Black Budget

Found in 163 Books

File: 9-11 - Finding the Truth -


  • u think the war on terror is genuine, nor have you provided any solid evidence to support this supposition.) We are however, keen to talk to or ganisations who are willing to expose black technology, black budget progra mmes and their use in conjunction with sophisticated Psy-Op techniques in 9/11 and its aftermath. We are willing to co-operate with those prog ramme makers who want to expose how brainwashing


  • to agree when Dr. Wood suggests that the technology could be used for good thin gs – he states that her suggestion is a “very profound statement”. We bre then suggests (around 45:30) that behind the black budget projects there are these “advanced technologies which have been developed, at taxpayer expense, for weapons applications, which could as easily be applied to new energy applications that would be to


  • fuel-less non-polluting zero point energy technologies that are now sequestered in the Nati onal Security State. ...and then say this to Dr. Judy Wood and John Hutchison on 14th Feb 2008: [behind the black budget projects there are these] “advanced technologies which have been developed, at taxpayer expense, for weapons applications, which could as easily be applied to new energy applications that would be to


  • rs to agree when Dr. Wood suggests that the technology could be used for good things – he says that her suggestion is a “ver y profound statement”. Webre then suggests (around 45:30) that behind th e black budget projects there are

File: 9-11 Evil - Israel's Central Role In The September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks -


  • tenure as Pentagon Comptroller, the military "lost" 56 fighter planes, 32 tanks, and 36 Javelin missile command launch units; plus he had the power to shift massive amounts of money into clandestine black budgets (i.e. the missing $2 trillion). Finally, Zakheim brokered a contract where 32 Boeing aircraft were shipped to Florida's MacDill Air Force Base as part of a tanker lease deal. Could these planes, the

File: Towers Of Deception -


  • e time it remains Invisible insofar as only glimpses of the extent of its budgets are available. Even the taxpayer-supported budget is subject to secrecy on the grounds of “national security;” these “black budgets” are kept secret because they’re illegal. Also unknown are its operations and personnel. One of the earliest and best books on the CIA was The Invisible Government, published in 1964. 250 TOWERS OF

File: Alan Watt - Cutting Through Vol 1 -


  • ues (Freemaronry's phony code of ethics). From the tree itself springs ^ honey-dew (the birthright of the world's people). The serpent (the military), lies at the under-world fountain (secret funds - black budgets) and enaws at the root of the tree. The squirrel (Troglodyte) runs up and dowfr (under and around), and tries to breed strife between the serpent (the mititary) and the eagle (the people) which sits

File: Antony Sutton - Trilaterals Over America -


  • lion appropriation to EXPAND germ warfare testing ability in the early 1980s. Senator James Sasser objected and it is unlikely th at the appropriation went through. It could have been handled on the "black budget." The Originator of AIDS In July 1969 Dr. MacArthur, Di rector of the U.S. Army Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA) appeared before Congress (the Appr opriations Committee of the House) and state

File: Dan Brown - 2006 - Deception Point -

  • d with the way Pickering had just taken over. "Bill, let me askyou this: NASA is hoping to go to Mars in the next decade. How will theintelligence community feel about spending a hefty portion of the black budgetrunning a mission to Mars – a mission that has no immediate national securitybenefits?""NASA will be able to do as they please.""Bullshit," Herney replied flatly.Everyone's eyes shot up. President Her

File: Deception Point -


  • o little funding, and you’re paying the price in failed missions. If we incorporate NASA into the intelligence community, NASA will no longer need to ask Congress for help. You would be funded by the black budget at significantly higher levels. It’s a win-win. NASA will have the money it needs to run itself properly, and the intelligence community will have peace of mind that NASA technologies are protected.”
  • ith the way Pickering had just taken over. “Bill, let me ask you this: NASA is hoping to go to Mars in the next decade. How will the intellig ence community feel about spending a hefty portion of the black budget running a mission to Mars–a mission that has no immedi ate national security benefits?” “NASA will be able to do as they please.” “Bullshit,” Herney replied flatly. Everyone’s eyes shot up. Presiden

File: David Icke - 2002 - Alice In Wonderland And The World Trade Center Disaster -

  • d criminal covert operations of> the US. This included the arming of Iraq and the Nicaraguan Contras; US> involvement in the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) scandal;> and funding the Black Budget through purchase of our nation’s children to be> used as sex slaves and camel jockeys.> “Since the US ‘won’ control of the drug industries through the so-called Drug> Wars, Saudi Arabia played an int

File: David Icke - 2002 - Alice In Wonderland And The World Trade Center Disaster -

  • d criminal covert operations of> the US. This included the arming of Iraq and the Nicaraguan Contras; US> involvement in the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) scandal;> and funding the Black Budget through purchase of our nation’s children to be> used as sex slaves and camel jockeys.> “Since the US ‘won’ control of the drug industries through the so-called Drug> Wars, Saudi Arabia played an int

File: David Icke - 2019 - The Trigger -


  • lock into government, military, intelligence agencies, law enforcement and the rest of the Permanent Government. Drug- trafficking generates incredible amounts of money to spend on secret so- called 'black budget' projects (including 9I11) and this doesn't appear in official government and military bookkeeping. Another source of funding is simply to make trillions in the US military budget disappear and then


  • hey did. What happened to that money and trillions more since bringing the total officially missing at the time of writing to $21 trillion? One answer is that attacks like 9 /11 and other so- called 'black budget', off-the-books Hidden Hand projects can be extremely expensive. Investigative journalist David Lindorf£ described how the scam works: ... they submit the financial statements from prior years showin

File: David Icke - 2019 - The Trigger -


  • lock into government, military, intelligence agencies, law enforcement and the rest of the Permanent Government. Drug- trafficking generates incredible amounts of money to spend on secret so- called 'black budget' projects (including 9I11) and this doesn't appear in official government and military bookkeeping. Another source of funding is simply to make trillions in the US military budget disappear and then


  • hey did. What happened to that money and trillions more since bringing the total officially missing at the time of writing to $21 trillion? One answer is that attacks like 9 /11 and other so- called 'black budget', off-the-books Hidden Hand projects can be extremely expensive. Investigative journalist David Lindorf£ described how the scam works: ... they submit the financial statements from prior years showin

File: David Icke - Alice In Wonderland And The World Trade Center Disaster -


  • and criminal covert operations of the US. This included the arming of Iraq and the Nicaraguan Contras; US involvement in the Bank of Credit and Commerce International ( BCCI) scandal; and funding the Black Budget through purchase of our nation's children to be used as sex slaves and camel jockeys. "Since the US 'won' control of the drug industries through the so-called Drug Wars, Saudi Arabia played an integr

File: David Icke - Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center (Chap 1-7) (2002) -


  • and criminal covert operations of the US. This included the arming of Iraq and the Nicaraguan Contras; US involvement in the Bank of Credit and Commerce International ( BCCI) scandal; and funding the Black Budget through purchase of our nation's children to be used as sex slaves and camel jockeys. "Since the US 'won' control of the drug industries through the so-called Drug Wars, Saudi Arabia played an integr

File: David Icke - Reptilian Research -


  • ge Bush the most powerful and dangerous criminal in the history of the world." Note: Where does all this ill-gained money go? According to many sources, much of this as well as the multi-billions in "Black Budget" monies provided by the taxpayers pours into the insiders' relentless and secret efforts to construct underground as well as off-planet (Moon, Mars, etc.) places of refuge where the secret government

File: David Wilcock - Ascension Mysteries -

  • s later, insiders would tell me that theReagan administration used the nuclear arms race, the shuttle missions, andmassive increases in defense spending to obtain huge amounts of money for topsecret “black budget” programs, in which highly advanced and classifiedtechnology was being developed.THE MAN WHO SAW TOMORROWI was absolutely stunned by the HBO special The Man Who Saw Tomorrow, which hadpremiered in Ja

File: 07_13_2004_The Chapter 7 Bankruptcy of Dan and Deborah Burisch -


  • enheit 9/11, what is the REAL issuebehind Dan Burisch? I think the 'wolves' aren't GB 43 himself, or Dan in this case, but theactual STRUCTURE of how business gets accomplished at the billion dollar (black budget)level - and EXPOSING those loopholes." United States Bankruptcy Court, District of Nevada, July 16, 2002In Chapter 7 bankruptcy, all debts are cleared because there are no assets. The documentstates:

File: 07_27_2004_Part 12 UFO Crash Retrievals The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield -


  • ing on highly classified R and D programs andhundreds of hours at a total of 14 archives and been duly impressed with theoutstanding work of Tim Weiner (Ref. 14) in demonstrating that the U. S.annual Black Budget is over $34 billion per year - I marvel at people whothink that secrets can't be kept. It is interesting, indeed, that Phil still has notbeen able to provide a clean copy of the 75% blacked out 21-pa


  • Flying Saucers, Noisy Negativists and Truth, MUFONConference 1985, UFORI, See item # 3. 13. Keel, John, FA T E M a g a z i n e, March 1990, January 1991. 14. Weiner, Tim, Blank Check: The Pentagon's Black Budget, Warner Books,1990, page 273. Extremely well-referenced, researched and indexed.' COMMENT

File: 05_12_2006_An Extraterrestrial School for Humans -


  • E WITH THESE GREYBEINGS THAT THEY REALLY WANT WITH US AND THIS PLANET? It might even floor you when I tell you this. These crashes, when we find bits and pieces of half or whole shipsor whatever, the Black Budget people are doing and anything of that nature. Anything that we find that we thinkis a part of what their technology is, is because they purposefully crashed this stuff so we’ll think that’s whattheir

File: 08_30_2007_Part 1 Military Insiders Comment About Zeta Reticuli and EBENs -


  • national security. DOD's Extraterrestrial Space CommandDirectorate, E2SCDIn the 1990s, Sherman said MJ-12 had evolved to a different letter number code thatbegan "E2" - perhaps related to an alleged black budget military organization with theDefense Department called E2SCD, the Extraterrestrial Space Command Directorate. Iasked Sherman if he had personally seen non-human technology."I've held an Eben communi

File: 11_20_2007_Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program -


  • LOGINLOGOUTHELPPrinter FriendlyPageEarthfiles, news category.Share:DiggFacebookStumbleUpon Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program? © 2007 by Linda Moulton HoweJane's Intelligence Briefing, 1997 - No. 1: “The aero-diamond's aerospikeengine and diamond platform could propel the cr
  • e went on to become an autocad draftsmanworking on aerospace components. Today, he is an Aerospace draftsman for ArmstrongAerospace based in Elmhurst Illinois.Michael has a theory about where all the black budget DOD trillions have been going overthe past 60 years: to fund a TOP SECRET space program that no citizen in the UnitedStates knows about – including most of Congress. If true, it means that NASA is on


  • eated inparallel with another secret space program.Interview:Michael Schratt, Aerospace Draftsman, Armstrong Aerospace, Elmhurst, Illinois: “ We’re spending multiple billions of dollars on classified black budget programs with noCongressional oversight whatsoever. One quick example is a document that I ran across atthe Library of Congress, which is directly in back of the Capitol in Washington, D. C. There yo


  • might fly. I will reference an event that took place on November 12,1988 – this is two days after the F-117A was declassified and put into the public domain.This was an exhibit to garner support for black budget aerospace programs. We know thatCalifornia Congressman George Brown, Jr., was present. We also know that U. S. SenatorAlan Cranston was present and a number of high-level military brass was also pres

File: 12_01_2007_Part 1 Secret American Military Space Program -


  • physicists Walter Dornberger, Wernher von Braunand Eugen Saenger. Allegedly operated only from 1957 to 1963, but is that wherethe American military's secret space program began, siphoning trillionsof black budget dollars and continuing to this day?[ Editor’s Note: Wikipedia - "The X-20 Dyna-Soar ("Dynamic Soarer") was aUnited States Air Force (USAF) program to develop a space plane that couldbe used for a var


  • • 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO• 11/06/2007 — Part 1: In League With A UFO• 10/21/2007 — Viewer Comments About Big Triangles and Lights -

File: 12_07_2007_Part 2 Secret American Military Space Program -


  • reports about reports of advanced spacecraft, see other reports below in the Earthfiles Archive:• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO• 11/06/2007 — Part 1: In League With A UFO• 10/21/2007 — Viewer Comments About Big Triangles and Lights -

File: 12_20_2007_Updated Viewer Letters About Secret American Military Space Program -


  • reports about reports of advanced spacecraft, see other reports below in the Earthfiles Archive:• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO• 11/06/2007 — Part 1: In League With A UFO• 10/21/2007 — Viewer Comments About Big Triangles and Lights -

File: 01_18_2008_Amphibians Dying Out At Alarming Rate -


  • in Albuquerque, NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO

File: 01_18_2008_Updated Huge Aerial Craft Over Dublin, Texas, Longer Than 3 Football Fields -


  • in Albuquerque, NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO

File: 01_28_2008_Updated 01-28-08 Viewer Letters About Aerial Craft and Military Flyovers Above Dublin, Stephenville and Selden, Texas -


  • in Albuquerque, NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO• 11/08/2007 — More Unusual Animal Deaths• 11/06/2007 — Part 1: In League With A UFO• 10/31/2007 — Part 5:

File: 02_08_2008_Law Officers Describe Unidentified Shape-Shifting Aerial Craft in Stephenville, Texas, Region -


  • in Albuquerque, NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO• 11/08/2007 — More Unusual Animal Deaths• 11/06/2007 — Part 1: In League With A UFO• 10/31/2007 — Part 5:

File: 02_14_2008_Update Mysterious Symbols Projected in Night Sky by Aerial Disc Near Stephenville, Texas, Local Airport -


  • in Albuquerque, NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO• 11/08/2007 — More Unusual Animal Deaths

File: 02_22_2008_Abductee Jim Sparks Comments On Alien Symbol Technology -


  • elves. With humans at the helm,that’s the direction we have been going.The fact is that these E. T. technologies are not just in E. T. hands, but they are in thehands of human beings. But, of course, Black Budget and Above Top Secret classificationsmean these technologies are not getting out to the public. I do know that some of thethings in the government’s possession include non-polluting free energy. There

File: 02_22_2008_Updated Three Eyewitnesses in Selden, Texas, Saw Two, Large Rectangles of White Flames in Sky -


  • in Albuquerque, NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO• 11/08/2007 — More Unusual Animal Deaths• 11/06/2007 — Part 1: In League With A UFO• 10/31/2007 — Part 5:

File: 03_02_2008_Part 2 Real X-File, Source Unknown -


  • in Albuquerque, NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO• 11/08/2007 — More Unusual Animal Deaths• 11/06/2007 — Part 1: In League With A UFO• 10/31/2007 — Part 5:

File: 03_02_2008_Part 3 Real X-File, Source Unknown -


  • in Albuquerque, NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO• 11/08/2007 — More Unusual Animal Deaths• 11/06/2007 — Part 1: In League With A UFO• 10/31/2007 — Part 5:

File: 03_03_2008_Updated Part 1 Real X-File, Source Unknown -


  • in Albuquerque, NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO• 11/08/2007 — More Unusual Animal Deaths• 11/06/2007 — Part 1: In League With A UFO• 10/31/2007 — Part 5:

File: 03_04_2008_Part 4 Real X-File, Source Unknown -


  • in Albuquerque, NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO• 11/08/2007 — More Unusual Animal Deaths• 11/06/2007 — Part 1: In League With A UFO• 10/31/2007 — Part 5:

File: 03_08_2008_Part 5 Real X-File, Source Unknown -


  • in Albuquerque, NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO• 11/08/2007 — More Unusual Animal Deaths• 11/06/2007 — Part 1: In League With A UFO• 10/31/2007 — Part 5:

File: 03_15_2008_Part 6 - Real X-File, Source Unknown -


  • in Albuquerque, NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO• 11/08/2007 — More Unusual Animal Deaths• 11/06/2007 — Part 1: In League With A UFO• 10/31/2007 — Part 5:

File: 03_20_2008_Part 7 - Real X-File, Source Unknown -


  • in Albuquerque, NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO• 11/08/2007 — More Unusual Animal Deaths• 11/06/2007 — Part 1: In League With A UFO• 10/31/2007 — Part 5:

File: 03_30_2008_Part 8 - Real X-File, Source Unknown -


  • in Albuquerque, NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO• 11/08/2007 — More Unusual Animal Deaths• 11/06/2007 — Part 1: In League With A UFO• 10/31/2007 — Part 5:

File: 04_02_2008_Part 9 - Real X-File, Source Unknown -


  • in Albuquerque, NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO• 11/08/2007 — More Unusual Animal Deaths• 11/06/2007 — Part 1: In League With A UFO• 10/31/2007 — Part 5:

File: 04_06_2008_Final Part 10 Real X-File, Source Unknown -


  • in Albuquerque, NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO• 11/08/2007 — More Unusual Animal Deaths• 11/06/2007 — Part 1: In League With A UFO• 10/31/2007 — Part 5:

File: 05_09_2008_Dragonfly Drones - Surveillance Technology -


  • itnesses 1987 to 2007• 03/09/2008 — Viewer Comments About Drone Mystery and Homeland Security Ban? OnInfrared Cameras• 03/07/2008 — Mysterious Aerial “Drones” - Oklahoma and Arkansas• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 07/28/2007 — Clarifications and Comments by Isaac• 07/11/2007 — Professional Computer Engineers Comment About "Isaac" and CARETDocument• 07/10/2007

File: 06_06_2008_Updated Mysterious Crash Near Needles, California -


  • in Albuquerque, NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO• 11/08/2007 — More Unusual Animal Deaths• 11/06/2007 — Part 1: In League With A UFO• 10/31/2007 — Part 5:

File: 06_27_2008_More Military Sightings of UFOs in U. K. -


  • in Albuquerque, NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO• 11/08/2007 — More Unusual Animal Deaths• 11/06/2007 — Part 1: In League With A UFO• 10/31/2007 — Part 5:

File: 07_11_2008_Updated - Part 1 Roswell Rock Matches August 2, 1996, U. K. Crop Pattern -


  • in Albuquerque, NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO• 11/08/2007 — More Unusual Animal Deaths• 11/06/2007 — Part 1: In League With A UFO• 10/31/2007 — Part 5:

File: 07_25_2008_Apollo Astronaut Edgar Mitchell Says Governments Covering Up E. T.s -


  • • 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO• 11/08/2007 — More Unusual Animal Deaths• 11/06/2007 — Part 1: In League With A UFO• 09/16/2007 — Part 5:

File: 07_26_2008_Part 1 Why No Military Response to Radar Unknown Headed to Bush Crawford Ranch on January 8, 2008 -


  • y in Albuquerque,NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque,NM• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American SpaceProgram?• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO• 11/08/2007 — More Unusual Animal Deaths• 11/06/2007 — Part 1: In League With A UFO• 09/16/2007 — Part 5:

File: 07_28_2008_Part 2 Why No Military Response to Radar Unknown Headed to Bush Crawford Ranch on January 8, 2008 -


  • y in Albuquerque,NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque,NM• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American SpaceProgram?• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO• 11/08/2007 — More Unusual Animal Deaths• 11/06/2007 — Part 1: In League With A UFO• 09/16/2007 — Part 5:

File: 08_01_2008_Part 1 Rise of Fourth Reich in America -


  • in Albuquerque, NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO• 11/08/2007 — More Unusual Animal Deaths• 11/06/2007 — Part 1: In League With A UFO• 09/20/2007 — Part 2:

File: 08_06_2008_Updated - Part 3 Original Carbon of Scorched Memo Links Government UFO Cover-Up and JFK Assassination -


  • y is going to be cut off completely ‘in our environment.’‘And Washington cannot be influenced any further.’ That means the people who controlthis covert money are not coming up with it.MEANING COVERT BLACK BUDGET MONEY TO KEEP MJ-12 FUNCTIONING?Yes. Exactly right, which is presumably somewhere between not trivial and huge!And the ‘weather is lacking any precipitation.’ I’m reading that to mean that there is n

File: 08_12_2008_Part 2 Rise of Fourth Reich -Where Is the Nazi Die Glocke -


  • in Albuquerque, NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO• 11/08/2007 — More Unusual Animal Deaths• 11/06/2007 — Part 1: In League With A UFO• 09/20/2007 — Part 2:

File: 08_22_2008_UFOs and 14th Century Black Death -


  • in Albuquerque, NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO• 11/08/2007 — More Unusual Animal Deaths• 11/06/2007 — Part 1: In League With A UFO• 10/31/2007 — Part 5:

File: 08_26_2008_Update Earthfiles Viewer Comments About UFOs and 14th Century Black Death -


  • in Albuquerque, NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO• 11/08/2007 — More Unusual Animal Deaths• 11/06/2007 — Part 1: In League With A UFO• 10/31/2007 — Part 5:

File: 10_10_2008_Part 1 Two Pennsylvania Hunters Encountered Strange Lights and Lime Green, Glowing Humanoid on Oct. 4 -


  • in Albuquerque, NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO• 11/08/2007 — More Unusual Animal Deaths• 11/06/2007 — Part 1: In League With A UFO• 10/31/2007 — Part 5:

File: 10_30_2008_More Encounters with Glowing Humanoids, Green Orbs, Strange Aerial Lights and Thunderbirds -


  • in Albuquerque, NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO• 11/08/2007 — More Unusual Animal Deaths• 11/06/2007 — Part 1: In League With A UFO• 10/31/2007 — Part 5:

File: 11_13_2008_Part 1 Morphing UFO Over Levittown, PA Drops Little Squares of Light -


  • in Albuquerque, NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?

File: 11_14_2008_Part 2 Morphing UFO Over Levittown, PA - Scientific Research -


  • in Albuquerque, NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO• 11/08/2007 — More Unusual Animal Deaths• 11/06/2007 — Part 1: In League With A UFO• 10/31/2007 — Part 5:

File: 11_17_2008_Part 3 Morphing UFO Over Levittown, PA - Scientific Research -


  • in Albuquerque, NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO• 11/08/2007 — More Unusual Animal Deaths• 11/06/2007 — Part 1: In League With A UFO• 10/31/2007 — Part 5:

File: 11_17_2008_Part 4 Morphing UFO Over Levittown, PA - Scientific Research -


  • in Albuquerque, NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO• 11/08/2007 — More Unusual Animal Deaths• 11/06/2007 — Part 1: In League With A UFO• 10/31/2007 — Part 5:

File: 11_21_2008_Colorado State Patrol Officer Encountered UFO and Human Stranger -


  • in Albuquerque, NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO• 11/08/2007 — More Unusual Animal Deaths• 11/06/2007 — Part 1: In League With A UFO• 10/31/2007 — Part 5:

File: 12_02_2008_Updated Strange Aerial Object Over Irving, Texas -


  • in Albuquerque, NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO• 11/08/2007 — More Unusual Animal Deaths• 11/06/2007 — Part 1: In League With A UFO• 12/10/2004 — Part 3:

File: 12_12_2008_More Ohio Eyewitnesses See Glowing Pod Rise Up to Triangle -


  • in Albuquerque, NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO• 11/08/2007 — More Unusual Animal Deaths• 11/06/2007 — Part 1: In League With A UFO• 12/10/2004 — Part 3:

File: 12_17_2008_Erath County, Texas, Policeman Saw 600-Foot-Diameter Aerial Craft Over Stephenville Court House -


  • in Albuquerque, NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO• 11/08/2007 — More Unusual Animal Deaths• 11/06/2007 — Part 1: In League With A UFO• 12/10/2004 — Part 3:

File: 12_17_2008_Updated - Part 1 CIA, UFOs and Hollywood -


  • in Albuquerque, NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO• 11/08/2007 — More Unusual Animal Deaths• 11/06/2007 — Part 1: In League With A UFO• 12/10/2004 — Part 3:

File: 12_19_2008_Mysterious Multi-Colored Light Patterns in Sky Over Reno, Nevada -


  • in Albuquerque, NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO• 11/08/2007 — More Unusual Animal Deaths• 11/06/2007 — Part 1: In League With A UFO• 12/10/2004 — Part 3:

File: 12_21_2008_Mystery of Missing East Coast Acorns -


  • ilitary in Albuquerque, NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 2: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 11/08/2007 — More Unusual Animal Deaths• 10/05/2007 — Earlier, Faster and Deeper Arctic Ice Melt Down• 09/18/2007 — E. coli and Salmonella Continue

File: 04_21_2009_Archive Reprint Apollo Astronaut Edgar Mitchell Says Governments Covering Up E. T.s -


  • in Albuquerque, NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO• 11/08/2007 — More Unusual Animal Deaths• 11/06/2007 — Part 1: In League With A UFO• 09/16/2007 — Part 5:

File: 05_01_2009_Part 1 April 2009 Chemistry Report about Nano-Thermitic Material Discovered in 9 11 World Trade Center Dust -


  • 2 - Physicist Steven E. JonesMore Information:For further information about 9/11, please see Earthfiles Archived reports below:• 08/01/2008 — Part 1: Rise of Fourth Reich in America?• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 10/06/2004 — Is NRC Making Terrorist Work Easier? Radioactive Material Sites On U. S.Government Website• 07/17/2004 — Inside Job - Unmasking the 9/

File: 05_01_2009_Part 2 April 2009 Chemistry Report about Nano-Thermitic Material Discovered in 9 11 World Trade Center Dust -


  • as unlikely.”Return to Part 1More Information:For further information about 9/11, please see Earthfiles Archived reports below:• 08/01/2008 — Part 1: Rise of Fourth Reich in America?• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 10/06/2004 — Is NRC Making Terrorist Work Easier? Radioactive Material Sites On U. S.Government Website• 07/17/2004 — Inside Job - Unmasking the 9/

File: 11_20_2009_Red List of Earth Life Facing Extinction Keeps Growing -


  • ilitary in Albuquerque, NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 2: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?• 11/08/2007 — More Unusual Animal Deaths• 10/05/2007 — Earlier, Faster and Deeper Arctic Ice Melt Down• 09/18/2007 — E. coli and Salmonella Continue

File: Lost Journals Of Nikola Tesla -


  • inal ideas for high voltage electric drives decades ago. It must be also considered that the B-2 is now no l onger the only aircraft to use such technologies. Since that time an entire genera tion of black budget secret aircraft may have been developed with electrogravit ic systems. Art Bells Mysterious Metal - The Key to Antigravity The suggestion that UFOs could be manmade flying ma chines using exotic tech


  • nsmissions he was receiving from his Martials. Some researchers have attributed Ronald Reagan's Sp ace Defense Initiative to a branch of Alternative 3. This special project was using a portion of its black budget to build a space based weapon system to be d eployed not against Soviet nuclear missiles, but instead, to a perceived threa t against hostile extraterrestrial forces. In Genesis Revisited, Zecharia S

File: Tim R. Swartz - The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla (2018, Inner Light - Global Communications) -

  • original ideas for high voltage electric drivesdecades ago. It must be also considered that the B-2 is now no longer the onlyaircraft to use such technologies. Since that time, an entire generation ofblack budget secret aircraft may have been developed with electrograviticsystems.ART BELLS MYSTERIOUS METAL —THE KEY TO ANTIGRAVITYThe suggestion that UFOs could be manmade flying machines using exotictechnologie
  • a haveactive Particle Beam and RF (radio frequency) weaponry that has been inoperation since the early 1970s, all because of Tesla's early 19th and 20thCentury experiments.To say that there are other black budget projects involving Tesla-based researchwould vastly underestimate the total amount of research and development beingconducted right now by many countries worldwide. The point being is that theseare t

File: Tim R. Swartz - The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla_ Time Travel - Alternative Energy and the Secret of Nazi Flying Saucers (2015, Inner Light_Global Communications) -

  • riginal ideas for high voltage electric drives decades ago.It must be also considered that the B-2 is now no longer the only aircraft touse such technologies. Since that time, an entire generation of black budgetsecret aircraft may have been developed with electrogravitic systems.Art Bells Mysterious Metal – The Key to AntigravityThe suggestion that UFOs could be manmade flying machines using exotictechnologi

  • ave activeParticle Beam and RF (radio frequency) weaponry that has been in operation sincethe early 1970s-all as a result of Tesla's early 19th and 20th Centuryexperiments.To say that there are other black budget projects involving Tesla-based researchwould vastly underestimate the total amount of research and development beingconducted right now by many countries worldwide. And these are the projectsthat we

File: Fritz Springmeier - Deeper Insights Into The Illuminati Forumula -


  • ll us what they are doing, and they certainly haven’t obtained the victims’ permission for their sadistic behavior. They haven’t spent trillions of dollars researching, designing and installing these black budget and secret projects, if they weren’t convinced that they work. They are trying hard to get implant technology to the point it is tamper proof. The controllers seem to think they are above accountabil

File: Richard Lighthouse - 10 Reasons Prove the Watchlist is a Fraud -


  • idual Program. This program is an Unacknowledged Special Access Program (USAP), which means that the President and Congress do not know about it. It is illegal. The CIA provides the funding under the Black Budget. 1) In 2012, the State Department did extensive research for each country, estimating the maximum total number of terrorists worldwide at 184,000. This same year, the Terrorist Watchlist, run by the

File: Richard Lighthouse - Houston Gangstalking Boss & the Houston Police -


  • terrorist." Targeted Individuals are not terrorists. They are gangstalked because they are whistleblowers and political activists, etc. The CIA wants them silenced, and funds this program through the black budget. John Benzon, Homeland Security Planner [email protected] John Woodward Benzon, Age 69 1201 McDuffie ST #144 Houston, TX 77019 (713) 356-4000 Related to:

File: Richard Lighthouse - Targeted Individuals Technical Information -


  • ller is a founder. Readers will note that David Rockefeller and Nelson Rockefeller appear numerous times in the material provided by William Cooper, describing the formation of the Secret Government, Black Budget Operations, and plans of the National Security Council (NSC). William Cooper wrote a book, published in 1991, “Beyond a Pale Horse.” From “Cooper described the Illuminati as a secret i

File: The Matrix Deciphered Prerelease -


  • s pretty close. What he is actually building is a scalar or gravity wave detector. Interesting how he funded this research through a company that claims other mechanisms of action. Is this considered black budget funding? I wonder what his investors think? {diagram of scatter energy and beam cancelling fields} 2 Tesla’s Free Energy is a scam that corrupt colonels have been promoting to cover up stealth scat


  • ent crime families, warlords, gangs, and mobsters all competing for power, money, and glory, one Colonel often does not even know what the other one is up to more or less could Congress know what the black budgets really fund. One project that seems to have failed or at least hasn’t benefited many presidents is the real time opinion polls calculated by a sampling in the MIND network. It is useful to groom a c


  • es. Almost every DoD government worker with a clearance is on a fast rotational sample into their minds. This global human surveillance system, TAMI, has been readily expanding. The U.S. has a secret black budget of $42 billion dollars that was leaked recently. At an average salary of $75,000, this pot of money could have a payroll of 560,000 agents of the U.S. Government. How many of those are involved with


  • ythmia and skipped heart beats. These dumb asses aren’t even Neanderthals, they never evolved to humanoids. National Defense Lie More disconcerting in these experiments that have been marketed to the black budgets as national defense, is that there is no defensive action about these weapons. If the government were truly trying to protect its citizens, they would be building superconducting shelters within the

File: Jim Marrs - Our Occulted History -

  • hnically “legalized,” funds.Internet commentator Eric deCarbonnel has documented an immense amount ofinformation on the ESF and has concluded that the agency “controls the New YorkFed, runs the CIA’s black budget, and is the architect of the world’s monetarysystem (IMF, World Bank, etc). ESF financing (through the OSS and then the CIA)built up the worldwide propaganda network which has so badly distorted hist

File: Jim Marrs - Population Control - How Corporate Owners Are Killing Us -

  • and the other agencies of the U.S. intelligencecommunity.’”Assistant professor of history at Harvard University Kirsten Weld noted, “TheNational Security Agency’s surveillance leviathan, funded by a black budget andpresided over by a star-chamber court, suctions up almost inconceivable amountsof material from around the world, including your phone and computer.”Weld wrote, “As one former U.S. intelligence of

  • nel, a prolific blogger at, has produced avideo series revealing an immense amount of information on the ESF. He concludedthat the agency “controls the New York Fed, runs the CIA’s black budget, and isthe architect of the world’s monetary system (IMF, World Bank, etc.). ESFfinancing (through the OSS and then the CIA) built up the worldwide propagandanetwork which has so badly distorted hist

File: John Coleman - Beyond the Conspiracy -


  • nce is that agencies of the government itself have been involved in drug trafficking for sixty years or more, as I detail in my work, The Drug Trade from A to Z. For the purposes of understanding the black budget used by the CIA and others, one needs to be aware of the American practice of opening the American consumer market for drugs to 17


  • inance, purchasing a whopping $69 billion in that month alone, or more than 30% of its total interv ention in 2003, which was itself a record year. All of this may seem to have lit tle to do with the black budget, which most people associate with intelligence covert "black" operations. The truth, however, is that the black budget cannot be understood in isolation without understanding the political, historica
  • ch was itself a record year. All of this may seem to have lit tle to do with the black budget, which most people associate with intelligence covert "black" operations. The truth, however, is that the black budget cannot be understood in isolation without understanding the political, historical and economic context from which it springs. One way of understanding this is by comparing trends. For example, in 195


  • illion. One reason for the Federal Reserve s ilence is that agencies of the government itself have been involve d in drug trafficking for more than sixty years. For the pur poses of understanding the black budget, one needs to be aware of the American practice of opening the American consumer market for drugs to foreign exporters in order to pursue strate gic objectives abroad. The portability of narcotics an


  • variety of activities both open and covert. The pric e has been the progressive hollowing out of the Ameri can economy itself, and the progressive erosion of civil libe rties and the rule of law. The black budget is not the cause of this but the means. 171

File: Joseph P. Farrell - Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations -


  • sly in this preface and elsewhere in my works, there are at least three major components of the financing of this structure, beginning with the most visible and least secure, to the deepest level: a) Black budget financing via budget loopholes and reallocation within the public budget of the host state (the USA); b) Financing through criminal activity, including economic warfare activity against various natio


  • f finance were threatening to expose the whole structure. In short, this hidden system of finance that we have outlined is that of the breakaway civilization. It is in my opinion the secret source of black budget funding for all the black projects and research and weapons, and fundame ntally, for the technologies that may already have taken some small segment of humanity into interplanetary space. It is a sou


 If the reader is having difficulty wrapping his or her mind around such a notion, then perhaps the question may be rather differently stated: Do you really believe the Pentagon pays for all those black budget projects with nothing but simple accounting tricks like $25,000 toilet seats and $8,000 wrenches? ... But let us return for a moment to another implication: Lord Blackheath’s comment on £1,000,000,00


  • t the kind of money that builds corporate armies. We’ re talking about enough money to endow a private government... So, we’re talking about enough money to buy and control the planet. And so I think Black Budget. ” Catherine Austin Fitts 1 ndeed, as Catherine Austin Fitts rightly observes in the epigraph above, a few trillions of dollars in pocket change, a quadrillion of derivatives here, a quadrillion ther


  • ent, Catherine Austin Fitts, in an interview on November 26, 2011 with Bonnie Faulkner entitled “Unpacking Mr. Global.” There Ms. Fitts put the connection of the methodology with hidden technologies, black budgets, disaster- and -market manipulation with some force: Catherine Austin Fitts (11: 25) : “Right. And I think the biggest problem is starting at the end of World War II, we created a financial mechanis

File: Joseph P. Farrell - Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations -


  • sly in this preface and elsewhere in my works, there are at least three major components of the financing of this structure, beginning with the most visible and least secure, to the deepest level: a) Black budget financing via budget loopholes and reallocation within the public budget of the host state (the USA); b) Financing through criminal activity, including economic warfare activity against various natio


  • f finance were threatening to expose the whole structure. In short, this hidden system of finance that we have outlined is that of the breakaway civilization. It is in my opinion the secret source of black budget funding for all the black projects and research and weapons, and fundame ntally, for the technologies that may already have taken some small segment of humanity into interplanetary space. It is a sou


 If the reader is having difficulty wrapping his or her mind around such a notion, then perhaps the question may be rather differently stated: Do you really believe the Pentagon pays for all those black budget projects with nothing but simple accounting tricks like $25,000 toilet seats and $8,000 wrenches? ... But let us return for a moment to another implication: Lord Blackheath’s comment on £1,000,000,00


  • t the kind of money that builds corporate armies. We’ re talking about enough money to endow a private government... So, we’re talking about enough money to buy and control the planet. And so I think Black Budget. ” Catherine Austin Fitts 1 ndeed, as Catherine Austin Fitts rightly observes in the epigraph above, a few trillions of dollars in pocket change, a quadrillion of derivatives here, a quadrillion ther


  • ent, Catherine Austin Fitts, in an interview on November 26, 2011 with Bonnie Faulkner entitled “Unpacking Mr. Global.” There Ms. Fitts put the connection of the methodology with hidden technologies, black budgets, disaster- and -market manipulation with some force: Catherine Austin Fitts (11: 25) : “Right. And I think the biggest problem is starting at the end of World War II, we created a financial mechanis

File: Joseph P. Farrell - Reich Of The Black Sun -


  • cret weapons research effort. Second ly, and more significantly, the Reichspost was awash with mone y, and could therefore have provided some of the massive fundi ng necessary to the project, a true "black budget" oper ation in every sense. And finally, the head of the Reichspost was, perhaps not coincidentally, an engineer: Dr. Ing. Ohnesorge. It is, from the German point of view, a logical choice. Even his

File: Joseph P. Farrell - Reich of the Black Sun -

File: Joseph P. Farrell - Saucers, Swastikas and Psyops -

  • state budget as an instrument to curtail the power of the SS and> Gestapo, Hitler wanted to create a financial source to provide the SS with its> own budget.2In other words, Hitler wanted to create a black budget, doubtless in an effortto mask the vast secret weapons research being conducted within Himmler’s SS,and in coordination with the slave labor available in the concentration camps.Of course, by the tim
  • ote that there are three basic> sources of funding, all interlocked and evident within the above pre-war and> post-war patterns of relationships:> a) Overt funding from state budgets;> b) Covert, or “black budget” funding that is “off-the-books”of official> budgets, or whose items are hidden from scrutiny; and> c) Criminal, or underground and completely independentsources of funding. This> will be particularl
  • funding through taxation of the general populace in the various> countries hosting the Fraternity and its institutions, which funding is used> to contract its activities and research;> b) Covert, or “black budget” funding, in budgets that remain parallel to the> official budgets of states, a phenomenon revealed in Nazi Germany by the> parallel SS industrial structure, and in the USA by the black budget fundin
  • t, or “black budget” funding, in budgets that remain parallel to the> official budgets of states, a phenomenon revealed in Nazi Germany by the> parallel SS industrial structure, and in the USA by the black budget funding> of secret research such as the Manhattan project. Such sources of funding do,> however, depend upon the collusion of officials and agencies of that part of> the state representing its budget

  • lled “black projects”), then there is an ever> present danger of that military taking control of the government. That control> could be taken quickly—or gradually. Noisily or quietly. 16The extent of black budget funding for the construction of the sites that Sauderrefers to is substantiated by official U.S. government statements andpublications: > In 1987, Lloyd A. Duscha, the Deputy Director of Engineering

  • tion has all the> “instruments of surplus” noted by Quigley as being necessary for the> sustaining of a civilization, methods of surplus whose financing mechanisms> are largely covert, in the form of black budgets, and even more hidden,> through the connection with criminal activity connected with the drug trade, a> trade in turn heavily penetrated by some sort of postwar international Fascist> organization.

File: MUFON Journal - April 1994 -


  • MUFON UFO JOURNAL AREA 51 PUBLICATIONS & PRODUCTS Viewer's Guide, patch, Aurora model, maps, etc. relating to saucer claims, Black Budget aircraft & gov't secrecy in Nevada's Restricted Zone. Send SASE for catalog to: Glenn Campbell, HCR Box 38, Rachel, NV 89001. TRIAD RESEARCH FOUNDATION invites you to join our 11 day expedition to th

File: MUFON Journal - April 1997 -


  • ssessed." After all, she's the one married to a retired colonel of the mili- tary! Finally—and most importantly—what do "stories of alleged abductions and med- ical examinations by the U.S. military, black budget or otherwise" have to do with April 1997 Number 348 Page 17

File: MUFON Journal - April 1999 -


  • ary, I do not mean the whole US military community; I mean only a small covert task force which is in the need to know and operates in an Unacknowledged Special Access Pro- gram (USAP), financed by a black budget. Therefore, I am not against the whole US mili- tary and related agencies, but I think that the public has the right to know what is going on in USAPs, where the enemy seems not to be a hostile dicta

File: MUFON Journal - August 1992 -


  • , anti-gravitational craft. But the actual production takes place elsewhere. I headed west to California. Northeast of Los Angeles in the Antelope Valley portion of the Mojave Desert are the "secret" Black Budget aircraft production facilities of Lockheed (Helendale), McDonnell- Douglas (Llano) and Northrop. Northrop's facility is located on the huge Tejon Ranch in the Tehachapi Mountains, near the mouth of L

File: MUFON Journal - December 1996 -


  • operation in North America since the early eighties, and is involved in the monitoring and kidnapping of alleged UFO abductees. In the beginning of the eighties a lot of money became available under black budgets for top secret military pro- jects like the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). This task force might be financed by a portion of this money. It seems to me that they are interested in well investig

File: MUFON Journal - December 1999 -


  • text now: the Cold War is over, and we seem almost in a hurry to leak or sell our technology to the Chinese or any other buyers. UFO secrecy now serves other purposes-a good excuse to have many large black budget research projects away from the eyes of Congress, and the release of UFO information would have untold religious consequences, which could in turn have major financial and political consequences, and

File: MUFON Journal - February 1994 -


  • MUFON UFO JOURNAL AREA 51 PUBLICATIONS & PRODUCTS: Viewer's Guide, patch, Aurora model, maps, etc., relating to saucer claims, Black Budget aircraft & gov't secrecy in Nevada's Restricted Zone. Send SASE for catalog to: Glenn Campbell, HCR Box 38, Rachel, NV 89001. NATIONAL DIRECTORY OF HAUNTED PLACES by for- mer MUFON Journal editor Wil

File: MUFON Journal - February 1997 -


  • to respond to "Preliminary Findings of Project MILAB" by Helmut Lammer (December, 1996). In a word, horse droppings. The stories of alleged ab- ductions and medical examinations by the U.S. military, black budget or otherwise, are merely the latest twist in abduction folklore. Abductees, like Madonna, know how to constantly reinvent themselves so as to keep us with our tongues hanging out. Since we are all ac

File: MUFON Journal - January 1992 -


  • logy. In general, three basic types of aerial devices are reported, all roughly triangular in configuration. The first appears to have a wingspan somewhere between 60 and 160 feet across; the second "black budget" device is seen only as a high- flying orange or yellow light accompanied by a loud, puls- ing roar; while the third phantom device is described as a black boomerang, a staggering 600 to 800 feet fro

File: MUFON Journal - January 1994 -


  • ch. Send name & address to: Fund for UFO Research, P. O. Box 277-M, Mt. Rainier, MD 20712. AREA 51 PUBLICATIONS & PRODUCTS: Viewer's Guide, patch, Aurora model, maps, etc., relating to saucer claims. Black Budget aircraft & gov't secrecy in Nevada's Restricted Zone. Send SASE for catalog to: Glenn Campbell, HCR Box 38, Rachel, NV 89001. PHOTO ID'S $3.89 (send no $$, SASE for info): UFO Curious Contact Service

File: MUFON Journal - January 2002 -


  • made until 25 years after WW II. It was a black program, as was the devel- opment of the U-2, the Stealth Fighter, the SR-71 etc. The Director of Central Intelligence admitted in 1996 that his annual black budget was $26.6 billion. Is there any reason to conclude that there is TS Code Word material on UFOs as part of a black program? In a Jan. 31,1949, FBI document is the following statement: "This matter [fl

File: MUFON Journal - July 1989 -


  • r, in fact, of thousands of pages of same. Yet the National Security Agency, the shadowiest of all, the all-seeing eye atop the pyramid of secrecy, the guardian of the keys, bolstered by billions of "black budget" dollars, summarily refused. A refusal, incidentally, that was upheld in Fed- eral Court, confirming the conspiracy of covert government collusion. In short, faith among the faithful was surreptitiou

File: MUFON Journal - July 2004 -


  • uch energy per particle as they can get in a dumb old chemical rocket. We do know a lot about fusion, as the sun (and hydrogen bombs) are fu- sion factories. None of the programs mentioned above were black budget programs, but all the technical data was classified at the time the programs were ongoing. My ques- tioner admitted that he had not been aware of the existence or scope of the programs. The ANP progr

File: MUFON Journal - June 1994 -


  • .O. to Katharina Wilson, PO Box 230023. Portland OR 97281- 0023. Hard cover: ISBN 0-9639916-0-4. AREA 51 PUBLICATIONS & PRODUCTS: Viewer's Guide, patch. Aurora model, etc., relating to saucer claims. Black Budget aircraft & gov't secrecy in Nevada's Restricted Zone. Send SASE for catalog to Glen Campbell. HCK Box 38, Rachel. NV 89001. GULF BREEZE UFO CONVENTION: October 14-16, 1994. Jenny Randies. Dr. Arthur

File: MUFON Journal - March 1994 -


  • for catalog of over 100 titles to Underground Video®, Box 527, Dept. M, Beverly Hills, CA, AREA 51 PUBLICATIONS & PRODUCTS. Viewer's Guide, patch, Aurora model, maps, etc., relating to saucer claims, Black Budget aircraft & gov't secrecy in Nevada's Restricted Zone. Send SASE for catalog to: Glenn Campbell, HCR Box 38, Rachel, NV 89001. SKEPTICS UFO NEWSLETTER (SUN) by Philip J. Klass, published bimonthly, of

File: MUFON Journal - March 2002 -


  • ot dropped until at least six years after Roswell, or a redheaded officer coming to the Roswell base hospital-12 years after the event. He doesn't seem to understand how National Secu- rity works. Or Black Budgets, which, under law, have the existence of the funded projects classified. I didn't con- sider the Manhattan Project or the Stealth aircraft pro- grams conspiracies. People involved were sworn to se-

File: MUFON Journal - May 1991 -


  • on the way to replacing the worn- out dark sedans of the early days of ufology. Whether this represents a psychological undercurrent of fear of modern technology, or merely an in- crease in the MIB's black budget, Beckley fails to note. Such stories con- tinue to surface in the serious literature, however, most recently in personal Epilogue of Ed Conroy's Report of Communion, and once started, they burn like

File: MUFON Journal - May 1994 -


  • O. to Katharina Wilson, PO Box 230023, Portland, OR 97281-0023. Hard cover: ISBN 0- 9639916-0-4. AREA 51 PUBLICATIONS & PRODUCTS: Viewer's Guide, patch, Aurora model, etc., relating to saucer claims, Black Budget aircraft & gov't secrecy in Nevada's Restricted Zone. Send SASE for catalog to: Glenn Campbell, HCR Box 38, Rachel, NV 89001. VIDEO/AUDIO TAPES on UFOs, crop circles, aviation mys- teries, near-death

File: MUFON Journal - May 2002 -


  • r- mation would be kept from the public in the interests of National Security. After all, the Director of Central Intel- ligence in 1996, because of a court action, was forced to admit that his total black budget that year was only $26.6 billion dollars. That represents a lot of effort with little oversight by elected officials. Those in power want to stay in power. Elected officials take as their first duty

File: MUFON Journal - May 2005 -


  • o discuss it. There is no clue as to what it was about. This committee and MJ-12 were not public groups wherein political consid- erations might have been very impor- tant, but were highly classified Black Budget groups. It seems to me that 20 MUFON UFO Journal May 2005

File: MUFON Journal - May 2007 -


  • of back engineering UFO technology. I strongly disagree. I think the major reason has been the huge expenditures of money (and people) in advanced R and D programs—many of them, at least temporarily, black budget programs. People are shocked when I point out that the General Electric Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion program on which I worked from 1956-1959 had a 1958 budget of $100 million. We employed 3,500 peopl
  • -supplied enriched uranium; and, so far as I have been able to tell, there are no nuclear- powered airplanes flying around even though we actually did operate jet engines on nuclear power. The annual black budget is variously estimated at 30-50 billion dollars. The three nuclear weapons labs employ more than 20,000 people in total and spend over $3 billion per year. That is more than the total budget of the N

File: MUFON Journal - November 1991 -


  • ons. The choice of "Inner Sanctum" as part of my title was apt because it imparted an atmosphere of mystery shrouding an invisible, elite force who possess extra- ordinary powers, allegedly backed by black budgets, to maintain control over a worldwide ufological domain. In my book I show some examples of how the Sanctum may operate. Status Report VI covers all aspects of the Crash/Retrieval mystery. Accented

File: MUFON Journal - November 1993 -


  • reventing Soviet, French or Chinese spy satellites from peering down at Groom Lake; they could only be targeted at the American tax- payer, who might legitimately be concerned about bil- lion-dollar "black budget" programs like Aurora. I also talked with Steven Aftergood, head of the Project on Government and Secrecy for the Washington, DC-based American Federation of Scientists, who called the latest land se

File: MUFON Journal - November 2000 -


  • 40 feet in diameter, 90 inches thick at the center, and had an empty weight of 17,042 pounds. The craft was designed to operate for six weeks at an altitude of 300 nautical miles. It was part of the black budget, classi- fied as secret on Dec. 12, 1962, and remained classi- fied until May 1999. Thereafter, the Department of Defense successfully sought to have the documents distribution restricted to defense

File: MUFON Journal - November 2002 -


  • ment that leaks like a sieve could possibly cover up such a story for nearly half a century is beyond my comprehension." Obviously Bova knows very little about "need to know," compartmental- ization, black budgets, etc. I should point out that in 1995 the Naval Research Laboratory first admitted having launched the first U.S. electronic Intelligence Spy Satel- lite back in 1960. It provided more Elint data th

File: MUFON Journal - November 2007 -


  • pts to shoot down UFOs in the 1950s, to the cases of airplanes being downed by UFOs. I give a number of these lies on my website (see “Government UFO Lies”). I would like to see a compilation of huge black budget projects—about which we now know—by the National Reconnaissance Office, by the Naval Research Laboratory, by Lockheed, etc, showing that secrets can indeed be kept. There are still media and other pe

File: MUFON Journal - October 1996 -


  • et through a private contractor, there have been private groups involved with this issue for a number of years because they have the expertise. "The dangerous part is, they're still operating under a black budget, which has been estimated at over $30 billion a year. And nobody knows what goes into black budgets. The prime requisite is security first and every- thing else second. Imagine an organization that h
  • er of years because they have the expertise. "The dangerous part is, they're still operating under a black budget, which has been estimated at over $30 billion a year. And nobody knows what goes into black budgets. The prime requisite is security first and every- thing else second. Imagine an organization that has a black budget, an unquestioned source of funds, reports to no one, and has this exotic technolo
  • ch has been estimated at over $30 billion a year. And nobody knows what goes into black budgets. The prime requisite is security first and every- thing else second. Imagine an organization that has a black budget, an unquestioned source of funds, reports to no one, and has this exotic technology that they can keep to themselves and play with." Mitchell, Mercury astronaut Gordon Cooper, and some 20,000 America

File: MUFON Journal - October 2002 -


  • k's book says, "The Hunt for Zero Point is the true story of ,a journey to reveal an awesome new energy." This is not quite true. Cook began looking for the pos- sibility that, somewhere in America's black budget de- fense network, scientists were working on anti-gravity projects. This was a taboo subject-too hot to discuss with Page 16 MUFON UFO Journal October 2002


  • ere had been rumors during the 1950's that we were on the brink of overcoming gravity. Then all talk of anti- gravity disappeared, which Gook saw as a clear signal that anti-gravity research had gone black budget. Cook took as gospel the letter from General Nathan F. Twining, dated 23 September 1947, stating that flying discs are "real and not visionary or fictitious," but Cook fo- cused on a section of Twini
  • supposedly a sleeper site' used by the Pentagon for burying B-2 funds at a time when the Stealth Bomber was still highly classi- fied." (p. 126) We in MUFON need to keep the size of the United States black budget in perspective: "in 1988, the total was computed to be $30 billion for R&D and secret weapons programs-more than the entire annual defence budget of a major European NATO nation such as Britain, Fran


  • there. An advanced reconnaissance vehicle known as the Aurora is perhaps being flight tested there or in a number of other super secret facilities in the US or Australia. Secrets can indeed be kept. Black Budget programs spending billions of dollars out of the public eye are not uncommon. It doesn't appear that Bob Lazar had anything to do with them. Oct. 12-13 UFO/ET Congress of 2002, Days Inn. Bordentown,

File: MUFON Journal - September 1993 -


  • ve learned that he is now working at a Las Vegas hotel as a security guard, which is a strange career move for a biologist." Are the stories told by Grain and the others merely an attempt to disguise black budget projects underway at Area 51? "This pattern of testimony simply doesn't fit our concept of a disinformation campaign," said Knapp. ''Too many people, living in too many places, over too many years ar

File: MUFON Journal - September 1994 -


  • y and commercial pilots required to do if they see a UFO and what official reasons are given? Who are now serving on all U. S. Congress commit- tees that have oversight and knowledge about so-called "black budget" expenditures? How were they appointed and by whom? Is there a hidden chain of responsibility being passed along? A review of U.S. patents of antigravity machines. Who in the world are most scientifi

File: MUFON Journal - September 2005 -


  • like is that UFO se- crecy has led to the establishment of a secret network which controls access to ET technology. While the network is international, it uses the substantial re- sources of the U.S. black budget and other secret military groups as a pri- mary tool to engineer exotic technolo- gies that enable it to maintain scientific, military, and economic superiority. Yes, that's what it looks like. We ne

File: Michael E. Salla - Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs & Extraterrestrial Alliances -

  • actical reconnaissance TR-3B first> operational flight was in the early 90’s. The triangular shaped nuclear> powered aerospace platform was developed under the Top Secret Aurora Program> with SDI and black budget monies. At least three of the billion dollar plus> TR-3Bs were flying by 1994. The Aurora is the most classified aerospace> development program in existence. The TR-3B is the most exotic vehicle crea

  • are part of the nebulousworld of “black programs” that are funded in opaque ways.There are studies that do address the funding of black programs. Among these isTim Cook’s, Blank Check: The Pentagon's Black Budget.[312][index_split_076.html#filepos825828] It has been estimated that an “unofficialblack budget” averaged as much as US $1.7 trillion between the years1997-1999.[313] [index_split_076.html#filepos826
  • es that do address the funding of black programs. Among these isTim Cook’s, Blank Check: The Pentagon's Black Budget.[312][index_split_076.html#filepos825828] It has been estimated that an “unofficialblack budget” averaged as much as US $1.7 trillion between the years1997-1999.[313] [index_split_076.html#filepos826051]Goode’s description of the fifth secret space program as comprising a number ofSpecial Acces
  • at Area51.As far as SAPs conducting false flag operations, a good example is the September11, 2001 false flag operation that was created to facilitate a number ofregional wars, which would facilitate black budget funding for covert spaceoperations.[316] [index_split_076.html#filepos827066] It is not coincidentalthat the 911 attack happened the day after U.S. Secretary of Defense, DonaldRumsfeld, announced tha

  •[] (accessed December, 2013).[312] [index_split_035.html#filepos389319] Tim Cook, Blank Check: ThePentagon's Black Budget( Grand Central Publishing, 1990).[313] [index_split_035.html#filepos389483] See Michael Salla,“The Black BudgetReport: An Investigation into the CIA’s ‘Black Budget’ and the Second ManhattanProject,”

File: Michael E. Salla - The U.S. Navy’s Secret Space Program and Nordic Extraterrestrial Alliance -

  • s long rather that one kilometer.[316][part0000_split_046.html#_edn316] Such an undertaking will clearly require enormous funds and resources that wouldstrain the Navy’s share of the Pentagon’s “deep black budget,” which wasestimated to be $1.7 trillion per year by the end of the Clinton administrationin January 2001.[317] [part0000_split_046.html#_edn317] To fully appreciate thesignificance of such a vast su
  • dn317] To fully appreciate thesignificance of such a vast sum, consider that the proposed Pentagon budget for2017 was only $582 billion.[318] [part0000_split_046.html#_edn318] This meansthat the deep black budget used by the Navy, Air Force and other secret spaceprograms was, back in the year 2000, three times the current Pentagon budgettoday! Trump’s support for rebuilding the Navy surface fleets with “Manha

  • split_024.html#_ednref203] Notes from private phone conversationwith Admiral Marsh, November 1, 2016.[204] [part0000_split_024.html#_ednref204] See Catherine Austin Fitts, “UQ Wire:What's Up With the Black Budget?”[205] [part0000_split_024.html#_ednref205] See Michael Salla,

File: Michael E. Salla - US Air Force Secret Space Program Shifting Extraterrestrial Alliances & Space Force -

  • ilities are gradually revealed to the general public, and funding providedby the US Congress is done in a manner consistent with the US Constitution. Thiswill do away with the corrupting influence of black budget funds provided by theDeep State/CIA through illicit activities that deeply compromise the ethos andvalues of all branches of the US military which have had to rely on these fundsto secretly build the

  • tions ofappropriations from which transferred. [emphasis added] [344][text00029.html#_edn344] Essentially, back in 1949, the CIA had been given a Congressional stamp ofapproval for the creation of a ‘black budget’, which was to be used for thefunding of covert programs without any Congressional oversight – an arrangementthat maintained plausible deniability. The most highly classified programs werethose autho
  • with extraterrestrial lifeand the Antarctic German problem. After agreements had been reached with theEisenhower administration after the 1955 Holloman AFB meeting, a significantportion of the CIA’s black budget funds ended up being sent to the AntarcticGermans.The CIA’s “deep black budget” was estimated to be as high as $1.7 trillion peryear by the end of the Clinton administration in January 2001. [345][te
  • ad been reached with theEisenhower administration after the 1955 Holloman AFB meeting, a significantportion of the CIA’s black budget funds ended up being sent to the AntarcticGermans.The CIA’s “deep black budget” was estimated to be as high as $1.7 trillion peryear by the end of the Clinton administration in January 2001. [345][text00029.html#_edn345] To fully appreciate the significance of such a vastsum, c
  • 0029.html#_edn345] To fully appreciate the significance of such a vastsum, consider that the proposed Pentagon budget was $686 billion for 2019. [346][text00029.html#_edn346] This means that the deep black budget, back in the year2000, was more than double the entire Pentagon budget today ! In 1966, theApollo Program received 66% of NASA’s $4.5 billion budget appropriation. [347][text00029.html#_edn347] The P
  • billion budget appropriation. [347][text00029.html#_edn347] The Pentagon budget in 1966 was $356 billion, dwarfingthe funds available to the Apollo Program. [348] [text00029.html#_edn348] If theCIA’s black budget at the time was, at the very least, comparable to thePentagon budget, that would mean that a significant portion of $356 billion orso that the CIA had raised through a variety of illicit fund raising
  • anded, something in the order of 30% or so of the agency’s blackbudget does not seem an unreasonable estimate. This figure would equalapproximately $100 billion, using the projected size of the CIA’s black budgetback in 1966.If the estimate of $100 billion is anywhere near what the Antarctic Germans weresecretly getting from the CIA on an annual basis, this would have dwarfed the $3billion received by the Apo

  • The tactical reconnaissance TR-3B firstoperational flight was in the early 90’s. The triangular shaped nuclear poweredaerospace platform was developed under the Top Secret, Aurora Program with SDIand black budget monies. At least three of the billion dollar plus TR-3Bs wereflying by 1994. The Aurora is the most classified aerospace development programin existence. The TR-3B is the most exotic vehicle created

  • eDeep State and CIA through multiple corrupt practices. Exposure of the DeepState and CIA’s complicity in international corruption and human rights abuses –used to raises billions of dollars toward a black budget estimated to exceed onetrillion dollars annually – will forever end these illicit funding mechanisms.[651] [text00029.html#_edn651] Consequently, Space Force will have to be fundedthrough more conven

  • d: UFO’s, Eisenhower and the JFK Assassination(Exopolitics Institute, 2013) pp. 127-31.[344] [text00018.html#_ednref344] 50 U.S.C. 403f(a).[345] [text00018.html#_ednref345] For discussion of the deep black budget, seeMichael Salla, “The Black Budget Report: An Investigation into the CIA’s ‘BlackBudget’ and the Second Manhattan Project,”[
  • //](accessed 12/29/18).[651] [text00027.html#_ednref651] For estimates of the CIA’s black budget, seeMichael Salla, “ The Black Budget Report: An Investigation into the CIA’s ‘BlackBudget’ and the Second Manhattan Project[] ”,https://exopol

File: Michael E.Salla - Antarctica’s Hidden History Corporate Foundations of Secret Space Programs -

  • unacknowledgedprograms are not well known, and traditionally, are part of the nebulous worldof “black programs” that are funded in opaque ways, as explained by Tim Cook inBlank Check: The Pentagon’s Black Budget.[504] [part0000_split_079.html#_edn504]The Pentagon’s “deep black budget” was estimated to be as high as $1.7 trillionper year by the end of the Clinton administration in January 2001.[505][part0000_
  • f the nebulous worldof “black programs” that are funded in opaque ways, as explained by Tim Cook inBlank Check: The Pentagon’s Black Budget.[504] [part0000_split_079.html#_edn504]The Pentagon’s “deep black budget” was estimated to be as high as $1.7 trillionper year by the end of the Clinton administration in January 2001.[505][part0000_split_079.html#_edn505] To fully appreciate the significance of such avas

  • at it was indeed conducting covert operations in Antarctica, asclaimed by Richard Hoagland and Mike Bara. [527][part0000_split_079.html#_edn527] The funding of covert operations was achievedthrough a black budget that Raytheon had set up, which is evidenced byirregularities found through the audits: In our opinion, the indirect cost and other direct cost system and relatedinternal controls of Raytheon Polar S

  • nd thehighly classified programs (USAPs) occurring in Antarctica. Thus, the primarycontractor can hand over full control to a subcontractor for a particular USAP,which is then funded off the books by black budget funds funneled through theCIA to the contractor or subcontractor.[572] [part0000_split_079.html#_edn572]Finally, there are the respective roles played by NSA, the CIA and NASA in theUSAPs underway in
  • critical role in thenegotiations that led to the Eisenhower administration’s agreement with theGerman Antarctic Space Program. Furthermore, the CIA’s role as the U.S. entityresponsible for funneling black budget funds through different U.S. agencies,would give it significant authority in USAP operations and how these aremanaged.[573] [part0000_split_079.html#_edn573]In the case of NASA, according to Tompkins

  • nProtecting and Reducing Government Secrecy,” (accessed December 2013)[504] [part0000_split_072.html#_ednref504] Tim Cook, Blank Check: The Pentagon'sBlack Budget (Grand Central Publishing, 1990).[505] [part0000_split_072.html#_ednref505] For discussion of the deep blackbudget, see Michael Salla, “The Black Budget Report: An Investigation into theCIA’s ‘Black
  • tml#_ednref571] “Harris: 2017 Annual Report” on 11/5/17)[572] [part0000_split_076.html#_ednref572] For analysis of the black budget, seeMichael Salla, “The Black Budget Report: An Investigation into the CIA’s ‘BlackBudget’ and the Second Manhattan Project” (accessed 11/5/17)[573] [par

File: Michael Tsarion - Atlantis, Alien Visitation And Genetic Manipulation -


  • oxic?) 1990 FDA Conference on Diagnostic and Therapeutic Uses Of The Electromagnetic Spectrum (May 1990). 1990 The Great Banking and S&L Scandal, after U.S. banking system is progressively looted for black budget project money between 1980 and 1990 under the Bush and Reagan administrations and the CIA. 1990 Project RF Media in Boulder, Colorado, using mind control subliminals over television carrier waves. 19

File: Trance Formation Of America -


  • rpose now that it's mine." Our country's involvement in drug distribut ion, pornography, and white slavery was justified" as a means of "gaining contro l of all illegal activities world wide" to fund Black Budget covert activity that would "bring about world peace through world dominance and total control". He adhered to the belief that "95% of the (world's) people WANT to be led by the 5%", and claimed this


  • activities had reached alarming proportions. Noriega had been an intricate part of arming the Nicaraguan Contras for Reagan, as well as an international hub in the cocaine operations that funded the black budgets for ultra secret projects such as Project Monarch. My CIA operative handler, Alex Houston's shadowy back door drug dealings with Panama further exemplified the kind of "honor among thieves" rules th


  • truck routes, according to the insiders present at the meeting. Hall was being offered the "opportunity of a lifetime" as his role would also include laundering money through his business to fund the black budget covert operations. Hall appeared nervous and skeptical, and Clinton and Overstreet attempted to ma intain a "light" a tmosphere by joking that Hall could change the name of his trucking line to "CLIN


  • negative economic imbalance between Mexico and the U.S. , tourist areas of Mexico were deliberately built up, enhanced and Americanized with U.S. dollars. These funds were provided through CIA covert Black Budget operations of drug and slave trading, as well as directly th rough the Senate Appropriations Committee of which Senator Robert C. Byrd is chairman as of this writing. I certainly do not purport to un


  • ct with long lime kiddie pornographers formerly associated with Houston. Houston's close friend in Waycross, Georgia, pedophile Jimmy Walker, managed the Okefenokee Swamp Park and had participated in black budget funding operations for years on both the cocaine and pornography levels. Hi s counterpart, Dick Flood, refused to participate to any more pornography after Dante came on the scene. Even the Huntsvill


  • nal covert operations of the U.S. This included the arming of Iraq and the Nicaraguan Contras; U.S. involvement in the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (B.C.C.I.) scandal; and funding of the Black Budget through purchase of our nation's children to be used as sex slaves and camel jockeys. Since the U.S. "won" control of the drug industries through the so-called Drug Wars, Saudi Arabia played an integ

File: The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla -


  • inal ideas for high voltage electric drives decades ago. It must be also considered that the B-2 is now no l onger the only aircraft to use such technologies. Since that time an entire genera tion of black budget secret aircraft may have been developed with electrogravit ic systems. Art Bells Mysterious Metal - The Key to Antigravity The suggestion that UFOs could be manmade flying ma chines using exotic tech


  • nsmissions he was receiving from his Martials. Some researchers have attributed Ronald Reagan's Sp ace Defense Initiative to a branch of Alternative 3. This special project was using a portion of its black budget to build a space based weapon system to be d eployed not against Soviet nuclear missiles, but instead, to a perceived threa t against hostile extraterrestrial forces. In Genesis Revisited, Zecharia S

File: Analysis of Strategic Threats in the current Decade (Joel M. Skousen) -


  • rmer and we are busy helping them achieve the latter. In contrast, the upcoming deep recession scheduled to descend upon the Bush presidency will all but halt the modernization of US weaponry (except black budget weapons, which likely are not being developed to defend America). Third , Russia will not strike until her people are sufficiently antagonistic to the West to form a wall of public opinion supportive

File: Antony Sutton - Trilaterals over America -


  • lion appropriation to EXPAND germ warfare testing ability in the early 1980s. Senator James Sasser objected and it is unlikely th at the appropriation went through. It could have been handled on the "black budget." The Originator of AIDS In July 1969 Dr. MacArthur, Di rector of the U.S. Army Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA) appeared before Congress (the Appr opriations Committee of the House) and state

File: Bainerman, Joel - The Crimes of a President, New Revelations on the Conspiracy and Cover-Up in the Bush and Reagan Administrations (1992) -


  • roughout Europe were being drawn down and sold to Ira n, as well as to rebel forces the administration was supporti ng in Angola, Afghanistan and Central America. The proceeds went to the Pentagon's "black budget" for covert activities. There was one aspect of the operation that Honneger couldn't figure out. Why would the U.S. knowingly leave itself unable to defend itself against a conventional attack from W

File: Blum, William - Rogue State, A Guide to the World's Only Superpower (2002) -


  • Whiteout, op. cit., p.95-7; Wall Street J ournal, November 22,1996; New York Times, November 19,1996; Miami Herald, November 23,1996, p.Bl 20 McCoy, p.436-60; Tim Weiner, Blank Check: The Pentagon's Black Budget (Warner Books, NY, 1990), p.151-2; New York Times, June 18, 1986; Covert Action Information Bulletin, (Washington, IDC) No. 28, Summer 1987, p.11-12; Los Angeles Times, November 4, 1989, p.14; Washin

File: Brown, Ellen Hodgson - The Web of Debt, The Shocking Truth About Our Money System 3rd (2008) -


  • ro-Euro: A Reality or Distant Nightmare for U.S.?”, (April 30, 2006). 14. Rob Kirby, “The Grand Illusion,” (December 13, 2005). 15. R. Daughty, op.cit. 16. “America’s Black Budget and the Manipulation of Mortgage and Financial Markets,” interview with Catherine Austin Fitts, Financial Sense Newshour, (May 22, 2004). 17. M. Whitney,“Coming Sooner Than You Think

File: Cathy O'Brien - TranceFormation Of America -


  • rpose now that it's mine." Our country's involvement in drug distribut ion, pornography, and white slavery was justified" as a means of "gaining contro l of all illegal activities world wide" to fund Black Budget covert activity that would "bring about world peace through world dominance and total control". He adhered to the belief that "95% of the (world's) people WANT to be led by the 5%", and claimed this


  • activities had reached alarming proportions. Noriega had been an intricate part of arming the Nicaraguan Contras for Reagan, as well as an international hub in the cocaine operations that funded the black budgets for ultra secret projects such as Project Monarch. My CIA operative handler, Alex Houston's shadowy back door drug dealings with Panama further exemplified the kind of "honor among thieves" rules th


  • truck routes, according to the insiders present at the meeting. Hall was being offered the "opportunity of a lifetime" as his role would also include laundering money through his business to fund the black budget covert operations. Hall appeared nervous and skeptical, and Clinton and Overstreet attempted to ma intain a "light" a tmosphere by joking that Hall could change the name of his trucking line to "CLIN


  • negative economic imbalance between Mexico and the U.S. , tourist areas of Mexico were deliberately built up, enhanced and Americanized with U.S. dollars. These funds were provided through CIA covert Black Budget operations of drug and slave trading, as well as directly th rough the Senate Appropriations Committee of which Senator Robert C. Byrd is chairman as of this writing. I certainly do not purport to un


  • ct with long lime kiddie pornographers formerly associated with Houston. Houston's close friend in Waycross, Georgia, pedophile Jimmy Walker, managed the Okefenokee Swamp Park and had participated in black budget funding operations for years on both the cocaine and pornography levels. Hi s counterpart, Dick Flood, refused to participate to any more pornography after Dante came on the scene. Even the Huntsvill


  • nal covert operations of the U.S. This included the arming of Iraq and the Nicaraguan Contras; U.S. involvement in the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (B.C.C.I.) scandal; and funding of the Black Budget through purchase of our nation's children to be used as sex slaves and camel jockeys. Since the U.S. "won" control of the drug industries through the so-called Drug Wars, Saudi Arabia played an integ

File: Cook, Terry L. - Big Brother NSA and Its Little Brothers, The National Security Agency's Global Surveillance Network -


  • signated f unds used for top secret expenditures, hidden in the bud gets of other legitimate intelligence organizations; referr ed to by Portland's major newspaper, The Oregonian, May 20, 1997, as " 'black budget'. . . hidden inside false accoun ts. . .within the Pentagon's budget"). NSA is becoming the "clearing house" or "watchdog" into which the other intelligence gat hering organizations, both direct and


  • f American Scientists sued the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) on Monday to force it to reveal one of Washington's worst-kept secrets : the size of the budget for U.S. espionage. The amount of the "black budget," is hidden inside false accounts and classified compartments within t he Pentagon's budget. It has been reported to be about $29 billion a year, give or take a billion. The CIA spends about $3 billi


  • eration of American Scientists sued the Central Intelligence Agency on Monday to force it t o reveal one of Washington's worst-kept secrets: the size of the budget for G.S. espionage. The amount, or "black budget," is hidden inside fal se accounts and classified compartments within the Pen ta- gon's budget. It has been reported to be about $29 billion a year, give or take a billion. The CIA spends about $3 bi

File: David Icke - Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center (Chap 1-7) (2002) -


  • nal andcriminal covert operations of the US. This included the arming of Iraq and theNicaraguan Contras; US involvement in the Bank of Credit and Commerce International(BCCI) scandal; and funding the Black Budget through purchase of our nation's childrento be used as sex slaves and camel jockeys."Since the US 'won' control of the drug industries through the so-called Drug Wars,Saudi Arabia played an integral

File: David Icke - Reptilian Research -


  • ge Bush the most powerful and dangerous criminal in the history of the world." Note: Where does all this ill-gained money go? According to many sources, much of this as well as the multi-billions in "Black Budget" monies provided by the taxpayers pours into the insiders' relentless and secret efforts to construct underground as well as off-planet (Moon, Mars, etc.) places of refuge where the secret government

File: Final Judgment - Missing Link in JFK Assassination Conspiracy -


  • of the loop." Things don't work that way. The actual conspirators in the loop were a tightly - knit group with vast resources at their command, including not just the CIA bureaucracy and its infamous black budget, but they also had the skills of the Mossad n etwork on call. What's more, with the CIA's inter - action with peripheral groups such as the anti - Castro Cuban exiles, not to mention contacts in orga


  • ien. The financing for all of this could have come from a wide variety of sources. Although, of course, both the CIA and the Mossad have immense budgets at their disposal (includ ing the CIA's famed "black budget") not to mention a wide variety of front companies, known as proprietaries, it does seem likely that the money used to finance the operation was carefully

File: Healed Planet -


  • The Free Energy Conundrum ● The technologies that use those energy sources have been subjected to deep secrecy ( Black Budget, Above Top Secret, privatized); ● Those attempting to independently develop technology to use those energy sources have been bought out or wiped out, although such efforts usually self- destruct befo


  • tune of tens of billions of dollars. Some items, such as the Seawolf submarine, the Navy itself says that it does not need or want it, but they are getting one for a few billion dollars. There is the Black Budget, the totally unaccountable budget of about $30 billion a year to fund the NSA and other spook agencies. If Americans found out what really happened in the spook world, it would curl their hair. I hav

File: Heiser - The Facade (novel about the ancient aliens visitation hoax) (2001) -


  • at least as you are familiar with it, has no knowledge of this project. Plausible deniability is, in this case, absolutely plausible. Using another term you may have heard, this is a `B lackOp,' or `black budget' operation. Every dollar spent on this project is undetectable to those who hold the purse st rings of congres sional budgetary oversight. Oh, they know that a specified am ount of your tax dollars g

File: Henry Makow - Illuminati -


  • controls the nation's purse strings, justified to Cathy his involvement in drug distribution, pornography and white slavery as a means of "gaining control of all illegal activity world wide" to fund Black Budget covert activity that would "bring about world peace through world dominance and total control." He said, "95% of the people want to be led by the 5%." Proof is that "the 95% do not want to know what

File: Hidden History Of Money -


  • of Housing responsible under both Bush I and Clinton Administration for the cleanup of some of the S&L, mortgage and real estate related fraud and money-laundering schemes -- to learn more about the black budget business model used in these criminal enterprises . [6] Simply put, we are living in a negative return on investment economy. This means that from the point of view of most people on the planet, the


  • oney laundering allegations.[20] . • It's the same banks implicated directly or indirectly in the “pump and dump” and naked short selling stock market schemes.[21] • It's the same banks implicated in black budget government contracting and collateral schemes and the fraudulent asset stripping of our great manufacturing enterprises.[22] • It's the same banks that are managing the huge derivative positions that


  • t! Page 153 work – this is the use of insider dealings, cronyism, undue influence, political favoritism based upon a corrupt campaign finance system, and misuse of the federal credit, not to ment ion black budget and covert operation activities, to profit from the destruction of free markets. [30] Lou Dobbs at CNN has been keeping a list called “Exporting America” of companies that outsource US jobs abroad, i

File: Jim Marrs - The Rise Of The Fourth Reich -


  • ht him the solution. Farrell explained that the Reichspost was “awash with money, and c ould therefore have provided some of the massive funding necessary to the [uranium enrichment] project, a true ‘black budget’ operation in every sense.” Another source may have been a giant synthetic-rubber plant built by I. G. Farben next to Auschwitz, the notorious death camp. Th e site was chosen for its proximity to tr

File: Kay - The Big Lie, 9-11 and Government Complicity in Mass Murder (2005) -


  • aplegics and the disabled, think to what level of technology and study results have been attained clandestinely by the type of malevolent people capable of planning and implementing MK-ULTRA and with black budgets in the billions of dollars. An obscure U.S. government report in 2002 indicates that within the next 20 years, it is desired that humanity either evolve or be technologically assisted into reaching

File: Lost Journals Of Nikola Tesla - HAARP - Chemtrails And Secret Of Alternative 4 -


  • inal ideas for high voltage electric drives decades ago. It must be also considered that the B-2 is now no l onger the only aircraft to use such technologies. Since that time an entire genera tion of black budget secret aircraft may have been developed with electrogravit ic systems. Art Bells Mysterious Metal - The Key to Antigravity The suggestion that UFOs could be manmade flying ma chines using exotic tech


  • nsmissions he was receiving from his Martials. Some researchers have attributed Ronald Reagan's Sp ace Defense Initiative to a branch of Alternative 3. This special project was using a portion of its black budget to build a space based weapon system to be d eployed not against Soviet nuclear missiles, but instead, to a perceived threa t against hostile extraterrestrial forces. In Genesis Revisited, Zecharia S

File: New Underworld Order -


  • or Robert C] Byrd said that 'our country's involvement in drug distribution, pornography and white slavery was 'justified' as a means of "gaining control of all illegal activi ties worldwide" to fund Black Budget covert activity that would "bring about world peace through world dominance and total control"'. In short Byrd had 'bought' the German llluminati's programme for global control. ■


  • specialises in lying and 'economies with the tr uth', and those whose livelihood is paid for in the public sector by the taxpayer (or, in th e case of US intelligence operatives, to some extent from 'Black Budget' sources). It is these people, who regulate and interfere with our lives, who have time to spare and who wittingly or unwittingly dabble with sorcery through their Masonic activities - instead, for i

File: Nield, Michael - The Police State Road Map (2004) -


  • tend the urban survei llance grid out into the wilderness. (84) 12.8 BLAC K BUDG ET FUNDING Development of the techn ological apparatu s of totalitarianism is possibly being funded by the Pentagon' s black budget. The Dept. Defense's Inspector General found that the Pentagon couldn't properly acco unt for trillions of dollars in acco unting entries every year. (85) For fiscal year 2000, aud itors foun d $1.1

File: Order Out Of Chaos -


  • possible that a fear of the more difficult to ex plain flying saucer incidents of recent years were in fact, early government experiments of this kind. 22 Reports of flying saucers do little harm to black budget programs developing the latest technological breakthroughs in av iation. Recall that the Stealth Bomber and SR-71 Blackbird were bot h UFO’s before they were officially acknowledged. Today, the top-s

File: Paul Joseph Watson - Order Out Of Chaos -


  • possible that a fear of the more difficult to ex plain flying saucer incidents of recent years were in fact, early government experiments of this kind. 22 Reports of flying saucers do little harm to black budget programs developing the latest technological breakthroughs in av iation. Recall that the Stealth Bomber and SR-71 Blackbird were bot h UFO’s before they were officially acknowledged. Today, the top-s

File: Reich Of The Black Sun -


  • cret weapons research effort. Second ly, and more significantly, the Reichspost was awash with mone y, and could therefore have provided some of the massive fundi ng necessary to the project, a true "black budget" oper ation in every sense. And finally, the head of the Reichspost was, perhaps not coincidentally, an engineer: Dr. Ing. Ohnesorge. It is, from the German point of view, a logical choice. Even his

File: Trance Formation Of America -


  • rpose now that it's mine." Our country's involvement in drug distribut ion, pornography, and white slavery was justified" as a means of "gaining contro l of all illegal activities world wide" to fund Black Budget covert activity that would "bring about world peace through world dominance and total control". He adhered to the belief that "95% of the (world's) people WANT to be led by the 5%", and claimed this


  • activities had reached alarming proportions. Noriega had been an intricate part of arming the Nicaraguan Contras for Reagan, as well as an international hub in the cocaine operations that funded the black budgets for ultra secret projects such as Project Monarch. My CIA operative handler, Alex Houston's shadowy back door drug dealings with Panama further exemplified the kind of "honor among thieves" rules th


  • truck routes, according to the insiders present at the meeting. Hall was being offered the "opportunity of a lifetime" as his role would also include laundering money through his business to fund the black budget covert operations. Hall appeared nervous and skeptical, and Clinton and Overstreet attempted to ma intain a "light" a tmosphere by joking that Hall could change the name of his trucking line to "CLIN


  • negative economic imbalance between Mexico and the U.S. , tourist areas of Mexico were deliberately built up, enhanced and Americanized with U.S. dollars. These funds were provided through CIA covert Black Budget operations of drug and slave trading, as well as directly th rough the Senate Appropriations Committee of which Senator Robert C. Byrd is chairman as of this writing. I certainly do not purport to un


  • ct with long lime kiddie pornographers formerly associated with Houston. Houston's close friend in Waycross, Georgia, pedophile Jimmy Walker, managed the Okefenokee Swamp Park and had participated in black budget funding operations for years on both the cocaine and pornography levels. Hi s counterpart, Dick Flood, refused to participate to any more pornography after Dante came on the scene. Even the Huntsvill


  • nal covert operations of the U.S. This included the arming of Iraq and the Nicaraguan Contras; U.S. involvement in the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (B.C.C.I.) scandal; and funding of the Black Budget through purchase of our nation's children to be used as sex slaves and camel jockeys. Since the U.S. "won" control of the drug industries through the so-called Drug Wars, Saudi Arabia played an integ

File: Trilaterals Over America -


  • lion appropriation to EXPAND germ warfare testing ability in the early 1980s. Senator James Sasser objected and it is unlikely th at the appropriation went through. It could have been handled on the "black budget." The Originator of AIDS In July 1969 Dr. MacArthur, Di rector of the U.S. Army Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA) appeared before Congress (the Appr opriations Committee of the House) and state

File: Richard Dolan - A.D. - After Disclosure -

  • al sources asdrugs and guns. Think of such publicly known scandals as the Iran-Contra scandalof the 1980s, then multiply.Still, public tax dollars also pay for such activities. The funds come from theblack budget—that is, classified federal spending, much of which is hidden fromCongress. The black budget has evolved throughout the years into a system ofSpecial Access Programs (SAP). From these have grown “una
  • of the 1980s, then multiply.Still, public tax dollars also pay for such activities. The funds come from theblack budget—that is, classified federal spending, much of which is hidden fromCongress. The black budget has evolved throughout the years into a system ofSpecial Access Programs (SAP). From these have grown “unacknowledged” and“waived” SAPs. Publicly, these “do not exist”—except that they do. Better kno
  • plies to UFO secrecy. Considering the obvious importance of theUFO phenomenon and the need for a secret infrastructure to deal with it, adetached analyst can assume that there are several UFO-related black budgetprograms, and that some of the lost money has gone into funding them.Follow the WreckageThe U.S. has a history of government agencies existing in secret for longperiods. The National Security Agency w
  • as the ideal shield behind which this private-public entityoperates. The team-up makes the entire organization more impervious to publicrequests for information. And the continuing connection to the black budgetfeeds it with intelligence and resources that exist because of America’s globalmilitary footprint.Through time, however, the U.S. government lost a great deal of control over thesecret, and even lost
  • been briefed on the basics of the situation, but has no authority overthe program.Despite the importance of the subject, it is not clear that all U.S. presidentsare briefed on it. Knowing details of black budget programs has become aliability. Moreover, presidents are transitory players on the national and worldstage. They come and go. From the perspective of lifelong program managers, theycannot be trusted

  • ave“doomsday” weapons that could shatter our planet?Again, one sees the irony of our situation. If the Others are hostile, the worldwill probably not complain that the secret-keepers diverted so much black budgetmoney into creating flying saucers and other weapons. When the cards are laid onthe table, people may be thankful that our hand has a few aces.Who Do They Think We Are?Whether they have traveled from

  • term, and deep in the long-term.The numbers comparing life before and after Disclosure will be an unendingsource of reports, papers, and dissertations.Of greater significance will be the new field of black budget economics.Consider Deep Throat’s advice to Watergate reporters Bob Woodward and CarlBernstein to “follow the money,” then consider economists applying this adviceto the entire UFO cover-up. At one co
  • e how it was possible to siphon away billions uponbillions of dollars in public and illegal funds.Entire careers will be devoted to this pursuit. Scholars will be forced torealize that not all of the black budget monies derived solely from tax dollars.Sophisticated studies will be published detailing the relationship betweenintelligence communities and such illegal activities as drug trafficking andfinancial

  • actively work to reclaim full constitutionalauthority in the name of the people. This does not mean seizing power in theform of a dictatorship, but it does mean enforce his authority over the runawayblack budget, and particularly over the Majestic operation insofar as itutilizes the resources of the U.S. military and U.S. tax dollars, and insofar asit operates on U.S. territory.In the disruption that follows

File: Richard Dolan - UFOs For The 21st Century Mind -

  • st UFO skeptics do concede that there are some reports of extraordinaryaerial objects that we might call UFOs, but that is no reason to assume theseare alien. There are, after all, many deeply secret black budget technologiesand projects, and not all of them even American. Especially today, in a worldthat now has a few drones that look like flying saucers, it might seem that anyso-called UFO is probably somet
  • s have had a strong interestin the UFO phenomenon, and deeply classified the subject, we would certainlyhave a situation in which government public funds for UFO research would beabsent, but in which black budget, classified dollars would flow more freely.This, of course, has been the claim among several researchers, includingmyself.[6] [index_split_006.html#filepos1185296] If there is no public fundingfor sc
  • ven Congress could not be told, or else the secret obviously would not lastlong. But keeping Congress in the dark would require the creation of otherwiseillegal secret appropriations. In other words, black budgets. If UFOs are real,they would have been a key foundation of America’s black budget. It would beabsolutely necessary to do an end-run around the Constitution (which tasksCongress, not the Executive Br
  • t keeping Congress in the dark would require the creation of otherwiseillegal secret appropriations. In other words, black budgets. If UFOs are real,they would have been a key foundation of America’s black budget. It would beabsolutely necessary to do an end-run around the Constitution (which tasksCongress, not the Executive Branch, with both appropriating and then reviewingall government expenditures) in ord

  • siders who corroboratedmany of the kinds of things Lazar was discussing. None, however, were willing togo public.[148] [index_split_006.html#filepos1246727] If Lazar’s basic account is true, the U.S. black budget world has been inpossession of extraterrestrial technology and attempting to duplicate it sincewell before the 1980s. This rather confuses the matter of what a witness sees,when they look up and see
  • shattering newsthat other beings of some sort were here. Moreover, that the U.S. military hadrecovered some of their technology, and even bodies. We may assume that thiswould require the creation of black budgets. After all, it would be necessary tofund these programs, and it would not exactly be the wisest idea to informCongress about it, considering that so little would be known about these beings,consider
  • so many other reasons already discussed. Thus, layer uponlayer of secrecy would need to be established to hide these UFO-extraterrestrialtechnology programs. As we know has become the norm within the black budgetworld, such a program would be nested within other classified programs,providing deep layers of protection from outside observation. Such a program of secret study would also require ongoing influence
  • us, control moves beyond the classified world to become cultural. The Breakaway Civilization What happens when teams of brilliant scientists, under conditions of totalsecrecy, and utilizing limitless black budget money, are able to study recoveredextraterrestrial technology for many years, and even decades? Consider the Roswell crash. More likely than not, technologies recoveredthere would have been well beyo
  • vel of technology would be one. Scientific and cosmologicalunderstanding—that is, how one sees oneself in the grand scheme of things—wouldbe another. By both of these features, the deeply clandestine black budget groupmight be so far ahead of the rest of us, that we might justly consider them tobe a separate civilization, one that has broken away from our own, or abreakaway civilization. Undoubtedly, its memb
  • minant control over the group, or somehow be merged with it. The office of theU.S. President, while still important, is no longer the central pivot that itwas just after World War Two. Studies of the black budget world, for instance,have emphasized that at the deepest levels of secrecy, it is not officialDefense Department personnel, but private contractors who usually dominate mostof the Special Access Progr
  • nstance,have emphasized that at the deepest levels of secrecy, it is not officialDefense Department personnel, but private contractors who usually dominate mostof the Special Access Programs—that is, black budget programs.[167][index_split_006.html#filepos1255384] Why should it be any different regardingthe UFO secret? Paying For It All Funding such a program would be a nightmarish prospect, at least if donet
  • 5384] Why should it be any different regardingthe UFO secret? Paying For It All Funding such a program would be a nightmarish prospect, at least if donethrough formal legal channels. What we call the black budget is usuallyunderstood to be classified appropriations and, within the U.S., part of thenormal budgetary process which must be approved each year by Congress. In otherwords, while it may be secret, it
  • ., part of thenormal budgetary process which must be approved each year by Congress. In otherwords, while it may be secret, it would at least have the veneer of legality.Officially speaking, the U.S. black budget is estimated to be around $50billion.[168] [index_split_006.html#filepos1256252] This is an enormous sum, butkeeping in mind that it is allocated for the entire U.S. defense community, onlya certain
  • nations to be barriers to trade. Effectively, it gives corporations a vetoover national environmental and labor laws. Fitts’s analysis perfectly rounds out this scenario with special attention onthe black budget. Recognizing that the rule of law does not apply to the globalfinancial elite, she has described how the “real” black budget involves morethan classified appropriations but also includes monies obtai
  • s analysis perfectly rounds out this scenario with special attention onthe black budget. Recognizing that the rule of law does not apply to the globalfinancial elite, she has described how the “real” black budget involves morethan classified appropriations but also includes monies obtained by intelligencegroups by way of narcotics trafficking, predatory lending and numerous otherforms of financial fraud. She
  • & the Aristocracy ofStock Profits.” Fitts also argues that the housing bubble collapse and financialcrisis make sense when viewed through the lense of mortgage and securities fraudused to finance the black budget.[172] [index_split_006.html#filepos1258321] Getting to the financial roots of the UFO cover-up may well require theskills of a large team of financial wizards, wending their way through layerupon lay

  • nuary2003. Such a connection is probably real, but there are a number of UFO trianglesightings that are of a high strangeness nature. Some of these would seem to bebeyond the capabilities even of the black budget world. This was so even duringthe Hudson Valley sightings of the 1980s. Even so, it must be acknowledged thatthe capabilities of the black budget world may be quite advanced—indeed, I havespeculated
  • e would seem to bebeyond the capabilities even of the black budget world. This was so even duringthe Hudson Valley sightings of the 1980s. Even so, it must be acknowledged thatthe capabilities of the black budget world may be quite advanced—indeed, I havespeculated about a so-called Breakaway Civilization. Thus, we are stillgrappling in the dark. Beyond a doubt, however, somebody is flying thesetriangles. Get

  • eriences. Consider how often human beings tag other creatures. Perhaps advanced lifeforms treat humanity in the same way. Of course, we must also consider thelikelihood that these implants could be a black budget or classified militaryoperation. After all, it might strike some as a bit “old school” for an advancedextraterrestrial race to use RF emitting magnetic chips. The technology behindthese devices is cl

  • professionalknowledge of three major types of extraterrestrials living on Earth. Accordingto him, all three types (the Grays, the Nordic-Humans, and the Reptoids) werebeing actively monitored by the black budget military. While this is justanother story, it resonates with me because it comes from a source I know andrespect. I take it as a possibility. This is even a greater alleged assortment of beings than
  • llow-up questions. Such as who are these beings? What is their agenda? Do we have anything tofear? These will be very difficult to answer. There is every reason to believe thateven the leaders of the black budget/breakaway society, those groups that havebeen studying this for years, may be outmatched by what they are dealing with.They probably have their own questions and even fears. And what if they do know
  • nstead, there have been three main obstacles to asource of clean, free energy. First has been the fact that so many patentsrelating to revolutionary technology have been classified and kept within theblack budget world, in effect holding our future hostage. Second, and closelyrelated to the first, has been the lack of institutional support to fund theresearch. The effect of these first two obstacles has lead
  • petroleum futures, and the global financial markets will roil. Fortunes will bewon and lost. A post-petroleum energy paradigm will be discovered. Perhaps it will berevealed through inquiries into the black budget world, which may well have madegreat strides into the matter. Leak after leak has emerged from that world, allindicating deep interest and research into these types of problems. If the storyof the so
  • whathappens to the valuation of the trillions of dollars worth of petroleum andnatural gas reserves around the world? What happens to stability in the MiddleEast, and everywhere else? Looking to the black budget world (or the aliens, or any other source) foranswers, however, will probably not be necessary. New answers will be found, iffor no other reason than the realization that they are possible. In alllik
  • become more widespread, and many newdiscoveries will await us. Such sciences, anything from remote viewing to out ofbody travel and space-time manipulation, are probably being explored now withinthe black budget world and breakaway civilization. Computing and Technology We have had a global internet for just over twenty years, during which timeit has completely changed our world. Whether or not there is a di
  • and gene therapy,enabling people and other living creatures to be customized to a degree that wasnever before possible. Whereas we can expect important knowledge on this to comefrom disclosure by the black budget world, especially via access to its work inalien biology and physiology, there can be little doubt that advances incomputing will be more significant still. The positive side of this is that it might
  • with close relationships tothe intelligence communities of most other nations. It is at the heart of theUFO cover-up. There will be pressure on the U.S. President to shine the light of truth intothe black budget/breakaway civilization connected with the cover up. It won't belong for people to realize that the President has also been out of the loop. We have no way of knowing how things will turn out. Conceiv

  • k protest movements greater than Occupy or the ArabSpring. Some people have expressed concern about a false flag operation in which analien invasion is faked by use of high-tech holographic displays, black budgettechnology, and a massive dose of global propaganda. The reason would be tofrighten people into volunteering away their rights to a global police statethat presumably would protect them from the alien
  • We willhave gotten to a point where we can prove to ourselves openly as a society thatthey are here, yes. But that is different from being able to grab hold of a liveone for open study. Fighting the black budget world would probably offer themost hope on this matter, but it may well take an extended struggle to make thathappen, perhaps many years. It is also quite possible that whatever bodies arebeing held
  • hese beings have established aresidence on our world. There is certainly reason to believe, gained fromcountless insider leaks and claims, that there is communication of some sortbetween them and the black budget community. There are also claims, and goodreason to consider, that some of them have insinuated themselves into oursociety, perhaps even our power structure. Why would that be so illogical? Onthe con
  • rsare narcissists claiming some amazing gift (meeting with Andromedans, channelingPleiadians, traveling through time, being a genius, being a super soldier, beingan astral ambassador, being chosen by black budget insiders to reveal the truth,ad infinitum) who are essentially trying to establish themselves at the head oftheir own church. It takes a strong stomach to deal with them. More to the point, however,
  •[]]. 168. [index_split_002.html#filepos542320] In 2013, the Washington Post reportedthe U.S. black budget to be $52.6 billion, based in large part on relevationsleaked by Edward Snowden. See Gellman, Barton and Miller, Greg. ”U.S. spynetwork’s successes, failures and objectives detailed in ‘black budget’
  • black budget to be $52.6 billion, based in large part on relevationsleaked by Edward Snowden. See Gellman, Barton and Miller, Greg. ”U.S. spynetwork’s successes, failures and objectives detailed in ‘black budget’ summary”Washington Post, Aug. 29, 2013.[

File: Richard Dolan - UFOs and the National Security State - Volume 1 -

  • curity and SpecialProgram Oversight.Webb, Gary. 1998. Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack CocaineExplosion. New York: Seven Stories Press.Weiner, Tim. 1990. Blank Check: The Pentagon’s Black Budget. New York: WarnerBooks.Wilkins, Harold P 1954. Flying Saucers on the Attack. New York: Citadel Press.—. 1955. Flying Saucers Uncensored. New York: Citadel Press.Winks, Robin W 1987. Cloak and Gown: S

File: Richard Dolan - UFOs and the National Security State - Volume 2 -

  • political events to reveal how Abraham Lincoln'sgovernment "of the people" suffered a secret coup d’etat as the power ofinsiders with need-to-know access about UFOs and ETs grew in Black Agencies withBlack Budgets protected by classified executive orders that prevented Congress –the peoples' representatives – from even knowing what those Black Budgetsfinanced.”– Linda Moulton Howe, Emmy Award-winning Investig
  • as independent ofrealistic oversight by elected representatives, with substantial funding andlatitude of action. Indeed, secrecy on UFOs is arguably a key factor in thegenesis of America’s so-called “black budget.” That, in turn, has shown itselfto be among the most formidable enemies of classical republican government.During the 1970s and 1980s, that American national security state was involvedin secret pro
  • vate entities.This transfer of power is reflected in a number of statements from insiders, aswell as by more generalized studies of the Pentagon’s system of “Special AccessPrograms,” the prototypical black budget programs. In effect, the worldunderwent a silent, transnational revolution during the late 1980s and early1990s.Another thing that had happened was that someone seemed to be developing andflying, if

  • the U.S. Senate’s ChurchCommittee inquired into secret activities of the national security apparatus.Resistance remained strong, as when Senator Frank Church (D-ID) proposedrevealing the size of the black budget. This was defense and intelligencespending that, in contradiction to the Constitution, was kept secret even fromCapitol Hill. The new Director of the CIA, George Bush, argued that therevelation would

  • ce tracked about 500 fastwalkers enteringEarth’s atmosphere each year – more than one per day. Other sources told Greerthat rogue units within unacknowledged Special Access Programs – theprototypical black budget operations within the Department of Defense – secretlydeveloped SDI weapons to shoot down UFOs. dxc[The_Cover-Up_Exposed%2c_1973-1991_split_016.html#filepos1918979] Attorney Stephen Lovekin, who had

  • consistency of the material uncovered, and the character of the witnessherself, a conscientious and intelligent percipient. Cracks in the Secret WorldBy 1987, it was reported that the Pentagon had a “black budget” which managedclassified projects, the sum total of which was larger than the federal budgetfor Education, Transportation, Agriculture, or the Environment. Programs withinthe black budget were classi
  • agon had a “black budget” which managedclassified projects, the sum total of which was larger than the federal budgetfor Education, Transportation, Agriculture, or the Environment. Programs withinthe black budget were classified above Top Secret, and few, if any, federalinvestigators had the security clearances to audit them. In February, journalistTim Weiner estimated its size at $35 billion, or eleven perce
  • ommittees. This may have been true in sometechnical, legalistic, sense. In practice, oversight did not appear to berigorous. dcccv[The_Cover-Up_Exposed%2c_1973-1991_split_016.html#filepos1969071] The black budget had existed for a long time. That it was finally beingreported was a sign that cracks were appearing in the wall of secrecy that haddominated the Reagan White House. In April 1987, Knight-Ridder news

  • The technologywas there, via crash retrievals of prior UFOs. The time by now had been fairlysubstantial: more than four decades in which to study and replicate. The secrecywas there, via an enormous black budget combined with dominant control over thepress, Congress, and other governments. And the motive – in the form of real,actual UFOs below the waters, in the skies, and beyond Earth’s atmosphere – wascert
  • ack programs, further distinction is made for “waived” programs,considered to be so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reportingrequirements to the Congress.― 1997 U.S. Senate Report on the black budget. The [UFO] program was transmogrified and became private, just as many, manyother projects become private.― Senior U.S. intelligence source, speaking confidentially to the author. The natural progres
  • ous to public requests forinformation.Still, the research would be expensive, and the money would need to be hidden.One way to provide covert funding was through classified federal spending; i.e.the “black budget.” This evolved over the years into a system of Special AccessPrograms (SAP); from these grew “unacknowledged” and “waived” SAPs, whichofficially do not exist – except that they do. Better known as de

  • have furthered the aims anddesires of their controllers.Furthermore, it is not even clear that all U.S. Presidents are briefed on thissubject. It is well known that Presidents are not briefed on most black budgetprograms until they absolutely need to know about them. A second, perhaps lessinteresting reason, is that there is simply not enough time to brief them on allsuch operations. One of the author’s sourc

  • itsobligatory baptism by fire. Various governments would need to explain not onlythe whys of UFO secrecy, but the hows . This would undoubtedly get into mattersof the construction and funding of the black budget, and very likely would leadinto areas in which citizens might wish to engage in legal actions of all sorts.The implications for the petroleum, steel, and electronics industries could wellbe catastrop
  • lished with leading academic and mediasources. Key figures within those industries would serve as the sheep dogs,charged with keeping the rest of the herd together. Meanwhile, with virtuallylimitless black budgets and little meaningful oversight, the secret surroundingUFOs could go deeper and deeper, developing into a strict policy of denial onall ET-related matters in the interest of national security. Lies

  • lverton, Keith, Mystery Stalks the Prarie , T.H.A.R.Institute, Raynesford, Montana, 1976.cxciv [The_Cover-Up_Exposed%2c_1973-1991_split_002.html#filepos349777] Weiner,Tim, Blank Check: The Pentagon’s Black Budget , Grand Central Publishing, 1990.cxcv [The_Cover-Up_Exposed%2c_1973-1991_split_002.html#filepos350593]Cameron,Grant, http://presidentialufo.comcxcvi [The_Cover-Up_Exposed%2c_1973-1991_split_002.html#

  • & Schratt, Michael, “The Super –STOL,”[The_Cover-Up_Exposed%2c_1973-1991_split_008.html#filepos1374162]Interview withMichael Schratt, in Howe, Linda Moulton, “Do Black Budget Trillions Support ASecret American Space Program?” 2007. [The_Cover-Up_Exposed%2c_1973-1991_split_008.html#filepos1375561] McCandlish, Mark, Statement at Disclosure

File: DivineTripletBook -


  • or c es. G enerally s peaking, this construction of thes e s ystems is not wholehea r tedly embr a ced by the conve nti ona l medical es tablishment. H owever ther e a r e many indications tha t the “black budgeted” medical or mi litary medica l resea r che r s have long know n and used this under s tanding. “In the N ER VE SYSTE M, an d S Y S T E MS, here we fi nd th e c ause o r t he s e at o f t he t r o u

File: Terry Goodkind - Angela Constantine 02 - The Girl in the Moon -

  • live.”“What’s this about?”“This is about something I need you to do.”“Well, I’m not sure I would still be able to—”“Or else, among other things, I expose your agency’s existence and where it isin the black budget.”“That could get you killed.”“Maybe. I need something and you are going to help me.”“I don’t think I can, Jack. We don’t have a working agreement with you anymore.”“That’s a really shitty attitude, A

File: Gordon White - Pieces of Eight Chaos Magic Essays and Enchantments -


  • propensity to occasionally use commercial air travel or theirownership of a mobile phone contract as some sort of evidence they are ‘pro’science (when in both cases this actually means they are ‘pro’ black budgetmilitary spending). This is to confuse consumer technology with cosmology.Every wizard needs to build rather than rent a metaphysics. And such ametaphysics needs to not only improve the success of you


  • mething which seems intimately related to and extremely interested inthe ‘shape’ of our beliefs.And then there’s poor old magic, running to catch up to the Deep State afterhalf a century of unlimited black budget money spent attempting weaponisewhat appears to be a critical component of Reality with a capital ‘R’. We shouldrun a little faster. Wizards have been intimately involved in spy craft andpower games

File: Area 51 - An Uncensored History Of America's Top Secret Military Base -


  • sell agreed to siphon money from the Marshall Plan and divert it to the CIA’s Office of Policy Coordination. Largely unknown until now, this was how a significant portion of the CIA’s earliest covert black budgets came to be. Richard Bissell was the hidden hand. Equally concerned about the nation’s needs in gathering intelligence was Colonel Richard Leghorn. For Leghorn, the mock nuclear naval battle called O


  • n mind would fly higher than ninety thousand feet and have stealth features built in from pencil to plane. Bissell was taking a major gamble with his billion- dollar request. Bringing an entirely new black budget spy plane program to the president’s attention at a time when the president was upset with the results of the previous work done at Area 51 was either madness or brilliance, depending on one’s point


  • fice of the Budget and the Office of the Secretary of Defense met alone, in secret, without representation from the CIA. There, they highlighted the fact that the CIA’s several-hundred-million-dollar black budget operation had produced fifteen airplanes, five of which had already crashed. They presented their findings to President Johnson with the recommendation that the Oxcart program be “phased out.” Richar


  • yone staring at him and wondering who this officer was, Slater considered the irony of it all. In justifying why Oxcart was being terminated, the 303 Committee claimed that the Oxcart exemplified CIA black budget excess. From Slater’s perspective, save for a few line-cutting perks, the Oxcart was worth every Agency dime. The scientific barriers broken by the Oxcart program would likely impress scientists and


  • the Department of Defense comanaged nuclear rocket programs using science and technology to try to get man to Mars. There is an interesting paradox. At Area 51, the spy plane programs were funded by black budgets, meaning their existence was hidden from Congress and the public. Not until they were declassified by the CIA—the U-2 program in 1998 and the A-12 Oxcart program in 2007—were their existences confir

File: Disclosure Project Briefing Documents -


  • which occurred after the victim s began to violate secrecy on a reverse- engineering project related to ET technology . Funding: A senior congressional investigator has pr ivately related to us that “black budget” funds apparently are used for this and sim ilar operations which are USAPS. This ‘black budget’ involves conservatively $10 billion, and m ay exceed $80 billion per y ear. The am ount dedicated to t
  • ated to ET technology . Funding: A senior congressional investigator has pr ivately related to us that “black budget” funds apparently are used for this and sim ilar operations which are USAPS. This ‘black budget’ involves conservatively $10 billion, and m ay exceed $80 billion per y ear. The am ount dedicated to the UFO/ET operation specifically is unknown at this tim e. Additionally , significant funds are


  • a lot of things, because all th is has to do with power. Power every where, in every country , with every governm ent, with every situation.” Dr. Paul Cz ysz : McDonnell Douglas Career Engineer “The black budget world is like try ing to describe Casper the friendly ghost. You might see a cartoon of him but y ou don’ t know how big he is, you don’ t know where his funding com es from , you don’ t know how m a


  • ied that som ebody could take that sam e energy source and do the equivalent of what they did with the USS Cole — instead of blowing a hole in the side, they could just obliterate the whole ship. The black budget world is like try ing to describe Casper, the friendly ghost. You m ight see a cartoon of him , but y ou don’t know how big he is, y ou don’t know where his funding com es from , you don’ t know how


  • lectrogravitic coupling phenom enon discovered by Townsend Brown and may explain the advanced aerospace propulsion technology utilized in the B-2 bom ber. In addition to his understandi ng of UFO and black budget craft propulsion system s, including m aterialization and dem aterialization, he has deep knowledge of the inner workings of the U.S. Patent O ffice. He states in this interview that, currently , if


  • SAP possesses substantial technologies that m ay present a threat to conventional military assets and to world security in general; ¾ Funding for these operations is derived bot h from the so-called “black budget” and from “creative,” non-governm ental sources; ¾ Maintenance of secrecy /control over this pr oject has been at all costs and has consistently violated legal, constitutiona l oversight and checks a

File: Dulce Book -




  • lowing the one given above. Written by Thomas Zed, the article, titled "WACKENHUT'S CONNECTION WITH THE BLACK PROJECT WORLD" stated: "The Wackenhut company has a very close connection to the world of BLACK BUDGET PROJECTS. Besides being connected with the Cabazon venture mentioned in this issue it is also responsible, according to jailed computer consultant Michael Riconosciuto, FOR THE SECRET PROJECTS BEING


  • speed. The object appeared to be boomerang shaped with a very bright light just below its center (Some have alleged that these 'boomerang' shaped vehicles may have some connection with a super-secret black budget space operation called Alternative- 3. - Branton). The light was a bright white, blue and green. As it approached, it slowed down [obviously under intelligent control], seemed to reverse direction, f


  • The Dulce Book The Dulce Book Chapter 17 The Black Budget And The Underground Empire On Oct. 20, 1991, California researcher Michael Lindemann, founder of 'The 20/20 Group', gave a lecture before a large crowd of interested investigators. During the course
  • he publication of his book [BLANK CHECK]... MORE Black Budget money goes into underground bases than ANY OTHER kind of work. "Now I don't believe that 35 billion, which is the approximate size of the black budget money that you can find by analyzing the budget, I don't think that comes CLOSE to the real figure because there is absolutely unequivocal evidence that a great deal of additional money was generated


  • eportedly been taking place within these bases for decades. I should know, since I myself am the product of such cybernetic-biogenetic tampering -- although you might say a 'renegade' product of such black budget projects, and one who they "lost control of" along with whatever sensitive data/secrets my unconscious mind may have harbored at the time of my "defection". In regards to the problems threatening our


  • , and therefore directed all of the royalties for his work to an organization devoted to helping children. To paraphrase some of the more relevant [to this work] points brought out in the Trilogy: -- Black Budget Operations utilizing billions of dollars raised by CIA drug running, were classified Above Top Secret, thereby escaping audit by Federal auditors who possessed only a "secret" or "top secret" securit


  • is a good place to look for Congressional Records. So, if one continues to do their homework, then one can be standing vigilant in regard to their country. ::: Deep Underground Military Bases and the Black Budget ::: "I love the country I am living in, more than I love my life, but I would not be standing before you now, risking my life, if I did not believe it was so. The first part of this talk is going to
  • an I love my life, but I would not be standing before you now, risking my life, if I did not believe it was so. The first part of this talk is going to concern deep underground military bases and the black budget. The Black Budget is a secretive budget that garners 25% of the gross national product of the United States. The Black Budget currently consumes $1.25 trillion per [2] years. At least this amount is


  • ircraft presently. The budget from the U.S. Congress five-year plan for these is $245.6 million. You couldn't buy the spare parts for these black programs for that amount. So, we've been lied to. The black budget is roughly $1.3 trillion every two years. A trillion is a thousand billion. A trillion dollars weighs 11 tons. The U.S. Congress never sees the books involved with this clandestine pot of gold. Contr
  • are supposed to be living up to as freedom-loving people? I don't believe so. ::: Star Wars and Apparent Alien Threat ::: "Still, 68% of the military budget is directly or indirectly affected by the black budget. Star Wars relies heavily upon stealth weaponry. By the way, none of the stealth program would (5 of 46)8/14/2004 3:27:19 PM


  • sewave as in a normal earthquake. None. In 1989, there was an earthquake in San Francisco. There was no pulse wave with that one either. It is a Tesla device that is being used for evil purposes. The black budget programs have subverted science as we know it. Look at AIDs, invented by the National Ordinance Laboratory in Chicago, Illinois in 1972 (and passed to the United Nations - World Health Organization v

File: Philip J. Corso - The Day After Roswell -


  • of old friends from prep school had become an unmanageable mess within five years. Many pieces of the pie were floating around, an d the different military branches wanted to break off chunks of the black budget so that you needed an entire administration just to manage the managers of the cover-up. Therefore, at some point near the middle of the Eisenhower administration, seams opened up in the grand camouf

File: Stanton Friedman - Crash At Corona -


  • , but the book, with- out a solid basis, discounts Gerald Anderson, moves the Barney Barnett story to near Corona, and casually dismisses the MJ-12 documents. Weiner, Tim, Blank Check: The Pentagon's Black Budget. New 206 T


  • EADING 207 York: Warner Books, 1990. 273 pages ($21.95). Weiner, who has two Pulitzer Prizes for inve stigative journalism, does an excellent job of documenting th e Pentagon's annual $34 bil- lion "black budget" (research funds not under congressional control or review). Reports and Other Publications Eberhardt, George, ed., "The Roswell Report: An Historical Perspective." 1991, J. Allen Hy nek Center for U

File: Steven Greer - Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge -

  • about thiscontrol have also just moved into those avenues right along with them. So everytime a new avenue comes up they have a new counterpoint."Dr. Paul Czysz:McDonnell Douglas Career Engineer"The black budget world is like trying to describe Casper the friendly ghost.You might see a cartoon of him but you don't know how big he is, you don't knowwhere his funding comes from, you don't know how many there a

File: Travis Walton - Fire in the Sky -

  • ble.There are also a variety of theories to explain these crafts as of earthlyorigin. One variation has it that some present earth government, most likely ourown, is responsible. This theory has our “black budget” scientists makingextraordinary advances far beyond what is generally known, or perhapssuccessfully deciphering the technology of a crashed craft. In this scenario thecrash of an extraterrestrial vis

  • ainhumans from right here on earth are either partially or completely responsiblefor what happened to me?It would certainly require advanced knowledge to create such a craft. But givenAmerica’s huge “black budget” and the fact that seemingly futuristiccapabilities of recently revealed top-secret stealth aircraft actually representthirty-year-old technology, it’s not a question of whether or not we haveadvance

File: Valdamar Valerian - Matrix III Volume 2 -


  • et to warn against "allergies" and "anaphylactic sensitivity". Michael Hutchinson publishes "Megabrain", in which it is revealed that scientists in the Los Altos Hills in California, drawing fiom CIA black budget money, "apulied acoustical telemev in the development of transmitters that create inpa-sound (lawpequencyl waves in the head, wivinp clear all information stored by the brain cells. " American Dental


  • t is rejected for submission. He would write a book, Aspartame (1Vutra-Sweet): Is It Safe? (Charles Press, 1990) The Great Banking and S&L Scandal, after US banking system is progressively looted for black budget project money between 1980 and 1990 under the Bush and Reagan administrations and the CIA. Project RF Media in Boulder, Colorado, using mind control subliminals over television carrier waves. The US

File: William Henry THE A~TOMIC CHRIST -


  • THE A~TOMIC CHRIST 9 4 THE A-BOMB: AMERICA’S FIRST BLACK BUDGET PROJECT Roosevelt’s response to his October 9, 1941 meeting with Bush and Wallace was immediate and overwhelmin g in its implications for all human history. F.D.R. i nstructed Bush and Wallace that w

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