World Federation of Mental Health

Found in 26 Books

File: Daniel Estulin - Tavistock Institute - Social Engineering The Massesl -

  • _3]The Cybernetics Group [section-0012.html#a__idIndexMarker2119]The Macy Foundation and MK-ULTRA [section-0012.html#a__idIndexMarker2164]Eugenics [section-0012.html#auto_bookmark_table_of_contents_6]World Federation of Mental Health[section-0012.html#auto_bookmark_table_of_contents_7]Transhumanist Agenda [section-0012.html#auto_bookmark_table_of_contents_8]Transhumanist Agenda & the Entertainment Industry[section-0012.html#auto_

  • years of German Journal ofPsychotherapy with Dr. M.H. Goering, Hermann Goering’s cousin and a participantin a “T4” euthanasia project: the elimination of 400,000 mental patients inGerman institutions.WORLD FEDERATION OF MENTAL HEALTHWorld Federation of Mental Health is a perfect example of this confluence ofRockefeller-CIA-Tavistock apparatus. Rees, anthropologist Margaret Mead,behavioural scientist Lawrence K. Frank, Josiah Macy

File: Daniel Estulin - TransEvolution_ The Coming Age of Human Deconstruction -

  • ain, America andthe rest of Europe, was simply renamed to the more palatable Mental HealthAssociation of Great Britain, and National Association of Mental Health of theUnited States that later became World Federation of Mental Health.Eugenics Quarterly Magazine became Social Biology, and the American BirthControl League became Planned Parenthood, which today is responsible for amassive depopulation in Africa.It is not widely know

  • 4 [index_split_008.html#filepos149970],48 [index_split_008.html#filepos161593]-49 [index_split_008.html#filepos162633],149 [index_split_010.html#filepos437897], 178[index_split_011.html#filepos519778]World Federation of Mental Health 177 [index_split_011.html#filepos518724], 179[index_split_011.html#filepos522320]World Health Organization (WHO) 59-64 [index_split_008.html#filepos202387], 68[index_split_008.html#filepos214742]Worl

File: David Icke - 1999 - The Biggest Secret -

  • Union in Bosnia, was trained atTavistock, but I have not yet been able to confirm this or otherwise at the timeof writing.In 1947, Rawlings Rees took his ‘vision’ to the United Nations and formed theWorld Federation of Mental Health with Montegu Norman, the Governor of the Bankof England who had funded and manipulated Adolf Hitler and the Nazis to power.As usual, dozens of affiliated, and centrally controlled organisations with

  • html#filepos472226], 335[../Text/index_split_040.html#filepos1190779], 389[../Text/index_split_044.html#filepos1382591]World Currency and Central Bank – 280[../Text/index_split_034.html#filepos997531]World Federation of Mental Health – 320[../Text/index_split_040.html#filepos1130960]World Government – 224 [../Text/index_split_030.html#filepos799147], 233[../Text/index_split_030.html#filepos831395], 235[../Text/index_split_030.htm

File: David Icke - 1999 - The Biggest Secret -

  • Union in Bosnia, was trained atTavistock, but I have not yet been able to confirm this or otherwise at the timeof writing.In 1947, Rawlings Rees took his ‘vision’ to the United Nations and formed theWorld Federation of Mental Health with Montegu Norman, the Governor of the Bankof England who had funded and manipulated Adolf Hitler and the Nazis to power.As usual, dozens of affiliated, and centrally controlled organisations with

  • html#filepos472226], 335[../Text/index_split_040.html#filepos1190779], 389[../Text/index_split_044.html#filepos1382591]World Currency and Central Bank – 280[../Text/index_split_034.html#filepos997531]World Federation of Mental Health – 320[../Text/index_split_040.html#filepos1130960]World Government – 224 [../Text/index_split_030.html#filepos799147], 233[../Text/index_split_030.html#filepos831395], 235[../Text/index_split_030.htm

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret - The Book that Will Change the World (1998) -


  • on in Bosnia, was trained at Tavistock, but I have not yet been able to confirm this or otherwise at the time of writing. In 1947, Rawlings Rees took his ‘vision’ to the United Nations and formed the World Federation of Mental Health with Montegu Norman, the Governor of the Bank of England who had funded and manipulated Adolf Hitler and the Nazis to power. As usual, dozens of affiliated, and centrally controlled organisations wit


  • wer, The -374-84 Witches and wizards, persecution of - 112, 166 Wizard of Oz - 326, 411 Wolfsensohn, James - 264 World Army - 227, 274 World Bank - 122, 328, 382 World Currency and Central Bank - 274 World Federation of Mental Health - 236, 313 World Government - 218, 227,229, 230, 235, 274, 276, 314 World Trade Organisation - 122, 264 World War I - 220-4, 227, 243-4, 275, 318, 371-2, 377, 380 World War II - 221, 226, 228-35, 240

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret -


  • on in Bosnia, was trained at Tavistock, but I have not yet been able to confirm this or otherwise at the time of writing. In 1947, Rawlings Rees took his ‘vision’ to the United Nations and formed the World Federation of Mental Health with Montegu Norman, the Governor of the Bank of England who had funded and manipulated Adolf Hitler and the Nazis to power. As usual, dozens of affiliated, and centrally controlled organisations wit


  • wer, The -374-84 Witches and wizards, persecution of - 112, 166 Wizard of Oz - 326, 411 Wolfsensohn, James - 264 World Army - 227, 274 World Bank - 122, 328, 382 World Currency and Central Bank - 274 World Federation of Mental Health - 236, 313 World Government - 218, 227,229, 230, 235, 274, 276, 314 World Trade Organisation - 122, 264 World War I - 220-4, 227, 243-4, 275, 318, 371-2, 377, 380 World War II - 221, 226, 228-35, 240

File: None Dare Call It Education -


  • The term "mental disorder" means different things to different people. What do th e mental health "experts" who apply the label mean? Li sten to the words of Dr. G. Brock Chisholm, first head of the World Federation of Mental Health. Later he became head of the World Health Organization of the United Nations. His ad- dress, sponsored by th e William Alanson White Psychiatric Foundation, was delivered in October 1945, in Washingt


  • onal child of the future." Drs. Chisholm and Pierce cannot be written off as "two isolated crackpots." Af ter expressing these views widely and frequently fifty years ago, Chisholm became head of the World Federation of Mental Health and the

File: Mind Control, World Control -


  • The foundation was headed by Black Chamber alumnus Gene ral Marlborough Churchill. The Macy Foundation's medica l director during 1954-55 was Frank Fremont-Smith, also a pres ident of General Reese's World Federation of Mental Health. [4] The recollections of an intelligence officer detail ed in a CIA memorandum flesh out the scope of the MKULTRA proje ct: 17 January 1975 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: MKULTRA 1. The followin

File: Jim Keith - Mass Control -


  • nstitute, a long term collaboration between British military intelligence and psychiatry. NAMH and Tavistock convened an International Congress of Mental Health at the Ministry of Health in London. A World Federation of Mental Health was formed there to coordinate planetary psychological operations. The head of the World Federation was chosen: Brigadier General Dr. John Rawlings Reese, who was also the head of Tavistock. Co-direc


  • al “a good source for human guinea pigs.” During the 1950s Cameron was anything but a rogue researcher; he was one of the most influential shrinks on the planet, founding the Canadian division of the World Federation of Mental Health with his friend, Tavistock’s Brigadier General John Rawlings Reese. Cameron became president of many major psychiatric organizations, including the Canadian, American, and World Psychiatric Organizat

File: Jim Keith - Mass Control -


  • nstitute, a long term collaboration between British military intelligence and psychiatry. NAMH and Tavistock convened an International Congress of Mental Health at the Ministry of Health in London. A World Federation of Mental Health was formed there to coordinate planetary psychological operations. The head of the World Federation was chosen: Brigadier General Dr. John Rawlings Reese, who was also the head of Tavistock. Co-direc


  • al “a good source for human guinea pigs.” During the 1950s Cameron was anything but a rogue researcher; he was one of the most influential shrinks on the planet, founding the Canadian division of the World Federation of Mental Health with his friend, Tavistock’s Brigadier General John Rawlings Reese. Cameron became president of many major psychiatric organizations, including the Canadian, American, and World Psychiatric Organizat

File: John Coleman - Tavistock Institute Of Human Relations -


  • l Operation E xecutive (SOE) (later known as MI6) dictated policy to the U nited States Armed Forces in matters of psychological war fare. Toward the end of the war, Tavistock personnel took over the World Federation of Mental Health and the Psycholog ical Warfare Division of the Supreme Headquarters, Allie d Expeditionary Force (SHAEF) in Europe. Tavistock's chief theoretician, Dr. Kurt Lewin, cam e to the United States to organ

File: Michael Tsarion - Atlantis, Alien Visitation And Genetic Manipulation -


  • 6 U.S. turns over 2/3 of Germany’s aircraft manufacturing to Russia. 1946 World Federation on Mental Health created. The term “eugenics,” because of its association with Nazi Germany, is dropped. The World Federation of Mental Health continues to support electroshock, lobotomy, mind control, and other similar activities. It employs many who were involved in such prac- tices in Nazi Germany. 1946 John D. Rockefeller, Jr. donates $

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret - The Book that Will Change the World (1998) -


  • Union inBosnia, was trained at Tavistock, but I have not yet been able to confirm this orotherwise at the time of writing.In 1947, Rawlings Rees took his ‘vision’ to the United Nations and formed theWorld Federation of Mental Health with Montegu Norman, the Governor of the Bank ofEngland who had funded and manipulated Adolf Hitler and the Nazis to power. Asusual, dozens of affiliated, and centrally controlled organisations with


  • ealth/Power, The -374-84Witches and wizards, persecution of - 112,166Wizard of Oz - 326, 411Wolfsensohn, James - 264World Army - 227, 274World Bank - 122, 328, 382World Currency and Central Bank - 274World Federation of Mental Health - 236,313World Government - 218, 227,229, 230, 235,274, 276, 314World Trade Organisation - 122, 264World War I - 220-4, 227, 243-4, 275, 318,371-2, 377, 380World War II - 221, 226, 228-35, 240, 256,3

File: Millegan, Kris - Fleshing Out Skull and Bones, Investigations into America's Most Powerful Secret Society (2003) -


  • o U.S. strategic activities. Walter Carpenter and Prescott Bush were fellow activi sts in the Mental Hygiene Society. Originating at Yale University in 1908, th e movement had been organized into the World Federation of Mental Health by Montagu No rman, himself a frequent mental patient, former Brown Brothers partner and Bank of Eng land Governor. Norman had ippointed as the federation's chairman, Brigadier Jo hn Rawlings Rees, d

File: Tavistock Institute Of Human Relations - Shaping Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political, Economic Decline of USA -


  • l Operation E xecutive (SOE) (later known as MI6) dictated policy to the U nited States Armed Forces in matters of psychological war fare. Toward the end of the war, Tavistock personnel took over the World Federation of Mental Health and the Psycholog ical Warfare Division of the Supreme Headquarters, Allie d Expeditionary Force (SHAEF) in Europe. Tavistock's chief theoretician, Dr. Kurt Lewin, cam e to the United States to organ

File: Gale Encyclopedia Of Psychology -


  • 54 and also held a number of visiting professorships elsewhere. Mead was also the chairperson of the Social Sciences di- vision of Fordham University beginning in 1968. She served as president of the World Federation of Mental Health (1956-57), the American Anthropological Associ- ation (1960), and the American Association for the Ad- v ancement of Science (1975). Beginning in the 1960s, Mead’s influence expanded to include a wid

File: CS_Course -


  • s these men apparently gave Hitler to the world as their puppet. They tortured, maimed and slaughtered over 12,000,000 Germans in death camps. At the end of World War II these ex-tremists formed the "World Federation of Mental Health," which enlisted the American Psy-chiatric Association and the American Medical Association and established "National Asso-ciations for Mental Health" over the world, cowed news media, smashed any ne

File: Data_Eval_Course -


  • yee of CIA was "vetted" before employment by members of two organizations connected to Russia! The "American" Psychological Association and the "American" Psychiatric Asso-ciation are directed by the World Federation of Mental Health founded by Brock Chisholm, the companion of Alger Hiss and Whittaker Chambers, the famous US communist traitors. And the US government pays the WFMH to hold congresses which are attended by Russian K


  • s these men apparently gave Hitler to the world as their puppet. They tortured, maimed and slaughtered over 12,000,000 Germans in death camps. At the end of World War II these ex-tremists formed the "World Federation of Mental Health," which enlisted the American Psy-chiatric Association and the American Medical Association and established "National Associ-ations for Mental Health" over the world, cowed news media, smashed any ne

File: Elementary_Evaluators_Course__Data_Series -


  • yee of CIA was "vetted" before employment by members of two organizations connected to Russia! The "American" Psychological Association and the "American" Psychiatric Asso-ciation are directed by the World Federation of Mental Health founded by Brock Chisholm, the companion of Alger Hiss and Whittaker Chambers, the famous US communist traitors. And the US government pays the WFMH to hold congresses which are attended by Russian K


  • s these men apparently gave Hitler to the world as their puppet. They tortured, maimed and slaughtered over 12,000,000 Germans in death camps. At the end of World War II these ex-tremists formed the "World Federation of Mental Health," which enlisted the American Psy-chiatric Association and the American Medical Association and established "National Asso-ciations for Mental Health" over the world, cowed news media, smashed any ne


  • yee of CIA was "vetted" before employment by members of two organizations connected to Russia! The "American" Psychological Association and the "American" Psychiatric Asso-ciation are directed by the World Federation of Mental Health founded by Brock Chisholm, the companion of Alger Hiss and Whittaker Chambers, the famous US communist traitors. And the US government pays the WFMH to hold congresses which are attended by Russian K


  • s these men apparently gave Hitler to the world as their puppet. They tortured, maimed and slaughtered over 12,000,000 Germans in death camps. At the end of World War II these ex-tremists formed the "World Federation of Mental Health," which enlisted the American Psy-chiatric Association and the American Medical Association and established "National Asso-ciations for Mental Health" over the world, cowed news media, smashed any ne

File: HSDC__Hubbard_Standard_Dianetics_Course -


  • ever helped anyone but it makes incurable invalids. Illegal seizure of anyone and his torture is legal in most “civilized countries”. MASTERS The psychiatrist has masters. His principal organization, World Federation of Mental Health, and its members, the National Associations of Mental Health, the “American” Psychi-atric Association and the “American” Psychological Association are directly connected to Russia. Even the British B

File: Technical Dictionary -


  • WELL DONE BY EXAMS, if the exam form F/Ned, but the admin is not okay andthe session actions were not okay the C/S writes “well done by exam.”(HCOB 5 Mar 71)WFMH, World Federation of Mental Health. (Aud 71 ASHO)WF-l, 1. why finding drill-one. (BTB 2 Sept 72R) 2. WF-2, why findingdrill-two. (BTB 2 Sept 72 II)WH (W/H), withhold. (HCOB 23 Aug 65)WHAT QUESTION, the formulation of the what question



  • mployee of CIA was ìvettedî beforeemployment by members of two organizations connected to Russia! The ìAmericanîPsychological Association and the ìAmericanî Psychiatric Association are directed bythe World Federation of Mental Health founded by Brock Chisholm, the companion ofAlger Hiss and Whittaker Chambers, the famous US communist traitors. And the USgovernment pays the WFMH to hold congresses which are attended by Russian KGB

File: Tech Bull 10 Case Supervisor Series -


  • worksheet must show truthfully all words F/Ned, folder, VIII-96, 303, 304; IX482; X-247VIII-303world conqueror operates with a perverted dynamic,worksheets must be placed in folders, VIII-303, I-35304World Federation of Mental Health, VII-113worksheets must go into pc’s folder, IX482world, toward a saner; see Child DianeticsYellow Sheet, sheet detailing each correction listworry is the most easily dramatized O/W, IV-187or set of

File: Keith - Mind Control, World Control - The Encyclopedia of Mind Control (1998) -


  • s. The foundation was headed by Black Chamber alumnus General Marlborough Churchill. The Macy Foundation's medical director during 1954-55 was Frank Fremont-Smith, also a president of General Reese's World Federation of Mental Health. [4] The recollections of an intelligence officer detailed in a CIA memorandum flesh out the scope of the MKULTRA project: 17 January 1975 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: MKULTRA 1. The following


  • he Rockefeller Foundation, the OSS, and later, the CIA. Cameron's training was at the Royal Mental Hospital in Glasgow, Scotland, under Sir David Henderson, a eugenicist. Cameron went on to found the World Federation of Mental Health's Canadian division, in association with his friend, Tavistock's Brigadier General John Rawlings Rees, and to become arguably the most influential psychiatrist on the planet. He became president of j

File: Valdamar Valerian - Matrix III Volume 1 -


  • rategic ac- Yivities. 8 - -. Walter Carpenter and Prescott Bushwere fel- low activists in the Mental Hygiene Society.. Yale University in 1908, the movement had been organized into the World Federation of Mental Health by Montague Nor- man, himself a fkequent mental patient, former: Brown Brothers partner and Bank of England Governor. Norman had appointed as the feder- ation's chairman, Brigadier John Rawlings Rees

File: Valdamar Valerian - Matrix III Volume 2 -


  • New York. US turns over 213 of Germanys aircraft manufacturing to Russia. World Federation on Mental Health created. The term "eugenics", because of its association with Nazi Germany, is dropped. The World Federation of Mental Health continues to support electroshock, lobotomy, mind control and other similar activities. It employs many who were involved in such practices in Nazi Germany. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Donates $8 millio

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