Blue Note

Found in 9 Books

File: David Wilcock - Ascension Mysteries -

  • n the stomach. There was no club. I quickly realized that I did notneed to get hit in order to be “cool.” I already had friends, and I startedasking everyone for their phone number. I bought a little blue notebook at thepharmacy and carried it in my pocket. I created a page for each letter of thealphabet and wrote everyone’s first name and number down on the appropriatepage.Right after I started building m

File: Blacks Law - 4th Edition -


  • ther basis than the adoption, by the first authorities of the New Haven colony, of the Scriptures as their code of law and government, and their strict application of Mosaic principles. Century Dict. BLUE NOTES. Notes accepted by a life insur- ance company for the amount of premiums on the policy, which provide for the continuance of the policy in force until the due date of the notes. Robnett v. Cotton St

File: Blacks Law - 8th Edition -


  • istings, referred to as the floating supply, gives an indication of the size and liquidity of the secondary municipal market.” The New York Institute of Finance, How the Bond Market Works 185 (1988). BLUE NOTE


  • B Black's Law Dictionary (8th ed. 2004) , Page 518 518 blue note.See NOTE(1). BLUE-PENCIL TEST blue-pencil test.A judicial standard for deciding whether to invalidate the whole contract or only the offending words. • Under this standard, only the offending words a


  • le the final payment (the balloon payment) represents the entire principal. banker's note.A promissory note given by a private banker or an unincorporated banking institution. banknote. See BANKNOTE. blue note.A note that maintains a life-insurance policy in effect until the note becomes due. [Cases: Insurance 2020, 2027. C.J.S. Insurance §§ 306, 388, 688, 737–739.] bought note.A written memorandum of a sa

File: Encyclopaedia Britannica Volume 3 -


  • lf, or in the mind only : and it is equally from that appearance to be denominated blue, whether it be that real colour, or only a peculiar texture in it, that caufes in us that idea ; fince the name blue notes proper¬ ty nothing but that mark of diftindtion that is in a violet, difcernible only by our eyes, whatever it confifis in. Neither would our fimple ideas be falfe, if by the dif¬ ferent ftrudlure o

File: MUFON Journal - January 1996 -


  • t that wouldn't necessarily pre- vent me from plunking down $32.95, postage included, for what amounts to a uniquely subjective point of view. Another like it you won't encounter soon. Mail orders to Blue Note Books, 110 Polk Avenue, Suite 3, Cape Canaveral, FL 32920, or call 1-800-624- 0401. The Gods Have Landed: New Religions from Other Worlds, edited by James R. Lewis, is another one of those books that

File: Introduction To Brain And Behavior -


  • lities. He found that an eight-note scale similar to a do- re-mi scale could be pla y ed on the flute, but, compared with the scale most familiar in European music, one note w as slightly off. T hat “blue note, ” a staple of jazz, is found in musical scales throughout Africa and India toda y . T h e s i m i l a r i t y b e t w e e n N e a n d e r t h a l a n d c o n t e m p o r a r y m u s i c a l s c a l

File: Island - Huxley -


  • m my mother." And he added, "It's urgent.""How good it smells!" Mary Sarojini commented, sniffing at the richarua of sandalwood that surrounded the Rani's missive.Will unfolded three sheets of heaven-blue notepaper em bossed withfive golden lotuses under a princely crown. How many underlinings, what aprofusion of capital letters! He started to read.Ma Petite Voix, cher Farnaby, avait raison—AS usual! I had

File: Gone Beyond. The Prajnaparamita Sutras, The Ornament of Clear Realization, and its Commentaries in the Kagyu Lineage -


  • IndravaroiOS brought this text from India and translated it. They wrote it down in four volumes, mixing singed hairs from the monarch's head with the milk from a white goat. Thus, it was called "the blue notes." Since the siitra's repetitional phrasesi09 were only contained in an abbreviated form in this translation, the translator Vairocana reedited it by supplementing the phrases that were missing and s

File: 137037756-Jake-Stratton-Kent-The-Headless-One -


  • t 9.30, mantra and Bornless Rite, or the Headless Rite as I'm nowbeginning to understand it. 'I cut off the head of the light one, the breaker of bread and salt' = Jesus,Tiphereth or rather John. See Blue Notebook for Headless One.Oct. 7th 8.45pm. Bornless Rite in krystal. Altar. [No longer understand this. JSK.]The West. Da'ath centre expecting the sword.Midnight 25th. Notes on Resh adorations: there are

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