CCTV Cameras

Found in 22 Books

File: Daniel Estulin - The Octopus Deception -

  • Joint Intelligence Services got us a digital photograph of the only two peoplewho might have made that call. One was in surgery. An emergency appendectomyverified by the medical staff at Bethesda and CCTV cameras.”“And the other?”“The other is a Four Zero clearance at the most unlikeliest of places.”“You know, Robert, I almost understand what you just said.” Harriman tilted hishead. “His name, please.”“Mike O

File: David Icke - 2007 - The David Icke Guide To The Global Conspiracy -

  • s Tavistock Square How convenient, and how often this happens. London bus drivers contacted me tosay they were highly suspicious about the official story and another told aconspiracy website that the CCTV cameras were regularly checked and maintained.Descriptions of the ‘bus bomber’ by a man claiming to be a passenger did notmatch the clothing of Hasib Hussain caught on camera that day. Another callingcard by

  • by theSurveillance Studies Network, a group of academics, presented to theInternational Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners’ Conference in London in2006. The report said there were 4.2 million CCTV cameras in the UK alone,that’s around one for every fourteen people. The UK Home Office spent anastonishing 78 per cent of its crime prevention budget in the 1990s oninstalling the cameras and when you walk

  • tens of thousands> of lobotomies carried out on schizophrenic patients in the past century.> Britain is one of the world’s leading examples of a surveillance society,> observing its citizens through CCTV cameras and controlling their behaviour> with Asbos [Anti-social behaviour orders introduced by Blair] and Ritalin. The> potential for surveillance of citizen’s thoughts has moved far beyond the> visions of

  • 897]-2[../Text/index_split_026.html#filepos1209897]cave paintings, flying saucers 80 [../Text/index_split_014.html#filepos328967]-1[../Text/index_split_014.html#filepos328967]> see also rock paintingsCCTV cameras, UK 385 [../Text/index_split_029.html#filepos1454386]cells, crystalline membrane 43 [../Text/index_split_013.html#filepos185294]image 43 [../Text/index_split_013.html#filepos185294]Center of Robotics

File: David Icke - 2007 - The David Icke Guide To The Global Conspiracy -

  • s Tavistock Square How convenient, and how often this happens. London bus drivers contacted me tosay they were highly suspicious about the official story and another told aconspiracy website that the CCTV cameras were regularly checked and maintained.Descriptions of the ‘bus bomber’ by a man claiming to be a passenger did notmatch the clothing of Hasib Hussain caught on camera that day. Another callingcard by

  • by theSurveillance Studies Network, a group of academics, presented to theInternational Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners’ Conference in London in2006. The report said there were 4.2 million CCTV cameras in the UK alone,that’s around one for every fourteen people. The UK Home Office spent anastonishing 78 per cent of its crime prevention budget in the 1990s oninstalling the cameras and when you walk

  • tens of thousands> of lobotomies carried out on schizophrenic patients in the past century.> Britain is one of the world’s leading examples of a surveillance society,> observing its citizens through CCTV cameras and controlling their behaviour> with Asbos [Anti-social behaviour orders introduced by Blair] and Ritalin. The> potential for surveillance of citizen’s thoughts has moved far beyond the> visions of

  • 897]-2[../Text/index_split_026.html#filepos1209897]cave paintings, flying saucers 80 [../Text/index_split_014.html#filepos328967]-1[../Text/index_split_014.html#filepos328967]> see also rock paintingsCCTV cameras, UK 385 [../Text/index_split_029.html#filepos1454386]cells, crystalline membrane 43 [../Text/index_split_013.html#filepos185294]image 43 [../Text/index_split_013.html#filepos185294]Center of Robotics

File: David Icke - 2010 - Human Race Get Off Your Knees -


  • increasing all the time. Look at the irony in Figure 288 of what now stands outside the former home of George Orwell. Tenants at one group of apartment buildings in Torquay, Devon, are watched by 112 CCTV cameras pointing at their front doors. They have also been told they will have to pay an extra £2 a week in rent to meet the £375,000 cost of making them' feel more safe and secure'. Most of the residents we


  • is. 'You can just engineer the crime scene} I he said, and all you needed was a small amount of DNA from single hair or a drinking cup. It is even easier if you have everyone's DNA on file. There are CCTV cameras; registration- plate recognition-cameras; facial recognition cameras; shop RHO microchip tags on products that we buy; monitoring of mobile phones, credjt card transactions and store loyalty cards; s

File: David Icke - 2010 - Human Race Get Off Your Knees -


  • increasing all the time. Look at the irony in Figure 288 of what now stands outside the former home of George Orwell. Tenants at one group of apartment buildings in Torquay, Devon, are watched by 112 CCTV cameras pointing at their front doors. They have also been told they will have to pay an extra £2 a week in rent to meet the £375,000 cost of making them' feel more safe and secure'. Most of the residents we


  • is. 'You can just engineer the crime scene} I he said, and all you needed was a small amount of DNA from single hair or a drinking cup. It is even easier if you have everyone's DNA on file. There are CCTV cameras; registration- plate recognition-cameras; facial recognition cameras; shop RHO microchip tags on products that we buy; monitoring of mobile phones, credjt card transactions and store loyalty cards; s

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception - Part Two -

  • errorist legislation. Even the UK Information Commissioner haspublicly condemned the mandatory recording of people’s conversations in taxis.Christopher Graham condemned the use of audio recorders and CCTV cameras inlicensed taxi cabs in the city of Southampton as ‘disproportionate’. Bloodytotalitarian more like. The Electric Frontier Foundation says of Internet‘security:[../Images/00003.jpg]Figure 823: ‘Good

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception -


  • orist legislation. Even the UK Information Commissioner has publicly condemned the mandatory recording of people’s conversations in taxis . Christopher Graham condemned the use of audio recorders and CCTV cameras in licensed taxi cabs in the city of Southampton as ‘disproportionate’. Bloody totalitarian more like. The Electric Frontier Foundation says of Internet ‘security:

File: David Icke - Guide To The Global Conspiracy -


  • e are no images. How convenient, and how often this happens. London bus drivers contacted me to say they were highly suspicious about the official story and another told a conspiracy website that the CCTV cameras were regularly checked and maintained. Descriptions of the 'bus bomber' by a man claiming to be a passenger did not match the clothing of Hasib Hussain caught on camera that day. Another calling card


  • the Surveillance Studies Network, a group of academics, presented to the International Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners' Conference in London in 2006. The report said there were 4.2 million CCTV cameras in the UK alone, that's around one for every fourteen people. The UK Home Office spent an astonishing 78 per cent of its crime prevention budget in the 1990s on installing the cameras and when you wa


  • the tens of thousands of lobotomies carried out on schizophrenic patients in the past century. Britain is one of the world's leading examples of a surveillance society, observing its citizens through CCTV cameras and controlling their behaviour with Asbos [Anti-social behaviour orders introduced by Blair] and Ritalin. The potential for surveillance of citizen's thoughts has moved far beyond the visions of 198

File: David Icke - Human Race Get Off Your Knees -


  • increasing all the time. Look at the irony in Figure 288 of what now stands outside the former home of George Orwell. Tenants at one group of apartment buildings in Torquay, Devon, are watched by 112 CCTV cameras pointing at their front doors. They have also been told they will have to pay an extra £2 a week in rent to meet the £375,000 cost of making them' feel more safe and secure'. Most of the residents we


  • is. 'You can just engineer the crime scene} I he said, and all you needed was a small amount of DNA from single hair or a drinking cup. It is even easier if you have everyone's DNA on file. There are CCTV cameras; registration- plate recognition-cameras; facial recognition cameras; shop RHO microchip tags on products that we buy; monitoring of mobile phones, credjt card transactions and store loyalty cards; s

File: How To Opt Out Of The Technocratic State -


  • s of the Technocracy. Again, if you live in a major city (or even a small city) and choose Option 1 these are challenges you will have to face. In the U.S., China, UK, France, Australia, India, etc., CCTV cameras connected to 2 4-hour "Real Time Crime Centers" and "Fusion Centers" keep civilians in most major cities under heavy surveillance. Increasingly these cameras are being outfitted with facial recogniti

File: Understanding_Surveillance -


  • CCTV Archives. A site that asks the question of whether the more than one million CCTV cameras installed throughout Britain affect our daily lives. Video clips are displayed, archived, highlighted, and sold on this site. One of the selections is Police Stop! a video archive of the tapes that a

File: Peter Levenda - Dark Lord -

  • oth. TheTantrikas know this. And Kenneth Grant knew this.In our lives today we have been ceding the territory of our unconscious littleby little: to reality television, to social networking sites, to CCTV cameras onevery street corner, to our credit card transactions, to vulgarity in cinema andentertainment generally, to even casual use of the Internet. Electronicdatabases may know more about our lives and ou

File: Peter Levenda - Sinister Forces - Book 3 - The Manson Secret -

  • eap coffin during a funeral ceremony thatlasted all of eight minutes and with only a handful of mourners. Eventually, hisgravesite would be placed under tight security, replete with motion sensors andCCTV cameras, due to the incidents of attempted grave robbing by hysterical fansand venal ghouls. It is now one of the most famous tourist attractions in Paris.After his death, Ms. Kennealy avoided the coven for

File: Atlantean Conspiracy -


  • They are already training our children to be prisoners. Schools are already filled with CCTV cameras, metal detectors, and special police security guards. Now students are being forced to show IDs or use thumb+scanners to receive lunch, and many schools have outlawed backpacks and all non see+throug


  • specialists were able to positively identify 184 of the 187 passengers through DNA work. 80 CCTV cameras were watching the point of impact at the Pentagon, including security cameras at the nearby hotel and gas station, but employees said FBI agents came within minutes to confiscate their tape s. All 80

File: Diana - Case Solved -

  • igatorsfrom the real clues? Or was it, as we believe, a simple and routine caraccident.We would know the answers to many of these queries if we had, for example,footage of the accident.There were two CCTV cameras in the Pont de l’Alma underpass, but neitherrecorded footage of the fatal collision. They were either malfunctioning on thenight in question, or not positioned to shoot the correct part of the tunnel

File: Lewis, Jon E. - The Mammoth Book of Cover-Ups (2008) -


  • g antipathy between France and Britain, why would the French police/security services collude in the conspiracy to kill Diana? In December 2006 the Independent newspaper stated there were at least 14 CCTV cameras in the Pont de l’Alma tunnel, yet none recorded footage of the fatal collision. Mohamed Al-Fayed has also raised the absence of CCTV images of the Mercedes’ journey on the fateful night as evidence o

File: Nield, Michael - The Police State Road Map (2004) -


  • 75) 12.7 SURVEILLANCE CAMERAS As prev iously di scussed, biometric facial recognition technology already exists. The Orwe llian implications of this are mind-boggling bearing i n mind the millions of CCTV cameras worldwide. The Pentagon is develop ing an u rban survei llance system whos e centerpiec e is groundbreaking co mputer software that is cap able of automatica lly identifying vehicles by size, color,

File: Rupert Sheldrake Science Set Free -

  • he temple town of Anbaji in Gujarat. His devotees claimed that hehad not eaten for seventy years. In the DIPAS study, he was kept for two weeksin a hospital under continuous observation and filmed on CCTV cameras. He hadseveral baths and gargled, but the medical team confirmed that he ate and dranknothing, and passed no urine or feces. A previous medical investigation in 2003had given similar results. The dir

File: Stuart Wilde - God's Gladiators -


  • o and live anywhere in the world, there were no visas or immigration controls. There was also no police state, not in the Western world anyway, and there was no electronic surveillance or two million CCTV cameras watching the population, as there are in Britain today. An Englishman going about his lawful activity appears on CCTV on average 12 times a day. You see, this is not a racist or r eligious issue; it

File: Stuart Wilde - God's Gladiators -


  • o and live anywhere in the world, there were no visas or immigration controls. There was also no police state, not in the Western world anyway, and there was no electronic surveillance or two million CCTV cameras watching the population, as there are in Britain today. An Englishman going about his lawful activity appears on CCTV on average 12 times a day. You see, this is not a racist or r eligious issue; it

File: Essential Underground Handbook -


  • tures DVR hardware and remote software viewing programs for the security industry.  Camera Super Store - source for security and surveillance equipment.  Canal Alarm Devices, Inc. - distributors of CCTV cameras, monitors, recorders, lenses, and more.  Canwood Products - design and sale of electronic security equipment.  Carisa International - distributors of electronic security equipment to Latin America


  • gh resolution images, and audio signals.  Eagle Net Solution - sells a range of products for security and surveillance including digital video recorders, network DVRs and cameras, video servers, and CCTV cameras.  Eagletron - makers of TrackerPod, a robotic pan/tilt mount for webcams. Comes with TrackerCam artificial intelligence software that allows remote pan and tilt, surveillance, person tracking, and v


  • Surveillance Systems - offers long range wireless video transmitters for use in hidden camera systems and other covert video surveillance cameras.  Flaman Security - offers a range of equipment from CCTV cameras to high-end complete digital surveillance.  FlexWATCH - manufactures network cameras and video servers and provides TCP/IP-based remote monitoring and surveillance solutions.  Flexwatch Direct - of


  • r/outdoor bullet cams, nanny cams, and pinhole cameras.  IBT Video Systems - distributes a full line of digital video surveillance systems and security cameras and hardware.  Intelynx Inc. - offers CCTV cameras, digital video recorders, stand alone, video capture card, network and server web cameras, and more.  Inter-Pacific - manufacturer and distributor of mobile video systems and a complete line of digi


  • gative books and videos, and much more.  PriVID Eye Systems Corporation - makers of RemoteVision and HiddenVision systems.  Pro Security Warehouse - supplies name brand security equipment including CCTV cameras, surveillance systems, digital video recorders, and access control equipment.  Pro-Max Security Systems - manufactures CCTV security cameras, remote digital video recorders, and other products for p

File: H.P. Lovecraft, Kenneth Grant, and the Typhonian Tradition in Magic -


  • th. The Tantrikas know this. And Kenneth Grant knew this.In our lives today we have been ceding the territory of our unconscious little bylittle: to reality television, to social networking sites, to CCTV cameras on every streetcorner, to our credit card transactions, to vulgarity in cinema and entertainmentgenerally, to even casual use of the Internet. Electronic databases may know moreabout our lives and ou

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