Monarch Programming

Found in 32 Books

File: 9-11 As A Mass Ritual -


  • this Employ-a-Nazi program, and there could be a much worse, yet generally unknown, case involving the U.S. government’s utilization of a former Nazi doctor. Mind-control programming is often called Monarch programming and is sometimes referred to inter - changeably as “Green programming.” Thousands of mind-control victims in the U.S. report having a “Dr. Green” as their chief pr ogrammer, and at least some of thes


  • other similar films such as Alice in Wonderland , are reportedly used by programmers to create a “common program- ming matrix” utilizing the movies’ themes, im- agery and music. Often referred to as Monarch programming, this approach allows handlers to create triggers in subjects’ minds enabling ac- cess to multiple levels of their personality, which have been split through a process known as dissociation—the resul


  • ion at the time of the shooting, and one of them was a pilot on Discovery , no, wait, that was Dr. Bowman...oh, screw it. At this point, quite frankly I feel like I’ve been subjected to mind control, Monarch programming perhaps, or Green programming, or whatever. This is one far out (outer space, to be more precise) megaritual, and, speaking of mind-control, maybe Jared Loughner wasn’t just plain nuts after all. Tha

File: David Icke - 1999 - The Biggest Secret -

  • is a derogatory term in Druidism. Project Monarchslaves who rebel are told that they will be “Turned into swans” and Diana, ofcourse, rebelled against the Windsors. The number of swans also fits here.Monarch programming includes a term called The Four Gates of Heaven and fourcould also symbolise the four phases of the Moon. Earl Spencer has established a‘temple’ to Diana at the side of the lake. A number of the stat

File: David Icke - 1999 - The Biggest Secret -

  • is a derogatory term in Druidism. Project Monarchslaves who rebel are told that they will be “Turned into swans” and Diana, ofcourse, rebelled against the Windsors. The number of swans also fits here.Monarch programming includes a term called The Four Gates of Heaven and fourcould also symbolise the four phases of the Moon. Earl Spencer has established a‘temple’ to Diana at the side of the lake. A number of the stat

File: David Icke - 2007 - The David Icke Guide To The Global Conspiracy -

  • le Mormons who knock on your door orstop you in the street with their scrubbed faces present the image that hidesthe lie while genuinely believing they are serving ‘the Lord’.A prime location for the Monarch programming/Satanism connection in Europe isalleged to be the Château des Amerois (sometimes known as the ‘Castle of Kings’)in Bouillon, near the village of Muno in Belgium. This area was owned byGodefroi de Bou

File: David Icke - 2007 - The David Icke Guide To The Global Conspiracy -

  • le Mormons who knock on your door orstop you in the street with their scrubbed faces present the image that hidesthe lie while genuinely believing they are serving ‘the Lord’.A prime location for the Monarch programming/Satanism connection in Europe isalleged to be the Château des Amerois (sometimes known as the ‘Castle of Kings’)in Bouillon, near the village of Muno in Belgium. This area was owned byGodefroi de Bou

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception - Part One -

  • time she was a small child in a mind controlprogramme called Project Monarch (named after the Monarch butterfly). Watch forcelebrities portrayed with butterflies because it is often symbolic of theirMonarch programming. Project Monarch was an ‘elite’ offshoot of the horrificMKUltra, a mind control programme operated by agencies including the CIA. Itsexistence was made public in the 1970s, but the true depth of its

File: David Icke - Guide To The Global Conspiracy -


  • ormons who knock on your door or stop you in the street with their scrubbed faces present the i mage that hides the lie while genuinely believing they are serving 'the Lord'. A prime location for the Monarch programming/Satanism connection in Europe is alleged to be the Château des Amerois (sometimes known as the 'Castle of Kings') in Bouillon, near the village of Muno in Belgium. This area was owned by Godefroi de

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret - The Book that Will Change the World (1998) -


  • a derogatory term in Druidism. Project Monarch slaves who rebel are told that they will be “Turned into swans” and Diana, of course, rebelled against the Windsors. The number of swans also fits here. Monarch programming includes a term called The Four Gates of Heaven and four could also symbolise the four phases of the Moon. Earl Spencer has established a ‘temple’ to Diana at the side of the lake. A number of the st

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret -


  • a derogatory term in Druidism. Project Monarch slaves who rebel are told that they will be “Turned into swans” and Diana, of course, rebelled against the Windsors. The number of swans also fits here. Monarch programming includes a term called The Four Gates of Heaven and four could also symbolise the four phases of the Moon. Earl Spencer has established a ‘temple’ to Diana at the side of the lake. A number of the st

File: Mind Control, World Control -


  • ersions ." In 1980, O'Brien's daughter Kelly was born, accordi ng to her only to be shunted directly into the MONARCH progra m of prostitution and mind control. In the 1980s O'Brien says she received MONARCH programming from the Temple of Set's Colonel Michae l Aquino, at Fort Campbell, Kentucky; Fort McLellen in Annist on, Alabama; and Redstone Arsenal and Marshall Space Flight Cent er in Huntsville, Alabama; the l

File: Fritz Springmeier - Bloodlines Of The Illuminati - Volume 2 -

  • ntrol Boeing. This author (FritzSpringmeier) has repeatedly been given information from numerous sources aboutthe occult activities that are being perpetrated at the Boeing plants in theSeattle area. Monarch programming has even taken place at a Boeing Plant. Allthese things fit together when one gets the bigger picture and the inside scoop.The Rockefellers also control Delta. Has anyone realized that the Delta symb

  • with I.G. Farbenin 1928. The cartel created the lethal Zyklon B gas that was used to exterminatethe Jews. It was also involved in the torture experimentations that led to mindcontrol methods, such as Monarch Programming. Do you see what happened? ARothschild agent set up a cartel that was directly involved in the horriblepersecution of the Jews. Still the family maintains the illusion of beingtotally supportive of t

  • k Sinatra was his best man. Frank received adiamond-studded golden cigarette lighter with an obscene inscription. Deanworked many years for MGM Grand, which now is built as a pyramid in Las Vegaswith Monarch programming going on in it. The theme inside the MGM is the Wizardof Oz which is for Monarch programming. (To understand the Wizard-of-Oz mindcontrol programming the reader needs to get this author’s various wri

File: Fritz Springmeier - Bloodlines Of The Illuminati - Volume 3 -

  • witch’s cauldron a big colorful butterflywhich is forever changing. (Is this big yellow, purple, white, and bluebutterfly meant to be a Monarch butterfly? The programmers will use it that wayfor this Monarch programming.) The great wizard magically creates the bigcolorful butterfly and then he shatters it into countless splinters!30 min. Mickey sneaks around and grabs the magic hat. (The magic hat is one ofthe few t

File: Fritz Springmeier - Bloodlines Of The Illuminati -


  • ol Boeing. This author (Fritz Sprlngmeier) has repeatedly been given information from numerous sources about the occult activities that are being perpetrated at the Boeing plants in the Seattle area. Monarch programming has even taken place at a Boeing Plant. All these things fit together when one gets the bigger picture and the inside scoop. The Rockefellers also control Delta. Has anyone realized that the Delta sy


  • h I.G. Farben in 1928. The cartel created the lethal Zyklon B gas that was used to exterminate the Jews. It was also involved in the torture experimentations that led to mind control methods, such as Monarch Programming. Do you see what happened? A Rothschild agent set up a cartel that was directly involved in the horrible persecution of the Jews. Still the family maintains the illusion of being totally supportive o


  • be stated with certainty that all Illuminati members (by Illuminati I mean members of the first pyramidal structure diagrammed in the Jan. 1, '93 newsletter and in the Feb. I Issue) have been through Monarch programming today, but it can be stated with certainty that they all suffer from multiple personality disorder. This means that the Rothschilds in this country and in Canada and the U.K.. have closely collaborat


  • inatra was his best man. Frank received a diamond-studded golden cigarette lighter with an obscene inscription. Dean worked many years for MGM Grand, which now is built as a pyramid in Las Vegas with Monarch programming going on in it. The theme inside the MGM is the Wizard of Oz which is for Monarch programming. (To understand the Wizard of Oz mind control programming the reader needs to get this author’s various w


  • rviced men in the Rat Pack. In other words, Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin knew the cues, the trigger code words to get this slave to sexually serve them, especially Frank. Because Dean knew about the Monarch programming, that is why he had the audacity to want to bring a slave on his show on a lease in a tiger outfit. During the obedience training of a sexual slave they have an expensive collar put on them and their


  • ch’s cauldron a big colorful butterfly which is forever changing. (Is this big yellow, purple, white, and blue butterfly meant to be a Monarch butterfly? The programmers will use it that way for this Monarch programming.) The great wizard magically creates the big colorful butterfly and then he shatters it into countless splinters! 30 min. Mickey sneaks around and grabs the magic hat. (The magic hat is one of the fe

File: Fritz Springmeier - Deeper Insights Into The Illuminati Forumula -


  • h will be discussed in other locations in this book.) Enhancing the mind so that it can work in the subconscious area called the starlight consciousness is referred to by many insiders as astral. THE MONARCH PROGRAMMING SCRIPT FOR OVER THE RAINBOW


  • e temptation would be there to use it as a programming script if the programmer knew the game. M. SONGS & NURSERY RHYMES · What follow is a list of Nursery Rhymes Used As Triggers, & Songs which have Monarch programming meanings &, such as access parts, or soliciting a behavior or thinking. NURSERY RHYMES The Illuminati create imaginary worlds for many of the deeper alters to live in. They keep these alters living i


  • ch’s cauldron a big colorful butterfly which is forever changing. (Is this big yellow, purple, white, and blue butterfly meant to be a Monarch butterfly? The programmers will use it that way for this Monarch programming.) The great wizard magically creates the big colorful butterfly and then he shatters it into countless splinters! Disney often portrays Mickey Mouse as a Sorcerer.


  • n. The mansion and its window is described as "a jewel box to pull the silver off the sea." When they move in they experience many strange things connected with mirrors Page 201 ... and glass. In the Monarch programming, glass and mirrors are similar. Many of the mirrors in a system are really one-way windows. The following are some quotes from the movie: · "mirrors bring a house to life" · "I’m great at turning nig


  • bed on page 103 of the Vol. 2 Formula book. It is where the parent(s) presents the child to Lucifer, "the god of light". The Tin Man appeared in the first picture (page 4) of our illustrated Guide to Monarch Programming. It was positioned there because it is often the first ritual memory. The child eats an apple that is poisoned and dies, and then is brought back to life because the coven has the antidote on hand. N


  • elves as butterflies. In the sensory deprivation tank they are like tiny fficks of light. But the hypnotic suggestion is given that they are butterflies. This is just one of many reasons why the term Monarch programming is appropriate. These parts of the mind will make up

File: Fritz Springmeier - How The Illuminati Create An Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave -

  • aterial.Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler have co-authored They Know Not What They Do,An Illustrated Guidebook To Monarch Mind Control. Both Fritz and Cisco bringyears of experience in dealing with Monarch programming to bear on the writingof this book. Fritz has researched the Illuminati, while he has worked withvictims of its programming. He has authored The Top 13 Illuminati Families, andseveral other books.Int

  • of The VictimA - Selection Based on Genetics and Disassociative AbilitiesB - AvailabilityC - Mental and Physical Features One of the primary reasons that the Monarchmind-control programming was named Monarch programming was because of theMonarch butterfly. The Monarch butterfly learns where it was born (its roots)and it passes this knowledge via genetics on to its offspring (from generationto generation). This was o

  • icians DeskReference warns against. The doctor, who prescribed this, worked out of anoffice named after an MK Ultra programmer. There are other important things tomention about when drugs are used in Monarch programming. Some of the cautionsthat the programmers are alert to include:a. watching the heart so that it doesn’t stop. Many of the children who havebeen programmed have died from heart failure. The programmer

  • ogramming. This is broken up into 3Page 101 .... sections: PARALLELS BETWEEN: A. THE WIZARD OF OZ BOOK & OCCULTISMB. THE WIZARD OF OZ MOVIE & ILLUMINATI RITUALS C. THE WIZARD OF OZ SERIES OFBOOKS AND MONARCH PROGRAMMING For those readers who are unfamiliar with theoccult world, some of these parallels at first may seem stretched. When one seeshow many parallels there are, then occult nature of the books begins to si

  • sed for S&M programming, which has a hand signalinvolving rotating the thumbs of a clasp hand. Alters go through the lookingglass, and fall down an oak tree by falling into a deeper and deeper trance.Monarch programming is a reflection of how Satan's mind works.Lewis Carroll 's book with its inversion themes fits in with this type ofthinking. Lewis Carroll loved the humor of logical contradictions. In the book,Alice

  • by", "Bast", "Hecat", "Adandara"or "the Lion of Judah" for an alter. Keep in mind, if full blown personalitiesare created, it happens for both the benefit of the victim AND the programmers.During the Monarch Programming an average System will have at least 1,000alters, but not all of these will be personalities designed to hold the body.For those who need to get a handle theologically on how to approach this, it iss

  • ing the medical know how doesn’t get the job done in itself. Obviously, theNetwork has needed to have both hospitals and trained medical personnel. Havingskilled workers is part of the success of the Monarch Programming. For instance,the simple interpretation of Alpha BFT instruments, requires that the operatorbe able to understand what is background interference. Everywhere the instrumentis located there is going t

  • herself between different alters(personalities). She placed her hand over her temple in scarecrow fashion(Wizard of Oz) programming. Her head movement was a dead giveaway to those of usfamiliar with Monarch programming.The parents had chosen the spot to eat because of the large surreal pictureabove them on the wall with blue & red flowers, water and mountains. The picturewas acting as a scrambling-scattering mechan

  • r can make the child’s body parts jerk and move byelectro-shocking the muscles. The child actually becomes the puppet of theprogrammer. This is a very powerful program.One of the names connected with Monarch programming is Marionette Programming.The child literally becomes a Marionette. This concept appears to have beencooked up by the Germans under Hitler. An alter System as a child is physicallyshown that they are

  • are rated according to their wave frequencieswhich are delta- 1-3 cycles/sec; theta 4 to 7 cycles/sec; alpha 8 to 13cycles/sec; and beta 13 + cycles per second. Psychic warfare became a branch ofthe Monarch Programming. This is the Theta Programming. It is the marriage ofoccult practices with state of the art science. The idea to be able to copy whatElisha did to the King of Syria (2 KG 6:11-12) when he "telepathic

  • ected person". Itis very similar to the internal "person" (alter) who helps the Monarch slave’sprogramming functions. The big item about UNIX is that it has permissionsgranted. This is similar to the Monarch programming. Permissions are granted to3 types of entities. The Top Programmer or "god" as he is called, of the UNIXSystem receives what is called the individual permission. The next permission iscalled group pe

File: Fritz Springmeier - Illuminati Bloodlines -

  • ntrol Boeing. This author (FritzSprlngmeier) has repeatedly been given information from numerous sources aboutthe occult activities that are being perpetrated at the Boeing plants in theSeattle area. Monarch programming has even taken place at a Boeing Plant. Allthese things fit together when one gets the bigger picture and the inside scoop.The Rockefellers also control Delta. Has anyone realized that the Delta symb

  • ith I.G. Farben in 1928. The cartel created the lethal Zyklon B gas that wasused to exterminate the Jews. It was also involved in the tortureexperimentations that led to mind control methods, such as Monarch Programming.Do you see what happened? A Rothschild agent set up a cartel that was directlyinvolved in the horrible persecution of the Jews. Still the family maintains theillusion of being totally supportive of t

  • kSinatra was his best man. Frank received a diamond-studded golden cigarettelighter with an obscene inscription. Dean worked many years for MGM Grand, whichnow is built as a pyramid in Las Vegas with Monarch programming going on in it.The theme inside the MGM is the Wizard of Oz which is for Monarch programming.(To understand the Wizard of Oz mind control programming the reader needs to getthis author’s various writ

  • witch’s cauldron a big colorful butterflywhich is forever changing. (Is this big yellow, purple, white, and bluebutterfly meant to be a Monarch butterfly? The programmers will use it that wayfor this Monarch programming.) The great wizard magically creates the bigcolorful butterfly and then he shatters it into countless splinters!30 min. Mickey sneaks around and grabs the magic hat. (The magic hat is one ofthe few t

File: Fritz Springmeier - The Illuminati Formula Used To Create An Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave -


  • s out Monarch-type programming. This book tends to devote more emphasis to Illuminati programming, which is the highest level of programming. For individual application in understanding a survivor of Monarch programming, therapists are admonished to use this material with consideration for the Monarch victim’s personal case and situation. The authors disclaim any responsibility for therapeutic work based upon this m


  • God gives me the strength and the opportunity to get the information I have learned out to the world in general. When this information gets out, hopefully it will help lift some of the secrecy of the Monarch Programming. The Monarch Programming is a foundation rock of the New World Order that when pulled up, will reveal the most evil two- legged bugs and slimy critters. When their rock is lifted, they will have to s


  • anuevered themselves into control over this planet. They lead double lives, one for society and a hidden one which is based on a gnostic luciferian philosophy which consists of lots of blood rituals. Monarch Programming --This was a specific Project carried out by secret elements of the U.S. government and intelligence groups. There were, according to someone a few years ago who had access to the computer(s) which c


  • One of the primary reasons that the Monarch mind-control programming was named Monarch programming was because of the Monarch butterfly. The Monarch butterfly learns where it was born (its roots) and it passes this knowledge via genetics on to its offspring (from generation to generation). This wa


  • Boy’s Town,NE in the early 1950s, & used that famous orphanage for a constant supply of boys for programming. Boy’s Town is perhaps the most famous, but there are whole long list of others. When the Monarch Programming started, the top men were Illuminati. Originally, Joseph Mengele was the lead programmer. He had already achieved the rank of Grand Master (later Ipssimus) within the Illuminati. He had become skille


  • re will the house need extra protection? The very same principles pertain to programming--because a structure is being built. Many evil geniuses within the Illuminati added their contributions to the Monarch programming. One of the most important was John Gittinger of Oklahoma, because he was the genius who could understand how a little child’s mind was when it was in infancy. In order to work with something, you mu


  • g a person. A stress-producing campaign is run against CIA targets, and by doing this they can neutralize a potential enemy. This information collected from children who are potential victims for the Monarch programming, is essential for knowing how to structure that child’s programming. For instance IFU children often are autistic, IRU are schizophrenic children, and IR or IF are fantasy prone. It will be further e


  • es will be applied to "salvage" children they really think they need to program but are clearly not easily hypnotizable. EEG’s can also be used to see what state of consciousness the brain is in. The Monarch Programming is based on structuring MPD alter systems which is covered in Chapter 7.


  • her CIA front on Connecticut Ave., Washington, D.C. called Psychological Assessment Associates. Because Gittinger believed genetic-based differences exist in people, which is one of the bases for the Monarch Programming, his work was not accepted by main stream psychology. In 1974, Gottinger described the PAS system, "...the Personality Assessment System (PAS): (a) indicates the kinds of internal and external cues t


  • al children do not. Because of the generational curses, because of the genetic bent toward the occult, because of the generational demonic forces, the Illuminati children are very good candidates for Monarch programming. Part of the programming includes the layering in of demonic forces, and the participation in blood rituals in order to draw in the most powerful of demons. An indepth review about this important but


  • turing children at 18 months onward with every sophisticated torture device invented. If the Jesuits brag that they can convince adults to do anything via torture, what about baby children? While the Monarch programming is done with children, one variety of it is done on adults. Adults who are selected are also chosen on the basis of the ability to disassociate and their availability. There are certain tests given b


  • path. The bad memories in the minds of men who suffer from PSTD have been noted to re-cycle and self-perpetuate themselves as they lie unresolved in the memory cells. Bad memories for the victims of Monarch programming are used to hold the MPD, the programming in place and also to keep the victim in compliance. In 1954, Maslow published his hierarchy of needs, which when applied to Monarchs and PSTD victims means t


  • hich are used in speaking about multiples, which have developed several meanings. Unless these terms are correctly defined, misconceptions about them can cloud an understanding of what happens during Monarch programming. First, researchers have discovered that deep within a person, the brain truly understands in a pure awareness all about itself. This is true for everyone. This pure awareness has been named various


  • Caffeine sodium Calcium Chloride Cannabidiol Can nabinol Cannabis (aka Marijuana, a sedative, change in perception, colors and sounds more distinct, time distorted. This drug is not used much in Monarch Programming because it IMPEDES mind control. It has been experimented with in combination with other drugs as an interrogation tool. The CIA listed it as being used in MK-Ultra, but it served as an experimental


  • ans Desk Reference warns against. The doctor, who prescribed this, worked out of an office named after an MK Ultra programmer. There are other important things to mention about when drugs are used in Monarch programming. Some of the cautions that the programmers are alert to include: a. watching the heart so that it doesn’t stop. Many of the children who have been programmed have died from heart failure. The program


  • amming. This is broken up into 3 Page 101 .... sections: PARALLELS BETWEEN: A. THE WIZARD OF OZ BOOK & OCCULTISM B. THE WIZARD OF OZ MOVIE & ILLUMINATI RITUALS C. THE WIZARD OF OZ SERIES OF BOOKS AND MONARCH PROGRAMMING For those readers who are unfamiliar with the occult world, some of these parallels at first may seem stretched. When one sees how many parallels there are, then occult nature of the books begins to


  • C. Parallels Between The Wizard of Oz Series of Books and Monarch Programming The following are parts of the Wizard of Oz Monarch Programming, which is a base programming put in when the child is very young. Some of the slaves know portions of the Wizard of Oz script word-for-


  • ember". She then follows this up with "I guess it doesn't matter." Hour glasses appear in the movie in several spots, and they also occur in various contexts in people who have been programmed by the Monarch programming. Some victims of the programming have hour glass configurations each created around a separate axis. The hour glasses have the ability to be rotated which causes certain alters to be brought forward.


  • for S&M programming, which has a hand signal involving rotating the thumbs of a clasp hand. Alters go through the looking glass, and fall down an oak tree by falling into a deeper and deeper trance. Monarch programming is a reflection of how Satan's mind works. Lewis Carroll 's book with its inversion themes fits in with this type of thinking. Lewis Carroll loved the humor of logical contradictions. In the book, Al


  • ty God. The Use of Lies Externally and Internally The Use of Covers and Fronts The Art of Hiding Things in A System External Deceptions There seems to be no end to the lies that are involved with the Monarch programming. The old adage that nothing is as it appears, is generally the rule. However, once one catches on to the common tactics of deceptions, the tactics themselves become red flags which can alert a thinki


  • g the truth. It doesn't take long for a severely abused child, who has been programmed to keep silent, to learn that no one wants to hear the truth anyway. The Use of Religious Fronts A great deal of Monarch programming and slave abuse, (as well as the drug trade) is done under three major covers or fronts: Religious Fronts, the Front of National Security and the Military, and the Entertainment fields, especially th


  • , "Bast", "Hecat", "Adandara" or "the Lion of Judah" for an alter. Keep in mind, if full blown personalities are created, it happens for both the benefit of the victim AND the programmers. During the Monarch Programming an average System will have at least 1,000 alters, but not all of these will be personalities designed to hold the body. For those who need to get a handle theologically on how to approach this, it i


  • divided minds scattered throughout time. How many times before I can come back no more?" --received from therapist Denny Hilgers. Our previous book They Know Not What They Do, An Illustrated Guide to Monarch Programming-Mind Control , Oregon City, OR, 1995, p. 91, has a good description of how extensive the internal structuring is: "Many Systems never get to the point of seeing their internal world(s). Further, most


  • sideo had a great place for this training. This is the programming for the "Circle Will Not be Broken" script. The Amish do something similar, to make their children obedient, which is one reason the Monarch programming is easy to hide within the Amish culture. This type of programming is referred to in chapter 5 about the fronts and the Top Secret Amish Front. Let us briefly mention, that some systems are simply co


  • The Cabala is the basis of a. Freemasonry b. The magic of the Illuminati Monarch programming c. The key to the spiritual mysteries of the Scripture (according to Caballists). Because the word Cabala is a word originating in the Middle East it can be spelled with a Q, a QU, a K and a C. All t


  • The Monarch programming creates very complex systems that are as sophisticated as an Apollo spacecraft. There is no way all the possible in and outs can be covered. However, the reader can watch a movie "Labyrinth" to get a


  • (DID) mind. The dwarf in the movie is told by David Bowie (the Programmer) that he has "lost his Jewels"--that is that he has lost his programming! The dwarf in the movie decides to help the girl. In Monarch programming the dwarf helps an alter by bringing it programming! Some help! The goblin (demon) is asked by the girl to find a portal. The goblin opens a door and it appears to be a broom closet. He opens it agai


  • of slaves frequently give stuffed animals. The teddy bear without hands represents to the victim their helplessness. The old hag says "like a little bunny rabbit...Don’t you...Bitsy Boob" All this is Monarch programming stuff. Then she sees a book about the labyrinth. The Monarch’s mind has libraries and diagrams of their own system but these are kept guarded by the mirrors, the demons, and programming. The girl Sar


  • h survivor described it to me, "This all can be wrapped up by defining it as the raping of the body, soul and spirit." The Structuring Done in Monarch Star Trek and Star Wars Programming The original Monarch programming often used the Wizard of Oz books and film as the basic programming. The Alice and Wonderland story then was overlaid, along with many other fictional fairy tales to complete the Mind Control of a Mo


  • 1-APAREL, PLANIT, Praxis, SA Machine Language, SEMANOL, SNOBEL, UNIX, WANG, ZBIE. It takes a good memory to remember computer languages and programming. These whiz kids, who were both programmed with Monarch programming and had their brain stems scarred can be seen in some of the University computer departments and the intelligence/military agencies’ computers rooms. For instance, at Ft. Meade, the NSA has 2 buildin


  • g the medical know how doesn’t get the job done in itself. Obviously, the Network has needed to have both hospitals and trained medical personnel. Having skilled workers is part of the success of the Monarch Programming. For instance, the simple interpretation of Alpha BFT instruments, requires that the operator be able to understand what


  • is simply mind- boggling for researchers. The Mar. 5, 1972 L.A. Times reported that patients were being taught how to alter their heart rate without drugs. This had already been happening within the Monarch Programming. The heart is controlled by the mind and works with the emotions of a person. There have been people who have literally died from a "broken heart." This is a historical fact. The Monarch programmers


  • Green could make one side of his palm hot and the other side of his palm cold simply by mental efforts. This type of body control was learned by the Illuminati years ago, and has been applied to the Monarch programming to make the programming lies seem more real to the victim than the outside world. A Monarch slave can get cold on the left side and burn on the right side of his body. It has been well-documented tha


  • rself between different alters (personalities). She placed her hand over her temple in scarecrow fashion (Wizard of Oz) programming. Her head movement was a dead giveaway to those of us familiar with Monarch programming. The parents had chosen the spot to eat because of the large surreal picture above them on the wall with blue & red flowers, water and mountains. The picture was acting as a scrambling-scattering mec


  • what the everyday cult mind control which is NOT part of total Monarch mind-control looks like, you will find the same elements of everyday cult control also are employed at various places within the Monarch programming of a person’s alter system. (This didn’t happen by accident either, the Illuminati have examined all these lesser cults to see what they could borrow for their own mind control.) Some of the elements


  • begin & end, and where the Master begins and ends. The Monarch programming goes beyond what many cult have done, the alters are hypnotized to not see their faces, which is part of their identity. 4. Altered States and Hypnosis Is Used. The handlers/programmers use hypnotic


  • difficult to express all the different cross-overs that NLP has with Monarch Programming, but at different times the concepts of NLP certainly would be helpful to the handlers. However, it must be stressed that NLP IS NOT Monarch Programming. One of NLP’s suggestions is that people asses


  • I. The use of demon possession, layering etc. J. The use of angel alters K. The use of Scriptures In Programming L. Theta programming The 10th science includes some of the most secret elements of the Monarch programming, and certainly some of the most controversial. Psychologists and psychiatrists are an unlikely group to delve into demonology, although there have been a number of studies done in this area. Six exam


  • lso taught to the slave. All this is to insure that the victim hates God. That hatred toward God will express itself in the victim’s system’s willingness to do any sin, without conscience. Part B The Monarch Programming Is A Miniturization Of What Was Being Done To Entire Peoples Or Cities Demons ar e attracted by the "scent" of people. We are made in the image of God, and we are attractive prey to those who hate Go


  • an make the child’s body parts jerk and move by electro-shocking the muscles. The child actually becomes the puppet of the programmer. This is a very powerful program. One of the names connected with Monarch programming is Marionette Programming. The child literally becomes a Marionette. This concept appears to have been cooked up by the Germans under Hitler. An alter System as a child is physically shown that they


  • liens, such as Koldasians or Pleiadians. Interestingly, if one listens, these different alien races make conflicting claims for whatever good the earth has. However, those of us who have followed the Monarch programming know that these aliens are just men who do the Programming. Time-life Publishers (owned by men in the Illuminati) subtly gave this away in their book The UFO Phenomenon when they referred to UFO abdu


  • erefore the power of true faith is destroyed by simply being replaced and its position usurped. The foundation for the religious spirit are fear and pride, which are also foundational pillars for the Monarch programming. The religious spirit can be detected when someone reads an admonishment and can apply it immediately to others and not to oneself. When a person sins, for example Eli in the book of Samuel, the reli


  • urney of seeking God, they don’t need to have arrived to perfection. Idealism wants people to be at the destination at once or not start the journey. This religious spirit has stopped many victims of Monarch programming from moving forward to real freedom. It is a very powerful type of spirit. Many people are waiting until they are perfect to help minister to others. Sadly this is an outgrowth of the religious spiri


  • ammers are doing are limiting their own understanding. Most of what the Programmers do is actually spiritually based and connects to their understanding of demonology. Much of what the victims of the Monarch Programming experience will be understood in the context of the spiritual world. Obviously some is illusion. Obviously some is delusion. However, when the high level programmers teach novice programmers, they wi


  • speculums, which will lead one "through the looking glass mirror" that then allows the victim to magically transcend time & space. One of the important keys to success with Monarch programming are generational spirits. T he cover for this is studies in genetic science. The programmers believe that genetics are important, but the real abilities to program someone come from the generational


  • ts. That is why the Illuminati pays such a strong interest in the Indians. The original principalities are the foundation, the bedrock upon which everything else is layered upon. This also is done in Monarch programming. A number of Monarch slaves have Indian shamans and spirits placed in their systems. Upon the original foundation, the newer ideologies are layered in. In Russia, communism was simply layered on top


  • e situations so that the System of Alters is literally blackmailed into cooperating if they don’t want to hurt parts of themselves. The Programmers do both internal and external blackmail. Within the Monarch programming, the demons are layered in between the worlds. In the older Illuminati programming, mirrors were placed into the System and the demons were layered behind the mirrors. The mirrors would separate leve


  • Monarch programming at times attempts to combine the two bases--ritual and trauma--to create a dissociative state. This is why is it difficult to separate out the religious factor. India Up to now there have been numero


  • e rated according to their wave frequencies which are delta- 1-3 cycles/sec; theta 4 to 7 cycles/sec; alpha 8 to 13 cycles/sec; and beta 13 + cycles per second. Psychic warfare became a branch of the Monarch Programming. This is the Theta Programming. It is the marriage of occult practices with state of the art science. The idea to be able to copy what Elisha did to the King of Syria (2 KG 6:11-12) when he "telepath


  • mental spoon-bending, people who ‘channeled’ spirits and even a helmet designed to unite the left (logical) and right (intuitive) halves of the brain." Col. John B. Alexander, US Army and part of the Monarch Programming, wrote for Psychic Warfare, "Psychotronics may be described as the interaction of the mind and matter. While the concepts may stretch the imagination of many readers, research in this area has been u


  • ystem uses both timesharing and multitasking. The mind of a Monarch slave also does both multitasking and time sharing. One of the nice UNIX features, is "protected memory", which is also part of the Monarch programming. A kernal is what the UNIX programmers call a "protected person". It is very similar to the internal "person" (alter) who helps the Monarch slave’s programming functions.


  • The big item about UNIX is that it has permissions granted. This is similar to the Monarch programming. Permissions are granted to 3 types of entities. The Top Programmer or "god" as he is called, of the UNIX System receives what is called the individual permission. The next permission is called group


  • lters personalities which would control the body during Illuminati gatherings have very tight access permission. It is very hard to access these hierarchy personalities. Both the UNIX system (and the Monarch programming) creates "children" by "spinning". The "child" spins off. When the "child" is finished it is "killed" in UNIX lingo. When the programmers created child processes in the computer, they were having pro


  • function much like the utility programs of a computer. Along with all the programming comes cover programming. Generally, front stories cover almost everything in a System. Dominos have been used in Monarch programming as the basis for what is called a "Mother Board" in actual computers. Telephone tones key in on a slave’s computer matrix. At times, telephone tones in everyday life will make slaves accidently wacky


  • used to show how & what structures to put in the small victim’s internal world. The stories even teach HOW to create an internal world and its parts. Some of the T.V. shows & movies, which served as Monarch programming scripts (i.e. the software) include: Batman


  • tates have created statutes of limitations on sadistic rape. This is in response to all the Monarch slaves who have begun recovering memories. ∙ The extent that entire culture and society protect the Monarch Programming is enormous. Anyone admitting MPD (aka DID) is in fear of being labelled crazy and losing some of their rights and their job. Because the conspiracy (the Network) is so vast, an examination of how


  • ons together such as mother-daughter. M. Solemetric Military N. Songs & Nursery Rhymes Songs & Nursery Rhymes Used As Triggers (note all of these songs have been used on other slaves too.) Songs with Monarch programming meaning & access parts soliciting behavior or thinking include: Nursery Rhymes Brahm’s Lullaby Hickory, Dickory Dock (flips the system) "Hickory, Dickory Dock, The Mouse Ran up the Clock [computer],

File: Fritz Springmeier - The Illuminati Formula -


  • s out Monarch-type programming. This book tends to devote more emphasis to Illuminati programming, which is the highest level of programming. For individual application in understanding a survivor of Monarch programming, therapists are admonished to use this material with consideration for the Monarch victim’s personal case and situation. The authors disclaim any responsibility for therapeutic work based upon this m


  • God gives me the strength and the opportunity to get the information I have learned out to the world in general. When this information gets out, hopefully it will help lift some of the secrecy of the Monarch Programming. The Monarch Programming is a foundation rock of the New World Order that when pulled up, will reveal the most evil two- legged bugs and slimy critters. When their rock is lifted, they will have to s


  • anuevered themselves into control over this planet. They lead double lives, one for society and a hidden one which is based on a gnostic luciferian philosophy which consists of lots of blood rituals. Monarch Programming --This was a specific Project carried out by secret elements of the U.S. government and intelligence groups. There were, according to someone a few years ago who had access to the computer(s) which c


  • One of the primary reasons that the Monarch mind-control programming was named Monarch programming was because of the Monarch butterfly. The Monarch butterfly learns where it was born (its roots) and it passes this knowledge via genetics on to its offspring (from generation to generation). This wa


  • Boy’s Town,NE in the early 1950s, & used that famous orphanage for a constant supply of boys for programming. Boy’s Town is perhaps the most famous, but there are whole long list of others. When the Monarch Programming started, the top men were Illuminati. Originally, Joseph Mengele was the lead programmer. He had already achieved the rank of Grand Master (later Ipssimus) within the Illuminati. He had become skille


  • re will the house need extra protection? The very same principles pertain to programming--because a structure is being built. Many evil geniuses within the Illuminati added their contributions to the Monarch programming. One of the most important was John Gittinger of Oklahoma, because he was the genius who could understand how a little child’s mind was when it was in infancy. In order to work with something, you mu


  • g a person. A stress-producing campaign is run against CIA targets, and by doing this they can neutralize a potential enemy. This information collected from children who are potential victims for the Monarch programming, is essential for knowing how to structure that child’s programming. For instance IFU children often are autistic, IRU are schizophrenic children, and IR or IF are fantasy prone. It will be further e


  • es will be applied to "salvage" children they really think they need to program but are clearly not easily hypnotizable. EEG’s can also be used to see what state of consciousness the brain is in. The Monarch Programming is based on structuring MPD alter systems which is covered in Chapter 7.


  • her CIA front on Connecticut Ave., Washington, D.C. called Psychological Assessment Associates. Because Gittinger believed genetic-based differences exist in people, which is one of the bases for the Monarch Programming, his work was not accepted by main stream psychology. In 1974, Gottinger described the PAS system, "...the Personality Assessment System (PAS): (a) indicates the kinds of internal and external cues t


  • al children do not. Because of the generational curses, because of the genetic bent toward the occult, because of the generational demonic forces, the Illuminati children are very good candidates for Monarch programming. Part of the programming includes the layering in of demonic forces, and the participation in blood rituals in order to draw in the most powerful of demons. An indepth review about this important but


  • turing children at 18 months onward with every sophisticated torture device invented. If the Jesuits brag that they can convince adults to do anything via torture, what about baby children? While the Monarch programming is done with children, one variety of it is done on adults. Adults who are selected are also chosen on the basis of the ability to disassociate and their availability. There are certain tests given b


  • path. The bad memories in the minds of men who suffer from PSTD have been noted to re-cycle and self-perpetuate themselves as they lie unresolved in the memory cells. Bad memories for the victims of Monarch programming are used to hold the MPD, the programming in place and also to keep the victim in compliance. In 1954, Maslow published his hierarchy of needs, which when applied to Monarchs and PSTD victims means t


  • hich are used in speaking about multiples, which have developed several meanings. Unless these terms are correctly defined, misconceptions about them can cloud an understanding of what happens during Monarch programming. First, researchers have discovered that deep within a person, the brain truly understands in a pure awareness all about itself. This is true for everyone. This pure awareness has been named various


  • Caffeine sodium Calcium Chloride Cannabidiol Can nabinol Cannabis (aka Marijuana, a sedative, change in perception, colors and sounds more distinct, time distorted. This drug is not used much in Monarch Programming because it IMPEDES mind control. It has been experimented with in combination with other drugs as an interrogation tool. The CIA listed it as being used in MK-Ultra, but it served as an experimental


  • ans Desk Reference warns against. The doctor, who prescribed this, worked out of an office named after an MK Ultra programmer. There are other important things to mention about when drugs are used in Monarch programming. Some of the cautions that the programmers are alert to include: a. watching the heart so that it doesn’t stop. Many of the children who have been programmed have died from heart failure. The program


  • amming. This is broken up into 3 Page 101 .... sections: PARALLELS BETWEEN: A. THE WIZARD OF OZ BOOK & OCCULTISM B. THE WIZARD OF OZ MOVIE & ILLUMINATI RITUALS C. THE WIZARD OF OZ SERIES OF BOOKS AND MONARCH PROGRAMMING For those readers who are unfamiliar with the occult world, some of these parallels at first may seem stretched. When one sees how many parallels there are, then occult nature of the books begins to


  • C. Parallels Between The Wizard of Oz Series of Books and Monarch Programming The following are parts of the Wizard of Oz Monarch Programming, which is a base programming put in when the child is very young. Some of the slaves know portions of the Wizard of Oz script word-for-


  • ember". She then follows this up with "I guess it doesn't matter." Hour glasses appear in the movie in several spots, and they also occur in various contexts in people who have been programmed by the Monarch programming. Some victims of the programming have hour glass configurations each created around a separate axis. The hour glasses have the ability to be rotated which causes certain alters to be brought forward.


  • for S&M programming, which has a hand signal involving rotating the thumbs of a clasp hand. Alters go through the looking glass, and fall down an oak tree by falling into a deeper and deeper trance. Monarch programming is a reflection of how Satan's mind works. Lewis Carroll 's book with its inversion themes fits in with this type of thinking. Lewis Carroll loved the humor of logical contradictions. In the book, Al


  • ty God. The Use of Lies Externally and Internally The Use of Covers and Fronts The Art of Hiding Things in A System External Deceptions There seems to be no end to the lies that are involved with the Monarch programming. The old adage that nothing is as it appears, is generally the rule. However, once one catches on to the common tactics of deceptions, the tactics themselves become red flags which can alert a thinki


  • g the truth. It doesn't take long for a severely abused child, who has been programmed to keep silent, to learn that no one wants to hear the truth anyway. The Use of Religious Fronts A great deal of Monarch programming and slave abuse, (as well as the drug trade) is done under three major covers or fronts: Religious Fronts, the Front of National Security and the Military, and the Entertainment fields, especially th


  • , "Bast", "Hecat", "Adandara" or "the Lion of Judah" for an alter. Keep in mind, if full blown personalities are created, it happens for both the benefit of the victim AND the programmers. During the Monarch Programming an average System will have at least 1,000 alters, but not all of these will be personalities designed to hold the body. For those who need to get a handle theologically on how to approach this, it i


  • divided minds scattered throughout time. How many times before I can come back no more?" --received from therapist Denny Hilgers. Our previous book They Know Not What They Do, An Illustrated Guide to Monarch Programming-Mind Control , Oregon City, OR, 1995, p. 91, has a good description of how extensive the internal structuring is: "Many Systems never get to the point of seeing their internal world(s). Further, most


  • sideo had a great place for this training. This is the programming for the "Circle Will Not be Broken" script. The Amish do something similar, to make their children obedient, which is one reason the Monarch programming is easy to hide within the Amish culture. This type of programming is referred to in chapter 5 about the fronts and the Top Secret Amish Front. Let us briefly mention, that some systems are simply co


  • The Cabala is the basis of a. Freemasonry b. The magic of the Illuminati Monarch programming c. The key to the spiritual mysteries of the Scripture (according to Caballists). Because the word Cabala is a word originating in the Middle East it can be spelled with a Q, a QU, a K and a C. All t


  • The Monarch programming creates very complex systems that are as sophisticated as an Apollo spacecraft. There is no way all the possible in and outs can be covered. However, the reader can watch a movie "Labyrinth" to get a


  • (DID) mind. The dwarf in the movie is told by David Bowie (the Programmer) that he has "lost his Jewels"--that is that he has lost his programming! The dwarf in the movie decides to help the girl. In Monarch programming the dwarf helps an alter by bringing it programming! Some help! The goblin (demon) is asked by the girl to find a portal. The goblin opens a door and it appears to be a broom closet. He opens it agai


  • of slaves frequently give stuffed animals. The teddy bear without hands represents to the victim their helplessness. The old hag says "like a little bunny rabbit...Don’t you...Bitsy Boob" All this is Monarch programming stuff. Then she sees a book about the labyrinth. The Monarch’s mind has libraries and diagrams of their own system but these are kept guarded by the mirrors, the demons, and programming. The girl Sar


  • h survivor described it to me, "This all can be wrapped up by defining it as the raping of the body, soul and spirit." The Structuring Done in Monarch Star Trek and Star Wars Programming The original Monarch programming often used the Wizard of Oz books and film as the basic programming. The Alice and Wonderland story then was overlaid, along with many other fictional fairy tales to complete the Mind Control of a Mo


  • 1-APAREL, PLANIT, Praxis, SA Machine Language, SEMANOL, SNOBEL, UNIX, WANG, ZBIE. It takes a good memory to remember computer languages and programming. These whiz kids, who were both programmed with Monarch programming and had their brain stems scarred can be seen in some of the University computer departments and the intelligence/military agencies’ computers rooms. For instance, at Ft. Meade, the NSA has 2 buildin


  • g the medical know how doesn’t get the job done in itself. Obviously, the Network has needed to have both hospitals and trained medical personnel. Having skilled workers is part of the success of the Monarch Programming. For instance, the simple interpretation of Alpha BFT instruments, requires that the operator be able to understand what


  • is simply mind- boggling for researchers. The Mar. 5, 1972 L.A. Times reported that patients were being taught how to alter their heart rate without drugs. This had already been happening within the Monarch Programming. The heart is controlled by the mind and works with the emotions of a person. There have been people who have literally died from a "broken heart." This is a historical fact. The Monarch programmers


  • Green could make one side of his palm hot and the other side of his palm cold simply by mental efforts. This type of body control was learned by the Illuminati years ago, and has been applied to the Monarch programming to make the programming lies seem more real to the victim than the outside world. A Monarch slave can get cold on the left side and burn on the right side of his body. It has been well-documented tha


  • rself between different alters (personalities). She placed her hand over her temple in scarecrow fashion (Wizard of Oz) programming. Her head movement was a dead giveaway to those of us familiar with Monarch programming. The parents had chosen the spot to eat because of the large surreal picture above them on the wall with blue & red flowers, water and mountains. The picture was acting as a scrambling-scattering mec


  • what the everyday cult mind control which is NOT part of total Monarch mind-control looks like, you will find the same elements of everyday cult control also are employed at various places within the Monarch programming of a person’s alter system. (This didn’t happen by accident either, the Illuminati have examined all these lesser cults to see what they could borrow for their own mind control.) Some of the elements


  • begin & end, and where the Master begins and ends. The Monarch programming goes beyond what many cult have done, the alters are hypnotized to not see their faces, which is part of their identity. 4. Altered States and Hypnosis Is Used. The handlers/programmers use hypnotic


  • difficult to express all the different cross-overs that NLP has with Monarch Programming, but at different times the concepts of NLP certainly would be helpful to the handlers. However, it must be stressed that NLP IS NOT Monarch Programming. One of NLP’s suggestions is that people asses


  • I. The use of demon possession, layering etc. J. The use of angel alters K. The use of Scriptures In Programming L. Theta programming The 10th science includes some of the most secret elements of the Monarch programming, and certainly some of the most controversial. Psychologists and psychiatrists are an unlikely group to delve into demonology, although there have been a number of studies done in this area. Six exam


  • lso taught to the slave. All this is to insure that the victim hates God. That hatred toward God will express itself in the victim’s system’s willingness to do any sin, without conscience. Part B The Monarch Programming Is A Miniturization Of What Was Being Done To Entire Peoples Or Cities Demons ar e attracted by the "scent" of people. We are made in the image of God, and we are attractive prey to those who hate Go


  • an make the child’s body parts jerk and move by electro-shocking the muscles. The child actually becomes the puppet of the programmer. This is a very powerful program. One of the names connected with Monarch programming is Marionette Programming. The child literally becomes a Marionette. This concept appears to have been cooked up by the Germans under Hitler. An alter System as a child is physically shown that they


  • liens, such as Koldasians or Pleiadians. Interestingly, if one listens, these different alien races make conflicting claims for whatever good the earth has. However, those of us who have followed the Monarch programming know that these aliens are just men who do the Programming. Time-life Publishers (owned by men in the Illuminati) subtly gave this away in their book The UFO Phenomenon when they referred to UFO abdu


  • erefore the power of true faith is destroyed by simply being replaced and its position usurped. The foundation for the religious spirit are fear and pride, which are also foundational pillars for the Monarch programming. The religious spirit can be detected when someone reads an admonishment and can apply it immediately to others and not to oneself. When a person sins, for example Eli in the book of Samuel, the reli


  • urney of seeking God, they don’t need to have arrived to perfection. Idealism wants people to be at the destination at once or not start the journey. This religious spirit has stopped many victims of Monarch programming from moving forward to real freedom. It is a very powerful type of spirit. Many people are waiting until they are perfect to help minister to others. Sadly this is an outgrowth of the religious spiri


  • ammers are doing are limiting their own understanding. Most of what the Programmers do is actually spiritually based and connects to their understanding of demonology. Much of what the victims of the Monarch Programming experience will be understood in the context of the spiritual world. Obviously some is illusion. Obviously some is delusion. However, when the high level programmers teach novice programmers, they wi


  • speculums, which will lead one "through the looking glass mirror" that then allows the victim to magically transcend time & space. One of the important keys to success with Monarch programming are generational spirits. T he cover for this is studies in genetic science. The programmers believe that genetics are important, but the real abilities to program someone come from the generational


  • ts. That is why the Illuminati pays such a strong interest in the Indians. The original principalities are the foundation, the bedrock upon which everything else is layered upon. This also is done in Monarch programming. A number of Monarch slaves have Indian shamans and spirits placed in their systems. Upon the original foundation, the newer ideologies are layered in. In Russia, communism was simply layered on top


  • e situations so that the System of Alters is literally blackmailed into cooperating if they don’t want to hurt parts of themselves. The Programmers do both internal and external blackmail. Within the Monarch programming, the demons are layered in between the worlds. In the older Illuminati programming, mirrors were placed into the System and the demons were layered behind the mirrors. The mirrors would separate leve


  • Monarch programming at times attempts to combine the two bases--ritual and trauma--to create a dissociative state. This is why is it difficult to separate out the religious factor. India Up to now there have been numero


  • e rated according to their wave frequencies which are delta- 1-3 cycles/sec; theta 4 to 7 cycles/sec; alpha 8 to 13 cycles/sec; and beta 13 + cycles per second. Psychic warfare became a branch of the Monarch Programming. This is the Theta Programming. It is the marriage of occult practices with state of the art science. The idea to be able to copy what Elisha did to the King of Syria (2 KG 6:11-12) when he "telepath


  • mental spoon-bending, people who ‘channeled’ spirits and even a helmet designed to unite the left (logical) and right (intuitive) halves of the brain." Col. John B. Alexander, US Army and part of the Monarch Programming, wrote for Psychic Warfare, "Psychotronics may be described as the interaction of the mind and matter. While the concepts may stretch the imagination of many readers, research in this area has been u


  • ystem uses both timesharing and multitasking. The mind of a Monarch slave also does both multitasking and time sharing. One of the nice UNIX features, is "protected memory", which is also part of the Monarch programming. A kernal is what the UNIX programmers call a "protected person". It is very similar to the internal "person" (alter) who helps the Monarch slave’s programming functions.


  • The big item about UNIX is that it has permissions granted. This is similar to the Monarch programming. Permissions are granted to 3 types of entities. The Top Programmer or "god" as he is called, of the UNIX System receives what is called the individual permission. The next permission is called group


  • lters personalities which would control the body during Illuminati gatherings have very tight access permission. It is very hard to access these hierarchy personalities. Both the UNIX system (and the Monarch programming) creates "children" by "spinning". The "child" spins off. When the "child" is finished it is "killed" in UNIX lingo. When the programmers created child processes in the computer, they were having pro


  • function much like the utility programs of a computer. Along with all the programming comes cover programming. Generally, front stories cover almost everything in a System. Dominos have been used in Monarch programming as the basis for what is called a "Mother Board" in actual computers. Telephone tones key in on a slave’s computer matrix. At times, telephone tones in everyday life will make slaves accidently wacky


  • used to show how & what structures to put in the small victim’s internal world. The stories even teach HOW to create an internal world and its parts. Some of the T.V. shows & movies, which served as Monarch programming scripts (i.e. the software) include: Batman


  • tates have created statutes of limitations on sadistic rape. This is in response to all the Monarch slaves who have begun recovering memories. ∙ The extent that entire culture and society protect the Monarch Programming is enormous. Anyone admitting MPD (aka DID) is in fear of being labelled crazy and losing some of their rights and their job. Because the conspiracy (the Network) is so vast, an examination of how


  • ons together such as mother-daughter. M. Solemetric Military N. Songs & Nursery Rhymes Songs & Nursery Rhymes Used As Triggers (note all of these songs have been used on other slaves too.) Songs with Monarch programming meaning & access parts soliciting behavior or thinking include: Nursery Rhymes Brahm’s Lullaby Hickory, Dickory Dock (flips the system) "Hickory, Dickory Dock, The Mouse Ran up the Clock [computer],

File: Fritz Springmeier - Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines -


  • on Illuminati learn is lies, and what they do learn is only on a need-toknow basis. Sometimes they are allowed to believe they know more than they do. Add on to this the total mind-control from their Monarch programming and you have people wh o can get very confused. I wasn’t there to hear John Todd, but this scenario I have outlined seems very plausible. This is why I don’t like the idea that Christians have of’ pu


  • ol Boeing. This author (Fritz Sprlngmeier) has repeatedly been given information from numerous sources about the occult activities that are being perpetrated at the Boeing plants in the Seattle area. Monarch programming has even taken place at a Boeing Plant. All these things fit together when one gets the bigger picture and the inside scoop. The Rockefellers also control Delta. Has anyone realized that the Delta sy


  • I.G. Fa rben in 1928. The cartel created the lethal Zyklon B gas that was used to exterminate the Jews. It was also involved in the torture experimentations that led to mind control methods, such as Monarch Programming. Do you see what happened? A Rothschild agent set up a cartel that was directly involved in the horrible persecution of the Jews. Still the family maintains the illusion of being totally supportive o


  • inatra was his best man. Frank received a diamond-studded golden cigarette lighter with an obscene inscription. Dean worked many years for MGM Grand, which now is built as a pyramid in Las Vegas with Monarch programming going on in it. Speaking of WRENS ....... The theme inside the MGM is the Wizard of Oz which is for Monarch programming. (To understand the Wizard of Oz mind control programming the reader needs to g


  • rviced men in the Rat Pack. In other words, Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin knew the cues, the trigger code words to get this slave to sexually serve them, especially Frank. Because Dean knew about the Monarch programming, that is why he had the audacity to want to bring a slave on his show on a lease in a ti ger outfit. During the obedience training of a sexual slave they have an expensive collar put on them and thei


  • ch’s cauldron a big colorful butterfly which is forever changing. (Is this big yellow, purple, white, and blue butterfly meant to be a Monarch butterfly? The programmers will use it that way for this Monarch programming.) The great wizard magically creates the big colorful butterfly and th en he shatters it into countless splinters! 30 min. Mickey sneaks around and grabs the magic hat. (The magic hat is one of the f

File: Mark Devlin - Musical Truth 2 -

  • , it’s because that’s where the strings are being pulled from.And of course, it’s beneficial to have your artists close at hand – much easierto control.”(Paris Hilton, incidentally, fits the model of Monarch Programming mind-controlsubject down to a tee. See Vigilant Citizen’s many articles on this sub-divisionof MK-Ultra and its connections to the world of celebrity at [http://www.vigi

File: Mark Devlin - Musical Truth -

  • ells a different story. Welcome to the dark and very ugly world oftrauma-based mind-control.The manipulation of the human mind by force is something that has been practicedfor aeons. As an article on Monarch Programming on the Vigilant Citizen websiteexplains:"Throughout the course of history, several accounts have been recordeddescribing rituals and practices resembling mind-control. One of the earliestwritings giv

  • 'As the years progressed, however, some suspect symbolism started to creep intoher work, some of it hinting at Transhumanism, (a robotic/ cyborg headpiece in apromo shot,) and some at the presence of Monarch Programming, (she wearsbutterfly wings on the sleeve to her 'Erykah Badu Live' album, and guests in thevideo to the song 'Queen' by Janelle Monae, which is absolutely laden withtrauma-based mind control symbolog

  • d this appeared to be borne out when aseries of his drawings were seen for the first time in public when they were putup for sale by a private collector in 2014. Many of them offer disturbing hintsat Monarch Programming. Included are the image of a smiling face with wirescoming from the head connected to what appear to be electrical switches, aself-portrait under the word 'seven,' in which the bottom half of the fac

  • earlier chapter on trauma-based mind control how many artists –particularly those in the hip-hop genre – show a penchant for having alter-egos.While much of this is undoubtedly due to the presence of Monarch programming andother methods, there is another explanation for the high prevalence of alternatepersonalities.If the world in which we live were truly three-dimensional and solid, therewould be no possibility for

  • _id_108], 25[part0016_split_001.html#sigil_index_id_112], 26[part0021_split_000.html#sigil_index_id_119], 27[part0021_split_000.html#sigil_index_id_130], 28[part0021_split_000.html#sigil_index_id_134]Monarch Programming 1 [part0016_split_000.html#sigil_index_id_3], 2[part0016_split_000.html#sigil_index_id_20], 3[part0016_split_000.html#sigil_index_id_27], 4[part0016_split_000.html#sigil_index_id_29], 5[part0016_spli

File: Brice Taylor - Thanks For The Memories -


  • nowledgeable in mind control, publications from mental health practitioners, and interviews taken from survivors unwittingly subject ed to a highly complex form of trauma-based mind contr ol known as MONARCH programming. A word of caution for survivors of intensively sys tematic mind control and/or some form of ritualized abuse: There are numerous "triggers" in this article. It is therefore recommended not to r ead


  • Angel of Death" (remember Mengele?) in Gnostic art works was portrayed crushing the butterfly.[11] A marionette is a puppet that is at tached to strings and is controlled by the puppet m aster, hence MONARCH programming is also referred to as th e "Marionette Syndrome." "Imperial Conditioning" is another term used, while some ment al health therapists know it as "Conditioned Stimulus-Response Sequences." Project MON


  • influx of people (possibly clones or "soulless ones"). thereby stimulating so cial control programs into the new millennium. Non-biological "twinning" is yet another bizarre f eature observed within MONARCH programming. For instance, two young non-related c hildren would be ceremoniously initiated in a magical "soul-bonding" ritual so they might be "ins eparably paired for eternity" (possibly another Mengele connec


  • private laboratories and hosp itals. Of course, they were rewarded generously with gover nment grants and miscellaneous funding. The names and locations of some of the major institutio ns involved in MONARCH programming experimentation were/are: Cornell, Duke, Princeton, UCLA, University of Rochester, MIT, Georgetown University Hospital, Maimonides Medical Center, St Elizabeth's Hospital (Washington, D.C.), Bell Lab


  • Symbols and Sacred Object s , Harper Collins, 1988. 11. Marshall Cavendish, Man, Myth and Magic , 1995. 12. Dr. Corydon Hammond, "The Greenbaum Speech," 1992; Mark Phillips and Cathy O'Brien, Project Monarch Programming Definitions , 1993. 13. Gerald L. Posner, Mengele: The Complete Story , McGraw-Hill, 1986. 14. Lucette Matalon Lagnado, Dr. Josef Mengele and the Untold Story of the Twins of Auschwitz , Morrow, 1991

File: Project Monarch -


  • onarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton A Brief History of Control The Anglo Alliance The Evolution of Project MKULTRA Definition and Description Alters and Triggers Bloodlines and Twinning Levels of MONARCH Programming Method and Components Programmers and Places Notable Names Deprogrammers and Exposers Endnotes Amidst the subtle cerebral circumvention of the gul lible populace, through a multitude of manipulated m


  • Angel of Death” (remember Me ngele?) in Gnostic art works was portrayed crushing the butterfly.[11] A marione tte is a puppet that is attached to strings and is controlled by the puppet master, hence MONARCH programming is also referred to as the “Marionette Syndrome.” “Imp erial Conditioning” is another term used, while some mental health therapists know it as “Conditioned Stimulus Response Sequences.” Project MONA


  • e influx of people (possibly clones or “soulless ones”), thereby stimulating social control programs into the new mi llennium. Non-biological “twinning” is yet another bizarre feature observed within MONARCH programming. For instance, two young non related children would be ceremoniously initiated in a magical “soul-bonding” ritual so they might be “ins eparably paired for eternity” (possibly another Mengele connect


  • e mind splits off into alternate personalities from the core. Formerly referred to as Multiple Pe rsonality Disorder, it is presently recognized as Dissociative Identity Disorder and is the basis for MONARCH programming. Further conditioning of the victim’s m ind is enhanced through hypnotism, double-bind coercion, pleasure-pain reve rsals, food, water, sleep and sensory deprivation, along with various drugs which a


  • Bus ters, Trancers II, Batman, Bewitched, Fantasy Island, Reboot, Tiny Toons, Duck Tails, The Dead Sea Scrolls and The Tall Book of Make Believe. A few movies wh ich depict or portray some aspect of MONARCH programming are Hell raiser 3, Rai sing Cain, Labyrinth, Telefon, Johnny Mneumonic, Point of No Return, The Lawnmower Man and Closet Land. Programmers and Places It’s difficult to figure out who the original pro


  • private labor atories and hospitals Of course, they were rewarded generously with government grant s and miscellaneous funding. The names and locations of some of the major instit utions involved in MONARCH programming experimentation were/are: Cornell, Duke, Princeton, UCLA, University of Roches ter, MIT, Georgetown University Hospital, Maimonides Medical Center, St. Elizabeth’s Hospital (Washington D.C.), Bell La


  • l all the way up to the White House.[17] He has testified about sexually-abused m ales selected from Boy’s Town in Nebraska and taken to nearby Offut AFB, where he says they were subjected to intense MONARCH programming, directed mainly by Comma nder Bill Plemmons and former Lt. Col. Michael Aquino.[18] After thoroughly tormenting the young boys into mindless oblivion, they were used (along with girls) for pornograp


  • ry of Sy mbols and Sacred Objects, Harper Collins, 1988 11. Marshall Cavendish, Man, Myth and Magic, 1995 12. Dr. Corydon Hammond, The Greenbaum Speech, 1992; Mark Phillips and Cathy O’Brien, Project Monarch Programming Definitions, 1 993 13. Gerald L. Posner, Mengele: The Complete Story, M cGraw-Hill, 1986 14. Lucette Matalon Lagnado, Dr. Josef Mengele and the Untold Story of the Twins of Auschwitz, Morrow, 1991 15

File: 13bloodlines -


  • gramming is to create people who go unnoticed in public life and are considered “normal”, but who can at any time be activated by their programmers to carry out assignments. There is a variant of the Monarch programming aimed at influencing adults, yet mind control based on trauma and aimed at programmed split personalities (MPDs) is generally applied to children under the age of six. 164 According to several form

File: Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier 1998 -


  • ol Boeing. This author (Fritz Sprlngmeier) has repeatedly been given information from numerous sources about the occult activities that are being perpetrated at the Boeing plants in the Seattle area. Monarch programming has even taken place at a Boeing Plant. All these things fit together when one gets the bigger picture and the inside scoop. The Rockefellers also control Delta. Has anyone realized that the Delta sy


  • h I.G. Farben in 1928. The cartel created the lethal Zyklon B gas that was used to exterminate the Jews. It was also involved in the torture experimentations that led to mind control methods, such as Monarch Programming. Do you see what happened? A Rothschild agent set up a cartel that was directly involved in the horrible persecution of the Jews. Still the family maintains the illusion of being totally supportive o


  • be stated with certainty that all Illuminati members (by Illuminati I mean members of the first pyramidal structure diagrammed in the Jan. 1, '93 newsletter and in the Feb. I Issue) have been through Monarch programming today, but it can be stated with certainty that they all suffer from multiple personality disorder. This means that the Rothschilds in this country and in Canada and the U.K.. have closely collaborat


  • inatra was his best man. Frank received a diamond-studded golden cigarette lighter with an obscene inscription. Dean worked many years for MGM Grand, which now is built as a pyramid in Las Vegas with Monarch programming going on in it. The theme inside the MGM is the Wizard of Oz which is for Monarch programming. (To understand the Wizard of Oz mind control programming the reader needs to get this author’s various w


  • rviced men in the Rat Pack. In other words, Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin knew the cues, the trigger code words to get this slave to sexually serve them, especially Frank. Because Dean knew about the Monarch programming, that is why he had the audacity to want to bring a slave on his show on a lease in a tiger outfit. During the obedience training of a sexual slave they have an expensive collar put on them and their


  • ch’s cauldron a big colorful butterfly which is forever changing. (Is this big yellow, purple, white, and blue butterfly meant to be a Monarch butterfly? The programmers will use it that way for this Monarch programming.) The great wizard magically creates the big colorful butterfly and then he shatters it into countless splinters! 30 min. Mickey sneaks around and grabs the magic hat. (The magic hat is one of the fe

File: bloodlines2 -


  • ol Boeing. This author (Fritz Springmeier) has repeatedly been given information from numerous sources about the occult activities that are being perpetrated at the Boeing plants in the Seattle area. Monarch programming has even taken place at a Boeing Plant. All these things fit together when one gets the bigger picture and the inside scoop. The Rockefellers also control Delta. Has anyone realized that the Delta sy


  • h I.G. Farben in 1928. The cartel created the lethal Zyklon B gas that was used to exterminate the Jews. It was also involved in the torture experimentations that led to mind control methods, such as Monarch Programming. Do you see what happened? A Rothschild agent set up a cartel that was directly involved in the horrible persecution of the Jews. Still the family maintains the illusion of being totally suppor tive


  • be stated with certainty that all Illuminati members (by Illuminati I mean members of the first pyramidal structure diagrammed in the Jan. 1, '93 newsletter and in the Feb. I Issue) have been through Monarch programming today, but it can be stated with certainty that they all suffer from multiple personality disorder. This means that the Rothschilds in this country and in Canada and the U.K. have closely collaborate


  • inatra was his best man. Frank received a diamond-studded golden cigarette lighter with an obscene inscription. Dean worked many years for MGM Grand, which now is built as a pyramid in Las Vegas with Monarch programming going on in it. The theme inside the MGM is the Wizard of Oz which is for Monarch programming. (To understand the Wizard-of-Oz mind control programming the reader needs to get this author’s various w


  • rviced men in the Rat Pack. In other words, Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin knew the cues, the trigger code words to get this slave to sexually serve them, especially Frank. Because Dean knew about the Monarch programming, that is why he had the audacity to want to bring a slave on his show on a lease in a tiger outfit. During the obedience training of a sexual slave they have an expensive collar put on them and their

File: bloodlines3 -


  • h’s cauldron a big colorful butterfly which is forever changing. (Is this big yellow, purple, white, and blue butterfly meant to be a Monarch butterfly ? The programmers will use it that way for this Monarch programming.) The great wizard magically creates the big colorful butterfly and then he shatters it into countless splinters! 30 min. Mickey sneaks around and grabs the magic hat. (The magic hat is one of the fe

File: Memoirs of Bob Hope's and Henry Kissinger's Mind-Controlled Slave -


  • "Angel of Death" (remember Mengele?) in Gnostic art works was portrayed crushing the butterfly.[11] A marionette is a puppet that is attached to strings and is controlle d by the puppet master, hence MONARCH programming i s also referred to as the "Marionette Syndrome." "Imperial Conditioning" is another term used, while some men tal health therapists know it as "Conditioned Stimulus-Respons e Sequences." Project MO


  • influx of people (possibly clones o r "soulless ones") thereby stimulating social control programs into th e new millennium. Non-biological "twinning" is yet another bizarre fe ature observed within MONARCH programming . For instance, two young non-related children would be ceremonious ly initiated in a magical "soul-bonding" ritual so they might be "inseparably paired for eternity" (possibly anot her Mengele conne


  • private laboratories and hospitals. Of course, t hey were rewarded generously with government grants and misc ellaneous funding. The names and locations of some of the major institutions involved in MONARCH programming experimentation were/are: - Cornell, Duke, Princeton, UCLA, University of Roc hester, MIT, Georgetown University Hospital, Maimonides Medical Center, St Elizabeth's Hospital (Washington, D.C.), Bell

File: Satanic Rothschild Dynasty - Financial Wizzards And Wealthy Cults -


  • h I.G. Farben in 1928. The cartel created the lethal Zyklon B gas that was used to exterminate the Jews. It was also involved in the torture experimentations that led to mind control methods, such as Monarch Programming. Do you see what happened? A Rothschild agent set up a cartel that was directly involved in the horrible persecution of the Jews. Still the family maintains the illusion of being totally supportive o


  • be stated with certainty that all Illuminati members (by Illuminati I mean members of the first pyramidal structure diagrammed in the Jan. 1, '93 newsletter and in the Feb. I Issue) have been through Monarch programming today, but it can be stated with certainty that they all suffer from multiple personality disorder. This means that the Rothschilds in this country and in Canada and the U.K.. have closely collaborat

File: Taylor - Thanks for Memories - Memoirs of Bob Hope's and Henry Kissinger's Mind-Controlled Slave -


  • "Angel of Death" (remember Mengele?) in Gnostic art works was portrayed crushing the butterfly.[11] A marionette is a puppet that is attached to strings and is controlle d by the puppet master, hence MONARCH programming i s also referred to as the "Marionette Syndrome." "Imperial Conditioning" is another term used, while some men tal health therapists know it as "Conditioned Stimulus-Respons e Sequences." Project MO


  • influx of people (possibly clones o r "soulless ones") thereby stimulating social control programs into th e new millennium. Non-biological "twinning" is yet another bizarre fe ature observed within MONARCH programming . For instance, two young non-related children would be ceremonious ly initiated in a magical "soul-bonding" ritual so they might be "inseparably paired for eternity" (possibly anot her Mengele conne


  • private laboratories and hospitals. Of course, t hey were rewarded generously with government grants and misc ellaneous funding. The names and locations of some of the major institutions involved in MONARCH programming experimentation were/are: - Cornell, Duke, Princeton, UCLA, University of Roc hester, MIT, Georgetown University Hospital, Maimonides Medical Center, St Elizabeth's Hospital (Washington, D.C.), Bell

File: Gee_-_The_Tree_of_Death_amp_amp_the_Qliphoth -


  • nto worlds of alters which rarely see each other. These worlds are also called cities. The words "city" or "world" are interchangeable when il comes to a Monarch System." (MONARCH, 267,8) "During the Monarch Programming an average System will have at least 1,000 alters.” (MONARCH, 262)"Just like in a city, some people have friends and know others, and other people are strangers and enemies, so it is with an Illumina


  • nd is no longer a necessary deception. The truth is, and has always been, that this "humaton" condition of the socialised western business person is a facade, a shroud behind which hides the obvious: Monarch programming, merely dormant, nascent, waiting to take effect. However, what does this mean for these "humatons," "sheeple," or human cattle." the "masses" who consider themselves free though are merely blissfull

File: Keith - Mind Control, World Control - The Encyclopedia of Mind Control (1998) -


  • erversions." In 1980, O'Brien's daughter Kelly was born, according to her only to be shunted directly into the MONARCH program of prostitution and mind control. In the 1980s O'Brien says she received MONARCH programming from the Temple of Set's Colonel Michael Aquino, at Fort Campbell, Kentucky; Fort McLellen in Anniston, Alabama; and Redstone Arsenal and Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama; the latt

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