
Found in 86 Books

File: A.E. Waite - A Magician Of Many Parts -


  • nts into the Order and played a prominent role in Isis-Urania during its most active period. Robert William Felkin (1858-1922) practised medicine in Africa and later in Edinburgh, where he joined the Amen-Ra Temple. He moved to London and transferred to Isis-Urania, coming to prominence in the Order during the 'interregnum' of 1900 to 1903. His later years were spent in taking the Stella Matutina down ev

File: Alan Watt - Cutting Through Vol 1 -


  • lise a noose, the penalty being obvious for disclosure. A red cord was also tied around the "lcx'ver head" or genitals. This tied one to Anpn. The novice was then a child (I"loses, I"lesis) of Anronr/Amen-Ra' The popular title being Ra.moses, Ra,s child. ''Amenl oUE father which art. in heaven" @ins a popurar praise to nurerous tcxnb walls. At Bursiras every year ' the Pha'roah went tjlrough an elaborate

File: Aleister Crowley - Complete Works -


  • Path and his own Law, and there is no Art in Magick but to seek out that Path and that Law, that he may pursue the one by the right Used of the Other. It shall be that one cometh unto thee, desiring Amen-Ra (I speak in a Figure or Exemplar) another Asi, a third Hoor-Pa-Kraat; or again, one seeketh Instruction in Obeah, and his Fellow in Wanga; and of all these not one in Ten Thousand shall be aware of h

File: Gods Of The New Millenium -


  • whole rather than one particular chamber. This conclusion will prove to be very important, in due course. After Marduk’s escape, he fled Egypt, becoming a legendary god who was remembered by the name Amen-Ra, “the Hidden One”.’” He subsequently became the god of the Babylonians, whose New Year rituals described his exile and made great play of his innocence. However, one anomaly of Marduk’ s escape still

File: Colin Wilson - From Atlantis To The Sphinx -

  • light of a star orother heavenly body would penetrate their depths as it might have penetrated atelescope. He noted, for example, how the light of the sun at the summersolstice entered the temple of Amen-Ra at Karnak and penetrated along its axisto the sanctuary. Lockyer was also the first to suggest that Stonehenge had beenconstructed as a sort of observatory—a view now generally accepted.The significa

File: Egyptian Book Of The Dead -


  • u which M. Maspero published ( Les Momies Royales de Déir el-baharî , p. 600 f.). The text is divided into paragraphs, which contain neither prayers nor hymns but a veritable contract between the god Amen-Ra and the princess Nesi-Khonsu. After the list of the names and titles of Amen-Ra with which it begins follow eleven sections wherein the god declares in legal phraseology that he hath deified the prin


  • xists in the aspects of Heru-maati, Heru-khent-an-maa, Heru-Khuti, Heru-nub, Heru-behutet, etc. , and the attributes of each are confounded either in periods or localities: Tmu-Ra, and Menthu-Ra, and Amen-Ra are composed of Tmu and Ra, and Menthu and Ra, and Amen and Ra respectively, and we have seen from the hymn quoted above (p. lii.) that already in the XVIIIth dynasty the god Osiris had absorbed the


  • those who are favoured by him, he is the gracious protector of him whom he setteth in his heart, and he is the fashioner of eternity and everlastingness. He is the king of the North and of the South, Amen-Ra, king of the gods, the lord of heaven, and of earth and of the waters and of the mountains, with whose coming into being the earth began its existence, the mighty one, more princely than all the gods


  • god, although his votaries called him the king of the gods. The conception which the Thebans had of their god as a god of the underworld was modified when they identified him with Ra and called him "Amen-Ra"; and, speaking generally, in the time of the XVIIIth dynasty and onwards the god became the personification of the mysterious creating and sustaining power of the universe, which in a material form


  • he day of thy meskhenet "; see Recueil de Travaux , t. vii., p. 161 (l. 397). 3 See Grébaut, Hymne à Ammon-Ra , Paris, 1874; and Wiedemann, Die Religion , p. 64 ff.] {p. cxxvii} "Adoration to thee, O Amen-Ra, the bull in Annu, the ruler of all the gods, the beautiful and beloved god who givest life by means of every kind of food and fine cattle. "Hail to thee, O Amen-Ra, lord of the world's throne, thou


  • daily in th temple of Amen-Ra at Thebes to deliver the Sun-god from the assault of this fiend and on each occasion it was accompanied by a ceremony in which a waxen figure of Apep was burnt in the fire; as the wax melted, so the


  • et been decided, but qemat is the title applied to the noble ladies who sang or played on an instrument in the temple of a god.[1] The lady Thuthu belonged to the number of the priestesses of the god Amen-Ra at Thebes, and she always carries in her hands the sistrum. and the instrument menat , the emblems of her office. Thus Ani and his wife were high ecclesiastical dignitaries connected with the famous


  • lord of eternity and ruler of the everlasting, the company of the gods rejoice when thou risest and when thou sailest (14) across the sky, O thou who art exalted in the sektet boat. Homage to thee, O Amen-Ra, thou who dost rest upon Maat, thou who passest over the heaven, and every face seeth thee. Thou dost wax great as thy (15) Majesty doth advance, and thy rays are upon all faces. Thou art unknown and


  • rans. Soc. Bibl. Arch. , Vol. VIII., p. 204, note 2) that the correct {footnote page 283} reading is Amsu (compare the variants in Naville, Todtenbuch , Bd. II., Bl. 41). This god was associated with Amen-Ra, and represented the power of reproduction (see Pierret, Panthéon , p. 39; and Lanzone, Dizionario , p. 935). The seat of his worship was Apu, the Panopolis of the Greeks, and the Akhmîm of Arabic wr

File: Egyptian Heaven And Hell -


  • the belief in the existence of numbers of primitive gods, who are unknown outside these Books. The "Book Am-Tuat," in the form in which we know it, was drawn up by the priests of the confraternity of Amen-Ra at Thebes, with the express object of demonstrating that their god was the overlord of all the gods, and the supreme power in "Pet Ta Tuat," or, as we should say, "Heaven, Earth, and Hell." The Tuat,


  • systems of belief of the country. They introduced the primitive gods of the land into their own system of theology, but assigned to them subordinate positions and powers inferior to those of Amen, or Amen-Ra, as he was called, and the new editions of most of the old religious works which appeared at Thebes bore the traces of having been edited in accordance with their views and opinions. In many of its a


  • iciently material to satisfy any but the educated classes. The great kings of the XVIIIth and XIXth Dynasties, being convinced that their military successes were due to the influence and operation of Amen-Ra, dutifully accepted the instructions of the priests of the god in all matters relating to his worship, and they permitted them to prepare tombs for them in the Valley of Biban al-Muluk at Thebes, whi


  • is in the Tuat," is the name given by the Egyptians to the large funeral book in which the priests of Amen describe the Other World according to the views of their order, and the passage of their god Amen-Ra, through the mysterious country which he traversed during the hours of the night. Its object, in the first place, was to impress the followers of Amen and others with the idea of the absolute suprema


  • s work is, clearly, not older than the XVIIIth or XIXth Dynasty, but many parts of it are very much more ancient. As the BOOK AM-TUAT was composed with the view of asserting the absolute supremacy of Amen-Ra in the Other World, so the BOOK OF GATES was compiled to prove that, in spite of the pretensions of the priests of Amen-RA, Osiris, the ancient god of the dead, was still the over-lord of the Underwo


  • of men and women, and to be in danger of extermination in the Tuat. Of the gods the only one about whose successful passage of the Tuat there was no doubt was Ra, or according to the priests of Amen, Amen-Ra, for he rose each morning in the East, and it was manifest to all that he had overcome whatsoever dangers had threatened him in the Tuat during the past night. This being so, it


  • out the divisions of the Tuat, and knowledge of the names of the Halls and Gates, and of the beings who guarded them and who were all-powerful in the land of darkness. For the worshippers of Amen, or Amen-Ra, the BOOK AM-TUAT was prepared, whilst the followers of Osiris pinned their faith to the BOOK OF GATES. From each of these Books we find that the Sun-god was not able to pass through the Tuat by virt


  • stibule. From the above lists it is clear that in the BOOK AM-TUAT the actual divisions of the Tuat are considered without any reference to Gates, even if such existed in the scheme of the priests of Amen-Ra, and that according to the Book of Gates, the Gates of the divisions in the Tuat are the most important and most characteristic features. The absence of Gates in the BOOK AM-TUAT is not difficult to


  • important features of the kingdom of Osiris, so that the necessity for Amen-Ra to seek permission of their warders, who were appointed by Osiris, was obviated. Footnotes 81:1 The tombs of Amen-hetep II. and Thothmes III. were discovered by M. Loret in 1898, and, according to th


  • turn to their places to await his return the following evening. In return for their services they receive food and drink by the command of the god. As the Boat of AFU-RA was assumed by the priests of Amen-Ra to begin its journey through the Tuat at Thebes, and as we are expressly told that the god was obliged to pass over a space of 120 or 220 atru , or leagues, before he came to the dwellers in the Tuat


  • to them. In other words, they are merely dead gods, until the word of power spoken by AFU-RA makes them produce grain on which to feed themselves and the followers of Ra." In this way is the power of Amen-Ra shown: his dead body, i.e., the night sun, is able to re-vivify all the gods of the kingdom of Osiris, and to make them work. The gods on the left have, first of all, to praise AFU-RA after he has en


  • ficult to explain why the "Boat of the Earth" was omitted by the Theban priests from their composition; had they kept it in it they would have been obliged to make their god AFU-RA, the night form of AMEN-RA, to submit to being towed through an inferior Tuat, and to being absorbed by the earth-god. The text which refers to this remarkable scene tells us that AFU-RA addresses the eight gods who support th


  • they depicted it is much shorter than that in which it existed originally, and that the attributes and duties of many of the gods have been changed to suit the necessities of the cults of Osiris and Amen-Ra. Such changes have resulted in great confusion, and at the present time it is impossible p. 139 to reduce these most interesting, but at the same time most difficult, scenes and texts to their origin


  • ugh it, we read that the souls who were outside the door uttered cries of lamentation and wailed bitterly. It must be remembered that views such as are here described were held only by the priests Of AMEN-RA, who, as we have seen, tried to show that their god was lord of all the Tuats of Egypt, and that all the gods of the dead, including even Osiris, and all the blessed, depended upon him for light and

File: Legends Of The Gods -


  • like the "beauties of Ra." He took her back with him to Egypt, where she was installed as Queen. During the summer of the fifteenth year of his reign, whilst Rameses II. was celebrating a festival of Amen-Ra in the Temple of Luxor, one came to him and reported that an envoy had arrived from the Prince of Bekhten, bearing with him many gifts for the Royal Wife Ra-neferu. When the envoy had been brought in

File: Albert Churchward - The Origin And Evolution Of Freemasonry -


  • is an emblem of the double power, and the so-called god of the double axe is consequently a god of the double equinox or double horizon, who in a later form w^as Har-Makhu, the Horus who passed into Amen-Ra of the Egyptians. Various symbolisms of the Egyptians are found in many parts of the world, which Evans and 143


  • Amen lasted about 20,000 years. That of Osiris lasted about 20,000 years. The Eschatology about 20,000 years. The other phases of duality not mentioned above are : Tum as the Father, Tem as the son. Amen-Ra as the Father, Nefer-Atum as the son. Huhi the eternal God the Father, lu the son. Osiris the Father, Horus the son. Ihuh the eternal Father, lah the son. leou the Father, lao the son. Ihuh the Fathe


  • n). For the information of the Brotherhood I will give a translation of part of this remarkable docu- ment, as far as concerns our present subject matter : *' This holy God, the lord of all the Gods, Amen-Ra, the lord of the throne of the two lands, the governor of Apt ; the holy soul who came into being in the beginning, the great God who liveth by Maat ; the first divine matter which gave birth unto su

File: C.W. Leadbeater - The Hidden Life in Freemasonry -


  • CHAPTER X - (CHAPTER IX in First Edition) TWO WONDERFUL RITUALS The Workings in Egypt. The Form of the Temple of Amen-Ra. The Building of the Temple of Amen-Ra. The Unveiling of the Hidden Light. The Offerings. The Descent of Osiris. The Dist ribution of the Sacrament. The Re-union of Osiris. The Shining of the Light.


  • in the people. 48. The anci ent Egyptians have often been accused of polytheism, but in reality they were no more guilty of the charge than are the Hindus. All men knew and worshipped the One G od, Amen-Ra, the “One without a Second”, the centre of whose manifest ation on the physical plane is the sun; but they worshipped Him u nder different aspe cts and through different channels. In one of the hymns


  • n the banks of the great river which had once borne the argosies of a mighty ci vilization, and was yet to witness a revival of those ancient gl ories, and to mirror the stately temples of Osiris and Amen-Ra. The first of the several races that entered the country was a negroid people from Central Africa; they had, however, been displaced by various others before the Aryo-Egyp tians returned from Arabia,


  • ts explan ation. Next, in th e first steps of White Masonry, the crown of the whole glorious structure, the aspirant learns to see the underlying justice of the great and eternal God, called in Egypt Amen-Ra, who stands behind all alike, whether it seems to us evil or good. We are told that in older days, before the Kaliyuga , in which the apparent evil predominates over the g ood, the Knight K.H. wore r


  • 834. THE FORM OF THE TEMPLE OF AMEN-RA 835. The perf ormance of the beautiful ce remony called “The Building of the Temple of Amen” was the principal work done by these great Lodges; and, as I have said, the Br n. regarded it as the chief


  • 842 . THE BUILDING OF THE TEMPLE OF AMEN-RA 843. When the ceremony of the Building of the Temple of Amen was to be performed the Lodge was opened in the ordinary way, and raised straight to the Third Degree by the shortest method in due and a


  • their original positions in the Lodge. When these were reached, the R.W.M. gave the peculiar sevenfold k ..., and raising his arms above his head, said: 917. “Brn., we have built again the Temple of Amen-Ra, who creates, sustains and ends the worlds. Osiris, Isis, Horus, all are One in Him. We pledge our lives to Him from whom we receive them; let us invoke His blessing.” 918. In response, all the Brn.

File: Hidden Life In Freemasonry -


  • CHAPTER X - (CHAPTER IX in First Edition) TWO WONDERFUL RITUALS The Workings in Egypt. The Form of the Temple of Amen-Ra. The Building of the Temple of Amen-Ra. The Unveiling of the Hidden Light. The Offerings. The Descent of Osiris. The Dist ribution of the Sacrament. The Re-union of Osiris. The Shining of the Light.


  • in the people. 48. The anci ent Egyptians have often been accused of polytheism, but in reality they were no more guilty of the charge than are the Hindus. All men knew and worshipped the One G od, Amen-Ra, the “One without a Second”, the centre of whose manifest ation on the physical plane is the sun; but they worshipped Him u nder different aspe cts and through different channels. In one of the hymns


  • n the banks of the great river which had once borne the argosies of a mighty ci vilization, and was yet to witness a revival of those ancient gl ories, and to mirror the stately temples of Osiris and Amen-Ra. The first of the several races that entered the country was a negroid people from Central Africa; they had, however, been displaced by various others before the Aryo-Egyp tians returned from Arabia,


  • ts explan ation. Next, in th e first steps of White Masonry, the crown of the whole glorious structure, the aspirant learns to see the underlying justice of the great and eternal God, called in Egypt Amen-Ra, who stands behind all alike, whether it seems to us evil or good. We are told that in older days, before the Kaliyuga , in which the apparent evil predominates over the g ood, the Knight K.H. wore r


  • 834. THE FORM OF THE TEMPLE OF AMEN-RA 835. The perf ormance of the beautiful ce remony called “The Building of the Temple of Amen” was the principal work done by these great Lodges; and, as I have said, the Br n. regarded it as the chief


  • 842 . THE BUILDING OF THE TEMPLE OF AMEN-RA 843. When the ceremony of the Building of the Temple of Amen was to be performed the Lodge was opened in the ordinary way, and raised straight to the Third Degree by the shortest method in due and a


  • their original positions in the Lodge. When these were reached, the R.W.M. gave the peculiar sevenfold k ..., and raising his arms above his head, said: 917. “Brn., we have built again the Temple of Amen-Ra, who creates, sustains and ends the worlds. Osiris, Isis, Horus, all are One in Him. We pledge our lives to Him from whom we receive them; let us invoke His blessing.” 918. In response, all the Brn.

File: Fritz Springmeier - Be Wise As Serpents -


  • c ceremony we must not think of him either as a director or as an attendant, but si mply as a co-worker and a brother." (p. 309) The next chapter "Two Wonderful Rituals" describes Egyptian rituals to Amen-Ra, and the Blazing Star. They sing a hymn to "Ra, the Logos, the Sun-God, than king Him for His response..." They take a sacrement to Osirus. The next ritual described may pos sibly refer to part of th

File: Gnostic Theurgy -


  • t there is no soul or immortal essence, only environmental factors (Sanskaras) which repeat life after life, re-creating a semblance of identity in each incarnation. In Ancient Egypt the followers of Amen-Ra derived their belief in reincarnation from the course of the sun. As it died in the West and rose again in the East at dawn, so the vital forces sank into the underworld to rise again in a different

File: Alchemist Of The Golden Dawn -


  • d money obtaining as many of the issued copies as she could, destroying most of these also.' The book was reissued in 1918 with the sanction of Isabelle de Steiger (formerly a member of the Horus and Amen-Ra Temples of the Golden Dawn at Bradford and Edinburgh) who had inherited both Mrs Atwood's papers and, according to Mr Gilbert, her prophetic mantle. 'Such a sanction', Mr Gilbert added, 'accords well

File: Golden Dawn Enochian Magic -


  • in much the same manner as in the four Elemental Tablets [see our Enochian Magick: A Practical Manual for details-Eds.]. The al- location is designated by way of rank-the planetary hours. God-Form 1 Amen-Ra 2 Thoth 3 Ra-heru-khuti 4 Seker 5 Net 6 Temu 7 Nekhemauait Planet Sun Mercury Mars Saturn Moon Jupiter Venus Number of Bonorum Angels Ruled Over 2, 8,21,27,33,39,45 5,11,17,23,29,41,48 3, 9,15,28,34,


  • Figure 59. Amen-Ra-Heru-Khuti 97

File: Israel Regardie - Complete Golden Dawn System Of Magic -


  • , the Am Soph, though negative to us, is there intensely positive. Thence came forth the Gods, the Voice, the Aeons, and the Name. The Egyptian Gods are generally most differentiated by their Crowns: Amen-Ra by the high feathers, Mo-ooth (Maut) has the same headdress as Horus. She corresponds to Aima Elohim. The high Hermes-Thoth has the same headress as Amoun Kneph, the Sacred Spirit. Remember that Thot

File: Israel Regardie - The Tree Of Life -


  • to believe that Osiris might be assigned to this same category. Thc British Museum brochure on the Book of the Dead makes the statement with regard to an Egyptian princess that she was able to regard Amen-Ra and Osiris not as two different Gods but as two aspects of the same God. She believed that the " hidden " creative power vested in Amen was but another form of the same power typified by Osiris. In a


  • Zodacare od zodameranu ! Zodorje, lape zodiredo 01 Noco Mada, das Iadapiel ! Ilas ! hoatahe Iaida ! " Occurring in Chapter CLXV of the Saite Kecension of the Book of the Dead, there is a petition to Amen-Ra, wherein the most powerful of the magical names of the God are recited : " Hail thou Bekhennu, Bekhennu ! Hail Prince, Prince ! Hail, Amen. Hail, Amen I Hail Par, Hail Iukasa ! Hail God, Prince of th

File: Jim Marrs - Our Occulted History -

  • of the empire, pagan holidayswere expropriated. Saturnalia, for example, was the winter festival in honor ofthe god Saturn, the equivalent of the Sumerian god of the heavens, Anu, and theEgyptian god Amen-Ra (known to the Greeks as Cronos). Saturnalia was merely alatter-day extension of the Greek festival of Kronia, a remembrance of the“Golden Days” when Cronos ruled the world. By the end of the republic

  • D. S., and J. B. Delair, Cataclysm!, 33–34Allan, Sterling, 331Alouf, Michel, 95Alton, Lord David, 144–45Altunay, Erhan, 182Alulim, Sumerian king, 128Amapa, Brazil, 73Amenhotep III, king of Egypt, 222Amen-Ra, 196American International Group (AIG), 271, 332American Physical Society, 56American Revolution, 256–57Anakims, 200Ancient Aliens (History Channel), 180ancient evidence, 64–84Coral Castle, 75–77elon

File: Jordan Maxwell - Matrix Of Power -


  • area had its philosophies, ideas, and its people being domi- nated by Egypt. So Isis was the first main divin- ity. Now, with the com- ing of Ahknaton, the worship was then changed to the worship of Amen-Ra, the sun. This is where we get sun-ray from - from Amen-Ra. Amcn-Ra was worshiped in the temples as God's Sun/Son. At the end of the services they would say Amen, because they were sending a prayer t

File: Jordan Maxwell - That Old-Time Religion - The Story Of Religious Foundations -


  • o believe the other; but when once we truly know, then the false belief is no longer possible. The mythical Messiah was Horus in the Osirian Mythos; Har-Khuti in the Sut- Typhonian; Khunsu in that of Amen-Ra; Iu in the cult of Atum-Ra; and the Christ of the Gospels is an amalgam of all these characters. The Christ is the Good Shepherd! So was Horus Christ is the Lamb of God! So was Horus Christ is the Br


  • and man. His name was Amen -Ra. Ra = ray (of the sun). His shepherds on Earth were called "Priests of Amen." They would direct th eir prayers to the invisible God — The Father — through His mediator, Amen-Ra. God's Sun was "The Great Amen" with His Rays. In the New Testament He — The Sun — is still called (at 2 Cor 1:20 & Rev 1:7 & Rev 3:14) "THE AMEN." At the end of prayers in the temples of Egypt they

File: Kabbalah Unveiled -


  • Lord; and IHVH = 26, which added hereunto is 91 = AMN, Amen . Now, apart from the sacred ideas we attach to Amen, it is well to know that the ancient Egyptians called their greatest Deity Amen , AMN, Amen-Ra. and Ra = Light, AVR in Hebrew; Amen our Light, the light of the two countenances. Next: Chapter XXIV: The Conclusion of the Matter Concerning Macroprosopus

File: Mark Devlin - Musical Truth -

  • s BIG, was offered upas a sacrifice. Professor Griff has always been direct in his accusationstowards Biggie's producer and mentor, Sean 'Puffy' Combs in this regard, as inthese comments given on the Amen-Ra Film Productions DVD 'Blood Sacrifice ForFame & Fortune & Freemasonry.'"All the evidence points to the fact that he (Combs) had something to do withit. Puffy wasn't no real rapper like that, but as s

File: Michael Tellinger - Slave Species Of The Gods -

  • eir separate gods for a cause in which theyhad very little say.Amun-RaThe god Amun or ‘Unseen one’ was also called ‘Amen’ by the Egyptians. Manyobelisks praise him endlessly and support the fact that Amen-Ra was a god with agrowing following of earthlings. It was in fact Marduk who was preparing for hisonslaught on the ruling gods under the leadership of Enlil. In Cleopatra'sNeedles by Sir Wallis Budge,

File: Michael Tsarion - Astro-Theology And Sidereal Mythology -


  • eism is hardly unique to Judeo-Christianity: The One God was. ..”Mentioned in Egypt 2,600 years prior to the Judaic monotheism – Douglas Reed ( Controversy of Zion ) ... in the hymn to the hidden god Amen-Ra...he is saluted as “the one in his works,” “the one alone with many hands, lying awake while all men sleep to seek out or consider the good of his creatures,” “the one maker of existence,” “the one a

File: Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke - Western Esoteric Traditions -


  • st two temples were supposed to have been on the Continent according to the founding legend) was followed by Osiris Temple No. 4 in Weston-Super-Mare (1888) and Horus Temple No. 5 in Bradford (1888). Amen-Ra Temple No. 6 was founded in Edin- burgh (1893), while Mathers started the Ahathoor Temple No. 7 in Paris (1893). By May 1892, the Outer Order of the Golden Dawn had achieved a member- ship of 150. On

File: Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke - Western Esoteric Traditions -


  • st two temples were supposed to have been on the Continent according to the founding legend) was followed by Osiris Temple No. 4 in Weston-Super-Mare (1888) and Horus Temple No. 5 in Bradford (1888). Amen-Ra Temple No. 6 was founded in Edin- burgh (1893), while Mathers started the Ahathoor Temple No. 7 in Paris (1893). By May 1892, the Outer Order of the Golden Dawn had achieved a member- ship of 150. On

File: Encyclopedia Of Occultism And Parapsychology Vol 1 -


  • : Causeway Books, 1974. Brodie-Innes, J(ohn) W(illiam) (1848–1923) An Edinburgh lawyer, born in Morayshire, Scotland, who became one of the leading members of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn ’s Amen-Ra Temple in Scotland. Brodie- Innes was also a member of a bibliophile society, the Sette of Odde Volumes, London, and was its president in 1911. He wrote several novels on witchcraft and magic and is


  • , Mathers, and W. R. Woodman (another occultist Freemason) as chiefs. Between 1888 and 1896 the Osiris Temple was formed at Weston-super-Mare, Somerset; the Horus Temple at Brad- ford, Yorkshire; the Amen-Ra Temple at Edinburgh, Scotland; and the Ahathoor Temple in Paris. A total of 315 initiations took place during this period. The Golden Dawn consisted of ten main grades, associated with the symbolism

File: Golden Dawn Enochian Magic -


  • in much the same manner as in the four Elemental Tablets [see our Enochian Magick: A Practical Manual for details-Eds.]. The al- location is designated by way of rank-the planetary hours. God-Form 1 Amen-Ra 2 Thoth 3 Ra-heru-khuti 4 Seker 5 Net 6 Temu 7 Nekhemauait Planet Sun Mercury Mars Saturn Moon Jupiter Venus Number of Bonorum Angels Ruled Over 2, 8,21,27,33,39,45 5,11,17,23,29,41,48 3, 9,15,28,34,


  • Figure 59. Amen-Ra-Heru-Khuti 97



  • , the Am Soph, though negative to us, is there intensely positive. Thence came forth the Gods, the Voice, the Aeons, and the Name. The Egyptian Gods are generally most differentiated by their Crowns: Amen-Ra by the high feathers, Mo-ooth (Maut) has the same headdress as Horus. She corresponds to Aima Elohim. The high Hermes-Thoth has the same headress as Amoun Kneph, the Sacred Spirit. Remember that Thot

File: Israel Regardie - Golden Dawn - Volume 3 -

  • alms, the AinSoph, thoughnegative to us, is there intensely posi-tive. Thence came forth the Gods, theVoice, the Aeons,and the Name.The Egyptian Gods are generally most differentiatedby their Crowns: Amen-Ra bythe high feathers, Mo-ooth (Maut) has the same headdress as Horus.Shecorresponds to Aima Elohim. The high Ilermes-Tho-othhas the same headdress asAmoun Kneph, the SacredSpirit, Remember that Tho-ot

File: Israel Regardie, The Tree of Life - A Study In Magic -


  • to believe that Osiris might be assigned to this same category. Thc British Museum brochure on the Book of the Dead makes the statement with regard to an Egyptian princess that she was able to regard Amen-Ra and Osiris not as two different Gods but as two aspects of the same God. She believed that the " hidden " creative power vested in Amen was but another form of the same power typified by Osiris. In a


  • Zodacare od zodameranu ! Zodorje, lape zodiredo 01 Noco Mada, das Iadapiel ! Ilas ! hoatahe Iaida ! " Occurring in Chapter CLXV of the Saite Kecension of the Book of the Dead, there is a petition to Amen-Ra, wherein the most powerful of the magical names of the God are recited : " Hail thou Bekhennu, Bekhennu ! Hail Prince, Prince ! Hail, Amen. Hail, Amen I Hail Par, Hail Iukasa ! Hail God, Prince of th

File: Sacred Texts - The Internet Book of Shadows -


  • others depending on the district in Egypt. Bast had a solar son, Nefer-tum (He is associated with unguents, perfumes, aromatherapy, alchemy, Lotus) by the Sun God Amen-Ra, and Khensu, the Moon God, by Ptah. Bast or Bastet, was originally a lion headed goddess, associated in powers and attributes with Sekhmet and Tefnut, and as such, Bastet has powers of ferocity and r


  • Also associated with: Mut-Bast: personification of the moon in Thebes, she is a woman wearing horns on her head with a sun's disk between them. Mut-Bast is the counterpart of Amen-Ra-Temu-Khepera-Heru-Khuti Sekhmet, as a counter-part Assessor Thenemi (he who goes backwards) and who comes forth from Bast. Assessor Basti A good description of the Festival of Bast, called the Festiv

File: Sirius Mystery -


  • in the care of the tribe of Garamantes: the Greeks knew of their ancestor Garamas as 'the first of men'. The Zetas of Ammon was a sort of Hercules with a ram's head akin to ram-headed. Osiris, and to Amen-Ra, the ram-headed Sun-god of Egyptian Thebes from where Herodotus says that the black doves flew to Ammon and Dodona. In his fascinating book Lost Worlds of Africa,22 James Wellard in Book Three, 'The

File: Wouter J. Hanegraaff - Dictionary of Gnosis and Western Esotericism -


  • to Paris in 1892 and set up a sub-branch of Isis Urania, which was elevated to the status of an independent Temple, Ahathoor No. 7, in January 1894 – just over two weeks after the consecration of the Amen-Ra Temple No. 6 at Edinburgh. By this time it was clear to the members that the real work of the Golden Dawn lay in the R.R. et A.C. Technically, those in the Outer Order were supposed to be ignorant of


  • stcott was a coroner) being involved in a magical Order. During the next two years resentments within the Order grew. There was increased opposition to Mathers’s autocracy in both the Isis-Urania and Amen-Ra Temples, while the Horus Temple resented ‘dogmatic control’ from London. By 1900 some members of Isis-Urania had grown so disen- chanted with the confusion that resulted from Mathers’s eccentric dire


  • Order took the name of Alpha et Omega, with a new Temple, named Isis. Eventually Mathers obtained further support from Brodie-Innes who had distanced himself from Felkin and, by 1910, re-founded the Amen-Ra Temple at Edinburgh. It is probable that Brodie- Innes saw himself as a potential successor, but when Mathers died, in 1918, Mina Mathers took charge of the Alpha et Omega and Brodie-Innes remained l


  • nd which may best be described as the path of magical fantasy. A former medical missionary, who was then a lecturer on tropical medicine at the Edinburgh Medical School, Felkin was initiated into the Amen-Ra Temple of the Golden Dawn in March 1894, taking the motto of Finem Respice. His first wife entered the Order at the same time as Soror Per Aspera ad Astra . Felkin came to believe that the Secret Chi

File: golden dawn reference faq -


  • . . (London: Westcott, Woodman, Mathers) 4. Osiris, Oct. 8, 1888. . . . . . . . . . . . . .(Weston-super-Mare: B. Cox) 5. Horus, Oct. 10, 1888. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Bradford: T.H. Pattinson) 6. Amen-Ra, Apr. 14, 1893. . . . . . . . . . . (Edinburgh: J.W. Brodie- Innes) 7. Ahathoor, Dec. 3, 1893. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(Paris: S.L.M. Mathers) 8. Ihme, c1895 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

File: Alford - Gods of the New Millenium - The Shattering Truth of Human Origins (1996) -


  • whole rather than one particular chamber. This conclusion will prove to be very important, in due course. After Marduk’s escape, he fled Egypt, becoming a legendary god who was remembered by the name Amen-Ra, “the Hidden One”.’” He subsequently became the god of the Babylonians, whose New Year rituals described his exile and made great play of his innocence. However, one anomaly of Marduk’ s escape still

File: Jim Marrs - Rule By Secrecy -


  • son of mythologies indicates common fea- tures which appear to go beyond coincidence and reveal the striking similarities between the ancient "gods": SUMERIAN EGYPTIAN GREEK ROMAN Heavenly Father Ann Amen-Ra Cronos Saturn Heavenly Mother Antu Mut Hera Juno Earth Lord Enlil Set Zeus Jupiter Earth Mother Ninhursag Isis Athena Minerva Earth Brother/Builder Enki Osiris Apollo Vulcan Warrior Rival Marduk Horu

File: Springmeier - Be Wise as Serpents - Christianity's Systematic Destruction (1991) -


  • c ceremony we must not think of him either as a director or as an attendant, but si mply as a co-worker and a brother." (p. 309) The next chapter "Two Wonderful Rituals" describes Egyptian rituals to Amen-Ra, and the Blazing Star. They sing a hymn to "Ra, the Logos, the Sun-God, than king Him for His response..." They take a sacrement to Osirus. The next ritual described may pos sibly refer to part of th

File: Historical Jesus And Mythical Christ -


  • e lieve the other; but when once we truly know, then the false belief is no longe r possible. The mythical Messiah was Horus in the Osirian Mythos; Har-Khu ti in the Sut- Typhonian; Khunsu in that of Amen-Ra; Iu in the cult of Atum-Ra ; and the Christ of the Gospels is an am algam of all these characters. The Christ is the Good Shepherd! So was Horus. Christ is the Lamb of God! So was Horus. Christ is th

File: Michael Aquino - Ruby Tablet of Set -


  • es (Ref. Q, p. 296) that "Khons, Ptah and Khem [were] pi ctured as mummies; that is they became a sort of Osiris." In still anothe r reference (Ref. L, p. 270), Budge indicates that Khem is a form of Amen-Ra. If there is anythi ng in common in the gods connected to Khem, it is that they are all white-light gods. One finds none of the attr ibutes of Set among those of Khem, and none of Khem's attributes w


  • meaning of the reference to HarWer here is clear. Xem woul d, indeed, be the avenger of his "father," HarWer, and allow HarWer to enter and destroy the Word of Set. Xem, in reality Amsu/Horus/Osiris/Amen-Ra, is the Actor in my reading of the Book of Thoth, masquerading as being akin to Set, when the reality is that Xem is Set's Opposite Self in the microcosm. The masquerade cannot be the Will of Set, an

File: Book Of Talismans -


  • Ribbon, 168 White, 1 68 Agla, 117 Agnus Dei, 107 Alabanda, 263 Albertus Magnus, 172, 244 Alexander the Great, 172 Ali, 99 Almandine, 263 Amalthaea's Horn of Plenty, 83 Amber, 194, 197 Black, 256, 280 Amen-Ra, 57 Amethyst, 272-275, 277, 279 Amuletum, 196 i^nanizapta, 108 Ananta, 20 Anchor, 52 Andromeda, 85 Angles, 63 Ankh, 60-61, 74 Anne of Geierstein, 219 Anubis, 84 Aper, 64 Aphrodite, 42, 88, 150 Apis,

File: Equinox Vol. 3 No. 6 - Liber Aleph (Liber 111) -


  • n Path and his own Law, and there is no Art in Magick but to seek out that Path and that Law, that he may pursue the one by the right Use of the Other. It shall be that one cometh unto thee, desiring Amen-Ra (I speak in a Figure or Exemplar) another Asi, a third Hoor-Pa-Kraat; or again, one seeketh Instruction in Obeah, and his Fellow in Wanga; and of all these not one in Ten Thousand shall be aware of h

File: Forlong - Rivers of Life (2) -


  • g. 326) the Ram-headed Creating God Num or K’neph-Ra, and in fig. 327 as bearing along intelligence in his Baris, symbolized in the god- 1 Euterpe [i.e. lib. II.]. 2 [Chald. Mag., p. 80; cf. “Hymn to Amen-Ra,” Records vol. II. p. 127] 3 Chald. Mag., pp. 195-208, &c. 4 Ibid., p. 232 et seq.


  • learned Irish priest, Father Smiddy, says that the translation of the word Ayr-raw, “Adoration,” means “speaking to Iar.”3 The Asyrian “God of Eternity" was called Ir-Kala, and he, like the Egyptian Amen-Ra was “the secret God, who makes to conceive,” the Akadian Iru-ak, and the Kaldi and Hebrew Iru or Eru, both of which have the signification “to conceive and keep secret.” He was in the Kaukasian and A

File: Henrik Bogdan - Western Esotericism and Rituals of Initiation -


  • ol-lowed between the two orders that ended in their mutual acceptance ofone other. Some minor dissensions within the order followed, but as awhole the order continued to expand. In 1893 the important Amen-RaTemple of Edinburgh was chartered, followed by Ahathoor Temple in1894 in Paris, where Mathers and his wife Moina had moved in 1892.1892 marked a new phase in the histor y of the Golden Dawn, asit was


  • 64, 65, 71, 72, 75, 76, 84,85, 97, 101, 104, 105, 107, 109–120,121, 126, 139, 143, 171, 172, 176,178, 188, 190, 195, 197–199Alexandria, 100Alkindi, 56Allusive method, 46, 191, 208Alpha and Omega, 200Amen-Ra Temple (Golden Dawn), 125American Academy of Religion, 175Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, 43,97, 98, 101, 106, 120, 152, 182, 193Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of theMystic Shrine, 42Anderson, Ja

File: Grant - Magical Revival -


  • fore the Talisman of a magical current initiated at a period vastly anterior to that of the XXVIth Dynasty (c 680 B.C.) when Crowley claims to have been incarnate as Ankh-f-n-Khonsu, a high priest of Amen-Ra. He is described in The Book of the Law as "the prince-priest the Beast", because, as shown above, Amen- Ra or Atum-Horus was the "son" of Besz, i.e. the Beast. Thus, Ankh-f-n-Khonsu, the priest of A


  • The cult of Amen-Ra in the XXVIth Dynasty was in itself a magical revival of the worship of the Star Goddess Sevekh8 who was worshipped under the form of a dragon or crocodile in the VIth, VIIIth, IXth, Xth, and again i

File: david griffin - ritual magic manual -


  • cration with Fire. 5. Unwrap your Lotus Wand. 6. Perform the Rite of the Qabalistic Cross. 7. Perform an Invocation of the Highest Divine Force. 8. Pick up your Lotus Wand. Assume the God Form of Amen-Ra, dressed in violet with yellow trim, while vibrating "Amen-Ra" [i-mh rh]. 9. Go to the Eastern end of the Circle. Stand facing outward.


  • ne in the center of the first Hexagram (i.e., where you began). Go and face, across the Altar, the current location of Jupiter. Pause and closc your eyes for a moment. Visualize again the God Form of Amen-Ra which you continue to assume, dressed in violet with yellow trim, while vibrating "Amen-Ra" [I-mun rS]. Facing Jupiter, trace a violet Invoking Jupiter Hexagram (Supreme form) and a yellow 1in its ce


  • the Southeast. 45. Go to the West of the Altar, facing East, and perform the hte of Adoration of the Lord of the Universe. 46. Pause and close your eyes for a moment. Visualize again the God Form of Amen-Ra, dressed in violet with yellow trim. Divest your- self of the God Form of Amen-Ra, while vibrating "Amen-Raw [i-mu11 rii]. Likewise divest yourself of any other God Forms which may have been assumed


  • er of the Hexagram, and trace a line of white Light as you move clockwise to the East-southeast. Finish the line at the point where the center of the next Hexagram will be. 16. Assume the God Form of Amen-Ra, dressed in violet with yellow trim, while vibrating "Amen-Ra" [i-mun rs]. 17. Facing the Jupiter wall, trace a violet Invokmg Jupiter Hexagram (Supreme form) and a yellow 1 in ~ts center, whlle vibr


  • the Choir of Angels '~'7pftin'[kbsh-mil-em], and of the Planetary Intelligence '58'97" [yo-fP-$11, I invoke you, you Forces of '37S'[ts@-dkk]." Planetary Magic 21. Divest yourself of the God Form of Amen-Ra, dressed in violet with yellow trim, while vibrating "Amen-Ran [I-mun ri]. 22. Pierce the center of the Hexagram, and trace a line of white Light as you move to the East-northeast. Finish the line a


  • of the Hexagrams, and trace a line of white Light as you move to the East-southeast. Finish the line at the point Planetary Magic where the center of the next Hexagram will be. Assume the God Form of Amen-Ra, dressed in violet with yellow trim, while vibrating "Amen-Raw [i-mun ri]. Facing the Jupiter Tablet, trace a violet Invoking Jupiter Hexa- gram (Supreme form) and a yellow 1in its center, while vibr


  • bd-kP-611, of the Choir of Angels '~'?JDw~' Pm], and of the Planetary Intelligence '?W'~;T'' [yo-f&-Pl],I invoke you, you Forces of 'PlS'[tsg-dPk]." Planetary Magic Divest yourself of the God Form of Amen-Ra, dressed in violet with yellow trim, while vibrating "Amen-Ra" [i-mhn rb] Pierce the center of the ~exagrams, and trace a line of white Light as you move to the East-northeast. Finish the line at the

File: R.A. Gilbert - A.E. Waite - A Magician of Many Parts -


  • thataworkingSecondOrderhadbeendeveloped,theGoldenDawnhadsome150membersinthreetemples:Isis-UraniainLondon,OsirisinWeston-super-Mare, andHorusin Bradford. Two yearslater,twofurthertempleshadbeenfounded-Amen-RainEdinburgh,andAhathoorinParis-andthemembershiphad risen totwohundred.By 1900therewere, intheory,over 300members,butmanyoftheseweremembersinnameonlyandthe activemembershipwaslittlemorethanhalfthatnumb


  • ee Chiefs in the StellaMatutinaand hadthusbreachedthe termsoftheagreement.Initselfthis may havematteredlittle,butWaitesuspectedthat one of the three Chiefs was Brodie-Inneswhohad recently revived the Amen-RaTemple atEdinburgh.Whenchallengedover this Felkin deniedthathe hadany 'co-equalChiefs';or indeed any'thatwerenotco-equal', despitestatementsto thecontrarythatFelkin's members had made to Waite.TheConc


  • ad followed her parentsinto theOrderand played aprominentrole in Isis-Uraniaduringits most active period.RobertWilliamFelkin(1858-1922)practisedmedicinein Africa and later inEdinburgh,wherehejoinedtheAmen-RaTemple. He moved toLondonandtransferredtoIsis-Urania,comingtoprominencein theOrderduringthe'interregnum'of 1900 to 1903. His later years were spent in taking the StellaMatutinadownever more eccentric

File: Michael Bertiaux - The Voudon Gnostic Workbook -


  • s the priestly or sacerdotal cult of the bark or ship of the Sun. For this reason the mysteries of the Legbha cult are eternally Osirian, Solar-Phallic, and center in the unity of the Gods Osiris-Ra, Amen-Ra, Grand Legbha, Christos-Logos, where the powers are to be found and understood by means of transcendental intuition. This is proven by vudotronics which has freed us theologically from all other view

File: 62430527-The-Fringe-Datebook -


  • pursued even to this day amongst New Agers. Stewart Edward White later became president of the American Society for Psychical Research in San Francisco.March 12, 1894 Dr. Robert W. Felkin joined the Amen-Ra Temple of the Golden Dawn on this date at Edinburgh, but would later transfer to the Isis-Urania Temple in London. He was known as Frater Finem Respice.March 12, 1901 Theodor Reuss, Leopold Engel and

File: Dictionary of Gnosis & Western Esotericism -


  • ed to Paris in 1892 and set upa sub-branch of Isis Urania, which was elevated tothe status of an independent Temple, Ahathoor No. 7, in January 1894 – just over two weeks afterthe consecration of the Amen-Ra Temple No. 6 atEdinburgh.By this time it was clear to the members that thereal work of the Golden Dawn lay in the R.R. etA.C. Technically, those in the Outer Order weresupposed to be ignorant of even


  • (Westcottwas a coroner) being involved in a magical Order.During the next two years resentments withinthe Order grew. There was increased opposition to Mathers’s autocracy in both the Isis-Urania and Amen-Ra Temples, while the Horus Templeresented ‘dogmatic control’ from London. By 1900some members of Isis-Urania had grown so disen-chanted with the confusion that resulted fromMathers’s eccentric directio


  • old Order took the name ofAlpha et Omega, with a new Temple, named Isis.Eventually Mathers obtained further support fromBrodie-Innes who had distanced himself fromFelkin and, by 1910, re-founded the Amen-RaTemple at Edinburgh. It is probable that Brodie-Innes saw himself as a potential successor, butwhen Mathers died, in 1918, Mina Mathers tookcharge of the Alpha et Omega and Brodie-Innesremained loyal


  • 6), and which may best be described as the pathof magical fantasy.A former medical missionary, who was then alecturer on tropical medicine at the EdinburghMedical School, Felkin was initiated into theAmen-Ra Temple of the Golden Dawn in March1894, taking the motto of Finem Respice.His firstwife entered the Order at the same time as SororPer Aspera ad Astra. Felkin came to believe that the Secret Chiefs o

File: Budge - Egyptian Book Of The Dead -


  • honsu which M. Maspero published (Les MomiesRoyales de Déir el-baharî, p. 600 f.). The text is divided into paragraphs, which contain neither prayers nor hymns but averitable contract between the god Amen-Ra and the princess Nesi-Khonsu. After the list of the names and titles ofAmen-Ra with which it begins follow eleven sections wherein the god declares in legal phraseology that he hath deifiedthe prince


  • s exists in the aspects ofHeru-maati, Heru-khent-an-maa, Heru-Khuti, Heru-nub, Heru-behutet, etc., and the attributes of each areconfounded either in periods or localities: Tmu-Ra, and Menthu-Ra, and Amen-Ra are composed of Tmuand Ra, and Menthu and Ra, and Amen and Ra respectively, and we have seen from the hymn quotedabove (p. lii.) that already in the XVIIIth dynasty the god Osiris had absorbed the at


  • f those who are favoured by him, he is the gracious protectorof him whom he setteth in his heart, and he is the fashioner of eternity and everlastingness. He is the kingof the North and of the South, Amen-Ra, king of the gods, the lord of heaven, and of earth and of thewaters and of the mountains, with whose coming into being the earth began its existence, the mighty one,more princely than all the gods o


  • ef god, although his votaries called himthe king of the gods. The conception which the Thebans had of their god as a god of the underworld wasmodified when they identified him with Ra and called him "Amen-Ra"; and, speaking generally, in thetime of the XVIIIth dynasty and onwards the god became the personification of the mysterious creatingand sustaining power of the universe, which in a material form wa


  • , and the day of thy meskhenet"; see Recueil de Travaux, t. vii., p. 161 (l. 397).3 See Grébaut, Hymne à Ammon-Ra, Paris, 1874; and Wiedemann, Die Religion, p. 64 ff.]{p. cxxvii}"Adoration to thee, O Amen-Ra, the bull in Annu, the ruler of all the gods, the beautiful and beloved godwho givest life by means of every kind of food and fine cattle."Hail to thee, O Amen-Ra, lord of the world's throne, thou dw


  • daily in th temple of Amen-Ra at Thebes to deliver the Sun-god from the assault of this fiend and on eachoccasion it was accompanied by a ceremony in which a waxen figure of Apep was burnt in the fire; asthe wax melted, so the po


  • yet been decided, but qemat is the title applied to the noble ladies who sang or played onan instrument in the temple of a god.[1] The lady Thuthu belonged to the number of the priestesses of thegod Amen-Ra at Thebes, and she always carries in her hands the sistrum. and the instrument menat, theemblems of her office. Thus Ani and his wife were high ecclesiastical dignitaries connected with thefamous con


  • , lord of eternity and ruler of the everlasting, the company of the gods rejoice when thou risest andwhen thou sailest (14) across the sky, O thou who art exalted in the sektet boat. Homage to thee, OAmen-Ra, thou who dost rest upon Maat, thou who passest over the heaven, and every face seeth thee.Thou dost wax great as thy (15) Majesty doth advance, and thy rays are upon all faces. Thou artunknown and c


  • ndTrans. Soc. Bibl. Arch., Vol. VIII., p. 204, note 2) that the correct {footnote page 283} reading is Amsu (compare thevariants in Naville, Todtenbuch, Bd. II., Bl. 41). This god was associated with Amen-Ra, and represented the power ofreproduction (see Pierret, Panthéon, p. 39; and Lanzone, Dizionario, p. 935). The seat of his worship was Apu, thePanopolis of the Greeks, and the Akhmîm of Arabic writer

File: Budge - Legends of the Gods -


  • ng like the "beauties of Ra." He took herback with him to Egypt, where she was installed as Queen.During the summer of the fifteenth year of his reign, whilst RamesesII. was celebrating a festival of Amen-Ra in the Temple of Luxor, onecame to him and reported that an envoy had arrived from the Prince ofBekhten, bearing with him many gifts for the Royal Wife Ra-neferu.When the envoy had been brought into


  • strength[FN#151], destroyer of the Nine Nations of the Bow."[FN#152]King of the South and North: "The Lord of the Two Lands, User-Maat-Ra-setep-en-Ra Son of Ra: Of his body, Ra-meses-meri-Amen, of Amen-Ra;[FN#153] the Lord of the thrones of the Two Lands, and of theCompany of the Gods, the Lords of Thebes, the beloved one. Thebeneficent god, the son of Amen, born of Mut, begotten of Heru-khuti,the glo

File: Priests, Tongues and Rites The London-Leiden Magical Manuscripts and Translation in Egyptian Ritual (100–300 CE) -


  • preservation. Publication: E.A. Wallis Budge,The Greenfield Papyrusin the British Museum. The funerary papyrus of princess Nesitanebtasheru, daughter of PainetchemII and Nesi-Khensu, and priestess of Amen-Ra at Thebes(London1912); recent re-analysisof the texts: C. Zaluskowski,Texte ausserhalb der Totenbuch-Tradierung in Pap. Greenfield(Bonn1996) [non vidi]. A glance over the plates of P. Greenfield reve

File: Introduction_To_Magic -


  • rom the word Amen, meaning "invisible, occult." Thus, the Greek Hades is likewise aeuxn5, invisible. It is necessary to descend into this underground, invis-ible world, illumined by the hidden sun or Amen-Ra, the "Midnight Sun" of the Isaic initiation. This descent must be made without losing self-con-sciousness, without drinking or feeling the lethal effects of Lethe's waters. On the contrary, one shoul

File: History of S.R.I.A. 2003 -


  • e occult sciences. Despite having a young family - there were three children - the Felkins committed themselves to practical occultism. On 12 March 1894 Dr. & Mrs. Felkin were both initiated into the Amen-Ra Temple of the Golden Dawn at Edinburgh, taking the mottoes of Finem Respice [Look to the end] and Per Aspera ad Astra [Through difficulties to the stars]. They proved to be apt students and by Decemb

File: Gnostic Studies - The Gnostic Handbook II, Gnostic Theurgy -


  • that there is no soul or immortal essence, onlyenvironmental factors (Sanskaras) which repeat life after life, re-creating a semblanceof identity in each incarnation.In Ancient Egypt the followers of Amen-Ra derived their belief in reincarnation fromthe course of the sun. As it died in the West and rose again in the East at dawn, so thevital forces sank into the underworld to rise again in a different bo

File: The_Gnostic_Theurgy -


  • that there is no soul or immortal essence, onlyenvironmental factors (Sanskaras) which repeat life after life, re-creating a semblanceof identity in each incarnation.In Ancient Egypt the followers of Amen-Ra derived their belief in reincarnation fromthe course of the sun. As it died in the West and rose again in the East at dawn, so thevital forces sank into the underworld to rise again in a different bo

File: 1972-Howe-The Magicians Of The Golden Dawn -


  • thenine years from 1888 to 1896. The figures in brackets indicate thenumber of vromen members.The records show that the Osiris Temple at'Weston-super-Marehad only a brief life, while at Edinburgh the Amen-Ra Templeexpanded very rapidly during r89y-6. The number of active membersat any given time cannot be stated since the dates of resignations ordeaths are not invariably given.Table t. Initiations for al


  • Dawn in the Outer 2888-gGthe Isis-Urania Temple on 27 November 1892. By r89y he was oneof the Order's most active members. The extraordinary magicalcareer of Dr Robert William Felkin, who joined the Amen-Ra Templeat Edinburgh on ro March 1894, is described at some length later inthis book.Apart from W. B. Yeats the Order harboured few writers of anydistinction during its early period. Mrs Violet Tweedal


  • d, ioined the Order but resigned when he wasdeclared a bankrupt in July 1893.By the summer of r 89r the Horus Temple had about thirry membersand was G.D.'s most important provincial outpost until the Amen-RaTemple at Edinburgh rapidly increased its membership in r89y-6.Apart from the Rosicrucian Society the Theosophical Society wasan important reservoir from which many of the eady G.D. members,its women


  • otland but an EdinLurgh lawyer. She confusedhim.wi1! william Peck, who was the city or Municipal Aslotom"" and in chargeof the observatory there. He and Brodie-irr,"" *"r" leading members of the G,DisAmen-Ra Temple at Edinburgh.Some InitiatesMasonry. I put the question to Willie as we went there together,but he, who had by then passed all his initiations into the higheresoteric side of the organisation,


  • firsti": 6o examination on rr March r892. 'Dum Spiro Spero'was Mrs Aenrietta paget,Florence Farr's sister.The Second Order Diaries zSgz-3*The Vault at Thayies InnThe first Vault-a few years later the Amen-Ra initiates built one atEdinburgh-was at Thavies Inn, off Holborn Circus, probably in aroom rented from Westcott's Sanitary Wood'Wool Company, whichhad moved there from nearby Hatton Garden. A joiner w


  • odie-Innes (.Sub Spe', oo : oo Aug.t89o). Nomiilal yo : 6o in Jan. 1893 and took portal grad-e on7 Feb. 1893. Westcott s€nt him ten pledge forms on ,Z sept.1893, probably for the first members of the Amen-Ra Templeat Edinburgh. He was a well-known lawyer.Sat. zz Apr. Dr John Todhunter ('Aktis Heliou', oo, oo : oo Feb.r89z).Tucs. 3o May. Colonel James Webber Smith (,Non Sine Numine',oo,: oo Dec. r89r). Ye


  • ), and for an unspecified purpose on 3o May-rS93 whent The annotation is in the Huntingdon Library copy. william peck was city Astronomerat Edinburgh and at one time during the hti ragos chief of the Amen-Ra"Temple.The Second Order Diaries tSgz-3rooThe Second Order Diaries tSgz-3Vestcott, Florence Farr, Mrs Hamilton, Annie Horniman and'W'. B. Yeats deliberated.*Attendances at Thavies Inn and Clipstone St


  • A number ,,,"0,:;; ":::-::,:;*,,"d in ,he ,e,,ervnitten by Annie Horniman to william peck, of the Amen-RaTemple at Edinburgh, on 2, December rg96.In March [1896] Mr. Mathers came to London and called uponme. He told me that he had leisure for politics but none forthe arrears of work at 6z [Oakley Square,


  • autocrat. I am afraid my .Devotion, is a thing ol th. p"rt,and not easy to recall as regards the G.H. Chief.Madame Juliette de Steiger (.Alta peto'), formerly aAnna Kingsford and now a member of the Amen-RaEdinburgh-, signed the petition but found it all veryunderstand.There is so mucJr 'caution' about in the air, I begin to feel inchains .^.-. I scarcely dared ask any questions but I'd like toknowif th


  • Tlze PetitionAMEN-RA TEMPLE, EDINBURGHSignatoriesMrs Agnes Cathcart ('Veritas Vincit')Mrs Emily Drummond ('In Deo Confido,)Miss Mary Drummond ('Fideliter, 4:7")William Sutherland Hunter (,In Cornu Salutem Spero,)Miss Kat


  • he new pass Word is out, I wonder if you can divine itagainlPrivate-l hear that M[athers] now thinks Feck superior toInnes as an occultist.william Peck ('veritas Et Lux') was a prominent member of theAmen-Ra Temple at Edinburgh (o": oi December ft93; SecondOrder r November lSgy). Alihough a professional urtro-no*.. h"believed in astrology. (See p. r9o bJow.)^Westcott now found it expedient to remain in t


  • collected in Londonand Edinburgh. A few days later W'estcott wrote an undated letter toGardner:M. has written to L.O. [Percy Bullock] and has mentioned yourletter and the 'casual charity'. Innes says Amen-Ra gave M. itssurplus funds and also a collected purse, about {6o-{7o in all.W'estcott wrote to him again on 14 May 1897:I return your copy of letter to M. I hope it may act as youdesire. Shemfeber-Mrs


  • than superior G.D. grades and this isone of our special peculiarities.Gardner was also corresponding with his friend Madame de Steiger('Alta Peto'), who sent him the latest news from Edinburgh and theAmen-Ra Temple.t There had latterly been trouble in the Amen-RaTemple. 'W'estcott wrote to Gardner on r May fi97 and mentionedthat 'Mathers has now made himself Imperator also of Amen-Ra,displacing [Brodie-]


  • e in June rgoo he may haveattended a Neophyte initiation ceremony in br Beiridge,s new andrival Isis-Urania Temple No. 3, which was under the Mithers obedi-ence.2 The Horus Temple at Bradford and the Amen-Ra Temple atEdinburgh also remained loyal to the deposed Chief, ar least for thetime being. The Horus Temple may have ceased to function soonafter r9oo. The later history of Amen-Ra is obscure. It was m


  • e next day Yeats, Miss Horniman and J. W. Brodie-Innes signed a letter in which they described themselves as the lateImperator and Scribe of the London Isis-Urania Temple and thelate Imperator of the Amen-Ra Temple at Edinburgh.rYeats now ceased to be active in the government of the Order.Annie Horniman continued her sniping operations and Brodie-Inneswaited for further developmenrs. Meanwhile an uneasy


  • in 1884. He also had aGerman degree (M.D., Marburg, 1885). He subsequently achieved aconsiderable reputation as an expert in tropical medicine.z He and hisfirst wife Mary Felkin were initiated in the Amen-Ra Temple atEdinburgh on rz March 1894 but had transferred to lsis-Urania inLondon and were members of the Second Order by the end of rg96.By March rgo2 the Executive Council which had been running theO


  • ella Matutina in Australasia.For the Outer Order the Smaragdum Thalasses Temple of theStella Matutina in the Outer.Havelock North, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand [no date].Brodie-Innes revived the Edinburgh Amen-Ra Temple in rgrz-r3.He now had Theoricus Adeptus Minor manuscripts which felkin hadnever seen. Brodie-Innes wrote to him about these on zz June r9r3:There will be no objection at all to my giving any o


  • rz6, 45n, 156, r78, r83, rg8,2otr 2O4r 2t7r 295Aitken, Andrew P., r44, rgrAitken, Georgina, r44Alchemy, xxii,23, 44r 62-3, rg3Alocander, George, 9oAlliette, z9Alpha and Omega Temple,267Altar, xiii-xivAmen-Ra Temple, 49t j2> j4t 70, 91,,98, roo, rz6, r4z, t44 168, t77,tgg, 2)2, 2gg, 24o, 267, zGgAnanda, Swami Vive, see Horos, MrsAndreae, Johann Valentin, 792Anthroposophical Society, z6z, 261n,2771 28tArib

File: All-the-Flying-Rolls-of-the-Golden-Dawn -


  • , the Ain Soph, though negative to us, is there intensely positive. Thence came forth the Gods, the Voice, the Aeons, and the Name.The Egyptian Gods are generally most differentiated by their Crowns: Amen-Ra by the high feathers, Mo-ooth (Maut) has the same headdress as Horns. She corresponds to Aima Elohim. The high Hermes-Tho-oth has the same headdress as Amoun Kneph, the Sacred Spirit. Remember that T

File: Gilbert-The-Golden-Dawn-Twilight-of-the-Magicians -


  • OrderoftheG.'.D.·.missed evenless. Ihad nogrist inmygranariesfor amillofthatkind."Waitewasre-admittedin 1896,enteredtheSecondOrderand waitedfor histime tocome.TheOrdercontinuedto expand:inEdinburghtheAmen-RaTemplewasconsecratedin 1893and theScottishAdeptsprompt-ly erectedtheirownSecondOrdervault;Mathers,orDeoDuceComiteFerroas weshould callhim ina SecondOrdercontext,set upa newTemplein Paris,AhathoorNO.7,


  • n.Isabelle deSteigerjoined theGoldenDawn inOctober1888,taking themotto AltaPeto (Istrive forthe heights),butshe didnotreach theSecondOrderuntil 1895,by whichtime shehadtransferredfromIsis-Uraniato theAmen-RaTempleinEdin-


  • taof ClemensAlexandrinus, andon Regeneration,by whichterm shemeant anesoteric formof Christianredemp-jtion. Sincemany ofthe membersof theScottish Lodgeofthe{;TheosophicalSociety werealso membersofthe Amen-RaTem-aple, thepaper wasprobably heardwith lesshostility thanmigh~;have beenexpected froma Theosophicalaudience facedwithallecture onthe superiorityof Christianityover itsrivals.Herfellow4magicians doub


  • Wisdom53linardentsupporterofMathersuntil1897,whenMathersde-posed himand tookthepostofImperatorofAmen-Rauponhimself(accordingtoWestcott;it seemsmoreprobablethatBrodie-Inneswas forcedtoresignin favourofWilliam Peck).AfterMathers'depositionand expulsionfrom theOrderin1900,Brodie-Inneswasunhappywith theexe


  • togreatthoughts',but hewas extremelycoy aboutpublicizing hisin-.terests. Evenhis quiteobjective lectureson astronomytothe'Scottish Lodgeof theTheosophicalSociety werepublishedanonymously. Hejoined theAmen-RaTemplein1893,enteringthe SecondOrderearly in1895.AfterBrodie-Innesbrokewith,Mathers,Peck becameImperatorbutwas soonfaced withdissen-sion inthe ranksfromsupportersofBrodie-Innes;each sidemusteredaboutf


  • ateWaite,butheremainedwary untila finalbreakoccurredbetweenFelkin andBrodie-Innes.He alsohad troublesbrewing withinhis ownsection. Onthesurface allappearedwell;LorimerThomson(NosceTeipsum),who hadleftAmen-Rasome yearsbefore, joinedWaite'sInde-pendentRite in1908and wasable tosay thathe feltcertain'thattheorderis onewhere harmonyprevails amongstall themem-bers'.But thatharmony wasdisturbedwhen Waitebegan t


  • oriesof theHorosscandal, butfew ofthem gaveMathersany financialsupport-even Berridgegave onlya smallamount whilenothing atall camefromIsis-Urania.In additionto joiningIsis,Brodie-InnesalsorefoundedtheAmen-RaTempleatEdinburghinDecember1910.At thefirstmeeting twelvepeople werepresent,includingBrodie-Innesandhis wife.TheothersincludedDrand MrsCarnegie DicksonandKate Moffat,allofwhom weresupposedly loyalto F

File: Golden Dawn-Nick Farrell - King Over The Water - Samuel Math -


  • Godforms and astral structures which made the ritual multi -layered. There were three Z • Brodie-Innes in his notes on the Book of the Tomb refers to the coloured paper idea being used in the second Amen-Ra Vault. The first one was actually painted by Isabella de Steiger.


  • oyee whom you can bully; and I will not have it from you," he wrote. Berridge had somehow escaped at the expense of another of his enemies. But Mathers was now having trouble with the Scottish temple Amen-Ra. It had split into two factions. The anti-Mathers faction was being led by Brodie-Innes. On the other side was William Peck, who was Edinburgh city astronomer. It seems that Brodie-Innes, after shari


  • ut their next move. Mathers did not do this. He carried on as nonnal. The way he saw it, he still had his loyal temple in Paris and his con­tacts with the Secret Chiefs. He also had the Horus and the Amen-Ra temples, although these were soon to die completely. He also had al­lies in London in the fo rm ofMrs. Simpson, her daughter, G.C.Jones, Berridge, Crowley and a couple of others who had sided with Ma


  • red the Inner Order in April 1893. That year he moved to Edinburgh where he both established a law practice and petitioned his Chiefs to fo rm a new temple. On 8 June 1893 a char­ter was granted fo r Amen-Ra temple and Brodie-Innes became the primary fo rce behind a sudden burst of G D membership in Scotland. \Vestcott was required to provide him with ten pledge fo rms fo r the remainder of that year alo


  • NJCJ(F.ARl<f:LL 1)9 During the course of these events, Brodie-Innes reactivated the Amen-Ra temple in Edinburgh in December 1910 under the ae­gis of the Stella Matutina. The temple was small, only 12 members, and included several of Felkin's fr iends, including Dr. Carnegie Dickson and his


  • l(!NG OVER.Jhe W.A TE!( Berridge, who was in his seventies, put temple activities on hold. During the War, Brodie-Innes formed a sub-branch of his Amen-Ra temple in London. The probable reason fo r creating this sub-branch was to maintain an .AO presence in London and prevent Waite or Felkin taking advantage of the closure of Ber­ridge's temple. He may


  • d the.AO just after the War she was under the impression that she had joined a Scottish Branch of the Order in London which was run by Brodie-Innes and Tranchell-Hayes. This was the sub-branch of the Amen-Ra temple established by Brodie-Innes in London during the War. She does not mention Dr. Berridge and presumably did not meet him. Although Mina Mathers was alive when she joined, Firth was not aware of


  • ch are based on misreading Regardie, have been created using flashing colours, something which Westcott apparently approved ofin the fo otnotes of the Book ofthe Tomb. This was apparently used in the Amen-Ra temple in Edinburgh. This method involves creating the ground colour by mixing the base wall with the planetary colours and then painting the letter in the corresponding flashing colour. This would g


  • NICI(F.AJ\,R.§LL Index Adams Daisy I21 Agrippa 69, 2oo, 309 Ahathoor Io6 Alchemy I4I, I88, 247, 248, 2fo, 289, 290, 309, 342, 343 Alpha et Omega 3, If, 2I, 36, Io4, I26, 336 Amen-Ra 66, 89, II4, I33, I37, I42, I43, I49, IB2 Amon-Ra 66, Io4, I8I, I82, I87 Amoun Temple I34 Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry IOf Angel 62, 7f, I6I, I93, I94, I9f, 204, 260, 262, 270, 2

File: Golden Dawn-Nick Farrell - Mathers' Last Secret -


  • t overthrew him in the Golden Dawn. He makes people swear not to oppose him. ' In some cases people could purchase copies oflectures which could have been printed or hand copied. Some Temples such as Amen-Ra in Edinburgh hired professional Scribes fo r this purpose. All the material that came from the Order was under the Oath and it had to be returned when a member left.

File: Greer, Black Brick, 7th Ed -


  • ealms, theAin Soph, though negative to us, isthere intensely positive. Thence cameforth the gods, the voice, the aeons, andthe name.The Egyptian gods are generally mostdifferentiated by their crowns: Amen-Ra by the high feathers, Mo-ooth(Maut) has the same headdress asHorus. She corresponds to AimaElohim. The high Hermes-Tho-oth hasthe same headdress as Amoun Kneph,the sacred spirit. Remember that Tho-ot

File: Israel Regardie, The Golden Dawn -


  • the Ain Soph, though negative to us, is there intensely positive. Thence came forth the Gods, the Voice, the Aeons, and the Name. The Egyptian Gods are generally most differentiated by their Crowns: Amen-Ra by the high feathers, Mo-00th (Maut) has the same headdress as Horus. She corresponds to Aima Elohim. The high Hermes-Tho-0th has the same headdress as Amoun Kneph, the Sacred Spirit. Remember that T

File: Golden-Dawn-Rituals-and-Commentaries-Vol-2 -


  • realms, the Ain Soph, though negative to us, is thereintensely positive. Thence came forth the Gods, the Voice, the Aeons, and the Name. TheEgyptian Gods were generally differentiated by their Crown: Amen-Ra by the feathers, Mo-oth(Mast) has the same headdress as Hons. She corresponds to the Aima Elohim. The highHermes-Tho-oth has the same headdress as Amoun Kneph, the Sacred Spirit. Tho-oth, Truth, hast

File: Proceedings_of_the_GD_Conference_1997_ocr -


  • Trail of the Chameleon of the S.R.I.A., dated 1 February and 8 February, 1895 and both from John Yarker to R.S. Brown (who had joined the Amen-Ra Temple of the Golden Dawn in 1893). In them Yarker proposes to revive the Society of Eight. He lists the members of the 'old Hermetic Society of Eight' - 'Holland, Self, Irwin, Mackenzie, Westcott, H

File: H. Spencer Lewis - Rosicrucian Manual - AMORC (1990) -


  • just once; in Rev. iii: 14, Jesus is called "The Amen." But at a much earlier date the same word, with the same mystic vowel sounds, was used to designate the name of the god of Thebes, and the term Amen-Ra came to express the name and hierarchy of a powerful god among the Egyptians. Amen- hotep IV changed his name to Akhnaton because of the significance of the term Amen. As used in modern religious pra

File: gilbert - the sorcerer and his apprentice -


  • in1884,tomaintainitsindependencefromtheLondonlodges andtopreserveits emphasisonEsotericChristianity.In 1890hejoined theIsis-UraniaTempleoftheGoldenDawn.iprogres-singwellenoughto becomeImperatorof theAmen-RaTemplewhen itwasfoundedatEdinburghin 1893.Norhadheneglectedhismoregeneralhermeticstudies,contributingregularlyto theTransactionsoithe,ScottishLodge(of whichhe wasnowPresident)and issuinga strangebook


  • rotection ofthe LordoftheUniverse Icommit ournewly initiatedbretheren,in thefirm hopeand trustthat theywill provetrue andexcellent fratresamong us.SUB SPE.Imperator ofAMEN RA.[Issued formembers ofthe Amen-RaTemple ofthe G:.D:.c.1895.]

File: Demonology_And_Devil-Lore_v1_1000040074 -


  • danimalasthesteedofChrist'striumphalentryintoJerusalem.InEgyptiansymbolismthoselongearswereasmuchdreadedasdevils'horns.FromtheeyesofRaallbeneficentthings,fromtheeyesofSetallnoxiousthings,wereproduced.Amen-Ra,astheformerwascalled,slewthesonofSet,thegreatserpentNaka,whichinonehymnisperhapstauntinglysaidtohave*savedhis1'LegendsofOldTestamentCharacters,'i.p.83.""'GEdip.,1.II.ii.See'Mankind:theirOriginandDest


  • 184TYPHON.feet.*Amen-RabecomesHorusandSetbecomesTyphon.TheTyphonianmythisverycomplex,andincludestheconflictbetweentheNileandallitsenemies"thecroco-dilesthatlurkinit,theseathatswallowsit,thedrouththatdriesit,theburningheatth

File: davies_-_grimoires -


  • ement. Following thecreation of the initial Isis-Urania Temple of the Golden Dawn in London,regional branches were set up: the Osiris Temple in Weston-super-Mare, theHorus Temple in Bradford, and the Amen-Ra Temple in Edinburgh. Their magicwas obviously not that of the cunning-folk who continued to provide magicalsolutions for the misfortunes of the general populace of Britain at the time. TheGolden Dawn

File: Embracing_the_dark -


  • within a year the order had attracted about sixtymembers. Temples elsewhere in Britain and beyond were soon tofollow, such as the Osiris Temple in Weston-super-Mare, the HorusTemple in Bradford, the Amen-Ra Temple in Edinburgh and theAhathoor Temple in Paris. At the peak of its success, in 1896, theorder had initiated 315 members.In the 1890s Mathers had become the sole chief of the order,with the death


  • Waite laid claim tothe Isis-Urania Temple, and its teachings and practices were altered.The original order changed its name to Stella Matutina, and operatedfrom the new Amoun Temple. The head of the Amen-Ra Temple, J.W.Brodie-Innes, assumed control over the British Branches of MathersAlpha and Omega order. Today there exist several orders which layclaim to being true representatives of the original Gold

File: ruby_tablet_of_set -


  • ites (Ref. Q, p. 296) that "Khons, Ptah and Khem [were] pictured as mummies; that is they became a sort of Osiris." In still another reference (Ref. L, p. 270), Budge indicates that Khem is a form of Amen-Ra. If there is anything in common in the gods connected to Khem, it is that they are all white-light gods. One finds none of the attributes of Set among those of Khem, and none of Khem's attributes wer


  • e meaning of the reference to HarWer here is clear. Xem would, indeed, be the avenger of his "father," HarWer, and allow HarWer to enter and destroy the Word of Set. Xem, in reality Amsu/Horus/Osiris/Amen-Ra, is the Actor in my reading of the Book of Thoth, masquerading as being akin to Set, when the reality is that Xem is Set's Opposite Self in the microcosm. The masquerade cannot be the Will of Set, an

File: Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology Vol 1 -


  • w York: Causeway Books,1974.Brodie-Innes, J(ohn) W(illiam) (1848–1923)An Edinburgh lawyer, born in Morayshire, Scotland, whobecame one of the leading members of the Hermetic Order ofthe Golden Dawn’s Amen-Ra Temple in Scotland. Brodie-Innes was also a member of a bibliophile society, the Sette ofOdde Volumes, London, and was its president in 1911. Hewrote several novels on witchcraft and magic and is sai


  • cott,Mathers, and W. R. Woodman (another occultist Freemason) aschiefs. Between 1888 and 1896 the Osiris Temple was formedat Weston-super-Mare, Somerset; the Horus Temple at Brad-ford, Yorkshire; the Amen-Ra Temple at Edinburgh, Scotland;and the Ahathoor Temple in Paris. A total of 315 initiationstook place during this period.The Golden Dawn consisted of ten main grades, associatedwith the symbolism of t

File: Nye - Encyclopedia of Ancient and Forbidden Secrets -


  • and purposes. The Golden Dawn prospered, more or less, for ten years. It had a number of temples, most of them quite small. The primary temples were the original “Isis Urania” temple in London, the “Amen-Ra” Temple in Edinburgh, and the “Ahathoor” Temple in Paris. Mathers left London in 1892 to live in Paris, and his temple there became the nominal center of the organization, though it was notable chief

File: Secret In The Bible -


  • o could quickly write the many hundreds of signs that made up the complicated Egyptian language. He had learned his art from the most secret of ancient writings that, it was said, even the priests of Amen-RA, Ptah and Thoth could not read. One day he came upon the story of an earlier Pharaoh’s son who had also been a great scribe. His name was Nefrekeptak, son of Amen-hotep (1448 BC), the first great Pha

File: MATRIX V - Quest of the Spirit - The Ultimate Frontier - The Code to the Matrix -


  • h and spiritual growth this all becomes too mu ch. So many have never researched any of this and are at th e alters blindly saying AMEN, they mind as well add Ra after that, its still the same Being. Amen-Ra. Blindly they are dragged about.


  • d, however, what we are questioning is the final destination of the Christian soul which is the Underworld just like it was with the Rites of Isis. Ra is ruler of the Underworld he is better known as Amen-Ra. This is why all Christian p”ra”yers are concluded with Amen. The Latin word for prayer which is Oration indicates their power is in Orion.

File: Internet Book Of Shadows -


  • others depending on the district in Egypt. Bast had a solar son, Nefer-tum (He is associated with unguents, perfumes, aromatherapy, alchemy, Lotus) by the Sun God Amen-Ra, and Khensu, the Moon God, by Ptah. Bast or Bastet, was originally a lion headed goddess, associated in powers and attributes with Sekhmet and Tefnut, and as such, Bastet has powers of ferocity and r


  • Also associated with: Mut-Bast: personification of the moon in Thebes, she is a woman wearing horns on her head with a sun's disk between them. Mut-Bast is the counterpart of Amen-Ra-Temu-Khepera-Heru-Khuti Sekhmet, as a counter-part Assessor Thenemi (he who goes backwards) and who comes forth from Bast. Assessor Basti A good description of the Festival of Bast, called the Festiv

File: Earth Chronicles 2 - The Stairway to Heaven - Zecharia Sitchin -


  • Upper Egypt, on the banks of the Nile. Its god was called AMEN —"The Hidden One"—the very god Amnion whom Alexander had searched out as his true divine father. As supreme deity, he was worshipped as Amen-Ra, "The Hidden Ra "; and it is not clear whether he was the very same Ra but now somehow uns een or "hidden," or another deity. The Greeks called Thebes Diospolis, "The City of Ze us," for they equated

File: Earth Chronicles 5 - When Time Began - Zecharia Sitchin -


  • high and mighty and powerful," the peoples of "the hill countries came down to thee in wonder; every rebellious country was filled of thy terror." Listing other lands that switched their obedience to Amen-Ra, the sixth chapter continued by de- scribing the god's arrival in the Land of the Gods—as we understand it, Mesopotamia—a nd the ensuing construction there of Amon's new temple—as we understand it, t


  • 354 WHEN TIME BEGAN The enemies of the Universal Lord are overthrown; his foes who were in heaven and on Earth are no more. Thou art triumphant, Amen-Ra! Thou art the god more power ful of might than all the other gods. Thou art the sole Sole One. Universal god: Stronger than all the citi es is thy city Thebes. Ingeniously, the policy was not to elim

File: Earth Chronicles 6 - The Cosmic Code - Zecharia Sitchin -


  • d by early translators "The Death and Resurrection of the Lord"—were precursors of the Ne w Tes- tament tale of the death, entombment, and resurrect ion of Jesus. Sentenced to exile, Ra/Marduk became Amen-Ra, the u n- seen god. This time, however, he roamed the Earth. In an autobiographical text in which his return was proph esied, Marduk described his wanderings thus: I am the divine Marduk, a great god


  • A Time of Prophecy 241 place, and began to worship one god. It was a short -lived experiment to which the priests of Amen-Ra put a qu ick end ... Short-lived, too, was the concept of a universa l peace that accompanied the faith in a universal God. In 1296 B .C. the Egyptian army, ever thrusting toward the Harran reg ion,

File: Zecharia Sitchin - Cosmic Code -


  • d by early translators “The Death and Resurrection of the Lord’’— were precursors of the New Tes- tament tale of the death, entombment, and resurrection of Jesus. Sentenced to exile, Ra/Marduk became Amen-Ra, the un- seen god. This time, however, he roamed the Earth. In an autobiographical text in which his return was prophesied, Marduk described his wanderings thus: I am the divine Marduk, a great god.


  • A Time of Prophecy 241 place, and began to worship one god. It was a short-lived experiment to which the priests of Amen-Ra put a quick end . . . Short-lived, too, was the concept of a universal peace that accompanied the faith in a universal God. In 1296 b.c. the Egyptian army, ever thrusting toward the Harran region, wa


  • aten, 240 Akkad, 27, 30, 43, 94-95, 151, 191, 198, 234, 242, 266, 277 Akkadian Prophecies, 193 Alexander, 183, 209, 261, 280 Alon-Moreh, 200 Alphabetic script, 140, 146, 153 Aluf, 140 Amalekites, 144 Amen-Ra, 59 Amenophis II, 145 Amon, 202-204 Amos, 62 AN (“The Heavenly One”), 43 Anat (“She who answers”), 13, 91-92 Ankh, 106 Annals of Esarhaddon, 254 Annunnaki, 112 Anshar, 70-72 283

File: Zecharia Sitchin - Cosmic Code -


  • d by early translators “The Death and Resurrection of the Lord’’— were precursors of the New Tes- tament tale of the death, entombment, and resurrection of Jesus. Sentenced to exile, Ra/Marduk became Amen-Ra, the un- seen god. This time, however, he roamed the Earth. In an autobiographical text in which his return was prophesied, Marduk described his wanderings thus: I am the divine Marduk, a great god.


  • A Time of Prophecy 241 place, and began to worship one god. It was a short-lived experiment to which the priests of Amen-Ra put a quick end . . . Short-lived, too, was the concept of a universal peace that accompanied the faith in a universal God. In 1296 b.c. the Egyptian army, ever thrusting toward the Harran region, wa


  • aten, 240 Akkad, 27, 30, 43, 94-95, 151, 191, 198, 234, 242, 266, 277 Akkadian Prophecies, 193 Alexander, 183, 209, 261, 280 Alon-Moreh, 200 Alphabetic script, 140, 146, 153 Aluf, 140 Amalekites, 144 Amen-Ra, 59 Amenophis II, 145 Amon, 202-204 Amos, 62 AN (“The Heavenly One”), 43 Anat (“She who answers”), 13, 91-92 Ankh, 106 Annals of Esarhaddon, 254 Annunnaki, 112 Anshar, 70-72 283

File: Zecharia Sitchin - Stairway to Heaven -


  • pper Egypt, on the banks of the Nile. Its god was called AMEN — “The Hidden One” — the very god Ammon whom Alexander had searched out as his true divine father. As supreme deity, he was worshipped as Amen-Ra, “The Hidden Ra”; and it is not clear whether he was the very same Ra but now somehow unseen or “hidden,” or another deity. The Greeks called Thebes Diospolis, “The City of Zeus,” for they equated Am


  • 89 Al Mamoon, 243, 245 Alosh, 193 Amalekites, 190, 224 Amasis, 266 Amen, see Ammon Amen-Em-Hat I, pharaoh, 76 Amen-em-khet, pyramid of, 240, 242 Ament, 57 Amen-Ta, see Hidden Place Ammon (Amon; Amen; Amen-Ra), 18, 20, 21, 39, 74, 79, 183, 185, 302 Amos, 182, 293 An (Anu), 58, 101, 102, 104, 105, 121, 122, 129, 130 An (city), see Heliopolis Anat, 151, 151, 152, 154, 157-60, 162, 164-65 Andreas, 11 Angel o

File: Zecharia Sitchin - Stairway to Heaven -


  • pper Egypt, on the banks of the Nile. Its god was called AMEN — “The Hidden One” — the very god Ammon whom Alexander had searched out as his true divine father. As supreme deity, he was worshipped as Amen-Ra, “The Hidden Ra”; and it is not clear whether he was the very same Ra but now somehow unseen or “hidden,” or another deity. The Greeks called Thebes Diospolis, “The City of Zeus,” for they equated Am


  • 89 Al Mamoon, 243, 245 Alosh, 193 Amalekites, 190, 224 Amasis, 266 Amen, see Ammon Amen-Em-Hat I, pharaoh, 76 Amen-em-khet, pyramid of, 240, 242 Ament, 57 Amen-Ta, see Hidden Place Ammon (Amon; Amen; Amen-Ra), 18, 20, 21, 39, 74, 79, 183, 185, 302 Amos, 182, 293 An (Anu), 58, 101, 102, 104, 105, 121, 122, 129, 130 An (city), see Heliopolis Anat, 151, 151, 152, 154, 157-60, 162, 164-65 Andreas, 11 Angel o

File: Zecharia Sitchin - When Time Began -


  • high and mighty and powerful," the peoples of "the hill countries came down to thee in wonder; every rebellious country was filled of thy terror." Listing other lands that switched their obedience to Amen-Ra, the sixth chapter continued by de- scribing the god's arrival in the Land of the Gods—as we understand it, Mesopotamia—a nd the ensuing construction there of Amon's new temple—as we understand it, t


  • 354 WHEN TIME BEGAN The enemies of the Universal Lord are overthrown; his foes who were in heaven and on Earth are no more. Thou art triumphant, Amen-Ra! Thou art the god more power ful of might than all the other gods. Thou art the sole Sole One. Universal god: Stronger than all the citi es is thy city Thebes. Ingeniously, the policy was not to elim

File: Zecharia Sitchin - When Time Began -


  • high and mighty and powerful," the peoples of "the hill countries came down to thee in wonder; every rebellious country was filled of thy terror." Listing other lands that switched their obedience to Amen-Ra, the sixth chapter continued by de- scribing the god's arrival in the Land of the Gods—as we understand it, Mesopotamia—a nd the ensuing construction there of Amon's new temple—as we understand it, t


  • 354 WHEN TIME BEGAN The enemies of the Universal Lord are overthrown; his foes who were in heaven and on Earth are no more. Thou art triumphant, Amen-Ra! Thou art the god more power ful of might than all the other gods. Thou art the sole Sole One. Universal god: Stronger than all the citi es is thy city Thebes. Ingeniously, the policy was not to elim

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