Fort Bragg

Found in 101 Books

File: 9-11 - Decent Into Tyranny -


  • : Very secretive. Carlos Lerma, the City Manager of Kingsv ille, Texas who was interviewed on February 9, 1999 stated the following: Alex Jones: We’re just curious about Ar my Special Operations from Fort Bragg coming here—Delta Force. And we’d like just basically to ask some questions about, was the public informed beforehand? Are you aware of the

File: Webster Tarpley - 9-11 Synthetic Terror -


  • related utopian military methods during the Cold War. He was one of the leading architects of the catastrophic US involvement in Vietnam. Lansdale was the founder of the US Special Warfare School at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Lansdale worked closely together with Allen Dulles, the Wall Street lawyer who became the head of the CIA during the Eisenhower administration, and who cooked up the plan for the Bay


  • hane was El Sayyid Nosai, an Egyptian fanatic. But Nosair was not just a drifting fanatic: when the police searched his apartment, “there were training manuals from the Army Special Warfare School at Fort Bragg. There were copies of teletypes that had been routed to the Secretary of the Army and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. How had Nosair come up with those? Clearly, he had a source in a sensitive position in


  • attended the Military Academy in Cairo and gained promotion in the Egyptian Special Forces and military intelligence, rising to the rank of major. In 1981 he came to train with the US green berets at Fort Bragg, North


  • dly part of Egyptian Islamic Jihad. It was four officers from Ali Mohamed’s unit who carried out the October 1981 assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat. Ali Mohamed was attending courses in Fort Bragg at the time, and he was never implicated in the plot. But, supposedly because he was considered a sympathizer with the assassins, Ali Mohamed was obliged to resign his commission. In 1984, Ali Mohame


  • gets in Nairobi for future attacks. It was led by Ali Mohamed, a former Egyptian army officer who had moved to the United States in the mid-1980s, enlisted in the US Army, and became an instructor at Fort Bragg. He had provided guidance and training to extremists at the Farouq Mosque in Brooklyn, including some who were subsequently convicted in the February 1993 attack on the World trade Center.” (68) Sinc


  • nly confirm that arrest warrants for all three had been issued by a federal grand jury empanelled to inves tigate the tragic events of September 11. The mutiny of the Delta Force battalion based near Fort Bragg, North Carolina, has been quelled by loyal troops and planes. The appeal of the rebel commander for a military rebellion against the legal government and for a military coup has been ignored. As you

File: Dan Brown - 2006 - Deception Point -

  • mestic law enforcement, or unsanctioned covertoperations. Delta Force members are handpicked from the Combat ApplicationsGroup (CAG), a classified organization within the Special Operations Command inFort Bragg, North Carolina. Delta Force soldiers are trained killers – expertsin SWAT operations, rescuing hostages, surprise raids, and elimination of covertenemy forces.Because Delta Force missions usually in

File: Deception Point -


  • unsanctioned covert operations. Delta Force members are handpicked from the Combat Applications Group (CAG), a classified organiza tion within the Special Operations Command in Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Delta Force soldiers are trained killers–expe rts in SWAT operations, rescuing hostages, surprise raids, and elimination of covert enemy forces. Because Delta Force missions usually

File: David Icke - 2002 - Alice In Wonderland And The World Trade Center Disaster -

  • eareas.” In short: operations that are above the law and off the record. Canavanwas Commanding General, Special Operations Command, Europe, and CommandingGeneral, Joint Special Operations Command, at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. InJuly 2002, the military announced that four soldiers with Special Forces basedat Fort Bragg had murdered their wives and three of the men had recentlyreturned from Afghanistan. Two

File: David Icke - 2002 - Alice In Wonderland And The World Trade Center Disaster -

  • eareas.” In short: operations that are above the law and off the record. Canavanwas Commanding General, Special Operations Command, Europe, and CommandingGeneral, Joint Special Operations Command, at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. InJuly 2002, the military announced that four soldiers with Special Forces basedat Fort Bragg had murdered their wives and three of the men had recentlyreturned from Afghanistan. Two

File: David Icke - 2007 - The David Icke Guide To The Global Conspiracy -

  • areas’. In short: operations that are above the law andoff the record. Canavan was Commanding General, Special Operations Command,Europe, and Commanding General, Joint Special Operations Command, at Fort Bragg,North Carolina. He had also been involved with the plan by the elite DeltaForces to capture Osama bin Laden. Canavan, a one-time Chief of Staff of the USEuropean Command in Stuttgart, Germany, became

  • was a textbook psychological warfare attack on the American psyche bythe nexus of mind-control and special operations personnel. The headquarters forthe US military’s psychological warfare chiefs is Fort Bragg, North Carolina,where Michael Canavan, the head of security for the Federal AviationAdministration on 9/11, was Commanding General, Joint Special OperationsCommand. The plan is to bombard the collect

File: David Icke - 2007 - The David Icke Guide To The Global Conspiracy -

  • areas’. In short: operations that are above the law andoff the record. Canavan was Commanding General, Special Operations Command,Europe, and Commanding General, Joint Special Operations Command, at Fort Bragg,North Carolina. He had also been involved with the plan by the elite DeltaForces to capture Osama bin Laden. Canavan, a one-time Chief of Staff of the USEuropean Command in Stuttgart, Germany, became

  • was a textbook psychological warfare attack on the American psyche bythe nexus of mind-control and special operations personnel. The headquarters forthe US military’s psychological warfare chiefs is Fort Bragg, North Carolina,where Michael Canavan, the head of security for the Federal AviationAdministration on 9/11, was Commanding General, Joint Special OperationsCommand. The plan is to bombard the collect

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception - Part Two -

  • andchildren. Research into the best building and urbandesigns to most enslave the population are going on at government agencies likethe Oak Ridge National Laboratory which announced in 2006 that the Fort Braggmilitary base in North Carolina would become a prototype for future cities with‘security measures’ embedded. Fort Bragg is a US psychological warfare centre.California schemingIf you are considered a

  • ly hold eight (Fig806). We see a similar story in the mass shooting at the Sikh Temple inWisconsin in 2012 (Fig 807). US mind-control programmes are run by the militaryand one of the major centres is Fort Bragg, North Carolina. It just so happensthat the man blamed for the gun attack on the Sikh temple on August 5th 2012 was40-yearold Wade Michael Page who was formerly a ‘psychological operationsspecialist’

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception -


  • dchildren. Research into the best building and urban designs to most enslave the population are going on at government agencies like the Oak Ridge National Laboratory which announced in 2006 that the Fort Bragg military base in North Carolina would become a prototype for future cities with ‘security measures’ embedded. Fort Bragg is a US psychological warfare centre. California scheming If you are considere


  • programmes are run by the military and one of the major centres is Fort Bragg, North Carolina. It just so happens that the man blamed for the gun attack on the Sikh temple on August 5th 2012 was 40-yearold Wade Michael Page who was formerly a ‘psychological operations speciali

File: David Icke - 2019 - The Trigger -


  • nal means in hostile, denied or politically sensitive areas'. In short: Operations that are above the law and off the record and involved the manipulation of perception. Canavan had been stationed at Fort Bragg, home to the US Army 4th Psychological Operations (PSYOPS) Group which had operatives working in the news division at CNN' s headquarters in Atlanta in the final days of the Kosovo War, according to

File: David Icke - 2019 - The Trigger -


  • nal means in hostile, denied or politically sensitive areas'. In short: Operations that are above the law and off the record and involved the manipulation of perception. Canavan had been stationed at Fort Bragg, home to the US Army 4th Psychological Operations (PSYOPS) Group which had operatives working in the news division at CNN' s headquarters in Atlanta in the final days of the Kosovo War, according to

File: David Icke - Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center (Chap 8-9) (2002) -


  • reas." In short: operations that are above the law and off the record. Canavan was Commanding General, Special Operations Command, Europe, and Commanding General, Joint Special Operations Command, at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. In July 2002, the military announced that four soldiers with Special Forces based at Fort Bragg had murdered their wives and three of the men had recently returned from Afghanistan.

File: David Icke - Guide To The Global Conspiracy -


  • reas'. In short: operations that are above the law and off the record. Canavan was Commanding General, Special Operations Command, Europe, and Commanding General, Joint Special Operations Command, at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. He had also been involved with the plan by the elite Delta Forces to capture Osama bin Laden. Canavan, a one-time Chief of Staff of the US European Command in Stuttgart, Germany, bec


  • na is in the background 476 warfare attack on the American psyche by the nexus of mind-control and special operations personnel. The headquarters for the US military's psychological warfare chiefs is Fort Bragg, North Carolina, where Michael Canavan, the head of security for the Federal Aviation Administration on 9 /11, was Commanding General, Joint Special Operations Command. The plan is to bombard the col


  • Made in Manchuria 497 the operatives for these operations are trained at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, which was headed by Army General Carl Stiner, whom Kay Griggs describes as an 'evil man'. She says that he, and Marine General Jim Joy, trained 'the men in black who killed those peo

File: 11_10_2005_Part 2 An Alleged 1953 UFO Crash and Burial Near Garrison, Utah -


  • entitled "The evolution of Special Forcestraining: maintaining high standards" by Joseph Lupyak stated: "In June 1952, the UnitedStates Army activated a unique unit--the 10th Special Forces Group--at Fort Bragg, N.C.The unit's primary mission, as defined by the Army, was "to infiltrate by land, sea or air,deep into enemy-occupied territory and organize the resistance/guerrilla potential toconduct Special Fo

File: 12_24_2005_Part 4 - Peculiar Phenomenon Early United States Efforts to Collect and Analyze Flying Discs -


  • entitled "The evolution of Special Forces training: maintaining highstandards" by Joseph Lupyak stated: "In June 1952, the United States Army activated aunique unit--the 10th Special Forces Group--at Fort Bragg, N.C. The unit's primarymission, as defined by the Army, was "to infiltrate by land, sea or air, deep into enemy-occupied territory and organize the resistance/guerrilla potential to conduct Special

File: Fritz Springmeier - Bloodlines Of The Illuminati - Volume 3 -

  • issed. During the Simpson trial, Judge Ito gave Joe McGinniss the bestfront-row seat that a journalist could have. Joe McGinniss was the cover-upauthor who wrote a book covering up about the McDonald-Fort Bragg Drug SmugglingCase.The McDonald-Fort Bragg Drug Smuggling Case involved the Illuminati drugsmuggling operation within the U.S. military during the Vietnam War. On and onthe stink goes. The manipulati

File: Fritz Springmeier - Bloodlines Of The Illuminati -


  • ssed. During the Simpson trial, Judge Ito gave Joe McGinniss the best front-row seat that a journalist could have. Joe McGinniss was the coverup author who wrote a book covering up about the McDonald-Fort Bragg Drug Smuggling Case. The McDonald-Fort Bragg Drug Smuggling Case involved the Illuminati drug smuggling operation within the U.S. military during the Vietnam War. On and on the stink goes. The manipu

File: Fritz Springmeier - Deeper Insights Into The Illuminati Forumula -


  • ssed. During the Simpson trial, Judge Ito gave Joe McGinniss the best front-row seat that a journalist could have. Joe McGinniss was the coverup author who wrote a book covering up about the McDonald-Fort Bragg Drug Smuggling Case. The McDonald-Fort Bragg Drug Smuggling Case involved the Illuminati drug smuggling operation within the U.S. military during the Vietnam War. On and on the stink goes. The manipu

File: Fritz Springmeier - Illuminati Bloodlines -

  • missed. During the Simpson trial, Judge Ito gave Joe McGinniss the bestfront-row seat that a journalist could have. Joe McGinniss was the coverupauthor who wrote a book covering up about the McDonald-Fort Bragg Drug SmugglingCase.The McDonald-Fort Bragg Drug Smuggling Case involved the Illuminati drugsmuggling operation within the U.S. military during the Vietnam War. On and onthe stink goes. The manipulati

File: Fritz Springmeier - Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines -


  • ssed. During the Simpson trial, Judge Ito gave Joe McGinniss the best front-row seat that a journalist could have. Joe McGinniss was the coverup author who wrote a book covering up about the McDonald-Fort Bragg Drug Smuggling Case. The McDonald-Fort Bragg Drug Smuggling Case involved the Illuminati drug smuggling operation within the U.S. military during the Vietnam War. On and on the stink goes. The manipu

File: Encyclopedia Of Alternative Medicine -


  • ww.amfoundation. org. American Holistic Medical Association, PO Box 2016, Edmonds, WA, 98020, (425) 967 0737, http://www. American Medical Marijuana Association, 17415 Ocean Dr., Fort Bragg, CA, 95437, http://americanmarijuana. org. Centre for International Ethnomedicinal Education and Research (CIEER), National Center for Complementary and Alternative Med icine Cl

File: Rawsome -


  • om Exquisite living-food workshops. Living Light House 1457 12th Street Santa Monica, California 90401 310-395-6337 Raw periodicals, education. Living Light Culinary Arts Institute 704 North Harrison Fort Bragg, California 95437 800-484-6933, ext. 6256 Cherie Soria, author of Angel Foods, teaches workshops and certificate programs for raw foods chefs. Elaina Love 51 Ord Street San Franci

File: Jim Keith - Mass Control -


  • Notes: 1. Taylor, Brice, telephone interview with Jim Keith, December 19,1998 2. Bowart, W.H. Operation Mind Control. Fort Bragg, California: Flatland, 1994; interview with Don Trainor, September, 1998; “Special Report: Mind Control Goes Public”, Chicago Health Television, 1998; Taylor, Brice, lecture for the Global Sciences C

File: Jim Keith - Mass Control -


  • Notes: 1. Taylor, Brice, telephone interview with Jim Keith, December 19,1998 2. Bowart, W.H. Operation Mind Control. Fort Bragg, California: Flatland, 1994; interview with Don Trainor, September, 1998; “Special Report: Mind Control Goes Public”, Chicago Health Television, 1998; Taylor, Brice, lecture for the Global Sciences C

File: Joseph P. Farrell - Nazi International -

  • Kenny Peace, a tow-truck driver fromMuldrow, Oklahoma who yanked the vehicle, said that immediately after this eventhe started getting a flurry of calls from a Houston attorney, a general or majorat Fort Bragg, North Carolina?, the Highway Patrol’s district office, the StateDepartment, and the Governor’s office – all telling him to immediately releasethe vehicle. They also said that Andreas Strassmeir had

File: MUFON Journal - December 1977 -


  • on Arey, Pilot — Right: Howard Dellinger, Police Officer the tower, also verified observing the radar returns of the unknowns. Ron Arey assumed that the unknowns were military helicopters heading for Fort Bragg, NC, which is southeast of Charlotte. As a matter of information, the helicopter Snoopy II is a Bell Model 206B Jetranger, with the following specifications: length - 30feet; maximum speed - 150 m.p.

File: MUFON Journal - November 2005 -


  • sly worked for the Central In- telligence Group" (CIG). Salter had also been informed by an "old friend from DOE"; «A1 Barker, on Dec. 9, 2003. He worked for the Psychological Warfare Center (PWC) in Fort Bragg. There is a remarkable coincidence here. Three separate informers ap- proached Redfern, separately, in less than two months at the end of 2003, and told him the same story! This does suggest a concer

File: MUFON Journal - October 1982 -


  • attop in the Gulf. Gustafson said "We may have uncovered a bucket. of worms." Col. Sarran called on 1 June 1982. He had no luck in locating a unit responsible for the helicopters on 29 Dec 1980. Only Fort Bragg, N.C., Fort Devens, Mass., Panama, and Europe have Quick React units. They weren't involved. Five CH-47s flew over Dayton on 22 May at 11 a.m. I-asked him if it would help to check and see where they

File: MUFON Journal - October 1992 -


  • stigation, a compass that acted normally outside of the circle would continuously swing 25-30° either side of north while in the center. The gentleman claiming to represent military in- telligence at Fort Bragg conducted a strange interview with the witnesses. Newspaper coverage of the sighting led to a local CE-4 report. Log #920806E: On March 24, 1992 at 7:35 p.m., a 33-year- old housewife, her husband an

File: Skylook - January 1974 -


  • object. The teacher hastily drove pn to Point Arena where he dropped one boy off, then after calming the rest of the kids down, started back to Gualala (a small coastal town about 50 miles south • of Fort Bragg in northern California). As they came to the crest of the same hill, they stopped, as the object was there again, only on the east side ofthe road and more distant. Some of the kids were so scared, t

File: Unconventional Warfare -


  • his determination was m ade on 28 August 2008. Other requests for this document must be referred to Commander, United States Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School, ATTN: AOJK-DTD-JA, Fort Bragg, NC 28310-9610, or by e-mail to JACommen [email protected]. DESTRUCTION NOTICE: Destroy by any method that will prevent discl osure of contents or reconstruction of the document. FOREIGN DISCLOSURE RESTRICT


  • his determination was made on 28 August 2008. Other requests for this document must be referred to Commander, United States Army Jo hn F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School, ATTN: AOJK-DTD-JA, Fort Bragg, NC 28310-9 610, or by e-mail to [email protected]. Destruction Notice: Destroy by any method that will prevent disclo sure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Foreign Disclosure Restrict


  • oponent of this manual is the United States Army John F. Kenned y Special Warfare Center and School (USAJFKSWCS). Submit comments and recommended changes to Commander, USAJFKSW CS, ATTN: AOJK-DTD-JA, Fort Bragg, NC 28310- 9610, or by e-mail to [email protected].


  • following SF units: 1st SFG(A): 1st Battalion stationed in Okinawa, the 2d and 3d Battalions and 1st SFG(A) HQ at Fort Lewis, Washington. 1st SFG( A) is responsible for the Pacific. 3d SFG(A): HQ at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. 3d SFG(A) is responsible for all o f Africa except for the Middle East and the Horn of Africa (HOA). 5th SFG(A): HQ at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. 5th SFG(A) is responsible for the Midd

File: MKULTRA - The CIA's Program of Research in Behavioral Modification (1977) -


  • 1,000 American volunteers who then participated in a series of tests designed to ascertain the effects of the drug on their ability to function as soldiers. With the exception of one set of tests at Fort Bragg, these and subsequent laboratory experiments to evaluate chemical warfare potential were conducted at the Army Chemical Warfare Laboratories, Edgewood, Maryland. In 1958 a new series of laboratory te

File: Project Mk-Ultra -


  • 1,000 American volunteers who then participated in a series of tests designed to ascertain the effects of the drug on their ability to function as soldiers. With the exception of one set of tests at Fort Bragg, these and subsequent laboratory experiments to evaluate chemical warfare potential were conducted at the Army Chemical Warfare Laboratories, Edgewood, Maryland. In 1958 a new series of laboratory te

File: Your Thoughts Are Not Your Own_ Mind contr - Neil Sanders -

  • ed the South Vietnam’s National Police, National Police Field Force,Special Police Branch and U.S. and Vietnamese conventional armed forces. U.S.Army Intelligence Phoenix advisors were trained at the Fort Bragg Institute forMilitary Assistance and assigned at various stations throughout Vietnam. By1972, Phoenix operatives had neutralised 81,740 suspected NLF supporters, ofwhom at least 26,369 were killed.Wi

File: Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier 1998 -


  • ssed. During the Simpson trial, Judge Ito gave Joe McGinniss the best front-row seat that a journalist could have. Joe McGinniss was the coverup author who wrote a book covering up about the McDonald-Fort Bragg Drug Smuggling Case. The McDonald-Fort Bragg Drug Smuggling Case involved the Illuminati drug smuggling operation within the U.S. military during the Vietnam War. On and on the stink goes. The manipu

File: bloodlines3 -


  • sed. During the Simpson trial, Judge Ito gave Joe McGinniss the best front-row seat that a journalist could have. Joe McGinniss was the cover-up author who wrote a book covering up about the McDonald-Fort Bragg Drug Smuggling Case. The McDonald-Fort Bragg Drug Smuggling Case involved the Illuminati drug smuggling operation within the U.S. military during the Vietnam War. On and on the stink goes. The manipu

File: Sorkin, Andrew Ross - Too Big to Fail (2009) -


  • sident in charge of accident and health insurance. In 1960, Cornelius Vander Starr, the founder of what would become AIG, r ecruited Greenberg to join his company. A onetime soda-fountain operator in Fort Bragg, Ca lifornia, C. V. Starr was one of the prototypical restless Americans of the early twentieth century , the kind who made their names as wildcatters, inventors, and entrepreneurs. After trying his

File: Noam Chomsky - Necessary Illusions -


  • . air base in a southern state, a semi-secret base with 17 airstrips, which they reached in Hercules C-130 transports without passing through immigration or customs, of course. The trainers were from Fort Bragg. After the 1982 Falklands/Malvinas war, the contras in Honduras lost

File: O'Harrow, Robert - No Place to Hide -


  • ies. What will happen to our private lives if we're under constant surveillance?" ON MARCH 15, 2002, at a coliseum in Fayetteville, North Carolina, President George W Bush beamed as the soldiers from Fort Bragg and their families chanted: "U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A!" The memories of the attacks six months before were fresh. The pres- ident was there to spell out his plans for a long, relentless war on ter- ror.


  • rug Administration (FDA), 286 Food Stamp program, 175 Ford, Henry, 42 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) of 1978, 14, 20, 23-24, 27 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, 20, 30, 249, 258 Fort Bragg, North Carolina, 9 Fort Holabird, Maryland, 18 Fourth Amendment of the Constitu- tion, 170-171 Franklin, Benjamin, 24 Franklin, Linda, 118 Free Congress Foundation, 21, 205 Freedom of Information law

File: Bamford, James - Body of Secrets, Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency (NSA) (2001) -


  • ears in terms of resources." To make up for the lack of additional people, Blake began yanking intercept operators from other listening posts around the world and sending them to southern Florida. At Fort Bragg, North Carolina, Army Sigint personnel attached to the 326th ASA Company •were told to drop everything and board planes for Homestead Air Base near Miami, a key listening post during the crisis. Eave

File: Bloody Treason - The Assassination of John F. Kennedy -


  • ckground on Nagell. Richard Case Nagell was born on August 5, 1930 in Greenwich Village, New York. He enlisted in the Army in 1948 on his eighteenth birthday and was assigned to paratrooper school at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Shortly after that, at the age of nineteen, he went into Army intelligence at a beginning level. He studied Russian at Fort Bragg and took an extension course in Mandarin Chinese. In

File: Body Of Secrets -


  • ears in terms of resources." To make up for the lack of additional people, Blake began yanking intercept operators from other listening posts around the world and sending them to southern Florida. At Fort Bragg, North Carolina, Army Sigint personnel attached to the 326th ASA Company were told to drop everything and board planes for Homestead Air Base near Miami, a key listening post during the crisis. Eaves

File: Body of Secrets - Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency -


  • ears in terms of resources." To make up for the lack of additional people, Blake began yanking intercept operators from other listening posts around the world and sending them to southern Florida. At Fort Bragg, North Carolina, Army Sigint personnel attached to the 326th ASA Company were told to drop everything and board planes for Homestead Air Base near Miami, a key listening post during the crisis. Eaves

File: Clayton - Life after Doomsday - A Survivalist Guide to Nuclear War and other Major Disasters (1980) -


  • ghamton, Brookhaven (within t en miles of Brookhaven National Laboratory). NORTH CAROLINA Primary: Seymour-Johnson Air Force Base at Goldsbor o (heavy bombers). Secondary: Cherry Point, Fayettevi lle(Fort Bragg), Southport, Jacksonville-Midway Park area, F t. Fisher (474N radar). Tertiary: Winston-Salem, Green sboro,* Graham, Durham, Morrisville, Raleigh, Asheville (so uth to Hendersonville), Charlotte, Wil

File: Danny Schechter - Weapons of Mass Deception -


  • ources, and hence the world’s economy. How better to get there than by turning Iraq, with proven oil reserves second only to Saudi Ara- bia’s, into the overseas address of the XVIII Air- borne Corps? Fort Braggdad has an irresistible ring to it.” Legitimate fears? THERE may be another wrinkle in why Britain is so gung-ho for a new resolution – which others see as not needed or irrelevant. TomDispatch. com,

File: David Icke - Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center (Chap 8-9) (2002) -


  • e areas." In short:operations that are above the law and off the record. Canavan was CommandingGeneral, Special Operations Command, Europe, and Commanding General, JointSpecial Operations Command, at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. In July 2002, themilitary announced that four soldiers with Special Forces based at Fort Bragg hadmurdered their wives and three of the men had recently returned from Afghanistan.Two

File: FINAL WARNING - A History of the New World Order (2004) -


  • lesinger, in July, 1974, believing the Washington contingent of Marines to be the probable force used in a coup attempt, began developing a strategy to bring in the Army’s 82nd Airborne Division from Fort Bragg, North Carolina. On August 2, 1974, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger admitted that General Haig had informed him that Nixon was considering the idea of surrounding the White House with troops. In a

File: Final Judgment - Missing Link in JFK Assassination Conspiracy -


  • o think he was a true Com munist or Nazi and the creation of an organization which was to be a large, well - organized unit, but which was composed of only one man — FRANKHAUSER. FRANKHAUSER'S aim at Fort Bragg was to get the Klans of the North together with the Klans of the South to g ive the United States government the opportunity to destroy these organizations.' "During the 1960s, Minutemen were involve

File: Final Warning - A History of the New World Order by David Allen Rivera -


  • esinger, in July, 1974, believing the Washington contingent of Marine s to be the probable force used in a coup attempt, began developing a strategy to bring in the Army’s 82nd Airborne Division from Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

File: Final Warning - History Of The New World Order -


  • lesinger, in July, 1974, believing the Washington contingent of Marines to be the probable force used in a coup attempt, began developing a strategy to bring in the Army's 82nd Airborne Division from Fort Bragg, North Carolina. On August 2, 1974, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger admitted that General Haig had informed him that Nixon was considering the idea of surrounding the White House with troops. In a

File: Franklin Cover-Up - John DeCamp -

File: Franklin Cover-up - John DeCamp -


  • h's parents commend Paul Bonacci as an accurate witness relative to that crime. • Training under "Captain Foster" (survival skills) at Fort Riley, Kansas, under "Lt. Dave Bannister" (intelligence) at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, under "Col. Harris Livik" at Fort Defiance, Virginia, who is said to run a military school and to have housed "Monarch" boys. "Col. Bill Risher" of Bamberg, South Carolina, is said t


  • am A., 130, 134 Fitzwater, Marlin, 39 Flanagan, Michael, 116, 122, 146-8 Flanery, James Allen, 58, 170, 322 Fletcher, Philip B., 158 Forbes, Steve, 149 Forbes magazine, 149,231 Ford, Gerald, 253, 380 Fort Bragg (N.C.), 330 Fort Calhoun (Nebraska), 5, 9, 13, 72,75 Fort Defiance (Va.), 330 Fort Riley (Ks.), 330 Fortune magazine, 148 48 Hours, 244, 315-316 Foster Care Review Board (see Ne­ braska) Foxall, Pitm

File: Killing Hope -


  • well: f our Am erican air men, presum ably intelligence oper ative s, landing in Hungary 12 ... In 1955, Eastern Europeans could be found at Fort Bragg, North Carolina training with the Green Berets, learning guerrilla warfare tactics, hopefully to be used in their native lands. 13 By the following year, hundreds of Hunga rians, Rum anians, Poles an


  • umba Un iversity in Mo scow, it mo un ted a massiv e pu blicity c ampaign to discou rag e other Sou th Am erican families fro m send ing their y oungsters to the Sov iet Uni on. 80 28. Peru 1960-1965 Fort Bragg moves to the jungle It was a CIA drea m com e true. A c omm ando ra id by anti-C astro Cubans upon the Cuban Em bassy in Lim a had uncovered docum entary proof that Cuba had paid out "hundreds of tho

File: Kwitny, J. - The Crimes of Patriots, A True Tale of Dope Dirty Money and the CIA (1987) -


  • om California in 1962 that he wa s managing a swim and sports school in the swank Los Angeles suburb of Palos Verdes Estates. The next year, Hand wrote back that he was taking Green Beret training at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. The record shows he enlisted in the army in May 1963. In Vietnam, Hand won a Silver Star, a Purple Heart, and the Distinguished Service Cross, second only to the Congressional Medal


  • ts abroad. Then came still more material, showing that Patry Loomis and other Wilson agents were hiring U.S. Green Berets for Qaddafi. Some U.S. Army men were literally lured away from the doorway of Fort Bragg, thei r North Carolina training post. The GIs were given every reason to believe that the oper ation summoning them was being carried out with the full backing of the CIA—and they made the transition


  • le, Farris had parted company w ith Georgetown Law School for reasons neither would disclose. But Farris was bus y— "doing some consulting," he said. He wouldn't say on what. But the consultee was at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, the U.S. Army Special Forces headquarters. Farris was reached through the Fort switchboard. There is no question that Nugan Hand bilked American citizens living on American soil.


  • ent to hell." The Jour nal, at that early stage, was unaware of the American deposit-taking. George Farris, the Nugan Hand Washington representative who was reached in 1982 through the switchboard at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, where he was on secret assignment for the army, remembered Beazley in charge of the company. "After Frank Nugan's death, all things came out over Beazley's signature," Farris said. T

File: Livingstone, David - Terrorism and the Illuminati, A 3000 Year History (2007) -


  • to obtain a U.S. visa, marry an American woman, and become an American citizen. Until 1989, he was lecturing on the Middle East at the U.S. Army’s John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School at Fort Bragg. In 2000, he admitted involvement in the bombing of the embassies in Africa. Though his relationship with the FBI and the CIA remain shrouded in secrecy, a close friend of his, obstetrician Ali Zaki,

File: NATO's Secret Armies - Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe -


  • eign' headdress caused much concern for many senior US Army officers. And it was only when President Kenne dy, a great enthusiast of covert action and Special Forces, approved it durin g his visit to Fort Bragg, head- quarters of US Special Forces, in October 1961 that the insignia were officially established in the United States and ever since stu ck as the label for the most prominent branch of the many U


  • gn from Kenya to Northern Ireland, Oman, Vietnam, Yemen, Cyprus and other countries. Former Green Berets officer Luke Thomson explained in fron t of the camera to the public that US Special Forces at Fort Bragg share a recipr ocal training programme with the SAS. Whereupon journalist Richard Norton Taylor , British producer of 'The Unleashing of Evil' and prominent reporter during t he Gladio scandal two ye


  • he SAS they trained the members of the stay-behind network . After the US wartime secret service OSS had been disbanded after the end of the war the US Special Forces were reborn with headquarters at Fort Bragg, Virginia, in 1952. General McClure established a Psychological Warfare Centre in Fort Bragg and in the sum- mer of 1952 the first Special Forces unit, somewhat misleadingly called the 10th Special F


  • hoot, and then you go and see who lies on the grou nd.' 35 At all times the US Special Forces collaborated clo sely with the covert action department of the CIA. As the Special Forces were s et up in Fort Bragg in 1952 the name of the CIA covert action branch changed fr om 'OPC to 'Directorate of Plans' (DP), and Wisner was promoted Deputy Directo r for Plans. Together with CIA Director Allen Dulles he inte


  • eir colleagues in the secret armies of other countries were secretly trained in the United Slates, presumably at CIA covert action training centres or at the hea dquarters of the US Special Forces in Fort Bragg. 'Several members of the Danis h Gladio allegedly took part in CIA training courses relating to intelligence an d sabotage in the United States', the Danish press revealed without giving the exact lo


  • uctor Sven Blindheim in 1952 had absolved CIA Gladio training courses in the Uni ted States, presumably together with the Green Berets Special Forces at the US head quarters for unorthodox warfare in Fort Bragg. 34 Judged from Blindheim's minutes, Bye and Sjue relat e that 'the essence of the CIA teaching can be summed up in the "10 clandestin e commandments"' which explicitly stressed that the secret armie

File: NATO's Secret Armies -


  • eign' headdress caused much concern for many senior US Army officers. And it was only when President Kenne dy, a great enthusiast of covert action and Special Forces, approved it durin g his visit to Fort Bragg, head- quarters of US Special Forces, in October 1961 that the insignia were officially established in the United States and ever since stu ck as the label for the most prominent branch of the many U


  • gn from Kenya to Northern Ireland, Oman, Vietnam, Yemen, Cyprus and other countries. Former Green Berets officer Luke Thomson explained in fron t of the camera to the public that US Special Forces at Fort Bragg share a recipr ocal training programme with the SAS. Whereupon journalist Richard Norton Taylor , British producer of 'The Unleashing of Evil' and prominent reporter during t he Gladio scandal two ye


  • he SAS they trained the members of the stay-behind network . After the US wartime secret service OSS had been disbanded after the end of the war the US Special Forces were reborn with headquarters at Fort Bragg, Virginia, in 1952. General McClure established a Psychological Warfare Centre in Fort Bragg and in the sum- mer of 1952 the first Special Forces unit, somewhat misleadingly called the 10th Special F


  • hoot, and then you go and see who lies on the grou nd.' 35 At all times the US Special Forces collaborated clo sely with the covert action department of the CIA. As the Special Forces were s et up in Fort Bragg in 1952 the name of the CIA covert action branch changed fr om 'OPC to 'Directorate of Plans' (DP), and Wisner was promoted Deputy Directo r for Plans. Together with CIA Director Allen Dulles he inte


  • eir colleagues in the secret armies of other countries were secretly trained in the United Slates, presumably at CIA covert action training centres or at the hea dquarters of the US Special Forces in Fort Bragg. 'Several members of the Danis h Gladio allegedly took part in CIA training courses relating to intelligence an d sabotage in the United States', the Danish press revealed without giving the exact lo


  • uctor Sven Blindheim in 1952 had absolved CIA Gladio training courses in the Uni ted States, presumably together with the Green Berets Special Forces at the US head quarters for unorthodox warfare in Fort Bragg. 34 Judged from Blindheim's minutes, Bye and Sjue relat e that 'the essence of the CIA teaching can be summed up in the "10 clandestin e commandments"' which explicitly stressed that the secret armie

File: Nazi Hydra In America -


  • tial slots such as biological, chemical or atomic warfare specialists. Others were used as translators and were posted to the Defense Language School in Monerey, California. The remainder was sent to Fort Bragg, North Carolina for special guerrilla training and became the nucleus of the Green Berets. This is the reason for the Nazi style racism that was prevalent in the early Green Berets. By 1952 only 211

File: New Underworld Order -


  • ive) and the Deputy Undersecretary for Intelligence, Lieutenant General William G. Boykin. Th ese Pentagon- controlled units, operating primarily out of the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and Fort Drum, New York, were reported to be active in Latin America, especially in Colombia, where they have been linked to the smuggling of cocaine in order to finance 'off-the-boo


  • Albany: FEMA detention facility. Otisville: Federal correctional. Buffalo: FEMA detention centre. NORTH CAROLINA: Camp Lejeune, New River Marine Airfield: Renovated World War II detention compounds. Fort Bragg: Renovated World War II detention centre. Andrews: Federal experiment in placing small town under siege. NORTH DAKOTA: Minot Air Force base: Home of Air Group. OHIO: Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus,

File: Order Out Of Chaos -


  • ghanistan and Sudan. In 1984 he was identified as a terrorist by the CIA. I presume this is why he was issued a visa and became an American citizen, subseque ntly joining the army and being posted to Fort Bragg, N. C., home of the elite S pecial Forces. Mohamed’s commanding officer t. Col. Robert Ander son noticed his suspicious behavior, Anderson said he wrote detailed reports aimed at getting Army intelli

File: PNAC - Rebuilding America's Defenses -


  • e units, the biggest challenge is the availability of parts, even in such a time of repair and recovery. At Camp Lejuene, North Carolina, maintenance officers and NCOs make near-daily trips to nearby Fort Bragg to get parts for inoperable vehicles such as the battalion’s High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles (HMMWV). In part because the Marines have the oldest version of the HMMWV, no longer made for

File: Paul Joseph Watson - Order Out Of Chaos -


  • ghanistan and Sudan. In 1984 he was identified as a terrorist by the CIA. I presume this is why he was issued a visa and became an American citizen, subseque ntly joining the army and being posted to Fort Bragg, N. C., home of the elite S pecial Forces. Mohamed’s commanding officer t. Col. Robert Ander son noticed his suspicious behavior, Anderson said he wrote detailed reports aimed at getting Army intelli

File: Pegasus File -


  • ontrollers" (the USAF equivalent of Special Forces), receiving his distinctive Sp ecial Forces burgundy-co loured beret. From there he was assigned to Tinke r Air Force Base, Oklahoma, and then on to Fort Bragg, North Carolina - home of the "Green Berets" - for training in C4 plastic explosives, mines, nuclear, biological and chemical warf are, plus indoctrina tion in electronic and psychological operations


  • even though officials in the Pentagon continue to deny it - as they de ny the wing's role in Grenada. Malone, in a telephone conversation with this writer, advised that the 160th is now stationed at Fort Bragg, North Carolina - home of the famous Special Forces, the Green Berets. Their mission is to fly "Delta teams" on covert assignments, Malone added. THE CONTRA COCAINE TRAIN During 1983, Colby establish

File: Propaganda and Mass Persuasion-1576078205 -


  • ributed by American troops to the V ietnamese. Leaflets played a role in the Gulf W ar of 1991–1992, as well as the war in Afghanistan in 2001. The Fourth Psychologi- cal Operations (Psyops) Group at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, which is part of the U.S. Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Opera- tions Command, prepared a leaflet campaign for use in Afghanistan. These days such leaflets are tested on focus

File: Scahill, Jeremy - Blackwater, The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army (2007) -


  • o the CIA, was headquartered in Johnston County, North Carolina, which "was deliberately located near Pope Air Force Base, where the CIA pilots could pick up paramilitary operatives who were based at Fort Bragg [home of the Special Forces]. The proximity to such an important military base was convenient for other reasons, too. That supported our principal cover,' one former pilot [said], 'which was, we were


  • 258 BLACKWATER Airfield at Fort Bragg, and Blackstone Army Airfield near Fort Pickett. Its last reported flight was in September 2006, when it was headed from Goose Bay, Newfoundland, a NATO and Canadian Air Force Base, to Narsarsuaq, Gr


  • , Santos, 208 Flowers, Garry, 156 Fluor, 156, 227, 327 Focus on the Family, 8-9, 23 Foley, Tom, 80 force protection aviation routes and, 240 defined, 43 training in, 40, 41 Forero, luan Carlos, 203-4 Fort Bragg, 257 Foundation for Defense of Democracies, 351 Francis, David J., 246 FRC. See Family Research Council "Free Iraq" forces, 77 Freiheit Foundation, 17 Friedman, Thomas, 163 Frist, Bill, 17 Frowick, R

File: Secret Team - The CIA And Its Allies In Control Of The United States And The World -


  • reasing opposition to the incumbent President, so an Agency man was introduced into the country as an Army Colonel. He was a Special Forces officer and well known in the U.S. Army as an instructor at Fort Bragg. Actually, he had been at Fort Bragg in the John F. Kennedy Center on a CIA cover assignment. He had been in the Army during World War II and he had a bona fide Reserve commission. Technically, he wa


  • e president did not know him either. The Agency planned to keep them working independently so that it could cross-check their reports. The "major" had met the Army Colonel during airdrop exercises at Fort Bragg, but he thought he was a real Army Special Forces instructor and did not know that he, too, was a CIA career man. The Agency gave him clearance to work with the Colonel very closely and cleared the C


  • al police or the border patrol. They may not have the means to cope with the uprising and may ask the government to help them. At this point the armed forces may recall their civic action training at Fort Bragg or in Panama and they may ask the U.S. military mission personnel to assist them. No country likes to admit that it has some internal problems, so they quite readily call the banditry "subversive ins


  • school. Later, we shall look into some of the language of their doctrine and training manuals to see how influential this material became later in the hands of the ST. Not only at Fort Gordon but at Fort Bragg the Army was nursing along the tiny detachment of Special Forces, which had all but gone out of existence. However, by late 1949 and into the 1950s these small first stirrings became major forces. Th


  • It was found that the Agency was in fact doing some demolitions and explosives training with a special group of foreign agents whom they did not want to expose at the Special Forces training site at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. The Agency was taking these men, from time to time, from Fort Bragg to this abandoned Navy base where it had set up some special training for them. Then the Office of Special Operati


  • ort Monroe, Virginia, and was brought into the Pentagon where a select team of CIA-experienced officers and civilians worked it over into the new curriculum for the U.S. Army Special Forces school at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. At the same time, action directly related to the above-mentioned projects was taking place at the highest levels of government. A special Presidential committee had been formed early


  • r initial action before Kennedy was inaugurated. The timing was important, and it was very cleverly arranged. Ordinarily, any major policy change and curriculum change in the Special Forces school at Fort Bragg would have been processed through the Continental Army Command at Fort Monroe, Virginia -- the next higher headquarters. However, this new curriculum was not shown to the Continental Army Command. It


  • rriculum and the resurgence of the Green Berets.) The Secretary of Defense was unable to make this trip, but in his place he designated his most experienced and able deputy, James Douglas. He flew to Fort Bragg to see the rejuvenated Special Forces and the school where Green Beret volunteers and foreign students from all over the world were attending classes featuring the new curriculum. Mr. Douglas found t


  • ves to their environment. Most of them had seldom if ever been in the Pentagon before. While this transition was under way, the ST was moving rapidly with its new concepts and policies. The school at Fort Bragg was being rapidly expanded, and at the many MAAC headquarters all over the world the planned training program for civic action began to be implemented. New troubles broke out in Laos, and things bega


  • program was picking up volume and momentum. Thousands of foreigners from all forty countries converged upon the United States for training and indoctrination. The new curriculum was either the one at Fort Bragg or like it. The Army interest in political-social-economic programs, under the general concept of "nation building", was gaining momentum. For every class of foreigners who were trained and indoctrin


  • of which has been quite ominous. Anyone who doubts that this nation building and police activity has not become real and very effective right here in the United States need only visit the area around Fort Bragg to find one of these early paramilitary CIA-oriented specialists, General Tolson, sending his American soldiers out into the countryside with nation-building programs for the citizens of the United S


  • it was effective. Some of the men who were called to talk about the tactics of the Bay of Pigs had not been connected with it at all, but were Special Forces men from the Army Staff or directly from Fort Bragg. Bobby Kennedy emerged from the incessant catechism of the "truths" ready to soak up the doctrine of counterinsurgency. This was to be the new watchword. The Kennedy Administration became hooked on c


  • lexible response," 384 Florida, 382, 387, 388, 389 Flying Tigers, 299 Foreign Affairs , 190, 192, 194-95, 199-200 Formosa, secret CIA bases on, 94-95 Forrestal, James, 132-33, 208 Forrestal, Mike, 14 Fort Bragg, 363, 385 Fort Gulick (Panama), 43 "Fourth Force," 214 France, 74, 171-74 Frost, Adm. Luther H., 140 Funding of CIA, 186-87, 382-83 Central Intelligence Act (1949) and, 274, 275-78 Galbraith, John Ke

File: Terrorism And The Illuminati - A Three Thousand Year History -


  • to obtain a U.S. visa, marry an American woman, and become an American citizen. Until 1989, he was lecturing on the Middle East at the U.S. Army’s John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School at Fort Bragg. In 2000, he admitted involvement in the bombing of the embassies in Africa. Though his relationship with the FBI and the CIA remain shrouded in secrecy, a close friend of his, obstetrician Ali Zaki,

File: Terrorism Of The Illuminati -


  • to obtain a U.S. visa, marry an American woman, and become an American citizen. Until 1989, he was lecturing on the Middle East at the U.S. Army’s John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School at Fort Bragg. In 2000, he admitted involvement in the bombing of the embassies in Africa. Though his relationship with the FBI and the CIA remain shrouded in secrecy, a close friend of his, obstetrician Ali Zaki,

File: Tuckett - Conspiracy Theories (semi-serious) (2004) -


  • inquiries with the response that “operations were being performed.” The lighting condi- tions and tall buildings meant that Charlotte was an ideal location for the exercises to be carried out, unlike Fort Bragg, center ofthe U.S. Army’s Special Operations Com- mand. And the fact that the area was thinly populated and commercial meant that the setting was lifelike, without en- dangering civilians and soldier

File: Weapons Of Mass Deception -


  • ources, and hence the world’s economy. How better to get there than by turning Iraq, with proven oil reserves second only to Saudi Ara- bia’s, into the overseas address of the XVIII Air- borne Corps? Fort Braggdad has an irresistible ring to it.” Legitimate fears? THERE may be another wrinkle in why Britain is so gung-ho for a new resolution – which others see as not needed or irrelevant. TomDispatch. com,

File: Webster Griffin Tarpley - 9-11 Synthetic Terrorism - Made in USA -


  • related utopian military methods during the Cold War. He was one of the leading architects of the catastrophic US involvement in Vietnam. Lansdale was the founder of the US Special Warfare School at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Lansdale worked closely together with Allen Dulles, the Wall Street lawyer who became the head of the CIA during the Eisenhower administration, and who cooked up the plan for the Bay


  • hane was El Sayyid Nosai, an Egyptian fanatic. But Nosair was not just a drifting fanatic: when the police searched his apartment, “there were training manuals from the Army Special Warfare School at Fort Bragg. There were copies of teletypes that had been routed to the Secretary of the Army and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. How had Nosair come up with those? Clearly, he had a source in a sensitive position in


  • attended the Military Academy in Cairo and gained promotion in the Egyptian Special Forces and military intelligence, rising to the rank of major. In 1981 he came to train with the US green berets at Fort Bragg, North


  • dly part of Egyptian Islamic Jihad. It was four officers from Ali Mohamed’s unit who carried out the October 1981 assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat. Ali Mohamed was attending courses in Fort Bragg at the time, and he was never implicated in the plot. But, supposedly because he was considered a sympathizer with the assassins, Ali Mohamed was obliged to resign his commission. In 1984, Ali Mohame


  • gets in Nairobi for future attacks. It was led by Ali Mohamed, a former Egyptian army officer who had moved to the United States in the mid-1980s, enlisted in the US Army, and became an instructor at Fort Bragg. He had provided guidance and training to extremists at the Farouq Mosque in Brooklyn, including some who were subsequently convicted in the February 1993 attack on the World trade Center.” (68) Sinc


  • nly confirm that arrest warrants for all three had been issued by a federal grand jury empanelled to inves tigate the tragic events of September 11. The mutiny of the Delta Force battalion based near Fort Bragg, North Carolina, has been quelled by loyal troops and planes. The appeal of the rebel commander for a military rebellion against the legal government and for a military coup has been ignored. As you

File: Webster Tarpley - 9-11 Synthetic Terror -


  • related utopian military methods during the Cold War. He was one of the leading architects of the catastrophic US involvement in Vietnam. Lansdale was the founder of the US Special Warfare School at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Lansdale worked closely together with Allen Dulles, the Wall Street lawyer who became the head of the CIA during the Eisenhower administration, and who cooked up the plan for the Bay


  • hane was El Sayyid Nosai, an Egyptian fanatic. But Nosair was not just a drifting fanatic: when the police searched his apartment, “there were training manuals from the Army Special Warfare School at Fort Bragg. There were copies of teletypes that had been routed to the Secretary of the Army and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. How had Nosair come up with those? Clearly, he had a source in a sensitive position in


  • attended the Military Academy in Cairo and gained promotion in the Egyptian Special Forces and military intelligence, rising to the rank of major. In 1981 he came to train with the US green berets at Fort Bragg, North


  • dly part of Egyptian Islamic Jihad. It was four officers from Ali Mohamed’s unit who carried out the October 1981 assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat. Ali Mohamed was attending courses in Fort Bragg at the time, and he was never implicated in the plot. But, supposedly because he was considered a sympathizer with the assassins, Ali Mohamed was obliged to resign his commission. In 1984, Ali Mohame


  • gets in Nairobi for future attacks. It was led by Ali Mohamed, a former Egyptian army officer who had moved to the United States in the mid-1980s, enlisted in the US Army, and became an instructor at Fort Bragg. He had provided guidance and training to extremists at the Farouq Mosque in Brooklyn, including some who were subsequently convicted in the February 1993 attack on the World trade Center.” (68) Sinc


  • nly confirm that arrest warrants for all three had been issued by a federal grand jury empanelled to inves tigate the tragic events of September 11. The mutiny of the Delta Force battalion based near Fort Bragg, North Carolina, has been quelled by loyal troops and planes. The appeal of the rebel commander for a military rebellion against the legal government and for a military coup has been ignored. As you

File: You Are Being Lied To -


  • ly, they would have worked on stories during the Kosovo war . They helped in the pro - duction of news.” The military CNN-personnel belonged to the Fourth Psychological Operations Group, stationed at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. One of the main tasks of this group of almost 1200 soldiers and officers is to spread “selected information.” When CNN found out about the Dutch newspaper story and a later commentar


  • 96, letter to Senator Charles Robb—unearthed recently by the Irish Echo —John E. Collingwood, head of the FBI’s Public and Congressional A f fairs office, revealed that, “two SAS soldiers visiting at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, requested and were granted a courtesy visit. The main purpose...was to experience how the FBI operated its command post. They were shown the relationship of the FBI’s command post to


  • oint of his own work.) The program was formed in partnership with the Center for the Prevention of School Violence, founded by North Carolina Governor James B. Hunt, Jr. North Carolina is the home of Fort Bragg, loca - tion of the Army’s Psychological Warfare division, whose official job is to influence public opinion in enemy territory. In another incredible coincidence, the group’s name echoes that of the


  • Reich vs the USA. New Y ork: Norton. 2. Courtois, Stéphan, et al. (1999). The black book of communism . Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 3. Martin, Jim. (2000). Wilhelm Reich and the Cold W a r . Fort Bragg, CA: Flatland, p 279f f . 4. W einstein, Allen & Alexander Vassiliev. (1999). The haunted wood: Soviet espionage in America—the Stalin era. New Y ork: Random House, p 142. 5. Goodman, Walter . (1964)

File: Richard Dolan - UFOs and the National Security State - Volume 2 -

  • mallaircraft, it made no sound. It left no traces in the fields and woods where ithad been.Later that morning, presumably the same object was reported in Hoke County,northwest of St. Paul’s, near the Fort Bragg Military Reservation. Police therefollowed a lighted V-shaped craft as it traveled east into Cumberland County. Itcontinued east into Sampson County to the town of Roseboro. An officer therenamed Jim

  • e FAA control towerwhether they were painting any radar targets in the area. FAA operatorsconfirmed two unknowns. The police officers assumed they had just encounteredmilitary helicopters heading for Fort Bragg.Moments later, the officers again saw two lighted objects approaching them. Asif to make a point, one of them shot upward at a 45 degree angle to an estimated4,000 feet within three seconds (roughly

  • . 35 [The_Cover-Up_Exposed%2c_1973-1991_split_015.html#filepos1773477] Hewas trained at the infamous School of the Americas at Fort Gulick (Panama) andFort Benning (Georgia), and trained in psyops at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Foryears he had acted as a back channel to the communist government of Fidel Castroin Cuba, and was described by an Air Force colonel as “the best source ofinformation the United Sta

File: Church of Satan (2002) -


  • ad performed a Satanic Mass on the site, so now I wrote to Seago: Janet and I were very intrigued by the report of your visit to the “Devil’s Tramping Ground”. In March of IV, when I was stationed at Fort Bragg, we also drove up there to i nspect it - as a consequence, I suspect, of reading that same book which pricked your curiosity. We didn’t stay the night, but we did celebrate a suitable ceremony at the


  • obled by age, and strike out in opinion-directions that might run drastically askew of the norm. Perhaps I was influenced in my choice by the time which I spent in the Psychological Warfare School at Fort Bragg. There we learned to ferret out and lay bare all the devices of the skilled propagandist, and we used both conte mporary news publications and historical texts for exercise. You would be shocked at h


  • l goblet is from the famous Dev il-crowned Nepenthe in C alifornia’s Big Sur, while the smaller silver one at right came from the original G reen Beret Bookstore on Smoke Bomb Hill at the U.S. Army’s Fort Bragg, North Carolina, 1968. R esting on the altar is a silver Italian sword with nude-female hilt, consecrated by Anton LaVey. If the Baphomet looks unusual, it is because I attempted a variation on the B

File: Church of Satan (2009) -


  • right up to the moment when the High Priest of the Church of Satan walked through the door - whereupon said minister turned sickly white, left abruptly, and was never heard from by us again. Back at Fort Bragg, North Carolina Janet and I sent in our applications. A personal letter of welcome arrived from Anton LaVey a short time later: I am most impressed with the data on your questionnaires and wish to ta


  • e Army Medical Service Corps and served eighteen years as a clinical psychologist. He performed such special assignments as Chairman of the Intelligence Committee of the Psychological Warfare School, Fort Bragg; and he served overseas with the 7th Infantry Division in Korea and the 8th Army in Japan. He finally retired as a Lieutenant Colonel to become Director of a Community Mental Health Clinic in the Den


  • ad performed a Satanic Mass on the site, so now I wrote to Seago: Janet and I were very intrigued by the report of your visit to the “Devil’s Tramping Ground”. In March of IV, when I was stationed at Fort Bragg, we also drove up there to inspect it - as a consequence, I suspect, of reading that same book which pricked your curiosity. We didn’t stay the night, but we did celebrate a suitable ceremony at the


  • obled by age, and strike out in opinion-directions that might run drastically askew of the norm. Perhaps I was influenced in my choice by the time which I spent in the Psychological Warfare School at Fort Bragg. There we learned to ferret out and lay bare all the devices of the skilled propagandist, and we used both contemporary news publications and historical texts for exercise. You would be shocked at ho


  • stal goblet is from the famous Devil-crowned Nepenthe in California’s Big Sur, while the smaller silver one at right came from the original Green Beret Bookstore on Smoke Bomb Hill at the U.S. Army’s Fort Bragg, North Carolina, 1968. Resting on the altar is a silver Italian sword with nude-female hilt, consecrated by Anton LaVey. If the Baphomet looks unusual, it is because I attempted a variation on the Be

File: Michael Aquino - Church of Satan - Volume I -

  • on: Little, Brown & Company, 1965, pages#142-143.- 50 -Church of Satan walked through the door - whereupon said minister turned sicklywhite, left abruptly, andwas never heard from by us again.Back at Fort Bragg, North Carolina Janet and I sent in our applications. Apersonal letter of welcomearrived from Anton LaVey a short time later:I am most impressed with the data on your questionnaires and wish to take

  • o the Army MedicalService Corps and servedeighteen years as a clinical psychologist. He performed such special assignmentsas Chairman of theIntelligence Committee of the Psychological Warfare School, Fort Bragg; and heserved overseas with the7th Infantry Division in Korea and the 8th Army in Japan. He finally retired asa Lieutenant Colonel tobecome Director of a Community Mental Health Clinic in the Denver

  • I had performed a Satanic Mass on the site, so now Iwrote to Seago:Janet and I were very intrigued by the report of your visit to the “Devil’sTramping Ground”. In Marchof IV, when I was stationed at Fort Bragg, we also drove up there to inspect it- as a consequence, I suspect,of reading that same book which pricked your curiosity. We didn’t stay thenight, but we did celebrate asuitable ceremony at the site

  • a ennobled byage, and strike out inopinion-directions that might run drastically askew of the norm.Perhaps I was influenced in my choice by the time which I spent in thePsychological Warfare Schoolat Fort Bragg. There we learned to ferret out and lay bare all the devices ofthe skilled propagandist, andwe used both contemporary news publications and historical texts for exercise.You would be shocked athow vu

  • crystal goblet is from the famous Devil-crownedNepenthe inCalifornia’s Big Sur, while the smaller silver one at right came from theoriginal Green BeretBookstore on Smoke Bomb Hill at the U.S. Army’s Fort Bragg, North Carolina,1968. Resting on thealtar is a silver Italian sword with nude-female hilt, consecrated by AntonLaVey. If the Baphometlooks unusual, it is because I attempted a variation on the Bessy

File: Michael Aquino - Extreme Prejudice - The Presidio Satanic Abuse Scam -

  • nd animal sacrifices. Photographs the children say were taken have neverbeenfound. Supposed murder victim, have turned up alive. “It’s difficult with4-year-olds,”said an investigator connected to the Fort Bragg case. “Our problem is to try tosort outwhat’s real and what’s imagined.”The human toll of these investigations, wherever they have led, has been high.• The daughters of a Sacramento restaurant manage

  • e Presidio would try for a piece of the action.Barbara and Sharon Orr, according to a major national studyconducted by the Memphis Commercial Appeal, were two sisters whooperated a day-care center in Fort Bragg, California. In January 1985, atthe height of the scam-epidemic, they were suddenly attacked by theusual collection of parents and “therapists”.Under the usual, Debbie Hickey-kind of “therapy”, child

File: Michael Aquino - FindFar -

  • k:Ballantine Books, 1971.Schneider, Al, The Theory and Practice of MagicDeception. CreateSpace, 2011.Seese, Major Gregory S., “Science of Influence: A Primerfor Psychological Operations”. Fort Bragg, N.C.: JohnF. Kennedy Special Warfare Center & School, 2013.Sibley, Mulford Q., Political Ideas and Ideologies: AHistory of Political Thought. New York: Harper &Row, 1970.Somit, Albert, Political Sci

File: Michael Aquino - Ghost Rides -

  • okletbeing distributed to West Point and ROTC campusesextolling Infantry as a career-choice. I could see thathis house PSYOP officer was about to be volunteeredon behalf of Armor/Cavalry.I cracked my Fort Bragg knuckles and saluted. Ashort time later Armor had a booklet far zestier thanInfantry’s - full-color, overflowing with maps, units,photographs, and personal welcomes by all the BigBrass. Unfortunately

  • r to create new life, forwhich men are only momentary necessities.72 The serial number of each awarded Yarborough is recordedin the Special Forces Museum of the John F. Kennedy SpecialWarfare Center, Fort Bragg, NC. Mine is #0164.73 The talisman of national power, it is placed on the dais of theHouse of Representatives when Congres is in session.- 230 -powerful but were secretly all subject to the power,aut

File: Michael Aquino - MindWar -


  • old (New York: Pocket Books, 1963). “[U.S. Army PSYOP includes] unpardonable methods of ideological sabotage including blackmail, provocation, and terror.” - T. Belashchenko, “‘Black Propaganda’ from Fort Bragg” in Sovetskiy Voin . Moscow, June 1980, pages 46-47. - 64 -


  • ovided him with its curriculum. This he divided among the three of us (Lansdale, Prouty, and Sam Wilson - Wilson was a veteran of the WW2 Merrill’s Marauders). The result was the new SF curriculum at Fort Bragg in 1960, following the JFK election but prior to his inauguration. By the time the SF School began these classes in late 1960, a number of the key officers and instructors were actually CIA under mil


  • MISO unit design and functionality. In the old MISO configuration, which was designed for PW battlefield-janitor support, the only strategic units were two Active Army MISO groups (MISOGs) located at Fort Bragg, NC under a single MISO command (MISOC). The USAR units scattered around the United States consisted of tactical elements only, suitable for deployment in support of committed PW operations. 141 With


  • : Penguin Books, 1964. Becker, Robert O. and Selden, Gary, The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life . New York: William Morrow, 1985. Belashchenkow, T., “‘Black Propaganda’ From Fort Bragg”. Moscow: Sovetskiy Voin , 1980. Bloom, Howard, The Lucifer Principle: A Scientific Expedition into the Policies of History. New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1995. - 185 -


  • Schneider, Al, The Theory and Practice of Magic Deception. CreateSpace, 2011. Seese, Major Gregory S., “Science of Influence: A Primer for Psychological Operations”. Fort Bragg, N.C.: John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center & School, 2013. Sibley, Mulford Q., Political Ideas and Ideologies: A History of Political Thought. New York: Harper & Row, 1970. Somit, Albert, Politica

File: Michael Aquino - MindWar -


  • old (New York: Pocket Books, 1963). “[U.S. Army PSYOP includes] unpardonable methods of ideological sabotage including blackmail, provocation, and terror.” - T. Belashchenko, “‘Black Propaganda’ from Fort Bragg” in Sovetskiy Voin . Moscow, June 1980, pages 46-47. - 64 -


  • ovided him with its curriculum. This he divided among the three of us (Lansdale, Prouty, and Sam Wilson - Wilson was a veteran of the WW2 Merrill’s Marauders). The result was the new SF curriculum at Fort Bragg in 1960, following the JFK election but prior to his inauguration. By the time the SF School began these classes in late 1960, a number of the key officers and instructors were actually CIA under mil


  • MISO unit design and functionality. In the old MISO configuration, which was designed for PW battlefield-janitor support, the only strategic units were two Active Army MISO groups (MISOGs) located at Fort Bragg, NC under a single MISO command (MISOC). The USAR units scattered around the United States consisted of tactical elements only, suitable for deployment in support of committed PW operations. 141 With


  • : Penguin Books, 1964. Becker, Robert O. and Selden, Gary, The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life . New York: William Morrow, 1985. Belashchenkow, T., “‘Black Propaganda’ From Fort Bragg”. Moscow: Sovetskiy Voin , 1980. Bloom, Howard, The Lucifer Principle: A Scientific Expedition into the Policies of History. New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1995. - 185 -


  • Schneider, Al, The Theory and Practice of Magic Deception. CreateSpace, 2011. Seese, Major Gregory S., “Science of Influence: A Primer for Psychological Operations”. Fort Bragg, N.C.: John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center & School, 2013. Sibley, Mulford Q., Political Ideas and Ideologies: A History of Political Thought. New York: Harper & Row, 1970. Somit, Albert, Politica

File: Michael Aquino - Neutron Bomb -


  • ate Foreign Relations Committee, Washington, D.C.Commandant of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.Commandant of the U.S. Army Institute for Military Assistance, Fort Bragg, North Carolina.Commander of the U.S. Army Foreign Science and Technology Center, Charlottesville, Virginia.Mr. John M. Fisher, President of the American Security Council, Boston, Virginia.The Centra

File: Michael Aquino - Ruby Tablet of Set -


  • iniran. Ceremony of the Travelers of the Way ......................... Napaka! Zaznamek ni definiran. The Working Of The Eternal Source ............................ Napaka! Zaznamek ni definiran. The Fort Bragg Working ............................................... Napaka! Zaznamek ni definiran. Working: The Living Self ............................................. Napaka! Zaznamek ni definiran. The Birth


  • The Fort Bragg Working I was able to spend a weekend with Magus A quino in Ft. Bragg, North Carolina, and have a Close Encounter of the Third Degree kind. The questions, answers, and discussion there to one side, I

File: Michael Aquino - Temple Of Set - Volume II -

  • earsopen, should be sufficient to alert you tomore Satanic Sites than you'd ever dream were in your neighborhood.As a newly-admitted I° in IV/1969, I found myself not in San Francisco Babylon,but in Fort Bragg, NorthCarolina. A bit of delving in local libraries informed me of the existence ofthe nearby “Devil’s Tramping Ground”, asterile circle in the woods around which Old Scratch was wont to pace whilepo

  • lonel Richard L. Sutter, oneof the U.S. Army’s foremost authorities on Special Operations - and a longtimepersonal friend. Similarly Terclis’MindWar Center echoes the Army’s Special Warfare Center at Fort Bragg, NorthCarolina. Sutter kindly contributedTerclis’ speech to the graduating cadets of the MindWar Academy.In our FireForce film, Terclis is played by Yul Brynner of the age, appearance,and impossibly

File: FM 21-76 Survival -


  • M 21-76 Document Title: SURVIVAL Document Date: 05 Jun 1992 Document Status: Released School: JFK SPEC WAR CTR Proponent: Commander, USAJFKSWCS MAILING ADDRESS: Commander, USAJFKSWCS ATTN: AOJK-DT-DM Fort Bragg, NC 28307-5000 RDL FM 21-76 Document Information file:///C|/Cd-Warez/Ebooks_DL/FM2176/ [9/13/2000 8:18:27 AM]

File: Soldier's Manual Of Common Tasks - Skill Level 1 -


  • mmand MI 301 Commander, USA Intelligence Center & Fort Huachuca ATTN: ATZS-FDR-TA Fort Huachuca, AZ 85613-6000 JFK 331 Commander USA John F Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School ATTN: AOJK-DT-DMO Fort Bragg, NC 28310-5000 CASCOM 093 101 551 U.S. Army Combined Arms Support Command (CASCOM) Training Directorate USACASCOM, ATTN: ATCL-A 401 First St., Suite 227 Fort Lee, VA 23801-1511 SSI 805C Commander, US

File: Soldier's Manual Of Common Tasks - Skill Levels 2, 3, 4 -


  • 5650 MI 301 Commander, USA Intelligence Center & Fort Huachuca ATTN: ATZS-FDR-TA Fort Huachuca, AZ 85613-6000 JFK 331 Commander USA John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School ATTN: AOJK-DT-DMO Fort Bragg, NC 28310-5000 AD 441 Commandant, U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery School ATTN: ATSA-DT 2 Sheridan Road Fort Bliss, TX 79916-3802 CASCOM 091 101 151 551 U.S. Army Combined Arms Support Command (CASCOM

File: Strategic Relocation - Joel Skousen -


  • des of the mountains that back up to the Trinity National Forest along highways 299 and 36. There is lots of nice farmland from Ukiah on north if you stay to the east of Hwy 101 in this area to avoid Fort Bragg. On the drier east side of the Coast Mountains, we like the Scotts Valley area around the town of Etna. On the east side of I-5 in the north is the Mt. Shasta area. You should avoid locating any retr


  • ibited because statutes are unclear. Home Schooling: Moderate regulation. State requires parents to send notification and test scores or professional evaluation of student progress. Military Targets: Fort Bragg, Camp Mackall, Pope AFB, NW of Fayetteville. Special Forces, Airborne, USAF airlift; primary target. Sunny Point Military Ocean Terminal, Wilmington. Key ammunition shipping point and storage; primar

File: Survival Manual FM3-05.70 -


  • ent of this pub lication is the United States Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School (USAJFKSWCS). Submit comments and recomm ended changes to Commander, USAJFKSWCS, ATTN: AOJK-DT-SF, Fort Bragg, NC 28310-5000. Unless this publication states othe rwise, masculine nouns and pronouns do not refer exclusively to men.

File: US Army Field Manual - Combat Health Logistics -


  • 7 FM 4-02.1 III Corps Surgeonís Office, Fort Hood, TX HHC, III Corps Surgeonís Office, ATTN: AFZF-MD Fort Hood, TX 76544 Phone: DSN 737-1721 or Com 254-287-1721 XVIII Airborne Corps Surgeonís Office, Fort Bragg, NC 28307 Phone: DSN 236-5772/5704 or Com 910-396-5774/5074 CENTCOM, MacDill Air Force Base, FL Headquarters, U.S. Central Command, ATTN: CCSG 7115 South Boundary Boulevard MacDill AFB, FL 33621-5101

File: mindwar -


  • cal and Unconventional Warfare, 1941-1952: Origins of a ‘Special Warfare’ Capability for the United States Army”. Carlisle Barracks: U.S. Army War College.8 Belashchenko, T., “‘Black Propaganda’ from Fort Bragg” in Sovetskiy Voin. Moscow, June 1980, pages 46-47.- 5 -

File: COS -


  • - right up to the moment when the High Priest of the Church of Satan walked through the door - whereupon said minister turned sickly white, left abruptly, and was never heard from by us again.Back at Fort Bragg, North Carolina Janet and I sent in our applications. A personal letter of welcome arrived from Anton LaVey a short time later:I am most impressed with the data on your questionnaires and wish to tak


  • e Army Medical Service Corps and served eighteen years as a clinical psychologist. He performed such special assignments as Chairman of the Intelligence Committee of the Psychological Warfare School, Fort Bragg; and he served overseas with the 7th Infantry Division in Korea and the 8th Army in Japan. He finally retired as a Lieutenant Colonel to become Director of a Community Mental Health Clinic in the Den


  • had performed a Satanic Mass on the site, so now I wrote to Seago:Janet and I were very intrigued by the report of your visit to the “Devil’s Tramping Ground”. In March of IV, when I was stationed at Fort Bragg, we also drove up there to inspect it - as a consequence, I suspect, of reading that same book which pricked your curiosity. We didn’t stay the night, but we did celebrate a suitable ceremony at the


  • nobled by age, and strike out in opinion-directions that might run drastically askew of the norm.Perhaps I was influenced in my choice by the time which I spent in the Psychological Warfare School at Fort Bragg. There we learned to ferret out and lay bare all the devices of the skilled propagandist, and we used both contemporary news publications and historical texts for exercise. You would be shocked at ho


  • stal goblet is from the famous Devil-crowned Nepenthe in California’s Big Sur, while the smaller silver one at right came from the original Green Beret Bookstore on Smoke Bomb Hill at the U.S. Army’s Fort Bragg, North Carolina, 1968. Resting on the altar is a silver Italian sword with nude-female hilt, consecrated by Anton LaVey. If the Baphomet looks unusual, it is because I attempted a variation on the Be

File: ruby_tablet_of_set -


  • efiniran. Ceremony of the Travelers of the Way .........................Napaka! Zaznamek ni definiran. The Working Of The Eternal Source ............................Napaka! Zaznamek ni definiran. The Fort Bragg Working ...............................................Napaka! Zaznamek ni definiran. Working: The Living Self .............................................Napaka! Zaznamek ni definiran. The Birth of


  • The Fort Bragg Working I was able to spend a weekend with Magus Aquino in Ft. Bragg, North Carolina, and have a Close Encounter of the Third Degree kind. The questions, answers, and discussion there to one side, I

File: ss198706 -


  • join the Church of Satan. During that year I was a Second Church of Satan. During that year I was a Second Lieutenant in the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Lieutenant in the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, North Carolina - and at Fort Bragg an Bragg, North Carolina - and at Fort Bragg an incident took place that helped to make up my mind incident took place that helped to make up my mind for me about

File: ss199206 -


  • r example, I found Edward Hall’s I found Edward Hall’s The Hidden DimensionThe Hidden Dimension in in the library of the JFK Special Warfare Center at the library of the JFK Special Warfare Center at Fort Bragg, North Carolina during an assignment Fort Bragg, North Carolina during an assignment there. It explored the entire art/science/ magic of there. It explored the entire art/science/ magic of proxemics,

File: ss199402 -


  • n to join the Church of Satan. During that year I to join the Church of Satan. During that year I was a Second Lieutenant in the 82nd Airborne was a Second Lieutenant in the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, North Carolina - and at Division at Fort Bragg, North Carolina - and at Fort Bragg an incident took place that helped Fort Bragg an incident took place that helped me to make up my mind about Satani

File: Don Webb - Overthrowing the Old Gods_ Aleister Crowley and the Book of the Law (2013, Inner Traditions) -

  • te had prepared for an awakening. Aquino had just gotten his BA degree in political science (from the Universityof California, Santa Barbara) and was enjoying the June night as his time tohead off to Fort Bragg was nigh approaching. A young overachiever, he had beenthe national commander of the Eagle Scouts three years before, and he hadenlisted during a very unpopular war. He had turned down a nomination t

File: Close Encounters Of The Possession Kind -


  • national Encyclopedic Psychic Dictionary. Norfolk, VA: The Donning Company. Bowart, Walter. (1978). Operation Mind Control: The Cryptocracy's Plan To Psycho-civilize You. Limited Researchers Edition. Fort Bragg, CA: Flatland Editions. Bradshaw, John. (1990). Home Coming: Reclaiming and Championing Your Inner Child. New York: Bantam. Bramley, William. (1993). Gods Of Eden. New York: Avon. Brandon, Ruth. (198

File: Valdamar Valerian - Matrix III Volume 2 -


  • lt to analyse! The information outputs of the MEG can be precisely monitored, recorded, analysed, and stored on magnetic tape for Wre "Operation Mind Control", availabie from Flatland, P.O. Box 2420, Fort Bragg, CA 95437. Call 707-964-8326 for availability.


  • skin sheds between my fingers all the time. My eyes are photosensitive. My husband was a paratrooper and in great shape. I knew I was healthy and in great shape, because 1 was & aerobic-instmctor at Fort Bragg, North Carolina before he went to the Gulf. Now, I'm only 26 years old and my health is failing fast." The Matins said they know three other gulf spouses who have similar slcull problems, and they ar

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