Blackwater Mercenaries

Found in 2 Books

File: Hidden History Of Money -


  • to hurt. Just ask those folks who used to be from New Orleans. Or the displaced and debauched citizens of Fallujah and so many other places graced by the presence of those Zionist warmakers known as Blackwater mercenaries. They’re stationed both in Baghdad and on the Cajun coastline, escorting Israeli advisers around the neighborhood to help out with the new fortification plans. Now, contemplate the view of your futur

File: Scahill, Jeremy - Blackwater, The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army (2007) -


  • JEREMY SCAHILL XXV Orleans after Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005, as hundreds of heavily armed Blackwater mercenaries—some fresh from deployment in Iraq—fanned out into the disaster zone. Within a week, they were officially hired by the Department of Homeland Security to operate in the U.S. Gulf, billing the federal


  • er, who served as head of Henry Kissinger's personal security detail in the 1990s when Bremer worked for Kissinger. 46 "I knew and liked Frank," Bremer recalled. "I trusted him totally." 47 Employing Blackwater mercenaries as his personal guards was made pos­ sible by the very neoliberal policies Bremer had advocated for throughout


  • remembered as an iconic moment of the war, the significant role of Blackwater's forces in Najaf during the Shiite uprising five days later was barely noticed at all. And yet this episode, which found Blackwater mercenaries commanding active-duty U.S. soldiers in battle, starkly dramatized the unprecedented extent to which the Bush administration had outsourced the war. Like the ambush in Fallujah, the fate of Blackwate


  • AK-47 rifle fire a few rounds out in the street in front of the base." Young said he quickly grabbed his gear and headed into the CPA building, eventually making it to the roof, where he joined eight Blackwater mercenaries and the Salvadoran troops. Young assumed a position on the roof and readied his heavy M249 Squad Automatic Weapon. He peered through the scope of his gun, watching the action unfold below and awaitin


  • ckwater's ears: There continues to he the need for this kind of security. Once again, the death of Blackwater contractors translated into more support for the mercenary cause. The day after the seven Blackwater mercenaries died in Iraq, the U.S. Senate approved a controversial $81 billion spending bill for the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, pushing the total cost of the wars to more than $300 billion. 77 More mon

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