
Found in 74 Books

File: Antony Sutton - Trilaterals Over America -


  • t; former President of the Commission of the European Communities Ridsdale, Julian, Member of British Parliament; Chairman, Anglo- Japanese Parliamentary Group Roberts, Sir Frank, Advisory Dir ector, Unilever Ltd.; former British Ambassador to Germany and the Soviet Union Robinson, Mary T. W., Member of Senate, Irish Republic Roll, Lord, Chairman, S. G. Warburg and Co., Ltd. Roper, John, Member of British


  • reign and Commonwealth Secretary * Palliser, Sir Michael, Chairman, Sameul Montagu & Co.; former Permanent Undersecretary of Stat e, Foreign and Comm onwealth Office, London Perry, Michael, Chairman, Unilever, London Pierer, Heinrich von, Ch airman, Siemens, Munich Pinho, Ilidio de, Chairman, COLEP , Lisbon Pinto Balsemao, Francisco, Member, Portuguese Parliament; former Prime Minister Ratti, Giuseppe, Me

File: Carroll Quigley - Evolution Of Civilizations -


  • the typical figure of monopoly capitalism is not the individual "capta in of industry" of the earlier period but the anonymously managed superfirm like United Shoe Ma- chinery, I. G. Farbenindustrie, Unilever, DuPont Chemicals, Hartford-Empire, Alcoa, Volkswagen, Pecheney, General Motors, General Electric, or General Dynamics. It should also be noted that the genera lly deflationary character of the ninet

File: Carroll Quigley - The Evolution Of Civilizations -


  • the typical figure of monopoly capitalism is not the individual "captain of industry" of the earlier period but the anonymously managed superfirm like United Shoe Ma- chinery, I. G. Farbenindustrie, Unilever, DuPont Chemicals, Hartford-Empire, Alcoa, Volkswagen, Pecheney, General Motors, General Electric, or General Dynamics. It should also be noted that the generally deflationary character of the ninete

File: Carroll Quigley - Tragedy & Hope (scanned) -


  • constructed by men like William H. Lever, Viscount L cv hulme (1851-1925) or Alfred M. Mond, Lord Melchett (r868~i93°.j| The former created a great international monopoly in vegetable centering upon Unilever, while the latter created the British chen monopoly known as Imperial Chemical Industries.


  • rted in 1929, "What is notable among British consoli- Un k^ an< ^ ass °ciations is not their rarity or weakness so much as their r usiveness." It is possible that the British vegetable-oil monopoly d Unilever was as powerful as the German chemical monopoly v . *• G. Farben, but, while much has been heard about the latter, . ittle is heard about the former. After an effort to study the former, a magazine w


  • 1194 Union of African and Malagasy States, 1194 Union of Independent African States, 1193 Unilateralism (in U.S. politics), 880-2 (defined), 974, 978-9, 1246; see also J. F. Dulles; Neo-isolationism Unilever, 500, 513; see Lever, W. Union Europeene Industrielle et Finan- ciere, S. A., 275, 522, 523; see Schneider Union Parisienne (Union-Comite bloc), 517, 521, 522, 523, 524, 525, 526-8 United Arab Republ

File: Carroll Quigley - Tragedy & Hope -


  • ructed by men like William H. Lever, Viscount Leverhulme (1851- 1925) or Alfred M. Mond, Lord Melchett (1868- 1930). The former created a great international monopoly in vegetable oils centering upon Unilever, while the latter created the British chemical monopoly known as Imperial Chemical Industries. Banking Control of Government throughout the World Financial capitalism in Britain, as elsewhere, was ma


  • 1929, "What is notable among British consolidations and associations is not their rarity or weakness so much as their unobtrusiveness." It is possible that the British vegetable -oil monopoly around Unilever was as powerful as the German chemical monopoly around I. G. Farben, but, while much has been heard about the latter, very little is heard about the former. After an effort to study the former, Fortu

File: Carroll Quigley - Tragedy & Hope -


  • ructed by men like William H. Lever, Viscount Leverhulme (1851- 1925) or Alfred M. Mond, Lord Melchett (1868- 1930). The former created a great international monopoly in vegetable oils centering upon Unilever, while the latter created the British chemical monopoly known as Imperial Chemical Industries. Banking Control of Government throughout the World Financial capitalism in Britain, as elsewhere, was ma


  • 1929, "What is notable among British consolidations and associations is not their rarity or weakness so much as their unobtrusiveness." It is possible that the British vegetable -oil monopoly around Unilever was as powerful as the German chemical monopoly around I. G. Farben, but, while much has been heard about the latter, very little is heard about the former. After an effort to study the former, Fortu

File: Carroll Quigley - Tragedy And Hope -


  • structed by men like William H. Lever, Viscount Leverhulme (1851-1925) or Alfred M. Mond, Lord Melchett (1868-1930). The former created a great international monopoly in vegetable oils centering upon Unilever, while the latter created the British chemical monopoly known as Imperial Chemical Industries.


  • monopoly around Unilever was as powerful as the German chemical monopoly around I. G. Farben, but, while much has been heard about the latter, very little is heard about the former. After an effort to study the former, Fortu

File: Daniel Estulin - Shadow Masters -

  • ckstone Group, whoseboard of directors includes Lord Jacob Rothschild and Niall FitzGerald, a KnightCommander of the British Empire and a former chairman of theBilderberg-controlled Anglo-Dutch firm, Unilever. In October 2004, FitzGeraldbecame the chairman of Reuters. Can we expect this venerable mainstream organ toreport objectively on the news? Decide for yourself: Using Reuters’ searchengine, I found e

File: Daniel Estulin - TransEvolution_ The Coming Age of Human Deconstruction -

  • nt, which is given a “role” in thepost-industrial gang. Playing on people’s hopes for a better world.RDS shares an interlocking directorship with the Dutch ING bank; Dutch chemicalcompany Akzo Nobel; Unilever, an Anglo-Dutch group that controls large chunks ofworld’s food production; and Rio Tinto, which along with Anglo-American controlfrom 10 to 24% of the Western world’s minerals output. RDS also share

  • rier); and the number-three U.S.-based coffee firm. Italso owns 26% of the world’s biggest cosmetic company, L’Oreal.Much of the rest of the milk powder business is controlled by theAnglo-Dutch-owned Unilever, the result of a 1930 merger of a British and a Dutchfirm. Unilever is the number-one world producer of ice cream and margarine, aswell as a key player in fats and edible oils. Unilever owns vast pla

  • _008.html#filepos144738]UUBS AG 26 [index_split_007.html#filepos100213]UNESCO 176 [index_split_011.html#filepos516168], 178[index_split_011.html#filepos521686]-179 [index_split_011.html#filepos522166]Unilever 26 [index_split_007.html#filepos99930], 38[index_split_008.html#filepos133948], 51 [index_split_008.html#filepos169047]United Africa Co. 38 [index_split_008.html#filepos134233]VVance, Cyrus 21 [index

File: Daniel Estulin - True Story Of The Bilderberg Group -

  • nstitute for International Affairs (lAI), Rome;Commentator, // Sole 24 Ore: former Under Secretary of State for Defence, ItalyLord Simon of Highbury, Member of the House of Lords; Advisory Director ofUnilever, Morgan Stanley Europe and LEK; former Minister for Trade &Competitiveness in Europe; former Chairman of BP, LondonNicholas Soames, Member of the British Parliament, London Sir Martin Sorrell.Chief E

File: Daniel Pinchbeck - How Soon is Now -

  • as reworking consumption and what defines a goodquality of life – will be multitrillion- dollar endeavours with huge pots ofgold for those who find the greenest ways to do it.’Some corporations, like Unilever, portray themselves as leaders in this newtransitional space. They study patterns of consumer behaviour, and build modelson how these habits can be changed. However, the reality is that we require mo

File: David Icke - 1990 - It Doesn’t Have To Be Like This -


  • ublic does consumer power force changes and often very lim- ited ones at that. Rank-Hovis-McDougal, Associated British Foods, and Spil- lers French hold 75 per cent of the market for bread and flour. Unilever sell 70 per cent of the margarine and Nestle 20 per cent. Tate and Lyle control 60 per cent of sugar sales—and so it goes on. You may buy different brands, just as you may see different names above t

File: David Icke - 1995 - And The Truth Shall Set You Free -

  • , the biggest steelworks owned by the Rothschilds, like the Czech> explosives, had already been handed over to Germany…> “…The death warrant [for Czechoslovakia] was signed in the head office of the> Unilever subsidiary in Aussig, the headquarters of the pro-Nazi clique.” 8When Germany occupied the whole of Czechoslovakia in March 1939, there was asudden and remarkable switch in the attitude of Milner and

  • Africa; British Petroleum; Shell International; Bank of England; Barclays Bank;Lloyds Bank; National Westminster Bank; Lazard Brothers; TSB Group; AbbeyNational; Midland Montagu; Coopers and Lybrand; Unilever; British AmericanTobacco Industries; British Aerospace; The Economist; Gerard Atkins and Co Ltd;John Swire and Sons Ltd; and Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi (ENI).The other corporate members comprise a li

  • the land of the Third World farmers. Ninety per cent ofthe food trade on this planet is in the hands of five multinationals. Half ofour supplies are controlled by two of them, the Anglo-Dutch giant, Unilever(controlled by Bilderberg group clones), and the Nestlé corporation in the Elitestronghold of Switzerland. Once again we see that ‘free trade’ is reallycartelism, the means through which the vast dest

  • split_021.html#filepos1139239]UNESCO 144 [../Text/index_split_017.html#filepos567737]Unification Church 386 [../Text/index_split_024.html#filepos1479910]-7[../Text/index_split_024.html#filepos1483741]Unilever 249 [../Text/index_split_020.html#filepos951784]Union Banking Corporation 96 [../Text/index_split_014.html#filepos381076]United Americans group 72 [../Text/index_split_013.html#filepos287281]United K

File: David Icke - 1995 - And The Truth Shall Set You Free -

  • , the biggest steelworks owned by the Rothschilds, like the Czech> explosives, had already been handed over to Germany…> “…The death warrant [for Czechoslovakia] was signed in the head office of the> Unilever subsidiary in Aussig, the headquarters of the pro-Nazi clique.” 8When Germany occupied the whole of Czechoslovakia in March 1939, there was asudden and remarkable switch in the attitude of Milner and

  • Africa; British Petroleum; Shell International; Bank of England; Barclays Bank;Lloyds Bank; National Westminster Bank; Lazard Brothers; TSB Group; AbbeyNational; Midland Montagu; Coopers and Lybrand; Unilever; British AmericanTobacco Industries; British Aerospace; The Economist; Gerard Atkins and Co Ltd;John Swire and Sons Ltd; and Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi (ENI).The other corporate members comprise a li

  • the land of the Third World farmers. Ninety per cent ofthe food trade on this planet is in the hands of five multinationals. Half ofour supplies are controlled by two of them, the Anglo-Dutch giant, Unilever(controlled by Bilderberg group clones), and the Nestlé corporation in the Elitestronghold of Switzerland. Once again we see that ‘free trade’ is reallycartelism, the means through which the vast dest

  • split_021.html#filepos1139239]UNESCO 144 [../Text/index_split_017.html#filepos567737]Unification Church 386 [../Text/index_split_024.html#filepos1479910]-7[../Text/index_split_024.html#filepos1483741]Unilever 249 [../Text/index_split_020.html#filepos951784]Union Banking Corporation 96 [../Text/index_split_014.html#filepos381076]United Americans group 72 [../Text/index_split_013.html#filepos287281]United K

File: David Icke - 1999 - The Biggest Secret -

  • business management. This plan includedbreaking the power of the trades union movement and manipulating the thinking oftop management. Among the corporations who hired Tavistock to do this wereShell, Unilever, the coal industry (then government owned), and a number of theleading financial institutions. Major corporations today use ‘psychologists’ andthey employ ‘facilitators’ or ‘group leaders’ to run bus

  • alChemical Industries; Inchscape plc; Inco Ltd; ING Group; Jardine Matheson;Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co (P & O); Pilkington Glass; ReutersHoldings; Glaxo Wellcome; SmithKline Beecham; Unilever and Unilever NV; Vickersplc;And that is just a few of them! Each of these corporations have staggering listsof subsidiaries going on for page after page. Lonrho alone at the time ofwriting has 640 su

  • 15137]UNESCO – 242 [../Text/index_split_030.html#filepos865288], 398[../Text/index_split_044.html#filepos1415137]UN Food and Agriculture Organisation – 401[../Text/index_split_044.html#filepos1424635]Unilever – 385 [../Text/index_split_044.html#filepos1368846], 389[../Text/index_split_044.html#filepos1382591], 400[../Text/index_split_044.html#filepos1422966]United Nations (UN) – 230 [../Text/index_split_0

File: David Icke - 1999 - The Biggest Secret -

  • business management. This plan includedbreaking the power of the trades union movement and manipulating the thinking oftop management. Among the corporations who hired Tavistock to do this wereShell, Unilever, the coal industry (then government owned), and a number of theleading financial institutions. Major corporations today use ‘psychologists’ andthey employ ‘facilitators’ or ‘group leaders’ to run bus

  • alChemical Industries; Inchscape plc; Inco Ltd; ING Group; Jardine Matheson;Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co (P & O); Pilkington Glass; ReutersHoldings; Glaxo Wellcome; SmithKline Beecham; Unilever and Unilever NV; Vickersplc;And that is just a few of them! Each of these corporations have staggering listsof subsidiaries going on for page after page. Lonrho alone at the time ofwriting has 640 su

  • 15137]UNESCO – 242 [../Text/index_split_030.html#filepos865288], 398[../Text/index_split_044.html#filepos1415137]UN Food and Agriculture Organisation – 401[../Text/index_split_044.html#filepos1424635]Unilever – 385 [../Text/index_split_044.html#filepos1368846], 389[../Text/index_split_044.html#filepos1382591], 400[../Text/index_split_044.html#filepos1422966]United Nations (UN) – 230 [../Text/index_split_0

File: David Icke - 2007 - The David Icke Guide To The Global Conspiracy -

  • 29th and 31st, 1954.At the heart of the Bilderberg Group’s formation were the Rothschilds and peoplelike Retinger, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, Paul Rykens (chairman of thesoap and food giant, Unilever), and Averell Harriman.Prince Bernhard, a close of friend of fellow Reptilian hybrid, Prince Philip,was a former Nazi SS officer and spy who worked for the chemical giant, I.G.Farben, one of the pill

File: David Icke - 2007 - The David Icke Guide To The Global Conspiracy -

  • 29th and 31st, 1954.At the heart of the Bilderberg Group’s formation were the Rothschilds and peoplelike Retinger, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, Paul Rykens (chairman of thesoap and food giant, Unilever), and Averell Harriman.Prince Bernhard, a close of friend of fellow Reptilian hybrid, Prince Philip,was a former Nazi SS officer and spy who worked for the chemical giant, I.G.Farben, one of the pill

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception - Part Two -

  • than list the‘stakeholders’ in this outrage: Archer Daniels Midland, BASF, Bunge, Cargill,Coca-Cola Company, DuPont, General Mills, Kraft Foods, Metro, Monsanto, Nestlé,PepsiCo, SABMiller, Syngenta, Unilever, Walmart Stores and Yara International.Ahh, big old softies and compassionate kind hearts right down to theirbutter-wouldn’t-melts. The conference included representatives from Cargillwhich was sued

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception -


  • Kraft Foods, Metro, Monsanto, Nestlé, PepsiCo, SABMiller, Syngenta, Unilever, Walmart Stores and Yara International. Ahh, big old softies and compassionate kind hearts right down to their butter-wouldn’t-melts. The conference included representatives from Cargill which was su

File: David Icke - And The Truth Shall Set You Free -


  • he biggest steelworks owned by the Rothschilds, like the Czech explosives, had already been handed over to Germany... "...The death warrant [for Czechos lovakia] was signed in the he ad office of the Unilever subsidiary in Aussig, the headquarters of the pro-Nazi clique." 8


  • rica; British Petroleum; Shell International; Bank of England; Barclays Bank; Lloyds Bank; National Westminster Bank; Lazard Brothers; TSB Group; Abbey National; Midland Montagu; Coopers and Lybrand; Unilever ; British American Tobacco Industries; British Aerospace; Th e Economist; Gerard Atkins and Co Ltd; John Swire and Sons Ltd; and Ente Nazion ale Idrocarburi (ENI). The other corporate members compris


  • o 31s t 1954. At the heart of the Bilderberg Group's formation were the Rothschilds and people like Retinger, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, Paul Rykens (the chairman of the soap and food giant, Unilever), and that man again, Averell Harr iman. The influence of Harriman on this century can hardly be overs tated, although most people will never have even heard of him. It was Harriman who arranged th e


  • 0 and 12 billion German marks every year, merely for trans porting goods and raw material s across national borders to repackage them and give the goods a 'national image'. The biggest beneficiary is Unilever, which has close family ties to the Sainsbury Supermarket Empire. Unilever increased profits in one year by 25.6%, at the same time that farming incomes in Denmark dropped by 35.3% a nd in Germany by

File: David Icke - And the Truth Shall Set You Free, 21st Century Edition (2004) -


  • he biggest steelworks owned by the Rothschilds, like the Czech explosives, had already been handed over to Germany... "...The death warrant [for Czechos lovakia] was signed in the he ad office of the Unilever subsidiary in Aussig, the headquarters of the pro-Nazi clique." 8


  • rica; British Petroleum; Shell International; Bank of England; Barclays Bank; Lloyds Bank; National Westminster Bank; Lazard Brothers; TSB Group; Abbey National; Midland Montagu; Coopers and Lybrand; Unilever ; British American Tobacco Industries; British Aerospace; Th e Economist; Gerard Atkins and Co Ltd; John Swire and Sons Ltd; and Ente Nazion ale Idrocarburi (ENI). The other corporate members compris


  • o 31s t 1954. At the heart of the Bilderberg Group's formation were the Rothschilds and people like Retinger, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, Paul Rykens (the chairman of the soap and food giant, Unilever), and that man again, Averell Harr iman. The influence of Harriman on this century can hardly be overs tated, although most people will never have even heard of him. It was Harriman who arranged th e


  • 0 and 12 billion German marks every year, merely for trans porting goods and raw material s across national borders to repackage them and give the goods a 'national image'. The biggest beneficiary is Unilever, which has close family ties to the Sainsbury Supermarket Empire. Unilever increased profits in one year by 25.6%, at the same time that farming incomes in Denmark dropped by 35.3% a nd in Germany by

File: David Icke - Guide To The Global Conspiracy -


  • h and 31st, 1954. At the heart of the Bilderberg Group's formation were the Rothschilds and people like Retinger, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, Paul Rykens (chairman of the soap and food giant, Unilever), and Averell Harriman. Prince Bernhard, a close of friend of fellow Reptilian hybrid, Prince Philip, was a former Nazi SS officer and spy who worked for the chemical giant, I.G. Farben, one of the p

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret - The Book that Will Change the World (1998) -


  • iness management. This plan included breaking the power of the trades union movement and manipulating the thinking of top management. Among the corporations who hired Tavistock to do this were Shell, Unilever, the coal industry (then government owned), and a number of the leading financial institutions. Major corporations today use ‘psychologists’ and they employ ‘facilitators’ or ‘group leaders’ to run b


  • Chemical Industries; Inchscape plc; Inco Ltd; ING Group; Jardine Matheson; Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co (P & 0); Pilkington Glass; Reuters Holdings; Glaxo Wellcome; SmithKline Beecham; Unilever and Unilever NV; Vickers plc; And that is just a few of them! Each of these corporations have staggering lists of subsidiaries going on for page after page. Lonrho alone at the time of writing has 64


  • n Agents Foundation, which holds the share capital in trust, is headed by Sir David Rowe-Ham, Knight Grand Cross of the British Empire. This trust includes Barclays Bank, Standard and Chartered Bank, Unilever, Tate and Lyle, Securicor (a global operator of ‘security services’), British Telecom, the Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum (headed by Prince Charles), and the Aga Khan Foundation. The same old


  • ead of WWF-UK. 54 Other exploiters of the great African continent today include Rio Tinto, Anglo-American, Minorco, De Beers, Barclays, Shell, N.M. Rothschild, Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI), and Unilever, all, or most of whom, are reported to enjoy substantial investments by the Queen. Incidentally, Lord Melchett, the grandson of the founder of ICI, a pillar of the world chemical cartel, became head


  • am -483-6 Underground Bases - 7, 24-6, 34-7, 240, 290, 453 UN Development Programme -394 UN Environmental Programme/Agency - 236, 268, 391 UNESCO - 236, 391 UN Food and Agriculture Organisation - 394 Unilever - 378, 382, 393 United Nations (UN) - 223-4, 226, 230, 234-6, 240, 256, 267, 313-4, 325, 340, 390, 393, 397-8, 486 United States of America, Formation of - 178-96 United States of Europe - (see also

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret -


  • iness management. This plan included breaking the power of the trades union movement and manipulating the thinking of top management. Among the corporations who hired Tavistock to do this were Shell, Unilever, the coal industry (then government owned), and a number of the leading financial institutions. Major corporations today use ‘psychologists’ and they employ ‘facilitators’ or ‘group leaders’ to run b


  • Chemical Industries; Inchscape plc; Inco Ltd; ING Group; Jardine Matheson; Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co (P & 0); Pilkington Glass; Reuters Holdings; Glaxo Wellcome; SmithKline Beecham; Unilever and Unilever NV; Vickers plc; And that is just a few of them! Each of these corporations have staggering lists of subsidiaries going on for page after page. Lonrho alone at the time of writing has 64


  • n Agents Foundation, which holds the share capital in trust, is headed by Sir David Rowe-Ham, Knight Grand Cross of the British Empire. This trust includes Barclays Bank, Standard and Chartered Bank, Unilever, Tate and Lyle, Securicor (a global operator of ‘security services’), British Telecom, the Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum (headed by Prince Charles), and the Aga Khan Foundation. The same old


  • ead of WWF-UK. 54 Other exploiters of the great African continent today include Rio Tinto, Anglo-American, Minorco, De Beers, Barclays, Shell, N.M. Rothschild, Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI), and Unilever, all, or most of whom, are reported to enjoy substantial investments by the Queen. Incidentally, Lord Melchett, the grandson of the founder of ICI, a pillar of the world chemical cartel, became head


  • am -483-6 Underground Bases - 7, 24-6, 34-7, 240, 290, 453 UN Development Programme -394 UN Environmental Programme/Agency - 236, 268, 391 UNESCO - 236, 391 UN Food and Agriculture Organisation - 394 Unilever - 378, 382, 393 United Nations (UN) - 223-4, 226, 230, 234-6, 240, 256, 267, 313-4, 325, 340, 390, 393, 397-8, 486 United States of America, Formation of - 178-96 United States of Europe - (see also

File: Eustace Mullins - Secrets of the Federal Reserve (1993) -


  • ing in the most expensive medical offices area of London. The story mentions "the Freudian bias" of the Institut e, and comments that it is amply financed by British blue-chip corporations, including Unilever, British Petroleum, and Baldwin Steel. According to Business Week, the psychological testing programs and group relations training programs of the Institute were implemented in the United States by t

File: Rockefeller & Rothschild – Global Stock Data, November 2016 -


  • Figure 13. Consumer Goods, 14 November 2016. Unilever has $11 trillion USD in assets, and Procter & Gamble exceeds $6 trillion. Do these valuations and P/E ratios make sense? Figure 14. Defense and War stocks, 14 November 2016. Boeing has more than $11

File: Fluoride Deception -


  • ullenix recalls. Several months after the Washington seminar, Phyllis Mullenix sat at the table in Jack Hein ' s office with representa tives from three of the world ' s most powerful drug companies: Unilever, Colgate-Palmolive, and SmithKline Beecham. Anthony Volpe, Colgate-Palmolive ' s Worldwide Director of Clinical Dental Research, was there, and so was Sal Mazzanob ile, Director of Oral Health Resear

File: Murder By Injection - Eustace Mullins -


  • served for years as the private emissary between the Rothschilds of England and the Canada Bronfmans, who are their "cutouts" or front men in this hemisphere. Another important world chemical firm is Unilever, founded in 1894; it is now headed by Lord Hunt of Tanworth, who held many important government positions from 1946 to 1973; he is also chairman of the Tablet Publishing Company, chairman of the top-


  • British Aerospace and president of the Center for World Development and the Leverhulme Trust. Unilever owns Lever Brothers in the United States; it bought Anderson Clayton Company in 1986, Thomas Lipton Company and Lawry's Foods. The drug firms exercise a potent force in Washington through their lobby

File: Seeds of Destruction -


  • d major policy. In effect it was a consensus, but a consensus of private agribusiness, that determined WTO policy. The WTO Agreement on Agriculture, which was written by Cargill, ADM, DuPont, Nestle, Unilever, Monsanto and other agribusiness corporations,was explicitly designed to allow the destruction of national laws and safeguards against the powerful pricing power of the agribusiness giants. By 1994,

File: Smith, Jeffrey M. - Seeds of Deception, Exposing Industry and Government Lies About the Safety of Genetically Engineered Foods (2003) -


  • d in the research. Pusztai was hrther redeemed when James admitted that he had never suspected Pusztai of any wrongdoing or fraud. In April 1999, the British food industry bowed to consumer pressure. Unilever, England's biggest food manufacturer, announced it would remove GM ingredients from its products sold in Europe. "The

File: Jim Marrs - Population Control - How Corporate Owners Are Killing Us -

  • giant multinationalcorporations that control much of the food supply of the developed world:Nestlé, Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, General Mills, Kellogg’s, Mars, Mondelçz, AssociatedBritish Foods, Danone, and Unilever.These giant food corporations, which have gained dominant control over our foodsupply, are the ones most opposed to food labeling. Most families now eat mealsthat come from supermarket chains or supe

  • hilis experiment, 107TV (television), 287–89, 291, 297Tvert, Mason, 85Tylenol poisoning, 39–40UN Arms Trade Treaty, 24Uncle Ben’s Infused Rice, 130–31Unemployment, 101, 265–66Uniform Crime Report, 249Unilever, 157Union of Concerned Scientists, 149Unser, Bobby, 259Urinary stone disease (USD), 169U.S. Golf Association (USGA), 166USA Today, 74, 248User’s Guide to the Crisis of Civilization (Ahmed), 303Vaccin

File: John Coleman - Conspiritor's Hierarchy - The Committee Of 300 -


  • Grenfell—a powerful bank, director of Prudential Assurance, director of J. P. Morgan, director of the Bank of England, a board member of the Bank of International Settlements, a director of the giant Unilever conglomerate. Sir Reay Geddes, chairman of the giant Dunlop and Pirelli tyre companies, director of the Midland and Interna tional Banks, director of the Bank of England. Note how many of t hese powe

File: Media Sexploitation - The Hidden Implants In America's Mass Media -


  • . The incessant claims of the Clean corpora- tions is often couched in the language of patriotism and national loyalties: "Look at what we are doing for you! America is the cleanest nation on earth." Unilever, Procter & Gamble, Colgate-Palmolive, and their smaller competitors annually pump via the public informa- tion media over $10 billion in soaps and detergents of a hundred varieties which promise to d

File: Your Thoughts Are Not Your Own_ Mind contr - Neil Sanders -

  • uilding in the most expensivemedical offices area of London. The story mentions "the Freudian bias" of theInstitute, and comments that it is amply financed by British blue-chipcorporations, including Unilever, British Petroleum, and Baldwin Steel.According to Business Week, the psychological testing programs and grouprelations training programs of the Institute were implemented in the UnitedStates by the

File: 13bloodlines -


  • mily and to represent values, on which also a united Europe should be built. Presently the Rothschilds control, among other things; Shell, BP, Deutsche Bank, Barclays, ABN Amro, Fortis, Unilever, IBM, World Bank Group and International Monetary Fund, ING, Federal Reserve, Bank of England, Arrow Fund Curacao, J.P Morgan and many other banks and influential organizations. The Rockefeller


  • an aggressive urge for expansion, the ruling power has greatly enlarged its hold on the international market and food industry. The multinationals (Monsanto, DuPont, Novartis, Unilever, etc.) dictate the market supply and demand. They have complete control over the food industry and over almost every item of food. They determine the way our food is processed and what we eat.

File: Handbook Of International Banking -


  • Edward Elgar, 2001). David T. Llewellyn is Professor of Money and Banking at Loughborough University, UK, and Chairman of the Loughborough University Banking Centre. He has formerly held positions at Unilever (Rotterdam), HM Treasury (London), the University of Nottingham, and the International Monetary Fund (Washington). He has been a Public Interest Director of the Personal Investment Authority (London)

File: Roberts, Archibald E. - The Most Secret Science (1984) -


  • ojlna; former President of the Commission of the European Communities Julian Ridsdale, Member of British Parliament; Chairman, Anglo-Japanese Parliamentary Group Sir Frank Roberts. Advisory Director, Unilever Ltd.; Advisor on International Affairs, Lloyd's of London; former British Ambassador to Ger- many and the Soviet Union *Mary T. W. Robinson, Member of Senate, Irish Republic Lord Roll, Chairman, S.G.

File: Secret Of The Federal Reserve -


  • ing in the most expensive medical offices area of London. The story mentions "the Freudian bias" of the Institute, and comments that it is amply financ ed by British blue-chip corporations, including Unilever, British Petroleum , and Baldwin Steel. According to Business Week, the psychological testi ng programs and group relations training programs of the Institute were i mplemented in the United States b

File: Antony Sutton - Trilaterals over America -


  • t; former President of the Commission of the European Communities Ridsdale, Julian, Member of British Parliament; Chairman, Anglo- Japanese Parliamentary Group Roberts, Sir Frank, Advisory Dir ector, Unilever Ltd.; former British Ambassador to Germany and the Soviet Union Robinson, Mary T. W., Member of Senate, Irish Republic Roll, Lord, Chairman, S. G. Warburg and Co., Ltd. Roper, John, Member of British


  • reign and Commonwealth Secretary * Palliser, Sir Michael, Chairman, Sameul Montagu & Co.; former Permanent Undersecretary of Stat e, Foreign and Comm onwealth Office, London Perry, Michael, Chairman, Unilever, London Pierer, Heinrich von, Ch airman, Siemens, Munich Pinho, Ilidio de, Chairman, COLEP , Lisbon Pinto Balsemao, Francisco, Member, Portuguese Parliament; former Prime Minister Ratti, Giuseppe, Me

File: Barbara Kulaszka - 'Did Six Million Really Die' (1998) -


  • ut butter to Jewish shops. He spoke five languages: German, Polish, English, French and Yiddish. Before the war broke out, Rudolph worked for such Jewish companies as Imperial Chemical Industries and Unilever in Great Britain. (25-6651 to 6653) At the beginning of August, 1939, Rudolph, who was a German, was arrested with many other Germans by the police and taken by train to Warsaw. From Warsaw they were

File: Best Democracy Money Can Buy -


  • ’s system is masterfully efficient. One US corporate Big is paired with one European CEO for each of three dozen “sectoral” or “horizontal issue” groupings. For example, Monsanto’s Robert Harness and Unilever’s F.A.H. Vigeveno are in charge of Agri-Biotech. Here’s where the corporations get their power: both the US government and the EC assign one official each to report to an industry pair. The TA BD pai

File: Brotherhood And The Manipulation Of Society -


  • ich are useless in a Third World environment. As a result the same people control the actual food that we can eat – 90% of all food trade is in the hands of five multinationals: 50% are controlled by Unilever (who's chairman, Paul Rykens was at the heart of the formation of the Bilderberg Group) and Nestlé alone.

File: Bryson - The Fluoride Deception (history of water flouridation and why it is bad for your health) (2004) -


  • ullenix recalls. Several months after the Washington seminar, Phyllis Mullenix sat at the table in Jack Hein ' s office with representa tives from three of the world ' s most powerful drug companies: Unilever, Colgate-Palmolive, and SmithKline Beecham. Anthony Volpe, Colgate-Palmolive ' s Worldwide Director of Clinical Dental Research, was there, and so was Sal Mazzanob ile, Director of Oral Health Resear

File: Coleman - The Conspirators' Hierarchy - The Committee of 300 (1991) -


  • Grenfell—a powerful bank, director of Prudential Assurance, director of J. P. Morgan, director of the Bank of England, a board member of the Bank of International Settlements, a director of the giant Unilever conglomerate. Sir Reay Geddes, chairman of the giant Dunlop and Pirelli tyre companies, director of the Midland and Interna tional Banks, director of the Bank of England. Note how many of t hese powe

File: Conjuring Hitler - How Britain And America Made The Third Reich -


  • rcent by 1939. 86 Notwithstanding, international business kept on treating Hitler’s Germany with pattes de velours – especially the arms-makers. In 1935, an Anglo-German Society was founded ‘in which Unilever, Dunlop Rubber, the British Steel Export Association, and British Petroleum’ all participated. 87 The prestigious British manufacturer of heavy guns, armor plate and warships, Vickers-Armstrong – cur


  • 7, 63, 72, 120, 189–90, 196, 245, 246, 247 Tukhachevsky, General Mikhail, Field Marshal of the Red Army, 71, 120, 246–8, 265 Turner, General, envoy to the Baltic region, 98 Twentieth Century Fox, 197 Unilever, British chemical conglomerate, 224 USPD (Independent Socialist Party of Germany), 46, 55 Vanderlip, Frank, banker, 73 Vatican, 140, 189, 207 Veblen, Thorstein, 4, 43, 44, 46, 80–8, 90, 91, 94, 130,

File: David Icke - And the Truth Shall Set You Free, 21st Century Edition (2004) -


  • the biggest steelworks owned by the Rothschilds, like the Czech explosives, had already been handed over to Germany... "...The death warrant [for Czechoslovakia] was signed in the head office of the Unilever subsidiary in Aussig, the headquarters of the pro-Nazi clique."8


  • rica; British Petroleum; Shell International; Bank of England; Barclays Bank; Lloyds Bank; National Westminster Bank; Lazard Brothers; TSB Group; Abbey National; Midland Montagu; Coopers and Lybrand; Unilever; British American Tobacco Industries; British Aerospace; The Economist; Gerard Atkins and Co Ltd; John Swire and Sons Ltd; and Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi (ENI). The other corporate members comprise a


  • to 31st 1954. At the heart of the Bilderberg Group's formation were the Rothschilds and people like Retinger, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, Paul Rykens (the chairman of the soap and food giant, Unilever), and that man again, Averell Harriman. The influence of Harriman on this century can hardly be overstated, although most people will never have even heard of him. It was Harriman who arranged the le


  • he land of the Third World farmers. Ninety per cent of the food trade on this planet is in the hands of five multinationals. Half of our supplies are controlled by two of them, the Anglo-Dutch giant, Unilever (controlled by Bilderberg group clones), and the Nestle corporation in the Elite stronghold of Switzerland. Once again we see that 'free trade' is really cartelism, the means through which the vast d

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret - The Book that Will Change the World (1998) -


  • usiness management. This plan included breaking thepower of the trades union movement and manipulating the thinking of top management.Among the corporations who hired Tavistock to do this were Shell, Unilever, the coalindustry (then government owned), and a number of the leading financial institutions.Major corporations today use ‘psychologists’ and they employ ‘facilitators’ or ‘groupleaders’ to run busi


  • al Chemical Industries; Inchscape plc;Inco Ltd; ING Group; Jardine Matheson; Peninsular and Oriental SteamNavigation Co (P & 0); Pilkington Glass; Reuters Holdings; Glaxo Wellcome;SmithKline Beecham; Unilever and Unilever NV; Vickers plc;And that is just a few of them! Each of these corporations have staggering lists ofsubsidiaries going on for page after page. Lonrho alone at the time of writing has 640s


  • rown Agents Foundation, which holds theshare capital in trust, is headed by Sir David Rowe-Ham, Knight Grand Cross of theBritish Empire. This trust includes Barclays Bank, Standard and Chartered Bank,Unilever, Tate and Lyle, Securicor (a global operator of ‘security services’), BritishTelecom, the Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum (headed by Prince Charles), andthe Aga Khan Foundation. The same old c


  • he head of WWF-UK.54 Otherexploiters of the great African continent today include Rio Tinto, Anglo-American,Minorco, De Beers, Barclays, Shell, N.M. Rothschild, Imperial Chemical Industries(ICI), and Unilever, all, or most of whom, are reported to enjoy substantial investmentsby the Queen. Incidentally, Lord Melchett, the grandson of the founder of ICI, a pillarof the world chemical cartel, became head of


  • 39UFO Scam -483-6Underground Bases - 7, 24-6, 34-7, 240, 290,453UN Development Programme -394UN Environmental Programme/Agency -236, 268, 391UNESCO - 236, 391UN Food and Agriculture Organisation - 394Unilever - 378, 382, 393United Nations (UN) - 223-4, 226, 230, 234-6,240, 256, 267, 313-4, 325, 340, 390, 393,397-8, 486United States of America, Formation of -178-96United States of Europe - (see also Europe

File: Dope, Inc. - Britain's Opium War Against the U.S. (major expose of global drug trade) (1978) -


  • rly with Sa muel Montagu and Co.; Ministry of Economic Warfare, 1939-44; Undersecret ary, Control Office for Germany and Austria, 1945-57. Sir Frank Roberts: Member of RIIA Council; Advisory Director Unilever; Advisor on International Affairs to Ll oyds; British Embassy in Paris, 1932- 35; Cairo, 1935-37; Charge d'Affair es to Czech Government, 1943; Deputy High Commissioner to India, 1949-51; Ambassador

File: Ecoscience - John Holdren -


  • mans". Chemical and Engineering <ews , vol. 47, Nov. 24, pp. 6881. On possible sources of protein s upplement.  and D. Rosenfield. 1970. "Protein supplementa tion: satisfying man's food needs". Unilever Quarterly , vol. 54, no. 305 (March), pp. 2684. On proteinf ortified foods. Alverson, D. L.; A. R. Longhurst; and J. A. Gulland . 1970. "How much food from the sea"? Science , vol. 168, pp. 503505

File: Eringer, Robert - The Global Manipulators, The Bilderberg Group Trilateral Commission Covert Power Groups of the West (1980) -


  • th reat to Europe from the Soviet Union. From this speech grew the idea of a European Movement. Working closely with Paul Va n Zeeland, the Belgian Mini- ster for Foreign Affairs, and Paul Rijkens of Unilever, Ret- inger organised the First Congre ss of Europe at The Hague in 1948. From it sprang the Council of Europe and various national committees of the European Movement. In July 1948 Retinger made a t


  • um; former President of the Com- mission of the European Communities Julian Ridsdale, Member of British Parliament; Chairman, Anglo- Japanese Parliamentary Group Sir Frank Roberts, Advisory Director, Unilever Ltd.; former British Ambassador to Germany and the Soviet Union *Mary T. W. Robinson, Member of Senate, Irish Republic Lord Roll, Chairman, S. G. Warburg and Co. Ltd. John Roper, Member of British Pa

File: Eustace Mullins - Secrets Of The Federal Reserve -


  • ing in the most expensive medical offices area of London. The story mentions "the Freudian bias" of the Institut e, and comments that it is amply financed by British blue-chip corporations, including Unilever, British Petroleum, and Baldwin Steel. According to Business Week, the psychological testing programs and group relations training programs of the Institute were implemented in the United States by t

File: Eustace Mullins - The World Order (1st Edition, 1985) -


  • ’s Bank; 7. Peninsular & Orient Lines; 8. Cunard; 9. Midland Group – Eagle Star – Higginson (Cavendish-Bentinck); 10. P rudential; 11. Imperial Chemical Industries; 12. Bowater; 13. Courtauld’s ; 14. Unilever. Although this list shows the Rothschild group as on ly one of fourteen, in fact they hold large positions or influence in the other groups of this list. In 1982, the principal directorships held by


  • teris of Amisfield, grandson of Earl of Wemys, married to daughter of Viscount Margesson, private secretary to Queen Elizabeth, director of Claridge’s Hotel, and Connaught Hotel; Sir David Orr, chmn. Unilever; and Sidney Spiro, Hambros Bank. The principal Rothschild firm is Sun Alliance Assur ance, which Nathan Mayer Rothschild founded in 1824, with Sir Alex Bar ing, Samuel Gurney, and Sir Moses Montefior

File: Eustace Mullins - The World Order -


  • ’s Bank; 7. Peninsular & Orient Lines; 8. Cunard; 9. Midland Group – Eagle Star – Higginson (Cavendish-Bentinck); 10. P rudential; 11. Imperial Chemical Industries; 12. Bowater; 13. Courtauld’s ; 14. Unilever. Although this list shows the Rothschild group as on ly one of fourteen, in fact they hold large positions or influence in the other groups of this list. In 1982, the principal directorships held by


  • teris of Amisfield, grandson of Earl of Wemys, married to daughter of Viscount Margesson, private secretary to Queen Elizabeth, director of Claridge’s Hotel, and Connaught Hotel; Sir David Orr, chmn. Unilever; and Sidney Spiro, Hambros Bank. The principal Rothschild firm is Sun Alliance Assur ance, which Nathan Mayer Rothschild founded in 1824, with Sir Alex Bar ing, Samuel Gurney, and Sir Moses Montefior

File: FINAL WARNING - A History of the New World Order (2004) -


  • ans will have to yield up some of our sovereignty.” The Ditchley Group, which first met in May, 1982, at Ditchley Park in London, is engineering a plan by Harold Lever (a director on the Board of the UNILEVER conglomerate) to control the fiscal and the monetary policies of the United States and called for the International Monetary Fund to control the central banks of all nations. Representatives of 36 of

File: Farrow, Ronan.Catch and Kill- Lies, Spies, and a Conspiracy to Protect Predators.2019 -

  • pullout, the network’s pissed…” The channel’s partnership with the Global CitizenFestival was, Griffin often remarked, bait to entice corporate sponsors. Forweeks, we would run branded segments about Unilever or Caterpillar.“So let’s not air it,” I said.“You have to air it,” said Griffin.“Why?”“It’s part of the deal with the sponsors, with her people—”“We ran this all the way up,” his colleague said, refe

File: Final Warning - A History of the New World Order by David Allen Rivera -


  • Brock C hisholm Walter Cronkite The Ditchley Group, which first met in May, 1982, a t Ditchley Park in London, is engineering a plan by Harold Lever (a director on t he Board of the UNILEVER conglomerate) to control the fiscal and the monetar y policies of the United States and called for the International Monetary Fund to contr ol the central banks of all nations. Representatives of 36

File: Final Warning - History Of The New World Order -


  • ditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas." The Ditchley Group, which first met in May, 1982, at Ditchley Park in London, is engineering a plan by Harold Lever(a director on the Board of the UNILEVER conglomerate) to control the fiscal and the monetary policies of the United States and called for the International Monetary Fund to control the central banks of all nations. Representatives of 36 of

File: Henry Makow - Illuminati -


  • as Royal Dutch Shell, Imperial Chemical Industries, Lloyds of London, Unilever, Lonrho, Rio Tinto Zinc, and Anglo American DeBeers. It dominates the world supply of petroleum, gold, diamonds, and many other vital raw materials. These assets serve its geopolitical agenda. Its go

File: Hidden History Of Money -


  • olds including the Queen. The Club of the Isles commands an estimated $10 trillion in assets. It lords over such corporate giants as Royal Dutch Shell, Imperial Chemical Industries, Lloyds of London, Unilever, Lonrho, Rio Tinto Zinc, and Anglo American DeBeers. It dominates the World supply of petroleum, gold, diamonds, and many other vital raw materials; and deploys these assets at the disposal of its ge

File: Illuminati Handbook -


  • P epsi Cola Levi Strauss General Electric F ord Industries Sony Boeing Company Rockefeller F oundations Reader's Digest US Government International Monitary F und F ederal Reserve System W orld Bank Unilever Die Zeit

File: Informal Alliance - The Bilderberg Group And Transatlantic Relations During The Cold War -


  • s; Paul van Zeeland, the Belgian Foreign Minister; Hugh Gaitskell, a leading Labour politician and former Chancellor of the Exchequer; Major-General Colin Gubbins; Paul Rijkens, the Dutch chairman of Unilever; Ole Bjørn Kraft, a conservative Danish politician and Minister of Foreign Affairs; Rudolf Mueller, a Frankfurt-based German lawyer; and Panagiotis Pipinelis, the Greek ambassador to NATO. No journal


  • ding a great deal of time together, not only during the official discussions, but also at the dinner table and over drinks. 6 In terms of practical arrangements, Paul Rijkens made available a team of Unilever employees that prepared the conference and staffed the eight- pe rson conference secretariat. Two Philips technicians operated the spe - cially installed audio system, and four translators provided s


  • listed the help of party leaders MacMillan, Grimond, and Gaitskell (who served on the committee anyway) to write a fundraising letter to British business circles for that year’s conference in Buxton. Unilever, I.C.I. and other firms each contributed £500. 33 The overall costs for running Bilderberg were limited. For the years 1961 and 1962, the annual costs amounted to around 105,000 Dutch guilders (aroun


  • en and bankers on the committee. 29 “S trictement confidentiel,” March 1, 1956, Box 941, Van Zeeland Papers, AUCL. 3 0 Se e Meynen to van der Beugel, March 3, 1966, Box 73, Bilderberg Archives, NANL. Unilever, Holland-Amerika Lijn, Heineken, Amstel Brouwerij, Alg emene Kunstzijde Unie, and several Dutch banks contributed between 3,000–5,000 guil - ders in 1966. 31 Re tinger to Van Zeeland, February 18, 19


  • 97 Truman Administration 1, 20, 22, 36, 40–1, 66, 173 Truman Doctrine 36, 186 Tuthill, John W. (1966) 253 underdeveloped world 73–4, 144, 148–50, 159, 164, 219; see also Third World U-2 affair 213–4 Unilever 33, 62, 92, 113n30 Union of European Federalists (UEF) 19, 22 United Europe Movement (UEM) 15 United Nations (UN) 1, 40, 102, 144, 146, 152, 154, 156, 160, 162, 164–5, 183, 219–21, 232 United Nations

File: James Jackson - World's Most Dangerous Secret Societies -

  • uchthoughtfully patient gardeners at times, indeed. These days, the heads and attendees of Bilderberg conferences have includedowners from the Washington Post and New York Times; heads of IBM, Google,Unilever, Goldman Sachs, Nestle, BP and Barclays Bank; heads of the FederalReserve Bank, the World Trade Organization, the Council on Foreign Relations andthe Department of Defense; and even foreign royalty a

File: Jim Tucker - Jim Tucker's Bilderberg Diary -


  • Appendix 1 223 Sutherland, Peter D., Chairman a nd Managing Director, Goldman Sachs Internati onal; Former Director General, GATT and WTO, Ireland Tabaksblat, Morris, Chairman of th e Board, Unilever N.V., Netherlands Taylor, J. Martin, Chief Executive, Barclays Bank plc, Great Britain Trotman, Alexander J., Chairman, Ford Motor Company, USA Veltroni, Valter, Editor, L'Unita, Italy Vitorino, Anto

File: Key, Wilson Bryan - Media Sexploitation, The Hidden Implants in America's Mass Media (1976) -


  • . The incessant claims of the Clean corpora- tions is often couched in the language of patriotism and national loyalties: "Look at what we are doing for you! America is the cleanest nation on earth." Unilever, Procter & Gamble, Colgate-Palmolive, and their smaller competitors annually pump via the public informa- tion media over $10 billion in soaps and detergents of a hundred varieties which promise to d

File: New Underworld Order -


  • erian powers hold hidden levers of power and influence. This is done not to preserve tooth enamel, as was proclaimed, for instance, by an oral hygiene propaganda unit run by Gibbs Toothpaste (part of Unilever) in the 1960s, but as a means of controlling the population through mass medication, since this substance was thought to be a mechanism for the reduction of resistance to domination, cont rol and los

File: One World, Ready Or Not - William Greider -


  • yal Dutch Shell (UK/Netherlands), Ford, GM, Exxon, IBM (U.S.), British Petroleum (UK), Asea Brown Boveri (Switzerland/Swe- den), Nestle (Switzerland), Philips Electronics (Netherlands), Mobil (U.S.), Unilever (UK, Netherlands), Matsushita Electric (Japan), Fiat (Italy), Siemens (Germany), Sony (Japan), Volkswagen (Germany), Elf Aquitaine (France), Mitsubishi (Japan), GE and du Pont (U.S.). Cited in "World

File: Palast, Greg - The Best Democracy Money Can Buy (2003) -


  • ’s system is masterfully efficient. One US corporate Big is paired with one European CEO for each of three dozen “sectoral” or “horizontal issue” groupings. For example, Monsanto’s Robert Harness and Unilever’s F.A.H. Vigeveno are in charge of Agri-Biotech. Here’s where the corporations get their power: both the US government and the EC assign one official each to report to an industry pair. The TA BD pai

File: Trilaterals Over America -


  • t; former President of the Commission of the European Communities Ridsdale, Julian, Member of British Parliament; Chairman, Anglo- Japanese Parliamentary Group Roberts, Sir Frank, Advisory Dir ector, Unilever Ltd.; former British Ambassador to Germany and the Soviet Union Robinson, Mary T. W., Member of Senate, Irish Republic Roll, Lord, Chairman, S. G. Warburg and Co., Ltd. Roper, John, Member of British


  • reign and Commonwealth Secretary * Palliser, Sir Michael, Chairman, Sameul Montagu & Co.; former Permanent Undersecretary of Stat e, Foreign and Comm onwealth Office, London Perry, Michael, Chairman, Unilever, London Pierer, Heinrich von, Ch airman, Siemens, Munich Pinho, Ilidio de, Chairman, COLEP , Lisbon Pinto Balsemao, Francisco, Member, Portuguese Parliament; former Prime Minister Ratti, Giuseppe, Me

File: Dope, Inc. - Britain's Opium War Against The US -


  • rly with Sa muel Montagu and Co.; Ministry of Economic Warfare, 1939-44; Undersecret ary, Control Office for Germany and Austria, 1945-57. Sir Frank Roberts: Member of RIIA Council; Advisory Director Unilever; Advisor on International Affairs to Ll oyds; British Embassy in Paris, 1932- 35; Cairo, 1935-37; Charge d'Affair es to Czech Government, 1943; Deputy High Commissioner to India, 1949-51; Ambassador

File: L.O.O.N. - Apikorsus -


  • and use them to produce magical objects. Talismans made from photo-montages & collages, scrap tins and old radio parts. 3. Invoke the fetishes of the modern age, channel the corporate identities of 'Unilever' or 'Max Factor'. What we call sorcery, they call advertising. 4. Rituals to 'Stop the City', shoplifting, rent strikes or computer zaps are much more fun than all the usual stuff. See if you can con

File: Apikorsus -


  • and use them to produce magical objects. Talismans made from photo-montages & collages, scrap tins and old radio parts. 3. Invoke the fetishes of the modern age, channel the corporate identities of 'Unilever' or 'Max Factor'. What we call sorcery, they call advertising. 4. Rituals to 'Stop the City', shoplifting, rent strikes or computer zaps are much more fun than all the usual stuff. See if you can con

File: Apikorsus Loon -


  • and use them to produce magical objects. Talismans made from photo-montages & collages, scrap tins and old radio parts. 3. Invoke the fetishes of the modern age, channel the corporate identities of 'Unilever' or 'Max Factor'. What we call sorcery, they call advertising. 4. Rituals to 'Stop the City', shoplifting, rent strikes or computer zaps are much more fun than all the usual stuff. See if you can con

File: Valdamar Valerian - Matrix III Volume 1 -


  • Corporation, Draper Laboratories, General Space Corporation, and COMSAT Corporation. Other directors such as Philip de Zulueta have connections to Rio Tinto Zinc and the Canadian Bronfman family. 17. Unilever: Unilever was founded in 1894. It is headed by Lord Hunt of Tanworth, who is chairman of the top- secret Ditchley foundation (conduit for instructions between the governments of the US and England),


  • "future shocks environment", to use-Tavistock terminology. The Tavistock Institute, the mother of all brainwashing institutes, is funded by Rockefeller and a number of giant global companies such as Unilever. The Survey Research Center, was established by Tavistock and became the top-dog in social profiling in the US. This institution conducts psychological studies on an enormous scale, which touch on ev


  • nified Field Energy, definition of Unified Field Theory and the US Government Unified Field Transformations Unified Field Vortex, Aspects of Unified Field, definition of Unified Field, Explanation of Unilever, information about United Fruit Company, Heroin importation by United States, Gravity Fleet of Universe, Holographic Aspects of University of Washington Study, results of Unlove and Lack of Love Usef

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