2012 Prophecy

Found in 7 Books

File: Complete Idiot's Guide to 2012 -


  • duction of greenhouse gas emissions or face the extinction of many species worldwide, on land and in our oceans. This dire prediction seems to coordinate our contemporary problems with the deciphered 2012 prophecy of the Mayans. Indeed, the anticipated extraordinary scientific findings and views have been brought together in this book at this critical time to challenge humanity to re-think its future in the tw

File: John Major Jenkins - The 2012 Story The Myths, Fallacies and Truth Behind the Most Intriguing Date in History -


  • l site of Izapa. We first met with Rodolfo Juan, our host, in Tapachula. Time was short, so we immediately went to Izapa, where I gave an impromptu talk at the ballcourt. This was “ground zero of the 2012 prophecy,” I said, “where the future alignment of the solstice sun and the dark rift was encoded into the mythic narrative carved into the monuments.” The next two days were a whirlwind. I was presented with


  • ctual Renaissance (Montejo) Mayan Calendar, The (Calleman) “Mayan Cosmogenesis” (Jenkins) Mayan Factor, The (Argüelles) “Mayanism” (Hoopes) Mayan Prophecies (Cotterell and Gilbert) Maya prophecy. See 2012 prophecy Maya renaissance Baktunian movement global awakening and renewal Стр . 201 из 213


  • traditions date stations forward projections of galactic alignment Maya awareness of See also galactic alignment theory Prescott, William Primordial Tradition. See Perennial Philosophy prophecy. See 2012 prophecy Prothero, Stevyn Prouskouriakoff, Tatiana psychoactive substances Puleston, Dennis Quetzalcoatl Quetzalcoatl (Shearer) Ramakrishna rebirth. See sacrifice and renewal Recherches Philosophiques su r le


  • ions (McKenna) Trunga Rinpoche Tsarion, Michael 2012: The Odyssey (Rose and Weidner/ Sacred Mysteries) 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl (Pinchbeck) 2012: The War of Souls (Streiber) “2012” (Emmerich) 2012 prophecy beginning of fulfillmen t in current culture corporations destruction of planet by egoism integration of Western an d Indigenous mind-sets Maya views on mind control and social engineering Obama admi

File: Jose Arguelles - Living Through The Closing Of The Cycle -


  • had begun. Interestingly, this story featured a photograph of the Pyramid of the Sun, Teotihuacan Mexico on the front page, but in the actual report, focused on the Mayan site of Palenque, where the 2012 prophecy has its roots. It was on June 15, 1952 in Palenque (Nah Chan, House of the Serpent) that the tomb of Pacal Votan was discovered deep within the Pyramid of the Inscriptions. The discovery of this inco


  • 11 Living Through the Closing of the Cycle, A Survival Guide for the Road to 2012 3. Harmonizing Ourselves in Time The 2012 prophecy is all about time. It is about saying goodbye to the old time and hello to the New Time. How do we do that in a way that is evident and concrete? We change the calendar. We start living by a new cale

File: SurvivalGuide -


  • had begun. Interestingly, this story featured a photograph of the Pyramid of the Sun, Teotihuacan Mexico on the front page, but in the actual report, focused on the Mayan site of Palenque, where the 2012 prophecy has its roots. It was on June 15, 1952 in Palenque (Nah Chan, House of the Serpent) that the tomb of Pacal Votan was discovered deep within the Pyramid of the Inscriptions. The discovery of this inco


  • 11 Living Through the Closing of the Cycle, A Survival Guide for the Road to 2012 3. Harmonizing Ourselves in Time The 2012 prophecy is all about time. It is about saying goodbye to the old time and hello to the New Time. How do we do that in a way that is evident and concrete? We change the calendar. We start living by a new cale

File: Psychedelic Information Theory -


  • ’s observations about novelty speeding up were essentially correct. Although many people have adopted McKenna’s 2012 singularity meme, the occult construction of his Timewave and other aspects of his 2012 prophecy have left many unconvinced. Psychedelic Information Theory approaches novelty and information genesis from a different perspective than McKenna. McKenna viewed novelty as a trend line that begins wit

File: End Of Time - The Maya Mystery Of 2012 -


  • Introduct Ion: How dylan Got Me Started  then can we explore what really lies behind our love affair with the ancient Maya and the 2012 prophecy’s grip on pop culture. Peering into another culture’s view of the world is a little bit like looking through a telescope. When I gaze at that far away Other beyond the glass, I might glimpse a differ


  • Christian Armageddon was sim- ply one version of an old pagan idea. Early Christian Gnostics tapped into the global destruction myth as well. Their history is well worth discussing in the context of 2012 prophecy. Today we are familiar with the term “gnostic” largely through its negative popular form “agnostic,” which has come to mean someone who has not decided, or never can decide, the issue of belief in a
  • the world was created not by a supreme benevolent god but instead by forces intent on imprisoning human souls in physically corrupt bodies. Second—and more important for us in broadening the base of 2012 prophecy—hidden wisdom, knowable only to a select group of adepts, must be employed to achieve salvation or escape from the present world. True Gnostics sought the same union with God advocated by more mainst

File: William Henry THE HEALING SUN CODE -


  • s or Emerald Cup by the followers of Thoth, and the Green Stone by the Cathars of Southern France. It is the (S)tone or Key of Life. Some Hopis believe their prophecy roughly coincides with the Mayan 2012 prophecy. The Hopi tradition says the years after 2012 could be a Golden Age with humans at peace and in harmony with nature. During this time our powers of manifestation will increase because our hearts and

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