Cross Of Hendaye

Found in 14 Books

File: Fulcanelli - Mystery Of The Cathedrals -


  • ............................................ 67 .............................................. Amiens 121 Bourges ........................................ 137 ............................. The Cyclic Cross of Hendaye 163 Conclusion ........................................... 173 ................................................ Index 179


  • - Chapel Ceiling (Detail) (facing page 158). XLVI Chapel of the ~allernant~ansion. ~ni~ma of thk credence (facing page 159). xLvn Hendaye. (Basses-Pyrenees) Cyclic Cross @cingpage 168). xLvnI Cyclic Cross of Hendaye. The four Sides of the Pedestal (facing page 169). XLIX Arles - Church of St. Trophime. Tympanum of the Porch (XIIth Century) (facing page 173).


  • ge of his knowledge, but excels them in expressing two eminently scientific and philosophical qualities, which he carried to the highest degree of perfection, namely modesty and sincerity. The Cyclic Cross of Hendaye


  • The Cyclic Cross of Hendaye The Cyclic Cross of Hendaye 167 Hendaye has nothing to hold the attention of the tourist, the archaeologist or the artist. Leaving the station, a country road, skirting the railway line, leads to the


  • 168 The Cyclic Cross of Hendaye It is a theoretical image of the Beast of the Apocalypse, of th dragon, which, on the days of Judgment, spews out fire and bn stone on macrocosrnic creation. Thanks to the symbolic value of letter S,


  • The Cyclic Cross of Hendaye 1 69 XLVIII. CYCLIC CROSS OF HENDAYE The four Sides of the Pedestal. cross, fixing the pole of the northern hemisphere and locating in time the fatal period of this expiation. God the Father holds in


  • 170 The Cyclic Cross of Hendaye left hand resting on a book, his right raised in the gesture of bene. diction, and separated from the four beasts, which attend him, 1 an ellipse, called the mystic almond. These groups, which a gene

File: Fulcanelli - Mystery Of The Cathedrals -


  • ............................................ 67 .............................................. Amiens 121 Bourges ........................................ 137 ............................. The Cyclic Cross of Hendaye 163 Conclusion ........................................... 173 ................................................ Index 179


  • - Chapel Ceiling (Detail) (facing page 158). XLVI Chapel of the ~allernant~ansion. ~ni~ma of thk credence (facing page 159). xLvn Hendaye. (Basses-Pyrenees) Cyclic Cross @cingpage 168). xLvnI Cyclic Cross of Hendaye. The four Sides of the Pedestal (facing page 169). XLIX Arles - Church of St. Trophime. Tympanum of the Porch (XIIth Century) (facing page 173).


  • ge of his knowledge, but excels them in expressing two eminently scientific and philosophical qualities, which he carried to the highest degree of perfection, namely modesty and sincerity. The Cyclic Cross of Hendaye


  • The Cyclic Cross of Hendaye The Cyclic Cross of Hendaye 167 Hendaye has nothing to hold the attention of the tourist, the archaeologist or the artist. Leaving the station, a country road, skirting the railway line, leads to the


  • 168 The Cyclic Cross of Hendaye It is a theoretical image of the Beast of the Apocalypse, of th dragon, which, on the days of Judgment, spews out fire and bn stone on macrocosrnic creation. Thanks to the symbolic value of letter S,


  • The Cyclic Cross of Hendaye 1 69 XLVIII. CYCLIC CROSS OF HENDAYE The four Sides of the Pedestal. cross, fixing the pole of the northern hemisphere and locating in time the fatal period of this expiation. God the Father holds in


  • 170 The Cyclic Cross of Hendaye left hand resting on a book, his right raised in the gesture of bene. diction, and separated from the four beasts, which attend him, 1 an ellipse, called the mystic almond. These groups, which a gene

File: Fulcanelli and the Alchemical Revival -

  • founded by Louis-SébastienSaulnier with the aim of promulgating literary and scientific news from England.Fulcanelli quotes Grasset d’Orcet in Le Mystère des Cathédrales, in the chapteron the Cyclic Cross of Hendaye concerning Grasset d’Orcet’s analysis of theSonge de Poliphile,¹⁰ [../Text/notes.html#anchor_1800_0] which first appeared inan article in the Revue. Applying cryptographic keys to this work, Grassetd

  • Books of Related InterestThe Mysteries of the Great Cross of HendayeAlchemy and the End of Timeby Jay Weidner and Vincent BridgesEsoterism and Symbolby R. A. Schwaller de LubiczSacred ScienceThe King of Pharaonic Theocracyby R. A. Schwaller de LubiczThe Temple of Manb

File: Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye - Alchemy and the End of Time -

  • ount Zion [33_chapter-title-20.html]APPENDIX D [34_chapter-title-21.html]Tree of Life Symbology in Le Mystère des cathédrales [34_chapter-title-21.html]APPENDIX E [35_chapter-title-22.html]The Cyclic Cross of Hendaye [35_chapter-title-22.html]Index [39_index-title.html]Footnotes [36_footnote-title.html]Notes [36_endnote-title.html]Bibliography [37_bibiliography-title.html]About the Author [42_glossary-title.html]

  • ern esoteric tradition, whichis significant enough, perhaps the single most important aspect of Le Mystèrewas the single chapter added to the 1957 edition of the book. This chapter,called “The Cyclic Cross of Hendaye,” discusses a simple yet mysterious monumentlocated in southwestern France that Fulcanelli dates to the middle of theseventeenth century. The monument’s few inelegant symbols reveal that not onlywas

  • monument in the quaint Basque coastal town of Hendaye. More than 250 yearslater, an equally mysterious author, Fulcanelli, would add a new chapter to histhirty-year-old book claiming that the “Cyclic Cross of Hendaye” was theultimate expression of “chiliasm” (a belief in the Last Judgment as a literalend of time) as well as a description of the Great Work of alchemy. These simplefacts point to several interesting

  • ts of occult historyand abnormal psychology except for the singular mystery of the extra chapteradded to the 1957 edition of Le Mystère. This second edition included a newchapter entitled “The Cyclic Cross of Hendaye” and a few changes in itsillustrations. No mention of these changes appeared in Canseliet’s preface tothe second edition.A few detractors, as early as the publication of Dwellings, had been suspiciou

  • rs above the horizon and Mercury andVenus below.image [images/image275-00.jpg]Figure 9.8. The magic square of the Sun produces a tesseract, or hypercube.When we see these symbols again, on the Cyclic Cross of Hendaye, we shall findnot only the obvious synchronicity of the appropriate alignment of planets, butalso the possible meaning of the transformation that they symbolize. We shallalso find that the complex ge

  • that suddenly connects what were untilthen widely separated pieces of the puzzle, we came across the solution to thisminor mystery and found that it led us back to the heart of Le Mystère, theCyclic Cross of Hendaye. With that solution in hand, we were finally able toanswer the question of why, if the Hendaye chapter was written in the mid-1920s,it was not included in Le Mystère until the second, 1957 edition. A

  • and kneweven less about alchemy. He was a true modern scientist who wanted empiricalproof for any thesis. And he had spent thirty years proving the very sameinformation that had been engraved on the cross of Hendaye.Perhaps the most convincing of all of LaViolette’s evidence is the informationprovided by a radio contour map of a supernova remnant in Cassiopeia A (see fig.12.6). This map, compiled from informatio

  • s designed to reveal?The answer to that is the ultimate secret, the secret of time itself. In thesecond edition of Le Mystère, Fulcanelli provides the solution by adding thechapter called “The Cyclic Cross of Hendaye.” The three plates from thatchapter, numbers 47 to 49, added to the eight of Bourges, numbers 39 through 46,complete the sefirot of the fourth Tree of Life, including Daat, gnosis orknowledge. This T

  • APPENDIX ETHE CYCLIC CROSS OF HENDAYEh [36_footnote-title.html#hfn]image [images/image465-00.jpg]Hendaye, a small frontier town in the Basquecountry, has its little houses huddled at the foot of the first spurs of thePyrenees. It is fram

  • union of brother andsister, of Gabritius and Beya, of Apollo and Diana. In that case, the marvelsrecounted by Philostratus, being chemical in character, should not surprise us.APPENDIX E: THE CYCLIC CROSS OF HENDAYEh [35_chapter-title-22.html#fnh]. Text of this appendix is from Fulcanelli, LeMystère des cathédrales, trans. Mary Sworder (London: Neville Spearman, 1971),pp. 165–71.i [35_chapter-title-22.html#fni].

  • ecording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, withoutpermission in writing from the publisher.LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING-IN-PUBLICATION DATAWeidner, Jay.The mysteries of the great cross of Hendaye : alchemy and the end of time / byJay Weidner and Vincent Bridges. p. cm.Includes bibliographical references and index.ebook ISBN 978-1-59477-633-5print ISBN 978-0-89281-084-01. End of the world—Misc

File: Atlantis And The Cycles of Time - Prophecies, Traditions, And Occult Revelations -


  • ent Bridges has recently unveiled Pierre Dujols as one of those responsible for the writ - ings of the twentieth-century alchemist “Fulcanelli,” and the likely author of an essay entitled “The Cyclic Cross of Hendaye.” 50 They think that Dujols’ interest in this cross, which stands in a small town near the Spanish border, was the starting point for the whole Fulcanelli enterprise. Although the essay was not publi


  • merican Prophet (New York: Riverhead Books, 2000), 397, 459, 498, 516. 37. Brother Philip, Secrets of the Andes, 69. 38. Ibid., 34. 39. See Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges, The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye (Rochester, Vt.: Destiny Books, 2003), 388. 40. See Gordon Melton, Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology (Farmington Hills, Mich.: Gale Group, 2001), s.v. “Williamson.” 41. See Wouter J. Haneg


  • s temps (Paris: Dervy-Livres, 1988), 82. 46. Le Cour, L’ ère du Verseau, 84–85. 4 7. I b i d . , 228. 48. Ibid., 160 – 6 4 . 49. Ibid., 53. 50. Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges, Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye: Alchemy and the End of Time (Rochester, Vt.: Destiny Books, 2003), 424–31. 51. Fu lc a ne l l i , Le mystère des cathédrales et l’ interprétation ésotérique des symboles hermétiques du grand œuvre (

File: John Major Jenkins - The 2012 Story The Myths, Fallacies and Truth Behind the Most Intriguing Date in History -


  • s play fast and loose with 2012 in the way that others have, nor am I endorsing them. The books of Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Ra, William Henry, Jay Weidner, and Vincent Bridges (The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye), Sharron Rose, Christine Page, Dr. Willy Gaspar, Gregg Braden, Patricia Mercier (just to name a few)—it’s a cornucopia. Geoff Stray’s website, Diagnosis 2012, is a comprehensive resource for reliabl

File: Joseph P. Farrell - Babylon's Banksters -


  • Cycles.” Paper presented at The Foundation for the Study of Cycles Conference Proceedings, February 1990, Weidner, Jay and Bridges, Vincent. The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye: Alchemy and the End of Time. Rochester, Vermont: Destiny Books, 2003.


  • yscrapers in Chicago and New York City to the bottom of a cycle, just when the overall trend was scheduled to go up again. Q.v. p. 122. 183 Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges, The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye: Alchemy and the End of Time (Rochester, Vermont: Destiny Books, 2003), p. 41. 184 Dr. Hartmut Müller, “An Introduction to Global Scaling Theory,” Nexus, Vol. 11, No. 5, September-October 2004, p. 49

File: Joseph P. Farrell - Babylons Banksters -

  • of Cycles.” Paper presented at TheFoundation for the Study of Cycles Conference Proceedings, February 1990,www.cyclesresearchinstitute.orgWeidner, Jay and Bridges, Vincent. The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye:Alchemy and the End of Time. Rochester, Vermont: Destiny Books, 2003.

  • icago and New York City to the bottom of a cycle, justwhen the overall trend was scheduled to go up again. Q.v. p. 122.183 [1071.xhtml#1067]Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges, The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye:Alchemy and the End of Time (Rochester, Vermont: Destiny Books, 2003), p. 41.184 [1098.xhtml#1076]Dr. Hartmut Müller, “An Introduction to Global Scaling Theory,” Nexus, Vol. 11,No. 5, September-Octob

File: Joseph P. Farrell - Transhumanism - A Grimoire of Alchemical Agendas -


  • ords, is merely the scientific and engineering techniques, but the goals remain very old. And that may in fact be the design... Endnotes 1 J ay Weidner and Vincent Bridges, The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye: Alchemy and the End of Time (Rochester, Vermont: Destiny Books, 2003), p. 38.


  • ocument Attributed to Thomas Aquinas on the Problem of Oppo- sites in Alchemy . Toronto. Inner City Books. 2000. ISBN 978-0-919123-90-8. Weidner, Jay, and Bridges, Vincent. The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye: Alchemy and the End of Time. Rochester, Vermont. Destiny Books. 2003. ISBN 089281084-X. Wilde, Oscar. The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde. Intr. Merlin Holland. HarperCollins Publishers. 2003. ISBN 97

File: Lost Art of Resurrection - Freddy Silva -


  • 11. LePage, Mysteries of the Bridechamber, 94. 12. Smith, The Gospel of Philip, section 59. 13. Ibid., section 107:14–16. 14. Rudolph, Gnosis, 293. 15. Weidner and Bridges, The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye, 88–89. 16. Dunne, Carl Jung, 171. c h AP t E r 9. w h A t hAPPE ns in th E m iddl E E A st s t A ys in cE ntr A l Am E ric A 1. Sejourne, Burning Water, 19 0 . 2. Miller and Taube, The Gods and Symb


  • A. E. A New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry . London: Rider, 1921. Warburton, William. The Divine Legation of Moses . London: T. Tegg, 1837. Weidner, Jay, and Vincent Bridges. The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye . Rochester, Vt.: Destiny Books, 2003. Welburn, Andrew. The Beginnings of Christianity . Edinburgh: Floris Books, 19 95 . Wever, R. A. The Circadian System of Man . Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1979. Wic

File: Lost Art of Resurrection - Freddy Silva -


  • 11. LePage, Mysteries of the Bridechamber, 94. 12. Smith, The Gospel of Philip, section 59. 13. Ibid., section 107:14–16. 14. Rudolph, Gnosis, 293. 15. Weidner and Bridges, The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye, 88–89. 16. Dunne, Carl Jung, 171. c h AP t E r 9. w h A t hAPPE ns in th E m iddl E E A st s t A ys in cE ntr A l Am E ric A 1. Sejourne, Burning Water, 19 0 . 2. Miller and Taube, The Gods and Symb


  • A. E. A New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry . London: Rider, 1921. Warburton, William. The Divine Legation of Moses . London: T. Tegg, 1837. Weidner, Jay, and Vincent Bridges. The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye . Rochester, Vt.: Destiny Books, 2003. Welburn, Andrew. The Beginnings of Christianity . Edinburgh: Floris Books, 19 95 . Wever, R. A. The Circadian System of Man . Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1979. Wic

File: Wouter J. Hanegraaff - Dictionary of Gnosis and Western Esotericism -


  • er, Je ne suis pas une légende , Paris: Retz, 1977 (esp. ch. 12: “La très sainte alchimie”, 167-180) ♦ Vincent Bridges & Jay Weidner, A Monument to the End of Time: Alchemy, Fulcanelli, and the Great Cross of Hendaye , Mount Gilead: Aethyrea Books, 1999 ♦ Frédéric Courjeaud, Ful- canelli, une identité révélée , Paris: Claire Vigne, 1995 ♦ Geneviève Dubois, Fulcanelli dévoilé , Paris: Dervy, 1992 (reprinted 1996)

File: Mystery of the Cathedrals -


  • ............................................ 67 .............................................. Amiens 121 Bourges ........................................ 137 ............................. The Cyclic Cross of Hendaye 163 Conclusion ........................................... 173 ................................................ Index 179


  • - Chapel Ceiling (Detail) (facing page 158). XLVI Chapel of the ~allernant~ansion. ~ni~ma of thk credence (facing page 159). xLvn Hendaye. (Basses-Pyrenees) Cyclic Cross @cingpage 168). xLvnI Cyclic Cross of Hendaye. The four Sides of the Pedestal (facing page 169). XLIX Arles - Church of St. Trophime. Tympanum of the Porch (XIIth Century) (facing page 173).


  • ge of his knowledge, but excels them in expressing two eminently scientific and philosophical qualities, which he carried to the highest degree of perfection, namely modesty and sincerity. The Cyclic Cross of Hendaye


  • The Cyclic Cross of Hendaye The Cyclic Cross of Hendaye 167 Hendaye has nothing to hold the attention of the tourist, the archaeologist or the artist. Leaving the station, a country road, skirting the railway line, leads to the


  • 168 The Cyclic Cross of Hendaye It is a theoretical image of the Beast of the Apocalypse, of th dragon, which, on the days of Judgment, spews out fire and bn stone on macrocosrnic creation. Thanks to the symbolic value of letter S,


  • The Cyclic Cross of Hendaye 1 69 XLVIII. CYCLIC CROSS OF HENDAYE The four Sides of the Pedestal. cross, fixing the pole of the northern hemisphere and locating in time the fatal period of this expiation. God the Father holds in


  • 170 The Cyclic Cross of Hendaye left hand resting on a book, his right raised in the gesture of bene. diction, and separated from the four beasts, which attend him, 1 an ellipse, called the mystic almond. These groups, which a gene

File: Dictionary of Gnosis & Western Esotericism -


  • s Bergier, Je ne suis pas unelégende, Paris: Retz, 1977 (esp. ch. 12: “La très saintealchimie”, 167-180)♦Vincent Bridges & Jay Weidner,A Monument to the End of Time: Alchemy, Fulcanelli,and the Great Cross of Hendaye, Mount Gilead:Aethyrea Books, 1999♦Frédéric Courjeaud, Ful-canelli, une identité révélée, Paris: Claire Vigne, 1995♦Geneviève Dubois, Fulcanelli dévoilé, Paris: Dervy,1992 (reprinted 1996)♦Kenneth Ra

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