Committee Of 300

Found in 88 Books

File: Daniel Estulin - Shadow Masters -

  • ses/1999/fr033199.htm].3. Frank Viviano, “Separatists supporting themselves with traffic in narcotics,San Francisco Chronicle, June 10, 1994.4. John Coleman, Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300(America West Publishers, 1992).5. Grattan Healy, “A Geostrategic view of the Kosovo Crisis,” May 4, 1999, [].6. One classified

  • r PublicIntegrity,[].66. John Coleman, Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300(America’s West Publishers, 1992).67. Ibid.68. US Department of the Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control, Recent OFACActions, April 26, 2005,

  • stitution, even though polls have clearly shown thatonly a tiny number of these people had actually read the document.“In this manner,” writes John Coleman in Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story ofthe Committee of 300, “irrationality is elevated to a high level of publicconsciousness. The manipulators then play upon this to undermine and distractthe grasp of reality governing any given situation and, the more comp

  • 91], 175 [index_split_017.html#filepos508147]Concordantia Catholica 6 [index_split_008.html#filepos32587]ConsortiumNews 24 [index_split_010.html#filepos78212]Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300[index_split_021.html#filepos705419] 216 [index_split_018.html#filepos625392]Copeland, Miles 166 [index_split_017.html#filepos482074], 167[index_split_017.html#filepos485054]Correa, Rafael 209 [index_

File: Daniel Estulin - Tavistock Institute - Social Engineering The Massesl -

  • Research Report #4/4.7478 78. Criton Zoakos, The Aquarian Conspiracy’s road to Orwell’s 1984, EIR,Volume 7, number 18, May 13, 1980, p.2779 79. John Coleman, Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300,Global Review Publications, 200680 80. The report, one of the most far-reaching investigations into how manmight be changed, covering 319 pages, was written by “14 new science scientistsunder the sup

  • e, Jan. 22, 2007,8599,1581189,00.html#ixzz1ExtfiKg455 55. Edward Bernays, Propaganda, 1928, reprint, Ig Publshing, 200456 56. The Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Committee of 300, John Coleman, WIR,August 1997 57 57. Michael Minnicino, Frankfurt School and ‘Political Correctness,’ Fidelio,Winter 199258 58. The major pollsters of today – A.C. Neilsen, George Gallup – started i

File: Daniel Estulin - TransEvolution_ The Coming Age of Human Deconstruction -

  • wsHawk, 10 October, 1999.20 K. Lewin (1942), “Time Perspective and Morale,” in G. Watson, ed., CivilianMorale, second yearbook of the SPSSL, Boston: Houghton Mifflin.21 John Coleman, The Story of the Committee of 300, Global Review Publications,4th edition, 2006.22 Ibid.23 Turn off your TV, Lonnie Wolfe, New Federalist, p. 12-13, 1997.24 Ibid.25 DCDC Strategic Trends Report, p. 55.26 George Orwell, 1984, Signet 1

File: Daniel Estulin - True Story Of The Bilderberg Group -

  • as thePresident of Europe in September 1999. His term lasted until January 2005; in2006, Prodi was elected Prime Minister of Italy.The Francois Mitterrand TestO n December 10, 1980, the Bilderberg’s “Committee of 300”ordered the official resurrection of Francois Mitterrand, a socialistdiscarded by the French establishment, as France’s next president.According to John Coleman, whose book. Conspirators’ Hierarchy:T

  • -Identity and Collective Will, Robert Eringer, The Global Manipulators, Pentacle Books, 198016. John Coleman, Conspirators Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300,America West Publishers, 199217. Pierre Beaudry, The Meimevee Documents of the Symirchy, ICLC Draft document,p.6818. Working Class Movement Library, [email protected]. Carol White, The New Dark

File: David Icke - 1995 - And The Truth Shall Set You Free -

  • usually overdrawn on his account, suchwas his ability to spend. A large amount went to furthering his aims of a worldgovernment. Rhodes is claimed to have been a member of an elite group known asthe Committee of 300, also known as the Olympians. This organisation was thesubject of a book by Dr John Coleman called Conspirators Hierarchy: The Story OfThe Committee Of 300. Coleman claims to have been an intelligenc

  • were Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and hissuccessor, Winston Churchill (Comm 300).Chamberlain and his close aide, Lord Halifax (a Round Table member almost fromits foundation and a member of the Committee of 300), supported the appeasementof Hitler. Milner and his fellow manipulators agreed with this policy. Speechesby the Round Table/Royal Institute high command like Lionel Curtis (Comm 300),Leopold Amery,

  • s was the vehicle through which the United Nations wasmanipulated into being.The US delegation at the San Francisco Conference also included: John J. McCloy(CFR chairman from 1953-70, a member of the Committee of 300, the chairman ofthe Ford Foundation and the Rockefellers’ Chase Manhattan Bank, and friend andadvisor to nine presidents from Roosevelt to Reagan); John Foster Dulles (Hitlersupporter, CFR founder, a

  • g the New World Order into being. Some researchers believethat the Rothschilds are at the peak of the Pyramid (I don’t) and under them isa Council of Thirteen, a Council of Thirty Three, and then the Committee of 300,also known as the Olympians.1The Global Elite as a whole is the group of people who are selected andinitiated into the higher, sometimes highest, levels of knowledge in the wholehuman structure. Whil

  • psden (then Sir Eric Roll), was one who exploited this situationto great effect and made vast sums for S.G. Warburg. Roll is a former chairmanof the Bilderberg Group, a Trilateralist, a member of the Committee of 300, anda board member of Kissinger Associates.The value of the US dollar plummeted as a result of these events, but delinkingthe dollar from its exchange for gold was only the first stage in the Elitest

  • eign Relations. McCloy was also a chairman> > of the Ford Foundation and of David Rockefeller’s Chase Manhattan Bank. He> > was a US delegate at the founding of the United Nations, a member of the> > Committee of 300, and helped Jean Monnet (Comm 300) to create the European> > Community. During the war he opposed a policy of accepting the Japanese> > surrender without dropping the atomic bombs. After the war, he

  • ght of the British Empire. Queen Victoria’sPrime Minister, who was involved in both wars, was Lord Palmerston, the GrandPatriarch or Master of Grand Orient (Illuminati) Freemasonry and a member of theCommittee of 300. The vehicle for this trade in opium from India to China andelsewhere was the East India Company, a group of Scottish merchants who werealigned with the Knights of St John of Jerusalem and the Societ

  • omenon is amanipulator’s nightmare and, like everyone on this planet, you have that power.You only have to use it.> SOURCES> > > 1 See Dr John Coleman’s Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story Of The> > > Committee Of 300> > > 2 The Sunday Telegraph (February 5th 1995)> > > 3 Oswald Le Winter, CIA operative 1968-85, speaking on the> > > documentary, The Maltese Double Cross, which was shown to British MPs in> > > 1994

  • er. In 1993 Joseph Connor (CFR) was appointed undersecretary-generalfor administration and management at the UN. He was chairman of PriceWaterhouse, the Elite accountants, who have a designate on the Committee of 300.Mr Connor has been warning that the UN faces bankruptcy and something must bedone.1 Now there’s a surprise. More conflict will demand more ‘solutions’, andin desperation people will look to the Unite

  • Press, Berkeley,California, Fifth printing, 1993).Chomsky, Noam; World Orders, Old And New, (Pluto Press, 345 Archway Road,London, N6 5AA).Coleman, Dr. John; Conspirators’ Hierachy: The Story Of The Committee Of 300,(American West Publishers, Bozeman, MT, USA, 1992).Collins, Tony; Open Verdict, An Account Of 25 Mysterious Deaths In The DefenseIndustry, (Sphere Books, London, 1990).Cooper, William; Behold A Pale

  • ./Text/index_split_010.html#filepos96713] 123[../Text/index_split_016.html#filepos488981]-4[../Text/index_split_016.html#filepos493022]Coming Race, The 205 [../Text/index_split_019.html#filepos793722]Committee of 300 [../Text/index_split_021.html#filepos1139239] (Olympians) 57[../Text/index_split_013.html#filepos232802], 108[../Text/index_split_015.html#filepos428809], 179[../Text/index_split_018.html#filepos7030

File: David Icke - 1995 - And The Truth Shall Set You Free -

  • usually overdrawn on his account, suchwas his ability to spend. A large amount went to furthering his aims of a worldgovernment. Rhodes is claimed to have been a member of an elite group known asthe Committee of 300, also known as the Olympians. This organisation was thesubject of a book by Dr John Coleman called Conspirators Hierarchy: The Story OfThe Committee Of 300. Coleman claims to have been an intelligenc

  • were Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and hissuccessor, Winston Churchill (Comm 300).Chamberlain and his close aide, Lord Halifax (a Round Table member almost fromits foundation and a member of the Committee of 300), supported the appeasementof Hitler. Milner and his fellow manipulators agreed with this policy. Speechesby the Round Table/Royal Institute high command like Lionel Curtis (Comm 300),Leopold Amery,

  • s was the vehicle through which the United Nations wasmanipulated into being.The US delegation at the San Francisco Conference also included: John J. McCloy(CFR chairman from 1953-70, a member of the Committee of 300, the chairman ofthe Ford Foundation and the Rockefellers’ Chase Manhattan Bank, and friend andadvisor to nine presidents from Roosevelt to Reagan); John Foster Dulles (Hitlersupporter, CFR founder, a

  • g the New World Order into being. Some researchers believethat the Rothschilds are at the peak of the Pyramid (I don’t) and under them isa Council of Thirteen, a Council of Thirty Three, and then the Committee of 300,also known as the Olympians.1The Global Elite as a whole is the group of people who are selected andinitiated into the higher, sometimes highest, levels of knowledge in the wholehuman structure. Whil

  • psden (then Sir Eric Roll), was one who exploited this situationto great effect and made vast sums for S.G. Warburg. Roll is a former chairmanof the Bilderberg Group, a Trilateralist, a member of the Committee of 300, anda board member of Kissinger Associates.The value of the US dollar plummeted as a result of these events, but delinkingthe dollar from its exchange for gold was only the first stage in the Elitest

  • eign Relations. McCloy was also a chairman> > of the Ford Foundation and of David Rockefeller’s Chase Manhattan Bank. He> > was a US delegate at the founding of the United Nations, a member of the> > Committee of 300, and helped Jean Monnet (Comm 300) to create the European> > Community. During the war he opposed a policy of accepting the Japanese> > surrender without dropping the atomic bombs. After the war, he

  • ght of the British Empire. Queen Victoria’sPrime Minister, who was involved in both wars, was Lord Palmerston, the GrandPatriarch or Master of Grand Orient (Illuminati) Freemasonry and a member of theCommittee of 300. The vehicle for this trade in opium from India to China andelsewhere was the East India Company, a group of Scottish merchants who werealigned with the Knights of St John of Jerusalem and the Societ

  • omenon is amanipulator’s nightmare and, like everyone on this planet, you have that power.You only have to use it.> SOURCES> > > 1 See Dr John Coleman’s Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story Of The> > > Committee Of 300> > > 2 The Sunday Telegraph (February 5th 1995)> > > 3 Oswald Le Winter, CIA operative 1968-85, speaking on the> > > documentary, The Maltese Double Cross, which was shown to British MPs in> > > 1994

  • er. In 1993 Joseph Connor (CFR) was appointed undersecretary-generalfor administration and management at the UN. He was chairman of PriceWaterhouse, the Elite accountants, who have a designate on the Committee of 300.Mr Connor has been warning that the UN faces bankruptcy and something must bedone.1 Now there’s a surprise. More conflict will demand more ‘solutions’, andin desperation people will look to the Unite

  • Press, Berkeley,California, Fifth printing, 1993).Chomsky, Noam; World Orders, Old And New, (Pluto Press, 345 Archway Road,London, N6 5AA).Coleman, Dr. John; Conspirators’ Hierachy: The Story Of The Committee Of 300,(American West Publishers, Bozeman, MT, USA, 1992).Collins, Tony; Open Verdict, An Account Of 25 Mysterious Deaths In The DefenseIndustry, (Sphere Books, London, 1990).Cooper, William; Behold A Pale

  • ./Text/index_split_010.html#filepos96713] 123[../Text/index_split_016.html#filepos488981]-4[../Text/index_split_016.html#filepos493022]Coming Race, The 205 [../Text/index_split_019.html#filepos793722]Committee of 300 [../Text/index_split_021.html#filepos1139239] (Olympians) 57[../Text/index_split_013.html#filepos232802], 108[../Text/index_split_015.html#filepos428809], 179[../Text/index_split_018.html#filepos7030

File: David Icke - 1999 - The Biggest Secret -

  • s. Rhodes was also Prime Ministerof the Cape Colony and he is said by writer John Coleman (who claims to be aformer British Intelligence operative), to have been a member of an organisationcalled the Committee of 300, also known as The Olympians. These, he claims, arethe three hundred people who, in each generation, run the world under thesupervision of even smaller groups above them in the highest levels of thep

  • quity. Some researchers say that the upper hierarchy appears to consist ofthe Council of 3, the Council of 5, the Council of 7, Council of 9, Council of13, Council of 33, the Grand Druid Council, the Committee of 300 (also known asthe ‘Olympians’), and the Committee of 500. Many groups have no name to avoiddetection.1 [../Text/index_split_035.html#filepos1011104] I’m sure that there isone, maybe two, people, sitt

  • ite Planning For World Management (edited byHolly Sklar, South End Press,Boston, USA, 1980), p 182.3 [../Text/index_split_034.html#filepos955831] Quoted in The ConspiratorsHierarchy: The Story Of The Committee of 300, p 15.4 [../Text/index_split_034.html#filepos993338] Fintan O'Toole, Brand Leader, Aninvestigation Of Tony O’Reilly, (Granta), p 72.5 [../Text/index_split_034.html#filepos993737] Ibid, pp 61-62.6 [..

  • ht of the British Empire. Queen Victoria’s Foreign Secretary and PrimeMinister during the Opium Wars was Lord Palmerston, the Grand Patriarch orMaster of Grand Orient Freemasonry, and a member of the Committee of 300. ThePalmerstons were in fact the Temple family and their title goes back to 1723when Henry Temple became Baron Temple of Mount Temple, County Sligo, Ireland andViscount Palmerston of Palmerston, Coun

  • 598082], 171[../Text/index_split_024.html#filepos636557], 182[../Text/index_split_026.html#filepos674986]-4[../Text/index_split_010.html#filepos37274], 508[../Text/index_split_052.html#filepos1801886]Committee of 300 – 223 [../Text/index_split_030.html#filepos795550], 273[../Text/index_split_034.html#filepos969667], 286[../Text/index_split_036.html#filepos1012908]Communism – 130 [../Text/index_split_020.html#file

File: David Icke - 1999 - The Biggest Secret -

  • s. Rhodes was also Prime Ministerof the Cape Colony and he is said by writer John Coleman (who claims to be aformer British Intelligence operative), to have been a member of an organisationcalled the Committee of 300, also known as The Olympians. These, he claims, arethe three hundred people who, in each generation, run the world under thesupervision of even smaller groups above them in the highest levels of thep

  • quity. Some researchers say that the upper hierarchy appears to consist ofthe Council of 3, the Council of 5, the Council of 7, Council of 9, Council of13, Council of 33, the Grand Druid Council, the Committee of 300 (also known asthe ‘Olympians’), and the Committee of 500. Many groups have no name to avoiddetection.1 [../Text/index_split_035.html#filepos1011104] I’m sure that there isone, maybe two, people, sitt

  • ite Planning For World Management (edited byHolly Sklar, South End Press,Boston, USA, 1980), p 182.3 [../Text/index_split_034.html#filepos955831] Quoted in The ConspiratorsHierarchy: The Story Of The Committee of 300, p 15.4 [../Text/index_split_034.html#filepos993338] Fintan O'Toole, Brand Leader, Aninvestigation Of Tony O’Reilly, (Granta), p 72.5 [../Text/index_split_034.html#filepos993737] Ibid, pp 61-62.6 [..

  • ht of the British Empire. Queen Victoria’s Foreign Secretary and PrimeMinister during the Opium Wars was Lord Palmerston, the Grand Patriarch orMaster of Grand Orient Freemasonry, and a member of the Committee of 300. ThePalmerstons were in fact the Temple family and their title goes back to 1723when Henry Temple became Baron Temple of Mount Temple, County Sligo, Ireland andViscount Palmerston of Palmerston, Coun

  • 598082], 171[../Text/index_split_024.html#filepos636557], 182[../Text/index_split_026.html#filepos674986]-4[../Text/index_split_010.html#filepos37274], 508[../Text/index_split_052.html#filepos1801886]Committee of 300 – 223 [../Text/index_split_030.html#filepos795550], 273[../Text/index_split_034.html#filepos969667], 286[../Text/index_split_036.html#filepos1012908]Communism – 130 [../Text/index_split_020.html#file

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception -


  • nd Citigroup CEO Vikram Pandit. Fulford wrote in February, 2012: The group that claims to have started the American, French and Russian revolutions state they have issued a March 31st deadline to the committee of 300 [said to be part of the Rothschild control structure], according to their spokesman ‘Alexander Romanoff’. In addition, Prince Harry has been in touch with the group and has agreed to take over contro

File: David Icke - And The Truth Shall Set You Free -


  • member of an elite group known as the Co mmittee of 300, also known as the Olympians. This organi sation was the subj ect of a book by Dr John Coleman called Conspira tors Hierarchy: The Story Of The Committee Of 300. Coleman claims to have been an intelligence officer in Britain's MI6. From this point I will identify those named by Dr Colema n with the abbreviation (Comm 300). This organisation consists of leadi


  • the vehicle throu gh which the United Nations was manipulated into being. The US delegation at the Sa n Francisco Conference also included: John J. McCloy (CFR chairman from 1953-70, a member of the Committee of 300, the chairman of the Ford Foundation and the Rockefellers' Chase Manhatt an Bank, and friend and advisor to nine presidents from Roosevelt to Reagan); John Foster Dulles (Hitler supporter, CFR founde


  • ce 1991 th at post has been held by Lord Carrington. He is an extremely close as sociate of Henry Kissinger. Carrington is a former British cabinet mini ster, secretary general of NATO, member of the Committee of 300, and current Presid ent of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. Peter Rupe rt Carrington comes from a family which made its money from banking. Carr ington was on the board of Hambros Bank (


  • ociates, among whose founding directors you will find.. .Lord Carringt on! Kissinger and Carrington have close connections with Lord Roll of Ipsden, another Bilderberger, Trilateralist, member of the Committee of 300, and board member of Kissinger Associates. Lord Roll (formerly Sir Eric Roll) was the president of the merchant bank, S.G. Warburg. Another close friend of Kissinger in England was British Intelligen


  • s, New York, 1970) p9 45 Trilateralism, p78 46 Quoted in Trilateralism, pl97 47 Los Angeles Times (January 23rd 1977) p1 48 Quoted by Dr John Coleman in The Conspira tors' Hierarchy: The Story Of The Committee Of 300 (America West Publishers, Bozeman, MT, USA, 1992) pl5 49 Gary Allen, The Rockefeller File (76 Press, Seal Beach, California, 1976) pl52 50 Executive Intelligence Review Special Report, Global 2000: B


  • New World Order into being. Some researchers believe that the Rothsc hilds are at the peak of the Pyramid (I don't) and under them is a Council of Thirte en, a Council of Thir ty Three, and then the Committee of 300, also known as the Olympians. 1 The Global Elite as a whole is the group of people who are selected and initiated into the higher, sometimes highest, leve ls of knowledge in the whole human structure


  • Spanish royal families are often represente d at Bilderberg meetings. In the UK, Prince Philip and Prince Charles have a ttended Bilderberg meetings and Queen Elizabeth II is named as a member of the Committee of 300. 3 It is believed by researchers who have investigated the Black Nobility, that at th is level the British Royal Family is subordinate to the Italian members who trace thei r ancestry back to the ori


  • (J ardine Matheson) and many others supported by the British governments of Lord Palmersto n, the symbolic head of Grand Orient Freemasonry. The Keswicks and Jardine Matheson have been members of the Committee of 300. Given the sour ce of its creation, therefore, it was only right that the Skull and Bones Society was launched with a pirate 's flag as its symbol. The link between the Skull and Bones and the famili


  • 2 0 2 .. .and the truth shall set you free SOURCES 1 Secret Societies, pp294-295. See also Dr John Coleman's Conspirators Hierarchy. The Story Of The Committee Of 300. 2 The Sunday Times (December 17th 1995) p1, section 3 3 Conspirators Hierarchy. The Story Of The Committee Of 300. See also Who's Who Of The Elite by Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr. (RIE, Spicewood, Texas,


  • en (then Sir Eric Roll), was one who exploited this situation to great effect and made vast sums for S.G. Warburg. Roll is a former chairman of the Bilderberg Group, a Trilater alist, a member of the Committee of 300, and a board member of Kissinger Associates. The value of the US dollar plummeted as a result of these events, but delinking the dollar from its exchange for gold was only th e first stage in the Eli


  • on Foreign Relations. McCloy was also a chairman of the Ford Foundat ion and of David Rockefelle r's Chase Manhattan Bank. He was a US delegate at the founding of the United Nations, a member of the Committee of 300, and helped Jean Monnet (Comm 300) to crea te the European Community. During the war he opposed a policy of accepting the Japanese surrender without dropping the atomic bo mbs. After the war, he orde


  • piracy as the son of Prescott Bush and was given all the background and experience he needed to be its frontman. He was a member of the Skull and Bones Society, a 33rd degree Freemason, member of the Committee of 300, Council on Foreign Relati ons and the Trilat eral Commission, oilman, ambassador to China and the Un ited Nations (both under Kissinger), chairman of the Republican Party Nati onal Committee, CIA op


  • the hidden hand 285 OSS agents in Europe were trained at the British es pionage headquarters at Bletchley Park, close to Woburn Abbey, from where Sefton Delmer (agent to Committee of 300 newspaper tycoon, Lord Beaverbrook) operated a British dirty tricks department. Woburn was the home of the Duke of Bedf ord, Marquess of Tavistock. The British Bureau of Psyc hological Warfare became


  • th e British Empire. Queen Vict oria's Prime Minister, who was involved in both wars, was Lord Palmerston, the Grand Patriarch or Master of Grand Orient (Illuminati) Freemasonry a nd a member of the Committee of 300. The vehicle for this trade in opium from India to China and elsewhere was the East India Company, a group of Scottish mercha nts who were aligne d with the Knights of St John of Jerusalem and the So


  • at Gaitskell died, opening the way for the Bilderberger Sir Alec Douglas Hume (Lor d Home) to take ove r the Premiership. Hume would later be a chairman of the Bilderberg Group and also served on the Committee of 300. The followi ng year Hume face d - and was defeated by - Harold Wilson, in the 1964 elec tion. The political upheavals in Britain mirrored those in the United States where Lyndon Johnson became pr es


  • a phenomenon is a manipulator's nightmare and, like everyone on th is planet, you have that power. You only have to use it. SOURCES 1 See Dr John Coleman's Conspirators' Hie rarchy: The Story Of The Committee Of 300 2 The Sunday Telegraph (February 5th 1995) 3 Oswald Le Winter, CIA operative 1968-85, s peaking on the documentary, The Maltese Double Cross, which was shown to British MPs in 1994. 4 Ibid 5 There wa


  • In 1993 Joseph Connor (CFR) was appointed undersecretary-gene ral for administration and management at the UN. He was chairman of Price Waterhouse, the Elit e accountants, who have a designate on the Committee of 300. Mr C onnor has been warning that the UN faces 393 T


  • ss, Berkeley, California, Fifth printing, 1993). Chomsky, Noam; World Orders, Old And New, (Pluto Press, 345 Archway Road, London, N6 5AA). Coleman, Dr. John; Conspirators' Hierachy: The Story Of The Committee Of 300, (American West Publishers, Bozeman, MT, USA, 1992). Collins, Tony; Open Verdict, An Account Of 25 Mysterious Deaths In The Defense Industry, (Sphere Books, London, 1990). Cooper, William; Behold A P

File: David Icke - And the Truth Shall Set You Free, 21st Century Edition (2004) -


  • member of an elite group known as the Co mmittee of 300, also known as the Olympians. This organi sation was the subj ect of a book by Dr John Coleman called Conspira tors Hierarchy: The Story Of The Committee Of 300. Coleman claims to have been an intelligence officer in Britain's MI6. From this point I will identify those named by Dr Colema n with the abbreviation (Comm 300). This organisation consists of leadi


  • the vehicle throu gh which the United Nations was manipulated into being. The US delegation at the Sa n Francisco Conference also included: John J. McCloy (CFR chairman from 1953-70, a member of the Committee of 300, the chairman of the Ford Foundation and the Rockefellers' Chase Manhatt an Bank, and friend and advisor to nine presidents from Roosevelt to Reagan); John Foster Dulles (Hitler supporter, CFR founde


  • ce 1991 th at post has been held by Lord Carrington. He is an extremely close as sociate of Henry Kissinger. Carrington is a former British cabinet mini ster, secretary general of NATO, member of the Committee of 300, and current Presid ent of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. Peter Rupe rt Carrington comes from a family which made its money from banking. Carr ington was on the board of Hambros Bank (


  • ociates, among whose founding directors you will find.. .Lord Carringt on! Kissinger and Carrington have close connections with Lord Roll of Ipsden, another Bilderberger, Trilateralist, member of the Committee of 300, and board member of Kissinger Associates. Lord Roll (formerly Sir Eric Roll) was the president of the merchant bank, S.G. Warburg. Another close friend of Kissinger in England was British Intelligen


  • s, New York, 1970) p9 45 Trilateralism, p78 46 Quoted in Trilateralism, pl97 47 Los Angeles Times (January 23rd 1977) p1 48 Quoted by Dr John Coleman in The Conspira tors' Hierarchy: The Story Of The Committee Of 300 (America West Publishers, Bozeman, MT, USA, 1992) pl5 49 Gary Allen, The Rockefeller File (76 Press, Seal Beach, California, 1976) pl52 50 Executive Intelligence Review Special Report, Global 2000: B


  • New World Order into being. Some researchers believe that the Rothsc hilds are at the peak of the Pyramid (I don't) and under them is a Council of Thirte en, a Council of Thir ty Three, and then the Committee of 300, also known as the Olympians. 1 The Global Elite as a whole is the group of people who are selected and initiated into the higher, sometimes highest, leve ls of knowledge in the whole human structure


  • Spanish royal families are often represente d at Bilderberg meetings. In the UK, Prince Philip and Prince Charles have a ttended Bilderberg meetings and Queen Elizabeth II is named as a member of the Committee of 300. 3 It is believed by researchers who have investigated the Black Nobility, that at th is level the British Royal Family is subordinate to the Italian members who trace thei r ancestry back to the ori


  • (J ardine Matheson) and many others supported by the British governments of Lord Palmersto n, the symbolic head of Grand Orient Freemasonry. The Keswicks and Jardine Matheson have been members of the Committee of 300. Given the sour ce of its creation, therefore, it was only right that the Skull and Bones Society was launched with a pirate 's flag as its symbol. The link between the Skull and Bones and the famili


  • 2 0 2 .. .and the truth shall set you free SOURCES 1 Secret Societies, pp294-295. See also Dr John Coleman's Conspirators Hierarchy. The Story Of The Committee Of 300. 2 The Sunday Times (December 17th 1995) p1, section 3 3 Conspirators Hierarchy. The Story Of The Committee Of 300. See also Who's Who Of The Elite by Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr. (RIE, Spicewood, Texas,


  • en (then Sir Eric Roll), was one who exploited this situation to great effect and made vast sums for S.G. Warburg. Roll is a former chairman of the Bilderberg Group, a Trilater alist, a member of the Committee of 300, and a board member of Kissinger Associates. The value of the US dollar plummeted as a result of these events, but delinking the dollar from its exchange for gold was only th e first stage in the Eli


  • on Foreign Relations. McCloy was also a chairman of the Ford Foundat ion and of David Rockefelle r's Chase Manhattan Bank. He was a US delegate at the founding of the United Nations, a member of the Committee of 300, and helped Jean Monnet (Comm 300) to crea te the European Community. During the war he opposed a policy of accepting the Japanese surrender without dropping the atomic bo mbs. After the war, he orde


  • piracy as the son of Prescott Bush and was given all the background and experience he needed to be its frontman. He was a member of the Skull and Bones Society, a 33rd degree Freemason, member of the Committee of 300, Council on Foreign Relati ons and the Trilat eral Commission, oilman, ambassador to China and the Un ited Nations (both under Kissinger), chairman of the Republican Party Nati onal Committee, CIA op


  • the hidden hand 285 OSS agents in Europe were trained at the British es pionage headquarters at Bletchley Park, close to Woburn Abbey, from where Sefton Delmer (agent to Committee of 300 newspaper tycoon, Lord Beaverbrook) operated a British dirty tricks department. Woburn was the home of the Duke of Bedf ord, Marquess of Tavistock. The British Bureau of Psyc hological Warfare became


  • th e British Empire. Queen Vict oria's Prime Minister, who was involved in both wars, was Lord Palmerston, the Grand Patriarch or Master of Grand Orient (Illuminati) Freemasonry a nd a member of the Committee of 300. The vehicle for this trade in opium from India to China and elsewhere was the East India Company, a group of Scottish mercha nts who were aligne d with the Knights of St John of Jerusalem and the So


  • at Gaitskell died, opening the way for the Bilderberger Sir Alec Douglas Hume (Lor d Home) to take ove r the Premiership. Hume would later be a chairman of the Bilderberg Group and also served on the Committee of 300. The followi ng year Hume face d - and was defeated by - Harold Wilson, in the 1964 elec tion. The political upheavals in Britain mirrored those in the United States where Lyndon Johnson became pr es


  • a phenomenon is a manipulator's nightmare and, like everyone on th is planet, you have that power. You only have to use it. SOURCES 1 See Dr John Coleman's Conspirators' Hie rarchy: The Story Of The Committee Of 300 2 The Sunday Telegraph (February 5th 1995) 3 Oswald Le Winter, CIA operative 1968-85, s peaking on the documentary, The Maltese Double Cross, which was shown to British MPs in 1994. 4 Ibid 5 There wa


  • In 1993 Joseph Connor (CFR) was appointed undersecretary-gene ral for administration and management at the UN. He was chairman of Price Waterhouse, the Elit e accountants, who have a designate on the Committee of 300. Mr C onnor has been warning that the UN faces 393 T


  • ss, Berkeley, California, Fifth printing, 1993). Chomsky, Noam; World Orders, Old And New, (Pluto Press, 345 Archway Road, London, N6 5AA). Coleman, Dr. John; Conspirators' Hierachy: The Story Of The Committee Of 300, (American West Publishers, Bozeman, MT, USA, 1992). Collins, Tony; Open Verdict, An Account Of 25 Mysterious Deaths In The Defense Industry, (Sphere Books, London, 1990). Cooper, William; Behold A P

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret - The Book that Will Change the World (1998) -


  • Rhodes was also Prime Minister of the Cape Colony and he is said by writer John Coleman (who claims to be a former British Intelligence operative), to have been a member of an organisation called the Committee of 300, also known as The Olympians. These, he claims, are the three hundred people who, in each generation, run the world under the supervision of even smaller groups above them in the highest levels of th


  • ond. To complete the set, the British ambassadors in America during the war were Lord Lothian of the Royal Institute of International Affairs and Lord Halifax of the Royal Institute, Round Table, and Committee of 300. Franklin Roosevelt won a second term as President in 1937 by repeating over and over that the sons of America were not going to fight in another war in Europe, while he knew full well that that was


  • the United Nations was officially formed in San Francisco on June 26th 1945, the US delegation included 74 members of the CFR, including John J. McCloy, the CFR chairman from 1953-70, a member of the Committee of 300, chairman of the Ford Foundation and the Rockefellers’ Chase Manhattan Bank, and friend and advisor to nine presidents from Roosevelt to Reagan. Also there were John Foster Dulles, the Hitler support


  • ipulator extraordinaire, not least of the environment movement. The United Nations is there for the good of the world? Yes, sure it is. Oh look, another pig goes flying by. SOURCES 1 Dr John Coleman, Committee Of 300, The Conspirators Hierarchy (Joseph Holding Company, Nevada, USA, 1995). 2 Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler, The Illuminati Formula To Create An Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave (Springmei


  • ity. Some researchers say that the upper hierarchy appears to consist of the Council of 3, the Council of 5, the Council of 7, Council of 9, Council of 13, Council of 33, the Grand Druid Council, the Committee of 300 (also known as the ‘Olympians’), and the Committee of 500. Many groups have no name to avoid detection. 1 I’m sure that there is one, maybe two, people, sitting atop this pyramid, a sort of High Prie


  • the European Union in Bosnia was, yes, yes, Lord Carrington, chairman of the Bilderberg Group, President of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Trilateral Commission member, and one of the Committee of 300. He was replaced by Lord David Owen (Bil, TC) and Carl Bildt (Bil), the former Swedish Prime Minister. The United Nations appointed negotiators were Cyrus Vance (Bil, CFR, TC) and the Norwegian, Thor


  • lism, The Trilateral Commission And The Elite Planning For World Management (edited by Holly Sklar, South End Press,Boston, USA, 1980), p 182. 3 Quoted in The Conspirators Hierarchy: The Story Of The Committee of 300, p 15. 4 Fintan O’Toole, Brand Leader, An investigation Of Tony O’Reilly, (Granta), p 72. 5 Ibid, pp 61-62. 6 Ibid, p 47. 7 Ibid, p 58. 8 Private Eye magazine, No 956, Friday, August 7th 1998, p 6.


  • of the British Empire. Queen Victoria’s Foreign Secretary and Prime Minister during the Opium Wars was Lord Palmerston, the Grand Patriarch or Master of Grand Orient Freemasonry, and a member of the Committee of 300. The Palmerstons were in fact the Temple family and their title goes back to 1723 when


  • dy Melville. It was Lady Melville’s ancestor, George, who welcomed William of Orange to the throne and was made Lord Privy Seal as a reward. The Keswicks and Jardine Matheson have been members of the Committee of 300. Other Anglo-American families involved in the drug trade were the Sutherlands, Barings, and Lehmans, cousins of the Rothschilds. The Sutherlands, one of the biggest cotton and opium traders in the A


  • ce/s - (see also Synchronicity) -8, 152, 352, 408 Cocaine - 285, 325, 332, 371 Cold War -2247, 234 Columbia, District of - 186, 189, 362 Columbus, Christopher - 63,72, 124, 134, 158, 167, 178-80, 297 Committee of 300- 217, 267, 280 Communism - 127, 213, 217, 224, 226, 228, 284-5, 295 Concentration Camps - (see also Auchwitz) - 218, 314, 316-7, 321, 341 Congress Building - 129, 355, 357, 365

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret -


  • Rhodes was also Prime Minister of the Cape Colony and he is said by writer John Coleman (who claims to be a former British Intelligence operative), to have been a member of an organisation called the Committee of 300, also known as The Olympians. These, he claims, are the three hundred people who, in each generation, run the world under the supervision of even smaller groups above them in the highest levels of th


  • ond. To complete the set, the British ambassadors in America during the war were Lord Lothian of the Royal Institute of International Affairs and Lord Halifax of the Royal Institute, Round Table, and Committee of 300. Franklin Roosevelt won a second term as President in 1937 by repeating over and over that the sons of America were not going to fight in another war in Europe, while he knew full well that that was


  • the United Nations was officially formed in San Francisco on June 26th 1945, the US delegation included 74 members of the CFR, including John J. McCloy, the CFR chairman from 1953-70, a member of the Committee of 300, chairman of the Ford Foundation and the Rockefellers’ Chase Manhattan Bank, and friend and advisor to nine presidents from Roosevelt to Reagan. Also there were John Foster Dulles, the Hitler support


  • ipulator extraordinaire, not least of the environment movement. The United Nations is there for the good of the world? Yes, sure it is. Oh look, another pig goes flying by. SOURCES 1 Dr John Coleman, Committee Of 300, The Conspirators Hierarchy (Joseph Holding Company, Nevada, USA, 1995). 2 Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler, The Illuminati Formula To Create An Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave (Springmei


  • ity. Some researchers say that the upper hierarchy appears to consist of the Council of 3, the Council of 5, the Council of 7, Council of 9, Council of 13, Council of 33, the Grand Druid Council, the Committee of 300 (also known as the ‘Olympians’), and the Committee of 500. Many groups have no name to avoid detection. 1 I’m sure that there is one, maybe two, people, sitting atop this pyramid, a sort of High Prie


  • the European Union in Bosnia was, yes, yes, Lord Carrington, chairman of the Bilderberg Group, President of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Trilateral Commission member, and one of the Committee of 300. He was replaced by Lord David Owen (Bil, TC) and Carl Bildt (Bil), the former Swedish Prime Minister. The United Nations appointed negotiators were Cyrus Vance (Bil, CFR, TC) and the Norwegian, Thor


  • lism, The Trilateral Commission And The Elite Planning For World Management (edited by Holly Sklar, South End Press,Boston, USA, 1980), p 182. 3 Quoted in The Conspirators Hierarchy: The Story Of The Committee of 300, p 15. 4 Fintan O’Toole, Brand Leader, An investigation Of Tony O’Reilly, (Granta), p 72. 5 Ibid, pp 61-62. 6 Ibid, p 47. 7 Ibid, p 58. 8 Private Eye magazine, No 956, Friday, August 7th 1998, p 6.


  • of the British Empire. Queen Victoria’s Foreign Secretary and Prime Minister during the Opium Wars was Lord Palmerston, the Grand Patriarch or Master of Grand Orient Freemasonry, and a member of the Committee of 300. The Palmerstons were in fact the Temple family and their title goes back to 1723 when


  • dy Melville. It was Lady Melville’s ancestor, George, who welcomed William of Orange to the throne and was made Lord Privy Seal as a reward. The Keswicks and Jardine Matheson have been members of the Committee of 300. Other Anglo-American families involved in the drug trade were the Sutherlands, Barings, and Lehmans, cousins of the Rothschilds. The Sutherlands, one of the biggest cotton and opium traders in the A


  • ce/s - (see also Synchronicity) -8, 152, 352, 408 Cocaine - 285, 325, 332, 371 Cold War -2247, 234 Columbia, District of - 186, 189, 362 Columbus, Christopher - 63,72, 124, 134, 158, 167, 178-80, 297 Committee of 300- 217, 267, 280 Communism - 127, 213, 217, 224, 226, 228, 284-5, 295 Concentration Camps - (see also Auchwitz) - 218, 314, 316-7, 321, 341 Congress Building - 129, 355, 357, 365

File: David Icke - Who Really Rules the World -


  • he Lost Continent of MU Clear, Constance - Reaching for Reality Clendenon, Bill & Childress, David Hatcher - Atlantis and the Power System of the Gods Coleman, Dr. John - Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Committee Of 300 Coleman, Dr. John - Diplomacy By Deception Coleman, Dr. John - One World Order: Socialist Dictatorship Commander X - Incredible Technologies of the New World Order Commander X - Invisibility & Levita

File: David Wilcock - Ascension Mysteries -

  • argely unknown. None of these visible people include elected leaders orcelebrities. When I asked him how many people actually manage the group at itscore, he revealed that this is where the infamous “Committee of 300” comesin.135 [35_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber134] This group is also known as “theOlympians,” indicating that they see themselves as gods. The Olympians wereallegedly founded by the British aristocracy

  • html. 134 [27_Chapter_19.xhtml#SuperscriptNumber133] Salter. “Testimony of MasterSergeant Dan Morris.” 135 [27_Chapter_19.xhtml#SuperscriptNumber134] Coleman, John. “21 Goals of theIlluminati and the Committee of 300.” Educate-Yourself, 1993. 136 [27_Chapter_19.xhtml#SuperscriptNumber135] Bennett, Richard M. Conspiracy:Plots, Lies and Cover-ups. Lo

  • ap_46], 101[15_Chapter_7.xhtml#pageMap_101], 339 [27_Chapter_19.xhtml#pageMap_339]–40maintenance of power, 129 [16_Chapter_8.xhtml#pageMap_129], 243[22_Chapter_14.xhtml#pageMap_243]the Olympians (aka Committee of 300), 346 [27_Chapter_19.xhtml#pageMap_346]practicing black magic, 354 [27_Chapter_19.xhtml#pageMap_354]–56pyramid as symbol of, 450 [33_Chapter_25.xhtml#pageMap_450]resisting disclosure, 330 [26_Chapter

File: Eustace Mullins - Exposes and Legal Actions (1991-97) -


  • nment agents and informers embedded in the so-called Christian right wing “identity movement”. The invective goes on at some length repeating the slanders of his previous circulated hate letters. The Committee of 300 contains nothing new and is an amalgam of others’ materials. Material Lifted From the Anti-Defamation League! Having reviewed the material of the anti-defamation league, I can say that Coleman’s smea

File: Mind Control, World Control -


  • ian Conspiracy', EIR, January 12, 1996 2. Dicks; Zepp-LaRouche, Helga, The Hitler Book. (New York: The Schiller Institute, 1984); Wolfe 3. Dr. John Coleman, Conspirator's Hierarchy: The Stor y of the Committee of 300. (America West Publishers, Carson City, Nevada, 1992); Zepp- LaRouche; Dicks 4. Dicks 5. Dicks; Wolfe 6. John Judge, "Nazis in the White House: The Reagan A dministration & the Fascist International,


  • ee and Shlain 24. Chaitkin; Constantine, Alex, "Operation Mockingbird : The CIA and the Media," Prevailing Winds Magazine, Number 3, 19 97; Dr. John Coleman, Conspirator's Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300. (Carson City, Nevada: America West Publishers, 1992) 25. Lee and Shlain 26. Marks 27. Lee and Shlain; Victorian, Armen, "U.S. Army Intell igence Mind Control Experiments", Lobster magazine, number 2


  • nd i ndustry, although furnished with all the drugs they desire. [2] NOTES: 1. Lee and Shlain, Acid Dreams. (New York: Grove Press , 1985); Dr. John Coleman, Conspirator's Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300. (Carson City, Nevada: America West Publishers, 1992 ) 2. Lee and Shlain 109

File: Fritz Springmeier - Bloodlines Of The Illuminati - Volume 1 -

  • ost all the other American shippers. Astor also worked together withGeorge Clinton, another member of the Illuminati, on land deals. Even at thatperiod in history, British intelligence worked for the Committee of 300 and forthe Thirteen Top Families, it is interesting then, that John Coleman who hadaccess as an intelligence agent to secret documents, discovered that theoriginal John Jacob Astor was also a British

File: Fritz Springmeier - Bloodlines Of The Illuminati -


  • t all the other American shippers. Astor also worked together with George Clinton, another member of the Illuminati, on land deals. Even at that period in history, British intelligence worked for the Committee of 300 and for the Thirteen Top Families, it is interesting then, that John Coleman who had access as an intelligence agent to secret documents, discovered that the original John Jacob Astor was also a Brit


  • 2 the whole industry! Again this could only have happened, because the occult power of this Astor family gave them the right. Obviously, others in the Committee of 300 had to step aside, if his position in the hierarchy had not given Astor the right, believe me the other families that originally controlled the fur trade would have gotten rid of Astor. One result of


  • ork City. Thomas Backhouse & Co. was a leading house in the lucrative fur trade. John Jacob Astor set out to bring the fur trade under his own control. There is a tact that must be faced. the elite’s Committee of 300, a secret legislative group of the Illuminati, decided that John Jacob Astor could expand intothe fur trade and into the opium narcotics trade. Dope, Inc. shows that the Astor famIly was the first Am


  • Garter is the secret inner group which is an elite group within the Order of St. John of Jerusalem which is the British part of the Knights of Malta. The Knights of the Garter are the leaders of the Committee of 300. They are diabolical men. Lord Peter Carrington, who is a member of the satanic Order of Osiris and other demonic groups is a member of the Order of the Garter. Lord Palmerston is an example from his


  • ives for day-to-day management. Simon Murray, a Dalton who served in the French Foreign Legion, is one of Li’s trusted managers. Murray had worked for Jardine Matheson, a business owned by one of the Committee of 300. U has built global alliances with British companies, and has part ol Pearson, a British holding company which in turn as interest in Lazard banking Arms In N.Y., London, and Parts. As one can see Li


  • t the Triads, most of the police everywhere have been. The Triads are the most powerful criminal fraternal group in the world, except for the IllumInati and the families that make up the Illuminati’s Committee of 300. The Mafia Is small peanuts compared to the Triads. The Triads are almost untouchable by any law enforcement group. For instance, in Great Britain the British do not have hardly any ethnic Chinese on

File: Fritz Springmeier - How The Illuminati Create An Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave -

  • cy and ritual groups have names that all Illuminati members who have gottenhigh enough to learn, will recognize:The Council of 3, Council of 5, Council of 7, Council of 9, The Grand DruidCouncil, The Committee of 300, and the Committee of 500 (known as Fortune 500).Many of the meetings are conclaves without formal names. The Grand Druid Councilis not something fictional, but an actual body of people who formally

File: Fritz Springmeier - Illuminati Bloodlines -

  • most all the other American shippers. Astor also workedtogether with George Clinton, another member of the Illuminati, onland deals. Even at that period in history, British intelligence worked for theCommittee of 300 and for the Thirteen Top Families, it is interesting then, thatJohn Coleman who had access as an intelligence agent to secret documents,discovered that the original John Jacob Astor was also a Britis

  • the Garter is the secret innergroup which is an elite group within the Order of St. John of Jerusalem which isthe British part of the Knights of Malta. The Knights of the Garter are theleaders of the Committee of 300. They are diabolical men. Lord Peter Carrington,who is a member of the satanic Order of Osiris and other demonic groups is amember of the Order of the Garter. Lord Palmerston is an example from histo

  • cutives for day-to-day management.Simon Murray, a Dalton who served in the French Foreign Legion, is one of Li’strusted managers. Murray had worked for Jardine Matheson, a business owned byone of the Committee of 300. U has built global alliances with Britishcompanies, and has part ol Pearson, a British holding company which in turn asinterest in Lazard banking Arms In N.Y., London, and Parts. As one can see LiKa

File: Fritz Springmeier - The Illuminati Formula Used To Create An Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave -


  • and ritual groups have names that all Illuminati members who have gotten high enough to learn, will recognize: The Council of 3, Council of 5, Council of 7, Council of 9, The Grand Druid Council, The Committee of 300, and the Committee of 500 (known as Fortune 500). Many of the meetings are conclaves without formal names. The Grand Druid Council is not something fictional, but an actual body of people who formall

File: Fritz Springmeier - The Illuminati Formula -


  • and ritual groups have names that all Illuminati members who have gotten high enough to learn, will recognize: The Council of 3, Council of 5, Council of 7, Council of 9, The Grand Druid Council, The Committee of 300, and the Committee of 500 (known as Fortune 500). Many of the meetings are conclaves without formal names. The Grand Druid Council is not something fictional, but an actual body of people who formall

File: Fritz Springmeier - Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines -


  • t all the other American shippers. Astor also worked together with George Clinton, another member of the Illuminati, on land deals. Even at that period in history, British intelligence worked for the Committee of 300 and for the Thirteen Top Families, it is interesting then, that John Coleman who had access as an intelligence agent to secret documents, discovered that the original John Jacob Astor was also a Brit


  • ork City. Thomas Backhouse & Co. was a leading house in the lucrative fur trade. John Jacob Astor set out to bring the fur trade under his own control. There is a tact that must be faced. the elite’s Committee of 300, a secret legislative group of the Illuminati, decided that John Jacob Astor could expand into the fur trade and into the opium narcotics trade. Dope, Inc. shows that the Astor famIly was the first A


  • ge No. 8. Archibald Russell of the Russell family, as well as two members of the elite Livingstone family were members of this lodge too at the time. The Li vingstone family were participating in the Committee of 300 at that time. One of my Masonic reference books states that business at the Holland Lodge No, 8 was conducted in German. If so, why were all these other men involved with it who apparently had Englis


  • Garter is the secret inner group which is an elite group within the Order of St. John of Jerusalem which is the British part of the Knight s of Malta. The Knights of the Garter are the leaders of the Committee of 300. They are diab olical men. Lord Peter Carrington, who is a member of the satanic Order of Osiris and other demonic groups is a member of the Order of the Garter. Lord Palmerston is an example from hi


  • ives for day-to-day management. Simon Murray, a Dalton who served in the French Foreign Legion, is one of Li’s trusted managers. Murray had worked for Jardine Matheson, a business owned by one of the Committee of 300. Li has built global alliances with British companies, and has part ol Pearson, a British holding company which in turn as interest in Lazard banking Arms in N.Y., London, and Parts. As one can see L


  • t the Triads, most of the police everywhere have been. The Triads are the most powerful criminal fraternal group in the world, except for the Illuminati and the families that make up the Illuminati’s Committee of 300. The Mafia is small peanuts compared to the Triads. The Triads are almost untouchable by any law enforcement group. For instance, in Great Britain the British do not have hardly any ethni c Chinese o

File: Jim Keith - Mass Control -


  • ock Clinic . London, England: Routledge & K. Paul, 1970; Wolfe, L., “The Tavistock roots of the ‘Aquarian Conspiracy’,” EIR, June 5, 1987; Coleman, Dr. John. Conspirator’s Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 . Carson City, Nevada: America West Publishers, 1992; “Tavistock—The Best Kept Secret in America” at 2. Chaitkin, Anton, “British Psychiatry: From Eugenics to Assassinati


  • y Life in the CIA . New York: Simon and Schuster, 1978 3. Domho ff , G. William. The Higher Circles . New York: Vintage Books, 1970 4. Coleman, Dr. John. Conspirator’s Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 . Carson City, Nevada: America West Publishers, 1992; Chaitkin, Anton, “British Psychiatry: From Eugenics to Assassination,” EIR , October 7, 1994 5. Simpson, Christopher. Science of Coercion: Comm


  • Lee and Shlain; Dope, Inc .; Interview with Walter H. Bowart, July 16, 1995, conducted by Will Robinson and Marilyn Coleman 8. Constantine; Coleman, John. Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 . Carson City, Nevada: America West Publishers, 1992 9. Recent Advances in Biological Psychiatry, the Proceedings of the 19th Annual Convention and Scientific Program of the Society of Biological P


  • of America’s Psychic Spies . New York: Dell, 1997; Knight, Robert, “Heaven’s Gate to Higher (Income) Sources,” at the Earthwatch website 10. Coleman, John. Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 . Carson City, Nevada: America West Publishers, 1992; Blood, Linda. The New Satanists . New York: Warner Books, 1994 11. “Re: Former ToS Member on Satanic Crime," posted at alt.mindcontrol news gro

File: Jim Keith - Mass Control -


  • ock Clinic . London, England: Routledge & K. Paul, 1970; Wolfe, L., “The Tavistock roots of the ‘Aquarian Conspiracy’,” EIR, June 5, 1987; Coleman, Dr. John. Conspirator’s Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 . Carson City, Nevada: America West Publishers, 1992; “Tavistock—The Best Kept Secret in America” at 2. Chaitkin, Anton, “British Psychiatry: From Eugenics to Assassinati


  • y Life in the CIA . New York: Simon and Schuster, 1978 3. Domho ff , G. William. The Higher Circles . New York: Vintage Books, 1970 4. Coleman, Dr. John. Conspirator’s Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 . Carson City, Nevada: America West Publishers, 1992; Chaitkin, Anton, “British Psychiatry: From Eugenics to Assassination,” EIR , October 7, 1994 5. Simpson, Christopher. Science of Coercion: Comm


  • Lee and Shlain; Dope, Inc .; Interview with Walter H. Bowart, July 16, 1995, conducted by Will Robinson and Marilyn Coleman 8. Constantine; Coleman, John. Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 . Carson City, Nevada: America West Publishers, 1992 9. Recent Advances in Biological Psychiatry, the Proceedings of the 19th Annual Convention and Scientific Program of the Society of Biological P


  • of America’s Psychic Spies . New York: Dell, 1997; Knight, Robert, “Heaven’s Gate to Higher (Income) Sources,” at the Earthwatch website 10. Coleman, John. Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 . Carson City, Nevada: America West Publishers, 1992; Blood, Linda. The New Satanists . New York: Warner Books, 1994 11. “Re: Former ToS Member on Satanic Crime," posted at alt.mindcontrol news gro

File: Jim Marrs - Our Occulted History -

  • e of Human Relations,Coleman said in modern America a “closely knit group of social psychologists,pollsters and media manipulators” is presided over by an elite group of powerfulpatrons, known as the Committee of 300 or, more significantly, “the Gods ofOlympus.”POWER PASSES TO ROME [9780062130334_Contents.xhtml#s57]After the Greeks came the Romans. The Roman civilization is said to have beenfounded in 753 BC by R

  • ity.htm, from IV: THE MODERN ERAHITLER AND THE BLUE BLOODSIntermarried families connected to the black nobility: John Coleman, “TheCommittee of 300: A Brief History of World Power … Venetian Black Nobility,Roots of Today’s Ruling Oligarchy, for young girls: Niall Ferguson, The House of Rothschil

  • 5–36, 213Cohen, William S., 314Coldewey, Devin, 310–11Cold War, 263–64Coleman, John, 192, 247, 316–17Collins, Andrew, 92Colombia, Gold Museum, 68Colonial Scrip, 256Columbus, Christopher, 114, 122, 241Committee of 300, 192communication technology, 177–79Conan Doyle, Arthur, 47Connors, Ted (pseud.), 190–91conspiracy theory, 276–79Constantine, 196, 197, 242Constantinople, 198, 208, 215Coolidge, Calvin, 287Coombes, T

File: John Coleman - Beyond the Conspiracy -


  • als, in whom the need to control is paramount, and who form themselves in to secret societies. Anyone who seeks to expose these societies places himself in danger. This is one of the reason s why the Committee of 300 ha s been so successful in concealing its existence from the broad mass of the American people, so much so that they are now not afraid to move beyond the conspiracy into the open. Apparently, a smal


  • FOREWORD It is to be hoped that you, the r eader, will already be familiar with my book "The Conspirator's Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300," which was published in its Fourth Edition in January 2007. It may otherwise be difficult to envisage the scope of this book. The truth is that very few of the public has adequate means to make sens


  • This is one of the reasons why the Committee of 300 has been so successful in concealing its existe nce from the broad mass of the American people, so much so th at they are now willing to move beyond the conspiracy into the open. Apparently, a small


  • Bank in the U.S. in flagrant violation of the U.S. Constitution forbidding such an institution. What we saw with the installation of the Federal Reserv e Bank was the consolidation of the grip of the Committee of 300 on America. It followed the American foreign policy and the wars that America has fought over the course of the nineteenth century (including the Spanish American War in 1898 and the present so- call


  • s) instead of mounting armed invasions of targeted countries. Apparently, the failure of the war in Vietnam, and the invasion of Iraq by the U.S. military in 1991 and again in 2002, has convinced the Committee of 300 that a coup-d'etat is preferable to military conflict on the ground. This does no t rule out air bombardments, but it has also been establishe d that bombing alone, will not be enough to overcome the


  • ai n Curzio Malaparte's writings seem to underpin everything. Apparently, the failure of the war in Vietnam, and the invasion of Iraq by the U.S. military in 1991 and again in 2002, has convinced the Committee of 300 that a coup-d'etat is preferable to military conflict on the ground. This does not rule out air bombardments, but it has also be en established that bombing alone, will not be enough to ove rcome the


  • war in the Muslim world . . . far from being the unintended consequences, are precisely the objectives of U.S. policy. " The reason for the current state of affairs is that as I have just stated, the Committee of 300 has moved out of the shadow of the world-wide conspiracy, out into the open, beyond the conspiracy. There is no longer any pretense ; a New World Order inside a 71


  • nationalism or the need for self-determination. Ultimately, the ease with which Western academics casually decide to reshape the countries of their choice owes itself to the continuing legacy of the Committee of 300. In classic nineteenth century st yle, the chattering heads suggest that Iraq, despite its five thousa nd-year history, is now incapable 72


  • blic in March of 2005 — tripling the return on their initial investment -while retaining 55% of the voting shares. The Carlyle Group, as most of us know, is one of the stars in the port folios of the Committee of 300. When we analyze the details of ownership, a patt ern begins to emerge. There can be no doubt that the stage had been set that went well beyond the conspiracy to an open conspiracy as envisaged by H.


  • rary FCC waiver of the ru les - an action the other three broadcast networks vigorously opposed. Also, Murdoch was the concentrated target of a 1988 effort by Senator Edward Kennedy (no friend of the Committee of 300 since the murder of his brother, the late President John F. Kennedy (and at the time, a fr equent target of Murdoch's Boston Herald newspaper to revoke another FCC waiver, one that waived cross-owner


  • Chapter Twelve The Secret Off-Budget U.S. Spending Program Unlocked The Federal Reserve Act is what has made these aforementioned acts so significant is the control it gives to the Committee of 300 over the American people. It also made possible the unlawful wars in Iraq, on the basis that the United States government has operated a secret "off-budget" a nd spending program for decades in defia


  • is boomi ng, as is murder of unwanted, unborn children. Abortion has become a legal slaughterhouse, generating a great deal of mone y for those who run the charnel houses. All this is the work of the Committee of 300 and their servants who are traitors and se ditionists, who the Constitution disregards. The change from the old times when the "crown" alone could issue coin came about by substitu tion of theology f


  • form of goods and services. But those who participated in the wholesale sell-out of the nation at Jekyll Island were not satisfied. Greed ruled them. By whipsawing the economy hither and thither, the Committee of 300 has succeeded in destroying the American dream by arranging severe shortages of the money supply. The U.S. has have never been enslaved by an invading army, nor have we been stricken by hunger and di


  • ise revenues and the sooner the better. Are there any "Brave-hearts" among the sovereign people? What we saw with the installation of the Federal Reserve Bank was the consolidation of the grip of the Committee of 300 on America. It followed the American foreign policy and the wars that America has fought over the co urse of the twentieth century (including the Spanish American War in 1898 and the present so- call


  • Chapter Fifteen A Means to an End Who are the planners and plo tters who serve the mighty, all powerful Committee of 300? The be tter-informed of our citizens are aware that there is a conspiracy and that the conspiracy goes under various names. What is not generally recognized is that the well-organized Committee of 3


  • . The leader in this drive to establish a totalitarian state, a New World Order inside a One World Government is quickly emerging as the United States of America, which role it first assumed when the Committee of 300 appointed Woodrow Wilson to the White House. In November 2005 the United States suffered the most massive trade imbalance in its history. As much as 85 percent of the items formerly manufactured in t


  • ong-term jobs. This calls for a frontal attack upon Christianity; the slow but sure di sintegration of industrial nations states; the destruction of hundreds of millions of people, referred to by the Committee of 300 as "surplus population," and the removal of any leader who dare s to stand in the way of the Committee's global planning to reach the foregoing objectives. Three of the Committee's earliest targets w


  • foundations of a civilized worl d, based on freedom of the individual, especially as it is declared in the United States Constitution. ■ How did the Committee of 300 come into existence? ■ What is the source of its immense wealth and power? ■ How does the Committee maintain its grip upon the world, and more especially, their choke-hold on the United States and Br


  • nt of the National Re publican Club, Chairman of the Rockefeller Standard Oil Company, and the leading financier of the infamous Institute for Pacific Relations (IPR), a British East India Comp any - Committee of 300 spinoffs that provided funding for the Japane se attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. He was also the mentor of George Herbert Walker Bush and John F. Kennedy. Of interest is Beatrice Webb, th


  • simply is not so. The greatest danger arises from the mass of traitors in our midst. Our Constitution warns us to be watchful of the enemy within our gates. These enemies are the servants of the Committee of 300 who occupy high positions within our governmental structure. The United States is where we must begin our fight to turn back the tide threatening to engulf us, and where we must meet and defeat these


  • ion since Calvin Coolidge ran for the White House, the Committee has been able to plant its agents in key positions in government, so that it matters not who gets the White House post. Proof that the Committee of 300 exists is something I am often called upon to provide.: Walter Rathenau, a prominent Socialist politician and financial adviser to the Rothschilds — and one can imagine how powerful Rathenau must hav


  • In the article quoted in the Committee of 300, Rathenau made this astonishing comment: Only three hundred men, each of whom knows all others, govern the fate of Europe. They select their successors from their own entourage. These men have the me

File: John Coleman - Club of Rome -


  • t as they have always done. Mostly, these secret societies are based upon the occult and occult prac tices, but as with all secret societies to make up secret govern ments, they are controlled by the Committee of 300. Those poorly informed persons, who believe that devil worship, demons and witchcraft have vanished from modern society, are misinformed. Today, occult-based secret societies along with Lu ciferianis


  • ; a man who was to greatly influence the policies of the Club of Rome (COR.) Crowley was fond of quoting Malth us and Adam Smith, servants of the British East I ndia Company (BEIC) today known as the Committee of 300. Both men played a leading role in the concerted drive by King George III to ruin the American colonists through the one-way street of "free trade."


  • onarchy are firm believers in these "religions" and in the main, it is accurate to say that certainly, the royal family members are not Christians. It is also quite easy to see the connection to the "Committee of 300." Crowley is believed to have taken part in more than 150 ritual murders, an important part of occult demonology. Most of the victims were children, slain with a silver knife. Such bestialities conti


  • ica slumbers on. When I wrote the First Edition of this work back in 1970, only a handful of people in intelligence knew of the existence of this, the most powerful secret society in the hands of the Committee of 300. The Club of Rome consists of the oldest members of the so- called Black Nobility of Europe, decedents of the ancient families, who owned, controlled and ran Genoa and Venice in the 12 th century. Th


  • 16 Dr. John Coleman Committee of 300 and the Wall Street and City of London international bankers, the very same crowd who bankrolled the Bolshevik Revolution which estab lished the largest slave state on earth, and resulted in the veri


  • ists in attendance were the late Willy Brandt, a leading European contact for the KGB, and the late Olaf Palme, Francoise Mitterand, then unemployed, but soon to be returned to power in France by the Committee of 300, Philip Agee, a renegade ex- CIA officer, Bettino Craxi, a leading Italian Socialist, Michael Harrington of the Institute of Democratic Social Studies in Washington, D.C. and an unknow n Spanish Soci


  • ho repeatedly tried to break the resolve of the Italian government not to negotia te with the Red Brigades for the release of kidnapped U.S. General Dozier. Craxi was very close to Richard Gardner, a Committee of 300 executive, and Henry Kissinger. Gardner married into the Luccatti family, one of the most po werful of the Venetian Black Nobility families, known for centuri es as able performers of dirty tricks an


  • U.S. Senator This is by no means a complete list of the COR's members of the American chapter. Few people have the full list. The Club of Rome is an important international foreign policy arm of the Committee of 300. It is the executor and overseer of the Committee's foreign policy decisions. The COR gets financial backing from the German Marshall Fund, which has nothing whatever to do with Germany, the name cho


  • bert Abercrombie Lovett A partner in Brown Bros. Harriman and a designer of the Morganthau plan. ■ Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands A Royal Dutch Shell Executive (o ne of the major companies of the Committee of 300 and founder of the Bilderberg Group). ■ Katherine Meyer Graham (now deceased) Doyen of the established press, was a member of the Meyer family and friend of Bernard Baruch and President Wilson. Her f


  • hed to European royalty to whom he acts as financial adviser. ■ Professor Samuel Huntington An ardent Zionist-Socialist i nvolved in the downfall of most of the right-wing governments targeted by the Committee of 300 in the post WWII-era. ■ Joseph Rettinger The Jesuit-Socialist responsib le for recruiting Bilderberg members and introducing them to the Harriman group, once worked for Winston Churchill. Rettinger i


  • Institute of Human Relations, the mother of all brainwashing institutions in the world. At the time, Peccei was the most senior executive of the Fiat Motor Company, a giant multi-conglomerate of the Committee of 300 through its Black Nobility members, the aristocratic Agnelli family, the same family who rejected Pamela Harriman as the wife of one of the Agnelli sons. Pamela went on to marry Av erill Harriman, a


  • ing stripped of what fe w human qualities he had started with, Tavistock certified Peccei as "qualified" and dispatched him to the headquarters of the North Atla ntic Treaty Organization (NATO.) This Committee of 300 organization was structured primarily as a political body, and secondarily — as a military defense pact group for Europe against the dange rs presented by the USSR. At NATO, Peccei recruited top memb


  • ink-tanks had the task of bringing together under one umbrella organization, the many Socialist orga nizations already striving to end Western Christian civilization. Japan cannot be left out of CO R-Committee of 300 plans. Japan is also an industrial nation, a highly nationalistic homogenous people; the kind of society much hated by the would-be rulers of the New World Order. Therefor e, Japan, although not West


  • 946, COR-planners hoped to catch the Japanese nation off- guard. Peter Berger of the infamous Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) - the upper-level, parallel government of the Unite d States under the Committee of 300, and the so-called anthropo logist, Herbert Passon — the man who stepped into the s hoes of the late, unlamented Margaret Mead, happily took up th eir new challenge. As a result, a flood of "New Age"


  • ial growth, and therefore population growth. The truth is that Christian Western civilization does pose a threat - not to civilization — but to the occult theocracy future planed for the world by the Committee of 300. What Harmon advocates is a return to the Dark Ages, a New Dark Age, under a one World Government dictatorship. Harmon, the high priest of the COR, laid out a scenario that is in direct contradiction


  • ing of, they asked, "Where were you; why didn't you tell us this?" The truth is I did draw the attention of those who were subscribers to my work, to the New Age of Aquarius, the Club of Rome and the Committee of 300, long before these names reached the attention of others - ten-fifteen years before, to be precise. In retrospect, my reports were years before their time, long before these things were known to any


  • for elimination. His murder, still veiled in swathes of conflicting reports is a major insult to the American people. I told what I know of the perpetrators of this most heinous crime in my book "The Committee of 300," revised, updated and published in January 2007. Kennedy took a "flexible response" defense strategy, which was not based on psychological warf are put out by NATO's political wing through Civil Def


  • The Club of Rome 53 Sol Linowitz Better known for drafting th e fraudulent unconstitutional Panama Canal Treaty, Linowitz b ecame a Carter confidant, and he enjoyed high standing in the Committee of 300's Rank Xerox Corporation and is a member of the Committee of 300. J. Walter Lew Levy is the in-house oil analyst for the New York Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and a dire ctor of the Atlantic Co


  • moving President Nixon from the White House. It was at this meeting that Brzezinski obtained inspiration for his book, Between Two Ages: The Technotronic Era, which I quoted in length in my book, The Committee of 300. In this book, Brzezinski lays out the ideal of a Socialist New World Order, based on Orwellian concepts; a world run by an intellectual elite and a super-culture based on a network of electronic com


  • ecause of the shocking misuse of resources by men with grandiose plans to rule the wo rld and I am not talking about Hitler and Stalin. I am talking a bout the CFR, the RIIA, the Club of Rome and the Committee of 300. If anyone can give me a list of the alleged benefits accrued from WWII or explain the "freedoms" that it has brought to the people of America, or Europe, I would like to hear from them. As far as I


  • 58 Dr. John Coleman CHAPTER 12 THE MESS OF TH E MONEY SYSTEMS In these few words are found the entire plans for mankind mapped out by the COR for the Committee of 300. This answers in a nutshell, th e most often asked question: "Why would they want to do these things?" Here we have an esoterist of the worst degree telling the people that the COR speaking on behalf


  • The Club of Rome 71 that Britain treat the United States as a separate, independent, sovereign country, instead of imposing the will of the Committee of 300 through the Club of Rome and the International Monetary Fund upon this country as they have done since the special agreement entered into by Winston Churchill and F.D. Roosevelt in 1938. Of course th


  • e acts. It is a body dedicated to the dest ruction of the United States of America, as we know it. It is a body dedicated to ushering in the New World Order in which the so-called privileged few, the Committee of 300, will rule. Our fate will surely be decide d unless we can muster men of good will and force a change in the policies of our government. This can only come about by cleaning house, cleaning the Augea

File: John Coleman - Conspiritor's Hierarchy - The Committee Of 300 -




  • w a parallel between my article and the warning issued by the Bavarian government when the secret plans of the Il luminati fell into its hands. We shall return to the Club of Rome and the role of the Committee of 300 in U.S. affairs later herein. Many of the predictions made in that 1981 article have since come to pass, such as the unknown Felipe Gonz alez becoming prime minister of Spain, and Mitterand bei ng re


  • 5 of 300 member Olaf Palme, the nullifying of Reagan' s presidency and the destruction of our steel, auto and housing industries in terms of the post-industrial zero-growth order hand ed down by the Committee of 300. The importance of Palme lies in the use made of h im by the Club of Rome to deliver technology to the Soviet Un ion on the forbidden list of the U.S. Customs, and Palme's wor ld-wide communications


  • e of the word? From where did Presid ent Bush get his orders to act in this MONSTROUS fashion? He got them from the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA ) who received its mandate from the Committee of 300, also known as th e "Olympians." As we shall see, even the "Olympians" do not hide their faces. Often times they put on a show which could b e likened to the Paris Air Show, even as conspiracy buffs


  • Order Government which will return the world to conditions far worse than existed in t he Dark Ages. Let us talk about actual case histories, the atte mpt to communize and deindustrialize Italy. The Committee of 300 long ago decreed that there shall be a smaller—much smal ler—and better world, that is, their idea of what constitut es a better world. the myriads of useless eaters consuming scarce natu ral resourc


  • , an imp ortant meeting was held in Washington D.C. in December 198 0 under the auspices of the Club of Rome and the Socialist Inte rnational. Both these organizations are directly responsible to the Committee of 300. The main agenda was to formulate ways and mean s of how to neutralize the Reagan presidency. A group plan w as adopted and, as we look back, it is perfectly clear that th e plan the conspirators agr


  • ole in destabilizing the United Stat es by means of three wars, the Middle East, Korea and Vietnam, is well known, as is his role in the Gulf War, in which the U.S. A rmy acted as mercenaries for the Committee of 300 in bringing Ku wait back under its control and at the same time making an ex ample out of Iraq so that other small nations would not be tempt ed to work out their own destiny. Kissinger also threaten


  • n-building policies." Bhutto had fallen afoul of Kissinger and the Club of Rome by calling for a nuclear energy pr ogram to bring Pakistan into a modern industrialized state which, in the eyes of the Committee of 300, was a direct contravention of its orders delivered by Kissinger to the Pakistani government. What Kissinger was doing when he threatened Bhutto was not officia l U.S. policy, but the policy of the m


  • 15 Committee of 300—the ULTIMATE controlling body that runs the world and has done so for at least a hundred years. Since there already are scores of books on the Co uncil on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilaterals,


  • s the Chief Executive Offi cer for Giovanni Agnellis' Fiat Motor Company. Agnelli, a m ember of an ancient Italian Black Nobility family of the same n ame, is one of the most important members of the Committee of 300. He played a leading role in development projects in the Sovie t Union. The Club of Rome is a conspiratorial umbrella org anization, a marriage between Anglo-American financiers and th e old Black No


  • the STASSY. The Club of Rome also has its own highly organized poli tical and economic agencies. It was they who told President R eagan to retain the services of Paul Volcker, yet another im portant Committee of 300 member. Volcker stayed on as Feder al Reserve Board chairman, notwithstanding the faithful promis e of candidate Reagan that he would dismiss him as soon as he, Rea gan, was elected. The Club of Rome


  • 19 they had "never heard of it," nor did they have the slightest idea where I might find what I was seeking. Such is the power and prestige of the Committee of 300. In 1966 I was advised by my intelligence colleagu es to approach Dr. Anatol Rappaport who had written a tre atise in which the administration was said to be interested. It wa s a paper intended to b


  • rrestor-Meadows Report was a complete fraud. What it did not say was that man's proven inventive genius would in all likelihood work its way around "shortages." Fusion energy, the DEADLY enemy of the Committee of 300, could be applied to CREATING natural resources. A fusion torch could pr oduce from one square mile of ordinary rock enough aluminum, f or example, to fill our needs for 4 years. Peccei never tired o


  • of the world's hungry." In this is found the committee policy of delibera tely starving African nations to death, as evidenced in the sub-Sahara nations. This was cynicism at its worst, because th e Committee of 300 had already abrogated the decisions of life and death unto itself, and Peccei knew it. He had previously so in dicated in his book "Limits of Growth." Peccei completely dismisse d industrial and agri


  • s of limited wars in the advance d countries, and by means of starvation and diseases in Third World countries, the death of 3 billion people by the yea r 2000, people they call "useless eaters." The Committee of 300 co mmissioned Cyrus Vance to write a paper on this subject of how best to bring about such genocide. The paper was produced under t he title the "Global 2000 Report" and was accepted and approved for


  • e core of their economic policy, which is largely based on the teachings of Malthus, the son of an English country parson who was pushed to prominence by the British East India Company upon which the Committee of 300 is modeled. Malthus maintained that man's progress is tied to the earth's natural ability to support a given number o f people, beyond which point earth's limited resources would rapidly be depleted.


  • untry. The exact same economic planning, if one dare call it that, will be forced upon Russia, but if widespread opposition is encountered, the old price -support system will quickly be restored. The Committee of 300 ordered the Club of Rome to use Polish nationalism as a tool to destroy the Catholi c Church and pave the way for Russian troops to reoccupy the cou ntry. The "Solidarity" movement was a creation of


  • ovide an opiate for an increasingly purpose less mass." Was Brzezinski another seer and a prophet? Could he see into the future? The answer is NO; what he wrote in his book was simply copied from the Committee of 300's blueprint given to the Club of Rome for execution. Isn't it true that by 1991 we a lready have a purposeless mass of citizens? We could say that 30 million unemployed and 4 million homeless people


  • COULD GIVE RISE TO SO ME DIFFICULT QUESTIONS." Brzezinski was not writing as a private citizen b ut as Carter's National Security Advisor and a leading me mber of the Club of Rome and a member of the Committee of 300, a member of the CFR and as a member of the old Polish Black Nobility. His book explains how America must leave its industrial base behind and enter into what he called "a distinct new histo rical er


  • is is simply not so. The greatest danger arises from t he mass of traitors in our midst. Our Constitution warns us to be watchful of the enemy within our gates. These enemies are the s ervants of the Committee of 300 who occupy high positions with in our governmental structure. The UNITED STATES is where we MUST begin our fight to turn back the tide threatening t o engulf us, and where we must meet, and defeat th


  • alist "get Reagan" meeting which took p lace in December 1980. Present at the Gonzalez-Castro meeti ng was the left-wing guerrilla, Guillermo Ungo, run by the Ins titute for Policy Studies (IPS), the Committee of 300's most notoriou s Washington- based leftwing think tank. Ungo was run by an IPS f ellow who died in a mysterious plane crash while enroute from Wash ington to Havana to visit Castro. As most of us kn


  • of our faltering compani es and provided thousands of new jobs. This was to be prev ented all costs, even if it meant 30 years of war. Instead of seeing this huge potential in a positi ve light, the Committee of 300 saw it as a dangerous threat to it s postindustrial zero-growth U.S. plans and immediately acted to mak e an example of Argentina as a warning to other Latin Am erican nations to forget any ideas the


  • 33 President Lopes Portillo took office and nationaliz ed the banks Mexico was losing $200 million a day to capital fli ght, organized and orchestrated by the Committee of 300's represen tatives in banks and brokerage houses on Wall Street. If only we in the United States had statesmen and not politicians running the country, we could act toget her and set back the One Wor


  • already been destroyed. I reported Sir Peter's speech in my newsletter so on after it was delivered. How prophetic it was, but then it wa s easy to predict a future already written for America by the Committee of 300 and its executive Club of Rome. What was Sir Pe ter saying in a euphemistic manner? Translated into ordinary ever yday English, he was saying that the old American way of life, ou r true and trusted


  • eter a psychic, a magician of great repo rt or merely a charlatan fortune teller with a great deal of luck? The answer is "none of these." All Sir Peter was doing was reading off the blueprint of the Committee of 300-Club of Rome for slow death of the United States as a former industrial g iant. Looking back over the ten years of Sir Peter's predictions, can anybody doubt that the Committee of 300's plans for the


  • rt Butler, who ga ve President Reagan 3000 pages of "recommendations," w hich no doubt contained some opinions expressed by Anthony Wedgewood Benn, a member of parliament and a ranking member o f the Committee of 300. Benn told members of the Socialis t Internaional who met in Washington on December 8, 1980: "You can thrive under Volcker's credit collapse if you profile Reag an to intensify the credit collapse."


  • ic Society, both leftist spoiler operations to set industrial workers at variance with what it called "the Capita list class" and management. Both of Lippmann's projects were an int egral part of the Committee of 300 apparatus that stretched right across America, of which Lippmann was a most important mem ber.


  • l relationship" was respon sible for the U.S. fighting the Gulf War against Iraq for and on behalf of British interests, more especially British Petroleum, one o f the most important companies in the Committee of 300 in whic h Queen Elizabeth's immediate family has a big stake. No intelligence activity has taken place since 19 38 except through this special joint command structure. Philip Agee joined the CIA afte


  • e, especially during his time in Paris, before he sudd enly appeared as the savior of Iran. Boris Yeltsin is from the same M16-SIS stable. The Club of Rome feels confident that it has carr ied out it Committee of 300 mandate to "soften up" the United States. After 45 years of waging war on the people of this nation , who will doubt that it has indeed accomplished its task? Loo k around and see how we have been de


  • rael. During the Gulf War of genocide I received scores of letters asking me how I could oppose "a just Chri stian war against Iraq." How could I doubt that Christian fun damentalist support for the (Committee of 300's) war against Ir aq was not Biblical—after all didn't Billy Graham pray with Pr esident Bush just before the shooting started? Doesn't the Bible spea k of "wars and rumors of wars" ? These letters g


  • ogic al "forecasts" were made based on her "occult perceptions." Beside s Congressmen, other prominent people who attended he r sessions were Michael Walsh, Thornton Bradshaw—A LEADING MEM BER OF THE COMMITTEE OF 300—and David Sternlight, a senior vice- president of Allstate Insurance Company. Some of the more important members of the Committ ee of 300 are also members of NATO, a fact which we ought to remember.


  • nnocuous titles, break up into action committees, each of which is assigned a specific task and a specific target date by which time their assignments must be completed. If it does not hing else, the Committee of 300 is working to a very specific time -table. The first Club of Rome conference in the United S tates was called by the Committee of 300 in 1969 under the ti tle: "The Association of the Club of Rome."


  • before that, since the 1960's, by NAT OClub of Rome yes-men, thereby ensuring that key policy deci sions bore the indelible stamp of the Club of Rome and the CFR , acting as the executive arms of the Committee of 300. Both the 1984 and 1988 elections followed this longestablished pattern. Secretary of State George Schultz was the perfect choice of the Committee of 300 for the offi ce of Secretary of State. Schult


  • Tavistock by the United State s Government and Tavistock's strategic planners provide most of what the Pentagon uses for our defense establishment, even t oday. Here again is illustrated the grip the Committee of 300 has on the United States, and the majority of our institutions . Tavistock runs over 30 research institutions in the United States, all of which we will name in our charts at the end of the book. The


  • hological manipulation at which Tavistock is so very good. No t one of the ladies who read McCalls could have failed to be imp ressed by the terror-horror story of what a nuclear war looks lik e. The Committee of 300 has a major bureaucracy at i ts disposal made up of hundreds of think tanks and fro nt organizations that run the whole gamut of private b usiness and government leaders. I will mention as many as I


  • another of the committee's dir ect links with the Kremlin and the White House, a position which K issinger inherited after the death of Harriman. The Club of Rome is indeed a formidable agency of the Committee of 300. Although ostensibly working on Am erican affairs, the group overlaps other Committee of 300 agencies and its United States members are often found working w ith "problems" in Japan and Germany. Some


  • reduce the industrial base of the U.S. to a mere whisper of what it was in 1969. In other words, thi s institution is carrying out Club of Rome zero-growth post-industri al policies laid down by the Committee of 300. Some of its other aims are control of economic cy cles, welfare, regulation of business and national public works, control of pollution. Speaking on behalf of the Committee o f 300, Ashmore says the


  • 57 Officials: Dr. Kurt Lewin and staff of 15 new-sci ence scientists. Purpose: To create a climate where the Committee of 300 can take unlimited power over the U.S. INSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH Officials: Dr. Kurt Lewin and staff of 20 new-sci ence scientists. Purpose: To devise a whole new set of social prog rams to steer


  • 58 retrieval of individual records, criminal and socia l. It is a TYPICAL Committee of 300 project. There is a crying need for a full investigation to be conducted into just what it is t hat Systems Development Corporation is doing, but that is beyon d the scope of this book. One thing is


  • STITUTION Founded originally to fight Communism, the instit ution has slowly but surely turned toward Socialism. It has a n annual budget of $2 million, funded by companies under the umbrel la of the Committee of 300. It now concentrates on "peaceful changes" with emphasis on arms control and domestic U.S. problems . It is Frequently used by the news media as a "conservativ e" organization whose views they seek w


  • 60 his book "1984" appears to be remarkably similar to what is taught at HUMRRO. In 1969, the Committee of 300 took over this important institution and turned it into a private non-profit organization run under the auspices of the Club of Rome. It is the largest behavioral research group in the U.S. One of it


  • HINK WE SHOULD SEE. This is called " public opinion making." The whole idea behind this bit of social conditioning is to find out how responsive the publ ic is to POLICY DIRECTIVES handed down by the Committee of 300. We are called "targeted population groups" and what is mea sured by the pollsters is how much resistance is generated to wh at appears in the "Nightly News." Later, we shall learn exactly h ow this


  • book "TREND REPORT" which was commissioned by the C lub of Rome. In his book Naisbett describes all of the techniq ues used by public opinion makers to bring about the public opi nion desired by the Committee of 300. Public opinion making is the jewel in the crown of the OLYMPIANS, for with their thousands of newscience social scientists at their beck and call, and with the news media firmly in their hands, NEW


  • ing us into line in a New World Order with only a slight modicu m of resistance materializing, and this machinery has been in place since 1946. Each passing year has added new refinements. It is this Committee of 300 which has established control networks and mechanisms far more binding than anyth ing ever seen in this world. Chains and ropes are not needed to restrain us. Our fear of what is to come does that jo


  • ng us with such a complexity of issues that we simply suc cumb to long range penetration and make no decisions at all on m any vital issues. We shall be looking at the names of those who mak e up the Committee of 300 but, before we do that, we sho uld examine the massive interfacing of all important institutio ns, companies and banks under the Committee's control. We must mark t hem well because these are the peo


  • 66 The Committee of 300 is counting on our maladapti ve responses to govern our reaction to created events, and it will not be disappointed as long as we as a nation continue in the present way we respond. We must turn resp


  • Stanford Research Center (SRC) was founded in 194 6 by the Tavistock Institute For Human Relations. Stanfo rd was created to help Robert 0. Anderson and his ARCO oil company , who had secured for the Committee of 300 the oil rights on the North Slope of Alaska. Basically, the job was too large for Ande rson's Aspen Institute to handle, so a new center had to be foun ded and funded. That new center was Stanford Re


  • s against chemical warfare experimen ts conducted at Stanford, SRI "sold" itself to a private group f or just $25 million. Of course nothing really changed, SRI was still a T avistock project and the Committee of 300 still owned it, but the gu llible appeared to be satisfied by this meaningless cosmetic change . In 1958 a startling new development arose. Advanc ed Research Products Agency (ARPA), a contracting ag


  • n outcome of it s work with Urban Systems Associates, Inc. This should tell us a great deal about just how fa r this nation is already under TOTAL SURVEILLANCE, which i s the first requirement of the Committee of 300. No dictatorshi p, especially not one on a global scale, can function without tot al control over each and every individual. SRI was well on its way to becoming a key Committee of 300 research organi


  • whose fut ure is NOW and we are so numbed by one cultural shock after anothe r that to protest seems like a futile gesture and, therefore, logically we think, it does no good to protest. In 1986 the Committee of 300 ordered the pressure turned up. The U.S. was not going down fast enough. The Un ited States began the process of "recognizing" the butchers of Cambodia, the criminal Pol Pot regime, self confessors t


  • at es has become several nations struggling to coexist under a common system of government. When the floodgates of immigr ation were opened wide by Franklin D. Roosevelt, a cousin of t he head of the Committee of 300, the cultural shock caused great c onfusion and dislocation and made "One Nation" an unworkable con cept. The Club of Rome and NATO have exacerbated the situatio n. "Love thy neighbor" is an ideal th


  • for Human Relations has made sure that what the framers feare d might come to pass has indeed come to pass. That time has arri ved with Bush and his "no absolutes" and his New World Order unde r the Committee of 300. This is part of the concept of social changes for ced upon Americans which Harmon and the Club of Rome said wo uld make for severe trauma and a great building up of pressu re. The social upheavals t


  • 78 With President Bush and his "no absolute morals" guiding us, we blunder ahead as lost nations and individual s tend to do. We are collaborating with the Committee of 300 for our own downfall and our own enslavement. Some sense it—and feel a strong sense of unease. The various conspiracy theo ries they are familiar with do not seem to cover it all. This is because the


  • e upon line of secret societies? They form part of a world-wide chain of command and control running through the Club of Rom e, NATO, the RIIA and finally right up to the Conspirators' Hierarchy, The Committee of 300. Men need these secret societies b ecause their deeds are evil and must be hidden. Evil cannot stan d in the light of truth. In this book we shall find an almost complete lis t of the conspirators, t




  • orrupted by it. Our education system hasn't failed . Under the guidance of King, Black and the Myrdals it is actua lly a great success, but it all depends from whose point of vie w we look at it. The Committee of 300 is DELIGHTED with our educatio n system, and will not allow one comma of it to be changed. According to Stanford and Willis Harmon, the indu ced trauma of long range penetration of which our educa ti


  • g didn't have to worry ; thanks to his Friend Kenny Love, Ginsberg got the massive adverti sing all for free. With newspapers like the New York Times and t he Washington Post under the control of the Committee of 300, this kind of free advertising is given to any subject ma tter, and more especially to those promoting decadent life styles— drugs- hedonism—anything that will confuse the American pe ople. After the


  • hrough America's "beat generation." What started with the Beatles and sample packages o f LSD has grown into a flood-tide of drug usage which is swam ping America. The drug trade is controlled by the Committee of 300 from the Top down. The drug trade started with the Briti sh East India Company and was closely followed by the Dutch East India Company. Both were controlled by a "Council of 300. " The list of names


  • e most dangerou s of several hairpin bends, there was no stopping power, and it sailed over a stone wall, hitting the ground fifty feet below in a sickening smash. Everything possible was done by the Committee of 300 operatives to conceal the truth about the murder of Princess Grace. To this day the Rover car remains in the custody of French police, shrouded under a cover on a trailer which no one is allowed to a


  • y could even give God advice when he had trouble in Heaven. " Nor should we imagine that anything has changed in the interve ning years. EXACTLY the same attitude prevails today among memb ers of the Committee of 300, which is why they often refer to themselves as the "Olympians." Later the British Crown, i.e., the Royal Family, joined the British East India Company's trade, and used it as a vehicle to produce op


  • 102 about. It is about dirty multi-billion dollar money laundering which is carried out by major Swiss banking houses. It is about the Committee of 300 "legal" drug manufacturers. Switz erland is the Committee's ultimate "safe haven" for money and pro tection of their bodies in time of global calamity. Now mind you, one could get into serious troubl


  • e-Ka lergi who wrote a book in 1932 entitled "REVOLUTION THROUGH TECHNOLOGY which was a blueprint for the return of the world to a medieval society. The book, in fact, became a wor king paper for the Committee of 300's plan to deindustrialize the world, starting with the United States. Claiming that pressures of over-population are a serious problem, Kalergi advised a return to what he called "open spaces." Does


  • in opium trading, the only people allowed to make inst ant fortunes were the "nobility," the "aristocracy," the plutocr ats and oligarchical families of England, many of whose des cendants sit on the Committee of 300 just as their forbears sat on t he Council of 300 who ran the BEIC. Outsiders like Mr. Sullivan s oon found themselves in trouble with the Crown if they were s o bold as to try and help themselves ge


  • who were entrenched in Canton at the height of the opium trade left their descendants in position. Look at a list of prominent British residents in China and you will see the nam es of members of the Committee of 300 among them. The same holds good for Hong Kong. These plutocrats of a feudal era, that t hey seek to return to the world, control the gold and opium tra de of which Hong Kong is THE center. Burmese an


  • n opium/heroin—would take a te rrible beating if it were not for the opium trade it share s with Britain. The BEIC is gone but the descendants of the Council of 300 linger on in the membership of the Committee of 300.


  • he meeting that they could literal ly cause a run on any country's currency, using narco-dollars, whi ch would precipitate a flight of capital. Rainer-Gut, a Cred it Suisse delegate and member of the Committee of 300, said he foresaw a situation where national credit and national financing would be under one umbrella organization by the turn of the century. W hile Rainer-Gut did not spell it out, everybody at the


  • as of 1991. There is not a single government that does not kn ow precisely what is going on with regard to the drug trade, but individual members holding powerful positions are t aken, but of by the Committee of 300 through its world-wide network of subsidiaries. If any government member is "difficul t," he or she is removed, as in the case of Pakistan's Ali Bhutto an d Italy's Aldo Moro. No one is beyond the re


  • heroin a nd cocaine presently finding their way to markets in E urope is to end the TIR system. That will never happen. The interna tional treaty obligations I have just mentioned were set up by th e Committee of 300, using its amazing networks and control mechani sms, to facilitate passage of all manner of drugs to Wester n Europe. Forget perishable goods! A former DEA agent station ed in Italy told me, "TIR=DOP
  • c, to make us think our gov ernment is really doing something about the drug menace. Take for example, "The French Connection," a Nixon program embarked u pon without the knowledge and consent of the committee of 300. The entire amount of opium/heroin seized in that massive effort is somewhat less than one quarter of what a single TIR truck carries. The Committee of 300 saw to it that Nixon paid a heavy price for


  • an't back off from calling for an inquiry, and neither can he afford to offend the military. It is the first such crack in the tight chain of command in Mexico that stretches all the w ay back to the Committee of 300. Raw opium from the Golden Triangle is pipelined t o the Sicilian Mafia and the French end of the business f or refining in the laboratories that infest the French coastline from Marseilles to Monte-


  • and Lebanon. Whe n the Shah of Iran was in control of the country, he refused t o allow the heroin trade to continue and it was forcibly discon tinuedup until the time that he was "dealt with" by the Committee of 300. Raw opium from Turkey and Lebanon finds it way to Corsi ca, from where it is shipped to Monte Carlo with the conniva nce of the Grimaldi family. Pakistani laboratories, under the guise of "military


  • merica who grew immensely wealthy from the China opium tra de. Since this is not a book about the drug trade, I cannot of necessity, cover the subject in an in-depth manner. But its importance to the Committee of 300 must be emphasiz ed. America is run not by 60 families but by 300 families and E ngland is run by 100 families and, as we shall see, these families a re intertwined through marriage, companies, banks


  • at deal easier for Nicolas Ardito Barlett a who used to be run by the Ochoa brothers and who is fixing to fron t for the Cali cartel." Based on my experience with the heroin trade I be lieve that the Committee of 300 has stepped in and taken over full control of the South American cocaine trade. There is no other explanation For the rise of the Cali cartel which i s coupled with the kidnaping of Noriega. Did Bush


  • , my country, right or wrong." Thus a powerful moment um was created to "get Noriega." It is evident that Norieg a could well prove a serious impediment to the international dru g merchants and their Committee of 300 bankers, so he had to be removed before he could do some significant damage. Bush was pressured by his British masters to cond uct an illegal search and seizure operation in Panama that resulted in t


  • ision of how the cocaine trade is to be run; no more wild stuff, no more blazing guns. Let the gentlemen of the Cali cartel in pin-stripe suits conduct the business in a gentlemanly way In short, the Committee of 300 has taken a direct h and in the cocaine trade which henceforth will go as smoothly as the heroin trade. The new government of Colombia is geared to the change in tactics and direction. It is on notic


  • f the United States. Today the Ba rings run a number of very substantial financial operations in the United States. All of those names mentioned were, and thei r descendants still are, members of the Committee of 300. The majority of families who go to make up the Ea stern Liberal Establishment, among whom are the wealthies t to be found in this country, derived their fortunes from either the cotton trade or the


  • he went respectable by buying up large tracts of Manhattan real estate with his dirty mone y. During his lifetime Astor played a big role in the Committee o f 300s' deliberations. In fact, it was the Committee of 300 who chose who would be allowed to participate in the fabulously l ucrative China opium trade, through its monopolist BEIC, and the b eneficiaries of their largess remained forever wedded to the Commi


  • 128 Vancouver and Portland. They created a huge culture problem that has never ceased to exist. It is interesting to note that Cecil John Rhodes, a Committee of 300 member who fronted for the Rothsch ilds in South Africa followed the Inchcape pattern, bringin g hundreds of thousand of Indian "coolies" to work on the sugar c ane plantations in Natal province. Amo


  • oyal Institute of International Affairs had other ideas. Founded in 1919 in the wake of the Paris Pea ce Conference held at Versailles, this was one of the earliest "f oreign policy" executors of the Committee of 300. Research I have done on the Congressional Records, House, show that Porter was totally unaware of the powerful forces he was up against. P orter was not even aware of the existence of the RIIA, much


  • Philadelphia Quakers and owned hal f of the real estate of that city, all made possible because of t he fortune the Baring Brothers had amassed from the China opium tr ade. Another beneficiary of the Committee of 300's largess was S tephen Girard, whose descendants inherited the Girard Bank and Tru st. The names of the families, whose history is inter twined with that of Boston and who would never give us ord ina


  • y endowed Harvard University. After all, Canton and Tientsin are a long way from Boston, and who would have cared anyway? What helped The Perkinses a lot was that Morgan w as a powerful member of the Committee of 300, which enab led Thomas N. Perkins to rapidly further his career in the Chi na opium trade. All the Morgans and Perkinses were Freemasons, whic h was another tie that bound them together, for only Fre


  • who run them are intertwined would perplex Sherlock Holmes, yet somehow they must be unraveled and followed if we are to underst and their connections with the drug trade and their membershi p in the Committee of 300. The two-track entry into the United States of alc ohol and drugs were products of the same stable occupied by the same thoroughbreds. First, prohibition had to be introdu ced into the United States.


  • tephenson, whose right hand man, Major John Mortime r Bloomfield, a Canadian citizen, ran Division Five o f the FBI throughout the Second World War. Stephenson was an early member of the 2Oth century Committee of 300, althou gh Bloomfield never made it that far. As I revealed in my series of


  • 135 International (BCCI) which is likely to expose a gr eat deal about the drug trade if ever a proper investigation is ca rried out. One of the largest assets in the portfolio of the Committee of 300 companies is American Express (AMEX). Its pr esidents regularly occupy positions on the Committee of 300. I first got interested in Amex when I was carrying out an on-th e-spot investigation that led


  • ate company ha s the right to print dollars—aren't American Express travelers che cks dollars? I subsequently exposed the Safra-Amex drug connection s which upset a lot of people, as can be imagined. Committee of 300 member Japhet controls Charterhou se Japhet, which in turn controls Jardine Matheson as a direct link to the Hong Kong opium trade. The Japhets are reported ly English Quakers. The Matheson family, a


  • 138 a blessing, but a blessing fraught with grave socia l and political dangers. By making a harmless chemical euphoria fre ely available, a dictator (read Committee of 300) could reconcile an entire population to a state of affairs to which self-resp ecting human beings ought not to be reconciled." Quite a dialectical masterpiece. What Huxley was advocating and which i


  • aptivity. In 1980 I wrote a monograph under the title, "What Really Happened in Iran," which set out the facts. The arms trade with Iran was sealed at a meeting between Cyrus Van ce, a servant of the Committee of 300, and Dr. Hashemi, which res ulted in the U.S. Air Force beginning an immediate airlift of ar ms to Iran, carried on even at the height of the hostage crisis the arms came from U.S. Army stockpiles in


  • uckley was sent back to Beirut. Buckley was in effect sentenced to death by the CIA in order to silence h im, and this time the sentence was carried out. William Buckley was kidnaped by agents of the Committee of 300. Under brutal int errogation by General Mohammed el Khouili of Syrian intelligence to force him to disclose the names of all field officers of the DEA in these countries, he was brutally murdered. Hi


  • 143 which came from the "instant fortunes" of the BEIC opium trade in China into the pockets of the plutocrats. Committee of 300 members Cecil John Rhodes, Barney Barnato and Alfred Beit instigated and engineered t he war. Rhodes was the principle agent for the Rothschilds, whose banks were awash in cash flowing from the opium


  • d out for three years. "We went to Sou th Africa thinking the war would be over in a week," said Kip ling. "Instead, the Boers taught us no end of a lesson." That same "lesson" could be taught to the Committee of 300 today if we could but muster 10,000 leaders, good men and true to lead this nati on in battle against the gargantuan monster threatening to devou r everything our Constitution stands for. After the w


  • ring away at the United States from the inside fell to William Yandell Elliot, the man who spawned Henry Kissinger and who was responsible for his met eoric rise to power as chief U.S. advisor to the Committee of 300 . William Yandell Elliot was "an American at Oxford ," who had already served the Committee of 300 well, which is a prerequisite for higher office in the service of th e committee. After graduating f


  • e to the RIIA, and right back to the Queen of England. The h umiliation of Nixon was an object lesson and a warning to future Presidents of the United States not to imagine they could go agai nst the Committee of 300 and win. Kennedy was brutally murd ered in full view of the American people for the same reason; Ni xon was not considered worthy enough to suffer the same fate as John F. Kennedy. But whatever the m


  • oligarchical families that go to make it up . The camouflage they pull over themselves as protective covering is very hard to rip off. This fact should be noted by every freedom-lov ing American: The Committee of 300 dictates what passes for Unite d States foreign and domestic policies and has done so for o ver 200 years. Nowhere was this more strikingly portrayed than whe n a cocky President Truman had the wind


  • med aggression against Japan. This is already in the works; it is only a matter of time before more of our sons and daughters are sent off to be slaughtered in the service of the feudal lords of t he Committee of 300. We ought to shout from the housetops, "It is n ot for freedom nor for love of country that we are going to die, b ut for a system of tyranny that will shortly envelope the entire wo rld." So tight i


  • 151 Some of the old barriers have been broken down. Tit le is today not the only criteria for admission to the Club of Rome . It is appropriate to provide an overview of what t he Committee of 300 hopes to achieve, what its aims an d objectives are before we proceed to its vast, far flung interl ocking interfacing of banks, insurance companies, corporations, etc. T he following information has


  • , they will be influencing and controlling the ostensible government." Like George Orwell's 1984, Wells'account is a mas s-appeal for a One World Government. Summarized, the intent and purpose of the Committee of 300 is to bring to pass the fol lowing conditions: A One World Government and one-unit monetary syst em under permanent non-elected hereditary oligarchists who self select from among their numbers in the


  • rulin g oligarethical class allowing just enough foods and s ervices to be produced to keep the mass slave labor camps going. All wealth shall be aggregated in the hands of the elite membe rs of the Committee of 300. Each individual shall be indoctri nated to understand that he or she is totally dependent upon the state for survival. The world shall be ruled by Committee of 300 Executive Decrees which become ins


  • 155 Industry is to be totally destroyed along with nu clear powered energy systems. Only the Committee of 300 m embers and their elitists shall have the right to any of t he earth's resources. Agriculture shall be solely in the hands of the Com mittee of 300 with food production strictly controlled. As these


  • 156 Committee of 300. Space weapons of all former natio ns shall be destroyed along with nuclear weapons. All essential and non-essential pharmaceutical pr oducts, doctors, dentists and health care workers will be r egis


  • raining to qualify as pri son guards for the One World labor camp system. It is obvious from the foregoing that much work r emains to be done before the dawning of the New World Order c an occur. The Committee of 300 has long ago perfected plans t o destabilize civilization as we know it, some of which plans wer e made known by Zbignew Brzezinski in his classic work "THE TECH NOTRONIC


  • ge his death. Reilly lived out his days in utter luxury in a Russia villa usually reserved for the Bolshevik elite. Arguing that chaos would ensue unless the "Atlant ic Alliance," a euphemism for the Committee of 300 rul ed post industrial America, Peccei proposed a Malthusian tr iaging on a global scale. He envisioned a collision between the scientifictechnological-military apparatus of the S oviet Union and the


  • 159 strong, united Soviet nation. Plans that were laid down by the Committee of 300 for a One World Government, which included the prospect of a divided Russia, are now approachi ng a point of rapid escalation. Events in Russia at the close of 1991 are all the more dramatic when vie


  • t of a country allegedly wedded to republi canism under a unique constitution would engage in such conduct, but the facts speak for themselves. This is a goal which was set over a century ago b y the Committee of 300. The United States has led the att acks on such governments and continues to do so even as the Unit ed States republican base is being steadily undermined. Start ing with James Earl Carter's legal co


  • s huge web of related capabilities has been under the control of one single entity, and that entity is still in control as we enter 1992. That single entity, the conspirators'hierarchy, is called THE COMMITTEE OF 300. It is a power structure and a pow er center that operates far beyond the reach of any single wo rld leader or any government, including the United States governm ent and its Presidents—as the late J


  • he military-industrial complex." Stalin kept the USSR heavily armed with conventional and n uclear forces because he did not trust what he called "the family ." His ingrained mistrust and fear of the Committee of 300 proved to be well- founded. Popular entertainment, especially the medium of m ovie making, was used to bring discredit upon those who tried to warn of this most dangerous threat to individual liberty


  • . The primary contact man was Jacques Sous telle—this according to U.S. Army-G2 intelligence files. This group was also closely allied with Allen Dul les and Jean de Menil, an important member of the Committee of 300 and a very prominent name in the oil industry in Texas. ArmyG2 records show that the group was heavily involved in the arms trade in the Middle East, but more than that, the a ssassination bureau mad


  • SSAD consisted of 3 groups, the Bureau of Military Intel ligence, the Political Department of the Foreign Office and the Department of Security (Sherut Habitachon). David Ben Gurion, a m ember of the Committee of 300, received some considerable help f rom MI6 in putting it together.


  • the MOSSAD knows about the lives of millions of America ns in every walk of life, even those who are not political in a ny way. The first head of the MOSSAD, Reuben Shiloach, was made a member of the Committee of 300, but it is not kno wn whether his successor enjoyed the same privilege. Chances a re that he does. The MOSSAD has a skillful disinformation serv ice. The amount of disinformation it feeds to the Amer


  • with great attendant publicity and with the utmost brutality to serve as a warning to world leaders no t to get out of line. Pope John Paul I was quietly murdered because he was getting close to the Committee of 300 through Freem asons in the Vatican hierarchy. His successor, Pope John Paul 11 , was publicly humiliated as a warning to cease and desist—which h e has done. As we shall see, certain Vatican leaders


  • 168 had a hand in setting up the NRO and he was reporte dly livid when Truman discovered its existence. Churchill mor e than any other servant of the Committee of 300, considered T ruman His- Little-Man from independence "without an independen ce at all." This referred to Truman's every move being controll ed by Freemasonry. Even today, NRO's annual budget is not


  • 169 would astound even the most knowledgeable if ever t hey were to be made public, which is why it rates as the Master service of the Committee of 300. Officially, MI6 does not exist, its budget comes out of the Queen's purse and "private funds," and is reported to be in a range of $350-$500 million per annum, but no one kn ows for sure what the ex


  • recycling drug dollars. Each of these banks is affiliated wit h and/or controls hundreds of thousands of large and small banks thro ughout the world. Banks large and small in the thousands are in the Committee of 300 network, including Banca Commercia le d'Italia, Banca Privata, Banco Ambrosiano, the Netherlands Ba nk, Barclays Bank, Banco del Colombia, Banco de Ibero-America. O f special interest is Banca del la


  • d minerals, many of them of absolutely vital stra tegic value to United States, passed into the hands of the Committ ee of 300. Thus was the vision of one of the earlier South A frican members of the Committee of 300, Cecil John Rhodes, fully realized, a vision which started with the spilling of the blood of thousands upon thousands of White farmers and their families in South Africa, whom history records as the


  • 172 Prominent on the board of these two insurance gian ts are Committee of 300 members: the Giustiniani family, B lack Nobility of Rome and Venice who trace their lineage to the E mperor Justianian; Sir Jocelyn Hambro of Hambros (Merchant ) Bank; Pierpaolo Luzzatti Fequiz, whos


  • 00: Lord Hartley Shawcross. Sir Brian Edward Mountain. Sir Kenneth Keith. Sir Kenneth Strong. Sir William Stephenson. Sir William Wiseman. All of the fore going are (or were) heavily invol ved in key Committee of 300 companies which interface with lit erally thousands of companies engaged in every branch of c ommercial activity as we shall see. Some of these companies include Rank Organization , Xerox Corporation


  • 174 Morgan Guarantee, Drexel Burnham Lambert was a favo rite of the Committee of 300. In 1981 almost every major brokera ge house on Wall Street had sold out to the Committee, Phibr o merging with Salomon Brothers. Phibro is the business arm of the Oppenheimers of Anglo American Corp


  • by the Rank Organization, a Londonbased conglomerate fully controlled by members of Queen E lizabeth's immediate family. Notable members of the board of Rank Organization who are also members of the Committee of 300 are the fo llowing: Lord Helsby, chairman of the drug money clearing house, Midland Bank. Helsby's other positions include a di rectorship in the giant Imperial Group and the Industrial and Commerc i


  • reign Relations. Bradshaw is also chairman of NBC. The most importan t function of RCA remains its service to British intelligence. It is not generally known how powerful was the ro le played by the Committee of 300 in stopping the investigati on into the CIA which Senator McCarthy almost succeeded in pulling off. Had


  • 179 But the best proof I can offer of the existence o f the Committee of 300 is the Rank Organization which, in conjunction with Eagle Star, IS THE BRITISH CROWN. It is also t he black operations center of MI6 (SIS). Between them, these two Committee of 300 companies control


  • gs. There is no one in the world who can do a better job of "fronting," through companies, t han MI6 Yet, like Switzerland, there is a dirty side to C anada that has been well-hidden from view by the Committee of 300 under cover of the Official Secrets Act, a carbon-copy of the British law passed in 1913. Drugs, dirty money laundering, crim e and racketeering are all covered by their infamous Act. Not known to ma


  • spaper institution, the Londo n Times and the Sunday Times. For over 100 years the "Times" ha s been the Crown's voice on foreign affairs, finance matters a nd political life in England. Like so many Committee of 300 members, Sir Kennet h circulated between MI6 and the opium supply chain o f command in Hong Kong and China, ostensibly on business for the Canadian Institute for International Affairs, of which he wa


  • 182 Through these three "Crown banks" a network of Committee of 300 agents responsible to Gordon overs aw the world's second largest dirty drug money laundering operation, with a direct open door to China. Before his death, Gord on controlled James Endicott, Chester


  • 183 The MASSIVE gridding and interfacing of just this one single unit of the Committee of 300 will give us a good indication of the vast power at the disposal of the conspirato rs' hierarchy, before which all knees are bowed, including the kne e of the President of the United States, whomever


  • wh o masterminds shipments from Canada to the U.S. Remem ber, all this is under the aegis of a single company, griddi ng and interfacing with a myriad of smaller companies and operations to give the Committee of 300 full control of a multipl icity of operations, each one carefully interlocked in the g rid. Reliance Group is a spinoff of the parent company whose function it is to brainwash the American people thr


  • tandard training for cert ain intelligence groups, which includes the CIA. Yankelovich's task was to destroy traditional Ame rican values and replace them with New Age-Age of Aquariu s values. As the Committee of 300's most senior public opinion m aker, no one can doubt that Yankelovich has done a superb job. Probably the best way to explain what methods are used and what results are expected to be achieved is to


  • ill have become an entirely differen t society from the one it when the recession began. Opinion makers have played no small part in this war on the United States; we need to examine the role of t he Committee of 300 in bringing about these far-reaching changes and how the social engineers have used central systems analyses to keep public opinion from expressing anything other than the pol icies of the invisible


  • who "pull the wires which control the pu blic mind...," but in this book we shall make up for his intention al oversight by disclosing the existence of that "relatively small number of persons," the Committee of 300. Bernays was roundly applauded for his work by the CFR whose members voted to plac e him in charge of CBS. William Paley became his "undergradu ate" and eventually replaced Bernays, having acquired t


  • hapel, Windsor Castle, by Her Majesty, Queen Eliza beth II of England, of the Black Nobility Guelphs, also head o f the Anglican Church, which she thoroughly despises." Carrington was selected by the Committee of 300 t o bring down the government of Rhodesia, sign over the mine ral wealth of Angola and South West Africa to City of London cont rol, wreck the Argentine and turn NATO into a leftwing political o rgan


  • 193 The Knights of the Order of the Garter are the le aders of the Committee of 300, Queen Elizabeth II's most tru sted "privy council." When I did my research on the Order of St . John of Jerusalem some years ago, I went to Oxford to talk with one of the Masters who is a specialist


  • w proof of Jewish co ntrol of Canada (which the Bronfmans exercise), is immediate ly arrested and charged with so-called "hate crimes." This will give us some idea of the vastness of the reach of the Committee of 300 which quite literally sits on top of everything n this wo rld. Testifying to the truth of this statement is the fact that the Committee of 300 set up the International Institute for Strategic Studies


  • opinions, but to get those opinions and scenarios out much fa ster and to a greater audience than could be reached by a book, f or example. IISS is a good example of the gridding and interfac ing of Committee of 300 institutions. The idea of bringing IISS into being arose at the 1957 Bilderberger meeting. It will be recalled that the Bilderberger Conference is a creation of M16 under the direction of the Royal I


  • papers. Again, it is worth repeating that Watergate , like many other operations we do not have the space to includ e here, demonstrated the COMPLETE CONTROL exercised over th e United States by the Committee of 300. While Nixon kept company with people like Earl Wa rren and some Mafia dons who had built Warren's house, that does not mean that he should have been disgraced over the Wa tergate Affair. My dislike


  • Senator Sam Ervin did m ore to change the United States than anything President Nixon was alleged to have done, and the United States has not yet recove red from the near-mortal wound of Watergate, a Committee of 300 sponsored operation conducted by the Royal Institute for Inte rnational Affairs, the Round Table and "hands on" M16 officers based i n the United States. The way President Nixon was first isolated, s


  • fiscal and monetary policies of the United States was the brai nchild of Sir Harold Lever, a strong backer of Zionism and a clos e confidant of members of the British royal family and a member of the Committee of 300. Sir Harold Lever was a director o f the giant UMILEVER conglomerate, an important Committee of 30 0


  • be present at his meeting with Vogel, w ho explained to President Reagan what the aims and objectives of the Ditchley Group were. From that day, President Reagan did an about face and worked with the Committee of 300's various agen cies to advance the International Monetary Fund and the Ban k of International Settlements as the authority on U.S d omestic and foreign monetary policies. The invisible government of


  • t documents that would have exposed the treaso n being worked against the young United States of America t o the Watergating of President Nixon and assassination of President Kennedy, the hand of the Committee of 300 is clearl y visible. This book is an attempt to open the eyes of the American people to this terrible truth: We are not an independent nation, n or can we ever be, as long as we are ruled by an invis


  • 209 PAST AND PRESENT INSTITUTIONS / ORGANIZATIONS AND THOSE DIRECTLY UNDER INFLUENCE OF THE COMMITTEE OF 300 Academy for Contemporary Problems. Africa Fund. Agency of International Development. Albert Previn Foundation. Alliance Israelite Universalle. American Civil Liberties Union American Council of Race


  • World Constitution. Communist League. Congress of Industrial Organizations. Council on Foreign Relations. David Sassoon Company. De Beers Consolidated Mines. Democratic League of Brussels. East India Committee of 300. Economic and Social Control (ECOSOC). Environmental Fund. Environmetrics Inc. Esalen Institute. Fabian Society. Federation of American Zionists. Fellowship for a Christian Social Order. Fellowship o


  • y his life), and President Johnson's "Great Society." Brookings has been telli ng the United States Government how to conduct its affairs for th e past 70 years and is still doing so on behalf of the Committee of 300. HUDSON INSTITUTE Under the direction of Herman Khan, this institut ion has done more to shape the way Americans react to polit ical and social events, think, vote and generally conduct themselve s t


  • ms and helped to promote new youth fash ions and ideas, youth rebellion and alienation for the Commi ttee of 300, ostensibly funded by Coca Cola. Hudson may be quite properly classified as one of the Committee of 300's BRAIN-W ASHING establishments. Some of its nuclear war scenarios m ake for very interesting reading and, if they can be obtained, I would recommend "The 6 Basic Thermonuclear Threats" and " Possibl


  • orated. This method is very much in demand as we come to th e close of 1991 with millions more out of work than is reflect ed in USDL statistics. Wharton's ECONOMETRIC MODELING is used by every major Committee of 300 company in the United States, Western Europe and by the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations and the World Bank. Wharton has produced su ch noteworthy persons as George Schultz and Alan Gr


  • ylvania. It is estimated by sources of mine that the total number of people employed by these institutions is in the reg ion of 50,000 with funding close to $lO billion dollars. Some major world-wide Committee of 300 institution s and organizations are as follows: Americans for a Safe Israel. Biblical Archaeology Review. Bilderbergers. British Petroleum. Canadian Institute of Foreign Relations. Christian Fundamen


  • lateral Commission. Universal Freemasonry. Universal Zionism. Vickers Armament Company. Warren Commission. Watergate Committee. Wilton Park. World Council of Churches. PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE OF 300 Abergavemy, Marquis of. Acheson, Dean. Adeane, Lord Michael. Agnelli, Giovanni. Alba, Duke of. Aldington, Lord. Aleman, Miguel. Allihone, Professor T. E. Alsop Family Designate. Amory, Houghton. Ande



File: John Coleman - Diplomacy by Deception -


  • Foreword. I decided to write this book because so many people who had read my book "The Conspirators Hierarchy: The Committee of 300" asked me to give specific examples and case histories of how the Committee exercises control on such a vast scale. This book is by way of answering those requests. When you have read "Diplomacy By D


  • than 2,000,000 wounded. It is estimated by war historian Alan Brugar, that the international bankers made a profit of $10,000 from every soldier who fell in battle. Life is cheap when it comes to the Committee of 300- Iluminati-Rothschilds-Warburg-Federal Reserve bankers, who fi- nanced both sides of the war. It is also worthwhile to remember that H.G. Wells and Lord Bertrand Russell foresaw this terrible war in


  • ld War. Worse yet worthless war reparation bonds were dumped into the American financial market, costing taxpayers additional billions of dollars. If there is one thing that we have learned about the Committee of 300, it is that it never gives up. There is a saying that history repeats itself; certainly this is true of the Committee of 300's intention to force a One World Government body on the United States. H.G


  • eignty. Therefore, it follows that we can never have a treaty with the U.N. Not now, not ever. The answer could be that, either out of sheer ignorance of the Constitution, or else, as servants of the Committee of 300, the senators, in 1945, went along with the U.N. Charter in breach of their oath of office to defend and uphold the U.S. Constitution. The United Nations is a shiftless, rootless leech, a parasite fe


  • DIPLOMACY BY DECEPTION the testimony of the late John Foster Dulles, one of the top 13 American Illuminati, a Committee of 300 member and a One World Government proponent down to his fingertips. Dulles and his crew, hand-picked by the Committee of 300, were instructed to subvert the Senate, and utterly confuse them, the bulk


  • tish masters deemed it would not receive much public attention, and in any case, what with the horror of Pearl Harbor, public opinion would be favorable. So, on December 22,1941, at the behest of the Committee of 300's international bankers, Cordell Hull was instructed to brief President Roosevelt on his role in bringing up the "new and im- proved" version of the League of Nations. The sister-child of the RIIA, t


  • again, President Clinton has placed himself firmly behind these revolutionary goals, thereby destroying any lingering doubts about where he stands in relation to the forces of world revolution.) The Committee of 300 employs a vast number of specialists in diplomacy by deception who make us believe that severely dangerous and often disruptive changes come about through "changing times," as though their direction


  • wn people. Foreign aid, is nothing more that a program for robbing and plunder- ing countries of their natural resources, and handing U.S. taxpayer's money to dictators in those countries, so thatthe Committee of 300 can reap obscene benefits from the illegal plunder, while the American people, no better than the slaves of the Egyptian Pharaohs, groan under the huge burden of "foreign aid." In the chapter on Assa


  • DIPLOMACY BY DECEPTION The Brutal, Illegal Gulf War. II. The most recent of wars carried out under the cloak of diplomacy by deception, the Gulf War, differs from others in that the Committee of 300, the Council on Foreign Relations, Illuminati and Bilderbergers- did not adequately cover their tracks along the way to war. The Gulf War therefore is one of the easiest of wars to trace back to Chat


  • d by the Koreish tribe, the tribe of the prophet Muhammad, the posthumous son of the Hashemite, Abdullah, out of which came the Fatima and Abbasid Dynasties. The Gulf War was only an extension of the Committee of 300's attempts to destroy Muhammad and the Hashemite people in Iraq. The rulers of Saudi Arabia are hated and despised by all true followers of Islam, more so since they allowed "infidels" (U.S. troops)


  • prize in 1899, that of the huge gold deposits in the tiny Boer Republics of the Transvaal and Orange Free State, which we shall come to in succeeding chapters. It is mentioned here to illustrate the Committee of 300's quest to grab natural resources of nations whenever and wherever they could do so. On behalf of the Committee of 300, on Nov. 25,1899 — the same year the British went to war against the Boer Republ


  • he Gulf War. I have gone to some lengths to explain the background of events that led to the Gulf War in an attempt to show just how unjustly the United States acted toward Iraq, and the power of the Committee of 300. Here is a summary of the events that led up to the Gulf War: 1811-1818. Wahabis of Arabia attack and occupy Mecca, but are forced to withdraw by the Sultan of Egypt 1899, Nov. 25. Sheik Mubarak al-S


  • DIPLOMACY BY DECEPTION 1967. Iraq and Jordan go to war against Israel. Saudi Arabia avoids taking sides, but sends 20,000 troops who are forbidden to take part in the fighting to Jordan. By now, the Committee of 300's grip on Middle East oi; was almost total. The road Britain and America had followed was not a new one, but an extention began by Lord Bertrand Russell: "If a world government is to work smoothly, c


  • at NSA staff wanted to prevent Agricultural credits "from being cancelled, as this would exacerbate the already strained foreign policy relations with Iraq." By July 25,1990, probably earlier than theCommittee of 300 preferred, the trap was sprung. Spurred on by a mounting number of setbacks, President Bush authorized U.S. ambassador April Glaspie to meet with President Hussein. The purpose of the meeting was to


  • refused to print it, even though it had been substantiated by Bruce Van Voorst, a former CIA agent working for "Time." Walsh did not appear to know that the Eastern Liberal Establishment, run by the Committee of 300, is unconcerned about the law, because, they say they are the law. Walsh came up against the same brick wall that Sen. Eugene McCarthy had run into when he attempted to get William Bundy before his c


  • ce—its oil —remains an ugly, open blot in the pages of American history. Oil was discovered in Mexico by British construction magnate, Weetman Pearson, whose company was part of the global network of Committee of 300 companies. Pearson was not in the oil business but was backed by the British oil companies, particularly the Royal Dutch Shell Company. He soon became the leading producer in Mexico. 64


  • nderstood. In recognition of his services to British oil interests, Pearson was granted the title of "Lord Cowdray," and was henceforth known by that title. He was also made a permanent member of the Committee of 300. Lord Cowdray was on good terms with President Wilson, but behind the scenes, John D. was working to undermine the relationship and get back into the business of exploiting Mexico's oil. Lord Cowdray


  • although Britain and the other major powers did so. Wilson said: "we can have no sympathy with those who seek to seize the power of government to advance their own personal interests or ambitions." A Committee of 300 spokesman told President Wilson "you talk just like a Standard Oilman." The question was posed, "...what does the oil or commerce of Mexico amount to, in comparison with the close friendship between


  • to the Al Sabah dictators of Kuwait. Once America succeeded in reclaiming Kuwait for British Petroleum (an example of the special friendship between The United States and Britain talked about by the Committee of 300 messenger during his visit to President Wilson), Bush turned his attention to "the sad and unhappy country of Iraq." Like Wilson, who believed that "tyrant Huerta" had to be removed and Mexico restor


  • usily engaged in pumping the oil that rightfully belonged to Mexico. The situation was some- thing akin to South Africa, where, ever since the Anglo Boer War (1899-1902), theOppenheimer family of the Committee of 300 drained South Africa of its gold and diamonds, shipping them to London and Zurich, while the South African people got little benefit. The Anglo- Boer War was the first open demonstration of the might


  • DR JOHN COLEMAN defense against outside prying into oil matters. Today, the Committee of 300 accounting firm of Price Waterhouse does the accounts in such a way that even the best accountants and various Senate committees have not been able to unlock the Rockefeller finances. Such is the nat


  • in Europe), Shell, BP, Gulf, Texaco, Mobil and Socol-Chevron. Together they form part of a major network of interlocking, interfacing banks, insurance companies and brokerage houses controlled by the Committee of 300, which are hardly known outside their circle. The reality of the One World Government, or New World Order upper level government, brooks no interference from anyone, no matter who it might be -- even


  • historical account of Israel. Lord Horatio Kitchener, fresh from his success in putting an end to the sovereign independent Boer Republics in South Africa, was turned loose on the Middle East by the Committee of 300 acting through the British Foreign Office. The British government had been scheming and plotting against the Turkish Ottoman Empire since 1899, and by 1914, was ready to make its final move to bring


  • inhabitants of these lands ever informed. How the govern- ments could trade in lands that did not belong to them speaks to the tremendous power exercised by secret societies under the control of the Committee of 300. This perpetual agreement, known as the Sykes-Picot Agreement, was concluded between Britain and France on May 9, 1916. All zones of influence in the Middle East were specifically spelled out, even w


  • e for Human Relations, John Rawlings Reese, was to perfect a system that would subvert and then control the thinking of human beings so that they could be channeled in any direction so desired by the Committee of 300, also known as the Olympians. It must be said that to do this, one must introduce an automated mentality into the bulk of the targeted population. This is an objective with very far-reaching implicat


  • h corruption and corrupting policies. Wilson sent American forces to fight on Europe's battlefields, in spite of the warnings issued by the Founding Fathers, to stay out of foreign entanglements. The Committee of 300, was determined to keep the United States entangled in European and indeed world affairs forever after. Wilson did not change Europe, but Europe changed America. The banishing of power politics, whic


  • essing and a terrible curse for mankind. All science is only a means to an end, and man is knowledge (information), which ends in control. Who the beneficiaries of that control are was decided by the Committee of 300 and its antecedents 300 years ago. The war waged against the American people by Tavistock is now 47 years old and shows no signs of letting up. As energy is the key to all life on this planet, throug


  • ucation and influenc- ing the way we think by distracting us with issues of absolutely no importance, while the truly important issues are glossed over. In a major policy study meeting ordered by the Committee of 300 in 1954, it was made clear to economic experts, high-ranking government officials, bankers, and leaders of commerce and industry, that the war against the American people was to be stepped up. Robert


  • n, the latter feeding off it and growing stronger, until the day comes when it is strong enough to devour its creator, the people." When read in conjunction with the systems outlined in my book, the "Committee of 300", it is relatively easy to see just how far Tavistock's Operation Research project has succeeded, and nowhere more so than in the United States. Recent statistics show that 75 percent of sixth grade


  • eption of name tags such as Bolshevism, Socialism, Marxism, Communism, Fabianism and Trotskyism, the fact is that the Bolshevik Revolution was a foreign ideology forced upon the Russian people by the Committee of 300 for economic gain and the control of Russia. It is that simple, and when stripped of all the rhetoric and terminology, makes the whole concept of "Communism" easier to understand. We should never, ev


  • curity. ISOO works with International Computer Aided Acquisitions and Logistic Support Industry Steering Group of the United States. Its business concerns the regulating of commercial technology. The Committee of 300 controls these organizations and is the powerful unseen force behind the decision to make British and Swiss mobile cellular phones of the next 256 byte algorith generation comply with "snooping requi


  • ces may be. (Part 10, Article 1, Section 8.) What Carter and Bush did, and what Clinton is attempting to do now, is to compress and squeeze the Constitution to make it fit the desires and aims of the Committee of 300. Two examples that come to mind; abortion and gun control. Carter did this compressing and squeezing in the Panama canal give-away. Carter was guilty of perjury in usurping and claiming he had the ri


  • Arnulfo Arias had shaken them when he began poking around in their banks in Panama City. The DEA estimates that $6 billion a year finds its way from the United States to Panama. Coudert Brothers, the Committee of 300 "mob" lawyers for the Eastern Liberal Establishment, began steps that would ensure that another Arnulfo Arias did not threaten the increas- ingly lucrative cocaine business bursting their Panamanian


  • d the PDF raid on Banco de Iberiamerica, which was owned by the Cali Cartel. Coupled with the destruction of a cocaine processing lab and a huge stock of ethyl ether in a remote jungle in Panama, the Committee of 300 gave the order to proceed with all possible speed have Noriega killed, or kidnapped and brought to the United States. The Senate Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics and International


  • to the fact, with shock and horror, that Moscow played only a very minor role in their betrayal. The major players are Washington and London. The supranational government, under the direction of the Committee of 300, uses its agenda on the destruction of the sovereignty of nations directly in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzogovina, and in the United States, where it is busy making the U.S. Constitution subservient to th


  • ent. Pope John Paul II put a spoke in the Bush plan by letting it be known that he would "send a message to the Republics recognizing their independence." The announcement sent Shockwaves through the Committee of 300 and the Washington and London establishments, helping persuade Germany to recognize Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovi- na. Serbian leader Milosevic dropped "Yugoslavia" in favor of "Greater Serbia." All S


  • ot the beginning of the Third World War. Even at that juncture, all was not hopeless; Serbia was isolated with only the support of Montenegro, and it looked as if MI6 might be thwarted. As has been a Committee of 300 custom for years, the United States stepped into the conflict in order to do the dirty work for the British. Bush intervened in Yugoslavia just as he did in the Gulf War. On May 20, 1991, Bush announ


  • rom occurring. Thus, as the diplomats jawboned, Croatians, Muslims and Bosnians continued to bleed. Adding his support to the farce, Bush dispatched long-time Illuminati member and top servant of the Committee of 300 Cyrus Vance to negotiate yet another round of peace talks. Arriving in Belgrade on October 9, Vance, an original member of the Inter- Religious Peace Colloquium held in 1972 - which laid down the bas


  • make it easier for the Serbian aggressors to go on murder- ing and land-grabbing. This is what "our" sovereign independent nation has come down to; we bow the knee to every demand that comes from the Committee of 300. We do not know as yet which of the Black Nobility is controlling the Serbians, but it is a foregone conclusion that there is involvement by some of their top members. Lebanon is a good example of th


  • c's Washington connections cannot be over- stated. The people of Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzogovina and Macedonia will not receive any help from the world's only superpower, con- trolled like a wimp by the Committee of 300 and its foreign affairs department, the Royal Institute for International Affairs. 213


  • er him was made. Although he suffered serious stab wounds, Ray survived. There are just too many loose ends lying around for a convincing case to be made that Kay fired the shot that killed King. The Committee of 300 is constantly striving to control all natural resources in all countries. Their position has been stated and restated by H.G. Wells and Lord Bertrand Russell. Nowhere was this position more strongly


  • DIPLOMACY BY DECEPTION oratory was creating such an impression with the Congolese people that the Committee of 300 began to sit up and take notice. In August of 1960, two CIA officers, both with criminal records, were ordered by Allen Dulles to murder Lumumba within 3 months. Lumumba's gift of oratory was noted b


  • , the primary purpose of which was to separate the races into different areas. Following rioting in April of 1953, new anti-terrorist legislation was introduced and put into effect At this point, the Committee of 300 226


  • DIPLOMACY BY DECEPTION Apartheid And India's Caste System XI. Much has been made by the Committee of 300 about the "evils" of South Africa's separation of races policy. Yet, little or nothing has been said about India's rigid separation of classes in Indian society. Could it be that South Africa is atta


  • a homogeneous nation of united people.) The anti-apartheid clamor was raised to cover the real goal, that being to seize full control of South Africa's vast mineral riches, which will now pass to the Committee of 300. Mandela will be cast aside as a worn out tool which has served its purpose, when this has been accomplished. 232


  • are also known as "untouchables", and they have very dark to black skins. The blacker their skins, the less "touchable" they are. In 1946 Lord Louis Mountbatten (Battenburg) directly representing the Committee of 300, offered India full independence, a subterfuge to quell serious rioting over continued famine that took the livers of hundreds of thousands of Harijans. This was largely ignored by the Western press.


  • eparations. Versailles and San Remo Confer- ence. The Collected speeches of Congressman L.T. McFadden. League of Nations Documentation, Geneva. Royal Institute for International Affairs. Dr.CoIeman, "Committee of 300." 247


  • DR JOHN COLEMAN Socialism: F.D. Roosevelt "Our Way." Communist Manifesto of 1848. "Fabian Freeway High Road to Socialism hi America." Rose Martin. Dr.J.Coleman "Committee of 300" " " " "Is the U.S. a Member of the U.N.?" Senator Walsh. Big Five Dictatorship at U.N. Congressional Record, Senate pages 8165-8166. Dr.J.Coleman. "Gulf War Aims Examined." Public Law 85766 Section


  • ent May 1917, "the Mexican Constitution." Washington Soviet Review, January 1928. London Petroleum Times, Nov.26,1927. Dr.J.Coleman "William K. D'Arcy. Mysterious New Zealander who opened the way for Committee of 300 oil companies. The Committee of 300." 249

File: John Coleman - Drug War Against America -


  • e Afghanistan is in the news once again simply because it is one of the principle sources of raw opium, as it has been ever since the days of the British East India Company (BEIC) the forbears of the Committee of 300. I will also examine the role played by Pakistan in the opium poppy culture, and why the United States has looked the other way on at least three occasions when the elected government of Pakistan was


  • tion on Afghanistan, with a fa irly useful but limited overview of opium economy trends since the early days explaining how Afghanistan became the largest opium supplier in the world. In my book, The Committee of 300, I gave a detailed account of how this giant group was able to make so much money out of the misery of the opium trade forced upon the Chinese people by the government of Great Brita in. The book pro


  • he opium production in Afghanist an, we are worse than the Taliban, who did stop it despite claims to the contrary. The CIA's decision not to stop the Afghan opium production has been approved by the Committee of 300, their ultimate boss. According to intelligence sources , both the U.K. and French governments have quietly given their approval of the American policy. The CIA has a history of supporting intern ati


  • Drug War Against America for years. That is the way the Committee of 300 wants things to go, and according to intelligence sources, a simple grant of $2000 a year, no more than $20 million in total, paid directly to Afghan farmers would stop all opium production. The U.S.


  • when he found out what was going on and attempted to end it. This very real drug war against the United States is part of the One World Government conspirac y, a conspiracy that has its roots in the Committee of 300. The hi story of drugs is as old as the history of man himself. Th e conspiracy to overturn all existing governments and religions is a tripartite effort - 98


  • neral Noriega and the PDF. In the Mike Wallace TV interview, Noriega made it clear that Poindexter had come as a bully demanding that Panama bow down to the colonialist de mands of the Olympians (The Committee of 300). I was not against Nicaragua be ing invaded by U.S. military forces; but another Vietnam-styl e war would only have played into the hands of One World Gove rnment and the traitors within our gates.


  • alize alcohol. The Inter-American Dial ogue is an Eastern Liberal Establishment-Latin American confluence of opinion, which follows Trilateral policy-ma king for the region, under the auspices of the Committee of 300. 147

File: John Coleman - Freemasonry From A To Z -


  • exing question. Perhaps it is due to the fact that governments in every Western country are fully controlled by a parasitic secr et government, such as the one we have fa stened around our necks, the Committee of 300, through its Council on Foreign Relations, which is absolutely Luciferian in every facet of its activities. In addition to this, we have many powerful religions which are not Christian, and indeed, o


  • You won't find anything in our universities about the Federal Reserve Bank being an illegal, pr ivately owned entity. Nor will you find anything about the secret government of the United States, the Committee of 300 and its Council on Foreign Relations, which is betraying and delivering this great nation into the hands of a One World Government-New World Order. This is a Freemason plan, part of their universal e


  • Rhodesia) it is chrome ore (the purest in the world) through Lonrho, a company belonging to a cousin of Elizabeth, Queen of England; and in Bolivia it is tin, through the Rio Tinto Company. (See The Committee of 300 for further details.) The Windsor (Guelphs) do not care who holds political power in any country. Barring Russia, all of fice-holders are the same to them. They still keep their tight grip on the nat

File: John Coleman - One World Order Socialist Dictatorship -


  • e than the old fashioned frontal attack." Richard Gardner, leading American Socialist, Foreign Affairs, the journal of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), April 1974. In this, my third book ("The Committee of 300" and "Diplomacy By Deception,") I tell how Gardner's statement gives n otice of the Fabian Socialist agenda for the United States. The ideas, thoughts a nd people who have worked diligently to establ


  • ion center. Annie Besant, leader of the Theosophist movement, Oswald Mosley, M.P., and Fascist leader in England. Malcolm Muggeridge, author, scholar, lecturer. Bertrand Russell, elder statesmen, the Committee of 300, Kingsway Hall lecturer. Wickham Steed, perhaps one of the most famous of al l British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) commentators whose opinions influ enced millions of the BBC's listeners. Arnold T


  • a from, which once in place, would further erode the middle class living-standard. Wilson violated his oath to uphold the United State s Constitution on at least 50 separate occasions. In Wilson, the Committee of 300 had found the ideal man to begin the Socializing of America, just as in lat er years, they found another ideal candidate for their anarchistic purposes in Bill Cl inton. A second parallel between Wil


  • , reduce the tariffs ( Customs duties on imported agricultural products and ancillary manufactured go ods) with 12 million men out of work. So he and his big banker friends and big b usiness (meaning Committee of 300 companies) immediately conceived the idea of starting the N.R.A — the so called National Recovery Act, better known today as the 'National Ruin Act'." "It was reported that Bernard Baruch and his fri


  • f Amsterdam, Holland, Schroeder Bank in London, and Frankfurt, Germany, w hile the same bank han- dled the Hitler-financing scheme through its New Yo rk branch. The transactions were monitored by the Committee of 300 legal firm o f Sullivan and Cromwell, whose senior partner was Allen Dulles of the notori ous Dulles family. The Dulles brothers rode herd over the Senate and the State De partment to ensure that dis


  • to give a higher level of mentality, mid-level inte lligence and lower intelligence. In their adult life these beings would be assigned various roles in a slave world, as I described in my book, "The Committee of 300." If this sounds too much for the reader to accept, then bear in mind that test t ube babies are already with us. They have been accepted by society, not realizing t he sinister purpose behind this u


  • ngerous unseen enemies this count ry has ever had. Dean Acheson personified the underhand, penetration and permeation stan- dard seditious practice of a well-trained Socialist . Acheson came from the Committee of 300 law firm of Covington, Burling and Rublee, who serve as lawyers for the great Committee of 300 accountants, Price, Waterhouse. He was also in the inner circle of J.P. Morgan, Andrew Mel lon, Tommy La


  • Brightest Stars in the American Socialist Firmament 135 been stationed at the Massachusetts Institute of Te chnology by the Committee of 300, from where he plotted and planed strategy that he believed would bring about "the end of nationhood" for the United States . That this monstrous traitor had a free rein in Wash ington, should foreve


  • d Government — New World Ord er. This is an organi- zation meant to control religion — a long-time goal of Socialism — which real- ized that religion can never be stamped out. Senior Statesman of the Committee of 300, Bertrand Russell put the Socialists attitud e to religion in this way: "If we cannot take control of it, then we must get rid of it. " But getting rid of religion was easier said than done, so "cont


  • hrough Fr ee Trade 167 ments violate the Constitution of the United States and are the work of The Fabian Society and their American cousins. The North American Free Trade Agreement is project of the Committee of 300 and a natural extension of the war on American industry and agriculture as set out in the Club of Rome's 1969 Post Industrial Zero Growth position papers overseen by Cyrus Vance and a team of One Wor


  • enemy of the United States. It is a war on many fronts; just about the entire world is lined u p against the United States. It is a war that we are fast losing, thanks to skillfully laid plans of the Committee of 300 given to the Socialists to carry out. Lincoln w as one of the first casualties of the trade war. In 1873, the merchant bankers and City of London fi nanciers combined with their allies on Wall Street


  • e infrastructure of the nation — a grea ter threat than any nuclear attack could ever be. Just a few statistics: Seven hundred and fifty thousand American steelwork ers have lost their jobs since the Committee of 300 unleashed Count Etienne Davignon on this particular battlefront in 1950. A million and a quarter of the best paying, stable, industrial jobs related to and relying upon steel products, were lost in c


  • l bodies of the One World Government abroad today, none is more insidiously evil than the IMF. We tend to forget that the IMF is the bastard child of the United Nations, both be ing extensions of the Committee of 300, and the IMF, like the Council on Foreign Re lations (CFR) is becoming more openly bold about its true purposes and intent ions. The same sinister forces that imposed Bolshevism on Christian Russia,


  • ional Settle ments and our willingness to compromise our sovereignty by falling in line with the dictates of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) bodes ill for the future and would indicate that the Committee of 300 is gearing up for another world war. Nowhere in the Constitution is there found a power that authorizes the United States Government to fund so-called internat ional banks like the World Bank and the


  • would never reach the floor of the House and Senate . This is a crime against the American people, best described as sedition. Foreign aid serves two purposes; it destabilizes Am erica and helps the Committee of 300 take control of the natural resour ces of countries funded by coercion of the American taxpayers. Of course there are countries that have no natural resources, such as Israel and Egypt, but in these


  • as the reason, and if w e read the statements made by Lord Bertrand Russell, Robert S. McNamara and H.G. Wells, the new killer virus- es are merely what these men said was coming. In th e eyes of the Committee of 300 and the Socialist camarilla, there are just too many unwanted people on the earth. But that is not the whole story. The real reason be hind the planned global mass genocide is to create a climate of

File: John Coleman - Rothschild Dynasty -


  • Dr. John Coleman, author of The Committee of 300, tells how Mayer Amschel, the founder of the"Red Shield"dynasty acquired his first fortune. It is a far cry from the myths and legends that still surround the man who began as a rag and bone merchant


  • most to earn the money, got nothing, but the bare promised amounts, as they were not privy to the "private" side-agreement done behind their backs. The Princes of Von Thurn and Taxis (members of the Committee of 300) were happy to have a share in the booty in exchange for acting as intelligence agents for the Landgrave, and later for the Rothschilds. They did this by opening important mail as directed, reading t


  • The Rothschild Dynasty 33 personages, manipulate the exchanges, and initiate or suppress revolutions. Of course he was writing about the 7 Rothschilds and the Committee of 300. What he did not know was that the Rothschilds created and controlled Napoleon as their instrument, and that they disposed of him once the Corsican genius woke up to this fact and went into a state o


  • hschilds through the Menkens. His father, William, had married a Louise Menken, whom Count Cherep-Spiridovich said was a Jewess. Marshall Soult, who betrayed Napoleon at Waterloo, was a member of the Committee of 300, who occupied the top posts in France until his death. Soult was often in attendance of William Bismarck country residence and was widely believed to be the father of younger Bismarck. It was this "h


  • 64 Dr. John Coleman family is part of the Committee of 300. There was a double benefit in giving the information thus gained to Decazes instead of de Richelieu to whom it ought to have gone. In return, Decazes kept James informed of any pending anti-Jewish m


  • ll entirely under the influence of the Rothschilds andArnim and his sister. Indirectly we learn the statement made by Walter Rathenau that 300 men rule the world (see The Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Committee of 300). Forty years before, Bismarck indicated his agreement with Rathenau's statement: This was repeated by Disraeli when he said that 'the world is ruled by very different personages from what is imagine


  • Paris Peace Conference, - hardly the prestigious position that he would jeopardize at the time of his planned future with the Royal Institute for International Affairs, the Foreign Policy arm of the Committee of 300. As such, Toynbee must have been intimately familiar with the promises made to the Sheriff of Mecca, Hussein bin Ali and Colonel Lawrence, and the magnitude of the subsequent betrayal of the trust of


  • World War. The Rothschilds gained enormous profits out of financing both sides of the American Civil War. There is also the Bertrand Russell theory, that wars diminish populations. In the eyes of the Committee of 300, the world is filled with too many people, who are depleting the world's natural resources at an alarming rate. The solution, Russell said, is to get rid of what he referred to as "useless eaters," w

File: John Coleman - Tavistock Institute Of Human Relations -


  • XI In this endeavor the members of the board consulted with the British royal family and obtained the approval of t he "Olympians" (the inner core of the Committee of 300 ) to formulate a strategy. Funding was provided by the m onarchy, the Rothschilds, the Milner Group and the Rockefell er family trusts. In 1936, Spengler's monumental work had come to the attention o


  • the rush to the New World Order Socialist totalitarian governme nt should be led by the United States, supposedly a ba stion of freedom?" Then, as I recall, it came to me with great clarity that the Committee of 300 has its people at the highest and lowest echelons embedded in the U.S., in banking, industry , trade, defense, the State Department and indeed in the ver y White House, not to mention the Elite Club


  • uced by the Tavistock Institute of Human R elations and the American people are in a state of sleepwalk ing and without leadership. They do not know what the price is and do not care to find out. The Committee of 300 continues to rule the Uni ted States, just as it did in the Wilson and Roosevelt presidencies, while the American people were distra cted with "bread and circuses" only today it is baseball, foo tbal


  • of the United States foretold by H.G. We lls would not have been able to commit the vast resourc es of the United States to the war in Europe. The House of Morgan representing the "Olympians" of the Committee of 300, and its all powerful City of Lond on financial nexus, played a leading role in shaping t he "U.S. Federal Reserve Banks," which were neither "Federal " nor "banks," but a private money-generating mo


  • rmany s, the Social Democratic Republic of Germany and the Feder al Republic of Germany. Critics suggested that he got the information from Toynbee; that it was merely the lo ng range planning of the Committee of 300 that Toynbee knew about. After Wellington House, Toynbee moved to the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA), and the n to London University where he held the chair for Internationa l Histo


  • states which litter the present political map." The new world-state was to be brought about on the basis of mass mind control and propaganda that would make it acceptable. I explained in my book The Committee of 300, that Bernays "blew the whistle" on polling in his 1 923 and 1928 books, Propaganda, and Crystallizing Public Op inion. This was followed by Engineering Consent: Self-preservation, ambition, pride, h


  • XXIII Tavistock Institute of Human Relations was its crea tion. As this book is not about the Committee of 300, we wou ld suggest that readers obtain copies of the first and second book, The Committee of 300. The "300's" carefully structured blueprint has been followed to the letter and today as we reach the


  • eginning of the end of the old order. Contrary to most establishment accounts of history, the "Russian" re volution was not a Russian revolution at all, but a foreign ideology backed primarily by the Committee of 300 and its ar m, the Tavistock Institute, that was violently forced upon a startled, unprepared and dismayed Romanov family. It was political warfare, low grade warfare and psy chological warfare in whi


  • s weapons program had been nullified after the 1991 Gulf War and through continued brutal sanctions. In short, the two Western "leaders" were caught out in a web of lies, yet such is the power of the Committee of 300 and the brainwashing power of Tavistock, that they remained in office although it is an accepted fact that because of their lies, at least one million Iraqis and more than 2000 Amer ican servicemen d


  • can life ever since. Gallup, from the committe e on National Morale's Board of Trustees, upgraded his a ctivity and became the key commander of polling institution s for launching new policies of the Committee of 300, whi ch he passed off as "polling results."


  • ugla ss Cater, that led to the development of Tavistock's b urgeoning control over U.S. media policy through the Aspen In stitute of Colorado, the American home of the Socialist One Wo rld Government Committee of 300. In passing I mention that the science of mass media control through advertising is today so firmly entrenched t hat it has become the key component in opinion making. In the early post WWII days, Ho


  • ll's joint venture with Benton marked the clearest link between Aspen's hidden Socialist One World Government opera tions in America and the Tavistock Institute. Aspen becam e the headquarters of the Committee of 300 branches in th e United States.


  • alty among others. In the deeper recesses of the intelligence establis hment in Washington, veteran intelligence officers refer to this awesome group, in hushed tones and mysterious langu age as the "Committee of 300." The leaders are called "The Olympians." No U.S. president is elected or remains in office save and except by their favor. Those who buck their control are removed. Examples are John F. Kennedy, Ric


  • l p attern as WWI. For concluding a peace deal with Hitler, Ne ville Chamberlain was at once subjected to a mighty propa ganda barrage directed by the Tavistock Institute. Chambe rlain had defied the Committee of 300 and backed a newcomer, a rank outsider who was seen as a threat to world Socialis m. The world did not learn the truth about Chamberlain or that he was an able politician bent upon avoiding another w


  • se, the term does not refer to black people. It refers to a group of extremely wealthy people, dynasties, whose history dates back for more than five hundred years and who make up the backbone of the Committee of 300. On the international front, as well as in areas of those institutions in the U.S. who decide foreign policy, Tavistock does psychological profiling at all levels of gover nment, as well as intruding


  • erica's int erests." Frightening? YES, but unfortunately 100 percent tru e! The very words "gulf crisis" were crafted by Tavistock Institute to arouse maximum support for the Bush war on behalf o f a Committee of 300-flagship company, British Petroleu m (BP). We now know—at least some of us know—just what a bi g role Tavistock plays when it comes to creating publ ic opinion based on obfuscation, lies, dissembling


  • to take full control of U.S. intelligence and military policies through Special Operations Executive (SOE) and maintained this control throughout the Second World War. Eisenhower was selected by the Committee of 300 to become the commanding general of the allied forces in Euro pe, but only after extensive profiling by Tavistock. He was then appointed to the White House. Eisenhower was allowe d to retain his seat


  • 150 creators of what passes for public opinion created through its national poll opinion makers, and so on. Today, ove r 450 of the top Fortune 500 companies are in the grip of th e Committee of 300. These include Petro-Canada, the Hong Kong and Shang hai Bank, Halliburton, Root, Kellogg and Brown, British Petroleum, Shell, Xerox, Rank, Raytheon, ITT, Eagle Insurance, all the largest insurance c


  • 10 th Amendment no longer in existence, and it has all been made possible through the work of Reese and the Social Sciences scientists who control the Tavistock Institute. In 1969, by an order of the Committee of 300, Tavis tock established the Club of Rome, as first reported in my monographs of 1969. The Club of Rome then establish ed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) as a poli tical alliance. By 199


  • r the reins of government. Reese and his Tavistock colleagues succeeded beyond their wildest dreams, having captured control of the majo r institutions upon which government rests. The paren t, - the Committee of 300—must be delighted with the progres s made by the young infant Club of Rome. The Fourth of July has been rendered meaningless. T here is no longer any American "independence" to celebrate. Th e victor


  • 210 When I began to publish my research in 1969, the Am erican people mostly had not heard of the Committee of 300 , the Cini Foundation, the Marshall Fund, the Club of Rome and certainly not the Tavistock Institute, the Black No bility of Venice and Genoa. The following is a list of Tavist ock brainwashing insti


  • e Moss ad, Israel's secret service agency. If Schultz did receive such a timely warning, he ne ver relayed it to the Marine base commander at Beirut. Schultz was, and still is, a loyal servant of the Committee of 300 t hrough the Bechtel Corporation. However, one year after I expressed my suspicions a bout Schultz and Bechtel (1989), a disaffected high-rank ing Mossad agent broke ranks and wrote a book on his exp


  • y, ign oring strong evidence and latching onto flimsy here-say; ignoring the plain fact that the X-rays of Kennedy's head, t aken at Bethesda Hospital, were tampered with. The list of the sins of the Committee of 300 and it s servant, the Tavistock Institute is endless. Why did the Senate committee make no effort to investigate the strange disappear ance of Kennedy's death certificate; a vital piece of evide nce,


  • U.S. Constitution, then nothing does. W here are watchdogs of the House and Senate? Is it that they are afraid of Tavistock and its powerful backer, David Rockefe ller? Is the Congress afraid of the Committee of 300?" It ce rtainly seems that way. Interpol is an illegal entity opera ting within the borders of the United States, without the sanct ion and approval of We, the People in flagrant violation of the Con


  • lonian Manicheans. Inroads were made into this type of occultism by th e Tavistock Institute, using some of its mind control techniques developed by Kurt Lewin and his team of researchers . (See "The Committee of 300" for details.) The East India Company (EIC) and later, the British East India Company (BEIC) was the original "300," whose descendants rule the world today. Opium and the dru g trade was the stock in


  • tock Institute. Pres. Kennedy proved to be impervious to mind contr ol by Tavistock, so was chosen for public execution as a warning to those who would aspire to power, that none was high er than the Committee of 300. The grisly spectacle of the public execution of Ken nedy was a message to the American people; one which they ma y not, even now, be aware of. Perhaps the Tavistock Instit ute provided the blueprint


  • Famous Music of Paramo unt Studios. It own seven music clubs in the U.S. and C anada, and makes credit cards for MBNA Bank. Bertelsman A.G does tremendous book business worldw ide and is very much a Committee of 300 affiliate.


  • , som e of which work in conjunction with Bertelsmann. The Capital Group. This Los Angeles-based investment group sold 35% of its stock to Seagram's, the Bronstein's liquor company and a high-ranking Committee of 300 property. Seagram's h as an 80% stake in Universal Music Group (formerly MCA) n ow Matushita Electric Industries property. Its 1999 revenues were estimated as $14 billion. Se agram owns in excess of


  • ith the gigantic movie- music industry; hitherto unknown forces— powerful f orces whose sole aim and object is to pervert, twist and distort the minds of our youth, to make it all the easier for t he Committee of 300 to usher in the Socialist New Worl d Order - One World Government, in which the new Communists rule of the world.


  • 255 What I have written here is the indisputable truth, but it will take a major event to confirm it as such, just as i t took 14 years for my Committee of 300 book and 25 years for my Club of Rome Report to be confirmed by Alexander Ki ng himself. But let there be no doubt that Tavistock, today, in 2005, is in full control of every aspect of life in Americ

File: John Coleman - We Fight For Oil -


  • bed the depth of depravity, to wrest control of Mexico's oil away from its rightful owners. But when that failed, a ll the major Western oil companies boycotted Mexican oil for the next 40 years. The Committee of 300 stepped into the picture when the French Rothschilds (Alphonse and Edmond) and the Swedish Nobel company in 1870 turned their attention to Russia by forming an oil company called The Far East Trading


  • ny, even though at that time it was close to bankruptcy due to lack of success in finding oil in Iran. Today the company is called "British Petroleum" (BP) and is one of the flagship companies of the Committee of 300. Alarmed by the growing industrial prowess and expanding international trade being enjoyed by Germany, on April 14, 1914 King George who succeeded Queen Victoria, made a highly unusual visit to Paris


  • dard Oil Trust by the majors is evident in the barriers these companies erected around themselves to keep prying "outsiders" at bay. They trust their affairs only to petroleum industry banks like the Committee of 300's Morgan Guarantee, Trust Bank and Chase Manhattan Bank, while their accounts and affairs are closeted behind the thick walls of Price, Waterhouse, the Committee of 300's of ficial accountants and au


  • , the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Oman under the watchful eye of the CIA an d to a lesser extent, MI6. I am reminded of the striking similarity between the East India Company (forerunner of the Committee of 300) and the Seven Sisters oil cartel. Granted a charter in 1600 during the reign of Elizabeth I, the East India Company received a second charter from Charles II, the Stuart king, giving it the right to


  • ng the populace. Following the Charter granted to the East India Company -in 1600, that allowed it to make foreign po licy and wage wars against nations, the inheritors of the East India Company, the Committee of 300 -- covered the CIA by using organizations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank to finance Roosevelt's dirty work, so that it could not be directly traceable to the


  • n form part of the global chain made up of interlocking banks, brokerage houses, intelligence agencies, mining, refining, aerospace, banking and petrochemicals who, together, form the backbone of The Committee of 300 companies, whose members are also known as the "Olympians." They control production of crude oil, refineries and shipping, except in Russia and now, Venezuela. It is estimated that as much as 75% of


  • We Fight For Oil 107 CHAPTER 12 ROYAL DUTCH SHELL By far the most important of the Committee of 300 flagship petroleum companies is Royal Dutch Shell (Het Koninklijke Nederlandse Shell) of Anglo-Dutch origin. It is one of the largest energy corporations in the world and a flagship company of the Co


  • nent upper-level government established in the United States which secured and paved the way for The Council on Foreign Relations (C FR) to come into being as the United States representatives of the Committee of 300. That the CFR owes its existence to John D. and Harold Pratt is beyond question. This is a formidable evil, and forms part of the case against the petroleum industry who with billions of dollars, and


  • supplied with money and weapons as was promised, Lloyd George, a personal representative of the U.S. State Department and William Bullit, Prime Minister of Britain, acting on the instructions of the Committee of 300 through its Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), pulled the rug out from under the White Russian Armies, and left them without money and arms, and with no option but to disband. The boycott on ammunit


  • the meeting was how to trigger a global oil embargo as a vehicle to increase oil prices by as much as 400 percent. The Saltsjobasden meeting must surely have been a high point of achievement for the Committee of 300, for never had so few controlled the economic future of the entire world. What steps they resolved to take to achieve their goal of a 400 percent increase in oil revenues and the resulting enormous b


  • to continue. But the sop was exposed for what it was, when the oil companies refused to accept subpoenas. The matter was quietly dropped when Eisenhower and Dulles, two of the leading servants of the Committee of 300, the Rockefellers and the CFR, replaced Truman and Acheson. Thus was the stage set for the spread of the cancer of oil imperialism. Kermit Roosevelt was involved in the plot to topple Prime Minister


  • itory. At the time there was no other country but Iraq — to which all the lands belonged, there being no such entity as Kuwait. The Al Sabah family kept an eye on the rich prize .. . On behalf of the Committee of 300, on November 25, 1899 - the same year the British went to war against the small Boer Republics in South Africa — the British government made a deal with Emir Al Sabah, whereby the lands encroaching o


  • ous acts of piracy in modern times, and contributed directly to the Gulf War. I have gone to some lengths to e xplain background events that led to the Gulf War in an attempt to show the power of the Committee of 300, and how unjustly the United State acted toward Iraq. President G.H.W. Bush repeated the same 100 percent illegal tactics practiced by the Petroleum Cartel. It is this sort of behavior that is leadin


  • 144 Dr. John Coleman propaganda. As a result the American people do not realize that their government is a government under the direction of a secret parallel upper-level body, the Committee of 300 that enables would-be dictators and tyrants to cover thei r unconstitutional, despotic actions. Anyone who questions Bush forei gn policy toward Iraq is labeled unpatriotic, when if the truth be to l


  • 150 Dr. John Coleman reprisals of the Committee of 300. Fear plays a huge role in the destinies of nations. Fear has not gone away. When the Rothschild's ordered a body of men to frighten the government of France into accepting its terms for financial co


  • in the rapacious petroleum industry, neither knowing nor resp ecting national and international boundaries or national sovereignty. One such friend is ARCO, which hol ds a place high on the ladder of Committee of 300 companies and who, along with another jewel in the crown of Committee of 300 oil companies BP, began scheming and plotting to ship Alaskan crude oil to the massive Zhenhai refinery on the outskirts o


  • iet Union, the old fam ilies ("raskolniks") were overthrown only to be replaced by a new and far more repressive set of aristocrats. The plan calls for all nations to come under the direction of the "Committee of 300." Most of the old European nobility profess Christianity as their faith, but in reality, they neither believe in it, nor practice its tenets. Instead the majority are cult worshippers. They do not be


  • Trilateral, Bilderberg Group and th e Mont Pelerin Society, to name but a few of the major ones. There are many other interlocking and overlapping conspirato rial bodies. Selected members make up the Committee of 300 together with the crowned heads of Europe. All these bodies have one thing in common, and that is to control all natural recourses, of witch oil is high on their list. The Club of Rome is the senior


  • aron of the CIA had put together a team of sixty agents, who were sent to Iran in January 1979 at the same time General Huyser arrived in Teheran. Particularly it was the Aspen Institute, home of the Committee of 300 in America that betrayed the trust of the Shah. It flattered him as a modern leader, and if the Shah had an Achilles Heel, it was his susceptibility to flattery. As a result of the blandishments of A


  • p Club of Rome members, including its leader, Aurelio Peccei. Other notables were Sol Linowitz of the legal firm, Coudet Brothers, and the man who later gave away our Canal at Panama (a member of the Committee of 300) Harlan Cleveland and Robert O. Anderson. Both men were senior members of the Aspen Institute. Others in the know about the plot were Charles Yost, Catherine Bateson, Richard Gardner, Theo Sommer, Jo


  • nes from the opium trade with China. Many of the major petroleum company's spring from this background. The Bush family, beginning with Prescott Bush, has always served as satraps for the cabal. The "Committee of 300" lists U.S. imperialists and their servants drawn from obedient British and American ruling cabal decided just prior to WWI that oil would be the bunker fuel of the British Navy and Mercantile Marine


  • he American people stand today. Thoroug hly lost, with nowhere to turn, seemingly with all hope lost. Unfortunately, the Petroleum Industry's appetite and matching greed shows no sign of abating. The Committee of 300's American and British affiliates had developed a strategy by which they fully anticipated would secure total control of


  • oslavia was to stop the ethnic violence allegedly going on in Serbia, and the human rights violations of Albanians living in Kosovo. Willi Munzenberg would have fully approved of it. In my book, "The Committee of 300," 4 th Edition and "the Tavistock Institute for Human Relation," the career of the greatest master of propaganda who ever lived, Willi Munzenberg is covered. He had accompanied Lenin in exile in Swit


  • top Bush's rush to war that did damage far beyond the actual invasion of Iraq and which shock waves are still being felt in 2008. Seen in proper perspective the invasion of Iraq, on the orders of the Committee of 300, was to impose a New World Order on the world and in particular, on Europe. The chaos released by the "300" through the willingness of Tony Blair, George Bush Sr. and his son G.W. Bush to attack Iraq

File: Mark Devlin - Musical Truth -

  • me viral after originating fromDr. John Coleman, who, like T. Stokes, was a former British intelligence officerturned whistle-blower. The account appeared in his book 'The Conspirators'Hierarchy: The Committee Of 300,' and is linked to the allegation that themajority of The Beatles' lyrics were actually written by Theodor W. Adorno, arepresentative of The Frankfurt School, a German organisation similar in naturet

File: Michael Tsarion - Weapons Of Mass Destruction Found -


  • krupt America Important Webstreams: G. Edward Griffin - Inte rview with Senator Dodd G. Edward Griffin - The Capitalist Conspiracy Fritz Springmei er - Bloodlines of the Illuminati John Coleman - The Committee of 300 Webster Tarpley - The Black Venetians, etc The Jews, Slave Trade, and British East India Company Vatican Assassins, with Jon Eric Phelps Alex Jones Webstreams The Occult World of Commerce, with Jorda

File: Brice Taylor - Thanks For The Memories -


  • CA 93121. Chomsky, Noam. The Culture of Terrorism . South End, MA. 1988. Chomsky, Noam. Secrets, Lies and Democracy . Odonian Press, AZ. 1994. Coleman, John. Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 . America West Publishers, P.O. Box 3300, Bozeman, MT 59772. 1992. Constantine, Alex. Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A. Feral House, P.O. Box 3466, Portland, OR 97208. 1995. Constantine, Alex. Virtu

File: Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier 1998 -


  • t all the other American shippers. Astor also worked together with George Clinton, another member of the Illuminati, on land deals. Even at that period in history, British intelligence worked for the Committee of 300 and for the Thirteen Top Families, it is interesting then, that John Coleman who had access as an intelligence agent to secret documents, discovered that the original John Jacob Astor was also a Brit


  • 2 the whole industry! Again this could only have happened, because the occult power of this Astor family gave them the right. Obviously, others in the Committee of 300 had to step aside, if his position in the hierarchy had not given Astor the right, believe me the other families that originally controlled the fur trade would have gotten rid of Astor. One result of


  • ork City. Thomas Backhouse & Co. was a leading house in the lucrative fur trade. John Jacob Astor set out to bring the fur trade under his own control. There is a tact that must be faced. the elite’s Committee of 300, a secret legislative group of the Illuminati, decided that John Jacob Astor could expand intothe fur trade and into the opium narcotics trade. Dope, Inc. shows that the Astor famIly was the first Am


  • Garter is the secret inner group which is an elite group within the Order of St. John of Jerusalem which is the British part of the Knights of Malta. The Knights of the Garter are the leaders of the Committee of 300. They are diabolical men. Lord Peter Carrington, who is a member of the satanic Order of Osiris and other demonic groups is a member of the Order of the Garter. Lord Palmerston is an example from his


  • ives for day-to-day management. Simon Murray, a Dalton who served in the French Foreign Legion, is one of Li’s trusted managers. Murray had worked for Jardine Matheson, a business owned by one of the Committee of 300. U has built global alliances with British companies, and has part ol Pearson, a British holding company which in turn as interest in Lazard banking Arms In N.Y., London, and Parts. As one can see Li


  • t the Triads, most of the police everywhere have been. The Triads are the most powerful criminal fraternal group in the world, except for the IllumInati and the families that make up the Illuminati’s Committee of 300. The Mafia Is small peanuts compared to the Triads. The Triads are almost untouchable by any law enforcement group. For instance, in Great Britain the British do not have hardly any ethnic Chinese on

File: Freemasonry from A to Z -


  • exing question. Perhaps it is due to the fact that governments in every Western country are fully controlled by a parasitic secr et government, such as the one we have fa stened around our necks, the Committee of 300, through its Council on Foreign Relations, which is absolutely Luciferian in every facet of its activities. In addition to this, we have many powerful religions which are not Christian, and indeed, o


  • You won't find anything in our universities about the Federal Reserve Bank being an illegal, pr ivately owned entity. Nor will you find anything about the secret government of the United States, the Committee of 300 and its Council on Foreign Relations, which is betraying and delivering this great nation into the hands of a One World Government-New World Order. This is a Freemason plan, part of their universal e


  • Rhodesia) it is chrome ore (the purest in the world) through Lonrho, a company belonging to a cousin of Elizabeth, Queen of England; and in Bolivia it is tin, through the Rio Tinto Company. (See The Committee of 300 for further details.) The Windsor (Guelphs) do not care who holds political power in any country. Barring Russia, all of fice-holders are the same to them. They still keep their tight grip on the nat

File: bloodlines1 -


  • all the other American shippers. Astor also worked together with George Clinton, another member of the Illumin ati, on land deals. Even at that period in history , British intelligence worked for the Committee of 300 and for the Thirteen Top Families, it is interesting then, that John Coleman who had access as an intelligence agent to secret documents, discovered that the original John Jacob Astor was also a Brit


  • For a few years John Jacob Astor had participated in the opium trade, but in 1818-he publicly quit running opium to China. John Coleman in his good book The Conspirator ’s Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300, p. 131 notes, “John Jacob Astor made a huge fortune out of the China opium trade .... It was the Committee of 300 who chose who would be allowed to participate in the fabulously lucrative China opiu


  • trade, and that their opium trade had was a special privilege that most other American businesse s did not even try to compete with. Why? Dope, Inc. doesn’t say this but I know that it is because the Committee of 300 decides such things, not free enterprise. American furs yielded 1000% profit in those days. The privilege of fur trading was a pot of gold so to speak that the Committee of 300 gave Astor, and it cou


  • dge No. 8. Archibald Russell of the Russell family , as well as two members of the elite Livingstone family were members of this lodge too at the time. The Livingstone family was participating in the Committee of 300 at that time. One of my Masonic reference books states that business at the Holland Lodge No, 8 was conducted in German. If so, why were all these other men involved with it who apparently had Englis


  • cutives for day-to-day management. Simon Murray, a Dalton who served in the French Foreign Legion, is one ofListrusted managers. Murray had worked for Jardine Matheson, a business owned by one of the Committee of 300. U has built global alliances with British companies , and has part of Pearson, a British holding company which in turn as interest in Lazard banking Arms In N.Y ., London, and Parts. As one can see

File: Rothschild Money Trust -


  • empire. Apparently also the management of the vast political power of the estate needed to be reinforced with outside blood. It is likely that at that time and thro ugh Herzl's activities, the Secret Committee of 300 was established for the management of the political power of the huge estate with the consent of the Roths- childs. It is known that Theodor e Herzl was an intimate personal friend of Lord Rothschild

File: Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke - Black Sun -


  • ame of Princes (1993), giving extensive details of the plans of bankers, corporate leaders and leading families to rule over a helot world. John Coleman’s Conspirators’ Hierarchy (1992) documents the Committee of 300, a powerful group of international bankers, industrialists 280 CONSPIRACY BELIEFS AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER


  • tes behind the plan for world domina- tion. The Knights of Jerusalem are close to the English royal family—here Helsing uses John Coleman’s Conspirators’ Hierarchy —and supply the leader- ship of the Committee of 300, whose innermost circle is the Order of the Garter. Circles within circles and names are named: for instance, Lord Car- rington, former British foreign secretary, is a Garter Knight, head of NATO, an

File: Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke - Black Sun -


  • ame of Princes (1993), giving extensive details of the plans of bankers, corporate leaders and leading families to rule over a helot world. John Coleman’s Conspirators’ Hierarchy (1992) documents the Committee of 300, a powerful group of international bankers, industrialists 280 CONSPIRACY BELIEFS AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER


  • tes behind the plan for world domina- tion. The Knights of Jerusalem are close to the English royal family—here Helsing uses John Coleman’s Conspirators’ Hierarchy —and supply the leader- ship of the Committee of 300, whose innermost circle is the Order of the Garter. Circles within circles and names are named: for instance, Lord Car- rington, former British foreign secretary, is a Garter Knight, head of NATO, an

File: Analysis of Strategic Threats in the current Decade (Joel M. Skousen) -


  • ient to establish that all of the existing globalist organizations--the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Aspen Institute, Bilderburgers, Royal Institute for International Affairs, Committee of 300, Club of Rome , etc., aspire to global control and eliminate national sovereignty. Numerous quotations of their own leaders and members state just that. That they have more sinister long-term motives

File: Armstrong, George - Rothschild Money Trust (2008) -


  • empire. Apparently also the management of the vast political power of the estate needed to be reinforced with outside blood. It is likely that at that time and through Herzl's activities, the Secret Committee of 300 was established for the management of the politi- cal power of the huge estate with the consent of the Rothschilds. It is known that Theodore Herzl was an intimate pe rsonal friend of Lord Rothschild

File: Atlantean Conspiracy -


  • onal Understanding: Agencies Educating for a New World" (1931) H.G. Wells, the famous author of Time Machine, War of the Worlds, and The Invisible Man, was secretly a member of British Int elligence, Committee of 300, a Mason, and a Fabian. He was very familiar with the globalists’ One+World agenda and wrote many books outlining it with titles like: The Open Conspiracy, The Shape of Things to Come, World Brain, A


  • introduced Senate Concurrent Resolution 66 stating that the United Nations Charter “ should be changed to provide a true world governmen t constitution. ” In 1952, globalist and Committee of 300 member Bertrand Russ ell wrote “The Impact of Science on Society.” Russell, like Wells, wrote ex tensively about world government and the scientific dictatorships of the future: “There is, it must be


  • and sure enough died suspiciously shortly thereafte r. Zbigneiw Brzezinski is a former U.S. National Secur ity Advisor, Trilateral Commission co+founder, member of the CFR, Club of R ome, and Committee of 300. He is a descendant of the Polish Black Nobility (Ol d World Order) and associate of Henry Kissinger. In his 1970 book entitled “The Te chnetronic Era,” Brzezinski envisioned the globalists’ coming d


  • +David Icke, “Tales from the Time Loop” Just look at the recent US Presidents: George W. B ush (Mason and Skull and Bones), Bill Clinton (Mason, CFR, Bilderberg, Trilateral), George H.W. Bush (Mason, Committee of 300, Skull and Bones, CFR, Trilateral) , Ronald Reagan, (Mason, Knights of Malta), Jimmy Carter (Mason, CFR, Trilat eral), Gerald Ford (Mason, CFR) and on it goes, most every American president has belon


  • l Gorbachov, George Bush and Tony Blair are all 33 rd degree Freemasons. Marx, Engel, Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, and Mao+Tse Tung were all high+level Grand Orient Lodge Freemasons. Winston Churchill was Committee of 300 and a Mason. Cecil Rhodes founded the Round Table, was Committee of 300 and a Mason. Henry Kissinger is a Mason, Knigh t of Malta, Committee of 300 and a Bilderberger. Dick Cheney is CFR and Trilate


  • h money were welcomed but kept obl ivious of actual secrets. The purpose is to win power and riches. To undermine s ecular or religious government and attain the masters of the world.” +Nesta Webster Committee of 300 "Three hundred men, all of whom know one another, d irect the economic destiny of Europe and choose their successors from among th emselves." +Walter Rathenau of General Electric, 1909 The Committee


  • the Queen of England likes to refer to as ‘the comm oners.’” +John Coleman, “Conspirators’ Hierarchy” Some notable members of the Committee of 300 includ e: The British royal family, Dutch royal family, House of Hapsburg, House of Ora nge, Duke of Alba, Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh, Lord Carrington, Lord Hal ifax, Lord Alfred Milner, John Ja


  • campaign. Throughout Pamela’s love life she stayed very close to the Brotherhood. She was married to both Skull and Bones, Nazi financier Averill Harriman and Randolph Churchill, the son of Britain’s Committee of 300, 33 rd degree Masonic Prime Minister Winston Churchill. She also had affairs with bloodline/Illuminati agents Giovan ni Agnelli and Baron de Rothschild. “This was the background into which George Her


  • y Allen, “None Dare Call it Conspiracy” Midday May 7 th , off the coast of Ireland, the Lusitania was ordered to reduce speed, and “Juno,” its British military escort vessel, was ordered to withdraw. Committee of 300, 33 rd degree Freemason, and Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill knew German U+ Boats were in the vicinity and purposely called off Juno, leaving the Lusitania a sitting duck. “British commander


  • nd. Historian Colin Simpson called the sinking of the Lusitania the ‘foulest act of willful murder ev er committed on the seas.’” +Fritz Springmeier, “Bloodlines of the Illuminati” Churchill’s fellow Committee of 300 member, CFR fou nder, and Rothschild agent Colonel Mandel House was also President Wilson’s to p political advisor. Wilson said “Mr. House is my second personality. He is my inde pendent self. His th


  • as against intervention. A good pretext was needed to gain support from an int ransigent public.” +Jim Marrs, Rule by Secrecy (174) 32 nd President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a 33 rd degree Mason, Committee of 300 member, grandson of an opium smuggler, and nephew of Frederic Delano, an original Federal Reserve Boardman. FDR stayed in office for 12 years (1933+1945), choosing Skull and Bonesman Henry Stimson as


  • t policy Roosevelt was referring to is unknown, but one thinks back to fellow 33 rd degree Mason Albert Pike’s 1871 letter to Mazzini about fomenting three world wars. It was also Chur chill’s fellow Committee of 300


  • should seek to influence the enactment an d administration of laws, national and international, and that they should try to cont rol education.” +Max Otto, “Science and the Moral Life,” 1949 Elitist Committee of 300 philosopher, Bertrand Russ ell, in his 1951 book “The Impact of Science on Society,” wrote, “ Education should aim at destroying free will so tha t after pupils are thus schooled they will be incapab

File: Battle Hymn - Revelations Of The Sinister Plan For A New World Order -


  • de by side to enslave all of us — including Pastor Chuck, who led me to Christ. They use tools labeled Bilderberg, Billy Graham Evangelical Association, Bohemian Grove, Christianity Today , CIA, CNP, Committee of 300, Council on Foreign Relations, DARPA, Emergent Church, FBI, Federal Reserve System, FEMA, Freemasons, HAARP, Harvest Crusade, IRS, JDL, Illuminati, Jesuits, Knights of the Garter/Malta, LDS, NBA, NFL


  • Churchill, Winston, The World Crisis (Scribner’s Sons, 1949) Coleman, Dr. John, Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 (America West Publishers, 1992) Congressional Record, Volume 54 (February 9, 1917) DeCamp, John W., The Franklin Cover-Up (AWT Inc., 1992) “ Doe, John,” Report from Iron Mountain on the Possibility a

File: Battle Hymn - Revelations Of The Sinister Plan For A New World Order -


  • de by side to enslave all of us — including Pastor Chuck, who led me to Christ. They use tools labeled Bilderberg, Billy Graham Evangelical Association, Bohemian Grove, Christianity Today , CIA, CNP, Committee of 300, Council on Foreign Relations, DARPA, Emergent Church, FBI, Federal Reserve System, FEMA, Freemasons, HAARP, Harvest Crusade, IRS, JDL, Illuminati, Jesuits, Knights of the Garter/Malta, LDS, NBA, NFL


  • Churchill, Winston, The World Crisis (Scribner’s Sons, 1949) Coleman, Dr. John, Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 (America West Publishers, 1992) Congressional Record, Volume 54 (February 9, 1917) DeCamp, John W., The Franklin Cover-Up (AWT Inc., 1992) “ Doe, John,” Report from Iron Mountain on the Possibility a

File: Coleman - Diplomacy by Deception - Account Treasonous Conduct by Britain and United States (1993) -


  • Foreword. I decided to write this book because so many people who had read my book "The Conspirators Hierarchy: The Committee of 300" asked me to give specific examples and case histories of how the Committee exercises control on such a vast scale. This book is by way of answering those requests. When you have read "Diplomacy By D


  • n 2,000,000 wounded. It is estimated by war hi storian Alan Br ugar, that the international bankers made a prof it of $10,000 from every soldier who fell in battle. Life is cheap when it comes to the Committee of 300- Iluminati-Rothschilds-Warburg-Fe deral Reserve bankers, who fi- nanced both si des of the war. It is also worthwhile to remember that H.G. Wells and Lord Bertrand Russell foresaw this terrible war i


  • War. Worse yet worthless war reparation bonds were dumpe d into the Amer ican financial market, costing taxpayers addi tional billions of dollars. If there is one thing that we have learned about the Committee of 300, it is that it never gives up. There is a saying that history repeats itself; certainly this is true of the Committee of 300's in tention to force a One World Government body on the United States. H.


  • DIPLOMACY BY DECEPTION the testimony of the late John Foster Dulles, one of the top 13 American Illuminati, a Committee of 300 member and a One World Government proponent down to his fingertips. Dulles and his crew, hand-picked by the Committee of 300, were instructed to subvert the Senate, and utterly confuse them, the bulk


  • ish masters deemed it would not receiv e much public attention, and in any case, what with the horror of Pearl Harbor, public opinion would be favorable. So, on December 22,1941, at the behest of the Committee of 300's international bankers, Cord ell Hull was instructed to brief President Roosevelt on his role in bringing up the "new and im- proved" version of th e League of Nations. The sister-child of the RIIA,


  • gain, Pres ident Clinton has placed himself firmly behind these revolutionary goals, thereby destroying any lingering doubts about where he stan ds in relation to the forces of world revolution.) The Committee of 300 employs a va st number of sp ecialists in diplomacy by deception who make us believe that severely dangerous and often disruptive changes come about through "c hanging times," as though their directi


  • people. Foreign aid, is nothing more that a program for robbing and plunder- ing countries of their natural resources, and handing U.S. taxpayer's money to dictators in th ose countries, so thatth e Committee of 300 can reap obscene benefits from the illegal plunder, while the American people, no better than the slaves of the Eg yptian Pharaohs, groan under the huge burden of "foreign ai d." In the chapter on As


  • DIPLOMACY BY DECEPTION The Brutal, Illegal Gulf War. II. The most recent of wars carried out under the cloak of diplomacy by deception, the Gulf War, differs from others in that the Committee of 300, the Council on Fore ign Relations, Illuminati and Bilderbergers- did not adequately cover their track s along the way to war. The Gulf War therefore is one of the easiest of wars to trace back to Ch


  • by th e Koreish tribe, the tribe of the prophet Muhammad, the posthumous son of the Hashemite, Abdullah, out of which came the Fatima and Abbasid Dynasties. The Gulf War was only an exte nsion of the Committee of 300's attempts to destroy Muhammad a nd the Hashemite people in Iraq. The rulers of Saudi Arabia are hate d and despised by al l true followers of Islam, more so since they allo wed "infidels" (U.S. troo


  • rize in 1899, th at of the huge gold deposits in the tiny Boer Republi cs of the Transvaal and Orange Free State, which we shall come to in succeeding chapters. It is mentioned here to illustrate the Committee of 300's que st to grab natural resources of nations whenever and wher ever they could do so. On behalf of the Committee of 300, on Nov. 25,1899 — the same year the British went to war against the Boer Repu


  • Gulf War. I have gone to some length s to explain the background of events that le d to the Gulf War in an attempt to show just how unjustly the United States acted toward Iraq, and the power of the Committee of 300. Here is a summary of the events that led up to the Gulf War: 1811-1818. Wahabis of Arabia attack a nd occupy Mecca, but are forced to withdraw by the Sultan of Egypt 1899, Nov. 25. Sheik Mubarak al-


  • IPLOMACY BY DECEPTION 1967. Iraq and Jordan go to war agai nst Israel. Saudi Arabia avoids taking sides, but sends 20,000 troops who are forb idden to take part in the fighting to Jordan. By now, the Committee of 300's gr ip on Middle East oi; was almost total. The road Britain and Ameri ca had followed was not a new one, but an extention began by Lord Bertrand Russell: "If a world government is to work smoothly,


  • t NSA staff wanted to prevent Agricultural credits "from being cancelled, as this would exacerbate the already strained foreign policy relations with Iraq." By July 25,1990, probably earlier th an theCommittee of 300 preferred, the trap was sprung. Spurred on by a mounting number of setbacks, President Bush authorized U.S. ambassador April Gl aspie to meet with President Hussein. The purpose of the meeting was to


  • refused to print it, even though it had been substantia ted by Bruce Van Voorst, a former CIA agent working for "Time." Walsh did not appear to know that the Eastern Liberal Establishment, run by the Committee of 300, is unconcerned about the law, becaus e, they say they are the law. Walsh came up against the same bric k wall that Sen. Eugene McCarthy had run into when he attempted to get William Bundy before his


  • ce—its oil —remains an ugly, open blot in the pages of American history. Oil was discovered in Mexico by British construction magnate, Weetman Pearson, whose company was part of the global network of Committee of 300 companies. Pears on was not in the oil business but was backed by the British oil compan ies, particularly the Royal Dutch Shell Company. He soon became the leading producer in Mexico. 64


  • derstood. In recognition of his services to British oil interests, Pearson was granted the title of "L ord Cowdray," and was henceforth known by that title. He was also made a permanent member of the Committee of 300. Lord Cowdray was on good terms with President Wilson, but behind the scenes, John D. was work ing to undermine the relationship and get back into the business of exploiting Mexico's oil. Lord Cowdra


  • th ough Britain and the other major powers did so. Wilson said: "we can have no sympathy with those who seek to seize the power of government to advance their own personal interest s or ambitions." A Committee of 300 spokesman told Pr esident Wilson "you talk just like a Standard Oilman." The que stion was posed, "...what does the oil or commerce of Mexico amount to, in comparison with the close friendship betwee


  • placed Dahoney, Fall and Bush, and is perpetuating th e pretence that Hussein must be brought down to save the people of Iraq. Christopher is merely continuing to use falsehoods in order to cover the Committee of 300's goal for total seizure of Iraq's oilfields. It is no different than Wilson's policy toward Huerta. While in 1912, Wilson presented the "Huerta menace" as a danger to the Panama Canal, Bush presente


  • usily engaged in pumping the oil that rightfully belonged to Mexico. The situation was some- thing akin to South Africa, where, ever since the Anglo Boer War (1899-1902), theOppenheimer family of the Committee of 300 drained South Africa of its gold and diamonds, shipping them to London and Zurich, while the South African peopl e got little benefit. The Anglo- Boer War was the first open demons tration of the mig


  • DR JOHN COLEMAN defense against outside prying into oil matters. Toda y, the Committee of 300 accounting firm of Price Wate rhouse does the accounts in such a way that even the best accounta nts and various Senate committees have not been able to unlock the Rockefeller finances. Such is the n


  • urope), Shell, BP, Gulf, Texaco, Mobil and Socol-Ch evron. Together they form part of a major network of interlocki ng, interfacing ba nks, insurance companies and brokerage houses co ntrolled by the Committee of 300, which are hardly known outside their circle. The reality of the One World Gove rnment, or New World Order upper level government, brooks no interf erence from anyone, no matter who it might be -- ev


  • istorical account of Israel. Lord Horatio Kitc hener, fresh from his success in putting an end to the sovereign independent Boer Republics in South Africa, was turned loose on the Midd le East by the Committee of 300 acting through the British Foreign Office. The British government had been scheming and plotting against the Turkish Ottoman Empire since 1899, and by 1914, was ready to make its final move to bring


  • inhabitants of these la nds ever informed. How the govern- ments could trade in lands that did not belong to them speaks to the tremendous power exercised by secret societies under the control of the Committee of 300. This perpetual agreement, known as the Sykes-Picot Agreement, was concluded between Britain and France on May 9, 1916. All zones of influence in the Middle East were specifically spelled out, even w


  • for Human Relations, John Rawlings Reese, was to perfect a sy stem that would subvert and then control the thinking of human beings so that they could be channeled in any direction so de sired by the Committee of 300, also known as the Olympians. It must be said that to do this, one must introduce an automated mentality into the bulk of the targeted population. This is an objective with very far-reaching implicat


  • corruption and corrupting policies. Wilson sent American forces to fight on Europe's battlefields, in spite of the warni ngs issued by the Founding Fathers, to stay out of foreign entanglements. The Committee of 300, was determined to keep the United States entangled in European and indeed world affair s forever after. Wilson did not change Europe, bu t Europe changed America. The banishing of power politics, wh


  • sing and a terrible curse for mankind. All science is only a means to an end, and man is knowledge (information), which ends in contro l. Who the benefi ciaries of that control are was decided by the Committee of 300 and its antecedents 300 years ago. The war waged against the Am erican people by Tavistock is now 47 years old and shows no signs of letting up. As energy is the key to all life on this planet, throu


  • , the latter feeding off it and growing stronger, until the day comes when it is strong enough to de vour its creator, the people." When read in conjunction with the systems outlined in my book, the "Committee of 300", it is relatively easy to see just how far Tavistock's Operation Research project has succ eeded, and nowhere more so than in the United States. Recent statistic s show that 75 percent of sixth grad


  • ption of name tags such as Bolshevism, Socialism, Marxis m, Communism, Fabianism and Trotskyism, the fact is that the Bolshevik Revolution was a foreign ideology forced upon the Russian people by the Committee of 300 for economic gain and the control of Russia. It is that simple, and wh en stripped of all the rhetoric and terminology, makes the whole concept of "Commu nism" easier to understand. We should never,


  • rity. ISOO works with International Computer Aided Acquisitions and Logistic Support Industry St eering Group of the United States. Its business concer ns the regulating of commercial technology. The Committee of 300 controls these organizations and is the powerful unseen force behind the decision to make British and Swiss mobile cellular phones of the next 256 byte algorith generation comply with "snooping requi


  • ces may be. (Part 10, Article 1, Section 8.) What Carter and Bush did, and what Clinton is attempting to do now, is to compress and squeeze the Constitution to make it fit the desires and aims of the Committee of 300. Two examples that come to mind; abortion and gun control. Carter di d this compressing and squeezing in the Panama canal give-away. Ca rter was guilty of perjury in usurping and claiming he had the


  • nulfo Arias had shaken them when he began poking around in their banks in Panama City. The DEA estimates th at $6 billion a year finds its way from the United States to Panama. Coudert Brothers, the Committee of 300 "mob" lawyers for the Eastern Liberal Establishment, began steps that would ensure that another Arnulfo Arias did not threaten the increas- ingly lucrative cocaine business bu rsting their Panamanian


  • he PDF raid on Banco de Iberiamerica, which was owned by the Cali Cartel. Coup led with the de struction of a cocaine processing lab a nd a huge stock of ethyl ether in a remote jungle in Panama, the Committee of 300 gave the order to proceed with all possible speed have Noriega k illed, or kidnapped and brought to the United States. The Senate Foreign Affairs Subc ommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics and Internation


  • the fact, with sh ock and horror, that Moscow played only a very minor ro le in their betrayal. The major players are Washin gton and London. The supranational government, unde r the direction of the Committee of 300, uses its agenda on the destruction of the sovereignty of nations directly in Croatia and Bosnia-Her zogovina, and in the United States, where it is busy maki ng the U.S. Constitutio n subservient to


  • . Pope John Paul II put a spoke in th e Bush plan by letting it be known that he would "send a message to the Republics recognizing their independence." The a nnouncement sent Shoc kwaves through the Committee of 300 and the Washi ngton and London establishments, helping persuade Germany to reco gnize Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovi- na. Serbian leader Milosevic dropped "Yugoslavia" in favor of "Greater Serbia." All


  • the beginning of the Third World War. Even at that juncture, all was not hopeless; Serbia was isolated with only th e support of Mont enegro, and it looked as if MI6 might be thwarted. As has been a Committee of 300 custom for years, the United States stepped into the conflict in order to do the dirty work for the British. Bush intervened in Yugoslavia just as he did in the Gulf War. On May 20, 1991, Bush announ


  • m occurring. Thus, as the diplomats jawboned, Cr oatians, Muslims and Bosnians continued to bleed. Adding his suppor t to the farce, Bush dispatched long-time Illuminati member and top servant of the Committee of 300 Cyrus Vance to negotiate yet anot her round of peace talks. Arriving in Belgrade on October 9, Vance, an original member of the Inter- Religious Peace Colloquium held in 1972 - which laid down the ba


  • ake it easier for the Se rbian aggressors to go on murder- ing and land-grabbing. This is what "our" sovereign independent nation has come down to; we bow the knee to every demand that comes from the Committee of 300. We do not know as yet which of the Black Nobility is controlling the Serbians, but it is a foregone conclusion that there is involvement by some of their top members. Lebano n is a good example of t


  • him was made . Although he suffered serious stab wounds, Ray survived. There are just too many loose ends lying around for a convincing case to be made that Ka y fired the shot that killed King. The Committee of 300 is constantly striving to control all natural resources in all countries. Their position has been stated and restated by H.G. Wells and Lord Bertrand Russell. Nowhere was this position more strongly


  • DIPLOMACY BY DECEPTION oratory was creating such an im pression with the Congolese people that the Committee of 300 bega n to sit up and take notice. In August of 1960, two CIA officers, bo th with criminal records, were ordered by Allen Dull es to murder Lumumba within 3 months. Lumumba's gift of orat ory was not


  • the primary purpose of which was to separate the races in to different areas. Following rioting in April of 1953, new anti-terrorist legislation was introduced and put into effect At this poin t, the Committee of 300 226


  • homogeneous nation of united people.) The anti-apartheid clamor was raised to cover the real goal, that being to seize full control of So uth Africa's vast minera l riches, which will now pass to the Committee of 300. Mandela will be cast aside as a worn out tool which has served its purpose, when this has been accomplished. 232


  • e also known as "untouchables", an d they have very dark to black skins. The blacker their skins, the less "touchable" they are. In 1946 Lord Louis Mountbatten (Battenburg ) directly representing the Committee of 300, offered India full in dependence, a subterf uge to quel l serious rioting over cont inued famine that took th e livers of hundreds of thousands of Harijans. This was la rgely ignored by the Western


  • arations. Ve rsailles and San Remo Confer- ence. The Collected speeches of Congressman L.T. McFadden. League of Nations Documentation, Geneva. Royal Institute for In ternational Affairs. Dr.CoIeman, "Committee of 300." 247


  • DR JOHN COLEMAN Socialism: F.D. Roosevelt "Our Way." Communist Manifesto of 1848. "Fabian Freeway High Road to Soci alism hi America." Rose Martin. Dr.J.Coleman "Committee of 300" " " " "Is the U.S. a Member of the U.N.?" Senator Walsh. Big Five Dictatorsh ip at U.N. Congressional Record, Senate pages 8165-8166. Dr.J.Coleman. "Gulf War Aims Examined." Public Law 85766 Sect io


  • ." Washington Soviet Re view, January 1928. London Petroleum Ti mes, Nov.26,1927. Dr.J.Coleman "William K. D'Arcy. Mysterious New Zealander who opened the way for Committee of 3 00 oil companies. The Committee of 300." 249

File: Coleman - The Conspirators' Hierarchy - The Committee of 300 (1991) -




  • w a parallel between my article and the warning issued by the Bavarian government when the secret plans of the Il luminati fell into its hands. We shall return to the Club of Rome and the role of the Committee of 300 in U.S. affairs later herein. Many of the predictions made in that 1981 article have since come to pass, such as the unknown Felipe Gonz alez becoming prime minister of Spain, and Mitterand bei ng re


  • 5 of 300 member Olaf Palme, the nullifying of Reagan' s presidency and the destruction of our steel, auto and housing industries in terms of the post-industrial zero-growth order hand ed down by the Committee of 300. The importance of Palme lies in the use made of h im by the Club of Rome to deliver technology to the Soviet Un ion on the forbidden list of the U.S. Customs, and Palme's wor ld-wide communications


  • e of the word? From where did Presid ent Bush get his orders to act in this MONSTROUS fashion? He got them from the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA ) who received its mandate from the Committee of 300, also known as th e "Olympians." As we shall see, even the "Olympians" do not hide their faces. Often times they put on a show which could b e likened to the Paris Air Show, even as conspiracy buffs


  • Order Government which will return the world to conditions far worse than existed in t he Dark Ages. Let us talk about actual case histories, the atte mpt to communize and deindustrialize Italy. The Committee of 300 long ago decreed that there shall be a smaller—much smal ler—and better world, that is, their idea of what constitut es a better world. the myriads of useless eaters consuming scarce natu ral resourc


  • , an imp ortant meeting was held in Washington D.C. in December 198 0 under the auspices of the Club of Rome and the Socialist Inte rnational. Both these organizations are directly responsible to the Committee of 300. The main agenda was to formulate ways and mean s of how to neutralize the Reagan presidency. A group plan w as adopted and, as we look back, it is perfectly clear that th e plan the conspirators agr


  • ole in destabilizing the United Stat es by means of three wars, the Middle East, Korea and Vietnam, is well known, as is his role in the Gulf War, in which the U.S. A rmy acted as mercenaries for the Committee of 300 in bringing Ku wait back under its control and at the same time making an ex ample out of Iraq so that other small nations would not be tempt ed to work out their own destiny. Kissinger also threaten


  • n-building policies." Bhutto had fallen afoul of Kissinger and the Club of Rome by calling for a nuclear energy pr ogram to bring Pakistan into a modern industrialized state which, in the eyes of the Committee of 300, was a direct contravention of its orders delivered by Kissinger to the Pakistani government. What Kissinger was doing when he threatened Bhutto was not officia l U.S. policy, but the policy of the m


  • 15 Committee of 300—the ULTIMATE controlling body that runs the world and has done so for at least a hundred years. Since there already are scores of books on the Co uncil on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilaterals,


  • s the Chief Executive Offi cer for Giovanni Agnellis' Fiat Motor Company. Agnelli, a m ember of an ancient Italian Black Nobility family of the same n ame, is one of the most important members of the Committee of 300. He played a leading role in development projects in the Sovie t Union. The Club of Rome is a conspiratorial umbrella org anization, a marriage between Anglo-American financiers and th e old Black No


  • the STASSY. The Club of Rome also has its own highly organized poli tical and economic agencies. It was they who told President R eagan to retain the services of Paul Volcker, yet another im portant Committee of 300 member. Volcker stayed on as Feder al Reserve Board chairman, notwithstanding the faithful promis e of candidate Reagan that he would dismiss him as soon as he, Rea gan, was elected. The Club of Rome


  • 19 they had "never heard of it," nor did they have the slightest idea where I might find what I was seeking. Such is the power and prestige of the Committee of 300. In 1966 I was advised by my intelligence colleagu es to approach Dr. Anatol Rappaport who had written a tre atise in which the administration was said to be interested. It wa s a paper intended to b


  • rrestor-Meadows Report was a complete fraud. What it did not say was that man's proven inventive genius would in all likelihood work its way around "shortages." Fusion energy, the DEADLY enemy of the Committee of 300, could be applied to CREATING natural resources. A fusion torch could pr oduce from one square mile of ordinary rock enough aluminum, f or example, to fill our needs for 4 years. Peccei never tired o


  • of the world's hungry." In this is found the committee policy of delibera tely starving African nations to death, as evidenced in the sub-Sahara nations. This was cynicism at its worst, because th e Committee of 300 had already abrogated the decisions of life and death unto itself, and Peccei knew it. He had previously so in dicated in his book "Limits of Growth." Peccei completely dismisse d industrial and agri


  • s of limited wars in the advance d countries, and by means of starvation and diseases in Third World countries, the death of 3 billion people by the yea r 2000, people they call "useless eaters." The Committee of 300 co mmissioned Cyrus Vance to write a paper on this subject of how best to bring about such genocide. The paper was produced under t he title the "Global 2000 Report" and was accepted and approved for


  • e core of their economic policy, which is largely based on the teachings of Malthus, the son of an English country parson who was pushed to prominence by the British East India Company upon which the Committee of 300 is modeled. Malthus maintained that man's progress is tied to the earth's natural ability to support a given number o f people, beyond which point earth's limited resources would rapidly be depleted.


  • untry. The exact same economic planning, if one dare call it that, will be forced upon Russia, but if widespread opposition is encountered, the old price -support system will quickly be restored. The Committee of 300 ordered the Club of Rome to use Polish nationalism as a tool to destroy the Catholi c Church and pave the way for Russian troops to reoccupy the cou ntry. The "Solidarity" movement was a creation of


  • ovide an opiate for an increasingly purpose less mass." Was Brzezinski another seer and a prophet? Could he see into the future? The answer is NO; what he wrote in his book was simply copied from the Committee of 300's blueprint given to the Club of Rome for execution. Isn't it true that by 1991 we a lready have a purposeless mass of citizens? We could say that 30 million unemployed and 4 million homeless people


  • COULD GIVE RISE TO SO ME DIFFICULT QUESTIONS." Brzezinski was not writing as a private citizen b ut as Carter's National Security Advisor and a leading me mber of the Club of Rome and a member of the Committee of 300, a member of the CFR and as a member of the old Polish Black Nobility. His book explains how America must leave its industrial base behind and enter into what he called "a distinct new histo rical er


  • is is simply not so. The greatest danger arises from t he mass of traitors in our midst. Our Constitution warns us to be watchful of the enemy within our gates. These enemies are the s ervants of the Committee of 300 who occupy high positions with in our governmental structure. The UNITED STATES is where we MUST begin our fight to turn back the tide threatening t o engulf us, and where we must meet, and defeat th


  • alist "get Reagan" meeting which took p lace in December 1980. Present at the Gonzalez-Castro meeti ng was the left-wing guerrilla, Guillermo Ungo, run by the Ins titute for Policy Studies (IPS), the Committee of 300's most notoriou s Washington- based leftwing think tank. Ungo was run by an IPS f ellow who died in a mysterious plane crash while enroute from Wash ington to Havana to visit Castro. As most of us kn


  • of our faltering compani es and provided thousands of new jobs. This was to be prev ented all costs, even if it meant 30 years of war. Instead of seeing this huge potential in a positi ve light, the Committee of 300 saw it as a dangerous threat to it s postindustrial zero-growth U.S. plans and immediately acted to mak e an example of Argentina as a warning to other Latin Am erican nations to forget any ideas the


  • 33 President Lopes Portillo took office and nationaliz ed the banks Mexico was losing $200 million a day to capital fli ght, organized and orchestrated by the Committee of 300's represen tatives in banks and brokerage houses on Wall Street. If only we in the United States had statesmen and not politicians running the country, we could act toget her and set back the One Wor


  • already been destroyed. I reported Sir Peter's speech in my newsletter so on after it was delivered. How prophetic it was, but then it wa s easy to predict a future already written for America by the Committee of 300 and its executive Club of Rome. What was Sir Pe ter saying in a euphemistic manner? Translated into ordinary ever yday English, he was saying that the old American way of life, ou r true and trusted


  • eter a psychic, a magician of great repo rt or merely a charlatan fortune teller with a great deal of luck? The answer is "none of these." All Sir Peter was doing was reading off the blueprint of the Committee of 300-Club of Rome for slow death of the United States as a former industrial g iant. Looking back over the ten years of Sir Peter's predictions, can anybody doubt that the Committee of 300's plans for the


  • rt Butler, who ga ve President Reagan 3000 pages of "recommendations," w hich no doubt contained some opinions expressed by Anthony Wedgewood Benn, a member of parliament and a ranking member o f the Committee of 300. Benn told members of the Socialis t Internaional who met in Washington on December 8, 1980: "You can thrive under Volcker's credit collapse if you profile Reag an to intensify the credit collapse."


  • ic Society, both leftist spoiler operations to set industrial workers at variance with what it called "the Capita list class" and management. Both of Lippmann's projects were an int egral part of the Committee of 300 apparatus that stretched right across America, of which Lippmann was a most important mem ber.


  • l relationship" was respon sible for the U.S. fighting the Gulf War against Iraq for and on behalf of British interests, more especially British Petroleum, one o f the most important companies in the Committee of 300 in whic h Queen Elizabeth's immediate family has a big stake. No intelligence activity has taken place since 19 38 except through this special joint command structure. Philip Agee joined the CIA afte


  • e, especially during his time in Paris, before he sudd enly appeared as the savior of Iran. Boris Yeltsin is from the same M16-SIS stable. The Club of Rome feels confident that it has carr ied out it Committee of 300 mandate to "soften up" the United States. After 45 years of waging war on the people of this nation , who will doubt that it has indeed accomplished its task? Loo k around and see how we have been de


  • rael. During the Gulf War of genocide I received scores of letters asking me how I could oppose "a just Chri stian war against Iraq." How could I doubt that Christian fun damentalist support for the (Committee of 300's) war against Ir aq was not Biblical—after all didn't Billy Graham pray with Pr esident Bush just before the shooting started? Doesn't the Bible spea k of "wars and rumors of wars" ? These letters g


  • ogic al "forecasts" were made based on her "occult perceptions." Beside s Congressmen, other prominent people who attended he r sessions were Michael Walsh, Thornton Bradshaw—A LEADING MEM BER OF THE COMMITTEE OF 300—and David Sternlight, a senior vice- president of Allstate Insurance Company. Some of the more important members of the Committ ee of 300 are also members of NATO, a fact which we ought to remember.


  • nnocuous titles, break up into action committees, each of which is assigned a specific task and a specific target date by which time their assignments must be completed. If it does not hing else, the Committee of 300 is working to a very specific time -table. The first Club of Rome conference in the United S tates was called by the Committee of 300 in 1969 under the ti tle: "The Association of the Club of Rome."


  • before that, since the 1960's, by NAT OClub of Rome yes-men, thereby ensuring that key policy deci sions bore the indelible stamp of the Club of Rome and the CFR , acting as the executive arms of the Committee of 300. Both the 1984 and 1988 elections followed this longestablished pattern. Secretary of State George Schultz was the perfect choice of the Committee of 300 for the offi ce of Secretary of State. Schult


  • Tavistock by the United State s Government and Tavistock's strategic planners provide most of what the Pentagon uses for our defense establishment, even t oday. Here again is illustrated the grip the Committee of 300 has on the United States, and the majority of our institutions . Tavistock runs over 30 research institutions in the United States, all of which we will name in our charts at the end of the book. The


  • hological manipulation at which Tavistock is so very good. No t one of the ladies who read McCalls could have failed to be imp ressed by the terror-horror story of what a nuclear war looks lik e. The Committee of 300 has a major bureaucracy at i ts disposal made up of hundreds of think tanks and fro nt organizations that run the whole gamut of private b usiness and government leaders. I will mention as many as I


  • another of the committee's dir ect links with the Kremlin and the White House, a position which K issinger inherited after the death of Harriman. The Club of Rome is indeed a formidable agency of the Committee of 300. Although ostensibly working on Am erican affairs, the group overlaps other Committee of 300 agencies and its United States members are often found working w ith "problems" in Japan and Germany. Some


  • reduce the industrial base of the U.S. to a mere whisper of what it was in 1969. In other words, thi s institution is carrying out Club of Rome zero-growth post-industri al policies laid down by the Committee of 300. Some of its other aims are control of economic cy cles, welfare, regulation of business and national public works, control of pollution. Speaking on behalf of the Committee o f 300, Ashmore says the


  • 57 Officials: Dr. Kurt Lewin and staff of 15 new-sci ence scientists. Purpose: To create a climate where the Committee of 300 can take unlimited power over the U.S. INSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH Officials: Dr. Kurt Lewin and staff of 20 new-sci ence scientists. Purpose: To devise a whole new set of social prog rams to steer


  • 58 retrieval of individual records, criminal and socia l. It is a TYPICAL Committee of 300 project. There is a crying need for a full investigation to be conducted into just what it is t hat Systems Development Corporation is doing, but that is beyon d the scope of this book. One thing is


  • STITUTION Founded originally to fight Communism, the instit ution has slowly but surely turned toward Socialism. It has a n annual budget of $2 million, funded by companies under the umbrel la of the Committee of 300. It now concentrates on "peaceful changes" with emphasis on arms control and domestic U.S. problems . It is Frequently used by the news media as a "conservativ e" organization whose views they seek w


  • 60 his book "1984" appears to be remarkably similar to what is taught at HUMRRO. In 1969, the Committee of 300 took over this important institution and turned it into a private non-profit organization run under the auspices of the Club of Rome. It is the largest behavioral research group in the U.S. One of it


  • HINK WE SHOULD SEE. This is called " public opinion making." The whole idea behind this bit of social conditioning is to find out how responsive the publ ic is to POLICY DIRECTIVES handed down by the Committee of 300. We are called "targeted population groups" and what is mea sured by the pollsters is how much resistance is generated to wh at appears in the "Nightly News." Later, we shall learn exactly h ow this


  • book "TREND REPORT" which was commissioned by the C lub of Rome. In his book Naisbett describes all of the techniq ues used by public opinion makers to bring about the public opi nion desired by the Committee of 300. Public opinion making is the jewel in the crown of the OLYMPIANS, for with their thousands of newscience social scientists at their beck and call, and with the news media firmly in their hands, NEW


  • ing us into line in a New World Order with only a slight modicu m of resistance materializing, and this machinery has been in place since 1946. Each passing year has added new refinements. It is this Committee of 300 which has established control networks and mechanisms far more binding than anyth ing ever seen in this world. Chains and ropes are not needed to restrain us. Our fear of what is to come does that jo


  • ng us with such a complexity of issues that we simply suc cumb to long range penetration and make no decisions at all on m any vital issues. We shall be looking at the names of those who mak e up the Committee of 300 but, before we do that, we sho uld examine the massive interfacing of all important institutio ns, companies and banks under the Committee's control. We must mark t hem well because these are the peo


  • 66 The Committee of 300 is counting on our maladapti ve responses to govern our reaction to created events, and it will not be disappointed as long as we as a nation continue in the present way we respond. We must turn resp


  • Stanford Research Center (SRC) was founded in 194 6 by the Tavistock Institute For Human Relations. Stanfo rd was created to help Robert 0. Anderson and his ARCO oil company , who had secured for the Committee of 300 the oil rights on the North Slope of Alaska. Basically, the job was too large for Ande rson's Aspen Institute to handle, so a new center had to be foun ded and funded. That new center was Stanford Re


  • s against chemical warfare experimen ts conducted at Stanford, SRI "sold" itself to a private group f or just $25 million. Of course nothing really changed, SRI was still a T avistock project and the Committee of 300 still owned it, but the gu llible appeared to be satisfied by this meaningless cosmetic change . In 1958 a startling new development arose. Advanc ed Research Products Agency (ARPA), a contracting ag


  • n outcome of it s work with Urban Systems Associates, Inc. This should tell us a great deal about just how fa r this nation is already under TOTAL SURVEILLANCE, which i s the first requirement of the Committee of 300. No dictatorshi p, especially not one on a global scale, can function without tot al control over each and every individual. SRI was well on its way to becoming a key Committee of 300 research organi


  • whose fut ure is NOW and we are so numbed by one cultural shock after anothe r that to protest seems like a futile gesture and, therefore, logically we think, it does no good to protest. In 1986 the Committee of 300 ordered the pressure turned up. The U.S. was not going down fast enough. The Un ited States began the process of "recognizing" the butchers of Cambodia, the criminal Pol Pot regime, self confessors t


  • at es has become several nations struggling to coexist under a common system of government. When the floodgates of immigr ation were opened wide by Franklin D. Roosevelt, a cousin of t he head of the Committee of 300, the cultural shock caused great c onfusion and dislocation and made "One Nation" an unworkable con cept. The Club of Rome and NATO have exacerbated the situatio n. "Love thy neighbor" is an ideal th


  • for Human Relations has made sure that what the framers feare d might come to pass has indeed come to pass. That time has arri ved with Bush and his "no absolutes" and his New World Order unde r the Committee of 300. This is part of the concept of social changes for ced upon Americans which Harmon and the Club of Rome said wo uld make for severe trauma and a great building up of pressu re. The social upheavals t


  • 78 With President Bush and his "no absolute morals" guiding us, we blunder ahead as lost nations and individual s tend to do. We are collaborating with the Committee of 300 for our own downfall and our own enslavement. Some sense it—and feel a strong sense of unease. The various conspiracy theo ries they are familiar with do not seem to cover it all. This is because the


  • e upon line of secret societies? They form part of a world-wide chain of command and control running through the Club of Rom e, NATO, the RIIA and finally right up to the Conspirators' Hierarchy, The Committee of 300. Men need these secret societies b ecause their deeds are evil and must be hidden. Evil cannot stan d in the light of truth. In this book we shall find an almost complete lis t of the conspirators, t




  • orrupted by it. Our education system hasn't failed . Under the guidance of King, Black and the Myrdals it is actua lly a great success, but it all depends from whose point of vie w we look at it. The Committee of 300 is DELIGHTED with our educatio n system, and will not allow one comma of it to be changed. According to Stanford and Willis Harmon, the indu ced trauma of long range penetration of which our educa ti


  • g didn't have to worry ; thanks to his Friend Kenny Love, Ginsberg got the massive adverti sing all for free. With newspapers like the New York Times and t he Washington Post under the control of the Committee of 300, this kind of free advertising is given to any subject ma tter, and more especially to those promoting decadent life styles— drugs- hedonism—anything that will confuse the American pe ople. After the


  • hrough America's "beat generation." What started with the Beatles and sample packages o f LSD has grown into a flood-tide of drug usage which is swam ping America. The drug trade is controlled by the Committee of 300 from the Top down. The drug trade started with the Briti sh East India Company and was closely followed by the Dutch East India Company. Both were controlled by a "Council of 300. " The list of names


  • e most dangerou s of several hairpin bends, there was no stopping power, and it sailed over a stone wall, hitting the ground fifty feet below in a sickening smash. Everything possible was done by the Committee of 300 operatives to conceal the truth about the murder of Princess Grace. To this day the Rover car remains in the custody of French police, shrouded under a cover on a trailer which no one is allowed to a


  • y could even give God advice when he had trouble in Heaven. " Nor should we imagine that anything has changed in the interve ning years. EXACTLY the same attitude prevails today among memb ers of the Committee of 300, which is why they often refer to themselves as the "Olympians." Later the British Crown, i.e., the Royal Family, joined the British East India Company's trade, and used it as a vehicle to produce op


  • 102 about. It is about dirty multi-billion dollar money laundering which is carried out by major Swiss banking houses. It is about the Committee of 300 "legal" drug manufacturers. Switz erland is the Committee's ultimate "safe haven" for money and pro tection of their bodies in time of global calamity. Now mind you, one could get into serious troubl


  • e-Ka lergi who wrote a book in 1932 entitled "REVOLUTION THROUGH TECHNOLOGY which was a blueprint for the return of the world to a medieval society. The book, in fact, became a wor king paper for the Committee of 300's plan to deindustrialize the world, starting with the United States. Claiming that pressures of over-population are a serious problem, Kalergi advised a return to what he called "open spaces." Does


  • in opium trading, the only people allowed to make inst ant fortunes were the "nobility," the "aristocracy," the plutocr ats and oligarchical families of England, many of whose des cendants sit on the Committee of 300 just as their forbears sat on t he Council of 300 who ran the BEIC. Outsiders like Mr. Sullivan s oon found themselves in trouble with the Crown if they were s o bold as to try and help themselves ge


  • who were entrenched in Canton at the height of the opium trade left their descendants in position. Look at a list of prominent British residents in China and you will see the nam es of members of the Committee of 300 among them. The same holds good for Hong Kong. These plutocrats of a feudal era, that t hey seek to return to the world, control the gold and opium tra de of which Hong Kong is THE center. Burmese an


  • n opium/heroin—would take a te rrible beating if it were not for the opium trade it share s with Britain. The BEIC is gone but the descendants of the Council of 300 linger on in the membership of the Committee of 300.


  • he meeting that they could literal ly cause a run on any country's currency, using narco-dollars, whi ch would precipitate a flight of capital. Rainer-Gut, a Cred it Suisse delegate and member of the Committee of 300, said he foresaw a situation where national credit and national financing would be under one umbrella organization by the turn of the century. W hile Rainer-Gut did not spell it out, everybody at the


  • as of 1991. There is not a single government that does not kn ow precisely what is going on with regard to the drug trade, but individual members holding powerful positions are t aken, but of by the Committee of 300 through its world-wide network of subsidiaries. If any government member is "difficul t," he or she is removed, as in the case of Pakistan's Ali Bhutto an d Italy's Aldo Moro. No one is beyond the re


  • heroin a nd cocaine presently finding their way to markets in E urope is to end the TIR system. That will never happen. The interna tional treaty obligations I have just mentioned were set up by th e Committee of 300, using its amazing networks and control mechani sms, to facilitate passage of all manner of drugs to Wester n Europe. Forget perishable goods! A former DEA agent station ed in Italy told me, "TIR=DOP
  • c, to make us think our gov ernment is really doing something about the drug menace. Take for example, "The French Connection," a Nixon program embarked u pon without the knowledge and consent of the committee of 300. The entire amount of opium/heroin seized in that massive effort is somewhat less than one quarter of what a single TIR truck carries. The Committee of 300 saw to it that Nixon paid a heavy price for


  • an't back off from calling for an inquiry, and neither can he afford to offend the military. It is the first such crack in the tight chain of command in Mexico that stretches all the w ay back to the Committee of 300. Raw opium from the Golden Triangle is pipelined t o the Sicilian Mafia and the French end of the business f or refining in the laboratories that infest the French coastline from Marseilles to Monte-


  • and Lebanon. Whe n the Shah of Iran was in control of the country, he refused t o allow the heroin trade to continue and it was forcibly discon tinuedup until the time that he was "dealt with" by the Committee of 300. Raw opium from Turkey and Lebanon finds it way to Corsi ca, from where it is shipped to Monte Carlo with the conniva nce of the Grimaldi family. Pakistani laboratories, under the guise of "military


  • merica who grew immensely wealthy from the China opium tra de. Since this is not a book about the drug trade, I cannot of necessity, cover the subject in an in-depth manner. But its importance to the Committee of 300 must be emphasiz ed. America is run not by 60 families but by 300 families and E ngland is run by 100 families and, as we shall see, these families a re intertwined through marriage, companies, banks


  • at deal easier for Nicolas Ardito Barlett a who used to be run by the Ochoa brothers and who is fixing to fron t for the Cali cartel." Based on my experience with the heroin trade I be lieve that the Committee of 300 has stepped in and taken over full control of the South American cocaine trade. There is no other explanation For the rise of the Cali cartel which i s coupled with the kidnaping of Noriega. Did Bush


  • , my country, right or wrong." Thus a powerful moment um was created to "get Noriega." It is evident that Norieg a could well prove a serious impediment to the international dru g merchants and their Committee of 300 bankers, so he had to be removed before he could do some significant damage. Bush was pressured by his British masters to cond uct an illegal search and seizure operation in Panama that resulted in t


  • ision of how the cocaine trade is to be run; no more wild stuff, no more blazing guns. Let the gentlemen of the Cali cartel in pin-stripe suits conduct the business in a gentlemanly way In short, the Committee of 300 has taken a direct h and in the cocaine trade which henceforth will go as smoothly as the heroin trade. The new government of Colombia is geared to the change in tactics and direction. It is on notic


  • f the United States. Today the Ba rings run a number of very substantial financial operations in the United States. All of those names mentioned were, and thei r descendants still are, members of the Committee of 300. The majority of families who go to make up the Ea stern Liberal Establishment, among whom are the wealthies t to be found in this country, derived their fortunes from either the cotton trade or the


  • he went respectable by buying up large tracts of Manhattan real estate with his dirty mone y. During his lifetime Astor played a big role in the Committee o f 300s' deliberations. In fact, it was the Committee of 300 who chose who would be allowed to participate in the fabulously l ucrative China opium trade, through its monopolist BEIC, and the b eneficiaries of their largess remained forever wedded to the Commi


  • 128 Vancouver and Portland. They created a huge culture problem that has never ceased to exist. It is interesting to note that Cecil John Rhodes, a Committee of 300 member who fronted for the Rothsch ilds in South Africa followed the Inchcape pattern, bringin g hundreds of thousand of Indian "coolies" to work on the sugar c ane plantations in Natal province. Amo


  • oyal Institute of International Affairs had other ideas. Founded in 1919 in the wake of the Paris Pea ce Conference held at Versailles, this was one of the earliest "f oreign policy" executors of the Committee of 300. Research I have done on the Congressional Records, House, show that Porter was totally unaware of the powerful forces he was up against. P orter was not even aware of the existence of the RIIA, much


  • Philadelphia Quakers and owned hal f of the real estate of that city, all made possible because of t he fortune the Baring Brothers had amassed from the China opium tr ade. Another beneficiary of the Committee of 300's largess was S tephen Girard, whose descendants inherited the Girard Bank and Tru st. The names of the families, whose history is inter twined with that of Boston and who would never give us ord ina


  • y endowed Harvard University. After all, Canton and Tientsin are a long way from Boston, and who would have cared anyway? What helped The Perkinses a lot was that Morgan w as a powerful member of the Committee of 300, which enab led Thomas N. Perkins to rapidly further his career in the Chi na opium trade. All the Morgans and Perkinses were Freemasons, whic h was another tie that bound them together, for only Fre


  • who run them are intertwined would perplex Sherlock Holmes, yet somehow they must be unraveled and followed if we are to underst and their connections with the drug trade and their membershi p in the Committee of 300. The two-track entry into the United States of alc ohol and drugs were products of the same stable occupied by the same thoroughbreds. First, prohibition had to be introdu ced into the United States.


  • tephenson, whose right hand man, Major John Mortime r Bloomfield, a Canadian citizen, ran Division Five o f the FBI throughout the Second World War. Stephenson was an early member of the 2Oth century Committee of 300, althou gh Bloomfield never made it that far. As I revealed in my series of


  • 135 International (BCCI) which is likely to expose a gr eat deal about the drug trade if ever a proper investigation is ca rried out. One of the largest assets in the portfolio of the Committee of 300 companies is American Express (AMEX). Its pr esidents regularly occupy positions on the Committee of 300. I first got interested in Amex when I was carrying out an on-th e-spot investigation that led


  • ate company ha s the right to print dollars—aren't American Express travelers che cks dollars? I subsequently exposed the Safra-Amex drug connection s which upset a lot of people, as can be imagined. Committee of 300 member Japhet controls Charterhou se Japhet, which in turn controls Jardine Matheson as a direct link to the Hong Kong opium trade. The Japhets are reported ly English Quakers. The Matheson family, a


  • 138 a blessing, but a blessing fraught with grave socia l and political dangers. By making a harmless chemical euphoria fre ely available, a dictator (read Committee of 300) could reconcile an entire population to a state of affairs to which self-resp ecting human beings ought not to be reconciled." Quite a dialectical masterpiece. What Huxley was advocating and which i


  • aptivity. In 1980 I wrote a monograph under the title, "What Really Happened in Iran," which set out the facts. The arms trade with Iran was sealed at a meeting between Cyrus Van ce, a servant of the Committee of 300, and Dr. Hashemi, which res ulted in the U.S. Air Force beginning an immediate airlift of ar ms to Iran, carried on even at the height of the hostage crisis the arms came from U.S. Army stockpiles in


  • uckley was sent back to Beirut. Buckley was in effect sentenced to death by the CIA in order to silence h im, and this time the sentence was carried out. William Buckley was kidnaped by agents of the Committee of 300. Under brutal int errogation by General Mohammed el Khouili of Syrian intelligence to force him to disclose the names of all field officers of the DEA in these countries, he was brutally murdered. Hi


  • 143 which came from the "instant fortunes" of the BEIC opium trade in China into the pockets of the plutocrats. Committee of 300 members Cecil John Rhodes, Barney Barnato and Alfred Beit instigated and engineered t he war. Rhodes was the principle agent for the Rothschilds, whose banks were awash in cash flowing from the opium


  • d out for three years. "We went to Sou th Africa thinking the war would be over in a week," said Kip ling. "Instead, the Boers taught us no end of a lesson." That same "lesson" could be taught to the Committee of 300 today if we could but muster 10,000 leaders, good men and true to lead this nati on in battle against the gargantuan monster threatening to devou r everything our Constitution stands for. After the w


  • ring away at the United States from the inside fell to William Yandell Elliot, the man who spawned Henry Kissinger and who was responsible for his met eoric rise to power as chief U.S. advisor to the Committee of 300 . William Yandell Elliot was "an American at Oxford ," who had already served the Committee of 300 well, which is a prerequisite for higher office in the service of th e committee. After graduating f


  • e to the RIIA, and right back to the Queen of England. The h umiliation of Nixon was an object lesson and a warning to future Presidents of the United States not to imagine they could go agai nst the Committee of 300 and win. Kennedy was brutally murd ered in full view of the American people for the same reason; Ni xon was not considered worthy enough to suffer the same fate as John F. Kennedy. But whatever the m


  • oligarchical families that go to make it up . The camouflage they pull over themselves as protective covering is very hard to rip off. This fact should be noted by every freedom-lov ing American: The Committee of 300 dictates what passes for Unite d States foreign and domestic policies and has done so for o ver 200 years. Nowhere was this more strikingly portrayed than whe n a cocky President Truman had the wind


  • med aggression against Japan. This is already in the works; it is only a matter of time before more of our sons and daughters are sent off to be slaughtered in the service of the feudal lords of t he Committee of 300. We ought to shout from the housetops, "It is n ot for freedom nor for love of country that we are going to die, b ut for a system of tyranny that will shortly envelope the entire wo rld." So tight i


  • 151 Some of the old barriers have been broken down. Tit le is today not the only criteria for admission to the Club of Rome . It is appropriate to provide an overview of what t he Committee of 300 hopes to achieve, what its aims an d objectives are before we proceed to its vast, far flung interl ocking interfacing of banks, insurance companies, corporations, etc. T he following information has


  • , they will be influencing and controlling the ostensible government." Like George Orwell's 1984, Wells'account is a mas s-appeal for a One World Government. Summarized, the intent and purpose of the Committee of 300 is to bring to pass the fol lowing conditions: A One World Government and one-unit monetary syst em under permanent non-elected hereditary oligarchists who self select from among their numbers in the


  • rulin g oligarethical class allowing just enough foods and s ervices to be produced to keep the mass slave labor camps going. All wealth shall be aggregated in the hands of the elite membe rs of the Committee of 300. Each individual shall be indoctri nated to understand that he or she is totally dependent upon the state for survival. The world shall be ruled by Committee of 300 Executive Decrees which become ins


  • 155 Industry is to be totally destroyed along with nu clear powered energy systems. Only the Committee of 300 m embers and their elitists shall have the right to any of t he earth's resources. Agriculture shall be solely in the hands of the Com mittee of 300 with food production strictly controlled. As these


  • 156 Committee of 300. Space weapons of all former natio ns shall be destroyed along with nuclear weapons. All essential and non-essential pharmaceutical pr oducts, doctors, dentists and health care workers will be r egis


  • raining to qualify as pri son guards for the One World labor camp system. It is obvious from the foregoing that much work r emains to be done before the dawning of the New World Order c an occur. The Committee of 300 has long ago perfected plans t o destabilize civilization as we know it, some of which plans wer e made known by Zbignew Brzezinski in his classic work "THE TECH NOTRONIC


  • ge his death. Reilly lived out his days in utter luxury in a Russia villa usually reserved for the Bolshevik elite. Arguing that chaos would ensue unless the "Atlant ic Alliance," a euphemism for the Committee of 300 rul ed post industrial America, Peccei proposed a Malthusian tr iaging on a global scale. He envisioned a collision between the scientifictechnological-military apparatus of the S oviet Union and the


  • 159 strong, united Soviet nation. Plans that were laid down by the Committee of 300 for a One World Government, which included the prospect of a divided Russia, are now approachi ng a point of rapid escalation. Events in Russia at the close of 1991 are all the more dramatic when vie


  • t of a country allegedly wedded to republi canism under a unique constitution would engage in such conduct, but the facts speak for themselves. This is a goal which was set over a century ago b y the Committee of 300. The United States has led the att acks on such governments and continues to do so even as the Unit ed States republican base is being steadily undermined. Start ing with James Earl Carter's legal co


  • s huge web of related capabilities has been under the control of one single entity, and that entity is still in control as we enter 1992. That single entity, the conspirators'hierarchy, is called THE COMMITTEE OF 300. It is a power structure and a pow er center that operates far beyond the reach of any single wo rld leader or any government, including the United States governm ent and its Presidents—as the late J


  • he military-industrial complex." Stalin kept the USSR heavily armed with conventional and n uclear forces because he did not trust what he called "the family ." His ingrained mistrust and fear of the Committee of 300 proved to be well- founded. Popular entertainment, especially the medium of m ovie making, was used to bring discredit upon those who tried to warn of this most dangerous threat to individual liberty


  • . The primary contact man was Jacques Sous telle—this according to U.S. Army-G2 intelligence files. This group was also closely allied with Allen Dul les and Jean de Menil, an important member of the Committee of 300 and a very prominent name in the oil industry in Texas. ArmyG2 records show that the group was heavily involved in the arms trade in the Middle East, but more than that, the a ssassination bureau mad


  • SSAD consisted of 3 groups, the Bureau of Military Intel ligence, the Political Department of the Foreign Office and the Department of Security (Sherut Habitachon). David Ben Gurion, a m ember of the Committee of 300, received some considerable help f rom MI6 in putting it together.


  • the MOSSAD knows about the lives of millions of America ns in every walk of life, even those who are not political in a ny way. The first head of the MOSSAD, Reuben Shiloach, was made a member of the Committee of 300, but it is not kno wn whether his successor enjoyed the same privilege. Chances a re that he does. The MOSSAD has a skillful disinformation serv ice. The amount of disinformation it feeds to the Amer


  • with great attendant publicity and with the utmost brutality to serve as a warning to world leaders no t to get out of line. Pope John Paul I was quietly murdered because he was getting close to the Committee of 300 through Freem asons in the Vatican hierarchy. His successor, Pope John Paul 11 , was publicly humiliated as a warning to cease and desist—which h e has done. As we shall see, certain Vatican leaders


  • 168 had a hand in setting up the NRO and he was reporte dly livid when Truman discovered its existence. Churchill mor e than any other servant of the Committee of 300, considered T ruman His- Little-Man from independence "without an independen ce at all." This referred to Truman's every move being controll ed by Freemasonry. Even today, NRO's annual budget is not


  • 169 would astound even the most knowledgeable if ever t hey were to be made public, which is why it rates as the Master service of the Committee of 300. Officially, MI6 does not exist, its budget comes out of the Queen's purse and "private funds," and is reported to be in a range of $350-$500 million per annum, but no one kn ows for sure what the ex


  • recycling drug dollars. Each of these banks is affiliated wit h and/or controls hundreds of thousands of large and small banks thro ughout the world. Banks large and small in the thousands are in the Committee of 300 network, including Banca Commercia le d'Italia, Banca Privata, Banco Ambrosiano, the Netherlands Ba nk, Barclays Bank, Banco del Colombia, Banco de Ibero-America. O f special interest is Banca del la


  • d minerals, many of them of absolutely vital stra tegic value to United States, passed into the hands of the Committ ee of 300. Thus was the vision of one of the earlier South A frican members of the Committee of 300, Cecil John Rhodes, fully realized, a vision which started with the spilling of the blood of thousands upon thousands of White farmers and their families in South Africa, whom history records as the


  • 172 Prominent on the board of these two insurance gian ts are Committee of 300 members: the Giustiniani family, B lack Nobility of Rome and Venice who trace their lineage to the E mperor Justianian; Sir Jocelyn Hambro of Hambros (Merchant ) Bank; Pierpaolo Luzzatti Fequiz, whos


  • 00: Lord Hartley Shawcross. Sir Brian Edward Mountain. Sir Kenneth Keith. Sir Kenneth Strong. Sir William Stephenson. Sir William Wiseman. All of the fore going are (or were) heavily invol ved in key Committee of 300 companies which interface with lit erally thousands of companies engaged in every branch of c ommercial activity as we shall see. Some of these companies include Rank Organization , Xerox Corporation


  • 174 Morgan Guarantee, Drexel Burnham Lambert was a favo rite of the Committee of 300. In 1981 almost every major brokera ge house on Wall Street had sold out to the Committee, Phibr o merging with Salomon Brothers. Phibro is the business arm of the Oppenheimers of Anglo American Corp


  • by the Rank Organization, a Londonbased conglomerate fully controlled by members of Queen E lizabeth's immediate family. Notable members of the board of Rank Organization who are also members of the Committee of 300 are the fo llowing: Lord Helsby, chairman of the drug money clearing house, Midland Bank. Helsby's other positions include a di rectorship in the giant Imperial Group and the Industrial and Commerc i


  • reign Relations. Bradshaw is also chairman of NBC. The most importan t function of RCA remains its service to British intelligence. It is not generally known how powerful was the ro le played by the Committee of 300 in stopping the investigati on into the CIA which Senator McCarthy almost succeeded in pulling off. Had


  • 179 But the best proof I can offer of the existence o f the Committee of 300 is the Rank Organization which, in conjunction with Eagle Star, IS THE BRITISH CROWN. It is also t he black operations center of MI6 (SIS). Between them, these two Committee of 300 companies control


  • gs. There is no one in the world who can do a better job of "fronting," through companies, t han MI6 Yet, like Switzerland, there is a dirty side to C anada that has been well-hidden from view by the Committee of 300 under cover of the Official Secrets Act, a carbon-copy of the British law passed in 1913. Drugs, dirty money laundering, crim e and racketeering are all covered by their infamous Act. Not known to ma


  • spaper institution, the Londo n Times and the Sunday Times. For over 100 years the "Times" ha s been the Crown's voice on foreign affairs, finance matters a nd political life in England. Like so many Committee of 300 members, Sir Kennet h circulated between MI6 and the opium supply chain o f command in Hong Kong and China, ostensibly on business for the Canadian Institute for International Affairs, of which he wa


  • 182 Through these three "Crown banks" a network of Committee of 300 agents responsible to Gordon overs aw the world's second largest dirty drug money laundering operation, with a direct open door to China. Before his death, Gord on controlled James Endicott, Chester


  • 183 The MASSIVE gridding and interfacing of just this one single unit of the Committee of 300 will give us a good indication of the vast power at the disposal of the conspirato rs' hierarchy, before which all knees are bowed, including the kne e of the President of the United States, whomever


  • wh o masterminds shipments from Canada to the U.S. Remem ber, all this is under the aegis of a single company, griddi ng and interfacing with a myriad of smaller companies and operations to give the Committee of 300 full control of a multipl icity of operations, each one carefully interlocked in the g rid. Reliance Group is a spinoff of the parent company whose function it is to brainwash the American people thr


  • tandard training for cert ain intelligence groups, which includes the CIA. Yankelovich's task was to destroy traditional Ame rican values and replace them with New Age-Age of Aquariu s values. As the Committee of 300's most senior public opinion m aker, no one can doubt that Yankelovich has done a superb job. Probably the best way to explain what methods are used and what results are expected to be achieved is to


  • ill have become an entirely differen t society from the one it when the recession began. Opinion makers have played no small part in this war on the United States; we need to examine the role of t he Committee of 300 in bringing about these far-reaching changes and how the social engineers have used central systems analyses to keep public opinion from expressing anything other than the pol icies of the invisible


  • who "pull the wires which control the pu blic mind...," but in this book we shall make up for his intention al oversight by disclosing the existence of that "relatively small number of persons," the Committee of 300. Bernays was roundly applauded for his work by the CFR whose members voted to plac e him in charge of CBS. William Paley became his "undergradu ate" and eventually replaced Bernays, having acquired t


  • hapel, Windsor Castle, by Her Majesty, Queen Eliza beth II of England, of the Black Nobility Guelphs, also head o f the Anglican Church, which she thoroughly despises." Carrington was selected by the Committee of 300 t o bring down the government of Rhodesia, sign over the mine ral wealth of Angola and South West Africa to City of London cont rol, wreck the Argentine and turn NATO into a leftwing political o rgan


  • 193 The Knights of the Order of the Garter are the le aders of the Committee of 300, Queen Elizabeth II's most tru sted "privy council." When I did my research on the Order of St . John of Jerusalem some years ago, I went to Oxford to talk with one of the Masters who is a specialist


  • w proof of Jewish co ntrol of Canada (which the Bronfmans exercise), is immediate ly arrested and charged with so-called "hate crimes." This will give us some idea of the vastness of the reach of the Committee of 300 which quite literally sits on top of everything n this wo rld. Testifying to the truth of this statement is the fact that the Committee of 300 set up the International Institute for Strategic Studies


  • opinions, but to get those opinions and scenarios out much fa ster and to a greater audience than could be reached by a book, f or example. IISS is a good example of the gridding and interfac ing of Committee of 300 institutions. The idea of bringing IISS into being arose at the 1957 Bilderberger meeting. It will be recalled that the Bilderberger Conference is a creation of M16 under the direction of the Royal I


  • papers. Again, it is worth repeating that Watergate , like many other operations we do not have the space to includ e here, demonstrated the COMPLETE CONTROL exercised over th e United States by the Committee of 300. While Nixon kept company with people like Earl Wa rren and some Mafia dons who had built Warren's house, that does not mean that he should have been disgraced over the Wa tergate Affair. My dislike


  • Senator Sam Ervin did m ore to change the United States than anything President Nixon was alleged to have done, and the United States has not yet recove red from the near-mortal wound of Watergate, a Committee of 300 sponsored operation conducted by the Royal Institute for Inte rnational Affairs, the Round Table and "hands on" M16 officers based i n the United States. The way President Nixon was first isolated, s


  • fiscal and monetary policies of the United States was the brai nchild of Sir Harold Lever, a strong backer of Zionism and a clos e confidant of members of the British royal family and a member of the Committee of 300. Sir Harold Lever was a director o f the giant UMILEVER conglomerate, an important Committee of 30 0


  • be present at his meeting with Vogel, w ho explained to President Reagan what the aims and objectives of the Ditchley Group were. From that day, President Reagan did an about face and worked with the Committee of 300's various agen cies to advance the International Monetary Fund and the Ban k of International Settlements as the authority on U.S d omestic and foreign monetary policies. The invisible government of


  • t documents that would have exposed the treaso n being worked against the young United States of America t o the Watergating of President Nixon and assassination of President Kennedy, the hand of the Committee of 300 is clearl y visible. This book is an attempt to open the eyes of the American people to this terrible truth: We are not an independent nation, n or can we ever be, as long as we are ruled by an invis


  • 209 PAST AND PRESENT INSTITUTIONS / ORGANIZATIONS AND THOSE DIRECTLY UNDER INFLUENCE OF THE COMMITTEE OF 300 Academy for Contemporary Problems. Africa Fund. Agency of International Development. Albert Previn Foundation. Alliance Israelite Universalle. American Civil Liberties Union American Council of Race


  • World Constitution. Communist League. Congress of Industrial Organizations. Council on Foreign Relations. David Sassoon Company. De Beers Consolidated Mines. Democratic League of Brussels. East India Committee of 300. Economic and Social Control (ECOSOC). Environmental Fund. Environmetrics Inc. Esalen Institute. Fabian Society. Federation of American Zionists. Fellowship for a Christian Social Order. Fellowship o


  • y his life), and President Johnson's "Great Society." Brookings has been telli ng the United States Government how to conduct its affairs for th e past 70 years and is still doing so on behalf of the Committee of 300. HUDSON INSTITUTE Under the direction of Herman Khan, this institut ion has done more to shape the way Americans react to polit ical and social events, think, vote and generally conduct themselve s t


  • ms and helped to promote new youth fash ions and ideas, youth rebellion and alienation for the Commi ttee of 300, ostensibly funded by Coca Cola. Hudson may be quite properly classified as one of the Committee of 300's BRAIN-W ASHING establishments. Some of its nuclear war scenarios m ake for very interesting reading and, if they can be obtained, I would recommend "The 6 Basic Thermonuclear Threats" and " Possibl


  • orated. This method is very much in demand as we come to th e close of 1991 with millions more out of work than is reflect ed in USDL statistics. Wharton's ECONOMETRIC MODELING is used by every major Committee of 300 company in the United States, Western Europe and by the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations and the World Bank. Wharton has produced su ch noteworthy persons as George Schultz and Alan Gr


  • ylvania. It is estimated by sources of mine that the total number of people employed by these institutions is in the reg ion of 50,000 with funding close to $lO billion dollars. Some major world-wide Committee of 300 institution s and organizations are as follows: Americans for a Safe Israel. Biblical Archaeology Review. Bilderbergers. British Petroleum. Canadian Institute of Foreign Relations. Christian Fundamen


  • lateral Commission. Universal Freemasonry. Universal Zionism. Vickers Armament Company. Warren Commission. Watergate Committee. Wilton Park. World Council of Churches. PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE OF 300 Abergavemy, Marquis of. Acheson, Dean. Adeane, Lord Michael. Agnelli, Giovanni. Alba, Duke of. Aldington, Lord. Aleman, Miguel. Allihone, Professor T. E. Alsop Family Designate. Amory, Houghton. Ande



File: David Icke - And the Truth Shall Set You Free, 21st Century Edition (2004) -


  • ually overdrawn on his account, such was his ability to spend. A large amount went to furthering his aims of a world government. Rhodes is claimed to have been a member of an elite group known as the Committee of 300, also known as the Olympians. This organisation was the subject of a book by Dr John Coleman called Conspirators Hierarchy: The Story Of The Committee Of 300. Coleman claims to have been an intellige


  • e Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and his successor, Winston Churchill (Comm 300). Chamberlain and his close aide, Lord Halifax (a Round Table member almost from its foundation and a member of the Committee of 300), supported the appeasement of Hitler. Milner and his fellow manipulators agreed with this policy. Speeches by the Round Table /Royal Institute high command like Lionel Curtis (Comm 300), Leopold Ame


  • he forced sterilisation of the Tower classes' to bring about a Master Race). These were the people who met to discuss opposition to Hitler! Churchill, Beaverbrook and Harriman were all members of the Committee of 300. Harriman was close to both Roosevelt and Churchill and he acted as the go- between, advising both of them. From this position, he could manipulate the two leaders as he liked, or rather, as the Glob


  • as the vehicle through which the United Nations was manipulated into being. The US delegation at the San Francisco Conference also included: John J. McCloy (CFR chairman from 1953-70, a member of the Committee of 300, the chairman of the Ford Foundation and the Rockefellers' Chase Manhattan Bank, and friend and advisor to nine presidents from Roosevelt to Reagan); John Foster Dulles (Hitler supporter, CFR founder


  • since 1991 that post has been held by Lord Carrington. He is an extremely close associate of Henry Kissinger. Carrington is a former British cabinet minister, secretary general of NATO, member of the Committee of 300, and current President of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. Peter Rupert Carrington comes from a family which made its money from banking. Carrington was on the board of Hambros Bank (Com


  • sociates, among whose founding directors you will find.. .Lord Carrington! Kissinger and Carrington have close connections with Lord Roll of Ipsden, another Bilderberger, Trilateralist, member of the Committee of 300, and board member of Kissinger Associates. Lord Roll (formerly Sir Eric Roll) was the president of the merchant bank, S.G. Warburg. Another close friend of Kissinger in England was British Intelligen


  • ss, New York, 1970) p9 45 Trilateralism, p78 46 Quoted in Trilateralism, pl97 47 Los Angeles Times (January 23rd 1977) p1 48 Quoted by Dr John Coleman in The Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story Of The Committee Of 300 (America West Publishers, Bozeman, MT, USA, 1992) pl5 49 Gary Allen, The Rockefeller File (76 Press, Seal Beach, California, 1976) pl52 50 Executive Intelligence Review Special Report, Global 2000: B


  • the New World Order into being. Some researchers believe that the Rothschilds are at the peak of the Pyramid (I don't) and under them is a Council of Thirteen, a Council of Thirty Three, and then the Committee of 300, also known as the Olympians.1 The Global Elite as a whole is the group of people who are selected and initiated into the higher, sometimes highest, levels of knowledge in the whole human structure.


  • d Spanish royal families are often represented at Bilderberg meetings. In the UK, Prince Philip and Prince Charles have attended Bilderberg meetings and Queen Elizabeth II is named as a member of the Committee of 300.3 It is believed by researchers who have investigated the Black Nobility, that at this level the British Royal Family is subordinate to the Italian members who trace their ancestry back to the origin


  • s (Jardine Matheson) and many others supported by the British governments of Lord Palmerston, the symbolic head of Grand Orient Freemasonry. The Keswicks and Jardine Matheson have been members of the Committee of 300. Given the source of its creation, therefore, it was only right that the Skull and Bones Society was launched with a pirate's flag as its symbol. The link between the Skull and Bones and the families


  • 2 0 2 .. .and the truth shall set you free SOURCES 1 Secret Societies, pp294-295. See also Dr John Coleman's Conspirators Hierarchy. The Story Of The Committee Of 300. 2 The Sunday Times (December 17th 1995) p1, section 3 3 Conspirators Hierarchy. The Story Of The Committee Of 300. See also Who's Who Of The Elite by Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr. (RIE, Spicewood, Texas,


  • den (then Sir Eric Roll), was one who exploited this situation to great effect and made vast sums for S.G. Warburg. Roll is a former chairman of the Bilderberg Group, a Trilateralist, a member of the Committee of 300, and a board member of Kissinger Associates. The value of the US dollar plummeted as a result of these events, but delinking the dollar from its exchange for gold was only the first stage in the Elit


  • il on Foreign Relations. McCloy was also a chairman of the Ford Foundation and of David Rockefeller's Chase Manhattan Bank. He was a US delegate at the founding of the United Nations, a member of the Committee of 300, and helped Jean Monnet (Comm 300) to create the European Community. During the war he opposed a policy of accepting the Japanese surrender without dropping the atomic bombs. After the war, he ordere


  • uring this time, before and after Watergate, Kissinger (Comm 300) was in close contact with his friends in British Intelligence circles whom he worked with over the decades. These have included other Committee of 300 members like Sir Eric Roll (Lord Roll of Ipsden), and Lord Victor Rothschild the manipulator of British intelligence and Mossad, and Soviet spy along with Philby, Burgess, Maclean, and Blunt. Blunt l


  • piracy as the son of Prescott Bush and was given all the background and experience he needed to be its frontman. He was a member of the Skull and Bones Society, a 33rd degree Freemason, member of the Committee of 300, Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission, oilman, ambassador to China and the United Nations (both under Kissinger), chairman of the Republican Party National Committee, CIA operat


  • the hidden hand 285 OSS agents in Europe were trained at the British espionage headquarters at Bletchley Park, close to Woburn Abbey, from where Sefton Delmer (agent to Committee of 300 newspaper tycoon, Lord Beaverbrook) operated a British dirty tricks department. Woburn was the home of the Duke of Bedford, Marquess of Tavistock. The British Bureau of Psychological Warfare became k


  • of the British Empire. Queen Victoria's Prime Minister, who was involved in both wars, was Lord Palmerston, the Grand Patriarch or Master of Grand Orient (Illuminati) Freemasonry and a member of the Committee of 300. The vehicle for this trade in opium from India to China and elsewhere was the East India Company, a group of Scottish merchants who were aligned with the Knights of St John of Jerusalem and the Soci


  • that Gaitskell died, opening the way for the Bilderberger Sir Alec Douglas Hume (Lord Home) to take over the Premiership. Hume would later be a chairman of the Bilderberg Group and also served on the Committee of 300. The following year Hume faced - and was defeated by - Harold Wilson, in the 1964 election. The political upheavals in Britain mirrored those in the United States where Lyndon Johnson became presiden


  • ch a phenomenon is a manipulator's nightmare and, like everyone on this planet, you have that power. You only have to use it. SOURCES 1 See Dr John Coleman's Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story Of The Committee Of 300 2 The Sunday Telegraph (February 5th 1995) 3 Oswald Le Winter, CIA operative 1968-85, speaking on the documentary, The Maltese Double Cross, which was shown to British MPs in 1994. 4 Ibid 5 There was


  • . In 1993 Joseph Connor (CFR) was appointed undersecretary-general for administration and management at the UN. He was chairman of Price Waterhouse, the Elite accountants, who have a designate on the Committee of 300. Mr Connor has been warning that the UN faces 393 T


  • ss, Berkeley, California, Fifth printing, 1993). Chomsky, Noam; World Orders, Old And New, (Pluto Press, 345 Archway Road, London, N6 5AA). Coleman, Dr. John; Conspirators' Hierachy: The Story Of The Committee Of 300, (American West Publishers, Bozeman, MT, USA, 1992). Collins, Tony; Open Verdict, An Account Of 25 Mysterious Deaths In The Defense Industry, (Sphere Books, London, 1990). Cooper, William; Behold A P

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret - The Book that Will Change the World (1998) -


  • . Rhodes was also Prime Minister of the Cape Colony andhe is said by writer John Coleman (who claims to be a former British Intelligenceoperative), to have been a member of an organisation called the Committee of 300,also known as The Olympians. These, he claims, are the three hundred people who, ineach generation, run the world under the supervision of even smaller groups abovethem in the highest levels of the p


  • beyond. To complete the set, the Britishambassadors in America during the war were Lord Lothian of the Royal Institute ofInternational Affairs and Lord Halifax of the Royal Institute, Round Table, andCommittee of 300. Franklin Roosevelt won a second term as President in 1937 byrepeating over and over that the sons of America were not going to fight in another warin Europe, while he knew full well that that was ex


  • Whenthe United Nations was officially formed in San Francisco on June 26th 1945, the USdelegation included 74 members ofthe CFR, including John J.McCloy, the CFR chairman from1953-70, a member of theCommittee of 300, chairman of theFord Foundation and theRockefellers’ Chase ManhattanBank, and friend and advisor tonine presidents from Roosevelt toReagan. Also there were JohnFoster Dulles, the Hitler supporter,CFR


  • d manipulator extraordinaire, not least of the environment movement. TheUnited Nations is there for the good of the world? Yes, sure it is. Oh look, another piggoes flying by.SOURCES1Dr John Coleman, Committee Of 300, The Conspirators Hierarchy (Joseph Holding Company,Nevada, USA, 1995).2Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler, The Illuminati Formula To Create An Undetectable TotalMind Controlled Slave (Springmeier,


  • iquity. Someresearchers say that the upper hierarchy appears to consist of the Council of 3, theCouncil of 5, the Council of 7, Council of 9, Council of 13, Council of 33, the GrandDruid Council, the Committee of 300 (also known as the ‘Olympians’), and theCommittee of 500. Many groups have no name to avoid detection.1 I’m sure that thereis one, maybe two, people, sitting atop this pyramid, a sort of High Priest


  • by the EuropeanUnion in Bosnia was, yes, yes, Lord Carrington, chairman of the Bilderberg Group,President of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Trilateral Commission member,and one of the Committee of 300. He was replaced by Lord David Owen (Bil, TC) andCarl Bildt (Bil), the former Swedish Prime Minister. The United Nations appointednegotiators were Cyrus Vance (Bil, CFR, TC) and the Norwegian, Thorva


  • teralism, TheTrilateral Commission And The Elite Planning For World Management (edited by Holly Sklar,South End Press,Boston, USA, 1980), p 182.3Quoted in The Conspirators Hierarchy: The Story Of The Committee of 300, p 15.4Fintan O’Toole, Brand Leader, An investigation Of Tony O’Reilly, (Granta), p 72.5Ibid, pp 61-62.6Ibid, p 47.7Ibid, p 58.8Private Eye magazine, No 956, Friday, August 7th 1998, p 6.


  • ht of the British Empire. Queen Victoria’s Foreign Secretary and Prime Ministerduring the Opium Wars was Lord Palmerston, the Grand Patriarch or Master ofGrand Orient Freemasonry, and a member of the Committee of 300. ThePalmerstons were in fact the Temple family and their title goes back to 1723 when


  • Lady Melville. It was Lady Melville’sancestor, George, who welcomed William of Orange to the throne and was made LordPrivy Seal as a reward. The Keswicks and Jardine Matheson have been members of theCommittee of 300. Other Anglo-American families involved in the drug trade were theSutherlands, Barings, and Lehmans, cousins of the Rothschilds. The Sutherlands, one ofthe biggest cotton and opium traders in the Ame


  • incidence/s - (see also Synchronicity) -8,152, 352, 408Cocaine - 285, 325, 332, 371Cold War -2247, 234Columbia, District of - 186, 189, 362Columbus, Christopher - 63,72, 124, 134,158, 167, 178-80, 297Committee of 300- 217, 267, 280Communism - 127, 213, 217, 224, 226, 228,284-5, 295Concentration Camps - (see also Auchwitz) -218, 314, 316-7, 321, 341Congress Building - 129, 355, 357, 365

File: David Icke - Who Really Rules the World -


  • - The Lost Continent of MUClear, Constance - Reaching for RealityClendenon, Bill & Childress, David Hatcher - Atlantis and the Power System of the GodsColeman, Dr. John - Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Committee Of 300Coleman, Dr. John - Diplomacy By DeceptionColeman, Dr. John - One World Order: Socialist DictatorshipCommander X - Incredible Technologies of the New World OrderCommander X - Invisibility & Levitation

File: FINAL WARNING - A History of the New World Order (2004) -


  • , from this point on, the Round Table would be the group responsible for perpetuating the conspiracy to establish a one-world government. Members of the Round Table have also been referred to as the ‘Committee of 300,’ or the ‘Olympians.’ Most members had private fortunes, or were known financiers, however, it was the fortunes of Rhodes, Alfred Beit (1853-1906, the German financier from Frankfurt), Sir Abe Bailey


  • FINAL WARNING: Sources Dr. John Coleman. Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 (American West Publishers: Carson City, NV, 1992). Peter Collier and David Horowitz. The Rockefellers: An American Dynasty (Holt, Rinehart and Winston: New York, NY, 1976), pg. 134, 142, 150-55, 485,

File: Final Judgment - Missing Link in JFK Assassination Conspiracy -


  • ers involved in the conspiracy. Why don't you ever report on the findings of former British intelligence operative Dr. John Coleman who has revealed the existence of a high - level group known as The Committee of 300 which Coleman says ordered the JFK assassination? Coleman says that Permindex, which you talk about in Final Judgment, was the assassinations arm of the Committee of 300. First of all, I must say tha


  • never exhibited any documentation that such a committee exists, although there is documentation about the Bilderberg Group. Frankly, I believe that gettin g involved in a debate over the so - called Committee of 300 is a distraction from the basics that people can understand: that CIA, the Mossad and Organized Crime all had distinct interests in removing JFK from office and that, as I demonstrate in Final Judg m


  • 0, 295, 297, 300, 304, 563 (See Chapter 13 in particular) Cohn, Roy 612 - 613 Colby, William 12, 353 - 363, 377 Coleman, John 566 - 567 Coleman, William 339 Columbia University Speech by JFK 571 "The Committee of 300 Killed JFK" (Myth About Assassination) 566 - 567 "Connally Assassination Plot" 175, 237, 239, 240, 300 Connally, John B. 379 - 381 Cooper, William 569 - 571 Cornfeld, Bernie 89, 90, 119, 205, 281, 36

File: Final Warning - A History of the New World Order by David Allen Rivera -


  • from this point on, the Round Table would be the group responsible for perp etuating the conspiracy to establish a one)world government. Members of the Ro und Table have also been referred to as the ‘Committee of 300,’ or the ‘Olym pians.’ Most members had private fortunes, or were known fi nanciers, however, it was the fortunes of Rhodes, Alfred Beit (1853)1906, the Ger man financier from Frankfurt), Sir Abe Bai


  • ess: Stanford, CA, 1961), pg. 3)8, 18, 347. Robert Glenn Cole. Masonic Gleanings (Kable Printing Co.: Chicago, IL, 1954), pg. 105, 141)150. Dr. John Coleman. Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 (American West Publishers: Carson City, NV, 1992). Peter Collier and David Horowitz. The Rockefellers: An American Dynasty (Holt, Rinehart and Winston: New York, NY, 1976), pg. 134, 142, 150)55, 485,

File: Final Warning - History Of The New World Order -


  • from this point on, the Round Table would be the group responsible for perpetuating the conspiracy to establish a one- world government. Members of the Round Table have also been referred to as the "Committee of 300", or the "Olympians". Most members had private fortunes, or were known financiers, however, it was the fortunes of Rhodes, Alfred Beit(1853-1906, the German financier from Frankfurt), Sir Abe Bailey(


  • ess: Stanford, CA, 1961, pg. 3-8, 18, 347. Cole, Robert Glenn; Masonic Gleanings, Kable Printing Co.: Chicago, IL, 1954, pg. 105, 141-150. Coleman, Dr. John; Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300, American West Publishers: Carson City, NV, 1992. Collier , Peter ; Horowitz , David ; The Rockefellers: An American Dynasty, Holt, Rinehart and Winston: New York, NY, 1976, pg. 134, 142, 150-55, 485

File: Helsing - Secret Societies and Their Power in the 20th Century (1995) -


  • in organizations pulling strings in the U.S. is the CFR (Coun cil on Foreign Relations). This s emi-secret organization is dominated by the Rockefeller syndicate and a European secret society called “COMMITTEE OF 300” (explana tion follows). In the list of members of the “Committee of 300” that I got from Dr. John Coleman’s book Conspirator’s Hierarchy: The Committee of 300 , I foun d among o thers: “SIR JOHN J.


  • This s hows extraordinary power and influen ce in a single p erson. But how did he get there? This now has to do with the secret societies and orders of which he is a member. In this case it is the “Committee of 300 ”. And in that comm ittee there are 300 p ersons of the same caliber amongst themselves (and h e most certainly is not the mightiest). Can you imagine that decisions and resolutions made in meetings


  • 20 million U.S.$ from Jacob Schiff, on the SS K ristianisfjord for Russia, there to start the Bolshevik Revolution, so the Khazars c ould get Russia ba ck. Trotsky and Len in were bo th linked to the Committee of 300 by Bruce Lockhart. CH AP TER 19 SK ULL AND BONES Let us now examine a most powerful organization of the Illuminati in the U.S., the SK ULL & BONES order. Its own members call it simply “The Order”, i


  • nches in Londo n, Paris, Vienna an d Berlin. Alread y then the Rothschilds not only controlled the CITY of Londo n, thus the Crown colonies and the British Government, but also French government, the Committee of 300, the Bavarian Illuminati and so all the secret lodges in Europe an d the U.S. infiltrated by the Bavarian Illuminati. Together with their representatives in the U.S. – the Kuhn Loe b & Co. (director:


  • Lord Albert G rey, Lord Arnold Toynbee – eminen ce g rise of the MI6, H.G. Wells, Lord Alfred Milner – head of the Roun d Table, and H.J. Mackinder – inventor of the so-called geopo litics. From the Committee of 300 the RIIA got the order to study possible ways to stage this war. The order was handed to L ord Northcliff, Lord Rothmere – b oth members of the Comm ittee of 300 and L ord Toynbee of the MI6. The res


  • oo. Well, one of them was Chan cellor Willy Brand t, a Jew, who’s real name was Herbert Ernst Karl Frahm, offspring of the famous Israelite family Frahm from Lube ck, Germ any. He was a memger of the Committee of 300 and the Bilderbergers. If the information of Mr. Rudo lph from Melle, G ermany who went to court against Mr. Kohl and the Jewish writer Jacov Lind is c orrect, Bunde skanzler (Chan cellor) Helmut Koh


  • English royal family has very close links with the VE NERAB LE ORD ER OF THE KNIGHTS OF JERU SA LEM, a very old o rder whose leade r is chosen b y “The Crown” according to h is abilities to hea d the Committee of 300. The inne rm ost circle is the ORD ER OF THE GARTER. The fact that LORD C ARR INGTON, a Knight of the Garter, was once head of NATO and no w is c hairman of the BILDERBE RGERS shows just how strong t


  • h e took up a po st with Shell Oil. This group was the core that met at the h otel D e Bilderberg in Oosterbeek, Holland for the first time in May 1954 and later became known a s THE BILDERBE RGERS. Committee of 300 member Prince Bernhard o f the Netherland s became the first director of the Bilderbergers. (Explana tion later). One of the CIA members with a strong influen ce in the Vatican was Cardinal Spellman.


  • and the Committee o f 300 ha s its members also in lead ing po sitions of the largest energy combines, in the military and the government of the U.S. Thanks to the influen ce o f the Round Table, the Committee of 300, the Bilderbergers, the RIIA and the Club of Rome, the same thing ho ld true for Europe. The Illuminati order Skull & B one s forms the inner circle of the CFR and thus brings more media o n line: Ti


  • er, is the most important ope rating base for the bankers of Belgrade. The obviously successful finan cing of the war that was effected b y financial interests beh ind EA GLEB UR GER and CARR INGTON (Committee of 300) is not due to e xcessive secrecy, but to inactivity by the West. After observing the activities of the Belgrade banks for eighteen months, everyone including the d iplomats there knew that something


  • etary of state Lawrence Eaglebu rger, the form er ambassador to Belgrade and p atron o f Slobodan Milosevic. Eagleburger was formerly chairman of Kissinger Associates on whose boa rd Lord Carrington (Committee of 300) also sits. The latter’s mediations have d irectly fuelled the Serbian a ggression against the Croats and the Bosnians. Today Soros has founda tions in Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia and a Yugoslav Soros


  • e ls s pin un til they fall apa rt.] [H: The next chapter will be a b it tedious but is extremely v aluab le. I will again urge you to make sure to get copies of Dr. John Coleman’s book regarding the Committee of 300 where you will find extremely shocking and interesting read ing. The bo ok itself has a fascinating birthing which we will enjoy discussing at some other time. YES , IND EE D, I, HATONN , SAW TO I TS


  • plus the most important representatives of Western n ations. Through the Committee o f 300 all ban ks are linked to Rothschild. All the organizations following in these pages have been “m ade” by the Committee of 300. Dr. John Coleman pub lished in h is book Conspirator’s Hierarchy: The Committee of 300 , 290 o rganizations, 125 banks and 34 1 names of former and present members of the comm ittee, of which I will


  • the very next day with the severest accusation. No comm ent necessary! The Bilderbergers This s ecret organization was s tarted in May 1954 a t the Hotel de Bilderberg in Oosterbeek, Holland , by the Committee of 300 through Prince Bernha rd o f the Netherland s. The Bilderbergers are a group o f around 12 0 persons from the h igh finan ce circles of Western Europe , the U.S. and Canad a. Their m ain o bjectives


  • e that number. So d o not create a ne w ene my concept. Yet it could be that he is still to take up a key position; remember that the Habsburg dynasty belong s to the Black Nobility as well as to the Committee of 300. Just be alert abo ut what goes on a roun d you while you spiritually develop further. That the so-called Antichrist is not to b e foun d externally will be further discussed in the chap ter “What Ca

File: Helsing, Jan van - Secret Societies and Their Power in the 20th Century (1995) -


  • in organizations pulling strings in the U.S. is the CFR (Coun cil on Foreign Relations). This s emi-secret organization is dominated by the Rockefeller syndicate and a European secret society called “COMMITTEE OF 300” (explana tion follows). In the list of members of the “Committee of 300” that I got from Dr. John Coleman’s book Conspirator’s Hierarchy: The Committee of 300 , I foun d among o thers: “SIR JOHN J.


  • This s hows extraordinary power and influen ce in a single p erson. But how did he get there? This now has to do with the secret societies and orders of which he is a member. In this case it is the “Committee of 300 ”. And in that comm ittee there are 300 p ersons of the same caliber amongst themselves (and h e most certainly is not the mightiest). Can you imagine that decisions and resolutions made in meetings


  • 20 million U.S.$ from Jacob Schiff, on the SS K ristianisfjord for Russia, there to start the Bolshevik Revolution, so the Khazars c ould get Russia ba ck. Trotsky and Len in were bo th linked to the Committee of 300 by Bruce Lockhart. CH AP TER 19 SK ULL AND BONES Let us now examine a most powerful organization of the Illuminati in the U.S., the SK ULL & BONES order. Its own members call it simply “The Order”, i


  • nches in Londo n, Paris, Vienna an d Berlin. Alread y then the Rothschilds not only controlled the CITY of Londo n, thus the Crown colonies and the British Government, but also French government, the Committee of 300, the Bavarian Illuminati and so all the secret lodges in Europe an d the U.S. infiltrated by the Bavarian Illuminati. Together with their representatives in the U.S. – the Kuhn Loe b & Co. (director:


  • Lord Albert G rey, Lord Arnold Toynbee – eminen ce g rise of the MI6, H.G. Wells, Lord Alfred Milner – head of the Roun d Table, and H.J. Mackinder – inventor of the so-called geopo litics. From the Committee of 300 the RIIA got the order to study possible ways to stage this war. The order was handed to L ord Northcliff, Lord Rothmere – b oth members of the Comm ittee of 300 and L ord Toynbee of the MI6. The res


  • oo. Well, one of them was Chan cellor Willy Brand t, a Jew, who’s real name was Herbert Ernst Karl Frahm, offspring of the famous Israelite family Frahm from Lube ck, Germ any. He was a memger of the Committee of 300 and the Bilderbergers. If the information of Mr. Rudo lph from Melle, G ermany who went to court against Mr. Kohl and the Jewish writer Jacov Lind is c orrect, Bunde skanzler (Chan cellor) Helmut Koh


  • English royal family has very close links with the VE NERAB LE ORD ER OF THE KNIGHTS OF JERU SA LEM, a very old o rder whose leade r is chosen b y “The Crown” according to h is abilities to hea d the Committee of 300. The inne rm ost circle is the ORD ER OF THE GARTER. The fact that LORD C ARR INGTON, a Knight of the Garter, was once head of NATO and no w is c hairman of the BILDERBE RGERS shows just how strong t


  • h e took up a po st with Shell Oil. This group was the core that met at the h otel D e Bilderberg in Oosterbeek, Holland for the first time in May 1954 and later became known a s THE BILDERBE RGERS. Committee of 300 member Prince Bernhard o f the Netherland s became the first director of the Bilderbergers. (Explana tion later). One of the CIA members with a strong influen ce in the Vatican was Cardinal Spellman.


  • and the Committee o f 300 ha s its members also in lead ing po sitions of the largest energy combines, in the military and the government of the U.S. Thanks to the influen ce o f the Round Table, the Committee of 300, the Bilderbergers, the RIIA and the Club of Rome, the same thing ho ld true for Europe. The Illuminati order Skull & B one s forms the inner circle of the CFR and thus brings more media o n line: Ti


  • er, is the most important ope rating base for the bankers of Belgrade. The obviously successful finan cing of the war that was effected b y financial interests beh ind EA GLEB UR GER and CARR INGTON (Committee of 300) is not due to e xcessive secrecy, but to inactivity by the West. After observing the activities of the Belgrade banks for eighteen months, everyone including the d iplomats there knew that something


  • etary of state Lawrence Eaglebu rger, the form er ambassador to Belgrade and p atron o f Slobodan Milosevic. Eagleburger was formerly chairman of Kissinger Associates on whose boa rd Lord Carrington (Committee of 300) also sits. The latter’s mediations have d irectly fuelled the Serbian a ggression against the Croats and the Bosnians. Today Soros has founda tions in Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia and a Yugoslav Soros


  • e ls s pin un til they fall apa rt.] [H: The next chapter will be a b it tedious but is extremely v aluab le. I will again urge you to make sure to get copies of Dr. John Coleman’s book regarding the Committee of 300 where you will find extremely shocking and interesting read ing. The bo ok itself has a fascinating birthing which we will enjoy discussing at some other time. YES , IND EE D, I, HATONN , SAW TO I TS


  • plus the most important representatives of Western n ations. Through the Committee o f 300 all ban ks are linked to Rothschild. All the organizations following in these pages have been “m ade” by the Committee of 300. Dr. John Coleman pub lished in h is book Conspirator’s Hierarchy: The Committee of 300 , 290 o rganizations, 125 banks and 34 1 names of former and present members of the comm ittee, of which I will


  • the very next day with the severest accusation. No comm ent necessary! The Bilderbergers This s ecret organization was s tarted in May 1954 a t the Hotel de Bilderberg in Oosterbeek, Holland , by the Committee of 300 through Prince Bernha rd o f the Netherland s. The Bilderbergers are a group o f around 12 0 persons from the h igh finan ce circles of Western Europe , the U.S. and Canad a. Their m ain o bjectives


  • e that number. So d o not create a ne w ene my concept. Yet it could be that he is still to take up a key position; remember that the Habsburg dynasty belong s to the Black Nobility as well as to the Committee of 300. Just be alert abo ut what goes on a roun d you while you spiritually develop further. That the so-called Antichrist is not to b e foun d externally will be further discussed in the chap ter “What Ca

File: Hidden History Of Money -


  • The Hidden History Of Money & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 520 Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300. With laudable scholarship and meticulous research, Dr Coleman identifies the players and carefully details the New World Orde r agenda of Worldwide domination and control. On page 161 of the Conspir


  • s is the recently deceased Pope, John Paul II. Not all Black Nobility are royal houses, and many of the royal families no longer have kingdoms. According to researcher and author Dr. John Coleman, a "Committee of 300" was established early in the eighteenth century, "although it did not take on its present form until around 1897", when the China opium trade was legalised. Theodore Herzl orga nized this Jewish sup


  • ). It includes the Queen of Holland, the Queen of Denmark and all the royal families of Europe, or Black Nobility. It's head today is Queen Elizabeth II. Documentary proof as to the existence of the "Committee of 300" is not forthcoming, and it may be no more than a convenient phrase to describe certain key players. Socialist politician and financial adviser to the Rothschilds, Walter Rathenau, writing in the Wie


  • ncient feudal lords who ruled the peasant masses with their enforcers and priests. On page 161 of the Conspirators Hierarchy, Dr Coleman accurately summarizes the intent and purpose of the Illuminati Committee of 300 as follows: "A One World Government and one-unit monetary system, under permanent non- elected [self-appointed nobles] hereditary oligarchists, who self-select from among their numbers in the form of

File: Illuminati Handbook -


  • beth II at the top. The CFR is in its turn controlled by the Rockefellers and also works for a Global Government. Its inner core is the dark Order of Skull & Bones, where George Bush is a member. THE COMMITTEE OF 300 This is a very old secret society, founded in 1729 by the Black Nobility through the British East India Company to deal with international banking and trade problems and to support the opium trade. I

File: James Jackson - World's Most Dangerous Secret Societies -

  • BILDERBERG GROUP[part0007.html#id_Toc412627916]Chapter Six: COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS [part0008.html#id_Toc412627917]Chapter Seven: SKULL & BONES [part0009.html#id_Toc412627918]Chapter Eight: THE COMMITTEE OF 300 [part0010.html#id_Toc412627919]Chapter Nine: BOHEMIAN GROVE [part0011.html#id_Toc412627920]Chapter Ten: THE SOCIETY OF JESUITS [part0012.html#id_Toc412627921]Afterword [part0013.html#id_Toc412627922]

  • CHAPTER EIGHT: THE COMMITTEE OF 300 So far to date, we have chosen to examine secret societies that are rooted inincontrovertible historical evidence. Other examples of secret societiesthroughout history, such as the White Dragon Socie

  • l Banker founderColbert Coldwell; former Southern Pacific President Alan Furth; billionairesPaul and Charles Koch; TV host Art Linkletter; actor Clint Eastwood; former teenidol Fabian; economist (and Committee of 300 member) George Soros; formerMotorola CEO Robert Galvin; Senator Lamar Alexander; former Secretary of State(and Council on Foreign Relations advisor) Colin Powell; former Secretary ofDefense (and Coun

File: Jim Marrs - Rule By Secrecy -


  • racy authors have written about dark plots to impose a "New World Order" from within modern secret societies such as the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Illumi- nati, the Committee of 300, and others. Objective researchers poinr to


  • another, direct the economic destiny of Europe and choose their successors from among themselves." Rathenau's figure may have provided the basis for conspiracy author Dr. John Coleman's claim that a "Committee of 300" controls a "secret, upper-level parallel government that runs Britain and the U.S." Joseph P. Kennedy, sire of the famed Kennedy family, once remarked, "Fifty men have run America and that's a high


  • s himself was thought to have been a member of a covert group known as the "Olympians" after the Greek gods. According to author Coleman, this was merely another name for the globalists he Termed the Committee of 300. Additionally, Rhodes was thought to have been con- nected to the secretive and mysterious Illuminati as well, most probably through his Masonic connections. Quiglcy identified Rhodes's secret societ


  • international business and politics, conferences, social gatherings, foun- dations, etc.—and therefore constitute a cohesive group. This group has been called by many names: the New World Order, the Committee of 300, the Illuminati, the Secret Brotherhood, or often simply "they." More than one author even suggest that these persons are themselves guided or controlled by non-human intelligences, described as "pri


  • , p. 231. 40 "special consultant" Jackson as Bilderberger: Vankin and Whalen, p. 2.54 41 "unofficial CFR": Wilgus, p. 127. 41 MI6 creation: Dr. John Coleman, Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 (Carson City, NV: America West Publishers, 1992), p. 207. 41 "evolving an international order": Ibid., p. 22. 41 "The Bilderberg agenda . . ." James P. Tucker Jr., "TC, Bilderberg Set to Meet," The S


  • 219. 86 Edmond Rothschild's de Beers holdings: Facts on File, Vol. 57, No. 2970 (November 6,1997), p. 324. 87 Rhodes as Rothschild agent: Dr. John Coleman, Conspirators' Hierar- chy: The Story of the Committee of 300 (Carson City, NV: America West Publishers, 1992), p. 150. 87 Boers dispossessed: Coleman, p. 151. 87 Frank Aydelotte quote: Gary Allen with Larry Abraham: p. SO. 87 "Round Tablers fanned out": Colema

File: Kay - The Big Lie, 9-11 and Government Complicity in Mass Murder (2005) -


  • has led to, and presently supports, a mass of people who perform no indispensable service...consuming the limited resources and destroying the environment of the globe...which they...the Committee of 300 representing the 'preordained leaders' of the world, say is theirs.....the remedy...lies in destroying an economy based upon agricultural and industrial expansion, because these support larger and la


  • ay be happy in such a society, but they will most certainly not be free. They will have been reduced to the status of domestic animals.” 107 Coleman, John Dr. Conspirators Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300. America West Publishers: Carson City, NV 1992 108 Cobain, Ian and Luck, Adam. “The beauty products made from the skin of executed Chinese prisoners.” The Guardian Unlimited . 13 Sept. 2005. 4 Oct. 2

File: Livingstone, David - Terrorism and the Illuminati, A 3000 Year History (2007) -


  • Makow, Henry. “The ‘Jewish’ Conspiracy is British Imperialism”. <http://> 2 Tales of the British Aristocracy. 1957, p.219. 3 Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 . 4 “Abram Petrovich Gannibal”, Wikipedia , < Gannibal> 5 David Hughes. 6 “List of Knights and Ladies of the Garter”, Wikipedia . <http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/List_of_K


  • . Jan. 5, 1997. < html> 20 Ibid. 21 Ibid. 22 Ibid. 23 Ibid. 24 Ibid, p. 161. 25 “Tavistock Institute Of Human Relations (layer of The Committee of 300)” < htm> 26 Dreyfuss, Hostage to Khomeini, excerpt: < html> 27 Goodgame, “Globalists and the Islam

File: Martin - Depopulation of a Planet - Thinning Out the Useless Eaters - An Unspoken NWO Agenda -


  • "a new spirit of ac tive solidarity and cooperation" am ong all peoples and nations - called the Spirit of Salzburg - is indispensable for m ankind to face the challenge of our tim e. [End quoting.] COMMITTEE OF 300 In Dr. John Colem an's c omprehensive work, Conspirators Hierarchy - T he Story Of The Committee Of 300. [to order call 800-942-0821 .... this num ber still valid today! ] he writes [quoting:] The Co


  • Polish Black Nobility. His book explains how Am erica m ust leave its industrial base behind a nd e nter into wh at is called " a di stinct new historical era." [End quoting.] Again, quoting from The Committee of 300 : Also in 1971, at a later date, the Mitchell Ener gy and Developm ent Cor poration held its energy strategy m eeting for the Club of Rom e: The recurring theme: LIMIT THE GROWTH OF THE U.S.A. Then t

File: Memoirs of Bob Hope's and Henry Kissinger's Mind-Controlled Slave -


  • CA 93121. Chomsky, Noam. The Culture of Terrorism. South End, MA. 1988. Chomsky, Noam. Secrets, Lies and Democracy. Odonian Press, AZ. 1994. Coleman, John. Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story o f the Committee of 300. America West Publishers, P. O. Box 3300, Bozeman, MT 59772. 1992. Constantine, Alex. Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S. A. Feral House, P.O. Box 3466, Portland, OR 97208. 1995. Constantine, Alex. Virt

File: New Underworld Order -


  • e following have been identified by several authorities, led by the British intelligence officer Dr John Coleman, who published an analysis in 1992 entitled 'Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of The Committee of 300': The Council of Three, The Council of Five, The Council of Seven, The Council of Nine, The Council of 13, The Council of 33, The Grand Druid Council, The Committee of 300 (also called 'The Olympians


  • they are said to co nsider that the United States continues to belong to Great Britain, for instance. Every European royal and so -called noble dynasty, past and present, has a representative on the 'Committee of 300' which, according to Dr John Coleman, was established in the 18th century, although its present form was assumed in 1897. Dr Coleman was unable to bring forward documentary proof of this Committee's


  • ibility of members being True Christians , as The Queen appears to be, even though her Anglicanism may perhaps be simple (yet commendable). Not only could Dr Coleman not document the existence of the Committee of 300, but also, likewise, his assertion that The Queen despises the Church of England could never be proven. However given that the Church of England has abandoned its role of instructing the people in th

File: One World Order -


  • e than the old fashioned frontal attack." Richard Gardner, leading American Socialist, Foreign Affairs, the journal of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), April 1974. In this, my third book ("The Committee of 300" and "Diplomacy By Deception,") I tell how Gardner's statement gives n otice of the Fabian Socialist agenda for the United States. The ideas, thoughts a nd people who have worked diligently to establ


  • ion center. Annie Besant, leader of the Theosophist movement, Oswald Mosley, M.P., and Fascist leader in England. Malcolm Muggeridge, author, scholar, lecturer. Bertrand Russell, elder statesmen, the Committee of 300, Kingsway Hall lecturer. Wickham Steed, perhaps one of the most famous of al l British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) commentators whose opinions influ enced millions of the BBC's listeners. Arnold T


  • a from, which once in place, would further erode the middle class living-standard. Wilson violated his oath to uphold the United State s Constitution on at least 50 separate occasions. In Wilson, the Committee of 300 had found the ideal man to begin the Socializing of America, just as in lat er years, they found another ideal candidate for their anarchistic purposes in Bill Cl inton. A second parallel between Wil


  • , reduce the tariffs ( Customs duties on imported agricultural products and ancillary manufactured go ods) with 12 million men out of work. So he and his big banker friends and big b usiness (meaning Committee of 300 companies) immediately conceived the idea of starting the N.R.A — the so called National Recovery Act, better known today as the 'National Ruin Act'." "It was reported that Bernard Baruch and his fri


  • f Amsterdam, Holland, Schroeder Bank in London, and Frankfurt, Germany, w hile the same bank han- dled the Hitler-financing scheme through its New Yo rk branch. The transactions were monitored by the Committee of 300 legal firm o f Sullivan and Cromwell, whose senior partner was Allen Dulles of the notori ous Dulles family. The Dulles brothers rode herd over the Senate and the State De partment to ensure that dis


  • to give a higher level of mentality, mid-level inte lligence and lower intelligence. In their adult life these beings would be assigned various roles in a slave world, as I described in my book, "The Committee of 300." If this sounds too much for the reader to accept, then bear in mind that test t ube babies are already with us. They have been accepted by society, not realizing t he sinister purpose behind this u


  • ngerous unseen enemies this count ry has ever had. Dean Acheson personified the underhand, penetration and permeation stan- dard seditious practice of a well-trained Socialist . Acheson came from the Committee of 300 law firm of Covington, Burling and Rublee, who serve as lawyers for the great Committee of 300 accountants, Price, Waterhouse. He was also in the inner circle of J.P. Morgan, Andrew Mel lon, Tommy La


  • Brightest Stars in the American Socialist Firmament 135 been stationed at the Massachusetts Institute of Te chnology by the Committee of 300, from where he plotted and planed strategy that he believed would bring about "the end of nationhood" for the United States . That this monstrous traitor had a free rein in Wash ington, should foreve


  • d Government — New World Ord er. This is an organi- zation meant to control religion — a long-time goal of Socialism — which real- ized that religion can never be stamped out. Senior Statesman of the Committee of 300, Bertrand Russell put the Socialists attitud e to religion in this way: "If we cannot take control of it, then we must get rid of it. " But getting rid of religion was easier said than done, so "cont


  • hrough Fr ee Trade 167 ments violate the Constitution of the United States and are the work of The Fabian Society and their American cousins. The North American Free Trade Agreement is project of the Committee of 300 and a natural extension of the war on American industry and agriculture as set out in the Club of Rome's 1969 Post Industrial Zero Growth position papers overseen by Cyrus Vance and a team of One Wor


  • enemy of the United States. It is a war on many fronts; just about the entire world is lined u p against the United States. It is a war that we are fast losing, thanks to skillfully laid plans of the Committee of 300 given to the Socialists to carry out. Lincoln w as one of the first casualties of the trade war. In 1873, the merchant bankers and City of London fi nanciers combined with their allies on Wall Street


  • e infrastructure of the nation — a grea ter threat than any nuclear attack could ever be. Just a few statistics: Seven hundred and fifty thousand American steelwork ers have lost their jobs since the Committee of 300 unleashed Count Etienne Davignon on this particular battlefront in 1950. A million and a quarter of the best paying, stable, industrial jobs related to and relying upon steel products, were lost in c


  • l bodies of the One World Government abroad today, none is more insidiously evil than the IMF. We tend to forget that the IMF is the bastard child of the United Nations, both be ing extensions of the Committee of 300, and the IMF, like the Council on Foreign Re lations (CFR) is becoming more openly bold about its true purposes and intent ions. The same sinister forces that imposed Bolshevism on Christian Russia,


  • ional Settle ments and our willingness to compromise our sovereignty by falling in line with the dictates of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) bodes ill for the future and would indicate that the Committee of 300 is gearing up for another world war. Nowhere in the Constitution is there found a power that authorizes the United States Government to fund so-called internat ional banks like the World Bank and the


  • would never reach the floor of the House and Senate . This is a crime against the American people, best described as sedition. Foreign aid serves two purposes; it destabilizes Am erica and helps the Committee of 300 take control of the natural resour ces of countries funded by coercion of the American taxpayers. Of course there are countries that have no natural resources, such as Israel and Egypt, but in these


  • as the reason, and if w e read the statements made by Lord Bertrand Russell, Robert S. McNamara and H.G. Wells, the new killer virus- es are merely what these men said was coming. In th e eyes of the Committee of 300 and the Socialist camarilla, there are just too many unwanted people on the earth. But that is not the whole story. The real reason be hind the planned global mass genocide is to create a climate of

File: Rothschild Dynasty -


  • Dr. John Coleman, author of The Committee of 300, tells how Mayer Amschel, the founder of the"Red Shield"dynasty acquired his first fortune. It is a far cry from the myths and legends that still surround the man who began as a rag and bone merchant


  • most to earn the money, got nothing, but the bare promised amounts, as they were not privy to the "private" side-agreement done behind their backs. The Princes of Von Thurn and Taxis (members of the Committee of 300) were happy to have a share in the booty in exchange for acting as intelligence agents for the Landgrave, and later for the Rothschilds. They did this by opening important mail as directed, reading t


  • The Rothschild Dynasty 33 personages, manipulate the exchanges, and initiate or suppress revolutions. Of course he was writing about the 7 Rothschilds and the Committee of 300. What he did not know was that the Rothschilds created and controlled Napoleon as their instrument, and that they disposed of him once the Corsican genius woke up to this fact and went into a state o


  • hschilds through the Menkens. His father, William, had married a Louise Menken, whom Count Cherep-Spiridovich said was a Jewess. Marshall Soult, who betrayed Napoleon at Waterloo, was a member of the Committee of 300, who occupied the top posts in France until his death. Soult was often in attendance of William Bismarck country residence and was widely believed to be the father of younger Bismarck. It was this "h


  • 64 Dr. John Coleman family is part of the Committee of 300. There was a double benefit in giving the information thus gained to Decazes instead of de Richelieu to whom it ought to have gone. In return, Decazes kept James informed of any pending anti-Jewish m


  • ll entirely under the influence of the Rothschilds andArnim and his sister. Indirectly we learn the statement made by Walter Rathenau that 300 men rule the world (see The Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Committee of 300). Forty years before, Bismarck indicated his agreement with Rathenau's statement: This was repeated by Disraeli when he said that 'the world is ruled by very different personages from what is imagine


  • Paris Peace Conference, - hardly the prestigious position that he would jeopardize at the time of his planned future with the Royal Institute for International Affairs, the Foreign Policy arm of the Committee of 300. As such, Toynbee must have been intimately familiar with the promises made to the Sheriff of Mecca, Hussein bin Ali and Colonel Lawrence, and the magnitude of the subsequent betrayal of the trust of


  • World War. The Rothschilds gained enormous profits out of financing both sides of the American Civil War. There is also the Bertrand Russell theory, that wars diminish populations. In the eyes of the Committee of 300, the world is filled with too many people, who are depleting the world's natural resources at an alarming rate. The solution, Russell said, is to get rid of what he referred to as "useless eaters," w

File: Rothschild Money Trust -


  • empire. Apparently also the management of the vast political power of the estate needed to be reinforced with outside blood. It is likely that at that time and thro ugh Herzl's activities, the Secret Committee of 300 was established for the management of the political power of the huge estate with the consent of the Roths- childs. It is known that Theodor e Herzl was an intimate personal friend of Lord Rothschild

File: Syndicate - The Story Of The Coming World Government -


  • inent politicians of the Brit ish government, all of whom were dedicated to a one-world government. 8 The Round Table is referred to, 9 by both participants and outsiders, as "the Milner Group," "the Committee of 300" (a separate organization), " the Illuminati" or "neo-Illuminati," and "the Olympians" (meaning, tho se equal to the gods of Olympus in Greek legend). (References to "the Or der" with its "Skull and


  • ofi Annan said, "State sovere ignty, in its most basic sense, is being redefined by the forces of globaliz ation and international cooperation." Such globalism is the ideology of the new Round Table/ Committee of 300. These "Olympians" have set up the naked figure of Zeus, the Greek father of the gods, in the main lobby of the UN building, and have shaped the meditation room in the UN like a pyramid laid on its s


  • 326 The Syndicate a Committee of 300) to these Notes, as it is not co rroborated by other authoritative sources. As with all such predominant ly single-source books, caution should be exercised along with open- mindedness at the revelat


  • 0. 93. Rivera, op. cit., p. 190. 94. There is a single-source claim, not sufficiently su bstantiated to my satisfaction, that the most controversial and disputed of these organi zations, known as the Committee of 300, controls all the groups. Dr John Coleman is an ex-intelligence officer with MI6 who encountered all the hidden organizations during his career. He wrote Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Com


  • Notes I Sources 373 loss of the American Empire was one of the Round Ta ble's aims. Coleman claims that the Bilderberg Group is the foreign policy arm of t he Committee of 300, and that the Council on Foreign Relations has a secret Anglophil e agenda; that Britain is at the forefront of its decisions and policy-making. Is Coleman a credible witness? Or is the Committee of


  • Notes / Sources 419 14. The Syndicate Today 1. Perhaps through the creation of the Committee of 300 in the 1890s; see ch 3, note 94. 2. Churchill visited Baruch in 1929 and wrote to him a gain in 1939. See ch 5, note 40. 3. Details of all the Bilderberg meetings described be low were revealed in Th


  • , or the New World Order"); and Pat Robertson, The New World Order, p. 37 ("a new order for the hu man race under the domination of Lucifer"). Also Coleman, Conspirators' Hierarchy: T he Story of the Committee of 300, op. cit., p. 21 ("The Olympians ... who have, like Luci fer their god, set themselves above our true God"). 8. See Walter Hannah, Darkness Visible, p. 109 (Explan ation of the First Degree Tracing-B


  • n Missile Developments and the Ballistic Missile Threat Through 2015. Clinton, Hillary, Living History, Memoirs, Headline , London, 2003. Coleman, Dr. John, Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Sto ry of the Committee of 300, America West Publishers, PO Box 2208, Carson City, NV 89702,1992. Coleman, Dr. John, Diplomacy by Deception, Joseph P ublishing Co, Nevada, 1993. Coleman, Dr. John, Global 2000: A Blueprint for Glo

File: Tavistock Institute Of Human Relations - Shaping Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political, Economic Decline of USA -


  • XI In this endeavor the members of the board consulted with the British royal family and obtained the approval of t he "Olympians" (the inner core of the Committee of 300 ) to formulate a strategy. Funding was provided by the m onarchy, the Rothschilds, the Milner Group and the Rockefell er family trusts. In 1936, Spengler's monumental work had come to the attention o


  • the rush to the New World Order Socialist totalitarian governme nt should be led by the United States, supposedly a ba stion of freedom?" Then, as I recall, it came to me with great clarity that the Committee of 300 has its people at the highest and lowest echelons embedded in the U.S., in banking, industry , trade, defense, the State Department and indeed in the ver y White House, not to mention the Elite Club


  • uced by the Tavistock Institute of Human R elations and the American people are in a state of sleepwalk ing and without leadership. They do not know what the price is and do not care to find out. The Committee of 300 continues to rule the Uni ted States, just as it did in the Wilson and Roosevelt presidencies, while the American people were distra cted with "bread and circuses" only today it is baseball, foo tbal


  • of the United States foretold by H.G. We lls would not have been able to commit the vast resourc es of the United States to the war in Europe. The House of Morgan representing the "Olympians" of the Committee of 300, and its all powerful City of Lond on financial nexus, played a leading role in shaping t he "U.S. Federal Reserve Banks," which were neither "Federal " nor "banks," but a private money-generating mo


  • rmany s, the Social Democratic Republic of Germany and the Feder al Republic of Germany. Critics suggested that he got the information from Toynbee; that it was merely the lo ng range planning of the Committee of 300 that Toynbee knew about. After Wellington House, Toynbee moved to the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA), and the n to London University where he held the chair for Internationa l Histo


  • states which litter the present political map." The new world-state was to be brought about on the basis of mass mind control and propaganda that would make it acceptable. I explained in my book The Committee of 300, that Bernays "blew the whistle" on polling in his 1 923 and 1928 books, Propaganda, and Crystallizing Public Op inion. This was followed by Engineering Consent: Self-preservation, ambition, pride, h


  • XXIII Tavistock Institute of Human Relations was its crea tion. As this book is not about the Committee of 300, we wou ld suggest that readers obtain copies of the first and second book, The Committee of 300. The "300's" carefully structured blueprint has been followed to the letter and today as we reach the


  • eginning of the end of the old order. Contrary to most establishment accounts of history, the "Russian" re volution was not a Russian revolution at all, but a foreign ideology backed primarily by the Committee of 300 and its ar m, the Tavistock Institute, that was violently forced upon a startled, unprepared and dismayed Romanov family. It was political warfare, low grade warfare and psy chological warfare in whi


  • s weapons program had been nullified after the 1991 Gulf War and through continued brutal sanctions. In short, the two Western "leaders" were caught out in a web of lies, yet such is the power of the Committee of 300 and the brainwashing power of Tavistock, that they remained in office although it is an accepted fact that because of their lies, at least one million Iraqis and more than 2000 Amer ican servicemen d


  • can life ever since. Gallup, from the committe e on National Morale's Board of Trustees, upgraded his a ctivity and became the key commander of polling institution s for launching new policies of the Committee of 300, whi ch he passed off as "polling results."


  • ugla ss Cater, that led to the development of Tavistock's b urgeoning control over U.S. media policy through the Aspen In stitute of Colorado, the American home of the Socialist One Wo rld Government Committee of 300. In passing I mention that the science of mass media control through advertising is today so firmly entrenched t hat it has become the key component in opinion making. In the early post WWII days, Ho


  • ll's joint venture with Benton marked the clearest link between Aspen's hidden Socialist One World Government opera tions in America and the Tavistock Institute. Aspen becam e the headquarters of the Committee of 300 branches in th e United States.


  • alty among others. In the deeper recesses of the intelligence establis hment in Washington, veteran intelligence officers refer to this awesome group, in hushed tones and mysterious langu age as the "Committee of 300." The leaders are called "The Olympians." No U.S. president is elected or remains in office save and except by their favor. Those who buck their control are removed. Examples are John F. Kennedy, Ric


  • l p attern as WWI. For concluding a peace deal with Hitler, Ne ville Chamberlain was at once subjected to a mighty propa ganda barrage directed by the Tavistock Institute. Chambe rlain had defied the Committee of 300 and backed a newcomer, a rank outsider who was seen as a threat to world Socialis m. The world did not learn the truth about Chamberlain or that he was an able politician bent upon avoiding another w


  • se, the term does not refer to black people. It refers to a group of extremely wealthy people, dynasties, whose history dates back for more than five hundred years and who make up the backbone of the Committee of 300. On the international front, as well as in areas of those institutions in the U.S. who decide foreign policy, Tavistock does psychological profiling at all levels of gover nment, as well as intruding


  • erica's int erests." Frightening? YES, but unfortunately 100 percent tru e! The very words "gulf crisis" were crafted by Tavistock Institute to arouse maximum support for the Bush war on behalf o f a Committee of 300-flagship company, British Petroleu m (BP). We now know—at least some of us know—just what a bi g role Tavistock plays when it comes to creating publ ic opinion based on obfuscation, lies, dissembling


  • to take full control of U.S. intelligence and military policies through Special Operations Executive (SOE) and maintained this control throughout the Second World War. Eisenhower was selected by the Committee of 300 to become the commanding general of the allied forces in Euro pe, but only after extensive profiling by Tavistock. He was then appointed to the White House. Eisenhower was allowe d to retain his seat


  • 150 creators of what passes for public opinion created through its national poll opinion makers, and so on. Today, ove r 450 of the top Fortune 500 companies are in the grip of th e Committee of 300. These include Petro-Canada, the Hong Kong and Shang hai Bank, Halliburton, Root, Kellogg and Brown, British Petroleum, Shell, Xerox, Rank, Raytheon, ITT, Eagle Insurance, all the largest insurance c


  • 10 th Amendment no longer in existence, and it has all been made possible through the work of Reese and the Social Sciences scientists who control the Tavistock Institute. In 1969, by an order of the Committee of 300, Tavis tock established the Club of Rome, as first reported in my monographs of 1969. The Club of Rome then establish ed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) as a poli tical alliance. By 199


  • r the reins of government. Reese and his Tavistock colleagues succeeded beyond their wildest dreams, having captured control of the majo r institutions upon which government rests. The paren t, - the Committee of 300—must be delighted with the progres s made by the young infant Club of Rome. The Fourth of July has been rendered meaningless. T here is no longer any American "independence" to celebrate. Th e victor


  • 210 When I began to publish my research in 1969, the Am erican people mostly had not heard of the Committee of 300 , the Cini Foundation, the Marshall Fund, the Club of Rome and certainly not the Tavistock Institute, the Black No bility of Venice and Genoa. The following is a list of Tavist ock brainwashing insti


  • e Moss ad, Israel's secret service agency. If Schultz did receive such a timely warning, he ne ver relayed it to the Marine base commander at Beirut. Schultz was, and still is, a loyal servant of the Committee of 300 t hrough the Bechtel Corporation. However, one year after I expressed my suspicions a bout Schultz and Bechtel (1989), a disaffected high-rank ing Mossad agent broke ranks and wrote a book on his exp


  • y, ign oring strong evidence and latching onto flimsy here-say; ignoring the plain fact that the X-rays of Kennedy's head, t aken at Bethesda Hospital, were tampered with. The list of the sins of the Committee of 300 and it s servant, the Tavistock Institute is endless. Why did the Senate committee make no effort to investigate the strange disappear ance of Kennedy's death certificate; a vital piece of evide nce,


  • U.S. Constitution, then nothing does. W here are watchdogs of the House and Senate? Is it that they are afraid of Tavistock and its powerful backer, David Rockefe ller? Is the Congress afraid of the Committee of 300?" It ce rtainly seems that way. Interpol is an illegal entity opera ting within the borders of the United States, without the sanct ion and approval of We, the People in flagrant violation of the Con


  • lonian Manicheans. Inroads were made into this type of occultism by th e Tavistock Institute, using some of its mind control techniques developed by Kurt Lewin and his team of researchers . (See "The Committee of 300" for details.) The East India Company (EIC) and later, the British East India Company (BEIC) was the original "300," whose descendants rule the world today. Opium and the dru g trade was the stock in


  • tock Institute. Pres. Kennedy proved to be impervious to mind contr ol by Tavistock, so was chosen for public execution as a warning to those who would aspire to power, that none was high er than the Committee of 300. The grisly spectacle of the public execution of Ken nedy was a message to the American people; one which they ma y not, even now, be aware of. Perhaps the Tavistock Instit ute provided the blueprint


  • Famous Music of Paramo unt Studios. It own seven music clubs in the U.S. and C anada, and makes credit cards for MBNA Bank. Bertelsman A.G does tremendous book business worldw ide and is very much a Committee of 300 affiliate.


  • , som e of which work in conjunction with Bertelsmann. The Capital Group. This Los Angeles-based investment group sold 35% of its stock to Seagram's, the Bronstein's liquor company and a high-ranking Committee of 300 property. Seagram's h as an 80% stake in Universal Music Group (formerly MCA) n ow Matushita Electric Industries property. Its 1999 revenues were estimated as $14 billion. Se agram owns in excess of


  • ith the gigantic movie- music industry; hitherto unknown forces— powerful f orces whose sole aim and object is to pervert, twist and distort the minds of our youth, to make it all the easier for t he Committee of 300 to usher in the Socialist New Worl d Order - One World Government, in which the new Communists rule of the world.


  • 255 What I have written here is the indisputable truth, but it will take a major event to confirm it as such, just as i t took 14 years for my Committee of 300 book and 25 years for my Club of Rome Report to be confirmed by Alexander Ki ng himself. But let there be no doubt that Tavistock, today, in 2005, is in full control of every aspect of life in Americ

File: Taylor - Thanks for Memories - Memoirs of Bob Hope's and Henry Kissinger's Mind-Controlled Slave -


  • CA 93121. Chomsky, Noam. The Culture of Terrorism. South End, MA. 1988. Chomsky, Noam. Secrets, Lies and Democracy. Odonian Press, AZ. 1994. Coleman, John. Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story o f the Committee of 300. America West Publishers, P. O. Box 3300, Bozeman, MT 59772. 1992. Constantine, Alex. Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S. A. Feral House, P.O. Box 3466, Portland, OR 97208. 1995. Constantine, Alex. Virt

File: Terrorism And The Illuminati - A Three Thousand Year History -


  • Makow, Henry. “The ‘Jewish’ Conspiracy is British Imperialism”. <http://> 2 Tales of the British Aristocracy. 1957, p.219. 3 Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 . 4 “Abram Petrovich Gannibal”, Wikipedia , < Gannibal> 5 David Hughes. 6 “List of Knights and Ladies of the Garter”, Wikipedia . <http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/List_of_K


  • . Jan. 5, 1997. < html> 20 Ibid. 21 Ibid. 22 Ibid. 23 Ibid. 24 Ibid, p. 161. 25 “Tavistock Institute Of Human Relations (layer of The Committee of 300)” < htm> 26 Dreyfuss, Hostage to Khomeini, excerpt: < html> 27 Goodgame, “Globalists and the Islam

File: Terrorism Of The Illuminati -


  • Makow, Henry. “The ‘Jewish’ Conspiracy is British Imperialism”. <http://> 2 Tales of the British Aristocracy. 1957, p.219. 3 Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 . 4 “Abram Petrovich Gannibal”, Wikipedia , < Gannibal> 5 David Hughes. 6 “List of Knights and Ladies of the Garter”, Wikipedia . <http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/List_of_K


  • . Jan. 5, 1997. < html> 20 Ibid. 21 Ibid. 22 Ibid. 23 Ibid. 24 Ibid, p. 161. 25 “Tavistock Institute Of Human Relations (layer of The Committee of 300)” < htm> 26 Dreyfuss, Hostage to Khomeini, excerpt: < html> 27 Goodgame, “Globalists and the Islam

File: Unholy Alliances -


  • n D. Roosevelt's wife was a Delano and it was Roosevelt's "New Deal" that foist ed socialism on the American Public. Now how did the opium that was del ivered to China arrive? Dr. John Coleman in The Committee of 300 st ates, "In the papers I studied at the India Office under the heading 'Misc ellaneous Old Records,' I found all the confirmation I could have wished fo r in proving that the opium trade in China re


  • of preparation for the New World Order an d the TV "Christ." Given the amount of interlocking control already es tablished thusfar, it seems apparent that what Dr. John Coleman says in h is book, The Committee of 300 is true: "All cults operating in t he world today are the product of British intelligence acting for the olig archical rulers." 186 In Great Britain, the Tavistock Institute is one of th e chief engi


  • nton's Hard Left Past and Present," The American Spectator, August 1992, p. 32. 48. Ibid., p. 29. 49. David Mark Price, SECRET, p. 8. 50. S. Steven Powell, Covert Cadre, p. 204. 51. Dr. John Coleman, Committee of 300, p. 170. 52. Powell, Covert Cadre, p. 13. 53. S. Steven Powell, Covert Cadre, pp. 249-250. 54. David Mark Price, SECRET, p. 21. 55. Ibid., p. 21. 56. David Mark Price, SECRET, p. 12. 57. Dennis Laure


  • Notes 1973), p. 464. 69. James Perloff, The Shadows of Power, (Western Islan ds: Boston, 1989), p. 103. 70. Dan Smoot, The Invisible Government, p. 129. 71. Dr. John Coleman, Committee of 300, p. 183. 72. Ibid., p. 69. 73. Ibid., p. 183. 74. Ibid., p. 185. 75. Dan Smoot, The Invisible Government, p. 129. 76. John A. Stormer, None Dare Call It Treason, p. 145. 77. Dr. John Coleman, Committ


  • in America, (New Benjamin F ranklin House: New York, 1985), p. 527. 128. National Cyclopedia of American Biography, James T. White & Co., New York, 1921, Vol. II, pp. 322-323. 129. Dr. John Coleman, Committee of 300, p. 131. 130. Anton Chaitkin, Treason in America, p. 68. 131. Ibid., p. 399. 132. Ibid. 133. Archibald E. Roberts, Bulletin - Committee to Resto re the Constitution, (P.O. Box 986, Ft. Collins, CO 89


  • 136. Ibid. 137. Carroll Quigley, The Anglo-American Establishment, p. 103. 138. Ibid., p. 104. 139. Ibid., p. 190. 140. Ibid., p. 60. 141. Dr. John Coleman, Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Stor y of the Committee of 300, (America West Publishers: Carson City, Nevada, 1992),p.l31. 142. Ibid., p. 110. 143. Ibid., p. 103. 144. Anton Chaitkin, Treason in America, p. 528. 145. Ibid., p. 557. 146. Ibid., p. 560. 147. Ibid


  • kat Press: London , 1928), p. 20. 72. Ibid., p. 9. 73. Ibid. 74. Ibid., p. 10. 75. Ibid., p. 18. 76. Zbigniew Brzezinski, Between Two Ages, (Penguin Boo ks: New York, 1976). 77. Dr. John Coleman, The Committee of 300, p. 28. 78. Zbigniew Brzezinski, Between Two Ages, p. 13. 79. Ibid., p. 15. 80. Ibid., p. 13. Chapter 9 The New Age 1. E.N. Sanctuary, Tainted Contacts, p. 68. 2. Ibid. 3. Ibid., p. 67. 4. Ibid., p.


  • tion, p. 82. 183. Denslow, 10,000 Famous Freemasons, Volumes I-FV. 184. Cumbey, The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, Introduc tion, p. 7. 185. Cumbey, A Planned Deception, p. 31. 186. Dr. John Coleman, Committee of 300, p. 170. 187. Cumbey, A Planned Deception, p. 38. 188. Ibid., p. 39. 189. Robert Lindsey, reported in the New York Times, Sep tember 28, 1986. 190. Vicomte Leon De Poncins, Freemasonry and the Vatica

File: 2012 - Enlightened -


  • o the year of the American Declaration of Independence. Most of the Illumi- nati’s early members were from the Freemasons. In 1992, Dr John Coleman published Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300. Dr Coleman identifies the players and carefully de- tails the Illuminati agenda of worldwide domination and control. Dr Coleman accurately summarizes the purpose and intent of the Committee of 300:

File: Handbook For The New Paradigm - Volume 1 -


  • festing the New Paradigm of experience from their focus. E mbracing the Rainbo w , V ol. II ISBN: 1-893157-05-9 B ecoming, V ol. III ISBN: 1-893157-07-5 Conspirators ’ H ierar chy: The S tor y of the Committee of 300 by J ohn Coleman, ISBN: 0-922356-57-2 H umanity ’ s E xtraterr estr ial O r igins by Dr . Arthur David Horn, ISBN: 3-931-652-31-9

File: Handbook For The New Paradigm - Volume 2 - Embracing The Rainbow -


  • the New Paradigm of experience fr om their focus. H andbook for the N ew P aradigm, V ol. I ISBN: 1-893157-04-0 B ecoming, V ol. III ISBN: 1-893157-07-5 Conspirators ’ H ierar chy: The S tor y of the Committee of 300 by Dr. John Coleman ISBN: 0-922356-57-2 H umanity ’ s E xtraterr estr ial O r igins by Dr. Arthur David Horn ISBN: 3-931-652-31-9 G ods of E den by William Bramley ISBN: 0-380-71807-3 Lifting the V e

File: Keith - Mind Control, World Control - The Encyclopedia of Mind Control (1998) -


  • rian Conspiracy', EIR, January 12, 1996 2. Dicks; Zepp-LaRouche, Helga, The Hitler Book. (New York: The Schiller Institute, 1984); Wolfe 3. Dr. John Coleman, Conspirator's Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300. (America West Publishers, Carson City, Nevada, 1992); Zepp- LaRouche; Dicks 4. Dicks 5. Dicks; Wolfe 6. John Judge, "Nazis in the White House: The Reagan Administration & the Fascist International,


  • Lee and Shlain 24. Chaitkin; Constantine, Alex, "Operation Mockingbird: The CIA and the Media," Prevailing Winds Magazine, Number 3, 1997; Dr. John Coleman, Conspirator's Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300. (Carson City, Nevada: America West Publishers, 1992) 25. Lee and Shlain 26. Marks 27. Lee and Shlain; Victorian, Armen, "U.S. Army Intelligence Mind Control Experiments", Lobster magazine, number 23


  • and industry, although furnished with all the drugs they desire. [2] NOTES: 1. Lee and Shlain, Acid Dreams. (New York: Grove Press, 1985); Dr. John Coleman, Conspirator's Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300. (Carson City, Nevada: America West Publishers, 1992) 2. Lee and Shlain 109

File: Richard B. Spence_ Aleister Crowley - Secret Agent 666_ Aleister Crowley, British Intelligence and the Occult (2008, Feral House) -

  • America,” []. Moreon the alleged conspiratorial role of Tavistock can be found in John Coleman’sThe Conspirator’s Hierarchy: the Committee of 300.41 Pasi, Ibid., citing “Nota #500/5883, 27 June 1927.”42 CAC, 920.43 Hollingsworth, 8-10, and Mike Hughes, Spies at Work (1994), Chapters 1 and 3,//

File: Dulce Book -


  • re have been documented over 60 secret, VIRTUAL CITIES, UNDERGROUND, built by the government, Federal Reserve Bank Owners (such as the 'Rockefellers', etc. - Branton), and high ranking members of the Committee of 300 [some of these underground areas can be seen in Kansas City, Missouri and Kansas City, Kansas]. In additional, there exist underground Satellite Tracking Facilities which have the ability to punch yo


  • tern sector of the New World Order will be in the United States". Little bits and pieces keep coming to me, confirming things I have not had confirmed before. DA: Do you know of John Coleman? AC: The Committee of 300? DA: Yes. What's your take on that? AC: I think his information is fantastic. If he had had the information that I put in "Pandora's Box" when I put that together, it would have blown his mind. But,

File: Valdamar Valerian - Matrix III Volume 1 -


  • of the body. So, AZT and a11 the other substances that are being pressed forward on the public at enormous cost (it costs upwards of $2000 per year to remain on AZT, which reaps potential profits for Committee of 300 drug companies) actually helps insure the death of the patient. In answer to the question "is there hope?", the answer is YES. Experiments at Baylor University where HTLV laden blood has been irradia


  • MATRIX 111 Committee of 300 -Sku AFab United Nations Sh ieks ntel ligence Service-- I Inte 1 CIA Agencies Brit ish East 1 7 and Bones e-- Commun ism Fab ian ism L ibera 1 ism Soc ia 1 ism Right-wing Petroleum, Banking - Insuran


  • MATRIX III The Plan of the Olympians (The Committee of 300) According to Some Sources 1. A One World Government and New World Order with a Unified Church and monetary system under their direction. 2. Destruction of all national identity and pride. 3. Destruc


  • l Congress on Eugenics, New York. 1932 - Coudenhove-Kalergi writes "Revolution Through Tech- nolgy", a blueprint for the return of the world to medieval soc~sty, which becomes a working paper for the Committee of 300's plan to deindustrialize the planet, starting with the United States, claiming that "over-population" is a problem. 1932 - Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands joins the S.S, and then the board of an


  • war- fare experimental centers. New World Order machinery is basically in place at this time. Massive psychological warfare against the United States begins. 1946 - The Club of Rome is ordered by the Committee of 300, also referred to as the "OLYMPIANS", to further the progress of think tanks aligned with their philosophy. 06 3 1-H


  • ect MK Delta. 1961 - Heroin coming from Hong Kong, Lebanon, and Dubai engulf the U.S. and Western Europe. Research Analysis Corporation becomes part of the Johns Hopkins bloc and is taken over by the Committee of 300. It has over 600 projects, which include psycho~ogical warfare and mass population control. 1961 - Program begins at University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratories where 102 subjects are fed


  • 1991 - Economic recession begins in the United States. 1992 - Assault on "moral values" due to go into high gear. 1993 - Final draft for system of parliamentary government due for presentation to the Committee of 300. 1995 - United States slated to come out of economic depression as a different society. 1997 - Hong Kong becomes China property in lieu of larger cut in Drug Trade. Excerpt from "The Technotronic Era


  • MATRIX 111 Committee of 300 Owned Interface Companies and Interests Xerox Corporation, ITT, NBC, BBC, CBC, CNN, Raytheon, Textron, Atlantic Richfield, British Pertroleum, Royal Dutch Shell, Marine Mid1 and Bank, Lehman Brothers

File: Valdamar Valerian - Matrix IV -


  • l of the controlling races. banking community, the Illuminati, the They have enslaved other races to act as Bilderberger Sociery, the Club Of Rome, the agentur for their purposes, specifically a sho* Committee of 300, the Trilateral Cornmisswn grey insectlreptiiian based species from Zeta and privately through intelligence and research Reticuli 1 and 2 who reproduce by cloning. They arms such as the Rand Corporat

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