Depleted Uranium

Found in 67 Books

File: 9-11 - Finding the Truth -


  • s. With this starting point, it seems hard to imagine how two such people would play a role in actively covering up the links between 9/11, Free Energy technology and Weather Control. Exopolitics and Depleted Uranium I first came across Alfred Webre in 2004 or 2005 when I found out about his involvement in the controversial fi eld of Exopolitics. He wrote about this in his book Exopolitics: Polit ics, Government,


  • ded Dr. Judy Wood’s presentation at the Madison Confer ence, Aug 4th – 5th, 2007, which was organised by Kevin Barre tt and Jim Fetzer. At the conference, also, Leuren Moret gave a presentation about Depleted Uranium 205 and Alfred Webre gave a presentation about fals e flag operations and the setting up of an international war crimes tribunal 206 . As already shown above, Leuren Moret agreed, because of the phys

File: Solving 911 - The Deception That Changed The World -


  • ve been covered - up or ignored by the controlled media. I have written about many of these suppressed stories, such as the sinking of the Estonia , the downing of Flight TWA 800, and t he dangers of depleted uranium. At the top of my list is the most egregious and criminal cover - up of the evidence of 9 - 11. "Ninety - five percent of the work of the intelligence agencies around the world is deception and disin

File: Alexander Putney - Lightwater -


  • son given by the Atlantean on radioactive dust metals in the atmosphere is confirmed by the ancient evidence of nuclear blasts in the archaeological record, as well as by modern indiscriminate use of depleted uranium (DU) weaponry. Modern medicine has also recently developed the process called electroporation that was described to Bernard prior to 1960 as a natural cellular function that has become blocked by atm

File: Alexander Putney - Phi -


  • therapeutic delivery of large molecules into the cell body, yet further applications of this method will enable the removal of heavy metal contaminants from the body, such as the airborne radioactive Depleted Uranium dust now extensively poisoning the world’s atmosphere.

File: Earth's Forbidden Secrets - Part One - Searching For The Past -


  • nt any future chances for research into some these areas, which are in fact some of the most important and relevant areas of our planet have also now been dramatically reduced by the continual use of depleted uranium w eapons in the region in the illegal and totally unprovoked invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, ther eby reducing the entire region into a toxic and highly radioactive wasteland. Depleted Uranium (ba

File: Daniel Estulin - Shadow Masters -

  • uson, anuclear affairs specialist at the Council on Foreign Relations: “Depleteduranium is not sufficiently radioactive to be suitable for a device that couldbe used as a dirty bomb. A bomb made with depleted uranium might have panickedpeople for a little while, but the alarm wouldn’t have lasted.” Then, came hiscounterpoint. “If it were weapons-grade, highly enriched uranium, I’d befreaking out because you can m
  • have reasons enough to feartheir nuclear prowess? After all, we are being subliminally beaten intosubmission by the mainstream press on this point. Dirty bomb, nuclear suitcase,weapons-grade uranium, depleted uranium, FARC, terrorism.“What does it mean?” I asked a fifty-something Spaniard in a bar in Madrid. Hewas holding court on how third-world dictators hate us for our freedom andwouldn’t hesitate to use nukes

File: Daniel Pinchbeck - How Soon is Now -

  • hpolicies. The US government has laid waste to whole nations, causing the deathand dislocation of large populations in Vietnam, Cambodia, Afghanistan and Iraq,using napalm, Agent Orange and shells of depleted uranium to further itsgeopolitical aims. Could no government do any worse?Thinkers like Albert Camus and Hannah Arendt draw a sharp distinction betweenrebellion and revolution: ‘Rebellion’s demand is unity;

File: Return Of Quetzalcoatl -


  • ­ spher ic cr isis w e ha ve unleashed is entir ely man-made . We ar e the ones who have interfer ed with the Ear th’s self-r egulating systems, r eleasing pollution, garbage , chlor ofluor ocarbons, depleted uranium, and other str eams of toxic spe w. Could this planetar y emergency also be “par t of the inter play betw een us and natur e”? Myth-based ci vilizations and traditional cultur es belie ve that human

File: David Icke - 2002 - Alice In Wonderland And The World Trade Center Disaster -

  • sleadership in Iraq, civilian areas were targeted, conscripts were buried alivein their trenches by bulldozers, more than 40 tons of radioactive material wasscattered across the desert by bombs using depleted uranium, oil refineries wereset on fire, and thousands of civilians, prisoners and retreating Iraqi soldierswere coldly and systematically murdered on the infamous “Highway of Death”.This, and so much more,

File: David Icke - 2002 - Alice In Wonderland And The World Trade Center Disaster -

  • sleadership in Iraq, civilian areas were targeted, conscripts were buried alivein their trenches by bulldozers, more than 40 tons of radioactive material wasscattered across the desert by bombs using depleted uranium, oil refineries wereset on fire, and thousands of civilians, prisoners and retreating Iraqi soldierswere coldly and systematically murdered on the infamous “Highway of Death”.This, and so much more,

File: David Icke - 2003 - Tales From The Time Loop -

  • party state and that’s why thepolicies never change no matter who is in the White House.Image [../Images/00013.jpg]Image [../Images/00014.jpg]Figures 8 and 9: These are just two of the victims of the depleted uraniumdropped on Iraq in 1991. Even more of this poison has been left by the slaughterof 2003 Don’t do as I do …The sanctions were ‘justified’ in part because of the ‘weapons of massdestruction’, including

  • wo trucks full of bodies – mostly children, and women in flowered dresses –parked outside the Hillah hospital.If you miss the first time – get ’em laterThe mass bombing made enormous additions to the depleted uranium left by theconflict of 1991 that has sent the rates of leukaemia, other cancers, anddeformed babies soaring. The British Ministry of Defence confirmed that troopsreturning from the Gulf were offered
  • e levels of depleteduranium in their bodies and establish if they were in danger of suffering kidneydamage and lung cancer.55 Professor Brian Spratt FRS, chairman of the RoyalSociety working group on depleted uranium, said: “It is highly unsatisfactory todeploy a large amount of a material that is weakly radioactive and chemicallytoxic without knowing how much soldiers and civilians have been exposed to it.”56 He
  • weakly radioactive and chemicallytoxic without knowing how much soldiers and civilians have been exposed to it.”56 He said civilians in Iraq should be protected by checking milk and watersamples for depleted uranium over a prolonged period and that soldiers mightsuffer kidney damage and increased risk of lung cancer if they breathed insubstantial amounts. But, of course, we know the effect of this poison with th
  • in Iraq had increased 700% and thousands of troops are suffering fromGulf War Syndrome, which the authorities spent so long trying to dismiss.Despite the clear correlation between health effects and depleted uranium, theUK ‘Defence’ Secretary Geoff Hoon told the House of Commons in 2003 that therewas “not the slightest scientific evidence” to suggest that depleted uraniumleft a poisonous residue.57 This is breat
  • r correlation between health effects and depleted uranium, theUK ‘Defence’ Secretary Geoff Hoon told the House of Commons in 2003 that therewas “not the slightest scientific evidence” to suggest that depleted uraniumleft a poisonous residue.57 This is breathtaking, inhumane, mendacious claptrap,as Hoon must know. He, like Tony Blair, Foreign Secretary Jack Straw and HomeSecretary David Blunkett, are, in my view,
  • ult tothe principles on which their Labour Party was created and has long-sincediscarded to serve the Illuminati agenda. Professor Doug Rokke is a former USarmy colonel and director of the Pentagon’s depleted uranium project. He saysthat the military cannot just contaminate any other nation, cause harm itspeople and environment and then ignore the consequences of what they have done.He called on the US and UK to
  • h environmentalremediation”.58But they won’t because they don’t care about the consequences for troops orcivilians, only that the outcome suits their plans. The UN Environment Programmefound that the depleted uranium used by the US and UK in the Balkans had reachedthe water table and seven years after the conflict it recommended thedecontamination of buildings to protect the civilian population against cancer.But
  • ain seven tonnes of depleteduranium alone and one of these was used in the “attempt to kill Saddam Hussein”when a restaurant was targeted. This alone would have contaminated a largecivilian area with depleted uranium and that is just one bomb.59 Experts suggestthat between 1,000 and 2,000 tonnes of depleted uranium were used by thecoalition in the three-week conflict compared with 340 tonnes in 1991 – and lookat
  • ussein”when a restaurant was targeted. This alone would have contaminated a largecivilian area with depleted uranium and that is just one bomb.59 Experts suggestthat between 1,000 and 2,000 tonnes of depleted uranium were used by thecoalition in the three-week conflict compared with 340 tonnes in 1991 – and lookat the consequences of that.60 Saul Bloom is executive director of Arc Ecology,a San Francisco-based no

  • new US-imposed system.Iraqis lost their life savings, jobs and income. Others who spent their livesbuilding their businesses and homes have had them looted in the chaos that hasfollowed ‘liberation’. Depleted uranium and cluster bombs have been left by theUS and British air forces and will cause untold suffering in explosions,leukaemia and deformed births. Museums containing some of the world’s mostpriceless hist

File: David Icke - 2003 - Tales From The Time Loop -

  • party state and that’s why thepolicies never change no matter who is in the White House.Image [../Images/00013.jpg]Image [../Images/00014.jpg]Figures 8 and 9: These are just two of the victims of the depleted uraniumdropped on Iraq in 1991. Even more of this poison has been left by the slaughterof 2003 Don’t do as I do …The sanctions were ‘justified’ in part because of the ‘weapons of massdestruction’, including

  • wo trucks full of bodies – mostly children, and women in flowered dresses –parked outside the Hillah hospital.If you miss the first time – get ’em laterThe mass bombing made enormous additions to the depleted uranium left by theconflict of 1991 that has sent the rates of leukaemia, other cancers, anddeformed babies soaring. The British Ministry of Defence confirmed that troopsreturning from the Gulf were offered
  • e levels of depleteduranium in their bodies and establish if they were in danger of suffering kidneydamage and lung cancer.55 Professor Brian Spratt FRS, chairman of the RoyalSociety working group on depleted uranium, said: “It is highly unsatisfactory todeploy a large amount of a material that is weakly radioactive and chemicallytoxic without knowing how much soldiers and civilians have been exposed to it.”56 He
  • weakly radioactive and chemicallytoxic without knowing how much soldiers and civilians have been exposed to it.”56 He said civilians in Iraq should be protected by checking milk and watersamples for depleted uranium over a prolonged period and that soldiers mightsuffer kidney damage and increased risk of lung cancer if they breathed insubstantial amounts. But, of course, we know the effect of this poison with th
  • in Iraq had increased 700% and thousands of troops are suffering fromGulf War Syndrome, which the authorities spent so long trying to dismiss.Despite the clear correlation between health effects and depleted uranium, theUK ‘Defence’ Secretary Geoff Hoon told the House of Commons in 2003 that therewas “not the slightest scientific evidence” to suggest that depleted uraniumleft a poisonous residue.57 This is breat
  • r correlation between health effects and depleted uranium, theUK ‘Defence’ Secretary Geoff Hoon told the House of Commons in 2003 that therewas “not the slightest scientific evidence” to suggest that depleted uraniumleft a poisonous residue.57 This is breathtaking, inhumane, mendacious claptrap,as Hoon must know. He, like Tony Blair, Foreign Secretary Jack Straw and HomeSecretary David Blunkett, are, in my view,
  • ult tothe principles on which their Labour Party was created and has long-sincediscarded to serve the Illuminati agenda. Professor Doug Rokke is a former USarmy colonel and director of the Pentagon’s depleted uranium project. He saysthat the military cannot just contaminate any other nation, cause harm itspeople and environment and then ignore the consequences of what they have done.He called on the US and UK to
  • h environmentalremediation”.58But they won’t because they don’t care about the consequences for troops orcivilians, only that the outcome suits their plans. The UN Environment Programmefound that the depleted uranium used by the US and UK in the Balkans had reachedthe water table and seven years after the conflict it recommended thedecontamination of buildings to protect the civilian population against cancer.But
  • ain seven tonnes of depleteduranium alone and one of these was used in the “attempt to kill Saddam Hussein”when a restaurant was targeted. This alone would have contaminated a largecivilian area with depleted uranium and that is just one bomb.59 Experts suggestthat between 1,000 and 2,000 tonnes of depleted uranium were used by thecoalition in the three-week conflict compared with 340 tonnes in 1991 – and lookat
  • ussein”when a restaurant was targeted. This alone would have contaminated a largecivilian area with depleted uranium and that is just one bomb.59 Experts suggestthat between 1,000 and 2,000 tonnes of depleted uranium were used by thecoalition in the three-week conflict compared with 340 tonnes in 1991 – and lookat the consequences of that.60 Saul Bloom is executive director of Arc Ecology,a San Francisco-based no

  • new US-imposed system.Iraqis lost their life savings, jobs and income. Others who spent their livesbuilding their businesses and homes have had them looted in the chaos that hasfollowed ‘liberation’. Depleted uranium and cluster bombs have been left by theUS and British air forces and will cause untold suffering in explosions,leukaemia and deformed births. Museums containing some of the world’s mostpriceless hist

File: David Icke - 2007 - The David Icke Guide To The Global Conspiracy -

  • s/00062.jpg]Figure 57: Millions of Iraqi civilians have been killed or maimed by invasion,civil war and ‘sanctions’ since the 1990s. These include babies born withhorrific birth defects caused by the depleted uranium used in the bombs andshells that pepper the country and pollute the atmosphere with radiation. Butthe Reptilian hybrids will have no problem with this because of their lack ofempathy with the victims

File: David Icke - 2007 - The David Icke Guide To The Global Conspiracy -

  • s/00062.jpg]Figure 57: Millions of Iraqi civilians have been killed or maimed by invasion,civil war and ‘sanctions’ since the 1990s. These include babies born withhorrific birth defects caused by the depleted uranium used in the bombs andshells that pepper the country and pollute the atmosphere with radiation. Butthe Reptilian hybrids will have no problem with this because of their lack ofempathy with the victims

File: David Icke - 2010 - Human Race Get Off Your Knees -


  • deformed, with no heads, two heads, a single eye in their foreheads, scaly bodies or missing limbs.' Young children in Fallujah are now suffering with hideous cancers and leukaemia as a result of the depleted uranium used in the weapons employed by the US and British military sent in via Bush and Blair. In September 2009, Fallujah General Hospital had 170 newborn babies, 24 per cent of whom were dead within the f


  • t the chance to do it. Blair blatantly lied to send in 'the boys' to kill and maim millions of dark-coloured innocents in Iraq and Mghanistan and cause horrific birth defects for generations from the depleted uranium in the weapons that were unleashed on the population. Which one is the most dangerous fascist? Being What You Condemn Making these points is described by the barely-one-dimensional advocates of censo

File: David Icke - 2010 - Human Race Get Off Your Knees -


  • deformed, with no heads, two heads, a single eye in their foreheads, scaly bodies or missing limbs.' Young children in Fallujah are now suffering with hideous cancers and leukaemia as a result of the depleted uranium used in the weapons employed by the US and British military sent in via Bush and Blair. In September 2009, Fallujah General Hospital had 170 newborn babies, 24 per cent of whom were dead within the f


  • t the chance to do it. Blair blatantly lied to send in 'the boys' to kill and maim millions of dark-coloured innocents in Iraq and Mghanistan and cause horrific birth defects for generations from the depleted uranium in the weapons that were unleashed on the population. Which one is the most dangerous fascist? Being What You Condemn Making these points is described by the barely-one-dimensional advocates of censo

File: David Icke - 2012 - Remember Who You Are -

  • hile governments doing this say they must bomb other countries toprotect the right to protest peacefully. Children are being born in those bombedcountries with severe birth defects because of all the depleted uranium on theland and in the air from the weapons dropped on or fired at them. We are beingsubjected to multiple sources of radiation that are increasing all the time andthis is not by coincidence, but by d

  • orance when we should be so much more. DNA is being influenced bythe words that we hear, and by radiation. Mothers are giving birth to babieswith horrific genetic defects after being subjected to the depleted uranium inAmerican, British and NATO bombs and missiles dropped on their countries. Theradiation has scrambled their DNA. The cumulative effect of exposure toradiation in all its forms, including full-body s

  • bomb civilian areas of Libya with thedeath toll constantly rising and numbering thousands (Fig 278[../Text/index_split_144.html#filepos1077410]). These mass-killers with ‘values’have also been using depleted uranium weapons that have caused such extremegenetic defects in Iraq and elsewhere. What will the ICC do about them? The bigzero. Where is the ICC investigation into the shocking scale of war crimes, andcrim

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception - Part Two -

  • include the wireless Internet;computers and wireless keyboards; Smart Meters; ‘green’ light bulbs; irradiatedfood; microwave ovens; power lines; full-body scanners, overuse of X-rays andCAT scanners; depleted uranium released from US and NATO weapons unleashed oncivilian and other targets; cell phones; iPads and electronic books; cell phonetowers; other communication towers such as GWEN and TETRA; remote controls

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception -


  • lude the wireless Internet; computers and wireless keyboards; Smart Meters; ‘green’ light bulbs; irradiated food; microwave ovens; power lines; full-body scanners, overuse of X-rays and CAT scanners; depleted uranium released from US and NATO weapons unleashed on civilian and other targets; cell phones; iPads and electronic books; cell phone towers; other communication towers such as GWEN and


  • TETRA; remote controls of all kinds, covertly through HAARP and so on. Radioactive pollution from depleted uranium weapons is causing terrible and widespread birth defects in the target countries and troops subjected to the consequences of their own weaponry will suffer the same health consequences from the radia

File: David Icke - 2016 - Phantom Self -


  • r humans .. .' We have Wi-Fi; computers and wireles:, keyboards/ mice; smart meters; 'green' light bulbs; irradiated food; microwave ovens; power lines; full-body sca nner s, X-rays and CAT scanners; depleted uranium released from US and NATO weapons unleashed on ci, ·ili,m and other targets; smartphones; iPads and electronic books; cell phone towers; GWEN, TETRA and other electromagnetic communication; remote co

File: David Icke - 2016 - Phantom Self -


  • r humans .. .' We have Wi-Fi; computers and wireles:, keyboards/ mice; smart meters; 'green' light bulbs; irradiated food; microwave ovens; power lines; full-body sca nner s, X-rays and CAT scanners; depleted uranium released from US and NATO weapons unleashed on ci, ·ili,m and other targets; smartphones; iPads and electronic books; cell phone towers; GWEN, TETRA and other electromagnetic communication; remote co

File: David Icke - Alice In Wonderland And The World Trade Center Disaster -


  • eadership in Iraq, civilian areas were targeted, conscripts were buried alive in their trenches by bulldozers, more than 40 tons of radioactive material was scattered across the desert by bombs using depleted uranium, oil refineries were set on fire, and thousands of civilians, prisoners and retreating Iraqi soldiers were coldly and systematically murdered on the infamous "Highway of Death". This, and so much mor

File: David Icke - Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center (Chap 1-7) (2002) -


  • eadership in Iraq, civilian areas were targeted, conscripts were buried alive in their trenches by bulldozers, more than 40 tons of radioactive material was scattered across the desert by bombs using depleted uranium, oil refineries were set on fire, and thousands of civilians, prisoners and retreating Iraqi soldiers were coldly and systematically murdered on the infamous "Highway of Death". This, and so much mor

File: David Icke - Guide To The Global Conspiracy -


  • adows 111 Figure 57: Millions of Iraqi civilians have been killed or maimed by invasion, civil war and 'sanctions' since the 1990s. These include babies born with horrific birth defects caused by the depleted uranium used in the bombs and shells that pepper the country and pollute the atmosphere with radiation. But the Reptilian hybrids will have no problem with this because of their lack of empathy with the vict

File: David Icke - Human Race Get Off Your Knees -


  • deformed, with no heads, two heads, a single eye in their foreheads, scaly bodies or missing limbs.' Young children in Fallujah are now suffering with hideous cancers and leukaemia as a result of the depleted uranium used in the weapons employed by the US and British military sent in via Bush and Blair. In September 2009, Fallujah General Hospital had 170 newborn babies, 24 per cent of whom were dead within the f


  • t the chance to do it. Blair blatantly lied to send in 'the boys' to kill and maim millions of dark-coloured innocents in Iraq and Mghanistan and cause horrific birth defects for generations from the depleted uranium in the weapons that were unleashed on the population. Which one is the most dangerous fascist? Being What You Condemn Making these points is described by the barely-one-dimensional advocates of censo

File: David Icke - Tales From The Time Loop -


  • tion b etween h ealth effects and d epleted u ranium, the UK 'Defence' Secretary Geoff Hoon told the House of Comm ons in 2003 that there was "not the slightest scientific e vidence" to sugg est that depleted uranium left a poisonous residue. 57 This is breathtaking, inhumane, mendacious claptrap, as Hoon must kno w. He, like Tony Blair, Foreign Secretary Jack Straw and Home Secretary David Blunk ett, are, in my


  • Mr Goon ? Depleted u ranium is s tandard in a number of anti-tank weapon s and is also contained in bullets, shells and b ombs. The so-called bunk er busters used in Baghd ad contain seven tonn es of depleted uranium alone a nd on e of these was used in the "attempt to kill Saddam Hussein" when a restaurant was targeted. This alone would h ave c ontaminated a large c ivilian area with d epleted u ranium and that

File: David Icke - Tales from the Time Loop (2003) -


  • tion b etween h ealth effects and d epleted u ranium, the UK 'Defence' Secretary Geoff Hoon told the House of Comm ons in 2003 that there was "not the slightest scientific e vidence" to sugg est that depleted uranium left a poisonous residue. 57 This is breathtaking, inhumane, mendacious claptrap, as Hoon must kno w. He, like Tony Blair, Foreign Secretary Jack Straw and Home Secretary David Blunk ett, are, in my


  • Mr Goon ? Depleted u ranium is s tandard in a number of anti-tank weapon s and is also contained in bullets, shells and b ombs. The so-called bunk er busters used in Baghd ad contain seven tonn es of depleted uranium alone a nd on e of these was used in the "attempt to kill Saddam Hussein" when a restaurant was targeted. This alone would h ave c ontaminated a large c ivilian area with d epleted u ranium and that

File: 09_03_2000_Environmental Updates and 79 Cattle Die in Saskatchewan -


  • MedicalFacility in Delaware and Professor at Georgetown University, Dr. AsafDurakovic, presented medical evidence that some British and American soldierswho served in the Gulf War have high levels of depleted uranium in their bodieslinked to the depleted uranium shells fired during the war. It's estimated that700,000 shells were fired. Dr. Durakovic concluded that troops inhaled the
  • eorgetown University, Dr. AsafDurakovic, presented medical evidence that some British and American soldierswho served in the Gulf War have high levels of depleted uranium in their bodieslinked to the depleted uranium shells fired during the war. It's estimated that700,000 shells were fired. Dr. Durakovic concluded that troops inhaled the

File: 12_02_2005_Former Canadian Minister of Defence Calls for Public Parliament Hearings About UFOs and Extraterrestrials -


  • able atomic generators (ion propulsion drive)"Third brain" guidance systems (EBE mind-to-ship-control headbands)Particle beams (Star Wars" antimissile energy weapons)Electromagnetic propulsion systemsDepleted uranium projectilesHe also told me he had seen highly classified documents dated as early as 1951 about unusual deaths ofanimals around the world in which similar patterns of tissue were taken without blood,

File: Radiant Energy -


  • to create a toxic waste problem. Fully depleted U238 could be used that does not contain U235. Instead of making nuclear bullets, like the ones used in the Gulf War, we could be using our reserves of depleted uranium as a beneficial fuel source. Plutonium is not feasible at this time, so plain old, natural, untreated uranium will also work. One pound of "yellow-cake" (U 3 O 8 ) is equivalent to 31 barrels of oil

File: Richard Lighthouse - Targeted Individuals - How to Fight Back -


  • Army depleted uranium cleanup project after Gulf War I, says these weapons are very real, and commonly used in military circles. He has described how he personally used such weapons on a regular basis while training with

File: Richard Lighthouse - The Microwave Torture of Ed Snowden & Julian Assange -


  • g targeted with electromagnetic weapons and death threats. Some have died under suspicious circumstances. US Army Major Doug Rokke, PhD physics from University of Illinois, former head of the US Army depleted uranium cleanup project after Gulf War I, says these weapons are very real, and commonly used in military circles. He has described how he personally used such weapons on a regular basis while training with

File: drdaniellebowitz1 -


  • g targeted with electromagnetic weapons and death threats. Some have died under suspicious circumstances. US Army Major Doug Rokke, PhD physics from University of Illinois, former head of the US Army depleted uranium cleanup project after Gulf War I, says these weapons are very real, and commonly used in military circles. He has described how he personally used such weapons on a regular basis while training with

File: 2000 Libertarian Quotes -


  • arry Browne, November 13, 1998. 2. Why do pro-lifers not speak out against the use of chemical weapons, napalm and napalm-like bombs in Iraq and Afghanistan? Why do p ro-lifers not condemn the use of depleted uranium weapons which will continue to def orm unborn Arab babies long after the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are forgotten by A mericans? Shame on pro-lifers for allowing the pro-choice Left to claim these

File: War Racket - Part 2 -


  • ket, Part II 376 Of those who do come home, some will suffer for yea rs — perhaps for the rest of their lives — from guilt, or with unexplained symptoms ar ising from the firing of weapons armed with depleted uranium. Is this what you want for your children. If your child is one of the casualties, what will y ou think ten years from now — when Iraq is no more a democratic, friendly nation than it is now? What wil

File: Encyclopedia Of Alternative Medicine -


  • ed a wide range of potential factors. These include chemical and biological weap- ons, the immunizations and preventive treatments used to protect against them, smoke from oil well fires, exposure to depleted uranium, and diseases endemic to the Arabian peninsula. As of 2008, inves- tigators had not approached a consensus. They even disagreed on the likelihood that a specific agent is responsible, as a combinatio

File: John Coleman - We Fight For Oil -


  • ing the United States into anarchy and chaos. Since 1991 Iraqi women and children have died by the hundreds of thousands, from diseases, many of them caused by radiation sickness emanating from spent depleted uranium (DU) shell casings, and from malnutrition resulting from the inhuman boycott that went on for 19 years.

File: Joseph P. Farrell - Giza Death Star -


  • density ceramic RAM comes from information leaked by the above mentioned black world scientists who disclosed about the development of low-radar-observab ility dielectric ceramics made from po wdered depleted uranium. The material is said to have approximat ely 92% the bulk density of uranium, which would give it a specific gravit y of about 17.5, as opposed to 6 for barium titanate dielectrics. Thus, this new ma


  • The Giza Death Star That is, the depleted uranium ceramic dielectric hull of the B-2 is the indicator of an emerging "unified technology" resulting from a different approach to the physics of the relationships of fluid dynamics, electromagnetism, an

File: Joseph P. Farrell - Philosopher's Stone -

  • rated on anunsuspecting — and by implication, somewhat dimwitted — nuclear terrorismcommunity by the psychologically much more sophisticated Russian intelligenceservices, which sold nothing more than depleted uranium, spent reactor fuel,cobalt or cesium, or other such materials to their “marks” for enormous sums ofhard cash.230 [../Text/jose_9781932595611_oeb_ftn_r1.html#FTN-230] But how doesone account for the f

File: Joseph P. Farrell - Roswell and the Reich -

  • of“headdress” or “visor” that interfaced directly between the brain of the“creatures” and the craft’s control mechanisms27 (implying thereby that the“creatures” were also some sort of cyborgs), even depleted uranium artilleryshells, hydrogen atom particle beam weapons,28 and even “irradiated food!”29 Andof course, there was the “memory metal.” Boiling all this down, Corso summarizesit all in a convenient list:>

  • atomic generators (ion propulsion drive)> Irradiated Food> “Third Brain” guidance systems (EBE headbands)> Particle beams (“Star Wars” antimissile energy weapons)> Electromagnetic propulsion systems> Depleted uranium projectiles.33 Elsewhere in his book he mentions the following list during his statement of hismain “Roswell thesis”:> Today, items such as lasers, integrated circuitry, fiber optics networks,> accel

File: Max Igan - Earth's Forbidden Secrets -


  • nt any future chances for research into some these areas, which are in fact some of the most important and relevant areas of our planet have also now been dramatically reduced by the continual use of depleted uranium w eapons in the region in the illegal and totally unprovoked invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, ther eby reducing the entire region into a toxic and highly radioactive wasteland. Depleted Uranium (ba

File: The Constants of Nature -


  • 234 The Con s tan t sot Nat u r e some used fuel from the processing plant? But there was no evidence of any of the mtense radioactivity that would accompany spent fuel, and no depleted uranIUm hexafluoride was missing from the plant's inventory. Some form of terronst theft of material or extraterrestrial deposit was even suggested. But gradually the investigations found the source of the d

File: Blum, William - Rogue State, A Guide to the World's Only Superpower (2002) -


  • avories 58 7. Training New Unsavories 61 8. War Criminals: Theirs and Ours 68 9. Haven for Terrorists 79 10. Supporting Pol Pot 87 United States Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction 11. Bombings 92 12. Depleted Uranium 96 13. Cluster Bombs 100 14. United States Use of Chemical and Biological Weapons Abroad 103 15. United States Use of Chemical and Biological Weapons at Home 113 16. Encouragement of the Use of CBW b


  • 's bombing campaign which had given rise to the bulk of the d eaths in Yugoslavia, provoked most of the Serbian atrocities, created an environmental disaster and left a dangerous legacy of unexploded depleted uranium and cluster bombs. In June, some of the complainants met in The Hague with the court's chief prosecutor, Louise Arbour of Canada. Although she cordia lly received their brief in person, along with th


  • ghly indiscriminate. WMD are sometimes further defined as those whose effects linger in the environment, causing subsequent harm to people. This w ould certainly apply to landmines, cluster bombs and depleted uranium weapons, the latt er remaining dangerously radioactive after exploding. It would apply less to "conventional" bombs, but even with those there are unexploded bombs lying around, and the danger of dam
  • to mention exceptionally difficult, to try to paint a human face on a Tomahawk cruise missile whose payload of a thousand pounds of TNT crashes into the center of a densely-populated city, often with depleted uranium in its warhead. A terrorist is someone who has a bo mb but doesn't have an air force China 1945-46 Korea and China 1950-53 (Korean War) Guatemala 1954 Indonesia 1958 Cuba 1959-1961 Guatemala 1960 Con


  • ire, we never smell the blood, we neve r see the terror in the eyes of the children, whose nightmares will now feature screaming missiles from unseen terrorists, known only as Americans. CHAPTER 12 : Depleted Uranium “The United States,” wrote international environmental activist Dr. Helen Caldicott several years ago, “has conducted two nuclear wars. The first against Japan in 1945, the second in Kuwait and Iraq


  • ound in the babies of Gulf War veterans. Th e Austrian president of the International Yellow Cross, Dr. Siegwart Gunther, stat ed that there was one significant common denominator: the allies' use of depleted uranium in the bombing of Iraq. 4 In Scotland as well, DU has been linked to a leukemia cluster around the Ministry of Defense firing range at Dundrennan, near th e Solway Firth. Communities close to the ran
  • eques in Puerto Rico, where over 9,000 American citizens dwe ll They've had to endure almost 60 years of aerial target practice and wa r games, including the droppin g of napalm, and in recent years, depleted uranium shells. Puerto Rican activists claim that Vieques has become contaminated with radioactivity, which contri butes to a cancer rate among the island's inhabitants that is twice the national average. St


  • tember 15,1999, p.3 3 Washington Post, November 16,1998 4 Journal of the American Medical As sociation, August 25,1999, p. 761 CHAPTER 12 1 International Action Center (New York), Meta l of Dishonor: Depleted Uranium, p.3-40, 134-149 and elsewhere for a detailed discussion of the properties of DU, its health dangers and the circumstances under wh ich US military personnel and Iraqi s may have been exposed to it;


  • ([email protected]); U.S. Army Environmental Policy Institute, Health and Environmental Consequences of Depleted Uranium Use in t he U.S. Army: Technical Report, June 1995, Appendix B 11 Radioactive Battlefields, op. cit., p.3 12 Mesler,p.l2 CHAPTER 13 1 Rachel Stohl, "Cluster Bombs Leave Lasting Legacy", report of the

File: Brown, Ellen Hodgson - The Web of Debt, The Shocking Truth About Our Money System 3rd (2008) -


  • ds of the money cartel. Violent revolution would just furnish them with an excuse to test their equipment. The first American Revolution was fought before tasers, lasers, tear gas, armored tanks, and depleted uranium weapons. Fortunately or unfortunately, in the eye of today’s economic cyclone, we may have to do no more than watch and wait, as the global pyramid scheme collapses of its own weight. In the end, wha

File: Chemtrails-Confirmed -


  • U.S. forces widely encamped in Saudi Arabia at al-Jubayl prior to launching a Desert Storm. Bringing The War Home also documents other chemical-biological- radiological exposures from chemical mines, Depleted Uranium munitions, and a massive open-air demolition and dispersal of those deadly agents at Khamisiyah under the direct orders of General Schwarzkopf, who retired before he could b charged and court-martial

File: Danny Schechter - Weapons of Mass Deception -


  • get together on an island.’” What we will see (and see not) ROBERT FISK of the Independent is making some guesses of how the coverage of the war will go: “American and British forces use thousands of depleted uranium (DU) shells – widely regarded by 1991 veterans as the cause of Gulf War syndrome as well as thousands of child can- cers in present day Iraq – to batter their way across the Kuwaiti-Iraqi frontier. W


  • h the cheap brick walls of local homes, amputating limbs and heads.” As for what is in those weapons, The Sunday Herald in Glasgow is reporting what I have yet to see in the American press the use of depleted uranium in U.S. ordinance: Neil Mackay reports: “British and American coalition forces are using depleted uranium (DU) shells in the war against Iraq and deliberately flouting a United Nations resolution whi
  • Sunday Herald in Glasgow is reporting what I have yet to see in the American press the use of depleted uranium in U.S. ordinance: Neil Mackay reports: “British and American coalition forces are using depleted uranium (DU) shells in the war against Iraq and deliberately flouting a United Nations resolution which classifies the munitions as ille- gal weapons of mass destruction.” As you can see, making sense of the


  • any refer- ence made to the sanctions that went on for ten years, robbing so many Iraqi children of their futures, even if the regime was complicit as well in their deaths. Remember, too, the use of depleted uranium in “coalition” weapons that defiled a land that is the cradle of western civilization. Remember also how the gassing of the Kurds, so widely cited as grounds for invasion today, barely rated a con- d


  • yed the last of their banned munitions. But, whether Saddam Hus- sein is able to use such weapons or not, their deployment in Iraq appears to be imminent, for the Americans seem determined to do so.” Depleted uranium: Words we never hear AMONG the weapons being used are anti-tank shells coated with depleted uranium. The US insists they are safe. Critics contest that. The LA Times, a winner of yesterday’s Pulitzer
  • not, their deployment in Iraq appears to be imminent, for the Americans seem determined to do so.” Depleted uranium: Words we never hear AMONG the weapons being used are anti-tank shells coated with depleted uranium. The US insists they are safe. Critics contest that. The LA Times, a winner of yesterday’s Pulitzer Prize, noted on March 30th: “Although the potential human cost of the war with Iraq is obvious, not
  • tal vaccines. But the largest number of the more than half a million troops eligible for VA benefits – 436,000 – lived for months in areas of the Middle Eastern desert that had been contaminated with depleted uranium.” “We kicked the crap out of them” TOMDISPATCH.COM writes on this issue, too: “It is worth remembering that the army of 100,000- plus young men and women who will occupy Iraq for who knows how long –


  • ely hear any reference made to the sanctions that went on for ten years, rob- bing so many Iraqi children of their futures, even if the regime was complicit in their deaths. Remember, too, the use of depleted uranium in “coalition” weapons that defiled a land that is the cradle of western civilization. Remember also how the gassing of the Kurds, so widely cited as grounds for invasion today, barely rated a con- d


  • eems the only time U.S.-U.K. troops needed to wear their chem- ical warfare suits was when recovering a body from a friendly fire incident to protect them- selves from the radiation given off by U.S. depleted uranium ordnance – which, of course, the Pentagon claims is absolutely harmless. “Nor, despite many fevered media reports, have any hidden stores of Iraqi proscribed weapons come to light. Since Iraq’s alleg

File: David Icke - Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center (Chap 1-7) (2002) -


  • s leadershipin Iraq, civilian areas were targeted, conscripts were buried alive in their trenchesby bulldozers, more than 40 tons of radioactive material was scattered across thedesert by bombs using depleted uranium, oil refineries were set on fire, andthousands of civilians, prisoners and retreating Iraqi soldiers were coldly andsystematically murdered on the infamous "Highway of Death". This, and so muchmore,

File: David Icke - Tales from the Time Loop (2003) -


  • trucks full of bodies - mostly children, and women in flowered dresses - parked outside the Hillah hospital. If you miss the first time - get 'em later The mass bombing made enormous additions to the depleted uranium left by the conflict of 1991 that has sent the rates of leukaemia, other cancers, and deformed babies soaring. The British Ministry of Defence confirmed that troops returning from the Gulf were offer
  • t has sent the rates of leukaemia, other cancers, and deformed babies soaring. The British Ministry of Defence confirmed that troops returning from the Gulf were offered tests to assess the levels of depleted uranium in their bodies and establish if they were in danger of suffering kidney damage and lung cancer. 55 Professor Brian Spratt FRS, chairman of the Royal Society working group on depleted uranium, said:
  • vels of depleted uranium in their bodies and establish if they were in danger of suffering kidney damage and lung cancer. 55 Professor Brian Spratt FRS, chairman of the Royal Society working group on depleted uranium, said: "It is highly unsatisfactory to deploy a large amount of a material that is weakly radioactive and chemically toxic without knowing how much soldiers and civilians have been exposed to it." 56
  • akly radioactive and chemically toxic without knowing how much soldiers and civilians have been exposed to it." 56 He said civilians in Iraq should be protected by checking milk and water samples for depleted uranium over a prolonged period and that soldiers might suffer kidney damage and increased risk of lung cancer if they breathed in substantial amounts. But, of course, we know the effect of this poison with
  • in Iraq had increased 700% and thousands f troops are suffering from Gulf War Syndrome, which the authorities spent so long trying to dismiss. Despite the clear correlation between health effects and depleted uranium, the UK 'Defence' Secretary Geoff Hoon told the House of Commons in 2003 that there was "not the slightest scientific evidence" to suggest that depleted uranium left a poisonous residue.57 This is br
  • correlation between health effects and depleted uranium, the UK 'Defence' Secretary Geoff Hoon told the House of Commons in 2003 that there was "not the slightest scientific evidence" to suggest that depleted uranium left a poisonous residue.57 This is breathtaking, inhumane, mendacious claptrap, as Hoon must know. He, like Tony Blair, Foreign Secretary Jack Straw and Home Secretary David Blunkett, are, in my vie
  • to the principles on which their Labour Party was created and has long-since discarded to serve the Illuminati agenda. Professor Doug Rokke is a former US army colonel and director of the Pentagon's depleted uranium project. He says that the military cannot just contaminate any other nation, cause harm its· people and environment and then ignore the consequences of what they have


  • vironmental remediation".58 But they won't because they don't care about the consequences for troops or civilians, only that the outcome suits their plans. The UN Environment Programme found that the depleted uranium used by the US and UK in the Balkans had reached the water table and seven years after the conflict it recommended the decontamination of buildings to protect the civilian population against cancer.
  • there, Mr Goon? Depleted uranium is standard in a number of anti-tank weapons and is also contained in bullets, shells and bombs. The so-called bunker busters used in Baghdad contain seven tonnes of depleted uranium alone and one of these was used in the "attempt to kill Saddam Hussein" when a restaurant was targeted. This alone would have contaminated a large civilian area with depleted uranium and that is just
  • seven tonnes of depleted uranium alone and one of these was used in the "attempt to kill Saddam Hussein" when a restaurant was targeted. This alone would have contaminated a large civilian area with depleted uranium and that is just one bomb. 59 Experts suggest that between 1,000 and 2,000 tonnes of depleted uranium were used by the coalition in the three week conflict compared with 340 tonnes in 1991- and look
  • in" when a restaurant was targeted. This alone would have contaminated a large civilian area with depleted uranium and that is just one bomb. 59 Experts suggest that between 1,000 and 2,000 tonnes of depleted uranium were used by the coalition in the three week conflict compared with 340 tonnes in 1991- and look at the consequences of that.60 Saul Bloom is executive director of Arc Ecology, a San Francisco-based


  • a list on the wall of the British military media office at CentCom. The list was headed "Poo Traps" and reminded the spokesmen of the subjects to avoid in interviews with journalists: These included "depleted uranium", "bombing accuracy" and "market bombings". Don't talk about anything that the public have a right to know; only say what is good for the image you are trying to give them. Paul Hunter of the Canadia


  • US-imposed system. Iraqis lost their life sayings, jobs and income. Others who spent their lives building their businesses and homes have had them looted in the chaos that has followed 'liberation'. Depleted uranium and cluster bombs have been left by the US and British air forces and will cause untold suffering in explosions, leukaemia and deformed births. Museums containing some of the world's most priceless h

File: David Ray griffin - The New Pearl Harbor -


  • Certain missiles are specially conceived to have a piercing effect. These missiles are weighted with depleted uranium, an extremely dense metal that heats with slightest friction and renders piercing easier. These missiles are notably used to pierce bunkers. An airplane crashes and smashes. A missile of this type pi
  • f missile described above — a much hotter and more instantaneous fire. >36 Suggesting that the Pentagon was hit by "one of the latest generation of AGM-type missiles, armed with a hollow charge and a depleted uranium BLU tip," Meyssan says that a missile of this type can cause "an instantaneous fire, giving off heatin excess of 3,600° Fahrenheit." And that corresponds with the fire started in the Pentagon: In tra

File: Healed Planet -


  • l not). If the story is about the crimes of Saddam Hussein or Milosevic, however, any rumor will do, or even fabricated “ news. ” As in Iraq, the United States used radioactive weapons on Yugoslavia. Depleted Uranium (DU) is nuclear waste. When U-235 is refined from uranium [370], U-238 is left over. It is not radioactive enough to make good reactor fuel or nuclear explosives, but works great as a penetrating mis

File: Hidden History Of Money -


  • y, the stage itself. In 1991 US President George Bush senior mounted Operation Desert Storm. Tens of thousands of Iraqis were killed in the war. Iraq's fields were bombed with more than 300 tonnes of depleted uranium, causing a fourfold increase in cancer among children. For more than 13 years, twenty four million Iraqi people have lived in a war zone and been denied food and medicine and clean water. In the fren


  • al 9-11 fairy tale, exposing Zionist terro r, exposing the use of small bombs dropped on Afghanistan that looked like food packets (picture below), and after exposing the long term harmful effects of depleted uranium bombs? Or notice how when in 1988 Democratic Presidential Gary Hart made an anti-Illuminati comment on McNeil Lehrer News Hour that the USA had to quit doing everything that Is rael wanted and three


  • orever shackled by contracts with the folks who built Guantanamo. Iraq remains a smoldering, poisoned cinder. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are now encased in a cancer-guaranteed zone of radioactive depleted uranium poison: truly, a stunning tribute to Western philosophy and technology. Afghanistan is a free fire zone, also poisoned. Di vide and rule by the powers that keep rubbing two sticks together to keep th

File: Kay - The Big Lie, 9-11 and Government Complicity in Mass Murder (2005) -


  • lear Experiments and Air Releases ..................................................... 41 The CIA and Nazi’s, MK-ULTRA, and Mind Control Experiments .................... 42 Iraq Gulf War 1 and 2 and Depleted Uranium ..................................................... 51 American Eugenics and Secret Sterilizations ....................................................... 57 U.S. Pesticide Studies on Humans, Priso


  • d ourselves but it is against ourselves, against weaknesses and faults in our own social order, in our own ways of living against which we have to be on continual guard. 119 Iraq Gulf War 1 and 2 and Depleted Uranium . During the first Gulf War, Desert Storm , U.S. and coalition troops were exposed to downwind chemical and biological weapons debris such as the nerve agents sarin, cyclosarin, tabun, and blister ag


  • er to produce fuel for nuclear reactors. During this process, the fissionable isotope uranium-235 is separated from uranium. The remaining uranium, which is 99.8% uranium-238, is misleadingly called 'depleted uranium'. 126 While the term 'depleted' implies it isn't particularly dangerous, in fact, this waste product of the nuclear industry is 'conveniently' disposed of by producing deadly weapons. Depleted uraniu
  • deadly weapons. Depleted uranium is chemically toxic. It is an extremely dense, hard metal, and can cause chemical poisoning to the body in the same way as can lead or any other heavy metal. However, depleted uranium is also radiologically hazardous, as it spontaneously burns on impact, creating tiny aerosolized glass particles which are small enough to be inhaled, even through protective gas masks. These uranium
  • gamma, and can be carried in the air over long distances through the vast sandstorms that occur in Iraq and the Middle East. Depleted uranium has a half life of 4.5 billion years, and the presence of depleted uranium ceramic aerosols can pose a long term threat to human health and the U.S. depleted uranium munitions
  • ccur in Iraq and the Middle East. Depleted uranium has a half life of 4.5 billion years, and the presence of depleted uranium ceramic aerosols can pose a long term threat to human health and the U.S. depleted uranium munitions


  • The Big Lie” 9/11 and the Government’s Complicity in Mass Murder 54 environment. Depleted uranium use in the battlefield is a weapon of mass destruction and is banned under international law as it is an indiscriminate weapon that affects combatants and non-combatants, enemy targets and blowback o
  • it will permeate a standard gas mask filter in quantities. 127 Tens of thousands U.S. soldiers and hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi’s are being exposed continually to heavy metal poisoning and depleted uranium waste radiation and its residual DNA damage. 128 This radiation exposure is resulting in massive rates of truly horrifying birth defects in Iraqi newborn children, Gulf War Syndrome 129 symptomology,


  • h defects. Now it's seven, eight, nine, ten babies a day who are born without heads, without limbs, horrible tumors. Just lumps of jelly." She rightly declares, "It's a nightmare!" 132 Munitions with depleted uranium are turned into a fine dust after impacting their targets, or the ground. 133 The radioactive dust then contaminates all, and is tenaciously persistent with all that it comes into contact with. Iraqi


  • seases, and would likely lead to an application of a localized martial law. Is there really any meaningful difference between the situations? Protective clothing or gear capable of protecting against depleted uranium exposure is not the norm in Iraq, there is a shortage of body armor, let alone resources and gear for DU clean-up for all of our soldiers deployed in those hot zones. MOPPS suits, the chemical warfar
  • hort term effectiveness after opening, making it unwieldy in regular operations, and do not protect long term. The U.S. and coalition troops have also not been properly warned or trained to deal with depleted uranium exposure, and the effects of DU have been minimized in what instruction and training that has been given. 134 In Operations Enduring Freedom Operation Iraqi Freedom, depleted uranium munitions were u
  • ned to deal with depleted uranium exposure, and the effects of DU have been minimized in what instruction and training that has been given. 134 In Operations Enduring Freedom Operation Iraqi Freedom, depleted uranium munitions were used directly in the Afghani and Iraqi cities, amidst civilian populations, and eventually, U.S. troops occupied Saddam’s palace’s and slept in the same areas they had just previously
  • s are rotated out of Iraq on a more frequent basis than the average soldier. Furthermore, Iraq is a very arid country and suffers from lengthy and wide ranging sandstorms which serve to circulate the depleted uranium debris from the battlefields from the first Gulf War to the present, and from the “hot zones” to the cities and bases. There is no escape from it. Currently, the U.S. is fielding troops for second an


  • ers are? Perhaps they know that they are being irradiated and don’t want radiation sicknesses and DNA genetic damage. According to the 2005 documentary film DU: Beyond Treason , 136 over 2700 tons of depleted uranium munitions have been used in Iraq between the time of operations in Desert Shield and Desert Storm and also during the ongoing Operation Enduring Freedom. For comparison, 800 tons is equivalent to the
  • 5 times the normal level – the equivalent of 3 chest X-rays per hour. 138 Depleted uranium inspector and former U.S. military, Doug Rokke says about the long term disaster for the widespread usage of depleted uranium: If I can detect high levels of radioactivity in the deserts of Iraq ten years after the bombing and I can take ordinary road dust from Kosovo where children are playing 13 months after the bombings


  • nt requirement for the administration of an investigational drug to a member of the Armed Forces in connection with the member's participation in a particular military operation. 126 Campaign Against Depleted Uranium. 26 Aug. 2005 < > 127 Groves Memorandum, dated 30 Oct 1943 to Brigadier General L.R. Groves, from Drs. Conant, Comptom, and Urey. Declassified 5 June 1974 < http://ww

File: Lina - Architects of Deception - Secret History of Freemasonry (2004) -


  • t to defend itself. Pre- sumably the children and their sheep constituted a serious threat to NATO and EU. Almost half the vict ims of the Iraqi bombings have been civilians. In the war against Iraq, depleted uranium was officially used for the first time in armour-breaking missiles. These caused radiation injuries in the American soldiers as well. A group of specialists, who examined 17 war veterans, were able t
  • ojectile containing uranium explodes, intense heat is emitted, and a large portion of the ur anium is pulverised. That is the dust that American and British - as well as Iraqi - soldiers inhaled. But depleted uranium does not contain U 236. Depleted uranium is a low-grade radioactive heavy metal (2.5 times heavier than steel) obtained as a by-product when enriching uranium 235. French scientists drew another conc


  • e stressed that the Iraqi troops did not have access to such a substance. Almost half the country is polluted with radioactive dust, and large areas of arable land are destroyed. Pentagon claims that depleted uranium has a very low radiation effect. But when the United States tested this inhumane weapon in New Mexico, the military feared that the groundwater would be polluted. Not until July 2002 did it become kn
  • this inhumane weapon in New Mexico, the military feared that the groundwater would be polluted. Not until July 2002 did it become known that the Americans had polluted Iraq with close to 800 tons of depleted uranium (that is atomic waste). Andres Brahme, professor of medi cal radiation physics at Karo- linska Institutet, Stockholm, afte r the war visited hospitals in southern Iraq with children with very severe
  • war visited hospitals in southern Iraq with children with very severe deformities, such as only one eye in the middle of the forehead. He believed the defor- mities were caused by s ubstances in the depleted uranium, which had spread as clouds of dust after the explosion. The Americans and the British also used the devastating FAE (Fuel/Air Explosive) bombs against Iraqi troops. These bombs of 1000 kilos contain


  • ill with leukaemia. The suspected cause is deple- ted uranium, which has been found in many places mainly in western Kosovo. According to official informati on, each projectile contained 300 grams of depleted uranium, which means that at least 10 tons of uranium has contaminated many parts of Kosovo and Serbia. More missiles containing uranium may have been used. Unless the bombed areas are cleaned up, it will ta

File: Martin - Depopulation of a Planet - Thinning Out the Useless Eaters - An Unspoken NWO Agenda -


  • igm ine brom ide pills (ne rve age nt pre- treatm ent pills which were ad ministered involuntarily), the investigationa l botulinum toxoid vaccines (whi ch were also involuntary), anthrax v accines , depleted uranium residues principally from battlefield vehicles dam aged by depleted uranium -tipped arm or-penetrating m unitions, and to a m uch lesser extent, other environm ental hazards s uch as oil fire contam
  • nistered involuntarily), the investigationa l botulinum toxoid vaccines (whi ch were also involuntary), anthrax v accines , depleted uranium residues principally from battlefield vehicles dam aged by depleted uranium -tipped arm or-penetrating m unitions, and to a m uch lesser extent, other environm ental hazards s uch as oil fire contam ination, pesticides, petrochem icals, and electrom agnetic radiation from ra

File: New Pearl Harbor -


  • en "crushed rather than piercing through." What could create such a hole is the head of a missile. Certain missiles are specially conceived to have a piercing effect. These missiles are weighted with depleted uranium, an extremely dense metal that heats with slightest friction and renders piercing easier. These missiles are notably used to pierce bunkers. An airplane crashes and smashes. A missile


  • f missile described above — a much hotter and more instantaneous fire. >36 Suggesting that the Pentagon was hit by "one of the latest generation of AGM-type missiles, armed with a hollow charge and a depleted uranium BLU tip," Meyssan says that a missile of this type can cause "an instantaneous fire, giving off heatin excess of 3,600° Fahrenheit." And that corresponds with the fire started in the Pentagon: In tra

File: Nield, Michael - The Police State Road Map (2004) -


  • der develop ing biological weapons "that can target specific genotype s [and] may t ransform biological warfar e from the realm of terror to a politically useful too l " (156) 14.11 DEPLE TED URANIUM Depleted Uranium is a serio us health hazard when DU munitions are fired and burn up on impact. R adioact ive dust blows around in the air, enabl ing the DU to get into the body through the lungs and brok en skin. On
  • ug Rokke led a 434 m an deplet ed uranium clean up team in the first Gulf War. The entire team becam e sick from DU expo sure almost as soon as they arrived in the Gulf. In 199 4, he was appointed as depleted uranium proj ect director for the U.S. Army. Des pite his warnings of the dangers of DU exposu re, both the U.S. army and coal ition forc es 180 The Police State Road Map (March 2005 Edition) www. policestat

File: Order Out Of Chaos -


  • plus countries on the PNAC hit list. When the talking heads announce that ‘we’ are going to war just reme mber that it is not ‘we’ who will be slaughtering children. It is not ‘we’ who will be using depleted uranium ensuring another generation of deformed babi es. It is not even ‘we’ who will profit from the takeover of the oil supply. It is the global elite, notching up another sovereign country on the road to

File: Paul Joseph Watson - Order Out Of Chaos -


  • plus countries on the PNAC hit list. When the talking heads announce that ‘we’ are going to war just reme mber that it is not ‘we’ who will be slaughtering children. It is not ‘we’ who will be using depleted uranium ensuring another generation of deformed babi es. It is not even ‘we’ who will profit from the takeover of the oil supply. It is the global elite, notching up another sovereign country on the road to

File: Weapons Of Mass Deception -


  • get together on an island.’” What we will see (and see not) ROBERT FISK of the Independent is making some guesses of how the coverage of the war will go: “American and British forces use thousands of depleted uranium (DU) shells – widely regarded by 1991 veterans as the cause of Gulf War syndrome as well as thousands of child can- cers in present day Iraq – to batter their way across the Kuwaiti-Iraqi frontier. W


  • h the cheap brick walls of local homes, amputating limbs and heads.” As for what is in those weapons, The Sunday Herald in Glasgow is reporting what I have yet to see in the American press the use of depleted uranium in U.S. ordinance: Neil Mackay reports: “British and American coalition forces are using depleted uranium (DU) shells in the war against Iraq and deliberately flouting a United Nations resolution whi
  • Sunday Herald in Glasgow is reporting what I have yet to see in the American press the use of depleted uranium in U.S. ordinance: Neil Mackay reports: “British and American coalition forces are using depleted uranium (DU) shells in the war against Iraq and deliberately flouting a United Nations resolution which classifies the munitions as ille- gal weapons of mass destruction.” As you can see, making sense of the


  • any refer- ence made to the sanctions that went on for ten years, robbing so many Iraqi children of their futures, even if the regime was complicit as well in their deaths. Remember, too, the use of depleted uranium in “coalition” weapons that defiled a land that is the cradle of western civilization. Remember also how the gassing of the Kurds, so widely cited as grounds for invasion today, barely rated a con- d


  • yed the last of their banned munitions. But, whether Saddam Hus- sein is able to use such weapons or not, their deployment in Iraq appears to be imminent, for the Americans seem determined to do so.” Depleted uranium: Words we never hear AMONG the weapons being used are anti-tank shells coated with depleted uranium. The US insists they are safe. Critics contest that. The LA Times, a winner of yesterday’s Pulitzer
  • not, their deployment in Iraq appears to be imminent, for the Americans seem determined to do so.” Depleted uranium: Words we never hear AMONG the weapons being used are anti-tank shells coated with depleted uranium. The US insists they are safe. Critics contest that. The LA Times, a winner of yesterday’s Pulitzer Prize, noted on March 30th: “Although the potential human cost of the war with Iraq is obvious, not
  • tal vaccines. But the largest number of the more than half a million troops eligible for VA benefits – 436,000 – lived for months in areas of the Middle Eastern desert that had been contaminated with depleted uranium.” “We kicked the crap out of them” TOMDISPATCH.COM writes on this issue, too: “It is worth remembering that the army of 100,000- plus young men and women who will occupy Iraq for who knows how long –


  • ely hear any reference made to the sanctions that went on for ten years, rob- bing so many Iraqi children of their futures, even if the regime was complicit in their deaths. Remember, too, the use of depleted uranium in “coalition” weapons that defiled a land that is the cradle of western civilization. Remember also how the gassing of the Kurds, so widely cited as grounds for invasion today, barely rated a con- d


  • eems the only time U.S.-U.K. troops needed to wear their chem- ical warfare suits was when recovering a body from a friendly fire incident to protect them- selves from the radiation given off by U.S. depleted uranium ordnance – which, of course, the Pentagon claims is absolutely harmless. “Nor, despite many fevered media reports, have any hidden stores of Iraqi proscribed weapons come to light. Since Iraq’s alleg

File: You Are Being Lied To -


  • aminated with radioactive or hazardous waste. They worry that it could wash into the Rio Grande. During the 50 years that the lab has built and tested bombs and dumped nuclear waste, large amounts of depleted uranium and similar radionuclides have been dispersed into the area’s soil and vegetation. Environmental observers say the lab has 1500 nuclear- and hazardous- waste sites—many in canyon areas that were swep
  • cals, such as mercury, lead, and beryl - lium, will take several weeks to process, according to the federal Environmental Protection Agency . A key problem in fire-ravaged Los Alamos is the fear that depleted uranium and toxic nuclear waste may have worked their way into the atmosphere and become part of the huge plume that has been float - ing over eastern Colorado. No one knows for sure what has happened. But i
  • years, a lot of testing of high explosives has been done at the plant. It’s as a test site for these explosives that various toxic metals may have come into play. Explosives are sometimes bonded with depleted uranium. Los Alamos also manufactures bomb triggers. The Los Alamos laboratory has disposed of at least 17.5 million cubic feet of hazardous and radioactive waste in 24 areas on the site since 1944, accordin

File: John Breeding - Eyes Wide Open -


  • hildren in Baghdad with enlarged heads and huge veins bulging from their skulls and been told that this condition and other bizarre cancers and childhood diseases are linked to roughly 1,7000 tons of depleted uranium-tipped weaponry that the United States used on Iraq during both wars. The NGO Child Victims of War says that, “the number of Iraqi babies born with serious deformities has risen from 3.04 per thousan

File: Phoenix Tears - The Rick Simpson Story -


  • eedom to your nation. To make these invasions easier to accomplish and to do more lasting damage, the invading military forces they have sent do not hesitate to employ the use of weapons that contain depleted uranium, which even the United Nations calls a crime against humanity. With the use of such weapons, they will bring freedom to your country, American-style. Huge numbers of children are being born badly def
  • manity. With the use of such weapons, they will bring freedom to your country, American-style. Huge numbers of children are being born badly deformed as a result of expectant mothers being exposed to depleted uranium and other toxins that were released into the environment during the invasions of their countries. No wonder much of the rest of the world now has such disdain for the nations that inflicted these atr

File: Soldier's Manual Of Common Tasks - Skill Level 1 -


  • otect Yourself from NBC Injury/Contamination with Mission-Oriented Protective Posture (MOPP) Gear ....................................................................... 3-124 031-503-1017 Respond to Depleted Uranium ............................... 3-128 031-503-1018 React to Nuclear Ha zard/Attack ............................. 3-130 031-503-1019 React to Chemical or Biol ogical Hazard /Attack ...... 3-132 031-50


  • e Training Location Sustainment Training Frequency 031-503-1015 Protect Yourself from NBC Injury/Contamination with Mission-Oriented Protective Posture (MOPP) Gear BCT/OSUT AN 031-503-1017 Respond to Depleted Uranium BCT/OSUT AN 031-503-1018 React to Nuclear Hazard/Attack BCT/OSUT AN 031-503-1019 React to Chemical or Biological Hazard/Attack BCT/OSUT AN 031-503-1035 Protect Yourself from Chemical/Biological Conta


  • 3-128 031-503-1017 031-503-1017 Respond to Depleted Uranium Conditions: You are in a combat situation where DU munitions or weapon systems that may contain DU are in us e or may be used, given a protective mask, gloves, first-aid supplies, Graphic Training Ai


  • standard radiological contamination marker or an enemy marker. 3. You are told that fa llout is in the area. 4. You receive instructions to respond to a nuclear attack. 5. You come across a suspected depleted uranium (DU) hazard. Standards: React to a nuclear hazard or attack without becoming a casualty of a nuclear attack with or without warning. Identify radiological contamination markers with 100 percent accur


  • artment of Defense form DNA deoxyribonucleic acid DNVT digital non-secure voice terminal DODD Department of Defense directive DODI Department of Defense instruction DS2 decontaminating solution #2 DU depleted uranium EFMP Exceptional Family Members Program EO equal opportunity FEBA forward edge of the battle area FM field manual FPL final protective line FSN Federal stock number FTX field training exercise G2 a


  • ic Affairs Operations , 30 May 1997. FM 55-30, Army Motor Transport Units and Operations , (CH1, 15 September 1999), 27 June 1997. Will be revised as FM 4-01.40. Graphic Training Aids GTA 03-04-001A, Depleted Uranium Awareness , 1 October 1999. GTA 05-02-012, Coordinate Scale and Protractor (simple device), 2 January 1981. GTA 09-12-001, Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Procedures, 3 January 1992 .


  • Level I Guide, 12 December 1996 Technical Bulletins TB 9-1300-278, Guidelines for Safe Response to Handling, Storage, and Transportation Accidents Involving Army Tank Munitions or Armor Which Contain Depleted Uranium, (CH1, 23 February 2001), 21 July 1996. Technical Manuals TM 3-4240-300-10-2, Operator's Manual for Chemical-Biological Mask: Combat Vehicle, M42 (NSN 4240-01-258-0064) Small, (4240-01-258- 0065) Med

File: Soldier's Manual Of Common Tasks - Skill Levels 2, 3, 4 -


  • Location Sustainment Traini ng Frequency 031 - 503 - 1015 Protect Yourself from NBC Injury/Contamination with Mission - Oriented Protective Posture (MOPP) Gear BCT/OSUT AN 031 - 503 - 1017 Respond to Depleted Uranium BCT/OSUT AN 031 - 503 - 1018 React to Nuclear Hazard/Attack BCT/OSUT AN 031 - 503 - 1019 React to Chem ical or Biological Hazard/Attack BCT/OSUT AN 031 - 503 - 1035 Protect Yourself from Chemical/Bio


  • at. Disseminate d completed NBC 4 reports to the proper authority. Performance Steps Note . Go t o step 1 if it is a nuclear report. Go to step 2 if it is a chemical and biological (CB) report. Treat depleted uranium (DU) the same as a nuclear hazard . 1. Prepare an NBC 4 nuclear report. Note . The mandatory information in an NBC 4 nuclear r eport is the location of the reading (line Q), the dose rate (line R), a


  • division support command div division DL delay lines DNBI diseases a nd nonbattle injury DOD Department of Defense DTG date - time group DTOCSE division tactical operations center support element DU depleted uranium

File: US Army Field Manual - Field Hygiene And Sanitation -


  • e sewage and water treatment plants. Biological/radiological hazards. ï Medical waste. ï Materials used at medical research facilities. ï Radioactive isotopes. ï Substances at nuclear power plants. ï Depleted uranium. RECOGNIZE THE INJURY ï Carbon monoxide is colorless, odorless, and tasteless. It causes headache, sleepiness, coma, and death. ï Hydrogen chloride is a very irritating gas that reacts with water (bo

File: Philip J. Corso - The Day After Roswell -


  • mic generators (ion propulsion drive) - Irradiated food - Third brain guidance systems (EBE headbands) - Particle beams ("Star Wars" antimissile energy weapons) - Electromagnetic propulsion systems - Depleted uranium projectiles For each of the items on my list, General Trudeau went into his human resources file and found the names of scientists working on government defense projects or in allied research project


  • it invisible to almost all forms of detection was inspired by the Army R&D research into the skin of th e Roswell aircraft that we sectioned apart for distribution to laboratories around the country. Depleted Uranium Invisible Artillery Shells For the air force, Stealth technology meant that airc raft could approach a target invisible to radar and maintain that advantage throughout the mission. For the army, Stea


  • Gulf War. And we had a suggestion for a round that we thought could change the nature of the kinds of battles we projected we'd be fighting against the Warsaw Pact forces, a warhead fabricated out of depleted uranium. This was a way to utilize the stockpile of uranium we foresaw we'd have as a result of spent fuel from commercial nuclear reactors, reactors powering U.S. Navy vessels, and the nuclear reactors the
  • hich we knew we'd be outnumbered two or three to one by the Warsaw Pact or in China where sheer numbers alone would mean that either we'd be overwhelmed or we'd have to resort to nuclear weapons. The depleted uranium shell kept us from having to go nuclear. Privately, I suggested to General Trudeau that depl eted uranium also fulfilled our hidden agenda. It was another weapon in a potential arsenal we were buildi
  • Privately, I suggested to General Trudeau that depl eted uranium also fulfilled our hidden agenda. It was another weapon in a potential arsenal we were building against hostile extraterrestrials. If depleted uranium could penetrate armor, might the heaviness of the element enable it to penetrate the composite skin of the spacecraft, especially if the spacecraft were on the ground? I suggested that it certainly m
  • rdeen Proving Grounds in Maryland, and if it proved worthwhile, it was a weapon we should deploy. Even though the composite ceramic Stealth round is still an elusive dream in weapons development, the depleted uranium tipped war head saw action in the Gulf War, where it didn't just disable the tanks of the Iraqi Republican Guard, it exploded them into pieces. Fired from the laser range finder equipped Abrams tanks
  • tanks of the Iraqi Republican Guard, it exploded them into pieces. Fired from the laser range finder equipped Abrams tanks, TOW missile launchers, or even from Hedgehog infantry support aircraft, the depleted uranium tipped warheads wreaked havoc in the Gulf. They were one of the great weapons development successes of Army R&D that came out of what we learned from the Roswell crash. HARP - The High-Altitude Resea

File: Valdamar Valerian - Matrix III Volume 2 -


  • ense, a+r almost bvo years, that the original "Gulf War Mystery Disease" affecting hundreds of troops who returned from the Gulf War (who had symptoms of radiation poisoning) was caused by the use of depleted uranium-tipped anti-tank weapons. Now, in this stunning admission on national television (which we taped), it has been stated that U-S. mili- tary were dosed with a communicable cancer-causing virus. Now tha


  • rnment officials place the number of veterans with undiagnosed ailments at between several hundred and 2,000. Many veterans and some doctors have indicated that some of the problems are caused by the depleted uranium shells used by US anti-tank shells, pesticides and environmental contaminents. Wives and children of Gulf War veterans have also become mysteriously ill.

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