing red and blue swimsuits designed on a Union Jack motif, still a stirring patriotic symbol for many Canad
- ations for young women going through puberty. To cite only one example of the level of venality into which American media have fallen, a Miss Clairol ad on the inside front cover of the February 1975 Reader's Digest, (a 57
File: Killing Hope -
- com ic books, spelled out in their school books; their daily paper offe rs them headlines that tell them all they n eed to know; m inisters find serm ons in it, politicians a te elected with it, and Reader's Digest becom es rich on it. The fiercely-held conviction inevitably produced by this insidious assault upon the intellect is that a gr eat dam nation has been unleas hed upon the w orld, possibly by the dev
- all the m ore effective because it is not, so much official, heavy-handed or conspiratorial, as it is woven artlessly into the fabric of education and m edia. No conspiracy is needed. The editors of Reader's Digest and U.S. News and World Report do not need to m eet covertly w ith the representative from NBC in an FBI safe-house to plan next month' s st ories and program s; for the sim ple truth is that these i
- were i nvol ved i n the revo lution , and in the overth row of th e Go ularr reg ime. 49 Doherty did not spell out a ny details of the AIFLD role in the coup (or revolution as he called it), although Reader's Digest later reported that one of the AIFLD-trained labor lead ers set up cou rses f or co mmunica tio n workers in com battin g communism in the labo r m ovem ent in Brazil, and "After ever y- class he qui
- t Conspi racy and claim that the cou p in Braz il had saved the country from communism . For a t ypical exam ple of this propaganda, one m ust read "The Country That Saved It self," which appeared in Reader's Digest several m onths after the coup. The innum erable lies about what occurred in Brazil, fed by the m agazine to its m illio ns of readers, undoubtedly played a role in preparing the Am erican p ublic fo
- ion , which include s the Philipp ines, conce rned with politi cal and psychologica l-wa rfare matte rs. 31. Smith , p . 280 32. Buell in terview of Lovett (see note 27), cited in Bonnet, p . 42. 33. Reader's Digest, Ap ril 1963 , a rtic le entitled "Democracy Triumph s in the Phi lipp ines". 34. Smith, p. 290 35. Hou se Bill No . 658 4, Repu blic Ac t No . 170 0, app rov ed 20 June 1957 . 36. Huks' condit ion:
- , chapter 6. 49. US Senat e Report ci ted i n the previ ous not e, p . 14, quot ing from a radi o prog ram i n which Dohert y t ook part . 50. Eug ene Met hvin, "Labor's N ew Weapo n for Democracy", Reader's Digest, October, 1966, p. 28 . 51. Po elch au, pp. 47-51. 52. Langgut h, pp . 110 , 113; Washington Post, 2 Apri l 1964 , p . 23 . 53. Langg uth, pp. 112-13. 54. Ibi d., p. 113; Washing ton Post, 3 Apri l 1
File: Kincaid, Cliff - Global Bondage, The U.N. Plan to Rule the World -
- ted by his failure to expose and shutdown the ongoing Russian chemical/biological weapons program. This program was the subject of a major investigative piece by J. Michael Waller in the October 1994 Reader's Digest. Assuming he is sober, there is no question that Yeltsin knows what is going on. Indeed, he was the chief Communist party official in Sverdlovsk at the time of the 1979 incident. A U.S. congressional
File: Lina - Architects of Deception - Secret History of Freemasonry (2004) -
- red. The Red Khmer even assaulted villages in the neighbouring countries. On 28 Janua ry 1977, the Red Khmer killed the inhabitants of three Thai villages, before burning their houses, according to a Reader's Digest article of January 1979. Khieu Samphan admitted to an It alian journalist in August 1976, that one million "war criminals" had died, according to Paul Johnson. In a quick invasion the Vietnam ese for
File: Nazi Hydra In America -
- ment or the White House. 6 Included within Polov's documents was information about the German microdot. This information was useful for publicity and in April 1946, Hoover published an article in the Reader's Digest claiming credit for capturing the secret of the microdot from an enemy spy. Hoover lied, a British agent gave it to him, but more damning, the article contained a diagram that exposed Popov’s source,
- as always held an extreme right wing bias. So much so that George Seldes in Facts and Fascism devoted an entire chapter to the Reader’s Digest . 7 Seldes charged that Dewitt Wallace, the owner of the Reader's Digest , told his staff that he did not want Hitler defeated, that the editor was a pro-Hitlerite from the Hearst papers and that the Reader's Digest had consistently published anti-union and fascist propag
- ced in 1943 by those claiming to represent Roosevelt. The head of the OSS, Bill Donovan, advanced another effort called the M Project. In July, Donovan ordered Theodore Morde, a former journalist for Reader's Digest to meet the local OSS chief in Cairo. From there, Morde traveled to Turkey to meet with another OSS agent and to make contact with von Papen through the von Papen's agent, Posth. The meeting with von
- The Nazi Hydra In Fascist America — 235 — The general went on to state that Morde's actions were merely a thinly disguised attempt to promote the Reader's Digest . In a memo dated October 29, 1943, Donovan urged FDR to give Morde's plan serious consideration. Roosevelt promptly canceled the plan. 48 George Earle in Spain advanced a similar plan during the sum
- in office for years after the war. Even the pro-Nazi pu blisher Dewitt Wallace was rewarded with an overnight stay in the Lincoln Bedroom during Nixon's administration for his pro Nixon slant in the Reader's Digest as well as his large campaign donations. (Note the Republican's silence of this during Clinto n's terms.) Wallace personally gave Nixon more than a hundred thousand dollars. Meanwhile, Wallace's rag
- many of which where Wall Street lawyers. The NCFE depended upon the media to cloak its true mission in secrecy. Early members of this corporations were Henry Luce of Time-Life, DeWitt Wallace of the Reader's Digest , and C.D. Jackson of Fortune. The net effect of this was the creation of a powerful lobby within the free press to suppress critical news of the CIA, a lobby that still very much active today. 65 Eq
- S, The New York Times and the Washington Post as their most useful assets within the media. 74 Other connections between the media and the CIA included Henry Luce of Time-Life , DeWitt Wallace of the Reader's Digest , Barry Birgham of the Louisville Courier-Herald and James Copely of Copley News Services . All major news outlets were involved including ABC, NBC, UPI, AP, Reuter, Hearst papers, Scripps Howard, Ne
File: New World Order - Ralph Epperson -
- CHAPTER 29 THE ATTACK ON THE FAMILY The September, 1988 Reader's Digest magazine carrie d an article called Should We Bail Out Gorbachev? in whi ch they discussed life in the Soviet Union. This is one of the com- ments made in that article: "At least 13 million urban fam
- 572. Review of the News, (May 22, 1985), p. 37 573. Parage magazine, (December 11, 1988), p. 19 574. Review of the News, (March 21, 1979), p. 25 575. William E. Simon, Should We Bail Out Gorbachev?, Reader's Digest, (September, 1988), p. 67 576. The Conservative Digest, (March/April), p. 5 577. American Opinion, (June, 1985), p. 39 578. Tucson Citizen, (November 14, 1988), p. 9A 579. Human Events, (October 18,
File: Nield, Michael - The Police State Road Map (2004) -
- thur Hays Sulzberger, app ointed as Director of the Associated Press . They also owned the trend setting magaz ines Time, Life, Fortune, and Newsweek . (22) Laurance Rockefeller was a director of The Reader's Digest, a baromet er of orthodox thinking, especially on the medical issues in which his family had enorm ous financial interests. (23) Forbes Magazine's recent bio' of med ia tyco on, Conrad Black read: 67
File: Operation Mind Control -
- LE PRODUCTIONS. Used by permission. From OPERATION OVERFLIGHT by Francis Gary Powers: Used by permission of Hodder & Stoughton. From THE C.I.A.'S SECRET OPERATIONS by Harry Rositzke: By permission of Reader's Digest Press. From P.O.W. — Two Years with the Vietcong by George E. Smith: Re- printed with permission. © 1971 Ramparts Press, Palo Alto, Cali- fornia. First published in Ramparts. From OSS: THE SECRET HIS
- r Dulles (Boston, Atlantic Monthly Press, 1973) 10. David Wise and Thomas Ross, The Invisible Government, 5th ed. (New York, Random House, 1964) 11. Harry Rositzke, CIA's Secret Operations (New York, Reader's Digest Press, 1977) Chapter 10 1. John B. Watson, Behaviorism, rev. ed. (New York, Norton, 1930) 2. B. F. Skinner, Beyond Freedom and Dignity (New York, Knopf, 1971) 3. Interview. Name withheld by request.
File: Ralph Epperson - The Unseen Hand - An Introduction to the Conspiratorial View of History -
- s Angeles Times) Field Enterprises: 3 (includes the Chicago Sun-Times) New York Daily News: 1 Magazines: Time, Inc.: 8 (includes Fortune, Life, Money, People, Sports Illustrated, and Time Newsweek: 3 Reader's Digest: 2 Atlantic Monthly: 1 Harper's Magazine: 1 National Review: 1 Columnists: Marquis Childs Joseph Kraft Bill Movers (Is it possible that Life magazine, in their articl es on Revolution already cited i
- ar, 5 percent of the earth's inhabitants between the ages of 30 and 40 w ould be exterminated..." 12 But, in summary, there is another purpose for the m yth of over- population. It was summed up in a Reader's Digest a rticle, written by Laurence Rockefeller, the brother of David Rockefel ler, entitled "The Case for a Simple Life-Style." The article read, in part ,: "In total, this all adds up to a new pattern of
- Executive without prior permission — which of course was not given." 39 Eisenhower himself admitted to some strong negative feelings about McCarthy. He wrote about these feelings in the Apri l, 1969, Reader's Digest: "From the beginning, I was urged by a great many pe ople ... to 'smash' McCarthy by a public denunciation. When I refused, I was criticized bitterly in many quarters. Actually, I yearned in every fi
- 1959). 39. Roy Cohn, McCarthy: The Answer to Tail Gunner Joe, p. xv. 40. Dwight D. Eisenhower, "We Must Avoid the Perils of Extremism," Reader's Digest, (April, 1969), pp. 103-108. 41. James J. Drummey, "McCarthy," American Opinion, p. P. 42. Frank A. Capell, "McCarthyism," American Opinion, p . 77. 43. James J. Drummey, "McCarthy," American Opinion
File: Road To Serfdom -
- THE ROAD TO SERFDOM by F. A. Hayek (Condensed version, published in the Reader's Digest, April 1945) THE ROAD TO SERFDOM by F. A. Hayek (Condensed version, published in the Reader's Digest, April 1945 edition) The author has spent about half his adult life in his native Austria, in clos
- THE ROAD TO SERFDOM by F. A. Hayek (Condensed version, published in the Reader's Digest, April 1945) Who can seriously doubt that the power which a millionaire, who may be my employer, has over me is very much less than that which the smallest bureaucrat possesses who wields the coerciv
- THE ROAD TO SERFDOM by F. A. Hayek (Condensed version, published in the Reader's Digest, April 1945) nineteenth century and the first quarter of the t wentieth, Germany moved far ahead in both the theory and the practice of socialism, so that even today Russian discussion largely carrie
- THE ROAD TO SERFDOM by F. A. Hayek (Condensed version, published in the Reader's Digest, April 1945) efficient method known but because it is the only method which does not require the coercive o r arbitrary intervention of authority. It dispenses with the need for `conscious social con
- THE ROAD TO SERFDOM by F. A. Hayek (Condensed version, published in the Reader's Digest, April 1945) another name for power or wealth. The demand for the new freedom was thus only another name for the old demand for a redistribution of wealth. Th e claim that a planned economy would pro
- THE ROAD TO SERFDOM by F. A. Hayek (Condensed version, published in the Reader's Digest, April 1945) Planning leads to dictatorship because dictatorship is the mos t effective instrument of coercion and, as such, essential if central planning on a large scale is to be possible. There is
- THE ROAD TO SERFDOM by F. A. Hayek (Condensed version, published in the Reader's Digest, April 1945) First, the higher the education and intelligence of individuals become, the more t heir tastes and views are differentiated. If we wish to find a high degree of uniformity in outlook, we
- THE ROAD TO SERFDOM by F. A. Hayek (Condensed version, published in the Reader's Digest, April 1945) The most effective way of making people accept the validity of the values they are to ser ve is to persuade them that they are really the same as those they have always held, but which w
- THE ROAD TO SERFDOM by F. A. Hayek (Condensed version, published in the Reader's Digest, April 1945) Planning vs. the Rule of Law Nothing distinguishes more clearly a free country from a country under arbitrary government than the observance in the former of the great principles known a
- THE ROAD TO SERFDOM by F. A. Hayek (Condensed version, published in the Reader's Digest, April 1945) Is planning `inevitable'? It is revealing that few planners today are content to say that central planning is desirable. Most of them affirm that we now are compelled to it by circumstan
- THE ROAD TO SERFDOM by F. A. Hayek (Condensed version, published in the Reader's Digest, April 1945) Great danger lies in the policies of two powerful groups, organized capital and organized la bour, which support the monopolistic organization of industry. The recent growth of monopoly
- THE ROAD TO SERFDOM by F. A. Hayek (Condensed version, published in the Reader's Digest, April 1945) wishes, we can turn to another. But if we face a monopolist we are at his mercy. And an authority di recting the whole economic system would be the most powerful monopolist imaginable. I
- THE ROAD TO SERFDOM by F. A. Hayek (Condensed version, published in the Reader's Digest, April 1945) Only one general principle, one simple rule, would provide such an answer: absolute equality of all individuals. If this were the goal, it would at least give the vague idea of distribut
- THE ROAD TO SERFDOM by F. A. Hayek (Condensed version, published in the Reader's Digest, April 1945) some a fixed part of a variable cake, the sha re left to the rest is bound to fluctuate proportionally more than the size of the whole. And the essential element of security which the co
- THE ROAD TO SERFDOM by F. A. Hayek (Condensed version, published in the Reader's Digest, April 1945) Toward a better world To build a better world, we must have the cou rage to make a new start. We must clear away the obstacles with which human folly has recently encumbered our path and
File: Road To Serfdom -
- THE ROAD TO SERFDOM by F. A. Hayek (Condensed version, published in the Reader's Digest, April 1945) THE ROAD TO SERFDOM by F. A. Hayek (Condensed version, published in the Reader's Digest, April 1945 edition) The author has spent about half his adult life in his native Austria, in clos
- THE ROAD TO SERFDOM by F. A. Hayek (Condensed version, published in the Reader's Digest, April 1945) Who can seriously doubt that the power which a millionaire, who may be my employer, has over me is very much less than that which the smallest bureaucrat possesses who wields the coerciv
- THE ROAD TO SERFDOM by F. A. Hayek (Condensed version, published in the Reader's Digest, April 1945) nineteenth century and the first quarter of the t wentieth, Germany moved far ahead in both the theory and the practice of socialism, so that even today Russian discussion largely carrie
- THE ROAD TO SERFDOM by F. A. Hayek (Condensed version, published in the Reader's Digest, April 1945) efficient method known but because it is the only method which does not require the coercive o r arbitrary intervention of authority. It dispenses with the need for `conscious social con
- THE ROAD TO SERFDOM by F. A. Hayek (Condensed version, published in the Reader's Digest, April 1945) another name for power or wealth. The demand for the new freedom was thus only another name for the old demand for a redistribution of wealth. Th e claim that a planned economy would pro
- THE ROAD TO SERFDOM by F. A. Hayek (Condensed version, published in the Reader's Digest, April 1945) Planning leads to dictatorship because dictatorship is the mos t effective instrument of coercion and, as such, essential if central planning on a large scale is to be possible. There is
- THE ROAD TO SERFDOM by F. A. Hayek (Condensed version, published in the Reader's Digest, April 1945) First, the higher the education and intelligence of individuals become, the more t heir tastes and views are differentiated. If we wish to find a high degree of uniformity in outlook, we
- THE ROAD TO SERFDOM by F. A. Hayek (Condensed version, published in the Reader's Digest, April 1945) The most effective way of making people accept the validity of the values they are to ser ve is to persuade them that they are really the same as those they have always held, but which w
- THE ROAD TO SERFDOM by F. A. Hayek (Condensed version, published in the Reader's Digest, April 1945) Planning vs. the Rule of Law Nothing distinguishes more clearly a free country from a country under arbitrary government than the observance in the former of the great principles known a
- THE ROAD TO SERFDOM by F. A. Hayek (Condensed version, published in the Reader's Digest, April 1945) Is planning `inevitable'? It is revealing that few planners today are content to say that central planning is desirable. Most of them affirm that we now are compelled to it by circumstan
- THE ROAD TO SERFDOM by F. A. Hayek (Condensed version, published in the Reader's Digest, April 1945) Great danger lies in the policies of two powerful groups, organized capital and organized la bour, which support the monopolistic organization of industry. The recent growth of monopoly
- THE ROAD TO SERFDOM by F. A. Hayek (Condensed version, published in the Reader's Digest, April 1945) wishes, we can turn to another. But if we face a monopolist we are at his mercy. And an authority di recting the whole economic system would be the most powerful monopolist imaginable. I
- THE ROAD TO SERFDOM by F. A. Hayek (Condensed version, published in the Reader's Digest, April 1945) Only one general principle, one simple rule, would provide such an answer: absolute equality of all individuals. If this were the goal, it would at least give the vague idea of distribut
- THE ROAD TO SERFDOM by F. A. Hayek (Condensed version, published in the Reader's Digest, April 1945) some a fixed part of a variable cake, the sha re left to the rest is bound to fluctuate proportionally more than the size of the whole. And the essential element of security which the co
- THE ROAD TO SERFDOM by F. A. Hayek (Condensed version, published in the Reader's Digest, April 1945) Toward a better world To build a better world, we must have the cou rage to make a new start. We must clear away the obstacles with which human folly has recently encumbered our path and
File: Springmeier - Be Wise as Serpents - Christianity's Systematic Destruction (1991) -
- d seem to insure that the RLDS church will move even closer to a New Age stance. NOTES 1. The Temple Ensign of Peace. RLDS broshure, Inde pendence, Mo. (printed in the '80s) 2. Gardner, Joseph L.,ed. Reader's Digest Atlas of the Bible. NY: Reader 's Digest Assoc.,Inc, 1981, p.11 3. Saints Herald, Oct. 1988 4. The Temple Ensign of Peace, op cit. 5. Launius, Roger D. Joseph Smith III, Pragmatic Pr ophet. Chicago,
File: Unholy Alliances -
- r ld Council of Churches are insane! "No, friends, they are not insane. They know exactl y what they are doing. They are doing it because they are just as r evolutionary as Robert Mugabe..." 100 In a Reader's Digest article, "Do you Know Where Yo ur Church Offerings Go?" in January 1983, the Digest testifie d that, "In the last decade the National Council [of Churches] has becom e increasingly politicized. Criti
- ations are journalists, corre spondents, and communication executives? Some of these include: Laurence A. Tisch, CEO, CBS John F. Welch, Jr., CEO, NBC Thomas S. Murphy, CEO, ABC George V. Grune, CEO, Reader's Digest {Catherine Graham, Washington Post, Newsweek, Assoc iated Press George Will, Washington Post, Newsweek Henry Grunwald, Time, Inc. Sol Linowitz, Time, Inc. Dan Rather, CBS Bill Moyers, CBS Tom Brokaw,
- l, Fundamental Evangelistic Associatio n, P.O. Box 6278, Los Osos, CA 93402 93. Ibid. 94. Ibid. 95. Ibid. 96. Ibid. 97. Ibid. 98. American Opinion, January, 1982, pp. 22-23. 99. Ibid. 100. Ibid. 101. Reader's Digest, "Do You Know Where Your Church Off erings Go?" January, 1983, pp. 120-125. 102. Ibid., p. 125. 289
- Unholy Alliances 103. John A. Stormer, None Dare Call It Conspiracy 25 Ye ars Later, p. 469. 104. Ibid. 105. Reader's Digest, January, 1983, pp. 120-121. 106. John A. Stormer, None Dare Call It Treason, 25 Year s Later, p. 471. 107. Koshy, "Does Marxism Presuppose Atheism?", Ecumenic al Press Service, 88.09.36, p. 2, Septe
File: Zinn, Howard - A People's History of the United States, 1492-Present (2003) -
- us possibilities for human health, but the public was not aware of that. The Atomic Energy Commission insisted that the deadly effects of atomic tests were exaggerated, and an ar ticle in 1955 in the Reader's Digest (the largest- circulation magazine in the United States) said: "The scare stories about this country's atomic tests are simply not justified." In the mid-fifties, there was a flurry of enthusiasm for
File: How To Read A Book - Classic Guide To Intelligent Reading -
- Claudius Ptolemaeus) Public Philosophy, The (Lippmann) Quest for Certainty, The (Dewey) Quintessence of Ibsenism, The ( Shaw ) Quintilian (Marcus Fabius Quintilianus) Rabelais, Francois Read, Herbert Reader's Digest Realm of Essence, The (Santayana) Realm of Matter, The (Santayana), Regents, Board of. New York State Regents Inquiry Republic, The (Cicero) Republic, The (Plato) Rhetoric (Aristotle)
File: John Breeding - The Wildest Colts Make the Best Horses -
- could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years. MARK TWAIN (1835-1910), in "Bri nging Up Father" (p. 22), Reader's Digest, September 1937 [This well-known observat ion, often attributed to Twai n, has not been found in his writings.] Iqbal Masih was an indentured servant in a car pet factory at age 4. He escaped six yea
File: Mask Of Sanity -
- New York, 1951, The Modern Library. 281. Time, pp. 48, 50, October 2, 1972. 282. Tindall, W. Y.: James Joyce, New York, 1950, Charles Scribner's Sons. 283. Toomey, Regis: Gabriel blow that horn, The Reader's Digest, Jan., 1943. 284. Tredgold, A . F.: Mental deficiency, New York, 1929, William Wood & Co. 285. United States War Department: Nomenclature and method of recording diagnosis, U. S. War Department Techn
File: Hidden Dangers Of The Rainbow -
- e Imam Mahdi. For Hindus @ 19. he is Krishna. Maitreya's followers are now in the last stage of the New Age scheme to take the world for Lucifer. Lucis Trust - formerly Lucifer Trust - ran ads in the Reader's Digest, which displayed The Great Invocation to Maitreya. The Great Invocation referes to The Plan. It says, "Let Light and Love and Power restore The Plan on Earth." What is The Plan? It includes the insta
- east from the pit." Similarly in this day and age many New Agers are deliberately trying to "invoke" a presence - the presence of "Maitreya the Christ" or an antichrist. The October 1982 issue of the Reader's Digest carried a full-page, full-color copy of "The Great Invocation," the New Age prayer to "Maitreya the Christ" to invoke his presence on earth. Benjamin Creme has stated, as do the Alice Bailey writings
File: Historical Dictionary Of The Orthodox Church -
- not only as the "prayerbook of the Church" but also as the chief reading primer. After the psalter and individual Gospels came the prophets and wisdom literature, espe- cially Sirach. The Palaea, a "Reader's Digest version" of the "histor- ical books" of the Old Testament dressed up with apocryphal legends, completed the list. While reading was a virtue of the elite, and liturgy appealed to both elite and peasa
File: Secular Humanism - The Most Dangerous Religion In America -
- controllers think the American people do not have enough sense to take care of themselves, and that it is necessar y for the bureaucrats to control every area of our lives. The May 1979 issue of the Reader's Digest had a good article, "Time To Control Runaway Regulations," pointing out in detail how bureaucracy has taken over our lives. Many are eager to tell us the cause of our troubles and the remedies for th
File: Woman Rides The Beast -
- properly castigated for their aggression and atrocities; yet news reports never mention the 1941- 43 massacres of Serbian civilians by the Catholic Ustashi, for which the Serbs are seeking revenge. A Reader's Digest article by a journalist author ity on Yugoslavia mentions the Ustashi without a word about their slaughter of Serbs. It refers to "Christian Croats and Serbs," 17 and ignores the fact that the Croats
- York, 1991), p. 102; and Los Angeles Times, January 19, 1988, part 1, pp. 20, 22. 15 Nasa Nada, April 23, 1958. 16 Los Angeles Times, January 24, 1988. 17 Robert D. Kaplan, "Why Yugoslavia Exploded," Reader's Digest, March 1993. 18 Seattle Times, August 8, 1991, p. A10. 19 Los Angeles Times, March 14, 1993, editorial. 20 Our Sunday Visitor, April 10, 1994, p. 3. 21 Los Angeles Times, January 17, 1993, p. A39. 1
File: Robert Anton Wilson - Game If Life -
- ds. Now if you are not such a ONE; then you can't, you simply can't understand this message. All you can do is realize that there are persons whom you can't understand. You are like the reader of the Reader's Digest who reads an article by an astronomer de- scribing powerful celestial objects who can be identified but whose nature cannot be comprehended. It is a paradox of nuclear physics that we cannot "see" th
File: Robert Anton Wilson - Schrodinger's Cat Trilogy -
- beg your pardon?" Case asked, intrigued by someth ing nonmusical for the first time in his life. "I still say fuck 'em all," a drunken writer howled somewhere. "Bastardly thieving ..." "It was in the Reader's Digest," Malik explained, trying to clarify ma tters but not sure how much Case had already missed. "The Reader's Digest?" Case prompted. "That was the whole poi nt," Malik went on earnestly. "I was stoned
- a nervous system different from yours with which you can interface syner-getically ..." "You mean," Carol Christmas breathed huskily, " you were deliberately brainwashing yourself to believe in this Reader's Digest world?" "Of course," Malik said, with an isn't-it-obvious sh rug. "A single ego is a ve ry narrow view of the world." "Escape velocity," Williams plunged onward to the stars, "that is, 18,000 em-pee-
- S: Are you sure he isn't in the ki tchen? Marvin, are you out here in the kitchen? MALIK: That was when I stopped th e experiment. There I was, totall y at one with Middle America, totally inside the Reader's Digest, and then I came to that title: "No Wife, No Whores, No Mustache." DASHWOOD: Shattering into atoms is male and undulating is female, but balloons bursting is common to both. MALIK: I closed the magaz
- famous Cagliostro the Great. They also believed that the Unistat government had never waged an unjust war, that the hair of the seventh son of a seventh son cures warts, and most of what they read in Reader's Digest. By 1982 the legal struggles over abortion were over and the w hole issue seemed as remote as the War of the Roses. This was because a 100 percent effective morning-after contraceptive had been on th
File: Planetary Ring Systems -
- on what new things we have learned about the Saturn system from approximately 18 months of detailed observations and analysis of Cassini Orbiter data. The ®nal two chapters are attempts to provide a reader's digest of the data from the earlier chapters, doing a detailed comparison of the four known planetary ring systems (Chapter 11) and providing a possible roadmap to future observations and analysis, includin
File: Secret Life Of Plants -
- pathology and, 318-23; space exploration and, 339--41 . Rahn, Otto, 187-S, 195, 197, 337 Ravitz, Leonard 1.. Jr., 197, 199 Rayleigh, Lord, 83, 84, 89, 101, 102 Rayner, M. c., 236 reaction time, 10-11 Reader's Digest, 8 reflex arc, 93 reflexophone, 320-21 Reich, Wilhelm, 29, 31-2,172-3,203, 283-4 Reichenbach, Baron Karl von, 172-3, 188 religion, 44-5, 118, 349, 357-S, 22-3 Religious Research Foundation, 349 Renai
File: Secret Life Of Plants -
- pathology and, 318-23; space exploration and, 339--41 . Rahn, Otto, 187-S, 195, 197, 337 Ravitz, Leonard 1.. Jr., 197, 199 Rayleigh, Lord, 83, 84, 89, 101, 102 Rayner, M. c., 236 reaction time, 10-11 Reader's Digest, 8 reflex arc, 93 reflexophone, 320-21 Reich, Wilhelm, 29, 31-2,172-3,203, 283-4 Reichenbach, Baron Karl von, 172-3, 188 religion, 44-5, 118, 349, 357-S, 22-3 Religious Research Foundation, 349 Renai
File: Emperor Wears No Clothes -
- d THC metabolite build-up and unique chromosome petri dish tissue damage studies, conclusions, and extrapolations. Yet the DEA, NIDA, VISTA, the "War on Drugs," and now-deceased writer Peggy Mann (in Reader's Digest articles and her book Marijuana Alert, wilth foreward by Nancy Reagan) have used these discredited studies on parents' groups such as Parents for a Drug Free Youth, etc., often with Nahas as a highly
- le for most tobacco-related cancer. No radioactivity exists in cannabis tars. (National Center for Atmospheric Research, 1964; American Lung Assn.; Dr. Joseph R. DiFranza, U. of Mass. Medical Center; Reader's Digest , March 1986; Surg. Gen. C. Everett Koop, 1990.) Some Studies the Feds Don't Talk About The Coptic Study (1981) No Harm to Human Brain or Intelligence Hemp has been used in virtually all societies si
File: When Technology Fails - A Manual For Self-Reliance And Planetary Survival -
- and high technology. This massive under- taking is a true labor of love, spanning thirty years and nine revised editions. Back to Basics: How to Learn and Enjoy Traditional American Skills, from The Reader's Digest. 1999, 456 pp. (hardcover), ISBN 0- 89577-939-0. Published by The Reader's Digest Association, Pleasantville, NY. Lists for $30.00. This encyclopedic book is surprisingly good. It covers a wide varie
- co WHEN TECHNOLOGY FAILS The New Complete Do-It-Yourself Manual, from Reader's Digest. 1991, 528 pp., ISBN 0-89577-378- 3. Published by Reader's Digest Association, Inc., Pleasantville, NY 10570-7000. Lists for $35.00. This is a great general reference with good sections on basic plum
- ion and equipment to preserve and store food. See the description in the References section of Chapter 1 for more details. Back To Basics: How to Learn and Enjoy Traditional American Skills, from The Reader's Digest. Even though it is a broad reference book, Back To Basics has decent sections on root cellaring, drying, freezing, canning, jams/jellies, sausage making, smoking and curing meats, and so on. See the
- nitter's reference library. It contains techniques and directions for knitting garments to fit all sizes. Complete Guide to Sewing: Step-By-Step Techniques for Making Clothes and Home Furnishings, by Reader's Digest. 1995, 432 pp. (hardcover), ISBN 0-88850-247-8. Published by The Reader's Digest Association, Pleasantville, NY 10570-7000. Lists for $30.00. This encyclopedic volume is a true sewing bible. Copiousl
- l Methods. Portland, OR: Caber Press, 1996. Raven, Lee. Hands On Spinning. Loveland, CO: Interweave Press, 1987. Read, Piers Paul. Alive: The Story of the Andes Survivors. New York: Avon Books, 1992. Reader's Digest. The New Complete Do-It-Yourself Manual. Pleasantville, NY: Reader's Digest Association, 1991. . Complete Guide to Sewing: Step-By-Step Techniques for Making Clothes and Home Furnishings. Pleasantvil
File: Terence McKenna - Food Of The Gods -
File: Terence Mckenna - Food Of The Gods -
- from an airliner, I never fail to notice that it is like looking at a printed circuit: all those curved driveways and cul de sacs with the same little modules installed along each one. As long as the Reader's Digest stays subscribed to and the TV stays on, these modules are all interchangeable parts within a very large machine. This is the nightmarish reality that Marshall McLuhan and Wyndham Lewis and ot hers f
File: Apotheosis Psycherotica -
- More cries of,“Suckme, suckme, bigdaddy, take my cock deep,” willonlymake the others in theparklookat youfunnyand arrestyou.Weenjoyedthe many jokes scribbled in the margins, evenif we have readthemin Reader's Digest.Actually, weneverread Reader's Digest, but one must assume since theyallhad suchtitlesas, “Humor inUniform” and “Killer BlondeBitchesfrom Zeta-Thyroid8.”Lastly, there is thematterof the four referenc
File: Julius Evola - Men Among The Ruins -
- rt, an equal share in a mindless and "bovine"happiness, an easy and comfortable life filled with gad-gets, radio and TV programs, planes, Hollywood, sports arenas, and popular culture at the level of Reader's Digest. Again, spiritual values and the higher degrees of human perfection have
File: Mckenna, Terence - Food Of The Gods -
- from an airliner, I never fail to notice that it is like looking at a printed circuit: all those curved driveways and cul de sacs with the same little modules installed along each one. As long as the Reader's Digest stays subscribed to and the TV stays on, these modules are all interchangeable parts within a very large machine. This is the nightmarish reality that Marshall McLuhan and Wyndham Lewis and others fo
File: Prophecykeepers -
- ng Wolf's tutoring, they b ecame a lmo st unique individuals in the modern wo rld." "In the fall of 1978 The Trac ker, a book about Tom's you th w as published, w ith a condensed version appearing in Reader's Digest in November 1978. As a result, Tom Brow n Jr. received national attention, and hi s small survival school b egan to gro w. By 1980, To m w as teaching classes of up to a hundred students in three and
File: Sleeping Prophet Edgar Cayce -
- nything they had before. And there are reports of a simmering pro-Christian underground in both China and Russia. Who knows what a few years may bring?" In Formosa, across the straits from China, the Reader's Digest reported twelve million people enjoying a rebirth of freedom under Chiang Kai-shek. But the great Chinese mass traditionally could not be hurried. "The sin of China?" Cayce pondered. "Yea, there live
File: Gods Of Eden -
- his book. Readers are invited to write to him at the following . address: Dahlin Family Press 5339 Prospect Road #300 San Jose, California 95129-5020 U.S.A. 454 CHAPTER 3: UFOs: Truth or Fiction? 1. Reader's Digest, Mysteries of the Unexplained (Pleasant- ville, The Reader's Digest Association, Inc., 1982), p. 208. 2. Pauwels, Louis; Bergier, Jacques, Morning of the Mag icians (New York, Avon Books, 1963), p. 1
- n, Capt. F. W., West African Secret Societies, Their Organisations, Officials and Teaching, H. F. & G. Witherby, London, 1929 Calkins, Carroll C. (project editor), Mysteries of the Unex- plained, The Reader's Digest Association, Inc., Pleasant- ville, 1982 Catholic Biblical Association of America, The New American Bible, P. J. Kenedy & Sons, New York, 1970 Charach, Theodore and Gerard Alcan, The Second Gun (moti
- 480 William Bramley Calendars," Reader's Digest, The Reader's Digest Assocation, Inc., Pleasanton, November 1980 Schultz, Duane P., A History of Modern Psychiatry, Academic Press, New York, 1969 Shklovskii, I. S. and Carl Sagan, Intelligent Life i
File: Internet Book Of Shadows -
- y with Her and Her ways. Women reflect the Goddess, Men reflect the God, so the Wicca have a Priestess and Priest to 'run' the religious services. We call our services circles. This was sort of an "Reader's Digest Condensed Version" of Wicca. Blessed be >>Phoenix<<