Monarch Slave

Found in 33 Books

File: David Icke - 1999 - The Biggest Secret -

  • Christian’ preacher, Billy Graham.61[../Text/index_split_041.html#filepos1271518] Springmeier and Wheeler haveassembled a list of people who have seen Graham ‘in action’. They also say heuses Project Monarch slaves for sex and he launders drug money through hisevangelical operation. Graham is a Brotherhood stooge who carries messagesbetween world leaders.62 [../Text/index_split_041.html#filepos1271613] Thewitn

  • en the Elite sacrifice cats they are blond-hairedand blue-eyed. There is something about that genetic structure which isfundamental to them and this is the blood they most desire. At least most of theMonarch slaves have blond hair and blue eyes. “There were no blue eyes on thisplanet until the extraterrestrials came”, Arizona said.Diana told Christine Fitzgerald in 1989 that they were going to kill her: “Itsou

File: David Icke - 1999 - The Biggest Secret -

  • Christian’ preacher, Billy Graham.61[../Text/index_split_041.html#filepos1271518] Springmeier and Wheeler haveassembled a list of people who have seen Graham ‘in action’. They also say heuses Project Monarch slaves for sex and he launders drug money through hisevangelical operation. Graham is a Brotherhood stooge who carries messagesbetween world leaders.62 [../Text/index_split_041.html#filepos1271613] Thewitn

  • en the Elite sacrifice cats they are blond-hairedand blue-eyed. There is something about that genetic structure which isfundamental to them and this is the blood they most desire. At least most of theMonarch slaves have blond hair and blue eyes. “There were no blue eyes on thisplanet until the extraterrestrials came”, Arizona said.Diana told Christine Fitzgerald in 1989 that they were going to kill her: “Itsou

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret - The Book that Will Change the World (1998) -


  • as a Satanist is the world’s best known ‘Christian’ preacher, Billy Graham. 61 Springmeier and Wheeler have assembled a list of people who have seen Graham ‘in action’. They also say he uses Project Monarch slaves for sex and he launders drug money through his evangelical operation. Graham is a Brotherhood stooge who carries messages between world leaders. 62 The witnesses say that Graham is a multiple who sw


  • mbolising the positive. In other words, Hecate kills Diana. What better symbolism can you have of Swan Lake than black swans on a lake, as at Althorp? A swan is a derogatory term in Druidism. Project Monarch slaves who rebel are told that they will be “Turned into swans” and Diana, of course, rebelled against the Windsors. The number of swans also fits here. Monarch programming includes a term called The Four


  • ts they are blond-haired and blue-eyed. There is something about that genetic structure which is fundamental to them and this is the blood they need to survive in this dimension. At least most of the Monarch slaves have blond hair and blue eyes. “There were no blue eyes on this planet until the extraterrestrials came”, Arizona said. Diana told Christine Fitzgerald in 1989 that they were going to kill her: “It

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret -


  • as a Satanist is the world’s best known ‘Christian’ preacher, Billy Graham. 61 Springmeier and Wheeler have assembled a list of people who have seen Graham ‘in action’. They also say he uses Project Monarch slaves for sex and he launders drug money through his evangelical operation. Graham is a Brotherhood stooge who carries messages between world leaders. 62 The witnesses say that Graham is a multiple who sw


  • mbolising the positive. In other words, Hecate kills Diana. What better symbolism can you have of Swan Lake than black swans on a lake, as at Althorp? A swan is a derogatory term in Druidism. Project Monarch slaves who rebel are told that they will be “Turned into swans” and Diana, of course, rebelled against the Windsors. The number of swans also fits here. Monarch programming includes a term called The Four


  • ts they are blond-haired and blue-eyed. There is something about that genetic structure which is fundamental to them and this is the blood they need to survive in this dimension. At least most of the Monarch slaves have blond hair and blue eyes. “There were no blue eyes on this planet until the extraterrestrials came”, Arizona said. Diana told Christine Fitzgerald in 1989 that they were going to kill her: “It

File: Mind Control, World Control -


  • se of a lizard. Doubting any story of evil perpetrated by the government was ample reason to believe that I was a member of the Other Side. So what is the basis of Cathy O'Brien's story about being a MONARCH slave, and Mark Phillips' tale of deprogram ming her? Truth is often stranger than fiction, and it is rem otely—think in terms of millions of light years distant—possible t hat O'Brien and Phillips are tel


  • d conspiracy theorizing is coupled with pa ge after page of unverified "Illuminati" codes, details on m ind control bases (they allege Area 51 in Nevada is one of thes e, where an estimated 2,000,000 Monarch slaves have been progra mmed), analyses of movies and television programs as purve yors of Monarch codes, and a hodgepodge of other things inc luding reprinted pages from a Star Trek "technical manual" all

File: Fritz Springmeier - Bloodlines Of The Illuminati - Volume 1 -

  • pslikes to use the Kennedy Assassination as a method to get people to realize thatthere is a NWO conspiracy. Interestingly, Ralph Epperson, had as a companion fora while without knowing it, an active Monarch slave who helped him givepresentations. It is difficult for those exposing the NWO to get away from beinginfiltrated.[7] [part0000_split_019.html#_ftn7] The Monarch mind-controlledslaves are very difficult

File: Fritz Springmeier - Bloodlines Of The Illuminati - Volume 2 -

  • apped the hands of the CIA for a few misdeeds. Their report is stillcited as the big investigation of the CIA. Some investigation! Since theRockefeller family work hand in hand with the CIA to create Monarch slaves, ofcourse that part of the CIA’s misdeeds got overlooked!A recent convert from Satanism, Michael McArthur, has given validated insideinformation about the FBI and the CIA programs which kidnap child

  • have an article about what the Rothschild’s are doing today.One of my most dangerous opponents in this area to the work I’m doing againstthe Monarch program is a secret Rothschild descendent. I know Monarch slaves whowere created to serve the Rockefeller family, the Russell family, the 13th HolyBlood Family, the Li family and the Collins family. I also know Monarch slaveswho were created to serve the Rothschi

  • nd she is one of thefew Illuminati slaves who has been deprogrammed. While she was a slave for BobHope, he loaned her to Sammy Davis, Jr., Dean Martin, and Richard Nixon to namea few. More about this Monarch slave, which was used as a courier and a sexualslave, shortly. Let’s explain some about Bob Hope. Because the previousparagraph may present the reader some difficulties let’s temporarily digressinto the en

File: Fritz Springmeier - Bloodlines Of The Illuminati - Volume 3 -

  • ire Hathaway Inc. which also owns lots of shares of Disney stock. According to S.F. Examiner, Buffett himself owns 24 million shares of Disney. Warren Buffett is part of the Ak-Sar-Ben fraternity and Monarch slave abusers who were exposed in the Nebraska Saving & Loan scandal. He is perhaps the second richest man in the nation, and too powerful for anyone to touch. In the kingpin vs. kingpin battles, some peop

  • luminati from Astoria, Oregon (such as Scottish Rite Librarian/MorticianReynolds) and Bend, Oregon (such as Mayor Paul Reynolds who also runs amortuary, and his son Mark). One of the first Illuminati Monarch slaves in thePortland area to seek her freedom was Mary D. Reynolds. She was from the Motherof Darkness level. She wanted to find treatment for the programming that goeswith the Mother of Darkness level, a

File: Fritz Springmeier - Bloodlines Of The Illuminati -


  • likes to use the Kennedy Assassination as a method to get people to realize that there is a NWO conspiracy. Interestingly, Ralph Epperson, had as a companion for a while without knowing it, an active Monarch slave who helped him give presentations. It is difficult for those exposing the NWO to get away from being infiltrated.[1] The Monarch mind- controlled slaves are very difficult to detect, especially since


  • ped the hands of the CIA for a few misdeeds. Their report is still cited as the big investigation of the CIA. Some investigation! Since the Rockefeller family work hand in hand with the CIA to create Monarch slaves, of course that part of the CIA’s misdeeds got overlooked! A recent convert from Satanism, Michael McArthur, has given validated inside information about the FBI and the CIA programs which kidnap ch


  • Truth About Rockefeller “Public Enemy No. 1” Studies in Criminal Psychopathy New York: Chedney Press, 1964. Mullins, Eustace. The World Order. Boring. OR: CPA. other interview with an ex-Rockefeller Monarch slave. interviews with ex-Illuminati and others who know things about the Rockefellers.


  • ave an article about what the Rothschild’s are doing today. One of my most dangerous opponents in this area to the work I’m doing against the Monarch program is a secret Rothschild descendent. I know Monarch slaves who were created to serve the Rockefeller family, the Russell family, the 13th Holy Blood Family, the Li family and the CollIns family. I also know Monarch slaves who were created to serve the Roths


  • she is one of the few Illuminati slaves who has been deprogrammed. While she was a slave for Bob Hope, he loaned her to Sammy Davis, Jr., Dean Martin, and Richard Nixon to name a few. More about this Monarch slave, which was used as a courier and a sexual slave, shortly. Let’s explain some about Bob Hope. Because the previous paragraph may present the reader some difficulties let’s temporarily digress into the


  • ire Hathaway Inc. which also owns lots of shares of Disney stock. According to S.F. Examiner, Buffett himself owns 24 million shares of Disney. Warren Buffett is part of the Ak-Sar-Ben fraternity and Monarch slave abusers who were exposed in the Nebraska Saving & Loan scandal. He is perhaps the second richest man in the nation, and too powerful for anyone to touch. In the kingpin vs. kingpin battles, some peop


  • minati from Astoria, Oregon (such as Scottish Rite Librarian/Mortician Reynolds) and Bend, Oregon (such as Mayor Paul Reynolds who also runs a mortuary, and his son Mark). One of the first Illuminati Monarch slaves in the Portland area to seek her freedom was Mary D. Reynolds. She was from the Mother of Darkness level. She wanted to find treatment for the programming that goes with the Niother of Darkness leve

File: Fritz Springmeier - Deeper Insights Into The Illuminati Forumula -


  • as an ACCESS AID The Illuminati is now even resorting to creating talking hologram images to access their slaves with their hypnotic cues. KEEPING THE MIND IN ALPHA STATE The entire alter system of a Monarch slave has their sleep patterns controlled. Many alters are programmed not to get real sleep. They actually sleep in a hypnotic alpha-state sleep, or what may be called trance sleep. Hypnotists (and brain r


  • -control. DIA used the code name EMERALD for drug-trafficking. Boy, does this code word have a double meaning. Since the DIA, which is playing both sides, also is involved with drug smuggling & using Monarch slaves heavily coded with EMERALD type coding. Very shortly, we will provide more of the Monarch hypnotic cues (codes) for the multitude of functions that a Monarch’s mind must carry out. These cues are re


  • CKS (end-times) END-TIME ACTIVATION CODES Most slaves have end-time programming. The programming to activate a slave’s end- time programming often runs pages upon pages of coded messages. A number of Monarch slaves have been de-programmed enough that they began accessing and spewing out pages and pages of these activation codes. In the end times, there appears to be a great deal of color coding for operations.


  • ire Hathaway Inc. which also owns lots of shares of Disney stock. According to S.F. Examiner, Buffett himself owns 24 million shares of Disney. Warren Buffett is part of the Ak-Sar-Ben fraternity and Monarch slave abusers who were exposed in the Nebraska Saving & Loan scandal. He is perhaps the second richest man in the nation, and too powerful for anyone to touch. In the kingpin vs. kingpin battles, some peop


  • would you be if you came back as a pure-fume?" Notice the play on words that the programmers love. Another more subtle example is a Virginia Slims ad which is designed to hit the subconscious of the Monarch slave. This ad has three thrones across the top of the page. In front of the three thrones is the Virginia Slims lady. The first two thrones have a chubby queen sitting on them & the third on the far right


  • ch as judges, lawyers, and politicians are generally controlled via IRS infringements, and many of the lower echelon people are controlled through weird sexual items. This is where the Delta and Beta Monarch slaves are so helpful to the Illuminati. The Freemasons can have a sexual alter seduce a man, contrive a scene, and then an alter that is in a death trance takes the body so that the target of blackmail th


  • averns and 45 underground steel buildings. Many underground chambers are as large as 50, x 100 ‘. This complex tracks thousands of satellites, missiles, submarines, and UFOs. NORAD also controls many Monarch slaves who have ALEX, JANUS, ALEXUS endtime callback programming. NORAD installation has 1278 miles of road underground.


  • ntelligence and the FBI, but never went public about it. Instead they occasionally used the information as leverage against American intelligence. One of the code no.s for Simon Wiesenthal given by a Monarch slave was something like 063 097. If someone else knows the full and correct code for him, go ahead and share it. Unholy Trinity is a book written about how the Vatican, the US State Department, and MI-6 s

File: Fritz Springmeier - How The Illuminati Create An Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave -

  • supposedly don’t and can’t happen, they want us to believe that alltherapists are conspiring together to implant false memories of abuse into theirclients, which could not be further from the truth. Monarch slaves typically runinto a great deal of denial by their therapists that anything like this could behappening. The bottom line is that Multiple Personality Disorder (now refered toas Dissociative Identity

  • hat they have done. A man, who waits until hisdaughter is a teenager to molest her, is usually esteemed to have too muchconscience for the programmers.A big distinction must be made between hierarchy Monarch slaves, andnon-hierarchy Monarch slaves. The reason there is such a big distinction is thatthey are not programmed the same way. Since this book is giving the recipe forhow to create a Monarch slave, we wi

  • Some GIs who became addicted to pain killing drugs weresubsequently blackmailed by withholding the painkillers until they complied withthe demands asked of them. Cocaine has been frequently given to Monarch slavesto get them addicted and give their handlers more control over them. There isspray cocaine, and powdered cocaine, etc. Because the Monarch slaves are used tohaul drugs and to launder the drug money,

  • er are their memories oftheir fathers raping them. This is because the programmers allow these memoriesto be less dissociated than the later ones where the slave may be sexuallyservicing an important Monarch slave handler like the Rev. Billy Graham. (Grahamis covered in full in chapter 5.) In later situations like that, the kittenalters which do the sexual servicing will be electro-shocked to block theirmemory

  • Some Monarch slave masters actually have large hour glasses (sometimes 3' high)like in the movie. (In Cathy O'Brien's autobiography of her life as a Monarchslave Transformation of America she has a photograph of Sec. o
  • r daughter's ears was then backed up by the hypnotic command basedon Wizard of Oz programming, "I'LL GET HER, MY PRETTY. . .YOUR LITTLE GIRL."The programming that is related to the Tin Man produces a monarch slave which isdescribed as "A WELL OILED MACHINE" by the handlers. U.S. Sen. Allen Simpson,one of the perpetrators of the Monarch Program, referred to the Tin Manprogramming when he told a slave "THESE ARE

  • lity. When orders aregiven and language is used, it is on purpose vague so that the guilty can denytheir guilt. At this point, it might be appropriate to cover some standard CIAtactics. They use some Monarch slaves as "Live Letter Drops". An LLD is a personwho will remail spy letters. They will use "dead drop boxes" which are simplyplaces that an item or message is concealed to be retrieved by some othercrimin

  • is meant tobe entirely self-governing.The best boss is the boss who gives a directive and can go do something elsewhile the person receiving the order carries it out without input andsupervision. The Monarch slave is the prime example of how to delegateauthority. The delegation of authority allows both the master and the victimhimself to blame the victim for the orders they carry out.The satanic cults will hid

  • n. Some of the symbols are similar to Ascii Computer language (whichis a language that interfaces with many other computer languages, so that onelanguage can be translated into another language.) The Monarch slaves are toldthat this is an alien language.This is the Way the Script of the Intergalactic Language Looks: [../images/00006.gif]Another method that has also been used to enhance memory is hypnosis. Esta

  • f military mind-controlmodel would be worthwhile for some readers.An example of how genetic engineering is couple with the trauma-basedmind-control is Amphibious Man, a particular top secret model of Monarch slave.The following section is taken from an earlier article by Fritz on this. As faras we know, this was the first and only article ever written on the subject (notcounting classified secret documents). W

  • aves. The solution toSatan’s control, was that the disciples of Christ would be so united in lovethat the world would see the solution. "That they all may be one.. .that theworld may believe."For the Monarch slaves, the therapists have wanted integration. For the world,Christ wanted integration. But there are formidable spiritual strongholds, whichdivide us. These spiritual strongholds are far stronger than mo

  • ed their elite mind-controlled programmed multiples for this.Col. Alexander’s position has director of "the Advanced System Concepts Office"in Adelphi, MD. He has worked with Col. Michael Aquino with Monarch slaves.Upper level martial arts involves the use of the occult. The Ninji are one ofthe few groups who openly realize that their martial art power comes fromdemonic powers. A half crow/half man spirit empo

  • How Monarch Slaves Are Designed To Interface With The Unix System Of The BeastComputersIn line with what is being done by the Illuminati around the world with theirnetwork of computers--the computers have access codes

File: Fritz Springmeier - Illuminati Bloodlines -

  • pslikes to use the Kennedy Assassination as a method to get people to realize thatthere is a NWO conspiracy. Interestingly, Ralph Epperson, had as a companion fora while without knowing it, an active Monarch slave who helped him givepresentations. It is difficult for those exposing the NWO to get away from beinginfiltrated.[1] The Monarch mind-controlled slaves are very difficult to detect,especially since mos

  • lapped the hands of the CIA for a few misdeeds.Their report is still cited as the big investigation of the CIA. Someinvestigation! Since the Rockefeller family work hand in hand with the CIA tocreate Monarch slaves, of course that part of the CIA’s misdeeds got overlooked!A recent convert from Satanism, Michael McArthur, has given validated insideinformation about the FBI and the CIA programs which kidnap chil

  • have an article about what the Rothschild’s are doing today.One of my most dangerous opponents in this area to the work I’m doing againstthe Monarch program is a secret Rothschild descendent. I know Monarch slaves whowere created to serve the Rockefeller family, the Russell family, the 13th HolyBlood Family, the Li family and the CollIns family. I also know Monarch slaveswho were created to serve the Rothschi

  • d she is one of the few Illuminati slaves who has been deprogrammed.While she was a slave for Bob Hope, he loaned her to Sammy Davis, Jr., DeanMartin, and Richard Nixon to name a few. More about this Monarch slave, whichwas used as a courier and a sexual slave, shortly. Let’s explain some about BobHope. Because the previous paragraph may present the reader some difficultieslet’s temporarily digress into the en

  • shire Hathaway Inc. which also owns lots of shares of Disney stock.According to S.F. Examiner, Buffett himself owns 24 million shares of Disney.Warren Buffett is part of the Ak-Sar-Ben fraternity and Monarch slave abuserswho were exposed in the Nebraska Saving & Loan scandal. He is perhaps the secondrichest man in the nation, and too powerful for anyone to touch. In the kingpinvs. kingpin battles, some people

  • luminati from Astoria, Oregon (such as Scottish Rite Librarian/MorticianReynolds) and Bend, Oregon (such as Mayor Paul Reynolds who also runs amortuary, and his son Mark). One of the first Illuminati Monarch slaves in thePortland area to seek her freedom was Mary D. Reynolds. She was from the Motherof Darkness level. She wanted to find treatment for the programming that goeswith the Niother of Darkness level,

File: Fritz Springmeier - The Illuminati Formula Used To Create An Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave -


  • upposedly don’t and can’t happen, they want us to believe that all therapists are conspiring together to implant false memories of abuse into their clients, which could not be further from the truth. Monarch slaves typically run into a great deal of denial by their therapists that anything like this could be happening. The bottom line is that Multiple Personality Disorder (now refered to as Dissociative Identi


  • an see pictures of it and believe it exists. If a person could get into the top secret records of the CIA and Office of Naval Intelligence and MI6, they could be given the exact RECIPE for creating a Monarch slave. I believe that by giving the step by step recipe, people will see that A. all the ingredients are available, B. it is possible to combine the ingredients, C. all it takes is the motive to do it, and


  • mmed slaves who have worked for the military as mind-controlled slaves have witnessed their files expunged and sanitized. The New World Order in 1981 made training films for their novice programmers. Monarch slave Cathy O’Brien was used to make both the film "How to Divide a Personality" and "How To Create a Sex Slave." Two Huntsville porn photographers were used to help NASA and the NWO create these training


  • nt and intelligence groups. There were, according to someone a few years ago who had access to the computer(s) which contains all the names of active monitored human slaves, 40,000 actively monitored Monarch slaves. However, this book uses the term generically to include all victims who have suffered this type of trauma- based mind-control. In the same way, that a brand name like "Hyster" is used to describe a


  • they have done. A man, who waits until his daughter is a teenager to molest her, is usually esteemed to have too much conscience for the programmers. A big distinction must be made between hierarchy Monarch slaves, and non-hierarchy Monarch slaves. The reason there is such a big distinction is that they are not programmed the same way. Since this book is giving the recipe for how to create a Monarch slave, we


  • boundaries within the overall Network. If a slave is to be used as a Delta model (assassination), they may be selected for strength and dexterity. The Delta Force is the army’s elite unit made up of Monarch slaves. If they are to operate as a Beta model (sexual slave), they will be chosen if they can master technique. Occassionaly they might in some circumstances be selected for how pretty the programmers exp


  • be extended, the runway to be strengthened and the airport to be upgraded in numerous ways. The elite from around the world fly into here to go to the Bohemian Grove, which is in the Monte Rio area. Monarch slaves are regularly abused at the Grove for the entertainment of Bohemian Grove members in kinky sex theme rooms, such as the dark room and the necrophilia room. Secret NWO order business is conducted in


  • ittle children in front of the other children in the cages. (Memories from other survivors about the place will be mentioned later.) More About The Secret China Lake Base Charles Manson, a programmed Monarch slave who received initial programming at China Lake, lived with his cult only 45 miles north-west of China Lake at the remote Myers and Barker ranches. Scotty’s Castle in Death Valley, Bakersfield, Edward


  • Executive committee alters, or judge alters) or a System almost insures 99% of the time suicide of the Monarch slave. In at least 99% of the cases where Monarchs who have come in for therapy, they still lack safety, which is a higher need than trying to go against their programming. This is why so few people have r


  • aining total control over a person. In order to do this, they take charge over the little child’s basic body functions, such as sleep, eating, and pooping. They enjoy terrorizing the little child, so Monarch slaves end up watching hours of sadistic behavior done to others before they are even 5 years old. The worse the trauma, the more the sadistic programmers enjoy it. Sensory deprivation, forced labor, poiso


  • s or days without any contact with the world or water & food will develop deep emotional scars & dissociation rather than tale-telling signs of physical abuse. This torture is used essentially on all Monarch slaves. Some of the traumas are done for specific medical reasons. For instance, the person is starved by only allowing for instance 300 calories per day for say a small woman of 125 lbs. Sugar & proteins


  • ome GIs who became addicted to pain killing drugs were subsequently blackmailed by withholding the painkillers until they complied with the demands asked of them. Cocaine has been frequently given to Monarch slaves to get them addicted and give their handlers more control over them. There is spray cocaine, and powdered cocaine, etc. Because the Monarch slaves are used to haul drugs and to launder the drug mone


  • out of body experience for the victim, if the drugs are administered correctly. The Programmer will prepare the victim with various information and story lines during the administration of the drug. Monarch slaves who are being deprogrammed, may have a memory where their skin feels inflamed and itchy, like a bad mosquito bite. The experience may also have the sensation of floating in an unreal world. This may


  • body is saturated with drugs. When the child’s body has had all the manufactured drugs it can absorb, the programmers switch to a vast collection of natural herbs. d. providing the antidote for AIDS. Monarch slaves are routinely given the antidote for AIDS and have been since the 1960s-1970s. e. knowing how much of a drug each part can take, small young alters can’t take as much. Multiples within a single syst


  • irector and Monarch handler) have been part of Eli Lilly management too. MANSANTO CHEMICAL COMPANY--President Earle H. Harbison, Jr.-CIA. and director of Bethesada General Hospital where they program Monarch slaves. He is also the president of the Mental Health Association. STERLING DRUG CO. (an I.G. Farben spinoff)--connected to the Krupp Illuminati family. Chairman W. Clark Wescoe, dir of the super secret Ti


  • ould have been their own orchestra, and get internal people to harmonize their music of life. Good programmers do not need to formally induct their victim into hypnosis. However, if they need to, the Monarch slaves are well conditioned to respond to numbers being counted and fingers being snapped. Hypnosis was a well developed art by the early 20th century. And testing and refining continued all along. For ins


  • son in an altered state and make them willing to take any order. Often survivors remember orange or grape drinks, or something else which they were given, which were used to give the child drugs. One Monarch slave (Cathy O’Brien) wrote about having been given hypnotic drugs via a Grasshopper ice cream drink. Occasionally, hypnosis must be carried out by the programmers on unwilling subjects. They have 3 major


  • post-hypnotic commands to do something on a certain date. The end time programming, that has Monarch slaves doing something at a specific date to create anarchy or to help the Anti-Christ come to power has been put in at this level. As previously mentioned, this level achieved by total sensory deprivation


  • "normal" will the subject appear in trance, that the writer has used such a subject as a bridge partner. He plays one hand in trance and one hand "awake" with no one any the wiser. [This happens with Monarch slaves all the time. Few people ever catch on that alters are under trance.] Suppose we deliberately set up that condition of multiple personality to further the ends of military intelligence. Let us start


  • are their memories of their fathers raping them. This is because the programmers allow these memories to be less dissociated than the later ones where the slave may be sexually servicing an important Monarch slave handler like the Rev. Billy Graham. (Graham is covered in full in chapter 5.) In later situations like that, the kitten alters which do the sexual servicing will be electro-shocked to block their mem


  • MPD, they will initially blame their multiplicity on the first abuser they remember, which then serves as a cover. E. Keeping the Mind in Alpha State The entire alter system of a Monarch slave has their sleep patterns controlled. Many alters are programmed not to sleep. They stay awake 24 hours a day internally. Someone has to take the body and sleep--but whichever alters are set up to do


  • Within the Illuminati, Gematria (which is the cabalistic teachings about numbers) is very important for knowing the codes of the deep darker alters. There are several reasons for why Monarch slaves have lots of codes and structures which come from witchcraft, a. their programmers are witches and witchcraft is the world view on the mind of the programmer b. the slaves are reminded of their entr


  • is that to achieve divinity one must go on the Tree of Life from being Malkuth to become Kether. Although it is not the intent to propagate occult doctrine, for those who want to know how Illuminati Monarch slaves get to where they are as adults, and what the codes are in their System, then we need to cover briefly the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. (More will be written about this in chapter 10 on spiritual contr


  • Before a Mother-of-Darkness Monarch slave is 16, they will have gone through all the ceremonies involved in the creation of the alters which correspond to the 10 rooms of the Tree of Life. At age 16, the system’s demons will then guide the s


  • g. The story was chosen in the late 1940s to be the basis for the Illuminati/Intelligence community's trauma-based total mind control programming. As a way of enhancing the effect of the programming, Monarch slaves are conditioned to place trigger items into their lives. When the movie was made, Judy Garland, who had lived a life touched by the occult world's abuse, was chosen to act as Dorothy. Judy's later h


  • o was a satanist and the chief assistant to Roy Radin, a rich satanist who worked with the Illuminati, and who controlled the "Process church" covens which had as members mass murderers Berkowitz and Monarch slave Charlie Manson. There are several members of the Carr family, who are also tied into both De Vinko and Radin's Process Church and the Illuminati. With the numerous long term connections between the W


  • s, and she was hypnotized by occultist Victor Michal and to some degree from 1866 under his influence.) Alice Bailey (head of Lucis Trust) Henry Steel Olcott (an important occultist) Elvis Presley (a Monarch slave) Manly P. Hall (an Illuminati Theta Programmer, and at least a Grand Master within the Illuminati who sat on the Grand Druid Council.) Frank Baum The man who wrote the book The Wizard of Oz was a mem


  • minati been trying to do this one!? In step with Wizard of Oz mind-control programming, the wicked witch & naughty children cannot stand water but dissolve. Robotic clones are created in the minds of Monarch slaves which can only be mentally dissolved by mentally placing water on them. Dorothy goes questing in Oz. Theosophists (New Agers, Satanists, etc.) go on quests. Oz is shaped like a Mandala with Emerald


  • t by people connected to the Illuminati, the game states, "Don't believe any of this, it is all true." These are the type of double-bind self contradictory statements that Satanists love to spew out. Monarch slaves are programmed full of double-binds. With the Satanist's penchant for blurring reality in mind, read the following quote where the President of the Theosophical Society admiringly describes the Wiza


  • en, then the Tin Man in the ritual will use his ax to sever the child's head on a chopping block. (The Tin Man will also appear in Tin Man programming, and a Tin Man's Castle may well be built in the Monarch slave's head, but the point here is that the Tin Man is also part of ritual.) Dorothy kills the wicked witch of the west by a sharp blow to the forehead with the witch's staff. This is what is done in the


  • is a.k.a. in Alice In Wonderland Programming as "going through the looking glass". Dorothy becomes unconscious, the world begins spinning, and then she sees disjointed pictures. This also happens to Monarch slaves. Later in the film, Dorothy states, "My! people come and go so quickly." This is exactly what happens to the Monarch slave whose multiple personalities come and go. When the multiple personalities s


  • ie's cast. They are called Munchkins in the movie.) Mengele, known as the programmer Dr. Green, was especially interested in experimenting traumas on dwarfs. For bona-fides & recognition signals, the Monarch slaves wear diamonds to signify they are presidential models, rubies to signify their Oz programming for prostitution, and emeralds to signify their programming to do drug business. Rings are also used to


  • E AND THE PEOPLE WERE LAUGHING AND SINGING, while a big table nearby was loaded with DELICIOUS FRUITS [the programs] and NUTS, PIES, and cakes, and many OTHER GOOD THINGS TO EAT [scripts to ingest]." Monarch slaves are threatened with fire, like the Scarecrow. They also see people dismembered like the Scarecrow was dismembered. For them it is not an idle threat. The front alters also have hearts full of pain l


  • The Flowers used in the movie and books, are also used in the programming. The witch uses poppy flowers to put the lion and Dorothy to sleep. Opium and cocaine are used to tranquilize Monarch slaves. An alter of a slave will get trancy when they enter the poppy field. (Heroin and cocaine come from poppies.) In the film, Dorothy says, "What is happening? I'm so sleepy." She and the lion get slee


  • s a copy, are in quadrants -x, y and x, -y. (See the chapter on how to structure a System) "Click your heel together and be there in a snap" is both in the movie and in the programming cues. Military Monarch slave models are especially taught to click their heels together. (Joseph Mengele, Dr. Black, Michael Aquino and others also liked to click their Nazi boots together while they programmed children.) "SILEN
  • daughter's ears was then backed up by the hypnotic command based on Wizard of Oz programming, "I'LL GET HER, MY PRETTY. . .YOUR LITTLE GIRL." The programming that is related to the Tin Man produces a monarch slave which is described as "A WELL OILED MACHINE" by the handlers. U.S. Sen. Allen Simpson, one of the perpetrators of the Monarch Program, referred to the Tin Man programming when he told a slave "THESE


  • n 1: Had been abducted by aliens since she was a small child. Different types of aliens took her. Her mother worked for the CIA at Area 51. Her mother was abusive to her. One of her best friends is a Monarch slave. When the aliens come a bright light appears and then they abduct her. The aliens she works with the most look exactly like people, and in their handwriting show severe abuse. These benevolent aliens


  • le of an island have both an everyday name and a magical name. When the chief gives his magical name to a Russian captain named Orlov, he and his warriors end up being killed in battle. The alters of Monarch slaves have names they can give outsiders and then their access code names which must be kept secret. Part of the story is to stay in line with what one's ancestors have done. Other items in the book, such


  • to certain alters used for the intelligence agencies--they not only act different, they look different, and have different valid I.D. An apparently dumb blond may be a very intelligent highly trained Monarch slave. Within the intelligence world Monarch slaves will function as Agent Provocateurs, which are people who join groups with the purpose of leading the group to do things that will cause it harm. The neo


  • The Intelligence term for the elaborate cover histories they give one of their Monarch slaves to operate as an agent is called a "legend". Supporting documents will be placed into the appropriate government files to support the legend. The intelligence agencies may have several intact "legen


  • ould believe that a sweet child drinks blood and is cannabalistic? The more that they can do that is far fetched, the less credibility the child has if they do talk. Some children do try to talk. One Monarch slave talked at age five, and her entire family came down hard on her and blamed the child's talking for the death of one of the abusers. What kind of proof can a child bring that adults will accept? In th


  • this. This eyewitness account by the Co-author matches what the list of eyewitnesses that Fritz assembled in 1993 have said, But the eyewitness went further and exposed B.G. crusades' skillful use of Monarch slaves to launder drug money. Several police officers have stated that today, there is for all practical purposes no police training helping police to understand Satanism. They are highly trained in many a


  • istian personality may not be ecstatic about it all. Billy Graham's Decision magazine has on its front page caption is "'Changed From the Inside Out," and displays an infinity loop on the cover. Many Monarch slaves have had lots of programming around the infinity ioop. This is an important trigger to remind them how they are captured by the unending repeating rebuilding programming. There are countless little


  • oint Illuminati/CIA total mind control program done to people). We know that he is serviced by Monarch sexual slaves (their kitten alters). It is very easy for the network to keep these poor victims (Monarch slaves) from talking, and so the full extent of much of what has gone on may not come out in our lifetimes. Another possible clue about Billy Graham's hidden life comes from Billy Graham himself. Do the re


  • isode at its face value. Those who did clearly show the common church goer's poor understanding of those who seek to control and destroy the church. How Billy Graham Plays a Key Role in Reprogramming Monarch Slaves Two different talkative Satanists told sources of mine about 2 different coven meetings here in Portland in the Summer of 1993 where the covens discussed the benefits that the satanists were going t


  • iminal activity. Billy Graham, who is a programmed multiple himself, is exceptionally adept at managing his Monarch kittens. The drug money laundered through his crusades is carefully handled by many Monarch slaves working in shifts and teams, so that the whole scheme can not be uncovered by catching one person. Billy Graham runs big operations all over the world under the disguise of evangelism. Another of th


  • nd for big shows. On top of this, the large sums that are spent on the Billy Graham Crusades serve as a cover for the Networks money laundering that they do through Graham's Crusade using a series of Monarch slaves in a complex series of money drop offs. A fourth area is concern over his methodology. A body language expert says that Billy Graham's talks are simply canned. They are simply well- rehearsed canned


  • inati.) To progress up the ranks in Satanism, they will require you to go through Freemasonry. Freemasonry then teaches people about the symbology of the mystery religions. The lodges bring in female Monarch slaves for some of their Egyptian sexual-magic rituals. If the reader were to get up in the morning and your mother, sister, and brother were in the kitchen and said that your mother had just drank a cup o


  • on at the school and that he didn't care. Robert Schuller, 33° Freemason, was helped into ministry by Billy Graham. Schuller also participates in the Monarch program and is also sexually serviced by Monarch slaves. Norman Vincent Peale's form of Christianity called positive thinking is actually only white witchcraft with different names. Peale simply is a "Christian" witch. Norman Vincent Peale, 33° Freemason


  • who have participated in his ministry are saying that they have seen massive swindle in his healing ministry. His university is being used as a programming center. His basketball team at one time had Monarch slaves playing on it. We do not know if they still do. Under the prayer tower is one of the programming sites. Billy Graham, a handler himself, helped launch Oral Roberts University, and is a friend of Ora


  • milk cows and work on his labor- intensive tobacco farm without any nagging guilt or horrible memories surfacing to trouble him (at least in theory). Trained assassins do have memory flashes, as all Monarch slaves have, but they are only bits and pieces. People also do not realize that the Amish live in many more states than Pennsylvania. They move all over the United States. If an Amishman was travelling on


  • ong with the Mormon church and the CIA to keep everything running smooth with their high tech secret underground programming center, which has the front of being sacred temple grounds. Three separate Monarch slaves independently described this underground installation, and there are other evidences of it too. In order to gain access to the underground programming tunnels, a person has to have to place their pa


  • y. When orders are given and language is used, it is on purpose vague so that the guilty can deny their guilt. At this point, it might be appropriate to cover some standard CIA tactics. They use some Monarch slaves as "Live Letter Drops". An LLD is a person who will remail spy letters. They will use "dead drop boxes" which are simply places that an item or message is concealed to be retrieved by some other cri


  • ds. This Personal Shocker was manufactured to be used on people. An electronic firm in Tujunga, CA makes a shock box used in programming. An electronic bark collar is used to train Illuminati & other Monarch slaves in silence & obedience. On other occassions, fancy gem studded collars and leather collars are fitted around the necks of female slaves for sex with wolves and fierce dogs, who bite these neck colla


  • n’t know what he is doing, a stun gun comes in handy to control the mismanaged slave. In other words, a brief case with the programming book and stun gun are basically all that is needed to control a Monarch slave for the rest of his or her life. Some of these stun guns are only a few inches long and look like boxes. Other stun guns are imbedded in staffs. The canes and the staffs that Satanists carry around,


  • also called analogs of the sounds of spoken words, could be transmitted to a target, and the effect on victim would be to hear voices in their head. Prozac and Slaves and Microwave Towers Some of the Monarch slaves are receiving Prozac. Prozac (fluoxetine hydrocloride-a serotonin re-uptake inhibitor) is dangerous for everyone. Prozac is now the second most used drug in the world. Three examples of the ongoing


  • There are four types of brain waves: alpha, beta, delta, and theta. The four basic models of Monarch slaves have the same names as these four types of brain waves. High level Illuminati models may have programming that includes all of these types. According to one ex(?)-government source, the CIA has been


  • The best boss is the boss who gives a directive and can go do something else while the person receiving the order carries it out without input and supervision. The Monarch slave is the prime example of how to delegate authority. The delegation of authority allows both the master and the victim himself to blame the victim for the orders they carry out. The satanic cults will


  • . The map of the Land of Oz in the Wizard of Oz books was frequently used for the front parts of a System, with some additions and subtractions. The engineering of the structures within an Illuminati Monarch slave, looks like the original designs were done by engineering specialists-- perhaps even Boolean algebra was used to develop the original designs. However, once working models of systems were proven to f


  • the levels is the level of trance for level 3 will be different than the level of trance for level 10. This will not hold true across the board, because some deeper alters are not in deep trance. One Monarch slave, programmed beginning in the 1950’s, described her System, Scattered Parts Broken hearts, divided parts, they all live inside of me. How many times can they divide my mind? Broken hearts with divided


  • structures. If you don’t understand the mirrors, or the River Nile, or whatever then be careful what you have the survivor do to them. The structures (the images) that are built into the mind of the Monarch slave are not trivial. An overview of the structures that are in our System alone will show that they went to a great deal of effort to build all kinds of internal worlds to house our thousands of alters.


  • xpressions "let bygones be bygones", "the past is past", "don’t dig up old skeletons", etc.) As long as the alter loves its Master, it is somewhat safe from remembering its own traumas. And yet for a Monarch slave to regain its own mind, the alters must regain their own memories. That is why to really break down the programming, memory work is need. That Monarch slaves must regain their memories to heal is a h


  • ter will be made to think they are the evil male Satan. The point is that the identity of this alter is tied up with their negative destructive role in the system. Standard Roles Within An Illuminati Monarch Slave


  • 4 person teams can be constructed. This gives the Illuminati more flexibility in what kind of missions it can send its slave out on. 4 person assassination teams are very common. They had 2 four-man Monarch slave assassination teams at Waco, Texas the day that the Waco Branch Davidian building burned up. How The Deltas Are Created Illuminati Deltas are linked to the moon children, and are the offspring of the


  • lished as Die Originalschriften der Illuminatensekte, Munich has an accurate organizational chart on p. 32 of these reprinted Illuminati papers. There were 130 or levels. Six of these are functional. Monarch slaves who have internal worlds with 13 levels, with 6 functional and 6 hidden are not much different than the actual hierarchy structure. In the Illuminati covens, each coven will secretly have a copy of


  • At the peak of the child’s rage, they split the mind. The result is lots of child alter fragments which are angry. These are collected and shaped into an angry army of little children. When an adult Monarch slave, triggers a protective army the adult alter finds themselves with angry children alters who are like a large crowd of toddlers who are screaming their heads off. There is no way to reason with these


  • the programmers might even hypnotically or surgically sew up the clitoris to insure the slave receives no gratification. The arab sheiks of Saudi Arabia will cut off--destroy-- the clitoris of their Monarch slaves in the same fashion that the Moslem world does with all their females.) The Programmers have been heard to program their slaves, "Don’t be a hustler and don’t pick up strays." The programmers must n


  • agencies and the military, when they use a male Monarch slave for covert activities, will find a female slave whose personality matches the male and pair them sexually during the period that the male slave is used on covert operations. This is done to ensure th


  • ian Magic for Today, pg. 203, the book gives a magical invocation that supposedly has been found in ancient Egyptian magical papyri. At any rate this invocation’s wording is powerful in English for a Monarch slave. The Invocation is called The Potter’s Wheel. "Hear the sound of the potter’s wheel As it spins! Khnum! See the clay on the potter’s wheel As it spins! Khnum! Feel the hand of the Mighty Lord Form th


  • tactics sap the strength of the front alters if they try to deviate from the straight and narrow programmed way of behaving. WHEN THE FINAL CALL BACK IS GIVEN--many Monarch slaves are programmed to kill their therapists because the Illuminati will be able to hide/protect them once they leave their place in society and return for the final callback. Reporting alters hidden wel


  • --victim will freeze like ice, will suffocate like inhaling water, will boil like being placed in boiling water, will feel a drip drip drip on the head, and will flood with memories. This is why some Monarch slaves do not like to swim. FIRE--Victim will burn inside and outside. The victim will remember fire torture, and perhaps their face melting. This is why some Monarch slaves don’t like to light a match or


  • rinth" was produced by Cherry McFadden. The movie was Monty Python’s "Terry Jones" scripted. The movie is a portrayal of what the internal world inside a Monarch mind-controlled slave looks like. The Monarch slave has an internal world built inside their mind in which the hundreds and thousands of alters must live in. The alters are given a psychotic world of fiction in which they must live in as reality. An a


  • world (internal world of her mind). She must go through a labyrinth if she wants to get to the castle. Although the movie is fiction, it is close enough to how a Monarch’s mind thinks, that an adult Monarch slave might well have his or her programming reinforced if they saw this film. It also would trigger many Monarch slaves and create fear in them. Monarch slaves have many clocks built into their systems. T


  • r them. The tunnels in the movie are full of cobwebs. As the girl moves forward toward the magic demon-invested Castle she comes across many things--all of which relate to internal items built into a Monarch slave’s mind. Some of the things are slightly different in the movie than in a slave’s mind--but the concepts are the same. For instance, the actual Thor figure looks like the Iron Man of the Wizard of Oz


  • s in some ways Thor of the programming. Notice that portals and holes open up. When they open up another level, protectors attack them and they must run back down their tunnel to save themselves. The Monarch slave will get feelings of being crushed if an alter ventures where it shouldn’t in the mind. When the girl asks the dwarf "How can I believe anything you say?" She is told, "What choice do you have?" Fire


  • riggered by the internal programmers when an alter crosses the boundaries set down by the programming, a flock of ravens may come forward and "take the body" (as they say in MPD) of the slave and the Monarch slave will bite his or her flesh and viciously tear it with its teeth.


  • By watching the movie Labyrinth, and using this as a guide, the viewer will begin to understand the horror and control that the internal world holds over the alters of a Monarch slave. Few Monarch slaves ever tell other people what is going on in their minds, now you have been privileged to find out. To learn this much for a Monarch slave comes with a high price. The price is paid


  • programming can be introduced in order to promote the mock alien invasion being planned by the Illuminati, and d. the Star Trek series has its own language which can be used for trigger codes, which Monarch slaves can study, and learn. The use of this klingon language will make it very difficult for ordinary people to break into the slave’s programming. Michael Aquino, Satanist and Colonel in the U.S. army, h


  • power. Whether magicians have ever done this, who knows, some certainly claim the power. The Illuminist is a power structure placed into some Monarch slaves. It is constructed from parts of numerous demons, rather like a demonic Frankenstein, & is portrayed in Star Trek, the Next Gener. as the crystalline body. A cartoon series was created for Star Trek


  • Some of the symbols are similar to Ascii Computer language (which is a language that interfaces with many other computer languages, so that one language can be translated into another language.) The Monarch slaves are told that this is an alien language. This is the Way the Script of the Intergalactic Language Looks: Another method that has also been used to enhance memory is hypnosis. Estabrooks was able in


  • uced, perhaps from the child sweating in the location of the electrode, or hair movements, or eye blinks or twitching. The Illuminati has their own midwifery training program, which will take teenage Monarch slaves and train them. They also begin training their people in programming and observation from infancy up. By the time they are an adult, the programming alters know programming as second nature. They ha


  • implants. The immediate chest wall and area around the breast implant gets highly agitated. The silicon leaks through the membrane, and then causes great difficulties in the body. Many of the female Monarch slaves have received breast implants. E. Body Programs Researchers have come a long way toward understanding the mind. They have discovered, for instance, that under stress the brain will convert


  • that what Dr. Brown writes is correct and was known years before she published her book. Biofeedback is now required training in some prisons for some inmates. It is clear from the final results that Monarch slaves have programming which can carry out the following functions:


  • ve in line. Histamine production appears to be regulated via surgery carried out on women’s breast. It appears, but hasn’t been confirmed that the surgery where breast implants are placed into female Monarch slaves plays some role in histamine production & programmed control. allow the body to pretend that it is dead, when actually it is in an altered state similar to being comatose. The internal defenses cons


  • This type of body control was learned by the Illuminati years ago, and has been applied to the Monarch programming to make the programming lies seem more real to the victim than the outside world. A Monarch slave can get cold on the left side and burn on the right side of his body. It has been well-documented that the mind can control the blood flow to various tissues and in this way change temperature in var


  • re. Again bio-feedback and classic conditioning have been successfully used to radically change a subject’s blood pressure. This along with the ability to go into deep trances, are abilities that the Monarch slave is programmed to have to control their blood pressure. Again the question may be, why would they condition a slave this way? Because, if the Master can call out a hypnotic trigger and change the slav


  • ilitary mind-control model would be worthwhile for some readers. An example of how genetic engineering is couple with the trauma-based mind-control is Amphibious Man, a particular top secret model of Monarch slave. The following section is taken from an earlier article by Fritz on this. As far as we know, this was the first and only article ever written on the subject (not counting classified secret documents)


  • sically realized that amphibious man could be used like a glorified Seal team. Seal teams are the navy’s semi-secret group of well-trained men, who do primarily land operations after swimming ashore. Monarch slaves are being used in the Seal teams. The Seal teams are being secretly used to carry out assassinations, such as recently they were used to assassinate people in Iraq. They are trained in the ability t


  • hear any heart beat. If a pulse monitoring machine is hooked up to the alter, the alter will go into a trance. For instance, the handler might promise faces and hearts but will never give them to the Monarch slave when he could. The promise is a control mechanism. 2. Isolation From The World, So That the Only Reality Is The Leader's Reality. The Illuminati isolates the slave so new ideas are available or allow


  • mind-altering drugs and sensory deprivation tanks, shows some scenes where God turns into a goat. Some of the religious scenes in this movie, match some of the anti- God/religious programming of some Monarch slaves. The Monarch slaves are repeatedly warned that God is cruel and judgmental, and that He wants to destroy them for the wicked things they have done. Bible verses that tell of the wrath of God & God’s


  • The solution to Satan’s control, was that the disciples of Christ would be so united in love that the world would see the solution. " That they all may be one.. .that the world may believe ." For the Monarch slaves, the therapists have wanted integration. For the world, Christ wanted integration. But there are formidable spiritual strongholds, which divide us. These spiritual strongholds are far stronger than


  • ervation bondage loop. We simply have to have an inner knowing that we are made in the image of God, and that He is working in each of our lives. Since we are His work, He will justify us. All of the Monarch slaves, are a work of God. The cult has simply refashioned what God created. The slave needs to recapture the loving view God has of what He created. God doesn’t make mistakes. He has placed lots of beauty


  • erything wrong or bad in the slave’s life is blamed upon him. Of course not all things are meant to be remembered by the slave. Guilt can play a natural role in the forgetting of memories too. If the Monarch slave would remember something terrible, the religious front alters can be made to feel repentant for such terrible thoughts. Then the natural desire to forget can be reinforced by suggesting that the evil


  • the reality of it. If a person is hypnotized to have guilt about something that they didn’t commit, then they can be gotten to believe that they did it. For instance, a false implanted memory of the Monarch slave killing a child may be implanted with the command, if you do not obey we will kill more children and you then will be guilty for not just this child but others. People will tend to justify their abus


  • Bob Hope is the best example of a Monarch slave handler who uses his verbal skills as both a handler and comedian. Bob Hope has a side to him that the public doesn’t see. Over the years, Bob Hope has spent millions of dollars on his team of gag wr


  • emely low. The anger that alters have becomes a tool of the handler to insure that the slave never thinks highly enough of themselves to do anything about the control over them. An example of this is Monarch slave Loretta Lynn. Loretta Lynn’s handler is her husband Doolittle. Although Loretta has worked (slaved) very long hard hours she credits Doolittle for all her success. Her programming allows her only to


  • ed mercy on the actions of ministers who have mercy on things that are abominations to God. One of the best examples is the religious front this book discussed in detail in chapter 5. Billy Graham, a Monarch slave handler, is on public record endorsing Mao-tse-tung’s teachings, abortion, salvation through witchcraft, the One-World-Church in alliance with the world’s political power, and many other things. Quit


  • my bowels taken from thence and burned to ashes, should I knowingly violate this my solemn obligation. " The covenants, and vows and threats all work together to keep people in line. Alters within a Monarch slave are conditioned by their servitude to believe that th eir life is controlled by Satan, who is stronger than God. Where was God when they needed him? And yet many of the Monarch slaves coming in for t


  • an’t hide" programming. Supposedly, the slave is being watched by satellite no matter where they go. For instance, at Offit Air Force Base in Nebraska, an underground viewing room is used to convince Monarch slaves they have no place to hide. There the walls have numerous "satellite pictures" from around the world. The satellites are called "Eye in the Sky." A four-screen viewer pretends to respond to the type


  • s invoked, as well as the 9 mystic names of the dead. A child is skinned and sacrificed. The Book of the Old Faith is read from. And then the demons are dismissed and a bell rung in the 4 directions. Monarch slaves recall the stench of the demons, and the roar that they make when invoked. To live through a horrifying experience like this does impact the slave, and therapists need to quit ignoring the various i


  • s, they will be teaching the spiritual principles you the reader are about to be told. (A few therapists across the U.S.--and their names will not be revealed, have had miraculous recoveries of their Monarch slaves when they addressed these demonic and spiritual issues. These are therapists, who tried the old methods for years, and then in desperation were willing to listen to ex- programmers and other informe


  • ys such a strong interest in the Indians. The original principalities are the foundation, the bedrock upon which everything else is layered upon. This also is done in Monarch programming. A number of Monarch slaves have Indian shamans and spirits placed in their systems. Upon the original foundation, the newer ideologies are layered in. In Russia, communism was simply layered on top of the original territorial


  • Note that Disney placed a character with a green mask in a dark mirror, and had in his shows what was called the ‘Spirit of the Magic Mirror’ which was also called The Slave of the Magic Mirror. The Monarch slaves "most precious programs" are concealed in the ground and are guarded by the gnomes built internally by the programming. These gems have power that is channeled from Satan. Most of the readers though


  • tried everything for years to deal with the mirrors, have found that a few minutes of correct spiritual warfare accomplished more than years of trying psychological techniques. In the 1980 models of Monarch slaves, the Programmers began placing a planet of alters, interspersed with a planet of demons, as they would build a solar system. This had the same layering effect as the mirrors. The demons then would b


  • Israel sacrificed children to Moloch at Tophet in the Valley of Hinnom near Jerusalem. Drums (tophim) were beat so the cries of the children couldn’t be heard. Mormo- Important demon placed in Mormon Monarch slaves. Nanna-Nemo--Mormon programming Octopus--blood sucking demon Orion--placed over Mormon victims, the name Orion is popping out all over the place, Pan-protector of woods Ronwe-Squat--a number of Illu


  • ociated with the demon, and the possessed person will drink the blood from the sacrificed animal. Polished stones, and herbs, and trance and dissociative states are used to attract spirits. While the Monarch slaves have trauma-based dissociative states, the practitioners of Voodoo have ritually induced dissociative states. Voodoo rituals will involve chanting, drums, at times handclapping and frenzied dancing


  • on--their looks, their curiosity of beauty, and their personhood itself. The Spirit of the AntiChrist is attached to the religious spirit when people get Christianity without the Spirit of Life. Many Monarch slaves with the Anti-Christ spirit are working under the cover of being good Christians. The Bible even talks about them, "For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the a


  • need to get a teacher of love, a "Loving teacher" so-to-speak. Part J The Use of Angel Alters Many Illuminati models had "angels" or "spirit guides" created that could provide divine messages to the Monarch slave. The Illuminati/Intelligence agencies have been highly successful with controlling people via their religious beliefs by implanting alters who are seen by a Monarch slave as being a messenger from Go


  • re said to be able to guide missiles which are fired. There are a number of excellent books that have come out on the subject. The New Earth Battalion and the Delta forces of the U.S. Army consist of Monarch slaves trained in Psychic warfare. (The reader is invited to read for instance John White’s book Psychic Warfare Fact or Fiction? (Wellingborough, UK: The Aquarian Press.) Col. John B. Alexander has been o


  • System Concepts Office" in Adelphi, MD. He has worked with Col. Michael Aquino with Monarch slaves. Upper level martial arts involves the use of the occult. The Ninji are one of the few groups who openly realize that their martial art power comes from demonic powers. A half crow/half man spirit e


  • e out that the Navy had 34 psychics, who they paid $400 a month, to track Soviet subs. The CIA claimed during the cold war that 200 Russian experts were working on telepathy. Many of the Illuminati’s Monarch slaves will speak about learning on the astral plane. One reason it is difficult to deprogram a slave, is because the deeper parts know how to astral project, and can carry out the demonology which helps t


  • sistently given Theta programming, a surgical implantation of a sodium/lithium powered high frequency receiver/transducers coupled with a multi-range discharge capacitor was placed into the brains of Monarch slaves. This gives the handlers the ability to signal by remote signals to the victim’s brain. When the receiver picks up the signals they electronically stimulate certain areas of the brain which in turn


  • told co-author Fritz that he was supportive of the cabalistic goal of Adam Kadmon. Because Hudson knew the cabala very well, it seems likely that he understands what Adam Kadmon is really all about. Monarch slaves of the House of Rothschild have revealed how the Illuminati are able to do what


  • ated the best minds of the occult world for centuries, the Quest for the Philosopher’s Stone. Further Spiritual Bondage Snares There are a number of activities which are snares to entrap people, both Monarch slaves and people in particular, which are not commonly recognized as such. One has to view them in their overall context and the consequences of what these activities lead to. According to Biblical teachi


  • control over people and society. These things are well-conceived spiritual operations that are blindsiding Americans because "evil" spirits are no longer politically correct to talk about. Illuminati Monarch slaves, such as a Mother of Darkness or Grande Master, are given occult powers. They are also frequently connected to gambling--they will have alters who like to gamble. Rather than being activities of pow


  • poses of the Monarch type of trauma-based mind-control is to produce robotic soldiers who will do anything. Normal military training is usually sufficient for most military needs, so it is clear that Monarch slaves have some ulterior uses that the military doesn’t want the public to know about.


  • how to delegate. The most successful supervisor is the one who can delegate the best. The programmers had to find ways to cut their supervisory requirements to the bone if they were to make owning a Monarch slave worthwhile. The method chosen was to build "computers" into the slave’s mind that would internally regulate everything. They do this by taking hundreds of the alters and dehumanizing them and turning


  • ogies of satanic iniquity from early ancient times to present. This ancient occult information has been reported by at least half a dozen Illuminati slaves as being retained internally by demons. How Monarch Slaves Are Designed To Interface With The Unix System Of The Beast Computers In line with what is being done by the Illuminati around the world with their network of computers--the computers have access co


  • ility. Papoose Lake is referred to as S-4. The other super-secret facilities in the area are named S-2, 8-6, and S-66. This area has become the Illuminati’s prime programming facility for turning out Monarch slaves, and the Monarch slaves which are turned out from this area have turned out to be the worst basket cases. In other words the programming is very severe which is carried out in this area. This area h


  • nd uses C language. (Bear in mind that there are dialects of UNIX, such as the standard AT&T UNIX and for instance Berkeley UNIX. The UNIX system uses both timesharing and multitasking. The mind of a Monarch slave also does both multitasking and time sharing. One of the nice UNIX features, is "protected memory", which is also part of the Monarch programming. A kernal is what the UNIX programmers call a "protec


  • rk secretly behind the scenes and are given actual demonic names--some corresponding to actual names of historically known demons, such as Asmodeus. Asmodeus is also a demon which is placed into many Monarch slaves. In the UNIX system these demons are treated like persons in the computer’s user director. Demons in the computer system do not have to log onto the computer, but they work behind the scenes and are


  • ogether so that if the System is tampered with out of sequence, a domino effect would take place. This domino effect is for one program to set off another program to set off another program. Soon the Monarch slave’s mind is trying to deal with dozens of suicide programs running simultaneously, along with perhaps other programs such as scrambling programs. For instance, one story line used is the mice run up an


  • controlled. A good case officer learns everything he can about the asset (person or slave) he is to control. Case officers/handlers have been constantly working at improving their skills of control. Monarch slaves who must function as intelligence officers, who recruit spies, are trained in the art of listening and conversation. Learning to listen without interrupting is a guarantee of success. CIA handlers/


  • handlers will attempt to manipulate those desires for their own gain by sincerely helping the person. They set up short-range & long term goals and plans on how to manage a person. For instance, if a Monarch slave’s day to day alters want ego- gratification, a creative outlet, and reassurance of worth, the Illuminati may promise the slave that if the alters comply they will give them a singing contract in Las


  • he craves power--so he is given power over other people’s lives. The slave has been stripped of its real family, so he is given roots by a long generational occult bloodline, and a cult family. Each Monarch slave exists in their own situation, but there are often common features to how they are controlled. For instance, the handlers like to restrict the mobility of their slaves. Some of the slaves will never


  • ling with. She describes in detail her life with Marilyn Monroe. The inside story of life with Marilyn is nothing like people might imagine. Lena’s book is such a clear description of how life with a Monarch slave can be--that I decided to use her book as the basis of some articles. Marilyn Monroe was an orphan, and during her infancy the Illuminati/CIA programmed her to be a Monarch slave. Before becoming an


  • In programming Monarch slaves, mirrors are used a great deal. Within the Monarch slave’s mind, countless mirror images are made. The slave sees thousands of mirrors everywhere in their mind. Because Marilyn was so stripped of an


  • ." And on the next page, "Gee, you’re really my sister. My sister... At least you lived with relatives." Marilyn’s masters did not want her to have any family. They often strip the deeper alters of a Monarch slave from any ties to any non-cult person.... ∙ p.199--Marilyn orders a $3,000 Emerald green dress to be made. Emerald green is often the most favorite color of Monarch slaves because of their Wizard of O


  • s the motto of the game. When slaves are picked up, the men picking them up are called Draconian enforcers. Both authors of this book are very familiar with some of these men. They are often big male Monarch slaves. A popular Illuminati access point is to grab the right hand with the enforcers thumb in the area between the victim’s thumb and index finger. The pressure will be strong enough to leave a bruise af


  • a news story far greater is happening all around them. One way to control a person is to identify who the key people are in their life and then influence those people. Some of the work in controlling Monarch slaves goes on behind the scenes, even without the slave ever realizing it. A number of Monarch slaves have been maneuvered into marriages without actual mind-control even being necessary. One of the items


  • echniques Of A Modern Intelligence Agency The following points are of a scenario which was developed as follows by the author: Fritz observed how the CIA were carrying out an operation to recapture a Monarch slave who was trying to escape. These activities follow standard spook textbook methods, and for instance, fit the same patterns of an intelligence operation codenamed Operation Sphinx described in detail


  • opportunities for fun things away from the house. They know how to take advantage very quickly & smoothly of the social needs of people who are around a Monarch slave. (They put used car salesmen to shame.) POINT 12. The intelligence people have the capability to enter without keys. POINT 13. They practice "motionless following." That means they followed people in


  • have to have something to threaten the person with. Men are frequently entrapped by sexual behavior which is criminal. Sometimes they are also entrapped by murder. The Monarch slave will be allowed to have children so that they can be blackmailed into complying to save the children or grandchildren. The Monarch slave in turn may be used to blackmail others. Certain alters are tr


  • s of creating a mind-controlled slave, is to control the entire milieu of the slave. This is expressed in Nexus Seven. The environment of the slave is designed for what is called "story immersion." A Monarch slave who has been given the basic Alice In Wonderland and Wizard of Oz programming will see objects connected to these story lines in almost every store. Restaurants in Dallas and San Antonio (The Time Ma


  • artoons, and Oz characters are appearing all over the place. For a while even Kansas had an Oz theme to their license plates ("Land of Ahs"). Hillary Clinton, (a 6th level Illuminati witch & sadistic Monarch slave handler) received a witch’s hat in anticipation that she would be called the wicked witch of the West, and that Mary Matalin (who married Clinton’s top campaign advisor James Carville) had a photogra


  • have suffered, and the therapist is hamstrung about what they can do in court for the client. Recently, 15 states have created statutes of limitations on sadistic rape. This is in response to all the Monarch slaves who have begun recovering memories. ∙ The extent that entire culture and society protect the Monarch Programming is enormous. Anyone admitting MPD (aka DID) is in fear of being labelled crazy and lo


  • ymbol on the back, and a can of vegetables which has a bar code on it. Every bar code has 3 secret and non-functional numbers in the bar code, which are 666. The silent hammer that strikes out at the Monarch slave is that everywhere they go, the occult world is there. Several cars are named after Satan. The name Saturn, and Belair are well-known as occult names for Satan. When Freemasonry’s greatest philosophe


  • hniques is said to be Tony Robins, and he is who the elite got to train both George Bush and Bill Clinton. Monarch Mind Controlled Slaves have been created since the late 1940s. Since the early ‘60s, Monarch Slaves have been specially created for American presidents. These models are called Presidential Models. There are now living about 600 people (Monarch slaves) who were created into Presidential Models. Th


  • s and Hollywood are intimately linked to Monarch Mind-Control programming. A great deal that is coming out of Hollywood is linked to mind control in some fashion. Some of the hottest entertainers are Monarch slaves, such as Madonna, a Marilyn Monroe replacement. Co-author Fritz was given a catalog to Vidimax, which is an New Jersey occult porn video club by someone wanting to help his research. This cult video


  • ho was into the occult and worked for British intelligence wrote The Raven. Vincent Price starred in Hollywood’s version of the Raven, and passages of the book have been used as codes for a number of Monarch slaves, who had to memorize portions of the book with their photographic memories. Warner Communications came out with the book/& movie "Sybil" which is about a woman with multiple personalities. The book


  • mind-controlled slaves have been shown the movie "Telephon" to emphasize to them that their minds are controlled by their handlers, and for them not to forget it.) 4. Many of the movies and shows use Monarch slaves as actors & performers: such as Rosanne Barr, Bette Mittler, Marilyn Monroe, Loretta Lynn, Crystal Gayle and possibly Wayne Newton (a child singing protege, who never wrote a check for himself in hi


  • used to create S&M films. The Illuminati’s S&M porn film industry has been booming for over 4 decades. (Compare the name Videodrome with Vidimax mentioned above.) The porn films done of a particular Monarch slave who is used as a porn star will be coded according to the code name given to the star. Let’s say they call the Star "Lily", then the porn movies will be cataloged Lily 1, Lily 2, Lily 3, etc. This ty


  • 2109MM861 1 Page 83 .... End-time Activation Codes Most slaves have end-time programming. When a slave is called in with end-time programming they have pages upon pages of coded messages. A number of Monarch slaves have been de-programmed enough that they began accessing and spewing out pages and pages of these activation codes. Part of a sample of one of these is as follows: "ISRAEL IS RISING ACTIVATE 366 UNI

File: Fritz Springmeier - The Illuminati Formula -


  • upposedly don’t and can’t happen, they want us to believe that all therapists are conspiring together to implant false memories of abuse into their clients, which could not be further from the truth. Monarch slaves typically run into a great deal of denial by their therapists that anything like this could be happening. The bottom line is that Multiple Personality Disorder (now refered to as Dissociative Identi


  • an see pictures of it and believe it exists. If a person could get into the top secret records of the CIA and Office of Naval Intelligence and MI6, they could be given the exact RECIPE for creating a Monarch slave. I believe that by giving the step by step recipe, people will see that A. all the ingredients are available, B. it is possible to combine the ingredients, C. all it takes is the motive to do it, and


  • mmed slaves who have worked for the military as mind-controlled slaves have witnessed their files expunged and sanitized. The New World Order in 1981 made training films for their novice programmers. Monarch slave Cathy O’Brien was used to make both the film "How to Divide a Personality" and "How To Create a Sex Slave." Two Huntsville porn photographers were used to help NASA and the NWO create these training


  • nt and intelligence groups. There were, according to someone a few years ago who had access to the computer(s) which contains all the names of active monitored human slaves, 40,000 actively monitored Monarch slaves. However, this book uses the term generically to include all victims who have suffered this type of trauma- based mind-control. In the same way, that a brand name like "Hyster" is used to describe a


  • they have done. A man, who waits until his daughter is a teenager to molest her, is usually esteemed to have too much conscience for the programmers. A big distinction must be made between hierarchy Monarch slaves, and non-hierarchy Monarch slaves. The reason there is such a big distinction is that they are not programmed the same way. Since this book is giving the recipe for how to create a Monarch slave, we


  • boundaries within the overall Network. If a slave is to be used as a Delta model (assassination), they may be selected for strength and dexterity. The Delta Force is the army’s elite unit made up of Monarch slaves. If they are to operate as a Beta model (sexual slave), they will be chosen if they can master technique. Occassionaly they might in some circumstances be selected for how pretty the programmers exp


  • be extended, the runway to be strengthened and the airport to be upgraded in numerous ways. The elite from around the world fly into here to go to the Bohemian Grove, which is in the Monte Rio area. Monarch slaves are regularly abused at the Grove for the entertainment of Bohemian Grove members in kinky sex theme rooms, such as the dark room and the necrophilia room. Secret NWO order business is conducted in


  • ittle children in front of the other children in the cages. (Memories from other survivors about the place will be mentioned later.) More About The Secret China Lake Base Charles Manson, a programmed Monarch slave who received initial programming at China Lake, lived with his cult only 45 miles north-west of China Lake at the remote Myers and Barker ranches. Scotty’s Castle in Death Valley, Bakersfield, Edward


  • Executive committee alters, or judge alters) or a System almost insures 99% of the time suicide of the Monarch slave. In at least 99% of the cases where Monarchs who have come in for therapy, they still lack safety, which is a higher need than trying to go against their programming. This is why so few people have r


  • aining total control over a person. In order to do this, they take charge over the little child’s basic body functions, such as sleep, eating, and pooping. They enjoy terrorizing the little child, so Monarch slaves end up watching hours of sadistic behavior done to others before they are even 5 years old. The worse the trauma, the more the sadistic programmers enjoy it. Sensory deprivation, forced labor, poiso


  • s or days without any contact with the world or water & food will develop deep emotional scars & dissociation rather than tale-telling signs of physical abuse. This torture is used essentially on all Monarch slaves. Some of the traumas are done for specific medical reasons. For instance, the person is starved by only allowing for instance 300 calories per day for say a small woman of 125 lbs. Sugar & proteins


  • ome GIs who became addicted to pain killing drugs were subsequently blackmailed by withholding the painkillers until they complied with the demands asked of them. Cocaine has been frequently given to Monarch slaves to get them addicted and give their handlers more control over them. There is spray cocaine, and powdered cocaine, etc. Because the Monarch slaves are used to haul drugs and to launder the drug mone


  • out of body experience for the victim, if the drugs are administered correctly. The Programmer will prepare the victim with various information and story lines during the administration of the drug. Monarch slaves who are being deprogrammed, may have a memory where their skin feels inflamed and itchy, like a bad mosquito bite. The experience may also have the sensation of floating in an unreal world. This may


  • body is saturated with drugs. When the child’s body has had all the manufactured drugs it can absorb, the programmers switch to a vast collection of natural herbs. d. providing the antidote for AIDS. Monarch slaves are routinely given the antidote for AIDS and have been since the 1960s-1970s. e. knowing how much of a drug each part can take, small young alters can’t take as much. Multiples within a single syst


  • irector and Monarch handler) have been part of Eli Lilly management too. MANSANTO CHEMICAL COMPANY--President Earle H. Harbison, Jr.-CIA. and director of Bethesada General Hospital where they program Monarch slaves. He is also the president of the Mental Health Association. STERLING DRUG CO. (an I.G. Farben spinoff)--connected to the Krupp Illuminati family. Chairman W. Clark Wescoe, dir of the super secret Ti


  • ould have been their own orchestra, and get internal people to harmonize their music of life. Good programmers do not need to formally induct their victim into hypnosis. However, if they need to, the Monarch slaves are well conditioned to respond to numbers being counted and fingers being snapped. Hypnosis was a well developed art by the early 20th century. And testing and refining continued all along. For ins


  • son in an altered state and make them willing to take any order. Often survivors remember orange or grape drinks, or something else which they were given, which were used to give the child drugs. One Monarch slave (Cathy O’Brien) wrote about having been given hypnotic drugs via a Grasshopper ice cream drink. Occasionally, hypnosis must be carried out by the programmers on unwilling subjects. They have 3 major


  • post-hypnotic commands to do something on a certain date. The end time programming, that has Monarch slaves doing something at a specific date to create anarchy or to help the Anti-Christ come to power has been put in at this level. As previously mentioned, this level achieved by total sensory deprivation


  • "normal" will the subject appear in trance, that the writer has used such a subject as a bridge partner. He plays one hand in trance and one hand "awake" with no one any the wiser. [This happens with Monarch slaves all the time. Few people ever catch on that alters are under trance.] Suppose we deliberately set up that condition of multiple personality to further the ends of military intelligence. Let us start


  • are their memories of their fathers raping them. This is because the programmers allow these memories to be less dissociated than the later ones where the slave may be sexually servicing an important Monarch slave handler like the Rev. Billy Graham. (Graham is covered in full in chapter 5.) In later situations like that, the kitten alters which do the sexual servicing will be electro-shocked to block their mem


  • MPD, they will initially blame their multiplicity on the first abuser they remember, which then serves as a cover. E. Keeping the Mind in Alpha State The entire alter system of a Monarch slave has their sleep patterns controlled. Many alters are programmed not to sleep. They stay awake 24 hours a day internally. Someone has to take the body and sleep--but whichever alters are set up to do


  • Within the Illuminati, Gematria (which is the cabalistic teachings about numbers) is very important for knowing the codes of the deep darker alters. There are several reasons for why Monarch slaves have lots of codes and structures which come from witchcraft, a. their programmers are witches and witchcraft is the world view on the mind of the programmer b. the slaves are reminded of their entr


  • is that to achieve divinity one must go on the Tree of Life from being Malkuth to become Kether. Although it is not the intent to propagate occult doctrine, for those who want to know how Illuminati Monarch slaves get to where they are as adults, and what the codes are in their System, then we need to cover briefly the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. (More will be written about this in chapter 10 on spiritual contr


  • Before a Mother-of-Darkness Monarch slave is 16, they will have gone through all the ceremonies involved in the creation of the alters which correspond to the 10 rooms of the Tree of Life. At age 16, the system’s demons will then guide the s


  • g. The story was chosen in the late 1940s to be the basis for the Illuminati/Intelligence community's trauma-based total mind control programming. As a way of enhancing the effect of the programming, Monarch slaves are conditioned to place trigger items into their lives. When the movie was made, Judy Garland, who had lived a life touched by the occult world's abuse, was chosen to act as Dorothy. Judy's later h


  • o was a satanist and the chief assistant to Roy Radin, a rich satanist who worked with the Illuminati, and who controlled the "Process church" covens which had as members mass murderers Berkowitz and Monarch slave Charlie Manson. There are several members of the Carr family, who are also tied into both De Vinko and Radin's Process Church and the Illuminati. With the numerous long term connections between the W


  • s, and she was hypnotized by occultist Victor Michal and to some degree from 1866 under his influence.) Alice Bailey (head of Lucis Trust) Henry Steel Olcott (an important occultist) Elvis Presley (a Monarch slave) Manly P. Hall (an Illuminati Theta Programmer, and at least a Grand Master within the Illuminati who sat on the Grand Druid Council.) Frank Baum The man who wrote the book The Wizard of Oz was a mem


  • minati been trying to do this one!? In step with Wizard of Oz mind-control programming, the wicked witch & naughty children cannot stand water but dissolve. Robotic clones are created in the minds of Monarch slaves which can only be mentally dissolved by mentally placing water on them. Dorothy goes questing in Oz. Theosophists (New Agers, Satanists, etc.) go on quests. Oz is shaped like a Mandala with Emerald


  • t by people connected to the Illuminati, the game states, "Don't believe any of this, it is all true." These are the type of double-bind self contradictory statements that Satanists love to spew out. Monarch slaves are programmed full of double-binds. With the Satanist's penchant for blurring reality in mind, read the following quote where the President of the Theosophical Society admiringly describes the Wiza


  • en, then the Tin Man in the ritual will use his ax to sever the child's head on a chopping block. (The Tin Man will also appear in Tin Man programming, and a Tin Man's Castle may well be built in the Monarch slave's head, but the point here is that the Tin Man is also part of ritual.) Dorothy kills the wicked witch of the west by a sharp blow to the forehead with the witch's staff. This is what is done in the


  • is a.k.a. in Alice In Wonderland Programming as "going through the looking glass". Dorothy becomes unconscious, the world begins spinning, and then she sees disjointed pictures. This also happens to Monarch slaves. Later in the film, Dorothy states, "My! people come and go so quickly." This is exactly what happens to the Monarch slave whose multiple personalities come and go. When the multiple personalities s


  • ie's cast. They are called Munchkins in the movie.) Mengele, known as the programmer Dr. Green, was especially interested in experimenting traumas on dwarfs. For bona-fides & recognition signals, the Monarch slaves wear diamonds to signify they are presidential models, rubies to signify their Oz programming for prostitution, and emeralds to signify their programming to do drug business. Rings are also used to


  • E AND THE PEOPLE WERE LAUGHING AND SINGING, while a big table nearby was loaded with DELICIOUS FRUITS [the programs] and NUTS, PIES, and cakes, and many OTHER GOOD THINGS TO EAT [scripts to ingest]." Monarch slaves are threatened with fire, like the Scarecrow. They also see people dismembered like the Scarecrow was dismembered. For them it is not an idle threat. The front alters also have hearts full of pain l


  • The Flowers used in the movie and books, are also used in the programming. The witch uses poppy flowers to put the lion and Dorothy to sleep. Opium and cocaine are used to tranquilize Monarch slaves. An alter of a slave will get trancy when they enter the poppy field. (Heroin and cocaine come from poppies.) In the film, Dorothy says, "What is happening? I'm so sleepy." She and the lion get slee


  • s a copy, are in quadrants -x, y and x, -y. (See the chapter on how to structure a System) "Click your heel together and be there in a snap" is both in the movie and in the programming cues. Military Monarch slave models are especially taught to click their heels together. (Joseph Mengele, Dr. Black, Michael Aquino and others also liked to click their Nazi boots together while they programmed children.) "SILEN
  • daughter's ears was then backed up by the hypnotic command based on Wizard of Oz programming, "I'LL GET HER, MY PRETTY. . .YOUR LITTLE GIRL." The programming that is related to the Tin Man produces a monarch slave which is described as "A WELL OILED MACHINE" by the handlers. U.S. Sen. Allen Simpson, one of the perpetrators of the Monarch Program, referred to the Tin Man programming when he told a slave "THESE


  • n 1: Had been abducted by aliens since she was a small child. Different types of aliens took her. Her mother worked for the CIA at Area 51. Her mother was abusive to her. One of her best friends is a Monarch slave. When the aliens come a bright light appears and then they abduct her. The aliens she works with the most look exactly like people, and in their handwriting show severe abuse. These benevolent aliens


  • le of an island have both an everyday name and a magical name. When the chief gives his magical name to a Russian captain named Orlov, he and his warriors end up being killed in battle. The alters of Monarch slaves have names they can give outsiders and then their access code names which must be kept secret. Part of the story is to stay in line with what one's ancestors have done. Other items in the book, such


  • to certain alters used for the intelligence agencies--they not only act different, they look different, and have different valid I.D. An apparently dumb blond may be a very intelligent highly trained Monarch slave. Within the intelligence world Monarch slaves will function as Agent Provocateurs, which are people who join groups with the purpose of leading the group to do things that will cause it harm. The neo


  • The Intelligence term for the elaborate cover histories they give one of their Monarch slaves to operate as an agent is called a "legend". Supporting documents will be placed into the appropriate government files to support the legend. The intelligence agencies may have several intact "legen


  • ould believe that a sweet child drinks blood and is cannabalistic? The more that they can do that is far fetched, the less credibility the child has if they do talk. Some children do try to talk. One Monarch slave talked at age five, and her entire family came down hard on her and blamed the child's talking for the death of one of the abusers. What kind of proof can a child bring that adults will accept? In th


  • this. This eyewitness account by the Co-author matches what the list of eyewitnesses that Fritz assembled in 1993 have said, But the eyewitness went further and exposed B.G. crusades' skillful use of Monarch slaves to launder drug money. Several police officers have stated that today, there is for all practical purposes no police training helping police to understand Satanism. They are highly trained in many a


  • istian personality may not be ecstatic about it all. Billy Graham's Decision magazine has on its front page caption is "'Changed From the Inside Out," and displays an infinity loop on the cover. Many Monarch slaves have had lots of programming around the infinity ioop. This is an important trigger to remind them how they are captured by the unending repeating rebuilding programming. There are countless little


  • oint Illuminati/CIA total mind control program done to people). We know that he is serviced by Monarch sexual slaves (their kitten alters). It is very easy for the network to keep these poor victims (Monarch slaves) from talking, and so the full extent of much of what has gone on may not come out in our lifetimes. Another possible clue about Billy Graham's hidden life comes from Billy Graham himself. Do the re


  • isode at its face value. Those who did clearly show the common church goer's poor understanding of those who seek to control and destroy the church. How Billy Graham Plays a Key Role in Reprogramming Monarch Slaves Two different talkative Satanists told sources of mine about 2 different coven meetings here in Portland in the Summer of 1993 where the covens discussed the benefits that the satanists were going t


  • iminal activity. Billy Graham, who is a programmed multiple himself, is exceptionally adept at managing his Monarch kittens. The drug money laundered through his crusades is carefully handled by many Monarch slaves working in shifts and teams, so that the whole scheme can not be uncovered by catching one person. Billy Graham runs big operations all over the world under the disguise of evangelism. Another of th


  • nd for big shows. On top of this, the large sums that are spent on the Billy Graham Crusades serve as a cover for the Networks money laundering that they do through Graham's Crusade using a series of Monarch slaves in a complex series of money drop offs. A fourth area is concern over his methodology. A body language expert says that Billy Graham's talks are simply canned. They are simply well- rehearsed canned


  • inati.) To progress up the ranks in Satanism, they will require you to go through Freemasonry. Freemasonry then teaches people about the symbology of the mystery religions. The lodges bring in female Monarch slaves for some of their Egyptian sexual-magic rituals. If the reader were to get up in the morning and your mother, sister, and brother were in the kitchen and said that your mother had just drank a cup o


  • on at the school and that he didn't care. Robert Schuller, 33° Freemason, was helped into ministry by Billy Graham. Schuller also participates in the Monarch program and is also sexually serviced by Monarch slaves. Norman Vincent Peale's form of Christianity called positive thinking is actually only white witchcraft with different names. Peale simply is a "Christian" witch. Norman Vincent Peale, 33° Freemason


  • who have participated in his ministry are saying that they have seen massive swindle in his healing ministry. His university is being used as a programming center. His basketball team at one time had Monarch slaves playing on it. We do not know if they still do. Under the prayer tower is one of the programming sites. Billy Graham, a handler himself, helped launch Oral Roberts University, and is a friend of Ora


  • milk cows and work on his labor- intensive tobacco farm without any nagging guilt or horrible memories surfacing to trouble him (at least in theory). Trained assassins do have memory flashes, as all Monarch slaves have, but they are only bits and pieces. People also do not realize that the Amish live in many more states than Pennsylvania. They move all over the United States. If an Amishman was travelling on


  • ong with the Mormon church and the CIA to keep everything running smooth with their high tech secret underground programming center, which has the front of being sacred temple grounds. Three separate Monarch slaves independently described this underground installation, and there are other evidences of it too. In order to gain access to the underground programming tunnels, a person has to have to place their pa


  • y. When orders are given and language is used, it is on purpose vague so that the guilty can deny their guilt. At this point, it might be appropriate to cover some standard CIA tactics. They use some Monarch slaves as "Live Letter Drops". An LLD is a person who will remail spy letters. They will use "dead drop boxes" which are simply places that an item or message is concealed to be retrieved by some other cri


  • ds. This Personal Shocker was manufactured to be used on people. An electronic firm in Tujunga, CA makes a shock box used in programming. An electronic bark collar is used to train Illuminati & other Monarch slaves in silence & obedience. On other occassions, fancy gem studded collars and leather collars are fitted around the necks of female slaves for sex with wolves and fierce dogs, who bite these neck colla


  • n’t know what he is doing, a stun gun comes in handy to control the mismanaged slave. In other words, a brief case with the programming book and stun gun are basically all that is needed to control a Monarch slave for the rest of his or her life. Some of these stun guns are only a few inches long and look like boxes. Other stun guns are imbedded in staffs. The canes and the staffs that Satanists carry around,


  • also called analogs of the sounds of spoken words, could be transmitted to a target, and the effect on victim would be to hear voices in their head. Prozac and Slaves and Microwave Towers Some of the Monarch slaves are receiving Prozac. Prozac (fluoxetine hydrocloride-a serotonin re-uptake inhibitor) is dangerous for everyone. Prozac is now the second most used drug in the world. Three examples of the ongoing


  • There are four types of brain waves: alpha, beta, delta, and theta. The four basic models of Monarch slaves have the same names as these four types of brain waves. High level Illuminati models may have programming that includes all of these types. According to one ex(?)-government source, the CIA has been


  • The best boss is the boss who gives a directive and can go do something else while the person receiving the order carries it out without input and supervision. The Monarch slave is the prime example of how to delegate authority. The delegation of authority allows both the master and the victim himself to blame the victim for the orders they carry out. The satanic cults will


  • . The map of the Land of Oz in the Wizard of Oz books was frequently used for the front parts of a System, with some additions and subtractions. The engineering of the structures within an Illuminati Monarch slave, looks like the original designs were done by engineering specialists-- perhaps even Boolean algebra was used to develop the original designs. However, once working models of systems were proven to f


  • the levels is the level of trance for level 3 will be different than the level of trance for level 10. This will not hold true across the board, because some deeper alters are not in deep trance. One Monarch slave, programmed beginning in the 1950’s, described her System, Scattered Parts Broken hearts, divided parts, they all live inside of me. How many times can they divide my mind? Broken hearts with divided


  • structures. If you don’t understand the mirrors, or the River Nile, or whatever then be careful what you have the survivor do to them. The structures (the images) that are built into the mind of the Monarch slave are not trivial. An overview of the structures that are in our System alone will show that they went to a great deal of effort to build all kinds of internal worlds to house our thousands of alters.


  • xpressions "let bygones be bygones", "the past is past", "don’t dig up old skeletons", etc.) As long as the alter loves its Master, it is somewhat safe from remembering its own traumas. And yet for a Monarch slave to regain its own mind, the alters must regain their own memories. That is why to really break down the programming, memory work is need. That Monarch slaves must regain their memories to heal is a h


  • ter will be made to think they are the evil male Satan. The point is that the identity of this alter is tied up with their negative destructive role in the system. Standard Roles Within An Illuminati Monarch Slave


  • 4 person teams can be constructed. This gives the Illuminati more flexibility in what kind of missions it can send its slave out on. 4 person assassination teams are very common. They had 2 four-man Monarch slave assassination teams at Waco, Texas the day that the Waco Branch Davidian building burned up. How The Deltas Are Created Illuminati Deltas are linked to the moon children, and are the offspring of the


  • lished as Die Originalschriften der Illuminatensekte, Munich has an accurate organizational chart on p. 32 of these reprinted Illuminati papers. There were 130 or levels. Six of these are functional. Monarch slaves who have internal worlds with 13 levels, with 6 functional and 6 hidden are not much different than the actual hierarchy structure. In the Illuminati covens, each coven will secretly have a copy of


  • At the peak of the child’s rage, they split the mind. The result is lots of child alter fragments which are angry. These are collected and shaped into an angry army of little children. When an adult Monarch slave, triggers a protective army the adult alter finds themselves with angry children alters who are like a large crowd of toddlers who are screaming their heads off. There is no way to reason with these


  • the programmers might even hypnotically or surgically sew up the clitoris to insure the slave receives no gratification. The arab sheiks of Saudi Arabia will cut off--destroy-- the clitoris of their Monarch slaves in the same fashion that the Moslem world does with all their females.) The Programmers have been heard to program their slaves, "Don’t be a hustler and don’t pick up strays." The programmers must n


  • agencies and the military, when they use a male Monarch slave for covert activities, will find a female slave whose personality matches the male and pair them sexually during the period that the male slave is used on covert operations. This is done to ensure th


  • ian Magic for Today, pg. 203, the book gives a magical invocation that supposedly has been found in ancient Egyptian magical papyri. At any rate this invocation’s wording is powerful in English for a Monarch slave. The Invocation is called The Potter’s Wheel. "Hear the sound of the potter’s wheel As it spins! Khnum! See the clay on the potter’s wheel As it spins! Khnum! Feel the hand of the Mighty Lord Form th


  • tactics sap the strength of the front alters if they try to deviate from the straight and narrow programmed way of behaving. WHEN THE FINAL CALL BACK IS GIVEN--many Monarch slaves are programmed to kill their therapists because the Illuminati will be able to hide/protect them once they leave their place in society and return for the final callback. Reporting alters hidden wel


  • --victim will freeze like ice, will suffocate like inhaling water, will boil like being placed in boiling water, will feel a drip drip drip on the head, and will flood with memories. This is why some Monarch slaves do not like to swim. FIRE--Victim will burn inside and outside. The victim will remember fire torture, and perhaps their face melting. This is why some Monarch slaves don’t like to light a match or


  • rinth" was produced by Cherry McFadden. The movie was Monty Python’s "Terry Jones" scripted. The movie is a portrayal of what the internal world inside a Monarch mind-controlled slave looks like. The Monarch slave has an internal world built inside their mind in which the hundreds and thousands of alters must live in. The alters are given a psychotic world of fiction in which they must live in as reality. An a


  • world (internal world of her mind). She must go through a labyrinth if she wants to get to the castle. Although the movie is fiction, it is close enough to how a Monarch’s mind thinks, that an adult Monarch slave might well have his or her programming reinforced if they saw this film. It also would trigger many Monarch slaves and create fear in them. Monarch slaves have many clocks built into their systems. T


  • r them. The tunnels in the movie are full of cobwebs. As the girl moves forward toward the magic demon-invested Castle she comes across many things--all of which relate to internal items built into a Monarch slave’s mind. Some of the things are slightly different in the movie than in a slave’s mind--but the concepts are the same. For instance, the actual Thor figure looks like the Iron Man of the Wizard of Oz


  • s in some ways Thor of the programming. Notice that portals and holes open up. When they open up another level, protectors attack them and they must run back down their tunnel to save themselves. The Monarch slave will get feelings of being crushed if an alter ventures where it shouldn’t in the mind. When the girl asks the dwarf "How can I believe anything you say?" She is told, "What choice do you have?" Fire


  • riggered by the internal programmers when an alter crosses the boundaries set down by the programming, a flock of ravens may come forward and "take the body" (as they say in MPD) of the slave and the Monarch slave will bite his or her flesh and viciously tear it with its teeth.


  • By watching the movie Labyrinth, and using this as a guide, the viewer will begin to understand the horror and control that the internal world holds over the alters of a Monarch slave. Few Monarch slaves ever tell other people what is going on in their minds, now you have been privileged to find out. To learn this much for a Monarch slave comes with a high price. The price is paid


  • programming can be introduced in order to promote the mock alien invasion being planned by the Illuminati, and d. the Star Trek series has its own language which can be used for trigger codes, which Monarch slaves can study, and learn. The use of this klingon language will make it very difficult for ordinary people to break into the slave’s programming. Michael Aquino, Satanist and Colonel in the U.S. army, h


  • power. Whether magicians have ever done this, who knows, some certainly claim the power. The Illuminist is a power structure placed into some Monarch slaves. It is constructed from parts of numerous demons, rather like a demonic Frankenstein, & is portrayed in Star Trek, the Next Gener. as the crystalline body. A cartoon series was created for Star Trek


  • Some of the symbols are similar to Ascii Computer language (which is a language that interfaces with many other computer languages, so that one language can be translated into another language.) The Monarch slaves are told that this is an alien language. This is the Way the Script of the Intergalactic Language Looks: Another method that has also been used to enhance memory is hypnosis. Estabrooks was able in


  • uced, perhaps from the child sweating in the location of the electrode, or hair movements, or eye blinks or twitching. The Illuminati has their own midwifery training program, which will take teenage Monarch slaves and train them. They also begin training their people in programming and observation from infancy up. By the time they are an adult, the programming alters know programming as second nature. They ha


  • implants. The immediate chest wall and area around the breast implant gets highly agitated. The silicon leaks through the membrane, and then causes great difficulties in the body. Many of the female Monarch slaves have received breast implants. E. Body Programs Researchers have come a long way toward understanding the mind. They have discovered, for instance, that under stress the brain will convert


  • that what Dr. Brown writes is correct and was known years before she published her book. Biofeedback is now required training in some prisons for some inmates. It is clear from the final results that Monarch slaves have programming which can carry out the following functions:


  • ve in line. Histamine production appears to be regulated via surgery carried out on women’s breast. It appears, but hasn’t been confirmed that the surgery where breast implants are placed into female Monarch slaves plays some role in histamine production & programmed control. allow the body to pretend that it is dead, when actually it is in an altered state similar to being comatose. The internal defenses cons


  • This type of body control was learned by the Illuminati years ago, and has been applied to the Monarch programming to make the programming lies seem more real to the victim than the outside world. A Monarch slave can get cold on the left side and burn on the right side of his body. It has been well-documented that the mind can control the blood flow to various tissues and in this way change temperature in var


  • re. Again bio-feedback and classic conditioning have been successfully used to radically change a subject’s blood pressure. This along with the ability to go into deep trances, are abilities that the Monarch slave is programmed to have to control their blood pressure. Again the question may be, why would they condition a slave this way? Because, if the Master can call out a hypnotic trigger and change the slav


  • ilitary mind-control model would be worthwhile for some readers. An example of how genetic engineering is couple with the trauma-based mind-control is Amphibious Man, a particular top secret model of Monarch slave. The following section is taken from an earlier article by Fritz on this. As far as we know, this was the first and only article ever written on the subject (not counting classified secret documents)


  • sically realized that amphibious man could be used like a glorified Seal team. Seal teams are the navy’s semi-secret group of well-trained men, who do primarily land operations after swimming ashore. Monarch slaves are being used in the Seal teams. The Seal teams are being secretly used to carry out assassinations, such as recently they were used to assassinate people in Iraq. They are trained in the ability t


  • hear any heart beat. If a pulse monitoring machine is hooked up to the alter, the alter will go into a trance. For instance, the handler might promise faces and hearts but will never give them to the Monarch slave when he could. The promise is a control mechanism. 2. Isolation From The World, So That the Only Reality Is The Leader's Reality. The Illuminati isolates the slave so new ideas are available or allow


  • mind-altering drugs and sensory deprivation tanks, shows some scenes where God turns into a goat. Some of the religious scenes in this movie, match some of the anti- God/religious programming of some Monarch slaves. The Monarch slaves are repeatedly warned that God is cruel and judgmental, and that He wants to destroy them for the wicked things they have done. Bible verses that tell of the wrath of God & God’s


  • The solution to Satan’s control, was that the disciples of Christ would be so united in love that the world would see the solution. " That they all may be one.. .that the world may believe ." For the Monarch slaves, the therapists have wanted integration. For the world, Christ wanted integration. But there are formidable spiritual strongholds, which divide us. These spiritual strongholds are far stronger than


  • ervation bondage loop. We simply have to have an inner knowing that we are made in the image of God, and that He is working in each of our lives. Since we are His work, He will justify us. All of the Monarch slaves, are a work of God. The cult has simply refashioned what God created. The slave needs to recapture the loving view God has of what He created. God doesn’t make mistakes. He has placed lots of beauty


  • erything wrong or bad in the slave’s life is blamed upon him. Of course not all things are meant to be remembered by the slave. Guilt can play a natural role in the forgetting of memories too. If the Monarch slave would remember something terrible, the religious front alters can be made to feel repentant for such terrible thoughts. Then the natural desire to forget can be reinforced by suggesting that the evil


  • the reality of it. If a person is hypnotized to have guilt about something that they didn’t commit, then they can be gotten to believe that they did it. For instance, a false implanted memory of the Monarch slave killing a child may be implanted with the command, if you do not obey we will kill more children and you then will be guilty for not just this child but others. People will tend to justify their abus


  • Bob Hope is the best example of a Monarch slave handler who uses his verbal skills as both a handler and comedian. Bob Hope has a side to him that the public doesn’t see. Over the years, Bob Hope has spent millions of dollars on his team of gag wr


  • emely low. The anger that alters have becomes a tool of the handler to insure that the slave never thinks highly enough of themselves to do anything about the control over them. An example of this is Monarch slave Loretta Lynn. Loretta Lynn’s handler is her husband Doolittle. Although Loretta has worked (slaved) very long hard hours she credits Doolittle for all her success. Her programming allows her only to


  • ed mercy on the actions of ministers who have mercy on things that are abominations to God. One of the best examples is the religious front this book discussed in detail in chapter 5. Billy Graham, a Monarch slave handler, is on public record endorsing Mao-tse-tung’s teachings, abortion, salvation through witchcraft, the One-World-Church in alliance with the world’s political power, and many other things. Quit


  • my bowels taken from thence and burned to ashes, should I knowingly violate this my solemn obligation. " The covenants, and vows and threats all work together to keep people in line. Alters within a Monarch slave are conditioned by their servitude to believe that th eir life is controlled by Satan, who is stronger than God. Where was God when they needed him? And yet many of the Monarch slaves coming in for t


  • an’t hide" programming. Supposedly, the slave is being watched by satellite no matter where they go. For instance, at Offit Air Force Base in Nebraska, an underground viewing room is used to convince Monarch slaves they have no place to hide. There the walls have numerous "satellite pictures" from around the world. The satellites are called "Eye in the Sky." A four-screen viewer pretends to respond to the type


  • s invoked, as well as the 9 mystic names of the dead. A child is skinned and sacrificed. The Book of the Old Faith is read from. And then the demons are dismissed and a bell rung in the 4 directions. Monarch slaves recall the stench of the demons, and the roar that they make when invoked. To live through a horrifying experience like this does impact the slave, and therapists need to quit ignoring the various i


  • s, they will be teaching the spiritual principles you the reader are about to be told. (A few therapists across the U.S.--and their names will not be revealed, have had miraculous recoveries of their Monarch slaves when they addressed these demonic and spiritual issues. These are therapists, who tried the old methods for years, and then in desperation were willing to listen to ex- programmers and other informe


  • ys such a strong interest in the Indians. The original principalities are the foundation, the bedrock upon which everything else is layered upon. This also is done in Monarch programming. A number of Monarch slaves have Indian shamans and spirits placed in their systems. Upon the original foundation, the newer ideologies are layered in. In Russia, communism was simply layered on top of the original territorial


  • Note that Disney placed a character with a green mask in a dark mirror, and had in his shows what was called the ‘Spirit of the Magic Mirror’ which was also called The Slave of the Magic Mirror. The Monarch slaves "most precious programs" are concealed in the ground and are guarded by the gnomes built internally by the programming. These gems have power that is channeled from Satan. Most of the readers though


  • tried everything for years to deal with the mirrors, have found that a few minutes of correct spiritual warfare accomplished more than years of trying psychological techniques. In the 1980 models of Monarch slaves, the Programmers began placing a planet of alters, interspersed with a planet of demons, as they would build a solar system. This had the same layering effect as the mirrors. The demons then would b


  • Israel sacrificed children to Moloch at Tophet in the Valley of Hinnom near Jerusalem. Drums (tophim) were beat so the cries of the children couldn’t be heard. Mormo- Important demon placed in Mormon Monarch slaves. Nanna-Nemo--Mormon programming Octopus--blood sucking demon Orion--placed over Mormon victims, the name Orion is popping out all over the place, Pan-protector of woods Ronwe-Squat--a number of Illu


  • ociated with the demon, and the possessed person will drink the blood from the sacrificed animal. Polished stones, and herbs, and trance and dissociative states are used to attract spirits. While the Monarch slaves have trauma-based dissociative states, the practitioners of Voodoo have ritually induced dissociative states. Voodoo rituals will involve chanting, drums, at times handclapping and frenzied dancing


  • on--their looks, their curiosity of beauty, and their personhood itself. The Spirit of the AntiChrist is attached to the religious spirit when people get Christianity without the Spirit of Life. Many Monarch slaves with the Anti-Christ spirit are working under the cover of being good Christians. The Bible even talks about them, "For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the a


  • need to get a teacher of love, a "Loving teacher" so-to-speak. Part J The Use of Angel Alters Many Illuminati models had "angels" or "spirit guides" created that could provide divine messages to the Monarch slave. The Illuminati/Intelligence agencies have been highly successful with controlling people via their religious beliefs by implanting alters who are seen by a Monarch slave as being a messenger from Go


  • re said to be able to guide missiles which are fired. There are a number of excellent books that have come out on the subject. The New Earth Battalion and the Delta forces of the U.S. Army consist of Monarch slaves trained in Psychic warfare. (The reader is invited to read for instance John White’s book Psychic Warfare Fact or Fiction? (Wellingborough, UK: The Aquarian Press.) Col. John B. Alexander has been o


  • System Concepts Office" in Adelphi, MD. He has worked with Col. Michael Aquino with Monarch slaves. Upper level martial arts involves the use of the occult. The Ninji are one of the few groups who openly realize that their martial art power comes from demonic powers. A half crow/half man spirit e


  • e out that the Navy had 34 psychics, who they paid $400 a month, to track Soviet subs. The CIA claimed during the cold war that 200 Russian experts were working on telepathy. Many of the Illuminati’s Monarch slaves will speak about learning on the astral plane. One reason it is difficult to deprogram a slave, is because the deeper parts know how to astral project, and can carry out the demonology which helps t


  • sistently given Theta programming, a surgical implantation of a sodium/lithium powered high frequency receiver/transducers coupled with a multi-range discharge capacitor was placed into the brains of Monarch slaves. This gives the handlers the ability to signal by remote signals to the victim’s brain. When the receiver picks up the signals they electronically stimulate certain areas of the brain which in turn


  • told co-author Fritz that he was supportive of the cabalistic goal of Adam Kadmon. Because Hudson knew the cabala very well, it seems likely that he understands what Adam Kadmon is really all about. Monarch slaves of the House of Rothschild have revealed how the Illuminati are able to do what


  • ated the best minds of the occult world for centuries, the Quest for the Philosopher’s Stone. Further Spiritual Bondage Snares There are a number of activities which are snares to entrap people, both Monarch slaves and people in particular, which are not commonly recognized as such. One has to view them in their overall context and the consequences of what these activities lead to. According to Biblical teachi


  • control over people and society. These things are well-conceived spiritual operations that are blindsiding Americans because "evil" spirits are no longer politically correct to talk about. Illuminati Monarch slaves, such as a Mother of Darkness or Grande Master, are given occult powers. They are also frequently connected to gambling--they will have alters who like to gamble. Rather than being activities of pow


  • poses of the Monarch type of trauma-based mind-control is to produce robotic soldiers who will do anything. Normal military training is usually sufficient for most military needs, so it is clear that Monarch slaves have some ulterior uses that the military doesn’t want the public to know about.


  • how to delegate. The most successful supervisor is the one who can delegate the best. The programmers had to find ways to cut their supervisory requirements to the bone if they were to make owning a Monarch slave worthwhile. The method chosen was to build "computers" into the slave’s mind that would internally regulate everything. They do this by taking hundreds of the alters and dehumanizing them and turning


  • ogies of satanic iniquity from early ancient times to present. This ancient occult information has been reported by at least half a dozen Illuminati slaves as being retained internally by demons. How Monarch Slaves Are Designed To Interface With The Unix System Of The Beast Computers In line with what is being done by the Illuminati around the world with their network of computers--the computers have access co


  • ility. Papoose Lake is referred to as S-4. The other super-secret facilities in the area are named S-2, 8-6, and S-66. This area has become the Illuminati’s prime programming facility for turning out Monarch slaves, and the Monarch slaves which are turned out from this area have turned out to be the worst basket cases. In other words the programming is very severe which is carried out in this area. This area h


  • nd uses C language. (Bear in mind that there are dialects of UNIX, such as the standard AT&T UNIX and for instance Berkeley UNIX. The UNIX system uses both timesharing and multitasking. The mind of a Monarch slave also does both multitasking and time sharing. One of the nice UNIX features, is "protected memory", which is also part of the Monarch programming. A kernal is what the UNIX programmers call a "protec


  • rk secretly behind the scenes and are given actual demonic names--some corresponding to actual names of historically known demons, such as Asmodeus. Asmodeus is also a demon which is placed into many Monarch slaves. In the UNIX system these demons are treated like persons in the computer’s user director. Demons in the computer system do not have to log onto the computer, but they work behind the scenes and are


  • ogether so that if the System is tampered with out of sequence, a domino effect would take place. This domino effect is for one program to set off another program to set off another program. Soon the Monarch slave’s mind is trying to deal with dozens of suicide programs running simultaneously, along with perhaps other programs such as scrambling programs. For instance, one story line used is the mice run up an


  • controlled. A good case officer learns everything he can about the asset (person or slave) he is to control. Case officers/handlers have been constantly working at improving their skills of control. Monarch slaves who must function as intelligence officers, who recruit spies, are trained in the art of listening and conversation. Learning to listen without interrupting is a guarantee of success. CIA handlers/


  • handlers will attempt to manipulate those desires for their own gain by sincerely helping the person. They set up short-range & long term goals and plans on how to manage a person. For instance, if a Monarch slave’s day to day alters want ego- gratification, a creative outlet, and reassurance of worth, the Illuminati may promise the slave that if the alters comply they will give them a singing contract in Las


  • he craves power--so he is given power over other people’s lives. The slave has been stripped of its real family, so he is given roots by a long generational occult bloodline, and a cult family. Each Monarch slave exists in their own situation, but there are often common features to how they are controlled. For instance, the handlers like to restrict the mobility of their slaves. Some of the slaves will never


  • ling with. She describes in detail her life with Marilyn Monroe. The inside story of life with Marilyn is nothing like people might imagine. Lena’s book is such a clear description of how life with a Monarch slave can be--that I decided to use her book as the basis of some articles. Marilyn Monroe was an orphan, and during her infancy the Illuminati/CIA programmed her to be a Monarch slave. Before becoming an


  • In programming Monarch slaves, mirrors are used a great deal. Within the Monarch slave’s mind, countless mirror images are made. The slave sees thousands of mirrors everywhere in their mind. Because Marilyn was so stripped of an


  • ." And on the next page, "Gee, you’re really my sister. My sister... At least you lived with relatives." Marilyn’s masters did not want her to have any family. They often strip the deeper alters of a Monarch slave from any ties to any non-cult person.... ∙ p.199--Marilyn orders a $3,000 Emerald green dress to be made. Emerald green is often the most favorite color of Monarch slaves because of their Wizard of O


  • s the motto of the game. When slaves are picked up, the men picking them up are called Draconian enforcers. Both authors of this book are very familiar with some of these men. They are often big male Monarch slaves. A popular Illuminati access point is to grab the right hand with the enforcers thumb in the area between the victim’s thumb and index finger. The pressure will be strong enough to leave a bruise af


  • a news story far greater is happening all around them. One way to control a person is to identify who the key people are in their life and then influence those people. Some of the work in controlling Monarch slaves goes on behind the scenes, even without the slave ever realizing it. A number of Monarch slaves have been maneuvered into marriages without actual mind-control even being necessary. One of the items


  • echniques Of A Modern Intelligence Agency The following points are of a scenario which was developed as follows by the author: Fritz observed how the CIA were carrying out an operation to recapture a Monarch slave who was trying to escape. These activities follow standard spook textbook methods, and for instance, fit the same patterns of an intelligence operation codenamed Operation Sphinx described in detail


  • opportunities for fun things away from the house. They know how to take advantage very quickly & smoothly of the social needs of people who are around a Monarch slave. (They put used car salesmen to shame.) POINT 12. The intelligence people have the capability to enter without keys. POINT 13. They practice "motionless following." That means they followed people in


  • have to have something to threaten the person with. Men are frequently entrapped by sexual behavior which is criminal. Sometimes they are also entrapped by murder. The Monarch slave will be allowed to have children so that they can be blackmailed into complying to save the children or grandchildren. The Monarch slave in turn may be used to blackmail others. Certain alters are tr


  • s of creating a mind-controlled slave, is to control the entire milieu of the slave. This is expressed in Nexus Seven. The environment of the slave is designed for what is called "story immersion." A Monarch slave who has been given the basic Alice In Wonderland and Wizard of Oz programming will see objects connected to these story lines in almost every store. Restaurants in Dallas and San Antonio (The Time Ma


  • artoons, and Oz characters are appearing all over the place. For a while even Kansas had an Oz theme to their license plates ("Land of Ahs"). Hillary Clinton, (a 6th level Illuminati witch & sadistic Monarch slave handler) received a witch’s hat in anticipation that she would be called the wicked witch of the West, and that Mary Matalin (who married Clinton’s top campaign advisor James Carville) had a photogra


  • have suffered, and the therapist is hamstrung about what they can do in court for the client. Recently, 15 states have created statutes of limitations on sadistic rape. This is in response to all the Monarch slaves who have begun recovering memories. ∙ The extent that entire culture and society protect the Monarch Programming is enormous. Anyone admitting MPD (aka DID) is in fear of being labelled crazy and lo


  • ymbol on the back, and a can of vegetables which has a bar code on it. Every bar code has 3 secret and non-functional numbers in the bar code, which are 666. The silent hammer that strikes out at the Monarch slave is that everywhere they go, the occult world is there. Several cars are named after Satan. The name Saturn, and Belair are well-known as occult names for Satan. When Freemasonry’s greatest philosophe


  • hniques is said to be Tony Robins, and he is who the elite got to train both George Bush and Bill Clinton. Monarch Mind Controlled Slaves have been created since the late 1940s. Since the early ‘60s, Monarch Slaves have been specially created for American presidents. These models are called Presidential Models. There are now living about 600 people (Monarch slaves) who were created into Presidential Models. Th


  • s and Hollywood are intimately linked to Monarch Mind-Control programming. A great deal that is coming out of Hollywood is linked to mind control in some fashion. Some of the hottest entertainers are Monarch slaves, such as Madonna, a Marilyn Monroe replacement. Co-author Fritz was given a catalog to Vidimax, which is an New Jersey occult porn video club by someone wanting to help his research. This cult video


  • ho was into the occult and worked for British intelligence wrote The Raven. Vincent Price starred in Hollywood’s version of the Raven, and passages of the book have been used as codes for a number of Monarch slaves, who had to memorize portions of the book with their photographic memories. Warner Communications came out with the book/& movie "Sybil" which is about a woman with multiple personalities. The book


  • mind-controlled slaves have been shown the movie "Telephon" to emphasize to them that their minds are controlled by their handlers, and for them not to forget it.) 4. Many of the movies and shows use Monarch slaves as actors & performers: such as Rosanne Barr, Bette Mittler, Marilyn Monroe, Loretta Lynn, Crystal Gayle and possibly Wayne Newton (a child singing protege, who never wrote a check for himself in hi


  • used to create S&M films. The Illuminati’s S&M porn film industry has been booming for over 4 decades. (Compare the name Videodrome with Vidimax mentioned above.) The porn films done of a particular Monarch slave who is used as a porn star will be coded according to the code name given to the star. Let’s say they call the Star "Lily", then the porn movies will be cataloged Lily 1, Lily 2, Lily 3, etc. This ty


  • 2109MM861 1 Page 83 .... End-time Activation Codes Most slaves have end-time programming. When a slave is called in with end-time programming they have pages upon pages of coded messages. A number of Monarch slaves have been de-programmed enough that they began accessing and spewing out pages and pages of these activation codes. Part of a sample of one of these is as follows: "ISRAEL IS RISING ACTIVATE 366 UNI

File: Fritz Springmeier - Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines -


  • likes to use the Kennedy Assassination as a method to get people to realize that there is a NWO conspiracy. Interestingly, Ralph Epperson, had as a companion for a while without knowing it, an active Monarch slave who helped him give presentations. It is difficult for those exposing the NWO to get away from being infiltrated. The Monarch mind-controlled slaves are very difficult to detect, especially since mos


  • ey paid $1 million to fr ench obstetrician Michel Larvin to carry out services to help them conceive a child. There is a special program to hide the lineages of the Illuminati bloodlines. Illu minati Monarch slaves are being used as couriers to carry secret genealogical information about hundre ds of Illuminati children who are being adopted out. These children do not know who their real parents are, but the r


  • inati from Astoria, Oregon (such as Scottish Rite Li brarian/Mortician Reynolds) and Bend, Oregon (such as Mayor Paul Reynolds who also runs a mortuary, and his son Mark). One of the first Illuminati Monarch slaves in the Portland area to seek her freedom was Mary D. Reynolds. She was from the Mother of Darkness level. She wanted to find treatment for the programming that goes with the Niother of Darkness leve


  • ped the hands of the CIA for a few misdeeds. Their report is still cited as the big investigation of the CIA. Some investigation! Since the Rockefeller family work hand in hand with the CIA to create Monarch slaves, of course that part of the CIA’s misdeeds got overlooked! A recent convert from Satanism, Michael McArthur, has given validated insi de information about the FBI and the CIA programs which kidnap c


  • uth About Rock efeller “Public Enemy No. 1” Studies in Criminal Psychopathy. New York: Chedney Press, 1964. Mullins, Eustace. The World Order. Boring. OR: CPA. OTHER: Interview with an ex-Rockefeller Monarch slave. Interviews with ex-Illuminati and others who know things about the Rockefellers. 166


  • ave an article about what the Rothschild’s are doing today. One of my most dangerous opponents in this area to the work I’m doing against the Monarch program is a secret Rothschild descendent. I know Monarch slaves who were created to serve the Rockefeller family, the Russell family, the 13th Holy Blood Family, the Li family and the CollIns family. I also know Monarch slaves who were created to serve the Roths


  • re Hathaway Inc. which also owns lots of shares of Disney stock. According to S.F. Examiner, Buffett himself owns 24 million shares of Disn ey. Warren Buffett is part of the Ak-Sar-Ben fraternity and Monarch slave abusers who were exposed in the Nebraska Saving & Loan scandal. He is perhaps the second riches t man in the nation, and too powerful for anyone to touch. In the kingpi n vs. kingpin battles, some pe

File: Project Monarch -


  • tapes on how to create a MONARCH slave and worked as a liaison between Government/Military Intelligence and various crimin al organizations and occult groups in the distribution of MONARCH slaves.[16] Heinrich Mueller was another importan

File: Trance Formation Of America -


  • e trance daydreaming, tones of helplessness and sexuality in drawings, and the electric prod marks on my face should have been recognized. 6 These same themes were rou tinely used in creating Project Monarch slaves. This fact emerged through years of networking with mental health professionals.


  • y Scouts. All of this made him appear to be a model citizen and "pillar of the community". The illusion was fonned. The : parts of me that knew otherwise had no choice but to remain Silent. 1 Project Monarch slaves were referred to as "Chosen Ones". 2 Torture to the point just before death, such as with Death's Door programming, was jointly used by the Catholic Jesuits and the CIA in Project Monarch. 3 It was


  • ton's farm in Tennessee for instructions on handling his new "bride". I was "made of honor" for my friend's "wedding," which was no more a marriage than mine to Houston. As was customary with Project Monarch slaves, her marriage to her handler e quated to marriage to her mind-controi owner, U.S. Senator Arlen Spector. The "wedding" I was forced to participate in was for pornography purposes only, and it took p


  • o join him in perversely assaulting me. Much to my horror, Aquino arrived early, in full army dress uniform, backstage at the Grand Ol' Opry. When I saw Aquino talk ing with the Vatican based Project Monarch slave runner, Kris Kristopherson, 4 whom I had known since 1979, my personality programmed for Opry events "short circuited". Under circumstances such as this, a multiple without programming would have swi


  • societ y, our nation, and the world, by uti- lizing their talents to maximum potential." With this altitude, Reagan displayed pride in the sick role he played as Th e Wizard Of Oz, directing Project Monarch slaves like myself. That night. Senator Byrd acted in the capacity of a pimp and prostituted me to Reagan. Referring to me as though I were a machine, Reagan asked Byrd, "Does she run on chemicals? " meani

File: 13bloodlines -


  • mirrors. Even the dining room in the back part of the living room was decorated with a mirrored plate table.” 181 The use of mirrors is of crucial importance in the programming of Monarch slaves. The slaves see thousands of reflections within themselves. The decoration of Marilyn’s house completely fitted her inner state of mind: all mirrors. Many Monarch slaves fill the


  • witchcraft as effectively as the Disney brothers. 248 - The well-known movie Return from Witches Mountain was one of the most powerful encouragements for witchcraft in its day. Mind control and Monarch slaves were paraded on-screen deliberately. - One of the biggest temptations to witchcraft and Satanism is the world- famous production of the Star Wars movies. Everything in this trilogy has to do wit


  • hough Fantasia was a flop, it was a perfect mind control tool. - In the 1950s, the Illuminati used Disney’s animated movies Alice in Wonderland and The Wizard of Oz as a basis for programming Monarch slaves. - On October 27, 1954 Walt Disney’s Wonderful World of Color , a celebration of Disney’s movies, was broadcasted on television. The words “wonderful”, “world” and “color” were chosen deliberate


  • ligence agencies. Nathalie has gone through a lot. She did not know that the source of many of the incomprehensible events had to do with her programming. She had no idea that she was a programmed Monarch slave. Nathalie woke up at the age of 36, after having flashbacks. Occurrences that she is aware of nowadays were unknown to her in the past. This is reflected in her story. In this book you will not on

File: Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier 1998 -


  • likes to use the Kennedy Assassination as a method to get people to realize that there is a NWO conspiracy. Interestingly, Ralph Epperson, had as a companion for a while without knowing it, an active Monarch slave who helped him give presentations. It is difficult for those exposing the NWO to get away from being infiltrated.[1] The Monarch mind- controlled slaves are very difficult to detect, especially since


  • ped the hands of the CIA for a few misdeeds. Their report is still cited as the big investigation of the CIA. Some investigation! Since the Rockefeller family work hand in hand with the CIA to create Monarch slaves, of course that part of the CIA’s misdeeds got overlooked! A recent convert from Satanism, Michael McArthur, has given validated inside information about the FBI and the CIA programs which kidnap ch


  • Truth About Rockefeller “Public Enemy No. 1” Studies in Criminal Psychopathy New York: Chedney Press, 1964. Mullins, Eustace. The World Order. Boring. OR: CPA. other interview with an ex-Rockefeller Monarch slave. interviews with ex-Illuminati and others who know things about the Rockefellers.


  • ave an article about what the Rothschild’s are doing today. One of my most dangerous opponents in this area to the work I’m doing against the Monarch program is a secret Rothschild descendent. I know Monarch slaves who were created to serve the Rockefeller family, the Russell family, the 13th Holy Blood Family, the Li family and the CollIns family. I also know Monarch slaves who were created to serve the Roths


  • she is one of the few Illuminati slaves who has been deprogrammed. While she was a slave for Bob Hope, he loaned her to Sammy Davis, Jr., Dean Martin, and Richard Nixon to name a few. More about this Monarch slave, which was used as a courier and a sexual slave, shortly. Let’s explain some about Bob Hope. Because the previous paragraph may present the reader some difficulties let’s temporarily digress into the


  • ire Hathaway Inc. which also owns lots of shares of Disney stock. According to S.F. Examiner, Buffett himself owns 24 million shares of Disney. Warren Buffett is part of the Ak-Sar-Ben fraternity and Monarch slave abusers who were exposed in the Nebraska Saving & Loan scandal. He is perhaps the second richest man in the nation, and too powerful for anyone to touch. In the kingpin vs. kingpin battles, some peop


  • minati from Astoria, Oregon (such as Scottish Rite Librarian/Mortician Reynolds) and Bend, Oregon (such as Mayor Paul Reynolds who also runs a mortuary, and his son Mark). One of the first Illuminati Monarch slaves in the Portland area to seek her freedom was Mary D. Reynolds. She was from the Mother of Darkness level. She wanted to find treatment for the programming that goes with the Niother of Darkness leve

File: bloodlines1 -


  • kes to use the Kennedy Assassination as a method to get people to realize that there is a NWO conspiracy . Interestingly , Ralph Epperson, had as a companion for a while without knowing it, an active Monarch slave who helped him give presentations. It is difficult for those exposing the NWO to get away from being infiltrated. [7] The Monarch mind-controlled slaves are very difficult to detect, especially since

File: bloodlines2 -


  • ped the hands of the CIA for a few misdeeds. Their report is still cited as the big investigation of the CIA. Some investigation! Since the Rockefeller family work hand in hand with the CIA to create Monarch slaves, of course that part of the CIA’s misdeeds got overlooked! A recent convert from Satanism, Michael McArthur, has given validated inside information about the FBI and the CIA programs which kidnap ch


  • uth About Rockefeller “Public Enemy No. 1” . Studies in Criminal Psychopathy New York: Chedney Press, 1964. Mullins, Eustace. The World Order . Boring. OR: CPA. Other Interview with an ex-Rockefeller Monarch slave. Interviews with ex-Illuminati and others who know things about the Rockefellers.


  • ve an article about what the Rothschild’s are doing today. One of my most dangerous oppone nts in this area to the work I’m doing against the Monarch program is a secret Rothschild descendent. I know Monarch slaves who were created to serve the Rockefeller family,


  • the Russell family, the 13th Holy Blood Family, the Li family and the Collins family. I also know Monarch slaves who were created to serve the Rothschilds. From what I have been told and also from just personal observation, all of the top 13 Illuminati families are involved in the creation of Monarch slaves. I


  • she is one of the few Illuminati slaves who has been deprogrammed. While she was a slave for Bob Hope, he loaned her to Sammy Davis, Jr., Dean Martin, and Richard Nixon to name a few. More about this Monarch slave, which was used as a courier and a sexual slave, shortly. Let’s explain some about Bob Hope. Because the previous paragraph may present the reader some difficulties let’s temporarily digress into the

File: bloodlines3 -


  • ire Hathaway Inc. which also owns lots of shares of Disney stock. According to S.F. Examiner, Buffett himself owns 24 million shares of Disney. Warren Buffett is part of the Ak-Sar-Ben fraternity and Monarch slave abusers who were exposed in the Nebraska Saving & Loan scandal. He is perhaps the second richest man in the nation, and too powerful for anyone to touch. In the kingpin vs. kingpin battles, some peop


  • n ati from Astoria, Oregon (such as Scottish Rite Librarian/Mortician Reynolds) and Bend, Oregon (such as Mayor Paul Reynolds who also runs a mortuary , and his son Mark). One of the first Illuminati Monarch slaves in the Portland area to seek her freedom was Mary D. Reynolds. She was from the Mother of Darkness level. She wanted to find treatme nt for the programming that goes with the Mother of Darkness leve

File: Brotherhood And The Manipulation Of Society -


  • y, no one makes it in this town unless they are slaves or CIA operatives. Names of leading slave handlers and CIA operatives include Kris Kristofferson (described by Cathy as a 'Vatican based Project Monarch slave runner' ), Boxcar Willie (who has abused Cathy's daughter, Kelly, in three separate mental institutions) and Merle Haggard – whose song 'Freedom Train' is the code-word for this aspect of the mind-co


  • rd, member of the CFR and later Secretary of Defence to Reagan – despite having no military background). He would regularly organise an event known as 'A Most Dangerous Game'. This involved releasing Monarch slaves into the woods and then hunting them down with dogs and guns for sport as a means of further traumatising victims as well as for his own perversity. One operation, organised by Cheney and Ford was '

File: Cathy O'Brien - TranceFormation Of America -


  • e trance daydreaming, tones of helplessness and sexuality in drawings, and the electric prod marks on my face should have been recognized. 6 These same themes were rou tinely used in creating Project Monarch slaves. This fact emerged through years of networking with mental health professionals.


  • y Scouts. All of this made him appear to be a model citizen and "pillar of the community". The illusion was fonned. The : parts of me that knew otherwise had no choice but to remain Silent. 1 Project Monarch slaves were referred to as "Chosen Ones". 2 Torture to the point just before death, such as with Death's Door programming, was jointly used by the Catholic Jesuits and the CIA in Project Monarch. 3 It was


  • ton's farm in Tennessee for instructions on handling his new "bride". I was "made of honor" for my friend's "wedding," which was no more a marriage than mine to Houston. As was customary with Project Monarch slaves, her marriage to her handler e quated to marriage to her mind-controi owner, U.S. Senator Arlen Spector. The "wedding" I was forced to participate in was for pornography purposes only, and it took p


  • o join him in perversely assaulting me. Much to my horror, Aquino arrived early, in full army dress uniform, backstage at the Grand Ol' Opry. When I saw Aquino talk ing with the Vatican based Project Monarch slave runner, Kris Kristopherson, 4 whom I had known since 1979, my personality programmed for Opry events "short circuited". Under circumstances such as this, a multiple without programming would have swi


  • societ y, our nation, and the world, by uti- lizing their talents to maximum potential." With this altitude, Reagan displayed pride in the sick role he played as Th e Wizard Of Oz, directing Project Monarch slaves like myself. That night. Senator Byrd acted in the capacity of a pimp and prostituted me to Reagan. Referring to me as though I were a machine, Reagan asked Byrd, "Does she run on chemicals? " meani

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret - The Book that Will Change the World (1998) -


  • eler as a Satanist is theworld’s best known ‘Christian’ preacher, Billy Graham.61 Springmeier and Wheeler haveassembled a list of people who have seen Graham ‘in action’. They also say he usesProject Monarch slaves for sex and he launders drug money through his evangelicaloperation. Graham is a Brotherhood stooge who carries messages between worldleaders.62 The witnesses say that Graham is a multiple who switc


  • symbolising the positive. Inother words, Hecate kills Diana. What better symbolism can you have of Swan Lake thanblack swans on a lake, as at Althorp? A swan is a derogatory term in Druidism. ProjectMonarch slaves who rebel are told that they will be “Turned into swans” and Diana, ofcourse, rebelled against the Windsors. The number of swans also fits here. Monarchprogramming includes a term called The Four Ga


  • cats they are blond-haired and blue-eyed.There is something about that genetic structure which is fundamental to them and this isthe blood they need to survive in this dimension. At least most of the Monarch slaveshave blond hair and blue eyes. “There were no blue eyes on this planet until theextraterrestrials came”, Arizona said.Diana told Christine Fitzgerald in 1989 that they were going to kill her: “It sou

File: Hidden History Of Money -


  • be extended, the runway to be strengthened and the airport to be upgraded in numerous ways. The elite from around the World fly into here to go to the Bohemian Grove, which is in the Monte Rio area. Monarch slaves are regularly abused at the Grove for the entertainment of Bohemian Grove members in kinky sex theme rooms, such as the da rk room and the necrophilia room. Secret NWO order business is conducted in

File: Lyne - Pentagon Aliens (1999) -


  • tle rolls of fat on the back of his neck I was greatly disappointed in 1996 to learn of his connections to Col. Michael Aq uino and the CIA's MK ULTRA program, in which he was a Vatican-based Project Monarch slave-runner. 1 Working with the Jesuits, eh Kris? Eddie's older brother, Tom, eventually became the Chief of Naval Operations. It didn't surprise me, because he was always well aware of what was going on,

File: New Underworld Order -


  • controvers ial and extremely unpleasant Psychological Operations (Psy-Ops) book called Trance Formation of America: The True Story of a CIA mind- control Slave [1995] with Cathy OBrien, the so-called MONARCH slave in question [see box, page 161, page 224 et seq., and Figure 42, page 225]. Mark Phillips deprogrammed her 1 . Photographs of Phillips reveal him to resemble the epitome of a CIA or DIA officer - lar


  • comprehensively fa iled. Dr Leary's drug experiments, undertaken at Harvard University, were funded by the CIA, which also trained or trains operatives to raise children to become sex slaves (Project MONARCH slaves). A number of covert mind-control slave camps are known to exist in the United States, of which Mount Shasta is one. On the day of the Oklahoma City bombing - a mass traumatisation event, like the a


  • ed by the victims, their handlers, or both (as in the case with which Mark Phillips is associated, even thought it appears that Phillips is or was neverthele ss also engaged in establishing whether a MONARCH Slave can be permanently deprogrammed). It was, by the way, that man of darkness, Dr. Gottlieb, from Ge rmany, who sponsored CIA research by the notorious Dr Ewen Camer on at McGill University, Montreal, w


  • A. PS Y-OPS 'DEPROGRAMMER' - PHOTOGRAPHER With this background in mind, we can now revert to some considerations about Trance Formation of America, the atrocious Psy-Ops book by Mark Phillips and the MONARCH slave he says he has deprogrammed, Cathy O'Brien. Mr Phillips' full name is Marquart (Mark) Ewing Phillips, who was born on 17th May 1943 in Nashville, Tennessee. In the introduction to the book (which con


  • Reagan and Gerald Ford (a.k.a. Leslie Lynch King), about Richard Cheney's alleged sexual brutality and involvement in high-voltage tortures, or the handing of $2.5 million of pornography profits to a MONARCH slave for crediting with the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (B CCI), about the joint participation of the Jesuits and the CIA in torture just before deat h in the course of Nazi-style Death's Do


  • THE NEW UNDERWORLD ORDER 467 THE ILLUMINATI'S MASS MIND-CONTROL PROGRAMMERS Madonna appears on a long list of occult Illuminati mind programmers published by - labelled 'Satanist and Monarch slave' - along with Hillary Clinton, who is labelled 'Illuminati witch and mind-contro l slave handler' (as likewise implied in the Cathy O'Brien/Mark Phillips book, 'Trance Formation of America'), in the


  • have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone'. Revelation, Chapter 21, verse 8. • AC/DC: satanic Rock Band: Morden, United Kingdom. • Ade, Henry: Alleged CIA and drug dealer and Monarch slave abuser: Indiana, USA • Aga Khan IV, H.H. Prince Kari m: Alleged Satanist and leader of Ismaili Muslims: France. • Alabama Country Music Group: Alleged Satanists +Monarch slave handlers: Alabama, USA.


  • C HAPTER 7: The Synagogue of Satan • Kreskin: Alleged occultist: New Jersey, USA. • Lang, Velton: Alleged white slavery and drug runner: Tennessee, USA. • Lewis, Jerry Lee: Musician and alleged Monarch slave programmer: Tennessee, USA. • MacLaine, Shirley: Actress/author/New Age occultist: California, USA. • Madonna: Alleged Satanist and Monarch slave, Kabbalah promoter: USA and UK. • Manson, Charles: Sa
  • ncois, the late: Illuminati, close fr iend of the Rothschilds and President of France, Palais de l'Elysee, 55-57 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honore, 75008 Paris, France • Nelson, Willie: Singer and alleged monarch slave handler: Texas, USA. • Nunn, Sam, Senator: Alleged IlIuminati: Washington DC, USA. • O'Brien, Earl: Alleged CIA Monarch abuser: Michigan, USA. • Overstreet, Tommy: Alleged CIA operative a nd white sl


  • c emblems and symbolism Mendes, Goat of Mental Mapping Mesmerism Michael Aquino Mind control Mirror mantic MK-ULTRA and similar sa tanic US intelligence mind-mapping and personality modification ops. Monarch slaves Mormonism Moving statues MSIA, see Insight and Eckankar Mushindo karate Naiad Nanbudo Nat Necromancy Nenufaremi Neo-Paganism, see Witchc raft, Shamanism, Satanism New Age Movement see also Human Pot

File: Satanic Rothschild Dynasty - Financial Wizzards And Wealthy Cults -


  • ave an article about what the Rothschild’s are doing today. One of my most dangerous opponents in this area to the work I’m doing against the Monarch program is a secret Rothschild descendent. I know Monarch slaves who were created to serve the Rockefeller family, the Russell family, the 13th Holy Blood Family, the Li family and the CollIns family. I also know Monarch slaves who were created to serve the Roths

File: Trance Formation Of America -


  • e trance daydreaming, tones of helplessness and sexuality in drawings, and the electric prod marks on my face should have been recognized. 6 These same themes were rou tinely used in creating Project Monarch slaves. This fact emerged through years of networking with mental health professionals.


  • y Scouts. All of this made him appear to be a model citizen and "pillar of the community". The illusion was fonned. The : parts of me that knew otherwise had no choice but to remain Silent. 1 Project Monarch slaves were referred to as "Chosen Ones". 2 Torture to the point just before death, such as with Death's Door programming, was jointly used by the Catholic Jesuits and the CIA in Project Monarch. 3 It was


  • ton's farm in Tennessee for instructions on handling his new "bride". I was "made of honor" for my friend's "wedding," which was no more a marriage than mine to Houston. As was customary with Project Monarch slaves, her marriage to her handler e quated to marriage to her mind-controi owner, U.S. Senator Arlen Spector. The "wedding" I was forced to participate in was for pornography purposes only, and it took p


  • o join him in perversely assaulting me. Much to my horror, Aquino arrived early, in full army dress uniform, backstage at the Grand Ol' Opry. When I saw Aquino talk ing with the Vatican based Project Monarch slave runner, Kris Kristopherson, 4 whom I had known since 1979, my personality programmed for Opry events "short circuited". Under circumstances such as this, a multiple without programming would have swi


  • societ y, our nation, and the world, by uti- lizing their talents to maximum potential." With this altitude, Reagan displayed pride in the sick role he played as Th e Wizard Of Oz, directing Project Monarch slaves like myself. That night. Senator Byrd acted in the capacity of a pimp and prostituted me to Reagan. Referring to me as though I were a machine, Reagan asked Byrd, "Does she run on chemicals? " meani

File: Gee_-_The_Tree_of_Death_amp_amp_the_Qliphoth -


  • .) (b) Control over the brain in detail. (Rank or type of the Spirit.) (c) Control of one special portion. (Name of the Spirit.)" (Crowley. 17) "The engineering of the structures within an Illuminati Monarch slave, looks like the original designs were done by engineering specialists— perhaps even Boolean algebra was used to develop the original designs."(MONARCH, 263) "Many of Ihe Illuminati systems, especiall

File: Keith - Mind Control, World Control - The Encyclopedia of Mind Control (1998) -


  • se of a lizard. Doubting any story of evil perpetrated by the government was ample reason to believe that I was a member of the Other Side. So what is the basis of Cathy O'Brien's story about being a MONARCH slave, and Mark Phillips' tale of deprogramming her? Truth is often stranger than fiction, and it is remotely—think in terms of millions of light years distant—possible that O'Brien and Phillips are tellin


  • rmed conspiracy theorizing is coupled with page after page of unverified "Illuminati" codes, details on mind control bases (they allege Area 51 in Nevada is one of these, where an estimated 2,000,000 Monarch slaves have been programmed), analyses of movies and television programs as purveyors of Monarch codes, and a hodgepodge of other things including reprinted pages from a Star Trek "technical manual" allege

File: Pentagon Aliens -


  • tle rolls of fat on the back of his neck I was greatly disappointed in 1996 to learn of his connections to Col. Michael Aq uino and the CIA's MK ULTRA program, in which he was a Vatican-based Project Monarch slave-runner. 1 Working with the Jesuits, eh Kris? Eddie's older brother, Tom, eventually became the Chief of Naval Operations. It didn't surprise me, because he was always well aware of what was going on,

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