
Found in 105 Books

File: 9-11 Evil - Israel's Central Role In The September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks -


  • h Mossad emissary Bar-Gilead in Vienna. 1938. Also see 57 Documents edited by Lenni Brenner; and The Secret Contacts: Zionism and Nazi Germany -1933-1941 by Klaus Polkehn. • The Talmudic promotion of pedophilia: "If a grown-up has intercourse with a little girl, it is nothing, for having intercourse with a girl less than three years old is like putting a finger in the eye." • America's current debacle in Ir

File: Colin Wilson - Rogue Messiahs -


  • feel alive except by blowing his imagination to a white hot glow, was the first to try to catalogue every form of “forbidden sex” in a vast work called The 120 Days of Sodom that encompassed incest, pedophilia, bestiality, torture, even murder. This explains why those who try to catch the sexual will o’ the wisp in a butterfly net are not, contrary to common sense, wasting their time. Sexual per

File: Colin Wilson - Rogue Messiahs -


  • feel alive except by blowing his imagination to a white hot glow, was the first to try to catalogue every form of “forbidden sex” in a vast work called The 120 Days of Sodom that encompassed incest, pedophilia, bestiality, torture, even murder. This explains why those who try to catch the sexual will o’ the wisp in a butterfly net are not, contrary to common sense, wasting their time. Sexual per

File: Ian Brady - Gates Of Janus -


  • inst Brady. Miserable now, Brady was miserable then. So many quotes come from Gates of Janus , purposively and injudiciously relegated to those relative to Brady’s views on what led him to crime, not pedophilia, the unclean reader starts to question if David Smith didn’t find his way to finally tell his own story by having read Gates of Janus first. The stories of Smith’s failed “indoctrination” by Brady so


  • ythic biography would be the part where he, possibly, says he made mistakes and apologizes and can’t bring himself to let go of the single thing that helps him pass the time. Say, learning a way into pedophilia as a practice. Comes from fear. Existentialism is apt. Leaving something to tell everyone how stupid he’s been. And he knew. Because he hated what happened. Hate being much bigger than the language a

File: DaVinci Code -


  • ng in his office. The Papal Bull, the agents secretly called it. Collet found it ironic that one of Fache's rare popular public stances in recent years had been his outspoken reaction to the Catholic pedophilia scandal. These priests should be hanged twice! Fache had declared. Once for their crimes against children. And once for shaming the good name of the Catholic Church. Collet had the odd sense it was t

File: Dan Brown - 2003 - The Da Vinci Code -

  • hung in his office. The Papal Bull, the agents secretlycalled it.Collet found it ironic that one of Fache's rare popular public stances in recentyears had been his outspoken reaction to the Catholic pedophilia scandal. Thesepriests should be hanged twice! Fache had declared. Once for their crimesagainst children. And once for shaming the good name of the Catholic Church.Collet had the odd sense it was the

File: Daniel G. Amen - Brain in Love_ 12 Lessons to Enhance Your Love Life (2009, Harmony) -

  • se of nonliving objects, such as Mary’s shoesFrotteurism: rubbing against a strangerHyphephilia: fabricsKlismaphilia: enemaMasochism: pain, humiliation, or punishment of selfNarratophilia: erotic talkPedophilia: childrenSadism: psychological or physical suffering of anotherStigmatophilia: body piercing or tattooingVoyeurism: observation of others undressed or in the act of sexual activityTransvestic fetishi
  • ble and feel no qualms abouttheir behavior. An article in the Archives of Neurology from University ofVirginia researchers described a case of a man with a right pre-frontal cortextumor who developed pedophilia and was unable to inhibit his sexual urgesdespite knowing his behavior was wrong. The behavior resolved following tumorremoval.In a study from McLean Hospital in Boston, researchers evaluated 120 men
  • mal sexual interests andbehaviors while reducing deviant or paraphilic ones. According to Canadianpsychiatrist John Bradford, pharmacological treatments have been shown todecrease the main problem in pedophilia, the preference of children for sexualgratification. Biological treatments, specifically castration and neurosurgery,have been used to treat sexual offenders to reduce their sexual drive and topreven

File: Daniel G. Amen - Brain in Love_ 12 Lessons to Enhance Your Love Life (2009, Three Rivers Press) -

  • se of nonliving objects, such as Mary’s shoesFrotteurism: rubbing against a strangerHyphephilia: fabricsKlismaphilia: enemaMasochism: pain, humiliation, or punishment of selfNarratophilia: erotic talkPedophilia: childrenSadism: psychological or physical suffering of anotherStigmatophilia: body piercing or tattooingVoyeurism: observation of others undressed or in the act of sexual activityTransvestic fetishi
  • ble and feel no qualms abouttheir behavior. An article in the Archives of Neurology from University ofVirginia researchers described a case of a man with a right pre-frontal cortextumor who developed pedophilia and was unable to inhibit his sexual urgesdespite knowing his behavior was wrong. The behavior resolved following tumorremoval.In a study from McLean Hospital in Boston, researchers evaluated 120 men
  • mal sexual interests andbehaviors while reducing deviant or paraphilic ones. According to Canadianpsychiatrist John Bradford, pharmacological treatments have been shown todecrease the main problem in pedophilia, the preference of children for sexualgratification. Biological treatments, specifically castration and neurosurgery,have been used to treat sexual offenders to reduce their sexual drive and topreven

File: Daniel G. Amen, M.D. - Sex on the brain_ 12 lessons to enhance your love life (2007, Crown Publishing Group) -

  • se of nonliving objects, such as Mary’s shoesFrotteurism: rubbing against a strangerHyphephilia: fabricsKlismaphilia: enemaMasochism: pain, humiliation, or punishment of selfNarratophilia: erotic talkPedophilia: childrenSadism: psychological or physical suffering of anotherStigmatophilia: body piercing or tattooingVoyeurism: observation of others undressed or in the act of sexual activityTransvestic fetishi
  • able and feel no qualms abouttheir behavior. An article in the Archives of Neurology from University ofVirginia researchers described a case of a man with a right prefrontal cortextumor who developed pedophilia and was unable to inhibit his sexual urgesdespite knowing his behavior was wrong. The behavior resolved following tumorremoval.In a study from McLean Hospital in Boston, researchers evaluated 120 men
  • mal sexual interests andbehaviors while reducing deviant or paraphilic ones. According to Canadianpsychiatrist John Bradford, pharmacological treatments have been shown todecrease the main problem in pedophilia, the preference of children for sexualgratification. Biological treatments, specifically castration and neurosurgery,have been used to treat sexual offenders to reduce their sexual drive and topreven

File: Daniel Estulin - Shadow Masters -

  • 5The Franklin ScandalA Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse & BetrayalBY NICK BRYANTA chilling exposé of corporate corruption and government cover-ups, this accountof a nationwide child-trafficking and pedophilia ring tells a sordid tale ofcorruption in high places. The scandal originally surfaced during aninvestigation into Omaha, Nebraska’s failed Franklin Federal Credit Union andtook the author beyond the
  • ntion.The Franklin Scandal is the story of a underground ring that pandered childrento a cabal of the rich and powerful. The ring’s pimps were a pair of Republicanpowerbrokers who used Boys Town as a pedophiliac reservoir, and had access tothe highest levels of our government and connections to the CIA.[images/00113.jpg]Nick Bryant is a journalist whose work largely focuses on the plight ofdisadvantaged chi

File: Daniel Estulin - True Story Of The Bilderberg Group -

  • sThe Franklin ScandalA Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse & BetrayalBY Nick BryantA chilling expose of corporate corruption and government cover-ups, this accountof a nationwide child-trafficking and pedophilia ring tells a sordid tale ofcorruption in high places. The scandal originally surfaced during aninvestigation into Omaha, Nebraska’s failed Franklin Federal Credit Union andtook the author beyond the
  • ntion.The Franklin Scandal is the story of a underground ring that pandered childrento a cabal of the rich and powerful. The ring’s pimps were a pair of Republicanpowerbrokers who used Boys Town as a pedophiliac reservoir, and had access tothe highest levels of our government and connections to the CIA.Hardcover: $24.95 (ISBN: 0977795357 ) • 350 pages • Size: 6x9—Available 2008—picture250 [images/picture250

File: David Icke - 2001 - Children Of The Matrix -

  • Illuminati told me how she had worked closelywith Aquino inthe 1980s. "He was a cold, arrogant, ugly person in heart andspirit, enjoyed usingpeople, had a weakness for young boys, and was a confirmedpedophiliac", thesource told me. She said that Aquino had implemented"scientific experimentation"(mind control) at various military bases and at theestate of a Jonathan Meier, who,the source said, was the leadi

File: David Icke - 2001 - Children Of The Matrix -

  • Illuminati told me how she had worked closelywith Aquino inthe 1980s. "He was a cold, arrogant, ugly person in heart andspirit, enjoyed usingpeople, had a weakness for young boys, and was a confirmedpedophiliac", thesource told me. She said that Aquino had implemented"scientific experimentation"(mind control) at various military bases and at theestate of a Jonathan Meier, who,the source said, was the leadi

File: David Icke - Who Really Rules the World -


  • in Canada SA couple suffer shocking conditions in Canada PE couple’s desperate plea to president’s office Groundswell of support for brave PE mother REPORT FROM A JAPANESE TELEVISION CREW This is not Pedophilia. This is Religious Tradition. (updated page) It originated in the seat of our social and religious culture, Greece and Rome. It set the stage for the religious degrading of women, and it endorsed ful

File: Blacks Law - 8th Edition -


  • freedom from fraudulent or forcible intrusions while actually working on the site. [Cases: Mines and Minerals 27(1). C.J.S. Mines and Minerals §§ 63–64.] PEDOPHILE pedophile. An adult who engages in pedophilia. PEDOPHILIA pedophilia. 1. An adult's sexual disorder consisting in the desire for sexual gratification by molesting children, esp. prepubescent children. 2. An adult's act of child molestation. • Pe
  • t or forcible intrusions while actually working on the site. [Cases: Mines and Minerals 27(1). C.J.S. Mines and Minerals §§ 63–64.] PEDOPHILE pedophile. An adult who engages in pedophilia. PEDOPHILIA pedophilia. 1. An adult's sexual disorder consisting in the desire for sexual gratification by molesting children, esp. prepubescent children. 2. An adult's act of child molestation. • Pedophilia

File: Deliberate Dumbing Down Of America -


  • uman sexuality—thinking which would become institutionalized to the extent that in 1999 the American Psychological Association (APA) felt comfortable publishing in its Journal a study suggesting that pedophilia is harmless and even beneficial if consensual. According to an article in the June 10, 1999 issue of The Washington Times , entitled “Psychology Group Regrets Publishing Pedophilia Report: Practice N

File: Eyes Wide Open - Fiona Barnett 2nd Edition -


  • dly, m y sister-in-law was Scott Volker’s assistant coach in the 1990s. Long before Volkers hit the news, I was told he assaulted his own niece whom he regularly drove to swimming practise , that his pedophilia was common knowledge to Queensland Swimming staff including Greg Lawler who caught Volkers showering naked with Olympian Samantha Riley , and that Swimming Australia was generally infested with pedop


  • to the publication of Podesta’s emails. Clinton herself never addressed or denied the email contents. The emails were said to have been leaked by US Intelligence community staff opposed to organised pedophilia. Mainstream journalists whose reports were consistent with this version of events were promptly fired. Further, over 100 Clinton staff and associates met untimely deaths, in quick succession, just li


  • y Nixon’ s own Vice President issued a pardon which protected Nixon from prosecution for any crimes he had ‘committed or may h ave committed or taken part in’ as President. If Nixon’s crimes included pedophilia, that would make perfect sense. I am confident President Richard Nixon and his good buddy ‘the Reverend’ Billy Graham were named in the Watergate pedophile records. I am confident of this because I w


  • Centre which later morphed into Hillsong Church. Houston was an organizer for the Peter Pan Club when he was contacted by Elliot Johnson and asked to assist in forming a ‘united front’ for organized pedophilia. This resulted in the format ion of the Pedophile Information Exchange in February 1973. This organization was then exported to the United Kingdom ... 24 Carl Bernstein (1977). The CIA and the Media.


  • tten by psychologists. - PIE was affiliated to the UK National Council for Civil Liberties and backed by the Campaign for Homosexual Equality . - PIE campaigned for the social and legal acceptance of pedophilia: We want to dispel the myths connected with paedophilia, and show that most pedophiles desire gentle, loving, and mutually pleasurable relationships. We believe it is inhumane to children to outlaw t


  • r raping a boy in 1960, UK’s most senior child social worker, VIP network scapegoat). ‘Moral Pani c’ In a 1981 publication, Perspectives on Paedophilia , Peter Righton attacked the ‘moral panic’ over pedophilia; he said that with ‘the child’s willing compliance...the sex is unlikely to do much harm.’ Peter Righton was the UK’s top social worker and child protection expert. He served as Director of the Natio


  • with Australia’s leading criminologist and ABC Radio regular Paul Wilson who wrote a book defending Clarence Osborne . 40 At the University of Queensland during the 1980s, Paul Wilson organised a pro-pedophilia conference and showed a child porn snuff film to his psychology class. Bond University published Paul Wilson’s pro-pedophile articles on their website , until Wilson was charged with historical child


  • ey police said, ‘ Heath is one of at least 13 “well known ” politicians, celebrities and sports stars being looked at over decades of child abuse’ under Operation Whistle investigations of historical pedophilia. - Jimmy Savile frequented Jersey care home Haut de la Garenne . - Jersey Police’s Operation Whistle, launched in 2015, investigated 4 institutions, 45 suspects including 13 VIPs. The Dutroux Affair


  • 37 Lanka to Indonesia. Detectives contacted a child welfare group to warn them about Clarke's activities. 56 Arthur C. Clarke said in the notorious interview: ‘I am all in favour of efforts to stop [pedophilia]. But how do we stop it without interfering with the rights of responsible adults. I think most of the damage comes from the fuss made by hysterical parents afterwards. If the kids don't mind, fair e
  • Belgium, Australia and the USA: 1. Label outspoken victims as liars, fantasists, and/or insane. 2. Frame victims with false arrest for fabricated crimes. 3. Label concern about, and investigation of, pedophilia and ritual abuse crimes ‘ Moral Panic’ or ‘ Satanic Panic.’ 4. Label all inquiry into adult male pedophiles with a penchant for boys, ‘homophobia’ and an ‘ abuse of human rights.’ The gay community m
  • ‘ abuse of human rights.’ The gay community must be proactive in distancing themselves from pedophiles who long ago equated the fight for gay rights with the fight for social and legal acceptance of pedophilia. Being gay does not automatically make a person a pedophile. Yet many equate being gay with being a pedophile , thanks to PIE and NAMBLA members who aligned themselves with gay activist groups in the


  • e gay lifestyle he lived. Shurter’s insights may help combat the trend where VIP pedophiles suddenly com e out as gay in reaction to being accused of violently raping children. The tactic of m asking pedophilia allegations with cries of ‘Homophobia !’ worked for decades in Australia, UK and the USA - until Kevin Spacey tried it mid #MeToo movement . Note that PIE and NAMBLA never disbanded, they simply dove


  • ficking operation. - Restrict therapists from working with victims of extreme abuse, via new Health Board policy preventing such, and policing , which targets dissident therapists for deregistration. Pedophilia is NOT Homophobia ‘Homophobia’ is the propaganda angle the CIA chose to defend and bury allegations of government involvement in child sex trafficking. Hence the CIA -infiltrated Australian media sub
  • ose to defend and bury allegations of government involvement in child sex trafficking. Hence the CIA -infiltrated Australian media subtly shifted reader focus from revelations of ritual abuse and VIP pedophilia – to accusations of ‘homophobia’ and minority rights violations. VIP pedophiles routinely ‘came out’ as gay to distract attention from child rape allegations. ‘Metaphor for Incest’ Early 1990s disclo


  • esigned to deny a reality that Peter and Pam have spent most of their lives trying to escape. 72 Ralph Underwager was a founding FMSF member. In June 1991, Joseph Geraci, Editor - in-Chief of the pro-pedophilia publication, Paidika: The Journal of Paedophilia interviewed Ralph Underwager in Amsterdam . During this interview, Geraci asked Underwager, ‘Is choosing pedophilia for you a responsible choice for t
  • raci, Editor - in-Chief of the pro-pedophilia publication, Paidika: The Journal of Paedophilia interviewed Ralph Underwager in Amsterdam . During this interview, Geraci asked Underwager, ‘Is choosing pedophilia for you a responsible choice for the individual?’ Underwager responded: Certainly, it is responsible . What I have been struck by as I have come to know more about and understand people who choose pa


  • the defendants in about 400 child abuse cases. Wood RC Cover-Up The Royal Commission into the NSW Police Service Final Report was published on 1 May 1997. Three volumes of this report were devoted to pedophilia inquiries. Volume Four, Chapter 5 (pp.99 -116) were solely devoted to the subject of Ritual Abuse. At the end of this chapter, Commissioner James Wood concluded: 5.13 Fr om a common sense perspective


  • aff and students. Elizabeth Loftus : CIA Psychologist Royal Commissioner James Wood used the gangrenous writings of CIA psychologist Elizabeth Loftus to dismiss multiple witness accounts of organised pedophilia and ritual abuse. Wood’ s Final Report referenced Loftus’ 1994 book, The Myth of Repressed Memory: False Memories and Allegations of Sexual Abuse , to support his conclusions: a. ‘False memories’ of


  • stemic failure of bodies set up to investigate such issues. Instead of being applauded for seeking remedie s, the whistle-blowers received punitive treatment ... Subsequent Cases Reports of organised pedophilia and ritual abuse continued to surface in multiple locations around Australia, following the failed Wood Royal Commission and the subsequently established Police Integrity Commission also headed by Ja


  • d director of the corruption prevention division of the CJC [Criminal Justice Commission] has left the CJC in what could only be called exceptional circumstances. In November last year a State police pedophilia task force raided Hailstone’s house at 31 Dudley Street, Bardon and took possession of a great deal of obscene material. Last week Eric Goh, a man who lives with Hailstone at 31 Dudley Street, appear
  • association with an inappropriate person. It seems to me that the whole period of Hailstone’s service with the CJC should be examined, particularly as this body has failed in the past to investigate pedophilia allegations. The letter written to a Brisban e solicitor reads as follows: Dear Malcolm, This is my account of the incident on 30th June 1996. On 30th June 1996 I attended a luncheon party at the hom


  • l 2005, Peter Lewis resigned his position as Speaker of the South Australian Parliament. He resigned amidst allegations that certain ministers and journalists thwarted his attempts to expose high-end pedophilia rings by reducing his concerns about pedophilia to ‘ homophobia .’ Lewis stated during his parting speech: I...was quietly, and as quickly as possible, bringing some of the people who had made the al
  • aker of the South Australian Parliament. He resigned amidst allegations that certain ministers and journalists thwarted his attempts to expose high-end pedophilia rings by reducing his concerns about pedophilia to ‘ homophobia .’ Lewis stated during his parting speech: I...was quietly, and as quickly as possible, bringing some of the people who had made the allegations to the point where they might pluck up


  • Furness moved the location of a child’s rape from a public to a private setting. Why? Because if the rape occurred in a public place, this suggests every priest in the presbytery was comfortable with pedophilia, and the only people comfortable with pedophilia – are pedophiles. It indicates the house was full of pedophile priests. Indeed, it later emerged that Cardinal George Pell was the priest who witnesse
  • a public to a private setting. Why? Because if the rape occurred in a public place, this suggests every priest in the presbytery was comfortable with pedophilia, and the only people comfortable with pedophilia – are pedophiles. It indicates the house was full of pedophile priests. Indeed, it later emerged that Cardinal George Pell was the priest who witnessed Ridsdale raping the girl in the kitchen, and th


  • 80 witness to change his position. John Marsden escaped conviction for pedophilia, yet the NSW Victims Compensation Tribunal awarded compensation to one of his victims. John Marsden came out as gay after Deidre Grusovin used parliamentary privilege to name him as a pedophile . Ped


  • 04. AT 7am on an ordinary morning in the early 1990s, police rapped on the door of a house in Mt Martha, waiting to tell a mother and a father their two toddlers were believed to have been victims of pedophilia. They did it subtly, of course, by asking the parents to se e if their children had ever heard of ‘red Kenny’ or ‘Daddy Kenny.’ A number of children from a Mornington childcare centre had earlier tol


  • aumatised. ‘My eldest daughter still needs counselling and is afraid to sleep by herself. She is on antidepressants and . . . has no friends,’ John said. ‘She believes she was the victim of organised pedophilia and she still fears for her life. ‘It is too late for justice for my family. Justice cannot repair my marriage or make up for the trauma my daughter has suffered. But there needs to be justice for th


  • too close to the truth, too close to people in high positions of power who are also pedophiles ,’ and so the sex crimes squad’s child expl oitation unit had been established to investigate organised pedophilia and ensure it was shut down . (Soon after Detective Senior Sergeant Chris O’Connor was put in charge of the child exploitation unit and the sexual crimes squad, to investigate these offences and ensu


  • f child pornography in Australia. One contact who works on the set of the morning program hosted by Bert Newton finds the work to be very distressing as other on -air talent are very open about their pedophilia . This contact is disgusted, as his sister is a victim of child sex offences, however he does not want to publicly disclose the information as he will lose his job. In addition to the above, I am now


  • with was so dismissive of what I had to say. The report discredited everything that I had reported. It made a mockery of my claim that Bert Newton and other high-profile individuals were involved in pedophilia and stated that there was nothing to support my claims of intimidation and harassment. This was despite the fact that there were numer ous witnesses to these events. The author went on to say that an


  • continue to be involved in this investigation. If he remains on the case , we can be sure that this so-called investigation is just another example of high-level white-wash and cover-up of organised pedophilia and child pornography in Australia. A final note on the Department of Education investigation. I received a letter stating that the Rushworth teacher had been cle ared of all charges, as the witnesse


  • long campaigned for, a Royal Commission is required to get to the bottom of the shonky – perhaps criminal – administration of health in Australia. * * * A Second Bond Psychology Lecturer Charged with Pedophilia Two Bond University Psychology professors were charged with historical pedophilia crimes after Bond’s Psychology faculty destroyed my Psychology career – PAUL WILSON AND Bob Montgomery. Bob Montgomer
  • onky – perhaps criminal – administration of health in Australia. * * * A Second Bond Psychology Lecturer Charged with Pedophilia Two Bond University Psychology professors were charged with historical pedophilia crimes after Bond’s Psychology faculty destroyed my Psychology career – PAUL WILSON AND Bob Montgomery. Bob Montgomery established the Bond P sychology program while Paul


  • Wilson was the Head of the Humanities Department. The two accused pedophile psychologists worked at Bond at the same time. Paul Wilson was prominent in Australia’s 1980s academic movement to legalise pedophilia. While lecturing at the University of Queensland, Wilson organised a pro- pedophilia conference which the university cancelled following public outcry , and he ‘accidentally’ showed a psychology clas
  • ists worked at Bond at the same time. Paul Wilson was prominent in Australia’s 1980s academic movement to legalise pedophilia. While lecturing at the University of Queensland, Wilson organised a pro- pedophilia conference which the university cancelled following public outcry , and he ‘accidentally’ showed a psychology class the end of a child porn snuff film. One student witness was the daughter of a Queen
  • sex trafficking, and similarly buried its crucial findings. In 1981, Paul Wilson wrote a book subtitled, The Man They Called a Monster: Sexual Experiences Between Men and Boys 93 which advocated for pedophilia to be renamed ‘Greek love’ and be socially accepted like in Ancient Greece. The book defended Wilson’s pedophile associate Clarence Henry Osborne, who maintained records of his 2,500 victims plus VIP


  • an’s willingness to fatally electrocute others left Montgomery’s subjects traumatised. LaTrobe University is home to Psychology lecturer Gary Dowsett who was part of academia’s 1980s push to legalise pedophilia. Until recently, Dowsett’s LaTrobe University resume page featured a link to an article he wrote in Gay Information Quar terly Journal (Spring 1982). Titled, Boiled Lollies and Band-Aids: Gay men and


  • I was unaware that Kraak and his wife Helen had ritually abused my siblings at a church holiday camp held at Harvey Bay. I was aware that Kraak’s son had been suspended while under investigation for pedophilia at the remote primary school he taught at. In fact, I barely knew Pastor Kraak when I promptly drove to his house and said, ‘ Beryl told me that I should speak with you. Why?’ Kraak turned red and sn


  • t creative thinking. Australian educators saturate developing brains with Luciferian Marxist culture - sexual promiscuity, globalisation, lawlessness, anti -nationalism, occultism, pro-abortion, pro- pedophilia, and a mocking hatred of the Biblical God. John Anderson founded Australian Realism, the Empirical brand of philosophy which spread to the University of Adelaide and Alfred Conlon’s brainchild, the A


  • dges in our predominantly Protestant country. The ALP also appointed the two reformers most cited in Australian law schools, Lionel Murphy (my pedophile rapist) and Michael Kirby (publicly accused of pedophilia by Senator Bill Heffernan). Catholic Murphy attended Sydney Boys High selective school and commenced at the University of Sydney in 1949. Murphy was nominated as Chief Justice by Gough Whitlam (my pe


  • ys a Fabian Socialist state built on eugenics, where genetically and socially engineered babies are behaviour modified via mind control methods including drugs, electric shock, verbal repetition, and pedophilia. The resultant artificially created caste system possess the same labels ( Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma, Epsilon ) correspond with MK-ULTRA’s program classifications . Alpha are the high IQ ruling class


  • religions in turn stem from Babylonia n Luciferianism, hence all secret societies practice Luciferianism at their top levels. Luciferianism, the religion of the world’s wealthiest families, includes pedophilia and child murder as religious ritual. The secret services (including the CIA, Mossad, MI6 and ASIO) operate as their private police force, and most secret service members are themselves Luciferian pe


  • ophile after he was convicted and sentenced for raping seven boys (of the 56 children) he brought back from PNG to use as live -in sex slaves. Gajdusek openly admitted to raping boys and approving of pedophilia. ‘He remained unrepentant about his sexual relationships with the young boys. He often said he thought American law was unduly prudish and argued that he had chosen boys only from cultures where man-


  • g was assassinated. NSW detectives initially publicly blamed Chang’s murder on the Triads, one of Britain’s assassination groups. It seems my perpetrators, united by their involvement in MK-ULTRA and pedophilia, had divided loyalties. One faction, including ‘Comrade’ Gittinger, Petrauskas, the Conlons, Chang and Ward, were loyal to Communist Russia and China. The opposing group, including the Beazleys, Kerr


  • B. Alan Wallace (Stanford University Tibetan Buddhist.) - Stephen Meek (Principal Geelong Grammar School. First Australian principal to approve the Positive Schools program. Implicated in covering up pedophilia at Geelong Grammar School since 2004. Testified (2015) to Child Abuse Royal Commission that he was more intereste d in protecting his school’s reputation than exposing pedophile staff. 379 - Tim Shar


  • ic cult members. I corresponded with Mulliner immediately following Kidman’s death and public exposure as a pedophile, but she denied any knowledge of Kidman’s overwhelming and blatant involvement in pedophilia, Luciferianism, ritual abuse, and mind control. Liz Mullinar was Chair of the Belvoir Street Theatre which Nicole Kidman owns shares in. Antony Kidman was linked to Belvoir via a play produced there


  • other pastor of the abusive therapy he'd received. But as far as Laughton is aware, no action was taken against the old man until he was forced into retirement by his son Brian after an allegation of pedophilia emerged in about 2000... Burying his f ather in 2004, Houston declared him a man who made mistakes but a preacher ‘ in a class of his own.’ Brian Houston’s Attempted AOG Takeover Brian Houston was on


  • mes, and his focus subsequently turned to damage control. Brian Houston then used his position as National President, and the new power structure, to silence victims and coverup his father’s emerging pedophilia. Another damage control move was Brian Houston taking over Frank Houston’s Sydney c hurch and merging it with Hillsong in 1999, before the AOG Executive officially acknowledged Frank Houston’s pedoph
  • philia. Another damage control move was Brian Houston taking over Frank Houston’s Sydney c hurch and merging it with Hillsong in 1999, before the AOG Executive officially acknowledged Frank Houston’s pedophilia. 1999 - National Executive Coverup Began Everyone on the 1999 AOG Board was complicit in protecting pedophile Frank Houston, as capture d in the minutes of a ‘Special Executive Meeting ’ (22 December


  • on continued his influence via Hillsong staff who were on the Executive, especially Donna Crouch and Joel Abel whom he promoted and made wealthy following their involvement in burying Frank Houston’s pedophilia . Big Bucks Passed Between Hillsong & AOG Brian Houston also maintained influence over the AOG/ACC Executive by paying them $300,000 per year in dues. State and National dues are like a ‘franchise fe


  • Houston was raping boys back when he was a Salvation Army officer. Allegations are now emerging that Frank Houston raped kids while a Salvation Army Officer in N Z, that the Salvos kicked him out for pedophilia, that the Salvos failed to report his pedophilia crimes to the police, and that all this was common knowledge within the Houston family - something Brian Houston has strenuously denied since 1999. Th
  • ion Army officer. Allegations are now emerging that Frank Houston raped kids while a Salvation Army Officer in N Z, that the Salvos kicked him out for pedophilia, that the Salvos failed to report his pedophilia crimes to the police, and that all this was common knowledge within the Houston family - something Brian Houston has strenuously denied since 1999. The N Z Royal Commission will highlight th at the A


  • Cent re which later morphed into Hillsong Church. Houston was an organizer for the Peter Pan Club when he was contacted by Elliot Johnson and asked to assist in forming a “united front” for organized pedophilia. This resulted in the formation of the Pedophile Information Exchange in February 1973. This organization was then exported to the United Kingdom. I knew Johnson personally and I have always detested


  • t like people do in other religions which espouse strange beliefs and practises, like Mormonism which teaches each man is given his own planet to populate for all eternity with multiple wives. Ritual pedophilia and murder are integral to the religion of satanism. Followers of Lucifer are deceived into believing they inherit his kingdom when they die, just as Christians believe they go to heaven. This is the


  • of lust, o ccult knowledge and perversion . There she was indulging the Devil’s faithful, teaching and being videoed for the 1970’s black -market that existed in underground extreme porn: bestiality, pedophilia , body wastes and pain. After her services ‘to the Dark Lord’ she told me over a reefer and through exhaustion that she was only 17 and had met the Master. He had given her a mission. Lilith was a ch


  • orphaned boys. While claiming to train the boys in a range of trades, the only instructor was a butcher. In 2002, Father Paul Gerard Barrett, priest and counsellor , was convicted of 100 accounts of pedophilia against six boys while vice -deputy principal at St John Bosco College in Engadine. The court heard Barrett photographed male and female students having sex. One of Barrett’s victims, a 13-year-old m


  • 320 positioned to compromise politicians, Hollywood elite, royalty, and successful businessmen. Most people of influence are controlled with money, drugs, sex scandals, and pedophilia. The CIA also used prostitution and homosexuality as blackmail and honeypot tools back when they constituted criminal offences and were considered socially scandalous. At Heffner’s Playboy Mansion, s


  • rland, and The Wonderful Wizard of Oz . Note the word ‘wonder’ in the last two titles. Oz is Osiris, and mind control was developed in Ancient Egypt. The authors of children’s classics were linked to pedophilia scandals and/or occultic societies that practise pedophilia as a religious rite. Reformed Luciferian John Todd Collins outed close friends J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis as HOGD members. J.R.R Tolki e
  • r’ in the last two titles. Oz is Osiris, and mind control was developed in Ancient Egypt. The authors of children’s classics were linked to pedophilia scandals and/or occultic societies that practise pedophilia as a religious rite. Reformed Luciferian John Todd Collins outed close friends J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis as HOGD members. J.R.R Tolki en’s son ‘Father


  • herapists lack the ethics, knowledg e and skills to effectively treat victims of extreme abuse , due to the following factors: 1. Australian universities have long been infiltrated by perpetrators of pedophilia and MK-ULTRA (as I demonstrated with Bond University); 2. Psychology theory and practise are based on MK -ULTRA experimentation; 3. Treatment interventions were designed to perpetuate and maintain tr


  • ULTRA research, as recorded in the US Library of Congress. That’s called a paper trail! I’m in contact with James Rothstein who was appointed to the first taskforce in the US to investigate organised pedophilia. He discovered a VIP pedophile ring that went all the way to the Whitehouse. He said Watergate solely concerned trying to obtain VIP pedophile records being held at Democratic headquarters. He said t


  • from a position of experience where I knew that I was dealing with a criminal hierarchy. And I achieved that outcome through what I published on my websites and YouTube. You say victims of organised pedophilia should not make police statements and should not publish our witness testimonies online. So, what you are effectively saying is - victims like me should not have a voice. I went and made police witne

File: Fritz Springmeier - Bloodlines Of The Illuminati - Volume 3 -

  • back down on the film. A paper trail connecting Michael Eisner and Walt Disney Co. to mind control is their support of the Boys & Girls Club of Napa Valley, which is used for a supply of children for pedophilia and mind-control. The Boy’s & Girls Club is used to supply caddies for the Silverado Country Club, where these children are also used as mind-controlled slaves for the sexual perversions of the elite

  • d the key to their cell thrown away--but Krupp wassimply asked to leave. However, the press in Italy had gotten ahold of the juicystory for their Italian readers and soon all of Europe knew of Krupp’spedophilia except in Germany where the government and the controlled media keptit secret. A few German newsmen tried to get the story out in Germany but werearrested. When Krupp’s wife learned of the scandal sh

File: Fritz Springmeier - Bloodlines Of The Illuminati -


  • back down on the film. A paper trail connecting Michael Eisner and Walt Disney Co. to mind control is their support of the Boys & Girls Club of Napa Valley, which is used for a supply of children for pedophilia and mind-control. The Boy’s & Girls Club is used to supply caddies for the Silverado Country Club, where these children are also used as mind-controlled slaves for the sexual perversions of the elite

File: Fritz Springmeier - Deeper Insights Into The Illuminati Forumula -


  • to give him a position of authority. · Michael Peterson, a child molesting priest, who was a drug addict and a homosexual, was one of the catholic hierarchy’s main men involved with investigations of pedophilia, who died of AIDS, and his rich sidekick Stephen B.C. Johnson II, who administered a catholic facility near Boston, Mass. Michael Peterson lived a rich lifestyle in Marsalin, and later Suitland, next


  • back down on the film. A paper trail connecting Michael Eisner and Walt Disney Co. to mind control is their support of the Boys & Girls Club of Napa Valley, which is used for a supply of children for pedophilia and mind- control. The Boy’s & Girls Club is used to supply caddies for the Silverado Country Club, where these children are also used as mind-controlled slaves for the sexual perversions of the elit


  • en Luciferian doctrines support the abuse (such as reincarnation), but the front alter’s religious views may also support the abuse. Numerous passages in the Talmud, give legal religious sanction for pedophilia, torture and other crimes. Because this fact has been covered up, it would be appropriate to quote some of the fuller Talmudic translations (because some of the translations into english leave out pa

File: Fritz Springmeier - How The Illuminati Create An Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave -

  • ng the FMS) had ties to the CIA. Two members of the EMSadvisory board, Ralph Underwager, Ph.D. and theologian, along with HollidaWakefield, M.A. let the cat out of the bag when they publicly supportedpedophilia (that is adults having sex with children). Their support ofpedophilia came in an interview with a Dutch magazine Paidika, The Journal ofPaedophilia (Winter, 1993).Although the False Memory Syndrome F
  • Ralph Underwager, Ph.D. and theologian, along with HollidaWakefield, M.A. let the cat out of the bag when they publicly supportedpedophilia (that is adults having sex with children). Their support ofpedophilia came in an interview with a Dutch magazine Paidika, The Journal ofPaedophilia (Winter, 1993).Although the False Memory Syndrome Foundation gets upset at any mention thatthere might be a conspiracy by

  • within the Amish were some families that were under cover for theJesuits, and were sent in as spies long ago because they were corrupt. Thesefamilies have been generational satanists, which practice pedophilia and othercrimes in the safety of their isolation. They were placed within the Amish tohelp the Catholic church destroy the Amish.In Europe that happened under Hitler, when all the Old Order Amish wer

File: Fritz Springmeier - Illuminati Bloodlines -

  • to backdown on the film. A paper trail connecting Michael Eisner and Walt Disney Co. tomind control is their support of the Boys & Girls Club of Napa Valley, which isused for a supply of children for pedophilia and mind-control. The Boy’s & GirlsClub is used to supply caddies for the Silverado Country Club, where thesechildren are also used as mind-controlled slaves for the sexual perversions ofthe elite. N

File: Fritz Springmeier - The Illuminati Formula Used To Create An Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave -


  • the FMS) had ties to the CIA. Two members of the EMS advisory board, Ralph Underwager, Ph.D. and theologian, along with Hollida Wakefield, M.A. let the cat out of the bag when they publicly supported pedophilia (that is adults having sex with children). Their support of pedophilia came in an interview with a Dutch magazine Paidika, The Journal of Paedophilia (Winter, 1993). Although the False Memory Syndrom
  • lph Underwager, Ph.D. and theologian, along with Hollida Wakefield, M.A. let the cat out of the bag when they publicly supported pedophilia (that is adults having sex with children). Their support of pedophilia came in an interview with a Dutch magazine Paidika, The Journal of Paedophilia (Winter, 1993). Although the False Memory Syndrome Foundation gets upset at any mention that there might be a conspiracy


  • ithin the Amish were some families that were under cover for the Jesuits, and were sent in as spies long ago because they were corrupt. These families have been generational satanists, which practice pedophilia and other crimes in the safety of their isolation. They were placed within the Amish to help the Catholic church destroy the Amish. In Europe that happened under Hitler, when all the Old Order Amish

File: Fritz Springmeier - The Illuminati Formula -


  • the FMS) had ties to the CIA. Two members of the EMS advisory board, Ralph Underwager, Ph.D. and theologian, along with Hollida Wakefield, M.A. let the cat out of the bag when they publicly supported pedophilia (that is adults having sex with children). Their support of pedophilia came in an interview with a Dutch magazine Paidika, The Journal of Paedophilia (Winter, 1993). Although the False Memory Syndrom
  • lph Underwager, Ph.D. and theologian, along with Hollida Wakefield, M.A. let the cat out of the bag when they publicly supported pedophilia (that is adults having sex with children). Their support of pedophilia came in an interview with a Dutch magazine Paidika, The Journal of Paedophilia (Winter, 1993). Although the False Memory Syndrome Foundation gets upset at any mention that there might be a conspiracy


  • ithin the Amish were some families that were under cover for the Jesuits, and were sent in as spies long ago because they were corrupt. These families have been generational satanists, which practice pedophilia and other crimes in the safety of their isolation. They were placed within the Amish to help the Catholic church destroy the Amish. In Europe that happened under Hitler, when all the Old Order Amish

File: Fritz Springmeier - Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines -


  • back down on the film. A paper trail connecting Michael Eisner and Walt Disney Co. to mind control is their support of the Boys & Girls Club of Napa Valley, which is used for a supply of children for pedophilia and mind-control. The Boy’s & Girls Club is used to supply caddies for the Silverado Country Club, where these children are also used as mind-controlled slaves for the sexual perversions of the elite

File: Richard Lighthouse - Psychiatric Fraud -


  • , job loss, career derailment, ostracization, pressure by superiors to admit to mental illness, and in at least one case, suicide.” In one whistleblower case, a nun by the name of Jane Kelly reported pedophilia to the diocese, and she was sent to a mental hospital by her order, which then expelled her. The sister’s battle with the bishop. One nun’s outrage helped bri

File: Gary Lachman - Dark Star Rising -

  • o Yiannopoulos. An outspoken red-piller, Yiannopoulos lost not onlythis invitation, and his position at, but also a lucrative bookdeal because of remarks he made that seemed to sanction pedophilia.11[17_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber222]Spencer should not have felt too bad about the CPAC snub. Just two days earliera meeting in Stockholm, Sweden, made possible the international gathering thatwas abo

File: Gary Lachman - Madame Blavatsky - The Mother of Modern Spirituality -

  • tic tutoring ofTheosophical adolescents got him into hot water, and it was only Theosophy’shigh standing in India that saved him from a lawsuit, brought against him byKrishnamurti’s father, involving pedophilia and deification, unique in theannals of the Raj.Leadbeater, who was ordained in the Church of England in 1878, read Sinnett’sbooks and joined the TS in 1883. His enthusiasm led to his own attempts to

File: Jim Keith - Mass Control -


  • tle, and are determined to phase out what they consider to be inferior races. They are determined to create a one world order where Luciferianism can be openly practiced, and where such activities as pedophilia and bestiality will be legalized. Sullivan believes that the Bilderbergers are at the top of the heap in terms of international control, the “top of the top,” she says, and remarks that the members o

File: Jim Keith - Mass Control -


  • tle, and are determined to phase out what they consider to be inferior races. They are determined to create a one world order where Luciferianism can be openly practiced, and where such activities as pedophilia and bestiality will be legalized. Sullivan believes that the Bilderbergers are at the top of the heap in terms of international control, the “top of the top,” she says, and remarks that the members o

File: Lon Milo Duquette - Taboo - Sex, Religion & Magick -


  • Although the AP A has removed homosexuality as a pathology from its list of deviations, it still has a quite extensive list of sexual pathology. Some of these are: Fetishism, Transvestism Zoophilia, Pedophilia, Exhibition​ ism, Voyeurism, Sexual Masochism and Sexual Sadism. However, I can find no direct reference to Occult or Magickal Sexual Practices which include ritualized sexual behavior. This includes

File: Lon Milo Duquette - Taboo - Sex, Religion & Magick -


  • Although the AP A has removed homosexuality as a pathology from its list of deviations, it still has a quite extensive list of sexual pathology. Some of these are: Fetishism, Transvestism Zoophilia, Pedophilia, Exhibition​ ism, Voyeurism, Sexual Masochism and Sexual Sadism. However, I can find no direct reference to Occult or Magickal Sexual Practices which include ritualized sexual behavior. This includes

File: v12n1 Sex, Spirit and Psychadelics -


  • 17) Aldrich, M.R. July–September 1977. “Tantric Cannabis Use in India,” Journal of Psychedelic Drugs Vol. 9, No. 3: 227–233. 18) Wilson, P.L. 1988. Chapter 4 “The Witness Game: Imaginal Yoga & Sacred Pedophilia in Persian Sufism” (pp. 93–121), and Chapter 7 “A Note on the Use of Wine, Hemp & Opium” (pp. 195–213) in Scandal: Essays in Islamic Heresy . Autonomedia. 19) Poland, J.F. and S. Sloan (editors). 196

File: Brice Taylor - Thanks For The Memories -


  • n. Others used in this neurological nightmare are deemed as the "expendabl e ones" (non-bloodliners), usually coming from orphanages, foster-care homes, or incestuous famili es with a long history of pedophilia. There also appears to be a pattern of family members affiliate d with government or military intelligence agencies . Many of the abused come from families who use Cath olicism, Mormonism, or charism

File: Media Sexploitation - The Hidden Implants In America's Mass Media -


  • ight be reaching for a telephone number, but somehow that just doesn't make logi- cal sense. The insert provoked the anger of a group of women attorneys in Toronto who strongly objected to the use of pedophilia—the utilization of children as sex objects—in ad- vertising. The twelve-year-old is obviously posed in a sexually provocative posture, her dress stretched above her exposed fanny. Lightly embedded in


  • on is an- swered in the copy head with the statement, "She Still Does!" Simply put, those taboos held most strongly by any culture intensify that culture's vulnerability to subliminal manipula- tion. Pedophilia—the sexualization of children—is unques- tionably the most feared taboo within the American culture, Therefore, it makes a superb subliminal advertising theme. The Thoroughly Integrated Culture The A


  • up to do combat with him. And they had to wait on the stairs until the devil was ready. Various sexual perversions, strongly taboo in the American culture, were cleverly incor porated into the film. Pedophilia, for example (the use of children for sexual stimulation), was a paramount subliminal theme car efully arranged so the audi- ence would not consciously deal with the forbidden subject. Unconscious pe

File: Project Monarch -


  • . Others u sed in this neurological nightmare are deemed as the “expendable ones” (non-bloodliner s), usually coming from orphanages, foster care homes, or incestuous famili es with a long history of pedophilia. There also appears to be a pattern of f amily members affiliated with government or military intelligence agencies. Many of the abused come from families who use Cathol icism, Mormonism, or charisma

File: Trance Formation Of America -


  • Orders of the Rose, 1 I have witnessed girls die of suffocation fro m this practice oven though 3 to 5 minutes without breathing is common. 2 While Bonnie was not raised in Project Monarch, Houston's pedophilia and stage hypnosis techniques rendered Bonnie unable to control her own actions. Bonnie is a multiple with a record of prostitution in need of therapy and care. 3 Irby Mandrell openly discussed Senat


  • ndon. 1 had seen Cheney stumbling drunk before, but this was the only time I saw him use heroin and give it to me. Kelly, too, was subjected to the drugs. Bush attempted to sell Cheney on the idea of pedophilia through graphic descriptions of having sex with Kelly. Bo th were already sexually aroused from drugs and anticipation. Cheney demonstrat ed to Bush why he did not have sex with kids by exposing hims

File: Unshackled - A Survivor's Story Of Mind Control -


  • ancy 19 Early Childhood 20 Elementary School 21 Middle School 21 Ritual Abuse 22 Dr. Black 24 Undamaged 25 Nazi Meetings 27 Dr. J 27 Sexual Abuse 33 Dissociation 33 Orgies 33 Parental Dissociation 34 Pedophilia 35 Sex Equaled Love 36 Kiddy Porn 37 Comfortably Numb 38


  • o switched into child alter-states, feeling equally protective and maternal towards them. If they hurt me, I blocked out their abuse in the same way I had, when Dad had switched and then tortured me. Pedophilia Dad raped me regularly after we moved to Reiffton. To keep me in bed at night, he convinced me that alligators lived under it. He said that they would bite my feet if I left it. My heart pounded when


  • were similar to what I’d experienced in Pennsylvania, the north Georgia Aryan network focused more on the manufacturing and sales of illegal drugs and pornography. Unfortunately, as in Pennsylvania, pedophilia seemed to be the norm, as was the horrification and torture of their victims–particularly children and women. Further, I was forced to help Dad and some of the leaders when they transported children


  • remembered to . . . the District Attorney’s Office. At this time I am unsure of who to trust in relating information to family. Because I hadn’t yet discovered similar information on ritual abuse or pedophilia, I wasn’t willing to accept what I was remembering and reporting. Suicide Programming After telling Bob about some of these memories, I felt a powerful, repetitive compulsion to insert the blade of a


  • th suspected pedophile mentalities, I believe Gardner displaced his own sexual inclinations towards children onto the genuinely con- cerned mothers: And he suggested there was nothing much wrong with pedophilia, incestuous or not. “One of the steps that society must take to deal with the present hysteria is to ‘come off it’ and take a more realistic attitude toward pedophilic behavior,” he wrote in Sex Abus
  • y, he also turned into an authentic American monster. (Independent, pg. 2) The callous and exponential damage Dr. Gardner wreaked upon our gentle society may continue for generations. More of his pro-pedophilia statements can be found on the Internet at 11. My experience has been that when former owners or mental programmers died, my knowing that they could

File: Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier 1998 -


  • back down on the film. A paper trail connecting Michael Eisner and Walt Disney Co. to mind control is their support of the Boys & Girls Club of Napa Valley, which is used for a supply of children for pedophilia and mind-control. The Boy’s & Girls Club is used to supply caddies for the Silverado Country Club, where these children are also used as mind-controlled slaves for the sexual perversions of the elite

File: Confessions of an Illuminati - Volume V -


  • ump’s threat to destroy the Rothschild’s Mondialist plans. The rather different perspective of a Rosicrucian. The roots of Rosicrucianism Chapter Six The Illuminati’s darkest secrets A Communist Pope Pedophilia and the Satanic left-wing connection Modern Satanism, Communism, and confidentiality Chapter Seven Atheism and Materialism 4


  • eaffirm this time publicly the magical conscience. As part of this rebirth, the emergence of the psychosexual aspects is the most relevant aspect for Negrini, who was, however, arrested on charges of pedophilia in March 2013, showing once again the real nature of Crowley’s adepts and their deviant psychosexual mission, serving the darkest forces on earth with their perversions. These aspects represent the o


  • a’s view: La plus belle des ruses du diable est de vous persuader qu'il n'existe pas . The devil's finest trick is to persuade you that he does The values of Pope Francis, which include tolerance for pedophilia, are the values of the late Roman Empire before its demise. A demographic and economic crisis piloted by the elite existed back then, as well as out-of- control immigration, and a loss in moral belie


  • he Gay lobby wants a more liberal Church, ready to embrace homosexuality for priests, and an open support for Islam and the upcoming One World Religion, that will gradually push for the acceptance of pedophilia. This faction is represented by Cardinals such as Coccopalmiero, involved in the Gay Orgy raid, or Godfried Cardinal Danneels of the St. Gallen Mafia. The other faction, the more conservative one, mo
  • trolled by Pope Ratzinger the Pope Emeritus, is instead contrary to any liberal change imposed on the Catholic Faith by the Jesuit Pope, but still hides terrible compromises and links to the infamous pedophilia rings that are hidden behind the Catholic hierarchy. Then we heard the harsh criticism towards Pope Francis even in Ratzinger’s own words, that was recited in the Cathedral of Cologne 241


  • n of the choir of the Ratisbonian Cathedral, directed for 30 years by Pope Emeritus’ brother, George Ratzinger, have been abused in various ways over four decades, and 67 were also subject to acts of pedophilia from Catholic priests and teachers. Lawyer Ulrich Weber’s final report disclosed by the German media stated that 49 perpetrators have been identified, and George Ratzinger, who was the director of th
  • of the victims. The former prefect is also accused by Marie Collins, a resigning member of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of minors, and a victim herself, of having done little to fight pedophilia in the Vatican, and even going to the extent of hindering the work Pope Francis’ team. This is not completely true, as it was Pope Francis who ordered Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller to act in this wa


  • ade by 3,300 pedophiles working in the organization. Both the UN’s are corrupt institutions of the Pedo-Elite controlling the New World Order that should be shut down and prosecuted for their crimes. Pedophilia and the Satanic left-wing connection In 2017, the exposure of serial sexual predator and Hollywood Democrat kingpin Harvey Weinstein raises even more questions on the true nature of the link between
  • and the Satanic left-wing connection In 2017, the exposure of serial sexual predator and Hollywood Democrat kingpin Harvey Weinstein raises even more questions on the true nature of the link between pedophilia and the left wing. In the past, Bill Clinton offered a get-out-of-jail-free card to a whole army of criminals, from Weinstein to Jeffrey Epstein. In the US, the close relationship between the pedophi


  • and dark figure in the international pedophile network connected to the US Democrats and the Vatican. On November 12, 2011, a few weeks before Rodolfo Fiesoli was arrested once again for the crime of pedophilia, (his first arrest was back in 1985), he spoke at the famous Salone dei Cinquecento in Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, in the presence of none other than Mr. Renzi, during a conference for TedX, a liber
  • rently supports independent organizers who are usually linked to left-wing ideology and want to create a TED-like event in their own community. So Rodolfo Fiesoli condemned in 1985, 2000 and 2015 for pedophilia, participated as a supposed “educator”, despite being condemned several times since the mid 80’s, for the crime of sexual abuse to minors, at his community, called Forteto di Vicchio near Florence. T
  • , disappear from the online site of the initiative, and from YouTube, but fortunately, we still have surviving footage of the event. In 2015, Fiesoli is finally condemned to 17 years after his latest pedophilia trial, but of course with his friend Matteo Renzi in power, back then as prime minister of Italy, he has not spent one day in prison. This whole story demonstrates once again not only the open suppor

File: Confessions of an Illuminati - Volume VII -


  • hat, those 14 and older, were allowed to enter the club, if they were accompanied byan adult.A truly controversial move worthy of a Third World country, that could be used to cover upterrible acts of pedophilia in broad daylight. Usually, men go to brothels, but in this context, even girls 14 and abovewere encouraged to visit the site for this special offer. Keep in mind that prostitution, the provision of


  • d in London, the city of financial power, and the United States, WashingtonDC, the seat of political and military might.”​ Something strange is going on at CNN concerning their Jesuit controllers and pedophilia that now connectswith evidence- Chris Cuomo, brother of another Jesuit agent and former governor, the Pope, and John Griffin, asenior producer from CNN who worked with the now-disgraced ex-anchor Chr


  • h to the so-called “Holy Father,” and only a week after the arrest of John Griffin, the exceptionalinvestigative journalist at Project Veritas released the name of another CNN producer caught up in a pedophiliascandal, Rick Saleeby, a producer on one of the network’s most successful shows “The Lead with Jake Tapper.”[384]​ Then we have the Elizabeth II, the old British monarch, dying before our eyes and the
  • oducer on one of the network’s most successful shows “The Lead with Jake Tapper.”[384]​ Then we have the Elizabeth II, the old British monarch, dying before our eyes and the corruption, accusationsof pedophilia, racism, and vitriol within her Royal family, and its subsequent public fracturing, mixed with globalfinancial and economic distress, that has been a monumental undermining of the public perception o

File: bloodlines3 -


  • back down on the film. A paper trail connecting Michael Eisner and Walt Disney Co. to mind control is their support of the Boys & Girls Club of Napa Valley, which is used for a supply of children for pedophilia and mind-control. The Boy’s & Girls Club is used to supply caddies for the Silverado Country Club, where these children are also used as mind-controlled slaves for the sexual perversions of the elite


  • e key to their cell thrown away--but Krupp was simply asked to leave. However , the press in Italy had gotten ahold of the juicy story for their Italian readers and soon all of Europe knew of Krupp’s pedophilia except in Germany where the government and the controlled media kept it secret. A few German newsmen tried to get the story out in Germany but were arrested. When Krupp’s wife learned of the scandal

File: Willing, R. D. - Money, The 12th and Final Religion (2008) -


  • y lying with her, but he is reporting accurately according to Bible text. Despite the outrageous orders of their God, the faithful seem not to be swayed in their faith. Twain is careful to ignore the pedophiliac atrocity directed by the Bible God in Numbers 31:18. In this verse, the God says, "But all the women children, i.e., girls and babies, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for you

File: Wouter J. Hanegraaff - Dictionary of Gnosis and Western Esotericism -


  • ents of the survivors’ imaginations, that no secret Satanic underground existed, and that the imaginary evil of international Satanic pedophile cults should not be confused with the very real evil of pedophilia. After these reports, the number of court cases involving alle- gations of Satanic ritual abuse decreased from sev- eral hundreds to less than ten per year on a worldwide scale, and most convictions

File: Peter Levenda - Dark Lord -

  • understand Set to represent raw sexuality we can realize Set's place inthe Egyptian cosmos. Set is power, at its most primal and basic (“uncivilized”)human level. Unrestrained, it results in rape and pedophilia among otherdepravations. Restrained, it can be a potent source of protection and occultpower. But this power lives in a wild and uninhabited place, outside of society,a wasteland of invisible winds a
  • description of modern humanity's relationship to sexuality as any.It could be argued that our reaction to the concept of sexuality is based uponits more controversial aspects. From teen pregnancy and pedophilia to rape,adultery, abortion, pornography, prostitution, sexually-transmitted diseases,and even gay marriage ... sexuality to the modern mind (West and East) is aminefield of dangerous associations. Cr

File: Peter Levenda - Sinister Forces - Book 1 - The Nine -

  • he Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse & Betrayalby Nick BryantA chilling exposé of corporate corruption and government cover-ups, this accountof a nationwide child-trafficking and pedophilia ring tells a sordid tale ofcorruption in high places. The scandal originally surfaced during aninvestigation into Omaha, Nebraska’s failed Franklin Federal Credit Union andtook the author beyond the
  • ntion.The Franklin Scandal is the story of a underground ring that pandered childrento a cabal of the rich and powerful. The ring’s pimps were a pair of Republicanpowerbrokers who used Boys Town as a pedophiliac reservoir, and had access tothe highest levels of our government and connections to the CIA.Nick Bryant is a journalist whose work largely focuses on the plight ofdisadvantaged children in the Unite

File: Peter Levenda - Sinister Forces - Book 2 - A Warm Gun -

  • haps, these characters have been transformed into … teenagers whoexpress their alienation by shooting each other, and the rest of us, withautomatic weapons; Catholic priests who are suspected more of pedophilia than ofsaving the souls of small children like Regan (how many mothers these days wouldleave their little Regans alone with a Catholic priest?); and an intelligenceservice that overthrows regimes it

  • ]The Franklin ScandalA Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse & Betrayalby Nick BryantA chilling exposé of corporate corruption and government cover-ups, this accountof a nationwide child-trafficking and pedophilia ring tells a sordid tale ofcorruption in high places. The scandal originally surfaced during aninvestigation into Omaha, Nebraska’s failed Franklin Federal Credit Union andtook the author beyond the
  • ntion.The Franklin Scandal is the story of a underground ring that pandered childrento a cabal of the rich and powerful. The ring’s pimps were a pair of Republicanpowerbrokers who used Boys Town as a pedophiliac reservoir, and had access tothe highest levels of our government and connections to the CIA.Nick Bryant is a journalist whose work largely focuses on the plight ofdisadvantaged children in the Unite

File: Peter Levenda - Sinister Forces - Book 3 - The Manson Secret -

  • rchsomething he called the “Superforce,” which was the name he gave to the cabal ofevildoers within the Vatican that perpetrated not only political and financialcrimes, but which was also involved in pedophilia and other sexual scandals,some under the guise of a satanic cult of sex abusers. Recent revelationsconcerning the widespread cover up of pedophilia and other forms of sexual abusewithin the Church—a
  • and financialcrimes, but which was also involved in pedophilia and other sexual scandals,some under the guise of a satanic cult of sex abusers. Recent revelationsconcerning the widespread cover up of pedophilia and other forms of sexual abusewithin the Church—a cover up that begins at the highest levels of the Vaticanbureaucracy—seem to support Martin’s contentions, particularly as, in somecases, this abuse

  • f this work’s title, for sex has always been a majorfocus of the world’s religions, and control of the sexual impulse—either throughcelibacy or strict regulations concerning matrimony, homosexuality, pedophilia,bestiality, etc.—is a hallmark of virtually every religion in the world. Eventhe curse of the serial killer is linked inextricably to sexual impulses (afterall, the serial killer was first known as a
  • ntrismseem tame and decorous by comparison, and elevates even so venal a character asAleister Crowley to the status of a true Victorian gentleman.Predictably, everything from rape to serial murder to pedophilia is blamed onaccess to pornography. In other words, and according to this theory (which isvery popular among the Christian Right), the minds of otherwise innocent men andwomen are being manipulated by

  • ]The Franklin ScandalA Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse & Betrayalby Nick BryantA chilling exposé of corporate corruption and government cover-ups, this accountof a nationwide child-trafficking and pedophilia ring tells a sordid tale ofcorruption in high places. The scandal originally surfaced during aninvestigation into Omaha, Nebraska’s failed Franklin Federal Credit Union andtook the author beyond the
  • ntion.The Franklin Scandal is the story of a underground ring that pandered childrento a cabal of the rich and powerful. The ring’s pimps were a pair of Republicanpowerbrokers who used Boys Town as a pedophiliac reservoir, and had access tothe highest levels of our government and connections to the CIA.Nick Bryant is a journalist whose work largely focuses on the plight ofdisadvantaged children in the Unite

File: Peter Levenda - Tantric Alchemist -

  • ocent.> How difficult it becomes, then, when we are confronted with sections of the> Kālacakra Tantra which detail the methods of selecting the appropriate> “consort” from three “types” that verge on pedophilia, but which refer to> three stages of alchemical mercury, “childlike, youthful and mature.”35> The first, the “body consort,” is “in the form of a very young girl,” i.e., up> to eight years old for th

File: Peter Levenda - Tantric Temples -

  • d because it is so controversial. We have seen, in theWest, how a politician's sexuality can destroy his career, particularly if it isof a “transgressive” nature—extra-marital affairs, homosexuality, pedophilia,etc. Some of our most attractive politicians—the most charismatic anddynamic—have been womanizers or have been accused of being so: Jack Kennedy,Robert Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Martin Luther King. The

File: Antisemitism -


  • et wondered, with proponents of the theory that the moon is made of Roquefort cheese? Similarly, in the interest of free speech, are college newspa- pers required to accept ads placed by advocates of pedophilia or female genital mutilation? Rather than being granted a forum, the deniers should be exposed and studied as living examples of the enduring strength and danger of mythical thinking, another demonst

File: Battle Hymn - Revelations Of The Sinister Plan For A New World Order -


  • onzon which only can be accomplished through anal intercourse. According to Zagami, this ritual was devised by the famed British satanist, Aleister Crowley, and is at the root of at least some of the pedophilia scandals currently plaguing the Vatican and the Catholic Church in America. One of the surprises in Zagami’s revelations involves his claim that the Sicilian Mafia, Freemasonry and the Vatican are cl


  • two. I was being groomed for early child prostitution, pornography, and a position in the ‘inner circle’ at church.” Certain members of the local church apparently were part of a cult that practiced pedophilia and ritual abuse, as Ford recalls being violated by them and even by the minister, who she identifies in her book. She remembers him taking her from a Sunday school class and forcing her to perform o


  • and 11 during that administration, at which time, according to Ford, she “was created to be, as I later found out from a renegade CIA operative, what was called a ‘Bush Baby.’” Ford’s accusations of pedophilia against Bush made her despise him more than any other man she mentions in her book, despite the fact that JFK allegedly used her sexually often when she was as young as 11. “ Bush was ruthless and br

File: Battle Hymn - Revelations Of The Sinister Plan For A New World Order -


  • onzon which only can be accomplished through anal intercourse. According to Zagami, this ritual was devised by the famed British satanist, Aleister Crowley, and is at the root of at least some of the pedophilia scandals currently plaguing the Vatican and the Catholic Church in America. One of the surprises in Zagami’s revelations involves his claim that the Sicilian Mafia, Freemasonry and the Vatican are cl


  • two. I was being groomed for early child prostitution, pornography, and a position in the ‘inner circle’ at church.” Certain members of the local church apparently were part of a cult that practiced pedophilia and ritual abuse, as Ford recalls being violated by them and even by the minister, who she identifies in her book. She remembers him taking her from a Sunday school class and forcing her to perform o


  • and 11 during that administration, at which time, according to Ford, she “was created to be, as I later found out from a renegade CIA operative, what was called a ‘Bush Baby.’” Ford’s accusations of pedophilia against Bush made her despise him more than any other man she mentions in her book, despite the fact that JFK allegedly used her sexually often when she was as young as 11. “ Bush was ruthless and br

File: Bjerknes - Manufacture and Sale of Saint Einstein (Zionism, and his plagiarism of Theory of relativity) (2006) -


  • y , marty rdom, world domination, slave ry , rape , g enocide , infant i ci d e, canniba lism and human sacr ifice. The disg ustingly low level of the 1459 Talmud is vividly display ed in t he Rabbis pedophilia in Ke thu bo th 11 a and 11 b , wher e the lear ned discuss their conclusion that a g irl under the ag e of three who has sexual int erc ourse wi th a g rown man c an later lawfully claim to be a vir

File: Cathy O'Brien - TranceFormation Of America -


  • Orders of the Rose, 1 I have witnessed girls die of suffocation fro m this practice oven though 3 to 5 minutes without breathing is common. 2 While Bonnie was not raised in Project Monarch, Houston's pedophilia and stage hypnosis techniques rendered Bonnie unable to control her own actions. Bonnie is a multiple with a record of prostitution in need of therapy and care. 3 Irby Mandrell openly discussed Senat


  • ndon. 1 had seen Cheney stumbling drunk before, but this was the only time I saw him use heroin and give it to me. Kelly, too, was subjected to the drugs. Bush attempted to sell Cheney on the idea of pedophilia through graphic descriptions of having sex with Kelly. Bo th were already sexually aroused from drugs and anticipation. Cheney demonstrat ed to Bush why he did not have sex with kids by exposing hims

File: David Icke - Who Really Rules the World -


  • lude in CanadaSA couple suffer shocking conditions in CanadaPE couple’s desperate plea to president’s officeGroundswell of support for brave PE motherREPORT FROM A JAPANESE TELEVISION CREWThis is not Pedophilia. This is Religious Tradition.(updated page)It originated in the seat of our social and religious culture,Greece and Rome. It set the stage for the religious degrading ofwomen, and it endorsed fully ,

File: Encyclopedia of Conspiracies and Conspiracy Theories -


  • publisher William Boyce with help from Baden-Powell in 1910. By that time, the Scout Movement in England had estab- lished a “Gray List” of adults banned from scouting for various reasons, including pedophilia, that was used (theoretically) to screen incoming scoutmasters. In 1911, after one short year of operation, the BSA created its own “Red Flag List,” known at headquar- ters as the Ineligible Voluntee
  • s lawsuits, some 4,000 adults were banned from scouting between 1971 and 1991, with at least 1,800 of those dismissed as sexual predators. James Tarr, head of the BSA from 1979 to 1984, admitted that pedophilia has “been an issue since the Boy Scouts began.” It should not be assumed, however, that 1,800 child molesters were arrested or convicted of molest- ing boy scouts during 1971–91. Far from it. In fact


  • gtime professional defense witness in molestation cases, “voluntarily” left the foundation’s board of advisors following an interview with the Dutch pedophile journal Paidika, in which he stated that pedophilia was not only a “responsible” lifestyle but also “part of God’s will.” Underwager’s wife (and 119 F

File: FINAL WARNING - A History of the New World Order (2004) -


  • d Paul had alluded somberly to ‘the smoke of Satan which has entered the Sanctuary’ ... an oblique reference to an enthronement ceremony by Satanists in the Vatican. Besides, the incidence of Satanic pedophilia– rites and practices– was already documented among certain bishops and priests as widely dispersed as Turin, in Italy, and South Carolina, in the United States. The cultic acts of Satanic pedophilia
  • pedophilia– rites and practices– was already documented among certain bishops and priests as widely dispersed as Turin, in Italy, and South Carolina, in the United States. The cultic acts of Satanic pedophilia are considered by professionals to be the culmination of the Fallen Archangel’s rites.” In his 1996 book Windswept House: A Vatican Novel , which addresses the Vatican’s relationship to the New World

File: Farrow, Ronan.Catch and Kill- Lies, Spies, and a Conspiracy to Protect Predators.2019 -

  • ued. “And one aboutsexual harassment in Hollywood.”His eyes snapped back to me. I wasn’t sure which story had caught his attention.“It’s for a series about undercovered stories in Hollywood,” I said.“Pedophilia, racism, harassment…”Lauer was wearing a neatly tailored suit with a gray windowpane motif and astriped navy tie. He smoothed it down and shifted his attention back to me.“They sound terrific.” He wa
  • o the brass focused on allegations of sexual misconductwith minors, including the ones ultimately reported in the Atlantic aboutdirector Bryan Singer, which he has long denied, as well as claims aboutpedophilia raised by the actor Corey Feldman. An interview with Feldman had beensecured: Today’s head of booking, Matt Zimmerman, had cut a deal whereby theformer child star would perform a song and stay on to
  • y’s head of booking, Matt Zimmerman, had cut a deal whereby theformer child star would perform a song and stay on to answer my questions. ButZimmerman had later called to say Oppenheim considered the pedophilia angle “toodark,” and we’d scrapped the plan.The stories I proposed as replacements presented their own obstacles. Levin, thesenior producer, told McHugh and me that a story about celebrities performi

File: Final Warning - A History of the New World Order by David Allen Rivera -


  • of Satan which has entered the Sanctuary’ C an obli que reference to an enthronement ceremony by Satanists in the Vatican. Besides, the incidence of Satanic pedophilia– rites and practices– was alread y documented among certain bishops and priests as widely dispersed as Turin, i n Italy, and South Carolina, in the United States. The cultic acts of Satanic pedop hil

File: Franklin Cover-Up - John DeCamp -

File: Franklin Cover-up - John DeCamp -


  • s true and what is false. I believe that sunshine and exposure of all facts from all agencies that have information about Franklin would establish the truth of the stories of drug abuse, child abuse, pedophilia, abuse of positions of public trust, cover-up by institutions of government, and, most tragic, involvement in this conduct and later cover-up by some of our most respected and wealthiest citizens. I


  • rld-Herald may attain the status of truth in the minds of those who read it. In the case of Franklin, the paper has repeated a simple theme, shaped by its top personnel-that the Franklin sex scandal, pedophilia and drug abuse stories were trumped up. I can present certain facts, never publicly revealed before now, that exemplify the program of deception carried on by the World-Herald throughout the Franklin


  • the kind of warning Boys Town social worker Julie Walters did, when she asked around about King. They would have heard he was a dangerous man, and they would have heard about pornography, drugs, and pedophilia. Some, at least, of these "great people" from the major compa­ nies, had to know precisely what they were doing when they sponsored Larry King.


  • ame reason that Larry King founded the North Omaha Girls Club? Why, for instance, did the notorious pedophile Alan Baer join the board of the Boys Club? And after the extraordinary publicity over his pedophilia in 1989 and 1990, and his indictment for pandering, how is it conceiv­ able that in 1991 Baer was still on the board of Boys Club? Assume most corporate board members are not involved in child abuse.


  • t people in attendance, from mayors to presidents, from businessmen to congressmen. So, when people say to me, "Well, I was at one of Larry King's parties and I did not see any of this sex or drug or pedophilia stuff," I understand that they may be speaking with honesty and accuracy. As to what really went on, I believe they are wrong. Larry King spent his money far and wide, not just in Ne­ braska. One of


  • mmended for finding a kidnapped girl within one day of beginning work on the case. Inevitably, as a black agent, he would have developed ties in the black community in north Omaha, where Larry King's pedophilia was notorious. Many of the boys King used as prostitutes were black, and were recruited from Boys Town, where the alleged pervert SA Dillon seemed to have friends. Would it have been just a matter of


  • 214 CHAPTER 16 FOUR FIGHTERS WHO DIDN'T QUIT Freeing America from the influence of those who protect and engage in official corruption-from drug dealing to pedophilia, from abuse of public office to protection of satanism-will depend on people who put fear behind them and stand for human dignity. The lives of four fighters who didn't quit, even under frightening c


  • I guarantee you that Paul Bonacci will never go to trial. They will either kill him, or dismiss the charges. We are ready for trial. When we have the trial, the entire picture of crime, drug dealing, pedophilia and child abuse, and even this satanic cult activity, will come out, with all the personalities associated with it. They dare not bring this boy to trial. Or, if they are going to bring him to trial,


  • ation and the allegations made against them. The Franklin investigators had lifted a comer of the rug, under which could be glimpsed a national and international organized crime syndicate, engaged in pedophilia, pornogra­ phy, satanism, drugs, and money-laundering, and protected, as their own limited investigation began to show, by federal au­ thorities. Pull a thread on any comer of this vast, seamless web


  • This has been investigated in Nebraska. When things need investigating, here, they will be investigated." Bonacci also conveyed to Stephens specific recollections related to two other notorious cases-pedophilia and ritualistic abuse in Jordan, Minnesota, and satanism and child sacrifice near Bakersfield, California. In 1983 and 1984, Scott County, Minnesota prosecutor


  • e cover-up. Rev. Bevel was so horrified by what he witnessed during the short mission of the Fact-Finding Commission, that he moved to Nebraska for a period of months, to work with citizens resisting pedophilia and the cover-up of it. He was the target of death threats and physical attack in Omaha. At first I thought that Rev. Bevel must be crazy, or a radical trouble-maker. Why would a middle-aged man with


  • he truth, and that our institutions of government have been as badly corrupted as that implies. If I still had the luxury of believing, as I once did, that the allegations of drug abuse, child abuse, pedophilia, theft and satanic cult activity were exaggerated imaginings of some over­ active child and adult imaginations, then I would not have to do anything about Franklin. I could still be enjoying an incom


  • Is it laundering money for Iran-Contra? Were there murders to protect rich and powerful people? Were there politicians involved in the sins and the cover-up? Does it involve satanic cult activity and pedophilia, and exploitation of children in horrible ways? Why does the World-Herald care so much, and why has it gone overboard to damage and discredit anyone who would maintain that Franklin is more than a ho


  • duals, whom everybody in Omaha is familiar with, and many of whom have been named during the investigation, have engaged in long-term activity involving drug peddling and drug abuse, child abuse, and pedophilia, with particular attention to the abuse of young boys. That in the case of Larry King and the cadre of people he dealt with closely, boys and girls like Paul Bonacci, Troy Boner, Danny King, and Alis
  • for drugs, or 13-year-old girls, or 9-year-old boys, and then blackmail as required. Yes, based on what I have seen, much of which I am legally forbidden to reveal, I have no doubt that child abuse, pedophilia, illegal drug trafficking, murder, satanic cult activity, theft, and a host of other crimes were involved in what we have come to know as the Franklin scandal. Just as surely do I believe, that there


  • by Larry King at his Washington mansion on Embassy Row; (c) the impropriety of these politi­ cians and businessmen and compromising of these people by Larry King, through drugs and using children for pedophilia. 3. When the broadcast tape was sent to the United States, Customs officials seized the documentary and held it up as being "pornographic material." Attorneys for Discovery Channel and Yorkshire TV w


  • tired from an active military role, was long the leader of an Army psycho­ logical warfare section which drew on his "expertise" and personal practices in brainwashing, Satanism, Nazism, homo­ sexual pedophilia and murder. A former director of the CIA was asked directly, "what about 'Monarch' "? He replied angrily, and ambiguously, "We stopped that between the late 1960s and the early 1970s." If a statement

File: Global Bondage - The UN Plan To Rule The World -


  • ing performance data to justify its resource requirements." In a related matter, the peacekeeping troops themselves, most of them from Third World countries, are coming under scrutiny. Allegations of pedophilia surfaced against members of the U.N. peacekeeping operation in Mozambique, which was costing the U.N. $210 million annually. Supposedly there on a humanitarian mission, some of the seven thousand or

File: Healed Planet -


  • % of Americans having “ great faith ” in America ’ s institutions (governments, corporations, churches, etc.), a number that is only about 15% today (or even lower, in these “ War on Terror, ” priest-pedophilia, Enron days). However, many lived lives of quiet desperation, with American housewives being the biggest customer class of Valium when it was introduced in the 1950s, to keep them doped up so they co

File: Henry Makow - Illuminati -


  • president, taken from the mob, from the midst of our puppet creatures." Many "leaders" are kept in line by having them indulge in horrifying occult rituals including human sacrifices, sexual orgies, pedophilia, rape, torture and murder. (See "Illuminati Sex Slaves Paint Horrifying Picture" and "The Root of the Problem: Illuminati or Jews?" within.) The Illuminati goal is to degrade and enslave humanity, me


  • ." It provides the basis for the Illuminati sex cult reflected in the Illuminati symbol, the dot in a circle, symbolizing the penis and vagina. It is also seen in the propensity for homosexuality and pedophilia among initiates. The Cabala preaches that man influences God, and creation requires destruction. It Henry Makow PhD 13


  • luminati plan. Strings are pulled and they mysteriously rise to prominence. It doesn't matter which party they belong to. They secretly serve the "Cause." Many are products of a life that may include pedophilia, drug trafficking and consumption, child pornography, bestiality, mind control, rape, torture, Satanic rituals and human sacrifices. They are given many opportunities to indulge their vices, which en

File: Hidden History Of Money -


  • ted or why good people get assassinated, about why the news media loves war-mongering politicians, about why certain groups are being demonized, about why there are so many child kidnappings and that pedophiliac rings lead to top politicians, about why truth leakers are arrested or killed, about why sometimes we see mixed signals that keep us in confusion and directionless (by the way, the tactic of confusi


  • v. Ted Pike who exposes the real masters behind Talmudism, Zionism, Communism, Marxism, Fascism, banking, liberalism, and media control, and reveals the Talmudic quotes which condone Murder, Bigotry, Pedophilia, and anti-Chris t, i.e. the Pharisaic Synagogue of Satan . In the New Testament, the English word 'Jew" is a translation of the Greek Ioudaios (Yehudah-os

File: Iserbyt - Deliberate Dumbing Down of America (1999) -


  • uman sexuality—thinking which would become institutionalized to the extent that in 1999 the American Psychological Association (APA) felt comfortable publishing in its Journal a study suggesting that pedophilia is harmless and even beneficial if consensual. According to an article in the June 10, 1999 issue of The Washington Times , entitled “Psychology Group Regrets Publishing Pedophilia Report: Practice N

File: James Jackson - World's Most Dangerous Secret Societies -

  • ofwhom have had noted ties to the Council on Foreign Relations. Certainly, adherence to the Jesuit faith does not imply nefarious orconspiratorial intent anymore than adherence to Catholicism implies pedophiliaor Nazi war crime-support. But it is curious how a supposedly secular (and somewould argue Masonically-derived) nation such as America and an allegedly secular(and unquestionably unethical) nation suc

File: Jeffrey Epstein’s High Society Contacts -


  • -developer brothers. Name found in Epstein’s black book . Carter, Graydon: Former editor of Vanity Fair. According to journalist Vicky Ward, he killed portions of a 2003 story that accused Epstein of pedophilia after an office visit from Epstein. (Carter says there wasn’t enough on-the-record sourcing.) “I didn’t invent the system. I just

File: Kennedy - Lucifer's Lodge - Satanic Ritual Abuse in the Catholic Church (2004) -


  • ny ways still is. Malachi Martin, in W indswept H ouse , claimed that such forces, with world domination as their 1. Father Malachi Martin, whom William H. Kennedy knew and worked with to investigate pedophilia and Satanism in the Catholic Church, claimed that the Lucifer- ians he was aware of almost always belonged to the economic and/or political elite.


  • 10 lucifer’s lodge order to establish investigative contacts in each city where the major reports of satanic pedophilia among priests were originat- ing. Martin suggested that I begin researching this cult in Boston, as I was from Massachusetts and could “get a better pulse on the situation.” My first impression of th


  • Fortune’s Curse 51 understood that they would not tolerate his pedophilia. Instead he installed a homosexual lover in an apartment right next to the rec- tory.” 34 “Nor did he try to frighten anyone with hexes, but instead began to use threats of violence to get people to


  • a zero tolerance policy on abusive priests, say- ing it was confusing, ambiguous, and hard to reconcile with church law.” 10 Sh ow down in Chelsea To demonstrate the truly harmful effects of satanic pedophilia and the depths of insanity it brings, consider that Gary M. Garland r ecently attempted to murder Mgsr. Frederick Ryan near the priest’s home in Chelsea, Massachusetts. According to a Boston G lobe r


  • ing the plethora of cases of Church corruption, both financial and sexual, Kunz’s critique unfortunately rings all too true.” 6 K unz and the Cult “From the  s onward Kunz began to hear rumors of pedophilia and Satanism being practiced by his fellow priests. Such rumors began to circulate more and more widely, as repeated reports involving the same priests started flowing in. Kunz befriended F ather Cha


  • up against the irremovable presence of a malign strength in his own Vatican and in certain bishops’ chanceries. It was what knowledgeable Churchmen called the ‘superforce.’ [The] incidence of Satanic pedophilia — rites and practices — was already documented among certain bishops and priests as widely dispersed as Turin, in Italy, and South Carolina, in the United States. The cultic acts of Satanic pedophili
  • edophilia — rites and practices — was already documented among certain bishops and priests as widely dispersed as Turin, in Italy, and South Carolina, in the United States. The cultic acts of Satanic pedophilia are considered by professionals to be the culmination of the Fallen Archangel’s rites. . . . 1 S uddenly it became inarguable that now, during this papacy, the Roman Catholic organization carried a p


  • . And the inordinate power and influence of that network. [Martin quoted: martin.html.] In at least three major cities, members of the clergy have at their disposal at least one pedophiliac coven peopled and maintained exclusively by and for the clergy. W omen religious can find a lesbian coven maintained in a similar way. 2 In a  banned interview for the American Family Associatio


  • usive priests is, of course, horrifying and should receive wide media coverage. However, the sexual abuse of nuns and women by clerics is a far larger problem. The Massachusetts AG’s Report on Priest Pedophilia The Attorney General of Massachusetts, Thomas Reilly, called the clergy sexual abuse scandal in the Archdiocese of Boston “the greatest tragedy to befall children — ever” in Massachusetts, one that i

File: Key, Wilson Bryan - Media Sexploitation, The Hidden Implants in America's Mass Media (1976) -


  • ight be reaching for a telephone number, but somehow that just doesn't make logi- cal sense. The insert provoked the anger of a group of women attorneys in Toronto who strongly objected to the use of pedophilia—the utilization of children as sex objects—in ad- vertising. The twelve-year-old is obviously posed in a sexually provocative posture, her dress stretched above her exposed fanny. Lightly embedded in


  • on is an- swered in the copy head with the statement, "She Still Does!" Simply put, those taboos held most strongly by any culture intensify that culture's vulnerability to subliminal manipula- tion. Pedophilia—the sexualization of children—is unques- tionably the most feared taboo within the American culture, Therefore, it makes a superb subliminal advertising theme. The Thoroughly Integrated Culture The A


  • up to do combat with him. And they had to wait on the stairs until the devil was ready. Various sexual perversions, strongly taboo in the American culture, were cleverly incor porated into the film. Pedophilia, for example (the use of children for sexual stimulation), was a paramount subliminal theme car efully arranged so the audi- ence would not consciously deal with the forbidden subject. Unconscious pe

File: Kincaid, Cliff - Global Bondage, The U.N. Plan to Rule the World -


  • ing performance data to justify its resource requirements." In a related matter, the peacekeeping troops themselves, most of them from Third World countries, are coming under scrutiny. Allegations of pedophilia surfaced against members of the U.N. peacekeeping operation in Mozambique, which was costing the U.N. $210 million annually. Supposedly there on a humanitarian mission, some of the seven thousand or

File: Memoirs of Bob Hope's and Henry Kissinger's Mind-Controlled Slave -


  • er people's project for th e future . An investment that provided him access to high-te ch hypnotic information, financial security, and most probably immunity from prosecution for charges invo lving pedophilia, child prostitution, and child pornograp hy. "He shall give His Angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in t heir hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone

File: Millegan, Kris - Fleshing Out Skull and Bones, Investigations into America's Most Powerful Secret Society (2003) -


  • or her own hierarchy of s ecret conspiracies threatening our society. The list is too long for this article, but would include some of these: all criminal activists, violent Right-to-Life facti ons, pedophilia traffickers, violent white-power advocates, anti-tax groups that practic e fraud, illegal pornographers, a multitude of scam artists operating just within t he law, the Elmer Gantrys of religious exp

File: Nield, Michael - The Police State Road Map (2004) -


  • d to the west each year for sex, The Guardian, London, 12 July 2002. See http://www.propagandamatrix.c om/ 6000_ children_smuggle d_to_the_ west_each_year_for_sex 30. U.N. Finally Forced to Probe Its Pedophilia Scandal,, 7 May 2002. See http:// www.propaganda un_fina lly_forced_to _probe_its_pedophillia_scanda l 149 The Police State Road Map (March 2005 Edition) www. policestateplann

File: Occult Science-Dictatorship - The Official State Science-Religion And How To Get Excommunicated -


  • ndage and sadism. These were only cartoons, but the mental attitude appealed to wa s unmistakable. This link misrepresented and effectively smeared the idea of fr ee-thought, falsely equating it with pedophilia, sadism, child sexual abuse, torture and murder. This clearly wasn't opposed to "everything that degrades or burdens mankind mentally or phys ically", but more its opposite. Since when have the secr

File: Order Out Of Chaos -


  • mindless television, degenerate rock, pop, rap, hip-hop music, among a host of ot hers; to encourage multicultu ralism, immigration, and to brand anyone who opposes these issues as 'racist'; to make pedophilia, rape and sexual conquests acceptable and respect able; to cause total collapse of the

File: Paul Joseph Watson - Order Out Of Chaos -


  • mindless television, degenerate rock, pop, rap, hip-hop music, among a host of ot hers; to encourage multicultu ralism, immigration, and to brand anyone who opposes these issues as 'racist'; to make pedophilia, rape and sexual conquests acceptable and respect able; to cause total collapse of the

File: Taylor - Thanks for Memories - Memoirs of Bob Hope's and Henry Kissinger's Mind-Controlled Slave -


  • er people's project for th e future . An investment that provided him access to high-te ch hypnotic information, financial security, and most probably immunity from prosecution for charges invo lving pedophilia, child prostitution, and child pornograp hy. "He shall give His Angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in t heir hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone

File: Trance Formation Of America -


  • Orders of the Rose, 1 I have witnessed girls die of suffocation fro m this practice oven though 3 to 5 minutes without breathing is common. 2 While Bonnie was not raised in Project Monarch, Houston's pedophilia and stage hypnosis techniques rendered Bonnie unable to control her own actions. Bonnie is a multiple with a record of prostitution in need of therapy and care. 3 Irby Mandrell openly discussed Senat


  • ndon. 1 had seen Cheney stumbling drunk before, but this was the only time I saw him use heroin and give it to me. Kelly, too, was subjected to the drugs. Bush attempted to sell Cheney on the idea of pedophilia through graphic descriptions of having sex with Kelly. Bo th were already sexually aroused from drugs and anticipation. Cheney demonstrat ed to Bush why he did not have sex with kids by exposing hims

File: You Are Being Lied To -


  • xploita - tion of children. The gay/pedophile association appeared regularly in “gay rights” referenda since the 1970s, when a notorious slogan alleged that “homosexuals aren’t born—they recruit.” 51 Pedophilia was central to anti-gay rhetoric until the mid-1980s, when it was largely replaced by the still more effective terror weapon of AIDS. However, the pedophile issue has since reemerged in recent attemp

File: Gale Encyclopedia Of Psychology -


  • new treat- ment for people who engage in undesirable behaviors. In the past 30 years it has been researched as a treatment for alcoholism, smoking, obesity , and various sexual de- viations including pedophilia and exhibitionism. Covert sensitization discourages people from engag- ing in unwanted behaviors by creating an association be- tween those behaviors and an unpleasant consequence. Because of this, i


  • wardly. P edophilia P edophilia involves sexual activity with a child, generally under age 13. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders describes a criterion that the individual with pedophilia be over 16 years of age and be at least five years older than the child. Individuals with this disorder may be attracted to either males or fe- males or both, although incidents of pedophilic activit


  • modification is most likely to suc- ceed when a combination of therapy, aversion technique (using electric shock or visualization to change pleasure e xperience), and medication is employed. See also Pedophilia Further Reading Baumeister, Roy F. Escaping the Self: Alcoholism, Spirituality, Masochism, and Other Flights from the Burden of Self- hood. New York: Basic Books, 1991. Caplan, Paula J. The Myth of W


  • y of Chicago Press, 1949. P edophilia T he recurrent, intense presence of sexual urges and fantasies of at least six months’ duration, involving sexual activity with prepubescent children. Assessment Pedophilia is a subcategory of a larger group of sex- ual disorders commonly classified as paraphilias. These are defined as recurrent, intense, aphrodisiac fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors, over a period


  • her non-consenting partners. If these recurrent fan- tasies, urges, and behaviors involve sexual activities with prepubescent children (generally age 13 or younger), the main diagnostic criterion for pedophilia is met. Pedophilia encompasses simple voyeurism of nude children, observing children at various stages of undress or assisting them to undress, sexual fondling, exposing oneself, performing oral sex
  • f their desire. Once a per- son has engaged in sexual activity with a child, he or she is then additionally labeled a “child molester.” Thus, child molestation is subsumed in the overall condition of pedophilia. A psychological profile of pedophilia escapes devel- opment because perpetrators appear to constitute a het- erogenous group. However, some common characteris- tics prevail among both pedophiles and
  • aged in sexual activity with a child, he or she is then additionally labeled a “child molester.” Thus, child molestation is subsumed in the overall condition of pedophilia. A psychological profile of pedophilia escapes devel- opment because perpetrators appear to constitute a het- erogenous group. However, some common characteris- tics prevail among both pedophiles and child molesters. The great majority of
  • ove r, the pedophile is usually a relative, friend, or neigh- bor of the child’s family . Alcohol is associated with al- most 50 percent of molestation cases, but is not neces- sarily correlated with pedophilia in general. Pedophilia tends to be a chronic condition, and recidivism is high. The motives for engaging in sexual activity with children are rather divergent among pedophiles, but one theme recurs:
  • t until later in life, but more often than not, manifests in adoles- cence . By definition, it requires a minimum of five years’ age between the perpetrator and the child in order to be classified as pedophilia. The disorder is more com- mon in those who have been sexually abused in their o wn childhoods. In that subcategory of persons, the per- petrators choose victims in accordance with their own ages at
  • riteria. Second, there is even among professionals a wide variance in definitional criteria and identification of this disorder. There are two major professional tools employed to assess and diagnose pedophilia. The first is through phal- lometric testing (also referred to as penile plethysmo- graphic assessment, or PPG), which measures changes in penile blood volume occurring simultaneously with the presen
  • negative variation (CNV) sys- tem measures brain wa v es as putative indices of sexual desire under conditions of sexual stimulation relevant to pedophilic arousal. Tr eatment Behavioral treatment of pedophilia does not affect recidivism, nor apparently does incarceration. The con- dition remains chronic, and for this reason, societal inter- est in incarceration prevails over what is generally seen as equiv
  • mains chronic, and for this reason, societal inter- est in incarceration prevails over what is generally seen as equivocal behavior treatment. Although most practitioners believe that the etiology of pedophilia is psychologically oriented, a report pub- lished in the J ournal of Neuro Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience suggested that bilateral anterior temporal disease, affecting more right than left temp


  • pedophilia. Therefore, further observation and research is necessary to assess diagnostic and treatment implications for all neurologically based paraphilias. In late 1999, Israeli researchers published a repor
  • injected once a month, compared to other similar anti-androgen drugs, which must be administered more often and have more serious side effects. Current trends The effective diagnosis and treatment of pedophilia is threatened by three key developments going into the new century. The 1994 (Fourth) edition of the profes- sional therapists’ bible, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-I
  • w century. The 1994 (Fourth) edition of the profes- sional therapists’ bible, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), adds another (controversial) criterion for diagnosing pedophilia. It in- cludes, in its diagnostic definitional criteria, that the fan- tasies, urges, or behaviors “...cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important


  • aviors that may involve sexual partners that are not human, not consent- ing, or that involve suffering by one or both partners. Common types of paraphilia are bestiality, exhibition- ism, masochism, pedophilia, sadomasochism, and vo yeurism. P arapsychology. The study of paranormal phenom- ena, the most significant being ESP and psychokinesis. Pa rasomnia. Sleeping disorder that involves unusu- al phenomen


  • personality 478 P attern and Growth in Personality 29 Pa vlov, Ivan 71, 478–479, 479 (ill.) behavioral etiology 231 conditioning 124, 144, 145 Pearson Product-Moment Correlation 155 Pearson, Karl 155 Pedophilia 114, 471, 479–481 Peer acceptance 481–482 Peer mediation 482–484 Peer pressure 485 drugs/drug abuse 293 Penfield, Wilder Graves 485–487, 486 (ill.) People skills. See Emotional intelli- gence. See al

File: Mask Of Sanity -


  • en customary to use the term sexu al psychopath to designate homosexuals, sadists, masochists, and also people specifically inclined towards exhibitionism, voyeurism, fetishism, cross - dressing, and pedophilia. Included at times with these deviations under the concept of sexual psychopathy were also types of abnormal behavior designated as erotomania and sexual immaturity. For many years before and after t

File: Hostage To The Devil - Malachi Martin -


  • f "specialization" has come about. One can choose either a heterosexual or a homosexual coven, for example. In at least three ma jor cities, members of the cler gy have at their disposal at least one pedophiliac coven peopl ed and maintained exclusiv ely by and for the clergy. Women religious can find a lesbian coven main tained in a similar way. We know, too, that in many public schools in any major city,

File: Blanche Barton - Sycophants Unite -


  • te. Recent articles in one or two of these newsletters have advo cated rape, bestiality, and incest as viable Satanic alternatives, as well as providing a forum for hashing out such burning issues as pedophilia and fascism. In doing this, they create conflicts wh ere none need exist, just for the sake of rhetorical gymnastics. I figured out such actions are wrong wh en I was a little kid; things like rape,
  • and fascism. In doing this, they create conflicts wh ere none need exist, just for the sake of rhetorical gymnastics. I figured out such actions are wrong wh en I was a little kid; things like rape, pedophilia and bestiality are unacceptable in civilized society because they are harmful, disruptive, unjust and they hurt innocent creatures. End of discussion. Is that so hard to figure out? Don't we all know


  • en our ranks. There is no room in the Church of Satan for hairsplitters and nitpickers. If you have a policy question, you can call or write to the Church of Satan and ask wh at the Church's stand on pedophilia or bestiality is (if you have n't read Th e Satanic Bible yet); we don't need BBS bickerings or pointless newsletter interchanges "to ham mer these issues out." Go to the source and ask wh at Satanic

File: Church of Satan - Grotto Master's Handbook -


  • ent articles in one or two of these newsletters have advocated rape, bestiality, and incest as viable Satanic alternatives, as well as providing a forum for hashing out such burning Satanic issues as pedophilia and fascism. In doing this, they create conflicts where none need exist, just for the sake of rhetorical gymnastics. I figured out such actions are wrong when I was a little kid; things like rape, pe
  • ia and fascism. In doing this, they create conflicts where none need exist, just for the sake of rhetorical gymnastics. I figured out such actions are wrong when I was a little kid; things like rape, pedophilia and bestiality are unacceptable in civilized society because they are harmful, disruptive, unjust and they hurt innocent creatures. End of discussion. Is that so hard to figure out? Don't we all know


  • en our ranks. There is no room in the Church of Satan for hair-splitters and nitpickers. If you have a policy question, you can call or write to the Church of Satan and ask what the Church's stand on pedophilia or bestiality is (if you haven't read The Satanic Bible yet); we don't need BBS bickerings or pointless newsletter interchanges "to hammer these issues out". Go to the source and ask what Satanic pol

File: Joy of Satan -


  • . Their numerous and shameful scandals speak for themselves. Each time an xian priest or minister says a mass or service, he invokes the nazarene. The spirit of the nazarene influences his behavior. (Pedophilia). "YE SHALL KNOW THEM BY THEIR WORKS" The TRUE God is the LIBERATOR of humanity, the bringer of TRUTH and light. "THERE IS NO GOD BUT MYSELF" "KNOWING THIS, WHO DARES WORSHIP THE FALSE GODS OF THE KO


  • ien greys- souls in exchange for wealth. The greys harvest human souls in a mass of energy they call “The One.” The xian religion has no spirituality. It is all material and dead. Last year, when the pedophilia scandals were finally out of the Vatican’s control, the Catholic Pope addressed Satan as "His Infernal Majesty." It can be seen in front of the world that this Pope of theirs has really gotten a spir


  • " is another scare tactic by the Catholic Church and the alleged true story behind it is a horrific example of Christian Ritual Abuse, which is alarmingly prevalent, but like the recent exposé of the pedophilia scandals, these have been suppressed by the media, given the wealth, power, and control of the Christian Churches. Victims of choice are children and young people. It is claimed the victimized girl’s

File: Michael Aquino - Extreme Prejudice - The Presidio Satanic Abuse Scam -

  • High Priest of the Temple ofSet tothe entire Priesthood of Set - the officials of the entire institution. As youread throughthem, I am sure that you saw that they had nothing even remotely do do withpedophilia or any other degenerate activity. Where they talked about integrity,in fact,they emphasized the high standards of integrity upon which the Temple of Set hasalways insisted. These issues of Hieroglyph
  • they talked about integrity,in fact,they emphasized the high standards of integrity upon which the Temple of Set hasalways insisted. These issues of Hieroglyphs would dispel, I. think, any notionthatpedophiliac activities are being carried on within the “secret inner circle” oftheTemple. That “inner circle” - the Priesthood of Set - is concerned withmaintaining theTemple’s high ethical standards, not with
  • ghest moral and professional evaluationsandrecognitions.From your confiscation of my wife’s and my personal property during yoursurprisesearch of our home, you further know that neither of us had any pedophiliacmaterialswhatever. And from both your confiscation of executive papers and your review ofthegeneral membership materials of the Temple of Set, you know that there isnothingwhatever in its doctrines o
  • es or advocates theabuse ofchildren, ritually or otherwise. [Indeed, from the papers I provided you, youare awarethat hundreds of priests and ministers from conventional churches have beeninvolved in pedophilia. Since the Temple of Set is conspicuous for having noinvolvement whatever with any crime, including this one, since its founding 13yearsago, why should it be singled out for persecution in this insta

  • suspects”, stated that we were “under investigation”, and stated that“videotapes”had been among the items confiscated from our home. The obvious implicationwas that the videotapes contained something pedophiliac or otherwise criminal,whereas in actuality they contained nothing of the sort [see Tab C]. The effectofthe wording of the S.F.P.D. statements was to cause great harm to my wife’s andmy reputations,

  • , and a fraudulently backdated, post-publicity diaryalteration by Mrs. Adams-Thompson to try to support that package story cannotchange that fact. The surprise police raid yielded not a single item ofpedophiliaor anything indicating that I have the slightest interest in or involvement withthis subject. As for the external “identification” of 123 by Almond in thecompany of her mother, her simultaneous “ident
  • odomy (as her stepfather A-T alleged).(5) INDECENT ACTS OR LIBERTIES WITH A CHILD: There is no evidence that Ihave had any such contact with any child. There is nothing in my life history tosuggest a pedophiliac disposition. Quite the contrary, at such times as I havebeen involved with young people - as for example an Assistant Scoutmaster andNational Commander of the Eagle Scout Honor Society in the Boy Sc

File: Michael Aquino - Ruby Tablet of Set -


  • sexuall y interacting with the child victims for reasons other than a true sexual prefer ence for children. The children are substitute victims, and the abusive activ ity may have little to do w ith pedophilia [see my monograph Child Molesters: A Behavioral Analysis (1987) for a further expl anation about types of molesters]. Male and Female Victims : Both boys and girls appear to be targeted, but with an

File: Dennis McKenna - Brotherhood Of The Screaming Abyss -

  • I trusted him completely. I was well intomy twenties when, after hearing of reports of a sexual abuse scandal involvingthe church, I thought: So that’s what was going on!What is it about priests and pedophilia? Church officials would like to blamethe trend on a few bad apples, but I think it’s much more common than they’llever admit. The idiotic celibacy rule undoubtedly contributes to the problem.Being a

File: 2012 - Enlightened -


  • nunnaki switched the gender of the universal creator God from the Mother (Audi Shakti) to father: which was the dominant force on their planet. It was the Anunnaki who introduced polygamy, incest and pedophilia, which are characteristic to their culture. Such traits evolved into other cultures, including the ancient Egyptian royalty and the patriarchs of the Old Testament who followed the laws of “God” orde

File: Gnosis Of Kali Yuga -


  • t one was usele ss without the other, that a priest is invalid without a priestess, etc. The result of abjectly rejecting sex led to abominations, secret affairs, fanaticism, burnings at the stake... Pedophilia develops as a result to this type of abuse to sex. As a reaction to the absurd forms of asceticism, sexual hedonism arrives in a final period, when religion begins to decline and dissolve. Throughout

File: Principles of Neurotheology -


  • parents of disabled children in the uK: considerations for service providers and the disability movement.” Health Soc Care Community. 2003;11:502-509.45 Tieman, J. “Priest scandal hits hospitals. As pedophilia reports grow, church officials suspend at least six hospital chaplains in an effort to address alleged sexual abuse.” Mod Healthc. 2002;32:6-7; Rossetti, S.J. “The impact of child sexual abuse on att

File: H.P. Lovecraft, Kenneth Grant, and the Typhonian Tradition in Magic -


  • understand Set to represent raw sexuality we can realize Set's place in theEgyptian cosmos. Set is power, at its most primal and basic (“uncivilized”) humanlevel. Unrestrained, it results in rape and pedophilia among other depravations.Restrained, it can be a potent source of protection and occult power. But this powerlives in a wild and uninhabited place, outside of society, a wasteland of invisible windsa
  • description of modernhumanity's relationship to sexuality as any.It could be argued that our reaction to the concept of sexuality is based upon itsmore controversial aspects. From teen pregnancy and pedophilia to rape, adultery,abortion, pornography, prostitution, sexually-transmitted diseases, and even gaymarriage ... sexuality to the modern mind (West and East) is a minefield of dangerousassociations. Cr

File: Dictionary of Gnosis & Western Esotericism -


  • figments of the survivors’imaginations, that no secret Satanic undergroundexisted, and that the imaginary evil of internationalSatanic pedophile cults should not be confusedwith the very real evil of pedophilia. After thesereports, the number of court cases involving alle-gations of Satanic ritual abuse decreased from sev-eral hundreds to less than ten per year on aworldwide scale, and most convictions base

File: Apotheosis Psycherotica -


  • et cetera. ftpr is aboutexploringthe weirdworldof sex.IHC:Speakingof that, Iheardv]&s decabiAwas arrested forhavingsex with anabortedfetus.SMT: To be fair, it was a partial-birthabortion,so it'salmostpedophilia; especiallyif youreinflatethe head.IHC:Ugh. I think this interview isover.SMT: Pull my finger.Join us nexttime, if there aren't any accidents in theinterim, sincelifeis all-too-fragile to trust that


  • one requested feature thatyouwill not add topilusophy, andwhynot?Thatdependsonwhatyoucalla feature, and whatyoucalla fetish.Forinstance, Iofficiallyrejected the request to rationalize the practice of pedophilia, while actually acceptingtheunderlyingpremise that children have theirownsexuality. The better solution is not tointroducemorefetishes, but to fix thenotionof sexuality to includeallforms offetishism


  • playvictim).As always, a full disclosureonyourcurrent health andreproductivestatus are mandatory forallinteractions.Someoneshouldn't be forcing thevictimroleon youwithoutyourpermission.6)PilusophyandPedophiliaby ProtoaxisWhat isyouropinionof pedophilia in general andpilusophy's role in it? Given that pedophilia can berationalizedbypilusophy, wouldit be acceptable todoso? Doyouseegoodfuture for this tandem?
  • yourcurrent health andreproductivestatus are mandatory forallinteractions.Someoneshouldn't be forcing thevictimroleon youwithoutyourpermission.6)PilusophyandPedophiliaby ProtoaxisWhat isyouropinionof pedophilia in general andpilusophy's role in it? Given that pedophilia can berationalizedbypilusophy, wouldit be acceptable todoso? Doyouseegoodfuture for this tandem?As far aspilusophyis concerned, sex is sex,
  • linteractions.Someoneshouldn't be forcing thevictimroleon youwithoutyourpermission.6)PilusophyandPedophiliaby ProtoaxisWhat isyouropinionof pedophilia in general andpilusophy's role in it? Given that pedophilia can berationalizedbypilusophy, wouldit be acceptable todoso? Doyouseegoodfuture for this tandem?As far aspilusophyis concerned, sex is sex, orgasm is orgasm, and kids are kids.The practice of pedophi
  • ophilia can berationalizedbypilusophy, wouldit be acceptable todoso? Doyouseegoodfuture for this tandem?As far aspilusophyis concerned, sex is sex, orgasm is orgasm, and kids are kids.The practice of pedophiliavergesonbeingirresponsible. While Idon't readily accept practicing it, Idoacceptchildrenwhogolookingfor it,providedtheyunderstandtheconsequencesanddangers, anddoso of theirownfree will. Themainproblem
  • rnto payment.On the otherhand, whatever (orwhoever) you doinyourhead isyourbusiness. As a strictlynon-practicedsexuality, as withallnon-practicedsexualities, it is perfectlyokay.The currentapproachto pedophilia is a bitparanoid, I think. That is partly a result of society'sunwillingnesstoadmitthat children can be theleastbit interested in sex, and partly the result of the RMT/FMSepidemic. At theveryleast, I
  • le thatpilusophyexists merely to rationalizeillegalactivity?The law was madebypeoplewhotooka narrowview of sex. While the law can be agoodthing (Iwhollysupportthecontinuedillegalityof the practice of pedophilia), it can also bemisdirectedandcounter-productive(psychiatryis mentalrape).Pilusophy's officialstanceonallmattersis, “If it harmsnoone,dowhatthouwill.” As for the law, “Love is thelaw; love willingly.


  • 146TheBookofRevolutionwrittenbyKristanXaraFuckthepilusophyrevolution. Pedophilia ain'tfunnyanymore.Will someone please visitme, Saul, and v]&s injail?

File: Tantric.Temples -

  • d because it is so controversial. We have seen, in theWest, how a politician's sexuality can destroy his career, particularly if it isof a “transgressive” nature—extra-marital affairs, homosexuality, pedophilia,etc. Some of our most attractive politicians—the most charismatic anddynamic—have been womanizers or have been accused of being so: Jack Kennedy,Robert Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Martin Luther King. The

File: Symbols_of_the_Kabbalah_Philosophical_and_Psychological_Perspectives-Jason_Aronson_Inc__2000 -


  • ral" that mankind should engage in various scientific, mythological, and even "perverse" efforts aimed at overcoming them. We might say that the pervert who delights in sadomasochism, transsexualism, pedophilia, etc., as well as all those who achieve erotic gratification in an experience that they describe as akin to death, are participants in mythological dramas in which the basic antinomies of human exist

File: Satanism. A Social History -


  • 357The Origins Of Contemporary Satanism, 1952–1980<UN>Connections with neo-Nazism, prostitution, and pedophilia plagued for decades the small British Satanist organizations. Another case in point was the Orthodox Temple of the Prince, led by one Ray “Ramon” Bogarde in Man-chester. It reinterpreted teachings of


  • ions of Satanism were almost non-existent. In the 1980s, in the context of the Satanism scare, old ac-cusations were revived, and this time Satanism was included. Well before the very real problem of pedophilia created one of the worst crises in the history of the Catholic Church, some survivors and therapists became concerned about the fact that Catholics operated the largest network of pre-schools in the


  • m of the violence. Underwager and his wife Hollida Wakefield did not help their case when, in 1993, they gave an inter-view to the Dutch journal Paidika, which favors a (limited) decriminalization of pedophilia.107 Underwager resigned from the scientific committee of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, of which he was a member, and stated that the interview was misinterpreted and he was against any depena
  • ger resigned from the scientific committee of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, of which he was a member, and stated that the interview was misinterpreted and he was against any depenalization of pedophilia.108 But the damage was done.The general problem of true and false memories in children who accuse adults of sexual molestation should, however, be kept distinct from the specific question of “ritual”

File: ruby_tablet_of_set -


  • o be sexually interacting with the child victims for reasons other than a true sexual preference for children. The children are substitute victims, and the abusive activity may have little to do with pedophilia [see my monograph Child Molesters: A Behavioral Analysis (1987) for a further explanation about types of molesters]. Male and Female Victims: Both boys and girls appear to be targeted, but with an ap

File: ss198710 -


  • ons: spiritual and religious purpose, to gain reasons: spiritual and religious purpose, to gain power, to gratify sado-masochistic impulses, to power, to gratify sado-masochistic impulses, to gratify pedophilia.gratify pedophilia.It is a high honor to “steal a child from the It is a high honor to “steal a child from the other world” and destroy it’s innocence in its other world” and destroy it’s innocence i
  • religious purpose, to gain reasons: spiritual and religious purpose, to gain power, to gratify sado-masochistic impulses, to power, to gratify sado-masochistic impulses, to gratify pedophilia.gratify pedophilia.It is a high honor to “steal a child from the It is a high honor to “steal a child from the other world” and destroy it’s innocence in its other world” and destroy it’s innocence in its indoctrinatio

File: ss198712 -


  • od of Set. As you read through them, I am sure that you saw you read through them, I am sure that you saw that they had nothing even remotely to do with that they had nothing even remotely to do with pedophilia or any other degenerate activity. pedophilia or any other degenerate activity. Where they talked about integrity, in fact, they Where they talked about integrity, in fact, they emphasized the emphasi
  • e that you saw you read through them, I am sure that you saw that they had nothing even remotely to do with that they had nothing even remotely to do with pedophilia or any other degenerate activity. pedophilia or any other degenerate activity. Where they talked about integrity, in fact, they Where they talked about integrity, in fact, they emphasized the emphasized the highhigh standards of integrity stand
  • upon which the Temple of Set has always upon which the Temple of Set has always insisted. These issues of insisted. These issues of HieroglyphsHieroglyphs would would dispel, I think, any notion that pedophiliac dispel, I think, any notion that pedophiliac activities are being carried on within the “secret activities are being carried on within the “secret inner circle” of the Temple. That “inner circle” -
  • which the Temple of Set has always insisted. These issues of insisted. These issues of HieroglyphsHieroglyphs would would dispel, I think, any notion that pedophiliac dispel, I think, any notion that pedophiliac activities are being carried on within the “secret activities are being carried on within the “secret inner circle” of the Temple. That “inner circle” - inner circle” of the Temple. That “inner circ

File: MATRIX V - Quest of the Spirit - The Ultimate Frontier - The Code to the Matrix -


  • ange characters. Movies like Alice in Wonderland had entirely different meaning. Seeing movies like Angels in the Outfield analyzed by Film Expert Lennon Honor on Youtube revealed profound amounts of Pedophilia. It is clear Disney and his group of Dark Magicians are out to hurt children, introduce dark magic into the household, and bring about the continued plan of population mind control. KEEP YOUR KIDS AW

File: Valdamar Valerian - Matrix III Volume 2 -


  • h e CectiveIv terminated everv case involvinp a U. S. Attorney ~rior to her assuminp ofice in May 1992. Many of these cases incriminated state law officials in their covering up of drug traflticking, pedophilia and child ritual murders). [ Obstruction of Justice ] The United States ratifies the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, permitting de facto world government influence in US domesti

File: Joy of Satan -


  • . Their numerous and shameful scandals speak for themselves. Each time an xian priest or minister says a mass or service, he invokes the nazarene. The spirit of the nazarene influences his behavior. (Pedophilia). "YE SHALL KNOW THEM BY THEIR WORKS" The TRUE God is the LIBERATOR of humanity, the bringer of TRUTH and light. "THERE IS NO GOD BUT MYSELF" "KNOWING THIS, WHO DARES WORSHIP THE FALSE GODS OF THE KO


  • ien greys- souls in exchange for wealth. The greys harvest human souls in a mass of energy they call “The One.” The xian religion has no spirituality. It is all material and dead. Last year, when the pedophilia scandals were finally out of the Vatican’s control, the Catholic Pope addressed Satan as "His Infernal Majesty." It can be seen in front of the world that this Pope of theirs has really gotten a spir


  • " is another scare tactic by the Catholic Church and the alleged true story behind it is a horrific example of Christian Ritual Abuse, which is alarmingly prevalent, but like the recent exposé of the pedophilia scandals, these have been suppressed by the media, given the wealth, power, and control of the Christian Churches. Victims of choice are children and young people. It is claimed the victimized girl’s

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