Odd Fellows

Found in 52 Books

File: in_ksf -


  • ord. Mabie 50 53415 Paper 25 23421 Mystic Masonry. Buck 1.50 23181 Mystic Tie. Morris—Mackey .... 2.50 26046 Mystic Tie, 0. E. S. Paper 35 23701 New Light from ihe Gt. Pyramid, parsons 4.00 23707 New Odd Fellows Man. Grosh. Lea P’ket. 1.50 23706 Cloth, Larger Edition 2.50 23709 Morocco and Gilt. Larger Edition 3.25 23700 New Woman.~ (Burlesque) 4 copies 1.00 23712 Nuggets from King Sol.’s Mine.Scbmalz. 2.00


  • . 4.75 23841 Queen Moo’s Talisman. Cloth 1.50 23850 Queen of Sahara. (Burlestluel 6 copies 3.00 23861 Queen of the South. Macoy 40 23865 Paper 25 23870 Raflaford Drill. 0. E. 5 75 23886 Red Blood of Odd Fellowship . 1.50 23860 Review of Cryptic Masy. Warvelle. Paper .15 23901 Robert’s Rules of Order 75 23946 Rose Croix. Gilliam 1.60 23906 Rosicruciana. Clymer 3.011 23896 Rosicruclana, Cosmo Conception. Heln


  • ems 0.. iS. S.. 35000 Corner Piece, Ornamental 35200 Signet 32501 Emblematic Seal Shrine, 84000 Embossed emblem design 34001 Desert Scene 1. 0.0. F. From Emblematic Prayer. Cspiyr?gAtes. From Reck of Odd Fellowship. CejijwsgA~ec. From Golden Links. Co~iiys’zgAted From Des Vater tioser. Cq~iyr:gAted r Masonic “Hall or Fame5~ SOdOG Aldsworth, Hon. Mrs the Female Mason 30511 Anthony, Jesse B., P. G. 58. of New

File: kt_tacmanual -


  • ildlellows Chatt l-t~ltchroino. 19524 inches -! 00 James r.. Rudgely A inagitificent portrait ofotir late venel- - able’ ati(I Oittcit foved Gra d Secietary SIze 19524, - hlack stud tint 25 Genius of Odd Fellowship A rich and exquiitte haltchtotuo 19524 telit-, t5o Rehekah Soot ettir A little gcuui 6x2o inches 00 Altar of Fythiau Ktulghthiod Hatuds~tino ~uid extremely popular so U R K F Regol mon Flags and h

File: Andersons Law -


  • , 339 (1838), Walworth, Ch.; Palmer i'. Horn, 84 N. Y. 530-21 (1881): Ingraham V. Meade, 3 Wall. Jr. 43 (185S); Rogers v. Weller, 6 Biss. 168 (1870); Feit v. Vanatta, 31 N. J. E. 84 (1870); Wlnsor V. Odd Fellows' Association, 13 B. 1. 160(1880); Butler 11. Ralston, 69 (Ja. 489 (1882); Bates v. Dewson, 128 Mass. 3M (1880). = 3 Coke, *17 (1!599); Cannon v. Barry, 59 Miss. 289, 300 (1881), cases; Bannisters. Bu


  • een somewhat modified.i^ 1 Patterson v. Carneal, 3 A.. K. Marsh.* 621 (1821); Lambert v. Smith, 9 Oreg. 193 (1881). ^Livermore v. Bagley, 3 Mass. 510-U (1807). ' Jones V. Marks, 47 Cal. 246 (1874). * Odd Fellows' Savings Bank v. Banton, 46'cal. 607 (1873); Babcook v. Hoey, 11 Iowa, 377 (1860); Kokettu. Buckner, 45 Miss. 245 (1871); Eowell v. Williams, 64 Wis. 639 (1882). See N. Y. E, S. 762, § 38; 2 id. 137,


  • Pindar v. Continental Fire Ins. Co., 88 N. Y. 364 (1868). ' Bell I'. Jeffreys, 13 Ired. L. 357 (1852), Pearson, J. 6 Starksboro v. Hinesburgh, 15 Vt. 309 (1843), Eoyce, Judge. * Morrison v. Wisconsin Odd Fellows' Mut. Life Ins. Co., 69 Wis. 170 (1884), Lyon, J. See Moulor v. Ameri- can Life Ins. Co., lll'U. S. 335 (1884); May, Ins. § 295,

File: Blacks Law - 4th Edition -


  • d a "building society" (q. v.). BENEFIT CERTIFICATE. A written obligation to pay the person therein named the amount speci- fied upon the conditions therein stipulated. Green v. Grand United Order of Odd Fellows, Tex.Civ. App., 163 S.W. 1068, 1070. Also a term usually applied to policies issued by fraternal and beneficiary societies. Chandler v. New York Life Ins. Co., 194 Ark. 6, 104 S.W.2d 1060, 1061. BENE

File: Blight - Frederick Douglass; Prophet of Freedom (2018) -

  • higher attainments of “being honest, industrious, sober andintelligent,” as he also berated them for not subscribing to his newspaper. Ahectoring Douglass complained that free blacks might attend an Odd Fellows or aFreemason convention by the thousands but could not stoop to read his paper. Hebashed black preachers and churches for filling their pews on Sundays but not“meddling with abolitionism” on weekday

  • brated by“bonfires, pyrotechnics . . . music and dancing.” He cautioned Carolinians overtheir confidence about “a thing as easily done,” so he maintained they believed,“as the leaving of a society of Odd Fellows, or bidding good night to aspiritual circle.” Excitement over secession, in South and North, according tothe editor, tilted from an “undercurrent of doubt, uncertainty, distrust andforeboding.” Then

  • l#page_735]Oakes, James, 215 [ch12.html#page_215], 322 [ch16.html#page_322], 352[ch17.html#page_352]Obama, Barack, xi [toc.html#page_xi]–xii, 5 [ch01.html#page_5]Oberlin Tent, 187 [ch11.html#page_187]Odd Fellows, 193 [ch11.html#page_193], 331 [ch16.html#page_331]O’dell, Katy, 653 [ch28.html#page_653]Ohio, 187 [ch11.html#page_187]–88, 192 [ch11.html#page_192], 268[ch14.html#page_268], 269 [ch14.html#page_269]

File: Ancient Mysteries And Modern Masonry -


  • 4176 1.75 Thoughts for the Occasion. A Manual of Historical Data and Facts, Helpful in Suggesting Themes and in Outlining Addresses for the Observance of Timely or Special Occasions of the Ma- sonic, Odd Fellows and various other Orders. Compiled by Franklin Noble, D. D. 576 pgs. cloth. No. 24216 2.00 Through Silence to Realization. This work embodies a system of instruction for mental growth and attainment


  • rtle Baldwin. Munn 1.50 23411 Mystic Chord. Mabie 50 23415 Paper 25 23421 Mystic Masonry. Buck 1.50 23181 Mystic Tie. Morris-Mackey 2.50 23701 New Light from the Great Pyramid. Parsons 5.00 23707 New Odd Fellows Manual Grosh, leather 1.50 23706 Cloth. Larger Edition 2.50 23709 Morocco and Gilt. Larger Edition 3.25 23700 New Woman (Burlesque), 4 copies I.oo 23712 Nuggets from King Solomon's Mines. Schmalz 2.0


  • 23011 Odd Fellowship. His. and Manual. Ross 3.75 23013 Half Morocco 3.75 23014 Full Morocco 5.50 23736 Odd Fellowship, Official History. Canvas 3.75 2 3737 Half Morocco. Art canvas 4.75 2 3738 Full Morocco 5.50 23746


  • 23870 Ransford Drill. O. E. S 75 23886 Red Blood of Odd Fellowship 1.50 23860 Review of Cryptic Masonry. Warvelle, paper.. .15 23901 Roberts' Rules of Order t 75 23046 Rose Croix. Gilliam l.6o 23896 Rosicrucian, Cosmo Conception. Heindel 1.15 23006 Rosicrucians.

File: Born In Blood - The Lost Secrets Of Freemasonry -


  • ary o{ the English Language gives several II I definitions of lodge, including lithe meeting place of the branch Iii of a secret society" and lithe members comprising the ,branch." Thus we hear of an Odd Fellows Lodge and a Moose Lodge and easily lose sight of the fact that this purelY' Masonic use of the word provides an important clue to, just what those Secret Masons were doing. It is generally accepted!

File: Compete History Of The Antient And Primitive Rite -


  • Kts. J. Douglas, A. H. Marenus, R. H. Fargue ... ...............Trustees. A Mystic Temple, 32 nd Degree, in and for the State of New York was organized, and the following Ill. Breth ren installed, at Odd Fellows Hall, City of New York, February 5, 1869: GRAND OFFICERS Ill. Bro. Andrew M. Underhill, 33 rd ............Deg. Grand Master of Light. Ill. Bro. Benjamin S. Hill, 33 rd ..................Degree Grand

File: Encyclopedia Masonica -


  • ss and misfortunes, and at their death furnish assistance to their families. The most important of these societies, and the most efficient in its organization, is the Ancient and Independent Order of Odd Fellows. All of them seem to have borrowed their idea of mutual relief from the Masonic brotherhood. FKIENDS, ORDER OF PERFECT. A society of distinguished Masonic Savans in Germany, in the last century, the


  • an unknown or invisible Patriarch, and also a Supreme Master Elect, who are to be recognized as the legitimate governors of the Craft. The name is found also in the encampment degrees of the Order of Odd Fellows; in several of the high grades of Free- masonry, and in the 20th degree of the Councils of the Emperor of the East and West. At Paris there is an officer who bears the name of Grand Patriarch. PATRON


  • atter had with the Knights Templar. The Reformed rite was established by an assembly of Masons at Wilhelnisbad, under the auspices * In 1851 the Grand Lodge of the United States, Independent Order oi Odd Fellows, established a degree specially for the use of the wives ol the members of the order, called the Degree of Rebekah, which has become very popular throughout this country in connection \viththot widel

File: Fritz Springmeier - Watchtower And Masons -


  • l stated, "We perceive various bundles or organizations under various names, all professing love,but none of them even dreaming of union with such bonds of love. We are not forgetting the Masons, the Odd Fellows, the Presbyt erians, the Methodists, the Episcopalians, the Lutherans, the Roman Catholics, etc. But none of these claim to be such a brotherhood as our Lord has described. They do indeed clai m to g


  • beneficial organizations in general are pur ely secular, there are still other orders which combine the religious and the secular features. As we understand the matter, for instance, the Free Masons, Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, etc., perform

File: History Of Freemasonry Throughout The World Vol 5 -


  • e was Deputy Grand Master in 1887 and Grand Master in 1882- . Bro. Hattabaugh was a Royal Arch Mason and a member of the Commandery at Moscow, Idaho . He was also a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of the Woodmen of the World, and of the United Artisans . In addition, he was a Charter member of the Elks Lodge at Moscow . He held his Shrine membership with Katif Tem- ple, of Spokane, Washington


  • 504 THE GENERAL GRAND COUNCIL OF ROYAL AND to 1897 . His interest was seen in Odd Fellowship also, for he also served as Grand Master of that Order in New York . He was succeeded as General Grand Master by Companion Bradford Nichol, of Tennessee, who served from 1897 to 1900 . Companion N

File: History Of Freemasonry Throughout The World Vol 6 -


  • erefore, satisfied many needs, serving not only in its usual capacity, but also as a social centre, a church, and a club, all in one . Among its first acts, carried out in conjunction with a Lodge of Odd Fellows, was the establishment of a cemetery . For nine such years Montezuma Lodge was the only Lodge in the Territory, almost the only Lodge within a radius of a thousand miles . But it buried its roots dee


  • tion, a sketch of the his- tory of Masonic affairs in Gonzales said that Major George W . L . Fly, father of Past Grand Master W . Madden Fly, of Gonzales was at one time principal of the Masonic and Odd Fellows College of Texas, which at an early date was operated with free school funds augumented by money supplied by the Masons . Past Grand Master S . M . Bradley's History of Stanfield Lodge No . 217, of D


  • Masonic Academy, at Caldwell, built about 1849 . The Texas Masonic Institute, at Veal Station, Parker County, established in 186o . The Prairie Lea Female Institute, founded in 186o . The Masonic and Odd Fellows Academy, at Kerens, in Navarro County, established in 186o . The Tennessee Colony Masonic In- stitute, in Anderson County, established in 1858 . The Lexington Male and Female Institute, in Dallas Cou


  • e Conclave, order of Constantine, in Minnesota, and was Most Puissant Sovereign in 1 933 He is also a member of Zurah Temple of the Mystic Shrine in Minneapolis, and a member of the Order of Elks and Odd Fellows . JOHN H . MYER PLACERVILLE, IDAHO The late Brother Myer was a man of more or less local distinction in many ways, and while he was of limited schooling he grew to be a man of wide knowl- edge and ex

File: Mackey - Encyclopedia of Freemasonry Vol. 1 (1914) -


  • anical problems, and then boast of the benefits it con- ferred on science ! It is Hamlet with the part of Hamlet omitted . If then Masonry wishes to live on, and be some- thing more than a society of Odd Fellows or Druids, more lodges must be formed by educated men-and fewer by the mere publicans and other tradesmen that now found lodges to


  • hip, and the secrets connected therewith . She, being a gossip, talked about it ; the result was, that she and the king were killed by the members of the association . Obeah, see Egbo Society . 724 . Odd Fellows .-This Order was founded in England about the middle of the last century . The initiatory rites then were of the usual terrifying character we have seen practised in the ancient mysteries, accompanie


  • Order was introduced into the United States . There] are three degrees : the White, Blue, and Scarlet ; there is also a female degree, called Rebecca, and High Degrees are conferred in "Camps ." The Odd Fellows in the lodges wear white aprons, edged with the colours of their degree ; in the camps they wear black aprons similarly trimmed . Since the American prosecutions of the Freemasons, which also affecte


  • MISCELLANEOUS SOCIETIES 741 . Sonderbare Gesellen .-German societies, formed on the model of the English Odd Fellows, whose name they took, and of which the above is a literal translation . They now call themselves Freie Gesellen (Free Brethren), or Helfende BrUder (Helping Brethren) . But, unlike their English pro


  • nto England, 277 Fenians, 275 - z87, 333, Ferdinand IV ., King of Naples, 73 - VII ., King of Spain, 96,140, 172 - I ., King of the Two Sicilies, 171, 174, 181 ' Fessler's rite, 13 Fides, password of Odd Fellows, 309 Fieschi attempts life of Louis Philippe, 204 Finances, Nihilistic, 246 Findel, Masonic writer, 109 Fire, sanctuary of, 6 Sons Of, 4 Pitzgerald, Lord Edward, 272 Fleury, the actor, 63 Fontanelli,


  • iana, 200 Ob or Obi, 295 Obeah . See Egbo Obeeyahism . See Egbo " Obelisk and Freemasonry," by Dr . Weisse, 8 Observance, Relaxed, 59 - Strict, 57 Obuchoff, a Cossack, 219 Oceania, Freemasonry in, 98 Odd Fellows, 309 Ode, password, 194 Odiessa, Nihilist assassinations at, 237 O'Donnell shoots James Carey, 281 Officers of Argonauts, 94 - of Masonic lodge, 16, 17 - of Rose-Croix degree, 40 - of Royal Arch degr

File: Richard Carlile - Manual of Freemasonry -


  • ming from them a new mode of association, and making a new religion of the ol d Pagan materials, precisely upon the principle that we now see one sort of secret association springing from another—the Odd Fellows, for instance, in re- lation to the Masons ; one sect of religious association spring- ing from another, through common ignorance and fanatical but mistaken conceit of spiritual kn owledge, as Quaker

File: Scarlet And The Beast -


  • Russia: Nihilists, Anarchists, and the Soviet Union. Moslem countries: Moslem Brotherhood. America: Scottish Rite, York Rite, Eastern Star, Shriners, Odd fellows, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Science, B'nai B'rith, Ku Klux Klan, Lucis mist, O.T.O., Process Church, Church of Scientology, National Council of Churches, Council on Foreign Relations, th

File: W.G. Sibley - The Story of Freemasonry -


  • societies besides Freemasonry in its condemnation. It instructed the ordinaries of all the dioceses of the United States "to keep the faithful away from all and each of the three societies called the Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, and the Sons of Tem- perance." The first reason given was that " these so- cieties seem to have a decided influence to lead Catholics toward Freemasonry, and Freemasonry is under

File: Fritz Springmeier - Be Wise As Serpents -


  • in the B'nai B'rith, the origins of the B'nai B'rith also ties in with the Masonic Lodge. Twelve men on Oct. 13, 1843, in NYC began the Order of the B'nai B'rith. 67 Most of them were Freemasons and Odd Fellows. 68


  • asons or other occultic power s. That pattern was es tablished by the General Conference Resolution 175 in 1874. 7 Joseph Smith III said, "If th ey [church members] choose to belong to the Masons, or Odd Fellows, or any ot her secret organization, they are at liberty to do so as far as the church is concerned." 8 According to various Mason historians, many of the RLDS members ha ve been Masons. The Mason Hay

File: Fritz Springmeier - Bloodlines Of The Illuminati - Volume 1 -

  • 1984.Mauney D. Collins--Mauney Collins was State Superintendent of Schools inGeorgia. He went to Bob Jones College sometime after 1938. He was a Freemason, aGrand Master of the Georgia Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows, assoc. editor of the Ga.Odd Fellows News, and if my source is correct editor of Atlanta’s Masonicmagazine. He was in Eastern Star, and a number of other affiliated Masonicgroups. He lived at the Cap

File: Fritz Springmeier - Bloodlines Of The Illuminati -


  • 8 Mauney D. Collins--Mauney Collins was State Superintendent of Schools in Georgia. He went to Bob Jones College sometime after 1938. He was a Freemason, a Grand Master of the Georgia Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows, assoc. editor of the Ga. Odd Fellows News, and if my source is correct editor of Atlanta’s Masonic magazine. He was in Eastern Star, and a number of other affiliated Masonic groups. He lived at the

File: Fritz Springmeier - Illuminati Bloodlines -

  • 1984.Mauney D. Collins--Mauney Collins was State Superintendent of Schools inGeorgia. He went to Bob Jones College sometime after 1938. He was a Freemason, aGrand Master of the Georgia Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows, assoc. editor of the Ga.Odd Fellows News, and if my source is correct editor of Atlanta’s Masonicmagazine. He was in Eastern Star, and a number of other affiliated Masonicgroups. He lived at the Cap

File: Fritz Springmeier - The Watchtower & The Masons -


  • l stated, "We perceive various bundles or organizations under various names, all professing love,but none of them even dreaming of union with such bonds of love. We are not forgetting the Masons, the Odd Fellows, the Presbyt erians, the Methodists, the Episcopalians, the Lutherans, the Roman Catholics, etc. But none of these claim to be such a brotherhood as our Lord has described. They do indeed clai m to g


  • beneficial organizations in general are pur ely secular, there are still other orders which combine the religious and the secular features. As we understand the matter, for instance, the Free Masons, Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, etc., perform

File: Fritz Springmeier - Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines -


  • Mauney D. Collins - Mauney Collins was State Superint endent of Schools in Georgia. He went to Bob Jones College sometime after 19 38. He was a Freemason, a Grand Master of the Georgia Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows, assoc. editor of the Ga. Odd Fellows News, and if my source is correct editor of Atlant a’s Masonic magazine. He was in Eastern Star, and a number of other affiliated Masonic groups. He lived at the

File: AIDS - Biological Warfare -


  • signature. 1976 - Philadelphia. Legionnaires Disease precipitously strikes Legionnaires attending convention in downtown Philadelphia. Kills 34, makes 187 others seriously ill. Similar malady struck Odd Fellows convention at same hotel in 1974. Odd person with apparent transmitter and antenna was expelled. Informed members: "It's too late! You are all dead!" Probable scalar EM conditioning of convention wit

File: H P Blavatsky - Collected Writings Volume XII (1889-1890) -


  • s the student in his development. 18. No member of this Section shall belong to any other body, association, or organization for the purpose of mystic study or occult training, except Masonry and the Odd Fellows, if they so desire. But E. S. I NTRODUCTION 497 they must be as careful to guard the secrecy of this Section from Masons as they are to preserve the secrets of Masonry from Theosophists. The reason

File: John Coleman - Conspiritor's Hierarchy - The Committee Of 300 -


  • Churches. National Opinion Research Center. National Training Laboratories. New Democratic Coalition. New World Foundation. New York Rand Institute. NORML. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Odd Fellows. Order of St. John of Jerusalem. Order of The Golden Dawn. OXFAM. Oxford Univac.

File: Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier 1998 -


  • 8 Mauney D. Collins--Mauney Collins was State Superintendent of Schools in Georgia. He went to Bob Jones College sometime after 1938. He was a Freemason, a Grand Master of the Georgia Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows, assoc. editor of the Ga. Odd Fellows News, and if my source is correct editor of Atlanta’s Masonic magazine. He was in Eastern Star, and a number of other affiliated Masonic groups. He lived at the

File: CL_Pleading -


  • dgers, I A.ICMarsb. (Ky.) 193 (1818); Massachusetts; Bender v. Sampson, 11 Mass. 42 (1814). 80. Florida: United States Fidelity & Guaranty Co. v. District Grand Lodge No. 27 of Grand United O rder of Odd Fellows, 58 FIn. 373, 50 So. 952 (1909); Illinois: Nash v. Nash, 16 In. 79 (1854); CaIdwell v. Richmond, 64 III. 30 (1572); New York: Whitney v. Spencer, 4 Cow. (N.Y.) 39 (1825); virginia: Not tingham v. Ack


  • Morris, 555, 564 United States V. Peters, 597 United States v. Schumz, 523 United States cc Willard, 468 United States Fidelity & Guaranty Co. v. District Grand Lodge No. 27 of Grand United Order of Odd Fellows, 294 United States Printing & Lithograph Co. v, Powers, 641 & Netherlands S. Vicary v, Moore, 514 Vickery v. New London Northern 11. Co., 564 Vickery v. Sherburne, 4.93 Victors v. Davies, 350, 362, 3

File: Corpus Juris Secundum -


  • a motion for Co. v. Bell, 273 -P. 243., 134 Okl. 25 Odom v. Cedar Rapids Sav. Bank 244 P. 758, 114 Okl. 126 McAleste v. Bank of McAlester, 218 P. 839 95 Okl. 193. 18. Minn. Building Ass'n of Du luth Odd Fellows v. Van Nispen 20 N.W.2d 90 Mardorf v. Duluth Superior Transit Co., 261 N.W. 177 194 Minn. 537. 33 C.J. p 1186 note 58. 17. Cal. In re Caldwell's Estate 16 P.2d 139, 216 Cal. 694 In re Yale's Estate,


  • chards v. F. C. Matthews & Co., 239 N.W. 381, 2'56 Mich. 159 Lewis v. Beaverton Power Co., 204 N.W. 768, 231 Mich. 585 In re Knox's Estate, 190 N.W. 23S, 220 Mich. 469. Minn. Building Ass'n of Duluth Odd Fellows v. Van Nispen, 20 N.W.2d 90, 220 Minn. 504 Kundiger v. Prudential Ins. Co. of America, 17 N.W.2d 49, 219 Minn. 25 Kundi- ger v. Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., 15 N.W.2d 487, 218 Minn. 273 Eklund v. Kape


  • 29. 93. N.J. First Nat. Bank v. Stone- ley, 160 A. 764, 10 N.J.Misc. 785. 97. Ark. Hill v. Teague, 108 S.W. 2d 889, 194 Ark. 552. N.H. Lewellyn v. Follansbee, 47 A. 2d 572. Tex. Grand United Order of Odd Fellows v. Wright, Civ.App., 76 S.W.2d 1073 Oldham v. Heatherly, Civ.App., 17 S.W.2d 113. 34 C.J. p 272 note 70. Failure of counsel to disclose loca- tion Where defendant was kept in court by adjournments an


  • . 245, 32 Wyo. 461. (2) Defendant's attorney has no right to rely on counsel for plaintiff to notify him of setting of cause, in absence of agreement providing for such notice. -Grand United Order of Odd Fellows v. Wright, Tex.Civ.App., 76 S.W.2d 1073. (3) While courts frequently, and ordinarily in fact, have counsel noti- fied or called when a case is reached for trial, that is done as a courtesy 635 and no


  • ate ex rel. Sterling v. Shain, 129 S.W.2d 1048, 344 Mo. 891. K.Y. De Marco v. McConnell, 260 N. Y.S. 540, 146 Misc. 9. Okl. Tidal Oil Co. v. Hudson, 219 P. 95, 95 Okl. 209. Tex. Grand United Order of Odd Fellows v. Wright, Civ.App., 76 S. W.2d 1073. Fraud In petition to vacate Judgment for fraud evidence must be clear and convincing. In re Veselich, 154 N. B. 55, 22 Ohio App. 528.

File: bloodlines1 -


  • Mauney D. Collins --Mauney Collins was State Superintendent of Schools in Georgia. He went to Bob Jones College sometime after 1938. He was a Freemaso n, a Grand Master of the Georgia Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows, assoc. editor of the Ga. Odd Fellows News, and if my source is correct editor of Atlanta’ s Masonic magazine. He was in Eastern Star, and a number of other affiliated Masonic groups. He lived at the

File: Encyclopedia Of The Unusual & Unexplained Vol 2 -


  • Shrine, aka, The Shriners. By 1897, the Masons had about 750,000 members, and numerous other fraternal organizations such as the Knights of Columbus, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, the Odd Fellows, and the Loyal Order of Moose sprang into being. In the 1950s, the Masons reached their numerical peak in America with more than four million members. In 2001, there were about two million Masons in

File: Gould - History of Freemasonry Throughout the World Vol. 5 (1936) -


  • e was Deputy Grand Master in 1887 and Grand Master in 1882- . Bro. Hattabaugh was a Royal Arch Mason and a member of the Commandery at Moscow, Idaho . He was also a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of the Woodmen of the World, and of the United Artisans . In addition, he was a Charter member of the Elks Lodge at Moscow . He held his Shrine membership with Katif Tem- ple, of Spokane, Washington


  • 504 THE GENERAL GRAND COUNCIL OF ROYAL AND to 1897 . His interest was seen in Odd Fellowship also, for he also served as Grand Master of that Order in New York . He was succeeded as General Grand Master by Companion Bradford Nichol, of Tennessee, who served from 1897 to 1900 . Companion N

File: Gould - History of Freemasonry Throughout the World Vol. 6 (1936) -


  • erefore, satisfied many needs, serving not only in its usual capacity, but also as a social centre, a church, and a club, all in one . Among its first acts, carried out in conjunction with a Lodge of Odd Fellows, was the establishment of a cemetery . For nine such years Montezuma Lodge was the only Lodge in the Territory, almost the only Lodge within a radius of a thousand miles . But it buried its roots dee


  • tion, a sketch of the his- tory of Masonic affairs in Gonzales said that Major George W . L . Fly, father of Past Grand Master W . Madden Fly, of Gonzales was at one time principal of the Masonic and Odd Fellows College of Texas, which at an early date was operated with free school funds augumented by money supplied by the Masons . Past Grand Master S . M . Bradley's History of Stanfield Lodge No . 217, of D


  • Masonic Academy, at Caldwell, built about 1849 . The Texas Masonic Institute, at Veal Station, Parker County, established in 186o . The Prairie Lea Female Institute, founded in 186o . The Masonic and Odd Fellows Academy, at Kerens, in Navarro County, established in 186o . The Tennessee Colony Masonic In- stitute, in Anderson County, established in 1858 . The Lexington Male and Female Institute, in Dallas Cou


  • e Conclave, order of Constantine, in Minnesota, and was Most Puissant Sovereign in 1 933 He is also a member of Zurah Temple of the Mystic Shrine in Minneapolis, and a member of the Order of Elks and Odd Fellows . JOHN H . MYER PLACERVILLE, IDAHO The late Brother Myer was a man of more or less local distinction in many ways, and while he was of limited schooling he grew to be a man of wide knowl- edge and ex

File: Occult Theocrasy -


  • there shall be united only white male persons of sound health, good morals, and high character ; and further desire such rights, powers, and privileges as are now extended to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Free and Accepted Order of Masons, Knights of Pythias, et al., under and by vir- tue of the laws of the State of Georgia. 5. Petitioners desire that there shall be a supreme legislative body in whic

File: Peter Levenda - Unholy Alliance -

  • names of Section B,"Freemasonlodge-like Organizations", will show the Theosophical Society, theAnthroposophical Society, the Golden Dawn, the OTO, and the Brotherhood ofSaturn, check by jowl with the Odd Fellows, the Ancient Order of Druids,Christian Science, and something called—in English—the Independent Order ofOwls! While it might seem that the Nazis were simply banning all fraternitiesand sects, one sho

  • met himself.But the leadership of the Third Reich was replete with deranged mystics, evenafter the lodges had been shut and the camps swollen with the presence ofFreemasons, Thelemites, Theosophists, Odd Fellows, and Swedenborgians. Someoccultists were actually being freed to work for the Nazi cause (as described inthe previous chapter). And, interestingly enough, Crowley's oldpartner-in-propaganda, George V

File: Coleman - The Conspirators' Hierarchy - The Committee of 300 (1991) -


  • Churches. National Opinion Research Center. National Training Laboratories. New Democratic Coalition. New World Foundation. New York Rand Institute. NORML. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Odd Fellows. Order of St. John of Jerusalem. Order of The Golden Dawn. OXFAM. Oxford Univac.

File: Dope, Inc. - Britain's Opium War Against the U.S. (major expose of global drug trade) (1978) -


  • ship to the Scottish Rite Freemasons: "Their reunions were frequent and several of them being members of then existing secret benevolent societies and especially of the Order of th e Free Masons, and Odd Fellows, they finally concluded that a somewhat similar organization, but based upon the Jewish idea, would best obtain their object." (5) Once in operation, the B'nai B' rith effectively merged its operatio

File: Heckethorn - The Secret Societies of All Ages and Countries Vol. 1 (1897) -


  • West coast of Africa Page 301-Indian (North American) Societies : the legend of Manabozko and Chibiabos 330 331 331 331 331 332 332 333 333 333 PAGES Melanesian Societies . 723 . Mumbo-Jumbo . 724 . Odd Fellows . 725 . O-Kee-Pa . 726 . Pantheists . 727 . Patriotic Order . Sons of America . 728 . Phi-Beta-Kappa . 729 . Pilgrims . 730 . Police, Secret . 731 . Portuguese Societies . 732 . Purrah, the . 733 . P


  • anical problems, and then boast of the benefits it con- ferred on science ! It is Hamlet with the part of Hamlet omitted . If then Masonry wishes to live on, and be some- thing more than a society of Odd Fellows or Druids, more lodges must be formed by educated men-and fewer by the mere publicans and other tradesmen that now found lodges to


  • hip, and the secrets connected therewith . She, being a gossip, talked about it ; the result was, that she and the king were killed by the members of the association . Obeah, see Egbo Society . 724 . Odd Fellows .-This Order was founded in England about the middle of the last century . The initiatory rites then were of the usual terrifying character we have seen practised in the ancient mysteries, accompanie


  • Order was introduced into the United States . There] are three degrees : the White, Blue, and Scarlet ; there is also a female degree, called Rebecca, and High Degrees are conferred in "Camps ." The Odd Fellows in the lodges wear white aprons, edged with the colours of their degree ; in the camps they wear black aprons similarly trimmed . Since the American prosecutions of the Freemasons, which also affecte


  • MISCELLANEOUS SOCIETIES 741 . Sonderbare Gesellen .-German societies, formed on the model of the English Odd Fellows, whose name they took, and of which the above is a literal translation . They now call themselves Freie Gesellen (Free Brethren), or Helfende BrUder (Helping Brethren) . But, unlike their English pro


  • nto England, 277 Fenians, 275 - z87, 333, Ferdinand IV ., King of Naples, 73 - VII ., King of Spain, 96,140, 172 - I ., King of the Two Sicilies, 171, 174, 181 ' Fessler's rite, 13 Fides, password of Odd Fellows, 309 Fieschi attempts life of Louis Philippe, 204 Finances, Nihilistic, 246 Findel, Masonic writer, 109 Fire, sanctuary of, 6 Sons Of, 4 Pitzgerald, Lord Edward, 272 Fleury, the actor, 63 Fontanelli,


  • iana, 200 Ob or Obi, 295 Obeah . See Egbo Obeeyahism . See Egbo " Obelisk and Freemasonry," by Dr . Weisse, 8 Observance, Relaxed, 59 - Strict, 57 Obuchoff, a Cossack, 219 Oceania, Freemasonry in, 98 Odd Fellows, 309 Ode, password, 194 Odiessa, Nihilist assassinations at, 237 O'Donnell shoots James Carey, 281 Officers of Argonauts, 94 - of Masonic lodge, 16, 17 - of Rose-Croix degree, 40 - of Royal Arch degr

File: Heckethorn, Charles William - The Secret Societies of All Ages and Countries Vol. 1 (1897) (Scan, OCR) -


  • West coast of Africa Page 301-Indian (North American) Societies : the legend of Manabozko and Chibiabos 330 331 331 331 331 332 332 333 333 333 PAGES Melanesian Societies . 723 . Mumbo-Jumbo . 724 . Odd Fellows . 725 . O-Kee-Pa . 726 . Pantheists . 727 . Patriotic Order . Sons of America . 728 . Phi-Beta-Kappa . 729 . Pilgrims . 730 . Police, Secret . 731 . Portuguese Societies . 732 . Purrah, the . 733 . P


  • anical problems, and then boast of the benefits it con- ferred on science ! It is Hamlet with the part of Hamlet omitted . If then Masonry wishes to live on, and be some- thing more than a society of Odd Fellows or Druids, more lodges must be formed by educated men-and fewer by the mere publicans and other tradesmen that now found lodges to


  • hip, and the secrets connected therewith . She, being a gossip, talked about it ; the result was, that she and the king were killed by the members of the association . Obeah, see Egbo Society . 724 . Odd Fellows .-This Order was founded in England about the middle of the last century . The initiatory rites then were of the usual terrifying character we have seen practised in the ancient mysteries, accompanie


  • Order was introduced into the United States . There] are three degrees : the White, Blue, and Scarlet ; there is also a female degree, called Rebecca, and High Degrees are conferred in "Camps ." The Odd Fellows in the lodges wear white aprons, edged with the colours of their degree ; in the camps they wear black aprons similarly trimmed . Since the American prosecutions of the Freemasons, which also affecte


  • MISCELLANEOUS SOCIETIES 741 . Sonderbare Gesellen .-German societies, formed on the model of the English Odd Fellows, whose name they took, and of which the above is a literal translation . They now call themselves Freie Gesellen (Free Brethren), or Helfende BrUder (Helping Brethren) . But, unlike their English pro


  • nto England, 277 Fenians, 275 - z87, 333, Ferdinand IV ., King of Naples, 73 - VII ., King of Spain, 96,140, 172 - I ., King of the Two Sicilies, 171, 174, 181 ' Fessler's rite, 13 Fides, password of Odd Fellows, 309 Fieschi attempts life of Louis Philippe, 204 Finances, Nihilistic, 246 Findel, Masonic writer, 109 Fire, sanctuary of, 6 Sons Of, 4 Pitzgerald, Lord Edward, 272 Fleury, the actor, 63 Fontanelli,


  • iana, 200 Ob or Obi, 295 Obeah . See Egbo Obeeyahism . See Egbo " Obelisk and Freemasonry," by Dr . Weisse, 8 Observance, Relaxed, 59 - Strict, 57 Obuchoff, a Cossack, 219 Oceania, Freemasonry in, 98 Odd Fellows, 309 Ode, password, 194 Odiessa, Nihilist assassinations at, 237 O'Donnell shoots James Carey, 281 Officers of Argonauts, 94 - of Masonic lodge, 16, 17 - of Rose-Croix degree, 40 - of Royal Arch degr

File: Heckethorn, Charles William - The Secret Societies of All Ages and Countries Vol. 2 (1897) (Scan, OCR) -


  • West coast of Africa Page 301-Indian (North American) Societies : the legend of Manabozko and Chibiabos 330 331 331 331 331 332 332 333 333 333 PAGES Melanesian Societies . 723 . Mumbo-Jumbo . 724 . Odd Fellows . 725 . O-Kee-Pa . 726 . Pantheists . 727 . Patriotic Order . Sons of America . 728 . Phi-Beta-Kappa . 729 . Pilgrims . 730 . Police, Secret . 731 . Portuguese Societies . 732 . Purrah, the . 733 . P


  • anical problems, and then boast of the benefits it con- ferred on science ! It is Hamlet with the part of Hamlet omitted . If then Masonry wishes to live on, and be some- thing more than a society of Odd Fellows or Druids, more lodges must be formed by educated men-and fewer by the mere publicans and other tradesmen that now found lodges to


  • hip, and the secrets connected therewith . She, being a gossip, talked about it ; the result was, that she and the king were killed by the members of the association . Obeah, see Egbo Society . 724 . Odd Fellows .-This Order was founded in England about the middle of the last century . The initiatory rites then were of the usual terrifying character we have seen practised in the ancient mysteries, accompanie


  • Order was introduced into the United States . There] are three degrees : the White, Blue, and Scarlet ; there is also a female degree, called Rebecca, and High Degrees are conferred in "Camps ." The Odd Fellows in the lodges wear white aprons, edged with the colours of their degree ; in the camps they wear black aprons similarly trimmed . Since the American prosecutions of the Freemasons, which also affecte


  • MISCELLANEOUS SOCIETIES 741 . Sonderbare Gesellen .-German societies, formed on the model of the English Odd Fellows, whose name they took, and of which the above is a literal translation . They now call themselves Freie Gesellen (Free Brethren), or Helfende BrUder (Helping Brethren) . But, unlike their English pro


  • nto England, 277 Fenians, 275 - z87, 333, Ferdinand IV ., King of Naples, 73 - VII ., King of Spain, 96,140, 172 - I ., King of the Two Sicilies, 171, 174, 181 ' Fessler's rite, 13 Fides, password of Odd Fellows, 309 Fieschi attempts life of Louis Philippe, 204 Finances, Nihilistic, 246 Findel, Masonic writer, 109 Fire, sanctuary of, 6 Sons Of, 4 Pitzgerald, Lord Edward, 272 Fleury, the actor, 63 Fontanelli,


  • iana, 200 Ob or Obi, 295 Obeah . See Egbo Obeeyahism . See Egbo " Obelisk and Freemasonry," by Dr . Weisse, 8 Observance, Relaxed, 59 - Strict, 57 Obuchoff, a Cossack, 219 Oceania, Freemasonry in, 98 Odd Fellows, 309 Ode, password, 194 Odiessa, Nihilist assassinations at, 237 O'Donnell shoots James Carey, 281 Officers of Argonauts, 94 - of Masonic lodge, 16, 17 - of Rose-Croix degree, 40 - of Royal Arch degr

File: Lina - Architects of Deception - Secret History of Freemasonry (2004) -


  • e former editor of The Freemason, Roland Swerin. The new Grand Master as of September 2001 is Phys ics Professor Anders Fahlman. Since 2001 the general laws of the Or der are available to the public. Odd Fellows is, however, the largest Order in Sweden, founded on 29 October 1884 and closely connected to the freemasonry. There are 39 600 members in 168 lodges, most ly men but the 80 Rebecca lodges enrol 12 1


  • five brothers of the English Order who met in New York City in 1806, and formed Shakespeare Lodge No. 1. The founders were th ree boat builders, a comedian and a vocalist - a group befitting the name Odd Fellows. The Order of Odd Fellows was fo rmally founded by the freemason Thomas Wildey and four other members of the English Order in Balti- more, Maryland, on 26 April 1819 (Washington Lodge No. 1). In 1821


  • 1912). As the reader will recall, freemasons regard all non-freemasons as dogs. From 28 August to 1 September 1911, international freemasonry held its Second Internationale So cialist Congress at the Odd Fellows palace on Bredgade in Copenhagen . The main organizers were the freemason Walter Rathenau and the Jewish masonic lodge B'nai B'rith. Among the participants were the well-known freemasons Karl Liebkne

File: Millegan, Kris - Fleshing Out Skull and Bones, Investigations into America's Most Powerful Secret Society (2003) -


  • letter societies, because the names of nearly all of them are made up of two or three Greek letters, which are presumed to refer to mystical words or to mottoes known only to members. It is as if the Odd Fellows called themselves the "F. L. T. " Fraternity, referring to their well-known watc hwords, "Friendship, Love, and Truth." College fraternities may be classified as g eneral, local, professional, and wo


  • he attempt, Alpha Delta Phi and Chi Psi fought the faculty tooth and nail, in the press throughout the State, by means of an informed and healthy publ ic sentiment, and with the aid of Freemasons and Odd Fellows, until the rule w as rescinded. Two professors were expelled from the faculty by the Board of Rege nts and one was allowed to resign. A new president of the university was appoi nted shortly after an


  • C YCLOPEDIA of F RATERNITIES English Order of Odd Fellows had not been domestica ted more than a decade and had only a few members; the English Order of Dr uids was a newcomer; the American Improved Order of Red Men as at present or ganized, was only then t


  • a matter of fac t, some of the better known college fraternities give unmistakable evidence, to those of their members in a position to judge, of having rummaged in the bureau drawers of Freemasonry, Odd Fellowship, Forestry, the Templars, Knights of Malta, and other "orders" for ritualistic finery. Zeta Psi was founded by Fre emasons. Delta Psi, Columbia, 1847, was dressed up by some one who had access to r

File: Springmeier - Be Wise as Serpents - Christianity's Systematic Destruction (1991) -


  • in the B'nai B'rith, the origins of the B'nai B'rith also ties in with the Masonic Lodge. Twelve men on Oct. 13, 1843, in NYC began the Order of the B'nai B'rith. 67 Most of them were Freemasons and Odd Fellows. 68


  • asons or other occultic power s. That pattern was es tablished by the General Conference Resolution 175 in 1874. 7 Joseph Smith III said, "If th ey [church members] choose to belong to the Masons, or Odd Fellows, or any ot her secret organization, they are at liberty to do so as far as the church is concerned." 8 According to various Mason historians, many of the RLDS members ha ve been Masons. The Mason Hay

File: Texe Marrs - Codex Magica - Secret Signs, Mysterious Symbols, and Hidden Codes of the Illuminati -


  • Trapezoid, The Priory of Sion, The Alta Vendita, the P2 Lodge, the Solar Order of the Temple, the modern-day Knights Templar, the Vatican's Knights of Malta and Knights of Columbus, the Order of the Odd Fellows, the Order of Ahepa, the Order


  • TI 165 Fidel Castro (right) in a Masonic grip with Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Angelo Sodano. The Cuban dictator is a lifelong Freemason and is also a member of the secret order known as the Odd Fellows. Almost all the Vatican curia are Masons and cabalists and many are also Rosicrucians. (Photo: The Catholic World Report, January 1997)


  • "I GRUESOMELY SWEAR THAT I'M ON THE SQUARE" 191 Former President Jimmy Carter in Havana, Cuba, with communist dictator Fidel Castro. Castro gives a sign showing he is a member of the Odd Fellows, a Masonic affliated secret order popular in Cuba. Meanwhile, Carter presents the Dueguard of the Fellow Craft (2°). (Photo: USA Today newspaper, May 16, 2002, p. 11A) Supreme Court Justice nominee C

File: William Z. Foster - Toward Soviet America - The Book the Communists Tried to Destroy -


  • anizations that are political props of the bourgeois rule, including chambers of commerce, employers' associations, rotary clubs, Amer- ican Legion, Y.M.C.A., and such fraternal orders as the Masons, Odd Fellows, Elks, Knights of Columbus, etc." Dozens of equally ominous paragraphs from this chapter might be cited. But they can be read for them- selves — and more profitably, too; for reading them in Chapter

File: Dope, Inc. - Britain's Opium War Against The US -


  • ship to the Scottish Rite Freemasons: "Their reunions were frequent and several of them being members of then existing secret benevolent societies and especially of the Order of th e Free Masons, and Odd Fellows, they finally concluded that a somewhat similar organization, but based upon the Jewish idea, would best obtain their object." (5) Once in operation, the B'nai B' rith effectively merged its operatio

File: Codex Magica - Texe Marrs -


  • Trapezoid, The Priory of Sion, The Alta Vendita, the P2 Lodge, the Solar Order of the Temple, the modern-day Knights Templar, the Vatican's Knights of Malta and Knights of Columbus, the Order of the Odd Fellows, the Order of Ahepa, the Order


  • TI 165 Fidel Castro (right) in a Masonic grip with Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Angelo Sodano. The Cuban dictator is a lifelong Freemason and is also a member of the secret order known as the Odd Fellows. Almost all the Vatican curia are Masons and cabalists and many are also Rosicrucians. (Photo: The Catholic World Report, January 1997)


  • "I GRUESOMELY SWEAR THAT I'M ON THE SQUARE" 191 Former President Jimmy Carter in Havana, Cuba, with communist dictator Fidel Castro. Castro gives a sign showing he is a member of the Odd Fellows, a Masonic affliated secret order popular in Cuba. Meanwhile, Carter presents the Dueguard of the Fellow Craft (2°). (Photo: USA Today newspaper, May 16, 2002, p. 11A) Supreme Court Justice nominee C

File: Hoodoo Conjuration WItchcraft Rootwork (5) -


  • s fest ival downstairs for the help of the lodge . So ah 'd gone down and all de balance when dey turned out up dere , we went down to de tables . (This Sistep Ruth business is the female side of the Odd Fellows?) Yes, s ir. An' ah got down [took ill] there - after dat was over and ah 'd gone out to git in de car [someone was taking her home] then ah took de chill. Well, after the chill was over ah begun , y


  • Yes. [Calamus should be the sweet flag (Acorus calamus) .] [Fayetteville , N. Car. , (1403), 2526:3.] 2088. Lotsa times yo' do it by bein' in diff' rent offices [fraternal o rgani­zations] diff'rent Odd Fellows, Masonic, or somepin lak dat - but jes' fo' de LUCKY STAR mercy of de judge but no help but whut chew git from , yo' know . (What do they call that around here?) Hoodoo. Yo ' go down dere, now . De f



  • ir Kts. J. Douglas, A. H. Marenus, R. H. Fargue ..................Trustees. A Mystic Temple, 32nd Degree, in and for the State of New York was organized, and the following Ill. Brethren installed, at Odd Fellows Hall, City of New York, February 5, 1869: GRAND OFFICERS Ill. Bro. Andrew M. Underhill, 33rd ............Deg. Grand Master of Light. Ill. Bro. Benjamin S. Hill, 33rd ..................Degree Grand Or

File: blatter-fur-angewandte-okkulte-lebenskunst-1961 -


  • ien in Nürnberg eine Drudenzeitung, die viel Abnehmer fand und viel nachgeahmt wurde. Im Jahre 1898 gründet Christian Schuh in Deutschland eine Druidenzeitung für den wiedererstandenen Druidenorden. (Odd fellows in den USA). Aber auch in der Geschichte bekannte Organisationen leiten sich von den Drui-den und Barden her: die französischen Troubadours, die deutschen Minnesän-ger, der Albigenserorden, die Templ

File: Richard B. Spence_ Aleister Crowley - Secret Agent 666_ Aleister Crowley, British Intelligence and the Occult (2008, Feral House) -

  • hill was a Freemason (albeit a casual one), and a brother insuch secret societies as the Ancient Order of Druids (the British parentorganization of the German Druiden-Orden), the Independent Order of Odd Fellows,and the British Order of Ancient and Free Gardeners.24 None of this proves apredilection for the occult, though Churchill entertained a certain curiosityabout spiritualism, mysticism, and the like.25

File: Thomas E Bearden - AIDS Biological Warfare -


  • signature. 1976 - Philadelphia. Legionnaires Disease precipitously strikes Legionnaires attending convention in downtown Philadelphia. Kills 34, makes 187 others seriously ill. Similar malady struck Odd Fellows convention at same hotel in 1974. Odd person with apparent transmitter and antenna was expelled. Informed members: "It's too late! You are all dead!" Probable scalar EM conditioning of convention wit

File: Valdamar Valerian - Matrix III Volume 1 -


  • Justice, Knights of Malta, International Institute for Strategic Studies, NAACP, National Council of Churches, National Training Laboratories, MIT, London School of Economics, PERMINDEX, NATO, MORML, Odd Fellows, TRIADS, Stanford Research Institute, Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, Rand Corporation, Princeton University, Tempo Corp, U.S.Institute for PEace, World Council of Churches, UNITAR, Union of

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