green politics

Found in 16 Books

File: David Icke - 1990 - It Doesn’t Have To Be Like This -


  • IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE LIKE THIS Green politics explained DAVID ICKE P R I N T


  • e dependency on outside influences. Only then can people be free to control their own destiny. Greens offer a new economics which will improve the quality of life while protecting the future of life. Green politics is about eliminating the cause of a problem, not just treating the symptoms. This is why the establishment parties and the powerful interest groups are so afraid of our message. It is good to be 'gre


  • omic activity affects the environment, or is itself affected by environmental degradation. If you don't acknowledge that in all your policies, you can't begin to solve the immense prob- lems we face. Green politics is not just about tightening up the planning laws, though that's important. It's not just about saving a meadow here or a species there, though that's very important as well. Green politics is much m


  • this destruction or that human misery, don't let it sap your spirit or make you turn away and think, 'There's nothing we can do, so why bother?' It's not true. I can't imagine a better way to sum up Green politics than in the line: It doesn't have to be like this. It really doesn't. Yes, the problems are many and serious, and yes, we don't have limitless time to sort them out, but it can be done, and it will b


  • aily becoming more frightening: a future of increasing conflict, accelerating misery and poverty; of one-upmanship, and winners and losers. It's a future we can still change—but we need to start now. Green Politics are today's politics as well as tomorrow's. GREEN PARTY ELECTION MANIFESTO 1987 Well what a turn-up. From professional footballer to television presenter to green politician. Whatever next? Nothing n


  • destruction, it could even be the shortest suicide note in history, yet only the Green Parties and genuine Green thinkers of the world are trying to expose it, discredit it, replace it. First rule of green politics, truly green politics: you cannot divorce the economic system and human values from the destruction of the planet. You can't because one causes the other. You can't have uncontrolled market forces an
  • even be the shortest suicide note in history, yet only the Green Parties and genuine Green thinkers of the world are trying to expose it, discredit it, replace it. First rule of green politics, truly green politics: you cannot divorce the economic system and human values from the destruction of the planet. You can't because one causes the other. You can't have uncontrolled market forces and indis- criminate eco


  • markets will take. As Gandhi said: 'The Earth has enough for everyone's need, but not for everyone's greed.' The politics of more and more have got us into this mess, the politics of enough for all, Green politics, must get us out of it. Tackling the causes We are the Symptom Society. Our politicians (when pressed by public opinion and the thought of lost votes) will agree to treat the symptoms of a problem, b


  • ural resources or harms the environment either because of the pollution it produces or the damage caused in extracting the resources it needs. Today's mass production technology fails at every stage. Green politics is not about going back, but forward to a new age in which science and technology are used for the benefit of people and the planet. We would use the knowledge human beings have gained this century a


  • d be cheaper to buy a new one than have it repaired. This is a terrible way to treat future generations. Companies make things this way because the throughput system could not survive if they didn't. Green politics would change that mentality and while work would be lost in the throwaway industries, it would be created in the far more people-based and personally satisfying repair business that will emerge rapid


  • lves with a hand at the centre lightly holding the strings to keep them all together. You can apply this to all large businesses and to central government. It is the opposite of rule from above which Green Politics so opposes. The more you centralise production, the more massive lorries you need to deliver that production and the further people have to travel to work. The results of that in pollution and wasted


  • that allows little children to starve when there could be food aplenty, allows people to go blind for the want of a few pounds, and to die from disease for the want of treatment costing a few pence. Green politics is about personal responsibility and all of us must understand that when we buy products grown on the land of the hungry we are supporting the system that allows a child to die every two seconds. We


  • nista Government faced in rebuilding the country. They held democratic elections, which British MPs observed were fair, and set about the job along just the lines the Green Party has always promoted. Green politics is about enabling people to help themselves and that is what has happened in Nicaragua. Communities are given the materials and the tools and where necessary the expertise to build and develop their


  • oxygen balance? It is this fragile balance that we must protect and respect at all times. Yet we go on as if nothing we do can harm it. The relentless poisoning of our world is yet another area where green politics differs fundamentally from that of the grey


  • ggernaut network. Towns for people The Green Party believes that towns and cities and everywhere else should be run for people, not road vehicles, and our policies would do that. There is a myth that Green politics has nothing to offer urban areas. This is so wrong. Most Green Party members I know live in urban areas—and nowhere needs greening more urgently than our neglected and abused inner cities and built-u


  • rosperity, if attainable at all, is attainable only by cultivating such drives of human nature as greed and envy, which destroy intelligence, happiness, serenity and thereby . . . peacefulness . . .' Green politics. Politics as if people mattered. That's the only way to save our souls.


  • pendent upon them. Those millions are making their peace, their Green peace, with the planet and all the glorious expressions of life that nature has woven in all their mag- nificence. They know that Green politics will not just mean a safer life, but a better, more satisfying one. They know it is our only chance. The suicide note does not have to be signed, the dragon can be tamed, it doesn't have to be like t


  • 0 when he became a network TV presenter in news and sport. An experienced environmental campaigner in his home area—the Isle of Wight—David Icke became a national speaker for the Green Party in 1988. GREEN POLITICS EXPLAINED One of the Green Party's best-known spokesmen and a professional broadcaster, David Icke has set out for the everyday reader what it really means to be Green. This comprehensive book covers

File: David Icke - 1994 - The Robots' Rebellion -

  • hey battle for power byoffering the same basic policies presented in slightly different languages but,the Greens apart, they all serve the system and their members serve them.Indeed, some elements of Green politics are also system-serving withoutrealising it. Political parties have also added to the confrontational nature ofpolitics which mirrors the lack of cooperation that pervades the entire system.Politicia

File: David Icke - 1994 - The Robots' Rebellion -

  • hey battle for power byoffering the same basic policies presented in slightly different languages but,the Greens apart, they all serve the system and their members serve them.Indeed, some elements of Green politics are also system-serving withoutrealising it. Political parties have also added to the confrontational nature ofpolitics which mirrors the lack of cooperation that pervades the entire system.Politicia

File: David Icke - 1998 - Lifting The Veil -


  • get together with a determination to do it. JR: There is a huge movement of this kind in Britain these days? DI: It’ s growing all the time. JR: What is the government response to this? * Subtitled, Green Politics Explained (London: Green Print, I 990). INTERVIEWED BY JON RAPPOPOR T 55 DI: They are trying to work out ways of taxing it, of course, because they have a real problem. The way this system works is t

File: David Icke - 1998 - Lifting The Veil -


  • get together with a determination to do it. JR: There is a huge movement of this kind in Britain these days? DI: It’ s growing all the time. JR: What is the government response to this? * Subtitled, Green Politics Explained (London: Green Print, I 990). INTERVIEWED BY JON RAPPOPOR T 55 DI: They are trying to work out ways of taxing it, of course, because they have a real problem. The way this system works is t

File: David Icke - 2012 - Remember Who You Are -

  • politics was irrelevant, anyway. I told ahandful of people in the Green Party what had happened to me and ‘David’s gonecrazy!’ rumours began to circulate. So much for the ‘different’ and‘enlightened’ Green politics. I can tell you from experience that it is only theold politics under another name, and its obsession with selling and exploitingthe manipulated nonsense about human-caused ‘global warming’ (renamed

File: David Icke - The Robots' Rebellion - The Story of the Spiritual Renaissance (1994) -


  • 276 languages but, the Greens apart, they all serve the system and their members serve them. Indeed, some elements of Green politics are also system-serving without realising it. Political parties have also added to the confrontational nature of politics which mirrors the lack of cooperation that pervades the entire system. Politi

File: David Icke - The Robots' Rebellion -


  • 276 languages but, the Greens apart, they all serve the system and their members serve them. Indeed, some elements of Green politics are also system-serving without realising it. Political parties have also added to the confrontational nature of politics which mirrors the lack of cooperation that pervades the entire system. Politi

File: Tyler Hamilton - Mad Like Tesla_ Underdog Inventors and their Relentless Pursuit of Clean Energy (2011, ECW Press) -

  • ghts.Similarly, thank you to Toby Heaps for never turning down an invitation tobrainstorm over a beer. Not only did Toby introduce me to ECW, but our regulardiscussions on energy, sustainability, and green politics helped me to refine myideas and approach to this project. I must also acknowledge my friend JoseEtcheverry for both his personal and professional support, including stickingout his neck to help me wh

File: Oxford Thesaurus -


  • red down, wishy-washy, jejune, colourless, unpalatable, flat, tame, lifeless, boring, tedious, tiresome, uninteresting, trite, wearisome, wearying, humdrum, Colloq blah, ho-hum: The minister attacked green politics as vapid romanticism. vapour n. 1 mist, fog, steam, cloud, smoke, smog, exhalation: There arose from the bog a suffocating, miasmic vapour. 2 the vapours. morbidity, hypochondria, hysteria, nervousne

File: Phil Hine - Techniques Of Modern Shamanism Vol 3 - Touched By Fire -


  • tionalist Party for example, are a good example of a political group well aware of magick (if only unconsciously). They are mimetic, sending tendrils into any kind of situation which will feed them - Green Politics, Paganism, The Campaign to save Leeds Markets - all issues which have a direct, emotional appeal. They are further reinforced by the Meme (viral idea) of Xenophobia, and itís mutation of anti-intelle

File: David Icke - The Robots' Rebellion - The Story of the Spiritual Renaissance (1994) -


  • 276languages but, the Greens apart, they all serve the system and theirmembers serve them. Indeed, some elements of Green politics arealso system-serving without realising it. Political parties have alsoadded to the confrontational nature of politics which mirrors the lackof cooperation that pervades the entire system. Politicia

File: Illuminati Handbook -


  • lth SE-banken (Sweden) Greenpeace House of W indsor House of Orange Science of physics and astronomy UN Security Council US Military Capitalism, fascism, communism, sio - nism, liberalism, socialism, green politics

File: Rupert Sheldrake, Terence McKenna, Ralph Abraham - Chaos, Creativity, and Cosmic Consciousness -

  • ce hasbeen developing.Ralph: People are left stranded, having rejected the church in favor of scienceand having rejected science in favor of nothing. This is the dilemma of today.Terence: Science and green politics can be sacralized through the psychedelicexperience. The psychedelic person knows that the scientist dismissing peoplebowed in prayer is a poor fool. A green party that uses a mystical language, apsy
  • t spread outward in rapid diffusion,amplified by the media.Terence: A psychedelic green party.Rupert: The Pacific Northwest of America is one part of the world where there isan attempt to reintegrate green politics and psychedelic cults with the Judaicand Christian traditions. In Europe, lots of people use native psilocybinmushrooms, but I don’t know whether they’re used in a ceremonial setting. InAmerica, mush
  • ossible, andunderway. Perhaps it’ll be the responsibility of the sacred artist to providethe links between politics, theology, and practical action.Terence: Maybe what we need is a conference linking green politics and thepsychedelic dimension. People who have thought a lot about green politics butnot at all or mostly negatively about transformational options would have achance to discuss these options.Ralph: I
  • providethe links between politics, theology, and practical action.Terence: Maybe what we need is a conference linking green politics and thepsychedelic dimension. People who have thought a lot about green politics butnot at all or mostly negatively about transformational options would have achance to discuss these options.Ralph: It would be a conference of synergy between the new politics and the newreligion.R

File: Terence McKenna - Trialogues At The Edge Of The West -


  • TATEOTW.htm of science and having rejected science in favor of nothing. This is the dilemma of today. TERENCE: Science and green politics can be sacralized through the psychedelic experience. The psychedelic person knows that the scientist dismissing people bowed in prayer is a poor fool. A green party that uses a mystical language, a


  • read outward in rapid diffusion, amplified by the media. TERENCE: A psychedelic green party. RUPERT: The Pacific Northwest of America is one part of the world where there is an attempt to reintegrate green politics and psychedelic cults with the Judaic and Christian traditions. In Europe, lots of people use native psilocybin mushrooms, but I don't know whether they're used in a ceremonial setting. In America, m


  • TATEOTW.htm TERENCE: Maybe what we need is a conference linking green politics and the psychedelic dimension. People who have thought a lot about 134 Trialogues at the Edge of the West green politics but not at all or mostly negatively about transformational options would have
  • TATEOTW.htm TERENCE: Maybe what we need is a conference linking green politics and the psychedelic dimension. People who have thought a lot about 134 Trialogues at the Edge of the West green politics but not at all or mostly negatively about transformational options would have a chance to discuss these options. RALPH: It would be a conference of synergy between the new politics and the new religi

File: Techniques of Modern Shamanism 3 -


  • Nationalist Party for example, are a good exampleof a political group well aware of magick (if only unconsciously).They are mimetic, sending tendrils into any kind of situationwhich will feed them - Green Politics, Paganism, The Campaignto save Leeds Markets - all issues which have a direct, emotionalappeal. They are further reinforced by the Meme (viral idea) ofXenophobia, and itís mutation of anti-intellectu

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