UN Security Council

Found in 85 Books

File: Solving 911 - The Deception That Changed The World -


  • rael complied with UN Resolutions 194 and 242. The next day, a massive Israeli military force surrounded and destroyed Yasir Arafat‘s office compound in Ramallah. Later, the United States voted for a UN Security Council resolution demanding Israeli with drawal from Ramallah, which Israel ignored. Arab diplomats accused Ariel Sharon of deliberately sabotaging the peace overture and Crown Prince Abdullah called the pr

File: Towers Of Deception -


  • Glyn Berry was killed near Kandahar in a suicide bombing which injured three servicemen, two seriously. By May 20, 17 Canadians had been killed. On September 12, 2001, prior to the NATO meeting, the UN Security Council adopted hastily-written resolution 1368 (2001) in which the Council condemned “in the strongest terms the horrifying terrorist attacks which took place on September 11, 2001 in New York, Washington,


  • slan School Massacre (2004) In 2004, although no longer the Soviet Union, Russia led by President Vladimir Putin is still a world power. It is a fully armed nuclear state, a perma- nent member of the UN Security Council, and a major world oil producer. It is a dominant influence in the Caucasus region, which is rich in petroleum reserves, and where it also faces a determined Islamic independence move- ment in the pr

File: Webster Tarpley - 9-11 Synthetic Terror -


  • ifested itself during the Iraq war of 2003. Russia and China were opposed to the bombing, but their peace plan was vetoed by the US, Britain, and France. However, NATO bombed without the benefit of a UN security council resolution. US-Russian relations reached a post-1991 low, with militant demonstrations at the US embassy in Moscow every day. The bombing of Kosovo duplicated the cowardly “bomb now, die later” metho


  • ffront by US President Eisenhower. After the USSR issued a unique nuclear ultimatum to the British and French, threatening London and Paris with nuclear destruction, the US and the USSR joined in the UN Security Council to vote against the old-style Anglo-French imperialists and their Israeli auxiliaries. The US position in the post-1956 Middle East was founded on the broad sympathy won when Washington torpedoed the


  • now undercut by the head of state of another permanent member of the UN Security Council. On Monday September 6, Putin spoke for three and one half hours with a group of some 30 western correspondents and Russia experts at his dacha near Novo Ogarevo outside Moscow. Most US press ignored

File: Anarchy Unbound - Peter T. Leeson -

  • xample of recurring predation, “the CBS [Central Bank of Somalia]has effectively functioned as a ‘slush fund’ for” private patronage “rather thanas a financing mechanism for Government expenditures” (UN Security Council 2013[Anarchy_Unbound__Why_Self-Gover_split_022.html#filepos853059]: 155). Indeed, anestimated 80 percent of funds withdrawn from the central bank have been forprivate purposes rather than the public

File: Antony C. Sutton, Patrick Wood - Trilaterals Over Washington (Parts 1 and 2) (1979-1981) -


  • t OECD. . G. Colonna Di Paliano has been with a variety of European organizations since 1964, including EEC, ECSC and Euratom. He is also a director of EXXON. . E. Ortona is a former president of the UN Security Council and a president of Honeywell Information Systems (Italia). . Giovanni Agnelli is a key Trilateral, president of Fi at and on the International Advisory committee of Chase Manhattan (Henry Kissinger i

File: Colin Wilson - Scandal -

  • ritish Secret Service.On 5 February, US Secretary of State, Colin Powell – a hero of President BushSenior’s 1990 war with Iraq – presented a long and highly detailed report to aplenary session of the UN Security Council. Powell’s oratory was precise andpowerful. Yet his presentation of many satellite pictures of Iraqi buildings andvehicles that he insisted were part of a WMD manufacturing process was less thanconvin

File: Daniel Estulin - Shadow Masters -

  • ner is also a member of the Bilderberg Group.A LICENSE TO STEALHow was it possible to plunder virtually all of Kosovo? On June 10, 1999, Dr.Bernard Kouchner, pursuant to authority given to him by the UN Security Councilas Special Representative of the Secretary General, issued the following edict:“UNMIK shall administer movable or immovable property, including monies, bankaccounts, and other property of, or register

  • sily give away its secrets.“Do you have a Liberian diplomatic passport as the mainstream media alleges?”“How would I have a Liberian diplomatic passport if I have never dealt withTaylor?”In 2005, the UN Security Council Committee on Liberia identified Leonid Minin asone of Victor Bout’s closest associates and provided further personal details ofthe Odessa Mafia crime lord:Minin, Leonid EfimovichNationality: IsraelBo

File: David Icke - 2003 - Tales From The Time Loop -

  • analysis of such ‘evidence’ inthe Online Journal of April 29th 2003.47 He said that after the United Statesand Britain were shown to be providing bogus and plagiarized ‘intelligence’documents to the UN Security Council that supposedly ‘proved’ Saddam Hussein’sweapons of mass destruction programme, the world’s media was now being fed asteady stream of captured Iraqi ‘intelligence’ documents from the rubble ofIraq’s

File: David Icke - 2003 - Tales From The Time Loop -

  • analysis of such ‘evidence’ inthe Online Journal of April 29th 2003.47 He said that after the United Statesand Britain were shown to be providing bogus and plagiarized ‘intelligence’documents to the UN Security Council that supposedly ‘proved’ Saddam Hussein’sweapons of mass destruction programme, the world’s media was now being fed asteady stream of captured Iraqi ‘intelligence’ documents from the rubble ofIraq’s

File: David Icke - 2012 - Remember Who You Are -

  • ghanistan. Amid the protests and violence inSyria, and the clear manoeuvring to justify military intervention, theInternational Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) announced that it was reporting Syriato the UN Security Council for having a covert nuclear programme. This is allcoordinated through the bloodline networks. Once more the IAEA never mentionsthe enormous nuclear weapons programme that has been going for decades j

  • by the Rothschilds and Rockefellers and is located on land in NewYork donated by the Rockefellers. You would, therefore, expect the UN to dowhatever its creators and masters demand – and so it does. UN Security CouncilResolution 1973 agreed a no-fly zone over Libya to ‘protect civilians’. Thisshould have been the limit to military activities, and any violation of thisshould have been jumped upon immediately by the

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception - Part One -

  • s for global United Nations taxation in the form of things like carbonand currency taxes are the stepping-stones to funding the world government. Wealready have a de-facto world army called NATO. The UN Security Council,dominated by the permanent members, the United States, Britain, France, Russiaand China, decides that this or that country is not playing ball with theirplans – Libya for example – and the NATO killi

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception -


  • for global United Nations taxation in the form of things like carbon and currency taxes are the stepping-stones to funding the world government. We already have a de-facto world army called NATO. The UN Security Council, dominated by the permanent members, the United States, Britain, France, Russia and China, decides that this or that country is not playing ball with their plans – Libya for example – and the NATO ki

File: David Icke - 2019 - The Trigger -


  • f every orange hair. Jewish-only Israeli settlements are illegal under the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 which bans countries from settling their population into territories occupied in a war. The UN Security Council, UN General Assembly, International Committee of the Red Cross, International Court of Justice and High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Convention have all confirmed this. Israel says 'up yours' an


  • North Korea, all Sabbatian- Frankist targets. Trump's pick for UN ambassador was the ultra-Israel supporting Nicky Haley who continued America's role of vetoing any resolution of condemnation by the UN Security Council of whatever Israel does - no matter how deadly and grotesque. When Haley resigned she was replaced by her ultra-Zionist deputy Jonathan Cohen who stood in until a permanent appointment was made. Cohe

File: David Icke - 2019 - The Trigger -


  • f every orange hair. Jewish-only Israeli settlements are illegal under the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 which bans countries from settling their population into territories occupied in a war. The UN Security Council, UN General Assembly, International Committee of the Red Cross, International Court of Justice and High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Convention have all confirmed this. Israel says 'up yours' an


  • North Korea, all Sabbatian- Frankist targets. Trump's pick for UN ambassador was the ultra-Israel supporting Nicky Haley who continued America's role of vetoing any resolution of condemnation by the UN Security Council of whatever Israel does - no matter how deadly and grotesque. When Haley resigned she was replaced by her ultra-Zionist deputy Jonathan Cohen who stood in until a permanent appointment was made. Cohe

File: David Icke - Alice In Wonderland And The World Trade Center Disaster -


  • ance to say that the US and Britain can have nuclear weapons by right, but any lesser political and economic power must not. NATO and the United Nations also played their parts in the 9/11 movie. The UN Security Council has only five permanent members - the United States, Britain, China, France and Russia. These five have the power of veto over "substantive issues". The Security Council has, in truth, been dominated

File: David Icke - Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center (Chap 1-7) (2002) -


  • ance to say that the US and Britain can have nuclear weapons by right, but any lesser political and economic power must not. NATO and the United Nations also played their parts in the 9/11 movie. The UN Security Council has only five permanent members - the United States, Britain, China, France and Russia. These five have the power of veto over "substantive issues". The Security Council has, in truth, been dominated

File: David Icke - Federal Reserve System Fraud -


  • eech m ade by UN Secretary General Butrous Ghali to the Am erican Association of Newspaper Publishers at UN headquarters in New York in early May. The publishers' newspapers covered up the story. The UN Security Council m ust have a perm anent force that can be deployed anywhere in the world, instantly, to "protect the peace" and "ensure hum an rights" the secretary-general told the newspaper publishers. 29

File: G. Edward Griffin - The Fearful Master -


  • 5-76. 22. "Will UN Keep Freedom?" Rockford, Illinois, Register-Republic (Oc tober 29, 1961). 23 . United Nations Guardian of Peace, Department of State publication #7225 (September 19 61), p. 35. 24. UN Security Council official records (supplemen t for October through December 1951), p. 41-42. 25. Manly, pp. 91-92. 26. Clark, p. 298. 27 . United Nations Guardian of Peace, Department of State publication #7225 (Sept

File: History Of A Free Nation -


  • nd the Japanese had held. In planning for the peace. President Roosevelt had insisted to Churchill and Stalin that China be treated as a great power. As a result, China gained a permanent seat on the UN Security Council. Since the early 1930s, a civil war between the nationalist government and the Communists had ravaged China. During World War II, both sides stopped fighting one another and fought the Japanese. In t


  • the UN Security Council to liberate North Korea and unite it with the South. By November, UN troops were as far north as the Yalu River Valley, bordering communist China, when 200,000 Chinese troops crossed the border to ai

File: John Coleman - We Fight For Oil -


  • he United Nations to persuade most of the members of Congress to endorse the pre-emption doctrine as American policy and apply it to Iraq. And once backed by the Congress, he was able to persuade the UN Security Council to give Saddam Hussein what amounted to a unanimous ultimatum; disarm yourself, or be disarmed.


  • he American pe ople were persuaded to give their consent to an immediate all-out military assault on Iraq, notwithstanding that it was forbidden by the U.S. Constitution, and notwithstanding that the UN Security Council had refused to sanction a war against Iraq. We do not speak here of how international law was grossly violated by the U.S. and British governments, but suffice to say that the invasion of Iraq by U.S


  • We Fight For Oil 69 "inspectors." President Bush emphatica lly refused to permit the return of UN weapons inspectors to Iraq as requested by Chief Weapons Inspector Hans Blix, notwithstanding the UN Security Council's resolution which was still in effe ct. An obdurate Bush set his face against the leader of the UN search team. There would be no return of the UN search teams to Iraq. Just as emphatically Bush dec


  • titutional and of no effect; as it did not meet the criteria of a declaration of war. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was to verify the authenticity of these important documents for the UN Security Council, but only obtained them from the U.S. government after months of pleading - a strange delay, considering the Bush White House was so eager to prove Sa ddam's nuclear intentions to a skeptical world.

File: Joseph P. Farrell - Third Way - The Nazi International, European Union, And Corporate Fascism -

  • reaty’s) original purpose, is widened further by Article X of the treaty. Thispermits every member state to withdraw from the treaty so long as this step isjustified by “extraordinary events” and the UN Security Council gets threemonths (sic) notice. 84 [text00010.html#fn84]In case one misses the implications of the loophole, Küntzel spells it outplainly: A signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty such as Iran, or

File: Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke - Black Sun -


  • Union and the United Nations to- gether administer a New World Order devoted to democracy and economic prosperity. The assassinations of the president of the European Bank and a leading member of the UN Security Council are linked by a brand mark of the Black Sun on the foreheads of the victims. In this case, the symbol is a sun wheel, a black disk surrounded by twelve radial sig-runes. 52 This unique SS sun wheel d

File: Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke - Black Sun -


  • Union and the United Nations to- gether administer a New World Order devoted to democracy and economic prosperity. The assassinations of the president of the European Bank and a leading member of the UN Security Council are linked by a brand mark of the Black Sun on the foreheads of the victims. In this case, the symbol is a sun wheel, a black disk surrounded by twelve radial sig-runes. 52 This unique SS sun wheel d

File: Noam Chomsky - New War Against Terror -


  • s. The United States, of course, dismissed the court judg- ment with total contempt and announced that it would not accept the jurisdic- tion of the court henceforth. Then Nic aragua then went to the UN Security Council which considered a resolution calli ng on all states to observe interna- tional law. No one was mentioned but everyone understood. The United States vetoed the resolution. It now st ands as the only

File: Noam Chomsky - What Uncle Sam Really Wants -


  • ection | Contents | Archive | ZNet The Gulf War The Gulf War illustrated the same guiding principles, as we see clearly if we lift the veil of propaganda. When Iraq invaded Kuwait in August 1990, the UN Security Council immediately condemned Iraq and imposed severe sanctions on it. Why was the UN response so prompt and so unprecedently firm? The US government-media alliance had a standard answer. First, it told us t

File: Knight Templars - The Priory Of Sion -


  • r the construction of settlements in occupied territory in East Jerusalem" for which "there was wide-spread international condemnation." This issue, he reminded thos e present, was brought before the UN Security Council on March 7 and March 21 of this year, but without resolution "because the sole country on the Security Council which opposed the Resolution was the United States." An Emergency Session of the General



  • mber. Also see David Rose, “The Gaza Bombshell,” Vanity Fair, April, 2008. [21] John Dugard, Human Rights Situation in Palestine (A/HRC/7/17), UN Human Rights Council, January 21, 2008, para. 4. [22] UN Security Council Resolution 1701 (S/RES/1701), August 11, 2006; “Security Council votes unanimously for an end to hostilities in the Middle East,” UN News Center, August 11, 2006. [23] See General David H. Petraeus,

File: Revelation 911 about use of illuminati new world order occult numerology in creating history -


  • s inspectors, and refuse to allow them to leave the site without turning over other documents. A four-day standoff ensues. Iraq permits the team to leave with the documents after a statement from the UN Security Council threatens enforcement actions. October "11th" - KGB is replaced by the SVR October "11th" - Iraq disarmament crisis: The U.N. Security Council passes Resolution 715, which demands that Iraq "accept u


  • iss Black America Contest contestant. February "7th" - Signing of the Maastricht treaty. February "18th" - Iraq disarmament crisis: The Executive Chairman of UNSCOM details Iraq's refusal to abide by UN Security Council disarmament resolutions. March "18th" - Microsoft ships Windows 3.1 (this time it includes the window logo, that when examined, an "11", "13", and "33" are visible... there are 7x7 rows of dots on th


  • convince many of his other party members to do the same. (this had to be mentioned even though it happened on an 'off' date) November "13th" - Iraq disarmament crisis: Iraq agrees to the terms of the UN Security Council Resolution 1441 November "18th" - Iraq disarmament crisis: United Nations weapons inspectors led by Hans Blix arrive in Iraq. November "22th" - In Nigeria, more than 100 people are killed at an attac

File: Alternate Futures for 2025 (1996) -


  • Nature of International Politics International politics are divided between the older-style nation-state relations and evolving discussions with nonstate actors. The four superpowers work through the UN Security Council or conduct bilateral diplomacy to address potential conflicts. Meanwhile, many states are struggling or even collapsing. Where states are weak, a volatile mixture of MNCs, nongovernmental organizatio

File: Americ's War On Terrorism -


  • State Colin Powell underscored this relationship in his presentation to the Davos World Economic Forum, barely two months before the invasion as well as in his historic February 5, 2003 speech at the UN Security Council: Evidence that is still tightly held is accumulating within the admin- istration that it is not a matter of chance that terror groups in the Al Qaeda universe have made their weapons of choice the po


  • detailed investigation. The news reports never mention that Al-Zarqawi was recruited by the CIA to fight in the Soviet-Afghan war, as acknowledged by Secretary Colin Powell in his presentation to the UN Security Council on 5 February 2003. (See Chapter XI.) Moreover, the press usually presents the terrorist warnings emanating from the CIA as genuine, without acknowledging the fact that US intelligence has provided c


  • ive support for terrorists, we are not confronting the past, we are confronting the present. And unless we act, we are confronting an even more frightening future . 6 Following Powell’s February 2003 UN Security Council pres- entation, Al-Zarqawi immediately gained in public notoriety as a terrorist mastermind involved in planning chemical and biologi- cal weapons attacks. The Ansar Al-Islam Connection Based on fake


  • occasion been involved in negotiations with the government of Saddam Hussein. Quoting a “top secret British document”, the BBC revealed on the very same day Colin Powell made his presentation to the UN Security Council (5 February 2003): “that there is nothing but enmity between Iraq and Al Qaeda. The BBC said the leak came from [British] intelligence officials upset that their work was being used to justify war.”


  • also Vladimir Radyuhin, “From Kosovo to Iraq”, The Hindu , 18 August 2003, 4. Washington Times , 8 June 2004. 5. New York Times , 24 March 2002. 6. US Secretary of State Colin Powell’s address to the UN Security Council, 5 February 2003. 7 Midland Independent , 6 February 2003. Who Is Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi? 195


  • eclaration of martial law. Terror Alerts based on Fabricated Intelligence On 7 February 2003, two days after Colin Powell’s flopped pres- entation on Iraq’s alleged weapons of mass destruction to the UN Security Council, a Code Orange Alert was ordered. (See Chapter XIII.) Powell’s intelligence dossier had been politely dismissed. The rebuttal came from UN Weapons Inspector Hans Blix, who showed that the intelligenc


  • end, Frances 292, 293 trans-Atlantic bridge 100, 101 Triple Play 309, 310 Turkey 14, 42, 43, 68, 71, 72, 75, 80, 85, 335 Turkmenistan 68, 70, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 86, 89, 106 U Ukraine 67, 74, 78, 104 UN Security Council xvi, 8, 48, 89, 138, 144, 160, 169, 174, 175, 177, 178, 179, 195, 243, 284, 289, 293, 300, 301, 303, 323, 345, 349, 350 United Nations (UN) xvi, 27, 36, 40, 45, 46, 47, 48, 114, 115, 118, 125, 160, 1

File: America's Engineered Decline -


  • ed to justify the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan. 5 A similar formula was followed when, in March 2003, the Bush administration invaded and occupied Iraq: Again, the president invoked various UN Security Council resolutions and a congressional resolution supposedly authorizing the presi- dent to enforce them. 6 The Bush administration insist ed that Iraq posed an imme- diate threat to our nation. By the end

File: Analysis of Tragedy and Hope - Carroll Quigley -


  • story, a world organization voted to use collective force to stop armed aggression. This was possible because the North Korean attack occurred at a time when the Soviet delegation was absent from the UN Security Council, boycotting it as a protest at the presence of the delegation from Nationalist China. Accordingly, the much-used Soviet veto was unavailable. Page 974 The frontier was reached by UN forces as the mon

File: Astucia, Salvador - Opium Lords, Israel the Golden Triangle and the Kennedy Assassination (2002) -


  • 196 (UN Security Council Resolution 242 of November 22, 1967) Jun. 8, 1967: Israel Attacked the USS Liberty In the midst of the Six Day War, Israel attacked th e USS Liberty spy vessel killing 34 American sailors and woundin


  • that, immediately and concurrently with th e ceasefire, negotiations start between the parties concerned under appropriate auspices aimed at establishing a just and durable peace in the Middle East. (UN Security Council Resolution 338, October 22, 19 73) The United States had lukewarm support for Resoluti on 338 ( Footnote 50 ) and its call for a Geneva Conference, although Kissinger was obliged—a s secretary of sta

File: Bainerman, Joel - The Crimes of a President, New Revelations on the Conspiracy and Cover-Up in the Bush and Reagan Administrations (1992) -


  • organized "focus groups" to determine what would "move" or "upset" the American people. They discovered that atrocity stories would be the best stimulus. On November 27th, 1990, a few days before the UN Security Council voted whether to employ military force if Iraq did not remove its armed forces from Kuwait by January 15th, H&K went to work. They plastered the walls of the Council chamber with vivid photos allege


  • their story to the American people" (The Progressive, May 1991). In Deaton's own words, a private public relations firm's efforts helped persuade the United States to go to war. Five weeks before the UN Security Council display, on October 10th, 1990, the U.S. House of Representatives was treated to a similar session by H&K. The Firm's chief lobbyist, Gary Hymel, told Rowse that he had lined up the witnesses and hel

File: Bamford, James - Body of Secrets, Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency (NSA) (2001) -


  • seemed to have been to hide much of the war behind a carefully constructed curtain of lies. Lies about the Egyptian threat, lies about who started the war, lies to the American president, lies to the UN Security Council, lies to the press, lies to the public. Thus, as the American naval historian Dr. Richard K. Smith noted in an article on the Liberty for United States Naval Institute Proceedings, "any instrument wh

File: Battle Hymn - Revelations Of The Sinister Plan For A New World Order -


  • the Soviet Union do the same. One half of our armed forces were to be merged with China and Russia’s. The second phase required the remaining half of our forces to be placed under the command of the UN Security Council and by agreement would always be headed by a Russian. The world’s smaller nations were to put all of their armed forces under the same UN umbrella, achieving a situation in which “no state [nation] w


  • t Korea was beyond America’s defensive perimeter, prompting Perloff to write that this gave a “clear signal to Kim, who invaded the South that June under Soviet auspices.” An emergency meeting of the UN Security Council took place among its permanent members: the US, Great Britain, France, Nationalist China, and the Soviet Union. But for some inexplicable reason, the Soviets didn’t show up, and the wholly non-commun

File: Battle Hymn - Revelations Of The Sinister Plan For A New World Order -


  • the Soviet Union do the same. One half of our armed forces were to be merged with China and Russia’s. The second phase required the remaining half of our forces to be placed under the command of the UN Security Council and by agreement would always be headed by a Russian. The world’s smaller nations were to put all of their armed forces under the same UN umbrella, achieving a situation in which “no state [nation] w


  • t Korea was beyond America’s defensive perimeter, prompting Perloff to write that this gave a “clear signal to Kim, who invaded the South that June under Soviet auspices.” An emergency meeting of the UN Security Council took place among its permanent members: the US, Great Britain, France, Nationalist China, and the Soviet Union. But for some inexplicable reason, the Soviets didn’t show up, and the wholly non-commun

File: Blum, William - Rogue State, A Guide to the World's Only Superpower (2002) -


  • he Warsaw Pact—still had a purpose in life; 2) that NATO had the ri ght to intervene anywhe re, even outside of its own geographical boundaries, and without having to seek explicit authority from the UN Security Council; 3) that NATO was to be the military arm of the New World Order (corporate headquarters located in Washington, DC). Yugoslavia was not inclined to worship these principles; nor, as we have seen, had

File: Body Of Secrets -


  • 169 government intended to protest Egypt's action to the UN Security Council. "Israel is [the] victim of Nasser's aggression," he said. Eban then went on to lie about Is rael's goals, which all along had been to capture as much territory as possible. "GOI has no rpt [repeat]


  • eemed to have been to hide much of the war behind a carefully constructed curtain of lies. Lies about the Egyptian threat, lies abou t who started the war, lies to the American president, lies to the UN Security Council, lies to the press, lies to the public. Thus, as the Americ an naval historian Dr. Richard K. Smith noted in an article on the Liberty for United States Naval Institute Proceedings, "any instrument w

File: Body of Secrets - Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency -


  • 169 government intended to protest Egypt's action to the UN Security Council. "Israel is [the] victim of Nasser's aggression," he said. Eban then went on to lie about Is rael's goals, which all along had been to capture as much territory as possible. "GOI has no rpt [repeat]


  • eemed to have been to hide much of the war behind a carefully constructed curtain of lies. Lies about the Egyptian threat, lies abou t who started the war, lies to the American president, lies to the UN Security Council, lies to the press, lies to the public. Thus, as the Americ an naval historian Dr. Richard K. Smith noted in an article on the Liberty for United States Naval Institute Proceedings, "any instrument w

File: Brzezinski - The Grand Chessboard - American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives (1997) -


  • of nuclear we apons fortified France's claim to being a global po wer, of having a voice that had to be respected worldwide. It tangibly reinforced France's position as one of the five veto-wielding- UN Security Council members, all fiv e also nuclear powers. In the French perspective, t he British nuclear deterrent was simply an extension o f the American, especially given the British commit ment to the special rel


  • minant and also preemine nt on the global scale. Both can be classified as quasi-g lobal powers, and both chafe at the continuing deni al to them of formal recognition through permanent seats on th e UN Security Council.


  • hile at the same time avoi ding any international political responsibilities. A politically more influential Japan, especially one that seeks global recognition (for example, a perma nent seat on the UN Security Council), cannot avoid taking st ands on the more critical security or geopolitical issues affecting world peace. As a result, recent years have seen a proliferat ion of special studies and reports by a vari

File: Chomsky - Fateful Triangle - The United States, Israel and the Palestinians (1999) -


  • he international system. In the case of Iraq, the U.S. and U.K. have lost much of the limited support they had in the past, and must now pursue military action in increasingly brazen violation of the UN Security Council and regional opinion. Secretary of Defense William Cohen “won no public support” when he “visited Saudi Arabia and five other friendly Persian Gulf countries” to explain the U.S. policy of punitive r


  • by comparison to those sent to the Israel-run torture chamber Al-Khiam in Lebanon, administered by the mercenary army Israel established in the “security zone” it occupies in violation of a unanimous UN Security Council resolution of March 1978 ordering it to withdraw immediately and unconditionally; U.S. tolerance renders the decision moot. The first news in nine months from Al-Khiam was brought by Hassan, released


  • urious one in world affairs and in American culture. Its unique character is symbolized by recent votes at the United Nations. For example, on June 26, 1982 the United States stood alone in vetoing a UN Security Council resolution calling for simultaneous withdrawal of Israeli and Palestinian armed forces from Beirut, on the grounds that this plan “was a transparent attempt to preserve the P.L.O. as a viable politic


  • ce and tranquillity; it envisioned the gradual integration of Israel into the region while it would remain, in essence, a Western European society. This is the way the basic interna- tional document, UN Security Council Resolution 242, has been under- stood throughout most of the world, though its actual wording was left vague so that agreement on it could be achieved. As Jon Kimche comments: “Everybody subscribed t


  • s when Israel invaded Lebanon in 1978 and again in 1982. Egypt continued to press for a full-scale peace settlement, now joined by other Arab states. In January 1976, the U.S. was compelled to veto a UN Security Council Resolution calling for a settlement in terms of the international consensus, which now included a Palestinian state alongside of Israel. The resolution called for a settlement on the 1967 borders, wi


  • Peace for Galilee Classics in Politics: The Fateful Triangle Noam Chomsky 337 the purpose of the action had been preventive, not punitive.” Two days earlier, over Israel’s angry objections, the UN Security Council had “paved the way for participation by the Palestine Liberation Organization in talks on the over-all Middle East situation...”—namely, in the session devoted to the Arab initiative for a full-scale


  • ly some evidence for the official stance that Washington did not back the invasion, was unable to cite a single official statement opposing it apart from the support, quickly withdrawn, for the first UN Security Council Resolution calling on Israel to terminate its aggression. 92 The affair is reminiscent of the U.S. backing for the 1975 Indonesian invasion of East Timor and the subsequent near-genocidal massacre. I


  • y that was then being liberated by Israel may, perhaps, be excused for lapsing into hyperbole. Mr. Tueni called for the “immediate and unconditional withdrawal of Israeli forces from Lebanon,” citing UN Security Council Resolution 509, “which clearly and unequivocally establishes the criteria of Israeli withdrawal: that it should be both immediate and unconditional.” He deplored the fact that the UN peace-keeping fo


  • oceeded to disarm the Muslim militias and to “the cleaning out of terrorist nests,” in Sharon’s words in his Parliamentary testimony. The Lebanese government demanded that Israel withdraw, as did the UN Security Council by unanimous vote, specifically noting Israel’s violation of the cease-fire agreements and previous Security Council resolutions. The Israeli delegate “made clear his country had no


  • ig refugee camp south of Gaza, with 50 refugees reported killed according to the Israeli history; other sources give lower numbers, 15 or 20. UN commander Major General Vagn Bennike, reporting to the UN Security Council, described how “bombs were thrown through the windows of huts in which the refugees were sleeping and, as they fled, they were attacked by small arms and automatic weapons.” Again, the justification


  • S.,” Jerusalem Post , Feb. 4, 1983. 190. Steven R. Weisman, “Reagan Accuses Israelis of Delay On Withdrawal,” New York Times , Feb. 8, 1983. 191. Official translation of Amin Gemayel’s address to the UN Security Council, Monday Morning . Oct. 25-31, 1982. 192. Editorial, Christian Science Monitor , Feb. 7, 1983. 193. Thomas L. Friedman, New York Times , May 10, 1983. For the text of the agreement, see New York Times


  • n, surely, is that in such an eventuality, Israel will receive at worst a tap on the wrist accompanied by a new flow of weapons. 7 The occupation, which continues as of early 1999, is in violation of UN Security Council resolution 425 of March 1978, calling on Israel to withdraw immediately and unconditionally from Lebanon. The


  • ld have the right to make much of Israel uninhabitable by intensive bombardment, driving hundreds of thousands of refugees to Tel Aviv, to impose its demands, including the demand that Israel observe UN Security Council resolutions, among them the Council’s order that Israel withdraw from Lebanon and rescind its effective annexation of Syria’s Golan Heights. That has yet to be advocated here. Lubrani’s analysis was


  • 22; Guardian Weekly, Mar. 1, 1992. 25. Chicago Tribune, May 26, 27; AP, BG, June 29; Clyde Haberman, NYT, Oct. 27, 1992. 26. Ihsan Hijazi, NYT, Feb. 18; Reuters, NYT, Apr. 13; AP, BG, Apr. 17, 1993. UN Security Council press release, op cit. 27. See ch. 5, sec. 1 . 28. David Hoffman, “Israel’s $10 Billion Nevermind,” WP Weekly, June 21- 27, 1993. 29. Barzilai, July 12, 1993. 30. For details, see Necessary illusions

File: Chomsky - Pirates and Emperors, Old and New - International Terrorism in the Real World (2002) -


  • torical engineering." Israel's reaction to the 1976 peace proposal back ed by the PLO and the Arab "confrontation states" w as to bomb Lebanon (without a pretense of "retaliation," except against the UN Security Council), killing ov er 50 people, and to announce that Israel would enter int o no dealings with any Palestinians on any politica l issue. This was the dovish Labor government headed by Yitz hak Rabin, who,


  • a "suc cess story" and should be continued. Israel's posit ion, with U.S. support, remains that of Prime Minister (now D efense Minister) Yitzhak Rabin, when the PLO and th e Arab states supported a UN Security Council resolut ion calling for a peaceful two-state settlement in January 1976: Israel will reject any negotiations with the PLO even if it recognizes Israel and renounces terr orism, and will not enter int


  • ming him that the President and others "had considerable sympathy for the Israeli action. "10 Washington drew back from such open support after a n adverse global reaction, but it abstained from th e UN Security Council condemnation of this "act of armed aggression" in "flagrant violation of the Charter of the United Nations, international law and norms of cond uct" - alone as usual. The intellectual and cultura l c


  • sonnel weap ons, bombs and rockets.41 This raid, unusual in tha t it was reported, aroused no interest or concern, perhaps b ecause it was apparently a "retaliation": namely, r etaliation against the UN Security Council, which had just agr eed to devote a session to the peace proposals back ed by Syria, Jordan, Egypt and the PLO, discussed in chap ter 1. The story continues with little change. In early 1986, while t


  • ive, not pun itive," for example, the bombing and strafing of Palestinia n refugee camps and nearby villages by 30 Israeli j ets on December 2, 1975, apparently in retaliation for the decision of the UN Security Council to debate a pe ace proposal vetoed by the U.S., accordingly excised fr om history.100 Similarly, when Israeli airborne and amphibious forces attacked Tripoli in northern Leba non in February 1973, ki


  • UN Security Council and General Assembly. Applicabi lity of the Convention to the Israeli-occupied terr itories has been affirmed by the U.S. as well: by UN Ambass ador George Bush (September 1971), and by joining i n u

File: Courtney, Kent and Phoebe - America's Unelected Rulers, The Council on Foreign Relations (1962) -


  • 46 America's Unelected Rulers defense from Soviet aggression unless the Soviet member on the UN Security Council gave his permission for a NATO counter-offensive against the Soviet aggressor! In other words, a simple veto by the Soviet member of the UN Security Council could deny a NATO nation the right of self

File: David Icke - Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center (Chap 1-7) (2002) -


  • ogance to say that the US and Britain can have nuclear weapons by right, but anylesser political and economic power must not. NATO and the United Nations alsoplayed their parts in the 9/11 movie. The UN Security Council has only fivepermanent members - the United States, Britain, China, France and Russia. Thesefive have the power of veto over "substantive issues". The Security Council has, intruth, been dominated by

File: David Icke - Federal Reserve System Fraud -


  • speech made by UN Secretary General Butrous Ghali to the American Association of Newspaper Publishers at UN headquarters in New York in early May. The publishers' newspapers covered up the story. The UN Security Council must have a permanent force that can be deployed anywhere in the world, instantly, to "protect the peace" and "ensure human rights" the secretary-general told the newspaper publishers. 29

File: David Icke - Tales from the Time Loop (2003) -


  • alysis of such 'evidence' in the Online16.urnal of April 29th 2003.47 He said that after the United States and Britain were shown to be providing bogus and plagiarized 'intelligence' documents to the UN Security Council that supposedly 'proved' Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction programme, the world's media was now being fed a steady stream of captured Iraqi 'intelligence' documents from the rubble of Iraq

File: David Ray griffin - The New Pearl Harbor -


  • her security clearance was pulled and she resigned from the DIA.>4 In March of 2001, the Russian Permanent Mission at the United Nations secretly submitted "an unprecedentedly detailed report" to the UN Security Council about bin Laden and his whereabouts, including "a listing of all bin Laden's bases, his government contacts and foreign advisors"—enough information, they said, to kill him. But the Bush administrati


  • "American policy cannot continue to be crippled by a misguided insistence on unanimity in the UN Security Council.">25 In supporting the contention that 9/11 was more a pretext than a reason for the attack on Iraq, Thompson quotes a report that Secretary of Defens e Rumsfeld, only a few hours after the Pentagon

File: Encyclopedia Of Western Colonialism Since 1450 -


  • addresses the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1962. Toure ́ was an outspoken proponent of decolonization in Africa and objected to the lack of a permanent representative from Africa in the UN Security Council. ª BETTMANN/CORBIS. REPRODUCED BY PERMISSION. Decolonization, Sub-Saharan Africa 296 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF WESTERN COLONIALISM SINCE 1450


  • retary of State Henry Kissinger’s (b. 1923) shuttle diplomacy produced disengagement agree- ments in the Sinai and Golan Heights in 1974 and 1975. In November 1967 the United States had cospon- sored UN Security Council Resolution 242, which called upon Israel to withdraw from (unspecified) territories occupied in the recent war in exchange for peace with its Arab neighbors. This land-for-peace formula remains the b


  • had a UN mandate to liberate Kuwait, not to carry the war to Iraq itself or to overthrow Saddam. Nevertheless, Bush compared Saddam to Adolf Hitler (1889–1945) and made his removal a goal. A postwar UN Security Council resolu- tion imposed economic sanctions on Iraq to force it to divest itself of unconventional weapons (weapons of mass destruction, or WMD). However, the Bush and Clinton administrations, backed by

File: Engdahl, William - A Century of War, Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order (1993) -


  • revenues, plummeted from $400 million in 1950 to less than $2 million in July 1951, and Mossadegh fell in August 1953. Mossadegh went to the United States personally in September 1951 to address the UN Security Council, which timidly voted to defer the matter, whereupon Mossadegh went to Washington in a vain effort to enlist American help for his country's position. Mos- sadegh's major political blunder made was hi


  • China card" policy tilt. The U.S. diplo- matically recognized Communist China in December 1978, and abrogated recognition of the Nationalist Chinese regime on Tai- wan, thereby giving Communist China UN Security Council veto power and access to U.S. technology and military aid. At a sum- mit meeting in January 1979, German Chancellor Schmidt deliv- ered a strong protest to President Carter that his new "China Card"


  • gy industry vital for the reconstruction of eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. France and the USSR, which, to- gether with China, the U.S. and Britain, comprised the five Perma- nent Members of the UN Security Council, had agreed to vote with Washington and Britain for going to war after the ultimatum dead- line of January 17. Their role in Iraq was discreetly ignored by var- ious Washington-linked exposes. Instea


  • nge for French ceding of major strategic assets and relations in Africa and the Middle East. Had this strategy not succeeded in securing French adherence to the support Bush's New World Order and the UN Security Council, the war could most likely have been pre- vented. French relations with Lebanon, Iraq, Algeria, and other areas of the Muslim world were seriously undermined, as she came to resemple the former 19th

File: FINAL WARNING - A History of the New World Order (2004) -


  • ve as to the views of its members. For instance, the Spring, 1991 issue, called for a UN standing army, consisting of military personnel from all the member nations, directly under the control of the UN Security Council. A major source of their funding (since 1953), stems from providing a “corporate service” to over 100 companies for a minimum fee of $1,000, that furnishes subscribers with inside information on what


  • on Crisis they recommended that a supernational authority be established to regulate world commerce and industry, international currency, and an international police force, under the direction of the UN Security Council. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN PURCHASING A COPY OF THIS BOOK? CLICK ONTO THE LINK BELOW TO GO BACK TO THE MAIN PAGE, WHERE YOU CAN FIND MORE INFORMATION ON THIS BOOK, AND HOW YOU CAN ORDER YOUR OWN COPY. ht


  • return to their homeland. In 1937, a Royal Commission was established by England which divided the country of Palestine into three sections: Jewish, Arab and English. With the increased tension, the UN Security Council later went soft, and the Truman Administration reversed their earlier support, urging that the partition proposal be suspended, in lieu of a ‘trusteeship.’ Jewish terrorist groups, such as the Stern

File: Final Judgment - Missing Link in JFK Assassination Conspiracy -


  • 106 Genesis [45] did last spring [when Israel launched a raid into Syria, resulting in a condemnation by the UN Security Council]. W hether right or wrong, those actions involve not just Israel but also the United States." 100 AMERICA — NOT ISRAEL — FIRST Stephen Green believes that Kennedy's position vis - à - vis Israel was

File: Final Warning - A History of the New World Order by David Allen Rivera -


  • on Crisis they recommended that a supernational authority be established to regulate world commerce and industry, international currency, and an international police force, under the direction of the UN Security Council.


  • return to their homeland. In 1937, a Royal Commission was established by Engl and which divided the country of Palestine into three sections: Jewish, Arab and English. With the increased tension, the UN Security Council later went soft, and the Tr uman Administration reversed their earlier support, urging that the partition proposal be suspended, in lieu of a ‘trusteeship.’ Jewish terrorist groups, such as the Stern

File: Final Warning - History Of The New World Order -


  • ve as to the views of its members. For instance, the Spring, 1991 issue, called for a UN standing army, consisting of military personnel from all the member nations, directly under the control of the UN Security Council. A major source of their funding(since 1953), stems from providing a " corporate service" to over 100 companies for a minimum fee of $1,000, that furnishes subscribers with inside information on what


  • AL WARNING: Chapter Eleven In 1937, a Royal Commission was established by England which divided the country of Palestine into three sections: Jewish, Arab and English. With the increased tension, the UN Security Council later went soft, and the Truman Administration reversed their earlier support, urging that the partition proposal be suspended, in lieu of a 'trusteeship'. Jewish terrorist groups, such as the Stern

File: G. Edward Griffin - The Fearful Master -


  • 5-76. 22. "Will UN Keep Freedom?" Rockford, Illinois, Register-Republic (Oc tober 29, 1961). 23 . United Nations Guardian of Peace, Department of State publication #7225 (September 19 61), p. 35. 24. UN Security Council official records (supplemen t for October through December 1951), p. 41-42. 25. Manly, pp. 91-92. 26. Clark, p. 298. 27 . United Nations Guardian of Peace, Department of State publication #7225 (Sept

File: Golem - Israel's Nuclear Hell Bomb And The Road To Global Armageddon -


  • tion, which approached India to discuss nuclear deals but which has also condemned Iran for its nuclear ambitions. The former UN official assailed what he called "an incredible double standard in the UN Security Council" that surrounds the controversy over Iranian nuclear development. Referring to the expose by John Perkins, Confessions of an Economic Hitman, which detailed Perkins's career in exploiting Third World

File: Healed Planet -


  • rnational law and the United Nations' voice. When the UN does not vote the way we like, we give them the finger, doing as we please. The fact that we outraged two of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, China and Russia, while France looked for a place to hide, spoke volumes about the United States' actions. The entire world saw that our actions in Iraq benefited nobody but us. Peace activists bega

File: Hidden History Of Money -


  • hat an occupying power "re-establish and insure, as far as possi ble, public order and safety, while respecting, unless absolutely prevented, the laws in force in the country." Resolution 1483 of the UN Security Council issued in May 2003, specifically instructs the occupying powers to follow the Hague Regulations and the Geneva Convention in Iraq. Indeed, in a leaked memo written on March 26, 2003, the British atto


  • m Iraqi government has been established, the Iraqi army will answer to US commander Lt General Ricardo Sanchez. In order to pull this off, Washington is relying on a legalistic reading of a clause in UN Security Council resolution 1511, which puts US forces in charge of Iraq's security until "the completion of the political process" in Iraq. Since the "political process" in Iraq is never-ending, so it seems is US mi

File: ING Bank - Attacking Iran (2007) -


  • ill want to minimise the inevitable diplomatic fallout that will emerge from this. We believe it may have been waiting for diplomatic efforts to show their evident failure. On 22/23 December 2006 the UN Security Council approved 16 Sunday Times , 11 December 2005 and the Sunday Times carried another story on 7 January 2007 but without mentioning timing 18 see Directional Economics “Thai with a Twist”, November 200

File: Idiot America -


  • nstitutions whose job it was to cut through them. Once, when he was consulting for NBC News, a young producer asked him to come on television to comment on something Hans Blix was going to say to the UN Security Council. Blix was speaking at five P.M. They wanted Phillips on the air at four. "They said, 'Just assume, guess what he'll say, and comment upon it,' " Phillips reports. "I told him that 1 couldn't comment

File: Illuminati Handbook -


  • ogramers NASA Knights of Malta The V atican Some UFO organizations W orld F ederation of Mental Health SE-banken (Sweden) Greenpeace House of W indsor House of Orange Science of physics and astronomy UN Security Council US Military Capitalism, fascism, communism, sio - nism, liberalism, socialism, green politics

File: Informal Alliance - The Bilderberg Group And Transatlantic Relations During The Cold War -


  • icion of the West on the part of other Asiatic countries. Slessor argued that a common approach towards Asia could only be based on recognition of communist China, including giving her a place on the UN Security Council. By isolating communist China, the United States was driving her into the arms of Russia. Thus, any prospect of driving a wedge between the two countries was lost. Slessor realized that in an electio

File: Jasper - Global Tyranny Step By Step - The United Nations and the Emerging New World Order (1992) -


  • ly when goods and services cross national ." Proposals along these lines are cr opping up everywhere. Complain ing of the UN’s "present mendicancy," in his June 1992 An Agenda for Peace report to the UN Security Council, Secretary- General Boutros-Ghali called for the following: "the establ ishment of a United Nations Peace Fund"; "a levy on international air trav el"; "[a]uthorization to the Secretary-General to bo

File: Jasper, William F. - Global Tyranny Step by Step, The United Nations and the Emerging New World Order (1992) -


  • ly when goods and services cross national ." Proposals along these lines are cr opping up everywhere. Complain ing of the UN’s "present mendicancy," in his June 1992 An Agenda for Peace report to the UN Security Council, Secretary- General Boutros-Ghali called for the following: "the establ ishment of a United Nations Peace Fund"; "a levy on international air trav el"; "[a]uthorization to the Secretary-General to bo

File: Jim Marrs - Rule By Secrecy -


  • hip between the United States and the inspection com- mission. . .has long been a subject of debate," wrote U.S. News reporter Bruce B. Auster. "The issue is sensitive because UNSCOM is an arm of the UN Security Council, not an agency of the United States, although it does rely on the United States tor intelligence and personnel." On December 15, 1998, after stockpiling cruise missiles in the Per- sian Gulf during t


  • , who invaded the South that June under Soviet auspices," wrote Perloff. American leaders professed surprise and anger over the June 25 North Korean assault and called for an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council, then composed of the U.S., Great Britain, France, the Soviet Union, and Nationalist China. The council, with the Soviet Union absent and China represented only by anticommunist Chiang Kai-shek, vote

File: Jim Tucker - Jim Tucker's Bilderberg Diary -


  • cretary general that year, Boutros-Boutros Ghali, to the American Association of Newspaper Publishers at UN headquarters in New York in early May. The publishers' newspapers covered up the story. The UN Security Council must have a permanent force that can be deployed anywhere in the world, inst antly, to "protect the peace" and "ensure human rights," the secretary general told the newspaper publishers. This force m


  • by reporting that the formation of the UN's standing world army is progressing nicely. The precedent of American pilots bo mbing targets in Bosnia under orders of a British general accountable to the UN Security Council—not Congress or the president—was cited to general appr oval. Similarly, the precedent of American soldiers serving in the field under a Turkish general in Somalia—again accountable only to the UN—wa


  • ow ventures outside Europe— anywhere in the world. "The European experiment has succeeded," he announced. He was referring to the fact that NATO intervened in former Yugoslavia under direction of the UN Security Council. Americans served under a foreign commander; the presid ent and Congress had no voice in the matter, despite the Constitution. The U.S. defense secretary that year, William Perry, who once assured th


  • tions world army, Kissinger said, referring to ear lier Bilderberg meetings. This was achieved when American troops wore blue helmets in Bosnia, serving under a European commander who reported to the UN Security Council, with the Congres s and president having no voice. Now another major step had been accomplished, with UN expansion and a Russian role allowing NATO to send troops anywhere in the world. It is "likely


  • announced that it could now act anywhere in the worl d, specifically mentioning the Middle East. • At the summit, French President Jacques Chirac said NATO would only go to war on instructions of the UN Security Council. Taken together, this clearly states that NATO is now the UN's world army. But for credibility, NA TO must win its war on Y ugoslavia, Bilderberg luminaries were telling each other. At the same time,


  • 50 years, invaded the sovereign nation of Yugoslavia, which posed no threat. At that major summit meeting, NATO leaders said they were now empowered to patrol the world—but only on directions of the UN Security Council. This was amplifie d and celebrated at Bilderberg, where NATO was ordered to ease its demands and end the war, which had become an embarrassment. These developments were celebra ted by The Washington


  • 186 Bilderberg Diary Europe but would undert ake military ventures an ywhere in the world— at the direction of the UN Security Council. Bilderberg is reinforcing this world army doctrine while doing early work on the third great region of th e world: the emerging "Asian-Pacific Union." It is already being bound togeth er as APEC—the


  • would make NATO's role as the UN's world army incoherent. NATO said repeatedly that it is no longer confined to defending Europe but will deploy troops anywhere in the wo rld at the direction of the UN Security Council. At the time, UN "peacekeepers" were on patrol at 16 far-flung missions throughout the world. Bilderberg Security Traps Itself Bilderberg security was so intense it drove sources to come for-

File: Killing Hope -


  • his ideas. T hen, I don' t rem ember in which m onth or year, Ki m Il-sung came and related his plan to Stalin" (em phasis added). 7 On 26 June, the United States pres ented a reso lution b efore the UN Security Council condem ning North Korea for its " unprovoked aggression". The resolution was approved, although there were argum ents that "this was a fight between Koreans" and should be treated as a civil war, and


  • al tie s to the Ka tanga wealth. 6 The Belgian intervention, which was a ve ry violent one, was denounced harshly by the Soviet Union, as well as m any countries from the Afro-Asian bloc, leading the UN Security Council on the 14th to authorize th e withdrawal of Belg ian troops and their repla cem ent by a Unite d Nations military f orce. This was f ine with the United State s, 157

File: King, A. and Schneider, B. - The First Global Revolution, A Report by the Council of the Club of Rome (1991) -


  • 1 The new spirit of cooperation between the United States and the Soviet Union has made possible a high degree of solidarity between the nations against aggression, as proved by the agreement of the UN Security Council and General Assembly to impose a world blockade on Iraq following its occupation of Kuwait in 1990. Cooperative efforts have led to progress in other areas, such as the IJW of the Seas Conference whe

File: Lewis, Jon E. - The Mammoth Book of Cover-Ups (2008) -


  • of South Africa relinquished control of Namibia as instructed by the UN Security Council; according to a report on 12 March 1990 in the Swedish daily iDAG, Carlsson was pressurized to abandon his plan to fly direct to NY and instead to stop over in London for a meeting with representativ


  • vernment must be restored. The security and stability of the Persian Gulf must be assured. And American citizens abroad must be protected. These goals are not ours alone. They’ve been endorsed by the UN Security Council five times in as many weeks. Most countries share our concern for principle, and many have a stake in the stability of the Persian Gulf. This is not, as Saddam Hussein would have it, the United State

File: NATO's Secret Armies - Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe -


  • For on August 2, in New York, the United States, Great Britain and France, 'alarmed by the invasion of Kuwait', had with the consent of China and Russia i n the United Nations Security Council passed UN Security Council resolution 660, ordering 'that Iraq withdraw immediately and unconditionally all its forces to t he positions in which they were located on 1 August 1990'. Western and world media thereafter focused


  • ria, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain , United Arab Emirates, Israel, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Canada, Belgium, Czechoslo vakia, Germany, Honduras, Italy, Niger, Romania and South Korea. On November 29, 1990 the UN Security Council issued with resolution 678 an ultimatum and authori sed the forces cooperating with Kuwait to use 'all necessary means . . . to restore w orld peace and international security in the area', if Iraq s

File: NATO's Secret Armies -


  • For on August 2, in New York, the United States, Great Britain and France, 'alarmed by the invasion of Kuwait', had with the consent of China and Russia i n the United Nations Security Council passed UN Security Council resolution 660, ordering 'that Iraq withdraw immediately and unconditionally all its forces to t he positions in which they were located on 1 August 1990'. Western and world media thereafter focused


  • ria, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain , United Arab Emirates, Israel, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Canada, Belgium, Czechoslo vakia, Germany, Honduras, Italy, Niger, Romania and South Korea. On November 29, 1990 the UN Security Council issued with resolution 678 an ultimatum and authori sed the forces cooperating with Kuwait to use 'all necessary means . . . to restore w orld peace and international security in the area', if Iraq s

File: New Pearl Harbor -


  • er security clearance was pulled and she resigned from the DIA. >4 In March of 2001, the Russian Permanent Mission at the United Nations secretly submitted "an unprecedentedly detailed report" to the UN Security Council about bin Laden and his whereabouts, including "a listing of all bin Laden's bases, his government contacts and foreign advisors"—enough information, they said, to kill him. But the Bush administrati


  • cannot continue to be crippled by a misguided insistence on unanimity in the UN Security Council." >25 In supporting the contention that 9/11 was more a pretext than a reason for the attack on Iraq, Thompson quotes a report that Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, only a few hours after the Pentagon

File: New Profile Report On Child Recruitment in Israel -


  • ken into account. Since the West Bank and Gaza Strip – commonly referred to simply as the Occupied Territories – have been unde r Israeli belligerent occupation since June 1967 (as recognised e.g. in UN Security Council Resoluti on 242, and most recently also in an important ruling by Israel’s own High Court of Justice 10 ), the Palestinians living in these territories, ch ildren included, are considered to be Prote


  • ned and interrogated until the evening of that day. Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza Strip have the status of Protected Persons under the Fourth Geneva Convention. Moreover, according to UN Security Council resolution 1325, 139 extra care should be taken to protect women and children in areas of war. These cases show that the IDF is doing quite the opposite – placing Palestinian chil dren in the line of

File: New Underworld Order -


  • h recessionary trends as well as with rapacious intelligence scamming operations, the dollar began to lose its attraction for foreign inv estors. With France and Germany preparing to block war in the UN Security Council, rumours surfaced that the central banks of Russia and China had quietly starte d dumping US dollars and purchasing Euros. Whenever he needs to exert latent pressure on the United States, GRU-Preside

File: Power Of Israel In The United States -


  • ty of beginning the inquiry...." As Alan Philips of the Daily Telegraph put it: Apparently having lost his trial of strength with Ariel Sharon, the Israeli prime minister, Mr Annan recommended to the UN Security Council that the team—which has been waiting in Geneva for three days for permission to go to Israel— should be sent home. 43 Wealthy and powerful reactionary Jews in the Diaspora also gravi- tated toward Sh


  • n Washington in May 2004. At a time when Israel was killing children in the streets of Rafah and destroying hundreds of homes under the horrified eyes of the entire civilized world, when an indignant UN Security Council finally rose to its feet and unanimously condemned Israel, US Congressional leaders and the two major Presidential candidates pledged unconditional support to Israel, evoking the bloodthirsty cheers


  • ch date also intensified the political activities of the pro- Israel organizations in the United States. The major pro-Israel lobbies lined up a majority in the US Congress and Senate to push for the UN Security Council to implement economic sanctions against Iran or, failing that, endorse Israeli "defensive" action. Thousands of pro-Israel national, local and community groups and individuals have been mobilized to


  • ington for a "failure of leadership on Iran" and "contracting the issue to Europe". 9 He went on to attack the Bush Administration for not following Israel's demands by delaying referring Iran to the UN Security Council for sanction. The leader of the CPMAJO then turned on French, German, and British negotiators, accusing them of "appeasement and weakness", and of not having a "game plan for decisive action"—presuma

File: Propaganda and Mass Persuasion-1576078205 -


  • on the part of the U.S. and UK governments as they sought to justify their hard-line diplomacy and the impending conflict. Key moments included U.S. Secre- tary of State Colin Powell’s address to the UN Security Council. During this period the British government issued a succession of dossiers on Iraqi weapons programs and human right abuses. The revelation that one of these dossiers was heavily plagiarized from a t


  • rch 1999 of the “Rambouillet Accords” led to war. Claiming the right of intervention, the NATO countries denied that they were at war with Serbia, arguing that the bombing cam- paign was justified by UN Security Council (UNSC) resolutions passed in 1998 calling for a halt to ethnic cleansing in Kosovo. NATO also relied on precision (“smart”) bombing, largely avoiding city centers and hitting tar- gets of low politic


  • inception the UN also became a central v enue for international debate and propa- ganda, and capturing the blue flag became a perennial propaganda tactic of the Cold War and after. Membership in the UN Security Council has been an issue in its own right, with the United States spending decades defending the position of Taiwan on the council and ar- guing for the exclusion of the Peoples Re- public of China. In 1947

File: Scahill, Jeremy - Blackwater, The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army (2007) -


  • llet proof. They can do nothing to stop us." 42 But as word spread about the use of Chilean commandos trained under Pinochet, it evoked strong condemnation in the country. As a rotating member of the UN Security Council, Chile opposed the war in Iraq. 43 "The presence of Chilean paramilitaries in Iraq has caused a visceral rejection in the population, 92% of which just a year ago rejected any intervention of the US

File: Syndicate - The Story Of The Coming World Government -


  • he US following the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs and turn the Soviet Union into a nuclear power. The Soviet Union rejected the Baruch Plan of 1946, which asserted that no nation could u se its UN Security Council veto on atomic issues. 31 By 1949, largely through espionage, it had built its own atomic bomb. Alarmed by the growi ng Soviet might, the British became an atomic power in October 1952. To keep its l


  • 56. 44 Eisenhower ("Rockefellers'" man) instructed John Fo ster Dulles to block the Israelites when they were about to seize the Suez Canal and save Nasser to fight another day. 45 Dulles went to the UN Security Council, and when that action failed, to the General Assembly. W ith a "heavy heart" he said: "The Israeli-French-British invasion is a gra ve error inconsistent


  • European Parliament. If the constitution was ratified, Britain could be outvoted on asylum policy and its own legislatio n could be set aside by foreign judges. It seemed that Britain's seat on th e UN Security Council would have to be surrendered to the new EU Foreign Minister when Brus- sels requested. Giscard d'Estaing, who led the cons titutional convention, said that 90% of the original draft of the constitu t


  • aded for obscurity, out of the public eye. 50 On August 2 Saddam's troops invaded Kuwait and annexed it as the ninetee nth province of Iraq in "a comprehensive and eternal merger." 51 On August 2 the UN Security Council demanded that I raq should withdraw from Kuwait. 52 Four days later sanctions were imposed, including an embargo on Iraqi and Kuwaiti oil. The "Rockefell erite" Secretaries James Baker and Dick Chene


  • on seemed to be in conflict with the internationalism of the UN, and indeed seemed t o assert that the UN would no longer have a role if it did not pass a to ugh resolution on Iraq. On November 8 the UN Security Council unanimously ( by 15 votes to nil) approved a resolution "bringing the civiliz ed world together to disarm Saddam Hussein." It authorized the use of fo rce without the need for another resolution, and


  • a range of 500 kilometer s to deliver chemicals or germs. Prisoners were used as guinea pigs for ch emical and biological agents. Powell's powerful presentation failed to pe rsuade key members of the UN Security Council to back military action to disarm Iraq, but it had an impact on world public opinion, much of whic h tentatively swung behind a US attack on Iraq. In February 2003 the UN weapons inspectors found a b


  • The Pay-Offs 219 the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, and the IAEA reported North Korea to the UN Security Council as being in breach of UN resolutions, raising the prospect of further action. In January 2004 it was revealed that North Korea ha s offshore oil. Oil reserves of 8-10b tons (73 billion barrels if 10b


  • - up of the International Criminal Court (ICC), which was endorsed by 120 nations in Rome, but not the US. The ICC was offici ally set up by the UN, but is outside the control of the "Rockefellerite" UN Security Council. If the Security Council were to control which cases co me before the court, Washington could use its UN veto to block the prose cution of Americans. The "Rockefellerites" are alarmed that the court

File: Tarpley, Webster Griffin - Obama, The Postmodern Coup (2008) -


  • rican public were generally aware that the “foreign minister” of one of the most murderous terrorist organizations in the world, a man whose extradition on terrorism charges is sought by at least one UN Security Council permanent member, is living openly in Washington DC, they might be indignant. If Americans knew that this is the “foreign minister” of a terrorist group specializing in killing women and children fir

File: Webster Griffin Tarpley - 9-11 Synthetic Terrorism - Made in USA -


  • ifested itself during the Iraq war of 2003. Russia and China were opposed to the bombing, but their peace plan was vetoed by the US, Britain, and France. However, NATO bombed without the benefit of a UN security council resolution. US-Russian relations reached a post-1991 low, with militant demonstrations at the US embassy in Moscow every day. The bombing of Kosovo duplicated the cowardly “bomb now, die later” metho


  • ffront by US President Eisenhower. After the USSR issued a unique nuclear ultimatum to the British and French, threatening London and Paris with nuclear destruction, the US and the USSR joined in the UN Security Council to vote against the old-style Anglo-French imperialists and their Israeli auxiliaries. The US position in the post-1956 Middle East was founded on the broad sympathy won when Washington torpedoed the


  • now undercut by the head of state of another permanent member of the UN Security Council. On Monday September 6, Putin spoke for three and one half hours with a group of some 30 western correspondents and Russia experts at his dacha near Novo Ogarevo outside Moscow. Most US press ignored

File: Webster Tarpley - 9-11 Synthetic Terror -


  • ifested itself during the Iraq war of 2003. Russia and China were opposed to the bombing, but their peace plan was vetoed by the US, Britain, and France. However, NATO bombed without the benefit of a UN security council resolution. US-Russian relations reached a post-1991 low, with militant demonstrations at the US embassy in Moscow every day. The bombing of Kosovo duplicated the cowardly “bomb now, die later” metho


  • ffront by US President Eisenhower. After the USSR issued a unique nuclear ultimatum to the British and French, threatening London and Paris with nuclear destruction, the US and the USSR joined in the UN Security Council to vote against the old-style Anglo-French imperialists and their Israeli auxiliaries. The US position in the post-1956 Middle East was founded on the broad sympathy won when Washington torpedoed the


  • now undercut by the head of state of another permanent member of the UN Security Council. On Monday September 6, Putin spoke for three and one half hours with a group of some 30 western correspondents and Russia experts at his dacha near Novo Ogarevo outside Moscow. Most US press ignored

File: Webster Tarpley - Obama (1st edition) -


  • rican public were generally aware that the “foreign minister” of one of the most murderous terrorist organizations in the world, a man whose extradition on terrorism charges is sought by at least one UN Security Council permanent member, is living openly in Washington DC, they might be indignant. If Americans knew that this is the “foreign minister” of a terrorist group specializing in killing women and children fir

File: Ron Paul - Pillars of Prosperity, Free Markets Honest Money Private Property (2008) -


  • clear Nonproliferation Treaty, and has a guaranteed right to enrich uranium for energy—in spite of the incessant government and media propaganda to the contrary. Iran has never been sanctioned by the UN Security Council. Yet the drumbeat grows louder for attacking certain sites in Iran, either by conventional or even nuclear means. Repeated resolu- tions by Congress stir up unnecessary animosity toward Iran, and cre

File: Cyberterrorism Understanding, Assessment, and Response -


  • gal and cultural ties between the two nations, and partly because Australia was on a short timetable to comply with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1373. Resolution 1373 was adopted by the UN Security Council shortly after 9/11 and it required Member States to enact terrorism offences and other preventive measures, such as restrictions on terrorist fi nancing. Resolution 1373 did not, however, provide any

File: Zbigniew Brzezinski - The Grand Chessboard -


  • of nuclear we apons fortified France's claim to being a global po wer, of having a voice that had to be respected worldwide. It tangibly reinforced France's position as one of the five veto-wielding- UN Security Council members, all fiv e also nuclear powers. In the French perspective, t he British nuclear deterrent was simply an extension o f the American, especially given the British commit ment to the special rel


  • minant and also preemine nt on the global scale. Both can be classified as quasi-g lobal powers, and both chafe at the continuing deni al to them of formal recognition through permanent seats on th e UN Security Council.


  • hile at the same time avoi ding any international political responsibilities. A politically more influential Japan, especially one that seeks global recognition (for example, a perma nent seat on the UN Security Council), cannot avoid taking st ands on the more critical security or geopolitical issues affecting world peace. As a result, recent years have seen a proliferat ion of special studies and reports by a vari

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