
Found in 25 Books

File: 9-11 As A Mass Ritual -


  • ff  “S— L—Th” (P T) which symbol affect the mind. Eventually, the student must also begin to study occult subjects. He must study subjects such as Tarot, Alchemy, Astrology, and Astro-Theology. By studying the nature of consciousness and how it is affected or disaf - fected by colors, symbols, numbers, and words, we discover what is going on around us. We are also able to take back the pow

File: Egyptian Mysteries -


  • ublished. This gets the student into studying what has become one of the basics of any magickal Order since that ti m e. Included in these chapters on astrology are two rather fascinating chapters on Astro-Theology, and Astro-Mythology. The chapter on Astro-Theology gives subchapters on The Creation of the World and The Scheme of Redemption. This is an interesting way to look at the heavens and astrology as a w

File: John Major Jenkins - The 2012 Story The Myths, Fallacies and Truth Behind the Most Intriguing Date in History -


  • gh the seasons, caused by precession, was recognized by Mesoamerican astronomers and defined, for them, the World Ages. Her insights inspired and informed Eva Hunt’s work much later. Astro-mythology, astro-theology, archaeo-astronomy, mytho-astronomical ideation—however you phrase it, the connection between celestial cycles and cultural ideas on earth defines the highest insight of Mesoamerican religion, which


  • her mainstream film slipped into the theaters and went virtually unnoticed by the justified critics of Apocalypto. Darren Aronofsky’s The Fountain was framed against the backdrop of Maya themes, Maya astro-theology, and spiritual wisdom connected to the symbol of the Maya sacred tree. The movie struck me in three phases, following directly upon my first, second, and third viewings of it. First, I was intrigued

File: Jordan Maxwell - Matrix Of Power -


  • is the greatest story ever told is because if you do a little homework, you're going to find out it is the oldest story ever told. As a mat- ter of fact, it is the only story ever told. It is called astro-theology, the study and the worship of the heavens. If you go out in the night time and look into the sky, what are you look- ing at? You are looking at the sky. What is another name for the sky. Another word


  • Are you ready for the tomatoes? Are you ready for that? JM: I've already gotten those many times. RD: Okay. Now in the book The Book Your Church Doesn't Want You to Read, you have an article entitled Astro-theology. JM: Yes. I co-edited the bo ok with Tim Leedom, but also did a chapter on astro- theology. RD: And I wanted to mention Steve Alle n, the famous entertainer and former Tonight Show host, who also wro
  • hich they put a man whom they called Christ in the place of the sun and pay him the same adoration which was originally paid to the sun." Why did you select Thomas Paine? And tell me mo re about this astro-theology. JM: Because that is a classic comment a bout astro-theology. Astro-theology is the basis for all religion in the world, period. RD: Astro, what does that mean? JM: Astro-theology. Theology is the wo
  • he sun and pay him the same adoration which was originally paid to the sun." Why did you select Thomas Paine? And tell me mo re about this astro-theology. JM: Because that is a classic comment a bout astro-theology. Astro-theology is the basis for all religion in the world, period. RD: Astro, what does that mean? JM: Astro-theology. Theology is the worship of a religion, and astro is the wor- ship of the heaven

File: Jordan Maxwell - That Old-Time Religion - The Story Of Religious Foundations -


  • C ONTENTS Understanding Why This Book is Important............................... 4 Preface by Jordan Maxwell Astro-Theology ............................................................................5 Gerald Massey The Stella r Cult..........................................................................25 Paul Tice The


  • he map, and their views of the landscape may differ, but such is the nature of Truth. The search for Truth leads through many half-truths, dead ends, and false leads, but also leads to great rewards. Astro-Theology Gerald Massey's books about the origins of theology were published in the late 1800s until his death in 1907. As an Egyptologist and poet, Massey excelled in getting to the root of assumptions from w


  • ginning, man's profound questions demanded answers. When no clear answers were forthcoming from the universe, man turned inward and developed his own . The study of this subject is properly called — "ASTRO-THEOLOGY" or The Worship of the Heavens. This is the first and only, original, and therefore the oldest and most RESPECTED "STORY" on Earth! It did not take ancient man very long to decide that in this world


  • ths. 18. Gospel In The Stars by Joseph A. Seiss. 19. Gospel of the Stars by Peter Lemesurier. 20. Secret Message in the Zodiac by Troy Lawrence. 21. Secret Teachings of all Ages by Manly P. Hall. 22. Astro-Theology by Manly P. Hall. 23. Occult Theocracy by Edith Miller. 24. Who Wrote the Bible? by Richard Friedman. 25. Mythology of all Races in Thirteen Volumes by Archeological Institute of America. 26. Folklor

File: Mark Devlin - Musical Truth -

  • Azealia Banks' 'Yung Rapunxel' sees an owl flying out of her head before sherides a bull and swallows a miniature Beats By Dre-branded audio speaker.Esoteric and Masonic symbols depicting duality and astro-theology lie allaround. As they so often do.Jessie J provides a rare example of a British artist displaying all thetrauma-based mind control hallmarks usually reserved for American artists. Inher 'Price Tag'

File: Michael Tsarion - Astro-Theology And Sidereal Mythology -


  • ASTRO-THEOLOGY & Sidereal Mythology Introduction Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Five Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Eighteen Chapter Twenty-Three


  • CHAPTERS The Ancient Cults of Power Sorcery and Priestcraft The Servants of Truth An Overview of the Cults Amenists and Druids Antipathy for Egypt The Role of Women The Solar Cult Sidereal Symbolism Astro-Theology & the Bible The Problem of Man, God & Nature Alvin Boyd Kuhn The Magical Work The Matter of Man as God Esoteric and Exoteric Schools Astrology, Mythology & Theology Forgery and Plagiarism Gerald Mass


  • of Faberge the forger's career is short. In the house of Rodin the faker is soon jobless. In the house of Aristotle the mythmonger is soon starved. We first heard the name Gerald Massey, and the term Astro-Theology, during the summer of 1980. A mentor had written the savant's name down on a scrap of paper that was carried back from San Francisco to Belfast, Ireland. However, as a penniless fifteen year old, we


  • oubtful whether any body of thoughtful men would take the writings of such men seriously - Ernest Busenbark ( Symbols, Sex and the Stars ) The evidence we provide here (and in our DVD presentation on Astro-Theology and Sidereal Mythology) should be enough to convince a rational and disingenuous person that the Biblicists undertook the task of rescripting stellar gnosis. Should further proof be required, however


  • s. The sign of Aquarius became associated with baptism, cleansing, and purification by water. This idea was adopted by Jews and Christians. The intellectual property here presented is abstracted from Astro-Theology & Sidereal Mythology, by Michael Tsarion, and is witnessed copyrighted material. All Rights Reserved 2000. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, el
  • or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any other information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the author and publisher.

File: Michael Tsarion - Astro-Theology Interview -


  • ASTRO-THEOLOGY an Interview with Michael Tsarion (with Psychic Reader Magazine , 2000) ◊◊◊ According to Astro-theologian Michael Tsarion there is a great story of the human race that lies mostly buried in the uncon

File: Michael Tsarion - Astrotheology - Part 1 -


  • Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology by Michael Tsarion - Introduction Jordan Maxwell (Magi of our times) Tarot & Astro-Theology The Myth of Christ The Four Cults Overview of the Cults (& the role of women) The Broken Kings (& the Solar Theology) Deceived by the Light Empire Striking Back (& the Eternal War) http://taroscopes.
  • Myth of Christ The Four Cults Overview of the Cults (& the role of women) The Broken Kings (& the Solar Theology) Deceived by the Light Empire Striking Back (& the Eternal War) (1 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • cousin. That which was expunged or lost to Numerology I found still intact in, say, the Kabala. What was lost to Kabala I could resurrect from the study of Tarot and so on. So, (2 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • herwise far from presenting the Ancient Truth of the Book in a coherent system or shape of lucid beauty - Aleister Crowley ( Book of Thoth ) back THE INFLUENCE OF JORDAN MAXWELL (3 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • he branches of evil, to the one who strikes at the root - Henry David Thoreau Many have heard of Astrology and Astronomy. But few there are in the west today that have heard of their parent subject - Astro-Theology. We insist that this is not by chance. We as individuals, instead of constantly looking powerlessly forward to hypothetical futures for our truths, must begin revisiting the roots of culture, religio
  • ad lucem! Many stand outside at the door, but it is only the solitaries who will enter into the bridal chamber - Jesus Christ (the Apocryphal Gospel of Thomas ) Maxwell's Garden (4 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology by Michael Tsarion - Symbolism - I Symbolism - II Symbolism - III Symbolism - IV Symbolism - V Symbolism - VI back TAROT AND ASTRO-THEOLOGY There has been much speculation and debate about the origin of the idiosyncratic imagery of the Tarot's 78 Atus (cards). Where do the images originate and what do they represent? Some have said that
  • cquired spontaneously by means of divine inspiration and illumination. As artistic representations of this phenomenal world, they revealed, in fact, the ideal world of the soul. (5 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • tary bodies themselves are referred to, except as types on a purely physical plane of the septenary nature of the psychic and spiritual worlds - Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (6 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • et back to that vision we as a species are doomed to utter destruction. And no amount of "isms" and "ologies" will ever prevent it. Ultimately, the student must eventually begin sincerely researching Astro-Theology, the subject of subjects. Astro-Theology, the "Religion of the Stars," is also called siderealism, sabeanism and uranography. It is from this great subject that common astrology and astronomy derive.
  • t, believing it to date from post- Hellenic times. The secret of the origin of the cards are contained within the cards themselves, within their striking, and enigmatic imagery. (7 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • ays, manuscripts and baptismal fonts. Source For an introduction to the Egyptian Origin of the Tarot, click here For more on the Inner Zodiac, click here back THE MYTH OF CHRIST (8 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • symbol was the Lingam stone, which was, and still is, ritually anointed with white milk representing the semen. The very word Messiah comes from messeh, which means "anointed." (9 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • the belief in one god - is not a creation of Judaism. It was a concept known thousands of years previously. The Judeo- Christian god and his son have their prototypes in Egypt. (10 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • are especially obscured by time and obsolescence. Moreover, our perspective has been consciously distorted by malign influences within the post-Industrial cabals of learning, by (11 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • ations, like those of today, were no lovers of each other. It was financial and material incentives which motivated them to combine their resources and intentions. Trade routes, (12 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • in which the 7 gods of the Stellar Cult are honored. These are today's days of the week. The worshippers of the god Saturn was given Saturday as a feast day, and since their god (13 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • on the public stage are often merely employed minions of these Plutocratic "Over-Classes." The Cults are as follows, with the first four being the most important: Stellar Lunar (14 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • e hold, and rise to dominance, it was essential that the Stellar, and Lunar Cults of Egypt, India, Ireland and the world, be systematically undermined and eventually eradicated. (15 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • e ignorance of man of the truth that they can create only through the feminine in their own natures just as they procreate in the world without through the woman alone - Laurens (16 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • sures that everything that is not within that beam is cast into darkness. Light may highlight and clearly reveal one small area but must, as a result, cast all else into shadow. (17 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • king Tutankhamen. This punitive, intolerant, and renegade dynasty, lionized by modern historians, forbade Egyptians from venerating any other god except Aton, or Aten (the sun). (18 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • pt with all their wealth, and moved eastward toward Palestine, setting themselves up in Jerusalem. As the secret "Thirteenth" tribe of Israel (ostensibly the Levites, and not to (19 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • s. After the exodus, it is the pagans who usually refer to the Jews as Hebrews, whereas the Jews usually refer to themselves as Israelites - Max Dimont ( Jews, God and History ) (20 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • Nothing has changed today, since many of our present "People's Champions" and pop icons are also agents in the employ of this antique and rotten Cult of the Sun. (For more on this, review the DVD - "Astro-Theology & Sidereal Mythology") The Piso family of Italy are direct descendents of this original "holy" Sun-Clan of Aton. It was they who commissioned the writing of the Bible, in Rome. Naturally, they fashio
  • ripted to appear the sundry biographies of prophets, saints, and martyrs. By the time of the Pisos in Italy, the phantasmagoria of pseudo-theology was compiled in one incoherent (21 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • now once as the "Red Coats." Today, we often speak of being caught in "red-tape" or of being "in the red," when we are "under the gun" of the state. Many corporate logos feature (22 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • , and this they found in the Creation lore of more knowledgeable races. This they commandeered and perverted – the natural to the supernatural, and the truth to error. The Bible (23 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • lace of the sorcerers"), the creation of this Cult of Aton-Adonai-Lucifer, and, as a result, all its innumerable crimes against humanity can be laid at their blood-soaked doors. (24 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • herds" of their people. Additionally, the largest and most influential Christian Evangelist television network in the United States is called, suggestively, DAYSTAR corporation. (25 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology by Michael Tsarion - For more on these Stellar myths, review the DVD - Astro-Theology & Sidereal Mythology Among the many symbols used, the sun is often represented by the "All Seeing Eye" of the god of light. This symbol is, suggestively, seen above an Egyptian pyramid. It has been c
  • dominion, waste their time with physical descent. Such types betray the fact that it is physical, and material power and sovereignty that concerns them, not spiritual and moral. (26 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • one dollar note, and appears on many national flags, coins and coats-of-arms. The European Union run the world from the thirteenth floor of their building in Brussels, Belgium. (27 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • cts our careful, artificial polarization of the population on phony issues that prevents the issue of our power from arising in their minds - ( The Occult Technocracy of Power ) (28 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • sacred to all Egyptians and to those whose family tree comes down from Egypt. The word ON, is an Egyptian term, meaning - the Sun. The Priory de Sion, also funded and controlled (29 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • grand master - Jean de Gisors. At the same time a second name – “Ormus” was taken, which was used until 1306. According to the Freemasons, Ormus was an Egyptian magician - ibid (30 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • uished by the symbols that they commonly use on their lodges and on their literature. And it is via a study of their symbolism that we can decode their true function and agenda. (31 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • as four sides or faces. A pyramid is made from four triangles. Many mysteries are concealed in this design. But the power-elite at the summit know the reason for the four faces. (32 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • crowns of the British Royals. The Female "Fifth Column" Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I (33 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • m content to be ruled by its destroyers - Michael Tsarion Deceived by the Light I am the root and offspring of David, and the bright and morning star - (Jesus Christ, Rev 22:16) (34 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • he latter are inventive, the former are creative. The brain-thinkers love physics. The mind-imaginers enjoy alchemy and art. The brain-thinkers are linear, repressed, retentive, (35 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • act by the human brain, which is little more than a mass of super-sensitive nerves. This subtle optical experience may be compared to a miniature orgasm, small enough to not be (36 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • s. These phallic altars to Lucifer can be found (as the obelisk, tower or monument, etc,,) in most civic centers in the world, and near important banks and government addresses. (37 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • believe our own lies despite all evidence to the contrary, and despite the horrors, debauchery, injustice, criminality and insanity which pervades and infects the body politic. (38 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • e herd to move them hither and thither, and slowly lasering through the very boughs of the greater Tree of Life, upon which all things, including they themselves, rest and grow. (39 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • chestrates world events, is known as the "Order of the Skull and Bones." It is also known as the "Brotherhood of Death." The symbol of this order is a death's head skull and two (40 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • urity and prosperity stands in direct proportion to our offerings of servility, obedience and labor. It is this simple feudal contract that serves to maintain the status quo and (41 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • than a glimpse into the kind of fate that awaits us in the near future. There will be nothing Utopian or Holy about it. The Brit'ish ("Covenant Man") Union Jack (Jack-ob/Jacob) (42 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • a degree that it can experience its own destruction as an aesthetic pleasure of the first order - Jerry Mander back For further research, review the following DVD presentations with Michael Tsarion: Astro-Theology & Sidereal Mythology Weapons of Mass Deception: Behind the New World Order Atlantis, Alien Visititation & Genetic Manipulation Additional Sources:
  • m This page is dedicated to the memory of William Wallace, Giordano Bruno, and Rev. Robert Taylor... per ignum ad lucem (43 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48


  • Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology by Michael Tsarion - CONTINUE TO PAGE 2 OF ASTRO-THEOLOGY FORWARD TO PAGE 3 HOME PAGE (44 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48
  • Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology by Michael Tsarion - CONTINUE TO PAGE 2 OF ASTRO-THEOLOGY FORWARD TO PAGE 3 HOME PAGE (44 of 44)11/03/2005 13:52:48

File: Michael Tsarion - Astrotheology - Part 2 -


  • Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology by Michael Tsarion - On this page you will find information regarding the subjects: ASTRO-THEOLOGY ETYMOLOGY (word meanings) SIDEREAL MYTHOLOGY TAROT ASTROMANCY (1 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35
  • hael Tsarion - On this page you will find information regarding the subjects: ASTRO-THEOLOGY ETYMOLOGY (word meanings) SIDEREAL MYTHOLOGY TAROT ASTROMANCY (1 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • s to the real Archetypal Astrology. The high Arts of Divination have each suffered from flagrant tampering, manipulation and unsustainable interpretation, from those wishing (2 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • symbols and most of what the books had to say often seemed contradictory and perfunctory. So I followed the wisdom of Vernon Howard who wrote: see human nonsense as nonsense (3 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • d would certainly never have made the profound discoveries concerning the Divination Arts that has been my good fortune. I come from a tradition were one always honors their (4 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • l be a small token of homage to this true Magi of our times... per ignem ad lucem! For more information on the life and mission of Jordan Maxwell, visit his website at TAROT AND ASTRO-THEOLOGY There has been much speculation and debate about the origin of the idiosyncratic imagery of the Tarot's 78 Atus (cards). Where do the images originate and what do they represent? Some have said that
  • vealed, in fact, the ideal world of the soul. The Tarot contains the wealth of their experience about every aspect of life, microcosmically and macrocosmically. The 22 cards (5 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • sness, at least not enough to affect one's fate. It is a fundamental error and the basis of great metaphysical confusion to postulate otherwise. (For more information on the (6 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • d to vehemently slaughter, plunder, massacre and desecrate the ancient oracles, shamans, witches, mystics, gnostics, diviners, and who put entire nations to the sword, would (7 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • et back to that vision we as a species are doomed to utter destruction. And no amount of "isms" and "ologies" will ever prevent it. Ultimately, the student must eventually begin sincerely researching Astro-Theology, the subject of subjects. Astro- Theology, the "Religion of the Stars," is also called siderealism, sabeanism and uranography. It is from this great subject that common astrology and astronomy derive
  • tal connection to the Divination Arts of Astrology and Tarot. Those with independent minds and open hearts, please read on. The tarot contains indeed the mystery of all such (8 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • the temples of Thebes, capital of Egypt in 2000 BC, particularly on ancient ceilings in the halls of the palace of Medinet-Abou. Moreover, the 22 major cards are also found (9 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • resented in Paul’s Epistles is fundamentally different from what research has recognized as being authentic sayings of Jesus... What we know as Christianity today is not the (10 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • nt religious tradition continually suppressed by the Catholic church through the centuries - John Bushby ( The Bible Fraud ) According to Bishop Epiphanius, the Krist is the (11 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • Bible and in other tales and fictions. In fact, it is the reason why Israel has its very name. Israel, is made up of the names of the three deities the ancient Cults: Isis, (12 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • study of these cults. Israel is the "Holy Land" and the locale from which, what we know as Judeo-Christianity, arose. We cannot understand much about this until we approach it from the background of Astro-Theology and the great cults. What good is a surgeon who does not know where the heart is? What good is a historian who does not understand the heart of religion, government and culture? Infernal Pacts The co
  • sorbed and adapted to its own ends the multitude of cults derived from all its parts and over the ensuing centuries coupled them together as one, the Roman universal church. (13 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • illustrate that they represent planetary obs. Flags contain stars, moons, and solar orbs. Islamic and oriental countries still portray the crescents and stars, which clearly (14 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • ld, and rise to dominance, it was essential that the Stellar, and Lunar Cults of Egypt, India, Ireland and the world, be systematically undermined and eventually eradicated. (15 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • ges of history it was never forgotten by the ancients how the biological cycles of the individual female were in total complementarity with the so-called "external" world of (16 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • he passages and phases of Venus and the Moon. The Siderealists had complete knowledge of the measurements of the earth and the neighboring planets were charted by them. They (17 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • ciousness ) Nicholas Copernicus displaced Mother Earth from the center of the universe and replaced her with Father Sun - Leonard Schlain ( The Alphabet Versus the Goddess ) (18 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • arts, whereas Alchemy deals with the whole within each part. The former relies on linear mathematics and pulls one’s attention into the realm of physical empirical "reality" (19 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • ifer, obscured the truth and the goddess. It is a truism of the Siderealists that those who worship the sun are "Luciferians" in the truest sense of the word. Among the many (20 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • mania and mesmerizing corruption. The one thing that seems to continually elude these tyrannies is human freedom. Is this the legacy left to us by the masters and Magi of old? For more information on Astro-Theology go to the links page Two Kinds of Magick (21 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35
  • ese tyrannies is human freedom. Is this the legacy left to us by the masters and Magi of old? For more information on Astro-Theology go to the links page Two Kinds of Magick (21 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • rs. In the process of taking our power back from those who have cunningly appropriated it, there are many such nuances to be considered. WORDS WITH ASTRO-THEOLOGICAL ORIGINS (22 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • half circle. It is why when one comes to be married a wedding ring is worn. It is why the monks shaved their heads in a ring, why the Jews who worship on the day of Saturn, (23 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • e sun they were progeny of, had ascended to an exalted place. Once you had mastered the stars you were then quite literally a MASTER. The word Mas, in Persian meant moon, so (24 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • here are beautiful arches in all the cities of the world. Arches symbolize the sun’s triumphant journey. A man who measured or observed this movement was titled- Patriarch . (25 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • and all. Not that anyone has noticed. CHURCH This finds one origin in the Greek Circe , the goddess of deception who lured men into her lair and transformed them into pigs. (26 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • rs actually murder 13 victims before they are caught. One day when people are ready to hear about the real reason for these killings, they will find the answers for what has (27 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • nd began putting their heads on coins and the rest is history. But the coinage and currencies got the name "money" from the moon as there was always much more silver coinage (28 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • was not a single record found relating any religious intolerance. Women enjoyed freedoms and status that no later age would credit them, and there is no record of any sexual (29 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • is the same as the word sextant , which is a instrument the navigators and astronomers use for measuring - guess what, the stars. A sexton is a man with clerical duties, so (30 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • all aware of these connections. They know the origins of their edifices all too well. The horizon is the zone of Horus, whereas on the western side we have the sunset. This (31 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • Leonardo Da Vinci, like many around the Florentine and Venetian oligarchies, was a high initiate into the Stellar ethos, preserved by the Masonic Brotherhoods of the world. (32 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • nclaves, which are no more than criminal organizations, that have sequestered all these truths and so many more, from the ordinary person. Not even a tenth of the books that (33 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • the salutation to the sun (see "Heel Stone" at Stonehenge). But the word suggestively means to conceal . And that is precisely what the sun does. Think about it !! YOUNGSTER (34 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • ar Cult peoples referred to their goddess as Sin . This is where we derive the word Sinai , which is a mountain mentioned in the Old Testament. This region and the mountain, (35 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • ylon," and of Jesus rejecting and rebuking his mother, will suffice to help one to see propaganda instead of revelation. Or perhaps it is a revelation. But from what agency? (36 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • L probably means that this province was favored by the members of the Saturnian Cult. A study of the various prehistoric burial chambers and sacred mounds there proves this. (37 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • of one epoch with another. Many scholars contend that the word Cain and its other spellings refers to the land of Canaan. This is only partly true. The Stellar Cult was also (38 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • rts of Scotland and from there taken by the English and is said to be under the Coronation Seat in London. One arcane story tells that the original stone was that upon which (39 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • concerning the decline of the Gods and the coming of the a new world: Then she added a prophecy in which she foretold the approaching end of the Divine Age and the beginning (40 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • red that number and geometry was inherent in the Universe due to the menstrual cycle. All number and calculation was therefore derived from and connected to the female body, (41 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • . When one is alone he is "One," (as is the sun alone), The Hindi we have YONI (which relates to the Female, the birthplace). Surely even Masons would never claim the actual (42 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • (Hibiru) allowed it to be transposed into a racial title. The so-called "Hebrew" alphabet comes originally from Egypt. It is in fact the "long lost" non-hieroglyphic script. (43 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • sted, or could have existed, since alphabetic numeral were unknown to the Jews - Kieran Barry ( The Greek Qabalah ) (See works of Max Dumont, Gerald Massey, Alvin Boyd Kuhn, (44 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • ke; Greenhill, Greencastle, Greenwich, etc,. They have nothing to do with the color green but everything to do with the color gold and the sun (see green card, gold card and (45 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • t Isis, Egyptian goddess of the moon, wife of Osiris, the original King Arthur. This fascinating name also gives Guin-Eve , that is Queen Eve, relating to the primal parent, (46 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • sun. The Egyptian name for Osiris is Asur. The raising of Lazarus, is connected to the raising of the dead sun at the Solstice points, especially winter when Virgo is on the (47 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • es comes from Time. "Ch" often replaced the hard "T." When the great cults decided to join together, the prime symbols and even concepts of each had to be represented in the (48 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • the concept and reality of mystical androgyny was central to the practice of the shaman and esoteric magicians. CAIN Comes from the word Cahen (or Caan) , known even in the (49 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • which in Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian means Hawk. Robin the Hawk , This fits, as he was identified with Horus and with adroit marksmanship, skill and cunning as well as the (50 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • s Moses with them, to mark his wisdom and spirituality. This is why monarchs and shamans have them in their head-dresses, i.e., crowns and coronets. Jews wear the Sheepskin. (51 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • NUT The name of the great sky goddess and one of the primal pantheon, also connected to the Tree of Life motif. Still today we refer to the fruits of certain trees as nuts. (52 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • hy we read of the dove being sent out from the Ark. The dove is a symbol for the Holy Spirit. Boats and ships have always been used as symbols for the womb, which is why all (53 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • bols shared by the Semites, of which the Hebrews are a small branch. This accounts for the plethora of Semitic symbolism attending the royal pageantry and ceremony and other (54 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • h names came from Egypt’s Aten. Aten meant TEN . Aten was a solar god. Words like attention and attain come from this. (See companies like AETNA, TENA, EATON , etc,.) EAMONN (55 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • mes from the word Mark . The House of Mars is Aries, the symbol is the Ram. RAM is the reverse of MAR. RAMA is another ancient name for God. Mars was symbolized by the human (56 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • , which may have to do with the Kundalini energy without which their could be no life-force or creativity. The ways of Art are subtle like the physical movements of a snake. (57 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • originally) toward the galactic center in the constellation of Sagittarius, specifically Scutus. Many stately houses use effigies of the Archer for this reason and the chief (58 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • From the Egyptian word Papera (papyrus plant). PYRAMID From PIR-E-MIT, meaning the "division of Ten," (or of number). Ten or Aten was Man, whose body represented wholeness, (59 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • It comes from the same root as does Aries. The sun was seen to literally rise-up on the spring equinox, so it became a commonplace to say to one another "rise and shine" or (60 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • an). CANNES May derive from the Sanskrit Sannes or Sanis meaning Saturn. May have been a center for Saturn worship. Cannes also may derive from Cann , meaning Serpent. MONEY (61 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • The word Farragh, was used in Scotland and Ireland, meaning Chieftain. SACRED As well as sacrifice, sacrament, etc., comes from the Sacer or Zakar, meaning, phallus. SERPENT (62 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • mbol of ancient times and the patriarchs were especially threatened by its intimate connection with the Stellar and Lunar Cults and with the female goddess. As stated above, (63 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • rsonified as a Serpent) APEP / APOPHIS (serpent of darkness) BUTO - Egyptian serpent god of the Nile NEHUSHTAN (rod of Moses changed into a Serpent) NAGASH - meaning serpent (64 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • s to the fury of the serpent or Satan, thought to be the force behind acts of destruction). TYPHOON (from Typhon, the Egyptian name for Satan, depicted as a undulating serpent). CONTINUE TO PAGE 2 OF ASTRO-THEOLOGY (65 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35
  • ought to be the force behind acts of destruction). TYPHOON (from Typhon, the Egyptian name for Satan, depicted as a undulating serpent). CONTINUE TO PAGE 2 OF ASTRO-THEOLOGY (65 of 65)22/11/2004 13:17:35


  • Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology by Michael Tsarion - Astro-Theology & the Bible (intro) The New Testament & the Zodiac The Real Four Gospels The Book of Genesis Revealed Sacred Symbolism of the Female Ovum Astro-Theology & the Bible (cont'd...) Movies With Astro- The
  • sis Revealed Sacred Symbolism of the Female Ovum Astro-Theology & the Bible (cont'd...) Movies With Astro- Theological Themes Back to Astro Page 1 ASTRO-THEOLOGY & THE BIBLE (1 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • ment are so few in number, that one may wonder at the reason for the work here presented. It is presented in the spirit of true revelation. Our motive is to re-introduce the greatest of all subjects, Astro-Theology and the mystery of the heavens, of the stars, that was the province of the original makers of civilization, the Egyptian Siderealists. Let us be aware of what we actually mean in terms of duration, w
  • of knowledge and wisdom that was common to our ancestors. This wisdom is encapsulated still in the four high arts of Divination, in Tarot, Astrology, Kabala, and Numerology. (2 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • is not one of them who even suspects what has been going on in its crypts, and its mysterious nooks and corners, for the last century. More than that, they do not even know (3 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • have given away your own power to those without any, your power is now being constantly, and viciously, used against you. Both read the Bible day and night, but I read black (4 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • how of hands that Judas Khrestus and Rabbi Jesus both became god – 161 votes to 157. A new god was proclaimed and ‘officially’ ratified by Emperor Constantine... Tony Bushby (5 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • ent to be a forgery, the Donation of Constantine was accepted as genuine until the 15th Century, and was used by the Catholic Church to claim political power in not only the (6 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • t to check their work and edit it, so he passed the manuscripts to the greatest genius of all time...Sir Francis Bacon – Tony Bushby ( The Bible Fraud ) The Beautiful People (7 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • tans ) Papal Bacchanalia Innocent VIII (1484-92), Sixtus’ successor, was a priest with a known illegitimate child...He spent considerable effort furthering the career of his (8 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • ake birth to teach ourselves, and not merely accept what we are taught by others, and to unravel the mystery of ourselves, in order to know everything else - Michael Tsarion (9 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • thrones of political tyranny. In no instance have they been seen as the guardians of the liberties of the people. Rulers who wished to subvert the public liberty have found (10 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • physical weight in the dichotomy. The Christian murder of Great Pan cut the currents of a lively and sustaining sympathy between man and nature, so that from that day there (11 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • rruption and fall of the civilizations of Egypt, Babylon, Medea, Persia, Assyria, Greece and Rome. In the heyday of each of these great Semitic civilizations, the Israelites (12 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • ce worthy of the name was imported by the Greeks - Helena Blavatsky Those Greeks that we regard as the fathers of mathematics were simply pupils of Egypt - Ignatius Donnelly (13 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • from the hearts of such beings that the true light of Christ shines. It is quite exciting, incidentally, to know that the Genesis account of the creation of mankind through (14 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • he Tribe of David, the House of Israel, decided to follow their prophet Jeremiah westward, across the Caucasus Mountains and into the lands beyond. Only two tribes, those of (15 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • religious conversion, and have no blood tie to Israel or the holy land whatsoever. (See The Thirteenth Tribe, by Arthur Koestler, and Controversy of Zion, by Douglas Reed). (16 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • the Great Seal of Manasseh - Charles Totten (see Amazon) The Secret Symbols on the Dollar Bill - David Ovason The Secret Architecture of our Nation's Capital - David Ovason (17 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • constitution of the universe and the course of the current of life in the cosmos, and by analogy in man the microcosmic replica of the macrocosm. Almost infinite nuances of (18 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • e old Scriptures, was to fashion his new body of spiritual glory "after the pattern of the heavens," the frame of the heavenly or zodiacal man, the primal Adam - Alvin Boyd Kuhn The Gnostic Tradition Astro-Theology can be used as an hermeneutic to unravel most of the major dogmas and creeds that the world is host to. We concentrate here, however, on the Judeo-Christian ethos as it is the one familiar to most pe
  • , and revealed only in degrees, accordingly as the candidate demonstrated his fitness to receive, conceal and rightly use the knowledge so imparted. Few professed Christians (19 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • the four elements or the four suits in the deck of cards. Now, we again find that in the New Testament there are 4 Gospels. There are several reasons for this and one of the main ones has to do with Astro-Theology. The four Gospels are representations of the four cardinal points of the zodiac! And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for
  • id, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years - (Genesis 1:14) (20 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • man, we can understand that there is complete authenticity in the ancients studying it and using it as a means to an end in the tuition of the novice in the great mysteries (21 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • he interpolations of Sophia herself, put into the mouth of Christ - Caitlin Matthews ( Sophia: Goddess of Wisdom ) Many of the ideas of the Christians have been (22 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • astrologers" who know not what, or where, the stars really are. A Siderealist is always an astrologer, but an astrologer is not always a Siderealist. The astrologer who does (23 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • arise and shine," from the Aries house, as this is literally were the orb of day does arise and shine. The house of "arising" is Aries. Aries is in the month of April. April (24 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • ways been the scales or balances. This is because they did not only want currency, but they took grain and livestock also. And their lackeys would carry large scales around. (25 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • hron means time specifically relating to the round of the zodiac). They are his measurers, his "Apostles" (post means demarcation post, a colure of the zodiac). They are his (26 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • n of God, is replaced by the word Sun, every passage that relates to the personality will fit and make even better sense than if taken for a biography. Even a cursory familiarity with the precepts of Astro-Theology will make one clear on this point. ...King of Heaven, prince of Creation, sun of the (27 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23
  • if taken for a biography. Even a cursory familiarity with the precepts of Astro-Theology will make one clear on this point. ...King of Heaven, prince of Creation, sun of the (27 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • m splitting into numerous sects: assembling a canon of writings and destroying rejected apocryphal (hidden) texts - Elmer H. Gruber ( The Original Jesus ) The "Tree of Life" (28 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • initiation story that was learned by the novices in the sanctums and palmyriums of ancient Mediterranean peoples. The subversion of this act was to disempower the female and (29 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • being. Circumcision (the mark of servitude) Religion had in mind the idea of turning man’s awareness away from himself and his innate, natural wisdom, to the external realm (30 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • head of the serpent will be "bruised," we are also hearing about the breaking of the head of the sperm as it enters the ovum. As the single sperm penetrates the precinct of (31 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • eover, if we have potentates dressing as the female and referring to “Holy Mother Church” we realize now that it is all a vestige of a rich, meaningful metaphysic. Androgyny (32 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • this as satanic. However, as shown above, for anyone that does not know it, conception occurs when the male sperm enters into the female ovum. This latter is the precinct of (33 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • to revere symbols that have nothing to do with their main tenets. All the while the power elite are dancing on their desks enjoying the entire spectacle. The reason why the (34 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • hich conspire to have men and women conform to a fixed pattern of understanding. The reversed pentagram is in this context, therefore, a symbol of the rebellion against such (35 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • he practitioner was interested, not in evolution of consciousness, but rather devolution to a lower state, that of animal, vegetative or even inorganic life. Naturally, this (36 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • tional flags and heraldry, why they are worn by those in the military, why the US Pentagon is that shape and why even the hellish machines of war and death bare the symbol.) (37 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • ceilings of ancient temples and later transferred to earth and inscribed in scrolls, tablets and parchments. Man, adjured the old Scriptures, was to fashion his new body of (38 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • circlet of skin is removed from the male phallus. This represents the removal under pain, of the female principle. This is why at this time, a boy is said to become a 'man.' (39 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • ed in the blue veil of Mary, in a manner that definitely replicates the above mentioned scenario. In almost all if the hero myths of the world we have the twelve companions. (40 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology by Michael Tsarion - Back Astro-Theology and the Bible (cont'd...) The Twelve Ages or Aeons Many of the anecdotes and stories in New Testament have to do with the astronomical phenomena called 'The "Precession of the Equinoxes." This is the
  • 7 candlesticks that the "Son" (sun) passes through, the hall of the 7 chambers, the 7 crowns, the 7 magi, the 7 sleepers, the 7 jackals, the 7 gates, the 7 challenges, the 7 (41 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • ne. But we have time and space only to look at the Divination Arts and the latest myth, Christianity. And if this is done correctly it will illuminate many other areas also. (42 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • re are more than twelve constellations there of course. And in fact if one counts all the constellations of great importance, there are 72, not counting the 12. These extra- (43 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • ans and Americans make much use of the Eagle because it is known to represent the sign of power and wealth. It is curious that all the major myths and folktales speak of the (44 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • er burning so brightly, the sun cannot ascend any higher and so must begin descending. And what the sun does, so the moon must also do, or was seen to be doing. So Jill came (45 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • . But with 5 or so degrees on either side, we make 40 altogether. Now when the sun physically, or any hero mythically, passes into and through the sign of Cancer, the orb or (46 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • n moving northward again. So it was always said that the sun, the light of the world, would die for three days and then on the third day rise again. This was known thousands (47 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • s the three sisters. They turn up in tales and myths like Beauty and the Beast, Macbeth and Cinderella , as well as more recent trashy examples, of sitcoms and movies, etc,. (48 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • g the house of Capricorn, so in reverse, the stars of Capricorn must be occupying the house of Cancer. Now the sign and stars of Capricorn have for millennia been associated (49 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • ign of Capricorn where the year "opens." The winter Solstice was seen as the inverted cross of the zodiac because the sun "dies," in the cold of the southern climes. All the (50 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • initiated. Instead of it, the number 666 was used. (6x6x6 = 216.) This is the real reason why the orthodox Christian hierarchy have made this number out to be satanic. It is because it has to do with Astro-Theology, astrology and the Stellar Cult. When a particular secret number was to be expressed, another related code number was used in its place. The Jews did the same thing with the word Adonai , which they
  • ame thing with the word Adonai , which they uttered in place of Jehovah . There is nothing "satanic" about the number 666. It is, however, the "Number of the Beast" alright. (51 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • ry stasis. The calm energy of Libra was the polar opposite of the aggressive and extrovert Aries. This is partly the reason why the symbol of the sign of Libra was the great (52 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • ed reader is directed to the works of R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz and Gerald Massey). The "Raising of Lazarus" Now, Miriam and Martha had a brother, called Lazarus. Lazarus is (53 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • r of Jesus, Mary Magdalene represents the sign of Virgo. But the stars of Virgo were seen physically in the sign of Pisces. The heavenly Virgin was at the seen in the sky in (54 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • Ram. And Egyptian Pharaohs and priests of knowledge in that Age were referred to as the "Good Shepherds." The "Flocks" that they watched by night were the stars in the night (55 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • its lord are somehow deeply associated with strife and violence, affecting and afflicting that type of humanity inhabiting the Earth - Brinsley Le Poer Trench ( Sky People ) (56 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • hich doubts eternity, and cannot comprehend the ordinances of the spirit. He is the twin of Christ, and therefore represents the Ka, but also Set, the brother of Horus. Back (57 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • live and die in the belief that they have known something of what has been passing in their times - Thomas Jefferson ROBIN HOOD – Richard Todd (the composite myth, featuring (58 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • rn film-makers. Set to the music of the Dire Straits) BEING THERE – Peter Sellars (delicate classic about simplicity and decadence. Contains veiled references to the Book of (59 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • s. This is another critically misunderstood classic) FOR A FEW DOLLARS MORE – Clint Eastwood and Gian Maria Volonte (a film which to this day has been misunderstood. A deep, (60 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • the cinematography of director Wem Wenders) SAMSON AND DELILAH – Victor Mature (An "A to Z" of Astro- Theological motifs, excellent example of the myth of the Solar King. Has it all when it comes to Astro-Theology. The character Samson is even heard to say, after he is blinded, "How can I find my way among the stars." A real classic) THE EGYPTIAN – Victor Mature and Peter Ustinov (a tale of high ethics, slight
  • dition of the Oscar Wilde masterpiece. About the Persona and the cult of the senses. Contains poetry of the master, scintillating dialogue and magnificent acting. A must see (61 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • of the hero archetype. Better than so many inept works Great cinematography and mystical meaning). THE DARK CRYSTAL - (good on many levels) Back Movies and their Meta-Themes (62 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • rs More Chato’s Land Heart of Glass Day of the Jackal James Bond The Time Machine Back to the Future High Priestess Local Hero Veronica Voss Shanghai Express The Blue Dahlia (63 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • head Hierophant Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner The Black Robe The Mission American Friends The Name of the Rose Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner The Black Robe (64 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • Man The Wall Blade Runner Hombre Pale Rider The Kiss Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia Walkabout Gaslight Sitting Target Justice (Libra) Magnificent Seven The Lone Ranger (65 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • Wuthering Heights The Tower Towering Inferno Earthquake Vertigo The Stranger Days of Heaven Sorcerer Man with X-ray Vision The Getaway Deliverance The Medusa Touch Gaslight (66 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23


  • age you to contact us with suggestions for movies that we can add to these categories. Back These pages are dedicated to Gerald Massey, Alvin Boyd Kuhn, R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz, and Jordan Maxwell. Astro-Theology Page 1 Home (67 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23
  • t we can add to these categories. Back These pages are dedicated to Gerald Massey, Alvin Boyd Kuhn, R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz, and Jordan Maxwell. Astro-Theology Page 1 Home (67 of 67)22/11/2004 13:21:23

File: Michael Tsarion - Atlantis, Alien Visitation And Genetic Manipulation -


  • Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation 431 Also By Michael Tsarion VIDEOS/DVD Astro-Theology and Sidereal Mythology As long as you consider the stars as something above the head, you will lack the eye of knowledge - (Fredrick Nietzsche) And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of t

File: Michael Tsarion - Of Origins And Oracles -


  • ypes, the zodiac, the sequence of the historical centuries (1st - 21st), the Periodic Table of Elements and several other esoteric and exoteric phenomena. It has endless correspondences connecting to Astro-Theology, geometry, numerology, cosmology, psychology, symbolism, general aesthetics, and so on. It communicates in non-linear symbols and that makes it very important for the future, and for the re-education

File: Michael Tsarion - Symbolic Literacy - Part 2 -


  • Vernon Howard In fact, the only way to really comprehend the complete ramifications of their work is to familiarize ourselves with spiritual symbolism and even with the subjects of Tarot, Alchemy and Astro-Theology, etc, It is only through studying the nature of consciousness and its intimate relationship with color, symbol, number and word that we can take back the power we are, unconsciously, placing in their

File: Numbers - Their Occult Power And Mystic Virtues -


  • rs which guided the sailors. Ursa Major, in which the Hindus locate the Sapta Rishi, seven sages of primitive wisdom, are a group of the first im- portance and are easily recognized. Duncan, in his “ Astro-Theology,” gives 7 stages of life with associated planets; thus, Infancy, Moon, Luna; Childhood, Mercury, Knowledge; Youth, Venus, Love;                                   

File: Meditation Symbols in Eastern and Western Mysticism -


  • of progress were among its least important potentials. Mathematics was not primarily intended to be used for bookkeeping, nor is its final flowering to be computerization. Unless astronomy discovers astro-theology, it can never explore the higher dimensions of the cosmos. Francis Bacon said that, when physics is properly understood, there will be no need for metaphysics; but the higher realms have not yet been

File: Ocellus Lucanus - On the Nature of the Universe and Extracts -


  • of judicial astrology according to the Egyptians and Babylonians. Thus Firmicus preserves for later ages the speculations, actual or traditional, of the ear- liest writers on astronomy, astrology and astro-theology. The fragment translated by Thomas Taylor is indicative of the erudition of Firmicus and the manner in which he pre- sents his material. The first section of the M atheseos is devoted to a defense of

File: PRS_book_cat_2009-preview -


  • ious and philosophical principles underlying the concepts of astrology. $9.95 | Paperback. 91pp. ISBN: 0-89314-300-6 tH e We Ste Rn m ySte Rie S • Ocellus Lucanus (p.30) AUdio C A SS et te Se Rie S • Astro-Theology | How Astrology Has Influened Mankind (p.34) r E l a T E d W o r k S B y M a n l y H a l l new fo R 2009! St AR lo Re of bA bylon Manly Hall discusses the origins of astrology among the people of Cha


  • to St. John (pamphlet) ........................................................... 8 Arhats of Buddhism (Adept Series) ............................................................................. 9 Astro-Theology | How Astrology Has Influenced Mankind (audio cassette series) ... 34 Astrological Essays (pamphlet) ................................................................................... 6 Astrological

File: Psychoanalyzing the Twelve Zodiacal Types -


  • Audio Recordings on Astrology by Manly P. Hall ASTRO-THEOLOGY : H o w A s T r o L o G y H A s i n f L u e n C e d m A n k i n d This archival audio series of Manly P. Hall includes over eight hours of lecture material. 1. Zodiac & the Great Platonic Year 2. Ast

File: The Philosophy of Astrology -


  • Visit Our Online Catalog at Audio Recordings on Astrology by Manly P. Hall ASTRO-ThEOLOGY : h o w A s t r o l o g y H A s I n f l u e n c e d M A n k I n d This archival audio series of Manly P. Hall includes over eight hours of lecture material. 1. Zodiac & the Great Platonic Year 2. Ast

File: The Star Lore of Babylon -


  • • 14 • Manly Palmer Hall The moment we get hold of this system we suddenly begin to realize how vital the astro-theology of the ancients really was. In the great vi- sion of Hermes, the shepherd of men, we find again the descent of con- sciousness through the seven gates. We know in the Egyptian rituals of the dead how

File: William W Westcott - Numbers Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues -


  • rs which guided the sailors. Ursa Major, in which the Hindus locate the Sapta Rishi, seven sages of primitive wisdom, are a group of the first im- portance and are easily recognized. Duncan, in his “ Astro-Theology,” gives 7 stages of life with associated planets; thus, Infancy, Moon, Luna; Childhood, Mercury, Knowledge; Youth, Venus, Love;

File: Wouter J. Hanegraaff - Dictionary of Gnosis and Western Esotericism -


  • varied according to its objectives and to the audiences addressed. But also literature itself, in the sense of literary creation and fiction, knew to make use of astrology: in the Graeco-Roman world, astro-theology blended with fiction to produce widely known works. The Greek and Latin novels are a good illustration of this: the Aethiopica of Heliodorus, the Life of Apollonius of Tyana by Philostratus, or Apule

File: Atlantean Conspiracy -


  • implausible exploits of other cultures, however, ar e to be tossed aside as being unhistorical, mythological and downright ridiculous .” +Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy” (92+3) Astro-Theology “Many have heard of Astrology and Astronomy. But fe w there are in the west today that have heard of their parent subject 3 Astro3The ology. We insist that this is not by chance .” +Michael Tsarion,

File: Dictionary of Gnosis & Western Esotericism -


  • ich varied according toits objectives and to the audiences addressed. Butalso literature itself, in the sense of literary creationand fiction, knew to make use of astrology: in theGraeco-Roman world, astro-theology blendedwith fiction to produce widely known works. TheGreek and Latin novels are a good illustration ofthis: the Aethiopicaof Heliodorus, the Life ofApollonius of Tyanaby Philostratus, or Apuleius’no

File: Journal of Western Mystery Tradition - No.1 - The Egyptian Mysteries -


  • rst published. This gets the studentinto studying what has become one of the basics of any magickal Ordersince that time. Included in these chapters on astrology are two ratherfascinating chapters on Astro-Theology, and Astro-Mythology. Thechapter on Astro-Theology gives subchapters on The Creation of theWorld and The Scheme of Redemption.This is an interesting way to look at the heavens and astrology as awhole

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