Project Monarch

Found in 57 Books

File: Alexander Putney - Veil Of Invisibility -


  • en removed) · hannelid=137 25 Photograph from Orion E (2007 ) ‘Hitler and S korzeny, 1942’ online · 26 Patton R (1999) ‘ Project Monarch’ from ‘Paranoia: The Conspiracy Reader’ Citadel Press 27 Miller A (1983) ‘Adolf Hitler: How Could a Monste r Succeed in Blinding a Nation?’, online ·

File: Daniel Estulin - Tavistock Institute - Social Engineering The Massesl -

  • were refined by Dr.Josef Mengele during the reign of the Third Reich.“Soon afterwards, a mind control project called Marionette Programming importedfrom Nazi Germany was revived under the new name, ‘Project Monarch.’ The basiccomponent of the Monarch program is the sophisticated manipulation of the mind,using extreme trauma to induce Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), now known asDisassociative Disorder. In p

  • tml#a__idIndexMarker1238]Postman, Neil 171 [section-0011.html#a__idIndexMarker1885]Price, James R. 46 [section-0008.html#a__idIndexMarker553]Project Bluebird 22 [section-0007.html#a__idIndexMarker186]Project Monarch 49 [section-0008.html#a__idIndexMarker584]Psychology of the Crowd, The 130 [section-0011.html#a__idIndexMarker1462], 177[section-0011.html#a__idIndexMarker1918]Putin, Vladimir 17 [section-0007.html#a

File: David Icke - 1996 - I Am Me I Am Free -

  • MultiplePersonality Disorder who came from families with a history of intergenerationalchild abuse. They wanted the children for their studies into geneticmind-control which operated under the title Project Monarch, an offshoot of thenotorious, MKUltra. (I understand that MK stands for Mind Kontrolle - the Germanspelling of K replacing the C in deference to the Nazis, formerly serving underHitler, who inspired

File: David Icke - 1996 - I Am Me I Am Free -

  • MultiplePersonality Disorder who came from families with a history of intergenerationalchild abuse. They wanted the children for their studies into geneticmind-control which operated under the title Project Monarch, an offshoot of thenotorious, MKUltra. (I understand that MK stands for Mind Kontrolle - the Germanspelling of K replacing the C in deference to the Nazis, formerly serving underHitler, who inspired

File: David Icke - 1999 - The Biggest Secret -

  • and raped Cathy’sdaughter, Kelly O’Brien, as a toddler before her mother’s courageous exposure ofthese staggering events forced the authorities to remove Kelly from the mindcontrol programme known as Project Monarch. Cathy writes in Trance Formation OfAmerica of how George Bush was sitting in front of her in his office inWashington DC when he opened a book at a page depicting “lizard-like aliens froma far off, d

  • president Earle H. Harbison Jr is also president of the Mental HealthAssociation and director of the infamous Bethesda General Hospital where slavesare programmed for a mind control operation called Project Monarch.8[../Text/index_split_041.html#filepos1265599] Monsanto is heavily involved withgenetically manipulated food.Trauma-based mind controlProject Monarch is one of the many offshoots of MKUltra, a progra

  • s used by the Brotherhood as partof their secret language. The Kennedy family have been closely involved withdrugs, organised crime, the British monarchy, and the mind controlled slaveoperations like Project Monarch. This adds credibility to the claims by arecovered mind controlled slave I met who said she was taken to have sex withJohn F. Kennedy at the age of eleven – “Although they made me up to look about16”

  • ls are,in fact, very much of the Earth. They were developed by a consortium ofengineers from Motorola, General Electric, IBM and the Boston Medical Center.One example is the IBM 2020 chip used in the Project Monarch mind controlprogramme. These are also implanted in their unsuspecting patients by doctorsand dentists under contract to the intelligence agencies. More and more booksare now being published about evi

  • 038.html#filepos1072567]Prohibition – 290 [../Text/index_split_036.html#filepos1028478]Project Bluebeam – 490 [../Text/index_split_048.html#filepos1742654]-1[../Text/index_split_010.html#filepos26846]Project Monarch – 29 [../Text/index_split_012.html#filepos129141], 324[../Text/index_split_040.html#filepos1147767], 330[../Text/index_split_040.html#filepos1170669]-2[../Text/index_split_010.html#filepos30029], 336

File: David Icke - 1999 - The Biggest Secret -

  • and raped Cathy’sdaughter, Kelly O’Brien, as a toddler before her mother’s courageous exposure ofthese staggering events forced the authorities to remove Kelly from the mindcontrol programme known as Project Monarch. Cathy writes in Trance Formation OfAmerica of how George Bush was sitting in front of her in his office inWashington DC when he opened a book at a page depicting “lizard-like aliens froma far off, d

  • president Earle H. Harbison Jr is also president of the Mental HealthAssociation and director of the infamous Bethesda General Hospital where slavesare programmed for a mind control operation called Project Monarch.8[../Text/index_split_041.html#filepos1265599] Monsanto is heavily involved withgenetically manipulated food.Trauma-based mind controlProject Monarch is one of the many offshoots of MKUltra, a progra

  • s used by the Brotherhood as partof their secret language. The Kennedy family have been closely involved withdrugs, organised crime, the British monarchy, and the mind controlled slaveoperations like Project Monarch. This adds credibility to the claims by arecovered mind controlled slave I met who said she was taken to have sex withJohn F. Kennedy at the age of eleven – “Although they made me up to look about16”

  • ls are,in fact, very much of the Earth. They were developed by a consortium ofengineers from Motorola, General Electric, IBM and the Boston Medical Center.One example is the IBM 2020 chip used in the Project Monarch mind controlprogramme. These are also implanted in their unsuspecting patients by doctorsand dentists under contract to the intelligence agencies. More and more booksare now being published about evi

  • 038.html#filepos1072567]Prohibition – 290 [../Text/index_split_036.html#filepos1028478]Project Bluebeam – 490 [../Text/index_split_048.html#filepos1742654]-1[../Text/index_split_010.html#filepos26846]Project Monarch – 29 [../Text/index_split_012.html#filepos129141], 324[../Text/index_split_040.html#filepos1147767], 330[../Text/index_split_040.html#filepos1170669]-2[../Text/index_split_010.html#filepos30029], 336

File: David Icke - 2007 - The David Icke Guide To The Global Conspiracy -

  • nment mind-control operationcalled MKULTRA that has now been exposed, up to a point, by even the mainstreammedia. So much more goes unreported, however, including an elite offshoot ofMKULTRA known as Project Monarch, in which mind-controlled slaves like Cathywere forced to serve the will and desires of US presidents and others in thoseechelons of power and higher. Project Monarch predominently uses blond-haired,

  • ave the final definitive say on this tragic matter. Why?> Because Gerry Ford put his name on it and Gerry Ford’s word was always good. What can you do but laugh in the face of such barefaced nonsense?Project MonarchCathy’s father was caught sending child pornography through the post – a film ofyoung Cathy having sex with a boxer dog. To avoid prosecution, Cathy was handedover by her father to the United States g

File: David Icke - 2007 - The David Icke Guide To The Global Conspiracy -

  • nment mind-control operationcalled MKULTRA that has now been exposed, up to a point, by even the mainstreammedia. So much more goes unreported, however, including an elite offshoot ofMKULTRA known as Project Monarch, in which mind-controlled slaves like Cathywere forced to serve the will and desires of US presidents and others in thoseechelons of power and higher. Project Monarch predominently uses blond-haired,

  • ave the final definitive say on this tragic matter. Why?> Because Gerry Ford put his name on it and Gerry Ford’s word was always good. What can you do but laugh in the face of such barefaced nonsense?Project MonarchCathy’s father was caught sending child pornography through the post – a film ofyoung Cathy having sex with a boxer dog. To avoid prosecution, Cathy was handedover by her father to the United States g

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception - Part One -

  • many countries have described tome how they often witnessed shapeshifting. One was Cathy O’Brien, an Americanwho was held captive from the time she was a small child in a mind controlprogramme called Project Monarch (named after the Monarch butterfly). Watch forcelebrities portrayed with butterflies because it is often symbolic of theirMonarch programming. Project Monarch was an ‘elite’ offshoot of the horrificM

  • ’ stood for mind control, but theyused the Germany spelling of Kontrolle in deference to the relocated Nazis whowere behind it. Joseph Mengele was a frontline player in MKUltra and its eliteoffshoot, Project Monarch, and used the covername of Dr Green. One of hisregular locations was the China Lake Naval Weapons Center in California, whichis a massive underground facility. Arizona Wilder was one of Mengele’s ‘as

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception - Part Two -

  • 3, 539, 553, 605, 806,812, 889Profumo, John 307programming, human beings 22–9, 31–2 see also DNAProject Blue Beam 759–60Project for the New American Century 402–6, 494, 554–5, 587Project Gunrunner 805Project Monarch 219–21Project Popeye 670Project Seal 774–5Prometheus 351–3Prometheus (movie) 174Proof of Heaven (Alexander) 113, 117Propaganda Due (P2) 330–1Proselenes, the 177–8protests, economical 10Protocol of Sè

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception -


  • y countries have described to me how they often witnessed shapeshifting. One was Cathy O’Brien, an American who was held captive from the time she was a small child in a mind control programme called Project Monarch (named after the Monarch butterfly). Watch for celebrities portrayed with butterflies because it is often symbolic of their Monarch


  • programming. Project Monarch was an ‘elite’ offshoot of the horrific MKUltra, a mind control programme operated by agencies including the CIA. Its existence was made public in the 1970s, but the true depth of its evil and scale


  • tood for mind control, but they used the Germany spelling of Kontrolle in deference to the relocated Nazis who were behind it. Joseph Mengele was a frontline player in MKUltra and its elite offshoot, Project Monarch, and used the covername of Dr Green. One of his regular locations was the China Lake Naval Weapons Center in California, which is a massive underground facility. Arizona Wilder was one of Mengele’s ‘


  • 553, 605, 806, 812, 889 Profumo, John 307 programming, human beings 22–9, 31–2 see also DNA Project Blue Beam 759–60 Project for the New American Century 402–6, 494, 554–5, 587 Project Gunrunner 805 Project Monarch 219–21 Project Popeye 670 Project Seal 774–5 Prometheus 351–3 Prometheus (movie) 174 Proof of Heaven (Alexander) 113, 117 Propaganda Due (P2) 330–1 Proselenes, the 177–8 protests, economical 10 Proto

File: David Icke - 2017 - Everything You Need To Know But Have Never Been Told -


  • in Hollywood and the entertainment industry are often pictured with a butterfly. You also see endless images of artists either covering or emphasizing one eye and this is often to indicate control by Project Monarch and/or the El -lite cult of the all-seeing eye ( Fig 307 ). For more on this put ‘celebrity illuminati signs’ into text and image search engines. These are artists most promoted by El -ite-controll

File: David Icke - 2017 - Everything You Need To Know But Have Never Been Told -


  • in Hollywood and the entertainment industry are often pictured with a butterfly. You also see endless images of artists either covering or emphasizing one eye and this is often to indicate control by Project Monarch and/or the El -lite cult of the all-seeing eye ( Fig 307 ). For more on this put ‘celebrity illuminati signs’ into text and image search engines. These are artists most promoted by El -ite-controll

File: David Icke - 2019 - The Trigger -


  • 24: Cathy O'Brien. blood drinking. I have known Cathy since 1996 and spoken to her and her late partner Mark Phillips at great length about her experiences in an 'elite' mind control programme called Project Monarch (after the butterfly which symbolises part of the brain). Monarch was an offshoot of the publicly-exposed MKUltra which was (and still is under other names) a huge CIA-military operation to develop t

File: David Icke - 2019 - The Trigger -


  • 24: Cathy O'Brien. blood drinking. I have known Cathy since 1996 and spoken to her and her late partner Mark Phillips at great length about her experiences in an 'elite' mind control programme called Project Monarch (after the butterfly which symbolises part of the brain). Monarch was an offshoot of the publicly-exposed MKUltra which was (and still is under other names) a huge CIA-military operation to develop t

File: David Icke - Are There Aliens Among Us (1999) -


  • e’s got red hair today, is actually blond haired, with piercing blue eyes. And the blond-haired, blue-eyed thing is fundamentally involved in all of this stuff, and what have you. Anyway, that is why Project Monarch is overwhelmingly, if not exclusively, blond-haired, blue-eyed people. I went to talk to her about the rituals that she says she conducted. So, we’re getting into this stuff, and she’s telling me abo

File: David Icke - Guide To The Global Conspiracy -


  • nt mind-control operation called MKULTRA that has now been exposed, up to a point, by even the mainstream media. So much more goes unreported, however, including an elite offshoot of MKULTRA known as Project Monarch, in which mind-controlled slaves like Cathy were forced to serve the will and desires of US presidents and others in those echelons of power and higher. Project Monarch predominently uses blond-haire


  • ave the final definitive say on this tragic matter. Why? Because Gerry Ford put his name on it and Gerry Ford's word was always good. What can you do but laugh in the face of such barefaced nonsense? Project Monarch Cathy's father was caught sending child pornography through the post — a film of young Cathy having sex with a boxer dog. To avoid prosecution, Cathy was handed over by her father to the United State


  • my father's exploitation of me included prostitution to his friends, local mobsters and Masons, relatives, Satanists, strangers, and police officers ... ... Government researchers involved in MKULTRA Project Monarch knew about the photographic memory aspect of MPD/DID, of course, as well as other resultant 'super human' characteristics. Visual acuity of an MPD/DID is 44 times greater than that of the average per


  • ven an engineered road accident at an important ritual location to the Illuminati that appears to the public to be just an 'ordinary' road, or street. Satanism and the mind control programmes such as Project Monarch are intertwined and two expressions of the same force. Many victims of mind- control and multiple personality disorder say they experienced reptilian entities and remember the 'lizard eyes' (Figure 2


  • cials designed to have a hypnotic effect on the viewer. He became the leader of the country music segment of the 'Freedom Train' — the internationally recognised code name for the slave operations of Project Monarch. Cathy names Boxcar Willie as a paedophile rapist of mind-controlled women and children, including Kelly, whom he raped regularly in three different mental institutions. He was also heavily involved

File: David Icke - I Am Me I Am Free - The Robots' Guide to Freedom (1996) -


  • ltiple Personality Disorder who came from families with a history of intergenerational child abuse. They wanted the children for their studies into genetic mind-control which operated under the title Project Monarch, an offshoot of the notorious, MKUltra. (I understand that MK stands for Mind Kontrolle - the German spelling of K replacing the C in deference to the Nazis, formerly serving under Hitler, who inspir


  • called St. Francis de Sales in Muskegon and another priest, a Father Don, was a paedophile who helped Gerald Ford’s friend, Guy Vanderjagt, to confuse and abuse her in line with the “requirements” of Project Monarch. Later she was sent to a Roman Catholic School, one of many used by the government to safely house their mind-controlled children under the strict regime designed to increase the depth of their Multi


  • 53 Ones. They were, and are, keen supporters of mind-control outrages like Project Monarch and MKUltra. How appropriate given that the Roman Catholic Church has survived only by terrifying, brainwashing, and mind-controlling its global congregation. One Jesuit front for the conspiracy is t


  • d to have a hypnotic affect on the viewer. He became the leader, she writes, of the country music segment of the “Freedom Train” - the internationally recognised code name for the slave operations of Project Monarch. The name “Boxcar Willie” was not selected at random. It makes a statement about the man and his role. Cathy names Boxcar Willie as a paedophile rapist of mind- controlled women and children, includi


  • and talking in any way about the past is forbidden. Mark Phillips, who saved Kelly from her torture by the state, is banned from even seeing her. The authorities refuse to de-programme Kelly from her Project Monarch-MKUltra mind-control by invoking the National Security Act (amended by Reagan in 1984) which allows them to use the excuse of “national security”. They are terrified of what Kelly would remember. Whe

File: David Icke - I Am Me I Am Free -


  • ltiple Personality Disorder who came from families with a history of intergenerational child abuse. They wanted the children for their studies into genetic mind-control which operated under the title Project Monarch, an offshoot of the notorious, MKUltra. (I understand that MK stands for Mind Kontrolle - the German spelling of K replacing the C in deference to the Nazis, formerly serving under Hitler, who inspir


  • called St. Francis de Sales in Muskegon and another priest, a Father Don, was a paedophile who helped Gerald Ford’s friend, Guy Vanderjagt, to confuse and abuse her in line with the “requirements” of Project Monarch. Later she was sent to a Roman Catholic School, one of many used by the government to safely house their mind-controlled children under the strict regime designed to increase the depth of their Multi


  • 53 Ones. They were, and are, keen supporters of mind-control outrages like Project Monarch and MKUltra. How appropriate given that the Roman Catholic Church has survived only by terrifying, brainwashing, and mind-controlling its global congregation. One Jesuit front for the conspiracy is t


  • d to have a hypnotic affect on the viewer. He became the leader, she writes, of the country music segment of the “Freedom Train” - the internationally recognised code name for the slave operations of Project Monarch. The name “Boxcar Willie” was not selected at random. It makes a statement about the man and his role. Cathy names Boxcar Willie as a paedophile rapist of mind- controlled women and children, includi


  • and talking in any way about the past is forbidden. Mark Phillips, who saved Kelly from her torture by the state, is banned from even seeing her. The authorities refuse to de-programme Kelly from her Project Monarch-MKUltra mind-control by invoking the National Security Act (amended by Reagan in 1984) which allows them to use the excuse of “national security”. They are terrified of what Kelly would remember. Whe

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret - The Book that Will Change the World (1998) -


  • raped Cathy’s daughter, Kelly O’Brien, as a toddler before her mother’s courageous exposure of these staggering events forced the authorities to remove Kelly from the mind control programme known as Project Monarch. Cathy writes in Trance Formation Of America of how George Bush was sitting in front of her in his office in Washington DC when he opened a book at a page depicting “lizard-like aliens from a far off


  • resident Earle H. Harbison Jr is also president of the Mental Health Association and director of the infamous Bethesda General Hospital where slaves are programmed for a mind control operation called Project Monarch. 8 Monsanto is heavily involved with genetically manipulated food. Trauma-based mind control Project Monarch is one of the many offshoots of MKUltra, a programme which, despite official denials, is n


  • tiple Personality Disorder who came from families with a history of intergenerational child abuse. They wanted the children for their studies into genetic mind control which operated under the title, Project Monarch, an offshoot of MKUltra. The name Monarch comes from the Monarch butterfly, more symbolism which relates in part to the butterfly net. The man who arrived at Cathy’s house to give her father the ulti


  • Roman Catholic Church called St Francis de Sales in Muskegon and another priest, a Father Don, helped Gerald Ford’s friend, Guy VanderJagt, to confuse and abuse her in line with the ‘requirements’ of Project Monarch. Later she was sent to a Roman Catholic School, one of many used by the Brotherhood to safely house their mind controlled children under the strict regime designed to increase the depth of their Mult


  • mirrors and smokescreens. The Jesuits, the Knights of Malta, and the Roman Catholic hierarchy are part of the Babylonian Brotherhood. They were, and are, keen supporters of mind control outrages like Project Monarch and MKUltra. How appropriate, given that the Roman Catholic Church has survived by terrifying, brainwashing, and mind controlling its global congregation. Cathy says she was pressured and manipulated


  • had publicly endorsed a book called Breaking The Circle Of Satanic Ritual Abuse by the former Satanist, Daniel Ryder. It exposed the ties between Satanists and the mind control programmes MKUltra and Project Monarch. While a man was reluctantly charged with Polly’s murder, the facts point conclusively to a retaliation by the Satanists against her grandfather. A woman called the FBI to say she had escaped from a


  • d to have a hypnotic effect on the viewer. He became the leader, she writes, of the country music segment of the ‘Freedom train’ - the internationally recognised code name for the slave operations of Project Monarch. The name Boxcar Willie was not selected at random, it would seem. It makes a statement about the man and his role. Cathy names Boxcar Willie as a paedophile rapist of mind controlled women and child


  • Wheeler as a Satanist is the world’s best known ‘Christian’ preacher, Billy Graham. 61 Springmeier and Wheeler have assembled a list of people who have seen Graham ‘in action’. They also say he uses Project Monarch slaves for sex and he launders drug money through his evangelical operation. Graham is a Brotherhood stooge who carries messages between world leaders. 62 The witnesses say that Graham is a multiple


  • vers some 24 pages. A Presidential Model told me that Pope John Paul II is a programmed multiple and that certainly fits the picture. Cathy O’Brien says that she and her daughter, Kelly, escaped from Project Monarch when Mark Phillips came on the scene. He says he worked with Alex Houston on a big business deal involving Hong Kong and China, but then he was told by a representative of the Chinese Ministry of Def


  • 9 All this was ‘justified’ by the interests of ‘national security’. These restrictions were significantly eased after the publication of their book. The authorities refuse to deprogram Kelly from her Project Monarch-MKUltra mind control by invoking the National Security Act (amended by Reagan in 1984) which allows them the excuse of ‘national security’ whenever they want to put the lid on something. Whenever you


  • China Lake in cages piled to the ceiling of large hangers. 80 The cages, known as ‘Woodpecker Grids’ were electrified and the babies were tortured with powerful electric shocks. 81 A male survivor of Project Monarch tells of seeing the rows and rows of cages at China Lake and one of the programmers, he said, was dressed like a catholic priest. 82 He described how the electric current running through the cages ma


  • e of the mind control and ritual abuse networks and the knowledge of the true nature of life. I am also staggered sometimes by the ‘research’ of some ‘conspiracy writers’ who dismiss the existence of Project Monarch and the highly detailed and documented work of people like Springmeier and Wheeler. If you read such authors in the light of the evidence presented here and elsewhere, one wonders if these ‘conspirac


  • sed by the Brotherhood as part of their secret language. The Kennedy family have been closely involved with drugs, organised crime, the British monarchy, and the mind controlled slave operations like Project Monarch. This adds credibility to the claims by a recovered mind controlled slave I met who said she was taken to have sex with John F. Kennedy at the age of eleven - “Although they made me up to look about


  • swan, symbolising the positive. In other words, Hecate kills Diana. What better symbolism can you have of Swan Lake than black swans on a lake, as at Althorp? A swan is a derogatory term in Druidism. Project Monarch slaves who rebel are told that they will be “Turned into swans” and Diana, of course, rebelled against the Windsors. The number of swans also fits here. Monarch programming includes a term called The


  • book went to press, and months after Christine gave me her information in England, I was contacted by a friend in the United States who was deprogramming a very high level mind controlled slave from Project Monarch. He believes her to be the highest ranked woman in the Satanic hierarchy in the United


  • are, in fact, very much of the Earth. They were developed by a consortium of engineers from Motorola, General Electric, IBM and the Boston Medical Center. One example is the IBM 2020 chip used in the Project Monarch mind control programme. These are also implanted in their unsuspecting patients by doctors and dentists under contract to the intelligence agencies. More and more books are now being published about


  • 512 Project Monarch - 29, 317, 323-S, 329, 335, 338, 346, 406, 449, 453, 485 ‘Project Panic’ - 486 Project Paperdip - 256-7, 269, 315-6, 484 Prometheus -45, 89, 351 Prometheus Books - 91, 346 Protection of Wildlife (Ind

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret -


  • raped Cathy’s daughter, Kelly O’Brien, as a toddler before her mother’s courageous exposure of these staggering events forced the authorities to remove Kelly from the mind control programme known as Project Monarch. Cathy writes in Trance Formation Of America of how George Bush was sitting in front of her in his office in Washington DC when he opened a book at a page depicting “lizard-like aliens from a far off


  • resident Earle H. Harbison Jr is also president of the Mental Health Association and director of the infamous Bethesda General Hospital where slaves are programmed for a mind control operation called Project Monarch. 8 Monsanto is heavily involved with genetically manipulated food. Trauma-based mind control Project Monarch is one of the many offshoots of MKUltra, a programme which, despite official denials, is n


  • tiple Personality Disorder who came from families with a history of intergenerational child abuse. They wanted the children for their studies into genetic mind control which operated under the title, Project Monarch, an offshoot of MKUltra. The name Monarch comes from the Monarch butterfly, more symbolism which relates in part to the butterfly net. The man who arrived at Cathy’s house to give her father the ulti


  • Roman Catholic Church called St Francis de Sales in Muskegon and another priest, a Father Don, helped Gerald Ford’s friend, Guy VanderJagt, to confuse and abuse her in line with the ‘requirements’ of Project Monarch. Later she was sent to a Roman Catholic School, one of many used by the Brotherhood to safely house their mind controlled children under the strict regime designed to increase the depth of their Mult


  • mirrors and smokescreens. The Jesuits, the Knights of Malta, and the Roman Catholic hierarchy are part of the Babylonian Brotherhood. They were, and are, keen supporters of mind control outrages like Project Monarch and MKUltra. How appropriate, given that the Roman Catholic Church has survived by terrifying, brainwashing, and mind controlling its global congregation. Cathy says she was pressured and manipulated


  • had publicly endorsed a book called Breaking The Circle Of Satanic Ritual Abuse by the former Satanist, Daniel Ryder. It exposed the ties between Satanists and the mind control programmes MKUltra and Project Monarch. While a man was reluctantly charged with Polly’s murder, the facts point conclusively to a retaliation by the Satanists against her grandfather. A woman called the FBI to say she had escaped from a


  • d to have a hypnotic effect on the viewer. He became the leader, she writes, of the country music segment of the ‘Freedom train’ - the internationally recognised code name for the slave operations of Project Monarch. The name Boxcar Willie was not selected at random, it would seem. It makes a statement about the man and his role. Cathy names Boxcar Willie as a paedophile rapist of mind controlled women and child


  • Wheeler as a Satanist is the world’s best known ‘Christian’ preacher, Billy Graham. 61 Springmeier and Wheeler have assembled a list of people who have seen Graham ‘in action’. They also say he uses Project Monarch slaves for sex and he launders drug money through his evangelical operation. Graham is a Brotherhood stooge who carries messages between world leaders. 62 The witnesses say that Graham is a multiple


  • vers some 24 pages. A Presidential Model told me that Pope John Paul II is a programmed multiple and that certainly fits the picture. Cathy O’Brien says that she and her daughter, Kelly, escaped from Project Monarch when Mark Phillips came on the scene. He says he worked with Alex Houston on a big business deal involving Hong Kong and China, but then he was told by a representative of the Chinese Ministry of Def


  • 9 All this was ‘justified’ by the interests of ‘national security’. These restrictions were significantly eased after the publication of their book. The authorities refuse to deprogram Kelly from her Project Monarch-MKUltra mind control by invoking the National Security Act (amended by Reagan in 1984) which allows them the excuse of ‘national security’ whenever they want to put the lid on something. Whenever you


  • China Lake in cages piled to the ceiling of large hangers. 80 The cages, known as ‘Woodpecker Grids’ were electrified and the babies were tortured with powerful electric shocks. 81 A male survivor of Project Monarch tells of seeing the rows and rows of cages at China Lake and one of the programmers, he said, was dressed like a catholic priest. 82 He described how the electric current running through the cages ma


  • e of the mind control and ritual abuse networks and the knowledge of the true nature of life. I am also staggered sometimes by the ‘research’ of some ‘conspiracy writers’ who dismiss the existence of Project Monarch and the highly detailed and documented work of people like Springmeier and Wheeler. If you read such authors in the light of the evidence presented here and elsewhere, one wonders if these ‘conspirac


  • sed by the Brotherhood as part of their secret language. The Kennedy family have been closely involved with drugs, organised crime, the British monarchy, and the mind controlled slave operations like Project Monarch. This adds credibility to the claims by a recovered mind controlled slave I met who said she was taken to have sex with John F. Kennedy at the age of eleven - “Although they made me up to look about


  • swan, symbolising the positive. In other words, Hecate kills Diana. What better symbolism can you have of Swan Lake than black swans on a lake, as at Althorp? A swan is a derogatory term in Druidism. Project Monarch slaves who rebel are told that they will be “Turned into swans” and Diana, of course, rebelled against the Windsors. The number of swans also fits here. Monarch programming includes a term called The


  • book went to press, and months after Christine gave me her information in England, I was contacted by a friend in the United States who was deprogramming a very high level mind controlled slave from Project Monarch. He believes her to be the highest ranked woman in the Satanic hierarchy in the United


  • are, in fact, very much of the Earth. They were developed by a consortium of engineers from Motorola, General Electric, IBM and the Boston Medical Center. One example is the IBM 2020 chip used in the Project Monarch mind control programme. These are also implanted in their unsuspecting patients by doctors and dentists under contract to the intelligence agencies. More and more books are now being published about


  • 512 Project Monarch - 29, 317, 323-S, 329, 335, 338, 346, 406, 449, 453, 485 ‘Project Panic’ - 486 Project Paperdip - 256-7, 269, 315-6, 484 Prometheus -45, 89, 351 Prometheus Books - 91, 346 Protection of Wildlife (Ind

File: Mind Control, World Control -


  • ed and began networking with them and sharing information with p lans of going public and getting organized. I was also able to upgrade and expand my technical knowledge and met victims o f the CIA's Project Monarch and MKULTRA. "I then started to get heart palpitations of a seve re nature and my thyroid would be microwaved so that it would pulsate. I would awaken with a field directly to my stomach an d intesti


  • Chapter 33: MONARCH The mind control topic that has received the most publicity—and argument—in recent years is the alleg ed government Project MONARCH. Some hypnotherapists an d alleged victims have come forward telling of the ex istence of this supposedly CIA-sponsored program, while a floo d of copycat reports have relied on these sources. A book

File: Fritz Springmeier - Bloodlines Of The Illuminati - Volume 1 -

  • he New World Order agenda.’“Springmeier has written and self-published a number of books based on thesubject of the bloodline Illuminati and their use of mind control. He hasendorsed the existence of Project Monarch, an alleged CIA mind control projectwhose existence is based on the assertions of Cathy O'Brien.“Springmeier's early work, The Watchtower & the Masons, focuses on therelationship between Jehovah's Wi

File: Fritz Springmeier - Bloodlines Of The Illuminati - Volume 2 -

  • he New World Order agenda.’“Springmeier has written and self-published a number of books based on thesubject of the bloodline Illuminati and their use of mind control. He hasendorsed the existence of Project Monarch, an alleged CIA mind control projectwhose existence is based on the assertions of Cathy O'Brien.“Springmeier's early work, The Watchtower & the Masons, focuses on therelationship between Jehovah's Wi

File: Fritz Springmeier - Bloodlines Of The Illuminati - Volume 3 -

  • he New World Order agenda.’“Springmeier has written and self-published a number of books based on thesubject of the bloodline Illuminati and their use of mind control. He hasendorsed the existence of Project Monarch, an alleged CIA mind control projectwhose existence is based on the assertions of Cathy O'Brien.“Springmeier's early work, The Watchtower & the Masons, focuses on therelationship between Jehovah's Wi

File: Jim Keith - Mass Control -


  • any areas of our knowledge of mind control programs that will take years to understand, to clarify. An area of research that still demands corroboration and definition is what has come to be known as Project MONARCH. On June 25, 1992, psychologist Dr. Corydon Hammond gave a talk to an audience of psychology professionals at the Fourth Annual Eastern Regional Conference on Abuse and Multiple Personality in Alexan


  • ylor alleges that she was programmed to sexually service politicians: “I was used extensively on and around 1968 by top politicians...guaranteed by the Central Intelligence Agency that my training in Project Monarch...insured the highest level of security. The level of mind control I possessed guaranteed that I could be used with these leaders who were involved at the highest levels of ‘national security,’ witho

File: Jim Keith - Mass Control -


  • any areas of our knowledge of mind control programs that will take years to understand, to clarify. An area of research that still demands corroboration and definition is what has come to be known as Project MONARCH. On June 25, 1992, psychologist Dr. Corydon Hammond gave a talk to an audience of psychology professionals at the Fourth Annual Eastern Regional Conference on Abuse and Multiple Personality in Alexan


  • ylor alleges that she was programmed to sexually service politicians: “I was used extensively on and around 1968 by top politicians...guaranteed by the Central Intelligence Agency that my training in Project Monarch...insured the highest level of security. The level of mind control I possessed guaranteed that I could be used with these leaders who were involved at the highest levels of ‘national security,’ witho

File: Mark Devlin - Musical Truth -

  • cording to Minaj, her father had an ongoing drug and alcoholproblem and was abusive to her mother. This fact is the first alarming sign inNicki Minaj's personal life. Children of Project MK-Ultra and Project Monarchoften come from abusive households with parents who are on drugs and suffer fromalcoholism. The children are sold at a young age and remain slaves for theremainder of their lives. Suspected MK victims

File: Brice Taylor - Thanks For The Memories -


  • Bowart: Thanks for the Memmemmor mee!? ........................................... 7 Historical Overview: Mind Control in the Modern Con text ................................................... .. 12 Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton ................................................... ............. 14 Manufacturing the Mind Controlled Slave ................................................... .....


  • e his soul,' which is more than one can say for the host of others who were similarly involved. Gottlieb passed away earlier in 1999, just in time to miss all the 'fireworks.' The following article, "Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control" by Ron Patton, provides an excellent historical overview on mind control in its many dif ferent aspects and is reprinted here almost in its entirety. The article appeared in the t


  • 14 PROJECT MONARCH: NAZI MIND CONTROL by Ron Patton Amidst the subtle cerebral circumvention of the gu llible populace, through a multitude of manipulated mediums, lies one of the most diabolica l atrocities perpetrate


  • the use of MKULTRA abroad. MKULTRA / MKDELTA materials were u sed for harassment, discrediting or disabling purposes.[8] Of the 149 subprojects under the umbrella of MKULT RA having been identified, Project MONARCH officially began by the U.S. Army in the ea rly 1960's (although unofficially implemented much earlier) appears to be the most prominent and is still classified as TOP SECRET for "National Security"


  • he True Life Story of a CIA Slave by C athy O'Brien. On the back cover it emphatically states, "Cathy O'Brien is the only vocal and recove red survivor of the Central Intelligence Agency's M k- Ultra Project Monarch mind control operation." Thi s documented autobiography contains compelling accounts of O'Brien's years of unrelenting incest a nd eventual introduction into Project MONARCH by her perverted father.


  • ol, World Control and his latest book Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness.] Conclusion The most incriminating statement to date made by a government official as to the possible existence of Project MONARCH was extracted by Anton Chaitkin, a writer for the publication, The New Federalist. When former CIA Director William Colby was asked directly, "What about monarch?" he replied angrily and ambiguously,


  • e was merely the mind control trauma base my ri tually abused, programmed, pedophile father, Calvin Charles Eckhart, and others used to conditio n me for participation in the still active top secr et Project Monarch, the Central Intelligence Agency's white slavery operation that is related to MKULTRA and it's numerous sub-projects. I was raised in the affluent area of Woodland Hill s, California, but was abused


  • ces of seeking "outside" sexual gratification, fear of adverse publicity or disease , and other security risks, created a heavy demand for the use of this latest human technology. As I later learned, Project Monarch beta trained s ex slaves were called "million dollar babies" referring to the large amount of money each slave w ould bring in from a very early age. In the 60's th e use of a Project Monarch preside


  • tied, alte r-bound, hypnotized, Sweet Freedom whispered in my ear, "You 're a butterfly, and butterflies are free to fly, f ly away, high away, bye, bye." Perhaps Elton knows per sonally about these Project Monarch, mind control issues and in his own way, through his songs, has a ttempted to help others to freedom. I know that his songs personally affected me deeply and I felt that he might have 'understood.' S


  • ld them if they did he would have them thrown out of the ba llpark and he would have their job. If they asked w hy, he would say, "She's not quite herself tonight." In line with the information about Project Monarch , some rich people actually own certain Dodger players and their children. Often it's crypt ically called "sponsoring," but it's really ownersh ip (much like owning a racehorse) because the owner ma

File: Project Monarch -


  • Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton A Brief History of Control The Anglo Alliance The Evolution of Project MKULTRA Definition and Description Alters and Triggers Bloodlines and Twinning Levels of MONARC


  • ern the u se of MKULTRA abroad. MKULTRA/DELTA materials were used for harassment, d iscrediting or disabling purposes.[8] Of the 149 subprojects under the umbre lla of MKULTRA having been identified, Project MONARCH, officially begun by the U.S. Army in the early 1960’s (although unofficially implemented much earlier) ap pears to be the most prominent and is still classified as TOP SECRET for “National Security”


  • power of occultic forces was possibly one of severa l cover programs to hide the insidious reality of Project MONARCH. Definition and Description The name MONARCH is not necessarily defined within t he context of royal nobility, but rather refers to the monarch butterfly. When a person is undergoing trauma induced b


  • a “drug mule” and c ourier, and the country-western music industry’s relationship with illegal CIA activ ities. Paul Bonaci a courageous survivor who endured almos t two decades of degradation under Project MONARCH, has disclosed strong corrobor ating evidence of widescale crimes and corruption from the municipal/state leve l all the way up to the White House.[17] He has testified about sexually-abused m ales s


  • ontrol Experiments on Children and A lex Constantine, Psychic Dictatorship In The USA Conclusion The most incriminating statement to date made by a government official as to the possible existence of Project MONARCH was extracted by Anton Chaitkin, a writer for the publication, The New Federalist. When former CIA Director William Colby was asked dir ectly, “What about monarch?” he replied angrily and ambiguously


  • r The Manchurian Candid ate, Times Books, 1979, pp 60-61 8. Final Report of the Select Committee to Study Gov ernmental Operations, U.S. Senate, April 1976, p. 391 9. Mark Phillips and Cathy O’Brien, Project Monarch, 1993 10. Barbara G. Walker, The Woman’s Dictionary of Sy mbols and Sacred Objects, Harper Collins, 1988 11. Marshall Cavendish, Man, Myth and Magic, 1995 12. Dr. Corydon Hammond, The Greenbaum Speec

File: Trance Formation Of America -


  • AN OPEN LETTER Mind control is absolute. Under MK -Ultra Project Monarch trauma-based mind control, I lost control over my own fr ee will thoughts - I could not think to question, reason, or consciously compre hend - I could only do exactly what I was driven to do. Those


  • DEDICATION This book is for Kelly, in order that she is understood and granted her right to qualified rehabilitation for the MK -Ultra Project Monarch Mind-Control abuses she endured at the hands of our country's so-called leaders. This book is dedicated, as am I, to Ma rk Phillips for rescuing Kelly and me from our mind-controlled existence, and c


  • e I am free to speak my mind, Ke lly, now 17, is not so fortunate. Kelly has yet to receive rehabilitation for her shattered personality and programmed young mind. The high tech sophistication of the Project Monarch trauma-based mind-control procedures she endured, literally since birth, reportedly requires highly specialized, qualified care to aid her in eventually gaining control of her mind and life. Due to t


  • e Bo b, also implicated in manufacturing the porn, out of apparent desperation info rmed my father of a U.S. Government Defense Intelligence Agency TOP SECR ET Project to which he was privy. This was Project Monarch. Project Monarch was a mind-control operation which was "recruiting" multigenerational incest abused children with Multiple Personality Disorder for its geneti c mind-control studies. I was a prime "


  • .." Ford went inside with my parents to officially seal my fate. Not long after that my father was flow n to Boston for a two-week course at Harvard on how to raise me for this of f-shoot of MK-Ultra Project Monarch, When he returned from Boston, my fath er was smiling and pleased with his new knowledge of what he termed "reverse psychology". This equates to "satanic reversals," a nd involves such play-on-words


  • tate of Michigan, among other places. My Uncle Bob helped my father deco rate my bedroom in red, white, and blue paneling and American flags. He provided assistance in scrambling my mind according to Project Monarch methodologies. Fairy tale themes were used to confuse fantasy with reality, particularly Disney stories and the Wizard of Oz, which provided th e base for future programming. I had personalities for


  • sociative trance daydreaming, tones of helplessness and sexuality in drawings, and the electric prod marks on my face should have been recognized. 6 These same themes were rou tinely used in creating Project Monarch slaves. This fact emerged through years of networking with mental health professionals.


  • cribed pen he had presented me with at the state capical, the meaning behind the rosy cr oss necklace would lead me through the rest of my mind-con trolled existence. VanderJagds pedophile comrade in Project Monarch, Father Don, joined us, reaching deep into the pocket of his robes to present me with a delicate blue charm of the Holy Mother. It was to be worn in conjunction with the rosy cross "to symbolize your


  • sed. In the silence of deliberately created memory compartments, I could only hear the voices of my abusers who created them... commanding my silence. Silence for who and what I knew wa s involved in Project Monarch Mind Control. My family routinely vacationed at Ma ckinac Island, Michigan which is a small island positioned in the Great Lakes close to the Canadian border Mackinac Island, with the Governor's Mans


  • u's loyalty to the Vatican when Father Don was discussing h i m with my famer one Sunday after mass. This fact circulated quickly among those I knew who were involved in the Catholic/Jesuit aspect of Project Monarch. The summer after Trudeau was elected, my father took the family to Mackinac Island as usual. Climbing on a large statue on the grounds of the Governor's Mansion, I could see across th e field to the


  • e instructed my "school of thought" in a manner that equated to programming. He laid a foundation fo r Air-Water programs that is a mirror- dimensional theme often used by NASA and others involved in Project Monarch. Playing off his own name "Pee-Air," he added a perverse twist to the theme that he accessed each time 1 was prostituted to him. Had I been capable of fear, I would have been afraid of Pierre Trudeau


  • yrd it was "how much I could take". And I was forced to take mote pain than any human could logically withstand. I was dedicated to Byrd at age thirteen which meant he would be directing my future in Project Monarch, and my father would raise me according to his specifications. My MPD/DID existence became more regimented from that point on. I was kept physically worn down to the point of exhaustion in order that


  • when singing "Someday my Prince (prints) will come," or by placing literal sexual emphasis on "will come". My brother, Bill, who was often featur ed in kiddie porn with me, was not a "chosen one" for Project Monarch (bey ond supplying more children to be dedicated in later years). Yet my father figured that "what was good for me would be good for my brother". He took us to see Walt Disney's Pinocchio, explaining


  • h the Boy Scouts. All of this made him appear to be a model citizen and "pillar of the community". The illusion was fonned. The : parts of me that knew otherwise had no choice but to remain Silent. 1 Project Monarch slaves were referred to as "Chosen Ones". 2 Torture to the point just before death, such as with Death's Door programming, was jointly used by the Catholic Jesuits and the CIA in Project Monarch. 3 I


  • iving into me only served to discount the occult principles and superstitious traumas that they were attempting to use to control me, Satanism is often used as an extreme pain/violence trauma base in Project Monarch Mind Control, reportedly due to the previous German Nazi Himmler Research. I did not adhere to the desi red helplessness attitude that this was "spiritual warfare" and out of the realm of mankind's a


  • vioral modification" pr ogramming. This was the first in what became a routine series of mind-control testing and/or programming sessions on government installations that I would endure throughout my Project Monarch victimization. Whether I was in a military, NASA, or government building, the procedure for maintaining me under total mind control remained consistent with Project Monarch requirements. This include


  • d, as was necessary for my "real education," I worked three menial jobs in addition to attending college. During my first semester of college in 1976, I made plans to take a trip to Nashville with my Project Monarch friend from Catholic Central. (She remains an expendable victim to date, and therefore her identity must be protected from public release for her safety.) My father explained that I was to stay at th


  • CHAPTER 5 TINKERING WITH THE MIND It was 1977. I was a 19-year-old mind-controlled programmed slave in the CIA/DIA Project Monarch Freedom Train operation, literally owned by U.S. Senate Majority Leader Robert C. Byrd , who was then a 20-year incumbent and on the Senate Appropriations Committee, As Byrd's "own little witch" (sex


  • was transferred to Houston. I had long ago lost my ability to "fight," but my new maternal instincts compelled me to "flight". I did all I could to save Kelly and myself from Houston and her fate in Project Monarch. Since I had no ability to reason and was amnesic, I "fled" to my parents' new house in af fluent Grand Haven, Michigan, I had no concept of what I was running from or to. I arrived with my baby daug


  • "above the law" while he continues to traumatize and program CIA destined young minds in a quest to reportedly create the "superior race" of Project Monarch Mind-Controlled slaves. I quickly teamed that Aquino did not adhere to his profoundly professed occult su perstition any more than I did. His "satanic power" was in the form of numerous variations of


  • of the mind and body. She, like I, to th is day carries numerous scars from this "non satanic" abuse base. I know, from years of research, NASA technology and Aquino's programming, combined with the Project Monarch standard sleep, food, and water deprivation and high volta ge, made Kelly a subject of state of the art genetically multigenerationa l MPD/D1D psychological mind-control engineering. In 1981, Byrd pe


  • o make a speech to his. constituents. My blouse stuck to my freshly whipped skin as Byrd walked onto the stage, and the crowd cheered. Althou gh Byrd periodically sexually abused Kelly throughout her Project Monarch victimization, the horrific incident in- West Virginia was the last time 1 was able to instinctively think to respond at all. Aquino's mind-control programming further insured it, as did Byrd's acces


  • to Houston's farm in Tennessee for instructions on handling his new "bride". I was "made of honor" for my friend's "wedding," which was no more a marriage than mine to Houston. As was customary with Project Monarch slaves, her marriage to her handler e quated to marriage to her mind-controi owner, U.S. Senator Arlen Spector. The "wedding" I was forced to participate in was for pornography purposes only, and it


  • eduled to join him in perversely assaulting me. Much to my horror, Aquino arrived early, in full army dress uniform, backstage at the Grand Ol' Opry. When I saw Aquino talk ing with the Vatican based Project Monarch slave runner, Kris Kristopherson, 4 whom I had known since 1979, my personality programmed for Opry events "short circuited". Under circumstances such as this, a multiple without programming would ha


  • tion' to societ y, our nation, and the world, by uti- lizing their talents to maximum potential." With this altitude, Reagan displayed pride in the sick role he played as Th e Wizard Of Oz, directing Project Monarch slaves like myself. That night. Senator Byrd acted in the capacity of a pimp and prostituted me to Reagan. Referring to me as though I were a machine, Reagan asked Byrd, "Does she run on chemicals? "


  • cocaine and pornography distribution, as well as for prostitution of me to him on a regular basis. Thornburgh was a heavy cocaine user, and was deeply involved in CIA covert activities-particu larly Project Monarch. He was a firm believer in mind control, not only for sex training and government operations, but for sports. An avid baseball fan, Thornburgh had much to share with Reagan, Dante and LaSorda, I had


  • rolled sl aves. Houston had no choice but to take me along once the orders came down. CIA operative Ken Riley, the Neo-Nazi pedophile who functioned in the capacity of Loretta Lynn's road manager and Project Monarch Mind-Control handler, was Alex Houston's closest friend. Riley often made arrangements through Loretta's and Houston's shared talent agent, Reggie Maclaughlin, for all of us to travel together—partic


  • in by Habib in answer to Reagan; country music "entertainment" aspects; and prostitution to Habib according to Reagan's instruction. 4 As the sun was setting over Atlantic City, Houston activated the Project Monarch Oz programming that was used for high level covert operations, and had me dress accordingly. I wore r eal and faux diamonds to signify my "Presidential Model" business role, r ubies to signify my Oz


  • riega had been an intricate part of arming the Nicaraguan Contras for Reagan, as well as an international hub in the cocaine operations that funded the black budgets for ultra secret projects such as Project Monarch. My CIA operative handler, Alex Houston's shadowy back door drug dealings with Panama further exemplified the kind of "honor among thieves" rules that Noriega routinely and openly violated. My role,


  • ema in in touch with him throughout the years ; particularly since he and my father were still jointly active in the Michigan organized crime drugs and pornography operation that had launched me into Project Monarch so many years before. Ford was about to embark on a game of golf with my father on the otherwise "Closed for the Season" golf co urse next to my father's expensive house in affluent Grand Haven, Mich


  • ave a role in Operation Shell Game . He "had business at Boys Town in Omaha, Nebraska" where the wayward boys were being traumatized and sexually abused in accordance with the Catholic involvement in Project Monarch. Survivor Paul Bonacci of th e infamous Franklin Cover-up case has named Alex Houston as one of his abus ers there in Boys Town. Houston often went to Boys Town or other similar "vacation resorts" wh


  • Bush had be en painstakingly careful in positioning our seats in order that the hologram's effectiveness be maximized. U.S. Army Lt. Col. Aquino's occultis m provided trauma sufficient to maintain my Project Monarch Mind-Controlled existence despite his inability to affect my core spirituality. Therefore, I was not routinely subjected to the other favorite "trauma of choice"-alien themes-lite many slaves (includ


  • published in Hustler. When Dante found out, he was furious. Larry Flynt and Dante both worked for the CIA, had Vatican and Mafia connections, and deliberately appealed to Reagan's pe rversions using project Monarch Mind- Controlled slaves. What Flynt could not "legally" publish, Dante ran through the underground. Flynt and Dante lived on oposite coasts, which, despite their similarities, still was not far enoug


  • xander in 1973, at a satanic ritual I was subjected to in an affluent neighborhood of Nashville, Tennessee. Lamar Alexander presided over this sex-oriented occult ritual with full understanding of my Project Monarch Mind-Control victimization and the impact his actions were having on my mind. It was my experience then, an d intermittently throughout the years, that Lamar Alexander's sexual perversion wa s to bri


  • nstricted," he replied, Bonnie unzipped his pants as she admittedly had done numerous times in the past, playfully sayings "Let it loose!" Lamar Alexander began removing his pants. Referring to me in Project Monarch terms he said, "When 1 first sa w you, you were a worm with no hint of being a butterfly."


  • y waiting, entranced under Orders of the Rose, 1 I have witnessed girls die of suffocation fro m this practice oven though 3 to 5 minutes without breathing is common. 2 While Bonnie was not raised in Project Monarch, Houston's pedophilia and stage hypnosis techniques rendered Bonnie unable to control her own actions. Bonnie is a multiple with a record of prostitution in need of therapy and care. 3 Irby Mandrell


  • ranged meeting to begin, unable to question Baby Doc's luxurious surroundin gs in view of the despair and starvation around him. I had met with Baby Doc throughout the early '80s in the capacity of a Project Monarch prostitute. All Haitian-based U.S. covert operations were run by a bed-ridden old man referred to as "Ol' Charlie," who resided at the El Presidente Hotel until his death in the mi d '80s. During my


  • RANCE Formation of America is the documented autobiography of a victim of government mind contro l Cathy O'Brien is the only vocal and recovered survivor of the Central Intelligence Agency's MK-Ultra Project Monarch mind control operation. Chiseled deep into the white stone of the CIA's Langley, Virginia headquarters is a partial verse lifted from the Holy Bible and writings of Saint John... " ami the truth shal

File: Your Thoughts Are Not Your Own_ Mind contr - Neil Sanders -

  • ation (exposing the de-classifieddocumentation of MK ULTRA) was a fraud. “I was used extensively on and around 1968 by top politicians…guaranteed by theCentral Intelligence Agency that my training in Project Monarch…insured thehighest level of security. The level of mind control I possessed guaranteed thatI could be used with these leaders who were involved at the highest levels ofnational security without my ow

  • , New YorkUniversity Press, New York.1994[29] [part0000_split_005.html#_ednref29] Weisberg, D. Children of the Night,Lexington Books, Toronto). 1985[30] [part0000_split_005.html#_ednref30] Patton, R. Project Monarch: Nazi MindControl PARANOIA: The Conspiracy Reader.[31] [part0000_split_005.html#_ednref31] Harry V. Martin and David Caul. MindControl Twelfth in a Series Copyright, Napa Sentinel, 1991[32] [part0000

File: Confessions of an Illuminati - Volume VII -


  • control the air we breathewhich is what was done in MKUltra. You might recall how thesinger Michael Jackson wore masks and there is a reason for that. Hewas subjected to MKUltra mind control through Project Monarchand his psyche was scrambled by these simpletons. Cathy wrote:In MKUltra Project Monarch mind control, Michael Jackson had to wear a mask to silence hisvoice so he could not reach out for help. Rememb

File: bloodlines1 -


  • New World Order agenda.’ “Springmeier has written and self-published a number of books based on the subject of the bloodline Illuminati and their use of mind control. He has endorsed the existence of Project Monarch, an alleged CIA mind control project whose existence is based on the assertions of Cathy O'Brien. “Springmeier's early work, The Watchtower & the Masons , focuses on the relationship between Jehovah'

File: bloodlines2 -


  • New World Order agenda.’ “Springmeier has written and self-published a number of books based on the subject of the bloodline Illuminati and their use of mind control. He has endorsed the existence of Project Monarch, an alleged CIA mind control project whose existence is based on the assertions of Cathy O'Brien. “Springmeier's early work, The Watchtower & the Masons , focuses on the relationship between Jehovah'

File: bloodlines3 -


  • New World Order agenda.’ “Springmeier has written and self-published a number of books based on the subject of the bloodline Illuminati and their use of mind control. He has endorsed the existence of Project Monarch, an alleged CIA mind control project whose existence is based on the assertions of Cathy O'Brien. “Springmeier's early work, The Watchtower & the Masons , focuses on the relationship between Jehovah'

File: Battle Hymn - Revelations Of The Sinister Plan For A New World Order -


  • ple speaking in German and referring to him [Dr. Polk] as Josef or Dr. Mengele.” Ron Patton believes the victims’ statements regarding Mengele, but feels the more recent program, termed by victims as Project Monarch, is nebulous. “You’re not going to find any official documentation saying that there was a Project Monarch,” Patton told the author. “What you will find is information that relates to a trauma-based


  • to outside individuals, because these escorts were guaranteed safe — had passed many tests to insure security, were able to provide guaranteed secrecy and were safe from venereal disease.” As part of Project Monarch’s Beta training, Ford maintains these subjects were called “million dollar babies” due to the huge sums of money they could bring in from an early age. “ In the [‘]60s,” Ford wrote, “the use of a Pro

File: Battle Hymn - Revelations Of The Sinister Plan For A New World Order -


  • ple speaking in German and referring to him [Dr. Polk] as Josef or Dr. Mengele.” Ron Patton believes the victims’ statements regarding Mengele, but feels the more recent program, termed by victims as Project Monarch, is nebulous. “You’re not going to find any official documentation saying that there was a Project Monarch,” Patton told the author. “What you will find is information that relates to a trauma-based


  • to outside individuals, because these escorts were guaranteed safe — had passed many tests to insure security, were able to provide guaranteed secrecy and were safe from venereal disease.” As part of Project Monarch’s Beta training, Ford maintains these subjects were called “million dollar babies” due to the huge sums of money they could bring in from an early age. “ In the [‘]60s,” Ford wrote, “the use of a Pro

File: Brotherhood And The Manipulation Of Society -


  • Education | The Media | Choice | The Environmental Movement MIND MANIPULATION - Project Monarch | Fluoride A Microchipped Population part 7 WHO WE ARE Until the last couple of hundred years a major tool in the 'programming' of the collective mind has been the belief in dogmatic religion. Religi


  • lled lone assassins. The CIA openly admit to having used this form of subversive technology for use against America's political enemies but flatly denies that it would ever be used on home territory. Project Monarch An integral part of MK-Ultra is Project Monarch – perhaps the most damning episode in the history of mind control – whereby the minds of women and children are brutally taken over in order to provide


  • control have come from the ex-CIA mind-controlled slave, Cathy O'Brien, and are described in harrowing detail in her book Trance Formation Of America. After a lifetime in the clutches of the MK-Ultra Project Monarch mind-control program she became what is known as a 'Presidential Model', a sex slave used specifically by the presidents for perverted abuse. Her abusers include the presidents Gerald Ford, Ronald Re


  • as 'Satanic reversals' whereby every sensory input was controlled and words and sentences perverted to always have sinister double or triple meanings pertaining to abuse. She was further prepared for Project Monarch when she was taken out of school and relocated at Muskegon Catholic Central High School, with other Monarch 'Chosen Ones' as they were referred to. The final event which literally drove Cathy out of


  • ure of the mentality of the New World Order Elite operatives. It is now up to all of us to see that such sacrifice has not been in vain. According to my sources in Britain. The British counterpart to Project Monarch is Project Ultra Green and was initiated by a Nazi scientist named Grunenberg. One US security agency, the National Security Agency, which wields the power behind the CIA and is heavily involved in t


  • three, have implicated members of the aristocracy, doctors, lawyers, members of the clergy, high level businessmen, media stars, members of the world's governments (see Who We Are – Mind Manipulation/Project Monarch). Sophisticated mind control techniques are used to compartmentalise the memories of the abused to prevent them from revealing the awful truth to the public. Patti has displayed many separate persona


  • n harnessed for personal power and the perpetuation of the Luciferic force upon the Earth (as well as to further traumatise their slaves for mind-control purposes such as Project Ultra Green/MK-Ultra Project Monarch/Freedom Train). In this way the Earth's energy matrix – the collective unconscious, which is continuous with the human psyche, is kept in a negatively imbalanced state – whilst the sickest members of

File: Cathy O'Brien - TranceFormation Of America -


  • AN OPEN LETTER Mind control is absolute. Under MK -Ultra Project Monarch trauma-based mind control, I lost control over my own fr ee will thoughts - I could not think to question, reason, or consciously compre hend - I could only do exactly what I was driven to do. Those


  • DEDICATION This book is for Kelly, in order that she is understood and granted her right to qualified rehabilitation for the MK -Ultra Project Monarch Mind-Control abuses she endured at the hands of our country's so-called leaders. This book is dedicated, as am I, to Ma rk Phillips for rescuing Kelly and me from our mind-controlled existence, and c


  • e I am free to speak my mind, Ke lly, now 17, is not so fortunate. Kelly has yet to receive rehabilitation for her shattered personality and programmed young mind. The high tech sophistication of the Project Monarch trauma-based mind-control procedures she endured, literally since birth, reportedly requires highly specialized, qualified care to aid her in eventually gaining control of her mind and life. Due to t


  • e Bo b, also implicated in manufacturing the porn, out of apparent desperation info rmed my father of a U.S. Government Defense Intelligence Agency TOP SECR ET Project to which he was privy. This was Project Monarch. Project Monarch was a mind-control operation which was "recruiting" multigenerational incest abused children with Multiple Personality Disorder for its geneti c mind-control studies. I was a prime "


  • .." Ford went inside with my parents to officially seal my fate. Not long after that my father was flow n to Boston for a two-week course at Harvard on how to raise me for this of f-shoot of MK-Ultra Project Monarch, When he returned from Boston, my fath er was smiling and pleased with his new knowledge of what he termed "reverse psychology". This equates to "satanic reversals," a nd involves such play-on-words


  • tate of Michigan, among other places. My Uncle Bob helped my father deco rate my bedroom in red, white, and blue paneling and American flags. He provided assistance in scrambling my mind according to Project Monarch methodologies. Fairy tale themes were used to confuse fantasy with reality, particularly Disney stories and the Wizard of Oz, which provided th e base for future programming. I had personalities for


  • sociative trance daydreaming, tones of helplessness and sexuality in drawings, and the electric prod marks on my face should have been recognized. 6 These same themes were rou tinely used in creating Project Monarch slaves. This fact emerged through years of networking with mental health professionals.


  • cribed pen he had presented me with at the state capical, the meaning behind the rosy cr oss necklace would lead me through the rest of my mind-con trolled existence. VanderJagds pedophile comrade in Project Monarch, Father Don, joined us, reaching deep into the pocket of his robes to present me with a delicate blue charm of the Holy Mother. It was to be worn in conjunction with the rosy cross "to symbolize your


  • sed. In the silence of deliberately created memory compartments, I could only hear the voices of my abusers who created them... commanding my silence. Silence for who and what I knew wa s involved in Project Monarch Mind Control. My family routinely vacationed at Ma ckinac Island, Michigan which is a small island positioned in the Great Lakes close to the Canadian border Mackinac Island, with the Governor's Mans


  • u's loyalty to the Vatican when Father Don was discussing h i m with my famer one Sunday after mass. This fact circulated quickly among those I knew who were involved in the Catholic/Jesuit aspect of Project Monarch. The summer after Trudeau was elected, my father took the family to Mackinac Island as usual. Climbing on a large statue on the grounds of the Governor's Mansion, I could see across th e field to the


  • e instructed my "school of thought" in a manner that equated to programming. He laid a foundation fo r Air-Water programs that is a mirror- dimensional theme often used by NASA and others involved in Project Monarch. Playing off his own name "Pee-Air," he added a perverse twist to the theme that he accessed each time 1 was prostituted to him. Had I been capable of fear, I would have been afraid of Pierre Trudeau


  • yrd it was "how much I could take". And I was forced to take mote pain than any human could logically withstand. I was dedicated to Byrd at age thirteen which meant he would be directing my future in Project Monarch, and my father would raise me according to his specifications. My MPD/DID existence became more regimented from that point on. I was kept physically worn down to the point of exhaustion in order that


  • when singing "Someday my Prince (prints) will come," or by placing literal sexual emphasis on "will come". My brother, Bill, who was often featur ed in kiddie porn with me, was not a "chosen one" for Project Monarch (bey ond supplying more children to be dedicated in later years). Yet my father figured that "what was good for me would be good for my brother". He took us to see Walt Disney's Pinocchio, explaining


  • h the Boy Scouts. All of this made him appear to be a model citizen and "pillar of the community". The illusion was fonned. The : parts of me that knew otherwise had no choice but to remain Silent. 1 Project Monarch slaves were referred to as "Chosen Ones". 2 Torture to the point just before death, such as with Death's Door programming, was jointly used by the Catholic Jesuits and the CIA in Project Monarch. 3 I


  • iving into me only served to discount the occult principles and superstitious traumas that they were attempting to use to control me, Satanism is often used as an extreme pain/violence trauma base in Project Monarch Mind Control, reportedly due to the previous German Nazi Himmler Research. I did not adhere to the desi red helplessness attitude that this was "spiritual warfare" and out of the realm of mankind's a


  • vioral modification" pr ogramming. This was the first in what became a routine series of mind-control testing and/or programming sessions on government installations that I would endure throughout my Project Monarch victimization. Whether I was in a military, NASA, or government building, the procedure for maintaining me under total mind control remained consistent with Project Monarch requirements. This include


  • d, as was necessary for my "real education," I worked three menial jobs in addition to attending college. During my first semester of college in 1976, I made plans to take a trip to Nashville with my Project Monarch friend from Catholic Central. (She remains an expendable victim to date, and therefore her identity must be protected from public release for her safety.) My father explained that I was to stay at th


  • CHAPTER 5 TINKERING WITH THE MIND It was 1977. I was a 19-year-old mind-controlled programmed slave in the CIA/DIA Project Monarch Freedom Train operation, literally owned by U.S. Senate Majority Leader Robert C. Byrd , who was then a 20-year incumbent and on the Senate Appropriations Committee, As Byrd's "own little witch" (sex


  • was transferred to Houston. I had long ago lost my ability to "fight," but my new maternal instincts compelled me to "flight". I did all I could to save Kelly and myself from Houston and her fate in Project Monarch. Since I had no ability to reason and was amnesic, I "fled" to my parents' new house in af fluent Grand Haven, Michigan, I had no concept of what I was running from or to. I arrived with my baby daug


  • "above the law" while he continues to traumatize and program CIA destined young minds in a quest to reportedly create the "superior race" of Project Monarch Mind-Controlled slaves. I quickly teamed that Aquino did not adhere to his profoundly professed occult su perstition any more than I did. His "satanic power" was in the form of numerous variations of


  • of the mind and body. She, like I, to th is day carries numerous scars from this "non satanic" abuse base. I know, from years of research, NASA technology and Aquino's programming, combined with the Project Monarch standard sleep, food, and water deprivation and high volta ge, made Kelly a subject of state of the art genetically multigenerationa l MPD/D1D psychological mind-control engineering. In 1981, Byrd pe


  • o make a speech to his. constituents. My blouse stuck to my freshly whipped skin as Byrd walked onto the stage, and the crowd cheered. Althou gh Byrd periodically sexually abused Kelly throughout her Project Monarch victimization, the horrific incident in- West Virginia was the last time 1 was able to instinctively think to respond at all. Aquino's mind-control programming further insured it, as did Byrd's acces


  • to Houston's farm in Tennessee for instructions on handling his new "bride". I was "made of honor" for my friend's "wedding," which was no more a marriage than mine to Houston. As was customary with Project Monarch slaves, her marriage to her handler e quated to marriage to her mind-controi owner, U.S. Senator Arlen Spector. The "wedding" I was forced to participate in was for pornography purposes only, and it


  • eduled to join him in perversely assaulting me. Much to my horror, Aquino arrived early, in full army dress uniform, backstage at the Grand Ol' Opry. When I saw Aquino talk ing with the Vatican based Project Monarch slave runner, Kris Kristopherson, 4 whom I had known since 1979, my personality programmed for Opry events "short circuited". Under circumstances such as this, a multiple without programming would ha


  • tion' to societ y, our nation, and the world, by uti- lizing their talents to maximum potential." With this altitude, Reagan displayed pride in the sick role he played as Th e Wizard Of Oz, directing Project Monarch slaves like myself. That night. Senator Byrd acted in the capacity of a pimp and prostituted me to Reagan. Referring to me as though I were a machine, Reagan asked Byrd, "Does she run on chemicals? "


  • cocaine and pornography distribution, as well as for prostitution of me to him on a regular basis. Thornburgh was a heavy cocaine user, and was deeply involved in CIA covert activities-particu larly Project Monarch. He was a firm believer in mind control, not only for sex training and government operations, but for sports. An avid baseball fan, Thornburgh had much to share with Reagan, Dante and LaSorda, I had


  • rolled sl aves. Houston had no choice but to take me along once the orders came down. CIA operative Ken Riley, the Neo-Nazi pedophile who functioned in the capacity of Loretta Lynn's road manager and Project Monarch Mind-Control handler, was Alex Houston's closest friend. Riley often made arrangements through Loretta's and Houston's shared talent agent, Reggie Maclaughlin, for all of us to travel together—partic


  • in by Habib in answer to Reagan; country music "entertainment" aspects; and prostitution to Habib according to Reagan's instruction. 4 As the sun was setting over Atlantic City, Houston activated the Project Monarch Oz programming that was used for high level covert operations, and had me dress accordingly. I wore r eal and faux diamonds to signify my "Presidential Model" business role, r ubies to signify my Oz


  • riega had been an intricate part of arming the Nicaraguan Contras for Reagan, as well as an international hub in the cocaine operations that funded the black budgets for ultra secret projects such as Project Monarch. My CIA operative handler, Alex Houston's shadowy back door drug dealings with Panama further exemplified the kind of "honor among thieves" rules that Noriega routinely and openly violated. My role,


  • ema in in touch with him throughout the years ; particularly since he and my father were still jointly active in the Michigan organized crime drugs and pornography operation that had launched me into Project Monarch so many years before. Ford was about to embark on a game of golf with my father on the otherwise "Closed for the Season" golf co urse next to my father's expensive house in affluent Grand Haven, Mich


  • ave a role in Operation Shell Game . He "had business at Boys Town in Omaha, Nebraska" where the wayward boys were being traumatized and sexually abused in accordance with the Catholic involvement in Project Monarch. Survivor Paul Bonacci of th e infamous Franklin Cover-up case has named Alex Houston as one of his abus ers there in Boys Town. Houston often went to Boys Town or other similar "vacation resorts" wh


  • Bush had be en painstakingly careful in positioning our seats in order that the hologram's effectiveness be maximized. U.S. Army Lt. Col. Aquino's occultis m provided trauma sufficient to maintain my Project Monarch Mind-Controlled existence despite his inability to affect my core spirituality. Therefore, I was not routinely subjected to the other favorite "trauma of choice"-alien themes-lite many slaves (includ


  • published in Hustler. When Dante found out, he was furious. Larry Flynt and Dante both worked for the CIA, had Vatican and Mafia connections, and deliberately appealed to Reagan's pe rversions using project Monarch Mind- Controlled slaves. What Flynt could not "legally" publish, Dante ran through the underground. Flynt and Dante lived on oposite coasts, which, despite their similarities, still was not far enoug


  • xander in 1973, at a satanic ritual I was subjected to in an affluent neighborhood of Nashville, Tennessee. Lamar Alexander presided over this sex-oriented occult ritual with full understanding of my Project Monarch Mind-Control victimization and the impact his actions were having on my mind. It was my experience then, an d intermittently throughout the years, that Lamar Alexander's sexual perversion wa s to bri


  • nstricted," he replied, Bonnie unzipped his pants as she admittedly had done numerous times in the past, playfully sayings "Let it loose!" Lamar Alexander began removing his pants. Referring to me in Project Monarch terms he said, "When 1 first sa w you, you were a worm with no hint of being a butterfly."


  • y waiting, entranced under Orders of the Rose, 1 I have witnessed girls die of suffocation fro m this practice oven though 3 to 5 minutes without breathing is common. 2 While Bonnie was not raised in Project Monarch, Houston's pedophilia and stage hypnosis techniques rendered Bonnie unable to control her own actions. Bonnie is a multiple with a record of prostitution in need of therapy and care. 3 Irby Mandrell


  • ranged meeting to begin, unable to question Baby Doc's luxurious surroundin gs in view of the despair and starvation around him. I had met with Baby Doc throughout the early '80s in the capacity of a Project Monarch prostitute. All Haitian-based U.S. covert operations were run by a bed-ridden old man referred to as "Ol' Charlie," who resided at the El Presidente Hotel until his death in the mi d '80s. During my


  • RANCE Formation of America is the documented autobiography of a victim of government mind contro l Cathy O'Brien is the only vocal and recovered survivor of the Central Intelligence Agency's MK-Ultra Project Monarch mind control operation. Chiseled deep into the white stone of the CIA's Langley, Virginia headquarters is a partial verse lifted from the Holy Bible and writings of Saint John... " ami the truth shal

File: David Icke - Are There Aliens Among Us (1999) -


  • she’s got red hair today, is actually blond haired,with piercing blue eyes. And the blond-haired, blue-eyed thing is fundamentally involvedin all of this stuff, and what have you. Anyway, that is why Project Monarch isoverwhelmingly, if not exclusively, blond-haired, blue-eyed people.I went to talk to her about the rituals that she says she conducted. So, we’re getting intothis stuff, and she’s telling me about

File: David Icke - I Am Me I Am Free - The Robots' Guide to Freedom (1996) -


  • Multiple Personality Disorder who came from families with ahistory of intergenerational child abuse. They wanted the children fortheir studies into genetic mind-control which operated under the titleProject Monarch, an offshoot of the notorious, MKUltra. (I understandthat MK stands for Mind Kontrolle - the German spelling of Kreplacing the C in deference to the Nazis, formerly serving underHitler, who inspired


  • ch called St. Francis deSales in Muskegon and another priest, a Father Don, was a paedophilewho helped Gerald Ford’s friend, Guy Vanderjagt, to confuse and abuseher in line with the “requirements” of Project Monarch. Later she wassent to a Roman Catholic School, one of many used by the governmentto safely house their mind-controlled children under the strict regimedesigned to increase the depth of their Multiple


  • 53Ones. They were, and are, keen supporters of mind-control outrageslike Project Monarch and MKUltra. How appropriate given that theRoman Catholic Church has survived only by terrifying, brainwashing,and mind-controlling its global congregation. One Jesuit front for theconspiracy is the


  • gned to have a hypnotic affect on the viewer. Hebecame the leader, she writes, of the country music segment of the“Freedom Train” - the internationally recognised code name for theslave operations of Project Monarch. The name “Boxcar Willie” wasnot selected at random. It makes a statement about the man and hisrole. Cathy names Boxcar Willie as a paedophile rapist of mind-controlled women and children, including

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret - The Book that Will Change the World (1998) -


  • and raped Cathy’sdaughter, Kelly O’Brien, as a toddler before her mother’s courageous exposure of thesestaggering events forced the authorities to remove Kelly from the mind controlprogramme known as Project Monarch. Cathy writes in Trance Formation Of Americaof how George Bush was sitting in front of her in his office in Washington DC when heopened a book at a page depicting “lizard-like aliens from a far off,


  • e president Earle H. Harbison Jris also president of the Mental Health Association and director of the infamousBethesda General Hospital where slaves are programmed for a mind control operationcalled Project Monarch.8 Monsanto is heavily involved with genetically manipulatedfood.Trauma-based mind controlProject Monarch is one of the many offshoots of MKUltra, a programme which, despiteofficial denials, is not on


  • ultiple Personality Disorder who came from families with a history ofintergenerational child abuse. They wanted the children for their studies into geneticmind control which operated under the title, Project Monarch, an offshoot of MKUltra.The name Monarch comes from the Monarch butterfly, more symbolism which relatesin part to the butterfly net. The man who arrived at Cathy’s house to give her father theultimat


  • a Roman Catholic Church called St Francis de Sales in Muskegon and anotherpriest, a Father Don, helped Gerald Ford’s friend, Guy VanderJagt, to confuse and abuseher in line with the ‘requirements’ of Project Monarch. Later she was sent to a RomanCatholic School, one of many used by the Brotherhood to safely house their mindcontrolled children under the strict regime designed to increase the depth of their Multip


  • , mirrors and smokescreens. The Jesuits, the Knights ofMalta, and the Roman Catholic hierarchy are part of the Babylonian Brotherhood. Theywere, and are, keen supporters of mind control outrages like Project Monarch andMKUltra. How appropriate, given that the Roman Catholic Church has survived byterrifying, brainwashing, and mind controlling its global congregation. Cathy says shewas pressured and manipulated fr


  • e,had publicly endorsed a book called Breaking The Circle Of Satanic Ritual Abuse bythe former Satanist, Daniel Ryder. It exposed the ties between Satanists and the mindcontrol programmes MKUltra and Project Monarch. While a man was reluctantlycharged with Polly’s murder, the facts point conclusively to a retaliation by theSatanists against her grandfather. A woman called the FBI to say she had escaped froma cov


  • gned tohave a hypnotic effect on the viewer. He became the leader, she writes, of the countrymusic segment of the ‘Freedom train’ - the internationally recognised code name for theslave operations of Project Monarch. The name Boxcar Willie was not selected atrandom, it would seem. It makes a statement about the man and his role. Cathy namesBoxcar Willie as a paedophile rapist of mind controlled women and childre


  • and Wheeler as a Satanist is theworld’s best known ‘Christian’ preacher, Billy Graham.61 Springmeier and Wheeler haveassembled a list of people who have seen Graham ‘in action’. They also say he usesProject Monarch slaves for sex and he launders drug money through his evangelicaloperation. Graham is a Brotherhood stooge who carries messages between worldleaders.62 The witnesses say that Graham is a multiple who


  • covers some 24 pages. A Presidential Model told methat Pope John Paul II is a programmed multiple and that certainly fits the picture.Cathy O’Brien says that she and her daughter, Kelly, escaped from Project Monarchwhen Mark Phillips came on the scene. He says he worked with Alex Houston on a bigbusiness deal involving Hong Kong and China, but then he was told by a representativeof the Chinese Ministry of Defenc


  • h’69 All thiswas ‘justified’ by the interests of ‘national security’. These restrictions weresignificantly eased after the publication of their book. The authorities refuse todeprogram Kelly from her Project Monarch-MKUltra mind control by invoking theNational Security Act (amended by Reagan in 1984) which allows them the excuse of‘national security’ whenever they want to put the lid on something. Whenever you s


  • t at ChinaLake in cages piled to the ceiling of large hangers.80 The cages, known as ‘WoodpeckerGrids’ were electrified and the babies were tortured with powerful electric shocks.81 Amale survivor of Project Monarch tells of seeing the rows and rows of cages at ChinaLake and one of the programmers, he said, was dressed like a catholic priest.82 Hedescribed how the electric current running through the cages made


  • ure of the mind control and ritual abuse networks and the knowledge of the truenature of life. I am also staggered sometimes by the ‘research’ of some ‘conspiracywriters’ who dismiss the existence of Project Monarch and the highly detailed anddocumented work of people like Springmeier and Wheeler. If you read such authors inthe light of the evidence presented here and elsewhere, one wonders if these‘conspiracy w


  • s used bythe Brotherhood as part of their secret language. The Kennedy family have been closelyinvolved with drugs, organised crime, the British monarchy, and the mind controlledslave operations like Project Monarch. This adds credibility to the claims by arecovered mind controlled slave I met who said she was taken to have sex with John F.Kennedy at the age of eleven - “Although they made me up to look about 16


  • is book went to press, and months after Christine gaveme her information in England, I was contacted by a friend in the United States whowas deprogramming a very high level mind controlled slave from Project Monarch. Hebelieves her to be the highest ranked woman in the Satanic hierarchy in the United


  • ls are, in fact,very much of the Earth. They were developed by a consortium of engineers fromMotorola, General Electric, IBM and the Boston Medical Center. One example is theIBM 2020 chip used in the Project Monarch mind control programme. These are alsoimplanted in their unsuspecting patients by doctors and dentists under contract to theintelligence agencies. More and more books are now being published about ev


  • 512Project Monarch - 29, 317, 323-S, 329, 335,338, 346, 406, 449, 453, 485‘Project Panic’ - 486Project Paperdip - 256-7, 269, 315-6, 484Prometheus -45, 89, 351Prometheus Books - 91, 346Protection of Wildlife (Indemnity

File: Kay - The Big Lie, 9-11 and Government Complicity in Mass Murder (2005) -


  • ut. 81 The CIA and Nazi’s, MK-ULTRA, and Mind Control Experiments . Even more disturbing is the admittedly extensive and Mengele- esque projects known as MK-ULTRA, 82 MK-SEARCH, MK- NAOMI, ARTICHOKE, Project MONARCH, 83 and Project BLUEBIRD 84 experiments for developing human mind- control, truth serums, effective torture/interrogation methods and countermeasures, Neuro-Linguistic programming, and brain-washing


  • The Big Lie” 9/11 and the Government’s Complicity in Mass Murder 43 Several of the barbaric and inhumane mind control experiments, predominately Project Monarch, involved child research subjects as young as 2-3 years old using extreme violence, sexual abuse and torture trauma- based creation of multiple personalities (Dissociative Identity Disorder), called


  • ramming/mkultra.shtml > osition/assignments/experiment/lsd.html 83 Patton, Ron. “Project Monarch.” Paranoia: The Conspiracy Reader 1999. reprinted at: < > 84 Ross, Colin A., M.D. Bluebird: Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality by Psychiatrists. Mani

File: Livingstone, David - Terrorism and the Illuminati, A 3000 Year History (2007) -


  • ing techniques to deliberately induce a state of Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), also known as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). Of the various subprojects under the umbrella of MK-Ultra was Project Monarch, officially begun by the U.S. Army in the early 1960’s. Project Monarch was the catchword for mind-control projects involving US military, CIA, NASA and other government agencies. Methods used by Pro

File: Lyne - Pentagon Aliens (1999) -


  • hose little rolls of fat on the back of his neck I was greatly disappointed in 1996 to learn of his connections to Col. Michael Aq uino and the CIA's MK ULTRA program, in which he was a Vatican-based Project Monarch slave-runner. 1 Working with the Jesuits, eh Kris? Eddie's older brother, Tom, eventually became the Chief of Naval Operations. It didn't surprise me, because he was always well aware of what was goi

File: Memoirs of Bob Hope's and Henry Kissinger's Mind-Controlled Slave -


  • er Bowart: Thanks for the Memmemmor mee!?......................................... 12 Historical Overview: Mind Control in the Modern Con text .............................................. ...... 18 Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton... ................................................... .......... 20 Manufacturing the Mind Controlled Slave............ .............................................


  • is sou l,' which is more than one can say for the host of others who we re similarly involved. Gottlieb passed away earlier in 1999, just in time to miss all the 'fireworks.' The following article, " Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control " by Ron Patton , provides an excellent historical overview on mind control in its many different aspe cts and is reprinted here almost in its entirety. T he article appeared in th


  • PROJECT MONARCH: NAZI MIND CONTROL by Ron Patton Amidst the subtle cerebral circumvention of the gul lible populace, through a multitude of manipulated mediums, lies one of the most diabolical atrocities perpetra te


  • the use of MKULTRA abroad . MKULTRA / MKDELTA materials were used for harassment, discrediting or disabling purposes.[8] Of the 149 subprojects under the umbrella of MKULTR A having been identified, Project MONARCH officially began by the U.S. Army in the early 1960's (althoug h unofficially implemented much earlier) appears to be the most prominent and is still classified as TOP SECRET for "National Security"


  • The True Life Story of a CIA Slave by Cathy O'Brien . On the back cover it emphatically states, "Cathy O'Brien is the only vocal and recovered surv ivor of the Central Intelligence Agency's Mk-Ultra Project Monarch mind control operation." This documented autobiography contains compelling a ccounts of O'Brien's years of unrelenting incest an d eventual introduction into Project MONARCH by her perverted father.


  • Paul Bonaci , a courageous survivor who endured almost two deca des of degradation under Project MONARCH, has disclosed strong corroborating evidence of wide scale crimes and corruption from the municipal/sta te level all the way up to the White House.[17] He has testified about sexually-abused males se


  • ol, World Control and his latest book Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness.] Conclusion The most incriminating statement to date made by a government official as to the possible existence of Project MONARCH was extracted by Anton Chaitkin, a writer f or the publication, The New Federalist. When former CIA Director William Colby was asked directly, "What ab out monarch?" he replied angrily and ambiguousl


  • se was merely t he mind control trauma base my ritually abused, programmed, pedophile father, Calvin Charles Eckhart, and othe rs used to condition me for participation in the still active top secret Project Monarch, the Central Intelligenc e Agency's white slavery operation that is related to MKULTRA and it 's numerous sub-projects. I was raised in the affluent area of Woodland Hills , California, but was abuse


  • s of seeking "outside" sexual gratificat ion, fear of adverse publicity or disease, and othe r security risks, created a heavy demand for the use of this latest h uman technology. As I later learned, Project Monarch beta trained sex slaves were called " million dollar babies " referring to the large amount of money each slave would bring in from a very early age . In the 60's the use of a Project Monarch preside


  • d tied, alter-bound, hypnotiz ed, Sweet Freedom whispered in my ear, "You're a bu tterfly, and butterflies are free to fly, fly away, high awa y, bye, bye." Perhaps Elton knows personally about these Project Monarch, mind control issues and in his own way, th rough his songs, has attempted to help others to fr eedom. I know that his songs personally affected me deeply a nd I felt that he might have 'understood.'


  • them if t hey did he would have them thrown out of the ballpark and he w ould have their job. If they asked why, he would sa y, "She's not quite herself tonight." In line with the inform ation about Project Monarch , some rich people actually own certain Dodger players and their children . Often it's cryptically called "sponsoring ," but it's really ownership (much like owning a racehorse) because the owner mak

File: Millegan, Kris - Fleshing Out Skull and Bones, Investigations into America's Most Powerful Secret Society (2003) -


  • E VERYTHING Y OU W ANTED TO A SK , B UT W ERE A FRAID TO K NOW Project Monarch was the resumption of a mind-contro l project called Mari- onette Programming, which started in Nazi Germany. The basic component of the Monarch Program is the sophisticated manipul ation of the mind


  • I NVESTIGATIONS INTO A MERICA ' S M OST P OWERFUL S ECRET S OCIETY Soon afterwards, a mind control project called Mari - onette Programming imported from Nazi Germany was revived under the new name, "Project Monarch." The basic component of the Monarch program is the sophisticat ed manipulation of the mind, using extreme trauma to i n- duce Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), now known as Disassociative Disorde

File: New Underworld Order -


  • mming operations of specialist US intelligence cadres working within the framework of the Himmlerian tradition and such mind-control programmes, designed to split targeted persona lities, as MK-ULTRA Project Monarch, under which Multiple Personality Disorder was created and subdivided so that the victim acquires a wide range of 'alters' which his or her handler can trigger using pre-programmed words or phrases f


  • hat has comprehensively fa iled. Dr Leary's drug experiments, undertaken at Harvard University, were funded by the CIA, which also trained or trains operatives to raise children to become sex slaves (Project MONARCH slaves). A number of covert mind-control slave camps are known to exist in the United States, of which Mount Shasta is one. On the day of the Oklahoma City bombing - a mass traumatisation event, like


  • asked whether Ms O'Brien represented a 'd eprogramming case study', implying a scintilla of doubt as to whether the pair's representation that 'Cathy Phillips', as she now is, is indeed a survivor of Project MONARCH'S (MK-ULTRA) mind-control programme, and that Mark Phillips is the person ('former ' intelligence operative) who rescued her, represents the full story. The Author received no reply to his letter, wh


  • 226 C HAPTER 4: The Hex of Himmler control operations contained therein - consider ing that the phrase Project MONARCH is not mentioned in any open intelligence document s, and that Ms. O'Brien apparently cannot remember any dates or Air Force Laboratory layouts that could be verified by an objective researcher seeki


  • hindered and unchecked due to the National Security Act 1947 and the 1986 Reagan amendment to same, which allows those in control of our Government to censor and/or cover up anything they choose ». ' Project MONARCH was a US Defense Intelligence Ag ency TOP SECRET project... a mind-control operation which was [author ma intains use of the past tense, but it's still happening] 'recruiting' multi generational ince

File: Taylor - Thanks for Memories - Memoirs of Bob Hope's and Henry Kissinger's Mind-Controlled Slave -


  • er Bowart: Thanks for the Memmemmor mee!?......................................... 12 Historical Overview: Mind Control in the Modern Con text .............................................. ...... 18 Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton... ................................................... .......... 20 Manufacturing the Mind Controlled Slave............ .............................................


  • is sou l,' which is more than one can say for the host of others who we re similarly involved. Gottlieb passed away earlier in 1999, just in time to miss all the 'fireworks.' The following article, " Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control " by Ron Patton , provides an excellent historical overview on mind control in its many different aspe cts and is reprinted here almost in its entirety. T he article appeared in th


  • PROJECT MONARCH: NAZI MIND CONTROL by Ron Patton Amidst the subtle cerebral circumvention of the gul lible populace, through a multitude of manipulated mediums, lies one of the most diabolical atrocities perpetra te


  • the use of MKULTRA abroad . MKULTRA / MKDELTA materials were used for harassment, discrediting or disabling purposes.[8] Of the 149 subprojects under the umbrella of MKULTR A having been identified, Project MONARCH officially began by the U.S. Army in the early 1960's (althoug h unofficially implemented much earlier) appears to be the most prominent and is still classified as TOP SECRET for "National Security"


  • The True Life Story of a CIA Slave by Cathy O'Brien . On the back cover it emphatically states, "Cathy O'Brien is the only vocal and recovered surv ivor of the Central Intelligence Agency's Mk-Ultra Project Monarch mind control operation." This documented autobiography contains compelling a ccounts of O'Brien's years of unrelenting incest an d eventual introduction into Project MONARCH by her perverted father.


  • Paul Bonaci , a courageous survivor who endured almost two deca des of degradation under Project MONARCH, has disclosed strong corroborating evidence of wide scale crimes and corruption from the municipal/sta te level all the way up to the White House.[17] He has testified about sexually-abused males se


  • ol, World Control and his latest book Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness.] Conclusion The most incriminating statement to date made by a government official as to the possible existence of Project MONARCH was extracted by Anton Chaitkin, a writer f or the publication, The New Federalist. When former CIA Director William Colby was asked directly, "What ab out monarch?" he replied angrily and ambiguousl


  • se was merely t he mind control trauma base my ritually abused, programmed, pedophile father, Calvin Charles Eckhart, and othe rs used to condition me for participation in the still active top secret Project Monarch, the Central Intelligenc e Agency's white slavery operation that is related to MKULTRA and it 's numerous sub-projects. I was raised in the affluent area of Woodland Hills , California, but was abuse


  • s of seeking "outside" sexual gratificat ion, fear of adverse publicity or disease, and othe r security risks, created a heavy demand for the use of this latest h uman technology. As I later learned, Project Monarch beta trained sex slaves were called " million dollar babies " referring to the large amount of money each slave would bring in from a very early age . In the 60's the use of a Project Monarch preside


  • d tied, alter-bound, hypnotiz ed, Sweet Freedom whispered in my ear, "You're a bu tterfly, and butterflies are free to fly, fly away, high awa y, bye, bye." Perhaps Elton knows personally about these Project Monarch, mind control issues and in his own way, th rough his songs, has attempted to help others to fr eedom. I know that his songs personally affected me deeply a nd I felt that he might have 'understood.'


  • them if t hey did he would have them thrown out of the ballpark and he w ould have their job. If they asked why, he would sa y, "She's not quite herself tonight." In line with the inform ation about Project Monarch , some rich people actually own certain Dodger players and their children . Often it's cryptically called "sponsoring ," but it's really ownership (much like owning a racehorse) because the owner mak

File: Terrorism And The Illuminati - A Three Thousand Year History -


  • ing techniques to deliberately induce a state of Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), also known as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). Of the various subprojects under the umbrella of MK-Ultra was Project Monarch, officially begun by the U.S. Army in the early 1960’s. Project Monarch was the catchword for mind-control projects involving US military, CIA, NASA and other government agencies. Methods used by Pro

File: Terrorism Of The Illuminati -


  • ing techniques to deliberately induce a state of Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), also known as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). Of the various subprojects under the umbrella of MK-Ultra was Project Monarch, officially begun by the U.S. Army in the early 1960’s. Project Monarch was the catchword for mind-control projects involving US military, CIA, NASA and other government agencies. Methods used by Pro

File: Trance Formation Of America -


  • AN OPEN LETTER Mind control is absolute. Under MK -Ultra Project Monarch trauma-based mind control, I lost control over my own fr ee will thoughts - I could not think to question, reason, or consciously compre hend - I could only do exactly what I was driven to do. Those


  • DEDICATION This book is for Kelly, in order that she is understood and granted her right to qualified rehabilitation for the MK -Ultra Project Monarch Mind-Control abuses she endured at the hands of our country's so-called leaders. This book is dedicated, as am I, to Ma rk Phillips for rescuing Kelly and me from our mind-controlled existence, and c


  • e I am free to speak my mind, Ke lly, now 17, is not so fortunate. Kelly has yet to receive rehabilitation for her shattered personality and programmed young mind. The high tech sophistication of the Project Monarch trauma-based mind-control procedures she endured, literally since birth, reportedly requires highly specialized, qualified care to aid her in eventually gaining control of her mind and life. Due to t


  • e Bo b, also implicated in manufacturing the porn, out of apparent desperation info rmed my father of a U.S. Government Defense Intelligence Agency TOP SECR ET Project to which he was privy. This was Project Monarch. Project Monarch was a mind-control operation which was "recruiting" multigenerational incest abused children with Multiple Personality Disorder for its geneti c mind-control studies. I was a prime "


  • .." Ford went inside with my parents to officially seal my fate. Not long after that my father was flow n to Boston for a two-week course at Harvard on how to raise me for this of f-shoot of MK-Ultra Project Monarch, When he returned from Boston, my fath er was smiling and pleased with his new knowledge of what he termed "reverse psychology". This equates to "satanic reversals," a nd involves such play-on-words


  • tate of Michigan, among other places. My Uncle Bob helped my father deco rate my bedroom in red, white, and blue paneling and American flags. He provided assistance in scrambling my mind according to Project Monarch methodologies. Fairy tale themes were used to confuse fantasy with reality, particularly Disney stories and the Wizard of Oz, which provided th e base for future programming. I had personalities for


  • sociative trance daydreaming, tones of helplessness and sexuality in drawings, and the electric prod marks on my face should have been recognized. 6 These same themes were rou tinely used in creating Project Monarch slaves. This fact emerged through years of networking with mental health professionals.


  • cribed pen he had presented me with at the state capical, the meaning behind the rosy cr oss necklace would lead me through the rest of my mind-con trolled existence. VanderJagds pedophile comrade in Project Monarch, Father Don, joined us, reaching deep into the pocket of his robes to present me with a delicate blue charm of the Holy Mother. It was to be worn in conjunction with the rosy cross "to symbolize your


  • sed. In the silence of deliberately created memory compartments, I could only hear the voices of my abusers who created them... commanding my silence. Silence for who and what I knew wa s involved in Project Monarch Mind Control. My family routinely vacationed at Ma ckinac Island, Michigan which is a small island positioned in the Great Lakes close to the Canadian border Mackinac Island, with the Governor's Mans


  • u's loyalty to the Vatican when Father Don was discussing h i m with my famer one Sunday after mass. This fact circulated quickly among those I knew who were involved in the Catholic/Jesuit aspect of Project Monarch. The summer after Trudeau was elected, my father took the family to Mackinac Island as usual. Climbing on a large statue on the grounds of the Governor's Mansion, I could see across th e field to the


  • e instructed my "school of thought" in a manner that equated to programming. He laid a foundation fo r Air-Water programs that is a mirror- dimensional theme often used by NASA and others involved in Project Monarch. Playing off his own name "Pee-Air," he added a perverse twist to the theme that he accessed each time 1 was prostituted to him. Had I been capable of fear, I would have been afraid of Pierre Trudeau


  • yrd it was "how much I could take". And I was forced to take mote pain than any human could logically withstand. I was dedicated to Byrd at age thirteen which meant he would be directing my future in Project Monarch, and my father would raise me according to his specifications. My MPD/DID existence became more regimented from that point on. I was kept physically worn down to the point of exhaustion in order that


  • when singing "Someday my Prince (prints) will come," or by placing literal sexual emphasis on "will come". My brother, Bill, who was often featur ed in kiddie porn with me, was not a "chosen one" for Project Monarch (bey ond supplying more children to be dedicated in later years). Yet my father figured that "what was good for me would be good for my brother". He took us to see Walt Disney's Pinocchio, explaining


  • h the Boy Scouts. All of this made him appear to be a model citizen and "pillar of the community". The illusion was fonned. The : parts of me that knew otherwise had no choice but to remain Silent. 1 Project Monarch slaves were referred to as "Chosen Ones". 2 Torture to the point just before death, such as with Death's Door programming, was jointly used by the Catholic Jesuits and the CIA in Project Monarch. 3 I


  • iving into me only served to discount the occult principles and superstitious traumas that they were attempting to use to control me, Satanism is often used as an extreme pain/violence trauma base in Project Monarch Mind Control, reportedly due to the previous German Nazi Himmler Research. I did not adhere to the desi red helplessness attitude that this was "spiritual warfare" and out of the realm of mankind's a


  • vioral modification" pr ogramming. This was the first in what became a routine series of mind-control testing and/or programming sessions on government installations that I would endure throughout my Project Monarch victimization. Whether I was in a military, NASA, or government building, the procedure for maintaining me under total mind control remained consistent with Project Monarch requirements. This include


  • d, as was necessary for my "real education," I worked three menial jobs in addition to attending college. During my first semester of college in 1976, I made plans to take a trip to Nashville with my Project Monarch friend from Catholic Central. (She remains an expendable victim to date, and therefore her identity must be protected from public release for her safety.) My father explained that I was to stay at th


  • CHAPTER 5 TINKERING WITH THE MIND It was 1977. I was a 19-year-old mind-controlled programmed slave in the CIA/DIA Project Monarch Freedom Train operation, literally owned by U.S. Senate Majority Leader Robert C. Byrd , who was then a 20-year incumbent and on the Senate Appropriations Committee, As Byrd's "own little witch" (sex


  • was transferred to Houston. I had long ago lost my ability to "fight," but my new maternal instincts compelled me to "flight". I did all I could to save Kelly and myself from Houston and her fate in Project Monarch. Since I had no ability to reason and was amnesic, I "fled" to my parents' new house in af fluent Grand Haven, Michigan, I had no concept of what I was running from or to. I arrived with my baby daug


  • "above the law" while he continues to traumatize and program CIA destined young minds in a quest to reportedly create the "superior race" of Project Monarch Mind-Controlled slaves. I quickly teamed that Aquino did not adhere to his profoundly professed occult su perstition any more than I did. His "satanic power" was in the form of numerous variations of


  • of the mind and body. She, like I, to th is day carries numerous scars from this "non satanic" abuse base. I know, from years of research, NASA technology and Aquino's programming, combined with the Project Monarch standard sleep, food, and water deprivation and high volta ge, made Kelly a subject of state of the art genetically multigenerationa l MPD/D1D psychological mind-control engineering. In 1981, Byrd pe


  • o make a speech to his. constituents. My blouse stuck to my freshly whipped skin as Byrd walked onto the stage, and the crowd cheered. Althou gh Byrd periodically sexually abused Kelly throughout her Project Monarch victimization, the horrific incident in- West Virginia was the last time 1 was able to instinctively think to respond at all. Aquino's mind-control programming further insured it, as did Byrd's acces


  • to Houston's farm in Tennessee for instructions on handling his new "bride". I was "made of honor" for my friend's "wedding," which was no more a marriage than mine to Houston. As was customary with Project Monarch slaves, her marriage to her handler e quated to marriage to her mind-controi owner, U.S. Senator Arlen Spector. The "wedding" I was forced to participate in was for pornography purposes only, and it


  • eduled to join him in perversely assaulting me. Much to my horror, Aquino arrived early, in full army dress uniform, backstage at the Grand Ol' Opry. When I saw Aquino talk ing with the Vatican based Project Monarch slave runner, Kris Kristopherson, 4 whom I had known since 1979, my personality programmed for Opry events "short circuited". Under circumstances such as this, a multiple without programming would ha


  • tion' to societ y, our nation, and the world, by uti- lizing their talents to maximum potential." With this altitude, Reagan displayed pride in the sick role he played as Th e Wizard Of Oz, directing Project Monarch slaves like myself. That night. Senator Byrd acted in the capacity of a pimp and prostituted me to Reagan. Referring to me as though I were a machine, Reagan asked Byrd, "Does she run on chemicals? "


  • cocaine and pornography distribution, as well as for prostitution of me to him on a regular basis. Thornburgh was a heavy cocaine user, and was deeply involved in CIA covert activities-particu larly Project Monarch. He was a firm believer in mind control, not only for sex training and government operations, but for sports. An avid baseball fan, Thornburgh had much to share with Reagan, Dante and LaSorda, I had


  • rolled sl aves. Houston had no choice but to take me along once the orders came down. CIA operative Ken Riley, the Neo-Nazi pedophile who functioned in the capacity of Loretta Lynn's road manager and Project Monarch Mind-Control handler, was Alex Houston's closest friend. Riley often made arrangements through Loretta's and Houston's shared talent agent, Reggie Maclaughlin, for all of us to travel together—partic


  • in by Habib in answer to Reagan; country music "entertainment" aspects; and prostitution to Habib according to Reagan's instruction. 4 As the sun was setting over Atlantic City, Houston activated the Project Monarch Oz programming that was used for high level covert operations, and had me dress accordingly. I wore r eal and faux diamonds to signify my "Presidential Model" business role, r ubies to signify my Oz


  • riega had been an intricate part of arming the Nicaraguan Contras for Reagan, as well as an international hub in the cocaine operations that funded the black budgets for ultra secret projects such as Project Monarch. My CIA operative handler, Alex Houston's shadowy back door drug dealings with Panama further exemplified the kind of "honor among thieves" rules that Noriega routinely and openly violated. My role,


  • ema in in touch with him throughout the years ; particularly since he and my father were still jointly active in the Michigan organized crime drugs and pornography operation that had launched me into Project Monarch so many years before. Ford was about to embark on a game of golf with my father on the otherwise "Closed for the Season" golf co urse next to my father's expensive house in affluent Grand Haven, Mich


  • ave a role in Operation Shell Game . He "had business at Boys Town in Omaha, Nebraska" where the wayward boys were being traumatized and sexually abused in accordance with the Catholic involvement in Project Monarch. Survivor Paul Bonacci of th e infamous Franklin Cover-up case has named Alex Houston as one of his abus ers there in Boys Town. Houston often went to Boys Town or other similar "vacation resorts" wh


  • Bush had be en painstakingly careful in positioning our seats in order that the hologram's effectiveness be maximized. U.S. Army Lt. Col. Aquino's occultis m provided trauma sufficient to maintain my Project Monarch Mind-Controlled existence despite his inability to affect my core spirituality. Therefore, I was not routinely subjected to the other favorite "trauma of choice"-alien themes-lite many slaves (includ


  • published in Hustler. When Dante found out, he was furious. Larry Flynt and Dante both worked for the CIA, had Vatican and Mafia connections, and deliberately appealed to Reagan's pe rversions using project Monarch Mind- Controlled slaves. What Flynt could not "legally" publish, Dante ran through the underground. Flynt and Dante lived on oposite coasts, which, despite their similarities, still was not far enoug


  • xander in 1973, at a satanic ritual I was subjected to in an affluent neighborhood of Nashville, Tennessee. Lamar Alexander presided over this sex-oriented occult ritual with full understanding of my Project Monarch Mind-Control victimization and the impact his actions were having on my mind. It was my experience then, an d intermittently throughout the years, that Lamar Alexander's sexual perversion wa s to bri


  • nstricted," he replied, Bonnie unzipped his pants as she admittedly had done numerous times in the past, playfully sayings "Let it loose!" Lamar Alexander began removing his pants. Referring to me in Project Monarch terms he said, "When 1 first sa w you, you were a worm with no hint of being a butterfly."


  • y waiting, entranced under Orders of the Rose, 1 I have witnessed girls die of suffocation fro m this practice oven though 3 to 5 minutes without breathing is common. 2 While Bonnie was not raised in Project Monarch, Houston's pedophilia and stage hypnosis techniques rendered Bonnie unable to control her own actions. Bonnie is a multiple with a record of prostitution in need of therapy and care. 3 Irby Mandrell


  • ranged meeting to begin, unable to question Baby Doc's luxurious surroundin gs in view of the despair and starvation around him. I had met with Baby Doc throughout the early '80s in the capacity of a Project Monarch prostitute. All Haitian-based U.S. covert operations were run by a bed-ridden old man referred to as "Ol' Charlie," who resided at the El Presidente Hotel until his death in the mi d '80s. During my


  • RANCE Formation of America is the documented autobiography of a victim of government mind contro l Cathy O'Brien is the only vocal and recovered survivor of the Central Intelligence Agency's MK-Ultra Project Monarch mind control operation. Chiseled deep into the white stone of the CIA's Langley, Virginia headquarters is a partial verse lifted from the Holy Bible and writings of Saint John... " ami the truth shal

File: Vatican Assassins -


  • switched m e and accessed a previously programmed messa ge . . .Torture to the point just before death, such as with Death’s Door program ming, was jointly used by the Catholic Jesuits and the CIA in Project Monarch [ Universal Monarch of the World ].” phasis added] Ex-CIA Presidential Prostitute “I did not have sexual rela tions with that woman, Miss [ Monica ] Lewinsky !” Cathy O’Brien, 1995 Trance: Formation

File: Gee_-_The_Tree_of_Death_amp_amp_the_Qliphoth -


  • , a "low intensity conflict" paradigm based on peripheral- or nonmilitary covert-operations.As quoted to reporter Anton Chaitkin of the Nov Federalist, former CIA director William Colby in regards to Project Monarch said, "we slopped doing lhat between ihe lale 1%0's and early 1970's." (Ron Pallon, Project Monarch) With ihe quantum computer, containing circuit breakers the size of quanta and governed by the pote


  • quent suggestion.The best methods of this derive, initially, from cybernetics, where subsequent suggestions propagate memetically. The collection of all such systems falls under the umbrella title of Project MONARCH. This does not mean to suggest, of course, that the only forms of such systemitsation derive from cybernetics, and that Monarch is one to one wilh the sum of modern cybernetic research alone. Monarch

File: Keith - Mind Control, World Control - The Encyclopedia of Mind Control (1998) -


  • used and began networking with them and sharing information with plans of going public and getting organized. I was also able to upgrade and expand my technical knowledge and met victims of the CIA's Project Monarch and MKULTRA. "I then started to get heart palpitations of a severe nature and my thyroid would be microwaved so that it would pulsate. I would awaken with a field directly to my stomach and intestine


  • Chapter 33: MONARCH The mind control topic that has received the most publicity—and argument—in recent years is the alleged government Project MONARCH. Some hypnotherapists and alleged victims have come forward telling of the existence of this supposedly CIA-sponsored program, while a flood of copycat reports have relied on these sources. A book pu

File: Pentagon Aliens -


  • hose little rolls of fat on the back of his neck I was greatly disappointed in 1996 to learn of his connections to Col. Michael Aq uino and the CIA's MK ULTRA program, in which he was a Vatican-based Project Monarch slave-runner. 1 Working with the Jesuits, eh Kris? Eddie's older brother, Tom, eventually became the Chief of Naval Operations. It didn't surprise me, because he was always well aware of what was goi

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