Cashless Society

Found in 63 Books

File: 9-11 - Decent Into Tyranny -


  • s percent. The U.S.A. Patriot Act, which effectively eviscerated the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, was passed, radically expanding the scope of the already colossal police state complex. Their cashless society, compact city, control grid is accelerating into place as Ameri cans scramble for “security.” The people were pre-conditioned be fore all of these attacks to give up their liberties so that the gover


  • 45 cashless society. It’s part of the public r ecord. George W. Bush signed the documents threatening defense intelligence and FBI agen ts with arrest if they stopped Al-Qaeda (AFP, November 7, 2001, “Bush Thwarted FBI


  • Un ited States. Successfully got the indictment . . . DS: Prosecuted the outfit here in Chicago for five years. AJ: . . . so you know, you can see the motive. I see more intelligence funding. I see a cashless society wi th the biometrics. I see an expanded U.N. I see NATO planes patrolling our skies. U.N. General MacKenzie, on “Nightline,” September 19, eight days after the attack, said, “We need U.N. troops on o


  • en’s cartoons and media of face scanning, thumb scanning, national ID cards, and the overall police state, this book would be five hundred pages long. Let’s just look at the facts. Biometrics and the Cashless Society Washington, D.C., has already implemented a card—which is held with the CIA and the National Security Agency—for all children. It contains all kinds of biometric information -- face scans, thumb prin
  • thumb scan to get them. No thumb scan, no food (, January 10, 2002, “Finger Food”; CBS News , January 24, 2002, “Fingerprint s Pay for School Lunch”). All this trains the children for the cashless society and gets them into the database. Think about it. Thumb scanning in government schools to get food. You would expect to read about something like this in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World or George Orwe


  • 115 Once the cashless society control-grid snaps into place, you won’t be able to get anything unless you’ve been government-approved as not being a thought criminal -- not food, water, a house, or a job. You already heard th em

File: David Icke - 1996 - I Am Me I Am Free -

  • immigration and social security fraud”).All these claims and more are designed to manipulate your mind into acceptingthe microchip which will turn you into a fully fledged robot.The microchip and the cashless society are part of that fundamental tool in thecontrol of human existence., .the world financial system. Ask most people whythey are not doing or saying what they really believe is right and the reasonwill

File: David Icke - 1996 - I Am Me I Am Free -

  • immigration and social security fraud”).All these claims and more are designed to manipulate your mind into acceptingthe microchip which will turn you into a fully fledged robot.The microchip and the cashless society are part of that fundamental tool in thecontrol of human existence., .the world financial system. Ask most people whythey are not doing or saying what they really believe is right and the reasonwill

File: David Icke - 2001 - Children Of The Matrix -

  • Thecurrency wouldeventually bring an end to physical "cash" and all othercurrencies. While I waswriting this book, a UK paper called Metro reported onDecember 20th 2000 thatSingapore was moving to a cashless society by 2008. In anarticle "Beginning of Endfor Cash", the paper revealed that Singapore (aBritish-controlled Illuminati"country") was phasing in ”e-money" and wouldinsist that everyone used it.Financial
  • in fighting technology. If you want to give yourkidspocket money, you pass it to them by phone. They can use it for bus fares,in theschool cafeteria, or whatever." He then listed all the merits of thecashless societythat 1 have long predicted they would use to sell it to thepeople - safer than cashand credit cards etc. etc.Mayer Amschel Rothschild, the founder of the Rothschild banking dynasty,said:"Give me contr

File: David Icke - 2001 - Children Of The Matrix -

  • Thecurrency wouldeventually bring an end to physical "cash" and all othercurrencies. While I waswriting this book, a UK paper called Metro reported onDecember 20th 2000 thatSingapore was moving to a cashless society by 2008. In anarticle "Beginning of Endfor Cash", the paper revealed that Singapore (aBritish-controlled Illuminati"country") was phasing in ”e-money" and wouldinsist that everyone used it.Financial
  • in fighting technology. If you want to give yourkidspocket money, you pass it to them by phone. They can use it for bus fares,in theschool cafeteria, or whatever." He then listed all the merits of thecashless societythat 1 have long predicted they would use to sell it to thepeople - safer than cashand credit cards etc. etc.Mayer Amschel Rothschild, the founder of the Rothschild banking dynasty,said:"Give me contr

File: David Icke - 2007 - The David Icke Guide To The Global Conspiracy -

  • stories – lies – tohide the real reason for what they do and this means they must lie at least mostof the time. Preventing credit card fraud is one excuse for the chip, and theaim is to bring in the cashless society, the one-world currency. This would meanthat if the computer system said no to your credit card, or eventually yourmicrochip, you have no means, other than barter, to buy anything, includingfood. At
  • ingfood. At the moment, you can still overcome this by using cash and this is whythey want to phase out physical money. Readers of my other books will know thatI have been predicting the microchipped cashless society since the early 1990s,and in 2007 Peter Ayliffe, chief executive of Visa Europe, predicted the end ofcash within a few years.Professor Kevin Warwick of Reading University in England has been very pub

  • .html#filepos1303921], 348[../Text/index_split_027.html#filepos1315201]Carrington, Lord (Peter Rupert) 196[../Text/index_split_019.html#filepos754309], 437[../Text/index_split_032.html#filepos1649803]cashless society 390 [../Text/index_split_029.html#filepos1473574]-1[../Text/index_split_029.html#filepos1473574]Castaneda, Carlos 37 [../Text/index_split_013.html#filepos164496], 524[../Text/index_split_036.html#fil

File: David Icke - 2007 - The David Icke Guide To The Global Conspiracy -

  • stories – lies – tohide the real reason for what they do and this means they must lie at least mostof the time. Preventing credit card fraud is one excuse for the chip, and theaim is to bring in the cashless society, the one-world currency. This would meanthat if the computer system said no to your credit card, or eventually yourmicrochip, you have no means, other than barter, to buy anything, includingfood. At
  • ingfood. At the moment, you can still overcome this by using cash and this is whythey want to phase out physical money. Readers of my other books will know thatI have been predicting the microchipped cashless society since the early 1990s,and in 2007 Peter Ayliffe, chief executive of Visa Europe, predicted the end ofcash within a few years.Professor Kevin Warwick of Reading University in England has been very pub

  • .html#filepos1303921], 348[../Text/index_split_027.html#filepos1315201]Carrington, Lord (Peter Rupert) 196[../Text/index_split_019.html#filepos754309], 437[../Text/index_split_032.html#filepos1649803]cashless society 390 [../Text/index_split_029.html#filepos1473574]-1[../Text/index_split_029.html#filepos1473574]Castaneda, Carlos 37 [../Text/index_split_013.html#filepos164496], 524[../Text/index_split_036.html#fil

File: David Icke - 2010 - Human Race Get Off Your Knees -


  • 448-9 Cann, Rebecca 207-8 cap-and-trade system 173-4 Carbon Cult, the 181-4 Carnegie Foundation 443 Carpenter, John 286 Carrington, Lord 61, 70, 569 Carrott,. Jasper 37 Carter, Jimmy 42, 144, 161,260 cashless society 540-1 Castaneda, Carlos 203, 426 casual loops 397-9 Catholic Church 241, 277,533 bloodlines 58 and the Rothschilds 65 see also Christianity Caverns, Cauldrons and Concealed Creatures (Mott) 217-18,29

File: David Icke - 2010 - Human Race Get Off Your Knees -


  • 448-9 Cann, Rebecca 207-8 cap-and-trade system 173-4 Carbon Cult, the 181-4 Carnegie Foundation 443 Carpenter, John 286 Carrington, Lord 61, 70, 569 Carrott,. Jasper 37 Carter, Jimmy 42, 144, 161,260 cashless society 540-1 Castaneda, Carlos 203, 426 casual loops 397-9 Catholic Church 241, 277,533 bloodlines 58 and the Rothschilds 65 see also Christianity Caverns, Cauldrons and Concealed Creatures (Mott) 217-18,29

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception - Part Two -

  • rge Soros (Rothschild Zionist) were soon calling for a world government andcentral bank to ‘solve the problem’ which the forces they serve had purposelycaused. The single electronic currency within a cashless society is a foundationplan for human control. Barter will be the only means of purchase once cash hasgone should the computer system say no to your card or microchip as it isplanned to be eventually. You wi
  • cash until the collector has filled in a‘Bill Detection Report’ with the car registration and driver’s personal details.This is for payments with bills as small as $5. It is all about bringing in thecashless society because cashless = control. You need no further confirmation ofthe importance of this to the overall plan than that Bill Gates is promoting itsintroduction. This guy is seriously involved across the
  • yway conscious. This is one arrogant and manipulating man. His Bill and MelindaGates Foundation is a major financial backer of the Better Than Cash Alliance –an organization dedicated to imposing the cashless society. It is supported bythe US government’s USAID and is described as ‘a global public-privatepartnership dedicated to supporting organizations transition away from cash toelectronic payments’. It is foun
  • The Bill &Melinda Gates Foundation, Citi, Ford Foundation, the Omidyar Network (eBayfounder Pierre Omidyar), UN Capital Development Fund and Visa Inc. What a scam.[../Images/00047.jpg]Figure 593: The cashless society means cashless control.The engineered crash in Europe and the ‘euro crisis’ has been used as planned asa Problem-Reaction-Solution to bring thousands of banks under the directsupervision of the Roths

  • m should belifted worldwide and this is the company so promoted by Bill Gates who owns500,000 of their shares. This is the same Bill Gates promoting Agenda 21education, vaccines across the world, the cashless society, geoengineering, andthe climate change hoax. The World Economic Forum held every year in Davos,Switzerland, is a more open version of the Bilderberg Group and attended bypretty much the same crowd in

  • e plan isto make this compulsory in the way that all the other invasions of human privacyhave eventually been. Six thousand people in Sweden have accepted a mark ontheir right hands in ‘trials’ for a cashless society and other ‘trials’ arespringing up more and more. Children in Texas and elsewhere are being preparedto accept chipping with a scheme allegedly designed to prevent truancy (escapefrom jail). They are

  • ecca 73–4, 97cannibalism 247, 277Carman, Judy 692Carney, Jay 505, 516, 517Carney, John 572Carney, Mark 554Carpenter, Dr David 708Carr, Commander William Guy 500Carroll, John 323Carswell, Douglas 601–2cashless society 230–1Cassini, Giovanni Domenico 172Castaneda, Carlos 140–1, 164, 280Castaneda, Oscar 668–9Cathars, the 80Catholic Church see Roman Catholic Churchcauldrons, as symbols 361Caverns, Cauldrons, and Conc

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception -


  • although that is going out of circulation so fast. But when there is no cash how do you purchase or acquire anything, including food, short of barter or as a gift? You don’t. This is the idea of the cashless society – control . Cash is disappearing by the day and countries like Sweden are virtually cashless already. BA International, a banknote printing operation in Ottawa, Canada, owned by Giesecke & Devrient i


  • e Soros (Rothschild Zionist) were soon calling for a world government and central bank to ‘solve the problem’ which the forces they serve had purposely caused. The single electronic currency within a cashless society is a foundation plan for human control. Barter will be the only means of purchase once cash has gone should the computer system say no to your card or microchip as it is planned to be eventually. You


  • sh until the collector has filled in a ‘Bill Detection Report’ with the car registration and driver’s personal details. This is for payments with bills as small as $5. It is all about bringing in the cashless society because cashless = control. You need no further confirmation of the importance of this to the overall plan than that Bill Gates is promoting its introduction. This guy is seriously involved across th


  • ay conscious. This is one arrogant and manipulating man. His Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is a major financial backer of the Better Than Cash Alliance – an organization dedicated to imposing the cashless society. It is supported by the US government’s USAID and is described as ‘a global public-private partnership dedicated to supporting organizations transition away from cash to electronic payments’. It is f


  • Figure 593: The cashless society means cashless control. The engineered crash in Europe and the ‘euro crisis’ has been used as planned as a Problem-Reaction- Solution to bring thousands of banks under the direct supervision of the R


  • found with vaccines, depopulation, GM crops in Africa and the cashless society. The Archontic agenda and the Gates agenda move as if liberally smeared with superglue and his taxexempt foundation is his vehicle on the basis that money talks. Even leading environmentalists oppose


  • hould be lifted worldwide and this is the company so promoted by Bill Gates who owns 500,000 of their shares. This is the same Bill Gates promoting Agenda 21 education, vaccines across the world, the cashless society, geoengineering, and the climate change hoax. The World Economic Forum held every year in Davos, Switzerland, is a more open version of the Bilderberg Group and attended by pretty much the same crowd


  • thousand people in Sweden have accepted a mark on their right hands in ‘trials’ for a cashless society and other ‘trials’ are springing up more and more. Children in Texas and elsewhere are being prepared to accept chipping with a scheme allegedly designed to prevent truancy (escape from jail). They a


  • 97 cannibalism 247, 277 Carman, Judy 692 Carney, Jay 505, 516, 517 Carney, John 572 Carney, Mark 554 Carpenter, Dr David 708 Carr, Commander William Guy 500 Carroll, John 323 Carswell, Douglas 601–2 cashless society 230–1 Cassini, Giovanni Domenico 172 Castaneda, Carlos 140–1, 164, 280 Castaneda, Oscar 668–9 Cathars, the 80 Catholic Church see Roman Catholic Church cauldrons, as symbols 361 Caverns, Cauldrons, a

File: David Icke - 2016 - Phantom Self -


  • 274 Figure 482: TI1<'' w;inl evervlhing including the rain 1hat fall\ on vour property . Figure 483: The cashless society that I warned aboul decades ,1go is now heing introduced at speed. Figure 484: Gel them young - keep !hem for ltie . on for thousands of 'years' orchestrated by the common Archontic denominator. Huma
  • <1lternative media that is terrifying the Archon networks. All finance would be controlled by a world central bank through a single world cashles!> currency. I have been warning about the plan for a cashless society in my books for more than 20 years and now cash is being replaced so fast by credit cards and cashles!> banking via smartphones etc., with ATMs being


  • Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation reads like an Archon hybrid to-do list. Thi s includes GMO, human genetic manipulation, mass vaccination, population reduction, death panels, weather modification, a cashless society, surveillance technology , centralised control of education known as 'Common Core ', the list just gets longer all the time. People will have to decide for themselves what his motivations are, but gi


  • 5, J18- 9. JJS Cann , Rel>e1. L,l 109 Ci!rling. George 7, 41 ~ (hfiord E. 37-1 Cm, Bem,1rct '15 Carr, Nicholas 356--7 Carr, William lames Guv .?</--8 Cartt'f Jimmv 291 C..1sey, Willii!m 22n cashless society 2 74-5 C.1<taned.a. Carlos 32, 113. 11!5 Ca1holicism 99, 172--3 - a/!{) IJihle. the ChnstmM 1 f>q....7{) E,1,ter 171 f11,1~~ 1 78-9 the Molher Mary 1 70--1 pc1edophili,1 191 !,e<.ret o;ocielies and 2


  • 1 CJ(, Federal Bureau of Investigation !FBI) 18.5 federal Emergency Management Agcncv 1FEMAl 28] Feith, Douglas 22U feminism 215. 217 iiat currency 2-t'l 'Fibonacci sequcnce' 77, ;-a financinl system cashless society 274---5 crisis in Cyprus 271 crrsis in Greece 122, 123 . 231, 238-9. 252, 272 crisis in lrel,1nd 252 distribuuon oi wealth 270-3 energy bills. the rise of 306 globalisation 127 loans 2.50-3, 255 ,md

File: David Icke - 2016 - Phantom Self -


  • 274 Figure 482: TI1<'' w;inl evervlhing including the rain 1hat fall\ on vour property . Figure 483: The cashless society that I warned aboul decades ,1go is now heing introduced at speed. Figure 484: Gel them young - keep !hem for ltie . on for thousands of 'years' orchestrated by the common Archontic denominator. Huma
  • <1lternative media that is terrifying the Archon networks. All finance would be controlled by a world central bank through a single world cashles!> currency. I have been warning about the plan for a cashless society in my books for more than 20 years and now cash is being replaced so fast by credit cards and cashles!> banking via smartphones etc., with ATMs being


  • Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation reads like an Archon hybrid to-do list. Thi s includes GMO, human genetic manipulation, mass vaccination, population reduction, death panels, weather modification, a cashless society, surveillance technology , centralised control of education known as 'Common Core ', the list just gets longer all the time. People will have to decide for themselves what his motivations are, but gi


  • 5, J18- 9. JJS Cann , Rel>e1. L,l 109 Ci!rling. George 7, 41 ~ (hfiord E. 37-1 Cm, Bem,1rct '15 Carr, Nicholas 356--7 Carr, William lames Guv .?</--8 Cartt'f Jimmv 291 C..1sey, Willii!m 22n cashless society 2 74-5 C.1<taned.a. Carlos 32, 113. 11!5 Ca1holicism 99, 172--3 - a/!{) IJihle. the ChnstmM 1 f>q....7{) E,1,ter 171 f11,1~~ 1 78-9 the Molher Mary 1 70--1 pc1edophili,1 191 !,e<.ret o;ocielies and 2


  • 1 CJ(, Federal Bureau of Investigation !FBI) 18.5 federal Emergency Management Agcncv 1FEMAl 28] Feith, Douglas 22U feminism 215. 217 iiat currency 2-t'l 'Fibonacci sequcnce' 77, ;-a financinl system cashless society 274---5 crisis in Cyprus 271 crrsis in Greece 122, 123 . 231, 238-9. 252, 272 crisis in lrel,1nd 252 distribuuon oi wealth 270-3 energy bills. the rise of 306 globalisation 127 loans 2.50-3, 255 ,md

File: David Icke - 2019 - The Trigger -


  • disappearing from circulation. Oh, but it's so convenient? Really? How convenient will it be when the computers say 'no' to your digital 'money' and there is no longer cash to pay any other way? The cashless society, as I have warned from the start, is primarily about control, not finance. Digital money is only 'convenient' while cash still exists. When cash has gone what is left is only control by dictating who


  • along with all other aspects of the conspiracy and its deeper connections into the 'Beyond'. I have mentioned some already earlier in the book including mass immigration, human-caused global warming, cashless society, police-military state (controlled by AI and robot 'troops') and centralisation of global power giving ever more control to the few over the many. Before I finish I want to emphasise three more which

File: David Icke - 2019 - The Trigger -


  • disappearing from circulation. Oh, but it's so convenient? Really? How convenient will it be when the computers say 'no' to your digital 'money' and there is no longer cash to pay any other way? The cashless society, as I have warned from the start, is primarily about control, not finance. Digital money is only 'convenient' while cash still exists. When cash has gone what is left is only control by dictating who


  • along with all other aspects of the conspiracy and its deeper connections into the 'Beyond'. I have mentioned some already earlier in the book including mass immigration, human-caused global warming, cashless society, police-military state (controlled by AI and robot 'troops') and centralisation of global power giving ever more control to the few over the many. Before I finish I want to emphasise three more which

File: David Icke - Federal Reserve System Fraud -


  • I and World War II, showing exactly how the bankers were responsible f or the beginning and continuation of these wars f or their prof it). The banks have publicly announced they will f orce us to a cashless society by 1997. Furtherm ore, they plan to create a one world governm ent through the United Nations headed by the FED, Trilaterals, and the Council on Foreign Relations (Ref erence 3). By the def inition o


  • ntrols interest rates and the am ount of m oney in the econom y. These f actors determ ine either econom ic prosperity or the lack thereof . Bankers are now pushing f or a one world governm ent and a cashless society. Why cashless? No cash m eans no m oney f or drugs, no thef t, and the ability to collect taxes on the underground econom y. Anyone who wouldn' t support a cashless society m ust be a drug dealer, th
  • ne world governm ent and a cashless society. Why cashless? No cash m eans no m oney f or drugs, no thef t, and the ability to collect taxes on the underground econom y. Anyone who wouldn' t support a cashless society m ust be a drug dealer, thief , or tax evader, right? What a cashless society really m eans is the banks can now control you. Today you f ear the IRS. In a cashless society, if you disagree with the
  • oney f or drugs, no thef t, and the ability to collect taxes on the underground econom y. Anyone who wouldn' t support a cashless society m ust be a drug dealer, thief , or tax evader, right? What a cashless society really m eans is the banks can now control you. Today you f ear the IRS. In a cashless society, if you disagree with the bankers' political goals, you' ll f ind your money gone via com puter error. (
  • ne who wouldn' t support a cashless society m ust be a drug dealer, thief , or tax evader, right? What a cashless society really m eans is the banks can now control you. Today you f ear the IRS. In a cashless society, if you disagree with the bankers' political goals, you' ll f ind your money gone via com puter error. (For additional inf orm ation on a cashless society, read Ref erence 13, P. 174; Ref erence 3; R
  • w control you. Today you f ear the IRS. In a cashless society, if you disagree with the bankers' political goals, you' ll f ind your money gone via com puter error. (For additional inf orm ation on a cashless society, read Ref erence 13, P. 174; Ref erence 3; Ref erence 14, P. 9-12; Ref erence 15, P. 136; Ref erence 25, P. 216). If you could accurately predict f uture interest rates, inf lation and def lation, yo

File: David Icke - Guide To The Global Conspiracy -


  • ories — lies — to hide the real reason for what they do and this means they must lie at least most of the time. Preventing credit card fraud is one excuse for the chip, and the aim is to bring in the cashless society, the one-world currency. This would mean that if the computer system said no to your credit card, or eventually your microchip, you have no means, other than barter, to buy anything, including food.


  • Free to do as we tell you 391 by using cash and this is why they want to phase out physical money. Readers of my other books will know that I have been predicting the microchipped cashless society since the early 1990s, and in 2007 Peter Ayliffe, chief executive of Visa Europe, predicted the end of cash within a few years. Professor Kevin Warwick of Reading University in England has been very

File: David Icke - Human Race Get Off Your Knees -


  • 448-9 Cann, Rebecca 207-8 cap-and-trade system 173-4 Carbon Cult, the 181-4 Carnegie Foundation 443 Carpenter, John 286 Carrington, Lord 61, 70, 569 Carrott,. Jasper 37 Carter, Jimmy 42, 144, 161,260 cashless society 540-1 Castaneda, Carlos 203, 426 casual loops 397-9 Catholic Church 241, 277,533 bloodlines 58 and the Rothschilds 65 see also Christianity Caverns, Cauldrons and Concealed Creatures (Mott) 217-18,29

File: David Icke - I Am Me I Am Free - The Robots' Guide to Freedom (1996) -


  • igration and social security fraud”). All these claims and more are designed to manipulate your mind into accepting the microchip which will turn you into a fully fledged robot. The microchip and the cashless society are part of that fundamental tool in the control of human existence.. .the world financial system. Ask most people why they are not doing or saying what they really believe is right and the reason wi

File: David Icke - I Am Me I Am Free -


  • igration and social security fraud”). All these claims and more are designed to manipulate your mind into accepting the microchip which will turn you into a fully fledged robot. The microchip and the cashless society are part of that fundamental tool in the control of human existence.. .the world financial system. Ask most people why they are not doing or saying what they really believe is right and the reason wi

File: David Icke - The Robots' Rebellion - The Story of the Spiritual Renaissance (1994) -


  • permanently linked to a computer, and who is to say that signals could not be sent both ways? Six thousand people in Sweden have already accepted a mark on their hands as part of an experiment into a cashless society, and trials have also started in Japan. Micro-chip implants are being inserted into people during abductions. They now want to dupe everyone into accepting it legally. Their ideal is to have every ne

File: David Icke - The Robots' Rebellion -


  • permanently linked to a computer, and who is to say that signals could not be sent both ways? Six thousand people in Sweden have already accepted a mark on their hands as part of an experiment into a cashless society, and trials have also started in Japan. Micro-chip implants are being inserted into people during abductions. They now want to dupe everyone into accepting it legally. Their ideal is to have every ne

File: Deliberate Dumbing Down Of America -


  • em. (p. 84) Children are the currency of family life.” (p. 180) Cashless Economics A radical new economic order is interwoven throughout the entire text of the book. Garbarino’s economics calls for a cashless society and a new kind of economics that accurately accounts for the damage done to the environment. The price of every item must calculate the cost in terms of environmental destruction, especially nonrenew

File: Scarlet And The Beast -


  • e, may suggest a companion to, or resemblance of the human brain - a computer. Don't be alarmed. This type of buying and selling is not what John warns us against. His warning is against the ultimate cashless society that the computers are working towards. We are warned against accepting a mandatory private number through which all buying and selling will be controlled. For example, the so called "Smart Card," th

File: William Bond - Freemasonry And The Hidden Goddess -


  • on their foreheads. No one could buy or sell unle ss he had this mark, that is, the beast's name or the number that stands for the name. Technology now has brought about the possibility of having a "cashless society" and instead of everyone having money or credit cards that can be lo st or stolen. There is talk about having a small electronic chip placed under the skin of people's hand or forehead. This does at

File: Fritz Springmeier - Be Wise As Serpents -


  • Government. PART III. THE SYSTEMATIC DESTRUCTION OF CHRISTIANITY 1. Preparing the Money System. Examines their economic plans, the World Money waiting in Canada for distribution orders, & the planned cashless society. 2. Interest taking. How the Conspiracy "bites" the world with interest and God's secret Formula concerning money. 3. Financial Wizards, and Wealthy Cults. Find out about the Rothschilds, the Rockefe


  • things in this book will become part of your own experience. That is when this book will become r eal to you. Perhaps it will be when they do a currency exchange. Perhaps it will be when they start a cashless society. Per- haps it will be when friends disappear. Perhaps it will be when W.W. III happens. Pe rhaps it will be when they try one of these things and the people refuse to cooperate. Becau se this materia


  • t God almighty. But just like when I held a bucket of grain in fr ont of my sow to load her onto a truck to take her to her to a butcher, they offer you "incentives." Incentives-Why should you have a cashless society? It will mean no more trip s to the bank, no robberies, fewer police, easier transactions, etc. Incentives-Why should you help ex terminate Christians? They have a karmic debt to pay, and this is hel


  • . This is not my opinion alone, but the opinion of a Christian who happened by some holy accident to find himself rubbing shoulders with the elite. They have planned for a long time how to bring in a cashless society. The country of Singapore is a test case to lead the way for the rest of the world. Singapore has made money illegal and switch to computerized cards. The Power has had the technology, but they are s
  • s made money illegal and switch to computerized cards. The Power has had the technology, but they are slowly preparing us so that we will want what they want us to do. They will make it appear like a cashless society is such a great deal. No more trips to the bank. No more theft. Fewer p olice. No counterfeiting. (They won't tell you what you will be actually giving up is one more freedom from their control.) Eve
  • ill be actually giving up is one more freedom from their control.) Eventually, when people properly conditioned, they will take already existing technology to implant computer chips in our hands. The cashless society will seem like such a good deal, that unless Christians are fully committed to Christ, and are aware of the bigger picture, they will go along. Those that don't will appear like sticks in the mud. Th


  • tent on ru ling the world. The Saving & Loan crisis, the depletion of the FDIC fund, the forgiving of thir d world debts is all calculated to collapse the banking system and to motivate us to adopt a cashless society. A man claiming to be an intelligence officer has given dossiers of documents to certain people that there is a big conspiracy on the part of the governments to defraud the people of their freedom. S


  • the New World Order. Computers and satellites have been bu ilt to give the New World Order the capability to monitor and control all activitie s on earth. In order to facilitate this total control a cashless society is in th e process of being established. Nuclear plants and nuclear weapons are coming unde r the control of Satanists. Lists of all Christians and potential troublemakers to the New World Order alre

File: Fritz Springmeier - Bloodlines Of The Illuminati - Volume 1 -

  • ers with the NWO elite to them being outrightmembers of the Illuminati. I lean toward the latter view.Then there is Singapore. Singapore is lock stock and barrel in the New WorldOrder. They went to a cashless Society before anyone else. One of the Li familywho spells his name Lee, Lee Kuan Yew, a Cambridge-educated lawyer, was dictatorof Singapore for decades. He has ties to the British elite. As an example of hi

File: Fritz Springmeier - Bloodlines Of The Illuminati -


  • with the NWO elite to them being outright members of the Illuminati. I lean toward the latter view. Then there is Singapore. Singapore is lock stock and barrel in the New World Order. They went to a cashless Society before anyone else. One of the Li family who spells his name Lee, Lee Kuan Yew, a Cambridge-educated lawryer, was dictator of Singapore for decades. He has ties to the British elite. As an example of

File: Fritz Springmeier - Illuminati Bloodlines -

  • ers with the NWO elite to thembeing outright members of the Illuminati. I lean toward the latter view.Then there is Singapore. Singapore is lock stock and barrel in the New WorldOrder. They went to a cashless Society before anyone else. One of the Li familywho spells his name Lee, Lee Kuan Yew, a Cambridge-educated lawryer, wasdictator of Singapore for decades. He has ties to the British elite. As anexample of hi

File: Mark Devlin - Musical Truth 2 -

  • s’ generation did, is unthinkable without such accessories. Ageneration groomed in this kind of mindset is going to be a far easier one tosell ideas like brain implants, microchips, Smart Grids and a cashless societyto, than one which can remember different ways of doing things. When majorsocietal changes are introduced in increments, a population entrained inshortened attention spans, is unlikely to recall more

File: Mark Devlin - Musical Truth -

  • however. The resources do not exist to forcibly chip an entire worldpopulation if mass resistance is encountered. It's humanity's ultimate choice. Iwonder what the choice will be?The ugly face of the cashless society, along with biometrics, clashedspectacularly with the live music industry at the 2015 Download rock festival inLeicestershire, England. The event's organisers had already raised significantconcerns o
  • The organiserscrowed proudly that "not only will it reduce queues for the bar and food stalls,it removes the faff of cash and makes security on-site even tighter." This isthe exact blueprint for the cashless society that the elites want for nations atlarge, and Download would appear to have been a dry-run experiment, with theattendees as unwitting guinea-pigs, all the while paying for their ownexperimentation. G

File: Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier 1998 -


  • with the NWO elite to them being outright members of the Illuminati. I lean toward the latter view. Then there is Singapore. Singapore is lock stock and barrel in the New World Order. They went to a cashless Society before anyone else. One of the Li family who spells his name Lee, Lee Kuan Yew, a Cambridge-educated lawryer, was dictator of Singapore for decades. He has ties to the British elite. As an example of

File: Confessions of an Illuminati - Volume VII -


  • used to foist in SDRs, aka Special Drawing Rights on the global population, that has suddenly become accustomedto following government orders, and push towards the establishment of a cashless society where cash is replaced byits digital equivalent. Deutsche Bank’s Chief Executive, John Cryan, predicted at Davos in 2016 that cash probablywouldn’t exist in ten years.[8] ​ The COP26 meeting of elite
  • ots, were closed in the past couple of years, simply forhaving expressed opinions contrary to the mainstream on a variety of subjects. This means, that we will no longer beable to survive in a future cashless society if we oppose their tyranny and openly speak our minds.​ We can call this growing sense of oppression the result of a Global Deep State, a powerful international cabalworking under the directives of t


  • nce on global systems andinstitutions. In the meantime, people like George Soros have used their Davos session to completely redesign theinternational monetary system, and soon we might end up with a cashless society, and a Chinese-style social creditsystem because of the Davos crew, with a combination of government and business surveillance, that will give allthe future citizens of the New World Order, a “score”


  • mic and Social Lives,” TheDaily Bell, <> Retrivied January 5, 2022.[8] See Alara Basul, (April 7, 2017), “How close are we to a cashless society?”, bobsguide, <> Retrivied January 5, 2022.[9] James Rickards, (November 4, 2021) “Towards a Single World Currency,”< https:/

File: bloodlines1 -


  • with the NWO elite to them being outright members of the Illuminati. I lean toward the latter view . Then there is Singapore. Singapore is lock stock and barrel in the New World Order. They went to a cashless Society before anyone else. One of the Li family who spells his name Lee, Lee Kuan Yew, a Cambridge- educated lawyer , was dictator of Singapore for decades. He has ties to the British elite. As an example o

File: Fool's Gold Is Green - An Encyclopedia Of Banksterese, Economic Euphemisms And Reality -


  • sh all private property. cash - Not used since the banks stole our silver coins in 1968. "The Federal Reserve System operates (on us) only with credit" says New York Fed in Keeping Our Money Healthy. cashless society - That which we have had since our cash (silver coins) was confiscated by our banks in 1968. Fear its advent and you never recognize its presence. cash register - A debt register that records how muc

File: IRS, Taxes And The Beast -


  • rless tax return system allowing the IRS to determine your income and expenses, 2) compute your tax liability without the need of your filing an income tax return (a flat tax system), and 3) set up a cashless society in which the transactions of all could be closely monitored for evidence of hidden income. Perhaps the most chilling of th e goals were th ose pointed at increasing tax law compliance. The IR S set f


  • Chapter Three - Financial Survival in the Era of the Beast "Simple Techniques for Self-Protection" What are the potential implications should the IRS achieve its apparent goal of creating a cashless society in which all transactions are either known outright or readily available to prying eyes? What difference does it make if, in fact, you are "unable to buy or sell" without a number inextricably linked

File: Atlantean Conspiracy -


  • o thumb scan to get them. No thumb scan, no food (, January 10, 2002, ‘Finger Food’; CBS News, January 24, 2002, ‘Fingerprints Pay for School Lunch’). All this tra ins the children for the cashless society and gets them into the database. Think about it. Thumb scanning i n government schools to get food. You would expect to read about something like this in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World or George Orw


  • gain from the September 11 attacks: a national ID c ard, a national control grid and a cashless society. It’s part of the public record. G eorge W. Bush signed the documents threatening defense intelligence and FBI agents wit h arrest if they stopped Al3Qaeda. This is the most absolutely treasonous, tr


  • s percent. The U.S.A. Patriot Act, which effectively eviscerated the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, was passed, radically expanding the scope of the already colossal police state complex. Their cashless society, compact city, control grid is accelerating into place as Am ericans scramble for ‘security.” + Alex Jones, “911 Descent into Tyranny” “Indeed, it almost seems to be a requirement or adm ission into


  • le anywhere in the world. At this point being chipped is optional, and we can buy/sell with or without one, but in the near future, the Brotherhood international bankers plan to implement their world cashless society. Just a few years ago people scoffed at such an idea. Now it is commonplace, thousands are bein g chipped, and laws are gradually being implemented for mandatory chipping of pets, p risoners and Alzh


  • x. Now what does it say? No one shall be able to buy or sell without that ma rk. And now what they're planning to do in order to eradicate all credit card fraud a nd in order to precipitate a totally cashless society. What they're planning to do; what they've already tested on the American troops; they're going to subcutaneously la ser tattoo that mark onto your right hand or onto your forehead." +“Naked”, Britis

File: Cook, Terry L. - Big Brother NSA and Its Little Brothers, The National Security Agency's Global Surveillance Network -


  • 12 BIG BROTHER NSA & ITS "LITTLE BROTHERS" international, cashless society of electronic buyin g and selling to emerge fully. And remember to keep in mind, all of this data will flow either directly or indirectly throug h the NSA. The LUCID 2000™ ID system, in conjunction w


  • onic surveillance and enslave- ment imaginable. 1 call this concept of electronic contr ol CYBERIA, a new kind of Russian Siberia in Cyberspace. There is more detailed information on E-Money and t he cashless society in my book The Mark of the New World Order. The National Security Agency Even Manufactures Some of Its Own Computer Chips The NSA even has its own "special processing" manuf ac- turing facility for m


  • nformation Technology Security: Government of Canada Public Key Infrastructure This extremely good report explains all about "Publ ic Key Infrastructure," a vital link in the evolution to b ecoming a cashless society. I suggest you download it from th e Internet, at: ( I will quote below some of the parts that address o ur particular concerns. The Government of Canada PKI wi


  • THE BOTTOM LINE: THE SUPERCOMPUTER FROM HELL 403 a global cashless society (probably via the Interne t II, or a subsequent version of the World Wide Web) without h is mark. We may not be there yet, but Vice President Al Gore has stated his firm intentions of having us all o

File: Cooper - Behold a Pale Horse (%231 underground bestseller of all time) (1991) -

File: David Icke - Federal Reserve System Fraud -


  • War I and World War II, showing exactly how the bankers were responsible for the beginning and continuation of these wars for their profit). The banks have publicly announced they will force us to a cashless society by 1997. Furthermore, they plan to create a one world government through the United Nations headed by the FED, Trilaterals, and the Council on Foreign Relations (Reference 3). By the definition of tr


  • he FED controls interest rates and the amount of money in the economy. These factors determine either economic prosperity or the lack thereof. Bankers are now pushing for a one world government and a cashless society. Why cashless? No cash means no money for drugs, no theft, and the ability to collect taxes on the underground economy. Anyone who wouldn't support a cashless society must be a drug dealer, thief, or
  • for a one world government and a cashless society. Why cashless? No cash means no money for drugs, no theft, and the ability to collect taxes on the underground economy. Anyone who wouldn't support a cashless society must be a drug dealer, thief, or tax evader, right? What a cashless society really means is the banks can now control you. Today you fear the IRS. In a cashless society, if you disagree with the bank
  • ns no money for drugs, no theft, and the ability to collect taxes on the underground economy. Anyone who wouldn't support a cashless society must be a drug dealer, thief, or tax evader, right? What a cashless society really means is the banks can now control you. Today you fear the IRS. In a cashless society, if you disagree with the bankers' political goals, you'll find your money gone via computer error. (For a
  • Anyone who wouldn't support a cashless society must be a drug dealer, thief, or tax evader, right? What a cashless society really means is the banks can now control you. Today you fear the IRS. In a cashless society, if you disagree with the bankers' political goals, you'll find your money gone via computer error. (For additional information on a cashless society, read Reference 13, P. 174; Reference 3; Referenc
  • can now control you. Today you fear the IRS. In a cashless society, if you disagree with the bankers' political goals, you'll find your money gone via computer error. (For additional information on a cashless society, read Reference 13, P. 174; Reference 3; Reference 14, P. 9-12; Reference 15, P. 136; Reference 25, P. 216). If you could accurately predict future interest rates, inflation and deflation, you would

File: David Icke - I Am Me I Am Free - The Robots' Guide to Freedom (1996) -


  • immigration and social security fraud”).All these claims and more are designed to manipulate your mind intoaccepting the microchip which will turn you into a fully fledged robot.The microchip and the cashless society are part of that fundamentaltool in the control of human existence.. .the world financial system.Ask most people why they are not doing or saying what they reallybelieve is right and the reason will

File: David Icke - The Robots' Rebellion - The Story of the Spiritual Renaissance (1994) -


  • be permanently linked to acomputer, and who is to say that signals could not be sent both ways?Six thousand people in Sweden have already accepted a mark ontheir hands as part of an experiment into a cashless society, and trialshave also started in Japan.Micro-chip implants are being inserted into people duringabductions. They now want to dupe everyone into accepting itlegally. Their ideal is to have every new bo

File: FINAL WARNING - A History of the New World Order (2004) -


  • FINAL WARNING: The Curtain Falls 123-45-6789 (Social Security Number) The Cashless Society In 1974, Gary Allen wrote in A Decade Left- Has Orwell’s 1984 Come Early? : “Federal planners forsee the day when every citizen will have a money card instead of money to spend. The cards will be pla
  • y terminal, in any state...” In the September 21, 1976 issue of the Daily Oklahoman , was an article titled, “The Cashless Society Expected to Become Reality Soon,” which said: “The long-talked about cashless society is almost here. Bank debit cards are expected to go into nationwide use soon.” In the December 27, 1979 issue of Electronic Fund Transfer Report , there was an article titled “Electronic Money” which


  • FINAL WARNING: The Curtain Falls One of the reasons being given to move towards the cashless society, is the effect it would have on crime. An attorney wrote in the American Bar magazine: “Crime would be virtually eliminated if cash became obsolete. Cash is the only real motive for 90% of the robber
  • irtually eliminated if cash became obsolete. Cash is the only real motive for 90% of the robberies. Hence its liquidation would create miracles in ridding earth’s citizens of muggings and holdups.” A cashless society would also eliminate extortion and blackmail for money; and the purchase of illegal contraband, such as drugs and untaxed alcohol. However, it’s obvious that the real reason for going cashless is tha


  • w Money,” The Gospel Truth , Southwest Radio Church, February, 1984, vol. 25, no. 3. ___. Petra: In History and Prophecy (Hearthstone Publishing: Oklahoma City, OK, 1991). ___. “Getting Ready for the Cashless Society,” Prophetic Observer , October, 1994, pg. 1-4. J. Bernard Hutton. The Subverters (Arlington House: New York, NY, 1972). (14 of 31)31-10-2004 06:27:48

File: Final Warning - A History of the New World Order by David Allen Rivera -


  • 0)202)123)45)6789 666) (International Code to Activate the World Comp uter) 110) (National Code to Activate Central U.S. Comput er) 202) (Telephone Area Code) 123)45)6789 (Social Security Number) The Cashless Society In 1974, Gary Allen wrote in A Decade Left- Has Orwell’s 1984 Come Early? : “Federal planners forsee the day when every citizen will have a money card instead of money to spend. The cards will be pla
  • y terminal, in any state...” In the September 21, 1976 issue of the Daily Oklahoman , was an article titled, “The Cashless Society Expected to Become Reality Soon,” which said: “The long)talked about cashless society is almost here. Bank debit cards are expected to go into nationwide use soon.” In the December 27, 1979 issue of Electronic Fund Transfer Report , there was an article titled “Electronic Money” which


  • al Retail)Banking Network ... the new n etworks should be far more powerful than Visa and MasterCard because they will operate with the debit card.” One of the reasons being given to move towards the cashless society, is the effect it would have on crime. An attorney wrote in the American Bar magazine: “Crime would be virtually eliminated if cash became obsolete. Ca sh is the only real motive for 90% of the robbe
  • tually eliminated if cash became obsolete. Ca sh is the only real motive for 90% of the robberies. Hence its liquidation would create m iracles in ridding earth’s citizens of muggings and holdups.” A cashless society would als o eliminate extortion and blackmail for money; and the purchase of illegal contraband, such as drugs and untaxed alcohol. However, it’s obvious that the real reason for goin g cashless is t


  • w Money,” The Gospel Truth , Southwest Radio Church, February, 1984, vol. 25, no. 3. ___. Petra: In History and Prophecy (Hearthstone Publishing: Oklahoma City, OK, 1991). ___. “Getting Ready for the Cashless Society,” Prophetic Observer , October, 1994, pg. 1)4. J. Bernard Hutton. The Subverters (Arlington House: New York, NY, 1972). Dr. Jack Van Impe. The Coming War With Russia (LP Recording, 1979). ___. The 80

File: Final Warning - History Of The New World Order -


  • sue of Progressive Grocer reported: "The day will come when one card will be good at any terminal, in any state..." In the September 21, 1976 issue of the Daily Oklahoman, was an article titled, "The Cashless Society Expected to Become Reality Soon", which said: "The long-talked about cashless society is almost here. Bank debit cards are expected to go into nationwide use soon." In the December 27, 1979 issue of
  • ny terminal, in any state..." In the September 21, 1976 issue of the Daily Oklahoman, was an article titled, "The Cashless Society Expected to Become Reality Soon", which said: "The long-talked about cashless society is almost here. Bank debit cards are expected to go into nationwide use soon." In the December 27, 1979 issue of Electronic Fund Transfer Report, there was an article titled "Electronic Money" which


  • ional Retail-Banking Network...the new networks should be far more powerful than Visa and MasterCard because they will operate with the debit card." One of the reasons being given to move towards the cashless society, is the effect it (41 of 61) [06/11/02 10:26:48 AM]


  • irtually eliminated if cash became obsolete. Cash is the only real motive for 90% of the robberies. Hence its liquidation would create miracles in ridding earth's citizens of muggings and holdups." A cashless society would also eliminate extortion and blackmail for money; and the purchase of illegal contraband, such as drugs and untaxed alcohol. However, the real reason for going cashless, is that the population


  • , 65, 97, 105, 109-110, 134-135, 163, 196, 202, 214. Hudson, David; "U.S. Currency Change Aimed at 'Cash Only' Group" The Spotlight, May 21, 1984, pg. 20-21. Hutchings, N. W.; "Getting Ready for the Cashless Society", Prophetic Observer, October, 1994, pg. 1-4. Hutchings, N. W.; "New Money" The Gospel Truth, Southwest Radio Church, February, 1984, vol. 25, no. 3. Hutchings, N. W.; Petra: In History and Prophecy,

File: First Global Revolution - A Report By The Council Of The Club Of Rome -


  • y and constitute the basis of the postindustrial society. Whether this will be fully realized or not depends on the evolution of many of the other changes we have described. Automatic banking and the cashless society are al- ready there, while automated Stock Exchanges and financial transfer systems operate at times all too quickly; the computer has invaded every type of re- search activity from history to aircra

File: Helsing - Secret Societies and Their Power in the 20th Century (1995) -


  • alled “The Beast”. This in turn is linked to two computers in Brussels and Amsterdam that are a lso called “The Beast”. CH AP TER 59 666 (SIX, SIX, SIX) One tene t of the New World Order is to have a Cashless Society. The Illuminati have well prepa red the peop le for this with the electronically readab le ban ker’s and credit cards, telephon e cards, insurance cards, petrol cards of the many oil compan ies, etc.

File: Helsing, Jan van - Secret Societies and Their Power in the 20th Century (1995) -


  • alled “The Beast”. This in turn is linked to two computers in Brussels and Amsterdam that are a lso called “The Beast”. CH AP TER 59 666 (SIX, SIX, SIX) One tene t of the New World Order is to have a Cashless Society. The Illuminati have well prepa red the peop le for this with the electronically readab le ban ker’s and credit cards, telephon e cards, insurance cards, petrol cards of the many oil compan ies, etc.

File: Hidden History Of Money -


  • ontact "America Betrayed", Center for Action, 652 N. Glenview, Nesa, AZ 85213, Contact "National Committee to Repeal the Federal Reserve Act", P.O. Box 1205, Middleburg, IL60599. Banksters Will Force Cashless Society to Usher in New World Order Tyranny They plan to create a one World government through the United Nations headed by the FED, Trilaterals, and the Council on Foreign Relations (Reference 3). By the de


  • e FED controls interest rate s and the amount of money in the economy. These factors determine either economic prosperity or the lack thereof. Bankers are now pushing for a one World government and a cashless society. Why cashless? No cash means no money for drugs, no theft, and the ability to collect taxes on the underground economy. Anyone who wouldn't support a cashless society must be a drug dealer, thief, or
  • for a one World government and a cashless society. Why cashless? No cash means no money for drugs, no theft, and the ability to collect taxes on the underground economy. Anyone who wouldn't support a cashless society must be a drug dealer, thief, or tax evader, right? What a cashless society really means is the banks can now control you. Today you fear the IRS. In a cashless society, if you disagree with the bank
  • ns no money for drugs, no theft, and the ability to collect taxes on the underground economy. Anyone who wouldn't support a cashless society must be a drug dealer, thief, or tax evader, right? What a cashless society really means is the banks can now control you. Today you fear the IRS. In a cashless society, if you disagree with the bankers' political goals, you'll find your money gone via computer error. If you
  • Anyone who wouldn't support a cashless society must be a drug dealer, thief, or tax evader, right? What a cashless society really means is the banks can now control you. Today you fear the IRS. In a cashless society, if you disagree with the bankers' political goals, you'll find your money gone via computer error. If you could accurately predict future interest rates, inflation and deflation, you would know when


  • nd then in the contract, the p eo p le are basicall y si g ned over as serfs, as chattel to the IMF/World Bank. And then the y come in the next p hase and sa y "all ri g ht y ou have g ot to g o to a cashless society, you got to have national ID cards," and then they raid the pension funds and totally blow out the economy. I mean this is hi g hwa y robber y . This is, this is sackin g countries. You know the wa y

File: How I Clobbered Every Bureaucratic Cash-Confiscatory Agency Known to Man (2005) -


  • begin to look elsewhere - towards our fellows, they will simply cease to exist. When we change the way we look at things the things we look at change. - Dr. Wayne Dyer Those who are worried about a ‘cashless society’, for example, are only keeping alive the terrifying plan of the ego’s solution for salvation. I think that it is we who will create the ‘cashless society’, which will appear scary at first, but it w
  • r. Wayne Dyer Those who are worried about a ‘cashless society’, for example, are only keeping alive the terrifying plan of the ego’s solution for salvation. I think that it is we who will create the ‘cashless society’, which will appear scary at first, but it will come as a result of our removing ourselves from the Commerce Game. It will cease to matter to those of us who no longer choose to play the game. Mind a

File: Illuminati Handbook -


  • al , and tax deductions on every individual would be made. * Such systems are not in the distant future. Six thousand people in Sweden have accepted a mark on their right hands in a test of a totally cashless society. T ests also have been conducted in Japan and th e Dominican Republic in Latin America. Small wonder that the government likes this idea. Governments have always liked control. They would like to con

File: Iserbyt - Deliberate Dumbing Down of America (1999) -


  • em. (p. 84) Children are the currency of family life.” (p. 180) Cashless Economics A radical new economic order is interwoven throughout the entire text of the book. Garbarino’s economics calls for a cashless society and a new kind of economics that accurately accounts for the damage done to the environment. The price of every item must calculate the cost in terms of environmental destruction, especially nonrenew

File: King, A. and Schneider, B. - The First Global Revolution, A Report by the Council of the Club of Rome (1991) -


  • 28 • The First Global Revolution Automatic banking and the cashless society ate already hoc, while automated stock exchanges and financial transfer systems operate all too quickly sometimes; the computer has invaded every type of research activity from history to aircraft de

File: Mark Dice - Bilderberg Group - Facts & Fiction -

  • ons (along with each of theirrespective currencies) into one global governing body, and at the same timeintroduce a global currency in the form of a digital dollar, ushering in the eraof a completely cashless society.67 [part0013.html#footnote67] Some haveproposed this new global currency be called the Phoenix, named after themythological bird which is said to rise from the ashes of its predecessor afterdeath in

  • GLOBAL CURRENCY AND CASHLESS SOCIETYAs previously mentioned, the personal papers of UK’s Labour Party leader HughGaitskell revealed that ever since their beginning in the 1950s, Bilderberg wasworking towards the creation of a unified Eu
  • ifferent parts of the world, but there are many downsides which are oftenoverlooked, ignored, or covered up.105 [part0013.html#footnote105]Credit and debit cards of course were the first phase of the cashless society,and recently a major leap occurred when Apple Pay and the Apple Watch rolled outin April of 2015.106 [part0013.html#footnote106] Fewer and fewer people areusing cash, or even carrying any of it in th
  • no illegaldrugs, weapons, or any evidence at all that the money was obtained illegally.114[part0013.html#footnote114] You are guilty until proven innocent.In the past, concerns about the approaching cashless society were ridiculed whenso-called “conspiracy theorists” in the 1990s and early 2000s would warn aboutit getting close, but now that it is actually being implemented, those decadesof denials are ignored a
  • th issues or personal problems? Did you purchase some personal items for youand your spouse to use in the bedroom? Are you buying certain books that thegovernment may misinterpret as suspicious? In a cashless society, all of thesetransactions and more are basically made available—not only to thegovernment—but to countless third parties such as advertisers and internationalcorporations who have access to your enti

  • [part0006_split_002.html#footnote-ref66] Pastor, Robert - Toward a NorthAmerican Community: Lessons from the Old World for the New page 11567 [part0006_split_002.html#footnote-ref67] New York Times “Cashless Society?It’s Already Coming” by Damon Darlin (November 28th 2014)68 [part0006_split_002.html#footnote-ref68] The Economist - “Get Ready for thePhoenix” (January 9th 1988) Volume 306 pages 9-10)69 [part0006_s

File: Operation Vampire Killer 2000 -


  • he will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation." RALPH NADER: "Is there a number or mark planned for the hand or forehead in a new cashless society? YES, and I have seen the mach ines that are now ready to put it into operation." (Does this sound familiar - hand and forehead?) Thi s "marking" may be another job for our U.S. Police Officers/Guard

File: Order Out Of Chaos -


  • he government more than ever. Then again, I might just be a terrorist and you should really call the FBI for the good of the Fatherland. I Love Big Brother! The omnipotent tracking grid and em erging cashless society we see being pushed by the elite is not simply an agenda to differentiate the slaves from the slave masters. While it's true that our ov erlords want us to take on the role of dogs on leashes, a more
  • rprint smart card to the implantable micr ochip. When this cycle is fini shed, the state won't just know what you purchase, they will decide on whether you purchase at all. This is the essence of the cashless society. Patterns of human behavior and cons umption need to be catalogued and indexed before the spectrum of economic and societal control can be reached. This requires the precise dissection of a ll forms


  • stage is to educate yourself. You must choose whether to approach the issue generally or focus in on one specif ic topic. You could learn about the emerging police state, or world gover nment, or the cashless society, or government sponsored terrorism. You could defend property rights, gun ownership or the preserva tion of national sovereignt y. They all overlap but choosing to tackle just one will mean you c an


  • hy the elite are using manufactured terrorism to drive the populations into accepting tyranny. The Masters of Terror details the execution of the September 11th attacks and the ensuing whitewash, the cashless society control-grid, implanted microchips, mind- control, militarization of police, concentration camps, foreign troops massing on US soil, the USA Patriot Act, and Homeland Security taking over the states.


  • osé documenting the New World Order crime syndicate's involvement in the September 11th attacks. The book reveals how the controlled press is spinning and whitewashing the 911 story. Jones covers the cashless society control grid, implantable microchip propaganda, the fact that Posse Comitatus had already been dissolved decades ago, the US government concentration camp plan, the FBI and FEMA training police that

File: Paul Joseph Watson - Order Out Of Chaos -


  • he government more than ever. Then again, I might just be a terrorist and you should really call the FBI for the good of the Fatherland. I Love Big Brother! The omnipotent tracking grid and em erging cashless society we see being pushed by the elite is not simply an agenda to differentiate the slaves from the slave masters. While it's true that our ov erlords want us to take on the role of dogs on leashes, a more
  • rprint smart card to the implantable micr ochip. When this cycle is fini shed, the state won't just know what you purchase, they will decide on whether you purchase at all. This is the essence of the cashless society. Patterns of human behavior and cons umption need to be catalogued and indexed before the spectrum of economic and societal control can be reached. This requires the precise dissection of a ll forms


  • stage is to educate yourself. You must choose whether to approach the issue generally or focus in on one specif ic topic. You could learn about the emerging police state, or world gover nment, or the cashless society, or government sponsored terrorism. You could defend property rights, gun ownership or the preserva tion of national sovereignt y. They all overlap but choosing to tackle just one will mean you c an


  • hy the elite are using manufactured terrorism to drive the populations into accepting tyranny. The Masters of Terror details the execution of the September 11th attacks and the ensuing whitewash, the cashless society control-grid, implanted microchips, mind- control, militarization of police, concentration camps, foreign troops massing on US soil, the USA Patriot Act, and Homeland Security taking over the states.


  • osé documenting the New World Order crime syndicate's involvement in the September 11th attacks. The book reveals how the controlled press is spinning and whitewashing the 911 story. Jones covers the cashless society control grid, implantable microchip propaganda, the fact that Posse Comitatus had already been dissolved decades ago, the US government concentration camp plan, the FBI and FEMA training police that

File: Springmeier - Be Wise as Serpents - Christianity's Systematic Destruction (1991) -


  • Government. PART III. THE SYSTEMATIC DESTRUCTION OF CHRISTIANITY 1. Preparing the Money System. Examines their economic plans, the World Money waiting in Canada for distribution orders, & the planned cashless society. 2. Interest taking. How the Conspiracy "bites" the world with interest and God's secret Formula concerning money. 3. Financial Wizards, and Wealthy Cults. Find out about the Rothschilds, the Rockefe


  • things in this book will become part of your own experience. That is when this book will become r eal to you. Perhaps it will be when they do a currency exchange. Perhaps it will be when they start a cashless society. Per- haps it will be when friends disappear. Perhaps it will be when W.W. III happens. Pe rhaps it will be when they try one of these things and the people refuse to cooperate. Becau se this materia


  • t God almighty. But just like when I held a bucket of grain in fr ont of my sow to load her onto a truck to take her to her to a butcher, they offer you "incentives." Incentives-Why should you have a cashless society? It will mean no more trip s to the bank, no robberies, fewer police, easier transactions, etc. Incentives-Why should you help ex terminate Christians? They have a karmic debt to pay, and this is hel


  • . This is not my opinion alone, but the opinion of a Christian who happened by some holy accident to find himself rubbing shoulders with the elite. They have planned for a long time how to bring in a cashless society. The country of Singapore is a test case to lead the way for the rest of the world. Singapore has made money illegal and switch to computerized cards. The Power has had the technology, but they are s
  • s made money illegal and switch to computerized cards. The Power has had the technology, but they are slowly preparing us so that we will want what they want us to do. They will make it appear like a cashless society is such a great deal. No more trips to the bank. No more theft. Fewer p olice. No counterfeiting. (They won't tell you what you will be actually giving up is one more freedom from their control.) Eve
  • ill be actually giving up is one more freedom from their control.) Eventually, when people properly conditioned, they will take already existing technology to implant computer chips in our hands. The cashless society will seem like such a good deal, that unless Christians are fully committed to Christ, and are aware of the bigger picture, they will go along. Those that don't will appear like sticks in the mud. Th


  • tent on ru ling the world. The Saving & Loan crisis, the depletion of the FDIC fund, the forgiving of thir d world debts is all calculated to collapse the banking system and to motivate us to adopt a cashless society. A man claiming to be an intelligence officer has given dossiers of documents to certain people that there is a big conspiracy on the part of the governments to defraud the people of their freedom. S


  • the New World Order. Computers and satellites have been bu ilt to give the New World Order the capability to monitor and control all activitie s on earth. In order to facilitate this total control a cashless society is in th e process of being established. Nuclear plants and nuclear weapons are coming unde r the control of Satanists. Lists of all Christians and potential troublemakers to the New World Order alre

File: Unholy Alliances -


  • anded from anyone. Mo ney will have generally become unnecessary. Finance will become e xtinct." 83 Does it occur to the reader that someone actually knows wha t the plan for the future is? Could the cashless society actually be a form of Communist intrigue? H.G. Wells was an "Insider" thus his ability to for etell "Insider" plans for the future. In one of his articles on Communism he related that, "Big business

File: Thirteenth Stone -


  • n earth, their power stretches quite independently throughout the nations of the world. If, as a body, they chose to collapse the monetary system, as was the case in the 1920s, in order to bring in a cashless society, they have the financia l clout to do so. If they required the US Senate, at economic and social cost to the people of the country, to give Israel most


  • Y GWIR ERBYN Y BYD 443 deeply regrettable truth is that a cashless society would solve countless economic, social, legal, criminal and taxation problems. However, whoever controls such a system would have absolute power over every individual within it. The adding of interes

File: Valdamar Valerian - Matrix III Volume 1 -


  • Little wonder that we are fast becoming a cashless society. A bill which will soon become law, is designed to regulate the amount of cash that each person will be permitted to have at any given time. Pilot automated electronic payments are already being test
  • y linking billing information for utilities, TV, automobile payments etc. By this means, an almost complete picture of the individual can be arrived at. In the near future we are destined to become a cashless society, with profoundly far- reaching impact on our rights as individuals, economic freedom and our whole way of life. Our right to privacy will disappear, even though it may still be in the Constitution. G


  • sinister implication is obvious; once we like sheep have been programmed to act like mindless beings, we will follow the leaders and blindly accept authority. If enough of us accept the new automated cashless society, and live with a card instead of cash, the globalists will have taken a giant step toward breaking down the U.S. Constitution and the institutions upon which this republic's foundations rest. Resista

File: William Cooper - Behold A Pale Horse -


  • or more (Sec. 6184/5325). WHY? This is a big one. The act orders a study to be made on whether to withdraw $100 bills and $50 bills from circulation (Sec. 6187). THIS WOULD VIRTUALLY PROPEL US INTO A CASHLESS SOCIETY. $23 MILLION DOLLARS HAS BEEN ALLOCATED FOR A MACHINE-READABLE IDENTITY DOCUMENT PROGRAM. The ex- cuse used is to be able to identify known criminals who attempt to cross borders. The type of border


  • nd our culture and our religions. It will affect the economy, though, quite a bit. Randy: The economy is out the door, anyway... Bill: Yeah, and that may be what they're waiting for, to change into a cashless society so it can't have that kind of effect. Randy: Yeah, there was an awful lot, you see. I have my sister and my mother are both, let's say God's Gr een Berets. You know, they're super religious types — "

File: William Cooper - Mystery Babylon Series Transcriptions -


  • n of a new world government and new world religion under Maitreya (an individual who will be examined later in this [series of programs]). "2. A universal credit card system will be implemented [as a cashless society]. "3. A world food authority will control all of the world’s food supply. "4. A universal tax. "5. A universal draft [and] "6. They intend on utterly rooting out people who believe the Bible and wors

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