House of Orange

Found in 54 Books

File: David Icke - 1994 - The Robots' Rebellion -

  • a powerful group ofEnglish and Scottish Protestants, may have been a British political party, laterto become the Liberals, but they were actually based in Holland. They had closelinks with the Dutch House of Orange and with William, Prince of Orange, who hadmarried Mary, the daughter of James II. The House of Orange, like the Germanroyal family, often used marriage to expand its power and effect bloodlesstakeov

  • ctionwithin the Brotherhood empire and the most powerful of these ‘front’organisations. The Bilderberg meetings were started, yet again with Rockefellerand Rothschild money, by Prince Bernhard of the House of Orange in theNetherlands. The name Bilderberg comes from the hotel in the Netherlands wherethe group first met in 1954, though the existence of the group was denied formany years. Prince Bernhard was a memb

File: David Icke - 1994 - The Robots' Rebellion -

  • a powerful group ofEnglish and Scottish Protestants, may have been a British political party, laterto become the Liberals, but they were actually based in Holland. They had closelinks with the Dutch House of Orange and with William, Prince of Orange, who hadmarried Mary, the daughter of James II. The House of Orange, like the Germanroyal family, often used marriage to expand its power and effect bloodlesstakeov

  • ctionwithin the Brotherhood empire and the most powerful of these ‘front’organisations. The Bilderberg meetings were started, yet again with Rockefellerand Rothschild money, by Prince Bernhard of the House of Orange in theNetherlands. The name Bilderberg comes from the hotel in the Netherlands wherethe group first met in 1954, though the existence of the group was denied formany years. Prince Bernhard was a memb

File: David Icke - 1999 - The Biggest Secret -

  • d such close connections with the Rockefeller/Farish Standard Oiland British companies like ICI. Bernhard’s background caused a scandal in theNetherlands when he married Queen Juliana of the infamous House of Orange, tobecome the Netherlands equivalent of his bosom buddy, Prince Philip. Bernhardhelped to found the Bilderberg Group which officially met for the first time in1954, and in 1961 he cofounded, with Phi

File: David Icke - 1999 - The Biggest Secret -

  • d such close connections with the Rockefeller/Farish Standard Oiland British companies like ICI. Bernhard’s background caused a scandal in theNetherlands when he married Queen Juliana of the infamous House of Orange, tobecome the Netherlands equivalent of his bosom buddy, Prince Philip. Bernhardhelped to found the Bilderberg Group which officially met for the first time in1954, and in 1961 he cofounded, with Phi

File: David Icke - 2001 - Children Of The Matrix -

  • Group is co-ordinated by lovers ofhumanity like David Rockefellerand Henry Kissinger. Prince Bernhard, a GermanHabsburg and former Nazi SSofficer, married into the Dutch royal family, theMerovingian House of Orange.This is the same bloodline as William of Orangewho played such a pivotal rolefor the Illuminati when he sat on the British throne,signed the charter tocreate the Bank of England, and started conflict

File: David Icke - 2001 - Children Of The Matrix -

  • Group is co-ordinated by lovers ofhumanity like David Rockefellerand Henry Kissinger. Prince Bernhard, a GermanHabsburg and former Nazi SSofficer, married into the Dutch royal family, theMerovingian House of Orange.This is the same bloodline as William of Orangewho played such a pivotal rolefor the Illuminati when he sat on the British throne,signed the charter tocreate the Bank of England, and started conflict

File: David Icke - 2003 - Tales From The Time Loop -

  • Knights of Malta) and on the rod was a dove (thesymbol of Babylon’s Queen Semiramis). She later held an orb with the MalteseCross on the top, the same as those used by the Dutch (and high-Illuminati)House of Orange. The Queen was anointed with oil, the ancient tradition thatgoes back thousands of the years to the Egypt-Sumer era and beyond. The wordChrist means “Anointed One”. The oil used in the British Corona

File: David Icke - 2003 - Tales From The Time Loop -

  • Knights of Malta) and on the rod was a dove (thesymbol of Babylon’s Queen Semiramis). She later held an orb with the MalteseCross on the top, the same as those used by the Dutch (and high-Illuminati)House of Orange. The Queen was anointed with oil, the ancient tradition thatgoes back thousands of the years to the Egypt-Sumer era and beyond. The wordChrist means “Anointed One”. The oil used in the British Corona

File: David Icke - 2010 - Human Race Get Off Your Knees -


  • Central Europe. Genealogists say many leading world figures, past and present, trace their lineage to Charlemagne, including every English monarch from circa AD 1000 to the House of Wmdsor, the Dutch House of Orange, and many US presidents, including George Washington, the Bush family and Barack Obama. Some genealogists say that virtually anyone with European blood is descended to some extent from Charlemagne, b

File: David Icke - 2010 - Human Race Get Off Your Knees -


  • Central Europe. Genealogists say many leading world figures, past and present, trace their lineage to Charlemagne, including every English monarch from circa AD 1000 to the House of Wmdsor, the Dutch House of Orange, and many US presidents, including George Washington, the Bush family and Barack Obama. Some genealogists say that virtually anyone with European blood is descended to some extent from Charlemagne, b

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception - Part One -

  • e-Coburg-Gotha conveniently changed its name to ‘Windsor’when Britain was at war with another wing of the family in 1917.The monarchy of Belgium is also Saxe-Coburg-Gotha while the Dutch monarchy, theHouse of Orange-Nassau, is similarly of German descent. This connection wasfurther entrenched when Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld, a former Nazi SSofficer, married the future Queen Juliana of the Netherlands.

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception -


  • oburg-Gotha conveniently changed its name to ‘Windsor’ when Britain was at war with another wing of the family in 1917. The monarchy of Belgium is also Saxe-Coburg-Gotha while the Dutch monarchy, the House of Orange- Nassau, is similarly of German descent. This connection was further entrenched when Prince Bernhard of Lippe- Biesterfeld, a former Nazi SS officer, married the future Queen Juliana of the Netherlan

File: David Icke - Human Race Get Off Your Knees -


  • Central Europe. Genealogists say many leading world figures, past and present, trace their lineage to Charlemagne, including every English monarch from circa AD 1000 to the House of Wmdsor, the Dutch House of Orange, and many US presidents, including George Washington, the Bush family and Barack Obama. Some genealogists say that virtually anyone with European blood is descended to some extent from Charlemagne, b

File: David Icke - Tales From The Time Loop -


  • s of Malta) and on the rod was a dov e (the symbol of Babylon's Queen Semiramis). She later held an o rb with the Maltese Cross on the top, the same a s those used by the Dutch (and h igh-Illuminati) House of Orange. Queen was anointed with oil, the a ncient tradition that goes back thou sands of the years to the Egyp t-Sumer era a nd b eyond . The word Christ means "Anointed One". The oil used in the British Co

File: David Icke - Tales from the Time Loop (2003) -


  • s of Malta) and on the rod was a dov e (the symbol of Babylon's Queen Semiramis). She later held an o rb with the Maltese Cross on the top, the same a s those used by the Dutch (and h igh-Illuminati) House of Orange. Queen was anointed with oil, the a ncient tradition that goes back thou sands of the years to the Egyp t-Sumer era a nd b eyond . The word Christ means "Anointed One". The oil used in the British Co

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret - The Book that Will Change the World (1998) -


  • uch close connections with the Rockefeller/ Farish Standard Oil and British companies like ICI. Bernhard’s background caused a scandal in the Netherlands when he married Queen Juliana of the infamous House of Orange, to become the Netherlands equivalent of his bosom buddy, Prince Philip. Bernhard helped to found the Bilderberg Group which officially met for the first time in 1954, and in 1961 he co-founded, with

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret -


  • uch close connections with the Rockefeller/ Farish Standard Oil and British companies like ICI. Bernhard’s background caused a scandal in the Netherlands when he married Queen Juliana of the infamous House of Orange, to become the Netherlands equivalent of his bosom buddy, Prince Philip. Bernhard helped to found the Bilderberg Group which officially met for the first time in 1954, and in 1961 he co-founded, with

File: David Icke - The Robots' Rebellion - The Story of the Spiritual Renaissance (1994) -


  • powerful group of English and Scottish Protestants, may have been a British political party, later to become the Liberals, but they were actually based in Holland. They had close links with the Dutch House of Orange and with William, Prince of Orange, who had married Mary, the daughter ofJames II. The House of Orange, like the German royal family, often used marriage to expand its power and effect bloodless take


  • erberg Group, which is the European and NATO connection within the Brotherhood empire. The Bilderberg meetings were started, yet again with Rockefeller and Rothschild money, by Prince Bernhard of the House of Orange in the Netherlands. The name Bilderberg comes from the hotel in the Netherlands where the group first met in 1954, though the existence of the group was denied for many years. Some researchers claim

File: David Icke - The Robots' Rebellion -


  • powerful group of English and Scottish Protestants, may have been a British political party, later to become the Liberals, but they were actually based in Holland. They had close links with the Dutch House of Orange and with William, Prince of Orange, who had married Mary, the daughter ofJames II. The House of Orange, like the German royal family, often used marriage to expand its power and effect bloodless take


  • erberg Group, which is the European and NATO connection within the Brotherhood empire. The Bilderberg meetings were started, yet again with Rockefeller and Rothschild money, by Prince Bernhard of the House of Orange in the Netherlands. The name Bilderberg comes from the hotel in the Netherlands where the group first met in 1954, though the existence of the group was denied for many years. Some researchers claim

File: Encyclopedia Masonica -


  • em of wisdom sophia and not, as in other systems, a symbol of evil. OEANGEMEN. This name was first used by the Catholics of Ireland as an apellation of their Protestant countrymen, who adhered to the house of Orange. It has since been assumed by a political order which was founded in 1794. In 1795 the rules and regulations of the Lodges were published by Thomas, who had privately been made a Mason at Dyon, in th

File: Fritz Springmeier - Bloodlines Of The Illuminati - Volume 2 -

  • In 1830 thesigns of masonic-fueled revolution began to appear again. Metternich’s "peace ofthe world" (they always call imperialism “peace") was being threatened. A newking was set up in France, the House of Orange was dethroned in the Netherlands.The fires of revolution were spreading through the masonic network andMetternich began to lose his grip on Europe.The Revolution of 1848 in France dethroned yet anoth

File: Fritz Springmeier - Bloodlines Of The Illuminati -


  • 1830 the signs of masonic-fueled revolution began to appear again. Metternich’s "peace of the world" (they always call imperialism ,,peace") was being threatened. A new king was set up in France, the House of Orange was dethroned in the Netherlands. The fires of revolution were spreading through the masonic network and Metternich began to lose his grip on Europe. The Revolution of 1848 in France de-throned yet a

File: Fritz Springmeier - Illuminati Bloodlines -

  • In 1830 thesigns of masonic-fueled revolution began to appear again. Metternich’s "peace ofthe world" (they always call imperialism ,,peace") was being threatened. A newking was set up in France, the House of Orange was dethroned in the Netherlands.The fires of revolution were spreading through the masonic network andMetternich began to lose his grip on Europe.The Revolution of 1848 in France de-throned yet anot

File: Fritz Springmeier - Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines -


  • 1830 the signs of masonic-fueled revolution began to appear again. Metternich’s "peace of the world" (they always call imperialism ,,peace") was being threatened. A new king was set up in France, the House of Orange was dethroned in the Netherlands. The fires of revolution were spreading through the maso nic network and Metternich began to lose his grip on Europe. The Revolution of 1848 in France de-throned yet

File: H. G. Wells - Complete Works of H. G. Wells (2011 , Delphi Classics) -

  • luices. Presently the stoutmen of Alkmaar, cheering and jeering, watched the Spaniards breaking camp....The form assumed by the government of Holland was a patrician republic under theheadship of the house of Orange. The States-General was far less representativeof the whole body of citizens than was the English Parliament even in its“Venetian” days. Though the worst of the struggle was over after Alkmaar,Hollan

File: H. G. Wells_ W. Warren Wagar - The Outline of History, Volume 2_ The Roman Empire to the Great War 2(2004, Barnes & Noble Publishing) -

  • ntly the stoutmen of Alkmaar, cheering and jeering, watched the Spaniards breaking camp. . . .The form assumed by the government of liberated Holland was a patrician republicunder the headship of the house of Orange. The States-General was far lessrepresentative of the whole body of citizens than was the English Parliament weshall next relate.Though the worst of the struggle was over after Alkmaar, Holland was n

File: History_Food -


  • al fruit. At an earlier date, William of Orange’s anti-Catholic laws made him so unpop- ular in Ireland that the people of the Emerald Isle declared no orange tree should ever grow on Irish soil. The House of Orange, from which King William was descended, took its name from the principality and town of Orange in south-east France. Oranges were taken to prisoners in La Santé prison in France, where many of the in

File: John Coleman - Conspiritor's Hierarchy - The Committee Of 300 -


  • rchill, Winston. Cicireni, V. or Family Designate. Cini, Count Vittorio. Clark, Howard. Cleveland, Amory. Cleveland, Harland. Clifford, Clark. Cobold, Lord. Coffin, the Rev William Sloane. Constanti, House of Orange. Cooper, John. Family Designate. Coudenhove-Kalergi, Count. Cowdray, Lord. Cox, Sir Percy. Cromer, Lord Evelyn Baring. Crowther, Sir Eric. Cumming, Sir Mansfield. Curtis, Lionel. d'Arcy, William K. D

File: John Coleman - We Fight For Oil -


  • l brothers had beaten all competitors to the oil in Baku, having taken up residence there. Ludwig Nobel became known as "the Oil King of Baku." The British House of Windsor and the Dutch Huis Oranje (House of Orange) joined hands to get into the business and in 1903 agreed with Shell Oil to form the Asiatic Petroleum Company. Efforts that were made to ease tensions in the Baku o il fields between Standard Oil, t


  • he Nasi prince of Africa Sir Ernest Oppenheimer, the Samuels of London and the House of Windsor are the largest stockholders in Royal Dutch Shell. On the death of Juliana her stocks were passed on to House of Orange (Netherlands). The historical account of the petroleum industry takes us through the twists and turns of "diplomacy" (lies, false promises, mendacity, double-dealing, political pressure, bullying and


  • tish government (on beha lf of the House of Windsor) just as D'Arcy was about to sign with the French. In 1909 a company was formed called the Anglo Persian Oil Company with the House of Windsor, the House of Orange and Baron de Reuter as the key shareholders with D'Arcy as the director. The British contract was a masterstroke pulled off by Reilly, and it earned him a special position of authority when the Bolsh


  • ndse Shell) of Anglo-Dutch origin. It is one of the largest energy corporations in the world and a flagship company of the Committee of 300. The majority stockholders are the House of Windsor and the House of Orange of the Netherlands. There are said to be only fourteen thousand stockholders, with Queen Elizabeth (representing the House of Windsor), Queen Juliana (representing the House of Orange) and Lord Victo

File: Michael Tsarion - Irish Origins Of Civilization - Volume 2 -


  • eans, a branch of the Capetian dynasty of Europe. The word capet means the "Big Heads" or "Chiefs." Standard of the Belgian kings . At the Bank of Belgium the so - called rivals - the Stuarts and the House of Orange - keep their accounts. The Windsor family have dynastic ties to this important Masonic - Atonist country The Nazis and their Masonic - Atonist solar eagle. Hitler, Himmler, and the other Nazi agents


  • d. They were merely tribal or clan leaders in line from "David." The 9 tail feathers represent the 9 degrees of the Illum inati (Atonist) Lodges. The Coat of Arms of the House of Hesse Related to the House of Orange, they were funders and promoters of the Rothschild Dynasty. The colors red, white, blue and black are of the Temple of Solomon (Sol - Aton) The Coat of Arms of the Rothschild Banking Family (Compare


  • er Amschel Rothschild was an agent of the descendants of ancient bloodlines. He worke d for, and was promoted to his station, by W ilhelm IX Landgrave of Hesse - Cassel (originally Kurhessen), of the House of Orange. This dynasty has produced kings of Sweden and Finland. Queen Elizabeth I of England, of the Saxe - Coburg Gotha and Guelph dynasti es ("Black Nobility") is the head of English Freemasonry. The Duke

File: Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier 1998 -


  • 1830 the signs of masonic-fueled revolution began to appear again. Metternich’s "peace of the world" (they always call imperialism ,,peace") was being threatened. A new king was set up in France, the House of Orange was dethroned in the Netherlands. The fires of revolution were spreading through the masonic network and Metternich began to lose his grip on Europe. The Revolution of 1848 in France de-throned yet a



  • nd State. The traditional Church of England had as its titular head the King. Calvinism's divisive propaganda led to the triumph of Cromwell and the replacement of the Kings of the Stuart line by the House of Orange-Nassau. The first victim of this purge was King Charles I, who was beheaded by the conspirators. Details of the plot were published centuries later in Lord Alfred Douglas' publication "Plain English,

File: bloodlines2 -


  • 1830 the signs of masonic-fueled revolution began to appear again. Metternich’s "peace of the world" (they always call imperialism “peace") was being threatened. A new king was set up in France, the House of Orange was dethroned in the Netherlands. The fires of revolution were spreading through the masonic network and Metternich began to lose his grip on E urope. The Revolution of 1848 in France dethroned yet a

File: Secret Societies Of America's Elite -


  • e of Orange. James also had a daughter named M ary, who was a Protestant and who also strengthened the family bon d with the Dutch by marrying the son of the Prince of Orange, William I II. The Dutch House of Orange was united from earlier times with the Ge rman House of Nassau, a region bordering on the state of Hesse. I t would shed the des- ignation Nassau-Orange and come to be called simply the House of Oran

File: Brotherhood And The Manipulation Of Society -


  • Group (Bil) This was convened for the first time in May 1954 by Polish socialist Joseph Retinger, a major voice behind the European Union. Also instrumental in its creation was Prince Bernhard of the House of Orange in the Netherlands (former German SS officer an spy via chemical company I.G. Farben and who later became chairman of Shell Oil). It was to be a group of leading politicians and their advisors, execu

File: Coleman - The Conspirators' Hierarchy - The Committee of 300 (1991) -


  • rchill, Winston. Cicireni, V. or Family Designate. Cini, Count Vittorio. Clark, Howard. Cleveland, Amory. Cleveland, Harland. Clifford, Clark. Cobold, Lord. Coffin, the Rev William Sloane. Constanti, House of Orange. Cooper, John. Family Designate. Coudenhove-Kalergi, Count. Cowdray, Lord. Cox, Sir Percy. Cromer, Lord Evelyn Baring. Crowther, Sir Eric. Cumming, Sir Mansfield. Curtis, Lionel. d'Arcy, William K. D

File: David Icke - Tales from the Time Loop (2003) -


  • ights of Malta) and on the rod was a dove (the symbol of Babylon's Queen Semiramis). She later held an orb with the Maltese Cross on the top, the same as those used by the Dutch (and high-Illuminati) House of Orange. Queen was anointed with oil, the ancient tradition that goes back thousands of the years to the Egypt-Sumer era and beyond. The word Christ means "Anointed One". The oil used in the British Coronati

File: David Icke - The Robots' Rebellion - The Story of the Spiritual Renaissance (1994) -


  • a powerful group of English and ScottishProtestants, may have been a British political party, later to become theLiberals, but they were actually based in Holland. They had close linkswith the Dutch House of Orange and with William, Prince of Orange,who had married Mary, the daughter ofJames II. The House of Orange,like the German royal family, often used marriage to expand its powerand effect bloodless takeove


  • BilderbergGroup, which is the European and NATO connection within theBrotherhood empire. The Bilderberg meetings were started, yet againwith Rockefeller and Rothschild money, by Prince Bernhard of theHouse of Orange in the Netherlands. The name Bilderberg comesfrom the hotel in the Netherlands where the group first met in 1954,though the existence of the group was denied for many years. Someresearchers claim tha

File: Dope, Inc. - Britain's Opium War Against the U.S. (major expose of global drug trade) (1978) -


  • ristocrats would prefer to plan but not get caught in carrying out. Many of these Hofjuden familie s migrated from Amsterdam to Britain after the "Glorious Revolution" (1688), which brought the Dutch House of Orange onto the British throne in alliance with the most bucolic, feudalist landed ge ntry of the Isles. That Anglo- Dutch merger of the late 17th century turned Britain into the most powerful center of the

File: Helsing - Secret Societies and Their Power in the 20th Century (1995) -


  • 80 House of O ldenbu rg (Denmark) House of Hohen zollern (Germ any) House of Hano ver (Germany) House of Bourbon (France) House of Orange (Netherlands) House of Grimaldi (Mona co) House of Wittelsbach (Germany) House of Braganza (Portugal) House of Nassau (Luxembou rg) House of Habsburg (Austria) House of Savoy (Italy) House of Karadjo


  • list here b ut a few: Balfour, Arthur Brand t, Willy Bulwer-Lytton, Edward ( Author of The Coming Race ) Bund y, McGeorge Bush, G eorge [H.W.] Carrington, Lord Chamberlain, Huston Stewart Constanti, House of Orange Delano , Family, Frederic Delano (was on the Fede ral R eserve boa rd) Drake, Sir Francis Du Pont, Family Forbes, John M. Frede rik IX, King of Denmark George, Lloyd Grey, Sir Edward Haig, Sir Dougla

File: Helsing, Jan van - Secret Societies and Their Power in the 20th Century (1995) -


  • 80 House of O ldenbu rg (Denmark) House of Hohen zollern (Germ any) House of Hano ver (Germany) House of Bourbon (France) House of Orange (Netherlands) House of Grimaldi (Mona co) House of Wittelsbach (Germany) House of Braganza (Portugal) House of Nassau (Luxembou rg) House of Habsburg (Austria) House of Savoy (Italy) House of Karadjo


  • list here b ut a few: Balfour, Arthur Brand t, Willy Bulwer-Lytton, Edward ( Author of The Coming Race ) Bund y, McGeorge Bush, G eorge [H.W.] Carrington, Lord Chamberlain, Huston Stewart Constanti, House of Orange Delano , Family, Frederic Delano (was on the Fede ral R eserve boa rd) Drake, Sir Francis Du Pont, Family Forbes, John M. Frede rik IX, King of Denmark George, Lloyd Grey, Sir Edward Haig, Sir Dougla

File: Illuminati Handbook -


  • ba Geigy T errorist Groups Religions Cults De -programers NASA Knights of Malta The V atican Some UFO organizations W orld F ederation of Mental Health SE-banken (Sweden) Greenpeace House of W indsor House of Orange Science of physics and astronomy UN Security Council US Military Capitalism, fascism, communism, sio - nism, liberalism, socialism, green politics

File: Marshall, Peter - Demanding the Impossible, A History of Anarchism (2008) -


  • spreading its wings and revealing menacing eyes. In February 1970 the Kabouters announced the formation of an alterna- tive community called the 'Orange Free State' (the royal house of Holland is the House of Orange). They set up twelve departments paralleling existing government ministries. In their playful proclamation, they declared that the new society would emerge out of the old society like a toadstool fro

File: New Underworld Order -


  • cyclopaedia Brita nnica' [14th Edition, 1972, Crown and Regalia, Figure 2]. While remaining on guard against historical invention, revisionism and disinformatiorv one perception is that the Ha psburg House of Orange originated in France. The Hapsburgs were related through marriage with the Merovingians, thought by revisionists to have been descended from the Israelite Tribe of Benjamin, many of whose members wen


  • htenstein; The House of Oldenberg, Denmark; The House of Hohenzollern, Germany; The House of Hanover, Germany (second in importance to the House of Guelph (Windsor); The House of Bourbon, France; The House of Orange, Netherlands (William of Orange was originally the Jew William Stradholder who was first elevated to the rank of Captain-General of the Dutch Forces); The House of Grimaldi, Monaco; The House of Witt

File: Order Out Of Chaos -


  • Royalty --- NL: Queen Beatrix - Her Majesty, the Queen of the Net herlands and of the House of Orange. "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way." Franklin D Roosevelt Understanding the Hegelian Dialectic George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was born in 1

File: Paul Joseph Watson - Order Out Of Chaos -


  • Royalty --- NL: Queen Beatrix - Her Majesty, the Queen of the Net herlands and of the House of Orange. "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way." Franklin D Roosevelt Understanding the Hegelian Dialectic George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was born in 1

File: Propaganda and Mass Persuasion-1576078205 -


  • in the Netherlands by writers such as Joan Derck van der Capellen (1741– 1784) and newspapers like P olitieke Kruijer (Political Courier; 1783–1787), sowed the seeds of opposition to the rule of the House of Orange. Many welcomed the occupation of the Netherlands by a French revolutionary army in 1795. France established the Batavian Republic (again harking back to the classical history of the region), which la

File: Ralph Epperson - The Unseen Hand - An Introduction to the Conspiratorial View of History -


  • ttack..." The corporations that have created Iron Mountain in clude Standard Oil of New Jersey (the Rockefeller interests); Manufact urers Hanover Trust (the Morgan interests); and the Shell Oil (the House of Orange,) amongst others. 252

File: Satanic Rothschild Dynasty - Financial Wizzards And Wealthy Cults -


  • 1830 the signs of masonic-fueled revolution began to appear again. Metternich’s “peace of the world” (they always call imperialism "peace”) was being threatened. A new king was set up in France, the House of Orange was dethroned in the Netherlands. The fires of revolution were spreading through the masonic network and Metternich began to lose his grip on Europe. The Revolution of 1848 in France de-throned yet a

File: Syndicate - The Story Of The Coming World Government -


  • the Second World War. 71 At the end of the war he had returned to the Hague Grand Lodge, and was a ma jor stockholder in Royal Dutch Shell, the "Rothschild"-dominated oi l company. 72 A member of the House of Orange, Bernhard claimed des cent from the Merovingian line which produced the Kings of Jerusa lem. 73 In a sense, the Bilderberg Group was founded by a descendent of Godfroi de Bouillon, who became King of


  • itish Oil Imperialis m: impintro1.htm, p. 3. 70. Rivera, op. cit., p. 177. 71. Daniel, op. cit., p. 581. 72. Daniel, op. cit., p. 581. 73. For Bernhard as a member of the House of Orange, se e Epperson, The Unseen Hand, p206. As a 5% stockholder in Royal Dutch Shell, his wife ex-Queen Juliana was worth around $2b in 1978. See Epperson, op. cit., p. 206. For Bernhard's descent from th

File: Robert Anton Wilson - TSOG - The Thing That Ate The Constitution -


  • at least 20 years. Meanwhile, my favorite (tentative) model sees this in terms of Selfish Gene Pools. One gene pool—which I call the DEA, or the House of Orange—consists of intermarried Dutch-English-Ameri- can "royal" families and bankers. They have increasingly owned and governed the planet over the past 400 years. In the opinion of the non-DEA majority, t

File: Robert Anton Wilson - The Thing That Ate The Constitution -


  • at least 20 years. Meanwhile, my favorite (tentative) model sees this in terms of Selfish Gene Pools. One gene pool—which I call the DEA, or the House of Orange—consists of intermarried Dutch-English-Ameri- can "royal" families and bankers. They have increasingly owned and governed the planet over the past 400 years. In the opinion of the non-DEA majority, t

File: Dope, Inc. - Britain's Opium War Against The US -


  • ristocrats would prefer to plan but not get caught in carrying out. Many of these Hofjuden familie s migrated from Amsterdam to Britain after the "Glorious Revolution" (1688), which brought the Dutch House of Orange onto the British throne in alliance with the most bucolic, feudalist landed ge ntry of the Isles. That Anglo- Dutch merger of the late 17th century turned Britain into the most powerful center of the

File: Gods Of Eden -


  • reigned over the German principality of Nassau (which bordered on Hesse) and over the French region of Orange; hence, William's dynasty was known as the House of Nassau- Orange, or more simply, th e "House of Orange." William led the fight in Holland partly because he had inherited large tracts of land there. The eventual success of the Dutch rebellions brought about the birth of a fully independent Netherlands.


  • evolution. In fact, a great many Puritans had fled England to establish colonies in North America after Charles II assumed the throne. The Glorious Revolution was led, in part, by none other than the House of Orange-Nassau. By the time of the Glorious Revolution, the House of Orange was firmly seated on the Dutch throne. How Orange also came to take the British throne and reign over three nations at once is a fa


  • group of Englishmen and Scots had formed a Protestant political faction in England known as the Whigs. The Whigs were actually headquartered in Holland which, of course, was under the monarchy of the House of Orange. From their Dutch base, the Whigs launched the Glorious Revolution of 1688 and quickly unseated James II in a bloodless coup. The Whigs then placed James II's son-in-law, William III of Or ange, on t


  • bank today, it also gave us England's current royal family: the House of Windsor. The House of Windsor is directly descended from the royal family of German Hannover*, which had intimate ties to the House of Orange and to other German principalities in the treacherous marry-and-overthrow clique. After William III of Orange/England died, his sister Anne was seated on the British throne. By prior arrangement, upo


  • es through the signing of "subsidy treaties," which were really business contracts. England began entering into subsidy treaties almost immedi- ately after the German takeover of their country by the House of Orange in 1688. As we recall, one of the first things that William and Mary did after taking the English throne was to launch England into war. The German mercenaries were a constant burden to England. One


  • ckers, was headed by former Nazi SS officers several times up until 1972. This is not surprising when we consider that Interpol was controlled by the Nazis during World War II. Prince Bernhard of the House of Orange in the Netherlands had been a member of the SS before the war, followed by a stint as an employee of I. G. Farben. He then married into the House of Orange and assumed his position as chairman of She

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