Building 7

Found in 54 Books

File: 9-11 - Decent Into Tyranny -


  • November 21, 2001,” Opium Farmers Rejoice at the Defeat of the Taliban”: London Guardian , February 21, 2002 “(Government) fears flood of Afghan heroin.) [ Note to publisher: Insert artist rendering building 7 Caption: Building 7 was not hit by an airc raft, but imploded in a symmetrical fashion consistent with professional demolition charges] The Buildlings’ Collapse


  • 48 Dozens of respected publications have aske d the simple question, “What brought those buildings down?” Especially Building 7, which wasn’t even hit by an aircraft. New York firefighter Louie Cacchioli, 51, who was tr apped inside the building reported that multiple bombs were going off all around him ( People Magazine , Se

File: 9-11 - The Fairy Tale From Hell -


  • months before the attack for a cost of 3.2 billion to be paid to the NYC Port Authority over 99 years. Silverstein was the original owner of WTC7, and is the current owner of the soon to be completed Building 7 . FACT 12: LEASING THE WTC COMPLEX SHOULD HAVE BEEN A FINANCIAL DISASTER: L arry Silverstein leased this property even though it was well known within the industry that


  • y morning and, towards the end of the show the actor questioned 9/11 and urged the audience to check out the website, ,which is a website that purports to expose how the twin towers and Building 7, which wasn't hit by a plane, were brought down via controlled demolition. Brolin's lengthy cinema and TV hi story includes major roles in The West Wing with Martin Sheen, The Amytiville Horror, Capr


  • ase for an ‘inside job’ and a government attack on America would be compelling.” “It is hard to exaggerate the importance of a scientific debate ov er the cause of the collapse of the twin towers and building 7. If the official wisdom on the collapses is wrong, as I be lieve it is, then policy based on such erroneous engineering analysis is not likely to be correct ei ther. The government’s collapse theory


  • hing had even taken place that I apologize for not being more aware." "To me questions haven't been answered and are not being an swered about 9/11," said Ventura, before highlighting the collapse of Building 7, a 47-story tall skyscraper that was not hit by a plane but collapsed in its own footprint in the late afternoon of September 11. "Two planes struck two buildings....but how is it that a th ird build

File: 9-11 - The Great Conspiracy -


  • estion of what hit the Pentagon: the hole in the building was much smaller than a 757 would make. The connections between the Bush and bin Laden families. And the startling case of World Trade Center Building 7. The Mysterious Collapse of Building 7 Michael Kane, (NY 9/11 Truth activist): I’m standing on a location that has come to be known widely across the world simply as ‘Ground Zero’. Right behind me is


  • anadian national cable channel. Copyright belongs to the author. All rights reserved. ▄ The Great Conspiracy: The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw Barrie Zwicker Larry Silverstein, the man who ordered Building 7 to be ‘pulled’ as reported on CBS

File: 9-11 - Why Indeed Did The World Trade Center Buildings Completely Collapse -


  • ound 1000°C and Sulfidat ion in WTC 7 Steel One of the relatively few previous peer -reviewed papers relating to the WTC collapses provides "An Initial Microstructural Analysis of A3 6 Steel from WTC Building 7." This brief but important letter states: While the exact location of this beam could not be determined, the unexpected erosion of the steel found in this beam warranted a study of microstructural ch


  • ts way into the structural steel in such a way as to form a eutectic. The evidence for the use of some variant of thermite su ch as sulfur-containing thermate in the destruction of the WTC Towers and building 7 is suf ficiently compelling to warrant serious investigation. 3. Near-Symmetrical Collapse of WTC 7 As you observed (link above), WTC 7 collapsed rapid ly and nearly-straight-down symmetrically -- ev


  • Popular (Mechanics’) Belief,” Global Outlook , Issue 10, p. 14 (Spring-Summer 2005). Barnett, J. R., Biederman, R.R. and R.D. Sisson, Jr ., "An Initial Microstructural Analysis of A36 Steel from WTC Building 7," Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Socie ty , 53/12:18 (2001). Bazant, Z. P. and Zhou, Y. (2002). “Why Did the Wo rld Trade Center Collapse? Simple Analysis,” J. Eng. Mech. 128:2, Januar

File: 9-11 As A Mass Ritual -


  • ut the MegaRitual proper—the closing of the curtain, one might say—was the dramatic late-in-the-day collapse of Salomon’s Temple, otherwise known as the trapezoidal-shaped 47-story World Trade Center building 7 (a massive three-dimensional reference to the 47th Problem of Euclid, sacred to Freemasons), home to Rudy G’s skybox bunker. Let’s have a couple of minutes (or years) of silence while Larry “Pull It”


  • 235 T—fi RThffffift ftttffiflTh Tfifl—ft ftttffi Gftfift The state asked the court to require the federal government to finish building 700 miles of fence along the U.S. border with Mexico, pro - vide enough federal immigration officers in Arizona to respond to local law-enforcement needs, allow Arizona to enforce federal immigration l

File: Ken Jenkins 9-11 Psychology -


  • ners even met, and was in charge of every aspect of the Commission, including writing the final report. They did not consider alternative theories. The report did not even mention the collapse of WTC Building 7. 14. “What possible motivation would the bush administration have for ordering the 9/11 scam?” The motivation is revealed by the very results that were implemented right after 9/11 ( qui bono? – who

File: Solving 911 - The Deception That Changed The World -


  • ne month after 9 - 11, I wrote about how the mass media was ignoring the large number of eyewitness accounts describing explosions at the World Trade Center before the collapse of the Twin Towers and Building 7. "Despite reports from numerous eyewitnesses and experts, including news reporters on the scene, who heard or saw explosions immediately before the collapse of the World Trade Cente r, there has been


  • t the discovery of molten metal at the World Trade Center. I told Jon es exactly what Peter Tully and Mark Loizeaux had said about the discovery of molten iron in the basements of the Twin Towers and Building 7. After studying the reports and photographs of molten metal, Jones had been able to obtain some fragments of the m etal. He concluded that the fragments were primarily iron and possible evidence that

File: Towers Of Deception -


  • by a French documentary film crew that happened to be in New York City, was not aired on ordinary television until the next day, Sept. 12, 2001. 4. At 5:25 p.m. on Sept. 11, 2001, World Trade Centre Building 7, a 47- storey structural steel edifice only very slightly damaged by the events of earlier that day, suddenly collapsed. How could this be? Why, on a PBS documentary titled “America Rebuilds” would L


  • ta, did not behave like devout Muslims; that alleged hijack- er pilot Hani Hanjour did not have the piloting skills to fly flight 77 the way it allegedly flew; Larry Silverstein’s statement about WTC building 7; advance warnings evidently received by Attorney General Ashcroft, San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown and several Pentagon officials; FBI agent Robert Wright’s serious allegations about obstruc- tion a


  • the basement of the World Trade Center, as well. As we see in the next chapter a large amount of evidence is known to millions of people in New York — and beyond — that prove the Twin Towers, and WTC Building 7 were brought down by controlled demolition (see Chapter 2, Exhbits H-K.) Peter Scowen knows what his sister told him and should be aware of reams of supporting evidence especially since civil liberta


  • 48 TOWERS OF DECEPTION B C What happened to media curiosity about the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 at 5:20 pm on September 11, 2001? I MAGE R ESTORATION BY KEN J ENKINS I MAGE R ESTORATION BY KEN J ENKINS I MAGE R ESTORATION BY KEN J ENKINS A


  • EXHIBIT A World Trade Center Building 7 Collapses at Near Free-Fall Speed at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11 The exhibits that follow are generally presented in chronological order. But the sudden collapse at 5:20 p.m. on September 11, 2001 of World Tra


  • mes to no specif- ic conclusion. 9 Larry Silverstein, the building’s leaseholder, said on a PBS documentary in September 2002 that he suggested to the NYC fire department com- mander that they “pull” Building 7. “Pull” is an industry term meaning “demolish.” Silverstein’s exact words on PBS: I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna


  • EXHIBIT H WTC Collapses Reveal Eleven Features of Controlled Demolitions The collapses of the Twin Towers and WTC Building 7 exhibited distinct features associated with controlled demolitions: 52 1. The towers fell straight down through themselves. 2. The Twin Towers’ tops mushroomed outward into vast clouds of pul- verize


  • Commission in its discussion of the 19 alleged suicide hijackers skips the fact that at least six of them have credibly been reported to be still alive 132 , or when it fails to mention the fact that Building 7 of the World Trade Center collapsed (see Exhibit A), it is lying through omission. The omissions show that the Commission failed to honor its stated intention “to provide the fullest possible account


  • by Ken Jenkins discussing the psychological aspects of 9/11, “and seeing the collapse of WTC building 7, to spark my activism.” Once involved, he learned about “the string of war pretext events and military interventions from Pearl Harbor through the JFK and Martin Luther King assassinations, Waco, WTC


  • vent reasons to prove true a story we’ve been pre-programmed with. A stunning example of such a story is one I’ve heard repeated which is supposed to explain the sudden collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 (WTC7) into its own footprint at 5:20 p.m. on September 11, 2001 (see Chapter 2, Exhibit A). This particular story must be close to a baloney gen- erator buster. The story is that there were tanks of


  • Carolyn Sinclair. In their introduction they write: “At Hustler we believe the murder of 2,986 innocent people demands hard questions and digging deeper. We’re especially troubled by the collapse of Building 7, but we’re determined to keep an open mind. As such, we sit down with Griffin to discuss what appear to be disturbing inconsistencies with the government’s story.” It’s an unabashedly softball interv


  • ctionalization detailed in Jo Lynn Sheane’s experience (told in Chapter 4). Hustler readers, through this interview, learn of the absurdity of the official 9/11 story’s claim that the Twin Towers and Building 7 of the World Trade Center collapsed through the effects of fire. (See Chapter 2, Exhibits H-K.) For obvious impossibility Griffin points to the collapse of WTC building 7. He restrains his language,
  • aim that the Twin Towers and Building 7 of the World Trade Center collapsed through the effects of fire. (See Chapter 2, Exhibits H-K.) For obvious impossibility Griffin points to the collapse of WTC building 7. He restrains his language, characterizing it only as “par- ticularly unusual,” but that’s within the surreal official story of all the col- lapsing towers. In response to a “large volume of reader r


  • ering it. BZ: Okay, let me re-state it: Do you, personally, as an editor, feel any respon- sibility for investigating those anomalies I mentioned about 9/11, about the air force going AWOL, about WTC Building 7, about the resistance of the White House to a so-called independent investigation until the fam- ilies forced it? Ed: There you go, you call the investigation of the 9/11 commission “so- called.” As


  • expedited by the increased number of staff at the sectors and at NORAD because of the scheduled exercise.” E XHIBIT H 52. Jim Hoffman, Global Outlook, No. 10, Spring-Summer 2005, p. 35. 53. Note that Building 7, however, imploded inwards, typical of a different style of demoli- tion. 54. The New York Times Online, 2005. “The September 11 Records” (9/11 Oral Histories). Cited at


  • by theologian David Ray Griffin, given to audiences in New York City in October of 2005, is a comprehensive run-down of the evidence of controlled demolition of the World Trade Center Twin Towers and Building 7. Griffin includes a number of excerpts from the oral histories of emergency responders, which had been released only a few months earlier. 86. The official investigators found that they had less auth


  • Bradlee, Ben, 280 Bromberger, Selwyn, 196 Brouillet, Carol Liane, 326-327, 335 Brown, Hyman, 67 Brown, Laura, 53, 83, 87 Brown, Mayor Willie, 26 Brzezinksi, Zbigniew, 108-109, 241 Buchanan, John, 333 Building 7 (World Trade Center), 25, 47, 48-51, 65, 97, 116, 121, 124, 210, 306, 357, 358 Bush I administration, 95, 283 Bush II administration, 109, 167, 189, 217, 219, 231, 284, 305, 309, 342, 345, 352 Bush f


  • k, 151 Deception Dollar, 327, 334-335 Deductive arguments, 43 DeMasi, Nicholas, 114 deMause, Lloyd, 137-138 Democratic Party, 167 Democracy Now! , 218, 222 Demolition of World Trade Center ( see also Building 7; Collapse of WTC Towers; Twin Towers; World Trade Center); 25, 47-51 Demolitions, controlled, 25, 47-51, 64- 66, 314, 341 Desert Storm, 31, 283 Deskins, Lt. Colonel Dawne, 173 Dewdney, A.K., 89-91 Di

File: Webster Tarpley - 9-11 Synthetic Terror -


  • able to operate, why WTC Building 7 collapsed, why air defense was non-existent, what hit the Pentagon, what happened over Shanksville, what happened to the insider trading, and many more. For any serious, intelligent person – and ther


  • ble or ham actor. (Meyssan 2002 192) REDUCTIO AD ABSURDUM : WTC 7 In the May House Science Committee W. Gene Corley, the American Society of Civil Engineers representative on the BPAT, conceded that “Building 7, which was across the street from the main towers, also collapsed and provided us with the first example that we recognized of a building collapsing as a result of fire.” (House May 30) WTC 7 present

File: David Icke - 2005 - Infinite Love Is The Only Truth, Everything Else Is Illusion -

  • 013.html#filepos235451]–95> [../Text/index_split_013.html#filepos298030], 77> [../Text/index_split_013.html#filepos246109]i> pension schemes 179 [../Text/index_split_018.html#filepos575407]> Pentagon building 7 [../Text/index_split_010.html#filepos32668]> ‘personality’ 184 [../Text/index_split_019.html#filepos593795]> Pert, Candice 70 [../Text/index_split_012.html#filepos220836]> pharmaceutical drugs 105 [.

File: David Icke - 2005 - Infinite Love Is The Only Truth, Everything Else Is Illusion -

  • 013.html#filepos235451]–95> [../Text/index_split_013.html#filepos298030], 77> [../Text/index_split_013.html#filepos246109]i> pension schemes 179 [../Text/index_split_018.html#filepos575407]> Pentagon building 7 [../Text/index_split_010.html#filepos32668]> ‘personality’ 184 [../Text/index_split_019.html#filepos593795]> Pert, Candice 70 [../Text/index_split_012.html#filepos220836]> pharmaceutical drugs 105 [.

File: David Icke - 2007 - The David Icke Guide To The Global Conspiracy -

  • before the buildings start to fall –another tell-tale confirmation of a controlled demolition. For goodness sake,when you look at slow-motion video of the collapse of the towers and World TradeCenter Building 7, which came down hours later, you can see the classic puffs ofsmoke project outward from the building just before the collapse – preciselywhat you see with buildings brought down by controlled demoli

  • lepos1237395]> remote-controlled 325 [../Text/index_split_026.html#filepos1229510]-7> [../Text/index_split_026.html#filepos1229510]> BBC documentary 370 [../Text/index_split_028.html#filepos1399500]> Building 7 collapse 339 [../Text/index_split_026.html#filepos1278880]-41> [../Text/index_split_026.html#filepos1278880]> Commission report 317 [../Text/index_split_025.html#filepos1199018]-19> [../Text/index_sp

File: David Icke - 2007 - The David Icke Guide To The Global Conspiracy -

  • before the buildings start to fall –another tell-tale confirmation of a controlled demolition. For goodness sake,when you look at slow-motion video of the collapse of the towers and World TradeCenter Building 7, which came down hours later, you can see the classic puffs ofsmoke project outward from the building just before the collapse – preciselywhat you see with buildings brought down by controlled demoli

  • lepos1237395]> remote-controlled 325 [../Text/index_split_026.html#filepos1229510]-7> [../Text/index_split_026.html#filepos1229510]> BBC documentary 370 [../Text/index_split_028.html#filepos1399500]> Building 7 collapse 339 [../Text/index_split_026.html#filepos1278880]-41> [../Text/index_split_026.html#filepos1278880]> Commission report 317 [../Text/index_split_025.html#filepos1199018]-19> [../Text/index_sp

File: David Icke - 2019 - The Trigger -


  • hands for the first time only seven weeks before the 9I11 attacks when the Port Authority sold the lease to ultra-Zionist billionaire businessman Larry Silverstein who already owned the much smaller Building 7 in the WTC complex (Fig .60). Silverstein led a consortium that finalised the deal worth $3.2 billion for a 99-year lease while personally committing only $14 million. The deal included new insurance


  • e roads and fill potholes in New York. The official excuse for removing debris from the site so fast was the need to search for survivors, but they did the same with the remains of World Trade Center Building 7 which the authorities said had been evacuated and so there were no survivors to find. Building 7 was the third building to collapse that day which most people don't even know about, but which provide


  • rous examples of much hotter, larger and longer-lasting fires in these buildings.' The architect of the new Larry Silverstein Freedom Tower on the World Trade Center site and new 7WTC, which replaced Building 7 felled on 9I11, agreed with Gage. David Childs said that a young man came to him in tears and asked if the new buildings would fall: 'I said no. Never has a steel structured building in the history o


  • wder. A chain reaction had started and each floor pulverised the one below. The evidence, as we shall see, does not in the least support this official hypothesis (lie). We are told that the 47-storey Building 7 on the World Trade Center site also collapsed at 5.20pm that afternoon because of fire and this was not struck by a plane or subjected to an aviation fuel explosion. This makes Building 7, long-owned


  • peed that they were hurled hundreds of feet into nearby buildings? This was acknowledged by government agency reports which blamed debris from the North Tower for starting fires in World Trade Center Building 7 more than a hundred yards away. What caused those phenomenal ejections right at the start? Jet fuel which the government agrees would have been burned out in a matter of minutes? Paul Lemos arrived a


  • cle was 'worried about secondary devices in the towers, explosive devices that could hurt the firemen.' llUllllHDg 1: if. The other World Trade Center building to collapse that day was the 47- storey Building 7, also known as the Salomon Brothers Building (Fig 66 overleaf) This fell in exactly the nature of a controlled demolition at


  • 336 Figure 66: Building 7 or the Salomon Brothers Building. Figure 67: Building 7 standing one minute ... Figure 68: ... seconds later the 47-floor skyscraper ha.s fallen straight down as one unit in the most classic controll


  • building begins to fall straight down. 337 Figure 70: Larry Silverstein in his 'pull it' interview. 'Swiss cheese'. A controlled demolition was inadvertently confirmed by Larry Silverstein who owned Building 7 and then bought the World Trade Center lease and increased terrorist attack insurance just six weeks before 9I11. The collapse of Building 7 alone led to a pay-out of $861 million from Industrial Ris


  • 338 down.' If you've not seen the collapse of Building 7 go to and the video presented by actor Ed Asner called 'Solving the Mystery of Building 7'. You will see the most obvious controlled demolition imaginable including comparisons with ot


  • ance pay-out on the World Trade Center Buildings - insurance secured weeks before the attacks - and now has brand new buildings on the site to replace the aging 1973 World Trade Center towers and his Building 7 completed in 1987. Who said there were no winners on 9I11? Why would a billionaire businessman like Silverstein want to take on a poisoned chalice like the World Trade Center in the deteriorating sta


  • pologised and begged for forgiveness. A 47- storey skyscraper was brought down by 'an ordinary building contents fire'? Architects & Engineers for 9I11 Truth founder Richard Gage said: In the case of Building 7 the fire that NIST said started the collapse had actually burned out over an hour before. It could not have caused the collapse as NIST claims. Yet this modern, steel-frame skyscraper which was not h


  • e centre of the core, the penthouse area, starts to move first and the building starts to follow along with it.' Danny Jowenko, owner of a Dutch controlled demolition compan~ was shown footage of the Building 7 collapse by a Netherlands film crew without telling him what or where it was. Like most people he had no idea that a third building had come down on 9I11. He was asked by the film crew for his though


  • 342 following orders', right? Architects & Engineers for 9I11 Truth asked a team at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) to investigate what happened to Building 7 and the impact of the fires. Dr Leroy Hulsey led the team from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. He said: 'It is our preliminary conclusions based upon our work to date that fire


  • been attributed to 9I11 illnesses.' Many rescue dogs died of rare cancers. Meanwhile Giuliani continues his lucrative career in and around politics and in 'security'. What happened with regard to the Building 7 command center that day was very weird. Barry Jennings, Deputy Director of Emergency Services for the New York Housing Authority, said he took a phone call informing him that a small Cessna had hit t


  • ing by the incredible bullshit he proceeded to deliver. He said in a television interview that they set up an emergency response operation in a building in Barclay Street and not in the purpose-built Building 7 command center which he was told had been evacuated. Why hadn't the Barclay Street building done the same when it was two minutes' walk from Building 7? Then he said he was warned that the World Trad


  • Figure 72: BBC reporter announces the demise of Building 7 while it remains standing behind her. 345 she reported its demise (Fig 72). The BBC made the bizarre and ridiculous statement when questioned about this that all recordings of its live coverage on 9I


  • Bollyn there were 'hot spots of molten steel in the basements' - 'at the bottoms of the elevator shafts of the main towers, down seven [basement] levels.' Molten metal was discovered in the rubble of Building 7 which was not struck by an aircraft. This could not have been caused by the original relatively low-temperature fires and certainly not weeks later. Professor Jones secured formerly molten metal frag


  • he same year and finds them to be very different. The 9I11 readings show that 'no signal went through the earth' which would have happened if the building had not turned to dust before impact. As for Building 7 there was no seismic reading of note and Wood describes the fall of the building as a 'non-seismic event'. These are what Wood calls 'the biggest smoking guns' which show that (a) the government stor


  • able until then, but distorted significantly in the run up to the plane strikes and then began to distort dramatically and go 'haywire' over the period when the towers came down. This continued until Building 7 fell when the readings began to calm down and return to their former comparative stability. There are other strange phenomena to consider. Vehicles some distance from the impact were turned upside do


  • e 9I11 Commission decided this was not worth the necessary paper and ink. All the other contradictions and provable lies by Bush, Rumsfeld and Myers were similarly missing and there was no mention of Building 7 let alone the fact that it was a crystal-clear controlled demolition. Anything, in fact, that shone a light on the official catalogue of serial mendacity was ignored, omitted or spun. Bush, Cheney an


  • fell were repeated without question despite the suspension of the laws of physics and endless anomalies and impossibilities. The fundamental questions and evidence by experts surrounding the fall of Building 7 were avoided in one fell swoop: The 9I11 Commission report did not even mention Building 7. By doing so Larry Silverstein's 'pull it' comment was also avoided. • The question of how buildings could '


  • and 'Bin Laden did it!' You don't mount an invasion of that scale in less than a month any more than you prepare a building for a controlled demolition in the short time that Silverstein claimed for Building 7. You will see in the next chapter how a long-


  • 102 but they were at the chiropractor. No, sorry, they were both for different reasons 'running late'. Roger was in the parking garage of Silverstein's Building 7 when the first plane hit the North Tower while Lisa didn't get even that far. The New York Observer reported: [Silverstein's] son, Roger, and his daughter, Lisa, were working for him in temporary off


  • r building with the same office space as those whose debris was still smouldering and full of human remains. Even this was not quite the same level of foresight that had seen Silverstein have the new Building 7 designed and planned in 2000, a year before the old one came down in the most obvious controlled demolition. Silverstein's lawyers are reported to have confirmed that he had phoned them on the night


  • er way to the building when the first plane hit and then volunteered to help with the medical response as a part-time emergency medical technician. I mentioned her earlier with regard to hearing that Building 7 was going to be brought down. From the information Singh uncovered and her own experience she not unnaturally concluded that Ptech was being protected. With no response amid warnings about dangers to


  • r of Mayor Giuliani's New York Office of Emergency Management from 1996 to 2000 and responsible for locating the $13 million command center on the 23rd floor of Larry Silverstein's World Trade Center Building 7. It was opened in 1999 just two years before 9I11. The Office of Emergency Management took over the preparation and directing of emergency response from the New York Police Department. Hauer was repl


  • Just a coincidence? 131 719 demanded Zelikow' s resignation, but he was going nowhere when he was in place to do a job. Zelikow decided what was in the final report in which, for example, Building 7 was not even mentioned and anything that would point to what really happened was ignored. Another thing - Zelikow actually wrote (although that wasn't made clear at the time) the United States Nation


  • ty of Pennsylvania, and Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies. Sabrosky said in 2010 that it was 'one hundred percent certain 9I11 was a Mossad operation'. He said that if Building 7 was wired for demolition - which he agrees it was - then 'all of them were wired for demolition'. He said that 9I11 had led directly to 60,000 Americans dead and wounded and 'God knows how many hundr


  • Flight 93) 106 Brexit 2, 242-3, 443, 447-8, 797, 863 Brin, Sergey 491, 501, 660, 678, 680, 825 Brown & Root 61-3, 91 Brown, Gordon 389, 528--40 Brzezinski, Zbigniew 323, 394-5,419-22,424,431,624, 740 Building 7 (Salomon Brothers Building), collapse of 335--45, 352 Commission report, exclusion from 372, 383, 779 controlled demolition 328, 335-44,372,704,784 debris from South Tower, hit by334,336 experts 339-


  • 511, 665-6,866 Carlucci, Frank 183, 390-1, 424 Carlyle Group 183, 228, 231, 390-2,424,602 Carter, Jimmy 31, 43, 49, 225, 323,419,597 Casey, William 17, 43, 392-3 Castro, Fidel 236-8 casualties 777-9 Building 7, collapse of 343-4 collapse of the Twin Towers 322,347 compensation 149-50, 656, 772-4,783 contempt for victims 771-2, 777-9,867 death toll 106 Flight 93 288-90, 292-3, 298-9 identification 280, 347


  • 93 104-5, 133-4, 249, 284-8,296-7,304,309-12,316 Flight 175 255, 316 height and build of hijackers 262,264,286-7,731 telephone calls 99, 101, 105, 156 Coleman, David 558-60 collapse of buildings see Building 7 (Salomon Brothers Building), collapse of; collapse of the Twin Towers collapse of the Twin Towers 321-35,345-8,352,542,767 Commission report 334, 383, 777 controlled demolitions 325-35,345,350-1 dire


  • Sabrosky, Larry 657, 784, 786 Saddam Hussein 49, 64-6, 77, 81, 210, 407, 419, 424, 427-9, 434-9,699,778-80 Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Prince of Saudi Arabia 612, 644 Salomon Brothers Building see Building 7 (Salomon Brothers Building), collapse of Sand, Shlomo 566, 572-3, 577, 620 Sandberg, Sheryl 501, 529, 678, 825 Satanism 32, 817 bloodlines 13, 15-19, 25 Sabbatian-Frankism 578-82, 585-7,597,609,615,7


  • s on Targeted Security (ICTS) 760-1,772-3,775-6,783 judges 772-7, 783 Kroll 756-8, 762, 776-7, 782 London bombings 7 I 7 761-2 Mossad 754-6, 761-2, 768, 770-3 New York Office of Emergency Management, Building 7 756, 767 removal of evidence 767-72, 783 ultra-Zionism 754-83 victims, contempt for 771-2, 777, who benefits 781-4 September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on United States 107-50, 746-50 see also Ameri


  • 39 planes 316--18 Vaknin-Gill, Sima 489-90, Wilson, Woodrow 88, 422, 571, surveillance cameras 505--6 625-7 219-20,300 Venezuela 68, 423, 445, 470-1, witnesses to 9/11 telephone calls 105-6, 121, 698 Building 7, collapse of 286--7, 304, 306--7, 309-12 Venice airport, Florida, flying 336--8, 343-4 tirneline 163~ 284--5, 293, schools in 224--8, 621, collapse of the Twin Towers 311-12 716--18 331,334--5,345--6

File: David Icke - 2019 - The Trigger -


  • hands for the first time only seven weeks before the 9I11 attacks when the Port Authority sold the lease to ultra-Zionist billionaire businessman Larry Silverstein who already owned the much smaller Building 7 in the WTC complex (Fig .60). Silverstein led a consortium that finalised the deal worth $3.2 billion for a 99-year lease while personally committing only $14 million. The deal included new insurance


  • e roads and fill potholes in New York. The official excuse for removing debris from the site so fast was the need to search for survivors, but they did the same with the remains of World Trade Center Building 7 which the authorities said had been evacuated and so there were no survivors to find. Building 7 was the third building to collapse that day which most people don't even know about, but which provide


  • rous examples of much hotter, larger and longer-lasting fires in these buildings.' The architect of the new Larry Silverstein Freedom Tower on the World Trade Center site and new 7WTC, which replaced Building 7 felled on 9I11, agreed with Gage. David Childs said that a young man came to him in tears and asked if the new buildings would fall: 'I said no. Never has a steel structured building in the history o


  • wder. A chain reaction had started and each floor pulverised the one below. The evidence, as we shall see, does not in the least support this official hypothesis (lie). We are told that the 47-storey Building 7 on the World Trade Center site also collapsed at 5.20pm that afternoon because of fire and this was not struck by a plane or subjected to an aviation fuel explosion. This makes Building 7, long-owned


  • peed that they were hurled hundreds of feet into nearby buildings? This was acknowledged by government agency reports which blamed debris from the North Tower for starting fires in World Trade Center Building 7 more than a hundred yards away. What caused those phenomenal ejections right at the start? Jet fuel which the government agrees would have been burned out in a matter of minutes? Paul Lemos arrived a


  • cle was 'worried about secondary devices in the towers, explosive devices that could hurt the firemen.' llUllllHDg 1: if. The other World Trade Center building to collapse that day was the 47- storey Building 7, also known as the Salomon Brothers Building (Fig 66 overleaf) This fell in exactly the nature of a controlled demolition at


  • 336 Figure 66: Building 7 or the Salomon Brothers Building. Figure 67: Building 7 standing one minute ... Figure 68: ... seconds later the 47-floor skyscraper ha.s fallen straight down as one unit in the most classic controll


  • building begins to fall straight down. 337 Figure 70: Larry Silverstein in his 'pull it' interview. 'Swiss cheese'. A controlled demolition was inadvertently confirmed by Larry Silverstein who owned Building 7 and then bought the World Trade Center lease and increased terrorist attack insurance just six weeks before 9I11. The collapse of Building 7 alone led to a pay-out of $861 million from Industrial Ris


  • 338 down.' If you've not seen the collapse of Building 7 go to and the video presented by actor Ed Asner called 'Solving the Mystery of Building 7'. You will see the most obvious controlled demolition imaginable including comparisons with ot


  • ance pay-out on the World Trade Center Buildings - insurance secured weeks before the attacks - and now has brand new buildings on the site to replace the aging 1973 World Trade Center towers and his Building 7 completed in 1987. Who said there were no winners on 9I11? Why would a billionaire businessman like Silverstein want to take on a poisoned chalice like the World Trade Center in the deteriorating sta


  • pologised and begged for forgiveness. A 47- storey skyscraper was brought down by 'an ordinary building contents fire'? Architects & Engineers for 9I11 Truth founder Richard Gage said: In the case of Building 7 the fire that NIST said started the collapse had actually burned out over an hour before. It could not have caused the collapse as NIST claims. Yet this modern, steel-frame skyscraper which was not h


  • e centre of the core, the penthouse area, starts to move first and the building starts to follow along with it.' Danny Jowenko, owner of a Dutch controlled demolition compan~ was shown footage of the Building 7 collapse by a Netherlands film crew without telling him what or where it was. Like most people he had no idea that a third building had come down on 9I11. He was asked by the film crew for his though


  • 342 following orders', right? Architects & Engineers for 9I11 Truth asked a team at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) to investigate what happened to Building 7 and the impact of the fires. Dr Leroy Hulsey led the team from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. He said: 'It is our preliminary conclusions based upon our work to date that fire


  • been attributed to 9I11 illnesses.' Many rescue dogs died of rare cancers. Meanwhile Giuliani continues his lucrative career in and around politics and in 'security'. What happened with regard to the Building 7 command center that day was very weird. Barry Jennings, Deputy Director of Emergency Services for the New York Housing Authority, said he took a phone call informing him that a small Cessna had hit t


  • ing by the incredible bullshit he proceeded to deliver. He said in a television interview that they set up an emergency response operation in a building in Barclay Street and not in the purpose-built Building 7 command center which he was told had been evacuated. Why hadn't the Barclay Street building done the same when it was two minutes' walk from Building 7? Then he said he was warned that the World Trad


  • Figure 72: BBC reporter announces the demise of Building 7 while it remains standing behind her. 345 she reported its demise (Fig 72). The BBC made the bizarre and ridiculous statement when questioned about this that all recordings of its live coverage on 9I


  • Bollyn there were 'hot spots of molten steel in the basements' - 'at the bottoms of the elevator shafts of the main towers, down seven [basement] levels.' Molten metal was discovered in the rubble of Building 7 which was not struck by an aircraft. This could not have been caused by the original relatively low-temperature fires and certainly not weeks later. Professor Jones secured formerly molten metal frag


  • he same year and finds them to be very different. The 9I11 readings show that 'no signal went through the earth' which would have happened if the building had not turned to dust before impact. As for Building 7 there was no seismic reading of note and Wood describes the fall of the building as a 'non-seismic event'. These are what Wood calls 'the biggest smoking guns' which show that (a) the government stor


  • able until then, but distorted significantly in the run up to the plane strikes and then began to distort dramatically and go 'haywire' over the period when the towers came down. This continued until Building 7 fell when the readings began to calm down and return to their former comparative stability. There are other strange phenomena to consider. Vehicles some distance from the impact were turned upside do


  • e 9I11 Commission decided this was not worth the necessary paper and ink. All the other contradictions and provable lies by Bush, Rumsfeld and Myers were similarly missing and there was no mention of Building 7 let alone the fact that it was a crystal-clear controlled demolition. Anything, in fact, that shone a light on the official catalogue of serial mendacity was ignored, omitted or spun. Bush, Cheney an


  • fell were repeated without question despite the suspension of the laws of physics and endless anomalies and impossibilities. The fundamental questions and evidence by experts surrounding the fall of Building 7 were avoided in one fell swoop: The 9I11 Commission report did not even mention Building 7. By doing so Larry Silverstein's 'pull it' comment was also avoided. • The question of how buildings could '


  • and 'Bin Laden did it!' You don't mount an invasion of that scale in less than a month any more than you prepare a building for a controlled demolition in the short time that Silverstein claimed for Building 7. You will see in the next chapter how a long-


  • 102 but they were at the chiropractor. No, sorry, they were both for different reasons 'running late'. Roger was in the parking garage of Silverstein's Building 7 when the first plane hit the North Tower while Lisa didn't get even that far. The New York Observer reported: [Silverstein's] son, Roger, and his daughter, Lisa, were working for him in temporary off


  • r building with the same office space as those whose debris was still smouldering and full of human remains. Even this was not quite the same level of foresight that had seen Silverstein have the new Building 7 designed and planned in 2000, a year before the old one came down in the most obvious controlled demolition. Silverstein's lawyers are reported to have confirmed that he had phoned them on the night


  • er way to the building when the first plane hit and then volunteered to help with the medical response as a part-time emergency medical technician. I mentioned her earlier with regard to hearing that Building 7 was going to be brought down. From the information Singh uncovered and her own experience she not unnaturally concluded that Ptech was being protected. With no response amid warnings about dangers to


  • r of Mayor Giuliani's New York Office of Emergency Management from 1996 to 2000 and responsible for locating the $13 million command center on the 23rd floor of Larry Silverstein's World Trade Center Building 7. It was opened in 1999 just two years before 9I11. The Office of Emergency Management took over the preparation and directing of emergency response from the New York Police Department. Hauer was repl


  • Just a coincidence? 131 719 demanded Zelikow' s resignation, but he was going nowhere when he was in place to do a job. Zelikow decided what was in the final report in which, for example, Building 7 was not even mentioned and anything that would point to what really happened was ignored. Another thing - Zelikow actually wrote (although that wasn't made clear at the time) the United States Nation


  • ty of Pennsylvania, and Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies. Sabrosky said in 2010 that it was 'one hundred percent certain 9I11 was a Mossad operation'. He said that if Building 7 was wired for demolition - which he agrees it was - then 'all of them were wired for demolition'. He said that 9I11 had led directly to 60,000 Americans dead and wounded and 'God knows how many hundr


  • Flight 93) 106 Brexit 2, 242-3, 443, 447-8, 797, 863 Brin, Sergey 491, 501, 660, 678, 680, 825 Brown & Root 61-3, 91 Brown, Gordon 389, 528--40 Brzezinski, Zbigniew 323, 394-5,419-22,424,431,624, 740 Building 7 (Salomon Brothers Building), collapse of 335--45, 352 Commission report, exclusion from 372, 383, 779 controlled demolition 328, 335-44,372,704,784 debris from South Tower, hit by334,336 experts 339-


  • 511, 665-6,866 Carlucci, Frank 183, 390-1, 424 Carlyle Group 183, 228, 231, 390-2,424,602 Carter, Jimmy 31, 43, 49, 225, 323,419,597 Casey, William 17, 43, 392-3 Castro, Fidel 236-8 casualties 777-9 Building 7, collapse of 343-4 collapse of the Twin Towers 322,347 compensation 149-50, 656, 772-4,783 contempt for victims 771-2, 777-9,867 death toll 106 Flight 93 288-90, 292-3, 298-9 identification 280, 347


  • 93 104-5, 133-4, 249, 284-8,296-7,304,309-12,316 Flight 175 255, 316 height and build of hijackers 262,264,286-7,731 telephone calls 99, 101, 105, 156 Coleman, David 558-60 collapse of buildings see Building 7 (Salomon Brothers Building), collapse of; collapse of the Twin Towers collapse of the Twin Towers 321-35,345-8,352,542,767 Commission report 334, 383, 777 controlled demolitions 325-35,345,350-1 dire


  • Sabrosky, Larry 657, 784, 786 Saddam Hussein 49, 64-6, 77, 81, 210, 407, 419, 424, 427-9, 434-9,699,778-80 Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Prince of Saudi Arabia 612, 644 Salomon Brothers Building see Building 7 (Salomon Brothers Building), collapse of Sand, Shlomo 566, 572-3, 577, 620 Sandberg, Sheryl 501, 529, 678, 825 Satanism 32, 817 bloodlines 13, 15-19, 25 Sabbatian-Frankism 578-82, 585-7,597,609,615,7


  • s on Targeted Security (ICTS) 760-1,772-3,775-6,783 judges 772-7, 783 Kroll 756-8, 762, 776-7, 782 London bombings 7 I 7 761-2 Mossad 754-6, 761-2, 768, 770-3 New York Office of Emergency Management, Building 7 756, 767 removal of evidence 767-72, 783 ultra-Zionism 754-83 victims, contempt for 771-2, 777, who benefits 781-4 September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on United States 107-50, 746-50 see also Ameri


  • 39 planes 316--18 Vaknin-Gill, Sima 489-90, Wilson, Woodrow 88, 422, 571, surveillance cameras 505--6 625-7 219-20,300 Venezuela 68, 423, 445, 470-1, witnesses to 9/11 telephone calls 105-6, 121, 698 Building 7, collapse of 286--7, 304, 306--7, 309-12 Venice airport, Florida, flying 336--8, 343-4 tirneline 163~ 284--5, 293, schools in 224--8, 621, collapse of the Twin Towers 311-12 716--18 331,334--5,345--6

File: David Icke - Guide To The Global Conspiracy -


  • ore the buildings start to fall — another tell-tale confirmation of a controlled demolition. For goodness sake, when you look at slow-motion video of the collapse of the towers and World Trade Center Building 7, which came down hours later, you can see the classic puffs of smoke project outward from the building just before the collapse — precisely what you see with buildings brought down by controlled demo


  • Figure 187: Explosive charges going off in World Trade Center Building 7 before it collapsed in a classic controlled demolition Figure 188: An explosive charge projects from the wall as a controlled demolition brings down the South Tower 338 The David Icke Guide to the Gl


  • , the investment firm Kuwait-American Corp. Stratesec provided security for the World Trade Center, Washington Dulles Airport and American Airlines in the period up to, and including, September 11th. Building 7: 'Pull it'. The other World Trade Center building to collapse that day was the forty-seven-storey Building 7, also known as the Salomon Brothers Building. Once again, we were led to believe that anot


  • ng else', it's just that he's been caught with his pants down. A bewildered Senator John Kerry, fending off questions about 9/11 at a public event in Texas in 2007, said that his information was that Building 7 had been brought down by a controlled demolition. When Building 7 collapsed, even the CBS News anchor, Dan Rather, said that it was ...'reminiscent of ... when a building was deliberately destroyed b


  • n the short time they had. The building must have been charged before the attacks, just like the Twin Towers. Former German Defence Minister and intelligence expert, Andreas Von Billow, believes that Building 7 was a command bunker during the attacks and that it was 'pulled' to destroy the evidence. Certainly, two years before the attacks Rudolph Giuliani, the deeply unpleasant and untrustworthy Mayor of Ne

File: David Wilcock - Awakening In The Dream -

  • ed ‘blue lightning.’ . . . If thetruth about ‘blue lightning’ comes out, will ordinary Americans find out whatreally took down, as by controlled demolitions, the World Trade Center twintowers and WTC Building 7 in Manhattan, September 11, 2001?”19[35_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber486]According to my insider Pete Peterson, the Blue Lightning devices are only aboutthe size of the top joint of your thumb, and they

File: David Wilcock - Synchronicity Key -

  • could have had help. It is quite a stretch to believe that threedifferent World Trade Center buildings collapsed into their own footprints, atfree-fall speed, in one day through airliner collisions. Building 7 was nevereven struck by an airplane—it was only hit by falling debris. Both of the TwinTowers were engineered to withstand more than one airliner crash simultaneously.There are no other historical ex

File: David Wilcock - The Synchronicity Key -

  • could have had help. It is quite a stretch to believe that threedifferent World Trade Center buildings collapsed into their own footprints, atfree-fall speed, in one day through airliner collisions. Building 7 was nevereven struck by an airplane—it was only hit by falling debris. Both of the TwinTowers were engineered to withstand more than one airliner crash simultaneously.There are no other historical ex

File: 05_01_2009_Part 1 April 2009 Chemistry Report about Nano-Thermitic Material Discovered in 9 11 World Trade Center Dust -


  • at 10:02 AM Eastern, the South Tower on left in photo above, collapsed in ahuge cloud of dust and debris, followed a half-hour later at 10:32 AM Easternby the North Tower on right. World Trade Center Building 7 is the beige rectangularbuilding (47 stories) in foreground across the street from WTC 1 and 2.Yellow circles mark World Trade Center (WTC) Tower 1,WTC Tower 2 and WTC Building 7.As the North Tower c


  • of WTC 1 and 2, at 5:20 PM Easternon September 11, 2001, 7 World Trade Center also collapsed straight down.After 9/11, Congress charged the Department of Commerce to investigate how the WTCtowers and Building 7 collapsed straight down. So, the Dept. of Commerce underthen-Secretary Donald Evans organized a World Trade Center Federal Building and FireSafety Investigation Team under its National Institute of S


  • n droplets and automatically forms spheres. So, these two observations:1. Molten iron coming out of the tower and being found under the towers for weeks andmonths after the collapse of the towers and Building 7, and2. Finding spherical iron particles in the dust indicate that thermite has been used.So, there was a good reason to say, ‘Hey, let’s take a look at the dust. Maybe there issomething left.’These r


  • nastier.IN 2001, THE CONCEPT OF NANOTECHNOLOGY THERMITIC MATERIAL WASNOT GENERALLY KNOWN IN THE WORLD, WAS IT?You’re perfectly correct. I would probably not know anything about this if I had not seenBuilding 7, the third skyscraper in the WTC (World Trade Center) going down. Why Did WTC Building 7 Collapse7 Hours After WTC1 and WTC 2?RIGHT, EVERYBODY HAS BEEN PUZZLED ABOUT WHY DID BUILDING 7 GODOWN WHEN IT


  • BUILDING 7 PROVOKED YOU AND THE OTHERS TO DO THIS CHEMISTRYRESEARCH WORK?I was flabbergasted! I saw it by accident. As a natural scientist, you usually understandwhat is going on around you and if you see somet
  • it by accident. As a natural scientist, you usually understandwhat is going on around you and if you see something you don’t understand, you have aproblem. You’ve probably seen the film yourself. The building 7 just goes down like this –totally symmetrical, sudden onset, free fall speed 6.5 seconds. And I said, ‘What! Let’s seethat again!’ And I pushed the button ten times to see it and my jaw kept hanging




  • bout WTC 7 Investigation (Updated 042109): Final Report of WTC Disaster Investigation: Trade Center Building 7 Collapse: Science Publishers: Science Publishers Offices: M

File: 05_01_2009_Part 2 April 2009 Chemistry Report about Nano-Thermitic Material Discovered in 9 11 World Trade Center Dust -


  • n E. Jones, Ph.D., Prof. Emeritus of Physicsfrom Brigham Young University and now a private citizen who has long been investigatingwhat exactly happened to bring the two World Trade Center towers and Building 7 straightdown and so quickly.Prof. Jones received his Ph.D. in Physics from Stanford University in 1978. After that, hedid post-doctoral research at the Los Alamos Meson Physics facility in New Mexico


  • charge from the U. S. Congress to determine why and how the World Trade Center towersfell and World Trade Center Building 7. NIST received that charge from Congress andfunding. Over $20 million has been spent. Then NIST comes up with this lame excuse fornot looking for explosive materials. That’s part of the question, rig


  • TradeCenter? And why NIST has consistently refused to even look for explosive residue. SinceNIST is charged by Congress to determine how and why the destruction of these buildings,the two towers and Building 7, then that needs to be pursued by Congress because theyhave not done their job.DR. JONES, WHAT DO YOU SAY TO YOUR FELLOW AMERICANS WHO ARELISTENING AND SAYING, ‘MY GOD, THIS CANNOT BE TRUE?’Well, unf


  • ,000 people on September 11, 2001, was even morecomplicated than airliners hitting the tops of the two tall towers - and then seven hourslater, the mysterious free fall collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 that was never hitby an airplane.If the United States under President Barack Obama is trying for a new, more honesttransparency in government, shouldn’t the nanothermitic research presented by Profes

File: Ancient Records Of Egypt - Vol 3 -


  • s (w b); his storehouse was filled with male and female slaves, of the captivity of his majesty, the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Menpchtire (Ramses I), [given life, like Re, forever and ever]. New Building 79. 9His majesty was - watchful, he was not slothful in seeking exce[llent things to do them for his father] IOMin-Amon, residing in Bohen (Bhny), making for him a temple like the horizon of heaven, wh

File: Ancient Records Of Egypt - Vol 5 -


  • 4; tions of reign of, I 749-50; chronology ships of, 11 7; grandmother of, 11 33; of, I 64, 460--62. servimce of Thure under, 11 62; Phoe- -Makhrure (=Amenemhet IV), 1749, nician campaign of, I1 20; building 750. designs of, 11 34; mo*uarY endow- AMENEMOPET (XXI Dyn.), IV 663; merit of, 11 840; mummy of IV chronology ~f, I 70. 645. -usermare-Setepnamon c=Ame'nemo -Nebpehtire ( = Ahrnose I), 11 7, 20, pet),

File: Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry - Instructions to all the Degrees -


  • , and enlighten my understanding. Q. In what place were you introduced ? A. In a place full of wonder and charms, where virt ue and Sovereign wisdom reside. Q. What is the duty of an Intendant of the Building 7 A. To keep the brethren steady in the practice of v irtue, by setting them a good example to correct their works. Q. Why is it required, in this degree, before you a re admitted, to show that you are

File: Richard Lighthouse - Targeted Individuals Technical Information -


  • controlled demolition of building 7 (World Trade Center building 7), which happened at 5:20 something in the afternoon on 9/11. It was reported twenty minutes early by the BBC. US National Security Agency Officer Wayne Madsen says the
  • controlled demolition of building 7 (World Trade Center building 7), which happened at 5:20 something in the afternoon on 9/11. It was reported twenty minutes early by the BBC. US National Security Agency Officer Wayne Madsen says the 9/11 investigative author Phili

File: Emperor Wears No Clothes - Hemp & The Marijuana Conspiracy -


  • reasing its production. Last week the War Production Board ap¬ proved plans for planting in the United States 900,000 acres of hemp (the only one of the fibers which will grow in this dimate) and for building 71 processing mills. Plantings will be concentrated in Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Iowa, with the processing plants in approximately the same areas. This program should assur

File: Jim Marrs - Above Top Secret, Uncover the Mysteries of the Digital Age (2008) -


  • ABOVE TOP SECRET WAS 9/11 AN iNSiDE JOB? [ 14 ] command center in WTC Building 7 which collapsed later that day—when someone came in and told him they must evacuate as the towers were going to come down. Obviously, it is necessary to learn who warned him of the towers’ collapse,


  • ll” a building is acknowledged as industry slang for a controlled demo - lition. Years after Silverstein’s statement, a spokesperson for Silverstein Properties said he meant, “pull the firemen out of Building 7.” This explanation was unaccept - able to knowledgeable 9/11 researchers as all firemen were withdrawn from Building 7 before 10 a.m. that morning. How did President George W. Bush’s 9/11 Commission

File: MUFON Journal - November 1995 -


  • of tunnels used to go from one building to another during inclement weather. He reminded us that a Dayton, Ohio TV re- porter by the name of Carl Day had earlier investigated reports of such tunnels. Building 739, pictured on page 30 of the July 1993 issue of the Ohio UFO Notebook, re- portedly has a vaulted steel door with a combination lock. It is sited on a concrete pad and has its own venti- lation shaf

File: Mark Devlin - Musical Truth -

  • ng paper passport of one of the 'hijackers' just happened tosurvive the carnage in New York City intact, when all around steel and concretehad been pulverised to rubble is another. World Trade Center Building 7 standingintact behind BBC TV reporter Jane Standley as she announced it had collapsed afull 26 minutes before it actually did, and the BBC just happening to 'lose'their archive tapes of the broadcast

  • ews' announcing stories beforethe details have occurred in reality. The BBC's coverage of 9/11, where reporterJane Standley is seen in front of the infamous Salomon Brothers building, betterknown as 'Building 7,' and announcing it as having collapsed several minutesbefore it actually did, has now passed into legend in conspiracy circles, and isvery much the smoking gun that proves complicity of the BBC and

  • r Grey hook was unfortunate, but it was the lyrics that packed asobering punch. Who else in mainstream music was making statements like, "GazaStrip was getting bombed, Obama didn't say shit?," "9/11, Building 7, did theyreally pull it?," and, "I really think the silence is worse than all theviolence, fear is such a weak emotion, that's why I despise it?" This stuff wasthe closest that the contemporary mains

File: Adult Emergency Medicine -


  • NSW Calvary Mater Newcastle, Haemophilia Centre, Edith Street, Waratah, NSW 2298 T 02 4014 3032 Emergency 02 4921 1211 (switchboard) Fax 02 4960 2136 Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Haemophilia Centre Building 77, Level 5 Missenden Road, Camper - down, NSW 2050 T 02 9515 7013 Emergency 02 9515 6111 Fax 02 9515 8946 The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Cnr Hawkesbury Rd & Hainsworth St, West - mead, NSW 2145

File: The_Age_of_Wars_of_Religion,_1000_1650_An_Encyclopedia_of_Global -


  • dynasty following the humiliation of defeat and capture of the Zhengtong Emperor at Tumu (1449). After he regained the throne in 1457, the Ming court decided on a purely defensive strategy and began building 700 miles of new defensive 355 Great Wall

File: Americ's War On Terrorism -


  • debris at the Pentagon are unaccounted for. 11 – There were reports of significant financial gains made as a result of 9/11, from insider trading in the days prior to 9/11. 12 – Mystery surrounds WTC Building 7, which collapsed or was “pulled” down in the afternoon of September 11, 2001. 13 The White House is being accused by its critics of “criminal negligence”, for having casually disregarded the intellig


  • onths before 9/11, Blackstone Real Estate Advisors, of The Blackstone Group, L.P, purchased, from Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association, the participating mortgage secured by World Trade Center, Building 7. 1 On April 26, 2001 the Port Authority leased the WTC for 99 years to Silverstein Properties and Westfield America Inc, The transaction was authorized by Port Authority Chairman Lewis M. Eisenberg.

File: Atlantean Conspiracy -


  • ted, “ Anybody who has ever watched a building being demol ished on purpose knows that if you’re going to do this you have to get at the u nder infrastructure of a building and bring it down .” After building 7 came down, Dan Rather live on CBS News said, “ For the third time today, it’s reminiscent of those pictures we’ve all seen too much


  • housed offices of the CIA, DOD, IRS, and the Secret Service, as well as Rudy Giuliani’s emergency bunker, and a large SEC database of over 3000 files on pending Wall Street investigations. At 5:20pm, building 7 symmetrically collapsed into its own foo tprint in 6 seconds flat. This building was not hit by a plane, suffered only mino r structural damage, and had isolated fires on a few floors. Also, Demoliti
  • o its own foo tprint in 6 seconds flat. This building was not hit by a plane, suffered only mino r structural damage, and had isolated fires on a few floors. Also, Demolitions experts have identified building 7’s characteristic “kink” just before it was brought do wn. A kink is where the building begins to fold inwards after the central support be ams are blown. Standard procedure for implosions, they pull


  • “we’re getting ready to pull building six.” It is typical jargon when implodin g a building. In another interesting twist, the British BBC news actually reported on the collapse of building 7 at 4:57pm – 23 minutes before it happened! As the journalist is talking about building 7’s demise, it can be seen still standing over her left shoulder. CNN also had a similar report an hour before W
  • implodin g a building. In another interesting twist, the British BBC news actually reported on the collapse of building 7 at 4:57pm – 23 minutes before it happened! As the journalist is talking about building 7’s demise, it can be seen still standing over her left shoulder. CNN also had a similar report an hour before WTC 7 came down saying “ we are getting information now that one of the other buildings; b


  • ildings that collapsed, buildings 1, 2 and 7, perfectly replicate in size and distance both the 3 pyramids at Giza and the 3 stars in Orion’s Belt. WTC buildings 1 and 2 were very tall with a shorter building 7 off to the side. Similarly, there are 2 large pyra mids at Giza and a smaller pyramid off to the side. Not to mention, before being dest royed on 9/11 there actually stood a huge model of the 3 Giza


  • ppear to people who search out t he truth as being totally out of whack. And things are totally out of whack. When someone comes acro ss facts which are at odds with the "consensus reality" { such as Building 7 turning into dust at freefall sp eed at 5:02pm on 9 - 11 ( see: ) } t hey must either ignore the facts (either consciously or unconsciously) or suffer ridicule, contempt, violence & legi

File: Battle Hymn - Revelations Of The Sinister Plan For A New World Order -


  • l supports of the towers failed. The hot spots were located “at the bottoms of the elevator shafts of the main towers, down seven [basement] levels.” He added that molten steel also was discovered in Building 7, which never was struck by a plane but collapsed in the afternoon of 9/11. The highest recorded temperature in the towers was less than 1,400 degrees Fahrenheit, but the temperature required to melt


  • Florida. “ To me, Zakheim has 2.3 trillion motives to take out the World Trade Center and Building 7, where the [Pentagon missing funds] investigation is centered,” Ott told the author. “He had civilian control of the Pentagon budgets. The attacks destroyed the whole area where the paper trail would


  • The pair went back up and on the 8 th level Jennings looked out a window and saw that the Twin Towers were still standing. This is an important point, because it proves that there was an explosion in Building 7 prior to the collapse of the towers, which have been blamed for the building’s own eventual collapse. When they returned to the lobby, it had been utterly destroyed. By this time Jennings had been in

File: Battle Hymn - Revelations Of The Sinister Plan For A New World Order -


  • l supports of the towers failed. The hot spots were located “at the bottoms of the elevator shafts of the main towers, down seven [basement] levels.” He added that molten steel also was discovered in Building 7, which never was struck by a plane but collapsed in the afternoon of 9/11. The highest recorded temperature in the towers was less than 1,400 degrees Fahrenheit, but the temperature required to melt


  • Florida. “ To me, Zakheim has 2.3 trillion motives to take out the World Trade Center and Building 7, where the [Pentagon missing funds] investigation is centered,” Ott told the author. “He had civilian control of the Pentagon budgets. The attacks destroyed the whole area where the paper trail would


  • The pair went back up and on the 8 th level Jennings looked out a window and saw that the Twin Towers were still standing. This is an important point, because it proves that there was an explosion in Building 7 prior to the collapse of the towers, which have been blamed for the building’s own eventual collapse. When they returned to the lobby, it had been utterly destroyed. By this time Jennings had been in

File: Chomsky - Fateful Triangle - The United States, Israel and the Palestinians (1999) -


  • dy noted several times. Reagan’s reversal of the earlier American stand on the legality of the settlements gave a “dispensation” to the Israeli government to carry out “a massive settlement program,” building 70 settlements in place of the 10 previously announced. “As long as the Americans, our only friends, do not raise problems, then the internal opposition is silent,” a “sad fact” that was also proven du

File: David Ray griffin - The New Pearl Harbor -


  • the meantime, many more objections to the official theory have been raised. Some of these objections involve special problems associated with the collapse of a third building in the complex known as Building 7 (WTC-7). To evaluate these objections, it is necessary to review some of the facts. The North Tower (WTC-1) was struck at 8:46 AM. It collapsed one hour and 42 minutes later, at 10:28. The South Towe


  • report by the House Science Committee also provided no explanation. >84 But insofar as there is an account that is widely accepted in official and media circles, it goes something like this. Although Building 7 -- which was 355 feet away from the North To wer and still farther fr om the South Tower — was not hit by any significant amount of falling debris, enough debris did cross over to start a fire. Then
  • ire then became so hot that it caused the building's steel reinforcement to collapse at 5:20 PM. This theory faces many problems. First, there is no evidence of any raging fire. "Every photo taken of building 7," Hufschmid reports, "shows only a few tiny fires in only a few windows," primarily on the 7th and 12th floors. >85 Second, there is again the problem of how a hydrocarbon fire, even had it been ragi


  • ficult for the official theory because they suggest controlled demolition. Indeed, Hufschmit emphasizes, the collapse of WTC-7, unlike that of the Twin Towers, suggests a typical demolition, because "Building 7 collapsed at its bottom." When Building 7 collapsed, the interior fell first, and that caused the outside of the building to move inward.... The result was a very tiny pile of rubble, with the outsid


  • /scien ce/hot/wtc/wtc-report/WTC_ch5.pdf 85 Hufschmid, 62, 63. 86 See Hufschmid, 68-69. 87 Some people, to be sure, have spread the idea that tremors created by the collapse of the Twin Towers caused Building 7 to collapse. But even the most powerful earthquakes have not caused the complete collapse of steel-framed buildings. And how would one explain the fact that the Verizon, Federal, and Fiterman Hall Bu

File: FINAL WARNING - A History of the New World Order (2004) -


  • 1963, the FEMA center was located in building 50, with a 96 foot by 22 foot Quonset-type (corrugated steel structure with arched ribs) bunker submerged in the ground west of it. In 1969 they moved to building 710, a self-contained, two-level underground installation that can provide working and living space for 300 government personnel for up to 30 days. It is accessed through a lobby that protrudes from th

File: Final Warning - A History of the New World Order by David Allen Rivera -


  • 963, the FEMA center was located in building 50, with a 96 foot b y 22 foot Quonset)type (corrugated steel structure with arched ribs) bunker submerged in the ground west of it. In 1969 they moved to building 710, a self)contained, two)level underground installation that can provide working and living space for 300 government personnel for up to 30 days. It is

File: Griffin - The New Pearl Harbor - Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9-11 (2004) -


  • meant ime, many more object ions to the official theory have been raised. Some of these object ions involve special problems associat ed wit h the collapse of a third building in the complex known as Building 7 (WTC -7). To evaluat e these object ions, it is necessary to review some of the fact s. The Nort h Tower (WTC - 1) was struck at 8:46 AM. It collapsed one hour and 42 minut es later, at 10: 28. The S


  • by the House Science Commit tee also provided no explanat ion. > 84 But insof ar as there is an account that is widely accept ed in official and media circles, it goes somet hing like this. Alt hough Building 7 -- which was 355 feet away from the Nort h Tower and still fart her from the Sout h Tower — was not hit by any signif icant amount of falling debris, enough debris did cross over to start a fire. The


  • taken of building 7," Huf schmid report s, "shows only a few tiny fires in only a few windows, " primarily on the 7 th and 12 th floors. > 85 Second, there is again the problem of how a hydrocarbon fire, even had it bee


  • e/ hot /wtc/wtc-report /WTC_ch5. pdf 85 Huf schmid, 62, 63. 86 See Huf schmid, 68 -69. 87 Some people, to be sure, have spread the idea that tremors creat ed by the collapse of the Twin Towers caused Building 7 to collapse. But even the most powerf ul eart hquakes have not caused the complet e collapse of steel -framed buildings. And how would one explain the fact that the Verizon, Federal, and Fit erman Ha

File: Jim Marrs - Rule By Secrecy -


  • EMPIRE BUILDING 79 "moved beyond the confines of Frankfurt": Griffin, p. 219. 79 "best business I have ever done": Frederic Morton, The Rothschilds: A family Portrait (New York: Atheneum, 1962), p. 45. 80 bankers to c

File: Jim Marrs - The Rise Of The Fourth Reich -


  • not hit by air - planes, it fell neatly between the Verizon Building and the U.S. Po st Offi ce, neither of which suff ered critical damage. Why did the offi cial government study of the collapse of Building 7 con - clude their “best hypothesis has only a low probability of occur - rence”? ◆ Why did the short-selling of stock in American and United Air - lines suggest foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks, and


  • d, 101 Wood, Patrick M., 242 Wood, Robert M., 165 INDEX 435 Wood-Allott, Patty, 270 World Bank, 228 World Economic Forum, 176 World Health Or ga ni za tion (WHO), 306 World Trade Center, 22, 357, 359 building 7 of, 118, 359 1993 attack on, 363 World War I, German defeat in, 6 World War II, German defeat in, 1–2, 4, 15, 181 Worms Bank, 214 Wright, Jeremiah, 290 Wundt, Wilhelm Max, 298 X-rays, 279 Yale Univer

File: Kay - The Big Lie, 9-11 and Government Complicity in Mass Murder (2005) -


  • virtually ignored and purposefully avoided and minimized discussing this building’s collapse in its “Official Report.” Out of 585 pages in the 9/11 Commission Report, the words and terms “WTC-7” or “Building 7” are not even mentioned once. 25 This 47-story building fire and collapse wasn’t considered newsworthy or photogenic enough? It is like the collapse of a 47 story building never even happened. This o


  • on 9/11 Locational Problems . The WTC-7 building was not even on the same city block as the main WTC complex and not as close to the WTC-1 and WTC-2 as other structures (that did not collapse) were. Building 7 was approximately 300’ away from the nearest tower. 30 Other buildings closer to the WTC buildings 1 and 2, such as Bankers Trust Building, the Verizon Building, and WTC-6 received much more extensiv


  • ticle web cached at:< > 62 ; Hoffman, Jim. “Building 7, the Untold Story: Exposing the fraud of the government’s story.” < > Hoffman, Jim. “The North Tower Dust Cloud: Energy Requirements for the Expansion


  • nal_fraud.shtml > 24 Meiklem, Peter John. “Buried Truths.” Big Issue . Sept 2005. < > Chapter 7: WTC Building 7 - The Achilles Heel of the Official Theory 25 The 9/11 Commission Report , search results of “WTC-7” and “Building 7” <

File: Lewis, Jon E. - The Mammoth Book of Cover-Ups (2008) -


  • in meant “pull it” as in “pull outta there”.) The bottom-to-top-style collapse of WTC buildings 1, 2 and 7 is said to be typical of controlled demolitions. Fuelling conspiracy theory is the fact that building 7 housed offices of the CIA and the FBI, plus New York City’s emergency command bunker. In counterpoint to the controlled-demolition hypothesis is the finding of the US Department of Commerce’s Nationa

File: New Pearl Harbor -


  • the meantime, many more objections to the official theory have been raised. Some of these objections involve special problems associated with the collapse of a third building in the complex known as Building 7 (WTC-7). To evaluate these objections, it is necessary to review some of the facts. The North Tower (WTC-1) was struck at 8:46 AM. It collapsed one hour and 42 minutes later, at 10:28. The South Towe


  • report by the House Science Committee also provided no explanation. >84 But insofar as there is an account that is widely accepted in official and media circles, it goes something like this. Although Building 7 -- which was 355 feet away from the North Tower and still farther from the South Tower — was not hit by any significant amount of falling debris, enough debris did cross over to start a fire. Then be
  • ire then became so hot that it caused the building's steel reinforcement to collapse at 5:20 PM. This theory faces many problems. First, there is no evidence of any raging fire. "Every photo taken of building 7," Hufschmid reports, "shows only a few tiny fires in only a few windows," primarily on the 7th and 12th floors. >85 Second, there is again the problem of how a hydrocarbon fire, even had it been ragi


  • icult for the official theory because they suggest controlled demolition. Indeed, Hufschmit emphasizes, the collapse of WTC- 7, unlike that of the Twin Towers, suggests a typical demolition, because "Building 7 collapsed at its bottom." When Building 7 collapsed, the interior fell first, and that caused the outside of the building to move inward.... The result was a very tiny pile of rubble, with the outsid


  • v/science/hot/wtc/wtc-report/WTC_ch5.pdf 85 Hufschmid, 62, 63. 86 See Hufschmid, 68-69. 87 Some people, to be sure, have spread the idea that tremors created by the collapse of the Twin Towers caused Building 7 to collapse. But even the most powerful earthquakes have not caused the complete collapse of steel-framed buildings. And how would one explain the fact that the Verizon, Federal, and Fiterman Hall Bu

File: Order Out Of Chaos -


  • the buildings minutes before they collapsed. Furthermore, even if we accept the notion that jet fuel caused the collapse of the north and south towers, how do we explain the perfect implosion of WTC Building 7, which wasn’t even hit by anything save a small amount of flying debris? The building collapsed at 5:25pm, seven hour s after the north tower collapsed. Photographs of the building taken at 3pm show

File: Paul Joseph Watson - Order Out Of Chaos -


  • the buildings minutes before they collapsed. Furthermore, even if we accept the notion that jet fuel caused the collapse of the north and south towers, how do we explain the perfect implosion of WTC Building 7, which wasn’t even hit by anything save a small amount of flying debris? The building collapsed at 5:25pm, seven hour s after the north tower collapsed. Photographs of the building taken at 3pm show

File: Presumed Guilty -


  • II: THE MEDICAL/BALLISTICS EVIDENCE 3 Suppressed Spectrography 4 The President's Wounds 5 The Governor's wounds and the Validity of the Essential Conclusions PART III: THE ACCUSED 6 The Rifle in the Building 7 Oswald at Window? 8 The Alibi: Oswald's Actions after the Shots 9 Oswald's Rifle Capability Conclusion Appendix A: Tentative Outline of the Work of the President's Commission Appendix B: Memorandum t

File: Tuckett - Conspiracy Theories (semi-serious) (2004) -


  • 9/11 5 or through incompetence, has been widespread following Congressional investigations but without any smoking gun. Furthermore, the CIA and New York City counterterrorism offices were based in Building 7 ofthe World Trade Center and were therefore destroyed, along with any potentially incriminating evidence. The suspicions about intelligence are just part of the growing mistrust about the events that

File: Webster Griffin Tarpley - 9-11 Synthetic Terrorism - Made in USA -


  • able to operate, why WTC Building 7 collapsed, why air defense was non-existent, what hit the Pentagon, what happened over Shanksville, what happened to the insider trading, and many more. For any serious, intelligent person – and ther


  • ble or ham actor. (Meyssan 2002 192) REDUCTIO AD ABSURDUM : WTC 7 In the May House Science Committee W. Gene Corley, the American Society of Civil Engineers representative on the BPAT, conceded that “Building 7, which was across the street from the main towers, also collapsed and provided us with the first example that we recognized of a building collapsing as a result of fire.” (House May 30) WTC 7 present

File: Webster Tarpley - 9-11 Synthetic Terror -


  • able to operate, why WTC Building 7 collapsed, why air defense was non-existent, what hit the Pentagon, what happened over Shanksville, what happened to the insider trading, and many more. For any serious, intelligent person – and ther


  • ble or ham actor. (Meyssan 2002 192) REDUCTIO AD ABSURDUM : WTC 7 In the May House Science Committee W. Gene Corley, the American Society of Civil Engineers representative on the BPAT, conceded that “Building 7, which was across the street from the main towers, also collapsed and provided us with the first example that we recognized of a building collapsing as a result of fire.” (House May 30) WTC 7 present

File: Memory Program - How To Prevent Memory Loss And Enhance Memory Power -


  • 606 - 323 - 6040 Michael L. Shelanski, M.D., Ph.D. Columbia University 630 West 168th Street New York, NY 10032 Tel: 212 - 543 - 5853 Donald L. Price, M.D. Johns Hopkins University 558 Ross Research Building 720 Rutland Avenue Baltimore, MD 21205 - 2196 Tel: 410 - 955 - 5632 Kenneth L. Davis, M.D. Mount Sinai School of Medicine One Gustave L. Levy Place, Box 1230 New York, NY 10029 - 6574 Tel: 212 - 241 -

File: Essential Underground Handbook -


  • The Essential Underground Handbook 20 For Europe and Asia For America, Africa, & the Rest of the world Loyal Bank Loyal Bank Limited Representative Office Nanton’s Building 7 – 13 Hegyalja út, Egmont Street Buda Center H-1016 P.O. Box 1825 Budapest, Hungary Kingstown, St. Vincent, W.I. Also enclose a password chosen by you in a sealed envelope clearly marked with ‘Passwor

File: Strategic Relocation - Joel Skousen -


  • th its multiple explosions and multiple accomplices protected by the FBI. • The attacks of September 11, where considerable evidence and witnesses attest to explosions inside the buildings, including building 7, which was not hit by hijacked aircraft. Joel continually reviews and analyzes these events as they develop in his World Affairs Brief. You can read much of this analysis from previous years at his w

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