
Found in 104 Books

File: Webster Tarpley - 9-11 Synthetic Terror -


  • k who was also working for the Federation of American Scientists. Rosenberg’s work was enthusiastically supported by the Stockholm International Peace Institute (SIPRI), and the radical ecologists of Greenpeace. The FBI orchestrated a series of derogatory leaks about Rosenberg, suggesting that a gang/counter-gang operation might be in progress. Rosenberg’s basic thesis was that the anthrax attacks were the

File: Anarchy Works - Peter Gelderloos -


  • to pull out of South Africa. In 1995, when Shell wanted to dump an old oil rig in the North Sea, it was forced to abandon its plans by protests in Denmark and the UK, an occupation of the oil rig by Greenpeace activists, and a fire bombing and a shooting attack against Shell stations in two different cities in Germany as well as a boycott that lowered sales by ten percent in that country. 67 Efforts such a

File: Anarchy Works - Peter Gelderloos -


  • to pull out of South Africa. In 1995, when Shell wanted to dump an old oil rig in the North Sea, it was forced to abandon its plans by protests in Denmark and the UK, an occupation of the oil rig by Greenpeace activists, and a fire bombing and a shooting attack against Shell stations in two different cities in Germany as well as a boycott that lowered sales by ten percent in that country. 67 Efforts such a

File: Bruce H. Lipton - The biology of belief_ unleashing the power of consciousness, matter and miracles-Mountain of Love_Elite Books (2005) -

  • s, their gloom had turnedinto quiet despair. In profound silence, I looked out over the students and theylooked back at me. I experienced an internal ache—the class collectivelyresembled one of those Greenpeace pictures of wide-eyed baby seals just beforeheartless fur traders club them to death.My heart welled. Perhaps the salt air and sweet scents had already made me moremagnanimous. In any case, unexpecte

File: Bruce Lipton - The Biology Of Belief -


  • gloom had turned into quiet despair. In profound silence, I looked au t over the students and they looked back at me. I experienced an internal ache - the class col- lectively resembled one of those Greenpeace pictures of wide-eyed baby seals just before heartless fur traders club them to death. My heart welled. Perhaps the salt air and sweet scents had already made me more magnanimous. In any case, unexpe

File: Daniel Estulin - Tavistock Institute - Social Engineering The Massesl -

  • ks.54 The goal was “to trigger a bloody civil war and prevent the end of the apartheidsystem and the reintegration of South Africa into the world community.”55WWF and its direct action terrorist arm, Greenpeace, as well as like-mindedgroups are not just some lunatic fringe that can easily be ignored; they are theshock troops of the oligarchy in their fight against humany. “Malthusian” lawsimilar to what was

File: Daniel Estulin - TransEvolution_ The Coming Age of Human Deconstruction -

  • solution that, “the society should pursue eugenics byless obvious means.” This meant “planned parenthood” and the environmentalistmovement. The World Wildlife Fund and its direct action terrorist arm,Greenpeace, as well as like-minded groups are not just a lunatic fringe that caneasily be ignored; they are the shock troops of the oligarchy in their fightagainst humanity.Every population control policy has b

File: Daniel Pinchbeck - How Soon is Now -

  • ree love’ community, started byGerman radicals, in rural Portugal. I helped organize a summit on climate changeat Facebook headquarters in Palo Alto, with slick marketing geniuses andnon-profits like Greenpeace and We failed to convince Zuckerberg’sminions to support the ecological movement with more than tokenism.As much as I could, I sought to influence the influencers. Particularly, Ithought dri

  • xamples of ongoing global movements are Transition Town, the ZeitgeistMovement, the Global Eco-Village Network and the World Social Forum. There arealso non-profits like Rainforest Action Network and Greenpeace. I admit I amterrible at joining things, but many of these organizations do great work.• Join a community, or start one with your friends. I currently know many groupsbuying land or buildings togethe

File: Daniel Pinchbeck - Toward 2012 Perspectives On The Next Age -


  • site, and if you could control who has access to your profi le information based on criteria that you set (for instance, if you only want to reveal your environmental activism to certified members of Greenpeace), that would greatly increase your opportunity to link with others. After all, that’s basically how it works in meat space (or, as some refer to it, r eal life). You don’t leave your identity at the


  • writing source code for democracy run into a cute girl you met at a Greenpeace rally, you don’t have to tell ev eryone present that you’re a Greenpeace member. You always carry experiences from different parts of your life with you, and you can be se - lective about what aspect

File: David Icke - 1990 - It Doesn’t Have To Be Like This -


  • of the impact humans were having from that early age, but it was a long time before I realised just how massive and potentially lethal that impact could be. I received a leaflet through the post from Greenpeace. I was


  • ining us like never before. We are setting the agenda and we will continue to do so because the Earth will demand it. The world will have a green future or no future. There was something else in that Greenpeace leaflet I have never forgotten. The Greenpeace ship, the Rainbow Warrior, so bravely bombed by the French in Auckland Harbour, got its name from an ancient Red Indian legend which was quite mind- blo


  • n't tell the New Zealand govern- ment because it had refused to allow U.S. ships carrying nuclear weapons into New Zealand ports. It didn't matter that a foreign power, France, was planning to bomb a Greenpeace ship full of innocent people. The New Zealanders had not done as America wanted, so they had to be taught a lesson. What do you think they would try to do to the Green Party if we got close to govern

File: David Icke - 1993 - Heal The World -

  • Useful AddressesFountain International: PO Box 52, Torquay, Devon TQ2 8PECollege of Psychic Studies: 16 Queensberry P1, London SW7 2EBFriends of the Earth: 26–28 Underwood St, London N1 7JQGreenpeace UK: Canonbury Villas, London N1 2PNNational Federation of Spiritual Healers: Old Manor Farm Studios, Church St,Sunbury-on-Thames, MiddlesexPlease send a stamped addressed envelope with all correspond

File: David Icke - 1995 - And The Truth Shall Set You Free -

  • n’t that something? And by the way I’ve got> the whole conference on tape.”I tried to track down the World Conservation Bank in 1995 and no-one seemed tohave heard of it. I rang Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, and the BritishGovernment’s Environment Department, and they all scratched their heads. I rangthe United Nations Environment Agency and at first they acknowledged the namebefore returning to the pho

  • .html#filepos948200]‘greenbacks’ money 43 [../Text/index_split_012.html#filepos184334], 225[../Text/index_split_020.html#filepos864735]Greene, Jerome D. 86 [../Text/index_split_014.html#filepos344560]Greenpeace 244 [../Text/index_split_020.html#filepos933671]Greenspan, Alan 159 [../Text/index_split_017.html#filepos622723], 238[../Text/index_split_020.html#filepos911987]Gregg, Donald 286 [../Text/index_split

File: David Icke - 1995 - And The Truth Shall Set You Free -

  • n’t that something? And by the way I’ve got> the whole conference on tape.”I tried to track down the World Conservation Bank in 1995 and no-one seemed tohave heard of it. I rang Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, and the BritishGovernment’s Environment Department, and they all scratched their heads. I rangthe United Nations Environment Agency and at first they acknowledged the namebefore returning to the pho

  • .html#filepos948200]‘greenbacks’ money 43 [../Text/index_split_012.html#filepos184334], 225[../Text/index_split_020.html#filepos864735]Greene, Jerome D. 86 [../Text/index_split_014.html#filepos344560]Greenpeace 244 [../Text/index_split_020.html#filepos933671]Greenspan, Alan 159 [../Text/index_split_017.html#filepos622723], 238[../Text/index_split_020.html#filepos911987]Gregg, Donald 286 [../Text/index_split

File: David Icke - 1999 - The Biggest Secret -

  • il (ARCO). Hiscompany has a pyramid with a missing capstone as its logo. Anderson was a funderof the environmental group, Friends of the Earth, which, at the highest level,interlocks with others like Greenpeace, WWF, the Sierra Club, SurvivalInternational, Earth First, World Resources Institute, the Zoological Society ofLondon, Royal Geographical Society, Nature Conservancy, the Flora and FaunaPreservation

  • ex_split_014.html#filepos244189], 100[../Text/index_split_016.html#filepos383206], 414[../Text/index_split_046.html#filepos1475921]Greenhouse Effect – 486 [../Text/index_split_048.html#filepos1729349]Greenpeace – 398 [../Text/index_split_044.html#filepos1415137], 400[../Text/index_split_044.html#filepos1422966]Greenspan, Alan – 270 [../Text/index_split_034.html#filepos959316]-1[../Text/index_split_010.html#

File: David Icke - 1999 - The Biggest Secret -

  • il (ARCO). Hiscompany has a pyramid with a missing capstone as its logo. Anderson was a funderof the environmental group, Friends of the Earth, which, at the highest level,interlocks with others like Greenpeace, WWF, the Sierra Club, SurvivalInternational, Earth First, World Resources Institute, the Zoological Society ofLondon, Royal Geographical Society, Nature Conservancy, the Flora and FaunaPreservation

  • ex_split_014.html#filepos244189], 100[../Text/index_split_016.html#filepos383206], 414[../Text/index_split_046.html#filepos1475921]Greenhouse Effect – 486 [../Text/index_split_048.html#filepos1729349]Greenpeace – 398 [../Text/index_split_044.html#filepos1415137], 400[../Text/index_split_044.html#filepos1422966]Greenspan, Alan – 270 [../Text/index_split_034.html#filepos959316]-1[../Text/index_split_010.html#

File: David Icke - 2010 - Human Race Get Off Your Knees -


  • ing your propaganda are pressured to follow the rules to the letter, or even face new rules to shut them up. This has created a fantastically distorted perception of what is happening to the climate. Greenpeace International Executive Director, Gerd Leipold, was forced to admit that a press release claiming that Arctic ice would disappear by 2030 could not be substantiated, but he said that he did not apolo


  • t Britain see United Kingdom Great Flood, the 46-8, 208 Great Idol of liahuanaco, The (Bellamy) 313 Greeg, Dr Steven 315 Green movement. the 181-3 Green Party (UK) 22-4, 29,189 Greenberg, Maurice 150 Greenpeace 185 Greenspan, Alan 94, 94, 144-5, 145,146-7,257-8,307 Greys, the 211,223,228,293,426, 427 Griffin, Nick 612, 613-14 Griffin, Webster 157 Grof, Stanislav 329-30 Grose, Peter 128 Group of Thirty 15.3-

File: David Icke - 2010 - Human Race Get Off Your Knees -


  • ing your propaganda are pressured to follow the rules to the letter, or even face new rules to shut them up. This has created a fantastically distorted perception of what is happening to the climate. Greenpeace International Executive Director, Gerd Leipold, was forced to admit that a press release claiming that Arctic ice would disappear by 2030 could not be substantiated, but he said that he did not apolo


  • t Britain see United Kingdom Great Flood, the 46-8, 208 Great Idol of liahuanaco, The (Bellamy) 313 Greeg, Dr Steven 315 Green movement. the 181-3 Green Party (UK) 22-4, 29,189 Greenberg, Maurice 150 Greenpeace 185 Greenspan, Alan 94, 94, 144-5, 145,146-7,257-8,307 Greys, the 211,223,228,293,426, 427 Griffin, Nick 612, 613-14 Griffin, Webster 157 Grof, Stanislav 329-30 Grose, Peter 128 Group of Thirty 15.3-

File: David Icke - 2012 - Remember Who You Are -

  • w with theIPCC that it won’t be. That figure of ‘80 per cent’ was taken directly from apaper called ‘Energy Evolution 2010 – a Sustainable World Energy Outlook’,primarily written by … Sven Teske from Greenpeace and Christine Lins of theEuropean Renewable Energy Council (EREC). This claims to be ‘the united voice ofthe European renewable energy industry’. The organisation represents the verycompanies that wo

  • ess we announce disasters, no one will listen – Sir John Houghton, first> chairman of IPCC. > It doesn’t matter what is true; it only matters what people believe is true –> Paul Watson, co-founder of Greenpeace. > We’ve got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of global> warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and> environmental policy – Timothy Wirth, Presid

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception - Part Two -

  • e and his taxexempt foundation is his vehicle on the basis thatmoney talks. Even leading environmentalists oppose what Gates is doing with thesulphur experiment. Doug Parr, the chief UK scientist for Greenpeace, describedit as ‘outlandish’ and ‘dangerous’. Funnily enough the putrid smell of sulphuris commonly reported by people during interactions and abductions by theArchontic entities in their various for

  • essboard, The (Brzezinski) 404Gray, Dr Vincent 652–3Great Fire of London 385Great Flood, the 63, 65–6, 178Greece 10, 64, 76, 177–8, 231, 358, 541, 554, 559, 565Green, Damien 801Greenberg, Patricia 469Greenpeace 645, 648Greenspan, Alan 267–8, 494, 548–9Greenwald, Glenn 567Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) 384–5Gregorian calendar 57–8Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin (GZK) phenomena 100, 101Greys, the 72, 78, 81–2, 94, 138–9gr

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception -


  • and his taxexempt foundation is his vehicle on the basis that money talks. Even leading environmentalists oppose what Gates is doing with the sulphur experiment. Doug Parr, the chief UK scientist for Greenpeace, described it as ‘outlandish’ and ‘dangerous’. Funnily enough the putrid smell of sulphur is commonly reported by people during interactions and abductions by the Archontic entities in their various


  • so much, but unfortunately it isn’t. We are truly in the land of crazies except that, deep in the rabbit hole, they know it is crazy and only a means to an end. Even Dr Patrick Moore, a co-founder of Greenpeace, has


  • the Freedom of Information Act, but the Climate Unit said that this data had been ‘lost’. Bloody liars. Gerd Leipold, the International Executive Director of Greenpeace, admitted that a press release claiming that Arctic ice would disappear by 2030 could not be substantiated. These global warmers think of a number and double it, then think of a climate disaster and


  • d, The (Brzezinski) 404 Gray, Dr Vincent 652–3 Great Fire of London 385 Great Flood, the 63, 65–6, 178 Greece 10, 64, 76, 177–8, 231, 358, 541, 554, 559, 565 Green, Damien 801 Greenberg, Patricia 469 Greenpeace 645, 648 Greenspan, Alan 267–8, 494, 548–9 Greenwald, Glenn 567 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) 384–5 Gregorian calendar 57–8 Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin (GZK) phenomena 100, 101 Greys, the 72, 78, 81–2, 94, 1

File: David Icke - 2016 - Phantom Self -


  • Postscript Updates historical experience. Greenpeace Co- Founder Dr Patrick Moore i,aid: 'We are deaLing with pure political propaganda that has nothing to do with science.' But instead of li~tening to scientists who produce evidence to expose the said

File: David Icke - 2016 - Phantom Self -


  • Postscript Updates historical experience. Greenpeace Co- Founder Dr Patrick Moore i,aid: 'We are deaLing with pure political propaganda that has nothing to do with science.' But instead of li~tening to scientists who produce evidence to expose the said

File: David Icke - 2019 - The Trigger -


  • y the way, without a greenhouse effect and carbon dioxide (C02) there would be no human life. agenda and from this has come the human-caused 'global warming' hoax which is being used to do just that. Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore described it as 'the greatest scam in history', but he's a rare sane voice in the mob-rule that the environmental movement has become. American meteorologist Joe Bastardi sai

File: David Icke - 2019 - The Trigger -


  • y the way, without a greenhouse effect and carbon dioxide (C02) there would be no human life. agenda and from this has come the human-caused 'global warming' hoax which is being used to do just that. Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore described it as 'the greatest scam in history', but he's a rare sane voice in the mob-rule that the environmental movement has become. American meteorologist Joe Bastardi sai

File: David Icke - And The Truth Shall Set You Free -


  • cess to these reports in his job at the Foreign Office. According to Dr Little, the Rothschilds now c ontrol 80% of world uranium supplies. 26 I stress that I am not a ttacking Friends of the Ea rth, Greenpeace, and the environmental movement in general. They have done some good work overall. I am merely pointing out that they can, and are, used to promote th e New World Order, mostly (though certainly not

File: David Icke - And the Truth Shall Set You Free, 21st Century Edition (2004) -


  • cess to these reports in his job at the Foreign Office. According to Dr Little, the Rothschilds now c ontrol 80% of world uranium supplies. 26 I stress that I am not a ttacking Friends of the Ea rth, Greenpeace, and the environmental movement in general. They have done some good work overall. I am merely pointing out that they can, and are, used to promote th e New World Order, mostly (though certainly not

File: David Icke - Human Race Get Off Your Knees -


  • ing your propaganda are pressured to follow the rules to the letter, or even face new rules to shut them up. This has created a fantastically distorted perception of what is happening to the climate. Greenpeace International Executive Director, Gerd Leipold, was forced to admit that a press release claiming that Arctic ice would disappear by 2030 could not be substantiated, but he said that he did not apolo


  • t Britain see United Kingdom Great Flood, the 46-8, 208 Great Idol of liahuanaco, The (Bellamy) 313 Greeg, Dr Steven 315 Green movement. the 181-3 Green Party (UK) 22-4, 29,189 Greenberg, Maurice 150 Greenpeace 185 Greenspan, Alan 94, 94, 144-5, 145,146-7,257-8,307 Greys, the 211,223,228,293,426, 427 Griffin, Nick 612, 613-14 Griffin, Webster 157 Grof, Stanislav 329-30 Grose, Peter 128 Group of Thirty 15.3-

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret - The Book that Will Change the World (1998) -


  • (ARCO). His company has a pyramid with a missing capstone as its logo. Anderson was a funder of the environmental group, Friends of the Earth, which, at the highest level, interlocks with others like Greenpeace, WWF, the Sierra Club, Survival International, Earth First, World Resources Institute, the Zoological Society of London, Royal Geographical Society, Nature Conservancy, the Flora and Fauna Preservati


  • ll, or most of whom, are reported to enjoy substantial investments by the Queen. Incidentally, Lord Melchett, the grandson of the founder of ICI, a pillar of the world chemical cartel, became head of Greenpeace, United Kingdom. The three biggest mining companies in the world, Anglo-American, Rio Tinto, and Minorco, are in truth the same operation. Minorco is the international holding company for the Oppenhe


  • Pyramid at Giza - 3, 16, 23, 656, 85, 358 Great Seal of the United States - 352-3 Great White Brotherhood - 231, 240 Great Work of Ages (Brotherhood Agenda) - 1, 2, 58, 98, 407 Greenhouse Effect -478 Greenpeace - 391, 393 Greenspan, Alan- 264-5, 328 Greenwich (London) - 355, 471-2 Gregorian Calendar - 471-2 Greys, The - 25, 33-4, 38, 304 Gulf War - 236, 269, 326, 337, 385 Gun Laws - 321 Guy Fawkes -172, 328

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret -


  • (ARCO). His company has a pyramid with a missing capstone as its logo. Anderson was a funder of the environmental group, Friends of the Earth, which, at the highest level, interlocks with others like Greenpeace, WWF, the Sierra Club, Survival International, Earth First, World Resources Institute, the Zoological Society of London, Royal Geographical Society, Nature Conservancy, the Flora and Fauna Preservati


  • ll, or most of whom, are reported to enjoy substantial investments by the Queen. Incidentally, Lord Melchett, the grandson of the founder of ICI, a pillar of the world chemical cartel, became head of Greenpeace, United Kingdom. The three biggest mining companies in the world, Anglo-American, Rio Tinto, and Minorco, are in truth the same operation. Minorco is the international holding company for the Oppenhe


  • Pyramid at Giza - 3, 16, 23, 656, 85, 358 Great Seal of the United States - 352-3 Great White Brotherhood - 231, 240 Great Work of Ages (Brotherhood Agenda) - 1, 2, 58, 98, 407 Greenhouse Effect -478 Greenpeace - 391, 393 Greenspan, Alan- 264-5, 328 Greenwich (London) - 355, 471-2 Gregorian Calendar - 471-2 Greys, The - 25, 33-4, 38, 304 Gulf War - 236, 269, 326, 337, 385 Gun Laws - 321 Guy Fawkes -172, 328

File: Blacks Law - 8th Edition -


  • 3340 composed of private individuals or organizations. • Examples of nongovernmental organizations, which are often granted consultative status with the United Nations, include Amnesty International, Greenpeace, and the International Committee of the Red Cross. — Abbr. NGO. NON IMPEDIVIT non impedivit (non im-p<<schwa>>-dI-vit), n.[Latin “he did not impede”] The defendant's general denial in a quare impedit

File: 06_01_1999_Greenpeace - New Campaign To Slow Down Amazon Rainforest Destruction -


  • LOGINLOGOUTHELPPrinter FriendlyPageEarthfiles, news category.Share:DiggFacebookStumbleUponGreenpeace - New Campaign ToSlow Down Amazon Rainforest Destruction© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe June 1, 1999 Washington, D. C. This week, Greenpeace has launched aworldwide campaign against loggers who are cutt


  • at, but I have a much greater problemif you're going to hammer one of the last pristine temperate rainforests on earthin order to make a phone book.The philosophy behind the market's campaign is that Greenpeace believesconsumers have the right to know whether the products they buy have comefrom a well-managed forest that's still there or from a devastated Brazilianrainforest. So, the right to know is the fu


  • o the destruction. We have a lot ofcontacts in Europe, the U. S. and increasingly in Japan and East Asia and a lotdepends on changed market demand.WHAT IS IT THAT THILO BODE, THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OFGREENPEACE INTERNATIONAL, IS TRYING TO DO RIGHT NOWIN RIO DE JANEIRO?Well, this week we have announced our project and it will be lead by RobertoKishinami, the Executive Director of Greenpeace Brazil because th


  • and that includes the illegal logging- ends up in G-7 countries. And if they really want to take that seriously, theyhave to stop importing them as a first step."More Information:If you want to help Greenpeace in their new campaign to slow down Amazonrainforest destruction, go to their Take Action section on their website. Or writeto Scott Paul, Forest Campaign, Greenpeace USA, 1436 U St. N. W.,Washington,
  • own Amazonrainforest destruction, go to their Take Action section on their website. Or writeto Scott Paul, Forest Campaign, Greenpeace USA, 1436 U St. N. W.,Washington, D. C. 20009.We b s it e s :www.greenpeaceusa.orgCredits Copyright © 1999 - 2009 by Linda Moulton Howe.All Rights Reserved.www.earthfiles.comearthfiles@earthfiles.comRepublication and redissemination of the contents of thisscreen or any part

File: 10_13_2004_Rapid Increase of Greenhouse Carbon Dioxide in 2002-2003 -


  • e years is a real phenomenon" not recorded before." - Charles Keeling, Ph.D.,Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii © 2004 by Linda Moulton Howe October 13, 2004 Tromso, Norway - Today in London at the annual Greenpeacebusiness lecture, disturbing recent greenhouse data from America's Mauna LoaObservatory in Hawaii, Britain's Hadley Center and the Norwegian Institute for AirResearch will be discussed. In 2002 and 20

File: 10_15_2004_Ever-Increasing Carbon Dioxide Build-Up in Atmosphere Since 1958 -


  • m in 2002-2003." - Pieter Tans, Ph.D., NOAA Ever-increasing carbon dioxide since 1958. Graph © 2004 by Pieter Tans, Ph.D., NOAA. October 15, 2004 Boulder, Colorado - This week in London at the annual Greenpeacebusiness lecture, disturbing recent greenhouse data from America's Mauna LoaObservatory in Hawaii, Britain's Hadley Center and the Norwegian Institute for AirResearch was discussed. In 2002 and 2003,

File: 03_22_2007_Genetically Modified Crops Playing Dangerous Genetic Roulette -


  • olete technology based onmisinformed science and being fed to millions of people and released into the environmentwhere it can never be recalled. It’s a very serious situation.” On February 16, 2007, Greenpeace in the U. K. won an 8-year-long court battle with aRussian institute and Monsanto, which tried to hide the damage to tumors, organs and cells in lab rats fed genetically modified potatoes.At the hear

File: 02_29_2008_Mysterious Bat Deaths in New York, Vermont and Massachusetts -


  • lAnimal Extinctions: Club Global Warming & Energy: Ocean Crisis: Credits Copyright © 1999 - 2009 by Linda Moulton Howe.All Rights Reserved.www.earthfiles.comearthfiles@earthfiles.comRepublication
  • Club Global Warming & Energy: Ocean Crisis: Credits Copyright © 1999 - 2009 by Linda Moulton Howe.All Rights Reserved.www.earthfiles.comearthfiles@earthfiles.comRepublication and redissemination of the contents

File: 02_26_2009_Unprecedented Northeast Bat Die-off Spreading Rapidly -


  • lAnimal Extinctions: Club Global Warming & Energy: Ocean Crisis: Credits Copyright © 1999 - 2009 by Linda Moulton Howe.All Rights Reserved.www.earthfiles.comearthfiles@earthfiles.comRepublication
  • Club Global Warming & Energy: Ocean Crisis: Credits Copyright © 1999 - 2009 by Linda Moulton Howe.All Rights Reserved.www.earthfiles.comearthfiles@earthfiles.comRepublication and redissemination of the contents

File: Scarlet And The Beast -


  • them are the following prestigious organizations: the Rockefeller Foundation, the Carnegie Endowment Fund, the United Nations Association, the Theosophical Order of Service, the Findhorn Foundation, Greenpeace USA, Greenpeace UK, Amnesty International, and the Southern Jurisdiction of Scottish Rite Freemasonry. 65 Under McNamara's administration, Lucis Trust paid for a full-page ad promoting the New Age in

File: William Bond - Freemasonry And The Hidden Goddess -


  • the symbol that women have now taken back control of society. The Earth now begins to fl ower again, as women once again respect life on earth in all its forms. Already now we see in the Green party, Greenpeace and other environment organisations the concern about what damage patriarchy is doing to our world. As women become more in control this

File: The Intelligent Gardener -


  • e countries where your electronics or their components are produced? Are the minerals used in your smartphone, tablet or e-reader conflict-free? Here are some resources to help you learn more: • The Greenpeace Guide to Greener Electronics • Conflict Minerals: Raise Hope for the Congo • Slavery Footprint Recycle Old Electronics Responsibly According to the United Nations Environment Programme some 20 to

File: Graham Hancock - Underworld - The Mysterious Origins of Civilization -

  • ears again on Dulcert’s 1339 portolan-opposite. Althoughfaint, it should be obvious that the map is generally very accurate. It evenshows the tiny lump of rock known as Rockall, which was occupied by Greenpeacerecently as part of a demonstration against oil-drilling in the area. Note,however, that the tiny land of Rockall is somewhat enlarged on the Dulcert map.There are very similar depictions of the legen

File: Jonathan Phillips & Graham Hancock - The Electric Jesus -

  • work he enjoyed, often traveling far todo low-paying accounting jobs or drive a taxi in Denver. Over the summer, I hadworked at a West Village restaurant when I heard one of the customers—a woman ina Greenpeace T-shirt, whom I didn’t know—whisper across the table, “Why is JonnyAmerica busing tables?” That seemed to be the central question of my existence.But today was different. Everything was different. Al

File: The Detox Miracle Sourcebook -


  • tons per year. (CNN) Toxic Chemicals Educate Yourself About Toxic Chemicals EPA’s Drinking Water Hotline 1-800-426-4791 Green Peace 1-800-326-1959 Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Institute of Agricultural and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska National Resources Defense Council w

File: Emperor Wears No Clothes - Hemp & The Marijuana Conspiracy -


  • or McKlatchy News Service; UPI; AP; Universal Press; L.A Times/Washington Post News Service; CNN; Tribune Media; ABC-TV News; NBC-TV News; CBS-TV News; Newsweek, Time, Science Digest, In These Times, Greenpeace magazine, The Guardian, Reason maga¬ zine, San Jose Mercury News, Orange County Register, Garry TVudeau, Civil Liberties, Wall Street Journal, Ann Landers, Oklahoma City Times, Athens Messenger, Athe

File: Murder By Injection - Eustace Mullins -


  • Dyestuffs and Nobel Industries in 1926. Its present chairman is Sir John Henry Harvey-Jones, director of Barclay's Bank. President of ICI is the 4th Baron Lord Melchett, Peter Mond, who finances the Greenpeace Environment Trust. Directors are Sir Robin Ibbs, a director of Lloyd's Bank, who serves as advisor to the Prime Minister. He is on the Council of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the par

File: Persecution And Trial Of Gaston Naessens -


  • ing background. Great grandson of James Redmond, founder of the Irish Republican Army (IRA); son of a distinguished Canadian engineer; one of the "unofficial," but actual, founders of the world-known Greenpeace movement that fights for causes as disparate as the rights of rivers to be free of pollution and the right of dolphins and whales to be free of massacre by humans; speaker of the Cant (Irish Gypsy) l

File: Seeds of Destruction -


  • Unlikely to Overcome Vitamin A Deficiency", Letter to the Editor, Journal of the American Dietetic Association, March 2001, pp. 289-290. 34. Benedikt Haerlin, Opinion Piece about Golden Rice, archive.greenpeace.orgl genenglhighlights/food/benny.htm. Also, Assisi Foundation, BIOTHAI et aI., Biopiracy, TRIPS and the Patenting of Asia's Rice Bow/,! panap/archives!larice.htm, May 1998.


  • ca's Greatest Family, Scribner's, New York. HARRIS, Robert, and PAXMAN, Jeremy, 1982, A Higher Form of Killing, Noonday Press, New York. HAERLIN, Benedikt, undated, "Opinion Piece about Golden Rice", Greenpeace International, geneng/ highlights/food/benny.htm. HIGHAM, Charles, 1983, Trading with the Enemy: An Expose of the Nazi-American Money Plot, 1933-1947, Delacorte, New York. HIT
  • New York. HARRIS, Robert, and PAXMAN, Jeremy, 1982, A Higher Form of Killing, Noonday Press, New York. HAERLIN, Benedikt, undated, "Opinion Piece about Golden Rice", Greenpeace International, geneng/ highlights/food/benny.htm. HIGHAM, Charles, 1983, Trading with the Enemy: An Expose of the Nazi-American Money Plot, 1933-1947, Delacorte, New York. HITLER, Adolf, 1941, Mein Kampf, Tran

File: Smith, Jeffrey M. - Seeds of Deception, Exposing Industry and Government Lies About the Safety of Genetically Engineered Foods (2003) -


  • ation of the other inserted genes, which could have consequences for the performance and composition of the plant. This may have impli- cations for human and environmental safety." Charlie Kronick of Greenpeace added, "Afier years on the market, Monsanto reveals that neither the industry or the regulators actually know what genes are in it. What else don't we know?" More that we didn't know was soon reveale


  • anto's push of genetically engineered foods has been a failure. The company's aggressive strategy has been credited, in part, for the eruption of global opposition to GM foods. Shapiro confessed to a Greenpeace gathering in October 1999 that Monsanto "irritated and antagonized people."62 Will Carpenter, who headed Monsanto's biotechnology strategy group until 199 1, describes it more eloquently. "When you p


  • learns about biotechnology's Great Yellow Hope," Pollan continues, "the more uncertain seems its promise."27 A closer look reveals some interesting omissions in the industry's numbers. According to a Greenpeace report, golden rice provides so little vitamin A, "a two-year-old child would need to eat seven pounds per day."29 Likewise, an adult would need to eat nearly twenty pounds to get the daily recommend


  • $25,000 is needed to prevent 500,000 children fiom going blind per year.32 Contrast this with golden rice, which has cost more than $100 million dollars so fir, and is not yet ready. Michael Khoo of Greenpeace says golden rice "isn't about solving childhood blindness, it's about solving biotech's public relations problem." If the industry were truly dedicated to the problems of malnutrition and starvation,


  • he BBC, "I was emotionally very shocked and drained. I felt totally shaken, and I just stayed in a state of shock for hours afterwards. "49 The day after the meeting, Monasterio called a meeting with Greenpeace and others to announce Chapels's findings. Greenpeace was not willing to wait the two and a half months until publication to start their campaign and told Chapela that they would have to bring his fi


  • et pseudo-humans have been busy stirring up pro-biotech sentiment for some time. Starting in 2000, Andura Smetacek repeatedly accused GM critics of terrorism. One of Smetacek's letters, which accused Greenpeace of deliberately spreading fkm about GM fbods to Mer its own financial interests, appeared in the Glasppw Herald. Greenpeace sued the paper for libel and won. A closer look at three of Smetacek's emai


  • an insert," European Food Research and Technology, vol. 213,2001, pp. 107-1 12 29 Andrew Pollack, "Mystery DNA Is Discovered in Soybeans by Scientists," New York Times, August 16,2001 30 Alex Kirby, "Greenpeace worried by 'mystery DNA,'" BBC News Online, August 15,2001, 1492939.stm 31 A. J. C. de Visser and others, "Crops of uncertain nature? Controversi


  • St. Louis Post-Dispatch, January 25,2001 57 Hugh Warwick and Gundala Meziani, Seeds of Douh, UK Soil Association, September 2002 58 "GE crops - increasingly isolated as awareness and rejection grow," Greenpeace International, briefing, March 2002 59 S. Branford, 'Sow resistant,' The Guardian, April 17,2002


  • k Times, December 19,2000 26 Bill Lambrecht, Dinner at the New Gene Ca$, p. 267 27 Michael Pollan, "The Great Yellow Hype," New York Times, March 4,2001, section 6, p. 15 28 "GE rice is fool's gold," Greenpeace, hi@ghts/food/goldenrice. htm 29 Greenpeace demands false biotech advertising be removed fkom TV, Letter, February 9,2001 30 Opinion piece about Golden Rice by
  • 6 Bill Lambrecht, Dinner at the New Gene Ca$, p. 267 27 Michael Pollan, "The Great Yellow Hype," New York Times, March 4,2001, section 6, p. 15 28 "GE rice is fool's gold," Greenpeace, hi@ghts/food/goldenrice. htm 29 Greenpeace demands false biotech advertising be removed fkom TV, Letter, February 9,2001 30 Opinion piece about Golden Rice by Benedikt Haerlin, http://ar
  • geneng/ hi@ghts/food/goldenrice. htm 29 Greenpeace demands false biotech advertising be removed fkom TV, Letter, February 9,2001 30 Opinion piece about Golden Rice by Benedikt Haerlin, 31 "Grains of Delusion," Jointly published by BIOTHAI (Thailand), CEDAC (Cambodia), DRCSC (India), GRAIN, MASIPAG (Philippines), PAN-Indonesia and UBINIG (Bangladesh


  • ception Genewatch, 71 Giddings, Val, 169 Gleich, Gerald, 109-10, 117 Glickman, Dan, 152-3,155,252 Goldburg, Becky, 207 golden rice, 209-12 Goldsmith, Zac, 201 -2 Gore, Al, 76, 150 Graham, John, 160-1 Greenpeace, 71, 155,210-1,224,227 Groenewegen, Paul, 92-3 Guarraia, Leonard, 127 Guest, Gerald, 133 Haerlin, Benedikt, 2 10 Hansen, Michael, 36, 59, 61,63,67, 90, 164, 177-8 Hardin, Pete, 84,88,93 Hastert, J. D

File: What Really Makes You Ill - Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong by Dawn Lester - David Parker -

  • ardiovascular diseases are discussed inmore detail in chapter seven.Fortunately, there is an increasing level of awareness of the adverse impacts onthe environment due to the manufacture of clothing. Greenpeace, for example,produced two reports in 2012 about the use of toxic chemicals in the textile andclothing industries. The October 2012 report, entitled Toxic Threads: The BigFashion Stitch-Up, indicates

  • tainlydetrimental to health.There are many industries that are responsible for the transfer of theirpolluting activities to ‘developing’ countries; including the textile andclothing industry. The two Greenpeace reports referred to in the discussionabout clothes in chapter six, were mainly concerned with environmental pollutioncaused by textile manufacturing facilities in China. But, as mentioned in thatdisc

  • tiallydevastating impacts for European countries relates to agriculture, as WilliamEngdahl explains in his article with reference to a joint study by the Institutefor Agriculture and Trade Policy and Greenpeace-Holland that is quoted to state,> “Canada has weaker food safety and labelling standards than the EU, and> industrial agriculture more heavily dependent on pesticides and GMO crops.”The full implemen

  • ic product recalls spikes 63% in 2016 Threads: The Big Fashion Stitch-Up A-Z of Eco Fashion Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs)https://www.e
  • acements: Does the benefit justify the harm? Threads: Putting Pollution on Parade JL, Jarrett PS. Antibacterial silver. Met Based Drugs.1994;1(5-6):467-82. doi: 10.1155/MBD.1994.467. PMID: 1847626

File: Jim Keith - Mass Control -


  • phrases are located and the communications they are embodied in are culled, they are sent to analysts in whatever country requested the intercepts. According to one analyst, Amnesty International and Greenpeace have been among ECHELON’S targets.

File: Jim Keith - Mass Control -


  • phrases are located and the communications they are embodied in are culled, they are sent to analysts in whatever country requested the intercepts. According to one analyst, Amnesty International and Greenpeace have been among ECHELON’S targets.

File: Jim Marrs - Population Control - How Corporate Owners Are Killing Us -

  • ia Group, Inc. (formerlyPhilip Morris companies), acquired Boca Burger Inc. in 2000, a privately heldmaker of soy-based meat alternatives, its Florida plant was closed.In 2001, laboratory analyses by Greenpeace showed Kellogg’s-owned MorningstarFarms meat-free corn dogs tested positive for StarLink GMO corn and geneticallyaltered soy not approved for human consumption. After Greenpeace urged the Foodand Dru

  • his cost estimated as high as $250billion. Under Japanese law, the companies supporting Fukushima, includingsuppliers like GE, Hitachi, and Toshiba, are exempt from liability. According toa report by Greenpeace International, nuclear suppliers, including GE, Toshiba,and Hitachi, are involved in the decontamination and decommissioning atFukushima and are profiting from it. “Governments have created a system

  • of warnings: created system to protect companies: Kan on elimination of nuclear power plants: uranium leak:http://www.knoxnews.c

  • 7Grains, deadly, 124–31Grandjean, Philippe, 172Grassley, Chuck, 212Great Depression Ahead, The (Dent), 299Green, Gordon and Maria, 73Greenfield, Jerry, 155Greenfield, Richard,, 126Greenpeace, 122, 186Greenspan, Alan, 278Greenwald, Glenn, 208, 220–21Griffin, Brennan, 230Griffin, G. Edward, 13Griffiths, Hugh, 18–19Grigg, William Norman, 13, 230–31, 251–52Grimmett, Richard F., 16–17Growth h

File: John Coleman - Tavistock Institute Of Human Relations -


  • ty and lesbianism became "normalized" and "no different from other people acceptable at all levels of socie ty, two lesbian "moms." * The emergence of the fake conservation/ecology movements such as "Greenpeace" * A surge in interest in Eastern religious and philos ophical perspectives. * A renewed interest in "fundamentalist" Christianity . * Labor unions shifting emphasis to quality of the wo rk environme

File: John Coleman - We Fight For Oil -


  • e stock in time of national emergency. In my work of 1987 "Environmentalism: the Second Civil War has Begun," the major oil companies are exposed as the biggest contributors to the "Earth First" and "Greenpeace" ecology movements. Spelled out are the reas ons for the seeming contradiction why the ecology movement would be supported for decades with large sums of money donated by the major oil companies. Env

File: v14n2 Rites of Passage, Kids and Psychadelics -


  • events for the AIDS Fund, an animated soap on the Internet, and various designs for advertising cam- paigns: Absolut Vodka, building the Greyman Statue of No Liberty (8 meters high), merchandise for GreenPeace, the production of two short animated Greyman movies, designing a computer interface and console (Jamby), and a 60 meter long canvas for the Leiden University. Last year Dadara built a 15-meter-long

File: v16n2 Technologies of Healing -


  • ity would be to form a chapter of a national organization such as the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) or Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP). This approach would be similar to student chapters of Greenpeace, Amnesty International, or Students for a Free Tibet. One notorious troublemaker writes: I took out an ad in the school’s newspaper, Come to the first meeting of the University of Chicago Psyche- del

File: MUFON Journal - October 2007 -


  • ence with its mission by any and all adversaries in order to maintain its supremacy. Ufology, in today’s intelligence parlance, is called a “single- issue extremist group”— something similar to, say, Greenpeace or the ACLU—and considered to be ranked just below the level of a terrorist group. In the AF’s point of view, UFO groups, activists and researchers oppose the AF, impede its operations and tie up its

File: Mark Devlin - Musical Truth -

  • r . . . I just don't think he killed himself, I reallydon't."Like earlier rock stars who met untimely ends, Hutchence was known for hispolitical activism, and his Will named Amnesty International and Greenpeace asmajor benefactors of his assets.Paula Yates was another product of generational show business connections. Itemerged late in her life that her biological father was the veteran televisionpresenter

File: Michael Tsarion - Astrotheology - Part 1 -


  • n dove is coloumbe, giving us the Knights of Columbus, the District of Columbia, Christopher Columbus, CBS, and so on. The dove can also be seen on the royal standards of the British Royal Family, on Greenpeace, and on the VISA credit cards. Now, astoundingly, but fortunately for us, the prime movers and their henchmen often openly betray their intentions, and the very nature of their designs, for the furth

File: Michael Tsarion - Astrotheology - Part 2 -


  • the pictures of the ships in which Columbus sailed. On the sails was the red cross of the Knights of Malta, also known as the Knights of Columbus. Another of their symbols, the dove, is also found on Greenpeace , and in the movie For your eyes only , the criminal group of crack assassins use the symbol. The Knights of Columbus trace their occult history from the actual Assassins of the Persians. CHAOS Consc

File: Michael Tsarion - Irish Origins Of Civilization - Volume 2 -


  • originally worn by the sun priests of Egypt. Doves on the standards of the Briti sh royals - A cryptogram for the "Davids," the commanders of the Aton Cult, it appears on the Visa credit cards and on Greenpeace, Sinn Fein, etc. Note the Maltese Crosses (pyramids seen from above).


  • us the Knights of Columbus, the District of Columbia, Christopher Columbus, Columbia Broadcasting Company (CBS), and so on. The dove can also be seen on standards of the British Royal Family, on the Greenpeace logo, on Visa credit cards, and several other corporate emblems. A French - Jewish nobleman Hugues de Payens, together with eight other crusaders of Jewish origin, including Andre de Montbard, Geof f


  • he pictures of the ships in which Columbus sail ed. On the sails was the red cross of the Knights of Malta, also known as the Knights of Columbus. Another of their symbols, the dove, is also found on Greenpeace , and in the movie For Your Eyes Only , the criminal group of crack assassins, use the symbol. The Knights of Columbus trace their occult history from the Assassins. CHAOS Consciously associated with

File: Michael Tsarion - Occult History Of Ireland -


  • tely 500 BC. Their symbol of the dove can be seen on the maces and scepters of the British royals. It is a symbol that can be found on credit cards and the logos of corporations and charities such as Greenpeace. It does not , however, represent the Holy Spirit. After all, what would Sinn Fein be doing using a symbol that represented the Christian Holy Spirit? There is nothing holy about Sinn Fein, regardles

File: Science Of Influence - How To Get Anyone To Say Yes -


  • predictable and ethical within your peer group and even within yourself. Nonconformists and rebels even tend to conform to their groups that are known to be rebellious against society. Consider that Greenpeace ac- tivists are very much nonconformists in the eyes of the public, but among their own group they conform to the nonconformist standard. Jehovah’s Witnesses and Latter-Day Saints are both Christian

File: 13bloodlines -


  • perpetrators of the Anthrax attacks, but that pressure from high-ranking governmental officials prevented the arrest of these suspected perpetrators.” 523 Jochen Schild, editor-in-chief of the Greenpeace-Magazine , declared in an interview with Hannes Kleber:

File: Confessions of an Illuminati - Volume VII -


  • to suck it out of theatmosphere. The reason why will become clear. The industrial era isnot destroying the world through Co2 and has instead turnedaround a potentially disastrous ongoing fall in Co2. Greenpeace co-founder and scientist Patrick Moore walked away from Greenpeacein 1986 and has exposed the green movement for fear-mongeringand lies. He said that 500 million years ago there was 17 times moreCo2

File: The Great Reset -


  • tors, the globalists can much more easily pick of f the few remaining survivors. Alarmingly , the food business is controlled by just a handful of large corporations. According to an article from the Greenpeace website: Six corporations—Monsanto, DuPont, Dow, Syngenta, Bayer and BASF—control 75 percent of the world pesticides market. Factory farms now account for 72 percent of poultry production, 43 percent


  • rms in the United States from 2000 to 2020,” Statista, March 14, 2022, . “Corporate Control of Food” (accessed June 19, 2022), Greenpeace, . James Temple, “Bill Gates: Rich Nations Should Shift Entirely to Synthetic Beef,” February 14, 2021, MIT Technology Review
  • d States from 2000 to 2020,” Statista, March 14, 2022, . “Corporate Control of Food” (accessed June 19, 2022), Greenpeace, . James Temple, “Bill Gates: Rich Nations Should Shift Entirely to Synthetic Beef,” February 14, 2021, MIT Technology Review ,

File: Harun Yahya - The Day of Judgment -


  • osed Earth to harmful radiation from space, increased cancer rates, caused new illnesses to be identified and diagnosed, and r evealed degenerative developments in plant life. American scientists and Greenpeace activists discovered during their research in Alaska that the Bering Glacier has shrunk by 12 kms (7.5 miles) in length and 130 m 2 (155 square yards) in size. 10 The ocean's water temperature increa


  • 1992. Story by John Noble Wilford of the New York Times. 6 Milliyet (Turkish daily), July 19, 1998. 7 Carl Sagan, Cosmos (New York: Wings Books, 1983), 73. 8 Hurriyet , December 14, 1997. 9 Ibid. 10 "Greenpeace Documents Glacial Retreat In Melt Zone As International Climate Treaty Negotiations Resume In Bonn," June 2, 1998; 11 Amy L. Forrester
  • ks, 1983), 73. 8 Hurriyet , December 14, 1997. 9 Ibid. 10 "Greenpeace Documents Glacial Retreat In Melt Zone As International Climate Treaty Negotiations Resume In Bonn," June 2, 1998; 11 Amy L. Forrester, "The Effects of El Niño on Marine Life," Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (December 1997); 12

File: Alternate Futures for 2025 (1996) -


  • ncreasingly worried by Khan’s growing economic and military might. Japan has become the “ Taiwan” of 2025. Some nongovernmental organizations are major actors in this world. Amnesty International and Greenpeace are actively trying to mitigate human rights violations and environmental damage. They concentrate their efforts on Khan but with limited success. Khan’s economic development has spurred improvements


  • with city and regional governments to dominate the decision-making processes. 67 The role of nongovernmental organizations will also continue to flourish—both benign groups such as the Red Cross and Greenpeace, and malign groups such as drug cartels and terrorists. The latter groups will use technology to link resources and shield their dominions. 68

File: Best Democracy Money Can Buy -


  • ust (NPT Inc.), a Washington group which says it “grew out of extensive dialog with... the arms control community and the environmental community”. If by “arms control community” you were thinking of Greenpeace, you’d be a bit wide of the mark. The chairman of NPT Inc. is Admiral Daniel Murphy, once Deputy Director of the CIA and Bush Senior’s chief of staff. The other seven listed board members and executi

File: Brooke, Tal - When the World Will Be As One, The Coming New World Order (1989) -


  • every field. It h as been a long time in the making, its pieces fitting into pl ace from divergent realms. The arguments calling for its ex istence are formidable. There is the ecological argument of Greenpeace , The Club of Rome, and other groups stating that mankind has c ome of age--that now we must be planetary stewards of the earth's ecology before the world's ecosystem is irreversibl y damaged from in


  • w Agers use the term "Planetization." Until we did th at, the threat of a planet in chaos capable of destroying i tself almost any time in nuclear fire loomed on the horizon. Th is is the platform of Greenpeace and a thousand other New Age groups. But there is a hidden work: networking groups have to reach a critical threshold of people, a minimum num ber required to catalyze the New Age planetary transfor

File: Chemtrails-Confirmed -


  • asking, “Who gave permission for this spraying?” The story noted that Katsaros had been invited to speak about chemtrails on Greek national television a few mornings later. CHEMTRAILS COMMENTARY FROM GREENPEACE Just as th is reporter personally discovered that the threat of massive oil well fires in Kuwait to be too hot politically for Greenpeace’s main headquarters in Amsterdam to warn the world, this worl


  • ortant elements of our climate campaign would suffer, particularly the promotion of energy efficiency and of renewable energies, or our active influence in present-day politics. In the climate debate Greenpeace relies on the insights of the UNO climate research committee, the IPCC. This panel, which comprises around 2000 climate experts, is recognized and independent. The conclusions drawn by them are clear


  • es, and carrying with it unforeseeable risks. And in all probability this is not happening. As Kristine Läger was refuting a phenomenon seen by many concerned Germans, the July/August 2004 edition of Greenpeace Magazine (published in Hamburg with a circulation of 120,000) devoted five pages to “utopian” technological counter-strategies to mitigate global warming and looming Climate Flip. The October 6, 2004


  • erience awaited all of them: They were palmed off with the same unsatisfactory answers that we have by now grown tired of he aring. : the consequence drawn by these elderly, well-to-do activists from Greenpeace’s lack of interest was the immediate cancellation of membership of many years, the withdrawal of legacies, and the withholding of payments to Greenpeace until further notice. Stetter went on to remar


  • ychological complaints due to these “chemtrails”. Thank you for your prompt response. Christopher Bollyn American Free Press (European Desk) GERMAN PARLIMENTARIAN ADMITS CHEMTRAILS PROGRAM Even while Greenpeace Germany was issuing chemtrails denials, a former GP board member and current German Parliamentarian expressed concern over their existence. At least “minimally”. A serving board member of Greenpeace


  • 56 chemtrails over tour boat, St. Petersburg, Russia 156 Kaernten, south Austria October 2002 157 Sidney, Australia March 7 2003 158 Aigina town meeting on chemtrails 158 chemtrails cover story slams Greenpeace Germany for inaction Glenn Boyle 159 Wuerzberg, Germany 159 German magazines discuss chemtrails Glenn Boyle 161 Berlin airport March 10, 2003 162 Hampton, England November 12, 2002 163 chemtrails G

File: Chomsky - Pirates and Emperors, Old and New - International Terrorism in the Real World (2002) -


  • not on the list.81 Hijacking is not the only form of terrorism that escapes this category when it is carried out by our friends. UN Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick explained that the blo wing up of the Greenpeace anti-nuclear protest ship Rainbow Warrior by French agents with one man murde red was not terrorism: "I'd like to say that the Fr ench clearlydid not intend to attack civilians and bysta nders and ma


  • e villains for holding th e two agents, unjustly detained, in the common view here, for the crime of having served the national interes t. In France, little was made in the press of the d eath of the Greenpeace crew member, or the fact that the sovere ignty of New Zealand had been violated." Despite promises of the Socialist government to take "legal action" if "criminal acts" had been committed, "th e only

File: David F. - Feudalism aka American Capitalism -


  • intents and purposes, covert operatives of probably all nations operate with total disregard of the law, and are rewarded with virtual immunity from it. The French military guerrillas who blew up the Greenpeace boat in Auckland harbor, committing murder in the process, were quickly released to work again in their same capacity. As previously mentioned, Patty Hearst was released virtually without punishment,

File: David Icke - And the Truth Shall Set You Free, 21st Century Edition (2004) -


  • 't that something? And by the way I've got the whole conference on tape." I tried to track down the World Conservation Bank in 1995 and no-one seemed to have heard of it. I rang Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, and the British Government's Environment Department, and they all scratched their heads. I rang the United Nations Environment Agency and at first they acknowledged the name before returning to the


  • d access to these reports in his job at the Foreign Office. According to Dr Little, the Rothschilds now control 80% of world uranium supplies.26 I stress that I am not attacking Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, and the environmental movement in general. They have done some good work overall. I am merely pointing out that they can, and are, used to promote the New World Order, mostly (though certainly not i

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret - The Book that Will Change the World (1998) -


  • l (ARCO). His company has a pyramid with a missingcapstone as its logo. Anderson was a funder of the environmental group, Friends of theEarth, which, at the highest level, interlocks with others like Greenpeace, WWF, theSierra Club, Survival International, Earth First, World Resources Institute, theZoological Society of London, Royal Geographical Society, Nature Conservancy, theFlora and Fauna Preservation


  • all, or most of whom, are reported to enjoy substantial investmentsby the Queen. Incidentally, Lord Melchett, the grandson of the founder of ICI, a pillarof the world chemical cartel, became head of Greenpeace, United Kingdom. The threebiggest mining companies in the world, Anglo-American, Rio Tinto, and Minorco, arein truth the same operation. Minorco is the international holding company for theOppenheime


  • 3Great Pyramid at Giza - 3, 16, 23, 656, 85,358Great Seal of the United States - 352-3Great White Brotherhood - 231, 240Great Work of Ages (Brotherhood Agenda) -1, 2, 58, 98, 407Greenhouse Effect -478Greenpeace - 391, 393Greenspan, Alan- 264-5, 328Greenwich (London) - 355, 471-2Gregorian Calendar - 471-2Greys, The - 25, 33-4, 38, 304Gulf War - 236, 269, 326, 337, 385Gun Laws - 321Guy Fawkes -172, 328Gypsies

File: Day - Cancer - Why We're Still Dying to Know the Truth (2000) -


  • festyle. Are you puffing away on Marlboros still? Do you drink like Lee Marvin and Oliver Reed at an Oscar celebration? Being sensible about your lifestyle doesn't mean you have to 'Eco Out' and join Greenpeace. Just be smart. Think Hunza. Now that we have looked at the chemical industry's toxins and how they foist them upon us, it is only fair to answer the sometimes-levelled charge by our establishment me

File: Encyclopedia of Conspiracies and Conspiracy Theories -


  • rican Friends Service Committee, Amnesty International, the Anti-Defamation League of American Indians, the Colorado Coalition for Middle East Peace, Colorado Right to Life, CopWatch, EARTH FIRST ! , Greenpeace, Justice for Janitors, the Libertarian Party, Operation Rescue, People for Ethical Treat- ment of Animals, the Rainforest Action Group, Vail Expansion Opponents, and the Wildland Project. Denver offi

File: Healed Planet -


  • uels. Greenhouse gases - A good discussion of them on Wikipedia, and the role of carbon dioxide. Genetically Engineered (GM) food - Site that exposes the awesome risks of GE foods. Here is a UK site. Greenpeace - They may be a little too disobedient, and maybe too much like a business, but I respect many of their efforts. Perhaps the world's best environmental site. Natural Resources Defense Council - A lar


  • onald ’ s? ” In 1990, McDonald ’ s threatened lawsuits against the protestors. Four backed off, and only two had the courage to continue: a barkeeper and an ex-mail carrier. They were affiliated with Greenpeace. (23 of 61) [7/13/2007 3:29:26 AM]


  • ic Relations Firms, ” American Journal of Public Health , Nov. 2001, Vol. 91, No. 11, pp. 1749-1757. [33] There is a short book that lists dozens of those fake environmental organizations titled, The Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Organizations , published by Odonian Press. Those fake environmental organizations are one more avenue of assault on the environmental movement, mainly bankrolled by large

File: Illuminati Handbook -


  • resident of the W orld Bank, member of the Rockefeller F oundation, and Thom as W a tson (IBM, former ambassador in Moscow). L uci's trust sponsors among others the following front organizations: UN, Greenpeace Int., Greenpeace USA, Amnesty Int., UNICEF. L u ci's T rust has its only »religious« chapel, the T emple of Understanding, where Satanism is in practice, in the UN headquarter in New Y ork, USA (sour


  • ternational Monetary F und Ciba Geigy T errorist Groups Religions Cults De -programers NASA Knights of Malta The V atican Some UFO organizations W orld F ederation of Mental Health SE-banken (Sweden) Greenpeace House of W indsor House of Orange Science of physics and astronomy UN Security Council US Military Capitalism, fascism, communism, sio - nism, liberalism, socialism, green politics

File: Jasper - Global Tyranny Step By Step - The United Nations and the Emerging New World Order (1992) -


  • feller Brothers Fund, Fo rd Foundation, Council on Foreign Relations, Exxon, IBM, Procter & Gamble, et al. on one hand, and Friends of the Ea rth, Nature Conservancy, Planned Parenthood, Sierra Club, Greenpeace, Environmental Defe nse Fund, et al. on the other. Pr essure from a bove and pressure from below: the American peopl e caught in a pi ncer attack. At the Rio summit, this strategy wa s clearly discer

File: Jasper, William F. - Global Tyranny Step by Step, The United Nations and the Emerging New World Order (1992) -


  • feller Brothers Fund, Fo rd Foundation, Council on Foreign Relations, Exxon, IBM, Procter & Gamble, et al. on one hand, and Friends of the Ea rth, Nature Conservancy, Planned Parenthood, Sierra Club, Greenpeace, Environmental Defe nse Fund, et al. on the other. Pr essure from a bove and pressure from below: the American peopl e caught in a pi ncer attack. At the Rio summit, this strategy wa s clearly discer

File: Jim Marrs - Rule By Secrecy -


  • ojects in New York City, an area of special and long-term interest by the Fund. The Fund is especially involved in environmental issues, as evidenced by its donations to National Environmental Trust, Greenpeace Environ- mental Trust, National Wildlife Federation, American Conservation Association, Environmental Defense Fund, among others. Conspiracy authors have noted that if someone owned an interest in co

File: Lewis, Jon E. - The Mammoth Book of Cover-Ups (2008) -


  • RAINBOW WARRIOR On 10 July 1985 the Rainbow Warrior, flagship of the conservation organization Greenpeace, was moored in Auckland, New Zealand, from where it was to lead a flotilla of yachts to protest against French nuclear testing on the Muroroa Atoll. Just before midnight, two high-explosive devices a

File: MacEachern - Enough is Enough - The Hellraiser's Guide to Community Activism (1994) -


  • at efforts to bring about change are not always underta ken in ways that are condoned by the American justice system—b ut that still have a needed im- pact on the public and on deci sion makers. When Greenpeace ille- gally trespasses on the property of a corporation it believes is polluting the environment in order to unfurl a banner or plug a dis- charge pipe, the perpetrators usua lly are arrested for bre


  • d ed targeting low-income communities for potentially unacceptable projects be- cause such locales frequently lack the resources to fight back. The Mothers joined forc es with the environmental group Greenpeace to march against the incinerator. They attended pubic hearings , demanding more meeting space and interpreters when necessary. "Our culture is

File: NATO's Secret Armies - Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe -


  • and may have done recently in the Green peace affair in New Zealand' in which the French secret service Service de Docum entation Exterieure et de Contre-Espionnage (SDECE) on July 10, 1985 sank the Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior protesting against the French nuclear tests in the Pacific. 29 Slippery indeed was of course the sensitive deployment of SA S units to Northern Ireland where Irish republicans co

File: NATO's Secret Armies -


  • and may have done recently in the Green peace affair in New Zealand' in which the French secret service Service de Docum entation Exterieure et de Contre-Espionnage (SDECE) on July 10, 1985 sank the Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior protesting against the French nuclear tests in the Pacific. 29 Slippery indeed was of course the sensitive deployment of SA S units to Northern Ireland where Irish republicans co

File: Palast, Greg - The Best Democracy Money Can Buy (2003) -


  • ust (NPT Inc.), a Washington group which says it “grew out of extensive dialog with... the arms control community and the environmental community”. If by “arms control community” you were thinking of Greenpeace, you’d be a bit wide of the mark. The chairman of NPT Inc. is Admiral Daniel Murphy, once Deputy Director of the CIA and Bush Senior’s chief of staff. The other seven listed board members and executi

File: Propaganda and Mass Persuasion-1576078205 -


  • e vo y ages of the Golden Rule, Phoenix, and Every- man I, II, and III. The issue of nuclear testing w as still alive in the 1980s. The French secret service struck back in July 1985 when it sank the Greenpeace vessel Rainbow Warrior in Au c kland Harbour, New Zealand. The inci- dent became a massive propaganda backfire r esulting in the resignation of the French minister of defense. In August 1985 the is-


  • ed the impetus of activism and con- tinued to use many of the tactics pioneered by the peace movement, including mass in- cursions into “off limits” sites and filming vio- lators on location, as from Greenpeace’s ves- sel Rainbow Warrior. Although neither the Gulf P eace and Antiwar Movements (1945– ) 293


  • itain Greco-Turkish War of 1897, 153 Greece, 33, 153–155, 280, 282 Greeley, Horace, 88 The Green Berets (film), 155 Greene, Graham, 65 Greene, Hugh Carleton, 326 Greene, Nathanael, 288 Greenland, 368 Greenpeace, 117, 286, 293 Greer, Germaine, 436 Gregory XIII (Pope), xvi, 340 Gregory XV (Pope), xvi, 340 Grenada, 65, 72, 335 Grenville, George, 428 Grieg, Edvard, 368 Grierson, John, 56, 60, 128, 155–156 Griev

File: Symbols Of Secret Societies Associated With The Illuminati -


  • achieved by the campaign must be acceptable to the establishment or be so watered down in content that no practical long-term good is done. This can be seen from the green movement, where groups like Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth accept the status quo as a given and limit themselves to working within it. This often leads to them tailoring their "solutions" to be "practical" within a fundamentally anti

File: Tavistock Institute Of Human Relations - Shaping Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political, Economic Decline of USA -


  • ty and lesbianism became "normalized" and "no different from other people acceptable at all levels of socie ty, two lesbian "moms." * The emergence of the fake conservation/ecology movements such as "Greenpeace" * A surge in interest in Eastern religious and philos ophical perspectives. * A renewed interest in "fundamentalist" Christianity . * Labor unions shifting emphasis to quality of the wo rk environme

File: Texe Marrs - Codex Magica - Secret Signs, Mysterious Symbols, and Hidden Codes of the Illuminati -


  • lintons were visiting the Harry S. Truman Little White House Museum in Key West, Florida. (Photo: Florida Keys News Bureau, in Austin American-Statesman, January 23, 2005, p. A2) A dockside member of Greenpeace, the radical environmentalist group, hails the organization's sea-going vessel. Almost all environmentalist organizations are funded and run by the Illuminati. Members are ignorant of this behind the


  • he "Father of the Islamic Nuclear Bomb." What is especially interesting are the many varied hand gestures of the people in the crowd. Intriguing, to say the least. Environmental activists, members of Greenpeace, show their signs. Several display the so-called "V" sign of the Illuminati. The fellow at top left has his fist clenched in a communist mode. The peace symbol, an upside- down broken cross inside a

File: Webster Griffin Tarpley - 9-11 Synthetic Terrorism - Made in USA -


  • k who was also working for the Federation of American Scientists. Rosenberg’s work was enthusiastically supported by the Stockholm International Peace Institute (SIPRI), and the radical ecologists of Greenpeace. The FBI orchestrated a series of derogatory leaks about Rosenberg, suggesting that a gang/counter-gang operation might be in progress. Rosenberg’s basic thesis was that the anthrax attacks were the

File: Webster Tarpley - 9-11 Synthetic Terror -


  • k who was also working for the Federation of American Scientists. Rosenberg’s work was enthusiastically supported by the Stockholm International Peace Institute (SIPRI), and the radical ecologists of Greenpeace. The FBI orchestrated a series of derogatory leaks about Rosenberg, suggesting that a gang/counter-gang operation might be in progress. Rosenberg’s basic thesis was that the anthrax attacks were the

File: You Are Being Lied To -


  • was the last hydrogen bomb ever detonated on planet Earth. Even though there were four more tests planned in the series, President Nixon canceled them due to public opposition. This was the birth of Greenpeace. Flushed with victory and knowing we could bring about change by getting up and doing something, we were welcomed into the longhouse of the Kwakiutl Nation at A l e r t Bay near the north end of Vanc


  • entury Pa t r i c k Moore 297 putting them in thousands of oil drums, loading them on ships, and dumping them in the Atlantic Ocean as a way of “disposing” of the wastes? In 1984 a combined effort by Greenpeace and the UK Seafarer ’ s Union put an end to that practice for good. By the mid-1980s Greenpeace had grown from that church base - ment into an organization with an income of over US$100 million per y


  • disposal. This embarrassed British Prime Minister John Major . Independent investigation revealed that the rig had been properly cleaned and did not contain the toxic and radioactive waste claimed by Greenpeace. Greenpeace wrote to Shell apologizing for the fac - tual error. But they did not change their position on deep-sea dis - posal despite the fact that on-land disposal would cause far greater environm


  • he opposite of this approach. By considering forests in isolation from the other major issues, it may seem logical that we can save them by reducing wood consumption, that is, by cutting fewer trees. Greenpeace has appealed to the mem- bers of the United Nations to reduce wood consumption and use “environmentally appropriate alternatives” instead. The Rainforest Action Network is campaigning for a 75 percen


  • the Tw enty-First Centur y It’s easy to see that the mainstream of the environmental movement has fallen prey to misguided priorities, misinformation, dogmatism, and self-interest. Soon after I left Greenpeace in 1986, I found out that they had initiated a pension plan. I knew I had gotten out just in time. In the early days many of us realized that our job was to work ourselves out of the job, not to give


  • particularly relating to "offbeat" and alternative events and phenomena. Patrick Moore , Ph.D., has been a leader in the international envi - ronmental field for 30 years. He is a founding member of Greenpeace and served for nine years as President of Greenpeace Canada and seven years as a Director of Greenpeace International. Moore served for four years as Vice President, Environment for W aterfurnace Int

File: Hidden Dangers Of The Rainbow -


  • le that the Movement has been able to achieve such power and influence. An imminent coup by a New Age cabal is not outside the range of probability. Organizations as diverse as Amnesty International, Greenpeace, the Sierra Club, Children of God, and Zero Population Growth openly and proudly bill themselves as "New Age." So do another approximately 10,000 organizations within just the United States

File: Robert Anton Wilson - Schrodinger's Cat Trilogy -


  • make Starhawk ejaculate. He smiled, recognizing her game, and pulled away, to kneel before her and began licking her inner thighs. "No. I haven't seen Aunt Irene in two years. She's involved in what? Greenpeace? That's just to protect the whales. There's nothing communist ic about it and half the peopl e in Mendocino are in it. What? Sure, but they just like whales up there. What do you mean my voice is get

File: Natural Mind - Waking Up - Vol 1 And 2 -


  • quantum physics for beginners, but none seemed to make the slightest bit of difference to my life. I have been shown how to recognize the aura (w hate ver that is). I joined amnesty international and greenpeace, and learned traditional thai massage; I did yoga; I wanted to be a monk; I became a vegetarian, and took a lot of stick for it; I gave up alcohol then realised I liked it too much; I could see the p

File: When Technology Fails - A Manual For Self-Reliance And Planetary Survival -


  • esources Institute's mission is to move human society to live in ways that protect the earth's environment and its capacity to provide for the needs and aspirations of current and future generations. Greenpeace USA, 702 H Street, NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20001; phone: (202) 462-1177; fax: (202) 462-4507; web site: www. This is one of the oldest and most popular organiza- tions devoted t
  • provide for the needs and aspirations of current and future generations. Greenpeace USA, 702 H Street, NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20001; phone: (202) 462-1177; fax: (202) 462-4507; web site: www. This is one of the oldest and most popular organiza- tions devoted to environmental education, aware- ness, and activism. Their web site search engine offers access to a tremendous volume of arc


  • resources for, 240 Grasses, as food, 59 Grasshoppers, as food, 59 Grazing animals, agriculture and,96-97 Green buildings, 137-139 references on, 167-170 resources for, 172-173 Greenhouse gases, 15-17 Greenpeace USA, 29 Green sand castings, 321 Growth, cellular, healing and, 207 Grubs, as food, 59 H Hand drills, starting fires with, 56-57 Handles, for pottery, 346 Hand pumps, sources for, 90 Hands, fishing w

File: Codex Magica - Texe Marrs -


  • lintons were visiting the Harry S. Truman Little White House Museum in Key West, Florida. (Photo: Florida Keys News Bureau, in Austin American-Statesman, January 23, 2005, p. A2) A dockside member of Greenpeace, the radical environmentalist group, hails the organization's sea-going vessel. Almost all environmentalist organizations are funded and run by the Illuminati. Members are ignorant of this behind the


  • he "Father of the Islamic Nuclear Bomb." What is especially interesting are the many varied hand gestures of the people in the crowd. Intriguing, to say the least. Environmental activists, members of Greenpeace, show their signs. Several display the so-called "V" sign of the Illuminati. The fellow at top left has his fist clenched in a communist mode. The peace symbol, an upside- down broken cross inside a

File: Gordon White - Pieces of Eight Chaos Magic Essays and Enchantments -


  • tary you. There is nothing for clearing up anyresidual, happy-clappy feelings about the potency of the natural world quitelike having a mako shark breach right next to you as you ascend from a dive onGreenpeace’s sunken Rainbow Warrior.Adventurism speaks to the heart of what it is to practice magic. It is aseizing of things denied to you by birth or circumstance. It is a fundamentalcall of the universe’s bl

File: ss198906 -


  • mbassador & ex-IBM chairman Thomas Watson, U. Alexis Johnson, and such Thomas Watson, U. Alexis Johnson, and such fiendish “Satanist” front organizations as fiendish “Satanist” front organizations as Greenpeace, the World Wildlife Fund, Amnesty Greenpeace, the World Wildlife Fund, Amnesty International, UNESCO, and UNICEF. [Also on the International, UNESCO, and UNICEF. [Also on the LaRouche rogue’s list of

File: Cyberterrorism Understanding, Assessment, and Response -


  • and international organisations. This is broader than the phrase ‘international governmental organisa-tions’ in the UK defi nition; it could plausibly apply to non-governmental organisa-tions such as Greenpeace and domestic service providers such as gas companies and Internet service providers (ISPs). Thirdly, the Canadian defi nition encompasses attacks against individual persons, such as an attack on a si


  • efi nition is broader in some respects than the other defi nitions, and narrower in others. The Canadian defi nition is broader than the UK defi nition in that it could apply to cyber-attacks against Greenpeace, a domestic gas company or an ISP. The Canadian defi nition could also plausibly apply to a cyber- attack that compelled an individual Member of Parliament to act in a particular way. The higher stan


  • would apply to cyber-attacks against international organisations. This could include cyber-attacks against international governmental organisations like the UN or non- governmental organisations like Greenpeace. However, it would not include cyber- attacks against domestic organisations or individual persons (as in the Canadian defi nition). Fourthly, the New Zealand defi nition would be restricted to cyber

File: Valdamar Valerian - Matrix III Volume 1 -


  • een 1980 and 1984 I was in England, and I got to see some illustrations of how some of this technology actually works. During this period, there were a lot of protests, sit- ins and demonstrations by Greenpeace and many other groups against the deployment of Cruise missiles, especially at Greenham Common, which was south of where I was located. In 1983 and 1984 there was a very large presence of military po

File: Valdamar Valerian - Matrix III Volume 2 -


  • MATRIX 111 - VOLUME TWO Greenpeace announces that pesticide use has none UD 3000% since 1940. Many pesticides are based on Nazi nerve agent formulations during WWII. The EPA places U.S. annual pesticide use at 2.2 billion pounds - an


  • it calls Brainlink, a brainwave to compter interface system. Device amplifies 0.5Hz to 40Hz brainwaves and converts them to digital form. Foreign troops and equipment noted within the United States. Greenpeace reports the US has illegally exported plutonium processing technology to Japan. (AP 9/13/94). China conducts nuclear tests. 40,000 US troops sent again to Kuwait by Clinton as Iraq conducts exercises

File: Viktor Schauberger - Living Energies - Viktor Schauberger's Brilliant Work With Natural Energy Explained (2001) -


  • presented entirely new concepts of the cosmos, its functions and how it came into being, thereby contributing towards the growing impetus for the genera- tion of a new paradigm. Organisations such as Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth and many more are on the increase, composed of thinking people who see the urgent need for change and who oppose, often with extraor- dinary personal courag e and self-sacrifice

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