
Found in 123 Books

File: Alchemy Journal Vol.2 No.4 -


  • hould be sent by August 1. Contact: Jan Backlund, Center for Cultural Research, Univ. of Aarhus, Finlandsgade 8200, Aarhus N, Denmark. Email: [email protected]. Fax: 45-86-10-82-28. Indian Alchemy and Ayurveda Seminar. January 2002. An alchemy seminar, with master Alchemist Prof. Junius, is to be held in beautiful Byron Bay, Australia, in January 2002. The workshop will be over three days. Bookings essenti

File: Alchemy Journal Vol.2 No.5 -


  • hould be sent by August 1. Contact: Jan Backlund, Center for Cultural Research, Univ. of Aarhus, Finlandsgade 8200, Aarhus N, Denmark. Email: [email protected]. Fax: 45-86-10-82-28. Indian Alchemy and Ayurveda Seminar. January 2002. http://www.alchemylab.com/AJ2-5nf.htm (13 of 15)5/6/2005 1:50:04 AM

File: Alchemy Journal Vol.2 No.6 -


  • rs an excellent multi-language website devoted to the operative and speculative aspects of alchemy at http://planeta.clix.pt/petrinus/alchemy-e.htm.) Alchemy Lectures and Workshops Indian Alchemy and Ayurveda Seminar. Australia. January 2002. An alchemy seminar, with master alchemist Prof. Junius, is to be held in beautiful Byron Bay, Australia, in January 2002. The workshop will be over three days. Booki

File: Alchemy Journal Vol.3 No.4 -


  • n profound happiness, heal illnesses, develop extrasensory perception and even reach spiritual enlightenment. The Experience Festival will feature workshops within various themes of knowledge such as Ayurveda, Kabbalah, Vaastu, astrology, the Mayan calendar, Vedic Art, mysticism, enlightenment, and much more. There will also be all sorts of playful activities such as music, singing, dancing and creation o

File: Alchemy Journal Vol.5 No.3 -


  • gyrism is the practical application of alchemy in medical treatment. The intellectual origin of spagyrism lies in alchemy. We can still find alchemical views and preparation processes today in Indian Ayurveda medicine and particularly in southern Indian Siddha medicine also. In alchemical and spagyric methods, all of the plant’s components are separated from each other, purified chemically, elevated energ

File: Alexander Putney - Lightwater -


  • stine origins and the unlimited holographic capabilities enabled by such knowledge. A shining example of this truth is a young woman from the taiga forests of Siberia named Anastasia who has mastered ayurveda – the art of living. Having inherited the deepest of cosmic wisdom from her Vedruss forefathers, Anastasia provides us with the spiritual information that will germinate the seeds of human divinity n

File: Missing Lands - Uncovering Earth’s Pre-flood Civilization - Freddy Silva -

  • et for all their efforts NASA has merely rediscovered what sages in theIndian subcontinent already knew about planetary and solar mechanics. As farback as 8000 BC these portals were described in the Yayurveda as “serpents whichmove along the ground and are mirrored in the sky, which are the arrows ofsorcerers.” If it took modern humans 10,000 years to discover a mechanism bywhich the Earth is tethered to

File: Bruce H. Lipton Ph.D. Ph.D., Bruce H Lipton Ph.D - The Honeymoon Effect_ The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth-Hay House (2013) -

  • the way his ancestorshad farmed but he was doing it with the ancient crop tulsi (also called holybasil), a wild medicinal herb that has been used for thousands of years intraditional Indian medicine (Ayurveda) to heal body and mind.Now, thanks to ORGANIC INDIA’s subsidies during their transition, 15 years laterthere are 1,000 organic farmers in Azamgarh and 20,000 around the country. Thestories these grat

File: Bruce Lipton & Rob Williams & Bryant Meyers & Walter Jacobson & Mandy Peterson & Atmayogi Shri Aasaan Ji & Suresh Padmanabhan [Lipton, Bruce] - Holistic Wellness In The NewAge_ A Comprehensive Guide T -

  • stem.Wellness (conventionally called health) is now defined as “enthusiasm to workand enthusiasm to be compassionate.” Interestingly, this fits in with the time-honored definition of health in Indian Ayurveda, the mother of all medicalwisdoms in the world, existing from the time of the Vedas. We have now come onefull circle in the so-called scientific medicine with a down to earth holisticdefinition of he

  • mixture of plant origin and animal origin foods and these foodssustain us throughout our lives. All indigenous systems of healthcare ormedicine around the globe believe in therapeutic value of foods.Ayurveda is the oldest system of healthcare on the planet and it talksextensively about prevention, rejuvenation and longevity. It is the onlyindigenous healthcare system that has a whole branch dedicated for

  • mind but not everyone is aware that we actuallyhave two minds. The western world and psychologists refer to these as theconscious and subconscious mind while the eastern complimentary sciences such asAyurveda, speak of the inner or deeper consciousness, and the outer or sensorymind. 41.png [../images/00054.jpeg] The conscious outer mind that most people are familiar with constitutes only thetip of the pro

  • girls fromrural areas who experience a normal day night rhythm of light and darkness.Color is a therapy that can be easily used in conjunction with any medicaltreatment, be it allopathic, homeopathy, Ayurveda etc. to assist healing. It issimple, user friendly, cost effective, beautiful and safe. Bringing in the magicof color in your living spaces is the great way of making your livingenvironment colorful

  • itation, Mind Power, Law ofAttraction, Theta Healing, Karuna Reiki, Quantum Touch, Cranio Sacral Balancing,Re-Birthing, Tarot, Feng-Shui, I-Ching, Vastu, Aroma Therapy, Color Therapy,Energy Medicine, Ayurveda and most of the Complimentary & Alternative Therapies.Through the above facilitations, the organization aims at providing theopportunity, means and support to discover your true potential as an indiv

File: Daniel Pinchbeck - When Plants Dream -

  • our future – andfear the splintering of contemporary society that current events seems toforeshadow. More and more people gravitate to traditional philosophies andancient spiritual practices, whether Ayurveda, Sufism, Tantra, Taoism, yoga orAmazonian animism.Sensing the opportunity, some contemporary Westerners seek to appropriate theglamour now associated with the figure of the ayahuasquero or shaman. Th

File: Deepak Chopra - Boundless Energy -

  • t step in learning to create balance.The concepts in this chapter and in those that follow are derived from the mostrecent scientific advances in Western medicine and also from the Indiantradition of Ayurveda, the oldest system of health-related knowledge in theworld. Ayurveda— which in Sanskrit means "science of life"—is the mostcomprehensive system of mind/body medicine ever devised. It offers not only

  • m the oxidation of food is released in a much morecontrolled way. As a result, the body is able to capture this energy and storeit for future use. It is this energy that enables us to live and to act.Ayurveda speaks of "digestive fire" as the medium through which energy isreleased. Agni, which means "fire" in Sanskrit, breaks down the food we eat andassimilates it into the system. This digestive fire can

  • ngenergy and health for the sake of convenience, and you’ve been denying importantnutritional benefits to your body. This is because leftover or highly processedfoods lack freshness and, according to Ayurveda, lack vital energy as well. Theyare so removed from the sources of vitality in nature that they often do littlemore than create lethargy and inertia. And because such foods are more difficultto diges

  • S, DIGESTION, AND IMMUNE RESPONSEStress has become a familiar term. It calls up images of being caught on anexpressway at rush hour, of hurrying to meet dead-lines, of angry words anddisappointments. Ayurveda defines stress as an "undue pressure of experience."This takes place when the mind/body system is subjected to events that it is notprepared to handle in a balanced and integrated way. The pressure o

  • n make good use of that infinite reservoir of vitality and strength.The intimate relationship between nature and each individual can be madedramatically clear through the study of biological rhythms. Ayurveda recognizedthousands of years ago that nature operates in cycles, and that these cycleshave a profound effect upon individual physiologies. More recently, modernphysiology has identified many of the r

  • tal importance in respiration, oxygen is one of the main componentsin the metabolism of food into vital energy. So the quality of the air webreathe obviously has great significance.The most important Ayurveda principle in this area is the importance of gettingfresh air every day. It’s amazing how little fresh air many Americans get intheir daily routine, and how draining this can be to vitality. Many peop

  • ion and exercise in order to be really healthy. There must be asense of meaning, an awareness of some larger purpose, a focus on someworthwhile goal.One of the most intriguing insights of traditional Ayurveda is expressed in thefollowing Primary Energy Principle. Please write this down:PEP 21. Growth is the foundation of survival.In this context, survival does not mean simply staying alive and continuing

  • ress, 1993.Frawley, Dr. David, and Lad, Dr. Vasant. The Yoga of Herbs. Twin Lakes, Wis.:Lotus Press, 1986.Hoffman, Ronald. Tired All the Time. New York: Poseidon Press, 1993.Kapoor, L. D. Handbook of Ayurveda Medicinal Plants. Boca Raton, Fl.: CRC Press,1990.Rosenbaum, Michael, and Susser, Murray. Solving the Problem of Chronic FatigueSyndrome. Tacoma, Wash.: Life Sciences Press, 1992.

  • SOURCESMore information on mind/body and Ayurveda treatments, products, herbs, andeducational programs can be obtained from the following organizations:The Chopra Center for Well Being7630 Fay AvenueLa Jolla, CA 92037888-424-6776 (toll free)Ayurvedi

File: Deepak Chopra - Chopra Center Cookbook -


  • reality— Spirit—differentiates itself into all forms and phenomena. Observer and observed, knower and known, seer and scenery are different expressions of the same underlying spirit. The sci- ence of Ayurveda takes this insight to a very deep level in which body, mind, and soul are understood as interwoven domains along the continuum of consciousness. These differentiated aspects of consciousness—which is


  • rse as a rock, a tree, or a human body. In other words, even our thoughts are photons of light originally trapped by the plants that grow from the earth. All life nourishes itself through this light. Ayurveda holds that food is more than just protein, carbohy- drate, and fat. It is concentrated intelligent energy of the uni- verse. In fact, an ancient Vedic hymn boldly declares, “Food is Brahman,” that is


  • Celebrate the Magic! Eat food that is good for you and you will enliven renewal in body and mind. The question is, what food is good for you? To answer this question we draw upon two primary sources: Ayurveda and modern nutritional science. Ayurveda (pro- nounced ah-your-vay-duh ), the most ancient healing system on earth, dates back to India five thousand years ago. The word Ayurveda has two Sanskrit roo


  • you prepare delicious, healthy meals that nourish your body and soul. The princi- ples of our program have their roots in both modern nutri- tional science and the world’s most ancient health system, Ayurveda . Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word that can be translated as the “wisdom of life,” or “the science of longevity.” It offers a holistic approach to living that is based upon a fundamental principle: your c


  • and vital. According to most tra- ditional health systems, food carries a vital force in addition to carbohydrates, proteins, fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. This life force is known as prana in Ayurveda and chi in Traditional Chinese medicine. Freshly picked green beans from your garden are abundant in prana; beans that have been sitting in your pantry for six months are lacking in prana. To the ext


  • share with you what we consider the essential ingredients to create the nutritional alchemy that will bring pleasure to your senses and well-being to your body. 7. Eat with awareness. A principle of Ayurveda is: How you eat is as important as what you eat. If you gobble down your meal while driving or watching television, it will not be as nourishing or life supporting as when you eat with awareness. Sav


  • The Six Tastes A simple and practical approach to ensuring healthy nutritional variety is to pay attention to the tastes of your food. According to Ayurveda, everything edible can be classified according to one or more of six basic tastes: sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, and astringent. If you sample foods that correspond to each of these tastes thr


  • ter is boiled off and the curds are cooked into a sediment that is easily removed. The result is a fragrant, flavorful oil that does not become rancid, even without refrigeration. In the tradition of Ayurveda, ghee is prized for its unique medicinal and bal- ancing qualities. Even those with sensitivity to dairy products can usually enjoy ghee, as it is free of milk proteins and sugars. Ghee plays an impo


  • ot cereal, 71 apricot syrup, 72 pecan cookies, 260 salsa, 228 arugula, 59 Asian clear broth, 146–147 asparagus, dilled, 208 astringency, viii, 12, 27 avocado and cilantro, tortilla soup with, 164–165 Ayurveda definition of, 4 food classifications according to, 10–11 important principle of, 9–10 life force in, 8 philosophy of food, viii approach to health through, 20, 25, 27 science of, vii translation of,


  • 7 dahl, 44. See also soup; stock desserts, 251–252 eating small portions of, 27 helpful pointers for, 252 detoxification, of kitchen, 19–20 diet average Western, 6 Ayurvedic approach to, 25. See also Ayurveda health problems related to, 15–16 health value of vegetarian, 25 importance of fresh and natural foods in, 24–25 negative aspects of crash, 12–13 promotion of renewal through, 12 recommendation for n

File: Deepak Chopra - Chopra Center Cookbook -


  • reality— Spirit—differentiates itself into all forms and phenomena. Observer and observed, knower and known, seer and scenery are different expressions of the same underlying spirit. The sci- ence of Ayurveda takes this insight to a very deep level in which body, mind, and soul are understood as interwoven domains along the continuum of consciousness. These differentiated aspects of consciousness—which is


  • rse as a rock, a tree, or a human body. In other words, even our thoughts are photons of light originally trapped by the plants that grow from the earth. All life nourishes itself through this light. Ayurveda holds that food is more than just protein, carbohy- drate, and fat. It is concentrated intelligent energy of the uni- verse. In fact, an ancient Vedic hymn boldly declares, “Food is Brahman,” that is


  • Celebrate the Magic! Eat food that is good for you and you will enliven renewal in body and mind. The question is, what food is good for you? To answer this question we draw upon two primary sources: Ayurveda and modern nutritional science. Ayurveda (pro- nounced ah-your-vay-duh ), the most ancient healing system on earth, dates back to India five thousand years ago. The word Ayurveda has two Sanskrit roo


  • you prepare delicious, healthy meals that nourish your body and soul. The princi- ples of our program have their roots in both modern nutri- tional science and the world’s most ancient health system, Ayurveda . Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word that can be translated as the “wisdom of life,” or “the science of longevity.” It offers a holistic approach to living that is based upon a fundamental principle: your c


  • and vital. According to most tra- ditional health systems, food carries a vital force in addition to carbohydrates, proteins, fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. This life force is known as prana in Ayurveda and chi in Traditional Chinese medicine. Freshly picked green beans from your garden are abundant in prana; beans that have been sitting in your pantry for six months are lacking in prana. To the ext


  • share with you what we consider the essential ingredients to create the nutritional alchemy that will bring pleasure to your senses and well-being to your body. 7. Eat with awareness. A principle of Ayurveda is: How you eat is as important as what you eat. If you gobble down your meal while driving or watching television, it will not be as nourishing or life supporting as when you eat with awareness. Sav


  • The Six Tastes A simple and practical approach to ensuring healthy nutritional variety is to pay attention to the tastes of your food. According to Ayurveda, everything edible can be classified according to one or more of six basic tastes: sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, and astringent. If you sample foods that correspond to each of these tastes thr


  • ter is boiled off and the curds are cooked into a sediment that is easily removed. The result is a fragrant, flavorful oil that does not become rancid, even without refrigeration. In the tradition of Ayurveda, ghee is prized for its unique medicinal and bal- ancing qualities. Even those with sensitivity to dairy products can usually enjoy ghee, as it is free of milk proteins and sugars. Ghee plays an impo


  • ot cereal, 71 apricot syrup, 72 pecan cookies, 260 salsa, 228 arugula, 59 Asian clear broth, 146–147 asparagus, dilled, 208 astringency, viii, 12, 27 avocado and cilantro, tortilla soup with, 164–165 Ayurveda definition of, 4 food classifications according to, 10–11 important principle of, 9–10 life force in, 8 philosophy of food, viii approach to health through, 20, 25, 27 science of, vii translation of,


  • 7 dahl, 44. See also soup; stock desserts, 251–252 eating small portions of, 27 helpful pointers for, 252 detoxification, of kitchen, 19–20 diet average Western, 6 Ayurvedic approach to, 25. See also Ayurveda health problems related to, 15–16 health value of vegetarian, 25 importance of fresh and natural foods in, 24–25 negative aspects of crash, 12–13 promotion of renewal through, 12 recommendation for n

File: Deepak Chopra - Chopra Center Herbal Handbook -

  • ian-prescribed drugs; they want to go beyond compliance to activepartnership. It is here that herbal medicine can make a contribution to thewell-being of individuals and of our community.According to Ayurveda, India’s ancient medical system, human beings are notmerely thinking physical machines frozen in time and space. Rather, we arenetworks of intelligence in a universe of energy and information. The co

  • a.Over 4,500 years ago the Chinese emperor Shen Nung cataloged a compendium ofmedicinal herbs. At about the same time, Indus Valley healers organized the bodyof knowledge that has come to be known as Ayurveda. In both of these ancientcultures, healing herbs and the knowledge of how to use them were held to be ofdivine origin. In their compassion for the suffering of humanity, the godsbestowed their wisdom

  • not a substitute for a life in balance. Let’slook at how we can use herbs in conjunction with basic components of a healthylifestyle to create the highest level of well-being.EAT HEALTHYAccording to Ayurveda, food is our best medicine, for the physical body isessentially DNA wrapped in food. What we eat and how we eat it determines ourhealth and vitality. Before adding herbal supplements, look at your di

  • 4SCIENCE-OF-LIFE HERBOLOGYDrugs which have been observed to be efficacious from time immemorial shouldalone be used in the course of a medical treatment.—SUSHRUTA SAMHITAThe timeless wisdom of Ayurveda provides the framework for our healing programsat the Chopra Center for Well Being. The name itself expresses itsall-encompassing domain. Ayur means “life” in Sanskrit, and veda means“knowledge.” Ayu

  • , CREATING HEALTHRejoice plants, bearing abundant flowers and fruit, triumphing together overdisease like victorious horses, sprouting forth, bearing humanity safe beyonddisease.—RIG VEDAAccording to Ayurveda, every illness progresses through stages of developmentbefore it becomes apparent. Even a simple cold does not spontaneously arise. Thenasty viruses that cause the sneezing, congestion, and misery of

  • IT: rasonamGarlic declares its presence with its unmistakable pungent aroma. Itspenetrating fragrance heralds its potent medicinal qualities, which have beenidentified and prized around the world. In Ayurveda it is considered arejuvenative that nourishes all the tissue layers. A native to central Asia,garlic was well known to the ancient Chinese, Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians. Theslaves who built the Grea

  • kumariAloe vera has been honored as a healing plant for thousands of years around theworld. The ancient Mesopotamians, Egyptians, and Greeks knew of the therapeuticbenefit of this hardy succulent. In Ayurveda, aloe is known as kumari, which,alluding to its recuperative properties, can be translated as “the vitality ofyouth.” There are several hundred species of aloe plants, of which aloe vera isbest known

  • on to an antioxidanteffect, kirata stimulates the flow of bile, which could be helpful in theprevention of bile stones.19 [Simo_9780307829108_epub_nts_r1.htm#col5-nts19] Inview of its long history in Ayurveda and encouraging laboratory studies, Indiangentian is deserving of further research to see what role it may play in theprevention and treatment of liver disease.THE PRACTICAL USE OF INDIAN GENTIANIndi

  • [images/Simo_9780307829108_epub_014_r1.jpg]ASPARAGUS RACEMOSUSFAMILIAR: wild asparagusLATIN: Asparagus racemosusSANSKRIT: shatavariShatavari is one of the prime rejuvenating herbal medicines in Ayurveda. It isconsidered particularly helpful in conditions affecting the female reproductivesystem. One of its names means “having one hundred roots,” which bespeaks itsreputation as a fertility-enhancing p

  • to 4 grams daily in divided doses. If youcan find dried astragalus root at an Asian food or herb store, simmer a heapingtablespoon for ten minutes, strain, and drink a cup two or three times per day.AYURVEDA AND ASTRAGALUSNot described by the original sages, astragalus can be understood in Ayurvedicterms. The root is predominantly sweet in taste with a warming potency.Astragalus is a valuable rejuvenativ

  • hen spraying the infusion onfruit or vegetable plants to limit insect and fungal infestations. Neem leaveshave been used for centuries to protect clothing and papers from mold andmildew. According to Ayurveda, neem should be included in everyone’s homepharmacy.AYURVEDA AND NEEMFrom an Ayurvedic perspective, neem is bitter, drying, and cold, making it auseful medicinal herb in conditions that are hot and d

  • grams three times aday).Boswellia is also available as a component of a topical cream, combined withcapsaicin and salycilates. This can be applied to sore muscles and aching jointsseveral times daily.AYURVEDA AND BOSWELLIAAccording to Ayurveda, boswellia carries the astringent, bitter, and sweettastes. It has a cooling effect on the physiology. It is most pacifying to Pittaand can also reduce Kapha. It is

  • a closed jar placedin the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Powdered green tea tablets andcapsules are available in doses equivalent to up to ten cups of tea, but weprefer the more natural infusion.AYURVEDA AND TEATea carries the bitter and astringent tastes, and has a cooling influence on thephysiology. It is balancing to Pitta and Kapha, but can be aggravating to Vata.PRECAUTIONSAdverse reactions to t

  • sideeffects. However, if you feel the need to use a laxative on a regular basis,look to your diet for ways to improve your digestive function before resortingto an herbal stimulant.Well known to both Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine, senna’straditional therapeutic properties have extended beyond its actions on thedigestive tract. In Ayurveda, senna has been used in the treatment of chronicinflamm

  • t botanical specimens have been named brahmi, for their influence onimproving memory and clarifying thinking. The most widely available form ofbrahmi, gotu kola is one of the most important plants in Ayurveda. It is usedfor a wide spectrum of illnesses ranging from indigestion to dementia. Native toIndia, it can now be found throughout the world including the southern UnitedStates.Described in the origina

  • available. The usual dose is two tablets orforty drops of a standardized liquid extract twice daily. Some formulas combineblack cohosh with St. John’s wort to provide greater mood-stabilizing benefit.AYURVEDA AND BLACK COHOSHThe ancient Ayurvedic physicians did not know black cohosh, but it can beanalyzed according to Ayurvedic principles. It carries the bitter and pungenttastes, and has a cooling influen

  • ort-acting, so, if you are taking it for a specific health concern, such asmild asthma or elevated blood pressure, you will know within a week whether ornot it is providing benefit for your condition.AYURVEDA AND FORSKOLINThe predominant taste of forskolin is bitter, with a secondary weak astringency.It has a cooling effect on the physiology. This herb is pacifying to Pitta andKapha. It can be mildly aggr

  • [images/Simo_9780307829108_epub_032_r1.jpg]COMMIPHORA MUKULFAMILIAR: guggulu, gum gugalLATIN: Commiphora mukulSANSKRIT: GugguluGuggulu is one of Ayurveda’s most important purifying herbs. It cleansesunhealthy tissues, increases the white blood cell count, and rejuvenates theskin. Traditionally it has been considered the consummate blood detoxifier,use

  • 3.5 to 20 milligrams of flavonoids.Standardized extracts available here usually contain about 1.8 milligrams offlavonoids, so two to four tablets daily will provide a dosage within thesuggested range.AYURVEDA AND HAWTHORNAlthough not recognized in the ancient Ayurvedic formularies, hawthorn’s effectson the doshas can be understood by looking at its basic properties. Thepredominant tastes of hawthorn berri

  • tated area. Repeat this two or three times each dayfor several days. To benefit from turmeric’s generalized inflammatory anddetoxifying properties, take one teaspoon in low-fat milk three times daily.AYURVEDA AND TURMERICTurmeric is an important cleansing and detoxifying agent in Ayurvedic medicine.Classified as bitter and mildly heating, it is used both internally andtopically. For fevers, colds, and flu

  • ne basis, the evidence morestrongly supports the short-term use of echinacea at the start of an infection.Its effectiveness probably wanes after taking it for more than ten days in arow.ECHINACEA AND AYURVEDAAlthough not known to Ayurvedic physicians in India, echinacea can be understoodas a potent detoxifying substance, similar in some ways to neem. It carries thebitter and pungent tastes and has a net c

  • cardamom seed to your coffee will softenthe bitterness and give you a taste of Arabia. Cardamom can also be combinedwith black tea, cloves, milk, and honey for a delicious and exotic fatiguereliever.AYURVEDA AND CARDAMOMFrom an Ayurvedic perspective, cardamom is a warming herb whose potentialPitta-aggravating qualities are balanced by its sweet taste. It can be usedliberally by people with a Vata or Kaph

  • Simo_9780307829108_epub_042_r1.jpg]EMBLICA OFFICINALISFAMILIAR: amalaki, Indian gooseberryLATIN: Emblica officinalisSANSKRIT: amalakiAmalaki is considered the best herbal medicine for rejuvenation in Ayurveda. Itcan be used alone or in combination with many other herbs. The basis of the mostfamous Ayurvedic herbal jam, Chavan Prash, amalaki is considered capable ofreversing the aging process. From a taste

  • .When you first begin ginkgo, start with 120 milligrams per day, in two or threedivided doses. Wait at least a month to assess the effects before graduallyincreasing the dose by 40 milligrams per day.AYURVEDA AND GINKGODespite its ancient Asian heritage, ginkgo was not described in the ancientAyurvedic texts. Its properties are similar to the Ayurvedic herb gotu kola. Thepredominant taste of ginkgo extrac

  • orice capsules. Check the amount per capsule, and limityour total daily intake to 100 milligrams. The German Commission E recommendslimiting a course of licorice to no longer than six weeks at a time.AYURVEDA AND LICORICELicorice is predominantly sweet and bitter, with a cooling effect. Although,with its sweet taste and cooling potency, one might not anticipate its value inKapha conditions such as upper r

  • ur glucose levels do. Wait at leasttwo weeks before increasing your dose to twice daily, before breakfast and inthe late afternoon. Watch closely for any signs that your blood sugar is gettingtoo low.AYURVEDA AND GURMARAccording to Ayurveda, gurmar carries astringent and pungent flavors with a netheating effect on the physiology. It is pacifying to Kapha and essentiallyneutral to Pitta and Vata.In additio

  • ater. As a sleeping aid, diffusethe essential oil in your bedroom, or keep a lavender flower sachet on yourpillow. Children who are having trouble settling down to sleep often respond tothis approach.AYURVEDA AND LAVENDERAlthough lavender was not known to the original Ayurvedic doctors, its herbalenergetics can be understood in Ayurvedic terms. Its mildly pungent taste andslightly cooling influence make i

  • per day, providing about 6 grams of dietary fiber. Fiftygrams is equivalent to about one-quarter cup of flaxseeds daily. Use flaxseedsliberally in your cooking and baking, and your body will benefit.AYURVEDA AND FLAXSEEDAccording to Ayurveda, raw flaxseeds are soothing and emollient, whereas roastedseeds have a drier, hotter quality. Flaxseeds carry the primary tastes of sweetand astringent, with a heati

  • Commercially available skin creams containing tea tree canbe useful to treat and prevent diaper rash, but watch your baby’s skin closelyto ensure that he or she is not developing a negative reaction.AYURVEDA AND TEA TREE OILFrom an Ayurvedic perspective, tea tree oil carries the bitter, pungent,astringent, and sweet tastes. It cools the inflammation of Pitta, clears thecongestion of Kapha, and is essenti

  • c physician Sushruta described atmagupta as one of thepremiere rejuvenative substances for both men and women. It has been considereda powerful aphrodisiac for thousands of years, which, according to Ayurveda,implies enhancing both sexual potency and fertility. Atmagupta is held in highesteem as a tonic herb to reverse the aging process. Modern studies havedemonstrated a therapeutic role for it in the tre

  • [images/Simo_9780307829108_epub_060_r1.jpg]OCIMUM SANCTUMFAMILIAR: holy basil, sacred basilLATIN: Ocimum sanctumSANSKRIT: Tulsi, TulasiHoly basil has both medicinal and spiritual significance in Ayurveda. It issacred to Lord Vishnu, the Hindu god of preservation, and is consideredpurifying to body, mind, and spirit. A living tulsi plant is kept in many Indianhomes, where it is endowed with a sacred a

  • ms of total sesquiterpenes. The usual dose of the nonprocessed herb is250 to 500 milligrams, two to three times per day. The general recommendation isto use phyllanthus for up to two months at a time.AYURVEDA AND PHYLLANTHUSPhyllanthus is composed of the bitter, astringent, and sweet tastes. These arethe three flavors that pacify Pitta. Because the bitter taste is predominant,phyllanthus also pacifies Kap

  • 80307829108_epub_064_r1.jpg]PICRORHIZA KURROAFAMILIAR: kutki, picrolivLATIN: Picrorhiza kurroaSANSKRIT: kutki, katukaAlthough not yet well known in the West, kutki has a long-established reputationin Ayurveda as a detoxifier and liver tonic. This hardy, mountain-dwelling plantcan be found above ten thousand feet in the Himalayan Mountains. The kutki plantproduces pink flowers during the months of summer w

  • encourage you not to relysolely on an herbal approach to treat anxiety or insomnia. Do not use kava as asubstitute for daily meditation, regular exercise, good nutrition, and healthyemotional choices.AYURVEDA AND KAVAFrom an Ayurvedic perspective, kava can be classified as containing the sweet,bitter, and astringent flavors. It is pacifying to Vata and Pitta, but can beaggravating to Kapha.PRECAUTIONSRare

  • . Individualcapsules usually contain 80 or 160 milligrams with a daily recommended dose of320 milligrams. Crude berries are occasionally available, which can be taken ata dose of 10 grams twice daily.AYURVEDA AND SAW PALMETTOThe fresh berries, which carry the sweet, pungent, and astringent tastes, have amild warming effect on the physiology. They are pacifying to Vata and Pitta,with the potential to incre

  • oseis between 300 and 800 milligrams of silymarin per day in two or three divideddoses. Milk thistle has been used by patients in studies for up to two yearscontinuously without apparent side effects.AYURVEDA AND MILK THISTLEThe original Ayurvedic sages did not know milk thistle. Although not botanicallyrelated, milk thistle, kutki, and phyllanthus have comparable medicinal profilesand are applied in simi

  • erapeutic benefit. The flowering tops containthe highest concentration of parthenolide, closely followed by the leaves. Thestems and roots have only minimal amounts of the presumed active constituent.AYURVEDA AND FEVERFEWFeverfew was not an original Ayurvedic herb, but can be understood according toAyurvedic principles. It has a predominantly bitter taste and a coolinginfluence on the system. It is helpfu

  • id several times a day. This sameformula can be used as a mouthwash or gargle. As a treatment for acne, arjunapowder is mixed with water to make a paste that can be directly applied to theskin lesion.AYURVEDA AND ARJUNAThe predominant taste of arjuna is astringent, with a slightly pungent secondarycomponent. It has a cooling, anti-inflammatory influence on the physiology. Itis pacifying to both Pitta and

  • be combined with shatavari or ashwagandha as a general tonic, or with aloevera juice as part of a detoxifying formula. It can also be made into a pasteand applied directly to chronic skin irritations.AYURVEDA AND AMRITAmrit contains the bitter, pungent, and astringent tastes. It has a heatingpotency with a sweet post-digestive effect. It is classically used to clear thesystem of excessive Pitta accumulati

  • ter and used as a poultice inthe treatment of skin eruptions. A fenugreek paste is used to draw out infectionfrom boils and can be applied directly to acne lesions, left until dry, and thenwashed off.AYURVEDA AND FENUGREEKThe bitter taste predominates in fenugreek, followed by pungent and sweet. Thenet effect of fenugreek on the physiology is heating. It is pacifying to Vataand Kapha, but has the potentia

  • and apply to the irritated skin. Leave it on until it hasfully dried, then rinse it off with room-temperature water. This can be repeatedthree to four times per day until the burn or sore has healed.AYURVEDA AND SLIPPERY ELMAlthough not described in the classic Ayurvedic texts, slippery elm can beclassified as possessing sweet and cooling properties, effective in thetreatment of excessive Pitta and Vata.

  • can be taken threetimes a day, not to exceed a daily dose of two grams. If you are using valerianmore than a few days in a row, ask what more you can do to address theunderlying tension in your life.AYURVEDA AND VALERIANAyurveda recognizes two different medicinal plants in the valerian family:tagara and jatamansi. Tagara is closest to Valeriana officinalis, which is theplant most widely used in Western h

  • trength of a stallion. It has a traditional usein supporting rejuvenation after illness and as a sexual enhancer for both menand women. Ashwagandha is sometimes referred to as an aphrodisiac, which inAyurveda is a term applied to substances that enhance the quality ofreproductive tissues as well as enlivening sexual potency. Ashwagandha is theprimary rasayana, or rejuvenative, for masculine energy.BOTANIC

  • [images/Simo_9780307829108_epub_086_r1.jpg]ZINGIBER OFFICINALEFAMILIAR: gingerLATIN: Zingiber officinaleSANSKRIT: andraka (fresh); sunthi (dry)Known in Ayurveda as the universal remedy, ginger has been honored around theworld and across time for its unique culinary and medicinal properties. FromConfucius to Marco Polo to the Indian King Akbar, those who expe

  • nning with a rasayana or rejuvenative herb if you are notfacing a specific or serious health concern. A daily dose of ginseng or gotukola can help raise your overall level of well-being. According to Ayurveda, theherbal tonic jam derived from amalaki (traditionally called Chavan Prash) can betaken by almost anyone, regardless of age or sex. Rejuvenative substances aredesigned to provide balanced herbal nu

  • ng, buthealth is more than the absence of disease. It is more than physical, emotional,and social well-being. It is more than fitness and vitality. Health isultimately a higher state of consciousness.Ayurveda reminds us that we are ripples of awareness in a vast ocean ofconsciousness. Every time we become imbalanced, even with a minor illness, itreflects a disruption in our harmonious relationship to the

  • 1975.CHAPTER 3.HOLISTICALLY HERBALGENERAL AYURVEDIC REFERENCES1. Chopra D. Perfect Health. New York: Harmony Books, 1991.2. Frawley D. Ayurvedic Healing. Salt Lake City: Passage Press, 1989.3. Lad V. Ayurveda: The Science of Self-Healing. Wilmot, WI: Lotus Press, 1984.4. Simon D. The Wisdom of Healing. New York: Harmony Books, 1997.AROMATHERAPY REFERENCES1. Davis P. Aromatherapy An A–Z. Essex, England: Sa

  • mission E Monographs. Boston, Mass.:American Botanical Council, 1998.Chevallier, Andrew. The Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants. London: DorlingKindersley Limited, 1996.Dash, Bhagwan. Materia Medica of Ayurveda. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers, 1991.Dastur, J. F. Medicinal Plants of India and Pakistan. Bombay: D. B. TaraporevalaSons & Co., 1962.Dutt, U. C. Materia Medica of the Hindus. Calcutta: Krinshnadas S

  • RECOMMENDEDAYURVEDIC REFERENCESChopra, Deepak. Perfect Health. New York: Harmony Books, 2000.Dash, Bhagwan. A Handbook of Ayurveda. New Delhi: Concept Publishing, 1987.Frawley, David. Ayurvedic Healing. Salt Lake City: Passage Press, 1989.Joshi, Sunil. Ayurveda & Panchakarma. Twin Lakes, Wisc.: Lotus Press, 1996.Renade, Subash.

File: Deepak Chopra - Freedom From Addiction -


  • 76 Freedom from Addiction In the 5,000-year-old healing tradition of India known as Ayurveda, an elegant program for detoxification is described. Despite the ancient origins of this purification system, the basic principles of this approach are undeniably relevant to our cur- rent worldview.


  • Detoxifying Your Body, Mind, and Soul 77 Over time a weak agni leads to the accumulation of undi- gested residues of experience, known in Ayurveda as ama. These toxic residues build up and begin to interfere with the circula- tion of vital energy in the body. Accumulated ama leads to fatigue, depression, chronic pain, indigestion, and immune im


  • air, and the fire will be oxygen starved. If the amount of fuel exceeds the capacity for the fire to metabolize it, smoke is generated, and in the end you are left: with charred remains. According to Ayurveda, air represents change, and fuel represents stability. Evolution progresses along the steps of change and stability. Too much change or too much stagnation inhibits healthy evolution. A healthy life


  • e consistency of a loose stew. 5. If you desire, you can add chopped vegetables (spinach, zucchini, carrots, and the like), during this last cooking phase. Deepening the Detoxification tor millennia, Ayurveda has offered a unique and elegant SVS teni of detoxification known as Panchakarma, usually translated


  • ence a more profound level of detoxification, you'll need to mobilize and eliminate the fat-soluble toxins that are more deeply buried in your tissues. In promotion of this more intense purification, Ayurveda recommends the ingestion and application of pure, organic herbalized oils. The process is known as "oleation." The principle of oleation is that through the intake of these organically based lipids,


  • the pain of cancer. Massage has been demonstrated to enhance immune function, improve digestion, reduce agitation in people with Alzheimer's disease, and lower blood pressure. From the perspective of Ayurveda, the application of pure herbalized oils to the skin encourages the elimination of toxins from the body. During detoxification programs at the Chopra Center for Wellbeing, guests receive daily Ayurve


  • se. Termites do not subscribe to magazines that promote the nutritional value of a particular brand of wood over another. Only people have such a challenging affair with food. From the perspective of Ayurveda, healthy nutrition doesn't need to be so complicated. Like every other living species, our bodies know what they need to maintain optimal health. Ideal nutrition derives from simple principles that r


  • process of transforming the energy and information of the apple into the energy and information of our body. Balanced input translates into a healthy physiology. Six Codes of Ingestible Intelligence Ayurveda addressed the question of healthy nutrition over five millennia ago by asking, "How do we know what to eat?" The answer that has served the test of time is, "Listen to your body." Human beings are ca


  • Awakening Your Energy 1 1 7 Eastern health systems including Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda recognize the physical expression of ill- ness but call upon us to explore the conditions that enable dis- ease to arise. Within this context, illness is seen as a blockage or stagnation of vital ene


  • so self- review) awareness choice and, 43 commitment to, 42 confession and, 32 ego and, 25 of habits, 18-19 importance of, 1 57 increasing, 40 of others, 41 physiology of restful awareness and, 58-60 Ayurveda detoxification and, 76, 78, 86-87 experiences and, 97 massage and, 101 nature of illness and, 117 replenishment and, 150 tastes and, 104 B Babylonians, substance use and, 161 balance change/stability


  • ability and, 78 stress and, 55-58 exercise detoxification and, 75 as habit, xi meditation and, 71 as substitute for addiction, 81-82 as therapy, 186 expectations, understanding of, 141-43 experiences Ayurveda and, 97 peak {see peak experiences) failure, fear of, 31 family causes/effects of, 8 expectations and, 141-42 impact on, 37-39 parents and, 152-54 fear of failure, 31 reactions and, 45 feelings, visu


  • an his association with Deepak Chopra, M.D., in the 1980s, Dr. Simon has become one of the nations foremost authorities on effective and appropriate use of holistic healthcare practices, specifically Ayurveda — the 5,000- year-old healing tradition of India. As Medical Director of the Chopra Center for Wellbeing in Carlsbad, California, Dr. Simon is dedicated to catalyzing the evolution of the prevailing


  • t The Chopra Center, which offers training programs in mind-body medicine such as the Perfect Health life management program and the Journey 5 ih to iHealing workshop,, which fuses modern science and Ayurveda. Through his partnership with David Simon, M.D., and numerous healthcare professionals in both conventional and complementary healing arts, Chopra's work is changing the way the world views physical,

File: Deepak Chopra - Grow Younger, Live Longer -

  • lity. As explorers of both modern scienceand the ancient knowledge traditions, we are enthused and inspired by the closerand closer alignment between these different perspectives on life. According toAyurveda, the ancient healing tradition of India, aging is an illusion becauseyour true self is neither your body nor your mind. Your essential nature, whoyou really are, is the domain of ever-present witness

  • ceptionof your body, its aging, and of time,you can reverse your biological age. image [images/Chop_9780307420817_epub_012_r1.jpg]image [images/Chop_9780307420817_epub_013_r1.jpg]A basic principle of Ayurveda is stated as: What you see you become. What yousee is a selective act of attention and interpretation. Although you areinundated by billions of bits of sensory impulses every moment, you selectivelyf

  • ant to gently reintroduce them as partof a balanced diet and see for yourself if they are good or bad for you.Listening to your body is the best way to assess the suitability of any food.According to Ayurveda, all foods can be categorized into one or more of sixbasic tastes. These six flavors are:SweetSourSaltyPungentBitterAstringent The first basic principle of an age-reversing diet is to ensure that thr

  • isturbed.When your mind is serene, your breathing is calm. You can use mental techniquesto calm your breath, as in meditation. Likewise, you can use breathingtechniques to calm your mind. In yoga and Ayurveda, these breathing techniquesare called Pranayama. The word means “expanding Prana,” or “expansion of thelife force.”There are Pranayama practices to energize you, soothe your body, and quiet yourmind.

  • t some body work to help mobilize thetoxins from your body. Start a healthy diet. The more positive things youintroduce into your life, the easier it will be to eliminate whatever is toxic.PanchakarmaAyurveda recommends a total detoxification program known as Panchakarma, whichmeans the purifying actions. The full program as offered at the Chopra Centerprescribes a systematic process to identify, mobilize

  • eryloving couple is reenacting the reunion of souls. In Traditional ChineseMedicine, lovemaking is an opportunity for the primordial inward moving (yin)and outward moving (yang) forces to balance. In Ayurveda and Tantra, sexualunion is the personalized expression of the eternal dance between the impulsesof pure potentiality (Shiva) and creative expression (Shakti).True intimacy is union between flesh and

  • field of ideas.Ideas cannot be put in a test tube or observed through a microscope. They cannotbe examined in the traditional objective sense. Ideas can only be experiencedsubjectively. According to Ayurveda, the body is a field of information andenergy that we experience objectively, and the mind is the same field ofinformation and energy that we experience subjectively. There is a correlationbetween su

  • t purposefulactivity. The man replies, “I cannot spend all my time without something usefulto do. I might as well be in Hell!” to which the attendant replies, “Where doyou think you are?”According to Ayurveda, human life span depends upon our collectiveconsciousness. In Vedic mythology, human consciousness goes through four cycles,known in Sanskrit as yugas. In each yuga, the life span of human beings cha

  • aws of Success, havebecome international bestsellers and established classics of their kind.DAVID SIMON, M.D., a graduate of the University of Chicago Medical School, is aneurologist and an expert in Ayurveda, the traditional medical system that hasits roots in ancient India. His earlier books include The Wisdom of Healing,Return to Wholeness, Vital Energy, and the Chopra Center Herbal Handbook. He iscofo

File: Deepak Chopra - Magical Beginnings, Enchanted Lives -

  • ices, you can ensure that your baby isreceiving the basic elements to create a healthy body, mind, and spirit.In this book we regularly refer to the profound insights of the ancient wisdomsciences of Ayurveda. This five-thousand-year-old system of natural medicinewith its origins in ancient India reminds us that human beings are, in essence,spiritual. Acknowledging this, we can begin to grasp the sacred r

  • ther through her egg and half by the father through his sperm. The merging andreshuffling of the genetic potential of Mother with that of Father gives rise tothe amazing variety of life. According to Ayurveda, these primordial cells,known as shukra, are the essence of biological intelligence, and the mostimportant products of a living being.When a young woman first begins menstruating, her ovaries contain

  • of a child.Salutations, salutations to you a million times,For manifesting Yourself in every grain of creation.—DEEPAK CHOPRAimage [images/Chop_9780307237330_epub_101_r1.jpg]There is an expression in Ayurveda that says, “What you see you become.” In theWest we have the phrase, “You are what you eat.” Although these sayings comefrom different cultures, they are, in essence, both saying the same thing. Oure

  • you might be confused about what to eat. It is also not unexpected thatsince so many people have lost touch with their intrinsic body intelligence, weare facing an epidemic of obesity in our society.Ayurveda suggests that the wisdom of nature is available in every cell of yourbody, and if you listen to the messages your body is sending, you will naturallyeat a healthy and balanced diet. We view the Ayurv

  • lse will be able to figure it out for you. Become clearabout what you seek and you will substantially increase your chances of gettingit.Needs can be seen from a variety of perspectives. According to Ayurveda, we havefour basic needs. We have a need for material comforts, known as Artha; we needlove and connection, known as Kama; we need a sense of purpose in life, known asDharma; and we need spiritual aw

  • hat our uprooted lifestylecan engender. Well in advance of your baby’s birth make preparations for familyand friends to be available to support you during the first few weeks afterbirth. According to Ayurveda, the first six weeks after giving birth is acritical period for the mother. Taking time to replenish yourself after thepowerful expenditure of energy during pregnancy and birth prevents imbalancesfro

  • y to stay centered inthe midst of challenges. Studies have shown that inadequate rest results inimmune weakness, lowered pain thresholds, impaired concentration, and poorermemory recall. According to Ayurveda, sleep is the nursemaid to humanity and oneof the pillars of health.To the best of your ability, try to follow an ideal daily routine that includesrising with the sun, meditating in the morning, exer

  • a deeper meaning and purpose in writing this book. We havespent decades of our lives studying the ancient wisdom traditions of the world.We have been most influenced by the great healing tradition of Ayurveda, whichholds that a human being embodies the most creative expression of the universein evolution. We are the instruments through which the universe has chosen to beself-conscious. With the birth of e

  • , by H.A. Weisman and G.R. Kerr. NewYork: McGraw-Hill, 1970.Marshall, Connie. From Here to Maternity. Minden, Nev.: Marshall EducationalHealth Solutions, 1994.Miller, Dr. Light, and Dr. Bryan Miller. Ayurveda & Aromatherapy. Twin Lakes,Wis.: Lotus Press, 1995.Murkoff, Heidi E., Arlene Eisenberg, and Sandee E. Hathaway. What to Expect WhenYou’re Expecting. New York: Workman Publishing, 2002.Rosenberg, Mars

File: Deepak Chopra - Magical Mind Workbook -


  • F INAL S CORE : V ATA ____ P ITT A ____ K APHA ____ Ayurveda Body Type Test ©1989 Maharishi Ayurveda Association of America, all rights reserved. Reprinted by per mission. D ETERMINING Y OUR B OD Y T YPE Single-Dosha Types: Vata Pitta Kapha If one dosha is muc


  • E ATING FOR B ALANCE The Six Tastes Ayurveda recognizes six tastes, or rasas: Sweet, sour , salty , and bitter are the four we alr eady know , plus two others, pungent and astringent. Each of the six tastes speaks directly to the quantum mechan


  • aine and tension headaches): YA YOU YAI For the stomach (indigestion, hear tbur n, abnormal appetite): HUH HUH HUH This process is fully explained in “The Sounds of Health.” U SING A ROMA T HERAPY In Ayurveda, aromas are used to send specific signals that balance the three doshas. Generally speaking: Vata is balanced with a mixture of warm, sweet, sour aromas, like basil, orange, rose geranium, clove, and

File: Deepak Chopra - Metahuman - Unleashing Your Infinite Potential -

  • two groups at the Chopra Center inCarlsbad, California, which offers a spa setting. One group was told to spendthe next six days relaxing and enjoying the spa experience. The other groupunderwent an Ayurveda-based mind-body program aimed at improving overallwell-being. This included a special diet (primarily vegetarian but also gearedto specific body types), massage, meditation, and instructions in leadi

File: Deepak Chopra - Perfect Digestion -

  • lightenedinterpretation and a more comprehensive understanding of your physiology as awhole, our explicit focus here is on the gastrointestinal tract. It certainlydeserves our attention. According to Ayurveda, the traditional Indian science ofhealth, most diseases originate as an imbalance in the digestive system. In thepages ahead we look at how the gastrointestinal tract is constructed, how itworks when

  • urself as you did before, butwith an important foundation on which to build a program of truly perfecthealth—that is, a healthy GI tract and a healthy body overall.The new perspective is derived from Ayurveda, so in a sense it’s not really anew perspective at all, because Ayurveda is the oldest health care system knownto man. Remarkably, this ancient approach to understanding the body, which hasbeen teste

  • 2DIGESTION AND THE AYURVEDIC DOSHASIn chapter 1 [Chop_9780307558985_epub_c01_r1.htm] we saw how Ayurveda provides aunique foundation on which to build an understanding of the human body—afoundation that makes intelligence the basis of the entire physiology. Ayurvedabreaks down the notion of a rigid sepa

  • rmal conditions these acids do not harm the lining of theorgan itself. When this natural protection is compromised, however, erosions ofthe stomach lining may result. These are known as peptic ulcers.Ayurveda teaches that the digestive processes of both the mouth and the stomachare dominated by Kapha dosha. Kapha regulates liquids throughout the body,including saliva and the various secretions of the stom

  • 4HOW TO MAKE FRIENDSWITH YOUR GUTSince Ayurveda sees good digestion as one of the pillars of perfect health, itfollows that poor digestion is a major factor in the production of disease. Infact, Ayurvedic medicine considers nothing to be more impo

  • is a unit of energy that a food produces when it’s burnedor metabolized by the body.While there’s no doubt that analyzing food according to its material qualitiesis a worthwhile method of evaluation, Ayurveda also considers a food’sintelligence value. While recognizing the material value of food, Ayurveda alsoacknowledges that an even more basic influence exists in every substance. Thisinfluence, located

  • s are replaced every few weeks.It appears that life is so flexible and dynamic that one may legitimately askwhy we don’t survive even longer and live entirely free of disease. The answer,according to Ayurveda, is that we could do just that if we would only learn howto handle and balance the various forces that are at work in and around us. Infact, this can be accomplished simply by tapping in to our basic

  • 7BIOLOGICAL RHYTHMS:RIDING NATURE’S WAVESThe continuity of the body and the universe is one of the most basic principlesof Ayurveda. Each rhythm and cycle of nature is understood to have acorresponding cycle in the human physiology. Collectively, these cycles arereferred to as our “biological rhythms.” There is a beautiful Ayurve

  • ype will prefer more ofa continuous stroll. An ideal addition to your daily routine would be at leastthirty minutes of walking in the morning. Within a week or two, you’ll begin tonotice the benefits.Ayurveda offers some other specific guidelines regarding exercise: In general,utilize about 50 percent of your capacity. If you can swim twenty laps, do onlyten; if you can bicycle twenty miles, bicycle half

  • he stool lacks bulk, itenters the colon as a small, hard object that requires extreme contractions bythe colon in order to pass through it. The patient experiences thesecontractions as painful cramps.Ayurveda teaches that a healthy human being should have a regular daily bowelmovement to eliminate waste products from the preceding day. For those withlong-standing chronic constipation, it may require some

  • cularly for the duodenal variety, often includes deliberatesevering of the vagus nerve, whose functions include transmission of thefight-or-flight response from the brain to the stomach.In many cases Ayurveda diagnoses ulcers as a Pitta problem, related to heat inseveral possible manifestations. These can include emotional heat in the form ofanger or stress, biological heat in the form of excess or poorly

File: Deepak Chopra - Quantum Healing -


  • day environmenr~in particular the "environ­ menr" of our own bodies. Quantum Healing provides an historical over­ view of how these principIes have come to be understood by both Westem science and by Ayurveda, the ancienr life science of India. Per­ haps even more important, the book looks forward ro offer a glimpse of how insights from each of these traditions can come together to bendit everyone's well-


  • of the mind is considered dubious. Yet 1 was determined to show that this healing power was a science in its own right. In the months leading up to that day in Tokyo, 1 had devoted myself to studying Ayurveda, the traditional Indian science of life, which originated more than four thou­ sand years ago. Although many Ayurvedic principIes and techniques had 2


  • uarantee that you will learn much about this ancient science. My grandmother used to rub turmeric on our insect bites when I was a child, and she warned us never to eat sour fruit with milk. That was Ayurveda in my house. In general, Ayurveda has been eclipsed by Western scientific medicine, crowded out of its own birthplace by progress. Outside the related cultures of India, Tibet, Nepal, and Sri Lanka,


  • QUANTUM HEALING what Ayurveda treats. Or rather, did treat until this priceless knowledge IJ'-\..a.u.,-, obscured over time. Until recently, even 1 had assumed that Ayurveda was folk medicine, because all 1 saw of ir were the her


  • the importance of the inner journey. 1 belíeve that 1 am still taking my first steps, but 1 want to retrace them for others in this book. Practicing medicine is full of hope for me now. 1 didn't need Ayurveda's knowledge to find out that doctors are battling against death. 1 needed it to find out that we will win. 5


  • ving for five years was less than 10 percent, even with the most intensive routine of chemotherapy that couId be safely administered. 1 asked her ro start a new coutse of treatments, as prescribed by Ayurveda. Like me, Chitra had grown up in rndia, but had little idea of Ayurveda. Her grandparents' generation was the last to "believe" in it, 1 would imagine; roday, every progresslve rndian living in a big


  • d a holistíc disease and for that she needed holistic medicine. The word hol¡stic, which tends to offend orthodox doctors, simply means an approach that includes the mind and body together. I believe Ayurveda does this better than any alternative, although it may not be very apparent on the surface. In fact, many well-publicized mind-body techniques such as hypnosis and biofeedback are far more flashy tha


  • instruction in meditatíon. These measures look on the surface, but underneath they all aimed at bringing her day-to-day exís­ tence to a settled, restful state, building a foundatíon for healing. In Ayurveda, a level of total, deep relaxation is the most important precon­ dition for curing any disorder. The underIying concept is that the body knows how to maintain balance unless thrown off by disease; th


  • d matter, point where consciousness actually starts to have an effect. The quantum itself-what ir is, how ir behaves-takes up the first half of this book. The second half then blends the quantum into Ayurveda, making a of two cultures while trying to arrive at one answer. The scientific worldview of the West surprisingly supports rhe vision of the ancient of India. This ís a journey rhat breaks down barri


  • of these conditions was fatal, but they made her life miserable nonetheless. Conventional rreatment wirh anti-depressants and tranquilizers had done her little good; neither had anything I did using Ayurveda. Then one day she went to Tanglewood, rhe summer home of rhe Boston Symphony and an idyllic place to have a picnic. She spread out a checkered cloth, lay in rhe sun listening to music, and peacefully


  • ir isn't, but the reason it works is that we need Nature to free up Out nature. We are surrounded by the best of all healing influ­ ences-fresh air, sunHght, and beauty. In India, the Hippocrates of Ayurveda, a great physician and sage named Charaka, prescribed some sunlight for all diseases, along with a walk in the early morning, and his advice will never grow stale. If I find a green meadow splashed w


  • hole bur only a corner of it, by showing that the body can react ro a microdose of a foreign substance. The rest of homeopathy remains am­ biguous. (The principie of "like treats like" i5 accepted in Ayurveda, and even broadened to say thar every part of rhe body is matched by herbs, minerals, and even colors and sounds that can be used to trear it. How­ ever, Ayurveda does nor follow rhe homeopathic iogi


  • l pancreas of a diabetic is not as real as the distorted memory that has wrapped itself inside the pancreatic cells. This realizaríon opens the door for quantum healing. The mental techniques used by Ayurveda depend on being able ro control the invisi­ ble patterns that order the body. Recently 1 saw a patient, an elderly woman, who was suffering from dull chest pains; they had previously been diagnosed a


  • r the first time lived in an environment free of "normal" stress. He continued to meditate, ate a simple vegetarian diet suited to his particular body and received a course of massage treatments that Ayurveda prescribes to purify the physiology. 1 also instructed him in the primordial sound technique suitable for his condition. One night a nurse caught him walking down the hall with wet hair, and he sheep


  • re are subtle sounds, sights, smells, and tastes. However, this level of the mind is not the end-in meditation, one can reach even further back, beyond the five subtle senses (called the Tanmatras in Ayurveda), until one arrives at conscious­ ness in its unified state-the Vedic texts compare this to following the hand's five fingers back ro where they join at palmo Subjectively, the visual image of a rose


  • you live through, during which you appraise every iota of the vast input that comes pour­ ing in from all quarters of your world, including your body. Your body is a world, too. When 1 first carne to Ayurveda, 1 was deeply impressed by the following verse in the ancient texts: As is the human body, so is the cosmic body. As is the human mind, so is the cosmic mind. As is the microcosm, so is the macrocosm


  • BIRTH OF A DISEASE The rishis' subjective approach found an enormously useful outlet in Ayurveda. Ayurveda is commonly classified as a system of medicine, but wirh equal jusrice you could call ir a system for curing delusions, for srripping away the convincing quality of disease and letting a he


  • Her parents sat up with her aH that night and many nights to come. Since there was nothing more that her doctors could do, the family cast about for other approaches. They hit upon a news story about Ayurveda, and one July day all three, mother, father, and daughter, carne to the Lancaster clinic. I took a very detailed medical history from the girl, looked at her EKGs, and found myself quite surprised. "


  • ysis shows that this is only partly true. A disease cannot take hold without a host who accepts it, hence the current attempts to understand our immune system. Histori­ cally, both Greek medicine and Ayurveda were founded on the idea that the host is all-important. The Greeks believed that there was a fluid called physis that flowed in, out, and through all of life. The flow of 196


  • as the two were in balance, the body would be healthy. (This prem1se 1S still reflected in our use of the word physics to explain the outer world and the related physiology ro explain the inner.) In Ayurveda, it takes the balance of three elements, called doshas, to maintain health. The point 1S nor wherher physis or doshas exist, but that one's own state of balance determines wherher one 1S sick or well


  • mponent, called the Philadel­ phia chromosome. He had tested positive for this chromosome, and being a physician, that was the end of the srory-he was genetically marked for doom. The only chance for Ayurveda would be if it promoted a miracle. But he couldn't find any reports of leukemia in the UH'LHC;:' journals. "Look," 1 said, "you are obsessed with the statistics on this disease. Don't think about the


  • reedom. The West clearly has mixed feelings about the whole idea of higher consciousness, compounded of longing, bafflement, and distaste. 1 travel at least two days a week, year round, talking about Ayurveda to many kinds of audiences, both medical and nonmedical, and very quickly 1 learned how sensitive a chord I was striking. A CBC interviewer in Canada introduced himself to me by demanding, "Can you g


  • is significant -it permits you to actually feel waves of consciousness as they well up from the field of silence, cross the gap, and are infused into every cell. This is the body's own awakening. In Ayurveda, bliss is the basis for three extremely powerful healing techniqúes. The first is meditation, which we have already discussed. Its * Adapted from Robert Keith Wallace's The Physiology 01 Consciousnes


  • rhe hypnotic trance-subjects hooked up ro biofeedback ma­ chines can do similar things in their normal srare of awareness. Whar is being demonstrated here is the power of attention to alter the body. Ayurveda has made use of this principIe for thousands of years. Indeed, since the basic premise of Vedic knowledge is that consciousness creares the body, ir is only natural that techniques for focusing atten


  • e barriers-the veils called Maya-that prevent us from exercising our attention in a therapeutic way. All mind­ body medicine attempts to remove these obstacles so that healing can take place. Outside Ayurveda, the word Maya is not used, but any term that amounts to the same thing is applicable. 1 have used other phrases, such as "barriers in silence," "the ghost of memory," and "the mask of matter." In th


  • that you are normally consrituted, rhere is no innare reason why you cannor heal any disease wirh awareness. (In oId age, or in cases of chronic illness, our inner abilities get depleted; therefore, Ayurveda cannor guarantee a cure because somerimes ir is nor rhere in nature's scheme.) The bliss rechnique gives rhe parienr the experience of himself as pure awareness, the ocean of well-being that is our b


  • of this. 1 drew blíss as a circle ro represent a constant, unbroken signal. However, there can be breaks in the cirde. These oc Cut when the DNA, the mind, and rhe body are not perfecdy synchronized. Ayurveda would say that many diseases begin where there is such a break-blíss slips out of its groove, so to speak, throwing off the cell's intelligence. To repair the break, a specific signal needs ro be ins


  • s, and at each one the surra, or sequence of sound, comes first. Therefore, putting a primordial sound back into the body is like reminding it of what station it should be tuned in too On that basis, Ayurveda does not treat the body as a lump of matter but as a web of surras. Needless to say, it has taken me sorne time to explain all of this to myself. When 1 first began ro adminíster the Ayurvedic progra


  • again, as opposed ro fighting against a disorder known to be incurable, hope to people who otherwise have nothing to hold on to bur grim statistics. One AIDS patient in Germany has been treated with Ayurveda for two years as part of a pilot program conducted in Europe. Diagnosed in 1984, he is srill alive at the time of this writing in August 1988 (80 percent of AIDS patients die within two years of diag


  • ation once one realizes that DNA, which the virus is exploitíng, is itseIf a bundle of vibrations. If this explanatíon is valid, then the remedy is to reshape the im­ proper sequence of sounds, using Ayurveda's primordial sound (known as Shruti in the Sanskrit texts, from the verb that means "ro hear"). These sounds are basically líke pottery molds-by placing the mold back over the distorted sequence, one


  • -body reality; it creates the fictíon that the sick body is somewhere else, any­ where else but in the same situatíon as itself. Illness is obviously a sign that there is a war going on. Accordíng to Ayurveda, the conflict is being waged "in here," contrary to the germ theory of disease, which tries to tell us that the war was started "out there" by invaders of every kind-bacteria, viruses, carcinogens, e


  • d and physicians barde againsr are jusr such phan­ toms-rhey will come and go, raising hopes and despair, while rhe real culprit, the persisrent memory rhar creares rhe eaneer eeU, goes unde­ reered. Ayurveda gives us rhe means ro go direetly ro rhe level of con­ sciousness rhar exorcises rhis memory. Thinkíng of Chirra, 1 wonder how long ir will be before we broaden our outlook. We ask for heroism from p


  • ce of fleetíng moments, each with its own emotions, its own mind-body chemistry. In other words, the diseased ceUs are but one ingredient out of countless others; the others are just more intangible. Ayurveda main­ tains that many different conditions interact to create disease-the dis­ ease organism plays one part, aided by the patient's immune resistance, age, diet, habits, the time of year, and many ot


  • t a 1 percent chance of survíval. As ir happens, Eleanor was advised by her family doctor to start meditating in 1986, in the míddle of her disease. Through her medita­ tion practice, she heard about Ayurveda. She carne to Lancaster for inpa­ tient treatment, where 1 met her and instructed her in the primordial sound for treating cancer. The results were remarkable. Her severe bone pain dísappeared (this


  • 14 Alternative-medicine clinics, 26-27 Anemia case hisrory, 127-131 Anesthesia, leve! of consciousness during, 155 Angina case hisrory, 124 causes, 125 Anorexia, See Eating disorders Archrids, 67, 68 Ayurveda, 2-4 in caneer treatmenr, 248-250 deÍÍnicion of, 189 healing rechnigues, 11,222-225,237 homeoparhy conrrasred with, 115 on origins of disease, 196-197,251-252 B BeU's rheorem, See Quanrum physics Ben


  • c feedback loop G Gerontology. See Aging Gravity, law of, 103-104 Guilt, patlent,s feeling of, 192, H Hallucinations alter open-heart surgery, 70 [tom digitalis, 69 .ree also Schízophrenia Healing In Ayurveda, 188-189 mechanisms, 36-37 notmal vs. '"miraculous", 37 Hearing, 211 Heart attacks case history, 97, 189-193 mind-body relationship in, 97-98 personality types and, 29-30 recovery from, 208 see alsa

File: Deepak Chopra - Quantum Healing -


  • day environmenr~in particular the "environ­ menr" of our own bodies. Quantum Healing provides an historical over­ view of how these principIes have come to be understood by both Westem science and by Ayurveda, the ancienr life science of India. Per­ haps even more important, the book looks forward ro offer a glimpse of how insights from each of these traditions can come together to bendit everyone's well-


  • of the mind is considered dubious. Yet 1 was determined to show that this healing power was a science in its own right. In the months leading up to that day in Tokyo, 1 had devoted myself to studying Ayurveda, the traditional Indian science of life, which originated more than four thou­ sand years ago. Although many Ayurvedic principIes and techniques had 2


  • uarantee that you will learn much about this ancient science. My grandmother used to rub turmeric on our insect bites when I was a child, and she warned us never to eat sour fruit with milk. That was Ayurveda in my house. In general, Ayurveda has been eclipsed by Western scientific medicine, crowded out of its own birthplace by progress. Outside the related cultures of India, Tibet, Nepal, and Sri Lanka,


  • QUANTUM HEALING what Ayurveda treats. Or rather, did treat until this priceless knowledge IJ'-\..a.u.,-, obscured over time. Until recently, even 1 had assumed that Ayurveda was folk medicine, because all 1 saw of ir were the her


  • the importance of the inner journey. 1 belíeve that 1 am still taking my first steps, but 1 want to retrace them for others in this book. Practicing medicine is full of hope for me now. 1 didn't need Ayurveda's knowledge to find out that doctors are battling against death. 1 needed it to find out that we will win. 5


  • ving for five years was less than 10 percent, even with the most intensive routine of chemotherapy that couId be safely administered. 1 asked her ro start a new coutse of treatments, as prescribed by Ayurveda. Like me, Chitra had grown up in rndia, but had little idea of Ayurveda. Her grandparents' generation was the last to "believe" in it, 1 would imagine; roday, every progresslve rndian living in a big


  • d a holistíc disease and for that she needed holistic medicine. The word hol¡stic, which tends to offend orthodox doctors, simply means an approach that includes the mind and body together. I believe Ayurveda does this better than any alternative, although it may not be very apparent on the surface. In fact, many well-publicized mind-body techniques such as hypnosis and biofeedback are far more flashy tha


  • instruction in meditatíon. These measures look on the surface, but underneath they all aimed at bringing her day-to-day exís­ tence to a settled, restful state, building a foundatíon for healing. In Ayurveda, a level of total, deep relaxation is the most important precon­ dition for curing any disorder. The underIying concept is that the body knows how to maintain balance unless thrown off by disease; th


  • d matter, point where consciousness actually starts to have an effect. The quantum itself-what ir is, how ir behaves-takes up the first half of this book. The second half then blends the quantum into Ayurveda, making a of two cultures while trying to arrive at one answer. The scientific worldview of the West surprisingly supports rhe vision of the ancient of India. This ís a journey rhat breaks down barri


  • of these conditions was fatal, but they made her life miserable nonetheless. Conventional rreatment wirh anti-depressants and tranquilizers had done her little good; neither had anything I did using Ayurveda. Then one day she went to Tanglewood, rhe summer home of rhe Boston Symphony and an idyllic place to have a picnic. She spread out a checkered cloth, lay in rhe sun listening to music, and peacefully


  • ir isn't, but the reason it works is that we need Nature to free up Out nature. We are surrounded by the best of all healing influ­ ences-fresh air, sunHght, and beauty. In India, the Hippocrates of Ayurveda, a great physician and sage named Charaka, prescribed some sunlight for all diseases, along with a walk in the early morning, and his advice will never grow stale. If I find a green meadow splashed w


  • hole bur only a corner of it, by showing that the body can react ro a microdose of a foreign substance. The rest of homeopathy remains am­ biguous. (The principie of "like treats like" i5 accepted in Ayurveda, and even broadened to say thar every part of rhe body is matched by herbs, minerals, and even colors and sounds that can be used to trear it. How­ ever, Ayurveda does nor follow rhe homeopathic iogi


  • l pancreas of a diabetic is not as real as the distorted memory that has wrapped itself inside the pancreatic cells. This realizaríon opens the door for quantum healing. The mental techniques used by Ayurveda depend on being able ro control the invisi­ ble patterns that order the body. Recently 1 saw a patient, an elderly woman, who was suffering from dull chest pains; they had previously been diagnosed a


  • r the first time lived in an environment free of "normal" stress. He continued to meditate, ate a simple vegetarian diet suited to his particular body and received a course of massage treatments that Ayurveda prescribes to purify the physiology. 1 also instructed him in the primordial sound technique suitable for his condition. One night a nurse caught him walking down the hall with wet hair, and he sheep


  • re are subtle sounds, sights, smells, and tastes. However, this level of the mind is not the end-in meditation, one can reach even further back, beyond the five subtle senses (called the Tanmatras in Ayurveda), until one arrives at conscious­ ness in its unified state-the Vedic texts compare this to following the hand's five fingers back ro where they join at palmo Subjectively, the visual image of a rose


  • you live through, during which you appraise every iota of the vast input that comes pour­ ing in from all quarters of your world, including your body. Your body is a world, too. When 1 first carne to Ayurveda, 1 was deeply impressed by the following verse in the ancient texts: As is the human body, so is the cosmic body. As is the human mind, so is the cosmic mind. As is the microcosm, so is the macrocosm


  • BIRTH OF A DISEASE The rishis' subjective approach found an enormously useful outlet in Ayurveda. Ayurveda is commonly classified as a system of medicine, but wirh equal jusrice you could call ir a system for curing delusions, for srripping away the convincing quality of disease and letting a he


  • Her parents sat up with her aH that night and many nights to come. Since there was nothing more that her doctors could do, the family cast about for other approaches. They hit upon a news story about Ayurveda, and one July day all three, mother, father, and daughter, carne to the Lancaster clinic. I took a very detailed medical history from the girl, looked at her EKGs, and found myself quite surprised. "


  • ysis shows that this is only partly true. A disease cannot take hold without a host who accepts it, hence the current attempts to understand our immune system. Histori­ cally, both Greek medicine and Ayurveda were founded on the idea that the host is all-important. The Greeks believed that there was a fluid called physis that flowed in, out, and through all of life. The flow of 196


  • as the two were in balance, the body would be healthy. (This prem1se 1S still reflected in our use of the word physics to explain the outer world and the related physiology ro explain the inner.) In Ayurveda, it takes the balance of three elements, called doshas, to maintain health. The point 1S nor wherher physis or doshas exist, but that one's own state of balance determines wherher one 1S sick or well


  • mponent, called the Philadel­ phia chromosome. He had tested positive for this chromosome, and being a physician, that was the end of the srory-he was genetically marked for doom. The only chance for Ayurveda would be if it promoted a miracle. But he couldn't find any reports of leukemia in the UH'LHC;:' journals. "Look," 1 said, "you are obsessed with the statistics on this disease. Don't think about the


  • reedom. The West clearly has mixed feelings about the whole idea of higher consciousness, compounded of longing, bafflement, and distaste. 1 travel at least two days a week, year round, talking about Ayurveda to many kinds of audiences, both medical and nonmedical, and very quickly 1 learned how sensitive a chord I was striking. A CBC interviewer in Canada introduced himself to me by demanding, "Can you g


  • is significant -it permits you to actually feel waves of consciousness as they well up from the field of silence, cross the gap, and are infused into every cell. This is the body's own awakening. In Ayurveda, bliss is the basis for three extremely powerful healing techniqúes. The first is meditation, which we have already discussed. Its * Adapted from Robert Keith Wallace's The Physiology 01 Consciousnes


  • rhe hypnotic trance-subjects hooked up ro biofeedback ma­ chines can do similar things in their normal srare of awareness. Whar is being demonstrated here is the power of attention to alter the body. Ayurveda has made use of this principIe for thousands of years. Indeed, since the basic premise of Vedic knowledge is that consciousness creares the body, ir is only natural that techniques for focusing atten


  • e barriers-the veils called Maya-that prevent us from exercising our attention in a therapeutic way. All mind­ body medicine attempts to remove these obstacles so that healing can take place. Outside Ayurveda, the word Maya is not used, but any term that amounts to the same thing is applicable. 1 have used other phrases, such as "barriers in silence," "the ghost of memory," and "the mask of matter." In th


  • that you are normally consrituted, rhere is no innare reason why you cannor heal any disease wirh awareness. (In oId age, or in cases of chronic illness, our inner abilities get depleted; therefore, Ayurveda cannor guarantee a cure because somerimes ir is nor rhere in nature's scheme.) The bliss rechnique gives rhe parienr the experience of himself as pure awareness, the ocean of well-being that is our b


  • of this. 1 drew blíss as a circle ro represent a constant, unbroken signal. However, there can be breaks in the cirde. These oc Cut when the DNA, the mind, and rhe body are not perfecdy synchronized. Ayurveda would say that many diseases begin where there is such a break-blíss slips out of its groove, so to speak, throwing off the cell's intelligence. To repair the break, a specific signal needs ro be ins


  • s, and at each one the surra, or sequence of sound, comes first. Therefore, putting a primordial sound back into the body is like reminding it of what station it should be tuned in too On that basis, Ayurveda does not treat the body as a lump of matter but as a web of surras. Needless to say, it has taken me sorne time to explain all of this to myself. When 1 first began ro adminíster the Ayurvedic progra


  • again, as opposed ro fighting against a disorder known to be incurable, hope to people who otherwise have nothing to hold on to bur grim statistics. One AIDS patient in Germany has been treated with Ayurveda for two years as part of a pilot program conducted in Europe. Diagnosed in 1984, he is srill alive at the time of this writing in August 1988 (80 percent of AIDS patients die within two years of diag


  • ation once one realizes that DNA, which the virus is exploitíng, is itseIf a bundle of vibrations. If this explanatíon is valid, then the remedy is to reshape the im­ proper sequence of sounds, using Ayurveda's primordial sound (known as Shruti in the Sanskrit texts, from the verb that means "ro hear"). These sounds are basically líke pottery molds-by placing the mold back over the distorted sequence, one


  • -body reality; it creates the fictíon that the sick body is somewhere else, any­ where else but in the same situatíon as itself. Illness is obviously a sign that there is a war going on. Accordíng to Ayurveda, the conflict is being waged "in here," contrary to the germ theory of disease, which tries to tell us that the war was started "out there" by invaders of every kind-bacteria, viruses, carcinogens, e


  • d and physicians barde againsr are jusr such phan­ toms-rhey will come and go, raising hopes and despair, while rhe real culprit, the persisrent memory rhar creares rhe eaneer eeU, goes unde­ reered. Ayurveda gives us rhe means ro go direetly ro rhe level of con­ sciousness rhar exorcises rhis memory. Thinkíng of Chirra, 1 wonder how long ir will be before we broaden our outlook. We ask for heroism from p


  • ce of fleetíng moments, each with its own emotions, its own mind-body chemistry. In other words, the diseased ceUs are but one ingredient out of countless others; the others are just more intangible. Ayurveda main­ tains that many different conditions interact to create disease-the dis­ ease organism plays one part, aided by the patient's immune resistance, age, diet, habits, the time of year, and many ot


  • t a 1 percent chance of survíval. As ir happens, Eleanor was advised by her family doctor to start meditating in 1986, in the míddle of her disease. Through her medita­ tion practice, she heard about Ayurveda. She carne to Lancaster for inpa­ tient treatment, where 1 met her and instructed her in the primordial sound for treating cancer. The results were remarkable. Her severe bone pain dísappeared (this


  • 14 Alternative-medicine clinics, 26-27 Anemia case hisrory, 127-131 Anesthesia, leve! of consciousness during, 155 Angina case hisrory, 124 causes, 125 Anorexia, See Eating disorders Archrids, 67, 68 Ayurveda, 2-4 in caneer treatmenr, 248-250 deÍÍnicion of, 189 healing rechnigues, 11,222-225,237 homeoparhy conrrasred with, 115 on origins of disease, 196-197,251-252 B BeU's rheorem, See Quanrum physics Ben


  • c feedback loop G Gerontology. See Aging Gravity, law of, 103-104 Guilt, patlent,s feeling of, 192, H Hallucinations alter open-heart surgery, 70 [tom digitalis, 69 .ree also Schízophrenia Healing In Ayurveda, 188-189 mechanisms, 36-37 notmal vs. '"miraculous", 37 Hearing, 211 Heart attacks case history, 97, 189-193 mind-body relationship in, 97-98 personality types and, 29-30 recovery from, 208 see alsa

File: Deepak Chopra - Radical Beauty -

  • achings that support your highest expression of beauty. A series ofpractical guidelines, rhythms, and routines not only will benefit you but alsowill promote beauty and health for the whole planet.In Ayurveda, the traditional medical system of India, there’s a saying about howeverything in nature works together in harmony: “As is the macrocosm, so is themicrocosm. As is the great, so is the small.” A heal

  • ating these foods and our bodies—digestion—must be approached properly tosupport our inner glow and our outer beauty. Digestion is truly a key tounleashing your Radical Beauty. Referred to as agni in Ayurveda (the oldestknown medical system, founded in India about 5,000 years ago), digestion is atthe center of our health and our beauty. You are not what you eat, but what youassimilate, or absorb and utili

  • hy skin might indicate that you are consistently eatingsomething that is triggering an inflammatory or allergic response.Alternatively, you might be eating foods that are too “hot” for your system. InAyurveda, internal overheating, known as excessive Pitta, is considered a majorcause of aging.If you are experiencing any of these skin conditions, don’t worry! We bringthese up so you have an honest base of

  • fat in. As aguideline, 15 to 30 percent of your diet should come from healthy fats. Thismight sound broad, but this is where some individual customization based on yourconstitution comes into play.In Ayurveda, different body types are categorized into what your main dosha typeis: Kapha, Vata, or Pitta. If you are Vata, for instance, and tend to be morethin and willowy, you might do better with a higher ra

  • for digestion, and signals to your mind that it’s time tostart preparing for sleep and rejuvenation. Tulsi (also known as holy basil) teais a particularly excellent choice. It’s an important herb in Ayurveda, whichhas been used in India for over 5,000 years, and is said to help reduce stressand anxiety. It’s also an adaptogen, helping to balance the body and protect itfrom the effects of different kinds

  • veins. There, the fluid is neutralized, filtered,and eventually returned to the bloodstream. These vessels also carry immunecells throughout the body to help defend against infections.Called rasa in Ayurveda, your lymph is part of the plasma that is consideredpart of the primary dhatu, or structure of the body. Healthy rasa is key inorder to give rise to the next dhatu, healthy rakta, or blood, and conse

  • d processor or blender, combine the ingredients and process until youreach a smooth consistency. Spread over your face and neck and relax for 15 to20 minutes before rinsing.RED PATCHINESSAccording to Ayurveda, red patches are caused by too much Pitta fire present,which may be generated from within by foods that are allergenic or inflammatory.Try eliminating common allergens, such as dairy and gluten, for

  • . Eventhough these planetary bodies may seem unfathomably far away from the averageperson, they actually exert their influence on our bodies. Since we possess allof the main elements found in nature, Ayurveda believes we are miniaturerepresentations of the whole universe, the entire cosmos.Circadian rhythms are physical, mental, and behavioral changes in living beings(including not only animals but also p

  • • Pay extra attention to moving stagnation through your lymphatic system, asthis is the season to detox. Refer back to this page[Chop_9781101906026_epub3_c07_r1.xhtml#page120] for more tips on this.• Ayurveda encourages Panchakarma methods to help cleanse the body and renewdigestion. These are detoxification methods that include colon cleansing. Ifyou’re up for it, try getting an at-home enema kit or a gr

  • ansive and energized or more retracted and inward.The female menstrual cycle and the complete cycle of the moon, which isapproximately the same number of days, has caused much intrigue over the years.Ayurveda believes that the cycles of the moon and the tides of the ocean aremysterious and powerful ways to display the deep connection a woman has tonature.Just as it is important to keep your waking hours c

  • lt, we as a society move around on average 90 percent less than ourancestors did just one hundred years ago.13[Chop_9781101906026_epub3_nts_r1.xhtml#c16-nts13]WALKING FOR DIGESTIONA central belief in Ayurveda is that energy has to stay in motion within us andin our lives in order to continually nourish us and create harmony. On theopposite end of the spectrum is stagnation, which leads to ama, or toxicity

  • html#ind72a]Australian National University [Chop_9781101906026_epub3_c14_r1.xhtml#ind73a]avocados, 2.1 [Chop_9781101906026_epub3_c02_r1.xhtml#ind74a], 2.2[Chop_9781101906026_epub3_c02_r1.xhtml#ind75a]Ayurveda, itr.1 [Chop_9781101906026_epub3_itr_r1.xhtml#ind76a], 1.1[Chop_9781101906026_epub3_c01_r1.xhtml#ind77a], 2.1[Chop_9781101906026_epub3_c02_r1.xhtml#ind78a], 2.2[Chop_9781101906026_epub3_c02_r1.xhtml#

File: Deepak Chopra - Seven Spiritual Laws Of Yoga -


  • These are useful starting poses, for they begin mobiliz- ing energy in the body. According to Ayurveda, yoga’s sis- ter branch of Vedic science, the vital airs of the body, known collectively as vayu , are the basis of all movement. Vayu governs the movement of thought, the movement of air, the moveme


  • By Our Teachers Aurobindo, Sri. Integral Yoga: Sri Aurobindo’s Teaching and Method of Practice. Twin Lakes, Wisc.: Lotus Press, 1993. Frawley, David. Yoga and Ayurveda. Twin Lakes, Wisc.: Lotus Press, 1999. Iyengar, B. K. S. Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. London: Thorsons, 1996. Maharaj, Nisargadatta. I Am That: Talks with Sri Nisarga- datta. Durham, N.C.:


  • , establishing, 62–63 development of witnessing, 46–47 expanded, 35 achieving, 78–80 gaining, through meditation, 45 use of pranayama to gain, 42 experiencing field of pure, 53 mantra, 92 pure, 93–94 Ayurveda, 127 Balasana (child’s pose), 171 , 171–172, 191 bandhas, 113–117 for everyday yoga practice, 189 Jalandhara bandha (chin lock), 113–114 Moola bandha (root lock), 116 Uddiyana bandha (stomach lift),


  • ues are blended with cutting- edge natural treatments to awaken, rejuvenate, and heal. Designed by Drs. Chopra and Simon, the Chopra Center’s spa treatments are founded in the perennial principles of Ayurveda—the five-thousand-year-old healing system of India. For more information on the Chopra Center’s Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga program and all of our workshops, seminars, services, and products for hea

File: Deepak Chopra - Seven Spiritual Laws Of Yoga -


  • These are useful starting poses, for they begin mobiliz- ing energy in the body. According to Ayurveda, yoga’s sis- ter branch of Vedic science, the vital airs of the body, known collectively as vayu , are the basis of all movement. Vayu governs the movement of thought, the movement of air, the moveme


  • By Our Teachers Aurobindo, Sri. Integral Yoga: Sri Aurobindo’s Teaching and Method of Practice. Twin Lakes, Wisc.: Lotus Press, 1993. Frawley, David. Yoga and Ayurveda. Twin Lakes, Wisc.: Lotus Press, 1999. Iyengar, B. K. S. Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. London: Thorsons, 1996. Maharaj, Nisargadatta. I Am That: Talks with Sri Nisarga- datta. Durham, N.C.:


  • , establishing, 62–63 development of witnessing, 46–47 expanded, 35 achieving, 78–80 gaining, through meditation, 45 use of pranayama to gain, 42 experiencing field of pure, 53 mantra, 92 pure, 93–94 Ayurveda, 127 Balasana (child’s pose), 171 , 171–172, 191 bandhas, 113–117 for everyday yoga practice, 189 Jalandhara bandha (chin lock), 113–114 Moola bandha (root lock), 116 Uddiyana bandha (stomach lift),


  • ues are blended with cutting- edge natural treatments to awaken, rejuvenate, and heal. Designed by Drs. Chopra and Simon, the Chopra Center’s spa treatments are founded in the perennial principles of Ayurveda—the five-thousand-year-old healing system of India. For more information on the Chopra Center’s Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga program and all of our workshops, seminars, services, and products for hea

File: Deepak Chopra - Spiritual Solutions -

  • that face people come down to “I’m okay”or “I have to see a doctor.” But the body has many stages of imbalance beforedisease symptoms appear. These are recognized in Eastern traditional medicinelike Ayurveda, where a diagnosis can spot the first signs of imbalance and treatthem. The approach is more in keeping with nature, because a patient’s sense ofdiscomfort, even a vague feeling that something isn’t

File: Deepak Chopra - Super Genes -

  • versity of CaliforniaBerkeley, Mount Sinai’s Icahn School of Medicine, and Duke University. Aparticular focus is on the health benefits of traditional Ayurvedic practices.Over at least two millennia, Ayurveda has stressed the primary importance ofbalancing body, mind, and environment to maximize the body’s rejuvenatingpowers. The SBTI employs state-of-the-art scientific methods to test forbenefits in well

  • -olds on average sleep an hour less than twenty-year-olds.Our focus, then, is on insomnia rather than sleep itself. For most people, adiagnosable sleep disorder isn’t the problem. In the tradition of Ayurveda,insomnia is rooted in an imbalance of Vata, one of the three doshas, or basicphysiological forces. Vata, which is linked to biological motion, causes allmanner of restless, irregular behavior. When i

File: L Ron Gardner - Beyond The Power of Now -


  • egral thinking,” you’ll love this book. If you appreciate it, get Sex, Ecology, Spirituality: The Spirit of Evolution. ) Alan Oken's Complete Astrology , Alan Oken. (Best overall book on astrology.) Ayurveda: The Science of Self-Healing , Vasant Lad. (Fascinating and enlightening exposition of the principles and practical applications of Indian Ayurveda, the oldest healing system in the world.) Awaken He

File: Erich von Daniken - Gods Were Astronauts -

  • llowing old sources thatreport on terrible weapons, various kinds of flying vehicles and spaceships:83 * The Vymaanika-Shaastra * The Samarangana Sutradhara * The Yuktikalpataru * The Mayamatam * The Ayurveda Rigveda * The Mahabharata * The Ramayana * The Puranas * The Bhagavata * The Raghuvamsam * The Abimaraka of Bhsa * The Jatakas * The Avadana literature * The Kathasaritsagara * The Yuktikalpataru of

File: Graham Hancock & Glenn Kreisberg - Mysteries of the Ancient Past -

  • chings, research, andschools.Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (founder of Transcendental Meditation) based his work onthe Vedic mantras and through them promoted a renaissance of all the Vedicsciences including ayurveda, Vedic astrology, and vaastu shastra.Other great modern yogis, like Paramahansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography ofa Yogi, have written about the greatness of the Vedas, their antiquity, and theVed
  • ]MY WORK AS A VEDIC SCHOLAR AND VEDIC PRACTITIONERIn my personal work, I have spent more than thirty years studying, translating,and writing on the Vedas and connected Vedic sciences, including yoga, ayurveda,and Vedic astrology. I have written several books on the Vedic view of ancienthistory, as well as translating over a hundred of the Vedic hymns. This hasresulted in more than thirty books and over a

  • et of the SomaPlant,” American Institute of Vedic Studies,www.vedane­t.com/component/co­ntent/article/16-a­yurveda/173-thesecre­t-of-the-soma-plant[http://www.vedanet.com/component/content/article/16-ayurveda/173-thesecret-of-the-soma-plant](accessed July 9, 2012).9. [../Text/ch8.html#anchor_646_79] Frawley, “Vedic Yoga, the Oldest Form ofYoga,” American Institute of Vedic Studies,www.vedan­et.com/index.p

File: Turpentine -


  • Table of Contents Introduction Chapter 1: History of Turpentine Oil in Ayurveda Chapter 2: Overgrowth of Parasites Why Does Candida Overgrow? Intestinal Worms- A Hidden Cause of Illness Chapter 3: Therapeutic Use of Turpentine in Ayurveda External Use of Turpentine Head Lice Dan


  • n A yurveda is known as “The Science of Life” and this book contains the knowledge about the miraculous results of turpentine oil. It is the essence of the pine tree which protects it from pathogens. Ayurveda has explained its uses in various diseases. Turpentine oil is a broad spectrum herbal essential oil that kills candida and other parasites that are the real culprits behind most diseases. This book p


  • Chapter 1: History of Turpentine Oil in Ayurveda T urpentine oil is also called “pine tree oil”, and it has been used as an Ayurvedic medicine since ancient times in India. The oil is extracted from pine trees. In Ayurveda this tree is called “ Sar
  • ed in the ancient Ayurvedic texts known as “ Bhavprakash ”, “ Charak Samhita ”, and “ Sushruta Samhita ”. The sap that is extracted from the pine tree is called “ rosin spirit ” or “ gandhviroja ” in ayurveda and after steam distillation the oil obtained is pure and free from any impurities and is called “the gum spirit of turpentine oil”. This oil can be used externally and internally to cure many diseas


  • Chapter 3: Therapeutic Use of Turpentine in Ayurveda I n Ayurveda, among all the herbal medicines, turpentine oil is very effective when used in combination with other herbs in a proper method. Turpentine oil is broad-spectrum anti- microbial, anthelmi


  • External Use of Turpentine I n Ayurveda, turpentine is recommended for the treatment of skin diseases, because of its medicinal properties. Here are some examples of its uses in various skin-related health issues.


  • Candidiasis of the Skin T here are many types of skin infections that occur due to the Candida albicans and in Ayurveda all skin diseases come under charm rog. Turpentine oil provides excellent relief against the fungal infection of the skin such as ringworms, fungal nail infection, or any other fungal infection.


  • ts completely, it is important to take a gelatin supplement. Mix ten grams of gelatin in a cup of water until it becomes a clear liquid. Take it on empty stomach once a day for two to three weeks. In Ayurveda, rheumatoid arthritis is called aamvaat which means “indigestion”. This indigestion leads to the production of toxins in the body which cause pain, inflammation, degeneration of the joints, and food


  • cured with its external application. The reason behind it- is the presence of candida in our small intestine. Once it is clear from the intestine, a recovery in the disease is achieved. According to Ayurveda turpentine has therapeutic effects on our digestive, immune, circulatory, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive systems. Here are some common health problems that can be resolved with the internal u


  • Urinary Tract Infection T here are three types of urinary tract infections depending on the location, cystitis, urethritis, and pyelonephritis. In Ayurveda, the treatment is the same for all these conditions. Turpentine used with some herbal remedies cures the infection quickly. The use of herb powder of boerhavia diffusa and tribulus terrestris is very


  • Importance of Fasting I n Ayurveda fasting is known as langhan. This means fasting and avoiding food for some time to cure the disease. Although it is not essential to fast before starting turpentine for your treatment, fasting has ma


  • Changing your Diet I n Ayurveda food is considered as medicine. If food is taken wisely then we can prevent or cure many diseases without any medicine, so diet is an important part of this treatment and should be taken seriously. T


  • g Food Addiction F ood is a basic need of our body to survive, but over time many food items become our addiction, which is not healthy at all. It is always difficult to overcome this problem, but in Ayurveda we follow a step-by-step process that helps to get rid of food addiction, while at the same time introducing new food habits that are healthy for us. This process should be followed for ten days. For


  • n optimal level of hydration in our body. Even a mild level of dehydration can significantly affect our physical and emotional abilities. An adult should drink up to two liters or more water per day. Ayurveda provides the details of the different type of water, and rain water is recommends as the superior most type of water available for human consumption. Rain-water comes from the clouds and is in the pu


  • Importance of Water Enema A n enema is known as “Basti ” in the Ayurveda. A water enema is the most basic part of cleaning the large intestine and is the only way to get rid of toxins that are deposited in our intestine. Here we are talking about a simple water enema that


  • Bowel Movements I n Ayurveda, one to two bowel movements are considered healthy. To achieve a daily bowel movement both optimal hydration and a plant-based diet are required. A normal bowel movement is necessary to achieve maxim


  • e parasites in your stool during this treatment. This is the quickest way to get rid of intestinal worms naturally. This process is enough to kill and remove many types of parasites. According to the Ayurveda, turpentine kills tapeworms, so you may see them in your stool. It is possible that a few parasites are still present inside the digestive tract and are alive, and this happens only if someone has ro


  • al parasites that are still alive or present in the form of eggs and cysts. These herbs are anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, and vermicide in nature. The most effective herbs that are used in Ayurveda against the parasites are explained below.


  • iminate parasite eggs by destroying their outer covering. Cloves are the only herb that kills the parasites eggs. It can be used in herbal tea or in a smoothie. Take one to two cloves once a week. In Ayurveda, cloves are commonly used in the preparation of many anthelmintic medicines. These are widely used in the preparation of herbal concoctions, so add cloves in green tea or in your meal.


  • Fennel seed T hese are used commonly after food in the Indian tradition. According to the Ayurveda these seeds are commonly used to kill and prevent reoccurrence of intestinal parasites. These seeds are toxic to the intestinal parasites. They cause paralysis to the intestinal worms and kill them.


  • go to the doctor to get a diagnosis to confirm the overgrowth of the candida. Is turpentine safe to use? Turpentine oil is essential oil derived from the pine tree. It is used as an herbal remedy in Ayurveda and is safe if taken properly. Can turpentine oil kill anybody? Small doses as per recommendations can never be fatal. Never exceed the dose to avoid any adverse effect of the medicine. If someone is


  • Is it safe to give turpentine oil to a child? You need to consult a pediatrician who uses turpentine oil. Although it can be used at lower dose for children, its recommendations are not available in Ayurveda. Can turpentine oil kill all the candida at once? It only kills candida which that encounter turpentine oil. Most of the candida will leave the body through the bowel movements. It’s important to com


  • It is much better to use sugar because it attracts candida towards itself, whereas oils repel them. Is there any historical evidence of using turpentine oil? In Ayurveda pine tree is used for the preparation of many medicines and here its leaves and oil are used for this purpose. These therapeutic uses are recommended by two ancient Ayurvedic texts, the Sushruta Samh

File: Encyclopedia Of Alternative Medicine -


  • eatments should serve as comple- mentary to a conventional treatment program. Alter- native therapies for anorexia nervosa include diet and nutrition , herbal therapy, hydrotherapy , aromather- apy , Ayurveda, and mind/body medicine . Nutritional therapy A naturopath or nutritionist may recommend the following:  Avoiding sweets or baked goods.  Following a nutritious and well-balanced diet (when patient


  • issues that contribute to anorexic behavior. Other alternative treatments Other alternative treatments that may be helpful include hydrotherapy, magnetic field therapy, acu- puncture , biofeedback , Ayurveda and Chinese herbal medicine. Allopathic treatment Treatment of anorexia nervosa includes both short-term and long-term measures and requires assessment by dietitians and psychiatrists as well as medi


  • Shen Nung’s Pen Ts’ao (c. 2700-3000 B . C .) catalogs over 200 botanicals. Ayurveda, a practice of tradi- tional Indian medicine that dates back more than 2,500 years, also used aromatic herbs for treatment. The Romans were well known for their use of fragrances. They bathed with bo


  • the oldest surviving healing system. According to the texts, Ayurveda was conceived by enlightened wise men as a system of living harmoniously and maintain- ing the body so that mental and spiritual awareness could be possible. Medical historians believe that Ayurvedic


  • specific health problems. Ayurvedic medicine also emphasizes how people live their lives from day to day, asserting that proper lifestyles and routines accentuate balance, rest, diet, and prevention. Ayurveda recommends yoga as a form of exercise to build strength and health, and it also advises massage therapy and self-massage as ways of increasing circulation and reducing stress . Yogic breathing techni


  • s for these programs vary signifi- cantly, depending on the services and length of stay. Insurance reimbursement may depend on whether the primary physician is a licensed medical doctor. Preparations Ayurveda is a mind/body system of health that contains some ideas foreign to the Western scientific model. Those people considering Ayurveda should approach it with an open mind and willingness to experiment.


  • zed program for the certification of Ayurve- dic practitioners. Many practitioners have primary degrees, either as medical doctors, homeopaths, or naturopathic physicians, with additional training in Ayurveda. Others train at an Ayurvedic medical school or college in India. A number of Ayurvedic organizations have worked toward developing licensing standards. Those seeking Ayurvedic treat- ment should inq
  • 1091, Boulder, CO 80306. (303) 443 6923. http:// www.rmiya.org/index.php/. OTHER ‘‘Inside Ayurveda: An Independent Journal of Ayurvedic Health Care.’’ PO Box 3021, Quincy, CA 95971. http:// www.insideayurveda.com. Douglas Dupler Rhonda Cloos, RN KEY TERMS Dosha— One of three constitutional types (vata, pitta, or kapha) identified in Ayurvedic medicine. Meditation— Technique focusing and concentra- tion in


  • tharis,Ledum palustre,Hypericum, and Urtica urens are other useful remedies that may be indicated. A 6c or 12c dose of the chosen remedy can be taken every 15 minutes for up to four doses. Neem , an Ayurvedan remedy, can be used to soothe minor bites and stings as well as to keep insects away. A thick paste can be made from neem powder blended with warm water. It can then be applied to the affected area


  • ic bronchitis attacks and in resolving colds that lead to acute attacks. For a mild case of acute bronchitis, over-the-coun- ter remedies of homeopathic medicine, traditional Chi- nese medicine , and Ayurveda are widely available and quite helpful. Practitioners of these disciplines can be very effective and should be consulted when dealing with more severe or chronic cases. Hydrotherapy and massage with


  • ancient belief system associ- ated with yoga. These traditions were handed down orally for thousands of years before being codified by Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras , several centuries before Christ. Ayurveda The ancient healing science of ayurveda is based on a collection of scriptures known as vedas (a Sanskrit word meaning knowledge or wisdom). Ayurveda liter- ally means ‘‘life knowledge.’’ It remained
  • yoga. These traditions were handed down orally for thousands of years before being codified by Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras , several centuries before Christ. Ayurveda The ancient healing science of ayurveda is based on a collection of scriptures known as vedas (a Sanskrit word meaning knowledge or wisdom). Ayurveda liter- ally means ‘‘life knowledge.’’ It remained the predom- inant form of health care i
  • ined the predom- inant form of health care in India until the British colonial government tried to suppress it during the nineteenth century. Over the last half-century, however, a modernized form of ayurveda has gained considerable 452 GALE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE, 3 rd EDITION Chakra balancing


  • popularity in India. More recently, traditional ayurveda has been popularized in the West by such high-profile advocates as Deepak Chopra. Benefits Balancing the chakras is believed to promote gen- eral health and well-being by ensuring the free flow of li


  • ou Must Know about Vita mins, Minerals, Herbs, & More: Choosing the Nutrients that Are Right for You. Garden City Park, NY: Square One, 2008. Vohora, S. B., and Mohammad Athar. Mineral Drugs: Used in Ayurveda and Unani Medicine. New Delhi: Narosa Publishing House, 2007. PERIODICALS Greenwald, Peter, et al. ‘‘What Is the Efficacy of Multivita min: Multimineral Supplements in Chronic Disease Prevention in t


  • ressure.’’ In All Women Are Healers: A Comprehensive Guide to Natural Healing, chapter 4. Freedom, CA: The Crossing Press, 1996. Svoboda, Robert, and Arnie Lade. Tao and Dharma: Chi nese Medicine and Ayurveda. Twin Lakes, WI: Lotus Press, 1995. ORGANIZATIONS American Foundation of Traditional Chinese Medicine (AFTCM). 505 Beach Street, San Francisco, CA 94133. (415) 776 0502. Fax: (415) 392 7003. aftcm@ea


  • emise that certain colors are infused with healing energies. The therapy uses the seven col- ors of the rainbow to promote balance and healing in the mind and body. Origins Color therapy is rooted in Ayurveda, an ancient form of medicine practiced in India for thousands of years. Ayurveda is based on the idea that every indi- vidual contains the five basic elements of the universe: earth, water, air, fire


  • rations Before administering any treatment, practitioners of Ayurvedic medicine will perform a thorough exami- nation of and interview with the patient to determine his prakriti , or constitution. In Ayurveda, an individ- ual’s prakriti is determined at conception and remains unchanged during his or her lifetime. Treatment colors will be chosen based on the prakriti and the individu- al’s specific imbalan


  • food color- ing agent in mustards and other foods. In scientific laboratories, turmeric paper, made by soaking paper in a tincture of turmeric, is used to detect alkaloids and boric acid. Chinese and Ayurveda medicine Thewiderangeoftherapeuticbenefitsofcurcumin- rich turmeric root have long been recognized in Chinese herbal medicine, where the herb is known as jianghuang. In Ayurveda, India’s ancien tsyst


  • tions of hot and cold (either compresses or immersion) may also be helpful. Other alternative treatments Other alternative therapies may also reduce edema. They include traditional Chinese medicine , Ayurveda, juice therapy, and bodywork. Traditional Chinese med- icine and acupuncture have an elaborate diagnostic system to determine the pattern causing the edema. Thus treatment, if done correctly, results


  • stion. Natural and holis- tic treatments are used to rebuild and strengthen the patient’s overall health and resistance. Traditional healing systems such as traditional Chinese medicine, naturopathy, ayurveda, and homeopathy may be used as therapeutic programs for environmental illness. 766 GALE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE, 3 rd EDITION Environmental therapy


  • uided imagery is the use of relaxation and men- tal visualization to improve mood and/or physical well-being. KEY TERMS Antioxidant— A substance that blocks the destruc- tive action of free radicals. Ayurveda— An ancient Indian system of holistic healing. Embolism— Obstruction of a blood vessel by a loose clot. Fibrinolysis— The breakdown of fibrin, an insolu- ble protein that is the end product of blood


  • ww.diabetes.org. Herb Research Foundation, 4140 Fifteenth St., Boulder, CO, 80304, (303) 449 2265, http://www.herbs.org. Liz Swain Teresa G. Odle Gypsywort see Bugleweed KEY TERMS Ayurvedic medicine— Ayurveda is the Sanskrit word for the science of life and longevity. The Ayurvedic treatment is based on the theory that health is a balance between the physical, emo- tional, and the spiritual. Glucose— Bloo


  • se include eggs, tripe, hot spices, hearty soups, and fruit and vegetable juices. These foods all serve to replenish vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients lost by the body as it detoxifies alcohol. Ayurveda Ayurvedic practitioners believe that hangover reflects the symptoms of excess pitta. Immediate relief may be found after drinking water containing lime juice (1 teaspoon), sugar (one half teaspoon),


  •  spiritual attunement  social health The six specialized areas:  biomolecular diagnosis and therapy  botanical medicine  energy medicine  ethnomedicine—including traditional Chinese medi- cine, Ayurveda, and Native American medicine  homeopathy  manual medicine Founded in 1978 for the purpose of uniting prac- titioners of holistic medicine, membership of the AHMA is open to licensed medical doctor


  • 97201, phone (503) 795 0579. Walsh, Nancy. ‘‘Homeopathy Shows Some Promise in AOM (Obstacles to Study this Therapy Remain).’’ Pediatric News (January 2002): 16. OTHER Ayurvedic Institute. http://www.ayurveda.com/ (December 28, 2000). National Center for Homeopathy. http://www.healthy.net/ nch/ (December 28, 2000). North American Society for Homeopaths. http://www. homeopathy.org/ (December 28, 2000). 108


  • y. Deconditioning Persons whose vision changes according to their emotional state may have vision problems because of negative conditioning. Exploration and decondition- ing may improve their vision. Ayurveda Head massage and nasya (placing drops in the nose) using warm Jivantal taila oil (which contains Asparagus racemosus , Glycyrrhiza glabra , Leptadenia reticulata , Sida cordifolia , Sida retusa ,and


  • cause of the possibility of serious complica- tions, a physician should be consulted for treatment of severe and/or infected ingrown nails. Alternative treatments for treating ingrown nail include:  Ayurveda. Ayurvedic principles state that persons whose constitutions are dominated by vata and kapha have stronger nails and are prone to ingrown nails. Ingrown nails are treated with warm water soaks follow


  • ve liver function and relax the body. They can be given as inhalant s, a soothing bath, or soak. Other therapies Other alternative treatments that may be help improve liver function include fasting , Ayurveda, hydrotherapy , and acupuncture . Allopathic treatment Jaundice in newborns Newborns are the only major category of patients in whom the jaundice itself requires attention. If there is reason to susp


  • nese Medi cine News. November 2007 [cited February 19, 2008]. http://chinesemedicinenews.com/2008/01/08/magnolia bark may be good antidepressan. Rebecca J. Frey, Ph. D. Tish Davidson, A. M. Maharishi Ayurveda see Ayurvedic medicine Mai men dong see Ophiopogon KEY TERMS Apoptosis— Cell self-destruction. Magnolia is thought tocontaincertainchemicalsthatcausetheapoptosisof cancer cells. Honokiol— A compound


  • of white noise (low, constant sound). Exercising to improve blood circulation and reducing the intake of salt, alcohol, aspirin, caffeine , and nicotine may relieve Me ́ nie ` re’s disease symptoms. Ayurveda Ayurvedic practitioners believe that tinnitus is a vata disorder. (Vata is one of three doshas, or body/ mental types.) The patient can drink a tea prepared from 1 tsp of a mixture of comfrey , cinna


  • 00) 466 8342, (937) 845 3404, http://www.tfhka.org. Rebecca J. Frey, PhD Tish Davidson, A.M. Neem Description Neem is a compound that has a long history of use in both traditional Indian medicine and Ayurveda. Many of the popular herbal treatments in these two systems are still derived from it. Neem is a large ever- green tree, Azadirachta indica , in the mahogany fam- ily. It grows naturally in India and


  • ssure, cholesterol , heart arrhythmia, kidney disorders, indigestion , anxiety , epilepsy , and many more. Some cancers may possibly be affected by the use of neem products. Consult a practitioner of Ayurveda or other expert in the use of botanicals for guidance in appropriate indications and products. In addition to the treatment of human diseases and disorders, neem is being intensively studied as a nat


  • abbreviatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).’’ Journal of Economic Entomology 95 (August 2002): 661 667. ORGANIZATIONS The Ayurvedic Institute. 11311 Menaul NE, Albuquerque, NM 87112. (505) 291 9698. www.ayurveda.com. National Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine. 584 Milltown Road, Brewster, NY 10509. (845) 278 8700. www.niam.com. United States Department of Agriculture. Washington, DC 20250. www.usda.gov. OTHER


  • n, hot/cold compresses, daily exercise , and stress management through mind/body techniques. Treat- ments for existing cysts include such traditional healing systems as traditional Chinese medicine , Ayurveda, homeopathy ,and naturopathic medicine . Diet and nutrition Dietary guidelines for treatment and prevention of cysts include:  Eliminating caffeine and alcohol.  Reducing intake of sugars, includin


  • of health conditions and as a preventative measure. Origins Ayurvedic medicine is the oldest healing system in the world, originating in the ancient civilizations of India some 3,000–5000 years ago. Ayurveda means knowledge of life in Sanskrit. Panchakarma is based on central concepts of Ayurveda, which state that disease is caused by the build-up of toxic substances in the body, and by imbalances in the


  • standardized program for the certification of Ayurvedic practitioners. Many prac- titioners have primary degrees, either as MDs, homeo- paths, or naturopathic physicians, with additional training in Ayurveda. Some institutions that provide training in Ayurvedic medicine include the following.  The American Institute of Vedic Studies offers a program of Ayurvedic study.  The Ayurvedic Institute offers t
  • e NE, Bellevue, WA 98004. (425) 453 8022. http:// www.ayurvedicscience.com/ (accessed February 21, 2008). The Ayurvedic Institute. 11311 Menaul Blvd., Albuquerque, NM 87192.(505) 291 9698. http://www.ayurveda.com/ (accessed February 21, 2008). Bastyr University. 14500 Juanita Dr. NE, Seattle, WA 98103. (206) 834 4100. http://www.bastyr.edu/ (accessed February 21, 2008). Center for Mind Body Medicine. 5225
  • Mountain Institute of Yoga and Ayurveda. P.O. Box 1091, Boulder, CO 80306. (303) 499 2910. http://www. rmiya.org/index.php/ (accessed February 21, 2008). OTHER Ayurveda Holistic Community. http://www.ayurvedahc. com (accessed February 21, 2008). The Ayurvedic Institute. http://www.ayurveda.com (accessed February 21, 2008). National Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine. http://www. niam.com (accessed February 2
  • 99 2910. http://www. rmiya.org/index.php/ (accessed February 21, 2008). OTHER Ayurveda Holistic Community. http://www.ayurvedahc. com (accessed February 21, 2008). The Ayurvedic Institute. http://www.ayurveda.com (accessed February 21, 2008). National Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine. http://www. niam.com (accessed February 21, 2008). GALE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE, 3 rd EDITION 1691 Panchakarma


  • ‘‘What is Ayurvedic Medicine?’’ National Center for Alter native and Complementary Medicine, National Insti tutes of Health. http://nccam.nih.gov/health/ayurveda/ (accessed February 20, 2008). Douglas Dupler Leslie Mertz, Ph.D. Pancreatic enzymes see Digestive enzymes Pancreatitis Definition Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, an organ that is im


  • yme AADC, which breaks down levodopa in the blood. Antioxidants— Nutrients in food that help maintain health by slowing the destructive aging process of cell molecules and improving immune responses. Ayurveda— India’s traditional health system. Bioflavonoids— A group of chemical compounds nat- urally found in certain fruits, vegetables, teas, wines, nuts, seeds, and roots. Not considered vitamins, they fu


  • actitioners accordingly. KEY TERMS Apana— life sustaining energy centered in the larger intestine; the fifth of the five airs of Ayur- vedic philosophy; the life force governing expul- sion activity. Ayurveda— (Sanskrit, Ayur, life, and veda, knowl- edge) is translated as ‘‘knowledge of life’’ or ‘‘science of longevity.’’ It became established as the tradi- tional Hindu system of medicine. Caduceus— the a


  • nutrition, touch, and environ mental factors. Stone based his theories of polarity therapy extensively on the precepts that he learned throughout the course of his travels, most fundamentally on the Ayurveda system of five energies that he learned in India. He also drew from his knowledge of chiropractic, naturopathy, and osteopathy medical treatments. In 1947, Stone published his first book, Energy, dis


  • have incorporated a similar concept. Prana The concept of prana evolved thousands of years ago in India, apparently in connection with esoteric religious practices. A central concept in both yoga and Ayurveda (an ancient healing system), it is discussed in the earliest written sources for these disciplines—the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and the ancient Hindu scrip- tures known as vedas . Qi As with prana, t


  • A Complete Guide to an Ancient Healing Art, Chapter VI, ‘‘Opening the Kun dalini.’’ Freedom, CA: The Crossing Press, Inc., 1995. Svoboda, Robert, and Arnie Lade. Tao and Dharma: Chi nese Medicine and Ayurveda. Twin Lakes, WI: Lotus Press, 1995. Woodham, Anne, and Dr. David Peters. DK Encyclopedia of Healing Therapies. New York: DK Publishing, 1997. ORGANIZATIONS American Foundation of Traditional Chinese


  • nal bleeding, and fever . Measuring blood pressure is essentially another pulse diagnosis, which indicates hypertension , circulatory conditions, and other problems. In older healing systems, such as Ayurveda and TCM, doctors check the pulse just as Western doctors do, but they use a very intricate system of pulse meas- urements, and they rely on careful observations instead of diagnostic tools. Pulse dia


  • ique that requires careful training by specialists. Pulse diagnosis is taught at schools that teach Ayurvedic medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, and acupuncture. Resources BOOKS Lad, Dr. Vasant. Ayurveda: The Science of Self Healing. Wisconsin: Lotus Press, 1984. Williams, Tom, Ph.D. The Complete Illustrated Guide to Chinese Medicine. Rockport, MA: Element, 1996. ORGANIZATIONS American Association of


  • here, including around the anus. Other treatments Other rash remedies include:  Aromatherapy. The essential oils thyme, lavender, jasmine, and German chamomile may relieve allergy- induced eczema.  Ayurveda. Rashes and hives are treated by drinking fresh cilantro juice and applying the pulp onto the rash. Fresh coconut water, melon rind, or a paste of turmeric (one part) and sandalwood (two parts) in go


  • gumes, and fish. Osteoporosis— A reduction in the amount of bone mass leading to fractures after minimal trauma. Prana— Basic life energy, found in food, air, and water, as defined in the East Indian Ayurveda and yoga philosophies. Proteins— Organic compounds of amino acids in vegetable and animal matter. Saturated fat.— A fatty acid that is totally hydro- genated (chemically bound) and holds the greatest


  • nd scabs are separating, the skin may become dry, tight, and cracked. If that happens, a small amount of plain petroleum jelly can be applied to the area three or four times daily. Ayurvedic medicine Ayurveda is an Indian healing science that is more than 5,000 years old. Treatment is based on maintain- ing a balance between the body and the world. Treat- ment for shingles may include applying a turmeric


  • ill). All causes of abdominal pain (except damp- heat) may be treated with a mixture of Yan Hu Suo ( Rhizoma corydalis ), Chen Xiang ( Lignum aquilariae resinatum ), and Rou Gui ( Cortex cinnamomi ). Ayurveda Ayurvedic practitioners believe that indigestion is due to weak or insufficient agni (digestive fire). To enhance digestion, the patient can take fresh ginger ; a mixture of garlic powder (one quarte


  • re Healers: A Comprehen sive Guide to Natural Healing.’’ Chinese Healing and Acupressure. Freedom, CA: The Crossing Press, 1996. Svoboda, Robert, and Arnie Lade. Tao and Dharma: Chi nese Medicine and Ayurveda. Twin Lakes, WI: Lotus Press, 1995. PERIODICALS Bensoussan, Alan, et al.‘‘Development of a Chinese Herbal Medicine Toxicology Database.’’ Journal of Toxicolo gy:Clinical Toxicology (March 2002): 159.


  • Valeriana officinalis ), and Jamaican dogwood ( Piscidia piscipula ). Patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease-related tremors may benefit from mucuna seeds ( Mucuna pru- riens ). Practitioners of Ayurveda, or traditional Indian medicine, have prescribed mucuna to treat Parkinson’s disease (or Kampavata ) for over 4,000 years. Mucuna contains a natural form of L -dopa, a powerful anti- Parkinson’s drug


  • teractions with this herbal compound. Resources BOOKS Frawley, Dr. David and Dr. Vasant Lad. The Yoga of Herbs: An Ayurvedic Guide to Herbal Medicine. Lotus Press, 2001. Morrison, Judith. The Book of Ayurveda. Fireside Books, 1995. Tierra, Michael. The Way of Herbs. Pocket Books, 1998. KEY TERMS Dosha— One of the three physical constitution types (vata, pitta, and kapha) in Ayurvedic medicine. Intestinal


  • Tiwari, Maya. Ayurvedic Secrets of Healing. Lotus Press, 1995. ORGANIZATIONS The Ayurvedic Institute. 11311 Menaul NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87112. (505)291 9698. http://www. Ayurveda.com. Douglas Dupler TSS see Toxic shock syndrome Tuberculosis Definition Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious and potentially fatal disease that can affect almost any part of the body but manifests main


  • ine solution is added. Though its use in Western herbal medicine has declined over the years, turmeric has long been used and continues in use in Eastern medicine, both Orien- tal herbal medicine and Ayurveda, the traditional sys- tem of medicine from India. R.C. Srimal, in Turmeric: A Brief Review of Medicinal Properties , describes the herb as having the ability to protect the liver against toxic substa


  • of shoulder points on the hands.  Biofeedback. Thermal biofeedback can help protect and heal the stomach.  Sound therapy. Music with a slow, steady beat can promote relaxation and reduce stress.  Ayurveda. Ayurvedic treatment is individualized to each patient but common ulcer remedies include: aloe vera natural gel, arrowroot powder with hot milk, and tea prepared from cumin, coriander, and fennel see


  • atient with violent vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, exhaustion, restlessness, and thirst. Bryonia is recommended for gastroenteritis (inflam- mation of the lining of the gastrointestinal system). Ayurveda Ayurvedic practitioners believe that vomiting is caused by high pitta in the stomach. Remedies for vomiting are:  yogurt containing cardamon and honey  warm milk containing cardamon and nutmeg  te


  • Other alternative remedies Other remedies for intestinal worms include:  Acupuncture. Acupuncture may be used as an adjunct to other treatments to relieve pain and regulate the spleen and stomach.  Ayurveda. Ayurvedic remedies for pinworms include eating one-quarter teaspoon twice daily with water of the herbal mixture: vidanga (5 parts), shardunika (2 parts), and trikatu (one eight part). Also, the pat


  • r, MN 55901. (877) INFO RLS. http://www.rls.org. Rocky Mountain Herbal Institute. P. O. Box 579, Hot Springs, MT 59845. (406) 741 3811. http:// www.rmhiherbal.org Rocky Mountain Institute of Yoga and Ayurveda. P.O. Box 1091, Boulder, CO 80306. (303) 499 2910. http:// www.rmiya.org/index.php/ Rolf Institute of Structural Integration. 209 Canyon Blvd. P.O. Box 1868. Boulder, CO 80306 1868. (303) 449 5903. (


  • PRANA. Basic life energy, found in food, air, and water, as defined in the East Indian Ayurveda and yoga philosophies. PREBIOTICS. Non-digestible food ingredients that pass through the stomach into the intestines, where they selectively stimulate the growth and/or activity of healthy colonic ba


  • itis, 3:1656 tuberculosis, 4:2277 Magnetite, for sleep disorders, 4:2085 Magnolia, 3: 1409–1411, 1410, 1411, 1929 Mahabharata (Hindu text), 4:2324 Maharishi Ayur Ved products, 1:195; 3:1691 Maharishi Ayurveda. See Ayurvedic medicine Maharishi University of Management, 3:1844 Mahesh Yogi, Maharishi, 1:192, 194; 3:1450, 1451, 1451 Mai men dong. See Ophiopogon Maidenhair tree. See Ginkgo biloba Mainstream me


  • 1909 in Rescue Sleep, 4:2085 Rock water flower essence, 1:199; 2:850 t, 852 Rock wrack. See Bladderwrack Rockefeller Foundation, 3:1453 Rockweed. See Bladderwrack Rocky Mountain Institute of Yoga and Ayurveda, 3:1691 Rodenticides, poisoning and, 1:469 Rodriguez Felix, Armida, 3:1810, 1811 Rods (eye), night blindness and, 3:1602 Roentgen (radiation unit), 3:1872 Roentgen, Wilhelm Conrad, 3:1872 Rogaine (mi

File: End Of Alzheimers - Dale Bredesen -


  • to 14 mg/L. GOAL: copper:zinc ratio = 0.8–1.2. Zinc = 90–110 mcg/dL (or red blood cell zinc = 12–14 mg/L). ADDITIONAL, OPTIONALTARGET: copper minus 3x ceruloplasmin ≤ 30. Red blood cell magnesium and Ayurveda Magnesium is critical for brain function. If you have Alzheimer’s disease, which typically wreaks its worst and earliest havoc on the hippocampi and neighboring entorhinal cortex, there is a good cha

File: Epigenetics- The Death of the Genetic Theory of Disease Transmission.2014 -

  • It is thought that the woman was aprophetess and the eye was designed to glitter and give her special powers.Studies of the eye socket showed that the artificial eye was worn for thewoman’s lifetime.Ayurveda is a traditional medicine that is thought to have originated on theIndian subcontinent about 2000 BC during the Vedic Period of India. Ayurvedadeveloped over thousands of years; however, the compendi

  • early healers knew that the proactive pursuit of certain diets and theavoidance of certain substances, foods and plants would contribute to a moreenergetic, healthy and longer life.AYURVEDIC MEDICINEAyurveda, is a holistic system of health and longevity that began in India, andis thought to be the world’s oldest system of natural medicine. Ayurvedicmedicine is believed to be the early scientific map that

  • l#page_478]Aurochs, 13 [part0011.html#page_13]Aurothioglucose, 412 [part0031.html#page_412]Avery, Oswald, 180 [part0021.html#page_180]Avicenna, 47 [part0012.html#page_47], 101 [part0014.html#page_101]Ayurveda, 88 [part0014.html#page_88], 498 [part0033.html#page_498]–499[part0033.html#page_499]BB, 413 [part0031.html#page_413]Ba, 414 [part0031.html#page_414]Babylon, 29 [part0011.html#page_29]Bacon, Sir Fran

File: Sunfood Diet Success System -


  • n of nutrition by simplifying our dietary essentials and presenting a balanced nutrition program consisting of raw plant foods, allowing any single person to achieve an extraordinary level of health. Ayurveda, Traditional Oriental Medicine & Macrobiotics When people believed in the "Earth is flat" paradigm, every university taught its students that the Earth was flat. Every scientist and professor could "
  • the only way that knowledge has ever moved forward. The "Earth is flat" paradigm only allowed human understanding to proceed to a certain level, and no further. In the same way, diet systems such as ayurveda (from India), traditional Chinese medicine (and its macrobiotic offshoot) only allow human health to proceed to a certain level, and no further. The ancient systems have been dulled down over many th
  • or health, who encounters the highest forms of life and who unlocks dormant powers. New distinctions have now surpassed the old system paradigms. My goal has been to draw forth the best elements from ayurveda, traditional Chinese medicine, macrobiotics and other systems and apply them to the

File: What Really Makes You Ill - Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong by Dawn Lester - David Parker -

  • e found locally andwere claimed to have curative properties.The medicinal use of plants has been documented in many regions of the world andrecorded to date back many thousands of years. For example, Ayurveda, theancient Indian system of medicine, is claimed to be approximately 5,000 yearsold. Similarly, TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) is also claimed to be manythousands of years old, although it is sa

File: Joseph Campbell - Myths And Symbols In Indian Art And Civilization -


  • man, and the general welfare of the king- dom, the white elephant, so constantly associated with the goddess Lotus, plays a significant and conspicuous role. Such a festival is described in the Hastyayurveda.· The elephant is painted white with sandal paste, and then led in solemn procession through the capital. Its attendants are men wearing women's dresses and mak- ing merry with clownish, salacious re


  • ic, 8, 115, 118, 133, 157,166,168 of Buddha in art, 164, 165 shaving of, 159 significance of, 157 Hamsa. See Gander Harappa, 93, 94, 168, 170 Hari-Hara, 125 (footnote) Hartner, W., 175 (footnote) Hastayurveda, 103 (and footnote), 108 Heaven, Father, 73, 127, 137, 145 Heavens, 45 (footnote), 51, 64, 73 Hegel, G. F. W., 206, 215 Helen of Troy, 74 Hell, 64, 66 Hera, 73, 89, 128, 137 Heracleitus, 142 (footnot

File: Joseph Campbell - Myths And Symbols In Indian Art And Civilization -


  • man, and the general welfare of the king- dom, the white elephant, so constantly associated with the goddess Lotus, plays a significant and conspicuous role. Such a festival is described in the Hastyayurveda.· The elephant is painted white with sandal paste, and then led in solemn procession through the capital. Its attendants are men wearing women's dresses and mak- ing merry with clownish, salacious re


  • ic, 8, 115, 118, 133, 157,166,168 of Buddha in art, 164, 165 shaving of, 159 significance of, 157 Hamsa. See Gander Harappa, 93, 94, 168, 170 Hari-Hara, 125 (footnote) Hartner, W., 175 (footnote) Hastayurveda, 103 (and footnote), 108 Heaven, Father, 73, 127, 137, 145 Heavens, 45 (footnote), 51, 64, 73 Hegel, G. F. W., 206, 215 Helen of Troy, 74 Hell, 64, 66 Hera, 73, 89, 128, 137 Heracleitus, 142 (footnot

File: Caduseus the Symbol of Healing Kabbalah and Ayurvedic Medicine -


  • , for life’s sport, Built from mind and feeling patterns long and short. We are what we eat and drink, What we feel and what we think. ‘Man does not live by bread alone.’ Mind patterns rule our life. Ayurveda ‘May all be happy. May all be without disease. May all see the Good. May no one experience misery.’ Sanskrit Prayer Ayurveda comes from the Sanskrit, Ayus - life, and Veda - knowledge. It is a system

File: Kevin Trudeau - Natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know About -


  • m Alphabiotics www.alphabiotics.biz Aromatherapy www.naha.org www.pacificinstituteofaromatherapy.com Asthma www.sorvinoasthmafound.org Aston Patterning www.aston-patterning.com Ayurvedic Medicine www.ayurveda.com Bioenergetic Bodywork www.bioenergetic-therapy.com

File: Kevin Trudeau - Natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know About -


  • m Alphabiotics www.alphabiotics.biz Aromatherapy www.naha.org www.pacificinstituteofaromatherapy.com Asthma www.sorvinoasthmafound.org Aston Patterning www.aston-patterning.com Ayurvedic Medicine www.ayurveda.com Bioenergetic Bodywork www.bioenergetic-therapy.com

File: Medicinal Plants of the Bible -


  • KAP) Kaul, M.K. 1997. Medicinal Plants of Kashmir and Ladakh — Temperate and Cold Himalaya . Indus Publish- ing Company, New Delhi. 173 pp. (MKK) Khan, S. and Balick, M.J. 2001. Therapeutic Plants of Ayurveda: A Review of Selected Clinical and Other Studies for 166 Species. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 7(5):405–515. Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. (JAC7:405) Khasbagan, S., Huai, H.-Y., an

File: Encyclopedia Of Occultism And Parapsychology Vol 1 -


  • holistic approach to health care, empha- sizing prevention as well as treatment. Noted published practi- tioners (and their specialties) include Dean Ornish (reversing heart disease), Deepak Chopra (ayurveda/mind-body), Christ- Encyclopedia of Occultism & Parapsychology • 5th Ed. Holistic 731

File: Encyclopedia Of Occultism And Parapsychology Vol 2 -


  • ry/ index.html Project Hindsight (Origins of Ancient Astrology) http:// www.projecthindsight%2Dtghp.com/ Sabian Assembly http:// www.sabian.org/ AUROVILLE Auroville Homepage http://www.auroville.org/ AYURVEDA Ayurvedic Foundations http://www.ayur.com/ Ayurvedic Health Center http://www.ayurvedic.org/ Ayurvedic Institute http://www.ayurveda.com/ BACH CENTRE Bachových kvìtových esencích (Czech Republic) htt
  • sabian.org/ AUROVILLE Auroville Homepage http://www.auroville.org/ AYURVEDA Ayurvedic Foundations http://www.ayur.com/ Ayurvedic Health Center http://www.ayurvedic.org/ Ayurvedic Institute http://www.ayurveda.com/ BACH CENTRE Bachových kvìtových esencích (Czech Republic) http://www.bachovy-esence.cz/ Dr. Edward Bach Centre http://www.bachcentre.com/ Instituto Dr. Edward Bach (Brazil) http://www.institutob

File: Occult Properties Of Herbs And Plants -


  • of thirty-nine plants, three metals and eleven precious stones, with symbols appropriate to each. 2 C. J. S. Thompson: The Mystery and Arts of the Apothecary, London, 1929. 3 Our account is based on Ayurveda or the Hindu System of Medicine by B. V. Raman, edited and annotated by W. B. Crow, first published in The Search Quarterly IV, 1 1934 and after- wards reprinted at Bangalore.

File: Practical Guide to Witchcraft and Magick Spells -


  • ur moods, but our physical well-being. The Babylonians called the healing power of light 'the medicine of the gods'. Healing colours have been used for thousands of years in Chinese treatments and in Ayurveda, an ancient Indian medicine. The Ancient Egyptians wore amulets of coloured stones: red to treat disease, yellow for happiness and prosperity, and green for fertility. Colour healing is not just a fa

File: Book Of Secrets - The World of Tantra -


  • ovement needs breath movement. Mind moving fast needs fast movement in breath. That is why when you are in anger, breath will move fast. In the sex act, the breath will move very fast. That is why in Ayurveda- a system of herbal medicine in India- it is said that your life will be s hortened if too much sex is allowed. Your life will he shortened, according to Ayurveda, because Ayurveda measures your life


  • ve inwards. See yourself standing at the heart center; look within at the details of the body. You will feel very strange when for the first time you can look from within your own body. Tantra, yoga, ayurveda, all the old physiologies, all the old physiological doctrines, their work was revealed and made known through such inner meditative techniques. Modern physiology is known through dissection, but anc

File: From Darkness to Light -


  • ructiveness, seeing that it is against ecology, seeing that sooner of later it would destroy humanity itself ... all scientific movement was directed into other dimensions. For example, yoga, tantra, ayurveda – these are all scientific methods, but not against nature, not against man; they are creative. And of course people were so rich and the soil was so rich and fertile, and the population was so small


  • cause the people who had reached religious consciousness could see the destructiveness of science. They changed the direction of science. Rather than science becoming allopathy, in the East it became ayurveda, it became acupuncture, it became yoga .... These are the same kind of people who, in the West, created allopathy. They were the same kind of mind, but in the East they created acupuncture, they crea
  • ind of people who, in the West, created allopathy. They were the same kind of mind, but in the East they created acupuncture, they created herbal sciences. The word for medical science in the East is ayurveda. Even the word will show you the difference. In the West you call it ”medicine.” Medicine means curing, healing, but can you see the implication: From Darkness to Light 372 Osho


  • NE EARTH it does not mean health, it comes after the disease has already come in. It is a follow-up. First you are sick, then comes the doctor. The doctor follows sickness, with his bag of medicines. Ayurveda means the science of life. The very word has nothing to do with disease, sickness; it has something to do with life, health, longevity. It is positive, it is not negative. It shows you the way to rem

File: Just Like That -


  • t ten to twenty thousand years for him to discover all that. That seems to be more fictitious. The first fiction seems to be nearer reality – that he asked. And there is the same story in India also. Ayurveda, the Indian medicine, is based on the same secret. Those secrets were revealed by the plants themselves. But then a language is needed, a language which is universal and not local to humanity. Feelin

File: Let Go! -


  • nd all kinds of ’pathies’ help. If the doctor enjoys his work, is thrilled by his work, is enthusiastic about it, his enthusiasm cures people. That is therapeutic, medicine is secondary. Allopathy or Ayurveda or Homeopathy or Naturopathy – they are secondary. The first thing is the thrill of the doctor, the joy of the doctor, the confidence, the trust of the doctor. When the patient comes to the doctor an

File: Live Zen -


  • e pope and Poland... You can use Yaa-Hoo! That is specially yours. And there are idiots who have started writing articles against Yaa-Hoo – quoting Sushrut, an ancient man of medicine – talking about ayurveda, just creating jargon, that this word, ‘Yaa-Hoo’ will destroy people’s minds, will break down their nervous systems. I have told my doctors – we have many experts in everything – to give good hits to

File: Sat Chit Anand -


  • you don’t understand all the subtle workings of your mind. Nature, as it is, has to be understood if you want to transcend it. In all the medical ”-pathies” developed around the world – homeopathy or ayurveda or acupuncture – except allopathy, nobody has exactly understood the inner function of nature in man’s body and mind. I say, except allopathy, because others may be sometimes helpful, but they are no
  • se others may be sometimes helpful, but they are not scientific. And others are helpful not in a small way either; if you look at their help, it is tremendous. In almost seventy percent of the cases, ayurveda will be successful, acupuncture may be successful, homeopathy may be successful, naturopathy may be successful. But remember the seventy percent – it is no more than that because seventy percent of d

File: Satyam Shivam Sundram -


  • mbers that the most difficult thing was that neem chutney, twice a day. ”The first day I could not believe it – am I being poisoned or what? Then he explained to me the greatness of this chutney.” In ayurveda, neem is thought to be the most valuable plant in the world; it has great qualities, it purifies the blood. It is just that its taste is hell. So when Mahatma Gandhi explained it to him, being a newc

File: Sermons in Stones -


  • that is cheating, then what is medical help? Because of human beings, medicine can never become an absolutely solid, hundred-percent objective science. That’s why there are so many medical schools – ayurveda, homeopathy, naturopathy, acupuncture, and many more – and they all help. Now homeopathy is simply sugar pills, but it helps. The question is whether the person believes. There are people who are fan


  • on and on... somehow you manage one disease and another disease starts.... There are many ”pathies” in the world: allopathy, naturopathy, homeopathy, acupuncture; Chinese medicine and Greek medicine; ayurveda, Indian medicine, and they all work. I was puzzled... all cannot work; because their prognosis is different, their medicines are different. Still, every medicine succeeds with seventy percent of peop

File: Socrates Poisoned Again After 25 Centuries -


  • s cut. So health is the business of the doctor, not sickness. And you can see the difference: in the West the doctor’s business is called medicine, which relates to sickness. In the East it is called ayurveda, which means the science of life – not of sickness. The basic business of the doctor should be that people should live long, should live healthy, whole, and he should be paid for it. So each commune


  • disturbance, you feel a certain well-being, a certain at-onement with existence. That was not happening through surgery. India abandoned the whole science and developed a totally different approach, ayurveda, which means science of life. It is significant. In the West we call it medicine, and medicine simply indicates towards sickness. Health has nothing to do with medicine. Medicine means that the whole


  • CHAPTER 20. HEALTH: OVERFLOWING ENERGY OF LIFE in the East, are more sick. In the Eastern science of medicine – that is ayurveda – a few diseases are defined as royal diseases. They happen only to very rich people or to royalty – first you have to be able to afford them. For example, tuberculosis is known as a royal disease. A
  • traditions, all different sources; whatever facts have become available have to be reconsidered. A totally new medical approach has to be evolved which takes note of acupuncture, which takes note of ayurveda, which takes note of Greek medicine, which takes note of Delgado and his researches – which takes note of the fact that man is not a machine. Man is a multidimensional spiritual being, and you should


  • CHAPTER 20. HEALTH: OVERFLOWING ENERGY OF LIFE That’s why in ayurveda they could discard surgery completely: it was reducing man into a machine. When things can be done very easily with minerals, herbs, natural things, without poisoning the system of man, then why unne
  • , ”Just human psychology. It does not need treatment.” It has been found in many experiments that allopathy succeeds in seventy percent of cases; homeopathy also succeeds in seventy percent of cases; ayurveda also succeeds in seventy percent of cases, and acupuncture also succeeds in the same way. It is strange: it seems a few people – seventy percent – are willing to be cured, and any kind of medicine he

File: Tao. The Pathless Path, Vol 2 -


  • NOTHING TO CURE IT. This is the difference between modern and ancient medicine. The ancient Chinese medicine, acupuncture, is not as gross as modern medicine; neither is the ancient Indian medicine, ayurveda, as gross as modern medicine. Modern medicine is concerned only with the physical, it knows nothing of the beyond. Ancient Eastern medicine is more concerned with the metaphysical, with the para-phys
  • . Ancient Eastern medicine is more concerned with the metaphysical, with the para-physical. Now a few insights in the West are gaining strength slowly; radionics, kirlian photography, acupuncture and ayurveda are entering the Western consciousness. But ancient Eastern medicine was not just medicine, not just a cure for the body, but a cure for the soul. The East says that the body only shows the symptoms,


  • thriving, throbbing. Listen silently and you will feel the heartbeat everywhere – in the rock too. And then the dialogue is possible. In the old Indian scriptures it is said that the great science of AYURVEDA was found not by objective research but by subjective dialogue. The ayurvedic physicians would go to the trees, meditate with the trees, sit silently with the trees, and when they had fallen en rappo

File: The Discipline of Transcendencevol4 -


  • ngs. Humanity has invented many new diseases which were not prevalent before. In the old scriptures, ayurvedic scriptures, many diseases are not mentioned. People think they are not mentioned because ayurveda was not yet enough of a science, so they could not diagnose thos e diseases. That is not true; ayurveda became a perfect science. But those diseas es were not in existence, so how can you diagnose a
  • rvedic scriptures, many diseases are not mentioned. People think they are not mentioned because ayurveda was not yet enough of a science, so they could not diagnose thos e diseases. That is not true; ayurveda became a perfect science. But those diseas es were not in existence, so how can you diagnose a disease which doesn't exist? They were non -existential. There were a few diseases which existed only fo

File: The Last Testamentvol2 -


  • ut of hundred, almost ninety percent people are suffering from mental diseases which don't exist. That's why there are so many "pathies" in the world: allopathy, naturopathy, homeopathy, acupuncture, ayurveda. In every country there are many pathies, and the miracle is they all work. And their working is totally different, except allopathy, no pathy is scientific. but even allopathy cannot defeat those pa


  • the better way will be that people should be made more intelligent that they don' t suffer from hallucinatory sicknesses. There are many pathies, not only homeop athy. There is naturopathy, there is ayurveda in India, there is acupuncture in China and there are many others in every country. And only allopathy is scienti fic; all others are just belief systems. If you believe in naturopathy, it can be of
  • s -- naturopathy.... But if we can raise human consciousness, ju st a little bit, eighty percent diseases will simply disappear and with eighty percent diseases disappearing, homeopathy, naturopathy, ayurveda, acup uncture, all nonsense will disappear. There is going to be only one science of medicine. And for twenty percent diseases which are actual, it is enough. The difference is exactly like other rel

File: The Mahageeta, Vol 1 -


  • imaginary. One day perhaps one hundred percent diseases will be found to be imaginary. This is why the world has so many medical systems that work. Use western medicine and the patient gets well. Use Ayurveda or Homeopathy or the Greek-Islamic system, or Naturopathy – the patient is cured. Even a charm or talisman will cure him. The Mahageeta, Vol 1 76 Osho

File: The Mustard Seed. My Most Loved Gospel on Jesus -


  • , immediately you become aware. The stomach comes into existence only with a stomachache. Before, it may have been there but it was not in your consciousness. That’s why medical science, particularly Ayurveda, defines health as bodilessness: if you don’t know the body you are healthy; if you know the body something is wrong, because knowing exists only when something goes wrong. If you are a driver, a sli

File: The Sun Behind the Sun Behind the Sun -


  • d. They have not been developed since then; they are primitive, crude. Insights are there but undeveloped. Just think of allopathy five thousand years ago – how crude it was. So is acupuncture, so is ayurveda. Only one medical science has been developing – allopathy; all others have been left behind and they don’t have much of a future. Even if they have any future, that will be with allopathy. For exampl

File: The Ultimate Alchemy, Vol 2 -


  • here is the doctor?” Nasrudin said, ”I have brought the doctor and all the others also.” The master asked, ”Who are all these others?” So he said, ”One is an allopath. If he fails, I have brought one ayurveda man. If he also fails, there is one homeopath. If he also fails, then there are many others. And if everything fails, then these four men are here with the last man: the undertaker – to carry you out

File: The Way of Tao, Volume 1 -


  • rue. When you are absolutely well, you have no knowledge of health. When illness knocks at your door, you become conscious of health. Only the invalids are conscious of their bodies. Therefore in the Ayurveda, the indication af a healthy person is the feeling of Godlessness. He is called healthy, who is not aware of his body. If he is aware of the body, then he is ill. In fact, as soon as you became consc


  • e. Then he would ask the plant in what illness it would be useful. Lukman has given one lac herbal cures in this fashion. There was no research centre where he could carry out his research. Even when Ayurveda came into being, there were no research centres. But their results hold good even today. These results were arrived at intuitively by persons in meditation. Sarpagandha is an old herb of Ayurveda. Th

File: The Zen Manifesto. Freedom From Oneself -


  • y percent of cases does it fail. The reason is that seventy percent of your sickness is just false; it does not need any real medicine, it needs only sugar pills. Homeopathy works, naturopathy works, ayurveda works... any kind of thing on those cases which are false. Your so-called miracle people are working only on the false. They can remove the false, because in the very first place it was not there. I

File: Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, Vol 1 -


  • ovement needs breath movement. Mind moving fast needs fast movement in breath. That is why when you are in anger, breath will move fast. In the sex act, the breath will move very fast. That is why in Ayurveda- a system of herbal medicine in India- it is said that your life will be shortened if too much sex is allowed. Your life will he shortened, according to Ayurveda, because Ayurveda measures your life


  • ve inwards. See yourself standing at the heart center; look within at the details of the body. You will feel very strange when for the first time you can look from within your own body. Tantra, yoga, ayurveda, all the old physiologies, all the old physiological doctrines, their work was revealed and made known through such inner meditative techniques. Modern physiology is known through dissection, but anc

File: Yoga2 -


  • ony, there is no discord, no conflict, you have become one. But ordinarily also, disease will be a hindrance. If you are ill, you need treatment. Patanjali’s yoga system and Hindu system of medicine, Ayurveda, developed simultaneously, together. Ayurveda is totally different than allopathy. Allopathy is suppressive of the disease. Allopathy has developed side by side with Christianity; it is a byproduct.

File: Yoga6 -


  • tchful you will become aware that whenever you feel cheerful you forget the body. Whenever somebody is cheerful he forgets his body, and whenever somebody is sad he cannot forget the body. In fact in ayurveda the definition of health is one of the most significant; no other medical science anywhere in the world has given such a definition. In fact Western medicine has no definition of health. At the most

File: Yoga8 -


  • s medicine.” And some other doctor? ”Don’t go near him: you bring a small disease to him, and he will magnify it and you will come back worse than when you had gone there.” The yogi becomes alert. In ayurveda, which evolved by the side of yoga in the ancient India, a physician had to be a yogi also. Unless you are a yogi you cannot be a real physician. You cannot be a real healer. The physician had to wat

File: Finding God Through Yoga -

  • rk: Praeger, 1988.Feuerstein, Georg. The Yoga Tradition: Its History, Literature, Philosophy andPractice. Prescott, Ariz.: Hohm Press, 1998.Fields, G. Religious Therapeutics: Body and Health in Yoga, Ayurveda, Tantra.Albany: State University of New York Press, 2001.Finke, Roger, and Rodney Stark. The Churching of America, 1776–2005: Winners andLosers in Our Religious Economy. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers

File: Paramahansa Yogananda - Autobiography Of A Yogi -


  • h, memory, normal eyesight; indications of a third se t of teeth appeared, while all wrinkles vanished. The herbal treatment, known as Kaya Kalpa , is one of 80 rejuvenation methods outlined in Hindu Ayurveda or medical science. Pundit Malaviya underwent the treatment at the hands of Sri Kalpacharya Swami Beshundasji, who claims 1766 as his birth year. He possesses documents proving him to be more than 10

File: Paramahansa Yogananda - Autobiography of a Yogi -

File: Paramahansa Yogananda - Demystifying Patanjali - The Yoga Sutras -


  • ed
the original
— David
Director, American
Ayurveda Paramhansa
Yogananda A
Kriyananda Paramhansa
saints Yogananda

File: Paramahansa Yogananda - Demystifying Patanjali - The Yoga Sutras -


  • ed
the original
— David
Director, American
Ayurveda Paramhansa
Yogananda A
Kriyananda Paramhansa
saints Yogananda

File: Paramahansa Yogananda - Revelations Of Christ Proclaimed -

  • as opposed to another.This spirit is easier to grasp in the original edition of this great spiritualand yogic classic.”—David Frawley, Director, American Institute of Vedic Studies, author of Yogaand AyurvedaThis title is also available in:52-Card Deck and BookletAudiobook (Unabridged MP3 format)GAYCD_smgs.doc [../Images/GAYCD_smgs_opt.jpeg]2010 WINNER of theEric Hoffer Award!Bronze medal WINNER 2009 for

File: Peter Levenda - Tantric Alchemist -

  • eing's life.> Athanor An alchemical furnace.> Atharva Veda (S) One of the four Vedas, core scriptures of Indian religion> Aurum potabile (L) Literally “drinkable gold,” a form of the Elixir of Life.> Ayurveda (S) Indian medical practice and philosophy.> Bain-marie (F) Literally “Marie's bath,” a double boiler; an invention> attributed to the alchemist Maria the Jewess.> Baopu Zi (C) A Daoist alchemical te

File: Peter Levenda - Tantric Temples -

  • age_75]–76[12_chapter02.html#page_76], 88 [14_chapter03.html#page_88], 96[14_chapter03.html#page_96], 113 [15_chapter04.html#page_113]–114[15_chapter04.html#page_114], 249 [20_chapter08.html#page_249]Ayurveda (Ayurvedic medicine) 113 [15_chapter04.html#page_113]Bahasa Indonesia 11 [09_anoteonlanguages.html#page_11], 60[12_chapter02.html#page_60], 329 [24_conclusions.html#page_329]Bahasa Malaysia 11 [09_an

File: Encyclopedia Of Western Colonialism Since 1450 -


  • borrowed from Indian Ayurveda and other Eastern forms of medicine. Scientific learning was prized and promoted by the state in the Islamic world, which led classic Islamic physician-scholars, such as Ibn R ̄ azi, Ibn Sina, and Ib

File: Mitriya - The Ultimate Guide for One World Order -


  • oseís research by awarding the Nobel prize during British Era. Everybody knows about this fact throughout India. * Medical Science was very advanced in India. They had developed medical system called Ayurveda . This is almost dead but yet there are some who practice this medicational system. There had been several terminally ill cancer cases where they required bone-marrow treatment. Ayurvedic treatment (

File: V. A. Shiva - System And Revolution -

  • on a Fulbright grant and uncovered a directcorrelation between the language used in Eastern spiritual practices and modernWestern systems theory. [../images/00006.jpeg]Regulatory Cycle of Siddha and Ayurveda.(Ayyadurai, 2014) As the diagram illustrates, given its resemblance to the closed loop system ofmodern control systems engineering, the ancient spiritual masters of the Eastwere fundamentally systems

File: You Are Being Lied To -


  • tional Journal of the Addictions , the British Medical Journal , Nose and Throat Journal , Annals of Internal Medicine , and Cancer . The author divides the book by modality, giving a chapter each to ayurveda and yoga, chiropractic, vitamins and minerals, homeopa- t h y , mind/body interaction (music, attitude, living alone, etc.), and many other therapies. Exercise has one of the most impressive records

File: Memory Program - How To Prevent Memory Loss And Enhance Memory Power -


  • and quickly tried to wrap up and hide the telltale material. I immediately guessed what was happening. In her frustration at the lack of response in my father's symptoms to Sinemet, she had turned to Ayurveda, the ancient art of medicine laid out in the encyclopedic Hindu texts, the Vedas. The shiny gleam in the metallic powder made me fear that toxic metals like mercury or lead might be hiding within. Du


  • re injections of gold — yes, metallic gold — have been used successfully to treat severe rheumatoid arthritis. On the other hand, heavy metals can actually worsen Parkinson's disease, and I knew that Ayurveda had no effective treatment for this condition. I had a heated argument with my mother, and for a change, I won. She is well educated and knew about the toxicity of heavy metals like lead and mercury,


  • aceutical medications, which are manufactured. Some alternative medications are effective, a few are toxic and should not be used, and still others don't work but are generally harmless. The Roots of Ayurveda During my medical school years, I read some of the Ayurvedic texts, translated from Sanskrit into English, that described a wide range of therapies: herbs and plant extracts, metals, and bloodletting


  • t reserpine (used to treat hypertension in the 1950s and 1960s), and several plant extracts with anticholinergic properties (to treat diarrhea, for example). The Major Alternative Systems of Medicine Ayurveda is a complex system described in ancient Hindu religious and medical texts, detailing the use of literally hundreds of natural substances as medicines. Unani is a system of medicine developed centuri


  • of homeopathy, of course, is that because the tablets contain so little active ingredient it is usually harmless, which cannot always be said for the medicines from some of the older disciplines like Ayurveda and Unani. To my knowledge, there are no worthwhile promemory homeopathic medications. Most of these older medical systems focused on the maladies of youth and middle age, because few people lived to


  • rsenic, 107 arthritis, 183 aspirin, 182 memory loss and, 123, 184, 198, 200, 202, 203 sensitivity to, 184 stroke prevention and, 123 associations, in memory training, 68 associative thinking, 40 – 41 Ayurveda, 140 – 141, 142 – 144 barley, 155 Benadryl, 105 benign memory loss, 4 – 5, 12, 14 benzodiazepines, 104 biological clocks, and memory loss, 35 boron, 215 brain acetylcholine deficit in, 159 – 161 alco

File: Encyclopedia Of Hinduism -


  • became part of the tradition. This text consists primarily of spells and charms used to ward off diseases or to influence events. This text is considered the origin of Indian medicine, the system of Ayurveda. There are also a number of cosmogonic hymns in the Atharva Veda, which show the development of the notion of divine unity in the tradition. A priest of the Atharva Veda was later included in all pub


  • f A YURVEDA . In 1966 he quit the practice of Western medicine and left the United States. He later returned as a doctor of acupuncture and led a number of his ashrams into holistic health, including Ayurveda. In 1984 he took the vow of sannyas (renunciation) from Swami Gangeshva- rananda and was given the name Brahmananda Saraswati. Sri Brahmananda Saraswati also established the Brahmananda Ashram (the Y


  • gavad Gita Home Study course and a Vedic Heritage Teaching Program for children. The Arsha Vidya bookstore in Pennsylvania has over 3,000 publications on Vedanta, Hinduism, Sanskrit, yoga, astrology, Ayurveda, philosophy, and Indian history. Further reading: Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Arsha Vidya: The Vision of the Rishis (Rishikesh: Sri Gangad- hareswar Trust, Swami Dayananda Ashram, 1999); — ——, Collect


  • i, Sita’s Kitchen (New Delhi: Wiley Eastern, 1994); Philip Lutgendorf, “Imagining Ayodhya: Utopia and Its Shadows in Ancient India.” International Journal of Hindu Studies 1, no. 1 (1997), pp. 19–54. Ayurveda Ayurveda (from ayus, “life,” and veda, “knowl- edge”) is the ancient tradition of medicine in India. It is said to originate in the A THARVA V EDA . The text Ayurveda, which is no longer extant, was


  • mbers. He maintains a heavy schedule of lecturing to New Thought churches around the world. Further reading: Roy Eugene Davis, The Book of Life (Lakemont, Ga.: CSA Press, 2000); ———, An Easy Guide to Ayurveda: The Natural Way to Wholeness (Lake- mont, Ga.: CSA Press, 1999); ———, God Has Given Us Every Good Thing (Lakemont, Ga.: CSA Press, 1986); ———, Miracle Man of Japan (Lakemont, Ga.: CSA Press, 1970);


  • tside India. In addition to articles directly relating to Hindu philosophy, the Hindu D IASPORA , and international news of Hindu communities and temples, the publication includes topics ranging from AYURVEDA medicine to VEGETARIANISM and YOGA . Interviews with popu- lar Hindu teachers, reformers, and activists appear regularly. The publication has become a reputable source on the Hindu way of life for ma


  • was alive. Rama- murti always considered this date, March 6, was his real birthday. At a young age he left home to pursue the study of Sanskrit and medicine. He completed his first medical degrees in Ayurveda and Western K 290 Mirabai 001-518_hindu_a-z.indd 290 12/14/06 9:29:05 AM


  • initiated into the vow of san- nyas (renunciation) by Swami Gangeshvarananda and was given the name Brahmananda Saraswati. He was a prolific writer who published texts on yoga, meditation, raja yoga, Ayurveda, and com- mentaries on Sanskrit texts. He died on September 19, 1993. Further reading: Ramamurti S. Mishra, Fundamentals of Yoga (Monroe, N.Y.: Baba Bhagavandas Publication Trust, 1996); ———, Self An


  • Act 468, 469 asparas 222 asuras Brihaspati 94 Buddha 96 Daksha 117 demonic beings 123 Durga 139, 140 Hiranyakashipu 188 Hiranyaksha 189 Kurma Avatar 253 Milk Ocean 288 Atharva Veda xix, xx adhvaryu 5 Ayurveda 58 Dvapara Yuga 141 mahavakyas 269 prithivi 335 Veda(s) 480, 481 atman 51–52 Aitareya Upanishad 19 Amritanandamayi Ma 27 Bhagavata Purana 74 brahman 91 Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 93 mahavakyas 270 Mand


  • Index 539 J caste 100 Diaspora 132 pancha makara 321 pollution/purity 330 sacred cow 371, 372 vegetarianism 485, 486 yoga 512 medicine. See Ayurveda meditation xxxiv c, 283, 284 . See also mantra American Meditation Society 24 American Yoga Association 24 Amritanandamayi Ma 26 Ananda Ashram, Monroe, New York 29 Ananda Ashrama and Vedanta Centre 3

File: Encyclopedia Of Science And Religion -


  • lightenment, which is be- yond the realms of ignorance. Even today, this spiritual cosmology of Buddhism remains re- spected within Buddhist communities throughout Southeast and East Asia. India. The Ayurveda, a traditional Indian book on medicine that was adopted by Buddhism, dis- cusses surgery, pediatrics, toxicology, and divine pharmacology. It even includes a skeletal chart of the human body. The Bud


  • aped altars and the correct astronomi- cal time for the conducting of both individual and social events (p.186). Medicine British colonization brought to India modern West- ern medicine, where it met Ayurveda or traditional Indian medicine, which traces itself back to the Vedas. Modern medicine, and its assumption of René Descartes’s mind-body dualism, has often viewed the body as a mechanical object to b


  • of science and, 657 Euclidean geometry and, 374, 380, 823, 824 Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem and, 380, 547 Axons, myelinization of, 613 Ayala, Francisco, 213, 364, 747, 773 Ayer, Alfred J., 650, 686 Ayurveda medicine, 79, 83, 402, 407 Azriel of Erona, 453 Azusa Street revival (Los Angeles), 132 B Baal (god), 98 Babbage, Charles, 7, 907 Bábí millenarian movement, 53 Baboons, 699–700 Babylonia, 98, 177–178

File: Rupert Sheldrake - The Science Delusion -

  • he zero-point field?Physiology may be seriously incomplete, and may have a lot to learn fromnon-mechanistic systems of Kc sit relahealing, such as those of shamans,healers, and practitioners of yoga, ayurveda and acupuncture.Meanwhile, modern physics reveals vast invisible reservoirs of dark matter anddark energy, and the quantum-vacuum field is full of energy, interacting witheverything that happens. May

File: Rupert Sheldrake Science Set Free -

  • including the zero-point field?Physiology may be seriously incomplete, and may have a lot to learn fromnon-mechanistic systems of healing, such as those of shamans, healers andpractitioners of yoga, ayurveda and acupuncture.Meanwhile, modern physics reveals vast invisible reservoirs of dark matter anddark energy, and the quantum-vacuum field is full of energy, interacting witheverything that happens. May

File: Mahabharata-VOL-1 -


  • k hymns by first-rate Brahmanas according to the just rules of intonation. Other places again were graced with Brahmanas acquainted with ordinances of sacrifice, of the Angas and of the hymns of the Yayurveda. Other places again were filled with

File: Shamanism - An Encyclopedia -


  • easures to rid themselves of pestering spirits. Some try an- tibiotics and other allopathic remedies drawn from Western cosmopolitan biomedicine, while others turn to local systems of healing such as Ayurveda (a Hindu healing tradition described in ancient Sanskrit scriptures) or Unani prophetic medicine brought to India by Mus- lims, which has been described as a “combina- tion of Greek humoral theory (f

File: Shapeshifter - Dna Activation Level One Companion Guide -


  • and your DNA. Listen to and ab- sorb this field of energetic information into your structures as you breathe (prana) through your Chakra System, through Yoga/Qigong practices, through the alchemy of Ayurveda, through various higher vibrational essences and other supportive forms that are a part of the shapeshifting mandala of which you are now and are becoming. The energy of the CD’s is ab- sorbed throug

File: Souls Of Distortion Awakening -


  • ical education and training in the Unites States. It was after a personal meeting with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi that he was persuaded to study the 4000 year old traditional Indian medical art called Ayurveda. Ayr veda is Sanskrit for the ‘the science of life’. After his meeting with the Mahari shi he went to take the train where he met a friend who handed him a book about A yurveda. One and one makes two


  • Dmitriev · 146, 188 Amit Goswami · 37, 38, 86, 99, 133, 168, 185, 188 Atlantis · 11, 12, 72, 101, 107, 108, 109, 110, 112, 142, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 172, 187, 188 Auric Time Scale · 139, 140, 141 Ayurveda · 33 B Benoit B. Mandelbrot · 21 Bible Code · 158, 159, 160, 161 Big Bang · 68, 80, 81, 136, 137 Bruce Rawles · 48 Buckminster Fuller · 62, 71 Buddhism · 28 C Carl Jung · 34, 98, 171 Carla Rueckert ·

File: Preppers Survival -


  • mentary” or “alternative” medicine. The WHO created the Traditional Medicine Strategy 2014-2023 to regulate, research, and harness natural medicine and ensure the safety of its use. Practices such as Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Unani, Anthroposophic Medicine, Chiropractic, Homeopathy, Naturopathy and Osteopathy enjoy global popularity. Nowadays, more than 100 million Europeans use traditional


  • nese Emperor Sheen Nong wrote a work on medicine called Ben Cao (Herbalist), which mainly described herbal remedies. Chinese medicine has used over 1,500 plants. Ancient Indian medicine, set forth in Ayurveda (1st century BC), used about 800 plants, all of


  • role in the search for and preservation of grains of knowledge did not belong to the rulers. At all times and among all peoples, scientists have been doing this. One of the oldest medical treatises, Ayurveda, compiled over the centuries by the great ancient Indian doctors - Atreya, Charaka and Sushruta - is still a reference book for Indian doctors today. Many probably know the choleretic drug - LIV 52,

File: When Rituals go Wrong Mistakes Failure and the Dynamics of Ritual -


  • , Angela 1998. Tantric Healing in the Kathmandu Valley. A Comparative Study of Hindu and Buddhist Spiritual Healing Traditions in Urban Nepalese Society. Delhi: Book Faith.Durkin-Longley. . . . 1982. Ayurveda in Nepal: a Medical Belief System in Action. PhD dis-sertation, University of WisconsinEmmrich, Christoph 2005. “Ujy—Ein letzter Ritus der Vajrcryas von Lalitpur,” In: Assmann, Jan & F. Maciejewsk

File: Tantra Magick -


  • Ltd., 210 Dr. Dadabhai Naoroji Rd., Bombay 400 001Chapter Two: The 2nd degree: Esquire orHandmaidenSymbolism of the Grade (37) Working the Grade (39) The Body Yantra(39) Sun-Moon-Fire Meditation (42) Ayurveda (42) Rite of Body Yantra(44) Amulet of the Great Goddess of Time (52) Mnemonics (52) TheKleshas (54) Academy of Symbolism (56) Academy of Five Senses (57)Maya (59) The Daily Rite (58) The word NathaC


  • nnature, to uncover the Moon.Meditate for ten minutes daily on the following points: do I feel mybody? Do I sense my emotions? Use everyday experience to help you.Try and feel every part of your body.Ayurveda and the Three QualitiesThere is a Nath Yoga Tantrik system of 'medicine' little known in theWest. It is called Ayurveda. For a human to be healthy her or his body,made of the three Qualities, should


  • ting triangles (5x3), and four Upward pointing triangles (4x3).Time and its unitsThe basis of Time in Tantrika conception is breath. This is because it is themean unit of the whole cosmos as food. In Ayurveda there is 'food' asfood, 'food' as breath and 'food' as sense impressions. All three typesare consumed at a different rate or vibration.In one day and one night a balanced human being is said to breat

File: exu -


  • ver held a particular potency in Greek and Roman antiquity where it was favoured for divi-nation. This connection between the liver and its particular power lives on in traditional medicines, such as Ayurveda, where the liver holds the mastery of the five digestive fires that purify the blood. The importance of fire and blood can be seen not only in its importance for health but also on a more symbolic le

File: the way of the crucible - robert bartlett -


  • CONTENTS FOREWARD by Dennis William Hauck 1 PREFACE 5 INTRODUCTION 9 CHAPTER ONE East and West—Medicines vs 25 Gold CHAPTER TWO Ayurveda—Science of Life 29 CHAPTER THREE The Art of Alchemy 35 CHAPTER FOUR Alchemical Lifestyle 47 CHAPTER FIVE Importance of Water 61 CHAPTER SIX Manipulating Chi/Prana/Mercury 65 CHAPTER SEVEN Koshas/Chak


  • st very often shed light on subjects which were only disclosed under a heavy veil of secrecy and symbol in the West. We can use them to help guide us through the labyrinth of alchemy. Taoist alchemy, Ayurveda, and Alchemical Medicines Even in very ancient times, India and China had communication and in both lands, alchemy developed along similar lines; the terms and associated mythology may have differed
  • ration of the body and transmutation of metals, in which metallic mercury played a key role. The texts concerning this part of alchemical works are known as Rasa Shastra, one of the eight branches of ayurveda and traditionally held to have been vouchsafed to mankind by the god Shiva himself. Much of the alchemical art as practiced


  • 29 CHAPTER TWO Ayurveda—Science of Life he concept of Tridosha is of central importance to ayurveda and formed one of the important subjects taught by Frater Albertus at the Paracelsus College. Manfred Junius also mentions
  • 29 CHAPTER TWO Ayurveda—Science of Life he concept of Tridosha is of central importance to ayurveda and formed one of the important subjects taught by Frater Albertus at the Paracelsus College. Manfred Junius also mentions the close connection of ayurveda and Western alchemy in his excellent work T
  • ept of Tridosha is of central importance to ayurveda and formed one of the important subjects taught by Frater Albertus at the Paracelsus College. Manfred Junius also mentions the close connection of ayurveda and Western alchemy in his excellent work The Practical Handbook of Plant Alchemy. In this chapter, we present an overview of this Indian “Science of Life”, which provides valuable keys to understand


  • AYURVEDA—SCIENCE OF LIFE 31 The three essentials here are called Doshas, and everything has a unique blending and balance of the three. Each of the doshas (vata, pitta and kapha) is also subdivided into five


  • AYURVEDA—SCIENCE OF LIFE 33 not overtaxed by excess or the wrong types of food for our nature; and this includes the type of lifestyle we have as well as our habitual mental/emotional states. Each of these th


  • . After the class, a student approached me and asked, “How does one incorporate these ideas into everyday life?” The short answer was that the Hermetic Philosophy is a way of looking at life and like ayurveda it is the science of life. Life is the alchemical process going on around us everywhere and at all times. The alchemist strives always to live in harmony with Nature and to assist Her in bringing thi


  • st subtle form of matter; it is the food of cells which becomes the highest expression of consciousness within us. Soma is transformed by Tejas into Prana, allowing the flow of Supreme Consciousness. Ayurveda says that Soma is the mother of Prana and Tejas is the father of Prana. As the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus says: Its Father is the Sun; its Mother is the Moon; the Wind carries it in its wo


  • nerally have great endurance once they get going. Keep the body light and moving, warm and dry. Keep the Prana upward moving and circulating; take deep, rapid breaths if necessary to maintain energy. Ayurveda does not look upon asanas as fixed forms that by themselves either increase or decrease the doshas. It views


  • 81 CHAPTER EIGHT Science of Rasayana asayana is a word for rejuvenation in Ayurveda. Rasayana is a branch of Ayurveda and a development from Rasa Shastra which most closely mirrors the alchemical tradition of the West. It literally means “the path of juice”, which aims to nourish, r


  • andha (Withania somnifera) promote generative activities in the tissues, restore senile sexual dysfunctions and cure impotency. Chyawanprash is an ancient and still very popular rejuvenating tonic of Ayurveda. It is made by mixing the elixir of eighteen roots and herbs in fresh Amalaki Paste and sugarcane syrup. Chyawanprash enhances body metabolism and immunity and is considered to be one of the most hea


  • . Literally, rasayana means the augmentation of rasa, the vital fluid produced by the digestion of food and concentration of prana. It is the rasa flowing in the body which sustains life. Rasayana in ayurveda is the method of treatment through which the rasa is maintained in the body at its highest level of perfection. Rasayanas prepared from medicinal plants have been used from time immemorial and have b


  • e particular medicine, and in the timing or when the medicine is to be administered. Another factor which is often overlooked is the medium or vehicle in which the medicine is applied or ingested. In ayurveda, this is called the Anupana. Most often an alchemical medicine is in the form of an alcohol or water and alcohol mixture which is placed directly on or under the tongue. Many of the old texts recomme


  • being taken in homeopathic dilutions, do not so much replenish the bulk material but provide the body with clear information on how to utilize the individual salts. Cell salts are also used in modern ayurveda. Their VPK factors are indicated in the following table. VPK Factors of Cell Salts Salt Doshas Potassium Phosphate VP Sodium Sulfate P Potassium Chloride P Calcium Fluoride P Magnesium Phosphate VK P


  • cury/Uranus Calcium Saturn Magnesium Mercury Aluminum Moon Zinc Venus/Neptune Platinum Sun Antimony Earth/Uranus The traditional correspondences for a selection of important mineral medicines used in ayurveda are shown below. Stone Planet VPK Factor Ruby Sun VK- P+ Garnet Sun VK- P+ Pearl Moon VPK= Yel. Saphire Jupiter VP- K+ Yel. Topaz Jupiter VP- K+ Bl. Saphire Saturn VK- P+ Lapis Lazuli Saturn VP- K+ E


  • pic on gold, but I think it will supply you with an additional technique for work in the metallic realm which is extremely valuable. Bhasma of Zinc Metallic zinc is another important medicine used in ayurveda. You can obtain a relatively pure form of the metal from the casings of old dry cell batteries. Just strip off the outer labeling and you will find a shiny metallic can which is the zinc. Cut this ca


  • ota, 2007. Becker, Christian August. Das Acetone. 1867. Translated by Shuck and Nintzel, Richardson, Texas: Restorers of Alchemical Manuscripts, 1981. Dash, Bhagwan. Alchemy and Metallic Medicines in Ayurveda. Concept Publishing Co., New Delhi, India, 1986. Dash, Bhagwan and Lalitesh Kashyap. Iatro-Chemistry of Ayurveda (Rasa Shastra). Concept Publishing Co., New Delhi, India, 1994.


  • by Lockwood, 1972. Kirschweger, Anton. The Golden Chain of Homer. Translated from the German 1723 edition by Sigmund Bacstrom in 1797. (Xerox of Bacstrom’s handwritten copy.) Lad, Vasant. Textbook of Ayurveda. The Ayurvedic Press, Albequerque, New Mexico 2002 Murien, Petri. Alchemically Purified and Solidified Mercury. Translated by Brigitte Donvez. La-Screen. Rasa Vidya Marg, India: Chinchwad, 1992. Newt

File: The Alchemy Reader From Hermes Trismegistus to Isaac Newton -


  • in the sulphur-mercury theory of Western alchemy.An important link between Chinese alchemy and that practiced in ancient India is suggested by the fact that the term for the Hindu medical tradition, ayurveda, means the “science of longevity.” The concept of health implied therein is holistic, including psychological and spiritual as well as physical well being. Although his focus is primarily on medieval

File: Veneficium Magic, Witchcraft -


  • riction and diminishment of function. Having been so taught, it is unsurprising that our adepts consistently dream of this plant's Genius as ophidian.163 As a student of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, and allopathic herbalism, as well as horticultural botany, my training had well emphasized responsible use of so-called 'folk remedies' as well as given me training in antidote. Beyond my own knowle

File: Atharva Veda -


  • Atharva Veda SAKSIVC Page 8 of 67 Ayurvedic concepts There are many suktas dealing with healing and the extension of life. Hence Ayurveda, the science of medicine in ancient and medieval India [which is having a renaissance both in India and abroad] is called as an upaveda or auxiliary Veda of Atharva Veda. The three basic types of hum


  • Atharva Veda SAKSIVC Page 36 of 67 Health, Bliss and Ayurveda There are 213 hymns in this category. The sages of Atharvaveda did not define health as mere absence of disease or define a million diseases with an associated cornucopia of pills and herbs for curin

File: kamika agama purva pada part 1 -


  • avaca received this Agama from Sulina. There are sixteen Upagamas for this Agama. They are: Kavaca, Varaha, Pingalamata, Pasabandha, Dandadhara, Ankusa, Dhanurdhara, Sivajnana, Vijnana, Srikalajnana, Ayurveda, Dhanurveda, Sarpadamshtri-vibhedana, Gita, Bharata and Atodya. 5 ,1O ू$c5 lT6ॐ।: }\ ूš$ 5 $X॥: ^e ;5 , j5 ऽ.5 -। : lalitaṁ cālayeśasya proktaṁ a

File: Blackwell Companion to Hinduism -


  • hrough globalization along with the late modernerosion of tradition, while on the other we have seen the reinvigoration of sometraditions and the reanimation of traditional forms of knowledge (such asAyurveda). Secularists in India would wish to see the complete erosion of reli-gion in the public sphere of governance and its relegation to the private realm,while many religious nationalists would wish to s


  • ch show links between religion, healing and social comment. Pos-session is linked to the diagnosis of disease and the prescription of mantras; themantrava ̄dain Kerala, for example, is related to the Ayurveda. Indeed, it is theseaspects of tradition which, while being local in origin, have traveled to otherareas. The S ́aiva exorcist deity Khad.gara ̄van.a, for example, in the text of theKuma ̄ra Tantra,

File: Shiva Stories and Teachings from the Shiva Mahapurana -


  • e suddenlyemerged the handsome figure of a manholding the pot of nectar, the divineamrita, in his hands. Known asDhanwantari, he was a partial avataraof Lord Vishnu and is the father of thescience of ayurveda. As soon as theasuras saw him they realized that thiswas the immortal drink for which they


  • DevayaniKartikeya’s wife; daughter ofIndraDhanwantariFather of the science ofayurvedaDhanyaDaughter of the manesDharma ShastaAvatar of both Vishnu and ShivaDitiMother of the demonsDraupadiWife of the five PandavabrothersDurgaParvatiDurvasaSon of Atri; manifestation ofShivaEttumbaDemon

File: Yoga Powers -


  • a and Yoga, however, are not merely two schools of Hindu philosophy sāṃkhya is in many ways the philosophy of Hinduism 4 sāṃkhya dominates many of the systems of knowledge, such as Indian medicine (ayurveda); it had an enormous influence on the later theo-logical systems, Śaiva, vaiṣṇava, and Śākta, and its central concepts are omnipresent in narrative traditions such as the Mahābhārata and the Purāṇas

File: 04 Kali puja For Internet 9-26-2013 -


  • nhye Vishnurupancha tarakshastham peetabasasam | Yubatincha Yajur-vedam Suryamandala-sansthitam || At noon, like Vishnu riding on his Gaduda, Gayatri takes the form of a young grown up lady, holding Yayurveda in her hands, wearing a yellow dress and located in the divine solar system.

File: B. V. Raman Hindu Predictive Astrology -


  • of all tbings, visible and.invisible, While Ayurveda rants .. aD Upa'ledo, Jyollslta or Astrology i, oDe of tbe Vedan,a" It was not a mere accident tbat distioguished practilio oers of one of ~se arts were &ener,lIy proficient in the olber also. Cosmos


  • anets indicated bile, two wind and one phlegm. Therefore, the native died o n account of Ihe di~ease caused owing to inflammation of e~ccssive bile in the head (Aries ,epresents bead). AccClrding t o Ayurveda or the Hindu system of Medicine, the existence o f these tridoshas (wind. bile a nd phlegm) in a state of harmony con~titutes health and wben some one or more· among these doshas is or lire increased


  • nical Terms Abbijin Muburtha Aksharasweekarana Almanacs Alpayu Aonaprasana Antaras Anthyaja Apachayas Apoklimas Arohana Ashlalcavarga Ashubha Astam Atichara Avarohaoa Avastbas Ayana Ayanamsa Ayurdaya Ayurveda Dalarish!a Bhaehalcra Dbava Dbava Madhya Dha.va Sandbi -A moSE auspicious moment -Bestowing or First Alphabets -"anchangas -Earl), death -First feeding of a child -Inter-periods -Untouchable -t. 2, 4



  • HE NIRAYANA SYSTEM : REFERENCE TO HINDU VEDIC ASTROLOGY PART II Prof. Anthony Writer, Jyotisha Bharati, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai 31 Windy, Vata, Tamas, Ganesha, Meena avatar (Fish incarnation), Ayurveda, Upanishad, Aranyaka, Planetary Army, Mixed caste, South-west, 48th year. When afflicted it signifies worries, suspicious nature of mind, hidden difficulties, unforeseen circumstances, impediments, i


  • the son-in-law of Tvastra. He is the regent of the north-western quarter where he dwells. Vayu is described as the father of Hanuman and Bhishma. He presides over Swati (q.v.), the 15th asterism. In Ayurveda, Vayu (or Prana) is one of the three humours of the physical system of the human body, the other two being kapha (phlegm) and pitta (bile). VEDA [Root: vid, to know or Divine knowledge]. Divine knowl

File: Kapstein - The Tibetans -


  • Tantras have remained the textual backbone of the Tibetan medical system, accumu-lating an imposing commentarial literature. Though other key works were known, including important treatises of Indian Ayurveda trans-

File: (Tsadra) Karl Brunnholzl-When the Clouds Part_ The Uttaratantra and Its Meditative Tradition as a Bridge between Sutra and Tantra-Snow Lion (2015) -


  • d suffering (its result).1250. Lit. “wanderers.” This term refers to an inhomogeneous group of roaming Yajurveda adepts and performers of Vedic rituals. They may also have had contacts with the early Ayurveda school founded on the Carakasamhita by the famous Indian physician Caraka (born c. 300 bce). VT (fol. 12r4) glosses them as Vaidyas, which here can mean only “those who are experts in medical science

File: Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Taye, Gyurme Dorje-The Treasury of Knowledge, Book Six, Parts One and Two_ Indo-Tibetan Classical Learning and Buddhist Phenomenology-Snow Lion (2013) -


  • e full diversity of ordinary human activities, which he summarizes in twenty-two aspects, starting with the characteristics of the six classes of sentient beings.MedicineThe Indian medical science of Ayurveda straddles the Brahmanical and Bud­dhist traditions. At its roots are the compilations (samhitd) of two celebrated physicians of antiquity—Caraka and Susruta, but specifically within the Buddhist trad


  • ujastyk, D om in ik , trans. 1993. Metarules of Pdninian Grammar: The Vyädiyaparibhäsävrtti. Critically edited with translation and commentary. 2 vols. Groningen: Egbert Forsten. . 2003. The Roots of Ayurveda: Selections from Sanskrit Medical Writings. N e w York/London: Penguin Classics.Yamada, Isshi. 1981. Sarva-tathdgata-tattva-samgraha ndma mahdydna-sutra: A Critical Edi­tion Based on the Sanskrit Man


  • 0 3 -0 4 , 841 awareness, 79, 150, 168, 421, 4 5 3 -5 4 , 516, 566, 571, 573» 5 7 9 -^ 0 , 651, 736 extrinsic, 1 4 ,79, 1 5 0 -5 2 , 167, 6 5 0, 762 intrinsic, 14, 79, 1 5 0 -5 2 , 168, 651, 758, 762Ayurveda, 19, 809, 944 Bactria, 745Bactrian Greeks, 22, 779, 819Bahyarthavadin, 466, 725Balyul rang byung mchod rten chen po’i lorgymy 795» 9Z9 Banda Gelek' Gyatso, 8 1 9 ,8 5 1 ,8 5 5 barbarous views, 3 7 ,4

File: Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Taye-The Treasury of Knowledge, Book 6, Part 4_ Systems of Buddhist Tantra (Bk. 6, Pt. 4)-Snow Lion Publications (2005) -


  • act, although the vital essences are said to be the sub-products ofthe original ones, at the same time, they are said to be a result of the seven-fold process of regeneration of the body spoken of in Ayurveda and Tibetanmedicine, which begins with the ingestion of food. In this process, the nu-trient of food turns into blood, blood turns into flesh, flesh into fat, fat intobones, bones into marrow, and ma

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  • own of the head.What is especially fascinating about the presence of these remedies inthe Four Medical Tantras is that the use of human products for healingillness was apparently not common in Indian Ayurveda, the source of alarge amount of Tibetan medical information, although it is well knownin Chinese medicine.36 While it is possible that this aspect of Tibetan med-icine indicates connections with Chin

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  • nue with the detailed prayoga. If the perfected one do a homa of 10,000 times with the mixture of karuka , chitamrut, malar dipped in trimadhura , he can cure all the incurable diseases.[as stated in ayurveda] For achieving a higher wattage, the aspirant can perfect the mantra by sitting on the top of mountain , or the deep jungles or the river confluences, adhering to brahmacharya and recite it the same

File: An Introduction to Tantric Philosophy - The Paramarthasara of Abhinavagupta with the Commentary of Yogaraja -


  • o adduce that a verbal transmission of this sort is at issue, at least in the sense that the concluding “lesson** is received directly from the mouth of the master.1365In the alchemical traditions of Ayurveda and Tantrism, mercury (rasa or pdrada), by un­dergoing a certain process, called paradasamskdra (which includes eighteen modes of trans­formation — saijiskara), is ultimately ‘perfected* (siddha). In


  • 276 dtmavi&dnd, repose in the Self, 56, 71 [andtmany] dtmdbhimdnoh, conceit that locates the Self [in the non- Self], 166, 168, 192, 216, 218, 228dtmakhydd, failure to discern the Self, 80, 130, 149 Ayurveda, 300bandha, bondage, 44, 80, 81, 95, 103, 1 6 3 ,1 7 3 ,1 7 5 ,1 9 2 ,2 1 7 , 219, 221, 229-232, 244, 247, 281, 292bauddhajnana, 38, 42 bdhyakarana, external organs, 9 8 ,1 4 1 bdhyarthavdda, 154 Bah

File: HinduPhilosophy -


  • erationofMaya,q.v.Avyakta(fr.neg.part,a-f-prep,vi,apart-f-akta,anointed,perf.pass,participleof\/anj,toanoint),'unmanifestmatter/anothernameforprakrti,q.v.Ayur(fordyusincomposition),life,vigour,health.Ayurveda(compoundedofayur-f-veda,qq.v.),thescienceofmedicine;thetwomostancientandoutstandingauthoritiesareCarakaandSuruta.Badarayana,thefounderoftheVedantaphilosophy;authoroftheVeddntasutra;hisactualdateisqui


  • utesperhapsthegreaterportionoftheexistingwritingsonKamirSaivism.Kavi(fr.I-Ebase*geue,toobserve,regard),awiseman,poet.Kaviraja(compoundedofkavi-f-rajan,king),'kingofpoets/apractitionerofIndianmedicine(Ayurveda,q.v.).Kavya(formedonkavi,q.v.),asacrificialpriest,anoblationtode-ceasedancestors.Kevalakramapara,(inMimarhsa)atextindicatinganorderorse-quenceonlyfortheperformanceoftheminorpartsofaVedicsacrifice;see


  • ,q.v.Suri(etymologyuncertain),awiseman,sage,teacher;usedfre-quentlywithpropernames.Surya(etymologyuncertain),thesunoritsdeity;sometimesanepithetofSiva.SuSruta,theauthorofanancientworkonIndianmedicine(Ayurveda,q.v.).Sutra(fr.\/siv,tosew),ashortsentenceoraphoristicrule;anyworkormanualconsistingofstringsofsuchruleshangingtogetherlikethreads;thetermSutraisappliedtooriginaltextbooksasopposedtoexplanatoryworks.

File: Vigyan_Bhairav_Tantra_Volume_1 -


  • movement needs breath movement. Mind moving fast needs fast movementin breath. That is why when you are in anger, breath will move fast. In the sex act, the breathwill move very fast. That is why in Ayurveda- a system of herbal medicine in India- it is said thatyour life will be shortened if too much sex is allowed. Your life will he shortened, according toAyurveda, because Ayurveda measures your life in


  • move inwards. See yourself standing at the heart center; look within at the details of the body.You will feel very strange when for the first time you can look from within your own body.Tantra, yoga, ayurveda, all the old physiologies, all the old physiological doctrines, their work wasrevealed and made known through such inner meditative techniques. Modern physiology is knownthrough dissection, but ancie

File: tantra-tantric-poojas -


  • ation published by the Sri Ramana Ashram in Tiruvannamalai. The Sodha Nyasa in which Devi outspreads as Ganeshas, planets, 27 nakshatras (asterisms), yoginis of the seven dhatus or bodily elements of ayurveda, sidereal zodiac, and sacred sites (pithas) is described in very many agamas such as Vamakeshvara Tantra, Gandharva Tantra, Jnanarnava, The 1,000 Names of Lalita, etc.. It is described in detail in t

File: Shakti_and_Shakta-By_Arthur_Avalon -


  • ity does not depend, as Western writers and some of their Eastern followers suppose, on the date when they were revealed but on the question whether Siddhi is gained thereby. This too is the proof of Ayurveda. The test of medicine is that it cures. If Siddhi is not obtained, the fact it is written "Shiva uvaca" (Shiva speaks) or the like counts for nothing. The Agama therefore is a practical exposition an


  • sight has not strength enough to discern it directly and for themselves. But how, according to Indian notions, can that which is put forward as a Revelation be shown to be such? The answer is that of Ayurveda. A medicine is a good one if it cures. In the same way a Shastra is truly such if the Siddhi which it claims to give is gained as the fruit of the practice of its injunctions, according to the compet


  • ." The authority of a Shastra is determined by the question whether Siddhi is gained through its provisions or not. It is not enough that "Shiva uvaca" (Shiva says) is writ in it. The test is that of Ayurveda. A medicine is a true one if it cures. The Indian test for


  • -called "Tantrik" Bijas such as Hring; Vaidika. Guru and Deshika Guru and so forth. This dualism may be found carried into other matters as well, such as medicine, law, writing. So, whilst the Vaidik Ayurveda employed generally vegetable drugs, the "Tantriks" used metallic substances. A counterpart of the Vaidika Dharmapatni was the Shaiva wife; that is, she who is given by desire (Kama). I have already p


  • hikari, and that his Guru, therefore, withheld the higher truth from him, or was the Guru jealous and kept his Shishya in actions, withholding Brahma-jñana? A Rishi who has realized Advaita may teach Ayurveda or Dhanuveda. He need not be Sthula-darshi, because he teaches Sthula-vishaya. Again Shastras may differ, because their standpoint and objective is different. Thus the Purva-mimamsa deals with Dharma


  • d how can we know that they will give result? The answer is that the Ritual for any particular individual is that for which he is fit (Adhikari). The proof of its efficacy is given by experience. The Ayurveda, or the Veda which teaches the rules to secure a long life (Ayuh) says that that only is a medicine which cures the disease and which, at the same time, gives rise to no other. To those who put the q

File: Tantric.Temples -

  • age_75]–76[12_chapter02.html#page_76], 88 [14_chapter03.html#page_88], 96[14_chapter03.html#page_96], 113 [15_chapter04.html#page_113]–114[15_chapter04.html#page_114], 249 [20_chapter08.html#page_249]Ayurveda (Ayurvedic medicine) 113 [15_chapter04.html#page_113]Bahasa Indonesia 11 [09_anoteonlanguages.html#page_11], 60[12_chapter02.html#page_60], 329 [24_conclusions.html#page_329]Bahasa Malaysia 11 [09_an

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  • hThere are two types of literatures t h o s e w h i c h b estow art ha, or material results,and those which bestow paramartha, or spiritual results. Geography, history,astrology, physics, psychology, ayurveda, microbiology, mathematics, language,poetry, music, logic, yoga, religion, law, architecture, and weaponry are allincluded in the first category. Every book aims at revealing a particular subjectthat


  • edafter the seven rsis were originally named after the Prajapatis. Since there was nowritten language at that time, astrology was expressed through various signs. Inthis way, medicine, in the form of ayurveda, was practiced since very ancienttimes. If we consider all these things, this book will become volum i n o us, so westop here. We have described the various books that directly and indi r ectly expla

File: Swami Sivananda - What Becomes of the Soul After Death -


  • p sleep, while the other half to the side of death. Infact swoon is the door to death. If there is a remnant of Karma he returns to consciousness. Else, hedies.The state of swoon is recognised by the Ayurveda and Allopathic doctors. It is known fromordinary experience.The silent witness of waking state, dreaming state, deep sleep state and swoon is Brahman,thy innermost Self, Immortal Atman or the Inner R


  • Atman: Soul; Self.Atma Purana: A sacred book of Self-knowledge.Avidya: Ignorance.Avir: Red smear.Ayurveda: Ancient Indian system of medicine.BBauddhas: Followers of the Buddha.Bhagavata(m): A sacred book of the Hindus.Bhaktas: Devotees.Bhakti: Devotion.Bharata: Son of king Dushyanta.Bhashya: Translation;

File: Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology Vol 1 -


  • g a holistic approach to health care, empha-sizing prevention as well as treatment. Noted published practi-tioners (and their specialties) include Dean Ornish (reversingheart disease), Deepak Chopra (ayurveda/mind-body), Christ-Encyclopedia of Occultism & Parapsychology• 5th Ed.Holistic731

File: Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology Vol 2 -


  • e.com/library/index.htmlProject Hindsight (Origins of AncientAstrology)http://www.projecthindsight%2Dtghp.com/Sabian Assemblyhttp:// www.sabian.org/AUROVILLEAuroville Homepagehttp://www.auroville.org/AYURVEDAAyurvedic Foundationshttp://www.ayur.com/Ayurvedic Health Centerhttp://www.ayurvedic.org/Ayurvedic Institutehttp://www.ayurveda.com/BACH CENTREBachových kvìtových esencích (CzechRepublic)http://www.ba
  • tp:// www.sabian.org/AUROVILLEAuroville Homepagehttp://www.auroville.org/AYURVEDAAyurvedic Foundationshttp://www.ayur.com/Ayurvedic Health Centerhttp://www.ayurvedic.org/Ayurvedic Institutehttp://www.ayurveda.com/BACH CENTREBachových kvìtových esencích (CzechRepublic)http://www.bachovy-esence.cz/Dr. Edward Bach Centrehttp://www.bachcentre.com/Instituto Dr. Edward Bach (Brazil)http://www.institutobach.com.

File: Anunnaki Of Nibiru - Gerald Clark -

  • ction in ancient cultures [1, pg. 58]In Judaism, for example, consciousness moved through the senior, or Kabbalisticcenters of spiritual development, the highest being Kester, or Crown. In theEastern Ayurveda tradition, these centers are called Chakras, and particularexperiences likewise accompany the movement of energy through them. The highestChakra is also called the Crown, or the Thousand-petaled Lotu



  • perfect health, longevity and spiritual enlightenment to all that drank it. It is the same as the pot held by the goddess Mari, and also the quintessence that produced the blue blood. The part of the Ayurveda, the ‘science of longevity’, that deals with the production of this Elixer, is called Rasayana , the Way of Mercury. 30 In Vedic tradition, Mercury (the Holy Spirit) was considered the ultimate key t

File: Practical Guide To Witchcraft And Magick Spells -


  • ur moods, but our physical well-being. The Babylonians called the healing power of light 'the medicine of the gods'. Healing colours have been used for thousands of years in Chinese treatments and in Ayurveda, an ancient Indian medicine. The Ancient Egyptians wore amulets of coloured stones: red to treat disease, yellow for happiness and prosperity, and green for fertility. Colour healing is not just a fa

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