
Found in 53 Books

File: Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye - Alchemy and the End of Time -

  • mist’s philosopher’s stone into the geometrical arrangement that makes itgold.Could the alchemy of cosmological time be a geometrical arrangement of planetsand alignments to the fixed stars? The book Cymatics, by Hans Jenny,demonstrates the concept of how natural structures can be created and changed bythe wave patterns of sound. Jenny placed fine powder on a piece of material thatwas suspended in front o

  • 27Curies, 30Cusco, Peru, 364, 365, 378, 379, 381– 88, 392, 399, 405Cutting of the Elm at Gisors, 147, 198, 199Cybele, 204, 206–12, 214, 215, 234, 267, 291, 426Cybele/Mary, 213Cybeline, 213Cyliani, 428Cymatics (Jenny), 63–64Czechoslovakia, 127, 133da Vinci, Leonardo, 8, 54, 114Daat, 213, 273, 277, 279, 280, 341d’Abbadie family, 33–34, 302, 428, 429d’Abbadie, Antoine, 33–34, 303, 430, 431Dalai Lama, 420d’Al

File: Crop Circles - Signs of Contact - Colin Andrews -


  • . San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1986, p. 197. 6 Mitchell, p. 197. 7 The Institute for Resonance Therapy Cappenberg, 1994 IRT, Cappenberg, Ger- many: [email protected] . 8 Jennings, Dr. Hans. Cymatics (video) Newmarket, N.H.: MACROmedia, 1986. 9 Smallwrite, Michelle. Behaving as If the God in All Life Matters . Warrenton, Va.: Perelandra, Ltd., Perelandra, Ltd., PO Box 3603, Warrenton, Va. 20188,

File: Crop Circles - Signs, Wonders And Mysteries - Steve And Karen Alexander -

  • persons who do any unauthorised act in relation to this publicationmay be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.ISBN: 978-1-84858-850-9AD000135ENPicture creditsSound images from Cymatics: A Study of Wave Phenomena and Vibration by HansJenny © MACROmedia Publishing, 219 Grant Road, Newmarket NH 03857 USA. Used bypermission. []Diagrams
  • -850-9AD000135ENPicture creditsSound images from Cymatics: A Study of Wave Phenomena and Vibration by HansJenny © MACROmedia Publishing, 219 Grant Road, Newmarket NH 03857 USA. Used bypermission. []Diagrams by: Bertold Zugelder, Michael Glickman and Allan Brown, DavidParker/Science Photo Library, Courtesy of Tharee Davis, Courtesy of Jeff Wilson,Courtesy o
  • sSound images from Cymatics: A Study of Wave Phenomena and Vibration by HansJenny © MACROmedia Publishing, 219 Grant Road, Newmarket NH 03857 USA. Used bypermission. []Diagrams by: Bertold Zugelder, Michael Glickman and Allan Brown, DavidParker/Science Photo Library, Courtesy of Tharee Davis, Courtesy of Jeff Wilson,Courtesy of Karen Smith, Courtesy of the

  • e effect of sound vibrations. These standingwave patterns occur within small samples of water placed upon a lens andilluminated from below, while vibrating in response to specific audiblefrequencies (Cymatics)The answer seems to lie with the crop circles' shapes; but why the circle, whythe triangle, why the square?Shape is a fundamental response to vibration. There is a science of vibration;it is called C

  • icopters for many years; the vast majority of thephotographs in this book were taken with the company. Fast Helicoptersspecialize in pleasure flights over the UK crop circles – highly []The home of Hans Jenny's work into the science of sound and vibration – highlyrecommended.SUGGESTED FURTHER READINGA Beginners Guide to Constructing the Univers
  • ast majority of thephotographs in this book were taken with the company. Fast Helicoptersspecialize in pleasure flights over the UK crop circles – highly []The home of Hans Jenny's work into the science of sound and vibration – highlyrecommended.SUGGESTED FURTHER READINGA Beginners Guide to Constructing the Universe by Michael S. Schneider. Har

File: Energies Of Crop Circles - Lucy Pringle -

  • ft/right brain) and, mostspecifically, the brain frequency structures that are key to healing.The two key words are implosion instead of gravity, which has everything to dowith columnar vortices, and cymatics, which are responsible for the combinationof frequencies determining patterns.

  • uter, 94Conrad, Mark, 217–18consciousness, 27, 115control test results, 136Corhampton circle, 12, 13Cosmic Consciousness, xvicredit cards, 90–91crop circle numbers worldwide, 192–93Cussons, Diana, 2–4cymatics, 198Daisy Chain, 103–104, 104da Silva, Mona, 138–39, 138, 145–50Day, Alan, 84Denning, Jennifer, 58–61Devil’s Den, 48–50, 49diabetes, 47diatonic scale, xv, 45, 229, 230ratio, 75Dickens, Charles, 48did

File: Freddy Silva - Secrets In The Fields -

  • esign by Donna LindenFront cover photo © David Parker/Science Photo LibraryBack cover photos (left to right) © Richard Wintle, Hans Widmer, GeorgeWingfield, Freddy Silva, Andrew King, and Freddy SilvaCymatics images from Cymatics: A Study of Wave Phenomena and Vibration by HansJenny © 2001 MACROmedia. Used by permission.[]Hampton Roads Publishing Company,
  • Hans Widmer, GeorgeWingfield, Freddy Silva, Andrew King, and Freddy SilvaCymatics images from Cymatics: A Study of Wave Phenomena and Vibration by HansJenny © 2001 MACROmedia. Used by permission.[]Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc.Charlottesville, []Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2002103100ISBN 978-1-57174-
  • Freddy Silva, Andrew King, and Freddy SilvaCymatics images from Cymatics: A Study of Wave Phenomena and Vibration by HansJenny © 2001 MACROmedia. Used by permission.[]Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc.Charlottesville, []Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2002103100ISBN 978-1-57174-322-010 9 8TCPPrinted in Cana

  • Hawkins to formulate his firsttheorem. Now here were 5,000 square feet of sturdy, immature barley embossedwith a type of rose emblem similar to a pattern familiar to the field of sonicpatterns called cymatics.Image [images/p212-01.jpg]Figure 11.10 Some of the figures generated by the voice of MargaretWatts-Hughes.In the 1770s, the Hungarian physicist Ernst Chladni earned the credit of beingthe first perso
  • ern era to show vibration in physical form, when hescattered sand on metal disks and watched the particles vibrate as a bow wasdrawn across the plates, much like on a violin. He called his experimentscymatics—the capturing of sound waves as they travel through physicalsubstances. Although Chladni made many careful drawings from his experiments,showing how the sand consistently realigned itself into geomet
  • pe of an “O.”Image [images/p213-01.jpg]Figure 11.11 Cymatic pattern in barley. The plants are bent six inches from thetop. Goodworth Clatford, 1996.Such relationships between the geometrical forms of cymatics and the symbols ofsacred geometry demonstrate that the underlying order of both the physicalUniverse and the nature of consciousness are not abstractions of the human mindbut a real and structured ma
  • s creates beneficial and unusual effectson plants, while ongoing research into crop circle biophysics reveals unusualalterations and accelerated growth patterns. Through Jenny's groundbreaking workin cymatics, we have confirmation of the links between vibration, creation, andthe natural order of life, and their correlation to crop circle patterns. Suchpatterns collect along nodal lines, just as crop circl

  • Journal of Acoustical Society of America, Vol99:2, February.Jenkins, John Major. 1998. Maya Cosmogenesis 2012: The True Meaning of the MayaCalendar End Date. Santa Fe: Bear and Co.Jenny, Hans. 1974. Cymatics II. Basel, Switzerland: Basilius Press.John, Kelvin, and Daniel Wolf, translators. 1963. The Lying Stones of Dr.Berenger. University of California Press.Jolly, W. P. 1974. Sir Oliver Lodge. Cranbury,
  • ddy Silva. For photos, diagrams, and information on current crop circlesresearch, please visit his website, the Crop Circular.[].Hans Jenny's cymatics images: MACROmedia, 219 Grant Road, Newmarket, NH [].Lucy Pringle. Research in Electromagnetic effects in living matter/photographer.For deta
  • lesresearch, please visit his website, the Crop Circular.[].Hans Jenny's cymatics images: MACROmedia, 219 Grant Road, Newmarket, NH [].Lucy Pringle. Research in Electromagnetic effects in living matter/photographer.For details of photos and calendars, send a stamped, addressed envelope to 5T
  • ebsite, the Crop Circular.[].Hans Jenny's cymatics images: MACROmedia, 219 Grant Road, Newmarket, NH [].Lucy Pringle. Research in Electromagnetic effects in living matter/photographer.For details of photos and calendars, send a stamped, addressed envelope to 5Town Lane, Sheet, Petersfield, H

  • ], 176[20_chapter10.html#page_176], 252 [22_chapter12.html#page_252], 257[22_chapter12.html#page_257]Cummings, Claire Hope, 112 [16_chapter07.html#page_112]Currie, Mike, 30 [11_chapter02.html#page_30]cymatics, iv, 212 [21_chapter11.html#page_212]–213 [21_chapter11.html#page_213],221 [21_chapter11.html#page_221], 223 [21_chapter11.html#page_223]Czech crop circles. See crop circles: CzechDanebury hill fort.

File: Mysterious Lights and Crop Circles - Linda Moulton Howe -


  • pattern produced by vibrations in oil of turpentine, from Serpent in the Sky, © 1993 by John Anthony West.Egyptologist and writer, Jo h n Anthony West, wrote in his 1993 clas­sic Serpent in the Sky, “Cymatics, the study of wave form s, illustrates dra­matically the relationship between frequency and form . Specific materi­als subjected to specific vibrations assume specific form s. A given form can only b


  • “...Vibration is an alternation between positive and negative poles. Metaphysically, it is a manifestation of the revolt of spirit against its imprisonm ent in matter. Cymatics gives visual expression to ‘In the beginning was the Word.’”And on May 10, 1998, a three “petalled” formation emerged in oilseed rape that was about 140 feet in diameter.“Tripetal” formation discover

File: David Icke - 1999 - The Biggest Secret -

  • sonate at that same vibratorylevel. That wave is actually a sound, broadcasting beyond the range of humanhearing. Form cannot exist without sound. As you can see in a fantastic seriesof videos called Cymatics, 34 [../Text/index_split_013.html#filepos209407] it issound which turns matter into form. In the videos, sand and other particles areplaced on a metal plate and this is vibrated by different sounds w

  • [../Text/index_split_012.html#filepos140898] Hunter S. Thompson, Fear AndLoathing In Las Vegas (Vintage Books, New York, 1998, first published in 1971).34 [../Text/index_split_012.html#filepos146006] Cymatics, The Healing Nature OfSound, video available from MACROmedia, PO Box 279, Epping, NH 03042, USA.35 [../Text/index_split_012.html#filepos149788] Los Angeles Times and HeraldExaminer, 21 July 1988.36 [

File: David Icke - 1999 - The Biggest Secret -

  • sonate at that same vibratorylevel. That wave is actually a sound, broadcasting beyond the range of humanhearing. Form cannot exist without sound. As you can see in a fantastic seriesof videos called Cymatics, 34 [../Text/index_split_013.html#filepos209407] it issound which turns matter into form. In the videos, sand and other particles areplaced on a metal plate and this is vibrated by different sounds w

  • [../Text/index_split_012.html#filepos140898] Hunter S. Thompson, Fear AndLoathing In Las Vegas (Vintage Books, New York, 1998, first published in 1971).34 [../Text/index_split_012.html#filepos146006] Cymatics, The Healing Nature OfSound, video available from MACROmedia, PO Box 279, Epping, NH 03042, USA.35 [../Text/index_split_012.html#filepos149788] Los Angeles Times and HeraldExaminer, 21 July 1988.36 [

File: David Icke - 2012 - Remember Who You Are -

  • , the infinite ‘body’forms which emerge from All Possibility do not all look like humans do.Staggering, isn’t it? If anyone doubts that vibration can create form then go toYouTube and enter the word ‘Cymatics’. You will see random particles on a plate(All Possibility waiting to manifest), and when sound is played the particlesassemble to create incredible geometrical and other patterns. As the soundchange

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception - Part One -

  • emissions which are causing them to form in sync with the sound waves.They will remain until the sound changes. I have been highlighting since the1990s the significance of a sound phenomenon known as cymatics in which sound isplayed across particles on a metal plate and the particles form into amazinggeometrical shapes to reflect the vibration and resonance of the sound. When youchange the sound the forma
  • les form into amazinggeometrical shapes to reflect the vibration and resonance of the sound. When youchange the sound the formations change to reflect the new vibrational ‘matrix’and again if you put cymatics into YouTube you will see many examples of this atwork (Fig 200). When the sound is turned off the particles just lie there inrandom piles. The hexagon at Saturn’s North Pole, as with its geometrical
  • roadcastingthe sound – information – from Saturn into the planetary and human energyfields. They are doing this directly from Saturn, but the symbols underpin itseffect on human perception. I found a cymatics video on YouTube in which thesounds were constantly and very quickly changing and therefore so were thesymbols being created; but by freezing the frames I was able to isolate, as‘coincidence’ would h

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception -


  • issions which are causing them to form in sync with the sound waves. They will remain until the sound changes. I have been highlighting since the 1990s the significance of a sound phenomenon known as cymatics in which sound is played across particles on a metal plate and the particles form into amazing geometrical shapes to reflect the vibration and resonance of the sound. When you change the sound the fo
  • form into amazing geometrical shapes to reflect the vibration and resonance of the sound. When you change the sound the formations change to reflect the new vibrational ‘matrix’ and again if you put cymatics into YouTube you will see many examples of this at work ( Fig 200 ). When the sound is turned off the particles just lie there in random piles. The hexagon at Saturn’s North Pole, as with its geometr


  • dcasting the sound – information – from Saturn into the planetary and human energy fields. They are doing this directly from Saturn, but the symbols underpin its effect on human perception. I found a cymatics video on YouTube in which the sounds were constantly and very quickly changing and therefore so were the symbols being created; but by freezing the frames I was able to isolate, as ‘coincidence’ woul


  • Figure 199: The symbol of Saturn became the symbol of the Rothschild fiefdom of Israel. Figure 200: Cymatics – sound creating form.

File: David Icke - 2016 - Phantom Self -


  • pal headgear. F igure 249: The S\'mbolising Saturn at the Mother Lodge ot Freemasonrv in London. Figure 251: The cross is clear to SE'<' in the astrological symlx,I of Saturn .. Figure 252: Cymatics uses sound to change particle patterns. When the frequency changes so does the p,1ttern. 64 nucleotides of the genetic code. A six-pointed star or hexagram symbol is also a geometrical expression of
  • and even a cross in the correct geometrical proportions (Fig 250). They all represent the frequency of Saturn and you can see the cross in Saturn's astrological symbol (Fig 251). lf you put the word 'cymatics' i. nto YouTube you will see many examples of sound creating form and as the frequency of the sound changes so does the form (Fig 252). Symbols are both created by sound and geometrically represent t

File: David Icke - 2016 - Phantom Self -


  • pal headgear. F igure 249: The S\'mbolising Saturn at the Mother Lodge ot Freemasonrv in London. Figure 251: The cross is clear to SE'<' in the astrological symlx,I of Saturn .. Figure 252: Cymatics uses sound to change particle patterns. When the frequency changes so does the p,1ttern. 64 nucleotides of the genetic code. A six-pointed star or hexagram symbol is also a geometrical expression of
  • and even a cross in the correct geometrical proportions (Fig 250). They all represent the frequency of Saturn and you can see the cross in Saturn's astrological symbol (Fig 251). lf you put the word 'cymatics' i. nto YouTube you will see many examples of sound creating form and as the frequency of the sound changes so does the form (Fig 252). Symbols are both created by sound and geometrically represent t

File: David Icke - 2017 - Everything You Need To Know But Have Never Been Told -


  • ‘cymatics’ from a Greek word meaning ‘wave’. The principle has been known since ancient times and involves sound of varying frequency being transmitted across or through a medium of particles, paste or liquid.
  • is way through information being held in standing or stationary waves of frequency. Atomic explosions can vaporise the body by disintegrating standing wave stability and its information content. Put ‘cymatics’ into YouTube to see the process at work. We return to what Albert Einstein said:


  • Figure 175: Incredible patterns are created in cymatics by sound frequencies and when the frequency changes so does the pattern. Figure 176: The hexagon storm – the size of four Earths – at Saturn’s northern pole.

File: David Icke - 2017 - Everything You Need To Know But Have Never Been Told -


  • ‘cymatics’ from a Greek word meaning ‘wave’. The principle has been known since ancient times and involves sound of varying frequency being transmitted across or through a medium of particles, paste or liquid.
  • is way through information being held in standing or stationary waves of frequency. Atomic explosions can vaporise the body by disintegrating standing wave stability and its information content. Put ‘cymatics’ into YouTube to see the process at work. We return to what Albert Einstein said:


  • Figure 175: Incredible patterns are created in cymatics by sound frequencies and when the frequency changes so does the pattern. Figure 176: The hexagon storm – the size of four Earths – at Saturn’s northern pole.

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret - The Book that Will Change the World (1998) -


  • ate at that same vibratory level. That wave is actually a sound, broadcasting beyond the range of human hearing. Form cannot exist without sound. As you can see in a fantastic series of videos called Cymatics, 34 it is sound which turns matter into form. In the videos, sand and other particles are placed on a metal plate and this is vibrated by different sounds which rearrange the sand into amazing, often


  • 49 33 Hunter S. Thompson, Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas (Vintage Books, New York, 1998, first published in 1971). 34 Cymatics, The Healing Nature Of Sound, video available from MACROmedia, P0 Box 279, Epping, NH 03042, USA. 35 Los Angeles Times and Herald Examiner, 21 July 1988. 36 The Arrival, Steelworks Films, 1988. 37 Th

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret -


  • ate at that same vibratory level. That wave is actually a sound, broadcasting beyond the range of human hearing. Form cannot exist without sound. As you can see in a fantastic series of videos called Cymatics, 34 it is sound which turns matter into form. In the videos, sand and other particles are placed on a metal plate and this is vibrated by different sounds which rearrange the sand into amazing, often


  • 49 33 Hunter S. Thompson, Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas (Vintage Books, New York, 1998, first published in 1971). 34 Cymatics, The Healing Nature Of Sound, video available from MACROmedia, P0 Box 279, Epping, NH 03042, USA. 35 Los Angeles Times and Herald Examiner, 21 July 1988. 36 The Arrival, Steelworks Films, 1988. 37 Th

File: David Wilcock - Ascension Mysteries -

  • xhtml#image_pageMap_11]Image Credit: Tom DenneyFig. 4: Geometric Patterns in a Vibrating Drop of Water Observed by Dr. HansJenny [09_Chapter_1.xhtml#image_pageMap_12]Image Credit: Dr. Hans Jenny from Cymatics: A Study of Wave Phenomena andVibration © 2001 MACROmedia Publishing, Newmarket, NH, USA.www.cymaticsource.comFig. 5: David Wilcock’s High School Illustration of ET-like Beings[17_Chapter_9.xhtml#ima
  • Observed by Dr. HansJenny [09_Chapter_1.xhtml#image_pageMap_12]Image Credit: Dr. Hans Jenny from Cymatics: A Study of Wave Phenomena andVibration © 2001 MACROmedia Publishing, Newmarket, NH, USA.www.cymaticsource.comFig. 5: David Wilcock’s High School Illustration of ET-like Beings[17_Chapter_9.xhtml#image_pageMap_155]Image Credit: David WilcockFig. 6a and 6b: Robert McCall’s Sketches of Harrison Schmitt

File: David Wilcock - Awakening In The Dream -

  • th a very similar formation again at West Stowell on August 15 of thefollowing year.10 [35_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber40] I eventually discovered thework of Dr. Hans Jenny, initially in a book entitled Cymatics, and finally Ifelt I understood how this geometry might be forming. Jenny showed that thesesame geometric patterns would naturally appear in fluids, as if by magic.Jenny’s experiment started with tin

  • ter_Ten_Dreams_of.xhtml#page_188]cyclic view of history, 375 [29_Chapter_Twenty_Histor.xhtml#page_375]–77, 379[29_Chapter_Twenty_Histor.xhtml#page_379]–80, 385[29_Chapter_Twenty_Histor.xhtml#page_385]Cymatics (Jenny), 104 [14_Chapter_Six_Crop_Circ.xhtml#page_104]Dalai Lama, His Holiness, 113 [15_Chapter_Seven_Prophet.xhtml#page_113]Dames, Ed, 264 [23_Chapter_Fourteen_Gate.xhtml#page_264], 268[23_Chapter_F

File: David Wilcock - Shift Of The Ages -


  • n he turned it back down to the original level, the exact same geometry that he started with would be seen once again in the same way. This is quite a dramatic demonstration when seen on Dr. Jenny’s “Cymatics” video, which is accessible from various sources – yet such research has been remarkably undervalued and / or ignored by the scientific community. Thus, geometry is a very basic characteristic of vib


  • econd] can become formal spatial and geometric patterns. [emphasis added] That paragraph is a mouthful, with very technical wording, but it has all that we need. Again, Dr. Jenny’s research, known as Cymatics, discusses what happens to particles floating in a solution when they are vibrated by sound waves; the particles mysteriously assemble themselves into geometric shapes. Figure 7.3 shows us this “Cyma


  • out the path of a spiral that forms the geometric shape as it moves along. Yes, that's right, a spiral -- the same exact formation that is observed in our images of Cymatics from Hans Jenny, where the Platonic Solids emerged within the vibrations of a fluid, connected by large interconnecting spirals. Now, we see the same harmonic, spiraling, geometric passage of energy

File: David Wilcock - Source Field Investigations -

  • nced“yenny”), who found that this geometry appears quite naturally in a fluid—bysimply vibrating it. Almost immediately, I realized this was the big piece I hadbeen missing, and I was thrilled.In his Cymatics research,34 [wilc_9781101543504_oeb_nts_r1.xhtml#en660] Dr.Jenny took ordinary water and filled it with tiny, free-floating particles knownas colloids. These particles will not sink because they are

  • prise Mission, 1989.[] (accessed January 2011).34 [wilc_9781101543504_oeb_c16_r1.xhtml#Ref-en660] Jenny, Hans. “Cymatics—AStudy of Wave Phenomena.” MACROmedia. (accessed June 2010.) McTaggart, Lynne.The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe. New York:HarperCollins, 2002.35 [wilc_9781101543504_oeb_c16_r1

File: David Wilcock - Synchronicity Key -

  • John Martineau Fig. 20: [chapter021.xhtml#f20] The Platonic SolidsImage credit: Robert Moon—21st Century Science andTechnology Magazine, Fig. 21:[chapter021.xhtml#f21] Cymatics Image of Geometry in Vibrating FluidImage credit: Hans Jenny Fig. 22: [chapter021.xhtml#f22] Dr. Robert Moon’sGeometric Model ofthe Atomic NucleusImage credit: Tom Denney Fig. 23: [chapter021.xhtml#f

  • May 24 and June 15, 2004,accessed June 2010, [chapter021.xhtml#chapter021fn641a]. Ibid.642 [chapter021.xhtml#chapter021fn642a]. Hans Jenny. Cymatics—A Study of WavePhenomena. (Newmarket, NH: MACROmedia Publishing, 2001), [chapter021.xhtml#chapter021fn643a]. Elkins, Rueckert, and McCarty, TheLaw of One, session 1,
  • erica.htm.641 [chapter021.xhtml#chapter021fn641a]. Ibid.642 [chapter021.xhtml#chapter021fn642a]. Hans Jenny. Cymatics—A Study of WavePhenomena. (Newmarket, NH: MACROmedia Publishing, 2001), [chapter021.xhtml#chapter021fn643a]. Elkins, Rueckert, and McCarty, TheLaw of One, session 1, [chapter021.xhtml#chapter021fn644a]. “Who Was Robe

File: David Wilcock - The Synchronicity Key -

  • redit: John Martineau Fig. 20: [part0032.html#f20] The Platonic SolidsImage credit: Robert Moon—21st Century Science andTechnology Magazine, Fig. 21: [part0032.html#f21]Cymatics Image of Geometry in Vibrating FluidImage credit: Hans Jenny Fig. 22: [part0032.html#f22] Dr. Robert Moon’sGeometric Model ofthe Atomic NucleusImage credit: Tom Denney Fig. 23: [part0032.html#f23] Pr

  • dated May 24 and June 15, 2004,accessed June 2010, [part0032.html#chapter021fn641a]. Ibid.642 [part0032.html#chapter021fn642a]. Hans Jenny. Cymatics—A Study of WavePhenomena. (Newmarket, NH: MACROmedia Publishing, 2001), [part0032.html#chapter021fn643a]. Elkins, Rueckert, and McCarty, The Lawof One, session 1, htt
  • mesoamerica.htm.641 [part0032.html#chapter021fn641a]. Ibid.642 [part0032.html#chapter021fn642a]. Hans Jenny. Cymatics—A Study of WavePhenomena. (Newmarket, NH: MACROmedia Publishing, 2001), [part0032.html#chapter021fn643a]. Elkins, Rueckert, and McCarty, The Lawof One, session 1, [part0032.html#chapter021fn644a]. “Who Was Robert J.

File: David Wilcok - The Science Of Oneness -


  • “nodes” that were first detected. It is also important to remember that the sphere itself is the most harmonic shape of all, forming the foundation for all the other geometries within itself. 13.4.2 CYMATICS Dr. Hans Jenny was captivated by the findings of Fuller and his students that vibrations were three-dimensional, and he sought to prove it in ways that were simpler and less cumbersome than using a b

File: Serpent In The Sky - John Anthony West -


  • Cymatics, the study of wave forms, illustrates dramatically the relationship between frequency and form. Specific materials subjected to specific vibrations assume specific forms. A given form can onl y b e s


  • iabl y fo r th e literal­minded , ther e is empirica l evi ­ denc e demonstratin g thi s direc t relationshi p betwee n fre ­ quenc y an d form . Th e stud y dubbe d b y it s founder , Han s Jenny , 'cymatics ' (th e stud y of wav e forms ) dramaticall y illus ­ trate s thi s esoteri c dictum . Differen t kind s o f materia l sub ­ jecte d to specifi c soun d frequencie s assum e specifi c pattern s an d


  • ay . Bu t in a hos t of organi c an d inorgani c science s it is quit e clea r tha t the y confor m to harmonic , rhythmi c an d propor ­ tiona l laws . Form , as w e hav e see n fro m th e stud y of cymatics , is th e resul t of frequency . O r to pu t it int o esotericall y accurat e words , for m is tha t aspec t of frequenc y apprehensibl e by th e senses . It is har d to imagin e tha t th e subatomi


  • initia l deciphering. ) Unfortunately , n o on e know s exactl y ho w the y ar e suppose d to be pronounced . Thi s is a mat ­ ter of mor e tha n academi c interest . Jenny , in hi s developmen t of cymatics , invente d a machine , th e tonoscope , tha t converte d the sound s o f speec h int o visua l equivalents . Th e vowe l 'o' , whe n spoke n int o th e tonoscope , cam e ou t lookin g lik e a per ­


  • d'Or, Gallimar d (Paris) , 1930 . 8 Ghyka , Matila , Essai sur le Rhythme, Gallimar d (Paris) , 1938 . 9 Ghyka , Matila , The Geometry of Art and Life, Shee d & War d (USA) , 1948 . 10 Jenny , Hans , Cymatics 1 & 2, Basileu s Press , Basil , 1967 , 1972 . 11 Michell , John , T he Dimensions of Paradise: The Proportions and Symbolic Numbers of Ancient Cosmology, Harpe r & Row , 1988 . 12 Stevens , Pete r S


  • n 97 virgi n as symbo l of, 21 and Wor d or Ver b an d immacu ­ late conception , illus. 158, 160 See also Primordia l Scissio n Cross , symbolis m of, 38­3 9 Cube , as symbol , 47 ; mn 47; illus. 44 Cymatics , 68 , 102 , 135 ; illus. 67 Dance , 81 Danikin , Eric h Von , 13 Daumas , mn 154 Davidson , H. R. Ellis , mn 34,36 255

File: Cymatics - A Study Of Wave Phenomena And Vibration - Volume 1 -


  • CYMATICS A Study of Wave Phenomena and Vibration A complete compilation of the original two volumes by Hans Jenny. Volume 1, 1967 The structure and dynamics of waves and vibrations. Volume 2, 1974 Wave phenom


  • Contents 8 Publisher's Confession 10 A Comentary on Cymatics by John Beaulieu, N.D., Ph.D. 14 Foreword by Christiaan Stuten Volume I 17 Problems of Cymatics 21 Experimental Method 35 Examples of Cymatic Phenomenology 63 The Tonoscope 69 The Action of Vibration


  • vided in the Forew ord by his long- time friend and associate, Christiaan Stuten. Because Jenny's experiments were so thorough and ex acting, and so well documented, this body of work, which he named Cymatics after the Greek ta kymatika, "mat ters pertaining to waves," could easily be applied to other fields. In fact, the principle underlying Cymatics, that of periodicity, is so ubiquitous in nature (and


  • experiments seemed t o reveal the hidden nature of creation, to lay bare the very pri nciple through which matter coalesces into form. It is no wonder to me that today, Dr. Jenny's exper iments with cymatics are finding a wider and more e nthusiastic audience than ever before. It is easy to look at th e pictures, read a few captions, and let the imagin ation run witd. This is one approach that I know wel


  • A Commentary on Cymatics John Beaulieu, N.D., Ph.D. The purpose of this commentary is to inspire you to take the time to actually read this book — to devo te the necessary attention to develop an understanding and respect fo


  • hout the whole ceasing to exist. We cannot therefore nu mber them one, two, three, but can only say they are threefol d in appearance and yet unitary; that they appear a s one and yet are threefold." Cymatics and "Vibrational Medicine" Cymatics research is a "sound" example of the princ iples underlying vibrational medicine. If you were to be present during a cymatics experiment you would hear a sound and
  • ppear a s one and yet are threefold." Cymatics and "Vibrational Medicine" Cymatics research is a "sound" example of the princ iples underlying vibrational medicine. If you were to be present during a cymatics experiment you would hear a sound and simultaneously see a pattern forming i n a sub- stance which had been placed on a vibrating membran e or perhaps a steel plate. What started out as an inert "blo


  • or the field is the only reality ." (Albert Einstein) Dr. Jenny used phenomenology and systems theory as research vehicles to observe the effects of whole v ibra- tional fields. He wanted students of Cymatics to un derstand that the phenomena witnessed on the vibrat ing surface were always the product of a larger field, and that any change in the frequency of the vibrational fie ld would immedi- ately alt


  • until his death in 1972, including 14 years assisting him with the fascinating experiments portrayed in these pages, it is with gr eat joy that I introduce this combined edition of h is two books on Cymatics, the study of wave formations. Hans Jenny was indeed a Renaissance man, his diverse callings woven together by his dynamic personality which was chara cterized by great intensity and a profound sense


  • even with a bustling practice, he still foun d time to keep up with the latest advances in the natural sciences, t o travel and lecture, and of course, to experiment in a whole new field of science, Cymatics! Dr. Jenny would frequently begin his lectures stati ng that he hoped that his research into Cymatics wo uld open the eyes of others to the underlying periodic pheno mena in nature, which he so clear


  • CYMATICS Volume I The structure and dynamics of waves and vibrations


  • 1 Problems of Cymatics Whenever we look in Nature, animate or inanimate, w e see widespread evidence of periodic systems. These systems show a continuously repeated change from one set of conditions to another, oppos ite s


  • proceed on strictly empirical and phenomenological lines an d that all interpretative or analogical thinking will be out of place. If a name is required for this field of research it might be called cymatics (to kyma, the wave; ta kymatika, matters pertaining to waves, wave matters). This underlines that we are not dealing with vibratory phenomena in the narrow sense, but r ather with the effects of vibr
  • c range. Examples will also be interposed showing periodic p henomena occurring without an actual vibratory field in order to affor d a view of the general field of periodicity or, in other words, of cymatics in t he broader sense. 20


  • the essential nature of vibration, waves, and periodicity—these are the activities characteristic of the cymatic process. Thus vibrational phenomena may be said to represent a prototypal chap- ter of cymatics; but, in the light of the three examples adduced, it may be said that there is also a general cymatics in the very widest sense. 104, 105 Examples of dehiscence. If doughy masses are torn apart, bran
  • e cymatic process. Thus vibrational phenomena may be said to represent a prototypal chap- ter of cymatics; but, in the light of the three examples adduced, it may be said that there is also a general cymatics in the very widest sense. 104, 105 Examples of dehiscence. If doughy masses are torn apart, branched, ramified pat- terns are revealed. The formation is dendritic throughout. The pattern ranges from


  • 8 The Spectrum of Cymatics We shall now describe two examples of cymatic proce sses. In our account we shall record the various aspects of their outwar d appearance and make a compilation of them. It will then be seen whether


  • Sharply defined patterns emerge, but they flow away into nothing. Row- ing patterns and patterned flux appear before us. Thus, the problem of cymatics exists not only in observing in the experimental field but also in formulating concepts with which to press towards comprehension of the actual realities. In attempting to leave the cymatic phenomeno

File: Cymatics -


  • ng shape within a vibrating sample of water. No, I’m not describing a psychic excursion to the lofty realms of cosmic consciousness. These are but a few of the fascinating experiments in the field of Cymatics , the study of wave phenomena, pioneered in the 1950s by the late Swiss scientist, Dr Hans Jenny. Following the work of German physicist and acoustician, Ernst F. F. Chladni, who, towards the end of


  • increase, the resulting forms become more intricate, more delicate, more symmetrically balanced. So in addition to demonstrating the inherent organising • Jeff Volk has produced a series of videos on Cymatics, including Of Sound Mind and Body: Music and Vibrational Healing . He recently republished Hans Jenny’s two books on Cymatics, and is currently completing Sounding the Psyche: Attuning the Bodymind ,
  • ng the Bodymind , a video which examines many of the themes outlined in this article. He can be reached c/o Lumina Productions, 219 Grant Road, Newmarket, NH 03857, USA. Further information is at • The book Cymatics and related videos in the VHS PAL format (the UK’s regular video format) are available from the Kindred Spirit Mail Order Collection. MORE INFORMATION Kindred Spirit Issu

File: Essence -


  • a work, the different dimensions, astral life forms, kundalini, clairvoyance, healing, and psychic self-defense. This book will be a classic. All the harmonic images in these pages are from the book "Cymatics" by Hans Jenny - ISBN # 1-888-13807-6. This is a two volume book of Dr. Hans Jenny's work that I purchased from the Internet. Another good complementary book for this subject is "The Secret of Light"
  • e in the scientific field has picked up on this. All fields from geology, astronomy, biology, climatic science, etc. could benefit if only awareness to structure was adhered to. Briefly, the field of cymatics is the study of wave phenomena. It is a field of science pioneered by Swiss medical doctor and natural scientist, Hans Jenny (1904 - 1972). Dr. Jenny's writings are pure "left brain" science. Dr. Jen


  • re placed on solid granite bedrock. The odd one will have a crack in the rock, but does not hold any amount of water or any dowsable energy associated to it. The second reason is that in the field of cymatics, one of the first properties of vibration or harmonics is that gravity has no effects on the material being used. Hans Jenny has observed sand flowing up against gravity's desire to pull it down. I b

File: Gregg Braden - The Isaiah Effect_ Decoding the Lost Science of Prayer and Prophecy (2000, Three Rivers Press_Harmony) -

  • 74444] Holy Bible, Authorized King James> Version, New Testament, “Mark,” chapter 11, verse 23 (Grand Rapids, Mich.:> World Publishing, 1989), 34.> 7. [index_split_068.html#filepos374767] Hans Jenny, Cymatics: Bringing Matter> to Life with Sound, videotape (Brookline, Mass.: MACROmedia, 1986).> 8. [index_split_068.html#filepos379985] Neville, The Law and the Promise> (Marina del Rey, Calif.: DeVorss Publi

File: Encyclopedia Of Alternative Medicine -


  • he effect of sound on metal plates containing material such as sand, liquid, and powder. He discovered that the sound caused the formation of elaborate patterns in the materials. He coined the word ‘‘cymatics,’’ deriving it from the Greek word kyma (a great wave). Jenny published his findings in a 1967 book titled Cymatics: A Study of Wave Phe- nomena & Vibration, which discussed the structure, dynamics,


  • ccording to the Web site. Training as a certified cymatherapist included 182 hours of course credit and a three-day workshop. The topics studied included anatomy, psychology, and technology of sound (cymatics). Resources OTHER ‘‘Cymatic Therapy.’’ American Cancer Society, March 26, 2007. ETO_5_3X_Cymatic_Therapy.asp?sitearea ETO. (February 26, 2008). Manners, Pet


  • to treat a rangeofconditions. Similar therapies are alsoknown by names such as bioresonance and vibrational therapy. This therapy is used to treat such conditions as cancer . After Manners developed cymatics, two ear spe- cialists in France developed therapies that focus on listening. Dr. Alfred Tomatis’ Tomatis method and Dr. Guy Berard’s auditory integration training GALE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ALTERNATIVE ME


  • therapy continued for 10 days, along with the diary entries. The third phase of ther- apy continued six weeks later with 10 days of therapy and diary-keeping. Vibrational therapy Sound therapies like cymatics have been com- pared to acupressure . An instrument is placed on a point of the body and beneficial sound is directed at that point. The sound directed through the skin is believed to establish healt
  • ide information about training in other types of sound therapy. In addition, some com- panies sell equipment such as bioresonance machines. Precautions Although treatments like the Tomatis method and cymatics require training in those therapies, there are no certification programs for prac titioners of oth er therapies. While there is no danger from such therapies as chanting, other forms of sound therapy
  • le there is no danger from such therapies as chanting, other forms of sound therapy should not be undertaken until a doctor or health practitioner is con- sulted. People with pacemakers should not do cymatics. Side effects Sound therapy has produced no known side effects or complications. Research and general acceptance Sound therapy is so diverse that the amount of research and general acceptance in the


  • losporine, 2:1253; 3:1838 Cyclothymia, 1:255 Cydonia oblonga, for irritable bowel syndrome, 2:1220 Cyma 1000 (device), 1:650 Cymatherapy (organization), 1:649, 650 Cymatic therapy, 1: 649–650; 4:2107 Cymatics: A Study of Wave Phenomena & Vibration (Jenny), 1:649 Cymbopogon citratus. See Lemongrass Cymbopogon martinii, for worms, 4:2393 Cynara (mythological figure), 1:148 Cynara scolymus. See Artichoke Cyp

File: Dawson Church_ Joe Dispenza - Mind to Matter_ The Astonishing Science of How Your Brain Creates Material Reality-Hay House (2018) -

  • an aircraft carrier simply by thinking about one. Icannot become Indonesian, jump over Mount Everest, or turn lead into gold.New discoveries in epigenetics, neuroscience, electromagnetism, psychology,cymatics, public health, and quantum physics, however, are showing that thoughtscan be profoundly creative. The page or device on which you now read these wordsbegan as a thought. So did democracy, the bikini

  • . When the frequency of the singer’s voice raises the energy of themolecules in the glass to the critical limit, they shatter. This is a well-knownillustration of a little-known field of study called cymatics, the science ofhow sound affects matter. Dive deeper into cymatics, and we find that sound isas full of astonishing properties as water.image [images/p72.jpg]The resonant frequency of sound vibration
  • molecules in the glass to the critical limit, they shatter. This is a well-knownillustration of a little-known field of study called cymatics, the science ofhow sound affects matter. Dive deeper into cymatics, and we find that sound isas full of astonishing properties as water.image [images/p72.jpg]The resonant frequency of sound vibration can shatter a wine glass.CYMATICS: HOW FREQUENCY CHANGES MATTERErn
  • ency of sound passed through a Chladni plate produces differentpatterns. Above, 1305 Hz and 5065 Hz. Below, 2076 Hz and 2277 Hz.image [images/p74-1.jpg]The study of how sound affects matter is called cymatics. Following Chladni’spioneering work, scientists have been examining the effects of vibrational toneson various substances. Vibrations can change the configuration of materialobjects dramatically and
  • Write your observations of your experiences of sound and water in your journal.The Extended Play version of this chapter includes: * Studies of life-forms able to detect electromagnetic fields * Best cymatics videos * The sound patterns of Ernst Chladni * Sound healing case histories * Dawson’s galvanometer video * Water memory videos * Professor Rustum Roy’s presentation on the changes in the properties

  • or, xxii–xxiii [frontmatter04.xhtml#page_xxii], 285–288[backmatter01.xhtml#page_285]Crick, Francis, 247 [chapter06.xhtml#page_247]CTGF (connective tissue growth factor), 146 [chapter04.xhtml#page_146]Cymatics, 48–51 [chapter02.xhtml#page_48]DDachelet, Frances, 55–57 [chapter02.xhtml#page_55]Delft University of Technology, 186 [chapter05.xhtml#page_186]Delorme, Arnaud, 187 [chapter05.xhtml#page_187]Delta b
  • er, George, 25 [chapter01.xhtml#page_25]Soul Medicine (Shealy, Church), 21 [chapter01.xhtml#page_21], 92[chapter03.xhtml#page_92]Sound and vibrationcuring illness with, 55–57 [chapter02.xhtml#page_55]cymatics and, 48–51 [chapter02.xhtml#page_48]vibration generator, 49 [chapter02.xhtml#page_49]water shape changes and, 51–53 [chapter02.xhtml#page_51]SpaceX, 31–32 [chapter01.xhtml#page_31]Stanford marshmallo
  • ter06.xhtml#page_267]WWagon of Fools (Pot), 108 [chapter03.xhtml#page_108]Warner, Carol, 220–221 [chapter06.xhtml#page_220]Washington University School of Medicine, 127 [chapter04.xhtml#page_127]Watercymatics and, 48–51 [chapter02.xhtml#page_48]H20, defined, 44–45 [chapter02.xhtml#page_44]for healing, 44–48 [chapter02.xhtml#page_44]healing with, 45–48 [chapter02.xhtml#page_45]personality and, 53–55 [chapt

File: Dr. Joe Dispenza - Becoming Supernatural_ How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon-Hay House, Inc. (2017) -

  • ional or static;instead, they are alive, have depth, and comprise mathematical and very coherentfractal patterns, never ending and infinitely complex. Another way to see thisis through the concept of cymatics. Derived from the Greek word for “wave,”cymatics are a phenomenon based on vibration or frequency. Here’s a way topicture them: Imagine if you took the cover off of an old speaker box and laidit flat
  • th, and comprise mathematical and very coherentfractal patterns, never ending and infinitely complex. Another way to see thisis through the concept of cymatics. Derived from the Greek word for “wave,”cymatics are a phenomenon based on vibration or frequency. Here’s a way topicture them: Imagine if you took the cover off of an old speaker box and laidit flat. If you filled that speaker with fluid, shined a
  • rns within patterns withinpatterns. As with a kaleidoscope, you would see these evolving geometricarrangements becoming more highly organized. The difference between the imagesin the kaleidoscope and cymatics is that the images in the kaleidoscope appeartwo-dimensional. Geometric patterns such as cymatics, however, appear to bealive and are three-dimensional or even multidimensional. In addition to water,
  • arrangements becoming more highly organized. The difference between the imagesin the kaleidoscope and cymatics is that the images in the kaleidoscope appeartwo-dimensional. Geometric patterns such as cymatics, however, appear to bealive and are three-dimensional or even multidimensional. In addition to water,the vibrational effects of cymatics are translatable to sand and air; in otherwords, these three m
  • kaleidoscope appeartwo-dimensional. Geometric patterns such as cymatics, however, appear to bealive and are three-dimensional or even multidimensional. In addition to water,the vibrational effects of cymatics are translatable to sand and air; in otherwords, these three mediums pick up vibration and frequency and turn them intocoherent geometric patterns. (If you search, you can find several videos showing

  • e_259],259 [../Text/chapter12.xhtml#page_259]Creative energy. See Flow of creative energyCrop circles (Roundway, England), 282 [../Text/chapter12.xhtml#page_282], 283[../Text/chapter12.xhtml#page_283]Cymatics, 277–278 [../Text/chapter12.xhtml#page_277]DDelta-frequency brain waves, 52–54 [../Text/chapter02.xhtml#page_52], 53[../Text/chapter02.xhtml#page_53], 69 [../Text/chapter03.xhtml#page_69], 166[../Tex
  • ge_100], 101 [../Text/chapter04.xhtml#page_101]storage of energy and, 115–120 [../Text/chapter05.xhtml#page_115], 116[../Text/chapter05.xhtml#page_116], 118 [../Text/chapter05.xhtml#page_118]Frequencycymatics, 277–278 [../Text/chapter12.xhtml#page_277]in electromagnetic energy, 85–90 [../Text/chapter04.xhtml#page_85], 86–88[../Text/chapter04.xhtml#page_86]OM, 295 [../Text/chapter13.xhtml#page_295]Future r
  • 8.xhtml#page_201]immersion in and uses of, 197–200 [../Text/chapter08.xhtml#page_197]Kaleidoscope and Mind Movie meditation exercise, 203–204[../Text/chapter08.xhtml#page_203]kaleidoscope compared to cymatics, 278 [../Text/chapter12.xhtml#page_278]kaleidoscope visual for perceiving three-dimensional reality, 187–189[../Text/chapter08.xhtml#page_187], 192–194 [../Text/chapter08.xhtml#page_192]Mind Movies,

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  • g plate and ordinary sand, with several beautiful structures resulting in a gridlike structure of standing waves. These pictures and the basis of Jenny’s study form the subject of a fascinating book, Cymatics. 455 Joseph P. Farrell, The Philosophers’ Stone: Alchemy and the Secret Research for Exotic Matter, pp. 254-255. 456 Villingen-Schwennigen, Germany, 2003. 457 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl, Scalar W

File: Joseph P. Farrell - Babylons Banksters -

  • tingplate and ordinary sand, with several beautiful structures resulting in agridlike structure of standing waves. These pictures and the basis of Jenny’sstudy form the subject of a fascinating book, Cymatics.455 [2645.xhtml#2643]Joseph P. Farrell, The Philosophers’ Stone: Alchemy and the Secret Research forExotic Matter, pp. 254-255.456 [2789.xhtml#2650]Villingen-Schwennigen, Germany, 2003.457 [2789.xhtm

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  • Page 18 August 2001 MUFON UFO Journal Jenny's experiments in cymatics which clearly shows the unmistakable shape of the Barbury tetrahedron AS A RESULT OF A SOUND FREQUENCY. Mr. Sutler does not comment on how ultra- and infrasound accounts for many of the physical anom

File: MUFON Journal - June 2001 -


  • mation at Goodwood Qatford-which had its plants bent six inches from the top-that gave the proverbial nod to sound, for here was a representation of a cymatic pattern etched in 5,000 sq ft of barley. Cymatics is the study of vibrational wave patterns. One of its earliest pupils was Margaret Watts-Hughes, who in 1891 captured precise geometric patterns on film as she sang sustained notes into a device cont

File: Mark Devlin - Musical Truth 2 -

  • al’s perceived association with satanism and the darkoccult? And why should there be any connection between these elements and themusic scene in the first place?CHAPTER 6 [part0015.html#x2._SECTION_3]CYMATICS AND THE SCIENCE OF SOUNDHow the science of sound frequencies - the building blocks of this ‘physical’reality - lies at the root of music and mind-control.CHAPTER 7 [part0017.html#x2._SECTION_4]IS NOT

  • hear simply in order to get the file sizelow enough.”How much of the spirit and energy of a musician’s original creation gets lostthrough contemporary listening methods, therefore, is anybody’s guess.CYMATICSThe effect that sound frequencies have on physical objects, (or apparentlyphysical,) is measured through the science of cymatics. It’s frequentlydemonstrated by spreading sand across a drum, then appl
  • stthrough contemporary listening methods, therefore, is anybody’s guess.CYMATICSThe effect that sound frequencies have on physical objects, (or apparentlyphysical,) is measured through the science of cymatics. It’s frequentlydemonstrated by spreading sand across a drum, then applying sound. The sandarranges itself into patterns which vary from harmonious to dissonant accordingto the frequencies involved.
  • five circles that fit together to producethe flower. Well, each circle represents a note. And when you put those notestogether you get a perfect harmony of F sharp major.”Another medium through which cymatics can be measured is water. Many researchershave posited that water has its own consciousness and memory. Either way, itmakes up the vast majority of both the earth’s surface and the human body, so ift

  •]How words, frequency can change water & human behavior – Dr. Masaru Emoto: * []Cymatics: Amazing Resonance Experiment: * []Cymatics: The Science of Dance. The Study of
  • inue=2&v=wvJAgrUBF4w []Cymatics: The Science of Dance. The Study of the Effects Sound Has on Matter: * []
  • ch?time_continue=2&v=wvJAgrUBF4w]Cymatics: The Science of Dance. The Study of the Effects Sound Has on Matter: * []

  • ]Crrow777 1 [part0025.html#sigil_index_id_5], 2 [part0026.html#sigil_index_id_2]Culture Club 1 [part0023.html#sigil_index_id_67], 2[part0023.html#sigil_index_id_68], 3 [part0024.html#sigil_index_id_9]Cymatics 1 [part0015.html#sigil_index_id_15], 2[part0016.html#sigil_index_id_5], 3 [part0016.html#sigil_index_id_6]DDaft Punk 1 [part0007.html#sigil_index_id_12], 2[part0008.html#sigil_index_id_11]Dakota Buil

File: Mark Devlin - Musical Truth -

  • s book that a volume two was going tobe needed! To have included all of the following in this book would have delayedits release for at least another year. On the way next time, therefore, will be: * Cymatics and The Science of Sound. * Mind-manipulation through sound frequencies. * 432 vs 440hz, and 528hz, the ‘Love Frequency.’ * Algorithms and other scientific methods to create the ‘perfect’ pop song. *

File: Serpent In The Sky - John Anthony West -


  • Cymatics, the study of wave forms, illustrates dramatically the relationship between frequency and form. Specific materials subjected to specific vibrations assume specific forms. A given form can onl y b e s


  • iabl y fo r th e literal­minded , ther e is empirica l evi ­ denc e demonstratin g thi s direc t relationshi p betwee n fre ­ quenc y an d form . Th e stud y dubbe d b y it s founder , Han s Jenny , 'cymatics ' (th e stud y of wav e forms ) dramaticall y illus ­ trate s thi s esoteri c dictum . Differen t kind s o f materia l sub ­ jecte d to specifi c soun d frequencie s assum e specifi c pattern s an d


  • ay . Bu t in a hos t of organi c an d inorgani c science s it is quit e clea r tha t the y confor m to harmonic , rhythmi c an d propor ­ tiona l laws . Form , as w e hav e see n fro m th e stud y of cymatics , is th e resul t of frequency . O r to pu t it int o esotericall y accurat e words , for m is tha t aspec t of frequenc y apprehensibl e by th e senses . It is har d to imagin e tha t th e subatomi


  • initia l deciphering. ) Unfortunately , n o on e know s exactl y ho w the y ar e suppose d to be pronounced . Thi s is a mat ­ ter of mor e tha n academi c interest . Jenny , in hi s developmen t of cymatics , invente d a machine , th e tonoscope , tha t converte d the sound s o f speec h int o visua l equivalents . Th e vowe l 'o' , whe n spoke n int o th e tonoscope , cam e ou t lookin g lik e a per ­


  • d'Or, Gallimar d (Paris) , 1930 . 8 Ghyka , Matila , Essai sur le Rhythme, Gallimar d (Paris) , 1938 . 9 Ghyka , Matila , The Geometry of Art and Life, Shee d & War d (USA) , 1948 . 10 Jenny , Hans , Cymatics 1 & 2, Basileu s Press , Basil , 1967 , 1972 . 11 Michell , John , T he Dimensions of Paradise: The Proportions and Symbolic Numbers of Ancient Cosmology, Harpe r & Row , 1988 . 12 Stevens , Pete r S


  • n 97 virgi n as symbo l of, 21 and Wor d or Ver b an d immacu ­ late conception , illus. 158, 160 See also Primordia l Scissio n Cross , symbolis m of, 38­3 9 Cube , as symbol , 47 ; mn 47; illus. 44 Cymatics , 68 , 102 , 135 ; illus. 67 Dance , 81 Danikin , Eric h Von , 13 Daumas , mn 154 Davidson , H. R. Ellis , mn 34,36 255

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret - The Book that Will Change the World (1998) -


  • sonate at that same vibratory level. Thatwave is actually a sound, broadcasting beyond the range of human hearing. Formcannot exist without sound. As you can see in a fantastic series of videos calledCymatics,34 it is sound which turns matter into form. In the videos, sand and otherparticles are placed on a metal plate and this is vibrated by different sounds whichrearrange the sand into amazing, often ge


  • 4933Hunter S. Thompson, Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas (Vintage Books, New York, 1998, firstpublished in 1971).34Cymatics, The Healing Nature Of Sound, video available from MACROmedia, P0 Box 279,Epping, NH 03042, USA.35Los Angeles Times and Herald Examiner, 21 July 1988.36The Arrival, Steelworks Films, 1988.37They Live

File: Beyond The Veil Of Time -


  • t the time she connected with the Spaceship entities at the start of this session. I am fairly sure this idea is not a new one - and reasonably sure that others, far more advanced in the knowledge of cymatics, will have already developed such a means of converting basic vocalizations into visual patterns. At the time of this session, I had no idea of where these researchers had taken this hypothesis, yet

File: Rupert Sheldrake - Morphic Resonance -

  • s are the Chladni figures produced bysand or other small particles on a vibrating diaphragm. Illustrations ofnumerous two-and three-dimensional patterns on vibrating surfaces can be foundin H. Jenny, Cymatics (Basel, Switzerland: Basileus Press, 1967), and A.Lauterwasser, Water Sound Images (Newmarket, N.H.: Macromedia Publishing, 2006).However, this effect is not comparable to the type of morphogenesis b

  • rnal of Philosophy76 (1998): 61–70. Jaffe, M. J. “Thigmomorphogenesis.” Planta 114 (1973): 143–57. Jennings, H. S. Behavior of the Lower Organisms. New York: Columbia UniversityPress, 1906. Jenny, H. Cymatics. Basel, Switzerland: Basileus Press, 1967. Josephson, B. “Incendiary Subject.” Nature 294 (1981): 594. Jouvet, M. “The States of Sleep.” Scientific American 216 (2) (1967): 62–72. Jung, C. G. The Arc

File: Tesla Conference Reports and Dictionary of Advanced Energy Terminology -


  • itioning of DNA is vital to improved health, and technologies such as the use of Solfeggio tones can work to make this happen. He makes it clear that disciplines including astronomy, crystallography, cymatics, and spirituality are essential to the development of effective healing practices. Much of his work is now oriented toward a worldwide concert in several locations scheduled for July 21, 2009. His ho


  • it: standard AC. 3 Electrostatic pressure waves propagating through the neutral particle flux (Ether) with little or no electron movement. These are longitudinal with no magnetism. (Tesla, Lindemann) Cymatics Study of the response of physical substances to vibrations. Dendritic Literally means "tree-like", and can apply to anything which naturally branches out in this manner, including trees, rivers, ligh

File: 2012 - Enlightened -


  • very weak on Earth. So due to our inability to tune in to the higher fre- quencies of the light, some higher evolved aliens are using crop circles to communicate with us, through an advanced form of Cymatics. However, as we transform into the higher consciousness of the 5 th dimension though 2012, and the morphing of our respective DNA, and channels of light awak- ened, the use of symbolic messages throu

File: Soror A. L. - Western Mandalas of Transformation -


  • ols for the serious occult student. All ancient magical tra- ditions have used sounds or mantras as part of their meditation practice, and the work of Dr. Hans Jenny, who developed a science known as cymatics, has visually demon- strated that oscillating frequencies in the audible range create patterns that mimic cellu- lar division and spinal function. We now know that energy is propagated through space

File: Souls Of Distortion Awakening -


  • Being, or Great Architect of the Universe, they wouldn't be far off, either. Whatever this prime fo rce is, it appears to be a living thing and the source of all things animate and inan imate.’ (  ) Cymatics Sacred geometry plays an important role in the ethe r physics that we are presenting in this book. The reason is rather strai ghtforward. When the universe is shaped from one substance and one substa


  • of Distortion Awakening 71 The relation between vibration and geometry is beau tifully described by the work of Swiss medical doctor and natural scientist Hans Jenny (1904-1972) in a science called ’Cymatics’. Dr. Hans Jenny’s ‘Cym atics’ research, vibration of a fluid with colloid showing a star-tetrahedron The late Buckminster Fuller (1895 - 1983) however w as the first to discover that a relation


  • tion is the offspring of ether vibrations just like the Eastern Hindu cosmol ogy has always talked about the Ohm sound of Brahman as the vibration that crea tes the physical world. The experiments of Cymatics are now interpreted by Daniel Winter and David Wilcock to show us how the Platonic Solid interferen ce patterns also occur within the ether and that it is these interference pattern s that really sha


  • s of the F sharp major scale (F#). Indian Shamans tun ed their ceremonial flutes to F sharp because they believed that it is a frequenc y that is attuned to mother Earth. Now we may remember from the Cymatics studies that the Platonic solids emerge from the perfect sound frequencies of the diatonic musical scale. So it would be no surprise if pure tonal frequencies were found in the Earth grid frequencies


  • t that the actual so und of a Hebrew character when vocally expressed has a frequency shape (frequ ency spectrum) that is similar to the character on paper itself. Both Stan Tenen and Dr. Hans Jenny (Cymatics) independently proved this fact. Hans Jen ny used the recorded expression of the letter on a plate with sand. The vibrations in the voice pronouncing the Hebrew letter caused the sand grain s to take


  • 20, 21 Cheops · 11, 61 Cleve Backster · 130 consciousness · 6, 10, 12, 14, 17, 19, 23, 37, 38, 40, 85, 86, 99 crop circle · 175 crop circles · 11, 12, 47, 175 Cube · 51, 52 cube of metatron · 51, 53 Cymatics · 71 D Daniel Winter · 63, 70, 72, 73, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 99, 122, 129, 130, 138, 140, 151, 152, 166, 168, 173, 186, 188 Darwinism · 13, 131, 133, 134, 13

File: Supernature -


  • study of this phenomenon, the effect of waves on matter, is called cymatics. (166) The basic principle of cymatics is that environmental pressures are brought to bear in wave patterns and that matter responds to these pressures by taking a form that depends on the frequency
  • study of this phenomenon, the effect of waves on matter, is called cymatics. (166) The basic principle of cymatics is that environmental pressures are brought to bear in wave patterns and that matter responds to these pressures by taking a form that depends on the frequency of the waves. There are a limited numbe

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  • t wave interference as a means of producing coherent patterns of nonlinear organization in oscillating systems. Using sound or vibration to produce spontaneous organization of matter is also known as cymatics, which can be demonstrated with sand on a vibrating steel plate. As the steel plate vibrates at various resonant frequencies, the sand will spontaneously move from chaotic to organized patterns, also


  • 174 known as Chladni patterns or nodal patterns (Fig. 31). Cymatics is an example of oscillating systems finding stability at normal modes. Modal vibration can be characterized by period doubling or halving a system’s fundamental frequency to create harmonic interfer


  • ircular plate (bottom) demonstrate the variety of standing wave patterns generated in simple resonating systems. Examining the physical properties of standing waves in resonant systems is also called cymatics. Archetypal forms generated in both rectangular and circular plates are isomorphic of flicker phosphenes seen at various frequencies of light pulse stimulation, and have been reproduced in textile pa

File: Western Mandalas of Transformation -


  • ools for the serious occult student. All ancient magical tra-ditions have used sounds or mantras as part of their meditation practice, and the work of Dr. Hans Jenny, who developed a science known as cymatics, has visually demon-strated that oscillating frequencies in the audible range create patterns that mimic cellu-lar division and spinal function. We now know that energy is propagated through space in

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  • rs suffered only minor nosebleeds accompanied by leg cramps.”]nosebleeds accompanied by leg cramps.”]When Manners sought approval from When Manners sought approval from British authorities to use his cymatics applicator British authorities to use his cymatics applicator for therapeutic purposes, he was asked if it had for therapeutic purposes, he was asked if it had any destructive potential. His response
  • g cramps.”]nosebleeds accompanied by leg cramps.”]When Manners sought approval from When Manners sought approval from British authorities to use his cymatics applicator British authorities to use his cymatics applicator for therapeutic purposes, he was asked if it had for therapeutic purposes, he was asked if it had any destructive potential. His response took any destructive potential. His response took

File: Anunnaki Of Nibiru - Gerald Clark -

  • h contentment, well-being, good health and a “trance-like”behavior. Do cats purr to massage their neurons? Do the neurons operate tomassage the cat with sound as has been demonstrated in the field of cymatics?According to Wikipedia, the Schumann resonances are a set of frequenciesproportional to the Earth’s electromagnetic field and its spherical resonantchamber whose fundamental frequency is about 7.8 Hz

File: Viktor Schauberger - Hidden Nature - The Startling Insights of Viktor Schauberger -


  • rops before they are harvested. This is more than consideration for the sacrifice, for it also recognizes that the food thereby retains higher vibrations and is more beneficial for human consumption. Cymatics One of the first to convert vibration into visible form was an eigh- teenth century German physicist, Ernst Chladni, who found he could influence patterns of sand s cattered on a steel disc by playin


  • 4. If they are above absolute zero (-273°C). 5. BBC Wildlife magazine, June 2001. 6. See Bibliography: Backster; also Bird & Tompkins The Secret Life of Plants contains an evaluation of his work. 7. Cymatics: The Study of the Interrelation- ship of Wave-forms with Matter, by Hans Jenny, Basilius Press, Basle, 1966. 8. Democritus (460-370 BC ) 9. Callum Coats shows scores of examples from Nature in Living


  • the scientific assumptions underlying genetic modification.) —, The Rainbow and the Worm, The Physics of Organisms. World Scientific, 1993. (A holistic, cam- paigning biologist.) Jenny, Hans Kymatik/Cymatics. Basilims, 1945. Johnson, Steven Emergence. Scribner; Allen Lane, 2001. (How complex systems can arise spontaneously as part of Nature's evolutionary imperative.) Lattacher, Siegbert Viktor Schauberg

File: Viktor Schauberger - Living Energies - Viktor Schauberger's Brilliant Work With Natural Energy Explained (2001) -


  • rm and that form only can arise which corresponds faithfully to the idea of the thing itself or, in other words, the particular pattern of vibra- tions. Fig. 3.3 taken from Hans Jenny's book Kymatic/ Cymatics 2 , gives a graphic example of this in relation to the formative force of sound as the source of the idea or in- formation. Here a 0.5mm thick, square metal plate sprinkled with sand is vibrated at a


  • an even better term, for it embodies Viktor Schauberger's concept 'C 2 ', signifying 'Comprehend and Copy Nature'. Notes 1. See ftn.5, chap.l, concerni ng the use of the prefix 'ur'. 2. From Kymatik/Cymatics by Hans Jenny, photos by Hans Peter Widmer: Basilius, Basel, Switzerland (now defunct). 3. The Secret Power Of Music by David Tame: Inner Traditions, Rochester, VT, USA. 4. Your Body Doesn't Lie, (Be


  • r therein may lie the main ch ance for our ultimate salvation. Notes 1. "The Biological Vacuum - The Optimal Driving Force For Machines", by Viktor Schauberger: Implosion No.53, p.28. 2. From Kymatik/Cymatics by Hans Jenny, photos by Christiaan Stuten: Basilius, Basel, Switzerland (now defunct), ISBN 3-85560-009-0. 3. "The Forest and its Significance" ("Der Wald un seine Bedeutung"), by Viktor Schauberger


  • Bibliography 305 Hoyle, Sir Fred: The Intelligent Universe: Michael Joseph, London, 1983. Jansen, P.Ph. et al: Principles of River Engineering: Longman, Harlow. Jenny, Hans: Kymatik/Cymatics: Basilims, Basel, Switzerland (now defunct). Khamas, A.: "The Emergence of Biotechnology" ("Aufbruch der Biotechnik"): Implosion. Kokaly, Aloys: "Home Power Generator - an Illusion?" ("Das Heimkraftw

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