
Found in 71 Books

File: 9-11 - Decent Into Tyranny -


  • ns; or (III) by expelling chemical or biological agents in the vicinity of a person. (B) Such terms include exotic weapons systems such as-- (i) electronic, psychotronic, or information weapons; (ii) chemtrails; (iii) high altitude ultra low frequency weapons systems; (iv) plasma, electromagnetic, s onic, or ultrasonic weapons; (v) laser weapons systems; (vi) strategic, theater, tactical, or extraterrestri

File: 9-11 - Finding the Truth -


  • tive knowledge” in 2003, soon after discovering Dr. Steven Greer's Disclosure Project. Andrew has given presentations and written and posted a number of articles on various websites about 9/11, Mars, Chemtrails and Anti-gravity research, whilst also challenging some of the authorit ies to address some of the data he and others have collected. Andrew is married and has two children. His own website is


  • ing Power, Magnetic Reconnection, Rocks, Planet Earth The possible role of the compound Barium Titanate, is noted both in reference to the possible residue from persistent jet trails (usually called “chemtrails”) and those used in some experiments by John Hutchison and Thomas Townsend Brown. Could there be some role for this compound in the manipulation of field effects? (It is noted here that the X-ray opa


  • l is not relevant when one realises that no large quantities of steel melted (at least, not by normal heating). Most of the WTC steel turned to dust. At around 53:00, Karlstrom then starts to discuss Chemtrails and Clifford Carnicom’s “Aerosol Crimes” film – which Sofia distributes through her online store “Avatar Produc ts”. I mention this because it indicates Sofia’s interest in the Chemtrail phenomenon –


  • he WTC 234 one would expect Sofia to be very interested when, later, the Hurricane Erin study posted by Dr. Wood pert ained directly to weather control. Sofia and Jim Fetzer on Dynamic Duo – 9/11 and Chemtrails On 05 Aug 2008, Sofia appeared on Jim Fetzer’s Web radio show. (Interestingly, this was the first show by Fetzer after the 2 shows that Dr. Wood and myself recorded on the 30th and the 31st of July 2


  • n one or more of his public presentations 121 . This seemed to beyond simple “slip-ups” or errors introduced through “rushing”. On 28th Aug 2008, I therefore wrote to Sofia about this, and also about Chemtrails, which I have also done a considerable amount of study and research into 238 . I sent her some of the links here, and I suggested to her that there was a lot of evidence that 9/11 was a much bigger e


  • taken this evidence to court. Sofia has discussed some of the evidence personally with Dr. Wood and Sofia’s Website sells a DVD with Dr. Wood’s 2-hour presentation on it 239 . Sofia is interested in Chemtrails and one might safely assume she was therefore interested in their possible relationship to Weather Control. So why does she neither express any apparent interest in the Hurricane Erin study, nor has


  • pe, China and Japan. This pattern theref ore suggests that a trans-national secret group is at wor k. This general conclusion is also supported by the existence of the global chemtrailin g programme. Chemtrails have now been documented in many countries around the world 273 One further feeling I have is that this trans-national group knows human psychology very well and they know how to get people to acquie


  • leaflets, which I have pos ted on the Web for easy download ( I also encourage you to try and identify the aircraft that are regularly leaving persistent trails (“chemtrails”) in our skies. Officials tell me they are “regular aircraft” – but why do they leave grids, and why is the CAA unable to give me any flight information for these flights? There are many questions I


  • ion=content&task=view&id=45 237 Jones Silvery Aluminium Molten All temps in daylight 07 Jun 2006 Alex Jones.mp3 238 239 s 240 241 242 http://ww


  • ime/single.php?A081350535 269 270 271 272 273 274 275

File: Alexander Putney - Lightwater -


  • r planet and the carelessness of Earthly scientists. Dangerous experimentation of this kind has subsequently led to high atmospheric use of radioactive aluminum and barium nanoparticles dispersed as ‘chemtrails’ for atmospheric and psychological manipulation. Photo-ionization of the particles generates HHO plasma by the high-energy splitting of water molecules in the near vacuum of space, which acts as an a

File: Alexander Putney - Veil Of Invisibility -


  • t US military technological capability. The madness of extensive atmospheric tampering is already being seeded into the mass media disinformation, in an attempt to implant the falsehood that airplane chemtrails are a fine white powder dispersed to reverse global warming by reflecting solar rays. 23 In fact,


  • 35 In clear skies a few days before large incoming stor m - fronts, vast networks of chemtrails are dispersed (as seen in the 10/14/04 NASA infrared image above) 15 to facilitate CIA Nazi control. This massive, coordinated spraying effort has a two - stage effect of allowing days of enhanced at
  • each year in neurotoxic product scams like Tamiflu et al., in addi tion to government contracts for toxic vaccines now even administered to children at gunpoint. The criss - cross pattern of linking chemtrails enhances the EM atmospheric conditions to support the generation of HHO plasma by the superheating of water vapor . Airborne particulate metals enhance the effect of directed energy weapons for plasm


  • Now known to be the most abundant of Earth’s life forms, Folk’s findings have shown that nanobacteria metabolize metals, especially binding in massiv e numbers to the airborne aluminum and barium in chemtrails before precipitating down to the groundwater in rainstorms. After the atmospheric metals have served to propagate beam weaponry, they act as a perfect delivery system for virtually undetectable in fe
  • t public photographs of the antigravitic drones also surfaced in Birmingham, Alabama and areas of California in 2007 including Bakersfield, Big Basin, Capitola, Northridge, and Lake Tahoe. 18 Just as chemtrails invade all NATO countries, C IA surveillance drones have also been photographed in the UK, Netherlands, Italy, Argentina, and other NATO countries where they patrol in great numbers.

File: David Icke - 2002 - Alice In Wonderland And The World Trade Center Disaster -

  • p with an endless diet of soaps, game shows, and the official story;chemicals added to food (like Rumsfeld’s aspartame); chemicals in the water likefluoride; chemicals that fall from the sky with the chemtrails dispersed bymilitary aircraft all over the world, causing health effects on the population,as now widely documented;4 vaccinations that scramble the body’s naturalchemistry and assault the immune sys
  • entitled The Most Important Secrets In The World> 2> []> 3Ibid> 4There’s some good background on chemtrails at>> [] The Space Preservation Act of> 2001, HR 2977 IH, presented to the 107th Congress by Congressman De
  • .html> [] The Space Preservation Act of> 2001, HR 2977 IH, presented to the 107th Congress by Congressman Dennis> Kucinich on October 2nd 2001, describes chemtrails as an “exotic weapons> system”. This act can be found at> []> 5See

File: David Icke - 2002 - Alice In Wonderland And The World Trade Center Disaster -

  • p with an endless diet of soaps, game shows, and the official story;chemicals added to food (like Rumsfeld’s aspartame); chemicals in the water likefluoride; chemicals that fall from the sky with the chemtrails dispersed bymilitary aircraft all over the world, causing health effects on the population,as now widely documented;4 vaccinations that scramble the body’s naturalchemistry and assault the immune sys
  • entitled The Most Important Secrets In The World> 2> []> 3Ibid> 4There’s some good background on chemtrails at>> [] The Space Preservation Act of> 2001, HR 2977 IH, presented to the 107th Congress by Congressman De
  • .html> [] The Space Preservation Act of> 2001, HR 2977 IH, presented to the 107th Congress by Congressman Dennis> Kucinich on October 2nd 2001, describes chemtrails as an “exotic weapons> system”. This act can be found at> []> 5See

File: David Icke - 2007 - The David Icke Guide To The Global Conspiracy -

  • nd manipulated. Thevibrational change I will describe in more detail later is threatening thatcontrol and this electromagnetic assault is part of their reaction.Image [../Images/00250.jpg]Figure 241: Chemtrails criss-cross the sky Poisoning the skiesFor me, the chemical clouds sprayed into the atmosphere by military aircraft,and commercial planes contracted by the military, are fundamentally connected tothi
  • chemical clouds sprayed into the atmosphere by military aircraft,and commercial planes contracted by the military, are fundamentally connected tothis ‘soup’ agenda. These clouds have become known as ‘chemtrails’, as opposedto the ‘contrails’ that are naturally produced by aircraft through condensation.Contrails quickly disperse, chemtrails do not, and they are often sprayed byplanes flying in criss-cross pa
  • y connected tothis ‘soup’ agenda. These clouds have become known as ‘chemtrails’, as opposedto the ‘contrails’ that are naturally produced by aircraft through condensation.Contrails quickly disperse, chemtrails do not, and they are often sprayed byplanes flying in criss-cross patterns across the same area (Figure 241). Authorand researcher, William Thomas, became the most vocal exposer of chemtrails soonaft
  • sperse, chemtrails do not, and they are often sprayed byplanes flying in criss-cross patterns across the same area (Figure 241). Authorand researcher, William Thomas, became the most vocal exposer of chemtrails soonafter they began in the United States and Canada in about 1998, before appearingin Europe. Now, they are reported all over the world and Zulu shaman Credo Mutwahas told me of his constant experie
  • ore appearingin Europe. Now, they are reported all over the world and Zulu shaman Credo Mutwahas told me of his constant experiences of these high-altitude sprayings inSouth Africa. Disney even added chemtrails to sky scenes in the children’sanimation movie, Cars. Yeah, get them used to seeing the sky like that and theywon’t ask questions. Many people in the United States report that theirlocations are spra
  • ns. Many people in the United States report that theirlocations are sprayed so often that they no longer have the clear blue skiesthey once enjoyed and you can find detailed articles and background tochemtrails in the coverups research archive at[]. The chemtrails have many components. William Thomassays that analysis of the trails has found highly toxic pathogens,
  • o longer have the clear blue skiesthey once enjoyed and you can find detailed articles and background tochemtrails in the coverups research archive at[]. The chemtrails have many components. William Thomassays that analysis of the trails has found highly toxic pathogens, among themMycoplasma fermentans incognitus. This was discovered by Dr Garth Nicholson insome 45
  • ty and heat almost as well as copper.Although much more research is needed with open-minded experts in the field(where are they?), I am sure we are going to find that at least one major reasonfor the chemtrails is to add to the electromagnetic ‘soup’ that is gettingever-thicker around the Earth. Specifically, I think it likely that these metalsreleased by the spraying are to create a highly efficient condui
  • HAARP and it fits perfectly theelectromagnetic soup I am describing: ‘Electromagnetic waves then bounce backonto earth and penetrate everything – living and dead.’ HAARP, TETRA, mobilephone networks, chemtrails, the Global Positioning Satellite System or GPS, andso much more, are all aspects of the plan and it is unfolding very rapidly. Thisis also the system designed to communicate with the planned human m

  • xt/index_split_035.html#filepos1955382]> effects on body 18 [../Text/index_split_012.html#filepos91398]-19> [../Text/index_split_012.html#filepos91398], 20> [../Text/index_split_012.html#filepos99776]chemtrails, harmful effects 516 [../Text/index_split_035.html#filepos1955382]-17[../Text/index_split_035.html#filepos1955382]Cheney, Dick 96 [../Text/index_split_015.html#filepos389257], 268[../Text/index_split

File: David Icke - 2007 - The David Icke Guide To The Global Conspiracy -

  • nd manipulated. Thevibrational change I will describe in more detail later is threatening thatcontrol and this electromagnetic assault is part of their reaction.Image [../Images/00250.jpg]Figure 241: Chemtrails criss-cross the sky Poisoning the skiesFor me, the chemical clouds sprayed into the atmosphere by military aircraft,and commercial planes contracted by the military, are fundamentally connected tothi
  • chemical clouds sprayed into the atmosphere by military aircraft,and commercial planes contracted by the military, are fundamentally connected tothis ‘soup’ agenda. These clouds have become known as ‘chemtrails’, as opposedto the ‘contrails’ that are naturally produced by aircraft through condensation.Contrails quickly disperse, chemtrails do not, and they are often sprayed byplanes flying in criss-cross pa
  • y connected tothis ‘soup’ agenda. These clouds have become known as ‘chemtrails’, as opposedto the ‘contrails’ that are naturally produced by aircraft through condensation.Contrails quickly disperse, chemtrails do not, and they are often sprayed byplanes flying in criss-cross patterns across the same area (Figure 241). Authorand researcher, William Thomas, became the most vocal exposer of chemtrails soonaft
  • sperse, chemtrails do not, and they are often sprayed byplanes flying in criss-cross patterns across the same area (Figure 241). Authorand researcher, William Thomas, became the most vocal exposer of chemtrails soonafter they began in the United States and Canada in about 1998, before appearingin Europe. Now, they are reported all over the world and Zulu shaman Credo Mutwahas told me of his constant experie
  • ore appearingin Europe. Now, they are reported all over the world and Zulu shaman Credo Mutwahas told me of his constant experiences of these high-altitude sprayings inSouth Africa. Disney even added chemtrails to sky scenes in the children’sanimation movie, Cars. Yeah, get them used to seeing the sky like that and theywon’t ask questions. Many people in the United States report that theirlocations are spra
  • ns. Many people in the United States report that theirlocations are sprayed so often that they no longer have the clear blue skiesthey once enjoyed and you can find detailed articles and background tochemtrails in the coverups research archive at[]. The chemtrails have many components. William Thomassays that analysis of the trails has found highly toxic pathogens,
  • o longer have the clear blue skiesthey once enjoyed and you can find detailed articles and background tochemtrails in the coverups research archive at[]. The chemtrails have many components. William Thomassays that analysis of the trails has found highly toxic pathogens, among themMycoplasma fermentans incognitus. This was discovered by Dr Garth Nicholson insome 45
  • ty and heat almost as well as copper.Although much more research is needed with open-minded experts in the field(where are they?), I am sure we are going to find that at least one major reasonfor the chemtrails is to add to the electromagnetic ‘soup’ that is gettingever-thicker around the Earth. Specifically, I think it likely that these metalsreleased by the spraying are to create a highly efficient condui
  • HAARP and it fits perfectly theelectromagnetic soup I am describing: ‘Electromagnetic waves then bounce backonto earth and penetrate everything – living and dead.’ HAARP, TETRA, mobilephone networks, chemtrails, the Global Positioning Satellite System or GPS, andso much more, are all aspects of the plan and it is unfolding very rapidly. Thisis also the system designed to communicate with the planned human m

  • xt/index_split_035.html#filepos1955382]> effects on body 18 [../Text/index_split_012.html#filepos91398]-19> [../Text/index_split_012.html#filepos91398], 20> [../Text/index_split_012.html#filepos99776]chemtrails, harmful effects 516 [../Text/index_split_035.html#filepos1955382]-17[../Text/index_split_035.html#filepos1955382]Cheney, Dick 96 [../Text/index_split_015.html#filepos389257], 268[../Text/index_split

File: David Icke - 2010 - Human Race Get Off Your Knees -


  • asting low-vibrational thought-patterns to influence the perception of humanity about self and the world in a desperate - and it ;s desperate- attempt to stop the awakening that will set us free. The chemtrails that are being sprayed into the lower atmosphere allover the world contain metals and other ingredients, including nanotechnology, that are designed to create an energetic field most conducive to the


  • hakrabarti, Shami 569,570-1,589 chakras 9-10,10,38-9,323,346 Cham ish, Barry 103 Chang, Professor Sam 216 Charlemagne 238 Chatham House rule, the 592 chemical spraying, farming 448 chemotherapy 446-7 chemtrails 549-51 Cheney, Dick 162, 268 Chertoff, Michael 135, 135-6, 138 chi 345 Chicago Climate Exchange 192 children human sacrifices 253-4, 255-6, 260,274,278-80,298 removing from parents 573-82 targeting o


  • islav 329-30 Grose, Peter 128 Group of Thirty 15.3-4 Guillain-Barre Syndrome, from Human Race Get Off Your Knees swine flu vaccines 472 Gulag Archipelago (Solzhenitsyn) 88 Gulf War Syndrome 468-9 and chemtrails 550 Gurion, David Ben- 99,105 Guth, Alan 401 Gynn, Graham 376-7, 378, 380-1 H H1N1 virus see swine flu HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) 436-7,624,633 Habsburg, Otto von 71, 238

File: David Icke - 2010 - Human Race Get Off Your Knees -


  • asting low-vibrational thought-patterns to influence the perception of humanity about self and the world in a desperate - and it ;s desperate- attempt to stop the awakening that will set us free. The chemtrails that are being sprayed into the lower atmosphere allover the world contain metals and other ingredients, including nanotechnology, that are designed to create an energetic field most conducive to the


  • hakrabarti, Shami 569,570-1,589 chakras 9-10,10,38-9,323,346 Cham ish, Barry 103 Chang, Professor Sam 216 Charlemagne 238 Chatham House rule, the 592 chemical spraying, farming 448 chemotherapy 446-7 chemtrails 549-51 Cheney, Dick 162, 268 Chertoff, Michael 135, 135-6, 138 chi 345 Chicago Climate Exchange 192 children human sacrifices 253-4, 255-6, 260,274,278-80,298 removing from parents 573-82 targeting o


  • islav 329-30 Grose, Peter 128 Group of Thirty 15.3-4 Guillain-Barre Syndrome, from Human Race Get Off Your Knees swine flu vaccines 472 Gulag Archipelago (Solzhenitsyn) 88 Gulf War Syndrome 468-9 and chemtrails 550 Gurion, David Ben- 99,105 Guth, Alan 401 Gynn, Graham 376-7, 378, 380-1 H H1N1 virus see swine flu HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) 436-7,624,633 Habsburg, Otto von 71, 238

File: David Icke - 2012 - Remember Who You Are -

  • her forms of nutrition;vaccinations and drugs; laboratory-created diseases; endless and growing formsof radiation; poisons and metals poured into the sky all over the world fromaircraft and known as ‘chemtrails’ (which I will come to shortly); wars; hungerand famine; denying medical treatment to the elderly; the list goes on and on.Most of these effects are cumulative rather than instantly lethal – at least

  • le all over the world will have noticed a strange and now common sightin their skies that involves aircraft flying to and fro, often in criss-crosspatterns, and pouring out what have become known as ‘chemtrails’ (Figs 299 and300 [../Text/index_split_167.html#filepos1250786]). These are not the same ascontrails, or condensation trails, that we see trailing behind aircraft.Contrails disperse almost immediatel
  • 299 and300 [../Text/index_split_167.html#filepos1250786]). These are not the same ascontrails, or condensation trails, that we see trailing behind aircraft.Contrails disperse almost immediately; but chemtrails don’t. They expand tocover the sky with their chemical and metallic cocktails. This is anothervehicle for global depopulation. Chemtrail spraying appears to have started inthe late 1990s in North Ame
  • nthe late 1990s in North America, and now I see it almost wherever I go in theworld. Researcher William Thomas was on the case soon after spraying began inCanada in 1998. He says that analysis of the chemtrails has identified highlytoxic pathogens, including Mycoplasma fermentans (incognitus strain). Dr GarthNicholson from the Institute of Molecular Medicine in California found this insome 45 per cent of fo
  • at can be pulled from the body, and not even this stopstheir continued growth (Fig 302 [../Text/index_split_169.html#filepos1251343]).I have no doubt that the fibres emerge from nanotechnology in the chemtrailswhich eventually come down to infect land and crops and water, and to bebreathed in and absorbed through the skin by humans. Nanotechnology is far toosmall for the human eye to see. Chemtrails are par
  • of it certainly is and it comes courtesy of BigBiotech and the usual suspects. China is also involved in this programme of masspoisoning, because, once again, different ‘sides’ are only illusory. Put‘chemtrails’ into a search engine or YouTube and you will find reams ofinformation and videos on this subject. While you are at it, type in the words‘500,000 plastic coffins in Georgia’ and ask yourself why ther
  • astic coffins in Georgia’ and ask yourself why there are half amillion plastic coffins in one location in Georgia alone with other examplesaround America.image [../Images/00374.jpg] Figure 299: Toxic chemtrails are being released all over the world

  • :‘Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.’ Oh really? Andwho does the ‘guiding’, pray? Why, of course, the State.HAARP, GWEN, TETRA, ‘green’ lighting, the ‘climate change’ fraud, chemtrails,Agenda 21 and ‘biodiversity’ are all snakes on the same Medusa. I don’t likebringing bad news, but we need to be adult, straighten our backs and know whatwe are facing. Only then can we do something

  • man bodyreceiver–transmitter system together with chemicals in food and drink, fluoridein drinking water (with lithium on the wish-list), toxic vaccinations andgenetic modification of food. Metals in chemtrails are also connected and so isthe information-distorting pollution of the seas and water sources withchemicals, radiation and what happened with the oil catastrophe in the Gulf ofMexico. This distortio

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception - Part Two -

  • f fluoridepoisoning are the fluoroquinolone antibiotics which interfere with DNAreplication.Poisons from the sky[../Images/00207.jpg]Figure 729: Poisoned from the sky.[../Images/00319.jpg]Figure 730: Chemtrails are just a conspiracy theory ... it’s not reallyhappening.Another constant form of mass poisoning is the chemical trails sprayed fromaircraft into the sky all over the world (Fig 729). People in Nort
  • ck of aircraft; but it soon became clear that these were notcontrails. Instead of dispersing very quickly as contrails do they remained forhours expanding and filling the sky and they became known as chemtrails. I haveoften watched aircraft systematically flying to and fro across the same areauntil a once clear blue sky was like a patchwork of white lines which expandeduntil the whole sky became like a clou
  • ncreased and I have seen it in everycountry I have visited. There have even been some mainstream media reports andquestions in parliaments without any credible answer (Fig 731). The cloudsproduced by chemtrails eventually fall to the earth to pollute rivers, land,people, plants and forests with what analysis has shown are metals such asaluminium, barium, radioactive thorium and highly toxic pathogens includ
  • itus strain). Dr Garth Nicholson from the Instituteof Molecular Medicine in California found this in 45 percent of former US troopssuffering from the debilitating disease called Gulf War Syndrome and chemtrailsprovide a mass-delivery system for engineered disease and other atmosphericthreats to health. Metals like aluminium and barium have been found to beaccumulating in water and soil worldwide with very h
  • red disease and other atmosphericthreats to health. Metals like aluminium and barium have been found to beaccumulating in water and soil worldwide with very high levels in the areas mosttargeted with chemtrails. Aluminium in snow on Mount Shasta in NorthernCalifornia was found to have soared from seven parts per billion to 61,000 partsper billion (Fig 732). The effect on plant growth and soil quality is als
  • arium suppress the human immune system by deactivating T-cellreceptors and preventing them from resisting disease. The immune system is aprime target of the mass cull. I have long been convinced that chemtrailscontain a form of nanotechnology which is so microscopic that it’s well beyondthe realm of the human eye. Nanoparticles are now used in thousands of productsincluding food, clothing, medicine, shampoo
  • potential for human and environmental mutation and yet they are scarcelyregulated. Dr Russell Blaylock, an American neurosurgeon and expert inneurotoxins, has connected nanoparticles of aluminium in chemtrails to thecorresponding increase in degenerative diseases of the brain like Alzheimer’sand Parkinson’s. Blaylock points out that nanoparticles of aluminium can quicklyenter the brain after being breathed
  • corresponding increase in degenerative diseases of the brain like Alzheimer’sand Parkinson’s. Blaylock points out that nanoparticles of aluminium can quicklyenter the brain after being breathed in as chemtrails fall to the ground.Aluminium containers for things like acidic sodas are another form of cumulativealuminium intake. Even small amounts of water-soluble barium can cause breathingdifficulties, increa
  • biological [warfare] agents oncivilian populations [within the United States]’. These are only two examples ofwhat is said on record but most of what is done is ‘off the books’. At the sametime that chemtrails appeared so did a terrible illness known as Morgellonsdisease. This produces coloured fibres which can be pulled through the skin onlyfor them to be replaced by others. I say this is nanotechnology i
  • ared so did a terrible illness known as Morgellonsdisease. This produces coloured fibres which can be pulled through the skin onlyfor them to be replaced by others. I say this is nanotechnology in thechemtrails and it is also infiltrating the natural world. Symptoms of Morgellonsdisease include crawling, stinging and biting sensations of the skin; skinlesions that will not heal; extreme fatigue; severe ment
  • olutely connected togeoengineering. The worldwide average decrease in direct sunlight reaching theground was about five percent between 1960 and 1990 and up to 17 percent since1990 in the period that chemtrails began and have incessantly expanded. This hasmultiple implications for human health, awareness, food production and the‘natural’ world in general. The chemtrail programme will be fiercelycompartmenta

  • with frequencies and information withinthe range of human thought activity to impose mass perception control directlyand through a maze of inter-connected technologies including microchips. Metalsin chemtrails are involved in this, too, and they are geoengineering theatmosphere to become a highly-charged, electrically-conductive plasma toincrease the effectiveness of radio waves and other delivery systems

  • se and pay a royalty (until they are producedin laboratories). How much of this genetic engineering and microchipping isalready happening through consuming GMO food and breathing in nanoparticles fromchemtrails, etc., etc.? How much nanotechnology has already been insertedthrough vaccination programmes? A CIA scientist told me in 1997 that microchipswere even then already so small (’nanotechnology’ as we kn

  • –7, 186Channelled Holographic Network Interface 176–7, 186Charles, Prince 209, 218–19, 263, 272, 276, 277, 284, 285, 308, 340, 348, 385Chaturvedi, Srimati Aditi 325–6Chavez, Hugo 518chemotherapy 467–8chemtrails 728–31Cheney, Dick 402, 494, 504Chertoff, Michael 525, 790, 840Chicago Climate Change Exchange 620Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) Group 566children> and Agenda 21: 682–6> Archon preparation of 795–

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception -


  • Figure 730: Chemtrails are just a conspiracy theory ... it’s not really happening. Another constant form of mass poisoning is the chemical trails sprayed from aircraft into the sky all over the world ( Fig 729 ). People in


  • filling the sky and they became known as chemtrails. I have often watched aircraft systematically flying to and fro across the same area until a once clear blue sky was like a patchwork of white lines which expanded until the whole sky became like a c
  • sed and I have seen it in every country I have visited. There have even been some mainstream media reports and questions in parliaments without any credible answer ( Fig 731 ). The clouds produced by chemtrails eventually fall to the earth to pollute rivers, land, people, plants and forests with what analysis has shown are metals such as aluminium, barium, radioactive thorium and highly toxic pathogens incl
  • us strain). Dr Garth Nicholson from the Institute of Molecular Medicine in California found this in 45 percent of former US troops suffering from the debilitating disease called Gulf War Syndrome and chemtrails provide a mass-delivery system for engineered disease and other atmospheric threats to health. Metals like aluminium and barium have been found to be accumulating in water and soil worldwide with ver
  • disease and other atmospheric threats to health. Metals like aluminium and barium have been found to be accumulating in water and soil worldwide with very high levels in the areas most targeted with chemtrails. Aluminium in snow on Mount Shasta in Northern California was found to have soared from seven parts per billion to 61,000 parts per billion ( Fig


  • ium suppress the human immune system by deactivating T-cell receptors and preventing them from resisting disease. The immune system is a prime target of the mass cull. I have long been convinced that chemtrails contain a form of nanotechnology which is so microscopic that it’s well beyond the realm of the human eye. Nanoparticles are now used in thousands of products including food, clothing, medicine, sham
  • otential for human and environmental mutation and yet they are scarcely regulated. Dr Russell Blaylock, an American neurosurgeon and expert in neurotoxins, has connected nanoparticles of aluminium in chemtrails to the corresponding increase in degenerative diseases of the


  • brain like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Blaylock points out that nanoparticles of aluminium can quickly enter the brain after being breathed in as chemtrails fall to the ground. Aluminium containers for things like acidic sodas are another form of cumulative aluminium intake. Even small amounts of water-soluble barium can cause breathing difficulties, inc
  • ological [warfare] agents on civilian populations [within the United States]’. These are only two examples of what is said on record but most of what is done is ‘off the books’. At the same time that chemtrails appeared so did a terrible illness known as Morgellons disease. This produces coloured fibres which can be pulled through the skin only for them to be


  • replaced by others. I say this is nanotechnology in the chemtrails and it is also infiltrating the natural world. Symptoms of Morgellons disease include crawling, stinging and biting sensations of the skin; skin lesions that will not heal; extreme fatigue; severe me


  • Figure 734: Chemtrails (with their nano-technology I’m sure) and Morgellons disease came together. ... GM technology apparently has, like Professor Frankenstein found, a way to animate the non-living. These fibers twist an


  • tely connected to geoengineering. The worldwide average decrease in direct sunlight reaching the ground was about five percent between 1960 and 1990 and up to 17 percent since 1990 in the period that chemtrails began and have incessantly expanded. This has multiple implications for human health, awareness, food production and the ‘natural’ world in general. The chemtrail programme will be fiercely compartme


  • th frequencies and information within the range of human thought activity to impose mass perception control directly and through a maze of inter-connected technologies including microchips. Metals in chemtrails are involved in this, too, and they are geoengineering the atmosphere to become a highly-charged, electrically- conductive plasma to increase the effectiveness of radio waves and other delivery syste


  • microchipping is already happening through consuming GMO food and breathing in nanoparticles from chemtrails, etc., etc.? How much nanotechnology has already been inserted through vaccination programmes? A CIA scientist told me in 1997 that microchips were even then already so small (’nanotechnology’ as we


  • Channelled Holographic Network Interface 176–7, 186 Charles, Prince 209, 218–19, 263, 272, 276, 277, 284, 285, 308, 340, 348, 385 Chaturvedi, Srimati Aditi 325–6 Chavez, Hugo 518 chemotherapy 467–8 chemtrails 728–31 Cheney, Dick 402, 494, 504 Chertoff, Michael 525, 790, 840 Chicago Climate Change Exchange 620 Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) Group 566 children and Agenda 21: 682–6 Archon preparation of 7

File: David Icke - 2016 - Phantom Self -


  • !If m r e ic Tra nsphantom15m Re w i red from th e sky A further crucial element of the sub- reality cloud and human cull is g eoengineering and the phenomenon known as chemtrails. We have all seen contrails or condensation trails that pour from the back of aircraft and quickly disappear. C/1emtrails can look the s ame at first but they don't d is appear. White streaks often c
  • fermentans (incognitus strain) . Americ an scientist J. Marvin Herndon published an article in the lnt e rnatio11a/ Jo u rnal of E,wironm1 • 11tal Research in August 2015 detailing his res earch into chemtrails. He conclud ed that they contain 'coal fly as h' wi thin which is found arsenic, barium, beryllium, boron , cadmium, chromium, cobalt, lea d, manganese, mercury, molybdenum, selenium, thallium, thori


  • death sentence on the environment and much of humanity via their role in weather engineering (weather warfare), their toxicity and their hidden and most important content - nanotechnology (Fig 643). Chemtrails pollute people, rivers, lakes, seas, land, plants and forests as the Earth and its population are targeted by the Death Cult to change our reality into Archon reality. Trees and plant life are dying
  • , seas, land, plants and forests as the Earth and its population are targeted by the Death Cult to change our reality into Archon reality. Trees and plant life are dying from the very toxins found in chemtrails (Fig 644). Once soil and water is contaminated everything gets it. Aluminium and barium levels have been increasing in water and soil all over the world, with snow on Mount Shasta in Northern Phantom


  • rvthing . years covered by the research. Aluminium is also in vaccines. Dr Russell Blaylock, an American neurosurgeon and expert in neurotoxins, is convinced (as I have 373 been for a long time) that chemtrails are a delivery system for nanotechnology. He says nanoparticles of aluminium in chemtrails correspond with an increase in brain degeneration diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's and he says t
  • , an American neurosurgeon and expert in neurotoxins, is convinced (as I have 373 been for a long time) that chemtrails are a delivery system for nanotechnology. He says nanoparticles of aluminium in chemtrails correspond with an increase in brain degeneration diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's and he says they quickly enter the brain after people breathe them in. Nanoparticles are the real cause
  • and Parkinson's and he says they quickly enter the brain after people breathe them in. Nanoparticles are the real cause of the 'mystery' Morgellons disease which appeared in the same period that the chemtrails began. Morgellons involves coloured fibres growing inside the body which can be pulled out through the skin only to be r eplaced by others as they replicate (Fig 645). The s ame applies to the enviro


  • e cultures have been grown from saliva, bod y ti s sue and urine from people who do not have Morgellons and it could well be that the general population is absorbing and Lntegrating nanotechnology in chemtrails whiJe the bodies of Morgellons sufferers are trying to reject it. Almost no mainstre,1m research is being done into Morgellons becau e it b dismissed as a psychological problem under the term 'delusi


  • tun abilit y, okay. tunability ! l have already explained the significanc e of the hexagon and how interesting to find this in Morgellons sufferers and the environment (Fig 649). Common denominator - chemtrails. The new crystalline-manipulated human form is being tuned to the emerging Smart Grid sub-reality and the Demiurge virus f requency . Cry s tals c an gen e rate electricity through what is called the

File: David Icke - 2016 - Phantom Self -


  • !If m r e ic Tra nsphantom15m Re w i red from th e sky A further crucial element of the sub- reality cloud and human cull is g eoengineering and the phenomenon known as chemtrails. We have all seen contrails or condensation trails that pour from the back of aircraft and quickly disappear. C/1emtrails can look the s ame at first but they don't d is appear. White streaks often c
  • fermentans (incognitus strain) . Americ an scientist J. Marvin Herndon published an article in the lnt e rnatio11a/ Jo u rnal of E,wironm1 • 11tal Research in August 2015 detailing his res earch into chemtrails. He conclud ed that they contain 'coal fly as h' wi thin which is found arsenic, barium, beryllium, boron , cadmium, chromium, cobalt, lea d, manganese, mercury, molybdenum, selenium, thallium, thori


  • death sentence on the environment and much of humanity via their role in weather engineering (weather warfare), their toxicity and their hidden and most important content - nanotechnology (Fig 643). Chemtrails pollute people, rivers, lakes, seas, land, plants and forests as the Earth and its population are targeted by the Death Cult to change our reality into Archon reality. Trees and plant life are dying
  • , seas, land, plants and forests as the Earth and its population are targeted by the Death Cult to change our reality into Archon reality. Trees and plant life are dying from the very toxins found in chemtrails (Fig 644). Once soil and water is contaminated everything gets it. Aluminium and barium levels have been increasing in water and soil all over the world, with snow on Mount Shasta in Northern Phantom


  • rvthing . years covered by the research. Aluminium is also in vaccines. Dr Russell Blaylock, an American neurosurgeon and expert in neurotoxins, is convinced (as I have 373 been for a long time) that chemtrails are a delivery system for nanotechnology. He says nanoparticles of aluminium in chemtrails correspond with an increase in brain degeneration diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's and he says t
  • , an American neurosurgeon and expert in neurotoxins, is convinced (as I have 373 been for a long time) that chemtrails are a delivery system for nanotechnology. He says nanoparticles of aluminium in chemtrails correspond with an increase in brain degeneration diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's and he says they quickly enter the brain after people breathe them in. Nanoparticles are the real cause
  • and Parkinson's and he says they quickly enter the brain after people breathe them in. Nanoparticles are the real cause of the 'mystery' Morgellons disease which appeared in the same period that the chemtrails began. Morgellons involves coloured fibres growing inside the body which can be pulled out through the skin only to be r eplaced by others as they replicate (Fig 645). The s ame applies to the enviro


  • e cultures have been grown from saliva, bod y ti s sue and urine from people who do not have Morgellons and it could well be that the general population is absorbing and Lntegrating nanotechnology in chemtrails whiJe the bodies of Morgellons sufferers are trying to reject it. Almost no mainstre,1m research is being done into Morgellons becau e it b dismissed as a psychological problem under the term 'delusi


  • tun abilit y, okay. tunability ! l have already explained the significanc e of the hexagon and how interesting to find this in Morgellons sufferers and the environment (Fig 649). Common denominator - chemtrails. The new crystalline-manipulated human form is being tuned to the emerging Smart Grid sub-reality and the Demiurge virus f requency . Cry s tals c an gen e rate electricity through what is called the

File: David Icke - 2017 - Everything You Need To Know But Have Never Been Told -


  • gramme. Several former Manhattan Project operatives worked there. Researcher Peter A. Kirby has produced as very good article at the Activist Post website about the background to all this. The words ‘Chemtrails exposed: truly a new Manhattan Project’ will get you there. ‘Chemtrails’ refers to chemical trails that have been released from aircraft on an increasingly grand scale the world over since at least t
  • tes (aluminium, barium and strontium) that make the atmosphere more electrically conductive and increase the power and potential of weather manipulation technology ( Fig 529 ). I will have more about chemtrails in the next chapter because they relate to many El -lite agendas. US General George Kenney told graduates at the Massachusetts


  • World War II and he revealed what was possible in 1969 while explaining how this would be used to impose the ‘new system’ of those he represented. Dr Dunegan recalled: Figure 529: Chemical trails or chemtrails delivered into the sky by aircraft all over the world in a vast programme to change our atmosphere. One of the benefits for the Hidden Hand is to make weather manipulation far more effective. There w


  • friendly operations or disrupting those of the enemy via small-scale tailoring of natural weather patterns to complete dominance of global communications and counterspace control ...’ The 1990s when chemtrails began to appear worldwide saw the emergence of The High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program or HAARP installation in Alaska which bounces high- powered radio waves off the ionosphere in the upp


  • and apparently inexplicable behaviour of the jet streams ( Fig 530 ). Ionosphere heater technology is even more effective in an atmosphere made more electrically conductive by the metallic content of chemtrails. We need to keep all this in mind when alleged ‘natural’ weather extremes create circumstances that advance El -lite agendas. A further bonus of weather manipulation is blaming the consequences on t


  • s AI mind which then became their mind. This is unfolding in human society every day and what is the means through which ‘sentient nanoparticles’ are being ‘spread on the wind’? We are back to ... Chemtrails.


  • Smart dust from the sky Figure 578: Chemtrails have many ingredients for different aspects of the agenda. People are familiar with contrails or condensation trails that pour from the back of aircraft in certain atmospheric conditions and quickly
  • ownright deceit. They are told that this ‘geoengineering’ is to create a barrier to block out the heat of the Sun and save the world from global warming. Mainstream Everything denies the existence of chemtrails and dubs them a conspiracy theory while at the


  • ’. Schnare has called for testing to start followed within three years by stratospheric spraying to continue for a century. Meanwhile, it’s already happening day after day worldwide. Tests have shown chemtrails to contain aluminium, barium, radioactive thorium, cadmium, chromium, nickel, mould spores, yellow fungal mycotoxins, polymer fibres and so much more in cumulatively lethal concentrations for human h
  • es, yellow fungal mycotoxins, polymer fibres and so much more in cumulatively lethal concentrations for human health. Figure 579: Systematically poisoned from the sky. Aluminium is a brain toxin and chemtrails are a major contributor to the explosion of Alzheimer’s and dementia in general since they began to appear ( Fig 579 ). The scale of aluminium contamination is way above anything we are told. I was s


  • a. This is all correct because there is a coordinated assault against human consciousness which is targeting the brain with aluminium and one of the major sources never mentioned in the mainstream is chemtrails. Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia have surpassed heart disease as a cause of death in England and Wales with a 2015 total of nearly 62 thousand. Cases of dementia in general are predicted to i
  • o increase by two- thirds in the next 25 years with 1.2 million living with dementia by 2040. While other factors and aluminium sources will be playing their part, there is silence about aluminium in chemtrails because according to Mainstream Everything those massive white streams caused by aircraft visibly going back and forth criss-crossing the sky do not exist. The British Met Office and World Meteorolog
  • Office and World Meteorological Organisation officially recognised condensation trails (contrails) left by aeroplanes as a type of cloud . I am sure it is nothing to do with muddying the waters about chemtrails as with animated movies that add them to the sky to create familiarity and make them seem normal. Biologists at Keele University and the University of Sussex discovered enormous concentrations of alu


  • ve dysfunction may play a role in their population decline – are we looking at bees with Alzheimer’s disease? Figure 580: Forests, plant life and water sources are being devastated by the content of chemtrails. Mass die-offs of the bee population will have many causes including pesticides and other plant and crop poisons that animal and insect life have to deal with. But dementia ? Well, the aluminium won
  • t in general with their ever-increasing scale corresponding with apparently unexplained mass die-offs of trees, plant life and the poisoning of lakes and other water sources with the very metals that chemtrails contain including aluminium ( Fig 580 ). This has allowed the same El -lite behind the destruction of trees and bees to suggest their replacement with genetically-modified trees and bees as per


  • ields to a level where they become instantly lethal in a process called ‘cyclotron resonance’. 5G Wi- Fi has the same potential to affect human health in this way and health is affected communally by chemtrails blocking out the Sun (the vital vitamin D) which leads to a host of degenerative problems. The demonisation of the Sun (stay out of it or you’ll get cancer!!) is also connected to this. Nanotrails We
  • they going to achieve that unless they drop his ‘nanobot’ smart dust from the sky? Chemtrails are the means through which smart dust is being spread on the wind ( Fig 581 ). In the same period since chemtrails began we have had the emergence of Morgellons or the ‘chemtrail disease’. Morgellons sufferers have coloured fibres growing inside them and when they are pulled out through the skin (which often caus


  • Figure 582: Morgellons emerged with the coming of chemtrails. Figure 583: The extraordinary phenomena that have been found in the bodies of Morgellons sufferers.


  • This was done in the apparently fictional script by ‘nanoprobes’ and is now being done in the real-life script by smart dust and chemtrails. The famous 1956 movie Invasion of the Body Snatchers captured the theme with this piece of dialogue: Figure 589: The situation in four words. Seeds drifting through space for years took root in a
  • d ...Tomorrow you’ll be one of us ... There’s no need for love ... Love. Desire. Ambition. Faith. Without them, life is so simple, believe me. Smart dust nanotechnology is not only being delivered by chemtrails either. This stuff is in much of what people eat, touch, spray and rub on themselves. The list is enormous and growing exponentially for all the reasons I am describing here. You can check for yourse


  • in its greater sense is synthetic Archontic Intelligence. Sofia Smallstorm, an outstanding researcher, has produced some excellent presentations about the synthetic human agenda and its connection to chemtrails. ‘Sofia Smallstorm, the dark agenda of synthetic biology’, will take you to her YouTube videos. She explains how ‘coloured plaques’ or hard pieces of silica have been found in those with Morgellons a


  • we have generated an entire secondary, virtual, densely complex environment – an electromagnetic soup – that essentially overlaps the human nervous system.’ More powerful radiation and heavy metals (chemtrails) in the atmosphere increase the effectiveness of HAARP-like technology (as with weather manipulation) and together they can interact with nanotechnology implanted as smart dust. Pull together the str


  • says the rockets leave in their wake a plume of crystalline aluminium oxide all the way into space as part of the ongoing process of changing the nature of the atmosphere by multiple means including chemtrails. Hayes especially caught my attention when he said that the plan was to create Saturn-type ‘space rings’ around the equator. Norman Bergrun talks of the plasma ‘exhaust’ from his electromagnetic ve


  • nd compatible frequency resonance between the rings and the body/brain/mind. Human mutation would be a synch by communicating with DNA and the nanobot/smart dust ‘entities’ infesting the body through chemtrails, vaccines, food and drink. The public are already under mind control through perception downloads and technologically-generated scalar fields and other frequencies specifically designed to trigger an


  • counterfeit spirit ref1 Archontic force ref1 artificial intelligence ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 augmented reality ref1 awareness ref1 , ref2 , ref3 Borg concept ref1 , ref2 chemtrails ref1 CIA ref1 , ref2 cloud ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 c omputers, human minds communicating directly with ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 consciousness ref1 DARPA ref1 , ref2 , ref3


  • ef1 Charles, Prince of Wales ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 Charlottesville, Virginia, violence at protests in ref1 Chatelain, Maurice ref1 chemical weapons ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 chemtrails ref1 aluminium ref1 Alzheimer’s and dementia, increase in ref1 bee population, decline in ref1 climate change ref1 , ref2 conspiracy theories ref1 contrails ref1 , ref2 GMOs ref1 geoengine


  • 030 (UN) ref1 , ref2 Arctic ice cap, growth of ref1 BBC ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 Biodiversity Convention (UN) ref1 Brexit ref1 carbon dioxide, increase in ref1 , ref2 centralisation ref1 chemtrails ref1 , ref2 China, hoax by ref1 Climategate ref1 conspiracy theories ref1 cull of human population ref1 de-industrialisation ref1 eco-fascists ref1 education, dumbing down of ref1 electromag


  • imilation ref1 brain ref1 , ref2 energy ref1 five senses ref1 heart ref1 Internet, of ref1 labels ref1 perceptions ref1 conspiracy theories advertising ref1 censorship ref1 , ref2 , ref3 chemtrails ref1 CIA ref1 , ref2 climate change ref1 countering conspiracy theories, ways of ref1 definition ref1 geoengineering ref1 Google ref1 Holocaust denial ref1 Mainstream Everything ref1 mainst


  • Brexit ref1 chemtrails ref1 Epicyte gene ref1 epigenetics ref1 food and drink ref1 , ref2 health, effects on ref1 India ref1 seed ownership ref1 United States ref1 vaccines ref1 genetics Archon visitations ref1


  • uardian ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 Gurnett, Don ref1 Guterres, Antonio ref1 Gysi, Gregor ref1 H Haaretz ref1 HAARP (High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) chemtrails ref1 , ref2 radiation ref1 , ref2 weather, control of ref1 Haass, Richard ref1 Habitat III summit (UN) ref1 hacking scandal ref1 Haglof, Sandra ref1 Hague, William ref1 Haim, Corey r


  • , reality as ref1 inversion ref1 Origin of the World manuscript ref1 , ref2 Tripartite Tractate ref1 , ref2 Zostrianos ref1 nanotechnologies artificial intelligence ref1 Borg concept ref1 chemtrails ref1 , ref2 cloud ref1 crystalline, as ref1 freeze-dried blood cells in environment ref1 hive mind ref1 identity politics ref1 Morgellons or chemtrial disease ref1 , ref2 nanobots ref1 nano


  • f4 astrology ref1 , ref2 black cubes ref1 , ref2 buildings/constructions, advanced ref1 Cassini mission, photos taken by ref1 , ref2 cataclysmic events ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 CERN ref1 chemtrails ref1 Child of Orion ref1 communication ref1 , ref2 Demiurge/Yaldabaoth ref1 dwarf star, Saturn as a ref1 Earth ref1 electromagnetism ref1 , ref2 end of the world ref1 extraterrestrial visit


  • Arabia, sale of arms to ref1 , ref2 Syria chemical weapons ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 phosphorous weapons ref1 THAAD missile system ref1 , ref2 wearables ref1 weather, control of the ref1 chemtrails ref1 , ref2 climate change ref1 frequencies ref1 HAARP ref1 Hurricane Harvey ref1 ionosphere heater technology ref1 jet stream ref1 Manhattan Project ref1 migration ref1 military weather ma

File: David Icke - 2017 - Everything You Need To Know But Have Never Been Told -


  • gramme. Several former Manhattan Project operatives worked there. Researcher Peter A. Kirby has produced as very good article at the Activist Post website about the background to all this. The words ‘Chemtrails exposed: truly a new Manhattan Project’ will get you there. ‘Chemtrails’ refers to chemical trails that have been released from aircraft on an increasingly grand scale the world over since at least t
  • tes (aluminium, barium and strontium) that make the atmosphere more electrically conductive and increase the power and potential of weather manipulation technology ( Fig 529 ). I will have more about chemtrails in the next chapter because they relate to many El -lite agendas. US General George Kenney told graduates at the Massachusetts


  • World War II and he revealed what was possible in 1969 while explaining how this would be used to impose the ‘new system’ of those he represented. Dr Dunegan recalled: Figure 529: Chemical trails or chemtrails delivered into the sky by aircraft all over the world in a vast programme to change our atmosphere. One of the benefits for the Hidden Hand is to make weather manipulation far more effective. There w


  • friendly operations or disrupting those of the enemy via small-scale tailoring of natural weather patterns to complete dominance of global communications and counterspace control ...’ The 1990s when chemtrails began to appear worldwide saw the emergence of The High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program or HAARP installation in Alaska which bounces high- powered radio waves off the ionosphere in the upp


  • and apparently inexplicable behaviour of the jet streams ( Fig 530 ). Ionosphere heater technology is even more effective in an atmosphere made more electrically conductive by the metallic content of chemtrails. We need to keep all this in mind when alleged ‘natural’ weather extremes create circumstances that advance El -lite agendas. A further bonus of weather manipulation is blaming the consequences on t


  • s AI mind which then became their mind. This is unfolding in human society every day and what is the means through which ‘sentient nanoparticles’ are being ‘spread on the wind’? We are back to ... Chemtrails.


  • Smart dust from the sky Figure 578: Chemtrails have many ingredients for different aspects of the agenda. People are familiar with contrails or condensation trails that pour from the back of aircraft in certain atmospheric conditions and quickly
  • ownright deceit. They are told that this ‘geoengineering’ is to create a barrier to block out the heat of the Sun and save the world from global warming. Mainstream Everything denies the existence of chemtrails and dubs them a conspiracy theory while at the


  • ’. Schnare has called for testing to start followed within three years by stratospheric spraying to continue for a century. Meanwhile, it’s already happening day after day worldwide. Tests have shown chemtrails to contain aluminium, barium, radioactive thorium, cadmium, chromium, nickel, mould spores, yellow fungal mycotoxins, polymer fibres and so much more in cumulatively lethal concentrations for human h
  • es, yellow fungal mycotoxins, polymer fibres and so much more in cumulatively lethal concentrations for human health. Figure 579: Systematically poisoned from the sky. Aluminium is a brain toxin and chemtrails are a major contributor to the explosion of Alzheimer’s and dementia in general since they began to appear ( Fig 579 ). The scale of aluminium contamination is way above anything we are told. I was s


  • a. This is all correct because there is a coordinated assault against human consciousness which is targeting the brain with aluminium and one of the major sources never mentioned in the mainstream is chemtrails. Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia have surpassed heart disease as a cause of death in England and Wales with a 2015 total of nearly 62 thousand. Cases of dementia in general are predicted to i
  • o increase by two- thirds in the next 25 years with 1.2 million living with dementia by 2040. While other factors and aluminium sources will be playing their part, there is silence about aluminium in chemtrails because according to Mainstream Everything those massive white streams caused by aircraft visibly going back and forth criss-crossing the sky do not exist. The British Met Office and World Meteorolog
  • Office and World Meteorological Organisation officially recognised condensation trails (contrails) left by aeroplanes as a type of cloud . I am sure it is nothing to do with muddying the waters about chemtrails as with animated movies that add them to the sky to create familiarity and make them seem normal. Biologists at Keele University and the University of Sussex discovered enormous concentrations of alu


  • ve dysfunction may play a role in their population decline – are we looking at bees with Alzheimer’s disease? Figure 580: Forests, plant life and water sources are being devastated by the content of chemtrails. Mass die-offs of the bee population will have many causes including pesticides and other plant and crop poisons that animal and insect life have to deal with. But dementia ? Well, the aluminium won
  • t in general with their ever-increasing scale corresponding with apparently unexplained mass die-offs of trees, plant life and the poisoning of lakes and other water sources with the very metals that chemtrails contain including aluminium ( Fig 580 ). This has allowed the same El -lite behind the destruction of trees and bees to suggest their replacement with genetically-modified trees and bees as per


  • ields to a level where they become instantly lethal in a process called ‘cyclotron resonance’. 5G Wi- Fi has the same potential to affect human health in this way and health is affected communally by chemtrails blocking out the Sun (the vital vitamin D) which leads to a host of degenerative problems. The demonisation of the Sun (stay out of it or you’ll get cancer!!) is also connected to this. Nanotrails We
  • they going to achieve that unless they drop his ‘nanobot’ smart dust from the sky? Chemtrails are the means through which smart dust is being spread on the wind ( Fig 581 ). In the same period since chemtrails began we have had the emergence of Morgellons or the ‘chemtrail disease’. Morgellons sufferers have coloured fibres growing inside them and when they are pulled out through the skin (which often caus


  • Figure 582: Morgellons emerged with the coming of chemtrails. Figure 583: The extraordinary phenomena that have been found in the bodies of Morgellons sufferers.


  • This was done in the apparently fictional script by ‘nanoprobes’ and is now being done in the real-life script by smart dust and chemtrails. The famous 1956 movie Invasion of the Body Snatchers captured the theme with this piece of dialogue: Figure 589: The situation in four words. Seeds drifting through space for years took root in a
  • d ...Tomorrow you’ll be one of us ... There’s no need for love ... Love. Desire. Ambition. Faith. Without them, life is so simple, believe me. Smart dust nanotechnology is not only being delivered by chemtrails either. This stuff is in much of what people eat, touch, spray and rub on themselves. The list is enormous and growing exponentially for all the reasons I am describing here. You can check for yourse


  • in its greater sense is synthetic Archontic Intelligence. Sofia Smallstorm, an outstanding researcher, has produced some excellent presentations about the synthetic human agenda and its connection to chemtrails. ‘Sofia Smallstorm, the dark agenda of synthetic biology’, will take you to her YouTube videos. She explains how ‘coloured plaques’ or hard pieces of silica have been found in those with Morgellons a


  • we have generated an entire secondary, virtual, densely complex environment – an electromagnetic soup – that essentially overlaps the human nervous system.’ More powerful radiation and heavy metals (chemtrails) in the atmosphere increase the effectiveness of HAARP-like technology (as with weather manipulation) and together they can interact with nanotechnology implanted as smart dust. Pull together the str


  • says the rockets leave in their wake a plume of crystalline aluminium oxide all the way into space as part of the ongoing process of changing the nature of the atmosphere by multiple means including chemtrails. Hayes especially caught my attention when he said that the plan was to create Saturn-type ‘space rings’ around the equator. Norman Bergrun talks of the plasma ‘exhaust’ from his electromagnetic ve


  • nd compatible frequency resonance between the rings and the body/brain/mind. Human mutation would be a synch by communicating with DNA and the nanobot/smart dust ‘entities’ infesting the body through chemtrails, vaccines, food and drink. The public are already under mind control through perception downloads and technologically-generated scalar fields and other frequencies specifically designed to trigger an


  • counterfeit spirit ref1 Archontic force ref1 artificial intelligence ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 augmented reality ref1 awareness ref1 , ref2 , ref3 Borg concept ref1 , ref2 chemtrails ref1 CIA ref1 , ref2 cloud ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 c omputers, human minds communicating directly with ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 consciousness ref1 DARPA ref1 , ref2 , ref3


  • ef1 Charles, Prince of Wales ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 Charlottesville, Virginia, violence at protests in ref1 Chatelain, Maurice ref1 chemical weapons ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 chemtrails ref1 aluminium ref1 Alzheimer’s and dementia, increase in ref1 bee population, decline in ref1 climate change ref1 , ref2 conspiracy theories ref1 contrails ref1 , ref2 GMOs ref1 geoengine


  • 030 (UN) ref1 , ref2 Arctic ice cap, growth of ref1 BBC ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 Biodiversity Convention (UN) ref1 Brexit ref1 carbon dioxide, increase in ref1 , ref2 centralisation ref1 chemtrails ref1 , ref2 China, hoax by ref1 Climategate ref1 conspiracy theories ref1 cull of human population ref1 de-industrialisation ref1 eco-fascists ref1 education, dumbing down of ref1 electromag


  • imilation ref1 brain ref1 , ref2 energy ref1 five senses ref1 heart ref1 Internet, of ref1 labels ref1 perceptions ref1 conspiracy theories advertising ref1 censorship ref1 , ref2 , ref3 chemtrails ref1 CIA ref1 , ref2 climate change ref1 countering conspiracy theories, ways of ref1 definition ref1 geoengineering ref1 Google ref1 Holocaust denial ref1 Mainstream Everything ref1 mainst


  • Brexit ref1 chemtrails ref1 Epicyte gene ref1 epigenetics ref1 food and drink ref1 , ref2 health, effects on ref1 India ref1 seed ownership ref1 United States ref1 vaccines ref1 genetics Archon visitations ref1


  • uardian ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 Gurnett, Don ref1 Guterres, Antonio ref1 Gysi, Gregor ref1 H Haaretz ref1 HAARP (High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) chemtrails ref1 , ref2 radiation ref1 , ref2 weather, control of ref1 Haass, Richard ref1 Habitat III summit (UN) ref1 hacking scandal ref1 Haglof, Sandra ref1 Hague, William ref1 Haim, Corey r


  • , reality as ref1 inversion ref1 Origin of the World manuscript ref1 , ref2 Tripartite Tractate ref1 , ref2 Zostrianos ref1 nanotechnologies artificial intelligence ref1 Borg concept ref1 chemtrails ref1 , ref2 cloud ref1 crystalline, as ref1 freeze-dried blood cells in environment ref1 hive mind ref1 identity politics ref1 Morgellons or chemtrial disease ref1 , ref2 nanobots ref1 nano


  • f4 astrology ref1 , ref2 black cubes ref1 , ref2 buildings/constructions, advanced ref1 Cassini mission, photos taken by ref1 , ref2 cataclysmic events ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 CERN ref1 chemtrails ref1 Child of Orion ref1 communication ref1 , ref2 Demiurge/Yaldabaoth ref1 dwarf star, Saturn as a ref1 Earth ref1 electromagnetism ref1 , ref2 end of the world ref1 extraterrestrial visit


  • Arabia, sale of arms to ref1 , ref2 Syria chemical weapons ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 phosphorous weapons ref1 THAAD missile system ref1 , ref2 wearables ref1 weather, control of the ref1 chemtrails ref1 , ref2 climate change ref1 frequencies ref1 HAARP ref1 Hurricane Harvey ref1 ionosphere heater technology ref1 jet stream ref1 Manhattan Project ref1 migration ref1 military weather ma

File: David Icke - 2019 - The Trigger -


  • y the AI Smart Grid. A key to this is smart dust which is being released in the atmosphere to be breathed in and connect people to the Smart Grid network. A prime vehicle for this is what are called 'chemtrails'. These are released from aircraft and appear at first to be contrails caused by heat from engine exhaust interacting with the cold air at high altitude. The difference is that contrails quickly disp
  • nd appear at first to be contrails caused by heat from engine exhaust interacting with the cold air at high altitude. The difference is that contrails quickly disperse as the exhaust heat cools while chemtrails don't disperse and instead expand and eventually fall to earth (Fig 155). I have watched military and other planes so many times around the world criss-crossing the sky pouring out their chemtrails u
  • e chemtrails don't disperse and instead expand and eventually fall to earth (Fig 155). I have watched military and other planes so many times around the world criss-crossing the sky pouring out their chemtrails until a clear blue sky looks like a cloudy day. They began to be noticed in the late 1990s and are now everywhere. After decades of denying that chemtrails were real Microsoft's Bill Gates and others
  • ld criss-crossing the sky pouring out their chemtrails until a clear blue sky looks like a cloudy day. They began to be noticed in the late 1990s and are now everywhere. After decades of denying that chemtrails were real Microsoft's Bill Gates and others are calling for precisely the same process to be officially implemented to block out the sun to 'save the world from climate change'. It is obvious that co


  • speech 680-1 Icke, David 544, 549-50, 561 Internet 22-3, 678, 824-5, 861-2 Marxism593 vaccines 848, 855 883 Central Intelligence Agency see CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) check-ins 198-200, 302-3 chemtrails 821 Cheney, Dick 31-2, 60-4, 127, 147-50, 391, 419-28, 618, 734, 740 bunker 147-9, 152, 174, 184-5, 187-8 Bush, George HW 26, 40, 45, 59, 391, 419, 421 Bush, George W 21, 40, 52-3, 60,68, 147, 160,35

File: David Icke - 2019 - The Trigger -


  • y the AI Smart Grid. A key to this is smart dust which is being released in the atmosphere to be breathed in and connect people to the Smart Grid network. A prime vehicle for this is what are called 'chemtrails'. These are released from aircraft and appear at first to be contrails caused by heat from engine exhaust interacting with the cold air at high altitude. The difference is that contrails quickly disp
  • nd appear at first to be contrails caused by heat from engine exhaust interacting with the cold air at high altitude. The difference is that contrails quickly disperse as the exhaust heat cools while chemtrails don't disperse and instead expand and eventually fall to earth (Fig 155). I have watched military and other planes so many times around the world criss-crossing the sky pouring out their chemtrails u
  • e chemtrails don't disperse and instead expand and eventually fall to earth (Fig 155). I have watched military and other planes so many times around the world criss-crossing the sky pouring out their chemtrails until a clear blue sky looks like a cloudy day. They began to be noticed in the late 1990s and are now everywhere. After decades of denying that chemtrails were real Microsoft's Bill Gates and others
  • ld criss-crossing the sky pouring out their chemtrails until a clear blue sky looks like a cloudy day. They began to be noticed in the late 1990s and are now everywhere. After decades of denying that chemtrails were real Microsoft's Bill Gates and others are calling for precisely the same process to be officially implemented to block out the sun to 'save the world from climate change'. It is obvious that co


  • speech 680-1 Icke, David 544, 549-50, 561 Internet 22-3, 678, 824-5, 861-2 Marxism593 vaccines 848, 855 883 Central Intelligence Agency see CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) check-ins 198-200, 302-3 chemtrails 821 Cheney, Dick 31-2, 60-4, 127, 147-50, 391, 419-28, 618, 734, 740 bunker 147-9, 152, 174, 184-5, 187-8 Bush, George HW 26, 40, 45, 59, 391, 419, 421 Bush, George W 21, 40, 52-3, 60,68, 147, 160,35

File: David Icke - Guide To The Global Conspiracy -


  • 516 The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it) Figure 241: Chemtrails criss-cross the sky manipulated. The vibrational change I will describe in more detail later is threatening that control and this electromagnetic assault is part of their reaction. Poisoning the skie
  • emical clouds sprayed into the atmosphere by military aircraft, and commercial planes contracted by the military, are fundamentally connected to this 'soup' agenda. These clouds have become known as 'chemtrails', as opposed to the 'contrails' that are naturally produced by aircraft through condensation. Contrails quickly disperse, chemtrails do not, and they are often sprayed by planes flying in criss- cros
  • onnected to this 'soup' agenda. These clouds have become known as 'chemtrails', as opposed to the 'contrails' that are naturally produced by aircraft through condensation. Contrails quickly disperse, chemtrails do not, and they are often sprayed by planes flying in criss- cross patterns across the same area (Figure 241). Author and researcher, William Thomas, became the most vocal exposer of chemtrails soon
  • rse, chemtrails do not, and they are often sprayed by planes flying in criss- cross patterns across the same area (Figure 241). Author and researcher, William Thomas, became the most vocal exposer of chemtrails soon after they began in the United States and Canada in about 1998, before appearing in Europe. Now, they are reported all over the world and Zulu shaman Credo Mutwa has told me of his constant expe
  • appearing in Europe. Now, they are reported all over the world and Zulu shaman Credo Mutwa has told me of his constant experiences of these high-altitude sprayings in South Africa. Disney even added chemtrails to sky scenes in the children's animation movie, Cars. Yeah, get them used to seeing the sky like that and they won't ask questions. Many people in the United States report that their locations are s
  • Many people in the United States report that their locations are sprayed so often that they no longer have the clear blue skies they once enjoyed and you can find detailed articles and background to chemtrails in the coverups research archive at . The chemtrails have many components. William Thomas says that analysis of the trails has found highly toxic pathogens, among them Mycoplasma fe
  • ed so often that they no longer have the clear blue skies they once enjoyed and you can find detailed articles and background to chemtrails in the coverups research archive at . The chemtrails have many components. William Thomas says that analysis of the trails has found highly toxic pathogens, among them Mycoplasma fermentans incognitus. This was discovered by Dr Garth Nicholson in some


  • and heat almost as well as copper. Although much more research is needed with open-minded experts in the field (where are they?), I am sure we are going to find that at least one major reason for the chemtrails is to add to the electromagnetic 'soup' that is getting ever-thicker around the Earth. Specifically, I think it likely that these metals released by the spraying are to create a highly efficient cond


  • RP and it fits perfectly the electromagnetic soup I am describing: 'Electromagnetic waves then bounce back onto earth and penetrate everything — living and dead.' HAARP, TETRA, mobile phone networks, chemtrails, the Global Positioning Satellite System or GPS, and so much more, are all aspects of the plan and it is unfolding very rapidly. This is also the system designed to communicate with the planned human

File: David Icke - Human Race Get Off Your Knees -


  • asting low-vibrational thought-patterns to influence the perception of humanity about self and the world in a desperate - and it ;s desperate- attempt to stop the awakening that will set us free. The chemtrails that are being sprayed into the lower atmosphere allover the world contain metals and other ingredients, including nanotechnology, that are designed to create an energetic field most conducive to the


  • hakrabarti, Shami 569,570-1,589 chakras 9-10,10,38-9,323,346 Cham ish, Barry 103 Chang, Professor Sam 216 Charlemagne 238 Chatham House rule, the 592 chemical spraying, farming 448 chemotherapy 446-7 chemtrails 549-51 Cheney, Dick 162, 268 Chertoff, Michael 135, 135-6, 138 chi 345 Chicago Climate Exchange 192 children human sacrifices 253-4, 255-6, 260,274,278-80,298 removing from parents 573-82 targeting o


  • islav 329-30 Grose, Peter 128 Group of Thirty 15.3-4 Guillain-Barre Syndrome, from Human Race Get Off Your Knees swine flu vaccines 472 Gulag Archipelago (Solzhenitsyn) 88 Gulf War Syndrome 468-9 and chemtrails 550 Gurion, David Ben- 99,105 Guth, Alan 401 Gynn, Graham 376-7, 378, 380-1 H H1N1 virus see swine flu HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) 436-7,624,633 Habsburg, Otto von 71, 238

File: David Icke - The Secret History of the USA -


  • weapons used on the protesters in Seattle by the police. Many people came down sick, and it wasn't reported in the media at all. I do not have all the info. at the time of this writing, but, if the "chemtrails" are any indication of how far they are willing to go, then it wouldn't surprise me if they tried out some new form of population control on the protesters. That's one of the reasons why I don't go t

File: David Icke - Who Really Rules the World -


  • ing on the 911 attacks. His website is Info on lectures: Calgary - Nicholas : 403-215-4410 [email protected] Edm/Vanc - Wes : 780-930-1982 [email protected] The Alternative Answer to Chemtrails? Since seeing on your site the photos of Bush and others making the 'devil-horns' sign with their fingers, I have kept an eye out for it. Today watching CBC news at around 3pm I saw Yasser Arafat mak


  • k DeMeo, James - Saharasia Dewey, J.J. - Immortal, The Dillon D.D, Msgr. George F. - Grand Orient Freemasonry Unmasked Doane, T.W. - Bible Myths and their Parallels in other Religions Douglas, Clay - CHEMTRAILS: The Video Drosnin, Michael - The Bible Code Dunne, Lee - Goodbye to the Hill - E-F - Elliot, Don - The 5 Price Tags of Success Elmhurst, Ernest F. - The World Hoax Enoch - Enoch 1&2 Population Bomb,

File: 06_24_1999_Contrails and U.S. Gov. Interest -


  • ual phenomena on his own time. Thise-mail exchange is reported here with both Rick's and the NASA scientist,Patrick Minnis's permission: Contrail Update by Rick Coimbra in E-Mail ExchangeSubject: Re: chemtrails?Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 10:13:57 -0400From: Patrick MinnisTo : R ic kDear Rick:I am a researcher involved with the NASA Subsonic Assessment (SASS) Projectthat is part of the NASA Atmospheric Effects o


  • fficulty determining how high a plane flies unless it actuallyflies at treetop level. Given these tidbits of physics and the vagaries of viewingperspective, it is quite unlikely that such a thing as "chemtrails" exists.Contrails are quite prevalent and some of the chemtrail websites have producedsome fantastic photographs that we hope to use as ground truth for some of oursatellite studies for contrail iden


  • I will gladly provide you with copies of any of our research papers on thesubject.Sincerely, Patrick Minnis>Mr. Minnis, I understand you have had interest in the>Chemtrails or contrails story. I would be interested in your>personal view. You have visited the Contrail Connections>site/ can you discuss?>Rick>Navy leagueDr. Patrick MinnisMS 420NASA Langley Research CenterH

File: 06_03_2006_Part 2 Bizarre Morgellons Disease Letters From Viewers -


  • thetwo, and that is the fiber. I read that the fibers coming out of the lesions are fluorescent and canbe seen using a black light. The same information is being said about the fibers coming from thechemtrails. Please look at with scientific information and labreports on the fibers coming from the chemtrails. The microscopic pictures of the fibers fromthe lesions and fibers from
  • ght. The same information is being said about the fibers coming from thechemtrails. Please look at with scientific information and labreports on the fibers coming from the chemtrails. The microscopic pictures of the fibers fromthe lesions and fibers from the chemtrails are virtually identical." 4) Los Angeles, California Resident:"Listening to your interview with George on C2C...
  • ase look at with scientific information and labreports on the fibers coming from the chemtrails. The microscopic pictures of the fibers fromthe lesions and fibers from the chemtrails are virtually identical." 4) Los Angeles, California Resident:"Listening to your interview with George on C2C...Have been hearing about this disease and I had a thought albeit a bit wacky...Under the
  • "Listening to your interview with George on C2C...Have been hearing about this disease and I had a thought albeit a bit wacky...Under the current conditions where we're being sprayed incessantly with chemtrails...I am wondering if there might be a connection.The skin is the largest body organ.Things emerging from the skin are usually the body trying to clean itself out.If we're breathing in polymers daily..


  • ly will kill myself with this insecticide but don't know whatelse to do.It can be passed along, something I discovered much to my chagrin. I have never been analarmist but I have just now noticed the Chemtrails in the sky. Someone is definitely sprayingsomething, possibly because "they" know that there is this horrible disease threat. That may bewhy CDC is so reticent to help in this matter."10) D.S., Texas

File: 07_12_2009_Mysterious Aerial Lights Mimicking Stars in Texas and Oregon -


  • ation, where I've seen them regularly.But last week, at early dusk, my wife and I were camping in the remote desert ofeastern Oregon, nearest house miles away. We were discussing the massive numberof chemtrails that appeared over the area last time we were there, literally coveringthe sky as seemingly dozens of grey jets passed every few hours over an area off offlyroutes....I pointed out that there were no

File: How To Beat Problem Energy -


  • l with stress ∑ Increases overall vitality of plants in a small localized region ∑ Tends to stabilize or smooth out violent weather patterns in a larger localized region ∑ Decreases observable smog / chemtrails / whiteout, especially when used in conjunction with Chembusters and when devices are intelligently dispersed though a reasonably large geographical area. ∑ Occasional cleansing reactions, a short pe


  • (French Language) (German Language) (Spanish Language) (page of many more links)

File: Lost Journals Of Nikola Tesla -


  • on ...... ............... 74 Chapter Seven - Free Energy - Fact or Fiction? ..... .................. 98 Chapter Eight - The Truth About Alternative 3 ...... ............... 116 Chapter Nine - HAARP - Chemtrails - Alternative 4 __ ____ 130 Conclusion ......................................... .................................... 150 Afterthoughts on Nikola Tesla - By Diane Tessman ... ...........154 3


  • The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla Chapter Nine HAARP - Chemtrails - Alternative 4 With the failure of Alternative 3, it became necess ary to implement a new system to protect mankind from the upcoming disaste r from global warming. The Mars Projects had eaten away


  • essor to Alternative 3 is now operational. There is another factor now operating in conjunctio n with HAARP that has caught the attention of conspiracy writers around t he world - the mystery of the "Chemtrails." It can now be revealed that this is t he next phase of Alternative 4! 135


  • The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla The Mystery of the Chemtrails We are all familiar with contrails, the exhaust lef t in the atmosphere by high- flying jet planes. Since 1997, observers all over t he world have noticed an increase in these contrails with the skie
  • s can occasionally persis t for hours, forming cirrus-type clouds that drift over a large area - p articularly over high-traffic routes such as the Atlantic corridor between the USA and E urope - the chemtrails being reported daily by many independent eye-witnesses al ways linger for hours, forming an overcast from which veils of wispy fallo ut are often observed. In some cases, commercial jetliners flying
  • om which veils of wispy fallo ut are often observed. In some cases, commercial jetliners flying across t hese persistent grid-patterns lay normal contrails that disappear quickly alongsi de lingering chemtrails. Usually laid in an east-west direction, with charac teristic X's and cris-cross trails also often observed, jets layering these deliberate chemtrails have often been observed switching their emissio
  • ails that disappear quickly alongsi de lingering chemtrails. Usually laid in an east-west direction, with charac teristic X's and cris-cross trails also often observed, jets layering these deliberate chemtrails have often been observed switching their emissions off as they appr oach mountains or other geographically delineating features, only to turn t heir spray back on after making their turns back over t


  • tent-holder, has sa id that this is theoretically possible - and that polymer additives for microwave absorption are commercially available. Subsequent analysis by a private lab determined tha t some chemtrails contained a "strange ironlike substance." Chemtrail investiga tor Tommy Farmer comments that the chemist he engaged to examine an "angel ha ir" sample under a powerful microscope "noticed manmade yel
  • rbs impr egnated into the filaments of the material." Farmer now believes this material could have been "oxidizing ferrous alloy" used in weather modification experim ents. Weather modification using chemtrails and other met hods may be taking place across America without the help of HAARP, which acc ording to Dr. Nick Begich (co-author of Angels Don't Play This HAARP) is appa rently being activated only fo


  • The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla The Composition of Chemtrails Part of the substances in the chemtrails have been identified: a cocktail of JP8+100 jet fuel, laced with Ethylene Dibromide (ED B). This chemical pesticide was banned in 1983 by the EPA as a definit
  • The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla The Composition of Chemtrails Part of the substances in the chemtrails have been identified: a cocktail of JP8+100 jet fuel, laced with Ethylene Dibromide (ED B). This chemical pesticide was banned in 1983 by the EPA as a definite carcino gen and chemical toxin. Exposur


  • The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla Project Cloverleaf Chemtrail researcher C.E. Carnicom received a lette r in May, 2000 from an airline manager who said that he had information co ncerning the chemtrails. The manager stated that he works for an undisclosed air line in upper management. "Airline companies in America have been participati ng in something called Project Cloverleaf for a few years now. T

File: Orgonite -


  • between sky and ground, eliminating smog/air pollution and negatively-charged artificial cloud formations called " chemtrails ", replacing their spreading blanket of poisonous DOR clouds with the deep blue skies and puffy white natural clouds we all remember from childhood. Detailed instructions for building your own chembu

File: Tim R. Swartz - The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla (2018, Inner Light - Global Communications) -

  • Phenomena – 52Chapter Six BDid Tesla Discover the Secrets of Antigravity? – 63Chapter Seven BFree Energy - Fact or Fiction? – 81Chapter Eight BThe Truth About Alternative 3 – 95Chapter Nine BHAARP - Chemtrails - Alternative 4 – 106Chapter Ten – Tesla and Time – 123 [text00000.html#link3]Chapter Eleven – The Tesla Alternative Energy Connection – 129[text00000.html#link4]Chapter Twelve – Nazi Flying Discs an
  • trails can occasionally persist for hours, formingcirrus-type clouds that drift over a large area - particularly over high-trafficroutes such as the Atlantic corridor between the USA and Europe – the chemtrailsbeing reported daily by many independent eye-witnesses always linger for hours,forming an overcast from which veils of wispy fallout are often observed.In some cases, commercial jetliners flying acros
  • st from which veils of wispy fallout are often observed.In some cases, commercial jetliners flying across these persistent grid-patternslay normal contrails that disappear quickly alongside lingering chemtrails.Usually laid in an east-west direction, with characteristic X’s and criss-crosstrails also often observed, jets layering these deliberate chemtrails have oftenbeen observed switching their emissions
  • ntrails that disappear quickly alongside lingering chemtrails.Usually laid in an east-west direction, with characteristic X’s and criss-crosstrails also often observed, jets layering these deliberate chemtrails have oftenbeen observed switching their emissions off as they approach mountains or othergeographically delineating features, only to turn their spray back on aftermaking their turns back over the ar
  • e army has not monitored the health ofcitizens who may have been exposed during its tests while maintaining that itsbacterial agents cause no harm.There could be two things that are going on with the chemtrails: Weathermodification involving dangerous chemicals, and biowarfare experiments involvinglab-produced pathogens. It could very well be that the characteristic X’s in thesky are read by satellite to tr
  • al patent-holder, has said that this is theoreticallypossible - and that polymer additives for microwave absorption are commerciallyavailable.Subsequent analysis by a private lab determined that some chemtrails contained a“strange iron like substance.” Chemtrail investigator Tommy Farmer comments thatthe chemist he engaged to examine an “angel hair” sample under a powerfulmicroscope “noticed manmade yellow
  • nge orbs impregnated into the filaments ofthe material.” Farmer now believes this material could have been “oxidizingferrous alloy” used in weather modification experiments.Weather modification using chemtrails and other methods may be taking placeacross America without the help of HAARP, which according to Dr. Nick Begich(co-author of Angels Don’t Play This HAARP) is apparently being activated onlyfor shor
  • spraying, but these are the main ones. Two types of spraying are done: highaltitude meaning 20,000 feet and above and low altitude spraying.THE COMPOSITION OF CHEMTRAILSPart of the substances in the chemtrails has been identified: a cocktail ofJP8+100 jet fuel, laced with Ethylene Dibromide (EDB). This chemical pesticidewas banned in 1983 by the EPA as a definite carcinogen and chemical toxin.Exposure to t
  • ix to the worldwide warming problem.PROJECT CLOVERLEAFChemtrail researcher C.E. Carnicom received a letter in May 2000 from an airlinemanager who said that he had important information concerning the chemtrails.The manager stated that he works for an undisclosed airline in upper management.In this letter, it was revealed that since 1998, airline companies in Americahave been participating in something calle

File: Tim R. Swartz - The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla_ Time Travel - Alternative Energy and the Secret of Nazi Flying Saucers (2015, Inner Light_Global Communications) -

  • zation project, which had adeadline of 1980 for its first phase, was pushed back to 1985 and finally to1990. The entire colonization mission to Mars was finally abandoned in 1992. Chapter NineHAARP - Chemtrails - Alternative 4With the failure of Alternative 3, it became necessary to implement a new systemto protect mankind from the upcoming disaster from global warming. The MarsProjects had eaten away at th
  • ontrails can occasionally persist for hours, forming cirrustype clouds that drift over a large area particularly over high traffic routessuch as the Atlantic corridor between the USA and Europe – the chemtrails beingreported daily by many independent eye witnesses always linger for hours,forming an overcast from which veils of wispy fallout are often observed.In some cases, commercial jetliners flying acros
  • st from which veils of wispy fallout are often observed.In some cases, commercial jetliners flying across these persistent grid patternslay normal contrails that disappear quickly alongside lingering chemtrails. Usually laid in an east west direction, with characteristic X’s and cris-crosstrails also often observed, jets layering these deliberate chemtrails have oftenbeen observed switching their emissions
  • ntrails that disappear quickly alongside lingering chemtrails. Usually laid in an east west direction, with characteristic X’s and cris-crosstrails also often observed, jets layering these deliberate chemtrails have oftenbeen observed switching their emissions off as they approach mountains or othergeographically delineating features, only to turn their spray back on aftermaking their turns back over the ar
  • inal patent holder, has said that this is theoreticallypossible and that polymer additives for microwave absorption are commerciallyavailable.Subsequent analysis by a private lab determined that some chemtrails contained a“strange ironlike substance.” Chemtrail investigator Tommy Farmer comments thatthe chemist he engaged to examine an “angel hair” sample under a powerfulmicroscope “noticed manmade yellow o
  • nge orbs impregnated into the filaments ofthe material.” Farmer now believes this material could have been “oxidizingferrous alloy” used in weather modification experiments.Weather modification using chemtrails and other methods may be taking placeacross America without the help of HAARP, that according to Dr. Nick Begich(co-author of Angels Don’t Play This HAARP ) is apparently being activated onlyfor shor
  • spraying, but these are the main ones. Two types of spraying are done: highaltitude meaning 20,000 feet and above and low altitude spraying. The Composition of ChemtrailsPart of the substances in the chemtrails has been identified: a cocktail ofJP8+100 jet fuel, laced with Ethylene Dibromide (EDB). This chemical pesticidewas banned in 1983 by the EPA as a definite carcinogen and chemical toxin.Exposure to t
  • emporary fix to the worldwide warming problem.Project CloverleafChemtrail researcher C.E. Carnicom received a letter in May 2000 from an airlinemanager who said that he had information concerning the chemtrails. The managerstated that he works for an undisclosed airline in upper management.“Airline companies in America have been participating in something calledProject Cloverleaf for a few years now. The ea

File: The Matrix Deciphered Prerelease -


  • ns; or (III) by expelling chemical or biological agents in the vicinity of a person. (B) Such terms include exotic weapons systems such as-- (i) electronic, psychotronic, or information weapons; (ii) chemtrails; (iii) high altitude ultra low frequency weapons systems; (iv) plasma, electromagnetic, sonic, or ultrasonic weapons; (v) laser weapons systems; (vi) strategic, theater, tactical, or extraterrestrial

File: Gary Lachman - Dark Star Rising -

  • ey willed into office was, as I said,Donald Trump.It is no secret that Trump himself is a keen believer in and promoter ofconspiracy theories, with his advocacy of the birther myth, his acceptance of“chemtrails,” and many other equally dubious propositions. What has also comeout is that Trump himself is a devotee of “positive thinking.” As he himselfsaid, he is the “greatest student” of the man who populari

File: The Frequencies of Rifing -


  • XTRA 370,410,620,970,7500,15310,87500, Lung 180 (COPD) or Emphysema - see sets. COPD Chr onic Obstructive Also called Emphysema or Chr onic Airflow XTRA Obstruction - see sets. Also see Chemtrails and 100, Lung 180 Pulmonary Disease Parasites. Also called Chr onic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 370,410,620,970,7500,15310,87500,209220,302 COAD XTRA Lung 180 (COPD) - see these sets.


  • ,620,970,7500,15310,87500,204720,309 COPD XTRA Lung 180 210,457220, Also called COPD or Chr onic Airflow Obstruction - Emphysema CAFL 1234,3672,7344,880,787,727,120,20,80, Lung 240 see sets. Also see Chemtrails and Parasites. 20,75.09,80,120,128,150.3,240,300.5,422,601,6 Emphysema 2 XTRA As mentioned above 50,660,683,688,709.2,727,766,777,787,880,975, Lung 180


  • COAD, COPD Chr onic Obstructive Pulmonary Lung 180 5690,502510,595290,776870,901500, Disease, Chemtrails, and Parasites sets. Pulmonary Disease Chr onic 370,410,620,970,7500,15310,87500,419430,773 KHZ As mentioned above Lung 180 Obstructive 980,845700, Accumulation of pus in pleural cavity , usually in

File: Morgellons - The Legitimization Of A Disease -

  • n around much longer than GMOs have, as explainedearlier in this book. GMOs are a relatively new phenomenon. Morgellons diseaseis not.Myth #3. Morgellons disease is caused by something distributed by chemtrailsAccording to the chemtrail theory, long-lasting trails behind high-flyingaircraft contain aerosolized particulate used for geo-engineering,weather-modification and military purposes. It is proposed th
  • ds of disease.Furthermore, studies have shown specifically that Lyme patients with a heavyaluminum load have more difficult-to-treat infections.So, if in fact there were a relationship between MD and chemtrails, it wouldsimply be that those with immune systems burdened by metal toxicity are moresusceptible to it or to any other disease. Furthermore, we run into the sameconundrum that we face with the GMO th
  • n into the sameconundrum that we face with the GMO theory: the chemtrail discussion startedappearing on the Internet in the 1990s. Morgellons disease has been around muchlonger than that. In summary, chemtrails and GMO’s do not cause Morgellonsdisease. However, they may make certain susceptible individuals more vulnerableto any number of immune challenges, one of which could be Morgellons disease.Myth #4. M

File: Unexplained Dermopathy aka Morgellons Diet -

  • ke away the discomfort andconstant new symptoms that occurred. Before long the internet proved his worth.I began to find others like me.What I discovered filled me with an overwhelming sense of doom. Chemtrails,thread-disease, people committing suicide, genetic manipulation, eradication ofthe human race, and many conspiracy theories. I must admit, I spent a greatdeal of time scouring the web in search of a

File: What Really Makes You Ill - Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong by Dawn Lester - David Parker -

  • ety report suggeststhat ‘cloud condensation nuclei’ increase the formation of clouds, which reducesolar radiation.These long white trails that are clearly not condensation trails have becomeknown as ‘chemtrails’, which is not a recognised scientific term, mainly becausethe mainstream scientific community denies the existence of any trails otherthan ordinary ‘contrails’. The reason they have become known as
  • , which is not a recognised scientific term, mainly becausethe mainstream scientific community denies the existence of any trails otherthan ordinary ‘contrails’. The reason they have become known as ‘chemtrails’ isbecause they contain a variety of chemical substances, including aluminium,barium, strontium and silver, which, although ejected by aircraft into the sky,do not remain there. These substances desc

  • aying/The Climate Engineers rainmakers caused 1952 flood of Chemtrails in Human Health. Nanoaluminum: Neurodegenerative andNeurodevelopmental Effects
  • of Chemtrails in Human Health. Nanoaluminum: Neurodegenerative andNeurodevelopmental Effects silver, barium and strontium in antlers, vegetation and soil sourcedfrom CWD cluster areas: do Ag/Ba/Sr p

  • s of Cancer Revisited. East Ridge Press. 1998.EPSTEIN, S. – Toxic Beauty: How Cosmetics and Personal-Care Products EndangerYour Health…And What You Can Do About It. BenBella Books. 2009FREELAND, E. – Chemtrails, HAARP and the Full Spectrum Dominance of PlanetEarth. Feral House. 2014.GALEANO, E. – Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of aContinent. Serpent’s Tail. 2009.HALE, A. R. – The

File: Jim Marrs - Above Top Secret, Uncover the Mysteries of the Digital Age (2008) -


  • eaking? 4 Why Did The Air Force Change Its Story On Stephenville? 4 Do Road Signs Contain Hidden Codes? 4 Is Free/Alternative Energy Being Kept From The Public? 4 Is The Federal Reserve A Scam? 4 Are Chemtrails For Real? 4 Is There A Nazi Base In Antarctica? 4 Who Killed JFK? 4 Did John Titor Come From The Future? 4 Who Built The Spidery Drones? 4 What Passed By The Space Shuttle Atlantis ? 4 What Hovered O


  • 53 IS FREE/ALTERNATIVE ENERGY BEING KEPT FROM THE PUBLIC? //////////////////////// 69 IS THE FEDERAL RESERVE A SCAM? ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 85 ARE CHEMTRAILS FOR REAL? ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 101 IS THERE A NAZI BASE IN ANTARCTICA? ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 115




  • Digital Dossier: additional evidence and commentary: 6 WHO 4 No one in authority will admit to the existence of chemtrails. 6 WHAT 4 High-flying aircraft that lay down long trails of non-dissipating cloudy trails. 6 WHEN 4 These trails have been observ
  • Digital Dossier: additional evidence and commentary: 6 WHO 4 No one in authority will admit to the existence of chemtrails. 6 WHAT 4 High-flying aircraft that lay down long trails of non-dissipating cloudy trails. 6 WHEN 4 These trails have been observed on any given day at any given time, both day and night. 6 WHERE 4 T


  • ARE CHEmTRAiLS FOR REAL? [ 103 ] In about 2002, a retired Army Intelligence officer was visiting a friend who was still in the military, stationed at White Sands Proving Ground in New Mexico. D uring their chat, th
  • chat, the serviceman boasted about the security at White Sands, stating that no aircraft were allowed to fly over its restricted airspace. The former intelligence officer, well aware of the issue of chemtrails, point - ed to a high-flying jet leaving a white trail clear across the sky directly above them. “What about that airplane?” he asked. After looking directly at the jet above them, his companion repl
  • that airplane?” he asked. After looking directly at the jet above them, his companion replied with a smirk, “What plane?” This then is the crux of the problem concerning what has come to be known as “chemtrails.” No one in a position of authority will admit that they exist, much less who is responsible, and what purpose they may serve. Unlike many mysteries, this one is visible to anyone who cares to look u


  • ABOVE TOP SECRET ARE CHEmTRAiLS FOR REAL? [ 104 ] vapor or ice crystals that stream out behind the craft. Once these particles return to a cooler state, they evaporate back into the air. This vaporization can take place within 10 s
  • feet. Chemtrails present another story. These trails do not evaporate but spread out and eventually form a cloudy haze over the entire sky. As World War II veteran David Oglesby noted after observing chemtrails in the sky above his California home: “The trails formed a grid pattern. Some stretched from horizon to horizon. Some be - gan abruptly, and others ended abruptly. They hung in the air for an extende
  • s, a short contrail and a lengthy chemtrail are seen simultaneously in the same portion of sky and at approximately the same altitude. In 2001, there may have been a brief admission to the reality of chemtrails. Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich, who served as chairman of a subcommittee of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, introduced his unsuccessful Space Preservation Act of 2001, designed to
  • ion Act of 2001, designed to ban the deployment of weapons in space. But also included in this legislation was chemical, biological, environmental, climate changing, or tectonic weapons and, notably, chemtrails. The latter was later stricken from the failed bill. In 2004, while campaigning as a presidential candidate, Kucinich responded to a question about chemtrails by stating, “Chemtrails are real.” In a
  • nging, or tectonic weapons and, notably, chemtrails. The latter was later stricken from the failed bill. In 2004, while campaigning as a presidential candidate, Kucinich responded to a question about chemtrails by stating, “Chemtrails are real.” In a 2000–2001 study in Houston, Texas, Mark Steadham, using Flight Ex - plorer software, found that over the course of 63 days of observation military aircraft wer


  • Jim mARRS ARE CHEmTRAiLS FOR REAL? [ 105 ] hours did not ever appear on Flight Explorer and were documented for 8 separate instances, including one instance with two jets in formation,” reported Steadham. For his full study,
  • at altitudes and in conditions where it would be impossible for a contrail to form. Whereas contrails are composed of water vapor, they are whitish in color and produce no “halo” effect in sunlight; chemtrails, on the other hand, appear oily and produce rainbow effects, especially in the late afternoon sun. Contrails cannot be stopped without shutting off the engines but chemtrails have been observed endin
  • alo” effect in sunlight; chemtrails, on the other hand, appear oily and produce rainbow effects, especially in the late afternoon sun. Contrails cannot be stopped without shutting off the engines but chemtrails have been observed ending even as the aircraft producing it flies onward. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, people—and even some local TV sta - tions—were reporting strange white sticky substances b
  • gs resulting in respiratory illnesses like bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma. It is known that many pathogens may be found in the upper atmosphere, which is an indication that illnesses brought on by chemtrails may not be an in - tentional part of the program. They may be inadvertently brought to earth by the


  • ABOVE TOP SECRET ARE CHEmTRAiLS FOR REAL? [ 106 ] chemtrail haze. This undoubtedly is a small consolation to those who suffer from such contamination. Germ warfare experts and medical authorities agree that a high-altitude spraying
  • Germ warfare experts and medical authorities agree that a high-altitude spraying program is a most inefficient method for distributing bacteria and viruses. There seems to be little evidence that the chemtrails are designed to cull the human population, as was believed by many in the early days of the spraying. One Canadian research foundation concluded that the much-discussed but little-publicized chemtrai
  • emtrails are designed to cull the human population, as was believed by many in the early days of the spraying. One Canadian research foundation concluded that the much-discussed but little-publicized chemtrails might be an attempt to hide a sickening military secret. Professor Donald Scott, president of the Common Cause Medical Research Foundation, claimed that chemtrails are a belated attempt by U.S. milit
  • uch-discussed but little-publicized chemtrails might be an attempt to hide a sickening military secret. Professor Donald Scott, president of the Common Cause Medical Research Foundation, claimed that chemtrails are a belated attempt by U.S. military and intelligence chief - tains to stop the spread of a debilitating disease first concocted in the early 1980s. According to Scott’s account, the military began
  • pply. A teacher’s lounge was designated as the infection target. Seven of eight teachers assigned to this room became very ill within months. “ Keep looking up and you’ll eventually see contrails and chemtrails side by side in the air and once you see two planes of similar size laying trails at the same altitude and they don’t match, then you know something is amiss. ” ats MeMber coMMent


  • Jim mARRS ARE CHEmTRAiLS FOR REAL? [ 107 ] The high school was only one of several locations where the specially de - signed pathogens were tested, some distributed by aerosol sprays and others by the use of contaminated mos


  • ABOVE TOP SECRET ARE CHEmTRAiLS FOR REAL? [ 108 ] Many people began suffering from general debilitation and tiredness. When it became know that the contagion was spreading into the general population, top officials with the Nationa
  • cerned both with the spread of the contagion and with the risk that their role in its origin would become publicly known, moved to counteract the pathogen. This program may be another explanation for chemtrails. As explained by Scott, “We have learned ... that a patent was issued in 1996 for an aerosol vaccination process which would permit the vaccination of wild life and domestic herds by spraying them or
  • l vaccination process which would permit the vaccination of wild life and domestic herds by spraying them or their disease vectors (birds) from the air ... We have noted that many of the sightings of chemtrails are over migratory bird flight paths ... The chemtrails program may well be a belated effort by the U.S. and Canadian governments to get the brucellosis genie back in its bottle.” Only occasionally h
  • of wild life and domestic herds by spraying them or their disease vectors (birds) from the air ... We have noted that many of the sightings of chemtrails are over migratory bird flight paths ... The chemtrails program may well be a belated effort by the U.S. and Canadian governments to get the brucellosis genie back in its bottle.” Only occasionally have members of the corporate media seen fit to mention c
  • s program may well be a belated effort by the U.S. and Canadian governments to get the brucellosis genie back in its bottle.” Only occasionally have members of the corporate media seen fit to mention chemtrails and then it disappears from the airwaves quickly. In 2000, a weatherman, who was not the primary weather specialist at a Dallas-Forth Worth TV station, on an early news broadcast mentioned that in re


  • Jim mARRS ARE CHEmTRAiLS FOR REAL? [ 109 ] Channel, which in February 2007 aired a program devoted to the issue of chemtrails. It was a classic case of misdirection. The program, Best Evidence , was entitled “Chem - ical Con
  • Jim mARRS ARE CHEmTRAiLS FOR REAL? [ 109 ] Channel, which in February 2007 aired a program devoted to the issue of chemtrails. It was a classic case of misdirection. The program, Best Evidence , was entitled “Chem - ical Contrails” and focused on whether jet-aircraft vapor trails may be toxic. The first third of the program
  • rogram closely, the fatal flaw became easily apparent. First, the show’s narrator stated that the U.S. military had refused to allow its jet fuel to be tested, which left out the prime suspect of the chemtrails. For their test, the show’s producers had used commercial jet fuel pur - chased from a local airport. No wonder the burned fuel showed no unusual proper - ties. No one has ever accused normal jet fue
  • al proper - ties. No one has ever accused normal jet fuel of being contaminated with chemicals or pathogens. Last, but not least, it has been established, both by observation and pho - tographs, that chemtrails emanate from lines along aircraft wings, not from the engines. This alone demonstrates that chemtrails constitute an aerial spraying pro - gram. It also nullifies any meaningful test on spent jet fue
  • gens. Last, but not least, it has been established, both by observation and pho - tographs, that chemtrails emanate from lines along aircraft wings, not from the engines. This alone demonstrates that chemtrails constitute an aerial spraying pro - gram. It also nullifies any meaningful test on spent jet fuel. One Louisiana TV station in late 2007 took upon itself the task of testing water captured under a cr


  • ABOVE TOP SECRET ARE CHEmTRAiLS FOR REAL? [ 110 ] danger of barium to the human nervous and immunization systems but hesitated to link this danger to chemtrails. Barium, along with aluminum oxide, already had been identified among
  • ABOVE TOP SECRET ARE CHEmTRAiLS FOR REAL? [ 110 ] danger of barium to the human nervous and immunization systems but hesitated to link this danger to chemtrails. Barium, along with aluminum oxide, already had been identified among the contents of chemtrails by other tests. During a three-month period in 2002, three separate rainwater and snow samples from Ch
  • ] danger of barium to the human nervous and immunization systems but hesitated to link this danger to chemtrails. Barium, along with aluminum oxide, already had been identified among the contents of chemtrails by other tests. During a three-month period in 2002, three separate rainwater and snow samples from Chapel Hill, North Carolina were collected and submitted for formal double-blind laboratory analysi
  • nesium, and titanium in the samples, all of which had a verified chain of custody. Ms. Aigner concluded that that the consistency of the findings indicated “a very controlled delivery (dispersion) of chemtrails by aircraft in your area.” She added that whoever was responsible for the chemtrails was violating more than a half dozen federal laws and regulations. Apparently, yet another ingredient of chemtrail
  • . Aigner concluded that that the consistency of the findings indicated “a very controlled delivery (dispersion) of chemtrails by aircraft in your area.” She added that whoever was responsible for the chemtrails was violating more than a half dozen federal laws and regulations. Apparently, yet another ingredient of chemtrails is tiny synthetic filaments called polymers. Polymer chemist Dr. R. Michael Castle
  • hemtrails by aircraft in your area.” She added that whoever was responsible for the chemtrails was violating more than a half dozen federal laws and regulations. Apparently, yet another ingredient of chemtrails is tiny synthetic filaments called polymers. Polymer chemist Dr. R. Michael Castle reported that some of poly - mers he studied in connection with chemtrails can cause “serious skin lesions and disea
  • ns. Apparently, yet another ingredient of chemtrails is tiny synthetic filaments called polymers. Polymer chemist Dr. R. Michael Castle reported that some of poly - mers he studied in connection with chemtrails can cause “serious skin lesions and diseases when absorbed into the skin.” Yet the government, with help from a compliant corporate mass media, still re - fused to even consider the issue. Politician
  • nto the skin.” Yet the government, with help from a compliant corporate mass media, still re - fused to even consider the issue. Politicians appeared to have been given the runaround when it comes to chemtrails. In response to a 2001 inquiry by California Senator Dianne Feinstein, Air Force Col. Walter M. Washabaugh, chief of the Congressional Inquiry Division, after a lengthy explanation of condensation va


  • Jim mARRS ARE CHEmTRAiLS FOR REAL? [ 111 ] Since no one in authority will admit to what is happening right in front of the public’s eyes, researchers have been forced to speculate on what chemtrails are all about. Once the i
  • Jim mARRS ARE CHEmTRAiLS FOR REAL? [ 111 ] Since no one in authority will admit to what is happening right in front of the public’s eyes, researchers have been forced to speculate on what chemtrails are all about. Once the idea of population control is put aside, the next best explanation appeared to be some form of weather modification or control. Experiments in this area date back to the 1950s
  • ernment secret projects, such as the B-1 “Stealth” bomber, knows that if the military publicly speaks of a technology, even as a future possibility, it has already been developed. Many researchers of chemtrails believe that heavy metal particles are being sprayed into the upper atmosphere in an attempt to form a barrier, a heat shield, against solar radiation. Just such a proposal was made years ago by Dr.


  • ABOVE TOP SECRET ARE CHEmTRAiLS FOR REAL? [ 112 ] on the West Coast and unusually strong hurricanes, tornadoes, and storms continue, the United States insurance industry could face bankruptcy, bringing down the en - tire national e
  • deliver energy blasts equal to an atomic bomb, destroy communications across the planet and even influence human behavior by broadcasting human brainwave frequencies. Another scary purpose behind the chemtrails was voiced by a retired mili - tary intelligence officer who became particularly interested in chemtrails after be - ing doused with chemicals from the air that seriously affected his health. This ma
  • human behavior by broadcasting human brainwave frequencies. Another scary purpose behind the chemtrails was voiced by a retired mili - tary intelligence officer who became particularly interested in chemtrails after be - ing doused with chemicals from the air that seriously affected his health. This man participated in the Army’s “remote viewing” program, where he took a mental look for the purpose behind
  • e took a mental look for the purpose behind the chemtrail program. What he got was summed up in one word—“terraforming,” an attempt to alter the environment of the planet. The case for the reality of chemtrails is strong but until there is some official rec - ognition of this activity, the tax-paying public will be left only to speculate on its originators and purpose.

File: Jim Marrs - Our Occulted History -

  • raying heavy metal “pollutants”into the upper atmosphere to retard perceived “global warming,” lending strongsupport to those researchers who claim that such a program, involving theglobally observed chemtrails, has already been under way for years. Barium oxideand aluminum oxide, both harmful to the human respiratory system, have beenidentified among other substances as composing the chemtrails.PEOPLE ARE
  • ly observed chemtrails, has already been under way for years. Barium oxideand aluminum oxide, both harmful to the human respiratory system, have beenidentified among other substances as composing the chemtrails.PEOPLE ARE THE PROBLEM [9780062130334_Contents.xhtml#s79]Could all the above be a ploy to kill off “undesirables”? In years past, thepseudoscience of eugenics was used to excuse murderous depopulatio

  • in ecoscience: Ben Johnson, “Obama’s Biggest Radical,” Front Page,Feb. 27, 2009, Holdren and chemtrails: ARE THE PROBLEMEdwin Black and eugenics financing: Edwin Black, “The Horrifying American Rootsof Nazi E

  • harlemagne, 286, 289Charles, king of England, 255Charles, Prince (England), 286, 288Charles II, king of England, 212, 288Chatelain, Maurice, 123, 124Our Ancestors Came from Outer Space, 31–32, 64, 188chemtrails, 301Cheney, Lynne, 287Cheney, Richard, 287, 304Cheops [Khufu], pharaoh, 98Chernin, Peter, 234Chichen Itza, Yucatán, 86–87Childress, David Hatcher, 40, 45China:Dehua kilns, 64–65Forbidden City, 87hist

File: Jim Marrs - Population Control - How Corporate Owners Are Killing Us -

  • have begun treating their cell phone liketheir credit card—useful in an emergency but to be used only on occasion.Parents should be especially mindful of the time their children spend on a cellphone.CHEMTRAILSA FEW YEARS BACK, A RETIRED ARMY INTELLIGENCE OFFICER WAS visiting a friendstill in the military and stationed at the White Sands Proving Ground in NewMexico, when a high-flying jet flew across the sk

  • /z044464_cell_towers_EMF_pollution_mental_confusion.htmlCell-tower hazards: Ilya Sandra Perlingieri on aerosol assault: Pellatt on well-documented military testing on civilians:,%20We%20Ar
  • press-releases/2006-releases/press10052006.htmlTherese Aigner on controlled delivery of Chemtrails: J. Murphy on aluminum-resistant Monsanto seeds: R. Michael Castle on serious skin lesions: R
  • trolled delivery of Chemtrails: J. Murphy on aluminum-resistant Monsanto seeds: R. Michael Castle on serious skin lesions: Russell Blaylock on major concern over nanosized aluminum:http://chem
  • resistant Monsanto seeds: R. Michael Castle on serious skin lesions: Russell Blaylock on major concern over nanosized aluminum:
  • ailsstratospheric-aerosol-geoengineering/Dr. R. Michael Castle on serious skin lesions: Russell Blaylock on major concern over nanosized aluminum: Affairs article on geoengineering:
  • R. Michael Castle on serious skin lesions: Russell Blaylock on major concern over nanosized aluminum: Affairs article on geoengineering:

  • of (USDA), 116–17, 120, 121, 125, 309Ahmed, Nafeez, 303, 308AIG (American International Group), 270–71Aigner, Therese, 199Air (air pollution), 176–205 autism epidemic and, 60 changing the game, 204–5 Chemtrails, 192–204 microwave energy, 189–92 nuclear radiation, 178–89Air Force, U.S., 192, 195–97, 201Akre, Jane, 127–28Alaska, marijuana legalization, 72Albuquerque, New Mexico, police killings in, 252–53Alco

File: MUFON Journal - August 2000 -


  • , a hoax has been ruled out. Gregory J. Avery Attorney Gregory Avery, MUFON State Director for Louisiana, shared his photos and research regard- ing the contention that some contrails may actually be chemtrails. Although he has been studying these for more than a year, he is still in the preliminary stages of an investigation as he seeks additional input from ex- perts and determines the best methods of gat

File: MUFON Journal - December 2000 -


  • Call 1-800-489-4UFO. (tape one ) Walt Andrus tribute, John Schuessler; Jesse Marcel, Sr. interview, Linda Corley; N.I.D.S.research, Colm Kelleher. (tape two) Miss- ing time on video, John Carpenter; Chemtrails and U.F.O.'s, Gregory Avery; New Majestic docu- ments, Robert Wood. (tape three ) The Failure of UFO Skepticism, Bruce Maccabee; Roswell, MJ- 12 Documents, new millennium, Stan ton Fried- man, (tape

File: MUFON Journal - July 2003 -


  • he was shaken up is an under- statement." Thanks to Peter Davenport, NUFORC. Cigar-shaped object photograped in Washington BANGOR SUBMARINE BASE — Dr. Annamarie Johnstone was attempting to photograph chemtrails at 7:30 PM on west Kingston Road in North Kitsap County, eleven miles east of the base, on May 12, 2003. She reports, "The sky cleared at 4 PM, followed by chemtrails at 6 PM, including X-shaped trai
  • one was attempting to photograph chemtrails at 7:30 PM on west Kingston Road in North Kitsap County, eleven miles east of the base, on May 12, 2003. She reports, "The sky cleared at 4 PM, followed by chemtrails at 6 PM, including X-shaped trails. Photograph- ing the unfurling X and its falling aerosol curtain, I cap- tured a cigar-shaped cylinder, nose angled downward and moving to the west. I did not see t


  • r of the Shag Harbour UFO crash site. Booking, program info and accomodation referrals: [email protected]. Ph# 902-463^723, FAX 902-492-0226 UFO DEFENSE TACTICS WEATHER SHIELD TO CHEMTRAILS by A.K. Johnstone, Ph.D. $14.95 (U.S.) $17.95 (Canada) To order: U.S. HANCOCK HOUSE pub 1-800-938-11 14 Fax 1-800-983-2262 in Canada (604) 538-1114 Fax (604) 532-2262 Alien Consp

File: MUFON Journal - June 2000 -


  • covery Science NIDS Las Vegas, Nevada 2:00 p.m. Blinded by the Light: An Analysis of Missing Time on Video John S. Carpenter, MSW Abduction Researcher Springfield, Missouri 3:00 p.m. BREAK 3:30 p.m. Chemtrails and UFOs Over My Backyard Gregory J. Avery, J.D. Louisiana State Director Metairie, Louisiana 4:30 p.m. Validating the New Majestic Documents Robert M. Wood, Ph.D. Consultant in Physics Newport Bea

File: MUFON Journal - March 2003 -


  • t. I know what I saw, and I've never seen or heard of anything that comes close to being like it. The entire sky was brightened even brighter than normal daylight." Thanks to NUFORC. UFOs in Virginia chemtrails? BURKE — The witness reports, "At about 1 PM on Jan. 31, 2003,1 was outside, camcorder in hand, filming the chemtrails, and after five minutes of taping I saw what I thought was a passenger jet flyin
  • ightened even brighter than normal daylight." Thanks to NUFORC. UFOs in Virginia chemtrails? BURKE — The witness reports, "At about 1 PM on Jan. 31, 2003,1 was outside, camcorder in hand, filming the chemtrails, and after five minutes of taping I saw what I thought was a passenger jet flying through a chemtrail. "I rolled tape on it for about 30 seconds. It first looked like the sun reflecting off the wings
  • ut 30 seconds. It first looked like the sun reflecting off the wings of a jet. When I re- viewed what I taped, I was astounded to see 4 or 5 rotat- ing spheres traveling in a straight line within the chemtrails." Thanks to Peter Davenport, NUFORC. Strange object viewed off Florida coast ORCHID ISLAND — The witness reports, "I am a security guard for an exclusive gated community and a retired police officer

File: MUFON Journal - November 2000 -


  • . Call 1-800-489-4UFO. (tape one) Walt Andrus trib- ute, John Schuessler; Jesse Marcel, Sr. interview, Linda Corley; N.I.D.S.research, Colm Kelleher. (tape two) Missing time on video, John Carpenter; Chemtrails and U.F.O.'s, Gregory Avery; New Ma- jestic documents, Robert Wood. (tape three ) The Failure of UFO Skepticism, Bruce Maccabee; Roswell, MJ-12 Documents, new millennium, Stanton Friedman, (tape four

File: MUFON Journal - October 2000 -


  • Call 1-800-489-4UFO. (tape one ) Walt Andrus trib- ute, John Schuessler; Jesse Marcel, Sr. interview, Linda Corley; N.I.D.S.research, Colm Kelleher. (tape two) Missing time on video, John Carpenter; Chemtrails and U.F.O.'s, Gregory Avery; New Ma- jestic documents. Robert Wood. ( tape three ) The Failure of UFO Skepticism. Bruce Maccabee: Roswell, MJ-12 Documents, new millennium, Stan ton Friedman, (tape fo

File: MUFON Journal - September 2000 -


  • white 707 or KC-135 aircraft flying at a few thousandfeet leaving two contrails. The spray was coming from the tail area and not from the engines. According to hundreds of reports, this spray called chemtrails falls to the ground and often makes some people sick with flu-like symptoms and skin rashes. The planes are often seen flying in a crisscross check- erboard pattern, and soon the whole sky is clouded
  • t the government was spraying perhaps due to the Nile Fever scare. I checked with some old tanker Air Force and National Guard people, all of whom denied any knowledge of the spraying. Samples of the chemtrails have been collected and are alleged to contain various toxins and reportedly red and white blood cells, and other unidentified cell types. Using a sub micron fiber sample, these appear to be cells of
  • t was very strange, but perhaps I just lost it in the clear blue sky? At the recentMUFON Conference, Louisiana State Director Greg Avery explained that his video camera was picking up UFOs inside the chemtrails, and he showed us some videos to that effect. Greg is a private trial lawyer. Driving home from the MUFON conference Geor- gia State MUFON director Tom Sheets, who is a re- tired chief of police, and


  • FON UFO Journal happening. Let me know, and I will give you an address of where to send the samples and videotapes. There is an urgent need for airborne sample collec- tion flying behind the airborne chemtrails. This could be dangerous, but airborne samples would be much more valuable if properly collected and recorded. I also suggest you put your name and address on this column and send it to the most powe
  • s will naturally form, and these should be especially videotaped. Attempt to get an overall wide angle view of the scene before and after zooming in on the object. The obvious possibility is that the chemtrails are being spread by white unidentified flying objects that appear fairly normal until they suddenly disappear. It is much too early to come to conclusions, but it is important to collect data on this
  • y to come to conclusions, but it is important to collect data on this phenomenon. I cer- tainly suspect a control system is operating. The phe- nomenon may be forcing us through a learning curve. The chemtrails and recent reports of threatening UFOs indicate a potentially more serious situation is devel- oping. The following Kentucky report and those from Swe- den and Australia help confirm this data. Kentu


  • been overlooked by other observers and methods, but Jim spotted it during patrol sweeps by the P-3. Jim later went on to comment that he had noticed that a lot of these events involved the contrail/ chemtrails being deployed in or above cloud cover or haze and then terminating near clear sky, as if to con- ceal the activity. Jim, like the rest of us, thinks the public has a right to know the "what" and the

File: MUFON Journal - September 2005 -


  • , , visible. Douglass She noted that this is not the same as the ability to simply speed away faster than the eye can see, and that invisibility can involve both optics and radar. Also discussed were chemtrails. cattle mutilations, and abductee" reports as they relate to invisibility of craft. Ms. Douglass concluded her presen- tation with an examination of a pro- posed technical mechanism to account for UF

File: Mark Devlin - Musical Truth 2 -

  • er album showsa landscape encased within a dome, meanwhile. How interesting that it’s titled‘Don’t Believe The Truth.’ ‘Standing On The Shoulder Of Giants’ shows a New YorkCity skyline obliterated by chemtrails.Oasis first signed to the Creation Records label in 1993. Creation was foundedby Alan McGee, an occultist, and yet another industry figure to have expressed areverence for the Thelema teachings of Al

  • ilant Citizen: What Is Happening To Katy Perry?: * []Carl James: Arcade Fire – Chemtrails, 9/11 & Other Oddities: * []

  • ilant Citizen: What Is Happening To Katy Perry?: * []Carl James: Arcade Fire – Chemtrails, 9/11 & Other Oddities: * []

  • pen the investigation into thekilling.)In his now-famous interview on Tavis Smiley’s ‘Late Night Show’ in July 2009,Prince spontaneously recalled some of Gregory’s comments regarding thephenomenon of Chemtrails. He also referenced the New World Order plans of theUnited Nations, remarked that humans are all indentured servants and slaves on aplantation, and that the US had eight presidents before George Wash

  • y different methods theyemploy – from brain-eating food and drink additives like Aspartame, to theunseen ocean of unnatural wireless, microwave and electromagnetic frequenciesthat we now bathe in, to chemtrails, to moronic and spirit-sapping TV, movie andpop music – and all points in between.I expanded upon this whole dynamic in the final chapter of ‘Musical Truth 1,’and feel a comment included there from M

File: Mark Devlin - Musical Truth -

  • e,) the character knownas Morgus utters the phrase: "as they used to say on Earth, every cloud has astrontium lining." Given that strontium has been identified as one of the mainmetal particulates of chemtrails, is it beyond the realms of possibility thatthis was a sly and knowing nod to the widespread agenda that was known to becoming the following decade? You can listen to the clip by scrolling 10 minutes

  • he depiction of lizard-like reptilianentities, a guitarist sporting a creepy bird face-mask, and a model aeroplanebuzzing from one side of the stage to the other dispersing vapours veryreminiscent of Chemtrails. All unwelcome hints at Kate being yet anothermanipulated commodity of the Establishment, and being used to normalise certainagendas in the same way as so many of her lesser-established peers. What i

  • e experts on 9/11, for instance, who have takenapart the official version bit-by-bit and could talk for hours about the manyanomalies. The case will be the same with the truth about vaccines, GM food,Chemtrails, institutionalised paedophilia, Satanic Ritual Abuse, trauma-basedmind control . . . the list goes on. Each of these may seem like an isolatedsubject area in its own right, but when you come to under

File: Michael E. Salla - The U.S. Navy’s Secret Space Program and Nordic Extraterrestrial Alliance -

  • the life extension pills to counteract the biological effectsof the toxic gasses pumped into the atmosphere by Reptilians and their allies.If Tompkins is correct, this provides an explanation for the chemtrailsphenomenon, which many researchers have concluded is responsible for spreadingairborne diseases such as Morgellons.[408] [part0000_split_046.html#_edn408]According to Goode, the Nordics belong to a “S

  • Our Technology Decades Ahead of What's Known,”[408] [part0000_split_044.html#_ednref408] See Elena Freeland, Chemtrails,HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth (Feral House, 2014).[409] [part0000_split_044.html#_ednref409] George Adamski, Inside the FlyingSaucers: The Strangest Journey Ever Made! (Warne

File: Michael Tsarion - Weapons Of Mass Destruction Found -


  • r governments; governments should be afraid of the people! languish behind bars to be raped and tortured. Heavy labor-industries are practically non-existent, poison falls from the sky in the form of chemtrails, and illegal aliens occupy like an invading army, to enjoy the fruits they did nothing to bring into being. And all this occurs in an immense country that came out of World War II richer than it went

File: Confessions of an Illuminati - Volume VII -


  • and water. The nearest I have seen to them are the self-replicating fibres that are pulled out through the skin of thosesuffering from Morgellons disease which has been connected to thephenomena of ‘chemtrails’ which I will bring into the story later on.Morgellons fibres continue to grow outside the body and have aform of artificial intelligence. Black ‘worm’ fibres in masks have thatkind of feel to them a


  • multiplehealth problems that will cause. At least if you take statins long termit saves the government from having to pay you a pension. Thedelivery system to block sunlight is widely referred to as chemtrailsalthough these have a much deeper agenda, too. They appear at firstto be contrails or condensation trails streaming from aircra intocold air at high altitudes. Contrails disperse very quickly whilech
  • lsalthough these have a much deeper agenda, too. They appear at firstto be contrails or condensation trails streaming from aircra intocold air at high altitudes. Contrails disperse very quickly whilechemtrails do not and spread out across the sky before eventuallytheir content falls to earth. Many times I have watched aircra cross-cross a clear blue sky releasing chemtrails until it looks like a cloudyday
  • ails disperse very quickly whilechemtrails do not and spread out across the sky before eventuallytheir content falls to earth. Many times I have watched aircra cross-cross a clear blue sky releasing chemtrails until it looks like a cloudyday. Chemtrails contain many things harmful to humans and thenatural world including toxic heavy metals, aluminium (seeAlzheimer’s) and nanotechnology. Ray Kurzweil reveal


  • foods are adapted to reflect the reality that geneediting offers a precise, efficient and safe method of improvingcrops.’ Liar. People and the world are being targeted withaluminium through vaccines, chemtrails, food, drink cans, andendless other sources when aluminium has been linked to manyhealth issues including dementia which is increasing year aer year.Insects, bees and wildlife essential to the food


  • n D leads to along list of health effects and how vitamin D levels must have fallenwith people confined to their homes over ‘Covid’. Gates is fundingother forms of geoengineering and most importantly chemtrailswhich are dropping heavy metals, aluminium and self-replicatingnanotechnology onto the Earth which is killing the natural world.See Everything You Need To Know, But Have Never Been Told for thedetaile


  • ) (United States) ref1, ref2, ref3,ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13centralisation ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8chakras ref1change agents ref1, ref2, ref3chemtrails ref1, ref2, ref3chief medical officers and scientific advisers ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4,ref5, ref6children see also young peopleabuse ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10care, ta

File: The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla -


  • on ...... ............... 74 Chapter Seven - Free Energy - Fact or Fiction? ..... .................. 98 Chapter Eight - The Truth About Alternative 3 ...... ............... 116 Chapter Nine - HAARP - Chemtrails - Alternative 4 __ ____ 130 Conclusion ......................................... .................................... 150 Afterthoughts on Nikola Tesla - By Diane Tessman ... ...........154 3


  • The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla Chapter Nine HAARP - Chemtrails - Alternative 4 With the failure of Alternative 3, it became necess ary to implement a new system to protect mankind from the upcoming disaste r from global warming. The Mars Projects had eaten away


  • essor to Alternative 3 is now operational. There is another factor now operating in conjunctio n with HAARP that has caught the attention of conspiracy writers around t he world - the mystery of the "Chemtrails." It can now be revealed that this is t he next phase of Alternative 4! 135


  • The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla The Mystery of the Chemtrails We are all familiar with contrails, the exhaust lef t in the atmosphere by high- flying jet planes. Since 1997, observers all over t he world have noticed an increase in these contrails with the skie
  • s can occasionally persis t for hours, forming cirrus-type clouds that drift over a large area - p articularly over high-traffic routes such as the Atlantic corridor between the USA and E urope - the chemtrails being reported daily by many independent eye-witnesses al ways linger for hours, forming an overcast from which veils of wispy fallo ut are often observed. In some cases, commercial jetliners flying
  • om which veils of wispy fallo ut are often observed. In some cases, commercial jetliners flying across t hese persistent grid-patterns lay normal contrails that disappear quickly alongsi de lingering chemtrails. Usually laid in an east-west direction, with charac teristic X's and cris-cross trails also often observed, jets layering these deliberate chemtrails have often been observed switching their emissio
  • ails that disappear quickly alongsi de lingering chemtrails. Usually laid in an east-west direction, with charac teristic X's and cris-cross trails also often observed, jets layering these deliberate chemtrails have often been observed switching their emissions off as they appr oach mountains or other geographically delineating features, only to turn t heir spray back on after making their turns back over t


  • tent-holder, has sa id that this is theoretically possible - and that polymer additives for microwave absorption are commercially available. Subsequent analysis by a private lab determined tha t some chemtrails contained a "strange ironlike substance." Chemtrail investiga tor Tommy Farmer comments that the chemist he engaged to examine an "angel ha ir" sample under a powerful microscope "noticed manmade yel
  • rbs impr egnated into the filaments of the material." Farmer now believes this material could have been "oxidizing ferrous alloy" used in weather modification experim ents. Weather modification using chemtrails and other met hods may be taking place across America without the help of HAARP, which acc ording to Dr. Nick Begich (co-author of Angels Don't Play This HAARP) is appa rently being activated only fo


  • The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla The Composition of Chemtrails Part of the substances in the chemtrails have been identified: a cocktail of JP8+100 jet fuel, laced with Ethylene Dibromide (ED B). This chemical pesticide was banned in 1983 by the EPA as a definit
  • The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla The Composition of Chemtrails Part of the substances in the chemtrails have been identified: a cocktail of JP8+100 jet fuel, laced with Ethylene Dibromide (ED B). This chemical pesticide was banned in 1983 by the EPA as a definite carcino gen and chemical toxin. Exposur


  • The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla Project Cloverleaf Chemtrail researcher C.E. Carnicom received a lette r in May, 2000 from an airline manager who said that he had information co ncerning the chemtrails. The manager stated that he works for an undisclosed air line in upper management. "Airline companies in America have been participati ng in something called Project Cloverleaf for a few years now. T

File: Americ's War On Terrorism -


  • r Weapons Have the Ability to Trigger Climate Change”, Centre for Research on Globalization at, articles/CHO201A.html, January 2002. 11. See Bob Fitrakis, “Chemtrails Outlaw”, Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG),, 6 March 2002. See also Air University of the US Air Force, AF 2025 Final Report, http:// www.a

File: Atlantean Conspiracy -


  • to stop the defla tion of the value of the paper money in their pockets & bank accounts, to secure our borders and halt illegal immigration, to stop the widespread aerosol spraying atrocity known as "chemtrails", to put an end t o state - sponsored "false - flag" terrorism and c reation of pandemic diseases (coming soon: h1n1 - influenza - a and possibly polymer coated micronized anthrax spore aerosol spray


  • hey can easily enslave the remaining people. The United Nations will likely d eclare an influenza pandemic and go ahead and quickly chemically spray anthrax on everyone including themselves. (google: chemtrails ) UNchecked power granted by The People. Here is some free space to write out your thoughts about the above:


  • uprising against governmental tyranny. The elite have even fooled themselves into thinking they are doing good. They are the ones pulling the strings behind the large - scale terrorism, the wars, the chemtrails, the new deadly diseases and all the atrocities agains t mankind. And they get away with all this, mostly because most people don't think such a hidden, yet dominating elite class, actually rules the

File: Chemtrails-Confirmed -


  • CHEMTRAILS CONFIRMED 2010 by William Thomas


  • eat hered, bipedal and four-legged children Copyright 2010 by William Thomas Essence Publications [email protected] Excerpts from this book may be quoted with the following attribution: Chemtrails Confirmed 2010 by William Thomas Cover photo of William Thomas in vestigating chemtrails in Capitola, California by Karen Nevis HOW TO USE THIS EBOOK In setting out to create thi
  • Excerpts from this book may be quoted with the following attribution: Chemtrails Confirmed 2010 by William Thomas Cover photo of William Thomas in vestigating chemtrails in Capitola, California by Karen Nevis HOW TO USE THIS EBOOK In setting out to create this all-new 2010 edition of Chemtrails Confirmed , it was my intention to produce a complete account of my decad
  • y Karen Nevis HOW TO USE THIS EBOOK In setting out to create this all-new 2010 edition of Chemtrails Confirmed , it was my intention to produce a complete account of my decade-long investigation into chemtrails – a term I was the first to report for the international press and popularize. The result is a “for the record” omnibus of eyewitness accounts, documented facts and photographs weighty enough to be t
  • it – and click on any chapter. Or choose the twin pages above the bookmarks to open the page index and select the topic of your choice. Want to know about those black lines extending in front of some chemtrails? What about those little orbs zipping in and out of chemtrails? Rx for chemtrail-re lated illness? Just type in your key words in the search box and check out the pages related to your topic. With ch
  • he bookmarks to open the page index and select the topic of your choice. Want to know about those black lines extending in front of some chemtrails? What about those little orbs zipping in and out of chemtrails? Rx for chemtrail-re lated illness? Just type in your key words in the search box and check out the pages related to your topic. With chemtrails often misleadingly identified as “contrails” by U.S. g
  • ls? What about those little orbs zipping in and out of chemtrails? Rx for chemtrail-re lated illness? Just type in your key words in the search box and check out the pages related to your topic. With chemtrails often misleadingly identified as “contrails” by U.S. government websites, pictures of outrageous “gridding” and associated chemtrails phenomenon are central to this story. Nearly 200 photographs punc
  • he search box and check out the pages related to your topic. With chemtrails often misleadingly identified as “contrails” by U.S. government websites, pictures of outrageous “gridding” and associated chemtrails phenomenon are central to this story. Nearly 200 photographs punctuate the text, adding to this ebook’s readability and credibility. The only bummer is I have collected these photogr aphs over many y


  • Dear Friends, Welcome to the latest electronic edition of Chemtrails Confirmed . Thank you for your many email reports, tips, clips, photographs and documentation – and for purchasing this updated ebook of a story that hangs on like those lines in the sky. Without you
  • ions and concerns. This is your book, your reward for those thousands of emails and boxes of photographs and videos addressed to me. Thank you. Chemtrails Confirmed 2010 is also dedicated to the many chemtrails researchers and activists whose diligence and dedication have made this book possible. Please keep your articles, alerts, and corrections coming in! Know that each submission w ill be read by me and
  • into clearer focus, each contribution is potentially vital. Thank you! Since I first broke the “chemtrail” story for the Environment News Service in late 1998 and Art Bell in January 1999, countless chemtrails researchers hav e learned what farmers like my own neighbors have long observed: Sheep don’t look up. But whether circling raptors have claws and a 90-inch wingspan - or four jet engines, a spray noz


  • CHEMTRAILS CONFIRMED 2010 Table Of Contents Frontis i - viii Chapter 1: Look Up! 1 Chapter 2. Fallout 12 Chapter 3: Pandemic 24 Chapter 4: Contrails Or Chemtrails? 43 Chapter 5. Sunscreen
  • er 12. Edmonton’ s Evidence 107 Chapter 13: Owning The Weather 114 Chapter 14. Pulses & Persuasion 120 Chapter 15. Steering Hurricanes 127 Chapter 16. We Are Not Alone 145 Chapter 17. Nanochemtrails & Morgellons 164 Chapter 18. Orbs 176 Chapter 19. Rx For Chem trail-Related Illness 183 Chapter 20. Surprise Ending 192 Photo Captions & Credits 203


  • BONUS LINKS “Chemtrails: Mystery Lines In The Sky” by William Thomas & Paul Grignon (video 29 min) Global Dimming BBC Horizon TV (video 49 min) HAARP CBC TV (video 7 min) HAARP (video 10 min) Chemtrails German national TV


  • ost startling of all was the discovery that levels of solar radiation reaching parts of the former Soviet Union had gone down almost 20% between 1960 and 1987.” Then came swarms of jet airliners. And chemtrails. In 2001, Dr. Gerald Stanhill and his colleague Shabtai Cohen at the Volcani Centre in Bet Dagan were astonished to find a large fall in solar radiation. "There was a staggering 22% drop in the sunli
  • ds . Because the particles seed the formation of water droplets ... this makes them more reflective than they would otherwise be, again reflecting the Sun's rays back into space.” This is exactly how chemtrails are intended to work. Ditto the particulate pollution from jet engines that forms lingering veils – not of condensation trails, whic h quickly dissipate, but actual cirrus clouds that perpetually shr
  • new “dim sun” menu was discovered just as the Jet Age began sending bumper-to-bumper, carbon- burning jet traffic over Europe and North America. It gained serious scientific momentum two years after chemtrails began obscuring less traveled skies. Contrails and chemtrails were never factored in. But the missing radiation from global dimming is visible light and infrared – the same spectrum addressed by the
  • ending bumper-to-bumper, carbon- burning jet traffic over Europe and North America. It gained serious scientific momentum two years after chemtrails began obscuring less traveled skies. Contrails and chemtrails were never factored in. But the missing radiation from global dimming is visible light and infrared – the same spectrum addressed by the Hughes sky-obscuration patent. [BBC Jan 13/05; Guardian Dec 18


  • HISTORY'S GREATEST CONSPIRACY THEORIES Check out this conspiracy riff and acco mpanying “contrails” photograph from the London Telegraph : Chemtrails - Chemtrail conspiracy theorists believe that some contrails, which consist of ice crystals or water vapor condensed behind aircraft, actually result from chemicals or biological agents being deliber
  • vered speculation that the chemicals being sprayed are part of a wider plot that involves the so-called New World Order and is being directed by shadowy forces within the government. The existence of chemtrails has been repeatedly denied by federal agencies and scientists.


  • OBAMA CONSIDERS CHEMTRAILS In his first interview since being appointed as President Obama's new science adviser, John Holdren told stunned White House reporters, "Global warming is so dire, the Obama admin istration is discus
  • y: 'Let's put on the brakes, even if we don't know it will save us. It may be too late. We don't know exactly where the cliff is.... Let's get on with it.'" President Obama was not alone in condoning chemtrails. The National Academy of Science continues to discuss the subject in its latest multidisciplinary climate challenges program. The American Meteorological Society is also preparing a statement on geoe


  • “Yeah, we have them, but we’re not supposed to talk about it.” -former Air Force pilot confirming chemtrails spray planes to reporter [Alpenhorn News Dec 7/05]


  • 99 Wallace was outside splitting wood when... “It started up again. The jets came over about three times.” That evening another jet flew over their remote mountain home and William Wallace showed Ann chemtrails woven in a silver tracery against the moon. About six in the morning, Wallace became sick with diarrhea. He suffered from diarrhea all day – “the worst I ever had it.” But Anne, who had remained indo


  • rth, over Las Vegas. Our two senators, Kyl and McCain, think I’m nuts for pointing this out to them, as does our representative, Bob Stump. I’m not. I know too many people who’ve been sickened by the chemtrails. I’m a retired airline pilot. I know a chemtrail from a contrail!” -- “I’ve lived here for 26 years never seeing this number of contrails at once.” -- “They look like they’re playing tic-tac-toe up t


  • rent types of contrails was about five years ago. I was in the Air Force. So I know the difference.” -- “I was southbound on Interstate 65 from Indianapolis toward Camp Atterbury. I had just heard of chemtrails on Coast to Coast earlier in the week and thought it was a bit of a kooky theory. I noticed the sky in front of me had 27 separate contrails. I then noticed a large jet at altitude, also southbound p
  • to turn. As it settled up on 090 (due east), it immediately began to leave a classic chemtrail. That was when I knew it is being done on purpose.” -- “We are a society that doesn’t look up. But these chemtrails were so out of place one couldn’t help but notice them. We never see planes in that area of the sky at that time of day, for one thing. And for another, their trajectories were all weird. I had alr e
  • f place one couldn’t help but notice them. We never see planes in that area of the sky at that time of day, for one thing. And for another, their trajectories were all weird. I had alr eady mentioned chemtrails to one of my co-workers months ago, and when she came in on Tuesday morning I asked, “Did you see them?” She said she had noticed, and said they were ‘all over the place.’” -- “Everywhere from horizo


  • His apple tree streamed with this strange “angel-hair”. So did his fence and vegetable garden. Within weeks of the initial shower of “angel-hair”, black mold appeared on their crops. David says that chemtrails are being laid “almost daily up here in the Okanogan,” especially over Kelowna. Others in the area agree. “The evidence is everywhere,” he insi sts. “But no one is telling us anything!” WORRIED ABOUT


  • pider webs do not just turn into powder around here. This was over 25 of them that did this.” Robert “never heard another word” about the small spray planes. “Why isn’t this on the news?” THOSE CRAZY CHEMTRAILS Converted skeptics often become the most ardent chemtrail claimants: The first time I heard about this on Art Bell, I thought it was “crazy”. This is the reason it nags at me: Around 10 years or less


  • ns? WHAT HAS CHANGED IN YOUR PERSONAL ENVIRONMENT? Whatever its origins, there is increasing fungus among us. Chemist and botanist Bruce Tanio’s list of symptoms is familiar to many people exposed to chemtrails:  Abdominal pain, gas and bloating, indigestion, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, gastritis.  Swelling and pain of muscles and/or joints.  Depression, anxiety, sudden mood swings, lack of concen


  • nfections flip to bacterial states.” Any good doctor will ask: “What has changed in your environment that could be making you ill?” In almost every case, among the more observant the answer must be: “Chemtrails!” POLYMERS ARE FOREVER “Any idea what these are?” asked University of Plymouth marine biologist Richard Thompson. About one-third turn out to be natural fibers such as seaweed, another third are plas


  • n breathed into the lungs.” As we have seen, the bacteria Serratia marscesens and Kledsiella aerogenes were supposedly “attenuated” or killed before being released over jolly olde England. BRUISED BY CHEMTRAILS In early 2001, Pat Edgar sent a Sallisaw update: I’m not fairing well myself. Last Thanksgiving I was sick again and my throat was sore. I noticed a lesion that popped up beside my tongue in the back


  • Chapter 3. PANDEMIC On January 7, 1999, just as I went on Art Bell’s “Coast to Coast” radio show for the first of seven shows with news of something called “chemtrails”, the Philadelphia Daily News was reporting that Emergency Room patients were overflowing into the hallways at West Jersey Hospital in Berlin, New Jersey “as a wave of respiratory illnesses swept the


  • how to get rid of it or what it is. A local hospital is leasing an entire floor and it’s growing into a hospital company who specializes in upper-respiratory diseases. That same day, I used the word “chemtrails” for the first time in a follow-up piece for Environment News Service. I may have coined the word that would soon reverberate worldwide. I would soon make that term infamous... Or the other way aroun


  • Another morning in late March, observers in Spokane counted 33 chemtrails in a two and half hour period. “We have a police scanner, and we are hearing so many rescue calls for people with breathing difficulties.” In Everett, Washington about the same time: I’ve been notici
  • wo and half hour period. “We have a police scanner, and we are hearing so many rescue calls for people with breathing difficulties.” In Everett, Washington about the same time: I’ve been noticing the chemtrails for a while now. My 8-year old daughter has been sick this week with a bad upper respiratory infection and her asthma has flared up. My 18-year old son came home sick about three weeks ago with fever


  • ike symptoms'. I've been having headaches, a sore throat, and an annoying, hacking cough for the past four months and it seems to get worse after I see these aircraft circling the area." THE ABC’S OF CHEMTRAILS On March 21, Jane reported: Several of my teacher colleagues and I have been observing the trails here in central Virginia since 1997. They have grown more numerous and occur more often. I personally


  • lahassee. I went to walk the dogs around 10:30 and, our beautiful sunny day was already being marked by ‘contrails’ – the kind that spread out and become a haze. These are different from the original chemtrails we had last year in that they don’t appear greasy. When they sprayed several weeks back with what appears to be the same stuff, my eyes began itching and burning like mad and my nose bec ame very irr


  • prior to and during the outbreak of this unknown, horrendous ‘flu.’” In nearby Nevada, more reports came in from “C oast-To-Coast” host Art Bell’s hometown of Pahrump during December 1999: Contrails [chemtrails] have been extremely heavy ov er Pahrump, NV for weeks also. I have been too ill as has my family to do much more than stay alive. Husband is barely making it to work, falling asleep immediately upon


  • If I had any doubt that there was such a thing as “chemtrails” and that they were poisoning the public, it was removed after returning from our recent road trip to Las Vegas. Upon our return from the town that never sleeps, my email “in” box had an unsolicited
  • ople suffering from upper respiratory infections. The story was rather in-depth for a TV news segment – a little over a minute long. The anonymous Las Vegas resident stated that he has witnessed many chemtrails over Las Vegas over the last month and that many others have also witnessed the phenomenon. The news story was eerily consistent with what we experienced in our travels through Nevada with our eventu
  • his lunatic asylum prematurely. I never thought I would be a victim of this, but here we are. What is to be done? Spraying here is intense again today. DO YOU MIND? Other symptoms now associated with chemtrails include disorientation, depressi on, inexplicable anxiety, memory loss, and an inability to concentrate.


  • so many cities on both sides of the Atlantic aimed at weather modification – or population modification? In the absence of official explanations, the Internet was already rife with speculation. Were chemtrails a deliberate bio-warfare attack? I wondered what would be the purpose of randomly sickening the very people who make everyday society function? I knew from extensive research carri ed out during my i


  • ned Gulf War soldiers in the United States alone had already been sacrificed on the same altar of secrecy and expediency. Was that war now coming home? TAKING A FLIER I later penned a “Welcome To The Chemtrails Section” on my website: If you are new to chemtrails, a brief introduction is in order. A professional working journalist for more than 30 years, I first reported on chemtrails for the Environment Ne
  • already been sacrificed on the same altar of secrecy and expediency. Was that war now coming home? TAKING A FLIER I later penned a “Welcome To The Chemtrails Section” on my website: If you are new to chemtrails, a brief introduction is in order. A professional working journalist for more than 30 years, I first reported on chemtrails for the Environment News Service in the winter of 1997. Since then, thousan
  • nned a “Welcome To The Chemtrails Section” on my website: If you are new to chemtrails, a brief introduction is in order. A professional working journalist for more than 30 years, I first reported on chemtrails for the Environment News Service in the winter of 1997. Since then, thousands of websites have appeared claiming various theories and agendas behind a phenomenon witnessed in the skies over 14 allied
  • ulling” the human population so that only the elite inherit a ruined Earth. When confronted by the obvious lack of corpses piled high in the streets, these claimants quickly shift gears, stating that chemtrails comprise Part “A” of a binary bio-weapon that will be activated later by special radio frequencies, causing everyone not ‘specially inoculated to instantly drop dead. When asked for documentation or
  • ssertions, the cull contingent falls silent. Ignoring the illogic inherent in dispersing low concentrations of organisms – or medicine - randomly at sunlight-killing altitudes, other sites state that chemtrails are an aerial vaccine delivered to save us from terrorists who can genetically alter their biological cocktails overnight, instantly nullifying all existing vaccines. The fact that there are not enou


  • s. I even receive calls from people who come away convinced I am part of a cover-up because I will not “admit” that ET space aliens are flying the tanker planes! None of this helps the credibility of chemtrails - or the many conscientious re searchers who have spent years delving into this mystery while enduring much ridicule, continuous expense and no pay. It is easy to make fun of what we don’t understand
  • unaway global warming, a species-limiting activity. Having researched and written two books dealing with bio-warfare - Scorched Earth and Bringing The War Home – I can state for the record that while chemtrails are apparently making many people sick and could even be linked to some deaths, they are not deliberate bio-warfare. On February 18, and again on March 17, 1999 I went back on-air with Art Bell. Befo
  • e linked to some deaths, they are not deliberate bio-warfare. On February 18, and again on March 17, 1999 I went back on-air with Art Bell. Before he eventually left the air, we would do six shows on chemtrails toget her. All were wildly popular. A TIME magazine cover story on Art Bell later called me his most popular guest. “Chemtrails” was now common currency among more than 15 million listeners and reade


  • Chapter 4. CONTRAILS OR CHEMTRAILS? Somewhere on Earth, every second of every day and night, commercial airliners commences their take- off runs. With the runway speeding past and four huge jet engines howling at take-off thrust, a 74


  • eric and cloud physics. Atmospheric studies such as SUCCESS, TARFOX and more recent offshoots employed a variety of aircraft – from airliner-size jets to executive Cessna Citations sighted dispensing chemtrails over Arizona and Ohio - to spray small amounts of atmospheric “tracers” that can be tracked by satellite, laser radar and other sophisticated sensors equipped to measure at mospheric responses to pol


  • ned once clear skies into a milky haze. “One would have expected these days to be generally clear at that altitude,” Carnicom commented. “But that was not the case.” STEAD HAM COMPARES CONTRAILS AND CHEMTRAILS More proof that chemtrails are not contrails came from a sky plume study conducted by Mark Steadham in the winter of 2000. As Steadham stated, “ This report is the result of research into the science
  • milky haze. “One would have expected these days to be generally clear at that altitude,” Carnicom commented. “But that was not the case.” STEAD HAM COMPARES CONTRAILS AND CHEMTRAILS More proof that chemtrails are not contrails came from a sky plume study conducted by Mark Steadham in the winter of 2000. As Steadham stated, “ This report is the result of research into the science of contrail formation and


  • ndating minimum commercial aircraft separation. And passengers would refuse to fly in airliners without windows, as many photographs of the planes show. HOT A ND COLD Whether deploying contrails or chemtrails, tinkering with cloud cover could trigger unintended consequences. Acting as a complex planetary thermostat, clouds cool the Earth by reflecting sunlight. But they also heat the atmosphere by trappin


  • Semper Fi COUNTING CONTRAILS OVER CONUS Here is a chemtrail koan straight from NASA and the Pentagon: Conundrum: How can contrails be increasing when they are declining? Answer: When they are really chemtrails. NASA scientists say that despite a steady increase in commercial air traffic over the Continental United States (CONUS) in recent decades, contrails are decreasing over the USA . The aeronautical ag


  • g fungal infection.” Ice crystal condensation trails do not cause fungal infections in the lungs. But airborne colonies of mutated molds and fungi brought down from the irradiated upper atmosphere by chemtrails could certainly cause symptoms experienced by Leslie and tens of thousands of North Americans following chemtrail exposure. A MILITARY METEOROLOGIST On May 6, 2001, a former military meteorologist wr
  • ands of North Americans following chemtrail exposure. A MILITARY METEOROLOGIST On May 6, 2001, a former military meteorologist wrote the author: Just thought I’d report that I have witnessed my first chemtrails over central NH. I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever. I am a former m ilitary meteorologist and am familiar with the typical commercial flight patterns over my area. I went out to look at the sky a


  • REEN What else was happening to our skies? Though other projects have since piggy-backed onto this extensive covert program, environmental consultant Mike Castle discovered the primary purpose behind chemtrails when he discovered a patent for “Stratospheric Welsbach Seeding for Reduction of Global Warming”. Filed by aerospace giant Hughes Aircraft Company in 1991, the patent explained that Welsbach material


  • UNFRIENDLY SKIES Could commercial plan es be spreading chemtrails? While obviously not involved in back-and-forth gridding, with more than five million flights crisscrossing the planet every year, the sheer volume and air mileage flown by daily-scheduled point A to
  • ul Grignon, a disturbing clip in our video documentary “Chemtrails: Mystery Lines In The Sky” clearly shows this MD-80 jetliner laying a thick white plume beneath two equally prominent and persistent chemtrails. The phenomenon observed above dozens of nations fit the patents, studies, proposals and computer models calling for a “sunscreen”. TELLER’S LAST BIG IDEA When Dr. Edward Teller stood to address


  • ur space colony’s closed, recirculating atmosphere. Today, the “CO 2 Equivalent” of heat-trapping carbon dioxide, nitrogen and methane in Earth’s atmosphere are near 423ppm and climbing faster than a chemtrails tanker. If this trend continues, our “Climax Civilization” will suffer the same fa te as our clear-cut “climax” rainforests. CHAOS We’re talking about major instabilities being unleashed across our p


  • The International Energy Agency believes demand after 2010 is likely to exceed dwindling supplies. Are any more reasons needed to stop chemtrails and kick our oil addiction? [Independent Aug 3/09] Geochemist Wallace Broecker believes the “sunscreen” proposal would cost around $50 billion. It could also cost the planet. Focusing on geoengineeri
  • addiction? [Independent Aug 3/09] Geochemist Wallace Broecker believes the “sunscreen” proposal would cost around $50 billion. It could also cost the planet. Focusing on geoengineering projects li ke chemtrails subverts other efforts to attain sensible reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. National Research Council scientists worry that attempting to offset global warming by deliberate climate modificatio


  • trail spraying is causing similar atmospheric “dead zones” by destroying the microscopic life forms that inhabit Earth’s atmosphere – and are intricately tied to our weather. PATENTLY OBVIOUS Nascent chemtrails technology had already been developed for the U.S. Navy. Issued in 1975, the navy’s Contrail Generation Patent described a “Contrail generation apparatus for producing a powder contrail having maximu
  • hot by reflecting the sun's rays. They also keep nights warmer by trapping the Earth's heat. “Locally, contrails are equally as significant as greenhouse gases,” says Carleton. [Nature Aug/02] Ditto chemtrails. Deteriorating weather conditions are often observed in the wake of an activity referred to by the U.S. Air Force as “aerial obscuration”. These unpredicted weather changes include sudden temperature


  • Chapter 6. ESPANOLA In the summer of 1998 – long before anyone had heard of “chemtrails” – Ben McNenly and other residents of Espanola began seeing unfamiliar aircraft and strange clouds in the skies over this small Ontario, Canada community of 6,000 souls located about 30 miles above L


  • m-sided home, the indicator strip stayed clear. But on the west side of the house – where the scallop clouds appeared – the strip showed purple-red, indicating microwave radiation concurrent with the chemtrails. There were a lot of depressed people in Espanola, McNenly added. “It’s free-floating, abstract. You can’t really put your finger on anything.”


  • ce for these minerals, they are known to be used in weather modification experiments. The commercial lab also identified large and hazardous amounts of aluminum oxide in the rainwater falling through chemtrails over Espanola at seven-times government-permissible safe levels. Concerned residents finally forced the provincial envir onment ministry to conduct air sample tests. But when government officials ref


  • st jetliner to see widespread commercial use at the dawn of the jet age, each $52 million reconfigured Boeing 707 carries 150,000 pounds of transferable fuel and costs $3,448/hour to fly refueling or chemtrails missions. The last KC-135 was delivered to the Air Force in 1965. Today, the Air Mobility Command operates more than 442 Stratotankers. The Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard fly just over half


  • ky watchers are still awaiting the outcome of New Mexico Representative Tom Udall’s March 13, 2000 request to the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee to hold oversi ght hearings on the “chemtrails” issue. In September 1999, John Volkerdin of the New Mexico Environmental Protection Division responded to a letter from Alan Hutner of the Santa Fe-based Skywatchers organization. The environmental
  • fairs, and the Federal Aviation Administration – “the data does not suggest that any illegal or clandestine activity is occurring.” Another Santa Fe resident was contacted after complaining about the chemtrails: “I have finally received responses from the Health Dept. and Attorney General here. Same o’ same o’. Just normal contrail activity. Meanwhile, I just had some clients cancel their appointments becau
  • se the whole family of six were down with pneumonia.” CONGRESS RESPONDS By now, con cerned citizens across the USA were asking a host of mayors and congressional representatives to intercede and stop chemtrails. Among those contacted in writing were senators Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Wayne Allard, Jesse Helms, Edwards, McCain, Murray and Bingaman. In the House of Representatives Jon Kyl, Charles Taylor, Tom
  • p. Tom Allen’s’ office telling me that they had assigned my complaint to the student intern in the office. They made a request for info to the FAA and the EPA, both of whom wrote back saying that the chemtrails were just normal jet contrails and that the stupid public was simply being misled by erroneous reports on the Internet. Clearly, they are in deep, deep denial and are treating the public with total c


  • THE EPA RESPONDS November 30, 1999 Subject: Complaint regarding Contrail/Chemtrails Thank you for contacting Ohio EPA...Our authority is over those facilities and companies in Ohio that generate waste materials, emit pollutants or discharge wastewater into waters of the state. Ohio


  • Though no noise complaints have ever been received in connection with whisper-quiet chemtrails, Lieber recommended that reports concerning unusual airplane activity be sent in writing to the Noise Ombudsman in Washington, DC. SPOOKING THE SPIN-MASTERS Was this “file-a-noise-complaint” response
  • n in November, 1999. So was her story. USAF CALLS CHEMTRAILS, A “HOAX” Two years after their initial denials, an October 2001 public disinformation paper released by the United State Air Force called chemtrails a “hoax” perpetrat ed by people confused over contrails. According to this new spin: “The ‘Chemtrail’ hoax has been investigated and refuted by many established and accredited universities, scientifi


  • served as commander of the 451st Information Operations Squadron at RAF Menwith Hill on July 9, 2001, U.S. Air Force Master Intelligence Officer Lieutenant Colonel Michael Gibson continued to dismiss chemtrails. Having served at this British node of the worldwide ECHELON spy network that intercepts all phone, fax and email transmissions, Gibson must have been used to public complaints. And having served as
  • s. But not everyone is impressed by the “contrails” ex planation for lingering plumes laid down in grid patterns by crisscrossing air force tankers in air too warm and dry to support condensation. As chemtrails activist Diane Harvey wrote to Lt. Col. Gibson: This responds to your “response” to Representat ive Mark Green concerning chemtrails. I have of course removed your quotation marks from the word “chem
  • force tankers in air too warm and dry to support condensation. As chemtrails activist Diane Harvey wrote to Lt. Col. Gibson: This responds to your “response” to Representat ive Mark Green concerning chemtrails. I have of course removed your quotation marks from the word “chemtrails” and put them where they belong: around the word “response”. Your ludicrous reply to sincere citizens’ demands for an explanat
  • ails activist Diane Harvey wrote to Lt. Col. Gibson: This responds to your “response” to Representat ive Mark Green concerning chemtrails. I have of course removed your quotation marks from the word “chemtrails” and put them where they belong: around the word “response”. Your ludicrous reply to sincere citizens’ demands for an explanation is receiving precisely the quality and quantity of outrage it so rich
  • neither do his children, who were patriotic little career Air Force brats... The countless other per fectly sane citizens of this country who are observing and reporting the factual proliferation of chemtrails are also not going to be content to be spoken to in such a shamefully dismissive manner. We know precisely who is hoaxing who. Remember the picture of the sprayer fitted to the KC-10 tanker? Here it


  • Chapter 8. BLACKOUT Was a geoengineering project called “chemtrails” really underway? Stephen Schwartz, Senior Scientist for the Atmospheric Sciences Division of Brookhav en National Laboratory in Upton, New York could find no academic references. He wrote: “After fa
  • k projects” are not published in the scientific literature. One of the most frustrating aspects of reporting this story is that so far, all of the purported “insider” tips I have received relating to chemtrails have been made anonymously, without corroborative docum entation. The penalties for full disclosure are just too high. PROJECT CLOVERLEAF Nevertheless, the declassification of Project Cloverleaf by t


  • utraged that we are being dumped on and no one is talking about in government or media circles. I don’t remember a clear day from morning to night fo r at least two years now. If there really aren’t “chemtrails” up there, then the planes are dumping more fuel than ever before. And that in itself is deadly to the environment and to U.S. Gary wrote me to describe a possible chem trail monitoring mission the p
  • was. She didn’t but said she thought it must have been “pretty big” since she could see it so well. Perhaps chemtrail watchers should keep an eye out for orange balls on parachutes coming out of the chemtrails. They could be some sort of atmospheric monitoring devices. Two weeks later, on June 21, 2000, another commercial pilot reported to Rense: Today we g ot “pounded” with trails. My wife is a bus driver


  • n it all of a sudden made a turn and moved away from it. I realized that this was some kind of line that the plane followed and not at all an illusion created by the plane. I have been watching these chemtrails for a long time, but this was something new. In June 2000 Nancy wrote, “While driving from Des Moines to Shenandoah, Iowa (rural Iowa), I saw a black line extend out from a plane I was watching. The


  • tch it become visible at a constant distance ahead of the plane. As it flew it flew directly on or just to the left of the line. HARASSED If nothing un usual was going on in allied airspace, why were chemtrails activists being harassed? Vicki’s photo-filled “purplehaze” website was hacked shortly before Christmas, 1999. A vexed Vicki reports “All the info from all the files (34 pages at the time) was delete
  • something should ever happen to us (and we will not go quietly into the night}, assume foul play. The next day she elaborated on the intimidation tactics she experienced since forming the grassroots chemtrails group, CACTUS: We’re carrying our cameras full time. I know I should probably be scared, but Will, I am not. Our telephone has been bugged for two years. The Army National Guard from VA tried to hack


  • A friend of mine, told me today, you were one of the people to talk to about this, and that you are either involved in one of the biggest organizations fo r investigating or researching chemtrails, or would know people that are heads of the best orgs in the nation. Well, we are involved. In fact, one my very top contacts for us, has just informed me, he is being harassed by the military. He ha


  • CHEMTRAILS TAUGHT IN U.S. SCHOOLS A is for Apple. B is for Boy. C is for Chemtrails. At least this is what one American father found. Recently checking out his children’s science book, “SMT” was astonished to f
  • B is for Boy. C is for Chemtrails. At least this is what one American father found. Recently checking out his children’s science book, “SMT” was astonished to find seventh graders being taught about chemtrails. And geoengineering the planet. Anyone with question about the “spray programs”, he now says, “should perhaps just ask their kids.” The chemtrails section is found in the Centre Point Learning Scienc
  • stonished to find seventh graders being taught about chemtrails. And geoengineering the planet. Anyone with question about the “spray programs”, he now says, “should perhaps just ask their kids.” The chemtrails section is found in the Centre Point Learning Science I Essential Interactions science book. Under “Solutions for Global Warming”, section 5.19 features a photo of a big multi-engine jet with a famil


  • ANIMATED CHEMTRAILS While many viewers are used to seeing nearly ubiquitous chemtrails in background skies filmed for TV commercials, spot news and feature films, Cam and his wife wonder if something more sinister is go
  • ANIMATED CHEMTRAILS While many viewers are used to seeing nearly ubiquitous chemtrails in background skies filmed for TV commercials, spot news and feature films, Cam and his wife wonder if something more sinister is going on to acclimate the public to chemtrails – especia lly when ani
  • eing nearly ubiquitous chemtrails in background skies filmed for TV commercials, spot news and feature films, Cam and his wife wonder if something more sinister is going on to acclimate the public to chemtrails – especia lly when animators create chemtrails for mega movies seen by millions. “The wife and I went to see the animated movie ‘Over the Hedge’ on the weekend,” he writes. “Throughout the whole movi
  • skies filmed for TV commercials, spot news and feature films, Cam and his wife wonder if something more sinister is going on to acclimate the public to chemtrails – especia lly when animators create chemtrails for mega movies seen by millions. “The wife and I went to see the animated movie ‘Over the Hedge’ on the weekend,” he writes. “Throughout the whole movie, what is normally a pristine sky in an animat
  • vies seen by millions. “The wife and I went to see the animated movie ‘Over the Hedge’ on the weekend,” he writes. “Throughout the whole movie, what is normally a pristine sky in an animated film had chemtrails scattered in numerous shots. Some were just the standard straight line contrails, but others were the puffy, spreading chemtrail types. Indoctrination starts early.”


  • came in the winter of 2000. A brief message left by a conscientious airport official would eventually travel from a concerned citiz en’s answering machine to this investigator’s tape player. And the chemtrails conundrum would have some answers at last. According to the city caller and many other ey e-witnesses, similar unusual plume patterns had been spread by large four-engine jets over Victoria for the p


  • helps your interest. Very odd. Thanks a lot. Bye-bye now.” CLICK HERE FOR TERRY STEWART’S CALL Bye-bye “airliners”. For the first time, an aviation official at a major airport had confirmed that the chemtrails were coming from a military operation. Since joint U.S.-Canadian military exercises have been going on for decades, I also found it intriguing that an aviation authority at one of Canada’s busiest in
  • investigating this encroachment on Canadian sovereignty and serenity, my opic “news” organizations kept their corporate gaze averted from the skies directly over their heads . But more pieces of the chemtrails puzzle would soon be disclosed from higher-level source. CANADIAN SOVEREIGNTY? The quiet sp lash of a kayak’s double-paddle carried clearly over waters calm enough to mirror the sky. It was one of th
  • stealing our sovereignty – and skies? Across the strait, chemtrail-watcher and webmaster Richard Vizzutti was enduring the same assault. “Rick,” I wrote, “more than 27 continuous hours here – biggest chemtrails assault I have ever seen in this area.” “Major attack yesterday! No storm front moving in though, according to the weather report,” Rick Vizzutti replied. “The attack we had was a typical heavy attac


  • r the other. I counted seven lines before I blacked out and almost hit the deck. I spent the rest of the night in bed.” DESECRATION Though they come and go, the sprayers were everywhere. L aying down chemtrails over the holy ground of Mt. Shasta is a desecration of sacred ground - right up there with the chemtrails laid over the ruins of the Twin Towers. “We live in Mt. Shasta, California, close to the Or e
  • ight in bed.” DESECRATION Though they come and go, the sprayers were everywhere. L aying down chemtrails over the holy ground of Mt. Shasta is a desecration of sacred ground - right up there with the chemtrails laid over the ruins of the Twin Towers. “We live in Mt. Shasta, California, close to the Or egon border. I observed a very strange black jet that was spraying a black substance all above the town. He
  • ck substance all above the town. He made several swipes, not just one fly-by. This was just before the 9-11 episode. I told my husband about it and he thought I was crazy.” Tammy wrote. “We see these chemtrails all the time in our area. I knew instinctively that we were being sprayed by something unhealthy just by the way the trees and bushes have been dying everywhere. They look burned! PS. A lot of people


  • ipping gratefully, she glanced out the window. It looked like another gorgeous, cloudless day. But not quite. Brendt balked at two chalk marks scr awled across the crystalline blue sky. “Contrails or chemtrails?” she jokingly remarked.


  • stant WMWV news director had gone outside with other news staff and counted 370 lines in skies usually devoid of aerial activity. Brendt put in another call to the FAA official. He had never heard of chemtrails. But similar military activities were ongoing in other regions. His radars showed the aircraft – which he identified as U.S. Air Force tankers – flying north into Canada... Brendt’s “Deep Sky” source


  • te” modification was the word used by higher authorities calling for airspace to be cleared for the big military jets. Fitrakis cited the example of the West-Quebec Post, which in May 2001 had spread chemtrails photographs across its front page. Post publisher Fred Ryan reported that his readers had been photographing and comparing the aerial activity for some time.” [Columbus Alive Mar 27/02]


  • Chapter 11. CHEMTRAILS 9/11 Who stood down U.S. air defenses on the morning of September 11, 2001? Diverted by simultaneous distant air defense drills ordered for that morning by Vice President Dick Cheney – and forbidden


  • itary investigations and interrogations that would have captured several of the hijackers, including alleged ringleader Mohamed Atta, weeks before the attacks – demonstrate how even lesser evils like chemtrails can be successfully kept from public purview. Even when those telltale lines in the sky are so persistently scrawled right over our heads. As I later wrote in All Fall Down: The Politics of Terror an
  • eat, gone forever was the illusion of our pampered invulnerability. Tragically, ominously, ironically and incontrovertibly, the immediate aftermath of Black Tuesday would also prove conclusively that chemtrails had nothi ng to do with commercial airliners or contrails.


  • CHEMTRAILS CONFIRMED On September 12, I knew only that indeed the world had changed – and not in ways that bode well. Seeking my bearings, and wanting to top off my trim aran’s water tanks for whatever came nex
  • rity business going on right now, you’d think, they wouldn’t have the time or the resources to continue to chem up the skies with that muck, but they’re right on track and still at it, spraying their chemtrails all over the place, right here in Vancouver anyways.” Caroline had just returned from northern Saskatc hewan after 11days, where she’d found “They’ve got ‘em just like we do. I don’t think you can fi
  • he National Guard, it is rural agricultural here, just a few factories where they make rubber goods, Maytag, Carhartt, etc. Also from Chicago: “Last night between 1:15-1:30 a.m. I saw no less than 10 chemtrails overhead in the classic grid pattern, two of which were parallel heading south and then hard banked to the east. These were big, big trails. Biologicals perhaps? God forbid.” The following day, Bonni
  • The following day, Bonnie wrote from Maidstone to report, “On September 12, 2001, when all air traffic was supposed to be grounded, they were right over my house in Maidstone, Ontario spraying those chemtrails.” Reporting for Chemtrail Tracking USA in Houston, Lorie Kramer disclosed that on September 12, with the grounding order still in effect, chemtrails were observed over Maidstone, Ontario as well as I
  • over my house in Maidstone, Ontario spraying those chemtrails.” Reporting for Chemtrail Tracking USA in Houston, Lorie Kramer disclosed that on September 12, with the grounding order still in effect, chemtrails were observed over Maidstone, Ontario as well as Indianapolis and Fort Wayne, Indiana; Lexington, Kentucky; southern Illinois; Detroit, Baltimore, Maryland; Eugene, Oregon and Houston, Texas:


  • Between 4-6 am skies became filled with wispy chemtrails could not see planes during this time. Planes sighted about 25,000 ft up making CT’s at 5:57 am: two X’s made over skies in northwestern suburbs. One plane made one X and two planes made the second X


  • ional prominence after taking advantage of the emergency grounding order issued to study U.S. skies in the absence of airliners. On September 12, 2001, during a time of worldwide shock and grief, the chemtrails debunker was cited in the Louisville Courier Journal and the New York Times for collecting “valuable data” on contrails during a period when the only planes in the air were nine military flights cros
  • s that “contrails persist for one hour only.” NASA scientists further estimate that a rare, persistent contrail “spreads to two kilometers wide and has a length of 60 kilometers.” Was Minnis studying chemtrails? Along with contr adicting NASA’s published contrail information, his miscue graphically demonstrated the difference betw een military aircraft emissions and the civilian variety by recording long-li
  • ty by recording long-lingering ‘trails behind nine special military aircraft – type not revealed. MORE SKEPTICS BITE THE CHEMTAIL DUST Less than one month after the horror and cover-up of 911, it was chemtrails-as-usual over the land of the less free, and its northern neighbor. In Hamilton, Ontario, the spraying was so heavy, family members Leander, Stephanie and Arthur Zimmerman began making connections be


  • on the cause of my persistent illness. During the weeks to follow my father and I also began noticing bizarre cloud formations and we recalled an article that we had previously read about mysterious “chemtrails”. Initially, Stephanie Holliday and the Zimmermans “were skeptical of the chemtrail theories.” But Leander Zimmerman relates how “that all changed one afternoon in late January when I emerged from my
  • d types are perfectly natural, I was amazed that I had just witnessed a cloud manufacturing operation,” he later said. Leander Zimmerman quickly accumulated more than two hours of video clips showing chemtrails spreading over his Ontario city. The intruders are coming up from the ‘States. As he related: Most of these large high-flying white jet planes we witness making “chemtrails” appear to originate from
  • urs of video clips showing chemtrails spreading over his Ontario city. The intruders are coming up from the ‘States. As he related: Most of these large high-flying white jet planes we witness making “chemtrails” appear to originate from the United States, flying north and northwest from over Lake Ontario. Multiple jets take part in these operations forming all sorts of cloud patterns including grids, X-shap
  • pes, multiple parallel lines, and curved trails (including U-shapes). However, the majority of sprayings randomly blanket the sky without any set formations. The planes can be observed making lasting chemtrails in the same sky as other [planes] simply leaving behind rapidly dissipating contrails. The heaviest spraying operations appear to take place in the early morning just before and after sunrise and con
  • heaviest spraying operations appear to take place in the early morning just before and after sunrise and continue all day. Other heavy sprayings take place above naturally existing cloud covers. The “chemtrails” and “chemclouds” can be seen in breaks in the natural cloud cover. Some operations take place at night or during the early morning hours. The planes are much lower and can be heard passing over repe
  • er and grandparents witnessed a plane leave a chemtrail underneath the full moon on a cloudless night. Later on, the jets could be heard flying back and forth across the sky. The haze produced by the chemtrails refracts lig ht, occasionally producing rainbow-like rings around the sun and moon. The “chemclouds” seem much more reflective than natural clouds at night. The skies have recently been covered by th


  • es a very fine fibrous deposit – is most visible on neighbourhood automobiles. Could these strange particles be the cause of my congestion?” Arthur Zimmerman holds a PhD in Engineering. A BILL TO BAN CHEMTRAILS On October 2, 2001, Representative Dennis Kucinich tabled House Resolution 2977 before the 107 th session of the U.S. Congress. His SPACE PRESERVATION ACT OF 2001 was intended “To preserve the cooper
  • s; or (III) by expelling chemical or biologica l agents in the vicinity of a person. (B) Such terms include exotic weapons systems such as-- (i) electronic, psychotronic, or information weapons; (ii) chemtrails ; (iii) high altitude ultra low frequency weapons systems; (iv) plasma, electromagnetic, sonic, or ultrasonic weapons; (v) laser weapons systems; (vi) strategic, theater, tactical, or extraterrestria


  • INTERNATIONAL CHEMTRAILS AND HAARP BAN PASSED BY THE UNITED NATIONS Fitrakis found this own NG0 chemtrails proposal circulating among the major European nations, where the subject of “chemtrails” was being actively debated.
  • INTERNATIONAL CHEMTRAILS AND HAARP BAN PASSED BY THE UNITED NATIONS Fitrakis found this own NG0 chemtrails proposal circulating among the major European nations, where the subject of “chemtrails” was being actively debated. It turned out that HR 2977 was actually modeled on a previous UN General Assembly
  • INTERNATIONAL CHEMTRAILS AND HAARP BAN PASSED BY THE UNITED NATIONS Fitrakis found this own NG0 chemtrails proposal circulating among the major European nations, where the subject of “chemtrails” was being actively debated. It turned out that HR 2977 was actually modeled on a previous UN General Assembly Resolution 55/32 calling for a Permanent Ban on Basing Weapons in Space. This internatio
  • s reports – the “United States, Israel and Micronesia, under U.S. domination.” Signed by all but three members of the 141 member General Assembly, Article 5(3) of this international treaty also bans “chemtrails.” Under immense political pressure, HR 2977 was withdrawn. A replacement measure tagged HR 3616 no longer referred to “chemtrails”. CONGRESSIONAL CLASH OVER CHEMTRAILS More down-to-Earth chemtrail co
  • eneral Assembly, Article 5(3) of this international treaty also bans “chemtrails.” Under immense political pressure, HR 2977 was withdrawn. A replacement measure tagged HR 3616 no longer referred to “chemtrails”. CONGRESSIONAL CLASH OVER CHEMTRAILS More down-to-Earth chemtrail combatants took a legislative approach. On October 2, 2001, Democratic Representative Dennis Kucinich brought a bill to ban chemtrai
  • emtrails”. CONGRESSIONAL CLASH OVER CHEMTRAILS More down-to-Earth chemtrail combatants took a legislative approach. On October 2, 2001, Democratic Representative Dennis Kucinich brought a bill to ban chemtrails before Congress. Kucinich’s “Space Preservation Act of 2001” was intended “To preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the benefit of all human-kind by permanent ly prohibiting the basing
  • achiev ing the Bush “National Security Strategy”, which authorizes “first-strike” use of nuclear weapons in order to assure “global domination” by the United States. As the news of HR2977 lit up the chemtrails community like a thunderbolt, the furor in the Science Committee threatened to scuttle a bill aimed pr imarily at keeping weapons out of space. HR3616 was quickly substituted. Submitted on January 23
  • ed to scuttle a bill aimed pr imarily at keeping weapons out of space. HR3616 was quickly substituted. Submitted on January 23, 2002, this new “Space Preservation Act of 2002” omitted all mention of “chemtrails”. As Carol Rosin, President of the Institute for Cooperation in Space, explained to outraged chemtrails activists, the switched bills many saw as a betrayal “simply makes it likely that more congress
  • ubmitted on January 23, 2002, this new “Space Preservation Act of 2002” omitted all mention of “chemtrails”. As Carol Rosin, President of the Institute for Cooperation in Space, explained to outraged chemtrails activists, the switched bills many saw as a betrayal “simply makes it likely that more congress representatives will sign-on to the bill with less debate and controversy.” As Rosin elaborated, “the ‘


  • But compromising over chemtrails surrendered the entire bill After looking at the replacement bill, Dr. Len Horowitz protested: “In the new bill, however, all of these protections were removed leaving citizens susceptible to control
  • e to control and attack with such “exotic weapons systems” directed by agencies and organizations” detailed in his extensively documented books. Congressman Kucinich deserved major kudos for putting “chemtrails” on the Congressional agenda. After years of being called “hoaxers” and “UFO nuts”, people who knew that what they are seeing, smelling, sampling and photographing is real could take hea rt that chem
  • ails” on the Congressional agenda. After years of being called “hoaxers” and “UFO nuts”, people who knew that what they are seeing, smelling, sampling and photographing is real could take hea rt that chemtrails are finally, officially on the Congressional record. No amendments have been made to the original HR-2977 . Technically, this bill still exists. It remains in “referral” limbo before the same Science
  • “referral” limbo before the same Science Committee whose protest led to its hasty withdrawal. HR-2977 can be revived at any time. MYSTERY OF THE MISSING CHEMTRAILS LEGISLATION Kucinich’s bid to make chemtrails illegal did not make the evening news. As Bob Fitrakis later told me, “Sources close to Kucinich’s new bill, HR 3616, which has been endorsed by some 254 community groups throughout the nation, say t


  • A growing number of informally networked air tra ffic controllers were following the chemtrails controversy. Some of the professional skywatchers Deep Sky spoke with cited the short-lived House Resolution 2977 sponsored by Kucinich. Concerned controllers across America also told Deep Sky that w
  • tuff falls to the ground.” And they wondered about what they termed, “potential health hazards.” As federal employees scanning America’s skies 24/7, these FAA radar operators had the final say in the chemtrails controversy. And they agreed without exception that the chemtrails there were seeing on their scopes fanning out behind high-flying U.S. Air Force tankers were real. But after former President Ronald
  • , “potential health hazards.” As federal employees scanning America’s skies 24/7, these FAA radar operators had the final say in the chemtrails controversy. And they agreed without exception that the chemtrails there were seeing on their scopes fanning out behind high-flying U.S. Air Force tankers were real. But after former President Ronald Reagan underlined their vulnerability by firing every striking air
  • ld that the tankers were engaged in “climate experiments”. STORMY WEATHER Long a hotbed of chemtrail activity, and chemtrail protests, Columbus, Ohio finally achieved national prominence for in-depth chemtrails coverage with a December 6, 2001 article in Columbus Alive by reporters Bob Fitrakis and Fritz Chess. “Stormy Weather” observed that “the grounding of virtually all civilian air flights in the immedi
  • ightened “bizarre speculation about what’s happening in North American airspace.” The newspaper kept receiving “numerous citizen repor ts concerning airplanes ‘spraying’ or leaving behind mysterious ‘chemtrails’ or ‘contrail grids’ in the skies over Columbus. Fitrakis and Chess reported, “Some feared we were under biochemical attack while others postulated we were being inoculated against anthrax or some ot


  • aying observed over Columbus that fall could have “created a vacuum” or low pressure area, drawing cold air out of Canada to help cool the rapidly warming continental USA. MINNIS MISSES AGAIN Calling chemtrails, “perfectly natural” clouds , Minnis had participated in showing a sharp decrease in contrail activity since November 2001. Yet, in March 2202, he told the Akron Beacon Journal that people were notic
  • litary members, police officers and veteran news staff. Though Minnis did not mention this. [USA Today Mar 7/2002] DISINFORMATION FROM DURANGO On November 19, 2002, the Durango Herald ’s contemptuous chemtrails commentary appeared in a “story” by Jennifer Kostka helpfully headli ned, “Scientists Dismiss ‘Chemtrail’ Theories”.


  • In the tradition of USA Today and similar chemtrail “coverage” by editors and producers more fond of their corporate paychecks than journalistic ethics, Kostas immediately confused chemtrails with contrails – before belaboring the seemingly obvious point that contrails are harmless to human health. At least until the heat they trap and the sunli ght they dim really kicks in. Fallout from
  • Branch of NASA was careful not to mention the NASA-de fined “UFOs” caught by its own space cameras – which must make NASA “conspiratorialists” too! The Durango drivel was prompted by a local talk on chemtrails: Clifford Carnicom, a geophysicist and mathematician from Santa Fe, spoke at Storehouse Baptist Church south of Durango on Saturday night. Carnicom told about 50 residents that he believes a national
  • er quote the senior Air Traffic Controller manager who described on tape the climate modification missions flown by U.S. Air Force tankers. The Wright-Patterson scientists who described their work on chemtrails projects at Wright-Patterson to Columbus Alive reporter Bob Fitrakis also went unmentioned in a story that carefully overlooked irrefutable evidence of massive, ongoing chemtrail activity. Instead, K
  • re getting swamped with calls about this. All of these reports turned out to be nothing.” Then why are they continuing? “This is a very standard reply to receive, that everything’s normal,” long-time chemtrails researcher Clifford Carnicom told Kostka. “It is not normal. Contrails are composed of water vapor. What I’m speaking of is not emissions of water vapor. What I’m speaking of is the emissions of aero


  • When I got home, there were X’s and grids all around my neighborhood. Friday there were more. My husband, who’s having a hard time accepting this stuff, even commented about the “pretty” sunset, the chemtrails were bubble gum pink!” Saturday morning I zipped over to the market at 7:30 am and there was a huge blanket of perfectly straight “clouds” going from Pac Bell Park (the new baseball stadium near the
  • y Area...”It’s been several days and my husband and I can’t shake it,” Kathleen wrote. “One friend has relapsed after a week, another has relapsed after two weeks. Of course, we get our fair share of chemtrails, and I’m very suspicious. A big anti-war rally in SF is scheduled for 12/28.”


  • ed. In addition, “Most of the people living around me are having strange illness taking for ever to get over and the people with depressions are severely depressed and not always responding to meds.” CHEMTRAILS OVER SEDONA Sedona used to be a special place renowned for spiritual healing and cosmic connection. That vibe is still pre sent. But this renowned New Age “vortex center” has been getting hammered wi
  • ER SEDONA Sedona used to be a special place renowned for spiritual healing and cosmic connection. That vibe is still pre sent. But this renowned New Age “vortex center” has been getting hammered with chemtrails since at least early 1999. “So many good things have changed for the worse since then, helped along by a faceless oligarchy carving up what’s left of the Earth pie and drooling down their chins. And
  • early 1999. “So many good things have changed for the worse since then, helped along by a faceless oligarchy carving up what’s left of the Earth pie and drooling down their chins. And too much – like chemtrails – has remained the same,” one resident wrote. On March 23, 2002 Carol wrote a brief update: “I live in Sedona, AZ which is a very beautiful place with relatively little air pollution. But we have fre
  • resident wrote. On March 23, 2002 Carol wrote a brief update: “I live in Sedona, AZ which is a very beautiful place with relatively little air pollution. But we have frequent and sometimes very heavy chemtrails.” And then it was summer. For much of the USA and Canada, a parching drought continued. Crops failed. Major herds of cattle were sold off. And vast forest fires burned in Australia and the USA. Were


  • tion and precipitation” you win an official Clifford Carnicom Drought Inducement hyperlink! December 16, 2002: I live in western Montana in Hamilton and everyday for a long time I have seen dozens of chemtrails over this part of Montana and I visited Sun Valley Idaho a large ski area about 300 miles south of Hamilton and on every clear day ther e is chemtrail activity every where to the point of looking lik
  • their aerial chemical spraying over Arizona the last few days,” this MD wrote: I went to visit some patients yesterday in Prescott and between Phoenix and Prescott the sky was simply obliviated with chemtrails. The spraying continued into the night. There were four and five parallel lines in the sky at various times wh ich spread out into the hazy clouds with which we are all familiar. The trails crisscros
  • even return my call; Sen. Kyle had an assistant call me and he spouted the party line that all I was experiencing was CON-TRAILS. Sorry, guys these are NOT contrails. I haven't seen many articles on chemtrails lately and I am hoping those that are aware do not let this poisoning of our sky, and control of our weather be forgotten. I feel this is what the government wants. If they ignore those of us who are
  • overnment wants. If they ignore those of us who are trying to raise awareness of this activity long enough, our citizens-with our general attention span of approximately 15 minutes- will forget about chemtrails and the government/military c an continue with their experiments on us.


  • ed with nerve-jangling electronic “smog” may be triggering emotional storms. In Glenwood Springs, Colorado where another despondent correspondent reported relentless spraying, the correlation between chemtrails and consciousness is not encouraging. “People are acting weird,” wrote this waitress after work. “People are acting strange. People don’t have really good mental health. Everybody’s sick. More people
  • ple don’t have really good mental health. Everybody’s sick. More people are down. Things are just not right. Erratic behavior. It’s not like life used to be.” SCANNER CHATTER As 2002 drew to a close, chemtrails continue to be reported across Canada, the USA, UK and Europe. On the morning of December 30, Lou Aubuchont decided to write a “Good Wishes” letter to his local New Hampshire paper after looking out


  • to west, it was quite a show and by 3:30PM the sky was a complete whiteout. We had some high thin cirrus clouds overhead when the spraying started here. The tankers were below the clouds and as the “Chemtrails “spread out it became hard to tell the cloud cover from the “Chemcloud”. But we ended up with a sick looking yellow-white overcast. You know, if it is just a ho ax as the U.S.A.F. portrays it as bein
  • amed Phil wrote from Teulon, a town approximately 30 minutes drive due north of Winnipeg: This summer on a couple of different occasions I observed these aircraft flying back and forth emitting these chemtrails for about an hour each time. On one of these occasions I watched with my neighbor who expressed extreme surpri se and wonder at this activity. These aircraft emitted what I thought at first was their
  • orts in bringing attention to this activity was met with a bit of skepticism and just a cursory interest. A Lexus Nexis search made in 2002 showed 24 TV stations carrying nearly identical segments on chemtrails. From Baltimore to Florida to Houston, people being interviewed are watching chemtrails and getting sick. Invariably, the station runs an official denial or a joking rebuttal from their own meteorolo
  • cursory interest. A Lexus Nexis search made in 2002 showed 24 TV stations carrying nearly identical segments on chemtrails. From Baltimore to Florida to Houston, people being interviewed are watching chemtrails and getting sick. Invariably, the station runs an official denial or a joking rebuttal from their own meteorologist scientifically commenting on “conspiratorialists”. Almo st all stations run compell
  • s run compelling footage of bizarre aerial plume patterns, before dismissing the phenomenon. According to Bob Fitrakis, affiliate stations sometimes overlap while using local talent to report a local chemtrails angle. The result: key evidence and credible interviews replaced by ridicule.


  • n making patterns over Edmonton – “circuits” the controllers called it. The Stratotankers were working alone in “commanded airspace” from which all other aircraft were excluded. And they were leaving chemtrails. “The signature is significant,” commented one radar operator, referring to a trail clearly visible on the scope extending for miles behind the KC-135. In contrast, a JAL flight on the display left n


  • plane suffered a sudden decompression and had to dive to lower altitude? [See Dickie interview on the History Channel] A HOUSEWIFE IN EDMONTON Dave Dickie is not the only Edmontonian exercised about chemtrails. On October 12, 2005 Jeannie wrote to say: Just a housewife but am very concerned about the current chemtrail situation here in Edmonton. We have been seeing frequent aerial spraying since 1999. Toda
  • tly, the electromagnetic radiation emitted by cell phones, portable phones and cell phone towers also leaches calcium from human cells – and may be significantly am plified by electrically-conductive chemtrails.


  • 1998 and 1999. “It is becoming a major health problem. And the severity of the illness is becoming worse,” the British government broadcast agency declared. [BBC Mar 14/00] RESPIRATORY STUDIES FOLLOW CHEMTRAILS John K. reports that a skeptical friend listened to my chemtrails discussions with Art Bell in early 1999 and “was interested but not moved” when I described how usually two days following heavy spra
  • erity of the illness is becoming worse,” the British government broadcast agency declared. [BBC Mar 14/00] RESPIRATORY STUDIES FOLLOW CHEMTRAILS John K. reports that a skeptical friend listened to my chemtrails discussions with Art Bell in early 1999 and “was interested but not moved” when I described how usually two days following heavy spraying, an ad will appear in local newspapers asking for volunteers


  • e. Though everywhere underfoot, nanobacteria have gone undetected for decades by myopic microbiologists who have long insisted that bacteria invisible under optical microscopes could not exist. Since chemtrails are commonly spread over populated areas where sun shading is most needed, it is reasonable to conclude that these particulate-laden plumes are bringing airborne viruses, bacteria and fungi down into


  • ident, “It is snowing so hard in the Sierras that the snow is coming down sideways. They continue to spray this area. When there are breaks in the clouds, you can see the tell- tale signs of what the chemtrails look like as they spread further and further out.” Another correspondent described how in Arkansas on January 19th and 20th, 1999: “There was heavy spraying. On the 21st, Arkansas had the worst outbr


  • plex chemtrail patterns the day before 90 tornadoes struck three adjoining states. On August 21, 2005 another Tennessean wrote, “Just wanted to let you know we have multiple jets almost daily spewing chemtrails here over Knoxvi lle. I’ve been concerned for the last six or seven months and have told many people, but no one seems to believe the government would do anything to harm us... I’m a believer.”


  • o Lynmouth on August 15, 1952. Entire buildings were destroyed as North Devon experienced 250 times normal rainfall for the month of August rainfall – within hours. In a description familia r to many chemtrails observers, survivors described planes circling before the disaster – and “how the air smelled of sulphur on the afternoon of the floods” as rain fell hard enough “to hurt people’s faces.” Uprooted tr


  • communications and surveillance systems, e.g., over-the-horizon (for both civilian and defense purposes).” [] BRINGING HAARP TO HEEL Will the EU intervene to internationally condemn chemtrails? A precedent was set in February 1998, when the European Parliamentary Committee On Foreign Affairs, Security And Defense Policy held public hearings in Brussels on the HAARP program. A Motion for Re


  • Chapter 15. STEERING HURRICANES Steer a hurricane? Drain its punch? Many believe it c an’t be done. But as chemtrails have shown, reality often trumps belief. Dr. Ben Livingston is one of the world’s foremost weather modification experts. After receiving a master’s degree in cloud physics from the Naval Weapons Cent


  • in the world, the gigantic Russian IL-76 water bombers converted to hurricane suppression – could deliver this amount of powder into the western edge of a hurricane. [St. Petersburg Times Aug 24/03; Chemtrails Confirmed 2007 by William Thomas; email to the author] Just before Frances hit, its central eye suddenly expanded from the usual 20 miles across to 70 nautical miles wide. “That is just unbelievably


  • HOW TO JUDO-FLIP A HURRIANCE If you want to control a hurricane, said my very-well connected informant, “you turn it into something that can grab a hold of, and hit it with a standing wave.” Special chemtrails provide the “handles”. And the standing wave is beamed by HAARP. So how can a hurricane be judo-flipped 90-degrees? Press the ends of two broomsticks together as hard as you can and they won’t go any


  • s that a lot of moisture is not going to fall where it might be needed. You could cause droughts, he warned. “You have to be very careful.” We may never know. At least not in the United States, where chemtrails and HAARP's risky rays remain the hurricane-movers of choice. [Interview with William Thomas Dec 20/09;;]


  • e can be viewed and verified with a few keystrokes from correspondents reporting to me at from any country. A friend named Hendrik chronicled a visit to Holland in late 1999: The first chemtrails I saw were over Deventer, a town of perhaps 80,000, on October 17. At least five spray planes, one making “dotted line”, the others crossing the short stripes in the middle to make X’s. At one point


  • se” [Milieudefensie] in A’dam, but they had never heard of aerial spraying like this. They were aware of bad air quality around the airport, from conventional sources. They evinced no curiosity about chemtrails, did not even take down your website. On the streets the Dutch looked very uniform, or fashionable. All had black or dark gray overcoats, black shiny shoes, mostly jeans; they walked very fast, many


  • CHEMTRAILS OVER THE NETHERLANDS SPARK ANGRY PROTESTS “What are senators doing about it, or do they play dumb, or are their explanations of them doing this with a non-harmful trail for other reasons?” –GW July 2


  • ITALIAN CHEMTRAILS On the first of June 1999 Kitty wrote from Italy to report: While on military duty in Naples I saw chemtrail grids laid out over the bay of Naples, just off shore. My hotel balcony faced the Bay. Man
  • rids all day. Billowed out. Stayed all day. Bus ride in from base in Cappadicino had many sailors with hacking coughs. Sa id bronchitis that would not clear up. Very irritable folks. Spoke of the USA chemtrails. They had not heard of them. That was on the 29th of May. Next day saw the contrails. People coughing all over Naples. I was aghast to see them there. When I returned June 22 t hey were over my town,


  • observation point). Notice the escaping airplane, on its route, a quantity of “nube”. Notice as the second [plane] produces a wake of effervescent condensation. ITALIAN FILMMAKERS HUNT NORTH AMERICAN CHEMTRAILS In the fall 2003, concerned countrymen dispatched two Italian documentary filmmakers to document chemtrails on the other side of the Atlantic. After flying in from Rome, Vincent Gambino and Duce (du-
  • plane] produces a wake of effervescent condensation. ITALIAN FILMMAKERS HUNT NORTH AMERICAN CHEMTRAILS In the fall 2003, concerned countrymen dispatched two Italian documentary filmmakers to document chemtrails on the other side of the Atlantic. After flying in from Rome, Vincent Gambino and Duce (du- shey) interviewed me on Hornby Island hideout – and were interviewed in turn. Vincent and Duce showed recen
  • anation of this,” Vincent said. The pair showed excellent-quality digital footage of extensive criss-crossing plumes coalescing and spreading out over the Italian sky – the unmistakable si gnature of chemtrails. Pointing to the extensive sky grids, Vincent said simply, “Impossible.” Vincent also related how last year, a protest am ong airport workers at Fiumicino received prominent media coverage after a “f
  • r three days,” Vincent explained. Airport workers were angry at the secrecy, he said, and the fact that they “couldn’t do their jobs.” Working closely with Nexus Italy, Vincent has been investigating chemtrails since becoming aware of them two years ago, after reading an article by the author in Nexus magazine. Hoping to spur awareness and action across a nation intensely interested information overlooked o
  • us magazine. Hoping to spur awareness and action across a nation intensely interested information overlooked or censored by the mainstream press, the two filmmakers produced a one-hour documentary on chemtrails for Italian audiences. They were especially interested in the experience of Espanola, a tiny Canadian community west of Sudbury, Ontario that was the first to petition a national government after bei
  • nkers spraying sick-making plumes affecting a 50 square mile area in the spring and summer of 1991. In Italy, a “Parliamentary Interrogation” - or in vestigation – into the purpose and composition of chemtrails is also being sought. The country’s former government and now the official Opposition, the Democratic Left is demanding a Parliamentary investigation into chemtrails and their possible connection to
  • to the purpose and composition of chemtrails is also being sought. The country’s former government and now the official Opposition, the Democratic Left is demanding a Parliamentary investigation into chemtrails and their possible connection to HAARP. Although barium is twice as refl ectant as glass, and thus serves well as a sunlight reflector called for in the late Dr. Edward Teller’s “sunscreen” scheme, t


  • While many barium salts are non-toxic, other barium compounds have been used as rat poison. While the filmmakers did not know the type of barium identified in Italian chemtrails, we wondered just who are the lab rats in this ongoing secret experiment? Vincent also reported widespread health effects following chemtrail spraying – including sudden nosebleeds suffered by his mo
  • 8 months ago. A village located in a valley north of Venice has undergone a similar experience. In Fletre, Val Belluna, “People started complaining,” Vincent said, after many took ill following heavy chemtrails there. MORE FROM THE ITALIAN PARLIAMENT From Stephen MacGlinchey’s website comes this 2004 report from Italy: I’m a new member from Italy and I’m interesting to know more about contrails and, of cour
  • re. MORE FROM THE ITALIAN PARLIAMENT From Stephen MacGlinchey’s website comes this 2004 report from Italy: I’m a new member from Italy and I’m interesting to know more about contrails and, of course, chemtrails. I saw during last summer many trails in the sky over my head in the middle of Italy (between Venice and Bologne). One day in particu lar I saw in a beautiful sunny day a strange trail from south to
  • ainbow in the sky is formed after the rain and not in a beautiful sunny day... some people told me that result is because of barium and aluminium and maybe other hard metals... I think the problem of chemtrails could be real. The same think is for 2 Italian Parliamentarians [Italo] Sandi & [Piero] Ruzzante. They’ve made 2 interpellations to the Italian Parliament (the same thing of Westminster in England) i
  • l. The same think is for 2 Italian Parliamentarians [Italo] Sandi & [Piero] Ruzzante. They’ve made 2 interpellations to the Italian Parliament (the same thing of Westminster in England) in 2003 about chemtrails. Until now they have no answers! I read about some interviews to meteorologists here in Italy and about one in Germany but they told chemtrails problem not exists! In Italy is out from October 2004 a
  • the same thing of Westminster in England) in 2003 about chemtrails. Until now they have no answers! I read about some interviews to meteorologists here in Italy and about one in Germany but they told chemtrails problem not exists! In Italy is out from October 2004 a DVD titled “Scie Chimiche”(“Chemical Trails”) - It’s very interesting and dramatic! But if I visit the NASA web site about co
  • s very interesting and dramatic! But if I visit the NASA web site about contrails everything seems to be normal. Stay tuned, CNJ P.S. Excuse me for my bad English... I hope you understand my words ! [chemtrailscardiff]


  • et the Isle of Man more interested, we may be able to get news items to the main TV channels ‘across the water’. I’d prefer if you didn’t mention too much too soon on possible alarming connections to Chemtrails – for a while – or we might scare the locals off to hide in their Tholtans. (A ‘tholtan’ is a traditional small, rough-stoned house).


  • THE “RAIN IN SPAIN” IS PROBABLY CHEMTRAILS In Spain, and other countries, tourists can buy chemtrail postcards. On April 27, 2000 John Hendricks dashed off a quick Email from El Cafe de Internet: We are on vacation in Spain, and were we surpr
  • countries, tourists can buy chemtrail postcards. On April 27, 2000 John Hendricks dashed off a quick Email from El Cafe de Internet: We are on vacation in Spain, and were we surprised to see that the chemtrails are as bad here as they are anywhere, both in Mallorca and in Barcelona. We took plenty of pictures. Then we noticed a postcard we bought which has the location printed below a beautiful picture in w
  • a, Croatia, France, Germany, Holland, Ireland, Italy, New Zealand, Russia, Scotland, South Africa, Sweden, Turkey, the United States – and recently, South Korea. From Sweden come these reports: I saw chemtrails over here 5 days ago (and yes, I’ve had my first flu in 4-5 years the past 4 days) but couldn’t believe my eyes at the time. The sky was clear (no clouds, very hot day) apart from 8-10 parallel chemt
  • rails over here 5 days ago (and yes, I’ve had my first flu in 4-5 years the past 4 days) but couldn’t believe my eyes at the time. The sky was clear (no clouds, very hot day) apart from 8-10 parallel chemtrails. As I was watching I saw a plane making the first trail orthogonally to the already existing ones. I know the commercial routes, and we have a bunch of them, but not where these trails were. Also, be


  • ramifications of this whole affair and are content to be a joint member of the Brave New World. WISH YOU WERE HERE IN ST. PETERSBURG From St. Petersburg, Russia Valday sends this striking picture of chemtrails sneaking up on by sightseers. Regarding the publication in which this photo appeared, Margie T. writes, “I find it very interesting that it’s an ad of sorts for global affairs and Defense. That shoul


  • ior Environmental Health Officer and the Byron Shire C ouncil in Byron Bay, Australia. Opit advised that local residents were concerned after watching “unusual sky patterns” over their community. The chemtrails being laid down in “criss-cross” or “s ingle matchstick” patterns made clear skies overcast. They also appeared to be making many people sick. “A gr eat many members of our community feel that this C
  • ees have alerted us that while we have only one flight path, south-north, from Sydney to Brisbane, which we are all familiar with, many Chemtrails are east-west! A few months before, on July 6, 2000, chemtrails were sprayed over Brunswick Heads near Byron Bay during a music festival. According to an Aussie eye-witness, the mayor of Byron Bay and two members of parliament were giving speeches on the beach “w


  • QUEENSLAND COAST “CHEMTRAILED” On July 6, 2000 during a festival on Australia’s Queensland Coast, low-flying planes were seen spraying chemtrails on the beaches at Brunswick Heads, a port city about 200 kilometers south of Brisbane. Nearly two weeks later, on July 19, “starting at 7:00 AM several large aircraft flying at low altitude crisscros
  • ort city about 200 kilometers south of Brisbane. Nearly two weeks later, on July 19, “starting at 7:00 AM several large aircraft flying at low altitude crisscrossed the sky in all directions spraying chemtrails. Within a few minutes, the famous clear blue Australian sky turned cloudy and hazy,” Diane Harrison reported. “For the first time in history here, it was almost impossible to see the beautiful mounta
  • without spraying. I don’t want to get involved with this subject myself. I am a member of ATTAC-Hellas and we are concerned with economic problems and more lately with the European constitution. This chemtrails issue is for ecologists and medical doctors, but I haven’t seen any ecologists here taking an interest in it. Here in Greece where I am we’re having the wettest weather anyone can remember. The drain


  • he story by Giannis Kritikos described a vote by the Aigina Island town council to ask their government to explain what is happening in the skies over Greece. A picture taken from the 2004 edition of Chemtrails Confirmed was used to illustrate similar phenomenon observed over Aigina “without any warning” two months previously. The translated caption read: “The white trails left behind by this tanker plane w
  • the specific experiments.” A third photo showed former parliamentarian Tasia Andreadaki asking, “Who gave permission for this spraying?” The story noted that Katsaros had been invited to speak about chemtrails on Greek national television a few mornings later. CHEMTRAILS COMMENTARY FROM GREENPEACE Just as th is reporter personally discovered that the threat of massive oil well fires in Kuwait to be too hot
  • eat of massive oil well fires in Kuwait to be too hot politically for Greenpeace’s main headquarters in Amsterdam to warn the world, this world-renowned environmental corporation refuses to recognize chemtrails. On March 15, 2004, Greenpeace Switzerland’s Climate and Transport expert Cyrill Studer wrote an internal memo to his colleagues, stating: I have heard of the chemtrails phenomenon... For the present
  • poration refuses to recognize chemtrails. On March 15, 2004, Greenpeace Switzerland’s Climate and Transport expert Cyrill Studer wrote an internal memo to his colleagues, stating: I have heard of the chemtrails phenomenon... For the present, Greenpeace... will not be following up the theme of chemtrails. There is not a sufficiently solid scientific basis... Greenpeace is not an organization that can underta
  • and Transport expert Cyrill Studer wrote an internal memo to his colleagues, stating: I have heard of the chemtrails phenomenon... For the present, Greenpeace... will not be following up the theme of chemtrails. There is not a sufficiently solid scientific basis... Greenpeace is not an organization that can undertake the verification of a supposed phenomenon.


  • ch comprises around 2000 climate experts, is recognized and independent. The conclusions drawn by them are clear: Global warming represents the greatest danger to humanity. A widespread deployment of chemtrails could hardly remain hidden from the IPCC. Rudolf Rechsteiner – a German Social Democratic member of parliament – replied to the concerns of German citizens: “A number of ideas exist that show how it
  • roposals have reached the point of actual realization is highly questionable. So far as we are aware there are no indications from research and observation of weather and climate that these so-called chemtrails exist. Nor are we aware of any project that has been realized in practice. She went on to say:


  • “utopian” technological counter-strategies to mitigate global warming and looming Climate Flip. The October 6, 2004 issue of the Raum + Zeit (Space & Time) contained 16 full color pages illustrating “chemtrails”. The accompanying article by Gabriel Stetter came in response to letters from many readers pleased with his first article on the subject in a previous issue. As Brian Holmes reveals, “Many of these
  • eatest concern in the German-speaking world at present, and has prompted the sending of countless hundreds of letters to Greenpeace, there is not a single word, no trace whatever. Supposing the word “chemtrails” appeared in print in the Greenpeace Magazine: How many tens of thousands of people more would look up into the sky and recognize that the supposedly Utopian “proposal” has long moved on via “sprayin
  • in damage-limitation? Not a comfortable thought, but one that is hard to resist in this case. Basel, the present author’s town of residence, is – perhaps unsurprisingly – a stronghold of believers in chemtrails; one in ten people, so opinion polls say, have already heard of them despite the media blackout. Several thousand people in the prosperous town at the bend in the Rhine know that the chemtrails pheno
  • rs in chemtrails; one in ten people, so opinion polls say, have already heard of them despite the media blackout. Several thousand people in the prosperous town at the bend in the Rhine know that the chemtrails phenomenon suggests that something is seriously wrong. Among the m are well-to-do people, who because of their environmental awareness have been for a long time, in some cases for decades, members of
  • n some cases for decades, members of Greenpeace. Veteran anti-nuclear activists, campaigners for animal welfare or against electrosmog; in their alarm they had all turned to Greenpeace because of the chemtrails – which are visible everywhere in the skies above Basel.


  • it is also a fund-raising machine. Remember, therefore, the power of your purse and do not hesitate to let Greenpeace know of it. Ask to be sent information on what Greenpeace is planning to do about chemtrails. Or strike a bargain with Greenpeace: Membership in exchange for a genuine clarification of the chemtrails question. But also point out what will happen to your membership or your donation, if Greenp
  • Greenpeace know of it. Ask to be sent information on what Greenpeace is planning to do about chemtrails. Or strike a bargain with Greenpeace: Membership in exchange for a genuine clarification of the chemtrails question. But also point out what will happen to your membership or your donation, if Greenpeace remains inactive. Are you skeptical? Test it yourself: On such a day, get up at sunrise, and you will
  • tion, if Greenpeace remains inactive. Are you skeptical? Test it yourself: On such a day, get up at sunrise, and you will see that the sky, from horizon to horizon, is covered with a dense network of chemtrails. But hardly has the day begun, than the spraying is over and the planes have disappeared. When then, only a few hours later, people set off in pale halogene sunlight on their way to work – or to chur


  • LETTER TO THE EUROPEAN UNION To Peter Gammeltoft European Union - Air Pollution Dept. RE: Chemtrails (Chemical trails) over Europe Dec20/02 Dear Mr. Gammeltoft, A person who wished to remain anonymous at the European Commission recommended that I contact you by email with my question. I was told tha
  • is the legal liability of these planes for the impact they cause on the health of the people living below? I know many people who suffer a number of health and psychological complaints due to these “chemtrails”. Thank you for your prompt response. Christopher Bollyn American Free Press (European Desk) GERMAN PARLIMENTARIAN ADMITS CHEMTRAILS PROGRAM Even while Greenpeace Germany was issuing chemtrails denia
  • hese “chemtrails”. Thank you for your prompt response. Christopher Bollyn American Free Press (European Desk) GERMAN PARLIMENTARIAN ADMITS CHEMTRAILS PROGRAM Even while Greenpeace Germany was issuing chemtrails denials, a former GP board member and current German Parliamentarian expressed concern over their existence. At least “minimally”. A serving board member of Greenpeace Germany from 1984-1990, Monika


  • Chapter 17. NANO CHEMTRAILS & MORGELLONS If you do not enjoy “traditional” chemtrail chemicals raining down on you, you are not going to like the new version, which the United States Air Force promises will feature aerial dumps


  • uel to supply its jets. The U.S. Air Force consumed nearly half of the Department of Defense’s entire fuel supply in 2006, burning 2.6 billion gallons of jet fuel aloft. While flying two to five-hour chemtrails missions to reflect incoming sunlight and slow global warming, a single KC-10 tanker will burn 2,050 gallons of highly toxic jet fuel every hour. The larger and older KC- 135 Stratotanker carries 31,
  • flect incoming sunlight and slow global warming, a single KC-10 tanker will burn 2,050 gallons of highly toxic jet fuel every hour. The larger and older KC- 135 Stratotanker carries 31,275 gallons of chemtrails and burns 2,650 gallons of fuel per hour. The EPA says that each gallon of gasoline produces 19.4 pounds of CO2. Each gallon of diesel produces 22.2 pounds of CO2... Total it up and routine operation


  • a larger sensor network. Then these smart particles will be used to increase or decrease the storm’s size and intensity – and "steer" it to “specific targets”. The air force report boasted that nano-chemtrails “will be able to adjust their size to optimal dimensions for a given seeding situation and make adjustments throughout the process.” Instead of being sprayed into the air at the mercy of the winds al
  • size to optimal dimensions for a given seeding situation and make adjustments throughout the process.” Instead of being sprayed into the air at the mercy of the winds aloft, as is t he fate of normal chemtrails, nano versions will be able to “enhance their dispersal” by “adjusting their atmospheric buoyancy” and “communicating with each other” as they steer themselves in a single coor dinated flock within t
  • “enhance their dispersal” by “adjusting their atmospheric buoyancy” and “communicating with each other” as they steer themselves in a single coor dinated flock within their own artificial cloud. Nano-chemtrails will even “change their temperature and polarity to improve their seeding effects,” the air force noted. [Daily Texan July 30/07] Rutgers University scientist J. Storrs Hall held out the military’s h


  • ther systems to monitor, steer and mess with them seems risky, just wait. Around the next cloud corner are coming swarms of airborne nano-bots to optimize wind dispersal patterns for germ warfare. Or chemtrails. But there’s one small hitch. Nobody knows how Earth’ s atmosphere works. It is so big, so complex and so unpredictable, even real-time nano-snapshots are ancient history as soon as they are taken. T
  • Beijing. Then there’s the matter of “accidental” genocide. NANO PARTICLES IN YOUR BRAIN As we have already seen, very small particulates such as the highly reflective aluminum oxide commonly found in chemtrails can make people very ill. If micro-size chemtrail fallout one-tenth the width of a human hair can cause death among the most susceptible hearts and lungs, what will be the effects of fallout from nan
  • ke people very ill. If micro-size chemtrail fallout one-tenth the width of a human hair can cause death among the most susceptible hearts and lungs, what will be the effects of fallout from nano-size chemtrails 80,000-times smaller than the width of a human hair? As soon as they are inhaled, nanoparticles make a beeline for the brain. Not surprisingly, they tend to clump in the area that deals with smell. T
  • e so mall they easily cross the lung barrier and enter the blood. “Particles in the blood can reach the liver, amongst other organs,” he warns. [ Oct 21/07] HANK CALLS The term “nano-chemtrails” on my homepage prompted my trusted military informant I’ve dubbed “Hank” to call. “They have them,” he confirmed. According to his sources, the U.S. Air Force has occasionally added nanoparticles to


  • in, we ingest it. It accrues in the same spot every time. And attracts more of it... “ In the liver. And the brain. A JAR FULL OF TROUBLE On No vember 17th, 2005, Jeff Chandler collected a sample of chemtrails fibers in Northern Highlands, California. While playing outside with his son in the early afternoon, Chandler had noticed very low fibrous clouds lingering in the wakes of chemtrails spray aircraft.
  • cted a sample of chemtrails fibers in Northern Highlands, California. While playing outside with his son in the early afternoon, Chandler had noticed very low fibrous clouds lingering in the wakes of chemtrails spray aircraft. Soon afterwards, white fibrous material began to land on the ground, trees, and cars. Chandler's son collected some of the fallen the aerosol material with a stick and sealed it in a
  • l analysis done on the material. Imagine my surprise to find out that the Federal Environmental Protection Agency has no interest in dealing with samples like my son had collected,” Chandler wrote to chemtrails investigator Clifford Carnicom. “This is the US government agency chartered to protect citizens from hazardous chemicals in the air, water, and land! One has to wonder why this tax-supported ‘agency


  • Chapter 18. ORBS Trying to “sell” chemtrails visible in the sky direct ly overhead is almost as hard as convincing the media of the reality of extremely fast-flying objects tracked on myriad military radars, documented by skilled observers and
  • comparing it with a nearby pencil-thin contrail – or by matching suspect ‘trails with current weather data for temperature and humidity around 35,000 feet. Still, if you want to consign FAA-confirmed chemtrails to the “loony bin” just add UFOs to the mix! Yet, video clips, photos and eyewitness reports ar e widely available online showing and describing unmistakable small white orbs darting near chemtrails
  • chemtrails to the “loony bin” just add UFOs to the mix! Yet, video clips, photos and eyewitness reports ar e widely available online showing and describing unmistakable small white orbs darting near chemtrails over Italy and the USA. Oh dear.


  • I was looking West out my back window about 7:30 pm at chemtrails being sprayed, nice X's and such, really going at it, when my eye caught a black triangle just sitting in the air. It was right in front of me at bit higher than eye level and seemed to be about 3-4
  • now how your brain just tries to make sense out of something? I just stood at the window looking at this, took a few snaps of the airplane, and continued to study "it" and the rest of the sky and the chemtrails that went off to the North (right). It was a nice day so birds were flying all over and neighbors were in yards doing work. Every so often I'd look back to the section of sky that held the "kite", ex


  • . Nothing. :confused Then... A coworker of mine related a story to me about something she overheard in a bar/restaurant three weeks ago. At another table, a group of people were talking about planes, chemtrails and weather control. One of the people had videotaped some of the activity in our area, and sent a copy to our congressmen, demanding to know what was going on (like it will do any bloody good). And


  • ll, I have just come across your site and thought that I would let you know about the chemtrail activity in my region in Australia. For the Last three years at least I have been taking notice of the chemtrails in Gippsland/latrobe Valley area in Victoria, Australia. It is almost daily and I believe at Night also due to the fact sometimes there air smells somewhat that is foreign to the usual smells. I have


  • r my husband has ever seen before. We got out binoculars and watched some more. Then we saw military jets flying from east to west. [] DRONES WITH YOUR PASTA So are ETs monitoring chemtrails? Nothing so exotic as that. A little-publicized report this author was allowed to read but not copy identifies these tiny robot drones as originally developed by the Italian military’s “Project Ciphe


  • a health professional or a physician. This chapter is intended as information only – not as diagnosis or treatment. If you are ill, please seek the advice of a naturopath or MD. The good news is that chemtrails – as well as most mystery pathogens currently responsible for chronic allergies, low energy, headaches and year-round “flu” – do not prey on people with fully functioning immune systems. When healthy


  • anse, blood, muscle and lymphatic cleanse. It was recommended to me by a doctor. I have my whole family doing this cleanse and I believe it is good for anyone who feels they have been affected by the chemtrails.” This healer would also “recommend Nettle, Marshmallow and Fenugreek. They are for joint pains, low energy, convalescence, balances sugar/insulin, dry ness and inflammation. Then, of course, we know
  • s because they [fungi] like it. She mixes borax and vinegar and puts it into her bath water. She also puts some vinegar into her shampoo and some tea tree oil. JASON WINTERS TEA Dongjoo suggests that chemtrails sufferers have a “cuppa” tea.


  • get rid of. I am using capsicum, geranium and lavender o il externally and finally getting results.” An email from Inetex explained another therapy usi ng essential oils and flower essences to combat Chemtrails Related Illnesses. Brad and Joanne write how: during our recent trip to Florida, we were directly exposed to chemtrails on at least five occasions. We observed many extremely ill people – especially
  • x explained another therapy usi ng essential oils and flower essences to combat Chemtrails Related Illnesses. Brad and Joanne write how: during our recent trip to Florida, we were directly exposed to chemtrails on at least five occasions. We observed many extremely ill people – especially in the Miami metro area. The oils and essences are extremely effective, especia lly when used every day. We purposely wi


  • and aluminum. When cilantro was used with natural antiviral agents and “good” fatty acids, infections could be eliminated for good. While awaiting further tests to confirm the presence of aluminum in chemtrails, James and Phyllis Balch write in Prescription For Nutritional healing that aluminum accumulated in body tissues can be offset and eliminated by taking apple pectin, calcium/magnesium , garlic and ke


  • Chapter 20. SURPRISE ENDING Since beginning my chemtrails investigations in late 1998, this reporter has occasionally received email communications from anonymous sources purporting to be chemtrails “insiders”. Perhaps some of them were. But in no case was
  • Chapter 20. SURPRISE ENDING Since beginning my chemtrails investigations in late 1998, this reporter has occasionally received email communications from anonymous sources purporting to be chemtrails “insiders”. Perhaps some of them were. But in no case was I able to verify either their credentials, or the reliability of their information. Anyone can send an email. But when an extremely well-conn


  • ause a visible streak in the sky.” He was right! It turned out that Hank’s informant with an accent—an individual I will name “Ezekiel”—is closely involved with a previously unconfirmed aspect of the chemtrails program. . This confirmed “insider” disclosed that military applications occasionally piggybacked on some chemtrail missions, are adding supposedly benign biological agents to chemtrails to see if th
  • spect of the chemtrails program. . This confirmed “insider” disclosed that military applications occasionally piggybacked on some chemtrail missions, are adding supposedly benign biological agents to chemtrails to see if these slightly sick-making agents will be absorbed and by the atmosphere, or carry to the ground where—as in previous “Open Air” experiments—crowded emergency rooms can attest to t heir eff
  • ion. “The things people are seeing worldwide are part and parcel of a larger experiment,” Hank was told. “The real kicker is that it’s more than a ‘dual use’ kind of thing.” As he went on to explain, chemtrails are being used to bounce radiation from radar and radio transmissions “over the horizon,” clear around the globe if necessary. This artificial “aerial obscuration” as the Air Force officially terms i


  • ered an act of war. After all, Hank noted, if a chemtrail is “opaque enough to bounce a signal off of, it’s opaque enough to block a signal going through it.” In the briefing provided by his accented chemtrails source, Hank learned, “This stuff has a specific dispersal rate; a specific descent rate. Once we spray it, we are learning that it will cover X area in X amount of time.” Once these variables are kn
  • dispersal rate; a specific descent rate. Once we spray it, we are learning that it will cover X area in X amount of time.” Once these variables are known by looking for specific biological markers in chemtrails—or in people sickened enough to see their doctors—“you can say it will ht the ground with plus or minus” concentrations. But he stressed that biological simulants do not have to be inserted into chem
  • ails—or in people sickened enough to see their doctors—“you can say it will ht the ground with plus or minus” concentrations. But he stressed that biological simulants do not have to be inserted into chemtrails for this program to proceed. “There’s another level to this that if exploited could accomplish the mission. “The fungus, the viruses, the bacteria”—living and reproducing harmlessly in the upper atmo
  • ters may—underline may —be used to further disrupt the minds and moods of target populations already blitzed on drugs, fluoride, aspartame and television. Finally, as this writer has long maintained, chemtrails are not deliberate biological warfare aimed at culling entire populations. Yet. Instead, in a covert continuation of Open Air experiments conducting on unsuspecting citizens and wildlife in the USA,
  • ulations. Yet. Instead, in a covert continuation of Open Air experiments conducting on unsuspecting citizens and wildlife in the USA, Canada and Britain since the 1970s, perhaps as many as one in 100 chemtrails are being laid down over the USA and most likely other unnamed nations in deliberate biological ex periments aimed at sickening enough people to track the effectiveness of organisms delivered for the
  • nnamed nations in deliberate biological ex periments aimed at sickening enough people to track the effectiveness of organisms delivered for the first time from high altitudes over entire regions. The chemtrails events over outdoor gatherings descri bed in this book, as well as many others reported upwind of cities, over sports stadiums and major parades... now appear to be confirmed as deliberate biowar exp


  • air-delivered doses of fatal organisms. “We’re talking about a self-replicating pathogen... the gift that goes on giving.” DOWN TO EARTH The late Dr. Edward Teller’s notion was that light-refracting chemtrails would remain high in the sky for days, even weeks, deflecting incoming sunlight and cooling a greenhouse planet. But Hank revealed that the heavy metals being found in chemtrails “hav e a higher mass
  • hat light-refracting chemtrails would remain high in the sky for days, even weeks, deflecting incoming sunlight and cooling a greenhouse planet. But Hank revealed that the heavy metals being found in chemtrails “hav e a higher mass,” which mean they “will go straight down, avoiding eddies and hitting the target with higher absorption” of the bio-tracers beryllium and cesium. “Beryllium is specifically used
  • chemical elements,” he went on. “It is a traceable thing, like Iodine 13. But once it breaks down, it will go into the human body like any other halogen and do recognizable damage. The barium used in chemtrails to conduct radar and radio beams reflected underneath it—or to similarly deflect electronic emissions aimed down through it fr om satellites and aircraft—“is considered a heavy metal,” Hank explained
  • trivalent bond with this, which means that you have to try really hard to break this down.” The good news for air-breathing mammals on the ground is that once barium is bound with other chemicals in chemtrails, “it will stay bound.” “There is currently a barium medical shortage...” I pointed out. “This seems to correlate with California state environmental statistics showing a sharp rise in barium concentr


  • Hank confirmed that because of its heavy use in chemtrails, “The medical community has to use something else to give to people to image their innards.” Just like beryllium and any other substance that has a specific use, there is a open, standard market for
  • ermi ts for over the ground transport of both chemicals licensing, “just ask for those licenses for the last five years,” Hank suggests. Ever meticulous in his crosschecking, Hank had “l earned about chemtrails from several sources.” But the visiting foreign scientist introduced to him in early February 2007 was special. “This elderly gentleman was someone who had had hand’s on experience with what I am tal
  • credentials I consider unbreachable,” Hank told me. “He was one of the first people that had come forward” to U.S. intelligence agents “and mention that they were tying things together”—specifically, chemtrails and region-wide dispersal of bioagents. TRAILS IN THE SKY Because this writer has consistently refused to report unproven biowar speculation concerning chemtrails, I queried Hank closely on his distu
  • tying things together”—specifically, chemtrails and region-wide dispersal of bioagents. TRAILS IN THE SKY Because this writer has consistently refused to report unproven biowar speculation concerning chemtrails, I queried Hank closely on his disturbing revelations. He reiterated that the scientist with a n accent “specifically mentioned trails in the sky when they talking about dusty agents. He was quit fam
  • ioned trails in the sky when they talking about dusty agents. He was quit families with the use of them.” Going into more detail, he relayed how solidified chemical compounds experimentally spread in chemtrails are being hit with an intense burst of energy “to send it back to its initial components.” A second pulse is then used to “repulverize” those clumps of chemicals. “Pfft – pfft” he said, mimicking an


  • fties. As Ezekiel told Hank, “I was doing this before you before you were born, son.” With high-altitude dispersal capabilities now assur ed, this explained my second longstanding objection to biowar chemtrails—namely, that there are not enough biological warfare agents on the planet to fill a squadron of tanker planes. Using HAARP’s tightly focused beams of very hi gh energy to pulverize small amounts of l
  • es and how to reproduce them, you’re good to go.” This includes the ability “to hit a dusty agent cloud with a frequency, and put everything [back] into its base component,” he said. When it comes to chemtrails’ deadliest purpose, Hank emphasized, “The word ‘compartmentalized’ does not even come close. It’s not that the hand doesn’t know it’s attached to a body, but that the hand doesn’t even know it’s a ha
  • n, his foreign visitor and alli ed scientists “put all the key pieces into place to get a specific effect,” Hank disclosed. “These are the folks who determine what the material would be to use in the chemtrails in the first place... It’s a secret, not a top secret. You can see it, but you don’t know what it is. Otherwise, they’re use for it in the way of their choosing, at the time of their choosing would b


  • is intriguing informant added, “They went to great lengths to bury Tesla.” I informed her that his blueprints and patents are now sequestered at Wright Patterson Air Force Base— home to the HAARP and chemtrails projects. How can we protect ourselves from folks who follow a “light-bearer” called Lucifer, I wanted to know. “If you’re following your heart, excitement, staying a step ahead of yourself in what i


  • A branch headed by a British lord took over in this country, and he took over our training. It’s all the same people. It’s amazing. This order has many names but it’s the same tradition.” Long before chemtrails coalesced into the Father of the H-Bomb’s last Earth-altering scheme, she had known and worked with a man she described as a brilliant and charismatic maniac. “Eddie Teller? He even scared me.” Given


  • in, it’s should you run or not? How do you approach something like that? It’s kind of like waking up one day and finding that you rea lly are in the frickin’ matrix.” LOVE IS THE ANSWER How “high” do chemtrails really go? Even as we ra lly to stop these risky experiments, and regain our democracy and the destiny of the offspring of all species, there is only one way forward, one way out. As my classical mus


  • ng your name, date, location and website. Thank you! PAGE CAPTION CREDIT COVER William Thomas points to chemtr ails over Capitola, CA Karen Nevis ii two jets working out viii chemtrails iii chemtrails confirmed v Municipis de Solsona, Olius, Castellar de la Ribera Llobera vi Portland, Oregon panorama vii chemtrails sunset morris108.files.wordpress vii
  • ate, location and website. Thank you! PAGE CAPTION CREDIT COVER William Thomas points to chemtr ails over Capitola, CA Karen Nevis ii two jets working out viii chemtrails iii chemtrails confirmed v Municipis de Solsona, Olius, Castellar de la Ribera Llobera vi Portland, Oregon panorama vii chemtrails sunset morris108.files.wordpress viii KC-135 chemtr
  • ets working out viii chemtrails iii chemtrails confirmed v Municipis de Solsona, Olius, Castellar de la Ribera Llobera vi Portland, Oregon panorama vii chemtrails sunset morris108.files.wordpress viii KC-135 chemtrail spray adapter AirNikon 1 Headline News 8 Las Vegas 9 Daylesford, Australia August 3, 2000 10 Art Bell Joe Pu
  • 11 “Citizens Concerned” in Santa Cruz June 5, 2003 Glenn Boyle 12 chemtrail fallout Saskatoon, Saskatchewan January 18, 2001 13 chemtrail fallout in grass 14 chemtrail fibers micro-photo 15 chemtrails and contrails coming from hot engines often subimate (cool) near tail 16 racetrack clouds 17 San Diego Oct 2006 17 chemtrails angel hair fallout 19 chemtrails gel f
  • ass 14 chemtrail fibers micro-photo 15 chemtrails and contrails coming from hot engines often subimate (cool) near tail 16 racetrack clouds 17 San Diego Oct 2006 17 chemtrails angel hair fallout 19 chemtrails gel fallout 20 Hornby Island Canada April 2009 William Thomas 16 airborne fibers -10X Ted Twietmeyer 23 Kansas 24 Emergency Room sign 2.bp.blogspot 25
  • to 15 chemtrails and contrails coming from hot engines often subimate (cool) near tail 16 racetrack clouds 17 San Diego Oct 2006 17 chemtrails angel hair fallout 19 chemtrails gel fallout 20 Hornby Island Canada April 2009 William Thomas 16 airborne fibers -10X Ted Twietmeyer 23 Kansas 24 Emergency Room sign 2.bp.blogspot 25 ER swamped 29 “Fl
  • 30 familiar tic-tac-toe chemtra il gridding cannot be airliners 32 Ambulance 33 Brampton, Ontario May 22, 2002 Jim Beck 39 Sallisaw, Oklahoma January 19, 1999 Pat Edgar 40 chemtrails and biological warfare 42 Santa Cruz sunset October 30, 2002 William Thomas 43 chemtrail and contrail over Ontario 2002 Jim Beck 45 contrail forming temperatures 46 Hou
  • 0 contrail over Hornby Island William Thomas 57 Portland, Oregon hammered (both photos) January 20, 2003 Bobbie Bonnickson 52 night spraying over Florida 53 gambling with the skies over Las Vegas 55 chemtrails sunscreen 56 MD-80 commercial airliner 56 Edward Teller 3.bp.blogspot 57 Florida hurricane damage 58 Earth heating up NASA 59 Ohio 63 chem jets working out 64 Bramp


  • 69 Dennis Kucinich 69 Tom Allen 72 normal KC10 boom nozzle Ziad Haik 72 KC-135 chemtrail spray adapter AirNikon 73 chemtrails and black line – shadow or... ? 75 shadows cast by plumes 76 black and white chemtrail February 6, 2003 77 black helo 79 white, unmarked KC-10s at US airport 79 KC-135 tankers USAF
  • te, unmarked KC-10s at US airport 79 KC-135 tankers USAF 80 Arizona April 1, 2008 Alexander 80 Deer Valley, Arizona Cessna Citation atmospheric research jet Sid 81 Centerpoint Science1 textbook 82 chemtrails in the Disney Pixar movie, “Cars” 2006_ dedroidify 83 chemtrail sky January 26, 2001 Louis Nguyen 84 wooden kayak “Chimera” and chemtrails William Thomas 85 chemtrail borealis 86 Kanab, Utah July 2
  • eric research jet Sid 81 Centerpoint Science1 textbook 82 chemtrails in the Disney Pixar movie, “Cars” 2006_ dedroidify 83 chemtrail sky January 26, 2001 Louis Nguyen 84 wooden kayak “Chimera” and chemtrails William Thomas 85 chemtrail borealis 86 Kanab, Utah July 2003 87 chemtrails over Ohio 89 early chemtrail photo USA 1999 90 chemtrails over the World Trade Center Glenn Boyle 91 chemtrails over WTO r
  • Disney Pixar movie, “Cars” 2006_ dedroidify 83 chemtrail sky January 26, 2001 Louis Nguyen 84 wooden kayak “Chimera” and chemtrails William Thomas 85 chemtrail borealis 86 Kanab, Utah July 2003 87 chemtrails over Ohio 89 early chemtrail photo USA 1999 90 chemtrails over the World Trade Center Glenn Boyle 91 chemtrails over WTO ruins January2, 2002 94 another early chemtrail photo 1999 96 Dennis Kucinich
  • sky January 26, 2001 Louis Nguyen 84 wooden kayak “Chimera” and chemtrails William Thomas 85 chemtrail borealis 86 Kanab, Utah July 2003 87 chemtrails over Ohio 89 early chemtrail photo USA 1999 90 chemtrails over the World Trade Center Glenn Boyle 91 chemtrails over WTO ruins January2, 2002 94 another early chemtrail photo 1999 96 Dennis Kucinich 98 Air Traffic Control display 107 r
  • imera” and chemtrails William Thomas 85 chemtrail borealis 86 Kanab, Utah July 2003 87 chemtrails over Ohio 89 early chemtrail photo USA 1999 90 chemtrails over the World Trade Center Glenn Boyle 91 chemtrails over WTO ruins January2, 2002 94 another early chemtrail photo 1999 96 Dennis Kucinich 98 Air Traffic Control display 107 radar display 108 chemtrail spraying over Edmonton, Albe
  • 98 Air Traffic Control display 107 radar display 108 chemtrail spraying over Edmonton, Alberta 110 Ken Caldeira did chemtrail computer modeling for Teller 111 nano bugs 113 chemtrails Hornby Island, Canada May 17, 2009 William Thomas 114 HAARP array Gakona, Alaska 115 HAARP array 117 chemtrails can heat and reflect HAARP rays Eugene Carsey 119 Ohio rooflines 120 Sc
  • emtrail computer modeling for Teller 111 nano bugs 113 chemtrails Hornby Island, Canada May 17, 2009 William Thomas 114 HAARP array Gakona, Alaska 115 HAARP array 117 chemtrails can heat and reflect HAARP rays Eugene Carsey 119 Ohio rooflines 120 Scalar clouds are HARRP signature – this time over Florida 122 HAARP diagram 123 Dr. Bernard Eastlund 1.bp.blo
  • ht 141 IL76-aloft africaninspace 142 IL-76 landing 142 Il76-cargobay 143 IL-76 dumping retardant 144 IL76 145 fine chemtrails dining at the 4 Seasons Hotel, Is tanbul, Turkey May 1997 magazine ad 146 Bijlmer, Amsterdam 2003 147 Switzerland (both photos) 148 Netherlands (both photos) 149 Turkey 151 Drink Barium c


  • 151 Ham pton, England 152 View from train to Calais, France 152 Paris, France 153 South Wales, UK June 2003 153 London blitz – the sequel 154 chemtrails over Croatia the day after it became a NATO ally 156 chemtrails over tour boat, St. Petersburg, Russia 156 Kaernten, south Austria October 2002 157 Sidney, Australia March 7 2003 158 Aigina town meet
  • m pton, England 152 View from train to Calais, France 152 Paris, France 153 South Wales, UK June 2003 153 London blitz – the sequel 154 chemtrails over Croatia the day after it became a NATO ally 156 chemtrails over tour boat, St. Petersburg, Russia 156 Kaernten, south Austria October 2002 157 Sidney, Australia March 7 2003 158 Aigina town meeting on chemtrails 158 chemtrails cover story slams Greenpeace Ge
  • roatia the day after it became a NATO ally 156 chemtrails over tour boat, St. Petersburg, Russia 156 Kaernten, south Austria October 2002 157 Sidney, Australia March 7 2003 158 Aigina town meeting on chemtrails 158 chemtrails cover story slams Greenpeace Germany for inaction Glenn Boyle 159 Wuerzberg, Germany 159 German magazines discuss chemtrails Glenn Boyle 161 Berlin airport March 10, 2003 162 Hampton
  • after it became a NATO ally 156 chemtrails over tour boat, St. Petersburg, Russia 156 Kaernten, south Austria October 2002 157 Sidney, Australia March 7 2003 158 Aigina town meeting on chemtrails 158 chemtrails cover story slams Greenpeace Germany for inaction Glenn Boyle 159 Wuerzberg, Germany 159 German magazines discuss chemtrails Glenn Boyle 161 Berlin airport March 10, 2003 162 Hampton, England Novem
  • 7 Sidney, Australia March 7 2003 158 Aigina town meeting on chemtrails 158 chemtrails cover story slams Greenpeace Germany for inaction Glenn Boyle 159 Wuerzberg, Germany 159 German magazines discuss chemtrails Glenn Boyle 161 Berlin airport March 10, 2003 162 Hampton, England November 12, 2002 163 chemtrails Germany (both photos) bottom photo: 164 fibers in chemtrail rainwater Lisa
  • s Greenpeace Germany for inaction Glenn Boyle 159 Wuerzberg, Germany 159 German magazines discuss chemtrails Glenn Boyle 161 Berlin airport March 10, 2003 162 Hampton, England November 12, 2002 163 chemtrails Germany (both photos) bottom photo: 164 fibers in chemtrail rainwater Lisa Jones 166 Predator drone in flight 166 cover, Owning The Weather: 2025 USAF
  • nwater Lisa Jones 166 Predator drone in flight 166 cover, Owning The Weather: 2025 USAF 168 chemtrail fibers 169 Morgellons sufferer ABC News 170 Morgellons fibers resemble chemtrails fibers 172 Morgellons hand Daily Mail Sept18, 2007 173 Morgellons 1200x Ted Twietmeyer 173 Morgellons growing back into skin 700x Ted Twietmeyer chemtrailcentr
  • ack into skin 700x Ted Twietmeyer 173 Morgellons threads (bottom) 174 blue nanoparticles 174 Morgellons 60x 175 nano-chemtrails 175 nano-particles research in Australia 176 Orb-chemtrails sequence over Lancashire, E ngland 177 Santa Monica, CA orb and chemtrails April 16, 2000 Ri
  • 174 blue nanoparticles 174 Morgellons 60x 175 nano-chemtrails 175 nano-particles research in Australia 176 Orb-chemtrails sequence over Lancashire, E ngland 177 Santa Monica, CA orb and chemtrails April 16, 2000 Rick Moor 177 -178 Evantson, Illinois orb and chemtrail June 24, 2002 178 chemtrails and orb
  • 175 nano-chemtrails 175 nano-particles research in Australia 176 Orb-chemtrails sequence over Lancashire, E ngland 177 Santa Monica, CA orb and chemtrails April 16, 2000 Rick Moor 177 -178 Evantson, Illinois orb and chemtrail June 24, 2002 178 chemtrails and orbs over Portland, Oregon January 20, 2003 Peter Ulrich 179 Santa Monica, CA orb and chemtra
  • 176 Orb-chemtrails sequence over Lancashire, E ngland 177 Santa Monica, CA orb and chemtrails April 16, 2000 Rick Moor 177 -178 Evantson, Illinois orb and chemtrail June 24, 2002 178 chemtrails and orbs over Portland, Oregon January 20, 2003 Peter Ulrich 179 Santa Monica, CA orb and chemtrails (enlarged) Rick Moor 180 Santa Monica, CA orb and chemtrails (enlarged) Rick Moor 181 Panoche M
  • mtrails April 16, 2000 Rick Moor 177 -178 Evantson, Illinois orb and chemtrail June 24, 2002 178 chemtrails and orbs over Portland, Oregon January 20, 2003 Peter Ulrich 179 Santa Monica, CA orb and chemtrails (enlarged) Rick Moor 180 Santa Monica, CA orb and chemtrails (enlarged) Rick Moor 181 Panoche March 24, 2009 dc-chemical 182 Two orbs below cloud Gary 183 Blue Cross adverti
  • orb and chemtrail June 24, 2002 178 chemtrails and orbs over Portland, Oregon January 20, 2003 Peter Ulrich 179 Santa Monica, CA orb and chemtrails (enlarged) Rick Moor 180 Santa Monica, CA orb and chemtrails (enlarged) Rick Moor 181 Panoche March 24, 2009 dc-chemical 182 Two orbs below cloud Gary 183 Blue Cross advertisement 195 flying through plume after close pass - from Hawaii


  • breaking the “mystery plumes” story for the Environment News wire service, I made the first of eight guest appearances with Art Bell on Coast To Coast describing a phenomenon I later popularized as “chemtrails”. All Fall Down: The Politics of Terror and Mass Persuasion was the first published book on 9 / 11. My more recently updated Days Of Deception: Ground Zero And Beyond remains the most thorough journa
  • Ground Zero And Beyond remains the most thorough journalistic account of Black Tuesday and its aftermath. Though it reads lik e a novel, every event is documented. The most recent book of my ongoing chemtrails investigation is Chemtrails Confirmed 2010 . It has now been updated with a revised Chemtrails Timeline to 2013. Recipient of four Canadian feature-writing awards, I have been writing about wireless

File: David Icke - The Secret History of the USA -


  • weapons used on the protesters in Seattle by the police. Many people came down sick, and it wasn't reported in the media at all. I do not have all the info. at the time of this writing, but, if the "chemtrails" are any indication of how far they are willing to go, then it wouldn't surprise me if they tried out some new form of population control on the protesters. That's one of the reasons why I don't go t

File: David Icke - Who Really Rules the World -


  • Speaking on the 911 attacks.His website is www.copvcia.comInfo on lectures:Calgary - Nicholas : 403-215-4410 [email protected]/Vanc - Wes : 780-930-1982 [email protected] Alternative Answer to Chemtrails?Since seeing on your site the photos of Bush and others making the 'devil-horns' sign with their fingers, I have kept an eye out for it. Today watching CBC news at around 3pm I saw Yasser Arafat maki


  • ndbookDeMeo, James - SaharasiaDewey, J.J. - Immortal, TheDillon D.D, Msgr. George F. - Grand Orient Freemasonry UnmaskedDoane, T.W. - Bible Myths and their Parallels in other ReligionsDouglas, Clay - CHEMTRAILS: The VideoDrosnin, Michael - The Bible CodeDunne, Lee - Goodbye to the Hill- E-F -Elliot, Don - The 5 Price Tags of SuccessElmhurst, Ernest F. - The World HoaxEnoch - Enoch 1&2Population Bomb, The -

File: Healed Planet -


  • they say that nothing “ we have ” can do that. While we talked with James on that Saturday afternoon, airplanes flew by in an endless procession, leaving heavy contrails that James and others call “ chemtrails. ” In the photograph above, all the high “ cirrus ” clouds are those heavy contrails left by jets. The photograph below shows those “ chemtrails ” in more detail. Click on image to enlarge Chemtrails
  • , leaving heavy contrails that James and others call “ chemtrails. ” In the photograph above, all the high “ cirrus ” clouds are those heavy contrails left by jets. The photograph below shows those “ chemtrails ” in more detail. Click on image to enlarge Chemtrails are controversial. Investigators have collected samples of chemtrails for analysis, which U.S. government agencies such as the EPA have refused
  • are those heavy contrails left by jets. The photograph below shows those “ chemtrails ” in more detail. Click on image to enlarge Chemtrails are controversial. Investigators have collected samples of chemtrails for analysis, which U.S. government agencies such as the EPA have refused to test. James told us that a member of U.S. Congress recently tried opening an investigation of them, and was advised by a h
  • d opening an investigation of them, and was advised by a high-ranking military official that if she valued her career and her family ’ s health, she should cease her investigation (which she did). If chemtrails are a genuine covert action phenomenon, I doubt the motivation behind chemtrails is benevolent. The military and related attention to the Mount Adams area likely has nothing to do with the “ threat ”
  • ficial that if she valued her career and her family ’ s health, she should cease her investigation (which she did). If chemtrails are a genuine covert action phenomenon, I doubt the motivation behind chemtrails is benevolent. The military and related attention to the Mount Adams area likely has nothing to do with the “ threat ” that UFOs pose to humanity, but the “ threat ” that they pose to the world ’ s p
  • mans, in alignment with the Brookings Institute ’ s advice to NASA many years ago. James has endured great harassment from the people trying to remove UFOs from public awareness. By that evening, the chemtrails had blown away and the sky was clear. James said that the best time for viewing UFOs was between 10:30 and 11:30 at night, or at about 5:00 in the morning. We went to dinner and arrived back at the r

File: Hidden History Of Money -


  • perspective, it is a matter of reducing the population through various means outlined in the Global 2000 population reduction program. Famines, wars, genetically engineered viruses like AIDS & SARS, chemtrails, chemicals to reduce the life expectancy, fertility and reasoning ability like fluoride , chlorine and aspartame were added to the water and food supply, vaccinations that produce long term health pr


  • dissent and alternative views do not stray too far off the reservation of Elite acceptance. Excluded topics include the 9-11 Truth Movement, the New World Order, the City Of London financial center, chemtrails, the Federal Reserve, Inc., etc. It is safe to assume that your letters to the editor are monitored and pre-selected prior to printing. I suspect that some letters and articles in The New York Times

File: Lewis, Jon E. - The Mammoth Book of Cover-Ups (2008) -


  • rcodes BCCI Bilderberg Group Black Helicopters Bohemian Grove Martin Bormann British Royal Family Bush-Bin Laden Connection Roberto Calvi Cancer Le Cercle (The Circle) Chappaquiddick Chechen Bombings Chemtrails Club of Rome Council on Foreign Relations Crop Circles Dead Sea Scrolls Diana, Princess of Wales Face on Mars Fluoridation Vincent Foster Freemasons Gemstone File Gunpowder Plot HAARP Rudolf Hess HIV


  • However, the Medical Mafia (with the help of the Elite) has suppressed all this non-pharma (Allopathic) cancer knowledge as well as the causes (and prevention), the main suspects being Death Towers, Chemtrails, Junk Food, chemicals and drugs such as Pesticides, and vaccines, along with sugar, root-canals and miasms, while they have actively promoted the widespread use of cancer agents, such as fluoridation




  • form, the plane must be flying above 33,000 feet (10,000m), at which altitude the hot engine exhaust condenses into ice crystals to form a pencil-thin vapour trail that (relatively) quickly vanishes. Chemtrails, observers claim, are very evidently different. These appear much thicker and extend across the sky, often in criss-cross patterns, grids or parallel lines. The trails do not dissipate quickly but pe
  • lines. The trails do not dissipate quickly but persist, expanding slowly into feathers and mares’ tails until they form wispy white veils or “fake cirrus-type” clouds that last for hours. Reports of chemtrails have come from many, mostly highly developed countries, including France, Britain, Canada, Germany and New Zealand, but the most activity appears to be centred on the United States. One video produce
  • he United States. One video produced by seasoned chemtrail campaigner Clifford Carnicom warns people to make the most of blue skies now – blue skies, he believes, will become a thing of the past once chemtrails have become so prevalent they obscure the sun permanently from view. The real question, though, is: what’s in those chemtrails that makes them behave so differently from the innocent contrail? The an
  • kies now – blue skies, he believes, will become a thing of the past once chemtrails have become so prevalent they obscure the sun permanently from view. The real question, though, is: what’s in those chemtrails that makes them behave so differently from the innocent contrail? The answer is that no one really knows for sure. Concerned activists say they cannot raise enough funds to hire a plane at short noti
  • s have been mysteriously mislaid, or their existence has been denied following their arrival at official government laboratories. One amazed Californian says he noted no more than the usual amount of chemtrails over his property one morning but this was followed several hours later by skeins of white, waxy material falling on to trees, pavements and so on, where it slowly dissolved. He collected some of the
  • (EPA) reportedly no longer accepts any such samples for testing even though its stated remit is to protect the American people from possible sources of contamination. Just what the purpose is behind chemtrails and (according to the theorists) other covert tinkering with the atmosphere is unclear, but the US government, backed up by its “shadowy” masters, seems top of the list of perpetrators. In typical co
  • ject “is a managed and controlled topic of discussion in the United States. It must be assumed now in this country that communication on this topic is monitored.” The most probable constituent of the chemtrails would seem to be aluminium. Documented aerial tests have been carried out to test a theory perpetrated by Dr Edward Teller (one of the creators of the hydrogen bomb) that aluminium particles seeded i


  • pression, loss of bladder control, nervous tics. Barium salt mixtures have been identified as carriers for a whole host of pathogens or chemicals which could contaminate the people living beneath the chemtrails, breaking down their immune systems and poisoning them slowly and undetectably. To support their argument, chemtrail researchers point to recent rises in the incidence of “flu-type” epidemics across
  • t rises in the incidence of “flu-type” epidemics across the Western world, along with an increase in mystery illnesses, allergies and respiratory disorders. Other theorists, by contrast, suggest that chemtrails are being used not to kill people but to inoculate them secretly against the biological weapons that might be unleashed by enemy states, and that it is the reaction to this inoculation process which
  • process which causes the flu-like symptoms. The fact that its supporters appear to be singing from different hymn sheets rather dents the credibility of the chemtrail theory. While one camp maintains chemtrails are intended to reduce world population by 85 per cent, China is apparently exempt because it is viewed as such a perfect example of the New World Order in action that it is being groomed to replace
  • t much fun being a superpower with no one left to lord it over, is it? But this particular conspiracy theory is undermined by a much simpler flaw. It is a question not so much of what might be in the chemtrails but of how they are delivered in the first place. If as theorists claim these trails are dispensed by special units attached or hidden in the fuselage of both military and commercial jets, that would
  • highly implausible: what pathogen could survive ignition in a jumbo jet engine? Official sources in the American military and scientific community remain adamant that what people are noticing are not chemtrails but ordinary contrails. Astronauts aboard the International Space Station observed the absence of contrails on the days following 9/11. “I’ll tell you one thing that’s really strange. Normally when w
  • tures of the upper atmosphere, the addition of even a tiny amount of water vapour acts as a catalyst, causing the thin cirrus-type clouds to form. However reasoned and scientific the debunkers of the chemtrails theory may be, they will always have an uphill battle to convince the theorists themselves, because the theorists’ worst nightmare has already come true. The US government has already been guilty of
  • disease: ALERT LEVEL 3.5 Further Reading Will Thomas, “Chemtrails: Covert Climate Control?”, Nexus, Vol. 8, No. 6, October– November 2001

File: Lost Journals Of Nikola Tesla - HAARP - Chemtrails And Secret Of Alternative 4 -


  • on ...... ............... 74 Chapter Seven - Free Energy - Fact or Fiction? ..... .................. 98 Chapter Eight - The Truth About Alternative 3 ...... ............... 116 Chapter Nine - HAARP - Chemtrails - Alternative 4 __ ____ 130 Conclusion ......................................... .................................... 150 Afterthoughts on Nikola Tesla - By Diane Tessman ... ...........154 3


  • The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla Chapter Nine HAARP - Chemtrails - Alternative 4 With the failure of Alternative 3, it became necess ary to implement a new system to protect mankind from the upcoming disaste r from global warming. The Mars Projects had eaten away


  • essor to Alternative 3 is now operational. There is another factor now operating in conjunctio n with HAARP that has caught the attention of conspiracy writers around t he world - the mystery of the "Chemtrails." It can now be revealed that this is t he next phase of Alternative 4! 135


  • The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla The Mystery of the Chemtrails We are all familiar with contrails, the exhaust lef t in the atmosphere by high- flying jet planes. Since 1997, observers all over t he world have noticed an increase in these contrails with the skie
  • s can occasionally persis t for hours, forming cirrus-type clouds that drift over a large area - p articularly over high-traffic routes such as the Atlantic corridor between the USA and E urope - the chemtrails being reported daily by many independent eye-witnesses al ways linger for hours, forming an overcast from which veils of wispy fallo ut are often observed. In some cases, commercial jetliners flying
  • om which veils of wispy fallo ut are often observed. In some cases, commercial jetliners flying across t hese persistent grid-patterns lay normal contrails that disappear quickly alongsi de lingering chemtrails. Usually laid in an east-west direction, with charac teristic X's and cris-cross trails also often observed, jets layering these deliberate chemtrails have often been observed switching their emissio
  • ails that disappear quickly alongsi de lingering chemtrails. Usually laid in an east-west direction, with charac teristic X's and cris-cross trails also often observed, jets layering these deliberate chemtrails have often been observed switching their emissions off as they appr oach mountains or other geographically delineating features, only to turn t heir spray back on after making their turns back over t


  • tent-holder, has sa id that this is theoretically possible - and that polymer additives for microwave absorption are commercially available. Subsequent analysis by a private lab determined tha t some chemtrails contained a "strange ironlike substance." Chemtrail investiga tor Tommy Farmer comments that the chemist he engaged to examine an "angel ha ir" sample under a powerful microscope "noticed manmade yel
  • rbs impr egnated into the filaments of the material." Farmer now believes this material could have been "oxidizing ferrous alloy" used in weather modification experim ents. Weather modification using chemtrails and other met hods may be taking place across America without the help of HAARP, which acc ording to Dr. Nick Begich (co-author of Angels Don't Play This HAARP) is appa rently being activated only fo


  • The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla The Composition of Chemtrails Part of the substances in the chemtrails have been identified: a cocktail of JP8+100 jet fuel, laced with Ethylene Dibromide (ED B). This chemical pesticide was banned in 1983 by the EPA as a definit
  • The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla The Composition of Chemtrails Part of the substances in the chemtrails have been identified: a cocktail of JP8+100 jet fuel, laced with Ethylene Dibromide (ED B). This chemical pesticide was banned in 1983 by the EPA as a definite carcino gen and chemical toxin. Exposur


  • The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla Project Cloverleaf Chemtrail researcher C.E. Carnicom received a lette r in May, 2000 from an airline manager who said that he had information co ncerning the chemtrails. The manager stated that he works for an undisclosed air line in upper management. "Airline companies in America have been participati ng in something called Project Cloverleaf for a few years now. T

File: Nield, Michael - The Police State Road Map (2004) -


  • EP// TEXT+REPORT+A4-1999-0005+0+NOT+SGML+V0//EN 172. See Thomas, Legislative information on the internet, 107th Congress and type in HR2977 http://th 173. Will Thomas, Chemtrails confirmed , See t/chemconfirmedart.htm 174. Stratospheric Welsbach seeding for reduction of global warming, go to U.S. Patent and Trademark Office website and

File: Secret History Of The USA -


  • weapons used on the protesters in Seattle by the police. Many people came down sick, and it wasn't reported in the media at all. I do not have all the info. at the time of this writing, but, if the "chemtrails" are any indication of how far they are willing to go, then it wouldn't surprise me if they tried out some new form of population control on the protesters. That's one of the reasons why I don't go t

File: Richard Dolan - UFOs For The 21st Century Mind -

  • only fight so many battles—whywear yet another albatross that only makes your life more difficult? It is hardenough to research things like government spying, financial corruption, 9/11conspiracies, chemtrails, or many other important subjects that require ourattention. For my part, I have spent the last twenty years researching UFOs. In thattime, I have found that this phenomenon intersects with many of t

  • yetagain, this time with much more force. Not merely 9/11, but the false pretensesunderlying all of America's recent wars, the growth of the global police andcitizen espionage complex, the meaning of chemtrails, the existence of enormoussecret underground bases and tunnel complexes, and even the global banking andprivate debt-based system that has created worldwide financial enslavement. Andonward. It is im

File: Richard Dolan - UFOs and the National Security State - Volume 2 -

  • r natural gas or petroleum deposits, oreven artificial structures like underground military bases. HAARP has beenaccused of being able to change weather patterns (perhaps in concert with thenotorious chemtrails), and even disrupt human mental processes. The OfficialHAARP Homepage denies these claims while acknowledging that the array cangenerate Extra Low Frequencies (ELF). While ELFs can affect biological

File: 2012 - Enlightened -


  • ............. 66 Illuminati — New World Order - Monetary Control ................................ 71 Illuminati — New World Order - Civilian Detention ................................ 72 Illuminati — Chemtrails - Global Spraying ................................ ............. 73 Illuminati — Health Care ................................ ................................ .......... 74 False Gurus ..............


  • 73 that created and planned 9/11? It seems the Illuminati and parts of the Gov- ernment are well aware of the coming events and are preparing for some- thing as 2012 approaches. Illuminati — Chemtrails - Global Spraying Chemtrails are NOT vapor trails left behind high - flying Jets. Enormous regions of our planet are being continually sprayed sys- tematically with highly toxic combinations of chemi

File: Surviving Survivalism -


  • erica and it would take YEARS to repair. We no longer build grid components in America, they are made in China and there is already a long backlog to purchase these. Who knows what is really in those chemtrails being laid down all across the entire planet, but supposedly one of the reasons is to protect us from the sun's newly increased effects. In addition, increased solar activity affects increased seismi


  • be implemented? Have we foolishly given the President of the United States so much power that he can become a dictator? Will food supplies run out? Will the weather continue to be abnormal? Will chemtrails ultimately poison us? Will GMO crops take over all others? Are you scared yet? Many of these fears are constantly and purposely reinforced by what I like to call “the pop culture”. Television is the

File: Reign Of The Anunnaki - Jan Erik Sigdell -

  • th’s population to a sizethat is easier to control. For the latter, various measures are used: increasedmortality by means of diseases and intentional environmental pollution withmanipulated food and chemtrails as well as through pharmacology, but alsoreduction of population growth through decreased fertility (throughpharmaceutical manipulation; for example, with adjuvants in vaccinations). Forthese purpose
  • use they are not perfectly adapted to living conditions here, they want toreshape the Earth to make it fit them better so that they will not die out aswell. Do they need genetically modified food and chemtrails in the air? Arenuclear catastrophes in some way suitable for them? There is a suspicion thatthey tolerate radiation well and even may be able to feed on it energetically.Edward Snowden, who became fa

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