Chaos Magic

Found in 186 Books

File: Alchemy Journal Vol.2 No.3 -


  • application of Nagualism as a tool for alchemical change. After an introduction to the fundamental concepts of Nagualism, these concepts are used to examine the appearance of alchemical principles in Chaos magic and Native American magic. Concept of the Assemblage Point A most useful concept for studying the epistemology of magic is the idea of the assemblage point. This idea comes from a branch of combined


  • pts and spatial arraignments. It is these smaller movements that are so important in preparing the aspirant for the larger shift that results in the manifestation of a whole new universe. Elements in Chaos Magic Figure 1. Elements of Chaos Magic. Air, Earth, Fire and Water most commonly designate the four classical elements of magic and philosophy. Chaos magic adopts the tradition of the four elements and ad


  • gram is the simplest possible map of the universe, even the Chaos from which it phenomenizes has been omitted. The pentagram is also a symbol of magic, for it shows ether and matter interacting... In Chaos magic operations, the Elements may be seen as alternating in position around the pentagram depending on whether they are dominant or subordinate in a particular working. In some operations, space and time


  • ian Caucasian Racial Gift Soul Mind Spirit Technology Racial Achievement Rhythm & Dance Martial Arts & Taoism Ecology & Environment Nuclear Fusion (?) Table 1. Some correspondences to the Elements of Chaos Magic. Jeff Owrey studies the relationship between Chaos Magic and alchemical transformation and has a thought-provoking website at His email is [email protected]. © 2001 by Jeff Owrey. ht

File: Aleister Crowley - Illustrated Goetia -


  • Pathworkings of Aleister Crowley By Aleister Crowley Info-Psychology The Game of Life By Timothy Leary, Ph.D. Sparks From the Fire of Time By Rick & Louisa Clerici Condensed Chaos: An Introduction to Chaos Magick By Phil Hine The Challenge of the New Millennium By Jerral Hicks, Ed.D. The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic The Golden Dawn Tapes-Series I, II, and III By Israel Regardie Buddhism and Jungian P

File: Aleister Crowley - Illustrated Goetia -


  • Pathworkings of Aleister Crowley By Aleister Crowley Info-Psychology The Game of Life By Timothy Leary, Ph.D. Sparks From the Fire of Time By Rick & Louisa Clerici Condensed Chaos: An Introduction to Chaos Magick By Phil Hine The Challenge of the New Millennium By Jerral Hicks, Ed.D. The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic The Golden Dawn Tapes-Series I, II, and III By Israel Regardie Buddhism and Jungian P

File: David Icke - 2010 - Human Race Get Off Your Knees -


  • the father of modem manifestations of Satanism, but this is incorrect. Perhaps Crowle is the grandfather of modern left hand path groups, but their stepfather i eter James carro ,;the founder of the Chaos Magick School. There are a number of reasons or t is an e various Black Lodges within Australia have developed from their early twentieth century reliance upon recruiting from fringe Masonic groups, throug

File: David Icke - 2010 - Human Race Get Off Your Knees -


  • the father of modem manifestations of Satanism, but this is incorrect. Perhaps Crowle is the grandfather of modern left hand path groups, but their stepfather i eter James carro ,;the founder of the Chaos Magick School. There are a number of reasons or t is an e various Black Lodges within Australia have developed from their early twentieth century reliance upon recruiting from fringe Masonic groups, throug

File: David Icke - Human Race Get Off Your Knees -


  • the father of modem manifestations of Satanism, but this is incorrect. Perhaps Crowle is the grandfather of modern left hand path groups, but their stepfather i eter James carro ,;the founder of the Chaos Magick School. There are a number of reasons or t is an e various Black Lodges within Australia have developed from their early twentieth century reliance upon recruiting from fringe Masonic groups, throug

File: Various Essays On Lucid Dreaming -


  • enlightenment is the true purpose for working with dreams or any other practice in Buddhism. Practical Applications of the Chaossphere by Fra.: Neonfaust The Chaossphere is the prime working tool of Chaos magicians and the Magical Pact of the Illuminates of Thanateros (IOT). The physical Chaossphere has a vast range of applications of which a few shall be briefly delineated here: Meditation employing the C

File: Eyes Wide Open - Fiona Barnett 2nd Edition -


  • father of modern manifestations of Satanism, but this is incorrect. Perhaps Crowley is the grandfather of modern left-hand path groups, but their stepfather is Peter James Carroll, the founder of the Chaos Magick School. There are a number of reasons for this and the various Black Lodges within Australia have developed from their early twentieth century reliance upon recruiting from fringe Masonic groups , t

File: Gary Lachman - Dark Star Rising -

  • oday they spreadthrough the internet, rather like the similarly biologically rooted idea of“computer viruses.”The “magic” end of meme magic comes from its link to what is known as “chaosmagick.” What chaos magick is—it adopts the spelling favored by AleisterCrowley, the most famous magician of the twentieth century—will be explainedfurther on. For now we can say that rather than stick to the spells, grimoire
  • ersonalinitiative and imagination, his ability, that is, to make it up as he goesalong. Rather than fuss over wands and bells and incense, and getting the nameof that particular demon just right, the chaos magician uses whatever is athand. For today’s chaos magician, this means the memes that are propagatedacross the internet.For chaos magicians and many other contemporary occultists, the internet servesthe
  • is, to make it up as he goesalong. Rather than fuss over wands and bells and incense, and getting the nameof that particular demon just right, the chaos magician uses whatever is athand. For today’s chaos magician, this means the memes that are propagatedacross the internet.For chaos magicians and many other contemporary occultists, the internet servesthe same purpose that the “astral plane” does for tradit
  • cense, and getting the nameof that particular demon just right, the chaos magician uses whatever is athand. For today’s chaos magician, this means the memes that are propagatedacross the internet.For chaos magicians and many other contemporary occultists, the internet servesthe same purpose that the “astral plane” does for traditional magicians, as akind of psychic ether that can transmit their willed intent
  • fice through the power of positive thinking does quite a lot ofpositive thinking himself.Yet what is also strange about this very strange development is that Trump seemsto be something of a “natural” chaos magician too.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------• • •ONE THING THAT came through during Trump’s campaign, and which was made evenclearer during the first months
  • hings too seriously can be gleaned from his manygnomic late-night tweets and non sequitur–style interviews, which if nothingelse reveal a flexible view of things like “truth” and “reality.” If, as onechaos magician tells us, for chaos magick “reality becomes a playground,” amake-believe world “chaoticians” temporarily take for real, Trump’s oftenoutrageous pronouncements give the impression that for him real
  • eaned from his manygnomic late-night tweets and non sequitur–style interviews, which if nothingelse reveal a flexible view of things like “truth” and “reality.” If, as onechaos magician tells us, for chaos magick “reality becomes a playground,” amake-believe world “chaoticians” temporarily take for real, Trump’s oftenoutrageous pronouncements give the impression that for him reality is a kind ofplayground to
  • se things. This is called “shifting the boundary of Achievable Reality,”which seems another way of expressing the desire to create reality itself.Another characteristic that Trump seems to share with chaos magick is that he isa product of postmodernism. He is, in fact, the first “postmodern president,” inthe same way that chaos magick is a kind of “postmodern occultism.”14[17_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber13]----
  • create reality itself.Another characteristic that Trump seems to share with chaos magick is that he isa product of postmodernism. He is, in fact, the first “postmodern president,” inthe same way that chaos magick is a kind of “postmodern occultism.”14[17_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber13]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------• • •POSTMODERNISM IS A philosophical perspectiv
  • asan bin Sabbah, “the Old Man of the Mountain,”leader of the ancient Islamic sect of Ismailis called the Hashashin, orAssassins, is taken as given.15 [17_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber14] The same goesfor chaos magick.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------• • •AS I READ through the posts and newspaper articles that came in the wake ofTrump’s election, one stood out among
  • under several pseudonyms, and one of the themeshe came back to regularly was the magician’s ability to alter reality throughthe power of the mind alone, something we’ve seen that both New Thought andchaos magick are interested in. For Evola, the aim of the magician is to develophis own personal power, his will, which is a kind of force that he can exert inorder to refashion the world as he would like it.Tha
  • nd of Lego approach to ideologies, taking them apart and putting them togetherin different ways, adding a bit of Heidegger here and some Nietzsche there tosee what happens. This is also very much how chaos magicians make use ofbeliefs, not to be taken seriously but as “tools” to effect some outcome, and itcame as a kind of expected surprise when I learned that Dugin was keen on chaosmagick too. I say “expect
  • ry events, one alwaysruns the risk of being out of date by the time one’s work reaches readers, andthe pace at which change takes place has in recent times accelerated. This isnot out of keeping with chaos magick and postmodernism. “We live in a world thatis rapidly changing,” writes one of chaos magick’s founders. This may bedisorienting for some, but chaos magicians are “profoundly at home in theaccelerati
  • rs, andthe pace at which change takes place has in recent times accelerated. This isnot out of keeping with chaos magick and postmodernism. “We live in a world thatis rapidly changing,” writes one of chaos magick’s founders. This may bedisorienting for some, but chaos magicians are “profoundly at home in theaccelerating shift and fragmentation of daily life,” a sentiment shared bypostmodernists and by Trump.
  • accelerated. This isnot out of keeping with chaos magick and postmodernism. “We live in a world thatis rapidly changing,” writes one of chaos magick’s founders. This may bedisorienting for some, but chaos magicians are “profoundly at home in theaccelerating shift and fragmentation of daily life,” a sentiment shared bypostmodernists and by Trump.19 [17_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber18] I have oftenfelt overwhelme

  • ing new ones is the common aim of a variety of psychologicaland spiritual practices. If we altered these habits, James argued, we would beamazed at what we could do, in the same way that a successful chaos magician“demonstrates to himself that he can do things which, a short while ago, neverentered his mind as possibilities.” James was so convinced of the importance ofexploring the potentialities of mind-cur

  • present to us, and his “Presence” finally comes todominate one’s conscious and unconscious mind.“Picturizing” is visualizing what Peale calls a “realizable wish,” which israther of the same stuff as chaos magick’s “achievable reality.” It won’t do topicturize something manifestly impossible, or so improbable that its chances ofhappening are practically nil. It also helps to picture an outcome of which Godwo
  • good to turn to the other “occult” occupation with which thenew president of the United States seems to have an affinity. If Trump absorbedthe doctrine of positive thinking from Norman Vincent Peale, chaos magick seemsto have come to him naturally. The odd thing is that these two forms of magic,which seem far apart, actually have much in common.Like much New Thought, chaos magick is rooted in nineteenth-cent
  • ng from Norman Vincent Peale, chaos magick seemsto have come to him naturally. The odd thing is that these two forms of magic,which seem far apart, actually have much in common.Like much New Thought, chaos magick is rooted in nineteenth-century occultism.We can place its start in the work of the not always reliable French occultistÉliphas Lévi. Born in Paris in 1810, his real name was Alphonse Louis Constant
  • cret societies, and in much else. He is also responsiblefor popularizing the idea of the “astral light,” mentioned earlier when speakingof Mesmer’s “animal magnetism.”What places Lévi at the fount of chaos magick is his championing of twofaculties essential for any successful magic: imagination and will. The “astrallight” was for Lévi another name for the imagination. One mastered this magicallight through a
  • magination. It was this more“artistic” approach to magic that influenced French symbolist poets likeBaudelaire and Rimbaud and surrealists like André Breton.But what truly places Lévi at the start of chaos magick is his inspired mistakeabout the Tarot and the Kabbalah. Lévi linked the twenty-two “paths” of theKabbalistic Tree of Life, symbolized by the twenty-two letters of the Hebrewalphabet, with the twent
  • he had at hand—namely,his imagination. Crowley later developed a system of sex magick that substitutedthe ecstasy of sexual orgasm for the more laborious efforts of ceremony, atactic employed by many chaos magicians today.Another chaos magick pioneer was the artist-magician Austin Osman Spare. Sparewas a contemporary of Crowley and an enfant terrible of the English artistic finde siècle. He briefly belonged
  • ination. Crowley later developed a system of sex magick that substitutedthe ecstasy of sexual orgasm for the more laborious efforts of ceremony, atactic employed by many chaos magicians today.Another chaos magick pioneer was the artist-magician Austin Osman Spare. Sparewas a contemporary of Crowley and an enfant terrible of the English artistic finde siècle. He briefly belonged to one of Crowley’s magical so
  • er106] “Unconditioned” is synonymouswith “unformed,” which is a state of chaos; as Genesis 1:2 says, beforecreation, all was “formless and void,” what in Hebrew is called Tohu wah-bohu.One student of chaos magick writes, “chaos magick is the art of forming theunformed energies of creative chaos into a pattern leading to the outcome of themagician’s desire.”32 [17_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber107] As with Neville
  • is synonymouswith “unformed,” which is a state of chaos; as Genesis 1:2 says, beforecreation, all was “formless and void,” what in Hebrew is called Tohu wah-bohu.One student of chaos magick writes, “chaos magick is the art of forming theunformed energies of creative chaos into a pattern leading to the outcome of themagician’s desire.”32 [17_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber107] As with Neville, inchaos magick, desi
  • ites, “chaos magick is the art of forming theunformed energies of creative chaos into a pattern leading to the outcome of themagician’s desire.”32 [17_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber107] As with Neville, inchaos magick, desire is the fundamental motivation for “making things happen.”Kenneth Grant, a onetime student of Crowley’s, brought Spare’s work to a new,wider audience and made his own contribution to the preh
  • is the fundamental motivation for “making things happen.”Kenneth Grant, a onetime student of Crowley’s, brought Spare’s work to a new,wider audience and made his own contribution to the prehistory of chaos magick.As Lévi did with the Tarot, in The Magical Revival Grant fused a nonexistentconnection between Crowley’s magick and the weird fiction of H. P. Lovecraft.Lovecraft was an avowed materialist who dismi
  • the terrifying inhabitants of his Cthulhu Mythos have spawned morethan one magical cult, with rituals and ceremonies designed to attract andpropitiate these cosmic horrors. This is an example of how chaos magick usesculture—or memes—for its own purposes.Chaos magick finds other predecessors in the “cut-ups” of the Beat writerWilliam S. Burroughs and the artist Brion Gysin. These “literary” works, such asThe
  • ders, continued the joke in other books likeCosmic Trigger, which were influenced by the work of Aleister Crowley, TimothyLeary, and an assortment of other countercultural icons.But the real start of chaos magick proper was in London in the 1970s.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------• • •AS THE HISTORIAN of modern magic Dave Evans points out, the idea of a history o
  • proper was in London in the 1970s.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------• • •AS THE HISTORIAN of modern magic Dave Evans points out, the idea of a history ofchaos magick is, aptly enough, oxymoronic, given that, like postmodernism, chaosmagick affects an atemporal, ahistorical character, picking and choosing fromthe past, present, and, often enough, the future. And
  • onic, given that, like postmodernism, chaosmagick affects an atemporal, ahistorical character, picking and choosing fromthe past, present, and, often enough, the future. And as with postmodernism, forchaos magick the idea of “truth” or “facts” is anathema. As Evans writes, “bytheir very nature Chaos magicians (or Chaotes) are fond of deception, playingwith words and demolishing the nature of beliefs”—they we
  • molishing the nature of beliefs”—they were, it seems, way aheadof “post-truth.” With their penchant for pseudonyms and for referring, asLovecraft did, to nonexistent literary sources, the information chaos magiciansprovide is at best “open to academic suspicion.”33[17_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber108] The histories of figures like Crowley, MadameBlavatsky, Gurdjieff, and even Neville are filled with tall tales a
  • st “open to academic suspicion.”33[17_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber108] The histories of figures like Crowley, MadameBlavatsky, Gurdjieff, and even Neville are filled with tall tales and falsetrails, but chaos magicians seem to make a point of providing ampledisinformation.Most accounts place the appearance of chaos magick with a group of North Londonoccultists known as the Stoke Newington Sorcerers circa 1976.
  • adameBlavatsky, Gurdjieff, and even Neville are filled with tall tales and falsetrails, but chaos magicians seem to make a point of providing ampledisinformation.Most accounts place the appearance of chaos magick with a group of North Londonoccultists known as the Stoke Newington Sorcerers circa 1976. Among these wasPeter Carroll, whose book Liber Null is the acknowledged first “how-to” work onchaos magick.
  • of chaos magick with a group of North Londonoccultists known as the Stoke Newington Sorcerers circa 1976. Among these wasPeter Carroll, whose book Liber Null is the acknowledged first “how-to” work onchaos magick. “Null” means zero, and Julian Vayne, another chaos magician, callschaos magick “empty handed.”34 [17_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber109] Carroll wasfamiliar with the work of Spare and was a contributor t
  • n as the Stoke Newington Sorcerers circa 1976. Among these wasPeter Carroll, whose book Liber Null is the acknowledged first “how-to” work onchaos magick. “Null” means zero, and Julian Vayne, another chaos magician, callschaos magick “empty handed.”34 [17_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber109] Carroll wasfamiliar with the work of Spare and was a contributor to New Equinox, an occultmagazine, and he and its editor, Ra
  • ton Sorcerers circa 1976. Among these wasPeter Carroll, whose book Liber Null is the acknowledged first “how-to” work onchaos magick. “Null” means zero, and Julian Vayne, another chaos magician, callschaos magick “empty handed.”34 [17_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber109] Carroll wasfamiliar with the work of Spare and was a contributor to New Equinox, an occultmagazine, and he and its editor, Ray Sherwin, were both
  • with “making something happen,” that iswith magick as real power. Sherwin himself wrote a tract called The Book ofResults, which sounds like a New Thought title. Like pragmatism and positivethinking, chaos magick was interested in what works.Something known as the Deptford Olympic Goat Roast, coinciding with the 1976Montreal Olympics, seems to have been chaos magick’s “foundational” event.Carroll lived in De
  • itle. Like pragmatism and positivethinking, chaos magick was interested in what works.Something known as the Deptford Olympic Goat Roast, coinciding with the 1976Montreal Olympics, seems to have been chaos magick’s “foundational” event.Carroll lived in Deptford in South London, an area associated with the earlydays of punk rock, and as might be expected the event included a spitted roastedgoat, a punk music
  • rself” and about creating as much havoc aspossible, at least in the UK version. Chaos magick was not far behind. And justas Johnny Rotten sneered at earlier rock groups like the Beatles or Pink Floyd,chaos magicians blasphemed against their magical predecessors. As Carroll wrote,“Magic will not free itself of occultism until we have strangled the lastastrologer with the guts of the last spiritual master.”35[
  • ) and sex (Eros), linking the two intypical romantic fashion.36 [17_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber111] An organizedanarchical group is something of an oxymoron, but it was precisely this kind oflogic that chaos magick wanted to overthrow.Carroll was an efficient mover and shaker, and branches of the IOT sprouted inGermany, Austria, Switzerland, and Australia, as well as in other parts ofBritain. Chaos magick’s co
  • the 1960s Situationists, was part of its appeal.Chaotes around the world kept in touch in pre-internet days via the ChaosInternational Magazine. The incorporation of cultural icons that characterizeschaos magick was in place early on. A major influence came from the Britishfantasy writer Michael Moorcock, whose Eternal Champion series depicts anongoing timeless battle between the forces of Order and Chaos.
  • d-time magic—neuromancer echoes necromancer,one who speaks with the dead—but if critics called the members “loonies,” theywouldn’t have minded. Their method of banishing unwanted spirits is typical ofchaos magick. Rather than perform the traditional ritual, they shouted, “Fuckoff you bastards.”37 [17_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber112] On a less crude note,many chaoticians employ a method known as “banishing with
  • hey shouted, “Fuckoff you bastards.”37 [17_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber112] On a less crude note,many chaoticians employ a method known as “banishing with laughter.” Thisplayful approach says much about chaos magick’s appeal.Probably the most famous chaos organization was Thee Temple Ov Psychick Youth(TOPY), formed by the performance artist Genesis P-Orridge. P-Orridge was partof the “industrial” music group Th
  • ong its antinomian influences were the ProcessChurch of the Final Judgment—big in the 1960s—Burroughs, Gysin, Crowley, AntonLaVey of Church of Satan fame, the “love and death” guru Charles Manson, andchaos magick.38 [17_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber113] P-Orridge is a proponent of“occulture,” a portmanteau expressing the blend of occultism and popular culturethat has come to characterize chaos magick. The meme m
  • s Manson, andchaos magick.38 [17_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber113] P-Orridge is a proponent of“occulture,” a portmanteau expressing the blend of occultism and popular culturethat has come to characterize chaos magick. The meme magick that helped putTrump—himself a popular culture icon—in the White House was, we can say, a workof occulture.But enough history. How does it work?-------------------------------------
  • use was, we can say, a workof occulture.But enough history. How does it work?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------• • •THE FIRST THING to understand is that chaos magick is in tune with the times,not with the infinite. “While other magical systems promise stability, an anchorinto fixed time and an ordered universe,” writes Phil Hine, “chaos magick moveswith the fusi
  • understand is that chaos magick is in tune with the times,not with the infinite. “While other magical systems promise stability, an anchorinto fixed time and an ordered universe,” writes Phil Hine, “chaos magick moveswith the fusion and fluidity of modern life.” Unlike Traditionalism, chaosmagick accepts the modern and postmodern world. In fact, it positively revels init. It embraces its sense of flux and t
  • do, chaoticians want to learn how to steer it toward theirown ends, much like, we might say, a jujitsu master who uses his opponent’sforce against him rather than his own.As with Austin Osman Spare, chaos magick wants to sink a desire down into thedeep unconscious, to the “Neither-Neither” or “unconditioned awareness of being”that Neville spoke of, our inner primal chaos. It wants to widen the borders ofAch
  • ts and “nudging” ittoward what is wanted. The stability and constancy of “consensus reality,” whatwe usually accept as normal, is really an illusion; as with postmodernism andmuch of New Thought, for chaos magick reality is what we make of it.Chaos theory, which chaos magick draws on, speaks of a “sensitivity to initialconditions.” This is the source of the famous “butterfly effect,” which makes abutterfly’s
  • stancy of “consensus reality,” whatwe usually accept as normal, is really an illusion; as with postmodernism andmuch of New Thought, for chaos magick reality is what we make of it.Chaos theory, which chaos magick draws on, speaks of a “sensitivity to initialconditions.” This is the source of the famous “butterfly effect,” which makes abutterfly’s wings flapping in China responsible for rain in Wyoming. Chaos
  • ecause there is no obvious causal relation between the chaosmagician’s tap and the outcome, just as there is no obvious link between aChinese butterfly and a thunderstorm in Cheyenne. We can say that chaos magickworks by inducing synchronicities, by somehow purposefully creating meaningfulchance events.If we accept the reality of synchronicity, of events in the inner and outerworld happening in a synchronize
  • ents in the inner and outerworld happening in a synchronized manner, with no apparent causal relation but avery significant meaningful one, then we have no reason to deny a priori thepossibility that chaos magick, and New Thought, can work. That they do work is adifferent question. If this is so, then the idea that a cartoon frogappropriated by a far-right group helped to put the positively thinking DonaldJ.
  • to put the positively thinking DonaldJ. Trump in the White House is not beyond the realm of possibility. And one hasto say that is precisely the sort of thing—and through precisely suchmethods—that a chaos magician would like to bring about.How one does this, according to Julian Vayne and Greg Humphries, is to “take oneparticular variable in a situation and magically ‘nudge’ it so that thesituation develops
  • Number115] How does one “nudge” the situation? Through aritual that puts one in touch with the primal creative chaos, Spare’s“Neither-Neither” or Neville’s “unconditioned awareness of being.” Here thechaos magician has a free, or rather empty, hand. There are no constraints onwhat he or she can use, and most chaos magick rituals are rather like recipeswith many novel and unusual ingredients. And as with cook
  • chaos, Spare’s“Neither-Neither” or Neville’s “unconditioned awareness of being.” Here thechaos magician has a free, or rather empty, hand. There are no constraints onwhat he or she can use, and most chaos magick rituals are rather like recipeswith many novel and unusual ingredients. And as with cooking, the proof of thepudding is in the eating. Here it shares much of its “how to” character with NewThought.A
  • ng an inner Temporary Autonomous Zone, we canachieve the “deep certainty that one’s sorcery will yield the desired result.”43[17_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber118] As with Neville and Norman Vincent Peale,chaos magick works by convincing yourself that it already has. It aims to “forman intent in one’s mind, and simply know that the purpose is already achieved bythe formation of thought.”44 [17_Notes.xhtml#Endnote
  • bythe formation of thought.”44 [17_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber119]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------• • •IT SEEMS THAT positive thinking, New Thought, and chaos magick all work on thepower of belief. As William James knew, the will to believe can accomplishremarkable things. But is it always a power for good? Let’s see.

  • [../image/1.jpg]CHAPTER THREEGURUS AND DEMAGOGUESTHE CREATIVE POWER of belief is not limited to devotees of New Thought or toadherents of chaos magick. It is also not a power exclusively for good. The roadto hell, we know, is paved with good intentions, and many a true believer hashelped lay out its tarmac. Self-belief, we can say, is a necessary
  • dthe same is true of charismatic leaders.Charismatic leaders also tend to be unpredictable. This is true of Trump, but itwas also a part of Hitler’s and Mussolini’s personalities, and is axiomatic forchaos magick. It is also true of the kind of gurus who exhibit “crazy wisdom.”Here the teacher performs unconventional acts, at least from the perspective ofthe nonbeliever, like the Zen master arbitrarily whack
  • emagogue’s absolute certainty in his judgmentradiates out to his followers and puts them in a kind of ecstatic trance,temporarily lifting them beyond themselves. Earlier we saw that one of the aimsof chaos magick was to achieve “visible results by which the magiciandemonstrates to himself that he can do things which, a short while ago, neverentered his mind as possibilities.” Such is often the effect of a po
  • ecame special.They became special because Hitler gave his followers a powerful sense of a“release from the limitations of all conventional restraint.” This is not farremoved from what New Thought and chaos magick aspire to, with their desire tore-create reality.15 [17_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber134] If what is fundamental inchaos magick is to break out of our “existing cognitive habits” and make the“creative l
  • l conventional restraint.” This is not farremoved from what New Thought and chaos magick aspire to, with their desire tore-create reality.15 [17_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber134] If what is fundamental inchaos magick is to break out of our “existing cognitive habits” and make the“creative leap beyond what is already known,” and if, as positive thinking tellsus, “attitudes are more important than facts,” then we
  • s and gurus can also manage this.16[17_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber135]In the case of Hitler and Mussolini, the “release from all conventionalrestraint” led to heinous acts of violence, in which neither chaos magicians,for all their punky rhetoric, nor positive thinkers are interested. But evenwith less dangerous characters, such as the magician Aleister Crowley, therelease from “all conventional restraint” led
  • is magic cloak around himself and “make things happen.” Glamour,style, image, appearance, the confidence they instill in the magician and thebelief they inspire in his audience are important parts of chaos magick. Henceits penchant for changing beliefs as one would a set of clothes. Mussolini had asimilar taste for self-dramatizing and for casting a self-image. In his earlysocialist days, he would appear “il
  • inhead. After Atlas Shrugged she abandonedfiction and devoted herself to spelling out the details of her philosophy ofObjectivism. She died in 1982.Objectivism denies the reality that New Thought and chaos magick embrace, of aworld and mind somehow intermixed. Reality exists independently ofconsciousness. We know it through reason and the senses and our aim in life isthe pursuit of happiness through rational
  • hisbullshit has on his audience. In other words, like positive thinking and chaosmagick, in what works.If we remember Norman Vincent Peale’s belief that “attitudes are more importantthan facts,” and chaos magick’s aim to escape our existing “cognitivehabits”—not to mention Hitler’s power to release his followers from the“limitations of all conventional restraint”—we can, I think, see a connectionbetween Tru
  • ring in postmodernism’s rejection of any notion of an “objective” truth—alltruth for it being strictly relative—we can see why Trump is the “post-truthalternate fact” patron saint par excellence. For chaos magick and postmodernism,whether something is true or false simply no longer matters. Truth or falsehoodare beliefs which we can take on or put off as need be. This is why confrontingTrump or his followers
  • ,” what he calls “aninnocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.”85[17_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber204]Sometimes Trump’s hyperboles slide into magic, or at least illusion, or, aschaos magick has it, “glamour,” a show. When the board of directors of HolidayInn asked to see what work was being done on a project that had stalled, Trumparranged for his construction team to pretend to work,
  • nna toPrincess Diana, and the stories were invariably untrue. Aleister Crowley adopteddifferent identities when the mood struck him—and, like Trump, did his best tokeep his name in the newspapers—and chaos magick asserts that one’s identity ismalleable, that one should “reinvent” oneself often, play different roles. 89[17_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber208] We should pretend to be someone else, toenvision a “magic
  • 7_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber209] Chaos magick also promotes the idea of using“shock tactics,” saying something “outrageous” in order to “enhance personalpower,” something that, as with much else about chaos magick, seems to come toTrump naturally. One also wonders about the odd hand gestures he makes whenaddressing a crowd, which often seem like the mudras used as meditation devicesin Hinduism and Buddhism.An

  • [../image/1.jpg]CHAPTER FOURALT-RIGHT NOWSO FAR WE’VE seen Trump as positive thinker, chaos magician, guru, anddemagogue. What about the people who say they helped put him into power? Who arethe meme magicians? What is the alt-right and what did Richard Spencer mean whenhe said that he and the ot
  • l races were equal,regardless of what the Declaration of Independence said. “Race is real, racematters, race is the foundation of identity,” he told the crowd.4[17_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber215] While chaos magick and postmodernism seeidentity as fluid and up for grabs, for Spencer and his alt-righters, it’ssomething we need to defend to the death.5 [17_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber216]Following Spencer’s notorio
  • ity of the true, unmanifest God. The “false world” is the one created by anupstart demiurge, who has usurped the true God’s authority.7[17_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber218] In a sense we can read this as chaos magick’saim of breaking out of our “existing cognitive habits.”Spencer would agree. In Spencer’s take, the real world is one in which “racematters” and those who have awakened to this have been “red-pilled
  • html#EndnoteNumber224] His book Prometheus and Atlas,which argues that Western rationalism has purposefully marginalized elements ofreality considered “paranormal”—the kinds of things New Thought and chaos magickare interested in—is seen by some to harken back to the occult interests of someNational Socialist sympathizers. Jorjani agrees. “National Socialist Germany,”he said, “was the only political regime t
  • ine aspect he personifies the shift from darkness to light, ornight into day. We’ve seen that another name for “primordial darkness” is chaos,and that such darkness is both the “Neither-Neither” that chaos magicians wantto reach and the “unconditioned awareness of being” that Neville said wasnecessary to achieve in order for one’s desire to manifest. So in one sense, wecan say that Kek symbolizes the fundame
  • nd the “unconditioned awareness of being” that Neville said wasnecessary to achieve in order for one’s desire to manifest. So in one sense, wecan say that Kek symbolizes the fundamental basis of both chaos magick and atleast one version of New Thought. We know that Trump is a devotee of NormanVincent Peale. But another part of this synchronistic puzzle is the odd factthat a reissue of one of Neville’s books,
  • nitiated,was a depiction of what postmodern Kek devotees are doing: posting images ofPepe/Kek on the internet as sigils designed to bring forth the primordialdarkness as the precursor to a new day.In chaos magick, practically anything can be a sigil, as long as it iseffectively charged with one’s desire. Pepe has become what is known as a“hypersigil,” one used by many people—he’s even appeared in the form of
  • dea was to change theculture, to open the “Overton window,” the gauge of public acceptability of“radical” ideas, so that it would allow in what had hitherto been unthinkable.It was a media version of chaos magick’s aim of dismantling our “existingcognitive habits.” It led to a far-right version of the “new normal,” a culturalmilieu that aided and abetted the rise of Trump.Much of this new normal amounted to

  • ult journals, Atanòr andIgnis, in the 1920s. In 1927—the same year as Guénon’s Crisis—Evola and Reghinicollaborated in what was known as the UR Group, a magical association which,like New Thought and chaos magick, saw magic as “the science of the ego.” “UR”stood for the “primordial,” the “original,” and symbolized the belief that themagical traditions they were investigating were part of an ancient science,h
  • t art Evola moved on.Evola next turned to philosophy and devoted himself to grasping what he calledthe “absolute individual,” exploring themes that connect with what we’ve lookedat in New Thought and chaos magick. From 1924 to 1927, Evola worked on TheTheory of the Absolute Individual. He couldn’t find a publisher for it, and aswith Dada and Futurism, he soon abandoned the idea of a career in philosophy.But
  • vola meant by the “absolute individual” is not clear, but we canget some idea of it from his remark that such an individual enjoys “the abilityto be unconditionally whatever he wants,” something both chaos magicians andpositive thinkers aspire to. Evola was influenced by the philosopher ArthurSchopenhauer, who in The World as Will and Representation argued that the world“I” perceives is a representation of a
  • er and autarchy.”62[17_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber337] Fundamentally it was concerned with “theprospect of the individual actually shaping the world,” an idea that we knowattracts positive thinkers and chaos magicians.63[17_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber338]Evola’s metaphysics of the “absolute individual” are reminiscent of a oncepopular but now little-read work of German philosophy, The Ego and Its Own, byMax Stir
  • state of the self. . . .”66 [17_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber341] This means thatour experience of reality is determined by our inner state. If we change ourstate, reality too will change, something that chaos magick and positivethinking agree upon. Gaining “initiatic knowledge”—knowledge, that is, of occultpowers and realities—is a means of accomplishing this. On the “initiatic paththe acquisition of knowledge
  • utches and supports.”71[17_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber346] In other words, just do it. Evola’s depictionof the “magical view of life” is curiously reminiscent of postmodernism’srelativity of values and chaos magick’s flexible beliefs. But it is under suchconditions that Evola believed one can perform a “true act, namely an actionthat begins directly from the Self.”72 [17_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber347]----------
  • therenaissance of the other Roman virtues was slow in coming. Evola and otherimpatient UR members hoped to speed things up with rituals designed to instillthese in Mussolini’s followers. Like a good chaos magician, Evola wanted to work“behind the scenes in order to ultimately exert an effect on the prevailingforces in the general environment.”73 [17_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber348] Inchaote-speak, he wanted to

  • past, at the time of the primordialrevelation. But since then the forces of “becoming” have gradually taken over,until we have arrived at the rapidly changing flux of contemporary post-truthlife that chaos magicians and postmodernists celebrate.Evola accounts for this predicament with his own version of the myth of theFall. In ages past, a noble Nordic-Aryan people lived in a strange land near theNorth Pole
  • itics entails not only the practical concerns of running a government, butthe wider, more inclusive activity of creating reality. If Trump’s personalstyle and modus operandi suggest similarities with chaos magick, the kind ofreality Putin and his “political technologists” have been busy manufacturingseems in many ways very much like the kind of shifting, transitory world thatchaos magicians find appealing. I
  • est similarities with chaos magick, the kind ofreality Putin and his “political technologists” have been busy manufacturingseems in many ways very much like the kind of shifting, transitory world thatchaos magicians find appealing. It is a world in which one can be “lewd andrefined, cunning and naïve,” without breaking step, and in which the aim to “tryon every persona the world has ever known” seems a matte
  • an inthe Soviet days, compensates for the loss of freedom, and most are willing toaccept this.To some this is hypocrisy. To Surkov it’s simply being realistic. In a worldwhere everything is PR—or, as chaos magicians might say, “glamour”—notions like“truth,” “freedom,” and “reality” are negotiable and generally give way beforepragmatism. Such cognitive manipulation accounts for the cachet thatNLP—neuro-lingui
  • et thatNLP—neuro-linguistic programming—and postmodern philosophy have acquired amongRussia’s power elite, each of whom wants to be the next master of reality.23[17_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber391] That chaos magicians also look to NLP forinspiration suggests that both camps share a common interest.24[17_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber392]From the beginning Surkov knew the truth of Goebbels’s dictum, that propagandam
  • fore Dugin hears from him.This sudden political mood swing is characteristic of Dugin, who takes Surkov’stactic of adopting contradictory political positions to new extremes, somethinghis training in chaos magick must have facilitated. His approach to politics israther like a chaotician’s to ritual: throwing disparate elements together tosee the effect, deconstructing National Socialism, picking out the good
  • xample onceagain, perhaps, of fact and fiction fusing into something simultaneously moreand less than either. The end of the world will not happen by itself, he tellsus. We must give it a push or, as chaos magicians would say, a nudge. This isour “task,” our “practice,” what he calls “active metaphysics,” something thatin various forms we have been occupied with throughout this book.45[17_Notes.xhtml#Endnote

  • in’s Traditionalism is.21[17_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber467] Yet Dugin’s trick of fitting togetherideologies like Lego blocks should suggest that, like the postmodernism heostensibly despises, he, like chaos magicians, is not fussy abouttechnicalities. What appeals to him about totalitarian regimes is that theyemphasize the collective over the individual. And where the Jew served asHitler’s all-purpose bête no
  • om which it emerged.Yet Dugin’s vision of a world free from the Western obsession with freedomhardly sounds appetizing. Just as Neville aims to return to an “unconditionedawareness of existence,” and chaos magicians to the “Neither-Neither,” Dugin toowants to achieve a condition in which the subject/object duality thatcharacterizes our everyday experience—and is the basis of Western metaphysics—isdissolved,
  • we can get somesense of where we stand.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------• • •IMAGINATION IS ONE of the central themes of New Thought, positive thinking,chaos magick, and other forms of mental philosophy. But in one sense, it strikesme as noticeably absent today. In fact I would say that the entire postmodernphenomenon exhibits a curious lack of imagination, at
  • dge’s lines, all itreally leads to are slightly different unicorns and somewhat novel flying pigs.I would say that Dugin’s talent for mashing up different ideologies is anexample of Fancy, just as is chaos magick’s trick of adopting different beliefs.And the post-truth world, in which we can pick and choose from among different“facts,” seems to suit it well. The term postmodern itself is an example of thever
  • realitybarrier,” of having the unreal pass into the real, the inner into the outer.This is the essence of the meme magic we’ve looked at. It is also at the heartof New Thought, positive thinking, and chaos magick. I started this book byasking a question: Could meme magick have helped Trump get into office? Couldhis own positive thinking have helped too? In other words, does it work? This isreally the only re
  • ough it that we helpbring the world’s reality into being. Readers will recall remarks to this effectfrom an earlier chapter in this book.“Bringing reality into being” sounds very much like the aim of chaos magick andNew Thought. In Lost Knowledge I look at this idea historically, outlining howthe true nature of imagination was obscured with the rise of rationalism andlater “scientism.” Here I’ve considered i
  • ten results knowsthis already.Assuming this is so, the way in which we use this power becomes crucial. Exactlywhat do we “bring into being”? If positive thinking can put someone in the WhiteHouse and chaos magick can help in the rise of a new Russia, then this power isconsiderable. Esoteric tradition has long recognized this, as we’ve seen withthe dangers of tulpas and egregores. “Don’t call up what you can’
  • narcissisticsense. But a less extreme version of this can accompany a consciousness occupiedsolely with asserting its will. And this I would say is the main drawback of NewThought, positive thinking, chaos magick, and other forms of “mental philosophy”or “science of the ego.”It is good and necessary to pursue and achieve goals, to keep the will taut andactive. We need to use it or it will go flat, like the b
  • Colin Wilson calls “life-failure.” But some“goods,” perhaps the most important ones, come to us when we are not concernedwith ourselves and satisfying our desires. Positive thinking, New Thought, andchaos magick seem to leave out of account the impersonal meanings and valuesthat appear when we see the world objectively, and not through the lens of ourneeds. This is the “newness” or “otherness” that comes to

  • ary: Refractions, ed. Stephen Pochin (London:Jerusalem Press, 2012), “Hypnagogia, Spare, Creativity,” pp. 153–58.32 [09_CHAPTER_TWO_Positive_.xhtml#SuperscriptNumber107]. Jaq D. Hawkins,Understanding Chaos Magic (Chievely, UK: Bann Publishing, 1996), p. 23.33 [09_CHAPTER_TWO_Positive_.xhtml#SuperscriptNumber108]. Dave Evans, TheHistory of British Magic After Crowley (Hidden Publishing, 2007), p. 351.34 [09_C
  • torr, Feet of Clay,p. 47.15 [10_CHAPTER_THREE_Gurus_a.xhtml#SuperscriptNumber134]. Rees, Dark Charisma,p. 175.16 [10_CHAPTER_THREE_Gurus_a.xhtml#SuperscriptNumber135]. I should point outthat although chaos magick and New Thought share a “results-based” attitude totheir practices, and that the practices themselves show similarities, there arealso profound differences between them. For one thing, New Thought a
  • t the practices themselves show similarities, there arealso profound differences between them. For one thing, New Thought and positivethinking do not hold to the “anything goes” approach that informs chaos magick.They find guidelines and limits in gospel teachings. For some this may make themtoo tame; for others it is a healthy alternative to the formlessness that canovercome the chaotician.17 [10_CHAPTER_TH

  • Righ.xhtml#page_97], 127[12_CHAPTER_FIVE_It_s_Tra.xhtml#page_127]Chacornac, Paul, 113 [12_CHAPTER_FIVE_It_s_Tra.xhtml#page_113]Chaos International Magazine, 46 [09_CHAPTER_TWO_Positive_.xhtml#page_46]chaos magick, 10 [08_CHAPTER_ONE_I_m_a_Win.xhtml#page_10]–11, 32[09_CHAPTER_TWO_Positive_.xhtml#page_32], 38[09_CHAPTER_TWO_Positive_.xhtml#page_38], 54[10_CHAPTER_THREE_Gurus_a.xhtml#page_54]–55, 76[10_CHAPTER_
  • 04], 149[13_CHAPTER_SIX_A_War_of_.xhtml#page_149]–50, 175[14_CHAPTER_SEVEN_The_Pol.xhtml#page_175]–76, 180[14_CHAPTER_SEVEN_The_Pol.xhtml#page_180]–82, 188[14_CHAPTER_SEVEN_The_Pol.xhtml#page_188]and chaos magick, xviii [07_Introduction_New_Worl.xhtml#page_xviii]–xix, 46[09_CHAPTER_TWO_Positive_.xhtml#page_46], 149[13_CHAPTER_SIX_A_War_of_.xhtml#page_149]–50, 174[14_CHAPTER_SEVEN_The_Pol.xhtml#page_174], 187
  • [12_CHAPTER_FIVE_It_s_Tra.xhtml#page_107], 123[12_CHAPTER_FIVE_It_s_Tra.xhtml#page_123], 191[14_CHAPTER_SEVEN_The_Pol.xhtml#page_191]–93and the body, 12 [08_CHAPTER_ONE_I_m_a_Win.xhtml#page_12]–13and chaos magick, 41 [09_CHAPTER_TWO_Positive_.xhtml#page_41]–43, 49[09_CHAPTER_TWO_Positive_.xhtml#page_49]and consciousness, 189 [14_CHAPTER_SEVEN_The_Pol.xhtml#page_189]–90and creation, 36 [09_CHAPTER_TWO_Positiv
  • 120[12_CHAPTER_FIVE_It_s_Tra.xhtml#page_120]writings on, 12 [08_CHAPTER_ONE_I_m_a_Win.xhtml#page_12]–13, 35[09_CHAPTER_TWO_Positive_.xhtml#page_35], 41[09_CHAPTER_TWO_Positive_.xhtml#page_41]See also chaos magickMagic and Mystery in Tibet (David-Neel), 90[11_CHAPTER_FOUR_Alt-Righ.xhtml#page_90]–91magicians, xii [07_Introduction_New_Worl.xhtml#page_xii]–xv, xvii[07_Introduction_New_Worl.xhtml#page_xvii]–xix,
  • SEVEN_The_Pol.xhtml#page_174], 186[14_CHAPTER_SEVEN_The_Pol.xhtml#page_186]–87, 190[14_CHAPTER_SEVEN_The_Pol.xhtml#page_190]–91and changing identity, 76 [10_CHAPTER_THREE_Gurus_a.xhtml#page_76]–77and chaos magick, 47 [09_CHAPTER_TWO_Positive_.xhtml#page_47]–49criticism of, 4 [08_CHAPTER_ONE_I_m_a_Win.xhtml#page_4]–5, 29[09_CHAPTER_TWO_Positive_.xhtml#page_29]–30and mind/body, 12 [08_CHAPTER_ONE_I_m_a_Win.xht
  • 174[14_CHAPTER_SEVEN_The_Pol.xhtml#page_174]and the Bible, 25 [09_CHAPTER_TWO_Positive_.xhtml#page_25]–26, 32[09_CHAPTER_TWO_Positive_.xhtml#page_32]–33, 35[09_CHAPTER_TWO_Positive_.xhtml#page_35]and chaos magick, 32 [09_CHAPTER_TWO_Positive_.xhtml#page_32], 49[09_CHAPTER_TWO_Positive_.xhtml#page_49]and New Thought, 25 [09_CHAPTER_TWO_Positive_.xhtml#page_25]–26, 29[09_CHAPTER_TWO_Positive_.xhtml#page_29]–33
  • ve_.xhtml#page_27], 53[10_CHAPTER_THREE_Gurus_a.xhtml#page_53], 82[11_CHAPTER_FOUR_Alt-Righ.xhtml#page_82], 84[11_CHAPTER_FOUR_Alt-Righ.xhtml#page_84], 192[14_CHAPTER_SEVEN_The_Pol.xhtml#page_192]and chaos magick, 44 [09_CHAPTER_TWO_Positive_.xhtml#page_44], 135[13_CHAPTER_SIX_A_War_of_.xhtml#page_135], 187[14_CHAPTER_SEVEN_The_Pol.xhtml#page_187]and postmodernism, xv [07_Introduction_New_Worl.xhtml#page_xv]
  • age_189]See also Russia: post-truth times inpostmodernism, 122 [12_CHAPTER_FIVE_It_s_Tra.xhtml#page_122], 180[14_CHAPTER_SEVEN_The_Pol.xhtml#page_180], 189[14_CHAPTER_SEVEN_The_Pol.xhtml#page_189]and chaos magick, xv [07_Introduction_New_Worl.xhtml#page_xv], 44[09_CHAPTER_TWO_Positive_.xhtml#page_44], 47[09_CHAPTER_TWO_Positive_.xhtml#page_47], 75[10_CHAPTER_THREE_Gurus_a.xhtml#page_75], 80[11_CHAPTER_FOUR_A
  • ml#page_111], 141[13_CHAPTER_SIX_A_War_of_.xhtml#page_141], 143[13_CHAPTER_SIX_A_War_of_.xhtml#page_143], 169[14_CHAPTER_SEVEN_The_Pol.xhtml#page_169], 181[14_CHAPTER_SEVEN_The_Pol.xhtml#page_181]and chaos magick, 137 [13_CHAPTER_SIX_A_War_of_.xhtml#page_137], 142[13_CHAPTER_SIX_A_War_of_.xhtml#page_142]Dugin adviser to, xviii [07_Introduction_New_Worl.xhtml#page_xviii], 46[09_CHAPTER_TWO_Positive_.xhtml#pag
  • HAPTER_FOUR_Alt-Righ.xhtml#page_84], 155[13_CHAPTER_SIX_A_War_of_.xhtml#page_155]breaking barrier of, 168 [14_CHAPTER_SEVEN_The_Pol.xhtml#page_168], 187[14_CHAPTER_SEVEN_The_Pol.xhtml#page_187]–88and chaos magick, xv [07_Introduction_New_Worl.xhtml#page_xv]–xviii, 32[09_CHAPTER_TWO_Positive_.xhtml#page_32], 47[09_CHAPTER_TWO_Positive_.xhtml#page_47], 56[10_CHAPTER_THREE_Gurus_a.xhtml#page_56], 68[10_CHAPTER_
  • -Righ.xhtml#page_82], 84[11_CHAPTER_FOUR_Alt-Righ.xhtml#page_84], 97[11_CHAPTER_FOUR_Alt-Righ.xhtml#page_97], 106[12_CHAPTER_FIVE_It_s_Tra.xhtml#page_106], 110[12_CHAPTER_FIVE_It_s_Tra.xhtml#page_110]chaos magick in, 142 [13_CHAPTER_SIX_A_War_of_.xhtml#page_142]–43, 149[13_CHAPTER_SIX_A_War_of_.xhtml#page_149], 156[13_CHAPTER_SIX_A_War_of_.xhtml#page_156], 174[14_CHAPTER_SEVEN_The_Pol.xhtml#page_174], 190[14
  • , 154[13_CHAPTER_SIX_A_War_of_.xhtml#page_154], 174[14_CHAPTER_SEVEN_The_Pol.xhtml#page_174]campaign of, 144 [13_CHAPTER_SIX_A_War_of_.xhtml#page_144], 188[14_CHAPTER_SEVEN_The_Pol.xhtml#page_188]and chaos magick, xiv [07_Introduction_New_Worl.xhtml#page_xiv]–xv, xxi[07_Introduction_New_Worl.xhtml#page_xxi], 40[09_CHAPTER_TWO_Positive_.xhtml#page_40], 47[09_CHAPTER_TWO_Positive_.xhtml#page_47], 74[10_CHAPTER

File: Gary Lachman - Occulture -

  • erately darker-than-thou. But decades of participant observationon the art-magic-transgression beat have given Carl Abrahamsson a moredown-to-earth approach. Streamlining Crowley, LaVey, and postpunk chaos magic,these talks and essays offer up accessible, pragmatic, and psychologically savvytakes on the intuitive potentials of creative individuation. This is not another‘system’ but sparkplugs engineered for

  • ith a broader brush, embracing a wide and attimes contradictory assemblage of influences and interests. In this it sharesmuch with a movement within modern occultism with which it is often associated:chaos magick. As I understand it, in chaos magick, one need not stick to theprescribed rituals or pantheons but can make magick with just about anything,provided one’s imagination is strong and one’s will is in
  • and attimes contradictory assemblage of influences and interests. In this it sharesmuch with a movement within modern occultism with which it is often associated:chaos magick. As I understand it, in chaos magick, one need not stick to theprescribed rituals or pantheons but can make magick with just about anything,provided one’s imagination is strong and one’s will is in earnest. How differentis this from ma

  • TOPY helped administer some of thesetearing-down techniques.There were other magical groups of like mind around at the time. The Illuminatesof Thanatheros (IOT) generated a vortex of what they called chaos magic, with asimilar hardcore and pragmatic approach, often ingrained with scientific termsof the day, such as from quantum physics. The Order of the Nine Angles (ONA) wasa more sinister and dark group or,

File: Graham Hancock - The Divine Spark -

  • t can't figure out why everything's fucked. I just can'tfigure it out.The sensory fireworks of psychedelic high strangeness eventually led me into theeven freakier spectacles of astral projection and chaos magick. I can say withall certainty that these things have led to more coherent cosmic informationaldownloads than psychedelics ever have. Hands down. The psychedelic experience isalmost too powerful. You

File: Israel Regardie - Complete Golden Dawn System Of Magic -


  • wer of Evocation Kabbalistic Cycles and the Mastery of Life by Joseph C. Lisiewski, Ph.D. Info-Psychology by Timothy Leary, Ph.D. Beyond Duality by Laurence Galian Condensed Chaos: An Introduction to Chaos Magick Prime Chaos: Adventures in Chaos Magick by Phil Hine PsyberMagick The Chaos Magick Audio CDs by Peter J. Carroll Zen Without Zen Masters by Camden Benares Monsters & Magical Sticks: There’s No Such

File: Angels Of Chaos -


  • The chaos magical approach is of the violate. This approach is even subject to it’s own nature. According to Liber CHRNZN, to achieve the ecstasy of heaven one should violate the violate. One of the advantages of th
  • approach is of the violate. This approach is even subject to it’s own nature. According to Liber CHRNZN, to achieve the ecstasy of heaven one should violate the violate. One of the advantages of the chaos magical standpoint lies in it’s paradigm shifting. Please note now that this perspective is a paradigm in and of itself (other perspectives are possible of course). The current view expressed is to be view


  • Now truth can be a very loaded word as I am sure you already know. Let me present how I have come to glimpse at the madness of truth through chaos magick. Truth and non- truth to the mind dealing in the dual are, and can be used as tools for various forms of manipulation. There is an underlying factor in all of THIS (Reality), which is the truth whic

File: Kabbalah of Maat - Altered Trees and the Procession of the Aeons -


  • group, in that we do magick by the traditional means of ritual and other occult disciplines (meditation, divination, etc.). An article posted at A MPRODIAS V IRTUAL T EMPLE entitled “Maat Magick and Chaos Magick” by Margarete Ingalls ( aka Nema—see below) characterizes Maat Magickians: Maat Magickians are usually steeped in their own styles of Magickal work of varying kinds, and rarely identify themselves p


  • 12, edited by Soror Tanith – 789 and Frater OTz PTN – 690. Buffalo/Ithaca: Boleskine House: Spring Equinox 1979. Record — Liber HHH . Nema #4: 1980 (©1983). - as Ingalls, Margarete. “Maat Magick and Chaos Magick” at A MPRODIAS V IRTUAL T EMPLE : (Refer to the list of articles at B LACK M OON W EB :

File: Routes of Wholeness -


  • ho trained the first elder? While having a ri tual elder within the context of the Western Esoteric Tradition is certainly a benefit it is not deemed absolutely necessary. In some traditions, such as Chaos Magick, it may not even be desirable. A ritual elder can guide the practitione r because the elder is thought to have already experienced much of what the practit ioner would be experiencing. However, to m


  • of the techniques and concepts from within this “tradition” could be seen as confronting specific shadow issues such as gender constructs, personality constructs...any construct really. The motto of Chaos Magick— “Nothing is True. Everything is Permitted”—reflects the potential for sh adow confrontation and integration. 77 See Mathers (trans.), Crowley (ed.), The Goetia (ME: Samuel Weiser, 1995), 17-19 and


  • d surrender, one of the four primary yogic paths to union with God. Chakras - “wheel, circle.” Term for the centres of subtle or refined energy in the human “energy” body. Chaoist - A practitioner of Chaos Magick. Chaos Magick - A practice which could be termed “results based” Magick. Chaos Magick breaks away from the notion of trad ition and structure a nd focuses on observable and repeatable practices ofte

File: Star Sponge and the Fifty Gates -


  • is Method. For in it is an Implication of our Secret Enlightenment, concerning the Universe, how its Nat ure is utterly Perfection." --- from "Liber Aleph", p. 181 Many of those who espouse the "new" Chaos Magick fail in this regard. There is nothing new or revolutionary in Chaos Magick. It is the common practice of all students of the mysteries, and a beginning to serious work. Study o f established systems

File: Lon Milo DuQuette - Llewellyn's Complete Book Of Ceremonial Magick -

  • ccommunities. Any reader with even a passing interest in the magick of AleisterCrowley is strongly encouraged to attend a Gnostic Mass.Post-Crowley Magick in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries: Chaos Magickand BeyondAs a man bridging the Edwardian and early modern eras, Aleister Crowley was amagician of our time. This made him uniquely positioned to be seized upon as ahero by the counterculture of the
  • lated systems and traditions. Her doctoral dissertation examined theexperiences of Pagans in psychotherapy.Crowley’s experimental and often transgressive approach to magick helped shapethe so-called “chaos magick” movement. The work of magicians such as PeterCarroll and Phil Hine can easily be traced to the rule-breaking aesthetic ofCrowley’s corpus. Likewise, figures such as Genesis P-Orridge, Robert AntonW

File: Mark Devlin - Musical Truth 2 -

  • tonly he understands. It’s a satanic and nihilistic mindset – the idea that inthe cosmic scheme of things, human life is ultimately pointless – and it’s onethat appears to lie within the doctrines of Chaos Magick. Indeed, in the openinglines of ’Onion Peelings’ from Aleister Crowley’s ‘Book of Lies,’ we find: “TheUniverse is the practical joke of the general at the expense of the particular,quoth Frater Perd

  • e stated: “Forthe last five years, I have been studying Crowley, Osman Spare and the chaosmagickians. I got into Crowley because everybody told me not to go there. So ofcourse, I did, and ended up at chaos magick. I 100% love Aleister Crowley. ‘TheBook of the Law’ is my Bible. I love him.” McGee produced the movie ‘Kubricks,’said to be a tribute to the satanic film-maker and fellow Crowleyite KennethAnger. T

File: Art Of Memetics -


  • id to be communicated does in fact have some necessary interplay with the rest of the social mechanism and data exchange that occurs. Manipulat ing belief to a desired end has been develo ped through chaos magic, a recent for m of magic that is heavily affected by po stmodernism. You don't convince some one by pushing what you believe against what they believe. It is when their belief system is questioning i


  • than mythological explana tions and traditiona l lines of association supporting the practi ces. Since the late sixties and early seventies, a current in occult circles manifested that we refer to as Chaos Magic. One text in particul ar aimed to be a unificat ion of different mo dels into an approachable and cohesive system, and held at its mo st fundamental argument the thesis that magic was leveraged throu


  • two- fold effect, establishing confidence toward achieving the goal while also debugging the meme plex you are intentional ly installing in your pre-conscious mind. Chaos magic has presented the inno vation of what is called 'Sleight of Mind' techniques. This is a way of encrypting a signal so your dee p mind gets the message without the conscious min d blocking or interfer

File: Confessions of an Illuminati - Volume VII -


  • awenforcement do their work.” That statement was my first alarm bell during his Presidential campaign, a strangestatement that made me wonder about Trump’s honesty, and the possibility he might be a “chaos magician,” of sorts,working in disguise for the dark side. Because is the very practice of Chaos Magick that suggests to its practitionerssaying “outrageous” things as part of its shock tactic approach to


  • aking things happen,”[154] others instead, he went (andstill goes on), in the opposite direction, in what seems more and more like the work of an Illuminati “ChaosMagician” because“ like New Thought, Chaos magick is interested in results.”[155] Unfortunately for all of us, suchresults seem focused on “shifting the boundary of achievable reality,” which seems like another way of expressingthe desire to create


  • not to think at all.[409]​ After all, before the current pandemic took off, at the last in-person meeting arranged by Professor KlausSchwab in Davos, in January 2020, President Donald J. Trump, the “chaos magician,” said something that wasinevitably rejected by the increasing Socialist-minded elite present in Switzerland:This is not a time for pessimism. This is a time for optimism. To embrace the possibili

File: Encyclopedia Of Occultism And Parapsychology Vol 1 -


  • om apparitions or visions in the air. For instance, the shapes of clouds and the occurrence of rare aerial phenomena such as comets were interpreted in chaomancy. (See also austromancy; meteormancy ) Chaos Magick Chaos Magick developed in England in the 1960s as a new form of magical practice that at the time was dominated by the thelemic system as articulated by Aleister Crowley (1875–1947). Chaos magicians
  • minated by the thelemic system as articulated by Aleister Crowley (1875–1947). Chaos magicians look to Austin Osman Spare (1886–1956) and his critique of traditional ritual magic as the forerunner of chaos magick and to Ray Shermin as the actual originator of chaos magical theory. Spare, an associate of Crow- ley, broke with the Order Templi Orientis that Crowley head- ed and developed a simple form of magic
  • owley (1875–1947). Chaos magicians look to Austin Osman Spare (1886–1956) and his critique of traditional ritual magic as the forerunner of chaos magick and to Ray Shermin as the actual originator of chaos magical theory. Spare, an associate of Crow- ley, broke with the Order Templi Orientis that Crowley head- ed and developed a simple form of magical practice that, in his understanding, jettisoned much of t
  • magicians do not believe in gods or demons who have objective existence and consider the source of magical power to be found within the subconscious of the practitioner. Thus, basic exercises for the chaos magician attempt to place the ma- gician in touch with his/her inner self rather than any outside power or entity. Ritual is used, but is considered drama that arouses the subconscious to a fever pitch pri
  • lowed in the later 1980s by the more popular work of Peter J. Carroll whose Liber Null contains the rituals of the IOT. Carroll also put together a training manual covering the theory and practice of chaos magick, Psychonaut. The IOT may be contacted at BM Sorcery, London WC1N 3XX, United Kingdom. Its webpage is at Sources: Carroll, Peter J. Liber Null & Psychonaut. York Beach, Ma


  • ian, and Ruth West. The Alternative Health Guide. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1983. Initiates of Thanateros The Initiates of Thanateros (IOT) is the primary organiza- tion perpetuating the practice of chaos magick, a new magical teaching that emerged in the 1960s out of the world of Austin Osman Spare (1886–1956). Chaos magick developed out of the earlier ceremonial magic. It adopted an essentially Eastern vi
  • Chaos’’ developed in England around Ray Sherwin and Julian Wilde, who wrote the initial works on chaos theory and practice. During the 1970s, Peter J. Carroll emerged as the pri- mary theoretician of chaos magick, and he took the lead in the formation of the Initiates of Thanateros as a new magical order that would serve as a vehicle for chaos magick. By this time, Encyclopedia of Occultism & Parapsychology
  • , Peter J. Carroll emerged as the pri- mary theoretician of chaos magick, and he took the lead in the formation of the Initiates of Thanateros as a new magical order that would serve as a vehicle for chaos magick. By this time, Encyclopedia of Occultism & Parapsychology • 5th Ed. Initiates of Thanateros 789


  • chaos magick had spread across Europe and the formal organi- zation of the Pact of the IOT occurred in Austria in 1977. The pact is loosely organized as a network of magicians and certain people designated to pe

File: Encyclopedia Of Occultism And Parapsychology Vol 2 -


  • Oris, 1155 Pierrakos, Eva, 1211–1212 Price, George Graham, 6 Ramer, Andrew, 1279 Roerich, Helena, 1317–1318 Ryerson, Kevin, 1336 Schucman, Helen, 1360–1361 White, Stewart Edward, 1665 Chaomancy, 271 Chaos Magick, 271, 789–790 Chaos: The Review of the Damned (Periodical), 271–272 Charcot, J. M., 272 hypnotism, 765 Janet, Pierre, 822 Mesmer, Franz Anton, 1028 Stigmata Research in the Nineteenth and Twentieth


  • 14 automatic writing, 131 Baphomet, 154 Bardon, Franz, 156 Bennett, (Charles Henry) Allan, 169 Berridge, Edward, 176 black magic, 189 Book of Shadows, 203 Book of Thoth, 204–205 ceremonial magic, 266 Chaos Magick, 271 Chibbett, Harold, 276 Church of the Eternal Source, 291 College of Thelema/Temple of Thelema, 309 Collins, Mabel (Mrs. Keningale Cook), 310 Doinel, Jules-Benoit, 437 Ecclesia Gnostica Alba, 467


  • 959 aetities, 13 Africa, 13 American Museum of Magic, 42 amulets, 46 Arbatel, 84 Babylonia, 138–139 bitumen, 188 Black Magic, 189–190 Cambodia, 243–244 Central America, 1033 ceremonial magic, 265–266 Chaos Magick, 271 China, 278 circles, 295 cock, 305–306 conjuring tricks/stage magic, 959 dynamics of, 958 early history, 956–957 Egypt, 480–481, 483 England, 505, 507–509 English Qabala, 509–510 European settle


  • en and Peter, 235 Fellowship of Universal Guidance, 554 Findhorn Community, 562 Human Dimensions Institute, West, 754 New Age, 1106, 1107 Spare, Austin Osman, 1451 automatic drawing and painting, 127 Chaos Magick, 271 Grant, Kenneth, 660 Initiates of Thanateros, 789 Ordo Templi Orientis (Grant), 1152 Sigil, 1408 Zos Kia Cultus, 1710 Speaking in Tongues, 644. See also Xenoglossy Speal Bone (Divination by), 14


  • n Council for Psychical Investigation, 1613 University of the Trees, 727, 1613 Unknown, The (Magazine), 1613 Unknown World, The (Journal), 1613 Unknown Worlds (Newsletter), 1613 Upanishads, 1613–1614 Chaos Magick, 271 ‘‘Oupnekhat,’’ 1159 Vedanta, 1631 Vedanta Societies, 1631 Uphoff, Walter, 865, 1614 Upright Man, The, 1614 Ura, 1614 Uranian Astrology, 1614 URANTIA, 1615 URANTIA Brotherhood Association, 1615

File: History Of Western Magic -


  • of such operations was usually ascribed to the mispronunciation of those names. We have modern variations of this tradition especially reflected in the Enochian language and the ‘Barbarous Names’ in Chaos Magic. An example of the use of these “words of power” can be found in the legend of Isis and Osiris. The goddess Isis, later the wife of Osiris, the legend says, was a mortal woman who was very skilled in


  • technique of “sigilization” as well as his teachings about Zos, the body as a whole, and Kia, the immortal soul, was incorporated and further developed by Peter Carroll to form what is today known as Chaos Magic. Spare is considered the “grandfather” of Chaos Magic. He died poor and deserted in a basement in London. 7.8 Franz Bardon Bardon was a very important magician of the XX century who still has not rec



  • wer of Evocation Kabbalistic Cycles and the Mastery of Life by Joseph C. Lisiewski, Ph.D. Info-Psychology by Timothy Leary, Ph.D. Beyond Duality by Laurence Galian Condensed Chaos: An Introduction to Chaos Magick Prime Chaos: Adventures in Chaos Magick by Phil Hine PsyberMagick The Chaos Magick Audio CDs by Peter J. Carroll Zen Without Zen Masters by Camden Benares Monsters & Magical Sticks: There’s No Such

File: Illustrated Goetia -


  • Pathworkings of Aleister Crowley By Aleister Crowley Info-Psychology The Game of Life By Timothy Leary, Ph.D. Sparks From the Fire of Time By Rick & Louisa Clerici Condensed Chaos: An Introduction to Chaos Magick By Phil Hine The Challenge of the New Millennium By Jerral Hicks, Ed.D. The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic The Golden Dawn Tapes-Series I, II, and III By Israel Regardie Buddhism and Jungian P

File: Liber Kkk -


  • ies of general magical techniques which the magician must develop into a workable programme using whatever symbols, instruments and forms of gnosis that appeal to him. It would be inappropriate for a Chaos Magic text to prescribe any particular beliefs or dogmas, except that magic works if certain general principles are followed. It would be inappropriate for any Chaos magician to slavishly adhere to the fin

File: Magic Of Illuminnates -


  • THE MAGICAL PACT OF THE ILLUMINNATES OF THANATEROS Get any book for free on: 2 Since the inception of the Chaos Magic current some individuals have elected to work alone whilst o thers have worked in concert in a loose configuration of allied groups. The Magical Order of the IOT has in practise functioned as a highl

File: Psychopath's Bible And The Black Book -


  • e Pathworkings of Aleister Crowley By Aleister Crowley 'hristopher S. Hyatt, Ph.D. N europolitique By Timothy Leary, PhD. Zen Without Zen Masters By Camden Benares Condensed Chaos: An Introduction to Chaos Magick By Phil Hine With Nicholas Tharcher PysberMagick: Advanced Ideas in Chaos Magick By Peter Carroll The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic By Israel Regardie Buddhism and Jungian Psychology By J. Ma

File: Sacred Texts - The Internet Book of Shadows -


  • tymology of "Wicca" Nature Spirit Magick (Larry Cornett) Mycenaen Mysteries (J. Teller) Open Circle Ethics (Brandy Williams) Shamanic Lifeways Fellowship (Michelle Haas) Pantacle, The (Gary Dumbauld) Chaos Magic (Mark Chao) Magickal History (Fra.: Apfelman) Power Animals (RMPJ) Crystals, their care and feeding (Matrika) Ethics and Magick (Warren Stott) Candle Magic Cauldrons (Elemental) Irish Myth Concordanc


  • M.K.H) Broken Heart Spell (Healing) Statement of Principles and Ethics (Lifeway Shamanic Fellowship) Dragon, The Last (story by Gerald Decampo) Circle Casting On the Number 451 (Ordo Argentum Astrum) Chaos Magick vs. Thelema Notes On The Historical Egregore in Magick (I.O.T.) Nemesis Conjuration (I.O.T.) Ideology (I.O.T.) Thunder, Perfect Mind (Tony Ianotti) Treatise On Mind (The Tigress) Magickal Training C


  • Chaoism and Chaos Magick (Pete Carroll) "Dark Night of the Soul" Liber OZMA (Tim Maroney) Sigil Magick (I.O.T.) Drugs and Religion -- Snakebite Trips? (Loren Petrich) Wishing Well (I.O.T.) Hymns To The Star Goddess (O.T.O.)


  • magician is more of an "energy dancer" than a "fence rider" or go-between. But even here the key to the perception, charging and general utilization of these forces is again the magical trance or, as Chaos Magic terms it, gnosis. Theories and practices pertaining to the energy model can be found with many magical authors but it has seen its real, large scale popularity only since the seventies of our century


  • e magician is: "Always use the model most adequate to your aims." This may sound a bit trite but we will see that it is not quite as selfevident amongst magicians as one might expect. It is rooted in Chaos magic's assertion "Nothing is true. Everything is permitted", which ultimately boils down to pragmatic


  • ents of contemporary magic, is the author of "PRACTICAL SIGIL MAGIC" and "SECRETS OF THE GERMAN SEX MAGICIANS" (forthcoming). The essay above will be part of his next book, "DANCE OF THE PARADIGMS. A CHAOS MAGICK PRIMER."


  • nce. Merely reading about it or going to a workshop will not get you anywhere. The multitude of sexual expressions is just as great and manifold as human behavior in general. Here, like everywhere in Chaos Magic, it is useful to keep in mind that if it works for you, use it! Remember, the real sex magicians, male and female, have always known that and discarded social conditioning and taboos, right along wit


  • we need to gain success. "One must beware making dogma, for Spare went to great pains to exclude it as much as possible to achieve success in his magic; however a number of basic assumptions underpin chaos magic. "Chaos is the universal potential of creative force, which is constantly engaged in trying to seep through the cracks of our personal and collective realities. It is the power of Evolution/Devolutio


  • of Chaos ever since, especially in Northern England and Germany. In 1976, a couple of dozen Chaos Magicians, including Peter J. Carroll and Ray Sherwin, announced the formation of a new magical Order, the Illuminates Of Thanateros. The intention of the group was to have an Order where degrees expressed


  • read `Chaos: making a new science' by James Gleick and `Turbulent Mirror' by John Briggs & F. David Peat. What we are concerned with here is how all this relates to magic. Many magicians, especially Chaos Magicians, have begun using these terms, "fractal" and "strange attractor", in their everyday conversations. Most of those who do this have some understanding of the relationship between magic and this are


  • re is a diagram of a fractal design on the cover of `Kaos' magazine #11 (now out of print) that would be a wonderful example of magic at work and the many paths that the energy may follow... Defining Chaos Magic * Chaos is not in itself, a system or philosophy. It is rather an attitude that one applies to one's magic and philosophy. It is the basis for all magic, as it is the primal creative force. A Chaos M


  • al results will bring the necessary understanding. Last amended June 11, 1989 -- Page NEXTRECORD 403 This series is directed toward the increasing numbers of people who have been asking, "What is Chaos Magic?" It is very basic and by no means intended to be a complete explanation of any of the elements discussed. Many of the principles of magic must be self-discovered, my only intent here is to try to de


  • making a new science' by James Gleick `Turbulent Mirror' by John Briggs & F. David Peat `Liber Null & Psychonaut' by Peter J. Carroll `Practical Sigil Magick' by Frater U.D. * Magazines dealing with Chaos Magic(k): Chaos International BM SORCERY London WC1N 3XX England * Thanateros P.O. Box 89143


  • NUMEROLOGY (Mike Nichols) ................................454 CELTIC BIBLIOGRAPHY (Rowan Moonstone) ...........................298 Chants w/ASCII Notation (L.A.Hussey) ...........................1081 Chaos Magic (Mark Chao) .........................................398 Charge of the Phone Goddess (Magenta Griffith) ..................759 Charge of the Goddess, The ......................................193 Char


  • plex and highly ordered otherworld cosmologies and metaphysical theories. Yet their accompanying techniques are frequently a shambles. In contradiction to all this, one of the fundamental insights of Chaos Magic is that if magical technique is sharply delineated it will work because the universe itself is more of a shambles than it appears. Or perhaps I should more respectfully say that it has the magical pr


  • cians, Crowley = Thelema. But if it can be accepted that there is a something which exists independently of Crowley`s writings, then it must be this something (Thelema) which is to be contrasted with Chaos Magick. The core of this something, I suggest, is the Will. Is this idea of the Will in any way opposed to Chaos? What is Chaos then? For the purposes of this argument I will interpret Chaos as follows: th


  • rness left in which to undertake such a quest. We are forced to contend with the results of the human desire for knowledge, power, control and security. This is perhaps the crucial difference between Chaos magick and Thelema. Thelema, as developed by Crowley into a form suitable for the 20th century, contains a whole heritage of experience and practice which reaches back through the Golden Dawn through herme


  • elief structures which infest Green consciousness are also going to exert a growing influence. We may yet discover that the future, as the Dead Kennedy predicted, will be "California .ber Alles". Can Chaos magick then succeed where Thelema has not (yet)? I doubt it, since the reaction to both by the average alternative type (let alone Joe Normal) is that it is "too dark". The very word "Chaos" tends to get t


  • Phillips, Creative Visualization. Ophiel, Creative Visualization. A.E. Powell, The Astral Body. ________, The Mental Body. Joseph Weed, Wisdom of the Ancient Masters. 1346 Julian Wilde, Grimoire of Chaos Magick. ======== Phil Hansford, 4/88 Mysteria (818) 353-8891 (modem) P.O. Box 83 Tujunga, CA 91042


  • ------, The Secret Science At Work. Stephen Mace, Stealing the Fire from Heaven. Julian Wilde, Grimoire of Chaos Magick. ======== Phil Hansford, 4/88 Mysteria (818) 353-8891 (modem) P.O. Box 83 Tujunga, CA 91042 1391


  • Main Index Index Previous Next Practical Applications of the Chaossphere by Fra.: Neonfaust The Chaossphere is the prime working tool of Chaos magicians and the Magical Pact of the Illuminates of Thanateros (IOT). The physical Chaossphere has a vast range of applications of which a few shall be briefly delineated here: Meditation employing the Ch


  • mall portent of things to come. We left the mountain with no particular idea other than to form an Order such as had never existed before, that would break the existing mold and provide a vehicle for Chaos Magic. A year later some of us met in a splendid Austrian castle and formally arranged ourselves into the Magical Pact of the Illuminates of Thanateros, using as a basis a simple structure of four grades a


  • here we can, in print and by word of mouth, although we occasionally perform acts of magic to hasten things along. The magical techniques and philosophy of the Pact are mainly Chaoist in inspiration. Chaos Magic calls for a concentration of the actual mechanics at work when planning acts of evocation, divination, enchantment, invocation and illumination. It is techniques and intention that are important in s


  • es. I notice the eclectic approach becoming ever more pervasive in esoterics. Insights and ideas are now poached shamelessly from one so-called tradition to another, but this is how it should be, and Chaos Magic boldly encourages the meta-tradition which takes anything and everything that is effective from all traditions to create an explosive mixture. 1399 So, on with the pursuit of the Great Work of Magic


  • Main Index Index Previous Next Chaoism & Chaos Magic, A Personal View by Pete Carroll As there are as many Chaos Magicians as there are Chaoists practising magic, I cannot speak for the subject in general but only for my own Chaoism and Chaos Magic. H


  • can invoke or evoke anything, even things which did not exist before one thought of calling them. This may sound like complete Chaos, and I have to report that my own researches confirm that it is ! Chaos Magic for me means a handful of basic techniques which must be adhered to strictly to get results, but beyond that it offers a freedom of expression and intent undreamt of in all previous forms of magic.


  • to invoke the dynamic process of Chaos by which the wish can be fulfilled. Some occult authorities, Crowley among them, assert that the Zarzas formula is dangerous and advise against using it. Modern Chaos magicians do not share that view and, besides having employed it for years with no particular ills impacting the user, is consistently been found to enhance the effectiveness of most categories of magical


  • rning repository of information. The emblem of the Auto-nomatriX is a circular blade with eight teeth providing a background to t he glyph of Eris turned on its side. The AutonomatriX is a networking chaos magic guild of those striving to discover and rejuvenate magical ideas and technical skills with success as the only key to validation. We do not discriminate on the basis of lifestyle, gender, affiliation

File: golden dawn reference faq -


  • e title "Isis-Urania," began to admit Fratres and Sorores in 1888. For the next two decades, they generated a body of esoteric knowledge unparalleled to this day. Traditions as seemingly different as Chaos Magick and Gard- nerian Wicca have roots in the Golden Dawn, and it has influenced scholars (e.g., A. E. Waite) and poets (e.g., W. B. Yeats) alike. The Golden Dawn "system of magic" is a tool designed to

File: Phil Hine - Condensed Chaos -


  • Contents What is Magick? ..................................................... 5 What is Chaos Magick?.......................................... 7 Principles of Chaos Magick ................................. 14 Infinite Diversity, Infinite Combination ............... 17 All Hail Discordia! .........


  • ch begins at the most basic premises - what do I need to survive? - how do I want to live? - who do I want to be? - and then gives a set of conceptual weapons and techniques for achieving those aims. Chaos Magic is one of the many ways of ëdoing magickí, and this booklet is a concise introduction to the Chaos approach.


  • 7 Condensed Chaos What is Chaos Magick? What"is Chaos Magic? Good question. Since it burst upon the magical scene in the late ë70ís it has generated a great deal of debate about what it is, what it isnít, and whoís doing it ërightí - suc


  • nia and youíll find a ëMagical Systemí that comprises of several hundred- thousand words, obscure diagrams and appendices which will probably state at some point, that drugs are a no-no. The birth of Chaos magic came about in the late 70ís, at about the time that punk rock was spitting out at the music industry and Chaos Science was beginning to be taken seriously by mathematicians, economists, and physicist


  • 9 Condensed Chaos developed by Austin Osman Spare, which has become one of the core techniques associated with Chaos magic. The early growth of Chaos magic was characterised by a loose network of informal groups who came together to experiment with the possibilities of the new current. With the demise of The New Equinox,


  • 10 Phil Hine An important influence on the development of Chaos magic was the writing of Robert Anton Wilson & co, particularly the Discordian Society who revered Eris, the Greek goddess of Chaos. The Discordians pointed out that humour, clowning about and general ligh


  • hire-based ëCircle of Chaosí. Alas, by this time, the early co-operation between exponents of Chaos had given rise to legal wrangles, literary sideswipes, and even magical battles. For some at least, Chaos magic = loadsa money while others discovered that they had a ëpositioní to hold onto as defenders of the title of spokesperson for a movement. True to its nature, Chaos splintered and began to re-evolve in


  • stance on Chaos turned out to be a tactical error, as he invariably massaged the egos of his ëalliesí only to drag them down at a later date. In í86 the S.A. Press released Julian Wildeís Grimoire of Chaos magic, the first book on Chaos magic outside the Sherwin/ Carroll circles. Despite heavy criticism from other Chaos factions, Mr. Wilde never came forth to explain his ideas, nor has much been heard from h


  • 13 Condensed Chaos Apikorsus, that: ìChaos magic is already dead, and the only debate is between the vultures over who gets the biggest bones.î This assertion was also made by Stephen Sennitt, the editor of Nox magazine. In retrospect, it seems les


  • 14 Phil Hine Principles of Chaos Magick Whilst magical systems usually base themselves around a model or map of the spiritual/physical universe, such as the Tree of Life (which can sometimes described as a cosmic filofax), Chaos Magick is


  • 15 Condensed Chaos havenít a f*****g clue.î Quite early on, Chaos magicians came to the startling discovery that once you strip away the layers of dogma, personal beliefs, attitudes and anecdotes around any particular technique of practical magick, it can be quite simply


  • oned earlier, ëtraditionalí approaches to magick involve choosing one particular system and sticking to it. The Chaos perspective, if nothing else, encourages an eclectic approach to development, and Chaos Magicians are free to choose from any available magical system, themes from literature, television, religions, cults, parapsychology, etc. This approach means that if you approach two chaos magicians and a
  • ment, and Chaos Magicians are free to choose from any available magical system, themes from literature, television, religions, cults, parapsychology, etc. This approach means that if you approach two chaos magicians and ask ëem what theyíre doing at any one moment, youíre rarely likely to find much of a consensus of approach. This makes Chaos difficult to pin down as one thing or another, which again tends t


  • 17 Condensed Chaos Infinite Diversity, Infinite Combination As I said earlier, one of the characteristics of the Chaos Magick approach is the diversity of systems of magick that practitioners can choose to hop between, rather than just sticking to one particular one. There are, naturally, many different approaches to using


  • 19 Condensed Chaos Chaos Science Some Chaos Magicians tend to use a lot of scientific analogies/ metaphors in their work. This is okay - after all science sells washing powders and cars - if something can be shown to have a ëscientificí basis, then


  • 35 Condensed Chaos Belief - A Key to Magick One aspect of Chaos Magick that seems to upset some people is the Chaos Magicianís (or Chaoist, if you like) occasional fondness for working with images culled from non-historical sources, such as invoking H.P Lovecraftís Cth


  • om a variety of sources, and possibly have little inherent value of themselves, though they could be fun to try and may have far-reaching conse- quences. One acquaintance of mine began his foray into Chaos Magick by taking on the belief-system of being a Born-Again Christian. Heís still a Born-Again Christian, but seems to be happier. 1. When obtaining any magical result (including ëfailureí) al- ways think


  • n in your head. Most people tend to say that they are mad ëcompared to the rest of themí (likewise, most people will affirm that they are stupid. Few will admit to be- ing crap at sex though - why?). Chaos Magick allows you to send your mad thoughts out for a night out occasionally. Con- trary to what comes over in books, magick is a street-level activity (gutter-level, even). Look at the zig-zag path of the


  • mittedî, acting totally from this premise is likely to bring you into conflict with those individuals and authorities who have pretty fixed views on what isnít permit- ted. Thus, despite the glamour, Chaos Magicians are rarely completely amoral. One of the basic axioms of magical phi- losophy is that morality grows from within, once you have begun to know the difference between what you have learned to belie


  • 47 Condensed Chaos Conclusions This booklet has been an attempt to put over some of the basic ideas behind Chaos Magick. What you should bear in mind when reading it is that youíre getting my ideas on the subject - strained through my experiences and the zig-zag trail Iíve blazed through the weird world of magick. Th


  • 48 Phil Hine decide. Chaos Magick reflects much of modern western cul- ture, with its emphasis on a multiplicity of ever-changing styles, of diffuse fragments blending in with each other, without a discernable ëthreadí to bind them


  • 49 Condensed Chaos Appendices The following essays are appended as sources of interest & inspiration for readers who are interested in reading more about someone elseís approach to Chaos Magick, and most definitely not to pad out an otherwise slim volume. Most have appeared in Nox magazine or somewhere else, so if youíve seen ëem before, go and watch a video or something.

File: Phil Hine - Evocation -


  • gicí - a notion much in favour with those who have been exposed to too many Dennis Wheatley novels! Fortunately, the rise of a more eclectic approach to practical magic, in which I feel the so-called Chaos Magic movement has palyed a significant part, has done much to banish the old dogmas surrounding what is after all, a very practical and useful set of magical techniques. Phil Hine, March 1998


  • . Illumination/Transformation Phase of Return: Rebirth, return to world. Mastery Awareness of this process is a central theme of the contemporary approach to development which has come to be known as Chaos Magick, an approach which focuses on the examination and removal of belief structures, the cultural conditioning which defines our experience of the world. Deliberate self-wounding, to facilitate a return

File: Phil Hine - Five Essays Exploring Modern Tantra -


  • hrouded in mystery, despite the plethora of populist books on the subject. The scholastic study of Tantra is difficult due to the ‘closed-mouth’ stance of its adherents and its esoteric culture. Like chaos magicians, it is often difficult to obtain a consensus from Tantrics about any aspect of belief or technique. Although many fine studies of Tantric ideas are available, with few exceptions these are restri

File: Phil Hine - Groups Explorations In Ego Magick -


  • modifying behaviours and cognitive patterns which are dysfunctional. At least that’s the theory. Considering how important Ego Magic/Deconditioning techniques are stressed as being to the practice of Chaos Magic, it’s amazing how little information on them there actually is. When one considers the Ego Magic techniques that have been made available through Chaos Magic texts, the following points should be con


  • 16 b) Discussion topic: You meet up with an old friend who, whilst being sympathetic to magic in general, seems to have a very negative attitude to Chaos Magic. Assuming that you want to do something about this, how would you try and alter this person’s attitude? NB: This could also (optionally) be tried out as a role-play, with one person taking on the rol

File: Phil Hine - Oven Ready Chaos -


  • Contents What is Magick? ..................................................... 5 What is Chaos Magick? .......................................... 7 Principles of Chaos Magick ................................. 14 Infinite Diversity, Infinite Combination ............... 17 All Hail Discordia! ........


  • ch begins at the most basic premises - what do I need to survive? - how do I want to live? - who do I want to be? - and then gives a set of conceptual weapons and techniques for achieving those aims. Chaos Magic is one of the many ways of ‘doing magick’, and this booklet is a concise introduction to the Chaos approach.


  • 7 Oven-Ready Chaos What is Chaos Magick? What"is Chaos Magic? Good question. Since it burst upon the magical scene in the late ‘70’s it has generated a great deal of debate about what it is, what it isn’t, and who’s doing it ‘right’ - suc


  • nia and you’ll find a ‘Magical System’ that comprises of several hundred- thousand words, obscure diagrams and appendices which will probably state at some point, that drugs are a no-no. The birth of Chaos magic came about in the late 70’s, at about the time that punk rock was spitting out at the music industry and Chaos Science was beginning to be taken seriously by mathematicians, economists, and physicist


  • 9 Oven-Ready Chaos developed by Austin Osman Spare, which has become one of the core techniques associated with Chaos magic. The early growth of Chaos magic was characterised by a loose network of informal groups who came together to experiment with the possibilities of the new current. With the demise of The New Equinox,


  • 10 Phil Hine An important influence on the development of Chaos magic was the writing of Robert Anton Wilson & co, particularly the Discordian Society who revered Eris, the Greek goddess of Chaos. The Discordians pointed out that humour, clowning about and general ligh


  • hire-based ‘Circle of Chaos’. Alas, by this time, the early co-operation between exponents of Chaos had given rise to legal wrangles, literary sideswipes, and even magical battles. For some at least, Chaos magic = loadsa money while others discovered that they had a ‘position’ to hold onto as defenders of the title of spokesperson for a movement. True to its nature, Chaos splintered and began to re-evolve in


  • stance on Chaos turned out to be a tactical error, as he invariably massaged the egos of his ‘allies’ only to drag them down at a later date. In ’86 the S.A. Press released Julian Wilde’s Grimoire of Chaos magic, the first book on Chaos magic outside the Sherwin/ Carroll circles. Despite heavy criticism from other Chaos factions, Mr. Wilde never came forth to explain his ideas, nor has much been heard from h


  • 13 Oven-Ready Chaos Apikorsus, that: “Chaos magic is already dead, and the only debate is between the vultures over who gets the biggest bones.” This assertion was also made by Stephen Sennitt, the editor of Nox magazine. In retrospect, it seems les


  • 14 Phil Hine Principles of Chaos Magick Whilst magical systems usually base themselves around a model or map of the spiritual/physical universe, such as the Tree of Life (which can sometimes described as a cosmic filofax), Chaos Magick is


  • 15 Oven-Ready Chaos haven’t a f*****g clue.” Quite early on, Chaos magicians came to the startling discovery that once you strip away the layers of dogma, personal beliefs, attitudes and anecdotes around any particular technique of practical magick, it can be quite simply


  • oned earlier, ‘traditional’ approaches to magick involve choosing one particular system and sticking to it. The Chaos perspective, if nothing else, encourages an eclectic approach to development, and Chaos Magicians are free to choose from any available magical system, themes from literature, television, religions, cults, parapsychology, etc. This approach means that if you approach two chaos magicians and a
  • ment, and Chaos Magicians are free to choose from any available magical system, themes from literature, television, religions, cults, parapsychology, etc. This approach means that if you approach two chaos magicians and ask ‘em what they’re doing at any one moment, you’re rarely likely to find much of a consensus of approach. This makes Chaos difficult to pin down as one thing or another, which again tends t


  • 17 Oven-Ready Chaos Infinite Diversity, Infinite Combination As I said earlier, one of the characteristics of the Chaos Magick approach is the diversity of systems of magick that practitioners can choose to hop between, rather than just sticking to one particular one. There are, naturally, many different approaches to using


  • 19 Oven-Ready Chaos Chaos Science Some Chaos Magicians tend to use a lot of scientific analogies/ metaphors in their work. This is okay - after all science sells washing powders and cars - if something can be shown to have a ‘scientific’ basis, then


  • 35 Oven-Ready Chaos Belief - A Key to Magick One aspect of Chaos Magick that seems to upset some people is the Chaos Magician’s (or Chaoist, if you like) occasional fondness for working with images culled from non-historical sources, such as invoking H.P Lovecraft’s Cth


  • om a variety of sources, and possibly have little inherent value of themselves, though they could be fun to try and may have far-reaching conse- quences. One acquaintance of mine began his foray into Chaos Magick by taking on the belief-system of being a Born-Again Christian. He’s still a Born-Again Christian, but seems to be happier. 1. When obtaining any magical result (including ‘failure’) al- ways think


  • n in your head. Most people tend to say that they are mad ‘compared to the rest of them’ (likewise, most people will affirm that they are stupid. Few will admit to be- ing crap at sex though - why?). Chaos Magick allows you to send your mad thoughts out for a night out occasionally. Con- trary to what comes over in books, magick is a street-level activity (gutter-level, even). Look at the zig-zag path of the


  • mitted”, acting totally from this premise is likely to bring you into conflict with those individuals and authorities who have pretty fixed views on what isn’t permit- ted. Thus, despite the glamour, Chaos Magicians are rarely completely amoral. One of the basic axioms of magical phi- losophy is that morality grows from within, once you have begun to know the difference between what you have learned to belie


  • 47 Oven-Ready Chaos Conclusions This booklet has been an attempt to put over some of the basic ideas behind Chaos Magick. What you should bear in mind when reading it is that you’re getting my ideas on the subject - strained through my experiences and the zig-zag trail I’ve blazed through the weird world of magick. Th


  • 48 Phil Hine decide. Chaos Magick reflects much of modern western cul- ture, with its emphasis on a multiplicity of ever-changing styles, of diffuse fragments blending in with each other, without a discernable ‘thread’ to bind them


  • 49 Oven-Ready Chaos Appendices The following essays are appended as sources of interest & inspiration for readers who are interested in reading more about someone else’s approach to Chaos Magick, and most definitely not to pad out an otherwise slim volume. Most have appeared in Nox magazine or somewhere else, so if you’ve seen ‘em before, go and watch a video or something.

File: Phil Hine - Permutations -


  • again discussed in the New Falcon edn of Condensed Chaos ) can be helpful here. One of the most subtle issues relating to interventions on the behalf of others is that of ethics. In the early days of Chaos magic’s arrival on the UK magical scene, there was much worrying done in print by magicians of other persuasions about the perceived ‘lack of ethics’ implied in the statement “Nothing is true, Everything i
  • much worrying done in print by magicians of other persuasions about the perceived ‘lack of ethics’ implied in the statement “Nothing is true, Everything is permitted.” The implied criticism was that ‘chaos magicians’ would become immoral monsters capable of just about anything , without some stated code of magical ethics to follow. For me, a cornerstone of magical work is that one’s sense of ethics grows fro


  • y magical wills? Do we simply ‘use’ the gods, or do we form ‘relationships’ with them? The way in which one frames these issues might well depend on one’s ‘style’ of magick. New Agers and ‘hard-core’ Chaos Magicians might find some common ground in the view that Gods are just ‘masks’ of our multiple selves, momentarily elevated. A Wiccan might say that of course the gods are ‘real’, and find the very questio


  • ment; plundering the past to support an immediate now. This is the dizzying dance of MAYA. Everything is Permitted because Nothing is True. Think about that for a moment. No Direction Home Critics of Chaos Magick have pointed out that Chaos Magick does not have any stated goal to strive for. Unlike other magical philosophies, which are spun around ‘New Aeons’, future dreams, or still cling to crypto-transcen


  • ent, has already happened; the problem being of course, that we lack the required cognitive systems to make the best adaptation to it. This idea in itself, throws the whole issue of a ‘direction’ for Chaos Magick into sharper relief; the ways in which we can cast forth future projections are couched in terms of present knowledge, present viewpoints, and the patterns through we structure information. In attem


  • necessity, a finite space. Gnosis may well propel us, momentarily, beyond its confines. And as William Burroughs has it, you cannot take words into space. Gnosis, as the term is generally applied in Chaos Magick, is merely the visible tip of a vast range of numinous experiences which have, apart from a few intrepid researchers in Pyschonautics (Seigel, Grof et a), been viewed as the domain of mystics. While


  • cally modify our experience of WORK. Yet the background WORK helps us to understand the dynamics of PLAY, and opens up new areas for exploration. To rewind back to the question of an overall goal for Chaos Magick. I would suggest that the goal is present, yet hidden. Chaos Magick is a process of MUTATION. Cumulative Gnosis


  • remaps the neural pathways - Mutation. The deconstruction of Identity from the beleaguered To To rewind back to the question of an overall goal for Chaos Magick. I would suggest that the goal is present, yet hidden. Chaos Magick is a process of MUTATION. Cumulative Gnosis remaps the neural pathways - Mutation. The deconstruction of Identity from the beleagu


  • .com The Pseudonomicon by Phil Hine (2nd Edn) available from Dagon Productions, PO Box 17995, Irvine, CA 92713, USA. W ORK O N THE WWW Oven-Ready Chaos version 1.2 - My first, introductory booklet on Chaos Magic (originally entitled “Condensed Chaos”) can be found at TOOLS OF CHAOS in Adobe PDF format. See also CHAOS MATRIX for a selection of essays on various aspects of

File: Phil Hine - Running Magical Workshops -


  • llow them to decide if your book (or whatever) is worth buying. So your workshops are in effect a form of advertising. Also, if you are ‘representing’ a particular magical approach (such as Tantra or Chaos Magic) you are likely to be taken as a representative for that entire genre. People will come away from your workshop with an opinion about you, your work, and your associated ‘tradition’ - so make sure it


  • rkshop, particularly if the subject you are presenting is at all controversial. For example, in 1994 I was booked to speak to a discussion forum which was predominantly Pagan Federation members about Chaos Magic. Now this was just after a rather controversial article on Chaos had been published in the Pagan Federation’s magazine. I didn’t like what the article had to say, and I knew that a good number of oth

File: Robert Anton Wilson - Cosmic Trigger 1 - Final Secret Of The Illuminati -


  • s on Yoga The Pathworkings ofAleister Crowley By Aleister Crowley Neuropolitique The Game of Life By Timothy Leary, Ph.D. Zen Without Zen Masters By Camden Benares Condensed Chaos: An Introduction to Chaos Magick By Phil Hine The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic By Israel Regardie Psychology & Religion for the Millennium and Beyond By J. Marvin Spiegelman, Ph.D. Astrology & Consciousness By Rio Olesky Me

File: Church of Lucifer -


  • nt and light it up. This will b urn for a good amount of time and when you start doing your thing, that fire will dance around and have a "good ol' time". This has many purposes, think of your own!!! Chaos Magick by Rev. Satrinah Nagash To have success in chaos magick, it is a ll dependant on your degree of mastery of the magickal trances and metamorphosis. Initiate chaos magick includes three ways, ritu al,
  • time and when you start doing your thing, that fire will dance around and have a "good ol' time". This has many purposes, think of your own!!! Chaos Magick by Rev. Satrinah Nagash To have success in chaos magick, it is a ll dependant on your degree of mastery of the magickal trances and metamorphosis. Initiate chaos magick includes three ways, ritu al, sigils and dreaming. Ritual - This is a combination of
  • purposes, think of your own!!! Chaos Magick by Rev. Satrinah Nagash To have success in chaos magick, it is a ll dependant on your degree of mastery of the magickal trances and metamorphosis. Initiate chaos magick includes three ways, ritu al, sigils and dreaming. Ritual - This is a combination of the use of talismanic weapons(magickal weapon, dagger, wand, etc.), gesture, visualized sigils, word spells and m
  • This is a combination of the use of talismanic weapons(magickal weapon, dagger, wand, etc.), gesture, visualized sigils, word spells and magickal trance. One thing that is essential for beginners in chaos magick is to have an effective banishing ritual. A good banishing ritual will prepare you for magick concentration more rapidly than any of the magickal trances alone, however, you do need to utilize or kn


  • e helps in bypassing the mind. In using sigils, there are three parts. 1. The sigil is constructed, 2. The sigil is lost to the mind and 3. The sigil is charged. When you construct a sigil for use in chaos magick, you are producing a sigil of your desire, but stylize d to not imme diately suggest the desire. Complex symb ol systems are not necessary. Words, images or sounds can construct these sigils. The su
  • ings, for they are ones symb olic syste m or magickal reality. By d enying the hand that spoils and touching the magickal reality lightly, then you will gain enough freedom to act. To have success in chaos magick, it is a ll dependant on your degree of mastery of the magickal trances and metamorphosis (last class). Initiate chaos magick includes three ways, ritu al, sigils and dreaming. 27
  • ity lightly, then you will gain enough freedom to act. To have success in chaos magick, it is a ll dependant on your degree of mastery of the magickal trances and metamorphosis (last class). Initiate chaos magick includes three ways, ritu al, sigils and dreaming. 27


  • This is a combination of the use of talismanic weapons(magickal weapon, dagger, wand, etc.), gesture, visualized sigils, word spells and magickal trance. One thing that is essential for beginners in chaos magick is to have an effective banishing ritual. A good banishing ritual will prepare you for magick concentration more rapidly than any of the magickal trances alone, however, you do need to utilize or kn


  • psychic magick should and is performed everyday sometimes without you realizing it. The Evil eye which makes others feel uncomfortable is one way of using magick with out using magick.. Satrinah> .12Chaos magick is a complete system of magickal practice, yet so is what ever one creates him/herself. For magick to be accomplished “properly” one need only look at their accomplishments and realize that magick h


  • cation through orgasm brought on by sexual intercourse or self-stimu lation. Sex Magick has been a well-known type of ritual for a long time and is popular among many different types of mystics fro m Chaos Magickians to Hermetics. It's attributes will b e described herein. Basic Prin ciple The basic principle behind sex magick is simp le. The feelings induced by sexual acts and the subsequent orgasm(s) p ut

File: Confessions Of A Satanist -


  • father of modern manifestations of Satanism, but this is incorrect. Perhaps Crowley is the grandfather of modern left hand path groups, but their stepfather is Peter James Carroll, the founder of the Chaos Magick School. There are a number of reasons for this and the various Black Lodges within Australia have developed from their early twentieth century reliance upon recruiting from fringe Masonic groups, th

File: Christopher Hyatt - Undoing Yourself with Energized Meditation -


  • Illuminati By Robert Anton Wilson The Law Is For All By Aleister Crowley The Intelligence Agents By Timothy Leary, Ph.D. Zen Without Zen Masters By Camden Benares Condensed Chaos: An Introduction to Chaos Magic By Phil Hine PsyberMagick: Advanced Ideas in Chaos Magick By Peter J. Carroll The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic The Golden Dawn Audio CDs By Israel Regardie Buddhism and Jungian Psychology By

File: Undoing Yourself With Energized Meditation And Other Devices -


  • Illuminati By Robert Anton Wilson The Law Is For All By Aleister Crowley The Intelligence Agents By Timothy Leary, Ph.D. Zen Without Zen Masters By Camden Benares Condensed Chaos: An Introduction to Chaos Magic By Phil Hine PsyberMagick: Advanced Ideas in Chaos Magick By Peter J. Carroll The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic The Golden Dawn Audio CDs By Israel Regardie Buddhism and Jungian Psychology By

File: Practical Sigil Magic - Frater U.D. -


  • but it could not go into more depth due to the limited space characteristic of magazine articles. Also, Spare’s sigil magic has seen some further evolution during recent years, esp ecially by English Chaos magicians as manifested in th e various publications of the IOT order (IOT today = The Magical Pact of the illuminates of Thanateros ). Thus, ever-growing divergences from Spare’s own methods and intention


  • ati on it should be mentioned that Sherwin considers the Ho ly Guardian Angel (cf. the Abramelin system) as being the psychic censor (a somewhat unconventional inte rpretation which has its source in Chaos Magic). The term Kia is taken from Spare’s system and is explained by Sherwin’s description of point k . Now, a and b join to construct the sigil, which then has to be implanted in d . If d refuses to acce


  • roversial magical writers nd practitioners. He became a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn but later left the order roup, the A. . .A. . .. Later he joined the ts head. A prolific writer Chaos magic —Of recent origin, this system of magic ocuse ian’s reality. Order of the Golden Dawn —This group egan operation in 1888 and fell victim to schism and strife in 190 e and umerous others. teros) —The

File: Gordon White - Star.Ships - A Prehistory of the Spirits -


  • o of riverspirits. They seem to crave it, to will it into being up and down their banks, eventhough the relationship appears damaging over the long term.As to why it is a creature as ahistorical as a chaos magician finds himselfchasing down geneticists, historians and astronomers, pursuing Very Old Things, thecompulsion is, inevitably, best explained with a story about stories:In a story told about Aristotle

File: Warriors LVX - Centennial Edition -


  • I am a High Magician... we don’t stoop to that low magick of pagan superstition. We are exact scientists and have no use for fleshy passions of impulse, save in a controlled environment.” Or, “I am a Chaos Magician... no set of beliefs has validity – I use them all arbitrarily in a hodge-podge of stimulating effort to gain enough no-thought to cum on my parchment.” Or. “I am a Crowlian... Only his writings r

File: dn -


  • use would be in gaining access to the Thelemic Qliphoth. Current 23. This current was ready available in those days or maybe in its height, as it had been well bred in europe mostly under the label "chaos magick", but I would rather like to name it current 23 as to specify it further. 23 is described as the glyph of nascent life by Crowley, and if I shall pin this further, sperm or ov power are this numbers

File: Devotion -


  • ed myself in the most rigorous scepticism, rejecting anything connected with magic; then, as I slowly pulled out fyom the pit and re-embraced the hidden world, into a stubbornly non-theistic brand of chaos magic. Man-made servitors and eregores, pop-culture figures-these were all I needed. No Gods. No spirits. Although I resolutely refused to conceptualise these as having any objective reality, preferring to

File: Grey, Peter - The Red Goddess -


  • is is ideal for marking letters sent fo r covert seduction. BLOWING KISSES The Sumerian pictogram fo r 'pray has been interpreted as a man blowing a kiss to his God. In witchcraft this is a spell. In Chaos magick military techno--babble this is an 'air la unched servitor. Blowing a kiss is the projection of energy and allows the stealthy to cast without contact. Traditionally, the handmaidens of Inanna would

File: Psychedelic Information Theory -


  • Images and Plates 01. Fractals generated by nature and computers 08 02. Entopic patterns in phosphenes and prehistoric art 10 03. Chaos stars, symbols of chaos magic 13 04. Feedback circuits in visual perception 28 05. Troxler’s fading illusion 39 06. Peripheral drift illusion 41 07. Kalachakra time-wheels, mandalas, and calendars 44 08. Stabilized and destabiliz


  • 13 Figure 3. The eight-pointed star is a popular symbol of chaos magic. The arrows represent energy, or information, scattering at high velocity. This symbol is isomorphic of a nonlinear information system, like a universe, which starts at a single point and erupts outw
  • practice of shamanism, which can also be called applied psychedelic science. The practice of using ritual techniques of spiritual transcendence to manipulate belief systems has been popularly dubbed chaos magic, which is an occult blend of neo-shamanism, cognitive theory, and social theory (Fig. 3). Chaos and complexity are also popular terms applied to the study of nonlinear systems, such as fractals and c
  • d of neo-shamanism, cognitive theory, and social theory (Fig. 3). Chaos and complexity are also popular terms applied to the study of nonlinear systems, such as fractals and cellular automata, making chaos magic and shamanism spirituo-scientific explorations of the generative function of nonlinear systems. While PIT focuses on physiology over mythology, it is clear that there is a fundamental human desire to


  • believe the shaman’s mythology, by forcing the subject to follow ritual protocol the shaman establishes the power dynamic necessary for controlling the ceremony and imprinting the subject. Shamanism, Chaos Magic, and Belief as Toolkit The shaman’s role will always be intertwined with the spiritual belief of the larger tribe or culture. The mythology is not important, a good shaman can adapt any mythology or


  • haviors; shamanism employs many of the same techniques with positive emotional handles. The practice of manipulating belief like a tool to produce transformative results has become popularly known as chaos magic.3 The bulk of available literature on shamanism focuses on sprits, spirit mythology, and the ways in which the shaman communes with plant and spirits to gain supernatural insights. The allure and pow


  • nized use of psychedelics include the Manson Family, the SLA, Aum Shinrikyo, the CIA, and the United States Department of Defense. 2. See Chapter 13, “Psychedelic Neuroplasticity”. 3., “Chaos Magic”. Internet Reference, 2010.


  • s of system variables within a larger information system can produce disproportionately complex and chaotic results in any other part of the system. In the nonlinear psychedelic space the shaman is a chaos magician, or the butterfly that flaps his wings in China and creates a hurricane across the ocean. The nonlinear aspect of psychedelic sorcery makes it both a very subtle art form and something that escape


  • 157 If shamanic sorcery is a kind of nonlinear chaos magic, it should also be considered to be somewhat unpredictable, uncontrollable, prone to high rates of failure, and potentially dangerous. Moreover, it is right to be suspicious of people interested in s


  • mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway via the 5-HT2A receptor”. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1998 Dec 15;861:162-8.; “Interference (wave propagation)”. Internet Reference, 2010.; “Chaos Magic”. Internet Reference, 2010.; “Mitogen-activated protein kinase”. Internet Reference, 2010.; “Space-filling Curves”. Internet Reference, 2010.; “5-HT2A Recept

File: Scarlet Imprint - XVI -


  • OREWARNED We dare to ask, what does it mean to practice magick in this age? The response has been sixteen and one essays from very different writers. Those that have taken up the challenge range from Chaos magicians to Druids to Typhonians and independents. Sexual and chemical adventurers are found alongside aeonic speculators and collapsetarians. This gathering of artificers is a sign of growing diversity,


  • nd them be­Yllild our nine foot circles. As Gnostics we should be continually I'hnll,'nging pattern-making behaviour. We see this is the clowning III' Nnsrudin or Bill Hicks, in the taboo breaking of chaos magic III' (:rowley, and in the writing of outsiders such as the Marquis I lr Slide 01' Philip K. Dick. Yet we should not make the mistake 01' �llIvlshly emulating these exemplars. We must design strategie


  • dical Traditionalism; Traditional Satanism, with its agendas of anti-Zionism, anti-Capitalism, and anti-West­ernism; Progressive Satanism, the neo-tribalist spinoff of the Order of Nine Angles;16 the Chaos Magic of the lOT, which originally pro­moted the use of sorcery for reonic warfare against the proponents of anti-magical aeons and totalitarianism; and Thelema, adherents of which frequently utilize marti


  • given the millenarian structure of such modern materialist religions as Marxism. Tangentially, the phrase "immanentize the eschaton" has been adopted by occultists concerned with aeonics, principally chaos magicians. This suggests an unintended applica­tion of Vregelin's concept: it is the global super-civilization which purports to replace, yet fulfil. the originally Jewish apocalyptic millenarian expectati


  • TWIN INFINITIES important number of chaos magic; eight, and this can easily be overlaid in the well-known chaos symbolism of the chaos star, by slight modification of the drawing And this new symbol can be taken to mean that for every point of the


  • s the Scarlet Imprint folk suspected or hoped at the time of planning this book. we would perhaps expose ourselves as really being just one terrifying (or terrified) chimera. We are an academic and a chaos magician, both of those and neither, plus twelve other things and we are never entirely sure who is dreaming the other. Possibly it is both of us dreaming simultaneously, and in truth neither of us therefo


  • early 20S think they are invulner­able, and would-be magicians more so. I had uncritically soaked up the notion of "immanentising the Eschaton" from reading Robert Anton Wilson and the literature of chaos magic - but I never slopped to think what that might actually mean, in real hu­man terms. I was involved with a group practicing magic based on the fictional worlds of HP Lovecraft at the time, and we took


  • or death challenges presented by the in­l'I'easingly hostile world that I appeared to have been tipped into. To some degree, the events of 11th September served as a catalyst fo r my drift away from chaos magic and towards a Vo odoo-based practice. The magic I was doing at the time just seemed woefully inadequate to the circumstances that I felt might be up ahead. I didn't feel well-equipped with what I had


  • lly absent from the ceremony. However, within the more outre groups, such as Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth, some freestyle shamanic practioners and many people who would call themselves Thelemites or chaos magicians, 'chemognosis' is alive and well. And it's not as though we have got a shortage of these things. Indeed on a planet where we're used to hearing about species go­ing extinct, in the wonderful worl


  • ilities that I have mastered. I care little for manufactured objects or vicarious experience, most entertainment seems dull in comparison to my own dreams. Amongst emerging magical paradigms, the new Chaos Magic tradition seems to have taken the broadest metaphysical approach and identified Magic as an all encompassing world view with its own take on religion, science, and art, which it views as sub-sets of


  • XVI vation and experience. To this extent it has more in common with science than with religion. 'Quantum-Panpsychic-Neopantheism' probably best describes the default paradigm of Chaos Magic, the belief its practition­ers use when they're not using another one for some particular purpose. panpsychism means recognizing that everything has some degree of aliveness, even seemingly inanimate


  • nlshllll·.(.(.1II JULIAN VAYNE Julian Vayne is a practicing occultist and writer. lIis own joUl'lll'Y hns taken him through shamanism, Wicca, Druidry and Thelelllll hut he is probably best known as a chaos magician. He is the aut hoI' of till' Ul' claimed and unique book on magic and drugs Pharmakon: DrII!IS arut tlJl' Imagination, and has authored/co-authored several other books on the occult including Magi

File: A Desert of Rose -


  • described by the Therevada progress of insight model. Later, I discovered the same process described in the Ten Zen Ox-Herding Pictures, the alchemical process, and many other traditions. DUNCAN: My chaos magical training demanded regular meditation practice, but I'd fallen out with Buddhism ten years beforehand and had not practised since then. I discovered In-gram's work on the Internet and found it absol


  • work, I borrowed a CD from him that contained some software—but also a lot of pirated eBooks on magick. It turned out that the person I had selected was deeply into magick and he introduced me to the Chaos Magic scene. I'm still in contact with him; he's also the person who's had the most mind-bending results from working with Goetia that I've ever come across. But I soon learned from experience that Goet-ia


  • A Desert of Roses DUNCAN: Because we had both come up through a Chaos Magick background, you have the expectation that you can get results straight away, regardless of the amount of fuss you make about it. I think that in retrospect this must have helped a lot, because I did


  • don't. COLE: It seems you continue to receive discouragement from what I'll refer to as the Enlightenment Community. In light of this, I'd like to go back to your criticisms of Western oc-cultism and Chaos Magick in particular. Do you cut any slack to a tradition which allows for individuals within it to attain without it when other groups who claim to support attainment suppress frank discussions about it a
  • yoga and other eastern traditions of enlightenment are, in contrast, examples of dogma. I have never come across an ineffective Sufi lineage. DUNCAN: We give Chaos Magick a hard time, but we know the chaos magicians can take it! So far, the chaos magi-cians we've debated with have lived up to the motto of 'noth-ing is true, everything is permitted', because they've tolerated our criticisms and not thrown us


  • Epilogue What is The Baptist's Head? Back in 2005, three chaos magicians decided to start a podcast, in part inspired by those other podcasting chaos magicians, The Viking Youth. 27 A name was required, and coming across the automated prophetic magical head of St. Joh
  • Epilogue What is The Baptist's Head? Back in 2005, three chaos magicians decided to start a podcast, in part inspired by those other podcasting chaos magicians, The Viking Youth. 27 A name was required, and coming across the automated prophetic magical head of St. John the Baptist in Grant Morrison's The Invisibles (Morrison 1996: 202), I wondered if 'T


  • 1, 135-6; Therevada 128; Zen 128. Byzantium 110-1. caesar 62. camel 143-4. Carington, Whately 69f. Casaubon, Meric 86. casting out 139-40. cathedral 108-9. centred prayer 127. chakra 23, 25, 30f, 34. chaos magick 128, 134, 136-7. Choronzon 39f, 128-9. cobra 49. Cohen, Andrew 53, 127. compassion 30. confusing the planes 109. consciousness 36. Coombe-Tennant, Henry Augustus 83f. Coombe-Tennant, Winnifred ('Mrs

File: Alan Chapman Duncan Barford - The Urn -


  • is situation is called a Black Brother. Naughty When talking about Black Brothers, it is often easy to confuse this very specific phenomenon with Black magicians in the moral sense, sorcerers or even chaos magicians. As Crowley states in Magick Without Tears: Mark well this first distinction: the 'Black Magician' or Sorcerer is hardly even a distant cousin of the 'Black Brother'. The difference between a sne


  • tic proofs' found in Magick as not only an unnecessary obfuscation of magick itself, but also a pointless distraction from the very real work involved. Indeed, those Western magicians that missed the Chaos magick boat seem to spend most of their time churning out one numerical equivalence after another, for no apparent reason beyond attempting to 'prove' such mind-bending revelations as (skip this bit if you


  • ley's day practical magick has moved on somewhat, and if you want a good solid practical magical education in order to prepare yourself you could do a lot worse than taking up the pseudo-tradition of chaos magick for a few years. How do I know I'm crossing the abyss? To recap, to cross the abyss is to go through a metaphysical process, starting with the acquisition of the knowledge and conversation of the Ho


  • Wilber's latest model presents the uncomfortable prospect that any Bible-belt fundamentalist preacher (SD: mythic level, 'amber') might be 'enlightened' in precisely this sense; or even—God forbid —a chaos magician! (SD: pluralistic level, 'green'). However, remember that this is 'enlightened' in a state-oriented sense. The big question now is what does 'enlightenment' mean in terms of this latest, stage-ori


  • ent, not in the content itself' (Wilber 2004b). Hence, Wilber's SD-influenced terms are empty categories, which is why they can be applied to diverse phenomena such as (for example): the practices of chaos magic; the organisational structure of contemporary academic institutions; and the philosophy of an Animal Rights activist. All of these sit in his 'green', 'pluralistic' stage. It should be pointed out al


  • aux's colourful Voudon Gnostic Workbook (2007) which, I kid you not, includes instructions for contacting the spirits of the 'Hoo' and the 'Doo', can offer a highly entertaining view of the world, as chaos magicians have enthused for decades. Suggestively, Grant gives an overview of the like-minded Bertiaux in his Cults of the Shadow (1975), and I think both can be considered contemporaries of the school of


  • mon. My even earlier view of magick as a system for progressing through a number of 'grades' to attain God status, courtesy of Crowley, seemed embarrassingly imperialist and pre-postmodem in light of Chaos magic. Linear development, headache-inducing yoga and overly academic ritual had been replaced with the immediacy of trance and somatic experiences provided by 'gnosis' —a catch-all term for any trance-sta


  • The Urn diverse threads of magical practice woven together in the rich tapestry of the Western Occult Community, such as Heathenism, Buddhism, Wicca, Tantra, Santeria, Chaos magic and Thelema. It seemed obvious to my liberated postmodern mind that although expressed in unique symbols and terminology, all of these traditions shared a common technique (the use of trance, sorcery


  • More importantly, my realisation of many lines of development brought to the fore the wonderful legacy of my own tradition of Western Magick, and what it had to offer beyond the gross reductionism of Chaos magic. Magick, more specifically the practice of surrender to the Holy Guardian Angel and the initiatory development presented by the A∴A∴ grading system, offers a complete teaching for development of the


  • is privileged in and of itself—is more often than not confused with the idea that all contexts are of equal merit. Such a viewpoint is extreme postmodernism—a tragic mindset, not peculiar only to the Chaos magician, but endemic within the magical community at large. In a culture infected with such confusion, any attempt at elucidating the possible difference and individual merits of a tradition is to invalid


  • extreme postmodernist lumps all teachings together into one homogenous magical mess. (The Great Work of Western Magick? Yes, we're all doing it! The pujas of Tantra? Yeah, same thing as evocation in Chaos magic!) A cursory investigation of the occult scene makes one thing obvious: the various lines of development I've mentioned are more often than not confused and very specific terminology from very specifi


  • es I'd heard were female. 'Is it March 8th today?' she asked. I did the calculation: 'Yes. ' 'It's International Women's Day, ' she grinned. The Baptists Get Pervy DUNCAN: Magicians tend to be pervy. Chaos magicians, in particular, are often no strangers to the fetish and BDSM scene. And me and you, Alan, we must be no exception, 'cos we jumped at the chance — didn't we?—to perform a magical ritual at the bi


  • The Urn I've been a practising Chaos magician for over a decade. I once put a psychic suppository up my bum (and convinced a roomful of magicians to do the same) in order to entice a sentient celestial brick with a tangerine to communicate vi


  • he anima, the shadow, and other concepts indispensable to contemporary spirituality, was a pseudo-initiate—well, perhaps you wouldn't be all that surprised. There are a lot of pseudo-initiates about: chaos magicians, new agers, transcendental meditators. They provide apparent frameworks for spiritual development, but each framework stretches only so far and always falls shy of providing experience of the abs


  • The Urn DUNCAN: The book was first brought to my attention by Zac on his blog Alchemically Braindamaged. 200 At the time I was already interested in chaos magick and practising that regularly, but my meditation was based mostly on the instructions given by Peter Carroll in Liber МММ (Carroll 1987: 14-15). These include concentration exercises, which are fine


  • Grimoire The Nature of Core Practice My initial approach to CP was very much based on the postmodern attitude of Chaos magick and the magical material I had at hand—the works of Aleister Crowley and Austin Osman Spare. I intended to practice CP for nothing more than an increase in personal satisfaction, namely magical powe

File: JoTS2-1 -


  • ? (Are you writing this down?) 21. Masculine or feminine? (Do you prefer Gods or Goddesses?) 22. Mind-oriented or body-oriented? 23. Do you prefer group ritual or private ritual? 24. Which is better? Chaos Magick or Grimoiric Magick? 25. Would you rather walk in nature or go to a nightclub? 26. Would rather rise to the divine, or bring the divine down to you? 27. Would you rather descend to the demonic? 28.


  • odern magic in that he had close dealings with three hugely influential Western occultists: Aleister Crowley, the sorcerer, philosopher and artist Austin Osman Spare (a major figure in the genesis of chaos magic) and Gerald Gardner, who went on to found Wicca (which is another story entirely). Grant was Crowley’s pupil, secretary, post-mortem literary editor and successor as head (of one branch at least, and

File: Don Karr - Approaching the Kabbalah of Maat -


  • l Pagan Journal, Issue Number 45 (1996) (Craig’s parentheses); online at×) In an article posted at AMPRODIAS VIRTUAL TEMPLE entitled “Maat Magick and Chaos Magick,” Margarete Ingalls (aka Nema) characterizes Maat Magickians: Maat Magickians are usually steeped in their own styles of Magickal work of varying kinds, and rarely identify themselves primarily as ‘


  • NO. 12, edited by Soror Tanith – 789 and Frater OTz PTN – 690. Buffalo/Ithaca: Boleskine House: Spring Equinox 1979. Record—Liber HHH. Nema #4: 1980 (©1983). - as Ingalls, Margarete. “Maat Magick and Chaos Magick” at AMPRODIAS VIRTUAL TEMPLE: (Refer to the list of articles at BLACK MOON WEB: O.A.I.

File: Starfire vol 2 no 4 -


  • is definitely an analogy to be made between the punk and new wave/industrial groups that appeared at the end of the 1970s, and the magical and occult currents which emerged at the same time, such as chaos magic.Looking back from the vantage of the present, a picture would seem to emerge, showing that the substance of the vast bulk of new wave rock/pop music actually sounded remarkably similar to the serious


  • recognized spokesperson, Genesis P-Orridge, should still be so cogent and relevant to today’s scene, irrespective of the fashions and attitudes it evinced throughout the years of its existence. Like chaos magic — which came along at the same time (1979-1980) and influenced, and in turn was influenced by, TOPY — P-Orridge’s punk­like notion was to shake up perceptions of magick and reinterpret it through the

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  • ved has become widely recognised throughout the occult community; the concepts of sigillation and dream control presented in the works of Kenneth Grant were picked up and further disse-minated by the Chaos Magick movement, and through the early researches of the Temple Ov Psychick Youth. Consequently Spare has been hailed as a 'Father' of the former, and as a 'Saint' of the latter — and the personality cult

File: The Blood of the Saints - Alan Chapman -


  • website, The Baptist/s Head} but have been lovingly revised, indexed and referenced especially for this printed version. There are lots of books out there on magic, but most are redundant. Ever since Chaos Magic burst onto the scene in the late seventies, with its insistence that the paraphernalia of occultism is arbitrary, and its emphasis on a minimalist, 'empty­handed' approach to magic, there has simply


  • efs or the Great White Brotherhood an armchair magician's wet dream. I had used my half-baked sex magick technique to conjure for a more practical magical approach, and the result was my discovery of chaos magick. By the time I was twenty, I was post-modern; magick was no longer elitist and the universe existed solely for my personal satisfaction. The next five years consisted of dealing with the fall-out fr


  • ness and death for the magician. Or at least a nasty rash. 3 Austin Osman Spare (1886-1956). British artist and magician, widely regarded as the inspiration behind the modern occult current known as 'chaos magick'. Spare's magick is characterised by its minimalist approach, often described as 'empty-handed magick'. 19


  • the Double. The validity of Western magick as a bona fide magical tradition became a concern for me. I was oblivious to the truth of Genuine Tradition, and the free-form techniques of the post­modem Chaos magical approach were appearing stale and superficial. Fine, I could create a servitor, whack-off over a sigil, bang out an improvised rite for material gain and enter trance at will, etc. But so what? I w


  • once and for all. I'd learnt a big lesson: magick has nothing to do with a specific magical culture; you really can find all the magical secrets in the universe on the internet for free. (Thank you, Chaos magick!). It should be noted that during this period I had 25


  • y's day, practical magick has moved on somewhat, and if you want a good solid practical magical education in order to prepare yourself, you could do a lot worse than taking up the pseudo-tradition of chaos magick for a few years. How do I know I'm crossing the abyss? To recap, crossing the abyss is to go through a metaphysical process, starting with the acquisition of the Knowledge and Conversation of the Ho


  • owards 'I', 'it', 'we' or 'they'). One of the beauties of Wilber's model is that the next developmental stage in any area of human activity is the Integral stage. If you want to know what comes after Chaos Magic (which is 'Green meme', or at the current 'cutting-edge' of human development), now you know - Integral Magic! I find Wilber's model incredibly comprehensive, and especially useful at exposing blind-


  • om from desire. Now tell me, which brings the greatest pleasure: using sigils to acquire a magical effect, or the transcendence of all desires? For a long time, Spare has been feted as the father of 'Chaos Magic' and the inventor of Sigil Magic. But his greatest magical achievement, the central teaching of Th e Book of Pleasure has either been misunderstood as an arbitrary component of sigil magic, or comple


  • tionalist is always of the opinion 58 'Aeonics is a study of the inner levels of history, a study of the shifts in mass consciousness .. : See Lee 2006, p. 187f, for an introduction to aeonics from a chaos magick perspective. 239


  • . This is why, despite the fallacy of Traditionalism, the works of the Traditionalist school (Rene Guenon, Julius Evola, etc.) are generally indispensable to the serious aspirant. The Degeneration of Chaos Magick Magick was left in a sorry state after the death of Crowley. Riddled with moralising, pompous armchair transcendentalists, waxing poetical about magical matters beyond the scope of their personal ex


  • The Higher Ground Somehow magick muddled through in this state for a couple of decades, until chaos magick materialised at the end of the Seventies to save its sorry arse. Suddenly magick was a practice again, with verifiable results. It was essential for the Western magical tradition that chaos magick e
  • il chaos magick materialised at the end of the Seventies to save its sorry arse. Suddenly magick was a practice again, with verifiable results. It was essential for the Western magical tradition that chaos magick exposed the fantasy that had accrued around magical practice, and it is thanks solely to post-modern thought that magick regained its vitality. The heart of the particular delusion that held sway wi
  • rect answer (i.e. theirs) . Chaos magick addressed this head-on by pointing out that no one idea is the truth, and that belief could therefore be used as a tool for magical effect. With the advent of chaos magick, there were those who refused to abandon the old approach, and as a consequence many (but not all) of the present-day proponents of the old transcendental approach tend to be quite naive when it com
  • and fantasy will produce a degenerated form of any tradition, even if that tradition attempts to avoid such a fate by pretending it's just a theory. And so, it is time to address the degeneration of chaos magick. The delusion that holds sway with some (but not all) of its adherents is the idea that there is no truth, and the universe exists solely to provide personal satisfaction for the magician. We can ad


  • e belief that truth can be found in one correct answer, or in any idea for that matter, can be too easily indulged, and the retrospective attitude tends to promote a dismissal of the contributions of chaos magick and the lamentation of a supposedly rapidly degenerating occult scene. For clarity's sake: I do not believe the entire occult scene is without merit - just that there is a degenerated or delusional
  • posedly rapidly degenerating occult scene. For clarity's sake: I do not believe the entire occult scene is without merit - just that there is a degenerated or delusional form of post-modernism and of chaos magick currently doing the rounds.) It is important to recognise that extreme post-modernism, or any degenerated tradition for that matter, is essential to the 242


  • xperience, force them to do so. Degeneration serves an indispensable function, and is most certainly not something to cry over. I therefore salute the deluded proponents of both transcendentalism and chaos magick for fulfilling their appointed function, and for making progress possible. Part 3 No other subject in the history of the human race has been as misunderstood and grossly misrepresented as that of en


  • aved on the handle. Both were purportedly magical weapons used by the author out in the field. The adulatory references to Phil Hine in the 'Further Reading' section sealed my opinion. This bloke's a chaos magician, 1 thought. He is indeed, and he's written a rollicking good read. 1 took the book on holiday and lapped it up. I've always fancied myself as an exorcist. I've even got a big black leather coat, j
  • Consulting, which provides exorcisms and related services to domestic and corporate clients. The book consists of cases that Devereux and his team were called to work upon. It was fascinating to see chaos magical techniques put to use against ghosts, goetic demons, and other spiritual nasties. (I especially enjoyed the chapter on 'goetia gone wrong'; although - shhhh­the general reader wasn't supposed to kn


  • , through experience, the greatest magical text in existence. The Secret of Ice Magic? I first read of the 'Ice War' on the internet. The war occurred between various members of the order for serious chaos magicians: The Illuminates of Thanateros (lOT). Peter Carroll, godfather of chaos magic and founding member of the lOT, sums up his view on the war: 284
  • gic? I first read of the 'Ice War' on the internet. The war occurred between various members of the order for serious chaos magicians: The Illuminates of Thanateros (lOT). Peter Carroll, godfather of chaos magic and founding member of the lOT, sums up his view on the war: 284


  • lightenment); Zen 114 (see also: Ox-Herding Pictures). Campbell, Joseph 175. chakra 110, 341£; ajna ('third eye') 113, 117, 207, 327, 328; sahasrara ('crown') 115; vishuddha ('throat') 117, 127, 339. Chaos Magick 9, 24, 171, 227, 241£; 'ice war' 284. Chapel Perilous 229-30. Chesed 219. chod rite 65. Choronzon 29f, 128, 151, 235. Christ 10, 111£, 175, 294. Churchill, Winston 177. CIA 59. City of Pyramids 28.

File: Fiction in the Desert of the Real. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos -


  • re l’écran vide et prosaïque de la réalité désenchantée se cache une réalité plus profonde encore, faite d’horreur pure. Dans sa partie finale, l’article traite de ce phé-nomène surprenant qu’est le “chaos magick” lovecraft ien, avec ses rituels d’invocations de divinités ou de démons lovecraft iens. Ces invocations ne sont pas l’expression de quelque croyance naïve selon laquelle les entités de Lovecraft ex


  • monic “other”. In this instance too, Lovecraft succeeds in creating horror eff ects by drawing from the popular “imaginary” of the occult as created by the Grand Polemical Narrative. 6. Lovecraft ian Chaos Magick At the time of his death, Lovecraft was unknown to the general public, and admired only in a small circle of readers and fellow-authors. But from the 1960s on, and largely in the wake of Pauwels and


  • ts published in 1948 by hollow-earth believer and Lovecraft -fan Morris Doreal.55 Ever since, Lovecraft ian magick has been a significant dimension of the “darker” types of magickal occultism, and of Chaos Magick in particular. Specialists agree that the “grandfather” of Chaos Magick was the English art-ist and occultist Austin Osman Spare (1886-1956), whose ‘hardcore Surrealist theurg y’56 sought to access


  • W. J. Hanegraaff / Aries 7 (2007) 85-109 103 Hence the motto of Chaos Magic, “Nothing is true, everything is permitted”, which is directed not only against the values of mainstream culture but against the pretensions of traditional occultist orders and traditions as well. Th


  • 104 W. J. Hanegraaff / Aries 7 (2007) 85-109 Among the many more or less informal Lovecraft ian and Chaos Magical groups we find e.g. Peter Carroll’s Illuminates of Thanateros, the Autonomatrix, the Covenant of the Ancient Ones, the Temporary Autonomous Zone,65 the Bate Cabal, Michael Bertiaux’s Confraternity


  • mselves. Even more disappointing is Nyarlathothep’s New Ageish advice in another ritual quoted by Woodman: ‘Seek for me within’.73 One cannot help being reminded of Tanya Luhrmann’s remarks about the Chaos Magicians she met in London: ‘They reminded me of boys boasting of wild sexual exploits: far too well behaved and nervous to kiss a girl they claimed they should have raped’.74 Far more interesting than th


  • ace in the real world. In other words: in spite of all the talk of radical epistemological relativism, “embracing darkness” and chaos, and transgressing all moral and societal norms and values, these Chaos Magicians seem to hold at least some beliefs about a possible future evolution of consciousness that will transform society and create a “better” world. 7. Conclusion: Fiction and Contemporary Nihilism Doe


  • , Dervy: Paris 2002. Houellebecq, Michel, H.P. Lovecraft : Contre le monde, contre la vie, Editions du Rocher: Paris 1991. ———, Les particules élémentaires, Flammarion: Paris 1998. Houston, Siobhán, ‘Chaos Magic: A Peek into this Irreverent and Anarchic Recasting of the Magical Tradition’, Gnosis 36 (1995), 55-59. Jonas, Hans, ‘Epilogue: Gnosticism, Existentialism, and Nihilism’, in: Jonas, The Gnostic Relig

File: The science of magic. A parapsychological model of psychic ability in the context of magical will -


  • , but fundamentally altered it little(Stanford 1974a, 1974b, 1977, 1982, 1990). Synchronously, with thepublication of SSOTBME by Ramsey Dukes 1974 also heralded theformation of the bare principles of chaos magic (Dukes 2000;Illuminates of Thanteros 2002), to which Stanford’s propositions havean uncanny resemblance, as will be demonstrated, although, PMIRcorresponds most closely with the works of Austin Osman


  • drew upon parallels fromprayer, spiritual healing, and religious or magical rites to further informhis model. Stripping down these rituals into constituent parts Stanfordbegins to seem like an early chaos magician searching for the bareprinciple components of spell casting when he identified that, for thedesire to manifest, an appeal must be made to a supernatural agencythrough the use of ritual. However, m


  • Takentogether these factors form the model’s supposition numbered byStanford (1974a) as the eighth PMIR component, which, appropriately,relates it to the mercurial nature of Hod in kabalistic terms.“Chaos magic is results magic, designed to get you what youneed” (Ellwood, 2004)Collectively these psi-inhibitive behaviours and compulsions areantithetical to what Braud (1980) termed psi-conducive ‘lability’, w


  • 992, Blast your way to megabuck$ with my SECRET sex-powerformula, Revelations 23, UK.Dukes, Ramsey, 2000, S.S.O.T.B.M.E. revised: An essay on magic, El-cheapoBooks, UK.Ellwood, Taylor, 2004, ‘What is chaos magic?’, Razor Smile, Recidivist Press,Brighton, 3, 4-7Hine, Phil, 1995, Condensed chaos: An introduction to chaos magic, New FalconPublications, Tempe, AZHoutkooper, Joop M., 2004, ‘Exploring volitional s
  • .M.E. revised: An essay on magic, El-cheapoBooks, UK.Ellwood, Taylor, 2004, ‘What is chaos magic?’, Razor Smile, Recidivist Press,Brighton, 3, 4-7Hine, Phil, 1995, Condensed chaos: An introduction to chaos magic, New FalconPublications, Tempe, AZHoutkooper, Joop M., 2004, ‘Exploring volitional strategies in the mind-machine interaction replication’, Proceedings of the Parapsychological Association47th Annual
  • al strategies in the mind-machine interaction replication’, Proceedings of the Parapsychological Association47th Annual Convention, 51-65Humphries, Greg, & Vayne, Julian, 2004, Now that’s what I call chaos magick,Mandrake, OxfordIlluminates of Thanateros, 2002, The Book: The Truth, self-published, UKLee, Matt, 2003, ‘Memories of a sorcerer’, Journal for the Academic Study ofMagic, Mandrake, Oxford, 1, 102-13

File: ‘Memories of a sorcerer’. notes on Gilles Deleuze- Felix Guattari, Austin Osman Spare and Anomalous Sorceries. -


  • le of magicalpractice in the form of the work of Austin Osman Spare. Spare has becomeincreasingly well known over the last few years because of his associationwith a form of sorcery that is known as ‘Chaos Magic’. Spare came intothe occult scene at the turn of the twentieth century, publishing his firstbook of text and illustrations, Earth Inferno, in 1905. He is reported tohave briefly become a member of Al


  • 118 Journal for the Academic Study of Magic - Issue 1work, with the Illuminates of Thanateros, the central magical order in the‘Chaos Magic current’. Carroll suggests, in his work Liber Null,the twin functions of will and perception is called Kia bymagicians. Sometimes it is called spirit, or soul, or life force,instead 51He goes on to s


  • demic Study of Magic - Issue 1because it aims to create ‘the dead body of all we believe’ 58 the intentionbehind this meditative practice is the removal of belief, both in content andform. Whilst the Chaos Magic current uses a technique called ‘paradigmshifting’59 in order to break down ego structures, this is often posed interms of a technique to break free from ‘consensual reality’. This technique,whilst p

File: Various, Eds. Alkistis Dimech, Peter Grey, Jake Stratton-Kent-At the Crossroads-Scarlet Imprint (2012) -


  • u become all things, and never cease to be yourself.VIIThe syncretism of our Orders is not meant to indicate a nonchalance with regards to either the forms or forces which inform them. We are neither Chaos Magicians nor adherents of one tradition above all others. Our ex-perience tells us that the Loa behave as differently with all of us as we do with the wide spectrum of human encounters we have on a daily

File: AC & Jung -


  • cant wnoi'butioas to theu own areas of expertise. Many of Crawley's theories have worked theu way into most divisions of the WesternEsoteric Tradition including Ceremonial Magic, Wicca, Neo-Paganism, Chaos Magick and many others. For Jung we see many of the Adytical Psychology Institutes (primarily in the United States) focus more on Jung's cliaical and medical writings while in other Mtutes (such as in Ziir

File: 62430527-The-Fringe-Datebook -


  • as Stealing the Fire from Heaven, Squeezing Being, Sorcery as Virtual Mechanics, Nemesis & Other Essays and Sixteen Essays on Magick and the Politics it Implies. It has often been stated that modern Chaos Magic is founded on the works of two magicians; Aleister Crowley and Austin Spare and Steve Mace’s books clearly demonstrates this point.December 29, 1992 Ann Livingston made her living as an accountant, b

File: Essays on Spare -


  • hat he held to be the "inherent dream", where we first detect the seditious and chaotic philosophy which drove a prong between himself and Crowley and every other esoteric system but his own brand of chaos magic. In 1905, at the tender age of 19, Spare self-published his first collection of drawings in a book of aphorisms entitled EARTH INFERNO . In it, he lamented the death of the "universal women lying bar


  • ly have to go a lot deeper - he hasn't made it that easy for anyone, on any level, even down to his use of syntax and outlandish words - so perhaps that's why a lot of people have just grabbed at the Chaos Magick end of the thing and not tried to penetrate any further. Chaos Magick is virtually extinct in the U.K., but at least the trend helped to put Spare's name forward, albeit on a superficial level. As a

File: Bare Bones Magic for Beginners -


  • Can I say the book itself changed my life? No. Magic changed my life. All that research before changed my life. The book simply handed me an approach I’d never known about. The approach was known as Chaos Magic. The major problem I’ve had is that so many beginners’ books on the subject of magic are utterly boring, or worse, they’re absolutely worthless. Is it great to know that some Pagans practice handfast

File: Combat Magic -


  • destroyed and the Will is sent forth without the conscious connection that can bring about psychic "retribution". The Chaos Bolt: A Red Magic Operation The following is a description of a form of Red Chaos Magic called "Chaos-Bolting". For those of you who harbor fantasies of magically casting bolts of lightning from your outstretched hands at your adversaries, this is as close as it gets (at least on this p


  • lash, one must make whatever effort is required to not think about the enemy from that point on. Black Magic: "There is nothing good nor evil, but that thinking makes it so." - William Shakespeare In Chaos Magic terms, Black Magic also can be called Death or Entropy magic. Entropy being the antithesis of Chaos, in a way it could be thought of as being antiethical to Chaos Magic itself. However, every tool ha


  • tion practice keeps one in touch with one's own psyche and better able to detect any outward influence before it has a chance to manifest itself. Servitors can be evoked as personal "guardians"; most Chaos Magicians I know keep a few around for this purpose. The exact design parameters of defensive servitors can range from "watchers" that serve as early warning systems, to decoys designed to deflect untoward

File: Cycles of Chaos - Deconstructing Initiation -


  • practitioner is rarely 'locked within' one dominant magical paradigm and so limited in scope for action. As some magical paradigms are better for specific tasks than others, it should be easier for a Chaos magician to find suitable techniques and approaches for emotional engineering and maximising the window of opportunity thrown up by initiatory

File: Apocrypha Discordia -


  • Chaos: Vibes manipulated within the Face of Chaos, generally speak-ing, are designed simply to increase the amount of Eristic Energy in thearea. Chaos magick is specifically unorganized, and often purposeless. Itis used to change mood, tone, and is also a way to banish Greyfaces.Discord: Vibes manipulated within the Face of Discord are deignedto affect l

File: Book of Eris -


  • of Discordians,most of which were included in later editions of the Principia Discordia. It can also be said (although, manypeople will argue against this) that the post-modern magical phenomenon of Chaos Magic developed underDiscordian influences. The main difference between Discordians and Chaos Mages is that Discordians reverethe Goddess Eris, whereas Chaos Mages revere whatever works at the moment. Disc


  • t.There is also the widespread notion of the five stages, which is another expression of the ubiquitous 'law offives' in Discordian thought. This idea is much like the 'aeonics' idea expressed within Chaos Magic (and theyprobably got the idea from us). The five stages are used to help understand and explain socio-historicaldevelopments. The First stage is Chaos, in which everything is in its natural state. O


  • riptures that are absurd, Discordianism tends to stay humorous and non-dogmatic and this spirit does flowthrough other Neo-Pagan traditions as manifested in play and mirth.While many practitioners of Chaos Magic do not consider themselves Pagans (though it doesn't stop them fromstealing Pagan traditions), those of a Discordian flavor will be more likely to refer to themselves as such. Not allDiscordians cons


  • embodying the Sacred Chao.This is the happy houseWe're all happy hereIn the happy houseto forget ourselvesand pretend all's wellthere is no hell."Happy House":Siouxsie and the BansheesDiscordians and Chaos Magickby DinoJTI Tell You: One muststill have chaos in oneto give birth to adancing star!-NietzscheWhen people ask me, "What the heck is a Chaos Magickian?", it's in my nature to reply that too many years


  • "sacredklowners", even as we're playing practical jokes on you like replacing your after-shave with Buck Lure.Chaos can be best described as that state of existence between what was and what will be. Chaos Magick, as aresult, is a very "here and now" way of looking at things. . . as a result, in typical left-handed path fashion,Discordians not to be too concerned with horoscopes, tarot, and the usual paganis


  • pulated is defined by the Face.Some brief explanations:•Chaos: Vibes manipulated within the Face of Chaos, generally speaking, are designed simply to increase theamount of Eristic Energy in the area. Chaos magick is specifically unorganized, and often purposeless. It is usedto change mood, tone, and is also a way to banish Greyfaces.•Discord: Vibes manipulated within the Face of Discord are deigned to affect

File: Dukes, Ramsey - SSOTBME-An Essay on Magic -


  • simple ideas expressed in SSOTBMEactually revived the whole possibility of magical interaction with everydayreality. Thanks to his insight, SSOTBME was to play a seminal role in theearly days of the Chaos Magic movement. Others have claimed SSOTBMEas a key influence on the New Age movement of the 80s.THE NEED TO REPUBLISHI heard Richard Dawkins on BBC television last year expressing anxiety atthe rising int


  • CHAP TER 2AFurther examplesAround the time this book was first published the seeds were being sown ofa new Magical current which became known as chaos magic. In fact thisbook had an important influence upon that current because it presented acomparatively clear and undogmatic overview of basic Magical principles,and that is very much what chaos magic is
  • as chaos magic. In fact thisbook had an important influence upon that current because it presented acomparatively clear and undogmatic overview of basic Magical principles,and that is very much what chaos magic is all about.It should be growing clear by now that dogmatism has absolutely noplace in Magic, whereas in Religion (and in Science as will be explained inCap 3A) it has such a key role that it needs
  • eight word blender is “Let us adopt a beliefsystem in which...” and then follows the above crap about dark forces. Theword “paradigm” makes a useful blender for over-Scientific sensibilities.What the chaos magician is putting into practice is Austin Spare’s principleof acting “as if ”. As will be explained in my example in Chapter 3A, thecorrect approach to a Magical theory or model is not to seek to disprov


  • ce it publicly as ifit was a Religious or Scientific truth.By spelling out so clearly the “as if ” process, and wrapping it in semi-Scientific terms such as ‘belief systems’ or ‘paradigms of choice’, chaos magicprovides almost bomb-proof defence against the sort of delusions which usedto befall inexperienced dabblers in Magic. Chaos magic is, in effect, the safestMagical system there is. Paradoxically, howev
  • nswer is that they go faster. And when cars are provided with seat belts,crumple zones, better tyres and air bags — people drive even faster still. It isprecisely the bomb-proof intellectual basis of chaos magic which makes it sosecure and which therefore tempts its practitioners to rush in where angelsfear to tread — invoking every weird and awesome entity in the pantheonand inventing even weirder ones to f
  • h therefore tempts its practitioners to rush in where angelsfear to tread — invoking every weird and awesome entity in the pantheonand inventing even weirder ones to feed the need for speed!To pursue chaos magic is to ride the comet’s tail — and it is great fun.Having such a shameless, wicked reputation is even greater fun.The remarks on tarot divination can, of course, be generalised to embrace therunes, ge

File: Ellis - The Assault on Reality -


  • his faircity ill. Well...that & I seem to have lost my sharpie *shrug* If the network is becoming unstable then maybe an egregore really is in order...maybe a legion of them. As I'm not all that into Chaos Magic, lemme know what I can do to help...and I'm in!


  • structure and direct its growth, otherwise you'll end up with a big metaphysical tumor behaving like a 3 year old throwing tantrums all the time. Which in case it could be fun, after all this is the chaos magick forum eh? But anyway, I’m surprised, you don’t want Chaos, you want a specified sort of Chaos, which is order. You don’t want unpleasantness neither accidents. You want metaphysical amusement. Come


  • ough I suppose at this point the laws of men do not apply. Hiro Tsukasa: I'm not complaining about my finger injury I had a slight feeling when I first read the posts about the LS under the forum for Chaos Magic I had a feeling that of course it's results would be chaotic. Now I'm starting to see there's kinda two beliefs as to what the LS is doing and that leaves me wondering a bit more than I already did.

File: Fr Choronzon - Chaos Astrology -


  • vague and imprecise" - Peter Carroll 'Psychonaut' I open this paper with these quotations lest anyone should be under any illusion about the prevailing orthodox view of Astrology within the corpus of Chaos Magic(k) - In this matter I am an unashamed and unrepentant heretic; the stake, faggots, firebrands and the instruments of the question are, doubtless, even now in preparation. It is perhaps ironic that th

File: Fr Choronzon - Liber Cyber -


  • PREFACE TO LIBER CYBER (1990)This is an entry level book about Chaos. It is intended to introduce readers with a background in Maths and Physics to the concepts of Chaos Magic. The book should also be useful to those who are knowledgeable about matters occult, providing some insight into the power of non-linear dynamics, or Chaos Mathematics, as a modelling tool for the vi


  • dinger, Heisenberg and Hubble.Present day thinkers whose work is prominent include Stephen Hawking, Douglas Hofstadter, Benoit Mandlebrot, James Lovelock, and, of course, Peter Carroll the pioneer of Chaos Magic.In presenting the series of papers in Bullfrog's Cafe/Bar - a stone's throw from the Greenwich Meridian in London, the objective was that each should stand alone and be intelligible to someone who wa


  • and the methods of Chaos Magic. Some anecdotal material is included, which necessarily expects the reader to place some trust in the author, but in almost every case there are other people alive who would be able to confirm the su


  • esult, but in my own view Crowley and his associate Victor Neuberg made a mess of that particular working, and frightened other people away from using it for decades.On a more practical level, modern Chaos Magicians, following a lead given by Peter Carroll, have started to compose ritual procedures using the vocabulary of Dee's original calls, but directed towards effecting some specific outcome of events. T


  • ve not been adequately taken on board by the majority of people outside the narrow confines of the mathematical disciplines; the exception would appear to be in the field of knowledge commonly termed Chaos Magic, where a general abhorrence of belief systems has led to the derivation of a single philosophical axiom: "There can be no ultimate truth."THOUGHT POLICE THROUGH THE AGESHaving established, at some le


  • have distinctive names, for example, according to the same source, the designation of new entrants to the organisation is to a zero degree named Minerval.By contrast, the Illuminates of Thanateros, a Chaos Magic "Pact", on the basis of


  • nd Mandlebrot had stumbled on the means of modelling its pattems mathematically.Through this decade Chaos Mathematics has been generating debate in the scientific community in exactly the same way as Chaos Magic has challenged traditional thinking in occult circles. This is, without doubt, one of those co-incidences which frequently spring from any formless array, such as the set of all human thoughts.Mathem


  • vague and imprecise" - Peter Carroll 'Psychonaut'I open this paper with these quotations lest anyone should be under any illusion about the prevailing orthodox view of Astrology within the corpus of Chaos Magic(k) - In this matter I am an unashamed and unrepentant heretic; the stake, faggots, firebrands and the instruments of the question are, doubtless, even now in preparation.It is perhaps ironic that the

File: Fr Choronzon - The Wishing Well or Releasing The Buterfly -


  • to invoke the dynamic process of Chaos by which the wish can be fulfilled. Some occult authorities, Crowley among them, assert that the Zarzas formula is dangerous and advise against using it. Modern Chaos magicians do not share that view and, besides having employed it for years with no particular ills impacting the user, is consistently been found to enhance the effectiveness of most categories of magical

File: Fr Elijah - Angels of Chaos -


  • The chaos magical approach is of the violate. Thisapproach is even subject to it’s own nature. According toLiber CHRNZN, to achieve the ecstasy of heaven one shouldviolate the violate. One of the advantages of the c


  • Now truth can be a very loaded word as I am sure youalready know. Let me present how I have come to glimpse atthe madness of truth through chaos magick. Truth and non-truth to the mind dealing in the dual are, and can be usedas tools for various forms of manipulation. There is anunderlying factor in all of THIS (Reality), which is thetruth which un

File: Fr Neonfaust - Practical Applications of the Chaossphere -


  • Practical Applications of the Chaossphere by Fra.: Neonfaust The Chaossphere is the prime working tool of Chaos magicians and the Magical Pact of the Illuminates of Thanateros (IOT). The physical Chaossphere has a vast range of applications of which a few shall be briefly delineated here: Meditation employing the Ch

File: Fr Nicht - Liber Nicht -


  • endently existing intellect and it’s relative immortality...” Antinomianism – “going against the grain.’ Of their culturally conditioned and conventional norms of ‘good’ and ‘evil’.” I say, regarding chaos magic, “ I use chaos – I am not the chaos.” Thanks to Osirian times in Egypt, mankind has been, for the most part, under the assumption that God = Master and that People = (God’s) Servants. As a chaos magi
  • haos magic, “ I use chaos – I am not the chaos.” Thanks to Osirian times in Egypt, mankind has been, for the most part, under the assumption that God = Master and that People = (God’s) Servants. As a chaos magician there are no rules. You can call on gods that demand your devotion until you get the results that you need and then discard him or her for another one that is appropriate for the focus of your nex
  • that symbolizes self-satisfaction and perfection to break away from the herd. Perhaps work with no god at all. Instead choosing to create servitors to do your bidding, existing as your own god. As a chaos magician experimenting with the Western Left Hand Path belief model, it is important to remember that you are what this journey is all about. Do you need an Osirian style Guardian angel? That expects and d


  • Created by energy. Conscious, as well as unconscious vitality, spawning it's own offspring, scattered across the sacred Void. 1:15 Ignorant to it's own origin, life created life and discovered death. Chaos Magic (Over) simplified Chaos Magic is a tool or technology, which allows the magician to get, required results, by simplification of the process. Intended to be a magical system that could stand on it’s o


  • ally impossible to put down in worlds because it is very dynamic and is always changing. As fast as your mind can come up with experiments to plunge you into the future as powerful as you want to be, chaos magic will mutate along with you on the way. Chaos magic has no dogma or rules except for the one’s one chooses to impose on oneself. STASIS Traffic lights, clocks, TV Giuide horoscopes, policemen driving


  • 14LHP Chaos Magick As a Wizard, wanting to use chaos magick as a technology instead of a belief model, one should use the criteria described by Stephan Flowers in Lords of the Left Hand Path. According to him, there a
  • 14LHP Chaos Magick As a Wizard, wanting to use chaos magick as a technology instead of a belief model, one should use the criteria described by Stephan Flowers in Lords of the Left Hand Path. According to him, there are two things that separate us, as well a
  • bilities of chaos, rather than surrender to them. • “Antinomianism” - Going against the grain or laws of a system or belief structure. By not accepting all that is presented by the originators of the chaos magick technologies and philosophies, we are using it according to our individual needs. I for one, have found much use for the ideas explained within the book Liber Null and the Psychonaut. Like the Satan
  • he Satanic Bible, for the Satanist, it is a great place to start, but over the years, one will find that it is quite incomplete and only scratches the surface of what can be accomplished from the use chaos magick from a LHP perspective. For instance, the Liberation and Random Belief exercises are useful for the beginner magician that has not yet fully discovered the god within. In theory, one could expect th


  • mfort, conventionality, security, and safety", one should instead strive for these. While these things are arbitrary forms of "order", I see no reason why they should not be desired or pursued by the chaos magician. Of course there may be times in a magician's life when the world that you have come to love and become comfortable residing in crumbles in around you. But surrendering to chaos for the sake of av


  • a Left Hand Path being, you owe it to yourSelf to do whatever you have to, to make every day count. Be your own person. Don’t dismiss what is true to you. Explore it and dig out the diamonds within. Chaos magic can entice one to loose their footing and slip headfirst into a reality that contains very little Reality. Delusion and stasis can be the effect of any belief model if you forget the Self. Choose the


  • e touched using various forms of Gnosis and can be triggered for brief amounts of time at Will by an adept sorcerer. Indifferent vacuity is the secret to charging a sigil while performing any type of chaos magic.


  • y coming in you just feel better. But change something that brings you one step closer to one of your many goals. LHP allows you to explore the You that you want to show the world, but are afraid to. Chaos magic gives you the tools to be efficient while giving you the time to pound your hammer or paint brush in the real world. Incubation Time In order to have the best results, one must be able to detach them


  • sible to be polite to those you respect. “If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice” Rush – The Band Sigil Magic Sigils the most used technique to perform spells by magicians that use chaos magic. And if you are an already practicing chaos magic, than you most likely have already been explored to and/or used the following techniques. What is important is that you be able to create your own fo
  • hoose not to decide, you still have made a choice” Rush – The Band Sigil Magic Sigils the most used technique to perform spells by magicians that use chaos magic. And if you are an already practicing chaos magic, than you most likely have already been explored to and/or used the following techniques. What is important is that you be able to create your own form of each. If you find that it works, stick to it


  • d rearranging them to make a symbol or mantra that doesn’t mean anything to your conscious mind but will be remembered during a state of gnosis or Neither / Neither. There are two really fun parts to chaos magic. Creating the sigil can be a work of art in itself. And then charging it can be as painful or thrilling experience as you Will it to be. The key to chaos magic is not to lust for results. This is som
  • ther. There are two really fun parts to chaos magic. Creating the sigil can be a work of art in itself. And then charging it can be as painful or thrilling experience as you Will it to be. The key to chaos magic is not to lust for results. This is something Spare realized and can be understood more clearly by reading his Book of Pleasure. It is a good idea to hide the sigil from your eyes after the working o
  • d carry out tasks for you... But like a pet, you must never forget that you are the master, and should be prepared to destroy it if it becomes a prankster or too powerful. Servitors are used often by chaos magicians who, often, like to have several running their duties, all at the same time. I have found that more than three to be very distracting and usually unnecessary. (Peter Carroll recommends having no


  • g ? Banishing is a technique that is used in most magical acts, which take place at the beginning or end of a rite. Wicca traditions use banishing, mainly, to keep those bad things out of the circle. Chaos magicians tend to think of it more as an opportunity to their minds and prepare for the magical task at hand. If you want a quick banishing, done inside your mind just imagine a black orb surrounding you w


  • . The ChaoZ Experiment is not and does not plan to ever be an initiatory group. Nor is it a religious organization. ChaoZ Experiment's sole purpose is to create a face to face, fleshy opportunity for chaos magicians that are not a direct danger to themselves or others to meet, experiment and exchange ideas. This is not a group, which is designed to elevate you on an initiatory ladder, but hopes to be a sourc


  • manifesto at any time. OBJECTIVES OF GROUP Our goal is to have fun as well as get results. We focus mainly on the Self, and exploring the unlimited possibilities of Self-elevation and discovery using chaos magick as the main tool. While we are not a "satanic" group, we do find the "Adversary" deities (ex. Satan, Typhon, Shiva, or Innana, Prometheus, and Sekhmet) to be the main guiding forces of our work and
  • live life to the fullest. We understand the Kia may have many voices, and we will give power to the one that "exists in the shadows". We call this an "Experiment" since we will be attempting to fuse chaos magic to the concepts of Western LHP specifically. We aren't the only ones doing this in the world, but we certainly were the first to do so as a group. As a Magician, wanting to use chaos magick as a tech
  • ng to fuse chaos magic to the concepts of Western LHP specifically. We aren't the only ones doing this in the world, but we certainly were the first to do so as a group. As a Magician, wanting to use chaos magick as a technology instead of a belief model, one should use the criteria described by Stephen Flowers in Lords of the Left Hand Path. According to him, there are two things that separate us, as well a
  • g of the self and existence separate from the collective universe on one's own terms. According to the accepted chaos paradigm, we are all part of the random collective. While it has been argued that chaos magic does not always fall under the category of a paradigm where the magician surrenders to the chaos collective, it


  • 51is something that you will find documented in Liber Null and is the idea behind many chaos magician's perspectives. 2) Antinomianism - Going against the grain or laws of a system or belief structure. By not accepting all that is presented by the originators of the chaos magick technologies and p
  • he idea behind many chaos magician's perspectives. 2) Antinomianism - Going against the grain or laws of a system or belief structure. By not accepting all that is presented by the originators of the chaos magick technologies and philosophies, we are using it according to our individual needs. Chaos magic as a whole could be defined as being Antinomian to begin with, but Carroll, Hine, and Spare did sort of
  • ith, but Carroll, Hine, and Spare did sort of lay out, ground rules for perceiving the universe. Their books give specific recipes on how one might define the way chaos works. We agree with them that chaos magic works. However, we choose to apply it in conjunction with the ideas of Flowers description of the LHP, since "everything is permitted." IN CONCLUSION We are an experiment in creating Order out of Cha

File: Fr Samuel - Chaos Magick Vol 3 -


  • CHAOS MAGICK Volume 3 Compiled by Fr.: Samael 6:6:9 X-13


  • 10criminal offence of Blasphemous Libel. Among present day occult practitioners (and not just Chaos Magicians) there is some consensus that the inducement of a state of gnosis is an essential prerequisite for any useful magical activity, be it divination, enchantment, evocation, invocation or illuminatio


  • eady. If for example you play the game with three players you agree that in the first stage the head is drawn, in the second the belly and the final stage will consist of legs (or tentacles). B: Some Chaos Magicians have used this game in its visual form to get pictures of group egregores.


  • ies of general magical techniques which the magician must develop into a workable programme using whatever symbols, instruments and forms of gnosis that appeal to him. It would be inappropriate for a Chaos Magic text to prescribe any particular beliefs or dogmas, except that magic works if certain general principles are followed. It would be inappropriate for any Chaos magician to slavishly adhere to the fin


  • O is the order that makes the Typhonian OTO look like the Mother's Union; makes the age of Maat sound like the whisper of a politely restrained fart at a Conservative Ladies luncheon gathering; makes Chaos Magick feel like a slightly limp cucumber sandwich remaining on a plate at the end of an exceptionally dull vicarage teaparty. "So put on your cloaks, tattoo yourselves with sigils, vibrate names of power


  • 76What does this have to do with Chaos as a magical tradition? Chaos Magicians are the magickal heirs to this powerful tradition of Uncertainty. Chaos Magic has enshrined Uncertainty into the very centre of its ethos. "Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted" is a popular


  • 79Let us then thank the greatest Atheist god of all, Uncertainty, for providing us with the calm tolerance of Agnosticism and Chaos Magic and shout with great passion and joy "I am not sure! There may be no ultimate truth! I'm just not sure!" for without Uncertainty, nothing would ever have changed. Practical Liberation Exercise. I oft


  • you want to give up but can't. If you actually like smoking then that is your personal choice. I personally do not smoke because of the environmental damage and bad health effects it causes, but as a Chaos Magician I choose not to impose this belief, as some kind of ultimate truth, on anyone else. All Hail Uncertainty! I am not sure!


  • 87 Chaos and Will by Catherine Bitzer Chaos magick and the will are intricately linked. In order to pratice successful chaos magick it is necessary to know and train your true will. Will is the basis of all magick. Chaos Chaos is the void where all
  • 87 Chaos and Will by Catherine Bitzer Chaos magick and the will are intricately linked. In order to pratice successful chaos magick it is necessary to know and train your true will. Will is the basis of all magick. Chaos Chaos is the void where all things are possible. There is an infinity of potential in chaos. Anything can hap


  • e's. This may seem morbid, but the practice of remembering death will help you lose your self-importance and accept responsibilities for your actions. Your true and undiluted will will strengthen. In Chaos Magick belief is as random as everything else. Be aware constantly that the only gods or demons in existence are those created by yourself and your education. Belief can be 'erased' by adopting a different


  • 108 Awareness of this process is a central theme of the contemporary approach to development which has come to be known as Chaos Magick, an approach which focuses on the examination and removal of belief structures, the cultural conditioning which defines our experience of the world. Deliberate self-wounding, to facilitate a return


  • r's own immediate interests and ability. This powerful form of bonding should not be under-rated, particularly in a discipline as given to disputes over magical differences and personality clashes as Chaos Magic. Mentoring is not simply concerning with the transfer of skills, theories, or opinions, but is a process whereby one person encourages another to find out what works for him, in the most effective wa


  • 155 Chaos Magick by Eris ...all Nature was all Chaos, The rounded body of all things in one, The living elements at war with lifelessness... The Metamorphosis, Ovid Chaos magick is the fruit of Austin Osman Spare an


  • 156which you will shape into your intention. Therefore, unless you have a solid code of ethics and know what you are doing, Chaos Magick is not for you, indulge in foolishness and you will quickly be on the way to self-annihalation. In Chaos magick it is up to you to use or create whatever methods of ritual or magickal workings you d


  • ered as the "Illuminati" of its era in the sense that it possessed the keys to the next advance of enlightenment. This, I believe, is all the Illuminati actually consists of, and I like to think that Chaos Magic is the obvious esoteric current for the postmodern era. Q: As a scientist, you're naturally familiar with the Second Law of Thermodynamics. If it is true, and the universe actually is at some point g


  • ci'. Two goats and a dog are killed and the blood from the sacrificial knife is then applied to the foreheads of the Luperci. Their brows are then wiped clean with wool dipped in milk. At this point (Chaos Magicians may be interested to note) it is important that the Luperci burst forth with laughter. The goats are then skinned and thongs made from the pelts. Each of the Luperci then distributes the thongs a


  • ted by supporters of 'Gay News' in defence of that publication against an action being brought for the rare criminal offence of Blasphemous Libel. Among present day occult practitioners (and not just Chaos Magicians) there is some consensus that the inducement of a state of gnosis is an essential prerequisite for any useful magical activity, be it divination, enchantment, evocation, invocation or illuminatio

File: Fr UD - Models of Magic -


  • magician is more of an "energy dancer" than a "fence rider" or go-between. But even here the key to the perception, charging and general utilization of these forces is again the magical trance or, as Chaos Magic terms it, gnosis. Theories and practices pertaining to the energy model can be found with many magical authors but it has seen its real, large scale popularity only since the seventies of our century


  • e magician is: "Always use the model most adequate to your aims." This may sound a bit trite but we will see that it is not quite as selfevident amongst magicians as one might expect. It is rooted in Chaos magic's assertion "Nothing is true. Everything is permitted", which ultimately boils down to pragmatic utilitarianism. Before this aspect is enlarged upon, though, let us look at an example of the models p


  • ents of contemporary magic, is the author of "PRACTICAL SIGIL MAGIC" and "SECRETS OF THE GERMAN SEX MAGICIANS" (forthcoming). The essay above will be part of his next book, "DANCE OF THE PARADIGMS. A CHAOS MAGICK PRIMER." (All books: LLEWELLYN's PUBLICATIONS, St. Paul, Minn.) =================================================================

File: Frater U.D. - Practical Sigil Magic -


  • but it could not go into more depth due to the limited space characteristic of magazine articles. Also, Spare’s sigil magic has seen some further evolution during recent years, especially by English Chaos magicians as manifested in the various publications of the IOT order (IOT today = The Magical Pact of the illuminates of Thanateros). Thus, ever-growing divergences from Spare’s own methods and intentions


  • stration it should be mentioned that Sherwin considers the Holy Guardian Angel (cf. the Abramelin system) as being the psychic censor (a somewhat unconventional interpretation which has its source in Chaos Magic). The term Kia is taken from Spare’s system and is explained by Sherwin’s description of point k. Now, a and b join to construct the sigil, which then has to be implanted in d . If d refuses to accep


  • c controversial magical writersnd practitioners. He became a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn but later left the order roup, the A...A.... Later he joined the ts head. A prolific writerChaos magic—Of recent origin, this system of magic ocuseian’s reality. Order of the Golden Dawn—This group egan operation in 1888 and fell victim to schism and strife in 190e and umerous others. teros)—The Pact

File: High Magic II Expanded Theory and Practice -


  • he or she needs to have a standard concept of the world in which everything exists in relation to each other if he or she wants to be able to actively shape one's own destiny. Not until contemporary chaos magic was developed were magicians able to free themselves from this premise fo r the most part in order to take a different approach (this will be discussed at a later point in this book). Since we won't


  • take a look at the magic of ancient Egypt. In our next special fo cus, we'll take a look at the history and ideology of Gnosticism, and follow its ideas from the early be · · gs right up to modem-day chaos magic . • PRACTICAL EXERCISES EXERCISE 56 MUDRA TRAINING (IV) This is a variation of Exercise 22. Perform the lAO fo rmula as usual, but instead of stretching your arms to shape the letters lAO, use the ap


  • gician's will so that the "illusion" (which could be better described as a '<paradigm aid") is not done for its own sake, but rather is used merely as a tool along the lines of the basic principle of chaos magic, «belief is merely a technique." Initiation through surprise, on the other hand, is a technique that creates sudden astonishment in the candidate, thus awakening his or her inner skills so that they


  • om and omniscience into the long-gone past of an Atlantis or in some dubious ('master in the Himalayas" have been popular since the theosophical movement in the nineteenth century, but the modern-day chaos magician and freestyle shaman would say that these are nothing but a childishly naive parent sub­stitute that is used to silence others and prevent them from individual development. Initiation through pers


  • anything or if you are satisfied with it. Later, if you fe el it is necessary, you can draft an entirely new ritual. Do this until you are completely satisfied with the results. BXBRCISE77 PRACTICAL CHAOS MAGIC If you haven't already done so, begin familiarizing yourself with the principles of chaos magic. The goal of this exercise is not to fo rce you into becoming a chaos magician, but rather to get you t
  • entirely new ritual. Do this until you are completely satisfied with the results. BXBRCISE77 PRACTICAL CHAOS MAGIC If you haven't already done so, begin familiarizing yourself with the principles of chaos magic. The goal of this exercise is not to fo rce you into becoming a chaos magician, but rather to get you to have a look at this unusual paradigm and to develop your own opinion about it in the course of
  • sults. BXBRCISE77 PRACTICAL CHAOS MAGIC If you haven't already done so, begin familiarizing yourself with the principles of chaos magic. The goal of this exercise is not to fo rce you into becoming a chaos magician, but rather to get you to have a look at this unusual paradigm and to develop your own opinion about it in the course of your general esoteric studies. This is necessary in order to understand the


  • the principle ordo ab chao Ccorder emerges from chaos"). (Just to avoid confusion, we should mention that we're referring to a different understanding of the term <<chaos" here as opposed to the way chaos magicians use it. Chaos magicians do not view chaos as ((disorder" or ((confusion" but rather as the sum of all possible latent fo rms of manifestation, comparable to the gnostic concept of((pleroma.") Fre


  • sion of a deeply felt deficiency, or a lack of uncomplicated magical techniques, that anyone can understand without attempting to pursue any kind of transcendentalism. So it's only consequential that chaos magic would develop a type of ((freestyle shamanism" to inte­grate folk magical techniques and further develop them. These techniques, however, are first <'cleansed" from all elements of fear-controlled, d


  • its current areas of emphasis, its trends, and its new di­rections. Fifteen years ago it looked like the Wicca tradition would top the magic ranks, but meanwhile there seems to be no way of av oiding chaos magic. Even the Golden • • • Dawn was made a target of opposition and disassociation, just like Freemasonry earlier: Crowley's A.·.A.·. was an example of this. The O.T.O. and the Fraternitas Saturni also w

File: High Magick -




  • magician chooses one's beliefs like the surgeon chooses his or her instruments. Lefs give this piece of information the finishing touch by adding another guiding principle that stems from modern-day Chaos Magic, making it particularly effective through its fa irly clear-cut wording: Belief is just a technique. Introduction to Ritual Magic (II) 73


  • ys been understood as the way to godhood regardless of how this is defined. Apart from a fe w early exceptions (by Crowley on occasion as well), it wasn't until the development of Pragmatic Magic and Chaos Magic that a departure fr om magical theism took place on a large scaJe, giving it mere philoso phical value instead. This is all the more amazing when we remember the significant role that early Buddhism


  • very­thing,') is created out of the nothingness, and in between is where magic and all of life itself takes place. So the first thing we need to do is realize our «nihil, potential (called "chaos, in Chaos Magic) before we can start applying it to truly become gods, which is the goal of most magical systems. The first step in reaching "nihil'' is to thoroughly ban­ish everything that has no place in our univ


  • t's often depicted as a phallus or as the staff of the Egyptian god Thot or Tahuti, who corresponds to Hermes and Mercury. The Golden Dawn prefers the Hermes staff with the double snake, while modern Chaos Magic de­veloped the wand into a lightning bolt from the Chaos Sphere. It can be made of any­thing from carved wood to gold or iron. It can even be shaped like a fo rk and made of wicker if ifs designed to


  • y of the styles of painting, litera­ture, and music from back then, by the way as too extravagant and superfluous. The fact that magic can adapt to the external style of the times is proven by modern Chaos Magic that, fo r example, sometimes uses neon lights instead of candles, or mantras played from a computer recording. Introduction to Ritual Magic (IX) 299


  • i­ples. However, we shouJd keep in mind that no other concept has given modern magic such powerful, fruit.ful impulses, with the possible exception of the magic of Austin Osman Spare and contemporary Chaos Magic. Crowley,s concept assumes that everyone has a "True Will, as opposed to the mere wants or desires of the everyday ego. We can compare this Tr ue Will (or Thelema, as we,ll call it from time to time)


  • THE INHIBITORY MODE Pete Carroll, the founder of Chaos Magic, is credited with drawing our attention as magi­cians to the significance of magical trance (which he defined as gnosis), while clearly break­ing it down into various categories at the same time. Let


  • mere suggestions and not as strict rules and regulations! We'IJ follow several structures at the same time. First we'll break everything down into the five ((classical, disciplines of magic, just as Chaos Magic does: divination, evoca­tion, invocation, sorcery, and illumination. Afterward, we'll list a few suggestions fo r the practical application of the principles of moon magic. Under «Concrete Applicatio


  • a fundamen­tal problem of our fo ur-dimensional existence in which we apparently can only observe the effects, but never the causes. We'll have to delve into this problen1 more deeply when we discuss Chaos Magic; fo r now it will have to suffice when we point out that none of the earlier systems that claimed to offer a "true explanation,, were able to stand up to a thorough investigation based on the most cu


  • vely at first), and then by drawing the traditional Venus glyphs over it. According to the usual procedure, the magician will concentrate on the intended goal while charging it, although contemporary Chaos Magic recommends not thinking about the goal at all while charging. But good resuJts can certainly be achieved with the traditional method. Once ies charged, the talisman is either worn for a while on the


  • ''ONE'S COUNTENANCE IS LOST IN THE CHAOs'' Chaos Magic, which we,ve already mentioned on nun1erous occasions, is growing in popularity and has become a permanent fixture in modern magic. It's relatively young, officially fo unded in the year 1978 by Pete


  • In Germany, Chaos Magic made its debut in the year 1982 when a German-language edition of Liber Null was published by Edition Magus, which was originally founded just for this purpose. This edition was quite small as well,


  • re interested in trying to convert the relativistic, and therefo re gnostic and existentialistic, ideas contained in these sources (but not these alone) into a practical fo rm of magic. [ ... ] So in Chaos Magic, we'll discover ideas that can also be fo und in existentialism, struc­turalism, critical positivism, and a much older source behaviorism. Even elements of nihilism, Nietzsche's reception and the awa


  • inclined to the view that my spiritual consciousness is random and chaotic in an agreeable sort of way (pp. 192- 193 ). This is Peter Carroll talking to us, who's also responsible fo r the fact that Chaos Magic joined close fo rces with the Zos Kia cult of Austin Osman Spare. Carroll and Sherwin assumed some of Spare's terminology, such as the ((spark of chaos, quoted above thafs described as uKia.'' In She


  • Carroll stresses that such termi­nology is purely random and, at best, has merely a functional value. Kia is the point of intersection between chaos and the matter it created for its own "amusement." Chaos Magic doesn)t recognize an individual soul thafs given to a person at birth, or one that may continually incarnate whether it wants to or not. In this sense, it resembles Gurdjieff's system, which also ass


  • ump, every­thing is random, with true freedom no more absolute barriers exist, but nor does a right to statics or pseudo-absolute structures such. as power, domination, or hierar­chies. Through this, Chaos Magic (surely influenced by the individual anarchy of Max Stirner and Nietzsche) almost incidentally gains an immense political, lif elong char­acteristic: If the magician truly wants to be free, he has to


  • By 2001, the Chaos Magic movement has experienced struggles and separation. New impulses seem to be lacking, the majority of practical work is not available to the public (in contrast to the 1980s), and it can no longer be c

File: Where Do Demons Live -


  • ent, starting in the 1950s. The interest that some people have in the NativeAmericans can also be understood as a part of this spiritual current. Without thesepredecessors to pave the way, modern-day chaos magic would have been unthinkable-afact that just may surprise a few of you!To my knowledge, chaos magic in its organized form-namely, the IOT or "Pact"-developed a group structure not unlike that of the W
  • nderstood as a part of this spiritual current. Without thesepredecessors to pave the way, modern-day chaos magic would have been unthinkable-afact that just may surprise a few of you!To my knowledge, chaos magic in its organized form-namely, the IOT or "Pact"-developed a group structure not unlike that of the Wicca tradition. This includes theautonomy of an individual temple. Possibly more significant, thoug
  • eautonomy of an individual temple. Possibly more significant, though, is that chaosmagic is just as group-specific and anarchic as the Wicca movement. Of course, thatshould not disguise the fact that chaos magic owes quite a bit to more modernmovements as well, such as quantum physics, philosophical structuralism /relativism,the "Discordian movement," hippie and rock culture, and the science-fiction scene.So

File: Gordon White - Pieces of Eight Chaos Magic Essays and Enchantments -




  • CONTENTSCopyrightAlso by Gordon WhiteIntroductionChaos Magic Apologetics1. On Science2. On Selfhood3. Owning Our Story4. Wizard, Heal Thyself5. The Best Wizards Are Dead Wizards6. On Goetia7. The Secret Commonwealth of Spaceships8. Reality of the Rulers9. Moth


  • INTRODUCTIONDOES CHAOS MAGIC STILL EXIST?EVERYONE KNOWS WHAT CHAOS MAGIC IS. IT SEEMS EVEN TREND FORECASTERS KNOWwhat it is. Chaos magic is that phase you grow out of where you invokeSuperman and believe whatever you like and me
  • elieve whatever you like and mess about with theNecronomicon in your parents’ basement and start a tumblr blog of AustinOsman Spare quotes. What could possibly be served via the publication ofanother chaos magic book?Perhaps nothing.Answering the question properly requires beginning, inevitably, at thebeginning. The common conception of chaos magic –note the spelling and lackof capital letters- formed during
  • What could possibly be served via the publication ofanother chaos magic book?Perhaps nothing.Answering the question properly requires beginning, inevitably, at thebeginning. The common conception of chaos magic –note the spelling and lackof capital letters- formed during what we may call its ‘escape velocity’ phase.This coincided with the heady days of the early internet, Grant Morrison’sInvisibles and the
  • formed during what we may call its ‘escape velocity’ phase.This coincided with the heady days of the early internet, Grant Morrison’sInvisibles and the last gasp of progressive trance music. However chaos magicis older than this phase, if only a little.Technically you can –and I do- trace any magical school right back to theemergence of conceptual thinking in humans, the evidence of which is to befound pain
  • thinking in humans, the evidence of which is to befound painted in caves and carved on mammoth bones. In such a scenario,pinpointing origins becomes something of an academic pastime. That beingsaid, chaos magic first emerged in 1980s Britain as a reaction against themoribund state of occultism in general, having staggered out of the seventies


  • along-stagnant core of Victorian magical order nonsense and tawdry in-fighting.Even its name –as given by the movement’s creator, Peter J Carroll- sayssomething about it that most people have missed. Chaos magic was named forJames Gleick’s book, Chaos, popular at the time, that explored the ontologicalimplications of chaos mathematics, fractals, strange attractors and what theymight mean for our experience o
  • he singular,authoritative voice of the twentieth century newscaster with the digitally-enabled vox populi of the internet would forever change the narrative. All it didwas ruin the spelling. Where is chaos magic in the midst of this?As it got away from its founders, chaos magic came to mean ‘doingwhatever you want’ in popular parlance, which is probably close to the oppositeof its original formulation. In th
  • with the digitally-enabled vox populi of the internet would forever change the narrative. All it didwas ruin the spelling. Where is chaos magic in the midst of this?As it got away from its founders, chaos magic came to mean ‘doingwhatever you want’ in popular parlance, which is probably close to the oppositeof its original formulation. In the modern world, ‘doing whatever you want’leads to Type II diabetes


  • freedom that chaos magic offers -the apple in its garden- is a stark one. Chaosmagic is not ‘doing whatever you want’, it is ‘trialling a lot of things andretaining those that work’. It is entirely unforgiving of failure or
  • t to do or you have failed. Successcould be lasting apotheosis or it could be bedding your secretary. This onlylooks like elitism to failures. To scientists, it looks like science.Here we find, then, chaos magic’s true iconoclasm. Not in the destruction ofsacred images but in the destruction of excuses, of fudges and self-delusions. Itattacks the column of esotericism at its unseemly weak spots. Chaos magic
  • mistake too many make is to assume that the mid-eighties/early-ninetiesamalgam was definitive. It isn’t. Just as the Golden Dawn required updating –better seventy years late than never- so it is that chaos magic requires areformulation, an update, lest it relegate itself to the same fate as the orders;weekend ‘open rituals’ in rented scout halls on the outskirts of faded, post-industrial, Midlands towns.To t
  • ate, lest it relegate itself to the same fate as the orders;weekend ‘open rituals’ in rented scout halls on the outskirts of faded, post-industrial, Midlands towns.To the opening question, then. Does chaos magic still exist? I believe it does.But I also believe it is in need of a minor correction, or at least, a mischievous


  • generally better than not having money,particularly for those who claim to command the forces of theuniverse, and so economic literacy is also valued.Instead of rehashing them, we reassert them here. Chaos magic does notneed new things added to it. It does not need a ‘Reformation’. What it needs is aCounter-Reformation -a return to core principles and an examination of whatthey might look like in the modern
  • ‘Reformation’. What it needs is aCounter-Reformation -a return to core principles and an examination of whatthey might look like in the modern era. Pieces of Eight presents a series of briefessays in chaos magic apologetics, followed by an only-seemingly randomcollection of practical magical rituals and enchantments, all in a probably-futile attempt to dropkick the discourse into the twenty first century.As


  • beginner’s book, it is a minimalist’s book. It containsthe minimum viable amount of content to begin perceiving and participating inthis larger world. This is in keeping with an updated definition of chaos magic.It is a worldview optimised for optimisation.A worldview optimised for performance.




  • l lines of enquiry for doing preciselythat will be explored in subsequent chapters.Do not neglect science. It is no exaggeration to say that the fate of theuniverse rests on your scientific literacy. Chaos magic lost its founder to theworld of theoretical physics for almost two decades. That tells you everythingregarding its importance.


  • TWOON SELFHOODIF CHAOS MAGIC IS IN A MIND WAR WITH MATERIALISM, THE MOST IMPORTANT FRONT INthe conflict is on the mine-riddled beaches of consciousness. And the siegeengines we bring to this front are quite out of date. Recourse


  • -every-five-millennia appearance ofa superhuman or demi-god.)Additional PostulatesThe initial postulates are useful for beginning a debate in philosophy class butthis is not a philosophy book, it’s a chaos magic book. As such, there areadditional phenomena –often verified in laboratory settings or via more than acentury’s worth of meta analysed data- that must be folded into an improvedmodel of consciousness


  • at in some sort of ‘ultimate truth’ sense thespirit world and the universal consciousness field are human descriptions of theOne Thing. That may well be correct but ultimate truths sit uneasily withinchaos magic. Models with more operative utility are generally preferred.Perhaps due to its current –and probably doomed- attempts to achieve alevel of respectability within monoculture, Idealism has no small amo
  • philosophy. The magician’s world resists singular,macro explanations. An element of Mystery always remains.But what of the magician herself? What remains of her?Revisiting the MultiselfHistorically, chaos magic’s suspicion of meta-narratives also extended to asuspicion of the ‘narrative’ of the singular self. Given the climate in which it


  • strategies where used by both the Nazis and theAnglo-American shadow state precisely because they were and are soeffective in embedding fear, compliance and submission. None of these arequalities the chaos magician would wish to cultivate. A careful examination ofthe history of these appalling procedures leads to the inevitable conclusion that-on a psychological basis- one is the healthiest number.Over the s
  • ks, artificial lighting, environmental pollutants andevery other hallmark of the modern world debases your physical existence byreducing its diversity, its multiplicity.And so we suggest updating the chaos magic concept of the multiself withthe ecosystemic self. At the macro level, an ecosystem is ‘one’ thing, on themicro level it is reliant on the robust operation of countless smaller systemswhose interacti


  • r aligns with an Animist worldview it also allows you tomodel many aspects of ‘distributed consciousness psi effects’ associated withthe digital world. For instance –insane as this sounds (even for a chaos magicbook!)- I am pretty sure I can ‘sense’ tweets. This appears to be a variant of thecommonly observed telephone telepathy. So it is an example of the ‘you’ that isdistributed locally and non-locally.The


  • THREEOWNING OUR STORYPERHAPS UNSURPRISINGLY FOR A CHAOS MAGICIAN WHO WROTE A WHOLE BOOK ON THEPalaeolithic origins of western magic, I consider historical literacy to be asacred and mandatory duty. For at least fifty thousand years it was the role ofthe shaman


  • avationmethod. Similarly, you would not necessarily ask the carpenter who built theroulette wheel for gambling advice.Specifically regarding ‘our’ story, the century of western occultism thatpreceded chaos magic relies on a history that is approaching 100% false. It isamazing to see long-abandoned ideas such as modern survivals of Neolithicgoddess worship or pagan secret societies still have some currency on
  • built a history that now appears inaccurate but was cutting edge for itstime. They haunted the British Museum like the ghosts in the spirit masks theypeered at from behind glass. Emulate them. From a chaos magic perspective,the hypothesis that historical accuracy improves the effectiveness of sorceryover historical inaccuracy is solid. The difference in your results will be nightand day. That is your ‘optimi


  • en thediffering levels of social prestige associated with religious belief. In Europe it isviewed with quiet embarrassment, in America is it loudly and publiclytrumpeted.Particularly when it comes to chaos magic, building your own optimalmetaphysics becomes more challenging when you have to shoehorn it intowhatever preferred version of a Supreme Being you have selected, as they alltend to be quite unsophisti


  • if ever you are called upon todedicate a yacht or baptise somebody’s child or something.ChaosDespite not (consciously) being part of the original thinking around PeteCarroll’s selection of the name, ‘chaos magic’, a possibility emerges from anesoteric analysis of the word itself. A Greek term, kaos means the void, theabyss, the First Created Thing. The word derives from the Proto-Indo-European term for gapin


  • t, pulsing phenomenon sitting at thevery heart of the western magical tradition. It is encountered via spellwork andexplored via lectio satanas.BaphometThe Devil as he is most commonly encountered by chaos magicians isBaphomet, where he/she offers a very specific form of lectio satanas.Baphomet and the Devil are not functional equivalents. Rather, Baphomet maywell be the most interesting form the Devil has a
  • Hermeticaxiom of ‘As Above, so Below’ by pointing to the heavens with one hand andthe earth with its other one. Given that Pete Carroll is principally responsiblefor the prominence of Baphomet among chaos magicians, we shall leave it upto him to interpret what Lévi was conveying. From his Epoch: The Esotericon


  • ELEVENON MYTHOLOGY (AND APPROPRIATION)INEVITABLY, WHEN WE TALK ABOUT MYTHOLOGY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHAOS MAGIC,we are also talking about the impact of popular culture and that most histrionicof terms, ‘appropriation’. These chimeras all exist on the storytelling spectrum.They describe ways mankind -all of man


  • in improvingthe efficacy of practical enchantment.In his textbook, Comparing Religions, Dr Kripal provides six guidelines foreffective comparison which must be added to the intellectual armoury of anychaos magician:1. Always keep sameness and difference in some creative orconstructive tension.2. Always be aware of your own perspective as your perspective anddo not confuse it with some universal human positio


  • sort of spider at work; we can only find thewebs, the myths that human authors weave.You will recognise these webs only occasionally in popular culture, andcertainly not on a Kardashian’s instagram. Chaos magic has been indeliblyimprinted with this particular form of spider hunt because it rose to widerprominence during a brief moment of when a golden age of British comicwriters overlapped with the rise of


  • he patterns and logic of fairy tale andmyth correspond to those of dream, the long discredited chimerasof archaic man have returned dramatically to the foreground ofmodern consciousness.Here is where chaos magic departs slightly from Dr Doniger in whether or notthe spider is simply implied. It is probably hugely important that not only domyths follow dream logic, but that engaging with them produces real wor


  • life.” His own close friend and fellow Inkling, C. S. Lewis once wrote:Myth is the isthmus which connects the peninsular world of thoughtwith the vast continent we really belong to.If you are a chaos magician, you are a mythologist. And probably a thief.


  • FOURTEENON DIVINATIONA FULL EXPLORATION OF CARTOMANCY –ITS ORIGINS AND HOW TO PERFORM IT- IS TObe found in The Chaos Protocols. Without question, it is an essential skill for anychaos magician -or even just any creative type. Here we will attempt todescribe the consciousness effects that underpin divination and then suggest aprocedure that is not only a complete divinatory system in its


  • field underpinning reality but that it can function as some sort of‘Akashic Hall of Records’ or whatever you wish to call it. As the saying goes,nothing lasts but nothing is lost.Remote Viewing: The Chaos Magic WayThis is really a two-player game but I have yielded some interesting one-player results by purchasing some old postcards from the Notting Hill marketsand having someone else slip them into some nu


  • back into a psychic ecosystem laid to waste by Golden Dawners; Neopagans;comic book fans masquerading as chaos magicians; and the timid psychologistsof the twentieth century. So there is a net effect on the wider magical culturethat I am unashamedly trying to achieve.Secondly, grimoire-based spells might work bette


  • ers of the wind’ in his Physika, ‘wind’, ‘air’and ‘spirit’ being etymologically related. Orpheus considered thempsychopomps and also gatekeepers of new life. They are the unnamed eldergods. This is a chaos magic book so this is your Necronomicon bit. Exceptbetter.Build a Tritopatreion:1. Dig a triangular hole with a northern apex in your yard away fromthe house or in some little-trafficked wilderness area.2.


  • r yearsfor refusing to divulge the details of his Pi-based Economic Confidence Model.(Goldman Sachs and the CIA both wanting to get their claws on a model shouldbe enough to pique the interest of any chaos magician looking for anadvantage.)Being a subset of the universe, human culture and behaviour expresseswaveform rhythms. As Brutus says in Julius Caesar:There is a tide in the affairs of men.Which, taken a


  • e planets. It was the explanatorymodel that the neighbouring bodies in our solar system exert some kind offorce or rays on earthlife that led to the initial rejection of astrology in theearly days of chaos magic. But just as magic itself may be a culture-specificway of modelling and using mankind’s naturally occurring psi capacities,astrology may well be a culture-specific way of modelling thewaveform/cyclic


  • ear here and that is not a comment on their quality or utility in theslightest. Nevertheless, the question I am asked most often is ‘what books shouldsomebody who resonates with the Rune Soup view of chaos magic read,particularly if they are just beginning?’I avoid answering that question and, humbly, I am right in doing so. You arebuilt just as much from the bad books you read (and reject) as you are fromth


  • if you reject them out of handas ‘bad’ -if you judge them by their covers, so to speak.So instead of responding to ‘what books should a beginner read’, let meoffer you the minimum credible Rune Soup chaos magic library. Other titlescertainly will feature on your shelves, depending on your predilections. This issimply –and minimally- Rune Soup’s ‘black library’. These titles are what youwill find in the refe


  • TWENTYCONCLUSION: SO, DOES IT?DOES CHAOS MAGIC STILL EXIST THEN?It certainly does as a straw man on the internet, a public punching bag forallegedly more ‘serious’ magicians who are presumably terrified of beingtarred with our brush for the simpl
  • vigate past the rocks of naïve self-importance.It exists and it is iterating, passing from its errant adolescence into aninevitably-overconfident adulthood. Like the Golden Dawn and Thelemabefore it, chaos magic no longer needs the pre-internet technology of magicalorders to keep its lungs moving in and out. It can breathe on its own. In fact, it isorders themselves that need to work out if or what they shou
  • tions exist that need filling in the post-digital/analogue world we are entering. Every so often, magic mirrors shouldjust be used as mirrors. What are you for?Some of the criticisms levelled against chaos magic are valid. There iscertainly a lot of nonsense out there. Though, in the western magical and pagantraditions, that positively defines a ‘glass houses’ conversation. The criticism


  • that it is ahistorical, however, is entirely invalid. Chaos magic owes its inceptionto the ahistoricity of the truth claims and practices of the western magicaltraditions that predate it. It formed as a rejection of them, firstly in theirentirety and then eventuall


  • rk for BBC Magazines, Discovery Channel and news media companies inboth hemispheres.After moving to London, he held senior data and analytics positions inglobal media companies, as well as starting a chaos magic blog and podcastcalled Rune Soup... which ultimately led to the publication of his first twobooks, The Chaos Protocols and Star.Ships: A Prehistory of the Spirits.Over the course of this journey, Gor

File: Grimoire of Chaos Magick -


  • The Grimoire of Chaos Magick, by Julian Wilde.Originally published by Sorcerer’s Apprentice Press.Electronic version by Phil Legard, 1999.


  • ous one - a path of doubt and faith, disillusionment andjoy, ensnarement and freedom, and can ultimately lead to the pinnacle of humanachievement - to discover and express the (more) real self/selves.Chaos magick, when not in the hands, hearts and pens of elitists or those who haveexchanged old ideologies and "isms" for a new, equally restrictive set of beliefs andpractices (and prejudices), is an eclectic,

File: Defining Chaos -


  • we need to gain success. 'One must beware making dogma, for Spare went to great pains to exclude it as much as possible to achieve success in his magic; however a number of basic assumptions underpin chaos magic. 'Chaos is the universal potential of creative force, which is constantly engaged in trying to seep through the cracks of our personal and collective realities. It is the power of Evolution/Devolutio


  • recommend that those who are interested in this subject read Chaos: Making a New Science by James Gleick. What we are concerned with here is how all this relates to magic. Many magicians, especially Chaos Magicians, have begun using the terms, "fractal" and "strange attractor", in their everyday conversations. Most of those who do this have some understanding of the relationship between magic and this area


  • hing from the fractal patterns in smoke rising from a cigarette to the patterns of success and failure in magical workings, which leads to an understanding of why it had succeeded or failed. Defining Chaos Magic Chaos is not in itself, a system or philosophy. It is rather an attitude that one applies to one's magic and philosophy. It is the basis for all magic, as it is the primal creative force. A Chaos Mag


  • to the student could be by-passed). Experience in magical results will bring the necessary understanding. This essay is directed toward the increasing numbers of people who have been asking, "What is Chaos Magic?". It is very basic and by no means intended to be a complete explanation of any of the elements discussed. Many of the principles of magic must be self-discovered. My only intent here is to try to d

File: Elemental Chaos -


  • Elemental Chaos by Jaq D. Hawkins The connections between Chaos Magic and chaos science have become common knowledge to magicians of all descriptions in recent years. The marriage of magic and science has added a new dimension to our general understanding of how things


  • of your own magical spirit to accomplish your goal, the results of sending this separate entity to do your bidding are often much more effective than the more direct approach. That is the key to all Chaos Magic: RESULTS. What you choose to believe is actually causing these results is immaterial; the only thing that really matters is that you do achieve better results, and the fact that belief in help from s


  • working within nature, and therefore increases the probability factor by a significant degree. So to those who would ask me, do I believe in fairies, I say “Too bloody right I do”. After all, I am a Chaos Magician, and elemental spirits are the most chaotic creatures in the natural world. “IO PAN!”

File: IOT - The Book -


  • s and Early Years of the IOTIn all editions of Liber Nullthere is a chart sho-wing the streams of ideas and traditions thatculminate in the IOT. These are, if you like,the ancestors of the IOT and of Chaos Magic.However, the immediate precursor of the IOTwas the Stoke Newington Sorcerers group,mentioned in the Pete Carroll Interview, CI 17.Occultists of various backgrounds and subse-quent directions worked i


  • ding the introduction of the Chaosphere.The IOT in its early years was 'rarely more than a loose correspondence networkand a few people meeting for rituals in East Morton' (P. Carroll). It is now 'theChaos Magic Order', yet it was launched before the concept had been created.Other Early Publications- Lionel Snells first two books also acted as precursors of the IOT/Chaos Magic cur-rent. These were both publi


  • War (See Chaos International #23for info)1989- 90 Publication of Phil Hine's Urban Shaman Trilogy1991 - 5th AGM, Austria- First edition of the IOT- International Newsletter- UKAOS 1, a public day of Chaos Magick, London- First edition of Liber Kaos/The Psychonomiconby Pete Carroll - Frater Choronzon's Liber Cyberpublished- Phil Hine's Chaos ServitorspublishedIlluminates of Thanateros91980 - Gründung der Chu

File: KAOS Magick Journal 98 -


  • erosî by Morton Press,UK.ego: continuedKaos resourcesWeb sitesIOT Americas Home PageThe AutonomatrixTools of ChaosMailing listsChaos-l ListZee ListAx ListWebrings:Aepelizage: Ring of ChaosThe Ring of Chaos Magicians


  • This experience is sought because it leads to agnosis of completeness, wholeness - the ultimate peakexperience, as psychologist Abraham Maslow called it. ItSo, what are the boundaries of magick?Many chaos magicians have tended to takethe view that magick = sorcery: i.e. if itdoesn’t have some sort of result in consen-sus reality; it ain’t magick, but mysticism orreligion.power? Power is the ability to do th


  • 12Summer ë98Kaos MagickJournalWe tell ourselves stories about who we are and what theworld is in relation to us. Chaos magicians use whateverbelief system enables and facilitates magick at the time.Generally, the belief will wear out as the critic in youlatches onto its flaws. This partially explains the phe-nomenon of beg

File: L.O.O.N. - Apikorsus -


  • 1 APIKORSUS An essay on the diverse practices of CHAOS MAGICKCHAOS MAGICKCHAOS MAGICKCHAOS MAGICK from the Lincoln Order Of Neuromancers L.O.O.N. compiled by SKaRaB, SNaKe, Sister Apple & Bro. Moebius B This is a chain book. On receipt, please copy and pass on


  • t! Magick we live, eat, breathe and shit! This book is a brief pause on the video - a momentary pause for us. By the time you read this, we're gone, on a collision course with our futures. Write Your Chaos Magick Tome! Why buy books on Chaos Magick when you can write your own! It's simple, all you need is a load of paper, pens, glue, and the mind-altering substance of your choice. Go to the library and choos


  • merous OTO factions all jostling for position. Although there is much discussion of the 'Chaos Current', the most powerful current is that of electric cash registers ringing up another sale... ching! Chaos Magick is already dead, and the only living debate is between the vultures over who gets to gnaw the biggest bones. So climb back into your chao-chambers, spheres, polytraphezoids and disappear up your own

File: Marik - Chaos Magick-Magickal Terrorism -


  • Chaos Magick: Magickal Terrorism The practice of magick is generally agreed to be the attempt to create change in conformity with the will of the magician. This change can range from a simple acquisition, such a


  • In more general terms Chaos Magick uses the deconstructionist theories of Jacques Derrida, the interest in random phenomena of John Cage and Minimalism, and the humor of Dada to create ritual spaces for magickal acts. To view Chaos M


  • Chaos Magick can be considered to be a psychological approach to magickal ritual. Bearing many similarities to the Stanislavsky system of Method Acting,the ritual systems of Chaos Magick aim at blocking the cons
  • portunities for those who wish to do the latter. Chaos Magick is concerned with developing magick that works, rituals that have specific effects, that create change in conformity with the will of the chaos magician, that are testable and can be replicated, that affect the Chaos Magician’s deep self in sometimes catastrophic ways, that are non-judgmental, non- hierarchical and devious. Those who are intereste


  • undaries of personal identity to be disrupted the result of magickal action may be chaotic indeed. Dramatic life changes, sometimes perceived as being for the worse, are a commonly reported result of Chaos Magickal Rites. Fundamentally, Chaos Magick is not about discovering one’s True Will, nor communing with the Mother Goddess, nor even associating with demons, but with the direct, startling apprehension of

File: Monday, Rex - Fade to Grey -


  • Fade to Grey: Chaos and Mediocrityby Rex MondayChaos Magic claims to reflect the present western cultural zeitgeist, which has been given the label of Post-modernism. This in itself sends out some rather telling messages about Chaos Magic. Post-modernism is


  • ngle the beliefs and attitudes which one has accumulated over one's lifespan, and whilst I recognise the value in what Chaos exponents call "deconditioning", there does seem to be an implicit idea in Chaos Magic theory that all cultural conditioning is suspect, which of course is not necessarily the case. It is even greater an act of Will to stick up for one's beliefs in an age of mediocrity and political co


  • dedness of purpose that overcomes any barrier or obstacle. This requires the expression of one's beliefs to the bitter end, without making compromise or acceding to the equivocating of lesser beings. Chaos Magic exponents seem to be advocating a "go with the flow" mentality which has always been a sop to peasants, thralls and slaves. They offer no way out of the Postmodern cultural decay, only total immersio

File: Monsters and Magical Sticks - There's No Such Thing as Hypnosis-Heller-Steele -


  • on WilsonUndoing Yourself With Energized MeditationBy Christopher S. Hyatt, Ph.D.Eight Lectures on YogaBy Aleister CrowleyIntelligence AgentsBy Timothy Leary, Ph.D.Condensed Chaos: An Introduction to Chaos MagickBy Phil HineThe Complete Golden Dawn System of MagicBy Israel RegardieBuddhism and Jungian PsychologyBy }. Marvin Spiegelman, Ph.D.Astrology & ConsciousnessBy Rio OleskyThe Eyes of the Sun: Astrology

File: Neonomicon -


  • ad, for all their help in this and many other works of magic(k) and conjure-sorcery. The major portion of this book was previously published under the name Psychodenizens- Practical Daemonkeeping and Chaos Magic, Thyrsius, 1994. ALL RITES REVERSED. The author gives full permission for this text to be reproduced and distributed for non-profit making purposes, in part or in whole. I ask only to be credited. 

File: Carroll - Liber_Kaos -


  • proceeding from cos-mology through metaphysics to the equations describing parapsychology. Then an exposifion of Aeon/cs followed by Principia Chaotica. the rationale, or perhaps the Irrationale, of Chaos Magic In the pandemonaeon.


  • opic particle physics. All phenomena have a wave function. and such functions affect any fairly complex event on the macroscopic scale as well, as the section on Chaos Mathematics will show. The CMT (Chaos Magic Theory) paradigm states that the wave functions are actually a mathematical description of etheric patterns and that this ether can be c onsidered as a form of information exchange between material e


  • APHYSICS Two of the three known mllglcal phitosophies, Animism and Spiritism. lire very ancient, and vllrious admixtures of them make up the Sha-manism of pre-pllglln cultures. The third philoso-phy, Chaos Magic Theory (CMT), is now embry-onic and it Is the first felll alternative to have developed since shamanlc times. All the magical philosophies which have lIccreted in the interven-ing period are merely r


  • ntly it has proved possible to integrate ele-ments of both these paradigms with new scien· tific and psychological discoveries to create something altogether simpler. more powerful and elegant called Chaos Magic Theory. or CMT for short. In order to explain CMT it is necessary to introduce a concept which can be dignified with the old name -Ether.-It is no more possible to say what ether actually is than it


  • ns who never existed. which can crel!lte effects as good as, and often better than, th ose ascribed to the suppos-edly Mrear thing. PSEODOTIME The pre<:eding discussion has concerned it-self with I!I Chaos Magic Theory in which etheric patterns are non-local in space but local in time. Thus in CMT there are two forms of time. ordi-nary or "pseudo" time. created by memory I!Ind expectation which has no real e


  • onsequently materialist cultures exhibit a frantic appetite for sensation, identification and more or less disposable irrational beliefs. Anything that will make the self seem less insubstantial. The chaos magical view of self is that it is based on the same random capricious c haos which makes the universe exist and do what it does. The magical self has no center; it is not a unity but an assemblage of part


  • CHAPTER 3 PRINCIPIA CHAOTICA In Chaos Magic, beliefs are not seen as ends in themselves, but as tools for c reating desired ef-fects. To fully realize this is to face a te rrible freedom in which nothing is true and everything is permitted, wh


  • est belief in, at least for ourselves and sometimes others as well. The frequently awesome results attained by c reating gods by the act of r itually behaving as though they exist should not lead the Chaos magician into the abyss of attributing ultimate reality to anything. That is the transcendentalist mistake, whic h leads to a nar-rowing of the spectrum of the self. The real awe-someness lies in the range


  • PART 2 THE PSYCHONOMICON An exegesis of the general theory of Chaos Magic and the techniques of Sleight of Mind, and Auric Magic. fo/· lowed by Ritual and Spell Objectives and Design for Eight Magics.


  • PRACTICAL MAGIC' 8~ Figure 9. The pentagram. is also ZI symbol of magic, for it shows ether and matter interacting. It is also a representation of the five-dimensional description of reality in Chaos Magic Theory. which adds etheric shadow time to the four common dimensions. Although the entire universe basically runs on magic as is shown in quantum metaphysics. the Psychonomicon will confine itself to


  • al training programs, the devising of symbolic sys-tems for use in divinations, spells and incanta-tions, and also the creation of magical languages for similar purposes. It is worth noting here that Chaos magical languages are usually now written


  • of general magical techniques which the magician must de-velop into II workable program using whatever symbols. instruments. and forms of gnosis tho!lt are appealing. It would be inappropriate for a Chaos Magic text to prescribe any particular be-liefs or dogmlls. except that magic works if certain generlll principles are followed. It would be inap-propriate for any Chaos magician to slavishly ad-


  • red otherworld cosmologies and metaphysi· cal theories. Yet their accompanying magical techniques lire frequently a shambles. In contra· distinction to all this, o ne of the fundamental in· sights of Chaos Magic Is that if magiclil technique is sharply delineated it will work because the uni-verse itself is more of a shambles than it appears. Or, perhaps r should more respectfully say that it has the mllgica


  • y. with certain checks and balances. and is delighted to admit candidates with the drive and initiative to rise rapidly through its structure. Every occult revival begets a magical c hild or two, and Chaos Magic is the major synthesis to emerge from the occult renaissance of the last twenty years. The Pact is among the prime ve-hicles designed to develop and carry forward that synthesis well into the next mi


  • c creeps who are sometimes attracted to such enterprises, and to ensure that which needs organizing is duly at-tended to. TH E MAGICAL PACT OF THE ILLUMINATES OF THANATEROS Since the inception of the Chaos Magic current some individuals have elected to work alone while others have worked in concert, in a loose con-figuration of allied groups. The Magical Order of the lOT has in practice functioned as a highl

File: Chaoism and Chaos Magic -


  • Chaoism & Chaos Magic, A Personal View by Pete Carroll As there are as many Chaos Magicians as there are Chaoists practising magic, I cannot speak for the subject in general but only for my own Chaoism and Chaos Magic. Ho


  • can invoke or evoke anything, even things which did not exist before one thought of calling them. This may sound like complete Chaos, and I have to report that my own researches confirm that it is ! Chaos Magic for me means a handful of basic techniques which must be adhered to strictly to get results, but beyond that it offers a freedom of expression and intent undreamt of in all previous forms of magic.

File: Liber KKK -


  • series of general magical techniques which themagician must develop into a workable program using whatever symbols, instrumentsand forms of gnosis that appeal to him. It would be inappropriate for a Chaos Magictext to prescribe any particular beliefs or dogmas, except that magic works if certaingeneral principles are followed. It would be inappropriate for any Chaos magician toslavishly adhere to the fine d

File: Liber Null & Psychonaut, Full Scan -


  • $14.95 Magic The practice of chaos magic is clearly outlined by Peter Carroll in this double-volume containing Liber Null and Psychonaut. Liber Null contains a selection of extremely powerful rituals and exercises for committed occultists w
  • roup. . . Peter Carroll has successfully broken down many of the patterns that so many magicians may cling to. Liber Null and Psychonaut—originally two separate books written not only for students of chaos magic, but to separate the necessary from what may be the unnecessary formula of magic—covers much new territory .... Carroll has taken methods from Austin Osman Spare, shamanism, paganism, and Chaos scien

File: Principia Chaotica -


  • PRINCIPIA CHAOTICA Chaos Magic for the Pandaemeon By Peter Caroll In Chaos Magic, beliefs are not seen as ends in themselves, but as tools for creating desired effects. To fully realize this is to face a terrible freedom in which

File: PsyberMagick -


  • N 0-87728-639-6. Liher Kaos, Peter 1. Carroll, Samuel Weiser Inc., 1992, ISBN 0-87728-742-2. Prime Chaos. Phil Hine, Chaos International, 1993, ISBN 0-9521320-0-1. Condensed Chaos: An Introduction to Chaos Magic. Phil Hine, New Falcon Publications, Tempe, AZ, 1995, ISBN 1-56184-117-X. 127


  • Occult/Religion u.s. Price $12.95 PSYBERMAGICK Advanced Ideas in Chaos Magick PSYBERMAGICK contains astonishing, controversial and revolutionary ideas on the theory and practice of magic(k), the structure of the universe and the nature of the mind. This, the third book by a l

File: The Magical Pact of the Illuminnates of Thana -


  • THE MAGICAL PACT OF THE ILLUMINNATES OF THANATEROS Get any book for free on: 2 Since the inception of the Chaos Magic current some individuals have elected to work alone whilst others have worked in concert in a loose configuration of allied groups. The Magical Order of the IOT has in practise functioned as a highly

File: The Octavo -


  • 7 Chapter 0 Introduction Every generation rewrites its theory and practise of Magic. Chaos Magic updated the ancient Occult Arte during the last 2 decades of the 20th century. It liberated magic from its dependency on religious symbolism and theological theories about deities and spirits by demo


  • kind. Where necessary the magician can shorten it for rapid magical action. No part of it remains indispensable. It does not depend on any ancient or supposedly sacred symbolism; the rubric shows how chaos magicians develop such things to suit themselves. The symbolic systems that magicians use function rather like the symbols used in algebra. It doesn’t really matter which letters of the alphabet or even wh


  • th the second centring reserved for a ‘banishing’ at the end if required. The Magical Ritual part 2 commentary in Chapter 2 shows the procedures of Encirclement. The meanings of the symbols used in a chaos magic style Centring now follow. The magician should have a familiarity with these meanings but allow them to remain subconscious whilst actually performing the Centring. The Chaos Star (Octaris) at the to


  • urrounding ‘gods’ and ‘spirits’ can also feature as part of a traditional encircling but this now seems better reserved for more precise work during the Empowering which follows after the Encircling. Chaos Magicians tend to favour the use of the Octaris or Chaos-Star which for them represents all the major god-forms, plus the elements, plus the full dimensionality of the universe and its indeterminacy, whils


  • [Note - Only the magical paradigm can really accommodate randomness. You cannot in principle explain ‘How’ randomness occurs nor ‘Why’ because randomness implies the absence of mechanism or meaning. Chaos Magicians on the other hand generally feel quite comfortable with


  • Peter Carroll 138 Within the chaos magic paradigm the magician can perform results magic or invoke a deity (a real or imaginary internal power source) in support of virtually any activity in life. But, in general, only those conjurations li


  • give them a bit of extra belief and assistance. The magical field of Discworld readily allows Chaos to appear as an actual character with useful godlike attributes. Roundworld magicians, particularly Chaos Magicians, may wish to consider investing the extra effort required to give such a concept an actual godform here, the better to invoke its interesting powers. The Discworld mythos of the character of Chao


  • Carroll 146 chaos, creative destruction, adventitious change, and unlimited possibility. One must have chaos within oneself, to give birth to a dancing star. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche In this spirit the chaos magicians of the late twentieth century began testing the rules of reality to breaking point, and then some........ Under the banner of ‘Nothing is True’, Everything is Permitted*’ they take nothing for gr


  • an on cause and effect principles rather than on truly indeterminate randomness, or proper Chaos. However Chaos Science seems to have missed out on the Quantum perspective that informs a good deal of Chaos Magic and the Discworld stories. Extreme sensitivity to initial conditions has no theoretical limit in chaos science. Thus it extends down to the quantum domain underlying physical reality where events bec


  • a relatively mundane day job and name when off duty, as do many of us. Mathematical Chaos of course has no gender, and neither does the chaotic creative function of the universe itself. Thus in this chaos magic style invocation of Chaos the godform has no particular gender, so magicians of either, neither, or both persuasions may attempt it. The Chaos godform in this invocation has a particular use when the


  • One Serpent (of) Chaos UFOSETH KULHAL KUDEX Fear Dragon (of) Darkness HAJAK REHOHUR CHENCEB Kill Destroy Consume SUNDEGAI BAGUNGA XEBEMEK Destruction Fighting Dividing EROX HODOJEPA TABOCH Chaos Star Chaos Magic Yes WIXAHAFIS TZONGA SXAUL The Authorities Arrive (in the ) Unpredictable Temple of Regularity. CUNGEVAAB LEVIFITH OBDAXAZONGAGA Do The Great Work (of) Magic (of) Higher Chaos AEPALIZAGE AHIKAYOWFA C


  • Peter Carroll 160 having borrowed extensively, for purely entertainment purposes, from a mythos that Chaos Magic helped to establish. This can prove useful if the forces of awe and boredom take an interest in the presence of strange paraphernalia and rather dangerous looking instruments. We just belong to a fan


  • l circumstances. The position of Marshall of the Knights of Chaos shall change by general vote as circumstances develop. At the time of writing Specularium and Arcanorium provide points of e-contact. Chaos Magic helped to change the way that a substantial proportion of the world’s magicians think about HOW to perform magic. Hopefully this initiative will add further considerations about WHAT to use magic for


  • nally denoting knowledge or wisdom, but in modern Chaoist parlance it denotes the state of heightened or ecstatic awareness itself rather than any particular facet of knowledge. 24. Groundsleves. - A Chaos magic term for the material basis of an evoked entity. Typically groundsleves consist of portable figurines and fetish objects.

File: Apikorsus -


  • 1 APIKORSUS An essay on the diverse practices of CHAOS MAGICKCHAOS MAGICKCHAOS MAGICKCHAOS MAGICK from the Lincoln Order Of Neuromancers L.O.O.N. compiled by SKaRaB, SNaKe, Sister Apple & Bro. Moebius B This is a chain book. On receipt, please copy and pass on


  • t! Magick we live, eat, breathe and shit! This book is a brief pause on the video - a momentary pause for us. By the time you read this, we're gone, on a collision course with our futures. Write Your Chaos Magick Tome! Why buy books on Chaos Magick when you can write your own! It's simple, all you need is a load of paper, pens, glue, and the mind-altering substance of your choice. Go to the library and choos


  • merous OTO factions all jostling for position. Although there is much discussion of the 'Chaos Current', the most powerful current is that of electric cash registers ringing up another sale... ching! Chaos Magick is already dead, and the only living debate is between the vultures over who gets to gnaw the biggest bones. So climb back into your chao-chambers, spheres, polytraphezoids and disappear up your own

File: Five Essays Exploring Modern Tantra -


  • hrouded in mystery, despite the plethora of populist books on the subject. The scholastic study of Tantra is difficult due to the ‘closed-mouth’ stance of its adherents and its esoteric culture. Like chaos magicians, it is often difficult to obtain a consensus from Tantrics about any aspect of belief or technique. Although many fine studies of Tantric ideas are available, with few exceptions these are restri

File: Group Explorations in Ego Magick -


  • andmodifying behaviours and cognitive patterns which aredysfunctional. At least that’s the theory. Considering how importantEgo Magic/Deconditioning techniques are stressed as being to thepractice of Chaos Magic, it’s amazing how little information onthem there actually is. When one considers the Ego Magic techniquesthat have been made available through Chaos Magic texts, thefollowing points should be consid

File: Hine, Phil - Aspects of Evocation -


  • magicí - a notion much in favour with those who havebeen exposed to too many Dennis Wheatley novels! Fortunately,the rise of a more eclectic approach to practical magic, in whichI feel the so-called Chaos Magic movement has palyed asignificant part, has done much to banish the old dogmassurrounding what is after all, a very practical and useful set ofmagical techniques.Phil Hine, March 1998


  • allies.Illumination/TransformationPhase of Return: Rebirth, return to world.MasteryAwareness of this process is a central theme of thecontemporary approach to development which has come to beknown as Chaos Magick, an approach which focuses on theexamination and removal of belief structures, the culturalconditioning which defines our experience of the world.Deliberate self-wounding, to facilitate a return to

File: Hine, Phil - Condensed Chaos -


  • ContentsWhat is Magick? .....................................................5What is Chaos Magick?..........................................7Principles of Chaos Magick .................................14Infinite Diversity, Infinite Combination ...............17All Hail Discordia! ...............


  • which begins at the most basic premises - what do I need tosurvive? - how do I want to live? - who do I want to be? - andthen gives a set of conceptual weapons and techniques forachieving those aims. Chaos Magic is one of the many waysof ëdoing magickí, and this booklet is a concise introductionto the Chaos approach.


  • 7Condensed ChaosWhat is Chaos Magick?What"is Chaos Magic? Good question. Since it burst upon themagical scene in the late ë70ís it has generated a great deal ofdebate about what it is, what it isnít, and whoís doing it ërightí- such ci


  • illenia and youíllfind a ëMagical Systemí that comprises of several hundred-thousand words, obscure diagrams and appendices which willprobably state at some point, that drugs are a no-no.The birth of Chaos magic came about in the late 70ís, at aboutthe time that punk rock was spitting out at the music industryand Chaos Science was beginning to be taken seriously bymathematicians, economists, and physicists.


  • 9Condensed Chaosdeveloped by Austin Osman Spare, which has become one ofthe core techniques associated with Chaos magic.The early growth of Chaos magic was characterised by a loosenetwork of informal groups who came together to experimentwith the possibilities of the new current. With the demise ofThe New Equinox, the


  • 10Phil HineAn important influence on the development of Chaos magicwas the writing of Robert Anton Wilson & co, particularly theDiscordian Society who revered Eris, the Greek goddess ofChaos. The Discordians pointed out that humour, clowningabout and general light-he


  • orkshire-basedëCircle of Chaosí. Alas, by this time, the early co-operationbetween exponents of Chaos had given rise to legal wrangles,literary sideswipes, and even magical battles. For some at least,Chaos magic = loadsa money while others discovered that theyhad a ëpositioní to hold onto as defenders of the title ofspokesperson for a movement. True to its nature, Chaossplintered and began to re-evolve in di


  • o be a tactical error, as he invariably massaged the egos of hisëalliesí only to drag them down at a later date.In í86 the S.A. Press released Julian Wildeís Grimoire of Chaosmagic, the first book on Chaos magic outside the Sherwin/Carroll circles. Despite heavy criticism from other Chaosfactions, Mr. Wilde never came forth to explain his ideas, norhas much been heard from him since. Grimoire departedradical


  • 13Condensed ChaosApikorsus, that:ìChaos magic is already dead, and the only debate is betweenthe vultures over who gets the biggest bones.îThis assertion was also made by Stephen Sennitt, the editor ofNox magazine. In retrospect, it seems less t


  • 14Phil HinePrinciples of Chaos MagickWhilst magical systems usually base themselves around amodel or map of the spiritual/physical universe, such as theTree of Life (which can sometimes described as a cosmicfilofax), Chaos Magick is bas


  • 15Condensed Chaoshavenít a f*****g clue.î Quite early on, Chaos magicians cameto the startling discovery that once you strip away the layers ofdogma, personal beliefs, attitudes and anecdotes around anyparticular technique of practical magick, it can be quite simplydes


  • elopment, and ChaosMagicians are free to choose from any available magicalsystem, themes from literature, television, religions, cults,parapsychology, etc. This approach means that if you approachtwo chaos magicians and ask ëem what theyíre doing at anyone moment, youíre rarely likely to find much of a consensusof approach. This makes Chaos difficult to pin down as onething or another, which again tends to w


  • 17Condensed ChaosInfinite Diversity,Infinite CombinationAs I said earlier, one of the characteristics of the Chaos Magickapproach is the diversity of systems of magick that practitionerscan choose to hop between, rather than just sticking to oneparticular one. There are, naturally, many different approachesto using sys


  • 19Condensed ChaosChaos ScienceSome Chaos Magicians tend to use a lot of scientific analogies/metaphors in their work. This is okay - after all science sellswashing powders and cars - if something can be shown to havea ëscientificí basis, then a l


  • 35Condensed ChaosBelief - A Key to MagickOne aspect of Chaos Magick that seems to upset some peopleis the Chaos Magicianís (or Chaoist, if you like) occasionalfondness for working with images culled from non-historicalsources, such as invoking H.P Lovecraftís Cthulh


  • than in your head. Most people tend to say thatthey are mad ëcompared to the rest of themí (likewise, mostpeople will affirm that they are stupid. Few will admit to be-ing crap at sex though - why?). Chaos Magick allows you tosend your mad thoughts out for a night out occasionally. Con-trary to what comes over in books, magick is a street-levelactivity (gutter-level, even). Look at the zig-zag path of thetri


  • Permittedî, acting totally from this premise islikely to bring you into conflict with those individuals andauthorities who have pretty fixed views on what isnít permit-ted. Thus, despite the glamour, Chaos Magicians are rarelycompletely amoral. One of the basic axioms of magical phi-losophy is that morality grows from within, once you havebegun to know the difference between what you have learnedto believe,


  • 47Condensed ChaosConclusionsThis booklet has been an attempt to put over some of the basicideas behind Chaos Magick. What you should bear in mindwhen reading it is that youíre getting my ideas on the subject -strained through my experiences and the zig-zag trail Iíveblazed through the weird world of magick. There


  • 48Phil Hinedecide. Chaos Magick reflects much of modern western cul-ture, with its emphasis on a multiplicity of ever-changing styles,of diffuse fragments blending in with each other, without adiscernable ëthreadí to bind them tog


  • 49Condensed ChaosAppendicesThe following essays are appended as sources of interest &inspiration for readers who are interested in reading moreabout someone elseís approach to Chaos Magick, and mostdefinitely not to pad out an otherwise slim volume. Most haveappeared in Nox magazine or somewhere else, so if youíveseen ëem before, go and watch a video or something.

File: Hine, Phil - Counting Coup -


  • Counting Coupby Phil HineThe growth of Chaos Magic has seen a rise of interest inactively researching into Magical Combat techniques and theory. However, I am not proposing that people take out their frustrations on each other (for slights imagined a

File: Hine, Phil - Oven Ready Chaos -


  • ContentsWhat is Magick? .....................................................5What is Chaos Magick? ..........................................7Principles of Chaos Magick .................................14Infinite Diversity, Infinite Combination ...............17All Hail Discordia! ..............


  • which begins at the most basic premises - what do I need tosurvive? - how do I want to live? - who do I want to be? - andthen gives a set of conceptual weapons and techniques forachieving those aims. Chaos Magic is one of the many waysof ‘doing magick’, and this booklet is a concise introductionto the Chaos approach.


  • 7Oven-Ready ChaosWhat is Chaos Magick?What"is Chaos Magic? Good question. Since it burst upon themagical scene in the late ‘70’s it has generated a great deal ofdebate about what it is, what it isn’t, and who’s doing it ‘right’- such ci


  • illenia and you’llfind a ‘Magical System’ that comprises of several hundred-thousand words, obscure diagrams and appendices which willprobably state at some point, that drugs are a no-no.The birth of Chaos magic came about in the late 70’s, at aboutthe time that punk rock was spitting out at the music industryand Chaos Science was beginning to be taken seriously bymathematicians, economists, and physicists.


  • 9Oven-Ready Chaosdeveloped by Austin Osman Spare, which has become one ofthe core techniques associated with Chaos magic.The early growth of Chaos magic was characterised by a loosenetwork of informal groups who came together to experimentwith the possibilities of the new current. With the demise ofThe New Equinox, the


  • 10Phil HineAn important influence on the development of Chaos magicwas the writing of Robert Anton Wilson & co, particularly theDiscordian Society who revered Eris, the Greek goddess ofChaos. The Discordians pointed out that humour, clowningabout and general light-he


  • orkshire-based‘Circle of Chaos’. Alas, by this time, the early co-operationbetween exponents of Chaos had given rise to legal wrangles,literary sideswipes, and even magical battles. For some at least,Chaos magic = loadsa money while others discovered that theyhad a ‘position’ to hold onto as defenders of the title ofspokesperson for a movement. True to its nature, Chaossplintered and began to re-evolve in di


  • o be a tactical error, as he invariably massaged the egos of his‘allies’ only to drag them down at a later date.In ’86 the S.A. Press released Julian Wilde’s Grimoire of Chaosmagic, the first book on Chaos magic outside the Sherwin/Carroll circles. Despite heavy criticism from other Chaosfactions, Mr. Wilde never came forth to explain his ideas, norhas much been heard from him since. Grimoire departedradical


  • 13Oven-Ready ChaosApikorsus, that:“Chaos magic is already dead, and the only debate is betweenthe vultures over who gets the biggest bones.”This assertion was also made by Stephen Sennitt, the editor ofNox magazine. In retrospect, it seems less t


  • 14Phil HinePrinciples of Chaos MagickWhilst magical systems usually base themselves around amodel or map of the spiritual/physical universe, such as theTree of Life (which can sometimes described as a cosmicfilofax), Chaos Magick is bas


  • 15Oven-Ready Chaoshaven’t a f*****g clue.” Quite early on, Chaos magicians cameto the startling discovery that once you strip away the layers ofdogma, personal beliefs, attitudes and anecdotes around anyparticular technique of practical magick, it can be quite simplydes


  • elopment, and ChaosMagicians are free to choose from any available magicalsystem, themes from literature, television, religions, cults,parapsychology, etc. This approach means that if you approachtwo chaos magicians and ask ‘em what they’re doing at anyone moment, you’re rarely likely to find much of a consensusof approach. This makes Chaos difficult to pin down as onething or another, which again tends to w


  • 17Oven-Ready ChaosInfinite Diversity,Infinite CombinationAs I said earlier, one of the characteristics of the Chaos Magickapproach is the diversity of systems of magick that practitionerscan choose to hop between, rather than just sticking to oneparticular one. There are, naturally, many different approachesto using sys


  • 19Oven-Ready ChaosChaos ScienceSome Chaos Magicians tend to use a lot of scientific analogies/metaphors in their work. This is okay - after all science sellswashing powders and cars - if something can be shown to havea ‘scientific’ basis, then a l


  • 35Oven-Ready ChaosBelief - A Key to MagickOne aspect of Chaos Magick that seems to upset some peopleis the Chaos Magician’s (or Chaoist, if you like) occasionalfondness for working with images culled from non-historicalsources, such as invoking H.P Lovecraft’s Cthulh


  • than in your head. Most people tend to say thatthey are mad ‘compared to the rest of them’ (likewise, mostpeople will affirm that they are stupid. Few will admit to be-ing crap at sex though - why?). Chaos Magick allows you tosend your mad thoughts out for a night out occasionally. Con-trary to what comes over in books, magick is a street-levelactivity (gutter-level, even). Look at the zig-zag path of thetri


  • Permitted”, acting totally from this premise islikely to bring you into conflict with those individuals andauthorities who have pretty fixed views on what isn’t permit-ted. Thus, despite the glamour, Chaos Magicians are rarelycompletely amoral. One of the basic axioms of magical phi-losophy is that morality grows from within, once you havebegun to know the difference between what you have learnedto believe,


  • 47Oven-Ready ChaosConclusionsThis booklet has been an attempt to put over some of the basicideas behind Chaos Magick. What you should bear in mindwhen reading it is that you’re getting my ideas on the subject -strained through my experiences and the zig-zag trail I’veblazed through the weird world of magick. There


  • 48Phil Hinedecide. Chaos Magick reflects much of modern western cul-ture, with its emphasis on a multiplicity of ever-changing styles,of diffuse fragments blending in with each other, without adiscernable ‘thread’ to bind them tog


  • 49Oven-Ready ChaosAppendicesThe following essays are appended as sources of interest &inspiration for readers who are interested in reading moreabout someone else’s approach to Chaos Magick, and mostdefinitely not to pad out an otherwise slim volume. Most haveappeared in Nox magazine or somewhere else, so if you’veseen ‘em before, go and watch a video or something.

File: Hine, Phil - PanDaemonAeon -


  • beencapsulated in the concept of a new Aeon. Thus the profusion of ‘new aeons’ projected by variousmagical paradigms. So as not to be seen to be missing an essential item in their magical script, someChaos Magicians have begun to project the glamour of the Fifth Aeon -the Pandemonaeon.The concept of a new aeon has several magical functions:1.It provides a filter through which the magician can examine current


  • reas the design stance moves forward from what is current in the present. The aim ofdesign is to move the boundary of Achievable Reality forwards. To design effectively requires a vision, orend-state.Chaos Magick can be understood as the discovery and application of effective techniques and scripts tomaximize human design for living.IDEOSPHERESThe Ideosphere is a non-local space entered by the magician in or


  • said to be power in a unique object, particularly in these times or mass production and marketing.But wait, there is power in mass production too. Consider the chaosphere, the central logo or glyph ofChaos Magick. It appears on books, magazines, letterheads, toy soldiers, jewellery and tattoos. It is usedon rave posters and on the back of leather jackets. It has become itself a viral image. All that is requi


  • VIRAL SERVITORSA further application of virus systems emerging in Chaos Magick is the creation & application of Servitorswhich have the capacity to replicate, mutate, and recombine into new forms. Viral servitors, behaving in asimilar manner to biological or computer viruses,

File: Hine, Phil - Permutations -


  • was muchworrying done in print by magicians of other persuasions aboutthe perceived ‘lack of ethics’ implied in the statement “Nothingis true, Everything is permitted.” The implied criticism wasthat ‘chaos magicians’ would become immoral monsters capableof just about anything, without some stated code of magicalethics to follow. For me, a cornerstone of magical work is thatone’s sense of ethics grows from wi


  • rtainment; plundering the past to supportan immediate now. This is the dizzying dance of MAYA.Everything is Permitted because Nothing is True. Think aboutthat for a moment.No Direction HomeCritics of Chaos Magick have pointed out that Chaos Magickdoes not have any stated goal to strive for. Unlike other magicalphilosophies, which are spun around ‘New Aeons’, futuredreams, or still cling to crypto-transcenden


  • extent, has already happened; the problembeing of course, that we lack the required cognitive systems tomake the best adaptation to it. This idea in itself, throws thewhole issue of a ‘direction’ for Chaos Magick into sharperrelief; the ways in which we can cast forth future projectionsare couched in terms of present knowledge, present viewpoints,and the patterns through we structure information.In attemptin


  • of necessity, a finite space. Gnosismay well propel us, momentarily, beyond its confines. And asWilliam Burroughs has it, you cannot take words into space.Gnosis, as the term is generally applied in Chaos Magick, ismerely the visible tip of a vast range of numinous experienceswhich have, apart from a few intrepid researchers inPyschonautics (Seigel, Grof et a), been viewed as the domainof mystics. While it


  • ps us to understand the dynamicsof PLAY, and opens up new areas for exploration.To rewind back to the question of an overall goal for ChaosMagick. I would suggest that the goal is present, yet hidden.Chaos Magick is a process of MUTATION. Cumulative Gnosis


  • remaps the neural pathways - Mutation. The deconstruction ofIdentity from the beleaguered To To rewind back to the questionof an overall goal for Chaos Magick. I would suggest that thegoal is present, yet hidden. Chaos Magick is a process ofMUTATION. Cumulative Gnosis remaps the neural pathways- Mutation. The deconstruction of Identity from the beleaguere


  • wfalcon.comThe Pseudonomicon by Phil Hine (2nd Edn) available fromDagon Productions, PO Box 17995, Irvine, CA 92713, USA.WORK ON THE WWWOven-Ready Chaos version 1.2 - My first, introductorybooklet on Chaos Magic (originally entitled “CondensedChaos”) can be found at TOOLS OF CHAOS in Adobe PDFformat. also CHAOS MATRIX for a selection of essays on variousaspects of magick.http:/

File: Hine, Phil - Rites That Go Wrong -


  • h alcohol. This isn't so much 'failure' though, as an unexpected level of success. Magicians should beware the unexpected. A friend of mine once did some conjurations of 'Dark Gods' in his flat. Good Chaos Magician that he was, he banished with laughter. However, 'something' was still around and whatever it was, it literally kicked him out ofbed....Laugh that one off.York, 1985 and I was performing an invoca

File: Hine, Phil - The Tyranny of Print -


  • 's easy to say "well these people are missing the point" but it's something that reflects the western educational system - which more or less embeds the attitude that "books tell us what to do." When Chaos Magic came along in the late 1970's it's early advocates started upsetting the occult applecart by questioning the rules-based approach to magic that, until then, hadn't had much in the way of critical att

File: Phil Hine - Aspects of Tantra -


  • hrouded in mystery, despite the plethora of populist books on the subject. The scholastic study of Tantra is difficult due to the ‘closed-mouth’ stance of its adherents and its esoteric culture. Like chaos magicians, it is often difficult to obtain a consensus from Tantrics about any aspect of belief or technique. Although many fine studies of Tantric ideas are available, with few exceptions these are restri

File: Phil Hine - General Essays on Magic -


  • opian State - Choronzon 999 • Analytic Techniques for Sorcery Intervention - Look before you blast! • Balance in the ecosphere - a perspective from Paul Maiteny • Black magic and the left-hand path • Chaos Magic - An overview from Ray Sherwin • The Cycles of Chaos - Kalkinath & Vishvanath deconstruct the Initiation process • Divinatory Unfoldings - Some musings on the divination process • Ekomagic - presenta


  • tively to stifle the flow of creative ideas, is an example of Neophobic attitudes being manifest even in the sort of technological environment where that very flow of ideas is vital to survival. Most Chaos Magicians are Neophiles, and it is little coincidence, I submit, that many of them are also anti-heirarchs. The Hegemony of Finance Financial mechanisms provide the most effective means today for stifling


  • that they might be prepared to countenance a limited transfer of sovereignty to a social/political/economic experiment of this type. There seems little chance, and in all probability some recourse to Chaos Magic would be called for to raise the odds of such an acquiescence above the zero mark; an application to build a permanent rock festival site at Stonehenge would probably bear more chance of success - un


  • ring oneself to be a 'black magician' or 'satanic adept'. If a label has a significant taboo or shock value attached to it, then some individuals are going to be attracted to trying it on themselves. Chaos Magick by Ray Sherwin Chaos Magic has its roots in every occult tradition and in the work of many individuals. If any one person can be said to have been responsible, albeit unintentionally, for the presen


  • to clarity and magicians involved in the Chaos current tend to be meticulous in the way they organise their programme of work. This is a legacy inherited from the '93 system'. We formulated the term 'Chaos Magick' to indicate the randomness of the universe and the individuals relationship with it. The antithesis of chaos, cosmos, is the universe suitably defined by the successful magician for his own purpose


  • practitioner is rarely 'locked within' one dominant magical paradigm and so limited in scope for action. As some magical paradigms are better for specific tasks than others, it should be easier for a Chaos magician to find suitable techniques and approaches for emotional engineering and maximising the window of opportunity thrown up by initiatory experiences. THE CHAOS OF COMPLEXITY The initiatory crisis ser


  • t there's more to nature than can be encompassed in the book of shadows or the tree of life - and that magic works - I hope that this trend continues. Fade to Grey: Chaos and Mediocrity by Rex Monday Chaos Magic claims to reflect the present western cultural zeitgeist, which has been given the label of Post-modernism. This in itself sends out some rather telling messages about Chaos Magic. Post-modernism is


  • The leading exponent of Chaos Magic, Peter J. Carroll, claims that technical competance in magical practice is superior to mysticism. Whilst there is some value in discouraging the excessive mystical speculations to which many occultis


  • dedness of purpose that overcomes any barrier or obstacle. This requires the expression of one's beliefs to the bitter end, without making compromise or acceding to the equivocating of lesser beings. Chaos Magic exponents seem to be advocating a "go with the flow" mentality which has always been a sop to peasants, thralls and slaves. They offer no way out of the Postmodern cultural decay, only total immersio


  • urage a level of engagement with your environment and openness to creativity that is often missing from a lot of contemporary practice. It could be argued that when late 20th century currents such as chaos magic got rid of the bubbling cauldrons and eye of newt, they were throwing the baby out with the bath water. The physical process of making up gris-gris bags, uncrossing baths, sprinkling powders, conditi


  • ndency to shove the whole issue of "doing magic for other people" into a box marked "shamanism" and forget about it, as if shamanism is a completely separate "system" of magic entirely divorced from "chaos magic" or "Thelema" or whatever flavour people happen to identify with. "All that 'serving the community' stuff? It's a calling isn't it, shamanism, on a different shelf in the occult bookstore mate, nowt


  • und for the first half of this presentation, and remains the best resource for information on hoodoo on the web and in print. Respect. The Horns of Heresy by Ray Sherwin In a pluralist system such as Chaos Magick, symbols, rather than ending up on the scraphead of reductio absurdam, tend to become more useful than they were in the stystem out of which they were lifted. This has been demonstrated quite adequa


  • d you contribute. There may well be a number of ill-intentioned politicians and racketeers actually manipulating situations but we are all responsible for the situations themselves. The problem which Chaos Magick first addresses is how to prevent oneself being imprisoned by Establishment values and how to break the chqains of events which threaten the freedom of choice and action of all members of society (w


  • ourtyard to the tavern. I then stormed into the temple and gave what I experienced as the most wild and electrifying Mass of Chaos of my career. I more or less hijacked the ritual into celebration of Chaos Magick over Ice Magick in the eyes of many of those present. "What the hell have you done?" asked a top Austrian magus. I could not answer. Flushed with the extreme gnosis of it all, I charged down to the


  • contacts had originally constituted almost the entire membership, this did not seem unacceptable. The seminar and meeting went well, with everyone determined to preserve and develop the traditions of Chaos Magick. I celebrated with Soror Hysteria and with friends from the Austrian and UK Sections. Few Americans came that year, but their new No. I worked hard to build a vibrant and creative Section there. Gra


  • them during my five years as Head of the Order. Chaos Magick had, by now, plenty of rising stars who needed room to grow. The Order would now flourish. I later heard that Kohl had broken with the Ice Lord and that the mini-bunker had collapsed. Apparently he


  • Unusually, satanists have not been bothered to cobble together their system in the usual occult fashion; they have merely adopted the Church's version with a bit of Nietzsche and Hollywood thrown in. Chaos Magick recognizes the syncretic manner in which each generation has accreted its magical philosophy, theory, and practice, and the dubious mechanisms by which esoteric 'depth' gets added Rather than try an


  • aporated and few hardcore books are published as insufficient dilettantes remain to support the sales to serious seekers. We have no idea what will initiate the next revival, but it seems likely that Chaos Magick will function as the vehicle of choice that takes contemporary magi to it and provides the initial charge to detonate it. This essay was first published in Chaos International magazine No.20 Letter


  • hey become ‘normative’ to the practitioner. In the Brotherhood, the aim of sexual magia was to enable celebrants to move between both apollonian and dionysian modes of expression at will. The popular chaos magic obsession with ‘deconditioning’ - which I understand as an attempt to surpass all personal boundaries tends to ignore the point that some ‘boundaries’ if deliberately and carefully maintained, can be


  • r and liberating potential from its religious style of anti-religion) and the new magic. The new approach is characterised by a kind of scientific anti-science. This is increasingly becoming known as Chaos Magic. It would be no more useful to dub Chaos Magic as pseudo-science than


  • it would be to dub Crowley's ideas as pseudo-religion. It is astrology as it is normally practised that is mere pseudo-science much as satanism and freemasonry are pseudo-religion. Chaos Magic attempts to show that not only does magic fit comfortably within the interstices of science but that the higher reaches of scientific theory and empiricism actually demand that magic exists. This is


  • 1997) CONTENTS • The Science-Magick Interface • The Physics of Consciousness • Consciousness as a Bose-Einstein Condensate • Consequences of the theory • Conclusion: Sorcery, Metaphysics and Science Chaos Magick emerged at the end of an era whose Grand Narrative was Science and Progress. However, the ‘weird science’ narrative of Quantum Mechanics has opened the door to phenomena that would previously have b


  • magick in ‘Illuminati Papers’. More recently, Peter J. Carroll has constructed a full-blown quantum-based theory of magick, Chaos Magick Theory (in Liber Kaos). The peculiar features of quantum theory are:- 1. The wave property of matter and energy: Any object which obeys quantum theory (e.g. a particle such as an electron) can be in


  • ‘classical mind’ ceases. As research progresses in this area, we shall see how well the model continues to fit. But we also need to consider how useful scientific models are to magicians in any case. Chaos Magick has always had at its core a profound respect for technical excellence in sorcery, and a profound impatience with metaphysics. When assessing a belief, the criterion is (or should be): Does it help


  • O is the order that makes the Typhonian OTO look like the Mother's Union; makes the age of Maat sound like the whisper of a politely restrained fart at a Conservative Ladies luncheon gathering; makes Chaos Magick feel like a slightly limp cucumber sandwich remaining on a plate at the end of an exceptionally dull vicarage teaparty.” "So put on your cloaks, tattoo yourselves with sigils, vibrate names of power


  • ered as the "Illuminati" of its era in the sense that it possessed the keys to the next advance of enlightenment. This, I believe, is all the Illuminati actually consists of, and I like to think that Chaos Magic is the obvious esoteric current for the postmodern era. Q: As a scientist, you're naturally familiar with the Second Law of Thermodynamics. If it is true, and the universe actually is at some point g


  • oses of enchantment, illumination, or oracular utterances. The use of possession-based work is particularly strong within Wicca, the Northern Tradition, and the freestyle approach generally termed as Chaos Magick. Having had many opportunities to participate in such workings (both as a vessel and a celebrant), I hereby offer an analysis of the possession experience for discussion. Possession is a wide-rangin


  • sion experience, the continuance of uncritical belief outside it can become dysfunctional. This, however, calls into question the function of possession-experience, particularly within the context of Chaos Magic. I have often heard an incarnating entity utter oracular or prophetic statements during possession workings. In a context of generalised belief, one assumes that the results of possession workings wo


  • stablished creeds, or discourses, we seem to be either subversive or mad as we revolt against what is perceived as common sense. In common with the post-structuralist use of the concept of discourse, chaos magick has redefined the word ‘paradigm’ to include the set paths of Thelema and Wicca, Satanism and Asatru, Druidry and Shamanism to name but a few. The word paradigm itself has different meanings dependi
  • lude the set paths of Thelema and Wicca, Satanism and Asatru, Druidry and Shamanism to name but a few. The word paradigm itself has different meanings depending on whether it is used in scientific or chaos magick discourse. Foucault said that discourse is made up of statements that carry a coherence in content and style, such as economics, biology or English grammar. If the statements are regularly dispersed


  • Post-Modernity Post-modernity and post-modernism are two terms that have become quite fashionable amongst chaos magicians at present. They have often been used to mean the same thing whereas there is actually a difference. Post-modernism is a cultural movement that manifests itself mainly amongst artists and ‘luvvie


  • ilding to a flood of books on the occult throughout the seventies, but the big explosion in actual practical magickal work happened in the Punk era, at the end of the 70’s. One reflection of this was Chaos Magick, which articulated a refreshingly extreme version of this tendency towards actually doing something, but this influence spread throughout many parts of the magickal scene in the 80’s. Of course, it


  • Fair enough, but what exactly IS psychic questing? The term itself was coined by Andrew Collins in order to give a name to an activity which, while not a religion (in common with Chaos Magick) can easily become a way of life. Andrew was largely responsible for the evolution of a new form of questing in the later 70s and the 80s and, together with his colleagues from Essex and other place


  • ells chaps, and make things happen’. That theme came back in a big way with kaos magic and I thought that was a healthy thing. Results Mysticism by Steve Wilson There has always been a dislike within Chaos Magic for the very word 'Mysticism'; it's almost as verboten as the word 'Religion'. Historically this makes a lot of sense. When Results Magic, as the Chaos variety was originally known, made its debut in


  • the deities are talking to you and then telling everyone that you are 'properly contacted' and that the hideous Chaos Magicians are 'tampering with forces they don't understand'. True Mysticism is very different. There are two different things that classify as Mysticism proper, but one can be dismissed immediately. This i


  • h alcohol. This isn't so much 'failure' though, as an unexpected level of success. Magicians should beware the unexpected. A friend of mine once did some conjurations of 'Dark Gods' in his flat. Good Chaos Magician that he was, he banished with laughter. However, 'something' was still around and whatever it was, it literally kicked him out of bed....Laugh that one off. York, 1985 and I was performing an invo

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  • demonstrates the sometimes violent and uncompromising nature of "spiritual" or "paradigm" change.Emerging from the eerie lunar zones between the polar fires of punk rock and the Thatcher rave years, Chaos Magic has grown and multiplied and diversified, evolving out through the minds of its practitioners; it has no shape, it breeds like a fractal and mutates as it goes. "It" currently embraces aspects of the


  • hic principle} it is not a case that one of them is more 'true' than others, but a case of which theory or model you choose to believe in, or which theory you find the most attractive. Indeed, from a Chaos Magic perspective, you can selectively believe that a particular theory or model of magical action is true only for the duration of a particular ritual or phase of work.As has been stated, magical theory i


  • y perceived in a variety of wider contexts. This includes the memes which circulate both in mainstream culture and the various layers of alternative milieus. For example, early on in its development, Chaos Magic acquired the glamour of being somehow 'sinister' or 'satanic' which, while inaccurate, has doubtless drawn quite a few people to become interested in it. Some magical systems have strong quasi­religi


  • amusing.EXPERIMENTS IN BELIEFOne of the central assertions of Chaos Magic is that belief structures reality. If you believe in faeries it's much more likely that you're going to be able to see them. If you believe that the only way to do something is what you've learned so


  • old one did. Again, a scientific example of a Paradigm Shift would be the replacement of Aristotle's dynamics of motion with those of Newton's Principia, and, in turn, Einstein's Theory of Relativity.Chaos Magicians have borrowed the term Paradigm Shift and given it their own spin. In chaos­speak, the term paradigm has become equated with a particular world­view, and so the chaote version of paradigm shift (


  • structive, from time to time, to make occasional sub­Belief shifts within a specific context. The symbolic and ontological models that make up occult belief systems come within this category. So, for Chaos Magicians, modem witchcraft can be considered a particular subset of an overall magical belief­system: as could Theosophy or Voudoun. Shifting between magical belief­systems is relatively easy. Magicians d


  • ther person a considerable shock. Such tactics may be used to enhance personal power, or, to appear to collude with another, whilst maintaining a hidden agenda.The above might prompt the question "do Chaos Magicians ever remain in one belief­system or sub­belief for any length of time?" Of course. The practice of making Belief Shifts allows the magician to move between perspectives, so that he develops, over


  • l and ethical stances, embedded beliefs, a mobile sense of identity, and whatever magical models are being used at any one time. This sounds complex, but is experienced as simple or self­evident. The Chaos Magician is more likely to accept that his belief­web is likely to change, and that he is quite likely to find himself doing things which were previously outside of his known repertoire of experiences. It


  • this is possibly the most radical aspects of the Chaos Magic perspective: stop looking for truth and have fun with your beliefs; stop trying to pull together a single identity and enjoy many identities­much as Aleister Crowley did. In contrast to other magical


  • e of the shards of Modernism, yet the melting­pot of beliefs, styles, and the individual quest for meaning brought forth the current phase of development: Postmodernism, and its emergent magical ethosChaos Magic.Postmodernism can be characterized as a multi­cultural, multi­stylistic cauldron bubbling with competing experiences and attitudes, lacking any coherent overall narrative. Modern society is chaotic a


  • in the concept of a new Aeon. Thus the profusion of 'new aeons' projected by various magical groups and individuals. So as not to be seen to be missing an essential item in their magical script, some Chaos Magicians have begun to project the glamour of the Fifth Aeon­the Pandemonaeon.The concept of a new aeon has several magical functions:


  • mbit to aid the design of possible futures.Unlike many of the prevailing new aeons, the Pandemonaeon is envisaged as being different for each individual who projects himself within its frame. Just as Chaos Magic emerges from the diversity and transience of modern culture, so does the Pandemonaeon typify the trend towards individualism becoming separate from any totalizing belief or narrative, be it metaphysi


  • id to be power in a unique object, particularly in these times or mass production and marketing.But wait, there is power in mass production, too. Consider the chaosphere, the central logo or glyph of Chaos Magic. It appears on books, magazines, letterheads, toy soldiers, jewelry and tattoos. It is used on rave posters and on the back of leather jackets. It has become itself a viral image. All that is require


  • ct as magical­combining image, associations, and will. Rather than resisting mass replication, the magician turns it to his advantage.Viral ServitorsA further application of virus systems emerging in Chaos Magic is the creation and application of Servitors which have the capacity to replicate, mutate, and recombine into new forms, Viral servitors, behaving in a similar manner to biological or computer viruse


  • . The core belief, that Magic Works can only become embedded through experience. Another level­how far, and how much magic can work very much depends on one's dominant explanation of how magic works. Chaos Magicians have identified four basic models of how magic works. These are the Spirit Model, the Energy Model, the Psychological Model, and the Cybernetics Model. Each model has different strengths and weak


  • more important is it that the ritual be performed to the height of one's ability­with style, respect, and awe. Choosing the most appropriate glamour will produce a concordant emotional intensity, and Chaos Magicians tend to the view that ritual should be intense, else all is mere play­acting. And remember, the models we create to explain the mysterious are just that, models, not the territory itself. Models


  • ch is more open­ended, drawing on a wide range of symbolism and features, and which is highly personalised to the individual performing. The growth of interest in Self­Development, Shamanism, and the Chaos Magic Movement have helped develop this trend. In freestyle ritual, you are not constrained by any particular system of doing things, and can use elements which are not always immediately recognised as bei


  • tree (having asked the tree for permission first!) with a single stroke, at a time determined by astrology or recourse to the tables of planetary hours and days. The first generation of iconoclastic chaos magicians challenged this, arguing, why not use one's finger, or a rolled­up newspaper, or anything which is vaguely wandshaped? Whilst in a pinch, a sorcerer might well use anything to hand with which to


  • t into a form which works best for you.This final declaration is the magician informing himself (and any others who may be listening in) that he is at the centre of his magical universe.When working, Chaos Magicians choose one direction as 'metaphysical' east as the beginning point of any ritual which involves a progression through a series of directions. As a ruleof­thumb, I often take 'metaphysical east' (


  • sion experience, the continuance of uncritical belief outside it can become dysfunctional. This, however, calls into question the function of possession­experience, particularly within the context of Chaos Magic. 1 have often heard an incarnating entity utter oracular or prophetic statements during possession workings. In a context of generalised belief, one assumes that the results of possession workings wo


  • reate and maintain the experience: from electromagnetic shifts to increased levels of neurotransmitters; from embedded belief to the history of a given place; from local myth to expectations. For the Chaos magician though, the experience is more important than the explanation. Explanations and models arise from personal experience, and models allow us to work with Spirits in areas which have been previously


  • tween loose and tight consensual belief systems. An example of a tight consensual system would be a Wiccan group wherein all the members share the overall belief system known as Wicca. In contrast, a Chaos Magic group could be generally characterised as loose, in that members would be much more likely to have divergent personal beliefs, and loosely agree on a few principles. This is an important issue as eng


  • n excellent choice for a working space since a lot of shouting/weird noises/thumping etc., as well as people dressing up in odd costumes is likely to be easily accepted.Rehearsal StudioA favourite of chaos magicians in London. Again, they tend to have a high tolerance for weirdness, and can often be hired for a reasonable price. A problem can be that the hour­blocks that rehearsal spaces tend to be booked fo


  • NASTYIn contrast to the playful anarchs of Discordia, I will now examine one of the so­called 'darker' aspects of modem occultismthe magic of the Cthulhu Mythos. This current has been of interest to Chaos Magicians, and Chaos Magic has been described from time to time as a form of Left­Hand Path magic, or even "the blackest form of dark power," so what better way to illustrate this than delving into the for

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  • Antinomianism Cthulhu Mythos magick can contribute to the development of an Antinomian stance. A core principle of Chaos Magick is that contin­ued deployment of antinomian techniques upon yourself is vital to magical development, hcnce the various Libers of Crowley, and the stress placed on metamorphosis and liberation in Li


  • f the Banish-Ritual seems to have originated with the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and gone on to permeate most post-Nineteenth Cen­approaches to magic, from the various 'traditions of Wicca to Chaos Magic. In order to discuss the relevance of Banishing Rituals (0 Cthulhu Magic I will pose the question, what is a Banishing Ritual I"or? Again, the answers to this wi 11 depend very much Oil individual la

File: Running Magical Workshops -


  • l allow them to decide if your book(or whatever) is worth buying. So your workshops are in effect aform of advertising. Also, if you are ‘representing’ a particularmagical approach (such as Tantra or Chaos Magic) you are likelyto be taken as a representative for that entire genre. People willcome away from your workshop with an opinion about you,your work, and your associated ‘tradition’ - so make sure it’s


  • workshop, particularly if the subject youare presenting is at all controversial. For example, in 1994 I wasbooked to speak to a discussion forum which was predominantlyPagan Federation members about Chaos Magic. Now this was justafter a rather controversial article on Chaos had been publishedin the Pagan Federation’s magazine. I didn’t like what the articlehad to say, and I knew that a good number of other

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  • ntages of such rigid systems as Wicca, Classical Thelema,and Goetia, are all examples of such fundamentalist systems. If one makes an in-depth study of most forms of magick, like ceremonial magick or chaos magick forinstance, one will discover a great many persons who believe that only their sys-tem (ceremonialists), or the rigid denial of a system (chaos mages), is of any useor importance. While the value a

File: Snell, Lionel - Paroxysms of Magick -


  • O is the order that makes the Typhonian OTO look like the Mother's Union; makes the age of Maat sound like the whisper of a politely restrained fart at a Conservative Ladies luncheon gathering; makes Chaos Magick feel like a slightly limp cucumber sandwich remaining on a plate at the end of an exceptionally dull vicarage teaparty."So put on your cloaks, tattoo yourselves with sigils, vibrate names of power a

File: St Faust - Magician as Spiritual Anarchist -


  • Hail Satan at people (I’ve preferred “Hail Eris” lately, myself, just to throw people off)to begin getting shit down.Disappearance as Will to Power & the PandamonaeonThe big pie in the sky belief of Chaos Magicians from the 80’s on was the introduction of the Pandamonaeon;so much so that I made the slogan for my own website “The New Aeon Is Here, Are You Ready to Up theAnte?” For the most part, the 5th Aeon


  • ry need not be one of tribal Shamans and Druids to be potent;the dark side of magick that existed in the early Christian world is just as potent a mechanism to draw off.Those that are “Satanists” or “Chaos Magicians” have no true background except as heresy, and heresy hasalways been a form of social resistance. I hope that I’ve treated the subject with enough dignity that thosewishing to proclaim themselves

File: Stephen Mace - Shaping Formless Fire - 2005 -


  • m of Magic The Golden Dawn Audio CDs By Israel Regardie Ceremonial Magic and the Power of Evocation Kabbalistic Cycles & the Mastery of Life By Joseph Lisiewski, Ph.D. PsyberMagick: Advanced Ideas in Chaos Magick The Chaos Magick Audio CDs By Peter Carroll Condensed Chaos: An Introduction to Chaos Magick The Pseudonomicon By Phil Hine The Infernal Texts By Stephen Sennitt Beyond Duality: The Art of Transcend


  • elegance that con-tradicts the notion that magick must remain a hidden art. "Stephen Mace is one of the best." — Frank Cebulla, Der Golem "Fascinating analyses of the interface between demonology and Chaos Magick."— Marik "I quite like it!" — Hakim Bey STEPHEN MACE was introduced to the study of sorcery in 1970, when a Tarot reading predicted an imminent disaster in his life. Three days later the State Polic

File: Templum 99 - Chaos Magick -


  • Templum Pocket Guide Series 1Pocket Guide to Chaos MagickCopyright Frater FP 1999Last Modified 13/Oct/99Pocket Chaos Magick1. Read Liber Null and Prometheus Rising2. Read the Collected Works of AO SPARE3. Read everything by Jan Fries and Phil Hine4. Practi

File: The Basics of Magick -


  • ng and Phillips, Creative Visualization. Ophiel, Creative Visualization. A.E. Powell, The Astral Body. ________, The Mental Body. Joseph Weed, Wisdom of the Ancient Masters. Julian Wilde, Grimoire of Chaos Magick. ** MAGICK 8 -- HEALING AND BANISHING ** Psychic or spiritual healing is a human potential we all possess. Some people are especially good at this. It is probably easier to heal someone else by occu

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  • ect it!DAVID CANTUActually, Stephen Sennitt announced the death of the Chaos current first, in his editorialin NOX 6 (1988), entitled “Obituary for the Chaos current”, he wrote:Joel Biroco’s slant on Chaos magic has also been short-lived and by my experience ofhim, transcended—if that’s the word. We can see that this may have been planned, but Isuspect he played it by ear. Perhaps at this moment Mr Biroco is


  • clination is to let sleeping dogs lie. I’mdoing other stuff now, although I guess something drew me here [alt.magick newsgroup]to tell you these things, to fill you in on “your chaos heritage”. Many “chaos magicians”think the origins of the current don’t matter and think being ahistorical is cool andiconoclastic, but it just means they are doomed to run on the spot, never swelling aprogress.Magick is about p


  • gh such artists as Spare and Lovecraft, there is little doubt that Mr Granthas spun things around to his own ends. The ends of a master builder of cosmogony.Few realized that Grant was such an expert chaos magician!There is also little doubt that Austin Spare has been subjected to some of the sametreatment. At the very least, most people’s ideas of Spare have been colored by Grant’sinterpretation of him. Any
  • nshave been referred to by you and others in various texts, but I’ve never been clear onwhat those opinions actually are. And it may give me a better understanding of whatyou mean when you talk about chaos magick.MIKA


  • 45My basic criticism is that most of the “defining works” of “chaos magick” lack depth.The iot started as an organisation set up by and for people of little occult insight whohad a distaste for hierarchy and real initiation. That was about it really. It got togethera serie


  • ing as it is already “described in theCollective Unconscious”.If you call it Cthulhu but you describe it as a helpful spirit... well it just ain’t Cthulhu.Certainly the “shoggoth” summoning spells of chaos magick don’t represent the Lovecraftoriginal; rather, just a borrowing of the name as it makes for kewl spelz. Mind you,many of these people also think that blood-sucking, undead vampires are real and that


  • orking but transcendence of its merelymechanistic aspects.Many ceremonial magicians have a habit of ceremony they cannot see beyond and asa result their workings are depleted of actual magick. To me, chaos magick was aboutgoing beyond this, but as you realise there are few who associate themselves with chaosmagick who understand anything of its deeper principles. Most “chaos magicians” latchedonto chaos magi
  • ed of actual magick. To me, chaos magick was aboutgoing beyond this, but as you realise there are few who associate themselves with chaosmagick who understand anything of its deeper principles. Most “chaos magicians” latchedonto chaos magick as a way to avoid training and hierarchy, but ended up in a non-progressive state because they hadn’t realised that chaos magick is actually an advanceon traditional mag
  • haos magick was aboutgoing beyond this, but as you realise there are few who associate themselves with chaosmagick who understand anything of its deeper principles. Most “chaos magicians” latchedonto chaos magick as a way to avoid training and hierarchy, but ended up in a non-progressive state because they hadn’t realised that chaos magick is actually an advanceon traditional magick, not simply another choic
  • anything of its deeper principles. Most “chaos magicians” latchedonto chaos magick as a way to avoid training and hierarchy, but ended up in a non-progressive state because they hadn’t realised that chaos magick is actually an advanceon traditional magick, not simply another choice of system, but for it to be an advancepractically it actually demands far more of you than traditional magick. That was theerro


  • tten all of this stuff. I feel like you havehanded back to me something I chucked out because I was scared that I was “loosingit”. What you call “juxtapositional magick” was what I initially thought “chaos magick”was about—directly working my own meanings. Then I just got confused by readingtoo much chaos literature (never quite got over the intellectualism of it all). I used to bean artist of sorts when I l


  • visionary poetry of Blake and the vastly important,almost-free-associational synthesis of occult ideas constructed by Eliphas Levi, on toCrowley and Blavatsky, to the Lovecraft/Moorcock tropes of the Chaos magicians,what we see acknowledged is the staggering supernatural power of creative imagination.Might not the entire of Magic be described as traffic between That Which Is andThat Which Is Not; between fac

File: Chumbley - Opuscula Magica vol2 -


  • om a literary approach to AOS, rather than an active magical one. The notion that forces operative in Spare's work were being worked with magically, from a witchcraft perspective -rather than that of Chaos Magic-was of great interest and ran counter to a narrow and entrenched orthodoxy. The reification of the Sabbatic Current through conventicles of Traditional Witchcraft also had personal relevance. The fir

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  • The Old Craft Today patron saint of modern chaos magic, yet his real significance lies in his influence on modern traditional witchcraft, including such groups as the Cultus Sabbati. Spare also became well known in Spiritualist circles from his seances,

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  • distrust of the occultist "master narra-tive" that the Golden Dawn system had really provided, something that has led to the not uncommon assertion that Satanism was a precursor to the development of Chaos Magic in Britain in the 1970s. 1 In a way, it was with Satanism that occultism entered the postmodern age. Curiously perhaps, the advent of the "postmodern condition"2 in occultism may have provided a rati


  • laims to truth, questioning all master narratives. In this respect, La Veyian Satan ism represents the emergence of the postmodern condition in occultism, a development that would become most felt in Chaos Magic. Enochian, which has been associated with "High Magic" in the most ritualized and ceremonial sense, does not seem to have caught too much serious attention in that current. However, I do suggest that


  • istian. '1\ndreas Kempe (1622-1689) and the Language Spoken in Paradise." Historiographica Linguistica 5 (1975). Evans, Dave. The History of British Magic after Crowley: Kenneth Grant, Amado Crowley, Chaos Magic, Satanism, Lovecraft, The Left Hand Path, Blasphemy and Magical Morality. N.p.: Hidden Publishing, 2007. Faivre, Antoine. Access to Western Esotericism. Albany: State University of New York Press, 19


  • 2!6 INDEX Case, Paul Foster, 82, 105-108, 116, 159, 188 Catoptromancy. See crystal gazing Chaos (god), 99, 187 Chaos Magic, 125, 160 charismatic authority, 101,117-118 Choronzon, 40, 95; Crowley's evoca-tion of, 96-97; originally spelled "Coronzom," 42 Church of Satan (CoS), 104, 112-113, 116-119, 121' 190 cipher manuscr

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  • The Trials & Tribulations of a Lady Initiate from them was a new fo und respect fo r Alexandrians by the Gardnerians, Astrologers fo r Chaos Magicians and some enduring friendships. The only rule had been that each group had to stick exactly to the Crowley text. Whether this counts as an 'initiation' I'm still not sure but it does teach one not

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  • These ancient Egyptian gods were inserted into the practice of magic in much the same way as the modern interest in mathematical chaos theory has led to the generation by Pete Carroll of a school of chaos magic. Both additions are cultural products of their own period, and not part of the underlying traditions of magic. Of course, if it works then by all means use it. But does it work because of these addit

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  • ols and studiously recording all my attempts at magic as well as the details of my dreams. In 1992 I was introduced to a Priest of Set nr from the Temple of Set while perusing through the most recent Chaos magic texts in the Magickal Childe located in NYC. My new acquaintance and I quickly became entrenched in conversation and soon found ourselves unable to pull away from the intellectual gnosis we were expe


  • Peter J. Carroll and Ray Sherwin who founded the llimninates of Thanateros (lOT), which became the primary organization dedicated to this new magical synthesis and the initiation system developed for chaos magic practitioners. I men­tion chaos magic here pti:marily due to it being a modem school of magic that emphasizes the use of sorcery for pragmatic ends and the intentional employtnent of belief systems a
  • ounded the llimninates of Thanateros (lOT), which became the primary organization dedicated to this new magical synthesis and the initiation system developed for chaos magic practitioners. I men­tion chaos magic here pti:marily due to it being a modem school of magic that emphasizes the use of sorcery for pragmatic ends and the intentional employtnent of belief systems as a means to an end, not an all encomp
  • and instead encourage..;; the individual to attain Gnostic states of consciousness thereby becoming capable of non-ordinary perception and in tum acts of magic. For these reasons I will classify the chaos magic of Carroll and Sherwin as a Left Hand Path school of magic and its practitioners as Black Magicians. In chaos magic the self seems to be the ptimary focus of the sorcerer and this also mirrors direct
  • ordinary perception and in tum acts of magic. For these reasons I will classify the chaos magic of Carroll and Sherwin as a Left Hand Path school of magic and its practitioners as Black Magicians. In chaos magic the self seems to be the ptimary focus of the sorcerer and this also mirrors directly the fundamental pltilosophical emphasis of the Left Hand Path in general. I must add here that I do not in any wa
  • e ptimary focus of the sorcerer and this also mirrors directly the fundamental pltilosophical emphasis of the Left Hand Path in general. I must add here that I do not in any way expect lOT members or chaos magic practitioners to identify themselves as Black Magicians or 26

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  • ibing one's self or one's magical activities with words that don't actually serve personal magical objectives. For example, many magicians choose to describe themselves as witches, pagans, Satanists, Chaos magicians, magickians, white magicians, black magicians, or any number of other popular terms that provide instant identity on rather shaky grounds. Look into the actual meanings and implications of these


  • xplication of Austin Osman Spares's magical practice that the sexual utilization of sigils has become such a commonplace practice among modern magicians, although it is the advocates of the school of Chaos Magick that have taken credit for this trend. We are of the opinion that Spare's magic was most effectively communicated through his often erotic artwork. Thus our sparse coverage of his oblique theory and

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  • iews on the order andmagic in general.The third category consists of material which does not treatDragon Rouge, but deals with similar subjects. Worth mentioningare the websites The Mutation Parlour: Chaos Magick ( which provides extensivematerial on chaos magic and is maintained by people practicingthis form of the art, ( which
  • atDragon Rouge, but deals with similar subjects. Worth mentioningare the websites The Mutation Parlour: Chaos Magick ( which provides extensivematerial on chaos magic and is maintained by people practicingthis form of the art, ( which isa Swedish online encyclopaedia and resource for things occult, andTempli-Serpens (http://www.t


  • ategy discussed by Hammer is the scientificationof the esoteric worldview. This means that adherents to themovement claim a scientific, rational base for their belief andpractice. An example would be Chaos magic, which builds on Chaostheory and Quantum Physics. A further, more common, occurrenceis the psychologization of many esoteric theories. Here, movementsdraw on popularized psychological theories, espec


  • n so much in, into one’s hidden parts and soso I believe it can be, if one is unstable then it can, ‘easily betoo much chaos’ like mm wow, and not being able to, it isthat which is so important as a, chaos magician like to beable somewhere to, keep an eye (laughter), no like keep, haveto work it is so important to work upwards and if one is a bitunstable no it can be really dangerous mm one can becomeinsane,


  • re mm, that is reallytrue I believe that it would be really dangerous in any casefor me as a private in other words I mean that if I workedcompletely by myself and not have any contact with anyother, chaos magician or something ... it is that which can begood with us all having a system to go by, exactly, one hasto have a light in the dark. (IF mgt 2001/55119).The above excerpt demonstrates the courage aspec


  • ork dealing with spirituality which could be defined as belongingto the Left Hand Path is Justin Woodman’s unpublished PhD thesis, Modernity,Selfhood and the Demonic: Anthropological Perspectives on “Chaos Magick” in theUnited Kingdom (Woodman 2004).


  • anismen. Enrevitaliserande rörelse. Unpublished M.A. thesis inComparative Religion. Åbo Akademi UniversityWoodman, Justain (2004): Modernity, Selfhood and the Demonic:Anthropological Perspectives on “Chaos Magick” in the UnitedKingdom. Unpublished PhD Thesis in Anthropology atGoldsmiths College, University of London

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  • ing, etc. However this only appears to be a new bent in philosophy because the past magicians had already worked out their dominance relative lo the staff or the wand.A. on chaos and toxick magickthe chaos magician believes there arc no rules, the toxic magician knows there are no rules, the magicians are active and passive, the toxic magician manipulates, the chaos magician aspires (o manipulate, the magici
  • and.A. on chaos and toxick magickthe chaos magician believes there arc no rules, the toxic magician knows there are no rules, the magicians are active and passive, the toxic magician manipulates, the chaos magician aspires (o manipulate, the magicians are a means and an end.The chaos magician perceives chaos.
  • , the toxic magician knows there are no rules, the magicians are active and passive, the toxic magician manipulates, the chaos magician aspires (o manipulate, the magicians are a means and an end.The chaos magician perceives chaos.


  • The toxic magician manipulates chaos, the magicians are the art and the craft, the toxic magician came first, the chaos magician came later.The magicians are the rising and setting, the toxic magician learned how to manipulate sooner, the chaos magician has not yet learned to manipulate.The magicians are the polar extremes.
  • he magicians are the art and the craft, the toxic magician came first, the chaos magician came later.The magicians are the rising and setting, the toxic magician learned how to manipulate sooner, the chaos magician has not yet learned to manipulate.The magicians are the polar extremes.The chaos magician causes and creates chaos.The toxic magician controls and shapes chaos.The magicians are the tree and the s
  • came later.The magicians are the rising and setting, the toxic magician learned how to manipulate sooner, the chaos magician has not yet learned to manipulate.The magicians are the polar extremes.The chaos magician causes and creates chaos.The toxic magician controls and shapes chaos.The magicians are the tree and the seed.1. Chaos HierarchyWe are all Toxic Magicians to some extent already. It is the still s
  • o talk. etc), fkxause of their constant questioning of reality, the Master knows this period of an aspirant's development as "the terrible two's."Later, the will of the child is basically that of the chaos magician, seeking what their own True Will will be. trying to settle upon what Master to follow. Soon enough a Practitioner will come along and Force the will of the child to bend unto (heir own, and then


  • ering by scale only in accordance lo (he duration by which one defines as the present; and B) different in Some respects, (hough not in others, from its neighboring, adjoint universes.The goal of the Chaos Magician is to identify the non-differences between one digital present-universe and the ones before and after it. These similarities constitute the programming-codes, or the governing dynamics, of a meta-


  • est rates and other overdue bills are simply not discussed in polite society.Ideally, a marriage consists of two toxic magicians. However, when a marriage is the combination of a toxic magician and a chaos magician, or one of these with a "common" fool, then all hell will eventually break loose.Most people are Chaos or Toxic Magicians but don't know it... yet. They believe themselves to be powerless and ther


  • gasm or extreme physical pain under duress, this furthest exaggerated state of the emotions is the One Rule. All opposites break down at the point of pain tolerance into a Grand Unified Theory.To the Chaos Magician, it appears the resources for manipulation of the Toxic Magician are limitless and abstruse. However, no matter how many rules of thumb the Toxic Magician might make use of in passing from one sit


  • t, who only knows their OWN Will. It should be remembered ardently that the dictatorship by a prole is not the same thing as a dictatorship by the proletariat.An idealised utopia is populated only by Chaos Magicians ensuring the absence of shame and guilt and Toxic Magicians ensuring the extinction of those destined to succumb, and all are philosopher-kings. However, there are the various steps one must go t


  • de by their peers. A magician smiles at such naive frivolity. Because they are all painted as REBELLION, these forms only serve to perpetuate the mythos of permanent institutions' primacy.Rather than Chaos magic seeking to clairvoyantly conjure up some form of mass sublimation of sexual tension through hysterical revolt against preexistent interpersonal behaviour and "group-think," Chaos Magic seeks the unra


  • fect, they "create" their own opposition ideologies as a purgative for their own sins. And they do all this behind the backs, or, usually, even right under the noses of their informed consenluals.The Chaos Magician wants to create a guilt free world. A world where there is no shame and no punishment, no reprisal and no consequence for their actions. The Toxic Magician wants to create a world-without-fools. a


  • dered inhumane. Nonetheless, some nervous-systems can withstand greater quantities of stimuli than others, and all can even dilate their degree of tolerance based on the pleasure-pain principles. The Chaos Magician aspires to allow in the maximum amount of sensory- stimuli, and therefore seeks control over their pain-tolerance. The Toxic Magician finds the obtuse overstimulation an unfortunate and regrettabl


  • posture themselves in accordance with the accumulation of excess reminders of their chosen philosophy of materialism until they are, in effect, buried alive beneath their spastic self-possessions. A Chaos Magician sees that this "appendix" is really a metaphor for the mind, and they realise (his by causing (heir own (o bccomc cnflamcd. A Toxic Magician s(alks, conquers and abandons their lovers like an impa


  • for the exploitation of the mental conditioning of "alters," such as grouping them according to a flow chart. It should nol be overlooked that this is an identical proposal to that of Phil Hine, Ihe Chaos Magician, regarding the programming of Servitors, that such a flow chart could, further, be postulated as identical to that of a self replicating computer virus program. "Developing this idea led to the cr

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  • ht, experiencing that which they may, but coveting nothing, lest they be weighed down and encumbered at their next leap. A major aspect of Left Hand Path sorcery as developed through the evolution of chaos magic concerns itself with disseminating traditional shamanic knowledge and practices from various cultures around the world in order to discover which of these are applicable in a New Left Hand Path termi


  • interact while in dreaming, we can begin to acquaint ourselves with our double nature. For the sorcerer, belief is indeed a means to an end, not an end in itself. This is one of the basic premises of chaos magic, and one that we agree with completely. The only differ-19


  • The concept itself is a highly useful tool which allows the Black Magician the ability to conceptualize purposeful shifts and alterations in total awareness. This is akin to the paradigm shifting of chaos magic, but taken to a new and more refined level. The orb of chaos is the Assemblage Point and it is mastery over this energy center that gives the sorcerer dominion over their realm. One of the most impor


  • The Toltec -:b·ces discovered that in order world and in ourselves, we away from the description had been indoctrinated from 44 our birth. These doctrines are highly relevant to the practice of modem chaos magic as introduced to the reading public by Peter J. Carroll. They spoke of a realm of activity called the "second attention," where all that we did not immediately perceive existed independent of our hum


  • sticking them with pins, and the victim's souls psychically conversed/responded to the sorcerer's words. It is easy to see why many have referred to traditions of shamanistic witchcraft as a form of Chaos Magick. Shamanic realities overlap with mundane reality - actions and changes that take place in the otherworlds can express themselves in this World, and that is the power behind shamanic magic and healin

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  • Akhtya Seker Arimanius, Ford also is the author of Liber HVHI, an explaination of the Luciferian trinity and the rituals of the Qlippoth, The Book of the Witch Moon which features an introduction by Chaos Magician Peter J. Carroll and numerous articles and essays. Michael W. Ford’s grimoires may be found here:

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  • ides and changes as well as reaffirming our paths and sorceries. The Sethanic/Luciferian path is founded at least with the version we provide as one of many paths, that in this definition the idea of Chaos Magick comes to mind. The workings of the Witch Moon are of the Left Hand Path, gathering hidden knowledge for the development of the individual and the alchemical process of self-deification. The work of


  • 68 68 Baphomet - Horned God of Witches- The eight - sided God, Octinimos, also known as Baphomet, has significance through the texts of modern - day Chaos Magick as well as the Witches Sabbat Witchcraft. Baphomet’s eight sides each represent a particular aspect of magick. This is a further representation of the connection between the Astral Sabbat (the Dream


  • 145 145 2. Thelema is Greek for Will, see “Magick In Theory and Practice” by Aleister Crowley, also by the same author “Liber AL vel Legis” also known as “The Book of the Law”. 3. Chaos Magic is a development of Austin Osman Spare’s sorcery as defined in the “Book of Pleasure”. See also Peter Carroll and his books, among others, “Liber Null/Psychonaut” and “Liber Kaos” for detailed and ef

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  • Chaos Magick and Luciferismby Michael FordConfusion is the result of a system of failure. In order to build and proceed into anyuseful areas one must be willing to strip away belief that have been programmed sin


  • l ofperformance, denying myself the option of functioning at capacity by not recognizing thatbelief is arbitrary and that I can change my beliefs as readily as I change my shoes.”The current state of chaos magick in the present time has only maneuvered to somecertain state due to lack of imagination and vision. Chaos Magick is an egocentricideology that has no specific doctrine or form. Lack of dogma can oft


  • Austin Osman Spare was the founder of what is today Chaos Magick. His study andpractice of Magick developed early on and was later subject to formal training withAleister Crowley. Spare understood the importance of ritual and ceremony yet at thesame time found it


  • emon or angel in question. This is activated by his/hersubconscious alone, and is even more so on Governmental levels. Science andgovernment have used many of these methods long ago to uncertain ends.Chaos Magick teaches the individual the price of knowledge, and the pleasure ofseeking the hidden light of Prometheus. The rise of Godhood through many of the chaosmagick methods is only strengthened by the prac


  • ual heirs as well. The craft taught by the fallenangels is further outlined in my “The Book of the Witch Moon”, which further introduceswhat can be considered disciplined chaos sorcery.The methods of Chaos Magick are based within the theories of the universe beingsubject to those who may open and use the mind on numerous levels. The effects of theearth are reactions to theories and ideas enfleshed. Magick is
  • oth witchcraft and Rune magick. The potentials arenever ending. Any combination may be used only if it is perfectly suitable to theindividual developing it.The quote used by Aleister Crowley and many chaos magicians is “Nothing is True,everything is permitted”; this is attributed to Hassan I Sabbah. Hasan bin Sabah (perhapsa more accurate spelling) is the historical figure that was called “The Old Man of the


  • commonly understood as accepted and to tear it toshreds, piss on it and smile while doing so. To reach to the heart or essence and reform itas you would so desire. This is the Luciferian principle of Chaos Magick. To seek,understand and form to your ever-developing system.“I am the power of my desire (ID)” – AosAll energy sources, which are altered or changed through Magick and Sorcery allemanate initially f


  • d on Spare’s Zos Kia Cultus and an uncompromising focus of Magick whichled others to call him a “Gnostic Extremist”.Many of the rituals implemented by Anon 359 prove a barrier to many of the would be“chaos magicians” and those who actually DO magick, the difference is astonishing andsobering. A significant banishing ritual employed by Anon is called “The QuadrigaSexualis Banishing Ritual” and is focused on a


  • the former mentioned two. This is perhaps one of the few ways to seek to open the doorsof the human spirit and raise it towards the Light of Lucifer, the next step in theadvancement of the soul.Chaos Magick is perhaps the most beneficial system of sorcery which has beenlabeled as something erratic as “chaos magic”. The system known as Chaos Magickallows the individual who dives the depths of his or her
  • rit and raise it towards the Light of Lucifer, the next step in theadvancement of the soul.Chaos Magick is perhaps the most beneficial system of sorcery which has beenlabeled as something erratic as “chaos magic”. The system known as Chaos Magickallows the individual who dives the depths of his or her mind and assemble, throughvarious means, a system unique to the person creating it. Chaos is a beautiful fri
  • he night, tounderstand and explore the very foundations of the demonic and the angelic, as above, sobelow...While the Luciferian gnosis is highly approachable through the systems of what isconsidered chaos magick, the form of the astral body allows a severance of eventualworldly bonds. This allows the Luciferian Adept to take her or his fill of worldly pleasureand eventually ascend astral in the light of Luc


  • The tools of Chaos Magick are specifically anything which one would utilize toachieve her or his goal, the results being designed to correspond with the means. Unionthrough opposites essentially is the key, proving the direc

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  • becoming a clearer subject under the Sethian concept of theAdversary as a dual and necessary force. Just as Chaos Magick is adevelopment of primal sorcery, without limitations, the LuciferianPath is a further and refined development of primal sorcery with adefined path towards the Sethian becoming, and the ongoing pro


  • an aspects of self-evolution.The Luciferian Essence itself is intertwined with the work of theSethian. It is a tool of self-deification and advancement, with a morefirm and serious approach than some Chaos Magick aspects. TheLuciferian Path is one of Luciferian Self-Deification, from which Setemerges behind as the Bearer of the Black Flame. It is time to usherforth a challenging, a potent new form of Witchcr

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  • reat Work itself! That through my dedication to the path of Witch blood, I shall know the secrets not so hidden!” -from “The Book of the Witch Moon”, a Witches Sabbat Grimoire of Vampiric Sorcery and Chaos Magick by Michael Ford, © 1999, 2001 Saturn itself is the lower octave of which initiation is led, and through this planetary symbol may the practitioner emerge through the dual gnosis of Lucifer and Shait


  • n” is a demonic astral region, beneficial to those who dive the mirror of Lilith and become stronger. Through the diving of darkness one shall embrace the light. While working through the currents of Chaos Magic, discordian aspects are not pursued within TOPH. We utilize many aspects of Magick and Sorcery, thus through the exploration of many

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  • he GreatWork itself! That through my dedication to the path of Witch blood, I shall knowthe secrets not so hidden!”-from “The Book of the Witch Moon”, a Grimoire of Luciferian Witchcraft,Vampyrismand Chaos Magickby Michael Ford, © 1999, 2001Many understand the essence of Witchcraft as in relation to nature andgeneral folk craft. While the folk magic brought from Europe flourished in the formof Wicca, mainly


  • invocation of theSabbath. Such art and writings no doubt influenced the magickal stream ofinitiation within many individuals later on, as well as announcing the formation ofthe technical term called “Chaos Magick” in the 70’s.Wisdom is the point of conscious understanding that is essential for thepractice and life work of the craft of the wise. One may find considerable study inthe four elements as described


  • orton 1917-1979 considered the god Pan to be responsible for theBack-to-Nature revival of the late 60’s through the 70’s.2. Book of the Witchmoon, a Grimoire of Dark Sabbatic Witchcraft, Vampirismand Chaos Magick by Michael Ford © 1999-2001

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  • nomatter what and the core be revealed even more so in this manner.The Luciferian Character is successful in the method of Magick and Ascensiononce he or she would master both black and white magick. Chaos Magic is ofinterest in it's diversity, however one must go beyond such methods to train theself in Will and develop a strength of discipline which often ignored by manymodern Sorcerers. Ascend through stam

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  • istian creation, nor does it need the concept of “God” as somany have decried. In the West, all Gods and Demons have beentransformed to suit whatever they need it for, such is known as amild case of “Chaos Magick” and thus may be useful. The Luciferianknows the importance of discipline, if you build yourself in the imageof the Adversary with the traits associated with, the Adept will trulybe a God upon this

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  • gical currentwhich is known as the Luciferian Path, the Left Hand Path of developing the self within thecurrent of the Serpent, becoming and achieving to reach the aspect of immortality.References to Chaos Magick have applied to the works herein due to the source of the inspiredwork. Chaos Magick is essentially a conglomeration of various systems, despite culture, time or


  • he Luciferian core essence of self-deification (developing the self to become as a God or Goddess) through Antinomianism (moving•gainst the natural order, isolating (he psyche and building the Will). Chaos Magick and the LeftHind Path, if approached with a mature attitude may prove a wealth of individual power anddevelopment.The Sabbatic current, as it was formed from oiher areas of sorcery, is dependent upo

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  • the adversarial writings detailing Ahriman. Initiation within the modern Yatukih cult is not diametrically centered to any specific religion, or any former initiatory process known. In the context of Chaos Magic, the Luciferian Path grows stronger. What is different from our own cults of Daeva-yasna is that we take the current of chaos very seriously; there is no paradigm shift here to avoid discipline. Disc

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  • pt – true chaos in every sense, with a focus from a Satanic view point. NAOS is an often ignored due to the power it can give – or take away. A complete system of Magick; it is what I would define as Chaos Magick in a The Sepentary is an excellent system of initiatory symbolism, however it is powered to either illuminate or destroy quickly – you turn the focus on yourself in every way. As the founder of THE


  • 56 THE BEAST AWAKENS! INTRODUCTION TO PART TWO BY MICHAEL W. FORD During the time period of working with this grimoire, my “Chaos Magick” awakenings, the following chapter held many key points of focus. According to the Sinister Path tradition, individuals become possible nexions, or gateways to the Dark Gods. These forces manifest a

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  • traced back to the beginning of the 17th century in France. Many have claimed that Satanism1 and even the Black Mass2 have origins that are more ancient. In some Crowleyan circles and in contemporary Chaos Magic, there is an insistence that a “monstrous cult” of dark and diabolical gods existed since ancient times. By appropriate rituals, contemporary magicians should still be able to encounter these terribl


  • ski (“Nergal”) repeatedly destroyed Bibles on stage, which did not make him popular with both the Polish Catholic Church and the anti-cult movement. Nergal, however, is more a follower of Crowley and Chaos Magick than of Satanism. Labeled as a Satanist and a criminal by Polish anti-cultist and former member of the Parliament Ryszard Novak, Nergal won two court cases against him.143One of the reasons why Nerg


  • nd by the music of Dissection. He ascribed the Temple, the mlo, and Dis-section to a “deeply theistic” current of Satanism, rooted in an idiosyncratic interpretation of the Kabbalah and influenced by Chaos Magick but lacking the humorous side of the latter.23After Nödtveidt’s suicide, while the Temple of the Black Light tried to stay away from Black Metal, other Swedish bands saw themselves as the heirs of D


  • st Century, 1994–2016<UN>Some prominent groups of the Left-Hand Path are, in my opinion, not Satanist, although they are close to Satanist groups both historically and ideologically. This applies to “Chaos Magick” and to the groups inspired by Crowley’s inde-pendent disciple Austin Osman Spare; to the Rune-Gild, whose magic is cen-tered on ancient runes, even if it was founded in Texas, in 1980, by a mem-ber

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  • ______________________________________________________________________[18] [18] Chaos MagickChaos MagickSetian John Widger suggests we take a look at a Setian John Widger suggests we take a look at a book called book called Liber NullLiber Null by Peter J. Carroll. About a by Peter J. Carro
  • th its companion PsychonautPsychonaut. I understand that . I understand that this volume constitutes the “basic text” of what has this volume constitutes the “basic text” of what has become known as “chaos magick”. CM hasn’t had become known as “chaos magick”. CM hasn’t had much of an impact in the United States yet, but from much of an impact in the United States yet, but from my reading of various British
  • stand that . I understand that this volume constitutes the “basic text” of what has this volume constitutes the “basic text” of what has become known as “chaos magick”. CM hasn’t had become known as “chaos magick”. CM hasn’t had much of an impact in the United States yet, but from much of an impact in the United States yet, but from my reading of various British occult publications it my reading of various B
  • agick” as it is magician, Black or White. “Chaos magick” as it is proposed here is simply incoherent. I am willing to proposed here is simply incoherent. I am willing to bet that I could ask any two “chaos magickians” to bet that I could ask any two “chaos magickians” to explain the rationale for CM and get two radically, explain the rationale for CM and get two radically, even diametrically divergent answer
  • gick” as it is proposed here is simply incoherent. I am willing to proposed here is simply incoherent. I am willing to bet that I could ask any two “chaos magickians” to bet that I could ask any two “chaos magickians” to explain the rationale for CM and get two radically, explain the rationale for CM and get two radically, even diametrically divergent answers - if I got any.even diametrically divergent answe

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  • ____________________________________________________[19] [19] Commentary on All of ThisCommentary on All of ThisPeter Carroll made a wry observation in his Peter Carroll made a wry observation in his Chaos Magick text Chaos Magick text PsychonautPsychonaut::A cult either manages to turn itself into a A cult either manages to turn itself into a harmless institution or becomes progressively harmless institutio

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  • Chaos Magick, the writings of Austin Spare, O.T.O. Chaos Magick, the writings of Austin Spare, O.T.O. publications, Satanism, and far too much else for me publications, Satanism, and far too much else for me to

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  • farers on the Left-Hand Path. Foci Setian wayfarers on the Left-Hand Path. Foci include (but are not limited to): Immortality, Setian include (but are not limited to): Immortality, Setian philosophy, Chaos Magic, Greater Black Magic, and philosophy, Chaos Magic, Greater Black Magic, and lucid dreaming. All interested can reach the Sentinel lucid dreaming. All interested can reach the Sentinel either by IC Ro

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  • orkshop? Oh, I was getting my crotch soaked by a wave about that time.”crotch soaked by a wave about that time.”______________________________________________________________________[11] [11] What is Chaos Magick?What is Chaos Magick?- by Joshua S. Wetzel II°- by Joshua S. Wetzel II°IntroductionIntroductionThis article seeks to offer one perspective on the This article seeks to offer one perspective on the p
  • gician why these techniques work. The individual magician why these techniques work. The individual participant will come up with his own reason(s).participant will come up with his own reason(s).The chaos magician The chaos magician practicespractices magic. magic. Sometimes the chaos magician may engage in a little Sometimes the chaos magician may engage in a little theory - like this article, for example
  • chniques work. The individual magician why these techniques work. The individual participant will come up with his own reason(s).participant will come up with his own reason(s).The chaos magician The chaos magician practicespractices magic. magic. Sometimes the chaos magician may engage in a little Sometimes the chaos magician may engage in a little theory - like this article, for example - but the theory -
  • rk. The individual participant will come up with his own reason(s).participant will come up with his own reason(s).The chaos magician The chaos magician practicespractices magic. magic. Sometimes the chaos magician may engage in a little Sometimes the chaos magician may engage in a little theory - like this article, for example - but the theory - like this article, for example - but the primary focus remains
  • own reason(s).participant will come up with his own reason(s).The chaos magician The chaos magician practicespractices magic. magic. Sometimes the chaos magician may engage in a little Sometimes the chaos magician may engage in a little theory - like this article, for example - but the theory - like this article, for example - but the primary focus remains to obtain results.primary focus remains to obtain r
  • digm, a shell (or shell functions as a meta-paradigm, a shell (or shell game) in which various outlooks can be game) in which various outlooks can be interchanged.interchanged.To define someone as a “chaos magician” To define someone as a “chaos magician” denotes a certain level of ignorance on the part of denotes a certain level of ignorance on the part of the speaker. A chaos magician never strictly exists
  • eta-paradigm, a shell (or shell game) in which various outlooks can be game) in which various outlooks can be interchanged.interchanged.To define someone as a “chaos magician” To define someone as a “chaos magician” denotes a certain level of ignorance on the part of denotes a certain level of ignorance on the part of the speaker. A chaos magician never strictly exists the speaker. A chaos magician never str
  • .To define someone as a “chaos magician” To define someone as a “chaos magician” denotes a certain level of ignorance on the part of denotes a certain level of ignorance on the part of the speaker. A chaos magician never strictly exists the speaker. A chaos magician never strictly exists as a “chaos magician”. One does not live in a meta-as a “chaos magician”. One does not live in a meta-paradigm. A chaos ma
  • omeone as a “chaos magician” denotes a certain level of ignorance on the part of denotes a certain level of ignorance on the part of the speaker. A chaos magician never strictly exists the speaker. A chaos magician never strictly exists as a “chaos magician”. One does not live in a meta-as a “chaos magician”. One does not live in a meta-paradigm. A chaos magician may be a Satanist, paradigm. A chaos magician
  • ain level of ignorance on the part of denotes a certain level of ignorance on the part of the speaker. A chaos magician never strictly exists the speaker. A chaos magician never strictly exists as a “chaos magician”. One does not live in a meta-as a “chaos magician”. One does not live in a meta-paradigm. A chaos magician may be a Satanist, paradigm. A chaos magician may be a Satanist, Pagan, or Thelemite. Wh
  • tain level of ignorance on the part of the speaker. A chaos magician never strictly exists the speaker. A chaos magician never strictly exists as a “chaos magician”. One does not live in a meta-as a “chaos magician”. One does not live in a meta-paradigm. A chaos magician may be a Satanist, paradigm. A chaos magician may be a Satanist, Pagan, or Thelemite. Why he differs from others Pagan, or Thelemite. Why h
  • os magician never strictly exists the speaker. A chaos magician never strictly exists as a “chaos magician”. One does not live in a meta-as a “chaos magician”. One does not live in a meta-paradigm. A chaos magician may be a Satanist, paradigm. A chaos magician may be a Satanist, Pagan, or Thelemite. Why he differs from others Pagan, or Thelemite. Why he differs from others bearing the same title lies in the
  • A chaos magician never strictly exists as a “chaos magician”. One does not live in a meta-as a “chaos magician”. One does not live in a meta-paradigm. A chaos magician may be a Satanist, paradigm. A chaos magician may be a Satanist, Pagan, or Thelemite. Why he differs from others Pagan, or Thelemite. Why he differs from others bearing the same title lies in the certainty that the bearing the same title lies
  • n, or Thelemite. Why he differs from others Pagan, or Thelemite. Why he differs from others bearing the same title lies in the certainty that the bearing the same title lies in the certainty that the chaos magician will change paradigms after the one chaos magician will change paradigms after the one he currently practices has outlived its usefulness.he currently practices has outlived its usefulness.The “ch
  • or Thelemite. Why he differs from others bearing the same title lies in the certainty that the bearing the same title lies in the certainty that the chaos magician will change paradigms after the one chaos magician will change paradigms after the one he currently practices has outlived its usefulness.he currently practices has outlived its usefulness.The “chaos magician” will also be using CMT The “chaos mag
  • ician will change paradigms after the one chaos magician will change paradigms after the one he currently practices has outlived its usefulness.he currently practices has outlived its usefulness.The “chaos magician” will also be using CMT The “chaos magician” will also be using CMT when it comes to working magic in that paradigm. when it comes to working magic in that paradigm. The latter difference - the us
  • aos magician will change paradigms after the one he currently practices has outlived its usefulness.he currently practices has outlived its usefulness.The “chaos magician” will also be using CMT The “chaos magician” will also be using CMT when it comes to working magic in that paradigm. when it comes to working magic in that paradigm. The latter difference - the use of CMT - does more The latter difference -
  • er from others within the to set off the practitioner from others within the same paradigm than the tendency to move from one same paradigm than the tendency to move from one paradigm to another. Non-chaos magicians also paradigm to another. Non-chaos magicians also change paradigms on a regular basis, searching for change paradigms on a regular basis, searching for “enlightenment”, “truth”, “goddess”, or so
  • itioner from others within the same paradigm than the tendency to move from one same paradigm than the tendency to move from one paradigm to another. Non-chaos magicians also paradigm to another. Non-chaos magicians also change paradigms on a regular basis, searching for change paradigms on a regular basis, searching for “enlightenment”, “truth”, “goddess”, or some “enlightenment”, “truth”, “goddess”, or som
  • do it well?CMT constitutes a meta-paradigm, a series of CMT constitutes a meta-paradigm, a series of techniques with no underlying beliefs. As such a techniques with no underlying beliefs. As such a chaos magician can never be quite defined as a chaos magician can never be quite defined as a “chaos magician”. I, for example, am a “nihilist “chaos magician”. I, for example, am a “nihilist Setian”. This disti
  • series of CMT constitutes a meta-paradigm, a series of techniques with no underlying beliefs. As such a techniques with no underlying beliefs. As such a chaos magician can never be quite defined as a chaos magician can never be quite defined as a “chaos magician”. I, for example, am a “nihilist “chaos magician”. I, for example, am a “nihilist Setian”. This distinction connotes that I believe in Setian”. This
  • ies of techniques with no underlying beliefs. As such a techniques with no underlying beliefs. As such a chaos magician can never be quite defined as a chaos magician can never be quite defined as a “chaos magician”. I, for example, am a “nihilist “chaos magician”. I, for example, am a “nihilist Setian”. This distinction connotes that I believe in Setian”. This distinction connotes that I believe in the exis
  • such a techniques with no underlying beliefs. As such a chaos magician can never be quite defined as a chaos magician can never be quite defined as a “chaos magician”. I, for example, am a “nihilist “chaos magician”. I, for example, am a “nihilist Setian”. This distinction connotes that I believe in Setian”. This distinction connotes that I believe in the existence of an entity, known as “Set”, who was the e


  • liefs and perform the One can hold any set of beliefs and perform the techniques of CMT.techniques of CMT.Would it be possible to exist in strictly a Chaos Would it be possible to exist in strictly a Chaos Magick Paradigm? A person could, but he would be Magick Paradigm? A person could, but he would be awfully lonely. I discovered that many so-called awfully lonely. I discovered that many so-called “chaos ma
  • os Magick Paradigm? A person could, but he would be Magick Paradigm? A person could, but he would be awfully lonely. I discovered that many so-called awfully lonely. I discovered that many so-called “chaos magicians” make the mistake of trying to “chaos magicians” make the mistake of trying to exist sans-paradigm (without a model explaining exist sans-paradigm (without a model explaining reality). In other w
  • be Magick Paradigm? A person could, but he would be awfully lonely. I discovered that many so-called awfully lonely. I discovered that many so-called “chaos magicians” make the mistake of trying to “chaos magicians” make the mistake of trying to exist sans-paradigm (without a model explaining exist sans-paradigm (without a model explaining reality). In other words they pick up reality). In other words they
  • recommend, however, that you change that paradigm every once in a change that paradigm every once in a while.The initial reality which separates “chaos The initial reality which separates “chaos magicians” from the rest of the magical community magicians” from the rest of the magical community seems to be the desire to obtain results which seems to be the desire to obtain results which change the
  • the “what” portion of our program.portion of our program.FundamentalsFundamentalsJust like baseball, eh? There exists a set of Just like baseball, eh? There exists a set of rules/guidelines to which chaos magicians adhere. rules/guidelines to which chaos magicians adhere. These are really more a scientific theory than a set These are really more a scientific theory than a set of magical “laws”. (1) You star
  • program.FundamentalsFundamentalsJust like baseball, eh? There exists a set of Just like baseball, eh? There exists a set of rules/guidelines to which chaos magicians adhere. rules/guidelines to which chaos magicians adhere. These are really more a scientific theory than a set These are really more a scientific theory than a set of magical “laws”. (1) You start with a premise. (2) of magical “laws”. (1) You s
  • Liber KaosLiber Kaos and and PsybermagickPsybermagick..Formula OneFormula OneM=GL(1-A)(1-R). I really think that you can get M=GL(1-A)(1-R). I really think that you can get along perfectly well as a chaos magician and never along perfectly well as a chaos magician and never deal with any formula beside this one. “M” stands deal with any formula beside this one. “M” stands for “Magick” (and also mashugina) a
  • ick..Formula OneFormula OneM=GL(1-A)(1-R). I really think that you can get M=GL(1-A)(1-R). I really think that you can get along perfectly well as a chaos magician and never along perfectly well as a chaos magician and never deal with any formula beside this one. “M” stands deal with any formula beside this one. “M” stands for “Magick” (and also mashugina) and represents for “Magick” (and also mashugina) and


  • two aspects (gnosis and link), getting them as close to “one” as possible.getting them as close to “one” as possible.“A” stands for conscious “awareness”. Chaos “A” stands for conscious “awareness”. Chaos Magick technique involves short-circuiting your Magick technique involves short-circuiting your “lust for result”, which basically says: “If I desire “lust for result”, which basically says: “If I desire t
  • y. Such positive thoughts will percolate down to the subconscious and reduce the “R” factor in to the subconscious and reduce the “R” factor in the ritual.the ritual.I should note in passing that the chaos magician I should note in passing that the chaos magician gets around the “R” factor by the use of sigils and gets around the “R” factor by the use of sigils and mantras. These are the pictorial and verbal
  • the subconscious and reduce the “R” factor in to the subconscious and reduce the “R” factor in the ritual.the ritual.I should note in passing that the chaos magician I should note in passing that the chaos magician gets around the “R” factor by the use of sigils and gets around the “R” factor by the use of sigils and mantras. These are the pictorial and verbal mantras. These are the pictorial and verbal rear
  • in a mundane fashion to get what I was necessary in a mundane fashion to get what I desired?” CMT requires avenues of manifestation desired?” CMT requires avenues of manifestation in which to work. A chaos magician does not fire a in which to work. A chaos magician does not fire a sigil for an “A” on a test and then proceed to avoid sigil for an “A” on a test and then proceed to avoid r
  • a mundane fashion to get what I desired?” CMT requires avenues of manifestation desired?” CMT requires avenues of manifestation in which to work. A chaos magician does not fire a in which to work. A chaos magician does not fire a sigil for an “A” on a test and then proceed to avoid sigil for an “A” on a test and then proceed to avoid results do not come to the magician Excellent result
  • tends to be an optimist, pleased with what he has achieved and full of pride knowing he what he has achieved and full of pride knowing he earned what he possesses.earned what he possesses.The novice “chaos magician” will, at the very The novice “chaos magician” will, at the very least, have a direction which his fellow magicians least, have a direction which his fellow magicians lack. CMT has a difficulty wh
  • has achieved and full of pride knowing he what he has achieved and full of pride knowing he earned what he possesses.earned what he possesses.The novice “chaos magician” will, at the very The novice “chaos magician” will, at the very least, have a direction which his fellow magicians least, have a direction which his fellow magicians lack. CMT has a difficulty which tests the limits of lack. CMT has a diffic


  • The above synopsis does not in the least define The above synopsis does not in the least define “What is Chaos Magick”. Its definitions can be “What is Chaos Magick”. Its definitions can be counted by tallying the numbers of those who counted by tallying the numbers of those who practice CMT. Even this block of the

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  • nagualism, these concepts fundamental concepts of nagualism, these concepts are used to examine the appearance of trapezoid are used to examine the appearance of trapezoid principles in architecture, Chaos Magic, and Native principles in architecture, Chaos Magic, and Native American magic.American magic.The Concept of the AssemblageThe Concept of the AssemblageA most useful concept for studying the A most u


  • ecture of dwellings maintained as residences architecture of dwellings maintained as residences by Don Juan’s lineage for hundreds of Don Juan’s lineage for hundreds of years.The Elements in Chaos MagicThe Elements in Chaos MagicAir, earth, fire, and water most commonly Air, earth, fire, and water most commonly designate the four classical elements of magic and designate the four classical elements


  • 983 I was living in London, deeply ensconced in the occulture of erudite sex deeply ensconced in the occulture of erudite sex maniacs, orthodox Thelemites, and Chaos maniacs, orthodox Thelemites, and Chaos Magicians who thrived there at that time. I Magicians who thrived there at that time. I considered myself to be of the Left-Hand Path, considered myself to be of the Left-Hand Path, which was tolerated as

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  • uropean tradition a strong with the pragmatic European tradition a strong emphasis is put on LBM.emphasis is put on LBM.A variety of MBM & GBM tools (including A variety of MBM & GBM tools (including Chaos Magick and Rune Magic) will be Chaos Magick and Rune Magic) will be experimentally evaluated and their use expanded if experimentally evaluated and their use expanded if they should prove effective.they sh

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  • le influence on your SU. And as game’s possible influence on your SU. And as always, judge your actions consciously and with always, judge your actions consciously and with your heart.your heart.Some Chaos Magicians have already realized Some Chaos Magicians have already realized the use of games for implanting sigils into the the use of games for implanting sigils into the unconscious. Personally I would ta

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  • neteruneteru), astral projection and OOBEs, metamental ), astral projection and OOBEs, metamental explorations, philosophic works of use to LHP explorations, philosophic works of use to LHP practice, Chaos Magick techniques useful to the practice, Chaos Magick techniques useful to the Setian, tantra and yoga relevant to the LHP, and the Setian, tantra and yoga relevant to the LHP, and the often-neglected imp


  • In the mid-90s there was a small spike of happened. In the mid-90s there was a small spike of interest in this topic, generally confined to the Chaos interest in this topic, generally confined to the Chaos Magick Community, which spawned groups like the Magick Community, which spawned groups like the TIAMAT-l list, the Process Collective, and the TIAMAT-l list, the Process Collective, and the works of Philip


  • in happen if a sigil were embedded within certain pictures via photoediting programs and then pictures via photoediting programs and then released to the general public.released to the general public.Chaos Magickians have a practice of evocation Chaos Magickians have a practice of evocation that uses personally generated entities known as that uses personally generated entities known as “servitors”. These “b

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  • arkin I°15:15:Missa Niger: La Messe NoireMissa Niger: La Messe Noire16:16:London Dungeon FunkLondon Dungeon Funk17:17:“Garden of Eden”..? - David Austen II°“Garden of Eden”..? - David Austen II°18:18:Chaos MagickChaos Magick19:19:German Translation: German Translation: The Book of Coming Forth The Book of Coming Forth by Nightby Night - Peter Friedel I° - Peter Friedel I°20:20:Further Down ThereFurther Down


  • even Faces of Darkness - Don Webb V° - Don Webb V°9:9:Flogging a Dead Ghost - Margarita Moore I°Flogging a Dead Ghost - Margarita Moore I°10:10:Overheard at ConclaveOverheard at Conclave11:11:What is Chaos Magick? - Joshua Wetzel II°What is Chaos Magick? - Joshua Wetzel II°12:12:Jung on Principle of Isolate Intelligence - Eulit Jung on Principle of Isolate Intelligence - Eulit Hinson II°Hinson II°13:13:Corpo

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  • 18, 146-16Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) 139-26, 144-32Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) 139-26, 144-32Chakras 134-29Chakras 134-29Chandler, Kendal 111-3Chandler, Kendal 111-3Chaos 138-1Chaos 138-1Chaos Magick 97-2, 103-18, 148-11Chaos Magick 97-2, 103-18, 148-11Charity 40-2Charity 40-2Charland, Ricky 76-5Charland, Ricky 76-5Chavez, Gabriel 161-9, 165-15Chavez, Gabriel 161-9, 165-15Cheak, Aaron 148-17Chea

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  • sexual substances to charge magickal talismans, and as specific elixir or sacrament to imbibe for transformational effects, sex is also used to induce trance within the practitioner28, notably within Chaos Magick, a ritual magick movement that started in Leeds, England, and continues to maintain a strong presence within occulture. Chaos Magick is particularly concerned with the anarchic breaking down old for


  • ewi, “Mysticism: The Perennial Philosophy” in Partridge, C., & Gabriel, T., eds., Mysticisms East and West, Paternoster Press, Cumbria, 2003.Humphries, G. & Vayne, J., NTWICCM: Now That’s What I Call Chaos Magick, Mandrake, Oxford, 2004.King, Francis, (ed.), Ritual Magic of the Golden Dawn: Works by S..L.MacGreggor Mathers and Others, Destiny Books, Vermont, 1997. Kraig, Donald Michael, Modern Sex Magick, Ll

File: [Vol.1,No.2] Mezlim - Beltane 1990 -


  • tic. Crowley played St. Paul to Aiwass/Horus' version of Christ, and just turned the Pauline morality on its head. Neither system has a lot to offer in the way of results or "low" magical technology. Chaos Magic attempts to unleash a current of magical theory and practice which is not hamstrung by transcendental theories or any form of socio-political cultish agenda. The Chaos Magic current views itself as a


  • er are those which change subconscious beliefs. Subconscious beliefs have tremendous power over the individual, his relationship to reality and to an extent, reality itself, whatever that is. However Chaos Magic is "applied" magic also, in the sense that it is to be used in support of one's personal business and social activities. It is about getting what you really want out of life. It is not about scrying

File: [Vol.1,No.4] Mezlim - Samhain 1990 -


  • LETTERS Dear Friends, THANATEROS #1 Thanateros is a magazine devoted to the advancement of the Chaos Magick current. Thanateros is produced by Temple Alamout, a pact temple of the Illuminates of Thanateros. Subscriptions are $15 for 4 issues, or $4 per issue. Send cash or checks made out to cash to: THANA

File: [Vol.1,No.5] Mezlim - Candlemas 1991 -


  • LODGE edition of LIBER AL soon to be available. For more information write (S.A.S.E.): HOLY BOOK P. O. Box 86740, Portland, OR 97286. Note: This book reveals the secret word of the Aeon. I'EKSON ALS CHAOS MAGICIANS. Writer and magician taking survey for article on chaos magic US/UK. To participate, write magical history and interests, reading material and personal definition of chaos to: D. Knowlton, 8389 M
  • ion write (S.A.S.E.): HOLY BOOK P. O. Box 86740, Portland, OR 97286. Note: This book reveals the secret word of the Aeon. I'EKSON ALS CHAOS MAGICIANS. Writer and magician taking survey for article on chaos magic US/UK. To participate, write magical history and interests, reading material and personal definition of chaos to: D. Knowlton, 8389 Mayfield Rd. #149, Chesterland, OH 44026. Return address optional.

File: [Vol.2,No.1] Mezlim - Beltane 1991 -


  • tive aspect of magick which must be inspired in the initiate (or more appropriately, which the initiate must inspire in himself or herself). Thus, Wicca is not for everyone. Nor is the Golden Dawn or Chaos magick or the Sheya system, or TOPY, or Thelema. But if you are interested you may read books on these subjects and become knowledgeable in some of the techniques/philosophies of the various systems. The p

File: [Vol.2,No.2] Mezlim - Lammas 1991 -


  • we need to gain success. "One must beware making dogma, for Spare went to great pains to exclude it as much as possible to achieve success in his magic; however a number of basic assumptions underpin chaos magic. "Chaos is the universal potential of creative force, which is constantly engaged in trying to seep through the cracks of our personal and collective realities. It is the power of Evolution/Devolutio


  • read 'Chaos: Making a new science' by James Gleick and 'Turbulent Mirror' by John Briggs &. F. David Peat. What we are concerned with here is how all this relates to magic. Many magicians, especially Chaos Magicians, have begun using the terms, "fractal" and "strange attractor", in their everyday conversations. Most of those who do this have some understanding of the relationship between magic and this area


  • hing from the fractal patterns in smoke rising from a cigarette to the patterns of success and failure in magical workings, which leads to an understanding of why it has succeeded or failed. Defining Chaos Magic Chaos is not in itself, a system or philosophy. It is rather an attitude that one applies to one's magic and philosophy. It is the basis for all magic, as it is the primal creative force. A Chaos Mag

File: [Vol.2,No.3] Mezlim - Samhain 1991 -


  • held the Coyote as common ground, and set out to explore and understand each others' trips and talents. We were truly an eclectic household with practices ranging from Wicca, Shamanism, Qabalah, and Chaos Magick. The only house rule was that you had to respect each others' paths. The local Pagpn community had diverse reactions to us. Seme thought it was a grand idea; some thought we were "black magicians" b


  • Letters Dear Mezlim, Thank you for your excellent magazine. I recently enjoyed your article on Chaos Magic although I would like to make one clarification. There are no IOT pact temples in Atlanta, GA or Encino, CA. If there are groups in either area purporting to be pact members or IOT pact temples, they

File: [Vol.4,No.1] Mezlim - Candlemas 1993 -


  • to understand and control. To try to enforce control over the patterns of possibility is to limit oneself to perceived goals. These do not always, and in fact seldom, work out as we would envision. A Chaos Magician must be open to changes in circumstance and adaptable to ever fluctuating conditions if s/he wished to "flow" with the magical currents, rather than fighting against them like a doomed salmon. Sin

File: [Vol.4,No.4] Mezlim - Samhain 1993 -


  • effect through all patterns beneath it (computer buffs will recognise an analogy to a tapeworm virus). These initiations become the turning point of one's whole life, and are recognisable as such. In Chaos Magick, this process is modelled by the use of the "Catastrophe Theory" topological model, where interconnected events lead up a slope until a "cusp" or breaking point is reached, and the system folds back

File: [Vol.5,No.1] Mezlim - Imbolc 1994 -


  • like the traditions of the Dying God today. Symbolism is the language beyond speaking, the tongue of the subconscious, the bridge between the known and the unknown, the Magick and the "mundane". Even Chaos magickians use symbolism — sometimes. So what happens inside your circle? What does all that junk on the altar and all that arm-waving mean? Hey, your nubees are asking this, they want to know. What are th

File: [Vol.6,No.1] Mezlim - Imbolc 1995 -


  • p a bit of energy by drumming, chanting, or another tried and true ritual technique decides to cast a circle for her friends and invoke a deity. Nothing wrong with that. Newly enamored of the idea of chaos magic, she invokes the Goddess Eris. At the end of the ritual, however, she forgets one important step: saying goodbye to the Goddess Eris. Big mistake. Mezlim -25-Imbolc '95

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  • Kenneth Grant, and the Typhonian Tradition of Magick (some misinfo about the Kaula), and Paulo Coelho: A Warrior's Life (decent info on his relationship with Frater Thor.)>AlchemyLexicon of Alchemy.>Chaos MagickIOT – The Book of Truth.>EuropeanEncyclopedia of Russian Myth.>FreemasonryInitiates of Flame, Lost Keys, and Lectures on Ancient Philosophy, all by M.P. Hall. Also, Masonic Memorial Handbook (For fun

File: Update 16 -


  • Cactus (Reconstruction, sort of, of the lost Liber 934).>A.'.A.'.>State of the CaliphateIn the Center of the Fire by Wasserman>A.'.A.'.>ThelemaThe Word as Power (very short poem by Frenando Pessoa).>Chaos Magick>A.O. SpareThe Book of Pleasure (The Mike Ford Annotated Edition)>Chaos Magick>Frater UDWhere do Demons Come From?>Chumbley>Cultus SabbatiAfflicted Mirror>Eastern>SaivismWaves of Bliss (Ananda Lahari

File: Apikorsus Loon -


  • APIKORSUS An essay on the diverse practices of CHAOS MAGICK from the Lincoln Order Of Neuromancers L.O.O.N. compiled by SKaRaB, SNaKe, Sister Apple & Bro. Moebius B This is a chain book. On receipt, please copy and pass on to anyone. No curse is invoked if y


  • t! Magick we live, eat, breathe and shit! This book is a brief pause on the video - a momentary pause for us. By the time you read this, we're gone, on a collision course with our futures. Write Your Chaos Magick Tome! Why buy books on Chaos Magick when you can write your own! It's simple, all you need is a load of paper, pens, glue, and the mind-altering substance of your choice. Go to the library and choos


  • merous OTO factions all jostling for position. Although there is much discussion of the 'Chaos Current', the most powerful current is that of electric cash registers ringing up another sale... ching! Chaos Magick is already dead, and the only living debate is between the vultures over who gets to gnaw the biggest bones. So climb back into your chao-chambers, spheres, polytraphezoids and disappear up your own

File: Borce T. Gjorgjievski - History of Western Magic -


  • of such operations was usually ascribed to the mispronunciation of those names. We have modern variations of this tradition especially reflected in the Enochian language and the ‘Barbarous Names’ in Chaos Magic. An example of the use of these “words of power” can be found in the legend of Isis and Osiris. The goddess Isis, later the wife of Osiris, the legend says, was a mortal woman who was very skilled in


  • technique of “sigilization” as well as his teachings about Zos, the body as a whole, and Kia, the immortal soul, was incorporated and further developed by Peter Carroll to form what is today known as Chaos Magic. Spare is considered the “grandfather” of Chaos Magic. He died poor and deserted in a basement in London. 7.8 Franz Bardon Bardon was a very important magician of the XX century who still has not rec

File: Dictionary & Glossary of Occult Terminology -


  • practice generally avoided and frowned upon by modern Ceremonial/Ritual Magicians. CHANTING: The rhythmic repetition of sounds or words to induce an altered mental state and produce magickal effects. CHAOS MAGICK: Magickal practices based on the presumptions that the universe is uncertain and that natural laws are not everywhere and always constant. A. Osmond Spare was a principle Chaos Magickal practitioner

File: Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology Vol 1 -


  • ionfrom apparitions or visions in the air. For instance, the shapesof clouds and the occurrence of rare aerial phenomena such ascomets were interpreted in chaomancy. (See also austromancy;meteormancy)Chaos MagickChaos Magick developed in England in the 1960s as a newform of magical practice that at the time was dominated by thethelemic system as articulated by Aleister Crowley(1875–1947). Chaos magicians loo
  • s dominated by thethelemic system as articulated by Aleister Crowley(1875–1947). Chaos magicians look to Austin Osman Spare(1886–1956) and his critique of traditional ritual magic as theforerunner of chaos magick and to Ray Shermin as the actualoriginator of chaos magical theory. Spare, an associate of Crow-ley, broke with the Order Templi Orientis that Crowley head-ed and developed a simple form of magical
  • r Crowley(1875–1947). Chaos magicians look to Austin Osman Spare(1886–1956) and his critique of traditional ritual magic as theforerunner of chaos magick and to Ray Shermin as the actualoriginator of chaos magical theory. Spare, an associate of Crow-ley, broke with the Order Templi Orientis that Crowley head-ed and developed a simple form of magical practice that, in hisunderstanding, jettisoned much of the
  • os magicians do not believe in gods or demons who haveobjective existence and consider the source of magical powerto be found within the subconscious of the practitioner. Thus,basic exercises for the chaos magician attempt to place the ma-gician in touch with his/her inner self rather than any outsidepower or entity. Ritual is used, but is considered drama thatarouses the subconscious to a fever pitch prior
  • followed in the later 1980s by the more popularwork of Peter J. Carroll whose Liber Null contains the rituals ofthe IOT. Carroll also put together a training manual coveringthe theory and practice of chaos magick, Psychonaut. The IOTmay be contacted at BM Sorcery, London WC1N 3XX, UnitedKingdom. Its webpage is at, Peter J. Liber Null & Psychonaut. York Beach, Maine:


  • , Brian, and Ruth West. The Alternative Health Guide.New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1983.Initiates of ThanaterosThe Initiates of Thanateros (IOT) is the primary organiza-tion perpetuating the practice of chaos magick, a new magicalteaching that emerged in the 1960s out of the world of AustinOsman Spare (1886–1956). Chaos magick developed out of theearlier ceremonial magic. It adopted an essentially Easternview o
  • of Chaos’’ developed in England around Ray Sherwin andJulian Wilde, who wrote the initial works on chaos theory andpractice. During the 1970s, Peter J. Carroll emerged as the pri-mary theoretician of chaos magick, and he took the lead in theformation of the Initiates of Thanateros as a new magical orderthat would serve as a vehicle for chaos magick. By this time,Encyclopedia of Occultism & Parapsychology• 5t
  • 70s, Peter J. Carroll emerged as the pri-mary theoretician of chaos magick, and he took the lead in theformation of the Initiates of Thanateros as a new magical orderthat would serve as a vehicle for chaos magick. By this time,Encyclopedia of Occultism & Parapsychology• 5th Ed.Initiates of Thanateros789


  • chaos magick had spread across Europe and the formal organi-zation of the Pact of the IOT occurred in Austria in 1977. The pact is loosely organized as a network of magicians andcertain people designated to perf

File: Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology Vol 2 -


  • a, 978–979Oris, 1155Pierrakos, Eva, 1211–1212Price, George Graham, 6Ramer, Andrew, 1279Roerich, Helena, 1317–1318Ryerson, Kevin, 1336Schucman, Helen, 1360–1361White, Stewart Edward, 1665Chaomancy, 271Chaos Magick, 271, 789–790Chaos: The Review of the Damned(Periodical), 271–272Charcot, J. M., 272hypnotism, 765Janet, Pierre, 822Mesmer, Franz Anton, 1028Stigmata Research in theNineteenth and TwentiethCentury,


  • ook Shop, 114automatic writing, 131Baphomet, 154Bardon, Franz, 156Bennett, (Charles Henry) Allan,169Berridge, Edward, 176black magic, 189Book of Shadows, 203Book of Thoth, 204–205ceremonial magic, 266Chaos Magick, 271Chibbett, Harold, 276Church of the Eternal Source, 291College of Thelema/Temple ofThelema, 309Collins, Mabel (Mrs. KeningaleCook), 310Doinel, Jules-Benoit, 437Ecclesia Gnostica Alba, 467Eckartsh


  • 6Magic, 956–959aetities, 13Africa, 13American Museum of Magic, 42amulets, 46Arbatel, 84Babylonia, 138–139bitumen, 188Black Magic, 189–190Cambodia, 243–244Central America, 1033ceremonial magic, 265–266Chaos Magick, 271China, 278circles, 295cock, 305–306conjuring tricks/stage magic, 959dynamics of, 958early history, 956–957Egypt, 480–481, 483England, 505, 507–509English Qabala, 509–510European settlers of U.S.


  • addy, Eileen and Peter, 235Fellowship of Universal Guidance,554Findhorn Community, 562Human Dimensions Institute,West, 754New Age, 1106, 1107Spare, Austin Osman, 1451automatic drawing and painting,127Chaos Magick, 271Grant, Kenneth, 660Initiates of Thanateros, 789Ordo Templi Orientis (Grant),1152Sigil, 1408Zos Kia Cultus, 1710Speaking in Tongues, 644. See alsoXenoglossySpeal Bone (Divination by), 1451Spear,


  • f London Council forPsychical Investigation, 1613University of the Trees, 727, 1613Unknown, The (Magazine), 1613Unknown World, The (Journal), 1613Unknown Worlds (Newsletter), 1613Upanishads, 1613–1614Chaos Magick, 271‘‘Oupnekhat,’’ 1159Vedanta, 1631Vedanta Societies, 1631Uphoff, Walter, 865, 1614Upright Man, The, 1614Ura, 1614Uranian Astrology, 1614URANTIA, 1615URANTIA Brotherhood Association,1615Uranusastro

File: Frater Motivation - Agents of Manifestation at the Edge of Chaos -


  • IOTA - Welcome of 81/22/2007 6:35 PMHomeIOT BooksIOT HistoryChaos Magick TheoryArticlesIOT WorldJournalBooksT-ShirtsIOT LinksOther LinksMembershipKaosgate ClassesSite Updates"Agents of Manifestation at the Edge of Chaos"by Frater MotivationIn this article I will present

File: Gnosis- Inside Outside Upside Down -


  • IOTA - Welcome of 81/22/2007 6:37 PMHomeIOT BooksIOT HistoryChaos Magick TheoryArticlesIOT WorldJournalBooksT-ShirtsIOT LinksOther LinksMembershipKaosgate ClassesSite Updates"Gnosis; Inside Outside Upside Down"by Frater RatatoskIntroduction:In the years following the pub


  • or a high rate of mobility to avoidsaid pyrophillic clergy). However it was in the 20th centurythat occultism as we know it really got going. One of the lastthings on the scene was something called “chaos magic” and thefirst author to reach a wide audience on the topic was PeterCarroll.Peter Carroll took ideas from Crowley, A. O. Spare and othersand put it all together into a relatively simple andstraightfo
  • o produce results. Heeventually came to call his concoction “Chaos Magick Theory”and it is explained elsewhere on this website in a veryinteresting and informative article. One of the central ideasin chaos magic is the concept that in order to have an impacton either yourself or the universe the magician had to enterinto an extreme altered state of consciousness. This state ofconsciousness was so extreme tha

File: Sigil Magic -


  • y effective for the student of a system to accept the dogma of it's tradition -- that it'ssymbol-set is inherently magical -- without question, to provide the required belief-state to make it work.As Chaos Magicians we substitute meta-belief technique for dogmatic adherence to a particular model.Religious acceptance is replaced with passionate performance that taps into the unconscious archtypes thatunderlie


  • sigil whose meaning is consciously remembered at the point it is charged is asigil that won't work. So you MUST find a way to "forget" the meaning behind a sigil to make it work.There are practicing Chaos Magicians who would dispute this, and claim that as long as you have the sigilwhere it can be precieved, either in sight or strongly imagined, it doesn't matter what the conscious mind isdoing as long as g

File: The Equation of Subconscious Resistance -


  • IOTA - Welcome of 21/22/2007 6:38 PMHomeIOT BooksIOT HistoryChaos Magick TheoryArticlesIOT WorldJournalBooksT-ShirtsIOT LinksOther LinksMembershipKaosgate ClassesSite UpdatesThe Equation of Subconscious Resistanceby Frater Szoept 11471Subconscious Resistance (R) can wrea

File: Teasing Out the Influences onf Early Wicca in the Writings of Gardner -


  • s continue to be respected and practiced internationally. His followers are most commonly known as Thelemites, although Crowley’s influence is found in many other paths, including Wicca, Paganism and Chaos Magic. Born October 12th, 1875, to Edward and Emily Crowley, his given name was Edward Alexander. His parents were staunch members of the Plymouth Brethren, an Evangelical Christian sect, and Crowley’s chi

File: Don Webb - Overthrowing the Old Gods_ Aleister Crowley and the Book of the Law (2013, Inner Traditions) -

  • en as an ultimate Word or guide. If it makes you think, I am happy; ifit makes you do, I am happier still. My viewpoint differs from much ofmainstream occultism. I reject the purely pragmatic view of chaos magickians; Idistrust the righteousness of my Right-Hand-Path brethren; and I deny theanything-goes approach of postmodernism. I assert that magick is a road toself-power and mastery over the self and the

  • heres were as busily trying to get to this world asmagickians here were trying to get there. The hidden chiefs had become theUFOnauts. And his formulations of Spare’s work were the root of most modernchaos magick. Grant was an avid publisher from the sixties through theseventies. His publication of The Confessions of Aleister Crowley: AnAutohagiography in 1969 was the United Kingdoms’s part in the big Crowle

File: Gary Lachman - Aleister Crowley_ Magick, Rock and Roll, and the Wickedest Man in the World (2014, Tarcher_Penguin) -

  • tmanteau indicating the amorphous mélange of occultism and counterculturethat characterizes much twenty-first-century magic.24[index_split_019.html#filepos859680]Along with “guiltless sexuality” and “chaos magic,” other transgressiveactivities of Thee Temple Ov Psychick Youth include “deconstructing” “normal”communication, hence the eccentric spelling, a tactic taken up in recent yearsby many rappers and fol

File: Richard Kaczynski - Perdurabo, Revised and Expanded Edition_ The Life of Aleister Crowley (2010, North Atlantic Books) -

  • nt, RememberingAleister Crowley (London: Skoob Books, 1991), 1.45 [Kacz_9781583945766_epub_c22_r1.htm#c22-nts045a] Dave Evans, The History ofBritish Magic after Crowley: Kenneth Grant, Amado Crowley, Chaos Magic,Satanism, Lovecraft, the Left Hand Path, Blasphemy and Magical Morality (n.p.:Hidden Publishing, 2007), 286. Grant is very private about his life andinteractions with Crowley, so little biographical

File: MATRIX V - Quest of the Spirit - The Ultimate Frontier - The Code to the Matrix -


  • a graceful energy but a magic based on re ceiving not giving thus various pacts are formed by men with lesser Spirits whose prese nce can be felt easier because they are dense slow moving vibrations, Chaos Magic. This is called the Gambling of the soul which is wh y gambling is forbidden by wise men. Even the numbers on the Rolette tabl e added up equal 666. What gambling does is it allows the person to jump

File: Internet Book Of Shadows -


  • tymology of "Wicca" Nature Spirit Magick (Larry Cornett) Mycenaen Mysteries (J. Teller) Open Circle Ethics (Brandy Williams) Shamanic Lifeways Fellowship (Michelle Haas) Pantacle, The (Gary Dumbauld) Chaos Magic (Mark Chao) Magickal History (Fra.: Apfelman) Power Animals (RMPJ) Crystals, their care and feeding (Matrika) Ethics and Magick (Warren Stott) Candle Magic Cauldrons (Elemental) Irish Myth Concordanc


  • M.K.H) Broken Heart Spell (Healing) Statement of Principles and Ethics (Lifeway Shamanic Fellowship) Dragon, The Last (story by Gerald Decampo) Circle Casting On the Number 451 (Ordo Argentum Astrum) Chaos Magick vs. Thelema Notes On The Historical Egregore in Magick (I.O.T.) Nemesis Conjuration (I.O.T.) Ideology (I.O.T.) Thunder, Perfect Mind (Tony Ianotti) Treatise On Mind (The Tigress) Magickal Training C


  • Chaoism and Chaos Magick (Pete Carroll) "Dark Night of the Soul" Liber OZMA (Tim Maroney) Sigil Magick (I.O.T.) Drugs and Religion -- Snakebite Trips? (Loren Petrich) Wishing Well (I.O.T.) Hymns To The Star Goddess (O.T.O.)


  • magician is more of an "energy dancer" than a "fence rider" or go-between. But even here the key to the perception, charging and general utilization of these forces is again the magical trance or, as Chaos Magic terms it, gnosis. Theories and practices pertaining to the energy model can be found with many magical authors but it has seen its real, large scale popularity only since the seventies of our century


  • e magician is: "Always use the model most adequate to your aims." This may sound a bit trite but we will see that it is not quite as selfevident amongst magicians as one might expect. It is rooted in Chaos magic's assertion "Nothing is true. Everything is permitted", which ultimately boils down to pragmatic


  • ents of contemporary magic, is the author of "PRACTICAL SIGIL MAGIC" and "SECRETS OF THE GERMAN SEX MAGICIANS" (forthcoming). The essay above will be part of his next book, "DANCE OF THE PARADIGMS. A CHAOS MAGICK PRIMER."


  • nce. Merely reading about it or going to a workshop will not get you anywhere. The multitude of sexual expressions is just as great and manifold as human behavior in general. Here, like everywhere in Chaos Magic, it is useful to keep in mind that if it works for you, use it! Remember, the real sex magicians, male and female, have always known that and discarded social conditioning and taboos, right along wit


  • we need to gain success. "One must beware making dogma, for Spare went to great pains to exclude it as much as possible to achieve success in his magic; however a number of basic assumptions underpin chaos magic. "Chaos is the universal potential of creative force, which is constantly engaged in trying to seep through the cracks of our personal and collective realities. It is the power of Evolution/Devolutio


  • of Chaos ever since, especially in Northern England and Germany. In 1976, a couple of dozen Chaos Magicians, including Peter J. Carroll and Ray Sherwin, announced the formation of a new magical Order, the Illuminates Of Thanateros. The intention of the group was to have an Order where degrees expressed


  • read `Chaos: making a new science' by James Gleick and `Turbulent Mirror' by John Briggs & F. David Peat. What we are concerned with here is how all this relates to magic. Many magicians, especially Chaos Magicians, have begun using these terms, "fractal" and "strange attractor", in their everyday conversations. Most of those who do this have some understanding of the relationship between magic and this are


  • re is a diagram of a fractal design on the cover of `Kaos' magazine #11 (now out of print) that would be a wonderful example of magic at work and the many paths that the energy may follow... Defining Chaos Magic * Chaos is not in itself, a system or philosophy. It is rather an attitude that one applies to one's magic and philosophy. It is the basis for all magic, as it is the primal creative force. A Chaos M


  • al results will bring the necessary understanding. Last amended June 11, 1989 -- Page NEXTRECORD 403 This series is directed toward the increasing numbers of people who have been asking, "What is Chaos Magic?" It is very basic and by no means intended to be a complete explanation of any of the elements discussed. Many of the principles of magic must be self-discovered, my only intent here is to try to de


  • making a new science' by James Gleick `Turbulent Mirror' by John Briggs & F. David Peat `Liber Null & Psychonaut' by Peter J. Carroll `Practical Sigil Magick' by Frater U.D. * Magazines dealing with Chaos Magic(k): Chaos International BM SORCERY London WC1N 3XX England * Thanateros P.O. Box 89143


  • NUMEROLOGY (Mike Nichols) ................................454 CELTIC BIBLIOGRAPHY (Rowan Moonstone) ...........................298 Chants w/ASCII Notation (L.A.Hussey) ...........................1081 Chaos Magic (Mark Chao) .........................................398 Charge of the Phone Goddess (Magenta Griffith) ..................759 Charge of the Goddess, The ......................................193 Char


  • plex and highly ordered otherworld cosmologies and metaphysical theories. Yet their accompanying techniques are frequently a shambles. In contradiction to all this, one of the fundamental insights of Chaos Magic is that if magical technique is sharply delineated it will work because the universe itself is more of a shambles than it appears. Or perhaps I should more respectfully say that it has the magical pr


  • cians, Crowley = Thelema. But if it can be accepted that there is a something which exists independently of Crowley`s writings, then it must be this something (Thelema) which is to be contrasted with Chaos Magick. The core of this something, I suggest, is the Will. Is this idea of the Will in any way opposed to Chaos? What is Chaos then? For the purposes of this argument I will interpret Chaos as follows: th


  • rness left in which to undertake such a quest. We are forced to contend with the results of the human desire for knowledge, power, control and security. This is perhaps the crucial difference between Chaos magick and Thelema. Thelema, as developed by Crowley into a form suitable for the 20th century, contains a whole heritage of experience and practice which reaches back through the Golden Dawn through herme


  • elief structures which infest Green consciousness are also going to exert a growing influence. We may yet discover that the future, as the Dead Kennedy predicted, will be "California .ber Alles". Can Chaos magick then succeed where Thelema has not (yet)? I doubt it, since the reaction to both by the average alternative type (let alone Joe Normal) is that it is "too dark". The very word "Chaos" tends to get t


  • Phillips, Creative Visualization. Ophiel, Creative Visualization. A.E. Powell, The Astral Body. ________, The Mental Body. Joseph Weed, Wisdom of the Ancient Masters. 1346 Julian Wilde, Grimoire of Chaos Magick. ======== Phil Hansford, 4/88 Mysteria (818) 353-8891 (modem) P.O. Box 83 Tujunga, CA 91042


  • ------, The Secret Science At Work. Stephen Mace, Stealing the Fire from Heaven. Julian Wilde, Grimoire of Chaos Magick. ======== Phil Hansford, 4/88 Mysteria (818) 353-8891 (modem) P.O. Box 83 Tujunga, CA 91042 1391


  • Main Index Index Previous Next Practical Applications of the Chaossphere by Fra.: Neonfaust The Chaossphere is the prime working tool of Chaos magicians and the Magical Pact of the Illuminates of Thanateros (IOT). The physical Chaossphere has a vast range of applications of which a few shall be briefly delineated here: Meditation employing the Ch


  • mall portent of things to come. We left the mountain with no particular idea other than to form an Order such as had never existed before, that would break the existing mold and provide a vehicle for Chaos Magic. A year later some of us met in a splendid Austrian castle and formally arranged ourselves into the Magical Pact of the Illuminates of Thanateros, using as a basis a simple structure of four grades a


  • here we can, in print and by word of mouth, although we occasionally perform acts of magic to hasten things along. The magical techniques and philosophy of the Pact are mainly Chaoist in inspiration. Chaos Magic calls for a concentration of the actual mechanics at work when planning acts of evocation, divination, enchantment, invocation and illumination. It is techniques and intention that are important in s


  • es. I notice the eclectic approach becoming ever more pervasive in esoterics. Insights and ideas are now poached shamelessly from one so-called tradition to another, but this is how it should be, and Chaos Magic boldly encourages the meta-tradition which takes anything and everything that is effective from all traditions to create an explosive mixture. 1399 So, on with the pursuit of the Great Work of Magic


  • Main Index Index Previous Next Chaoism & Chaos Magic, A Personal View by Pete Carroll As there are as many Chaos Magicians as there are Chaoists practising magic, I cannot speak for the subject in general but only for my own Chaoism and Chaos Magic. H


  • can invoke or evoke anything, even things which did not exist before one thought of calling them. This may sound like complete Chaos, and I have to report that my own researches confirm that it is ! Chaos Magic for me means a handful of basic techniques which must be adhered to strictly to get results, but beyond that it offers a freedom of expression and intent undreamt of in all previous forms of magic.


  • to invoke the dynamic process of Chaos by which the wish can be fulfilled. Some occult authorities, Crowley among them, assert that the Zarzas formula is dangerous and advise against using it. Modern Chaos magicians do not share that view and, besides having employed it for years with no particular ills impacting the user, is consistently been found to enhance the effectiveness of most categories of magical


  • rning repository of information. The emblem of the Auto-nomatriX is a circular blade with eight teeth providing a background to t he glyph of Eris turned on its side. The AutonomatriX is a networking chaos magic guild of those striving to discover and rejuvenate magical ideas and technical skills with success as the only key to validation. We do not discriminate on the basis of lifestyle, gender, affiliation

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