Alpha Draconis

Found in 86 Books

File: Alan Watt - Cutting Through Vol 3 -


  • ovements, we would see spiraling circles. There is reaI1y no north pole, any star cfose to that point revolves in a small circle. To-day the star we use as being closest is Polaris. The ancients used alpha Draconis in the constellation Draco for their north star. The sma-Lf circfe created by the north star and its constellation companions looks like a serpbnt. I i ko a eornanl- T high priests of ancient times i

File: Albert Pike - Magnum Opus or the Great Work -


  • lowed twelve days for a star of the first magnitude to emerge from the solar rays : and there is less twilight, the further South we go . At the same period, too, Cynosura was not the pole-star ; but Alpha Draconis was ; and the stars rose and set with very digFerent degrees of obliquity from those of their present rising : and settings . By having a globe constructed with circumvolving poles, capable of any ad

File: Before the Flood- Chronicon -


  • landmasses took on their present positions after the poleshift in May of this year. Prior to this date the continents were much larger and oceans smalle r and the north polar axis pointed at the star Alpha Draconis, the Eye of the Dragon. 3895 BCE This is the third known global catastrophe: (1) Nemesis Cataclysm pre - 5239 BCE; (2) Phoenix destruction of 4309 BCE; (3) 3895 BCE pole shift. The 4309 BCE Pho enix


  • to 3439 BCE. 2626 words/ notes in chronological order 2019 3443 BCE . David Davidson's calculation of 3443 is actually 4 years off from correct year of 3439 BCE, but still remarkably close concerning Alpha Draconis being able to be sighted by an observer looking up from the bottom of the Great Pyramid's Descending Passage at midnight of the autumnal equinox. This would have required two aperture d diaphrams fix


  • destroying the world by spewing water from the heavens, a draconic body adorned in star constellations and eclipse symbols. This serpent dragon was the Phoenix disaster personified when the polestar Alpha Draconis fell, the axis then pointin g to a new pole star, Polaris in Ursa Minor. Beneath the eclipse symbols is Old Woman Goddess, patroness of death and destruction, holding a bowl from which a flood pours.

File: Encyclopedia Of Astrology -


  • now 1°14' distant from North Pole, but in 2095 it will reach the nearest distance, 26'30". The pole has been successively marked by Alpha Lyrae (Wega), c. 12,200 B.C.; Tau Draconis, c. 4500 B.C.; and Alpha Draconis, c. 2700 B.C. It will be marked by Gamma Cepheis, c. 4500 A.D., Alpha Cephei, c. 7500 A.D.; Delta Cygni, c. 11,300 A.D.; and again Wega, c. 13,500 A.D. (Saturn Venus) Sickness and affliction; legacie

File: Mazzaroth -


  • eaded Hermes, Mercury, pointing to the two stars in Gemini as being his "house." l d. Draco, a dragon or serpent, on a pedestal, horned (Cerastes?), not having the poisonous head of the species. l e. Alpha Draconis, the antediluvian pole-star. l f. Three bright stars of Orion, Rigol, Bellatrix, Betelguez: The tailed figure, He who cometh, points to these stars as his. l g. Aldebaran in Taurus. l h. The seven Pl


  • decans attributed to each sign come to the meridian with it, though a slight allowance must be made for the changed position of the pole, which, at the first arrangement of these emblems, would be in Alpha Draconis, the bright star in the head of the dragon, surrounding the pole. The absence of closer similarity between the forms of these Egyptian figures representing the thirty-six ancient constellations, and


  • Pole at any time in the Egyptian planisphere. Those who first named the stars seemed to have been aware that this position was not permanent. In the time of Seth and Enoch it was near the bright star Alpha Draconis, belonging both to the head of the Dragon and to the foot of Hercules, placed as bruising it. Sir J. Herschel—"The Pole is nothing more than the vanishing point of the earth's axis." "The bright star

File: Atlantis And The Cycles of Time - Prophecies, Traditions, And Occult Revelations -


  • 18 4 a The Britons the astronomer, proposed for the Great Pyramid, based on the orientation of its main passage to the former pole star Alpha Draconis, and makes a point that the pyramid’s date might as well be a whole precessional cycle earlier. H. P. Blavatsky had already suggested this, with a date of 28,868 BCE. 49 Brunton’s date, based on a di

File: Gods Of The New Millenium -


  • surements of the slope of the shafts, they found that c. 2450 BC the southern shaft of the Queen’s Chamber had been aligned with Sirius, the northern shaft of the King’s Chamber had been aligned with Alpha Draconis and the southern shaft of the King’s Chamber had been aligned with the lowest star in Orion’s Belt. The first point to note is that the date 2450 BC has no particular significance, since Khufu’s reig

File: Graham Hancock - Fingerprints Of The Gods -


  • f modern equipment. Thus, for example, the northern pole star is presently alpha Ursae Minoris (which we know as Polaris). But computer ca lculations enable us to state with certainty that in 3000 BC alpha Draconis occupied the pole position; at the time of the Greeks the northern pole star was beta Ursae Minoris; and in AD 14,000 it will be Vega. 18 18 Skyglobe 3.6.


  • Pyramid was supposedly being built for the Fourth Dynasty Pharaoh Khufu (Cheops), one of the stars of Draco had stood cl ose to the celestial north pole and had served as the Pole Star. This had been alpha Draconis, also known as Thuban. With the passing of the millenni a, however, it had gradually been displaced from its position by the remo rseless celestial mill of the earth’s axial precession so that the Po


  • ent, it pointed to the circumpolar regions of the northern he avens at an angle of 32° 30’. This, in the Pyramid Age around 2500 BC , would have meant that it was directed on the upper culmination of Alpha Draconis, a prominent star in the constellation of Draco. 23 Much to my relief the Japanese ra pidly completed their tour of the King’s Chamber and left, stooping, without a backward glance. As soon as they h

File: Colin Wilson - Atlantis Blueprint -

  • ounting back from there, it could easily be verified that the world had beencreated in 4,004 BC, just as Archbishop Ussher had declared in 1650.Smyth had worked out that the Pole Star, which was then Alpha Draconis, hadshone straight through the entrance and down the descending passage when theGreat Pyramid was build in 2,100 BC (missing the actual date by about fourcenturies). Menzies declared that there shoul

File: Colin Wilson - Atlantis Blueprint -

  • ounting back from there, it could easily be verified that the world had beencreated in 4,004 BC, just as Archbishop Ussher had declared in 1650.Smyth had worked out that the Pole Star, which was then Alpha Draconis, hadshone straight through the entrance and down the descending passage when theGreat Pyramid was build in 2,100 BC (missing the actual date by about fourcenturies). Menzies declared that there shoul

File: Colin Wilson - From Atlantis To The Sphinx -

  • the sun and moon, this axishas a slight wobble, and its ends describe small circles in the heavens, causingthe north end of the pencil to point at different stars. In ancient Egypt, thePole star was Alpha Draconis.Now the stars appear to describe a semicircle above our heads, from horizon tohorizon. Those directly overhead (at the meridian) describe the longest circle,those nearest the Pole the smallest. If th

File: David Icke - 2001 - Children Of The Matrix -

  • n born with a "dragon-like countenance". It was claimed that hewasconceived by a ray of golden light that entered his mother's womb from theBigDipper constellation.12 The Big Dipper includes the star Alpha Draconis, thestar ofSet in Egypt. Alpha Draconis is an alleged base of the "Draco" reptilian"royalty". OneChinese legend says that when he died Huang Ti transformed into anetheric dragonand flew to the realm

File: David Icke - 2001 - Children Of The Matrix -

  • n born with a "dragon-like countenance". It was claimed that hewasconceived by a ray of golden light that entered his mother's womb from theBigDipper constellation.12 The Big Dipper includes the star Alpha Draconis, thestar ofSet in Egypt. Alpha Draconis is an alleged base of the "Draco" reptilian"royalty". OneChinese legend says that when he died Huang Ti transformed into anetheric dragonand flew to the realm

File: David Icke - 2003 - Tales From The Time Loop -

  • ed that he was conceived by a ray of golden light that entered his mother’swomb from the Big Dipper constellation.68 The Big Dipper includes the star AlphaDraconis, the star of the Egyptian god, Set. Alpha Draconis is an alleged homeof the reptilian ‘royalty’, the elite leadership, known as the “Draco”. OneChinese legend says that when he died Huang Ti transformed into an ethericdragon and flew to the realm of

  • lliance Atlantis 200 [../Text/index_split_021.html#filepos793427]> Allison, George 185 [../Text/index_split_021.html#filepos732992]> Alpert, Richard 386 [../Text/index_split_030.html#filepos1492381]> Alpha Draconis 257 [../Text/index_split_024.html#filepos1016802]> alternative medicine 391 [../Text/index_split_030.html#filepos1511026]-2> [../Text/index_split_030.html#filepos1511026]> alters 277 [../Text/index_s

File: David Icke - 2003 - Tales From The Time Loop -

  • ed that he was conceived by a ray of golden light that entered his mother’swomb from the Big Dipper constellation.68 The Big Dipper includes the star AlphaDraconis, the star of the Egyptian god, Set. Alpha Draconis is an alleged homeof the reptilian ‘royalty’, the elite leadership, known as the “Draco”. OneChinese legend says that when he died Huang Ti transformed into an ethericdragon and flew to the realm of

  • lliance Atlantis 200 [../Text/index_split_021.html#filepos793427]> Allison, George 185 [../Text/index_split_021.html#filepos732992]> Alpert, Richard 386 [../Text/index_split_030.html#filepos1492381]> Alpha Draconis 257 [../Text/index_split_024.html#filepos1016802]> alternative medicine 391 [../Text/index_split_030.html#filepos1511026]-2> [../Text/index_split_030.html#filepos1511026]> alters 277 [../Text/index_s

File: David Icke - 2007 - The David Icke Guide To The Global Conspiracy -

  • ed by a ray of golden light thatentered his mother’s womb from the Big Dipper constellation (the usual ‘virginbirth’ story so associated with Reptilian interbreeding). The Big Dipperincludes the star Alpha Draconis, the star of the Egyptian god, Set. AlphaDraconis is an alleged home of Reptilian ‘royalty’, the elite leadership, knownas the ‘Draco’. One Chinese legend says that when he died, Huang Ti transformed

  • filepos279178]Alomari, Abdulaziz, September 11 role 355[../Text/index_split_027.html#filepos1343726], 356[../Text/index_split_027.html#filepos1347733], 357[../Text/index_split_027.html#filepos1351010]Alpha Draconis 85 [../Text/index_split_014.html#filepos346715]American Declaration of Independence, signatories 137[../Text/index_split_016.html#filepos536881], 234[../Text/index_split_020.html#filepos899472]Americ

File: David Icke - 2007 - The David Icke Guide To The Global Conspiracy -

  • ed by a ray of golden light thatentered his mother’s womb from the Big Dipper constellation (the usual ‘virginbirth’ story so associated with Reptilian interbreeding). The Big Dipperincludes the star Alpha Draconis, the star of the Egyptian god, Set. AlphaDraconis is an alleged home of Reptilian ‘royalty’, the elite leadership, knownas the ‘Draco’. One Chinese legend says that when he died, Huang Ti transformed

  • filepos279178]Alomari, Abdulaziz, September 11 role 355[../Text/index_split_027.html#filepos1343726], 356[../Text/index_split_027.html#filepos1347733], 357[../Text/index_split_027.html#filepos1351010]Alpha Draconis 85 [../Text/index_split_014.html#filepos346715]American Declaration of Independence, signatories 137[../Text/index_split_016.html#filepos536881], 234[../Text/index_split_020.html#filepos899472]Americ

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception - Part One -

  • oddess or queen of Babylon, who was said to have beenimpregnated by the rays of the sun god, Baal (Nimrod). But these deitiesrepresent the Saturn sun, not the one we see today. The Big Dipper includesAlpha Draconis, the star of the Egyptian god, Set, and many stories about theReptilians say that Alpha Draconis is home to the Reptilian ‘royalty’, a wingedalbino race known as the ‘Draco’, as in draconian – a word

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception -


  • ess or queen of Babylon, who was said to have been impregnated by the rays of the sun god, Baal (Nimrod). But these deities represent the Saturn sun, not the one we see today. The Big Dipper includes Alpha Draconis, the star of the Egyptian god, Set, and many stories about the Reptilians say that Alpha Draconis is home to the Reptilian ‘royalty’, a winged albino race known as the ‘Draco’, as in draconian – a wo

File: David Icke - Guide To The Global Conspiracy -


  • by a ray of golden light that entered his mother's womb from the Big Dipper constellation (the usual 'virgin birth' story so associated with Reptilian interbreeding). The Big Dipper includes the star Alpha Draconis, the star of the Egyptian god, Set. Alpha Draconis is an alleged home of Reptilian 'royalty', the elite leadership, known as the 'Draco'. One Chinese legend says that when he died, Huang Ti transform

File: David Icke - Tales From The Time Loop -


  • a "dragon -like coun tenance". It was claimed that he was conceived by a ray o f golden light that entered h is .. mother's womb from the Big Dipper constellation. 6b The Big Dipper includes the star Alpha Draconis, the star of the Egyp tian g od, Set. Alpha Draconis is an alleged ho me of the reptilian 'royalty', the e lite leadership, known as the "Draco". One Chinese legend says that when he died Huang Ti tr

File: David Icke - Tales from the Time Loop (2003) -


  • a "dragon -like coun tenance". It was claimed that he was conceived by a ray o f golden light that entered h is .. mother's womb from the Big Dipper constellation. 6b The Big Dipper includes the star Alpha Draconis, the star of the Egyp tian g od, Set. Alpha Draconis is an alleged ho me of the reptilian 'royalty', the e lite leadership, known as the "Draco". One Chinese legend says that when he died Huang Ti tr

File: David Wilcock - Awakening In The Dream -

  • brink sent a miniature robot some> sixty-five meters up the shafts, and confirmed that in the King’s Chamber, the> south shaft points at the star Al Nitak, or Zeta Orionis. The north shaft> points at Alpha Draconis, which used to be the pole star in the third> millennium BC. The northern Queen’s Chamber shaft is aimed at Beta Ursae> Minoris, and the southern channel points to Sirius.40> [35_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteN

  • ber258] visited the Great Pyramid andconducted careful measurements. Smyth concluded that at midnight during theequinox of about 2170 BC (it was later corrected to 2141 BC), the pole star ofthe time, Alpha Draconis, would be visible all the way down at the very bottomof the Descending Passage, at the same time that n-Tauri, or Alcyone of thePleiades, would be precisely overhead.5 [35_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber25

  • 354]–57, 370[28_Chapter_Nineteen_The_.xhtml#page_370], 381[29_Chapter_Twenty_Histor.xhtml#page_381]Al Nitak, 343 [27_Chapter_Eighteen_Myst.xhtml#page_343], 369[28_Chapter_Nineteen_The_.xhtml#page_369]Alpha Draconis, 344 [27_Chapter_Eighteen_Myst.xhtml#page_344], 353[28_Chapter_Nineteen_The_.xhtml#page_353], 369[28_Chapter_Nineteen_The_.xhtml#page_369]American Revolution, 389 [29_Chapter_Twenty_Histor.xhtml#page

File: David Wilcock - Shift Of The Ages -


  • e, because it appears that all other stars in the heavens rotate around it during the course of the night. However, precession will eventually move Polaris out of this position. For example, the star Alpha Draconis, in the nearby constellation Draco, was at one time also in this position. The movement of the earth that


  • on where the Scored Lines, a set of vertical lines in the Descending Passage near the entrance, aligned with the Pleaides star cluster directly overhead. This was also timed to coincide with the star Alpha Draconis shining directly down into the bottom of the Descending Passage. This alignment has many similarities to the popular alignment discovered by Robert Bauval, where he demonstrates that the three pyrami

File: David Wilcock - Source Field Investigations -

  • antenbrink sent a miniature robot some sixty-five metersup the shafts, and confirmed that in the King’s Chamber, the south shaft pointsat the star Al Nitak, or Zeta Orionis. The north shaft points at Alpha Draconis,which used to be the pole star in the third millennium B.C.. The northernQueen’s Chamber shaft is aimed at Beta Ursae Minoris, and the southern channelpoints to Sirius.22 [wilc_9781101543504_oeb_nts_

File: 11_10_2001_The Orion Constellation and the Pyramids of Giza -


  • nts. The southern one pointed to the belt ofOrion, the three stars in the belt of Orion. and the northern one more than likelywas aligned to the North Pole of the sky, and probably to the star Thuban,Alpha Draconis, which was the polar star at the time.Now, to what purpose? One, in the southern direction, we knew there was somekind of connection to the pyramids, the mummification rituals, the rebirthrituals, to

File: 09_25_2002_Part 2 - Harvard Egyptologist Discusses Purpose of Shafts and Small Doors in Cheops Pyramid -


  • they are symbolic passages,they are pointing the King's soul towards the circumpolar stars, the stars thatnever rise or set. They go around the pole star. The pole star at 2,500 B. C.would have been Alpha Draconis, probably.Now, the southern ones (shafts) point up at the southern sky and it's veryreasonable guess that the destination there in terms of the stars was theconstellation Orion or what we know as the

File: Albert Pike - Morals And Dogma -


  • allowed twelve days for a star of the first magnitude to emerge from the solar rays; and there is less twilight, the further South we go. At the same period, too, Cynosura was not the pole-star, but Alpha Draconis was; and the stars rose and set with very different degrees of obliquity from those of their present risings and settings. By having a globe constructed with circumvolving poles, capable of any adjus


  • 401 -l. Points of the Scottish Master ط s Degree relating to the transmutation of metals, 780 - 782 . Poisons are sovereign remedies given in due proportions, 846 -l. Pole star in Egyptian times wa s Alpha Draconis, not Cynosura, 485 -m. Political degeneration, 66 - 75 . Political point of view, but a single principle of Liberty, 43 -l. Political science, 51 - 56 . Political theories, state bruta lized by false

File: Mysticism Of Masonry -


  • east in their own minds, with the magnitude of the project. Hence, if astronomy shows that the Great Pyramid was planned with reference to a relation between the Pleiades and some pole star (possibly Alpha Draconis), obviously that relation must have been of the highest importance in the cosmological systems of the builders - the veritable key to all the Wisdom of antiquity. "To those ancient sages, the cosmos

File: R.S. Clymer - The Mysticism of Masonry -


  • east in their own minds, with the magnitude of the project. Hence, if astronomy shows that the Great Pyramid was planned with reference to a relation between the Pleiades and some pole star (possibly Alpha Draconis), obviously that relation must have been of the highest importance in the cosmological systems of the builders - the veritable key to all the Wisdom of antiquity. "To those ancient sages, the cosmos

File: Graham Hancock & Robert Bauval - The Message of the Sphinx -

  • is, cosmic mother of the kings of Egypt.[114][index_split_036.html#filepos786131]From the King’s Chamber, the northern shaft is angled at 32 degrees 28’ and wasaimed at the ancient Pole star, Thuban (Alpha Draconis) in the constellation ofthe Dragon—associated by the Pharaohs with notions of ‘cosmic pregnancy andgestation’. The southern shaft, which is angled at 45 degrees 14’, was aimed atAl Nitak (Zeta Orioni

  • the Dog star Sirius,held by the ancient Egyptians to be the incarnation of the goddess Isis. Othersmall passages in the Pyramid appear to point to other heavenly bodies—the Beltof Orion and the star Alpha Draconis, which at the time was in the area nowoccupied by the Pole Star ...The reaction to the Independent’s front-page splash was electrifying. Dozens ofreporters from all over the world wanted to interview

  • Chamber had pointed, in the epoch of 2500 BC, to major star systemsthat were of crucial importance to the Pyramid builders. As readers will recallfrom Part I, the northern shaft had been targeted on Alpha Draconis—the PoleStar in the Pyramid Age—and the southern shaft had been targeted on Orion’sbelt.[641] [index_split_036.html#filepos891331]Today Virginia Trimble is a senior professor of astronomy at UCLA and

File: Graham Hancock - America Before - The Key to Earth’s Lost Civilization -

  • ocause the tip of the axis to inscribe an immense circle in the heavens over thecycle of 25,920 years. Thus around 3000 BC, just before the start of the PyramidAge in Egypt, the pole star was Thuban (Alpha Draconis) in the constellationDraco.3 [part0050.html#note80] At the time of the Greeks it was Beta UrsaeMinoris. In AD 14000 it will be Vega.4 [part0050.html#note81] Sometimes in thislong cyclical journey the

File: Graham Hancock - Fingerprints Of The Gods -


  • f modern equipment. Thus, for example, the northern pole star is presently alpha Ursae Minoris (which we know as Polaris). But computer ca lculations enable us to state with certainty that in 3000 BC alpha Draconis occupied the pole position; at the time of the Greeks the northern pole star was beta Ursae Minoris; and in AD 14,000 it will be Vega. 18 18 Skyglobe 3.6.


  • Pyramid was supposedly being built for the Fourth Dynasty Pharaoh Khufu (Cheops), one of the stars of Draco had stood cl ose to the celestial north pole and had served as the Pole Star. This had been alpha Draconis, also known as Thuban. With the passing of the millenni a, however, it had gradually been displaced from its position by the remo rseless celestial mill of the earth’s axial precession so that the Po


  • ent, it pointed to the circumpolar regions of the northern he avens at an angle of 32° 30’. This, in the Pyramid Age around 2500 BC , would have meant that it was directed on the upper culmination of Alpha Draconis, a prominent star in the constellation of Draco. 23 Much to my relief the Japanese ra pidly completed their tour of the King’s Chamber and left, stooping, without a backward glance. As soon as they h

File: Graham Hancock - Fingerprints of the Gods -

File: Graham Hancock - Magicians of the Gods -

  • e Little Bear), but the effect of precession is to change the Pole Star oververy long periods of time. Thus around 3000 BC, just before the start of thePyramid Age in Egypt, the Pole Star was Thuban (Alpha Draconis) in theconstellation of Draco. At the time of the Greeks it was Beta Ursae Minoris. InAD 14,000 it will be Vega.5 [part0117.html#chapter10-5] Sometimes in this longcyclical journey the extended north

File: Graham Hancock - The Message Of The Sphinx -


  • cients associated with the goddess Isis, cosmic mother of the kings of Egypt. 4 From the King’s Chamber, the northern shaft is angled at 32 degrees 28’ and was aimed at the ancient Pole star, Thuban (Alpha Draconis) in the constellation of the Dragon—associated by the Pharao hs with notions of ‘cosmic pregnancy and gestation’. The southern shaft, which is angled at 45 degrees 14’, was aimed at Al Nitak (Zeta Or


  • e Dog star Sirius, held by the ancient Egyptians to be the incarnation of the goddess Isis. Other small passages in the Pyramid appear to point to other heavenly bodies—the Belt of Orion and the star Alpha Draconis, which at the time was in the area now occupied by the Pole Star ... The reaction to the Independent’s front-page splash was electrifying. Dozens of reporters from all over the world wanted to interv


  • was Piazzi Smyth who first accurately measured and demonstrated the intense polar and meridional alignments of the monument, the precision of which he assigned to sightings of the ancient Pole star, Alpha Draconis. 14 In the first half of the twentieth century, a succession of eminent astronomers—such as Richard Proctor, Eugene Antoniadi, Jean Baptiste astronomer Richard Proctor’s thesis, The Great Pyrami


  • amber had pointed, in the epoch of 2500 BC , to major star systems that were of crucial importance to the Pyramid builders. As readers will recall from Part I, the northern shaft had been targeted on Alpha Draconis—the Pole Star in the Pyramid Age—and the southern shaft had been ta rgeted on Orion’s belt. 16 Today Virginia Trimble is a senior professor of astronomy at UCLA and the University of Maryland and is

File: H P Blavatsky - Secret Doctrine -

  • ace and time evolved out ofhuman speculation. These forms were cosmic and astronomical, theistic andpantheistic, abstract and concrete. They became in turn the Polar Dragon and theSouthern Cross, the Alpha Draconis of the Pyramid, and the Hindû-BuddhistDragon, which ever threatens, yet never swallows the Sun during its eclipses.Till then, the Tree remained ever green, for it was sprinkled by the Waters ofLife;

  • ing that the long narrow downward passage leading from the entrance wasdirected towards the pole-star of the pyramid builders, astronomers have shownthat in the year 2,170 b.c. the passage pointed to Alpha Draconis, the thenpole-star.... Mr. Richard A. Proctor, the astronomer, after stating that thepole-star was in the required position about 3,350 b.c., as well as in 2,170b.c., says: “either of these would cor

File: H P Blavatsky - The Secret Doctrine Vol 1 -


  • and time evolved out of human speculation. These forms were Cosmic and astronomical, theistic and pantheistic, abstract and concrete. They became in turn the Polar Dragon and the Southern Cross, the Alpha Draconis of the Pyramid, and the Hindu ‐ Buddhist Dragon, which ever threatens, yet never swallows the Sun during its eclipses. Till then, the Tree remained ever green, for it was sprinkled by the waters of l

File: H P Blavatsky - The Secret Doctrine Vol 2 -


  • the erection of the Great Pyramid can be ascertained. ʺ Assuming that the long narrow downward passage was directed towards the pole star of the pyramid builders, astronomers have shown that . . . . Alpha Draconis, the then pole ‐ star, was in the required position about 3,350 B.C., as well as in 2,170 B.C. (Proctor, quoted by Staniland Wake.) But we are also told that ʺ this relative position of Alpha Draconi

File: Maximillien De Lafayette - Secret Us - Extraterrestrials Operations - Part 2 - Grays, Alien Abductions And Genetic Creation Of Humans Hybrids Race -

  • ns’ way of life,37Aliens-humans hybrids’dwellings,37Aliens-military scientists jointblack project,92Aliens-military-joint scientificprograms,86Aliens-US technology,92Allen, Lew,191Alloys, metallic,180Alpha Draconis,103Alteration of the temperaturesand crop yields of Russia,67Alvarez’s Fernando,account,113Ambar Anati,194Ambar Anati’s blowing up a USmilitary base,189American mid-west,183American military hassucce

File: Michael E. Salla - Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs & Extraterrestrial Alliances -

  • ] [index_split_075.html#filepos764671] According to Goode, the reason why the Vril Society had achieved its stunningsuccess was that it was being actively assisted by an extraterrestrial race fromthe Alpha Draconis star system, which was also working with an advancedsubterranean Earth civilization. Support for Goode’s remarkable claim comes fromProf. Hermann Oberth, the father of German rocketry who allegedly s

  • strialgroups in developing their secret space program efforts, beginning in the 1920’sand 1930’s respectively. The alien groups mentioned in chapters two and fourwere allegedly from the Aldebaran and Alpha Draconis star systems, and the innerEarth (the latter will be defined as “intraterrestrials”). With the developmentof fissile nuclear weapons in the 1940’s and more powerful thermonuclear weaponsin the 1950’s

File: Michael Tsarion - Shiva, The Holy Spirit And The Age Of Aquarius -


  • l came into the world and into the consciousness of human beings. In that book we show how, approximately 50,000 years ago, our solar system was visited by alien beings, possibly from the star system Alpha Draconis.

File: Morals and Dogma-AlbertPike -


  • allowed twelve days for a star of the first magnitud e to emerge from the solar rays; and there is less twilight, the further South we go. At the same period, too, Cynosura was not the pole-star, but Alpha Draconis was; and the stars rose and set with very different degrees of obliquit y from those of their present risings and settings. By having a globe constructed with circum volving poles, capable of any adj

File: Keys Of Enoch -


  • ired in life from Genesis to Revelation. And at the end of our program, those who carry the image of the Lamb will be separated from those who carry the image of the Bear (Ursa Major) and the Dragon (alpha Draconis), the fallen spiritual powers controlling the old linear astronomy of the Babylonian sciences, forcing man to do homage to the lower heavens. 34 With a great rushing of thanksgiving, the Lords of Lig


  • hydrodynamic ac - tivities and function as cosmological calculators. 11 During previous geomagnetic cycles the North star shaft of the Great Pyramid originally pointed towards the circumpolar star of alpha Draconis and the South star shaft pointed towards the Taurus - Orion constellations. 12 These alignments reveal the Pyramid as an astrophysical computer showing the present life cycle as a recapitulation of t


  • - 59 In this sacred region in the " midst of the Earth, " the elect will be seen as the Messianic Key hold - ers, the Priesthood of Ur, ex - plaining how the circle of the Earth's axis and the arc of alpha Draconis will be opened and re - moved from the mid - heavens. Their keys will proclaim how the white shepherds of Taurus - Orion, the Mansion of the Greatest Bulls, and the region of the Lamb, the region of


  • ht. " 5 Within this key the positive universe and the anti - universe come together through the mathematics of Light; on one hand through the Pleiades, Orion, and Jerusalem; on the other hand through alpha Draconis, omega Draconis, and Mecca. 6 And I saw the nations en - gaged in physical destruction, en - tropy, war and violence, worship - ping and bowing down to the neg - ation of star - energy; and I also sa


  • 9 The Sons of Light, the B'nai Or, have established a light pyramid functioning on this end of the light spectrum in relationship to the Pleiades and Orion. Conversely, the Black Cube functions with alpha Draconis for the Children of Darkness. 10 The Black Cube is symbolic of all the anti - matter which passes through our planetary system of creation.* It shows " alpha and omega " tracings of sub - atomic deca


  • eld of energy is rising out of the body of the galactic serpent of space and time. We are to under - stand how Lord Michael will do battle with the fallen embodiments of light in the galactic serpent alpha Draconis. The serpent rep - resents the devouring anti - universe which keeps the planispheres im - prisoned in a fixed station or orbit of circumpolarity that requires the 'sword of light power, " from con -


  • 508; 511; 524 - 526; 536; 566; 590. Adonai 'Tsebayothr 134 - 135; 282; 290; 564; 566; (See Sacred Expressions). Ain Soph, 17; *566; 109; 113; 115; 159 - 160; 233; 373; 390 - 391; 441; 470; 525; 578. Alpha Draconis, 56; 75; 85; 153; (Plate 4); 81. Alpha - Omega, 65; 110; 128; 149; 170; 184; 197; 207 - 208; 221; 256; 346; 364-365; 380; 412; 586; 588. Altea - America l Key 105:47-49; 310; 313; 552; 557; (Plate 14

File: Sacred Texts - The Internet Book of Shadows -


  • he Fourth and Fifth dynasty's. (Notably Cheops took no chances in the great Pyramid's design -- although outwardly a solar monument he had a hole bored through the stones aligned with the position of Alpha Draconis (a star in the Great Bear called Thuban = "the Subtle One" a Set cult title?) just in case that was where his ka was heading. During the next few dynasties (4 - 17), Set is generally

File: Temple Of Set -


  • bronze chain. 72 Lockyer concludes that the constellation Draco , and in particular the star at its head ( Gamma Draconis ), represented Set. If indeed a single star were so regarded, it was probably Alpha Draconis (or Thuban ), the Polar Star at the beginning of the Egyptian civilization. Due to the Precession of the Equinoxes, Alpha Draconis will return to the celestial pole at approximately 24000 CE. Since i


  • on levels, and both plant and animal physiology. The impact of this cycle on the brain is as yet undetermined. 131 It may be noted that the sky, seemingly opaque by day, becomes transparent at night. Alpha Draconis is then visible. The Setian need conjure neither curse nor kindness from me, for by the magic of my great pentagram I shall see with his eyes. And then the strength that is mine shall be the strength

File: Wands Of Horus English -


  • ng from the “King’s Chamber” and the “Queen’s Chamber” were precisely oriented on particular stars. The southern shaft of the “Kings Chamber” pointed to Al Nitak (Zeta Orionis), the northern shaft to Alpha Draconis; while the southern shaft of the “Queen’s Chamber” was directed towards Sirius, and the northern shaft to Beta Ursae Minoris. At one time special crystals were fitted at the point where the shafts co


  • Chamber” was oriented on Sirius, the star of the goddess Aset (Isis ). The northern shaft, rising at an angle of 31 degrees to the horizontal, was oriented almost pr ecisely on the star now known as Alpha Draconis. This positioning was no coincidence and it also determined the pyramids orientation to the points of the compass. The determining factor, however, was not the points of the compass as such, but the

File: Alford - Gods of the New Millenium - The Shattering Truth of Human Origins (1996) -


  • surements of the slope of the shafts, they found that c. 2450 BC the southern shaft of the Queen’s Chamber had been aligned with Sirius, the northern shaft of the King’s Chamber had been aligned with Alpha Draconis and the southern shaft of the King’s Chamber had been aligned with the lowest star in Orion’s Belt. The first point to note is that the date 2450 BC has no particular significance, since Khufu’s reig

File: David Icke - Tales from the Time Loop (2003) -


  • with a "dragon-like countenance". It was claimed that he was conceived by a ray of golden light that entered his .. mother's womb from the Big Dipper constellation.6b The Big Dipper includes the star Alpha Draconis, the star of the Egyptian god, Set. Alpha Draconis is an alleged home of the reptilian 'royalty', the elite leadership, known as the "Draco". One Chinese legend says that when he died Huang Ti transf

File: Project Superman -


  • inanced by the illuminati in machevellian fashion - and when the world is depopulated the cult of the serpent - human and alien illuminists - plan to annex this planet to the main reptilian empire in alpha draconis, and turn those humans who remain on earth into electronically controlled subjects. the dracos are, according to contactees, involved in an ancient war with human-like beings in the lyra sector. both

File: Church of Satan (2002) -


  • f all visible stars from -50° below the celestial equator to +30° above could be recorded. (2) The Pyramid’s accurate directional orientation would have been possible through the sighting of the star Alpha Draconis down the d escending passage at the moment of the Autumn Equinox (Halloween to you latter-day traditionalists). (3) The flat surface of the truncated Pyramid would have served to mark and record stel

File: Church of Satan (2009) -


  • f all visible stars from -50° below the celestial equator to +30° above could be recorded. (2) The Pyramid’s accurate directional orientation would have been possible through the sighting of the star Alpha Draconis down the descending passage at the moment of the Autumn Equinox (Halloween to you latter-day traditionalists). (3) The flat surface of the truncated Pyramid would have served to mark and record stell

File: Magus Tsirk Susej - The Demonic Apocrypha (Book Two of the Demonic Bible) -


  • The Serpent People In antediluvian times during the days of Atlantis the pole of the heavens was the constellation of Alpha Draconis. In astr onomical temples the Dragon was the ruling constellation at the pole. The great serpent was master of the celestial sphere and the ruler of the night skies. In Greek Myth Draco, the Dragon i

File: Michael Aquino - Church of Satan - Volume II -

  • n of all visible stars from -50° below thecelestial equator to +30° above could be recorded.(2) The Pyramid’s accurate directional orientation would have beenpossible through the sighting of the star Alpha Draconis down thedescending passage at the moment of the Autumn Equinox (Halloween toyou latter-day traditionalists).(3) The flat surface of the truncated Pyramid would have served tomark and record stellar a

File: Michael Aquino - IlluminAnX - Rosicrucianism Reawakened -

  • d t o t h e l i g h t i n g t e c h n i c i a n s f o rsimultaneous programming of the pyramid’sexterior-angles light streams. The capstone beam,however, was fixed and could not be redirectedtowards Alpha Draconis. 15The traditional receptions and banquets werehandled elegantly by the Pharaoh’s Pheast, whichuniquely among the Strip resorts had a privatedining room off the main facility.With the demise of the L

File: Michael Aquino - Ruby Tablet of Set -


  • on levels, and both plan t and animal physiology. The impact of this cycle on the brain is as yet undetermined. 58 It may be noted that the sky, seemingly opaque by day, becomes transparent at night. Alpha Draconis is then visible. The Setian need conjure neither curse nor kindness from me, for by the magic of my great pentagram I shall see with his eyes. And th en the strength that is mine shall be the


  • tar Thigh in the heavens."). This refers to the traditional as sociating of Set with the astronomical north pole (the Egyptians' "Thigh of Se t" constellation), the principle star of which then being Alpha Draconis and now being Polaris. Following the name of the individual Setian is: "is Come Into Being (as)," the appropriate degree, "of the divine Temple of Set," and then the most recent Solstice or Equinox.

File: Michael Aquino - Temple Of Set - Volume II -

  • great bronzechain. 36Lockyer concludes that the constellation Draco, and in particular the star atits head ( GammaDraconis), represented Set. If indeed a single star were so regarded, it wasprobably Alpha Draconis (orThuban), the Polar Star at the beginning of the Egyptian civilization.Due to the Precession of the Equinoxes, Alpha Draconis will return to thecelestial pole atapproximately 24000 CE. Since its la

  • mpulses. (3) Transmission of test patterns to evaluate communications linksbetween elements of theTemple of Set First and Second Foundations. (4) Transmission of encoded signalsby the Temple of Set toAlpha Draconis, Sirius, and the Crab Nebula.Phase II, ca. 1985, would be a series of scheduled transmissions of a mixsimilar to that of Phase I,through relay from Earth to an orbiting satellite designed, orbited, a

File: Michael Aquino - Temple of Set - 3rd draft -


  • bronze chain. 72 Lockyer concludes that the constellation Draco , and in particular the star at its head ( Gamma Draconis ), represented Set. If indeed a single star were so regarded, it was probably Alpha Draconis (or Thuban ), the Polar Star at the beginning of the Egyptian civilization. Due to the Precession of the Equinoxes, Alpha Draconis will return to the celestial pole at approximately 24000 CE. Since i


  • on levels, and both plant and animal physiology. The impact of this cycle on the brain is as yet undetermined. 131 It may be noted that the sky, seemingly opaque by day, becomes transparent at night. Alpha Draconis is then visible. The Setian need conjure neither curse nor kindness from me, for by the magic of my great pentagram I shall see with his eyes. And then the strength that is mine shall be the strength

File: Raensept - Technicians Guide to the Left Hand Path -


  • ramid of Khufu is one of the last early monuments connected with the idea of a Setian afterlife as well as a solar one. The Great Pyramid had a special air shaft for the King’s akh to fly to the star Alpha Draconis, which is the star of Set in the Constellation of the Thigh, principle of the Seven Faces of Darkness. During the Middle Kingdom, Set was reduced to a symbol of Upper Egypt and apparently seen only d


  • he European manuals gave away to medieval grimoires and perhaps the last practicing Setian, the 8th century Abulfaiz Dhu’l Nun, changed his name to Thuban the Black (Thuban being the name of the star Alpha Draconis). Thuban as Pir, or Chief of his Order, was called “King or Lord of the Fish” the fish being a Typhonic animal). Thuban was third in teaching succession after Daud of Tai and Maaruf Karkhi (in the Or

File: Setnakt - The God Set -


  • he Fourth and Fifth dynasty's. (Notably Cheops took no chances in the great Pyramid's design -- although outwardly a solar monument he had a hole bored through the stones aligned with the position of Alpha Draconis (a star in the Great Bear called Thuban = "the Subtle One" a Set cult title?) just in case that was where his ka was heading. During the next few dynasties (4 - 17), Set is generally ignored. His fun

File: Atlas of the Universe -


  • precession circle, 47° in diameter, showing the shift in position of the north celestial pole around the pole of the ecliptic (A). In Egyptian times ( c . 3000 BC ) the polar point lay near Thuban or Alpha Draconis; it is now near Polaris in Ursa Minor (declination  89° 15’); in AD 12,000 it will be near Vega. The south celestial pole describes an analogous precession circle. E152 -191 UNIVERSE UK 2003mb 7/4/0

File: Our Universal Journey -


  • a compressed and combined space. This resulted in many conflicts of interests and so wars broke out across the galaxy. Unfortunately the star system that embodied the archetype of the ‘Male Warrior’, Alpha Draconis, featured prominently in these conflicts. Due to compression, this archetypal energy had proven itself now to be spiralling out of its own ability to control itself so the time had come for the destr


  • tic Womb. The massive amount of biodiversity and therefore energy being invested here when life had been seeded was immense and got his attention. A race within this galaxy called the Draconians from Alpha Draconis, hence the term ‘draconian laws’ are a race that have most of their realities and domains assimilated into the synthetic universe. The Draconians are a formidable and imperious warrior race and do mu


  • he Moon. It has organised for the responsibility of managing the Moon and its matrix to be given to the Dracos and their arm of this intergalactic cabal. Its origins within our Milky Way Galaxy is in Alpha Draconis and streams to us via the Orion Nordics, then to Mars and then to the Moon. I am not being racist as there are many genuine and benevolent Nordic races. I am just pointing out this particular group o

File: Terence Mckenna - Invisible Landscape -


  • circumscribe the ecliptical North Pole is roughly 26,000 years, during which period it points to one star after another: around 3000 B.C. the Pole star was alpha Draconis; at the time of the Greeks it was beta Ursea Minoris; for the time being it is alpha Ursea Minoris; in a.d. 14,000 it will be Vega. The equinoxes, the points of intersection of ecliptic and equator,

File: Terence Mckenna - The Invisible Landscape -


  • circumscribe the ecliptical North Pole is roughly 26,000 years, during which period it points to one star after another: around 3000 B.C. the Pole star was alpha Draconis; at the time of the Greeks it was beta Ursea Minoris; for the time being it is alpha Ursea Minoris; in a.d. 14,000 it will be Vega. The equinoxes, the points of intersection of ecliptic and equator,

File: The General Archaeoastronomical Methodology of the Research of Historical Sites in the Various Astronomical Coordinates -


  • kin: The first (23615 BC and 2012 AD) - Alpha Ursa Minor, II (18489 g BC and 7138 AD) - Alpha Cephei, third (AD 12263 and 13364 BC) - Alpha Lyrae, fourth (8239 BC. ) - Tau Hercules, fifth (3114 BC) - Alpha Draconis [38; 39] (Fig. 13). Another part of the calendar - the annual calendar Haab associated with the Tzolkin 20-d-old signs-kin on the ecliptic, which were observed at sunrise or sunset, or the zenith, at

File: J.J. Hartak - The Keys of Enoch -


  • ired in life from Genesis to Revelation. And at the end of our program, those who carry the image of the Lamb will be separated from those who carry the image of the Bear (Ursa Major) and the Dragon (alpha Draconis), the fallen spiritual powers controlling the old linear astronomy of the Babylonian sciences, forcing man to do homage to the lower heavens. 34 With a great rushing of thanksgiving, the Lords of Lig


  • ohydrodynamic ac- tivities and function as cosmological calculators. 11 During previous geomagnetic cycles the North star shaft of the Great Pyramid originally pointed towards the circumpolar star of alpha Draconis and the South star shaft pointed towards the Taurus- Orion constellations. 12 These alignments reveal the Pyramid as an astrophysical computer showing the present life cycle as a recapitulation of th


  • " -3- 59 In this sacred region in the "midst of the Earth," the elect will be seen as the Messianic Key hold- ers, the Priesthood of Ur, ex- plaining how the circle of the Earth's axis and the arc of alpha Draconis will be opened and re- moved from the mid-heavens. Their keys will proclaim how the white shepherds of Taurus-Orion, the Mansion of the Greatest Bulls, and the region of the Lamb, the region of the C


  • Light." 5 Within this key the positive universe and the anti-universe come together through the mathematics of Light; on one hand through the Pleiades, Orion, and Jerusalem; on the other hand through alpha Draconis, omega Draconis, and Mecca. 6 And I saw the nations en- gaged in physical destruction, en- tropy, war and violence, worship- ping and bowing down to the neg- ation of star-energy; and I also saw the


  • 9 The Sons of Light, the B'nai Or, have established a light pyramid functioning on this end of the light spectrum in relationship to the Pleiades and Orion. Conversely, the Black Cube functions with alpha Draconis for the Children of Darkness. 10 The Black Cube is symbolic of all the anti-matter which passes through our planetary system of creation.* It shows "alpha and omega" tracings of sub-atomic decay and


  • ield of energy is rising out of the body of the galactic serpent of space and time. We are to under- stand how Lord Michael will do battle with the fallen embodiments of light in the galactic serpent alpha Draconis. The serpent rep- resents the devouring anti-universe which keeps the planispheres im- prisoned in a fixed station or orbit of circumpolarity that requires the 'sword of light power," from con- stell


  • 498-499; 508; 511; 524-526; 536; 566; 590. Adonai 'Tsebayothr 134-135; 282; 290; 564; 566; (See Sacred Expressions). Ain Soph, 17; *566; 109; 113; 115; 159-160; 233; 373; 390-391; 441; 470; 525; 578. Alpha Draconis, 56; 75; 85; 153; (Plate 4); 81. Alpha-Omega, 65; 110; 128; 149; 170; 184; 197; 207-208; 221; 256; 346; 364-365; 380; 412; 586; 588. Altea-Americal Key 105:47-49; 310; 313; 552; 557; (Plate 14); 566.

File: blatter-fur-angewandte-okkulte-lebenskunst-1953 -


  • Es wird behauptet, daß der in der Pyramide vorhandene lange, enge, ab-fallende Gang zur Zeit der Erbauung genau auf den Polarstern ausgerichtet ge-wesen ist. Er zeigte im Jahre 2170 v.Chr. genau auf Alpha Draconis, dem dama-ligen Polarstern, aber ebenso war die Stellung im Jahre 3350 v. Chr. Aber die Ägyptologen halten dieses letztere Jahr als viel zu spät für die Erbauung. Da aber die gegenseitige Stellung vo

File: blatter-fur-angewandte-okkulte-lebenskunst-1959 -


  • he Eingangsstollen auf die südliche Kulminati-on des Polarsterns ausgerichtet sei. Das wäre schön, ist aber doch nicht mit Si-cherheit anzunehmen, solange das Baujahr und damaliger Abstand des Sterns Alpha draconis vom mathematischen Pol nicht absolut feststehen. 1959 - 91

File: COS -


  • of all visible stars from -50° below the celestial equator to +30° above could be recorded.(2) The Pyramid’s accurate directional orientation would have been possible through the sighting of the star Alpha Draconis down the descending passage at the moment of the Autumn Equinox (Halloween to you latter-day traditionalists).(3) The flat surface of the truncated Pyramid would have served to mark and record stella

File: liber-hvhi -


  • 110 The Tailed Dragon (Thuban or Alpha Draconis) and Mush Parik (the whore) moves against the Sun, Moon and Stars, they are the aspects of unity from the seven planets, the spirits called within man and woman. Mush Pairik was created by Ahriman an

File: Temple of Set - 3rd draft -


  • eat bronze chain.72 Lockyer concludes that the constellation Draco, and in particular the star at its head (Gamma Draconis), represented Set. If indeed a single star were so regarded, it was probably Alpha Draconis (or Thuban), the Polar Star at the beginning of the Egyptian civilization.Due to the Precession of the Equinoxes, Alpha Draconis will return to the celestial pole at approximately 24000 CE. Since its


  • ion levels, and both plant and animal physiology. The impact of this cycle on the brain is as yet undetermined.131 It may be noted that the sky, seemingly opaque by day, becomes transparent at night. Alpha Draconis is then visible.The Setian need conjure neither curse nor kindness from me, for by the magic of my great pentagram I shall see with his eyes. And then the strength that is mine shall be the strength

File: technicians_guide_to_the_left_hand_path -


  • ramid of Khufu is one of the last early monuments connected with the idea of a Setian afterlife as well as a solar one. The Great Pyramid had a special air shaft for the King’s akh to fly to the star Alpha Draconis, which is the star of Set in the Constellation of the Thigh, principle of the Seven Faces of Darkness. During the Middle Kingdom, Set was reduced to a symbol of Upper Egypt and apparently seen only d


  • he European manuals gave away to medieval grimoires and perhaps the last practicing Setian, the 8th century Abulfaiz Dhu’l Nun, changed his name to Thuban the Black (Thuban being the name of the star Alpha Draconis). Thuban as Pir, or Chief of his Order, was called “King or Lord of the Fish” the fish being a Typhonic animal). Thuban was third in teaching succession after Daud of Tai and Maaruf Karkhi (in the Or

File: the_god_set -


  • the Fourth and Fifth dynasty's. (Notably Cheops took no chances inthe great Pyramid's design -- although outwardly a solar monument he had a holebored through the stones aligned with the position of Alpha Draconis (a star in theGreat Bear called Thuban = "the Subtle One" a Set cult title?) just in case that waswhere his ka was heading.During the next few dynasties (4 - 17), Set is generally ignored. His functi

File: ruby_tablet_of_set -


  • tion levels, and both plant and animal physiology. The impact of this cycle on the brain is as yet undetermined.58 It may be noted that the sky, seemingly opaque by day, becomes transparent at night. Alpha Draconis is then visible. The Setian need conjure neither curse nor kindness from me, for by the magic of my great pentagram I shall see with his eyes. And then the strength that is mine shall be the


  • Star Thigh in the heavens."). This refers to the traditional associating of Set with the astronomical north pole (the Egyptians' "Thigh of Set" constellation), the principle star of which then being Alpha Draconis and now being Polaris. Following the name of the individual Setian is: "is Come Into Being (as)," the appropriate degree, "of the divine Temple of Set," and then the most recent Solstice or Equinox.

File: ss198412 -


  • nalyses and commentaries on that document, I never stopped and commentaries on that document, I never stopped to ask myself why an entity located circa Alpha to ask myself why an entity located circa Alpha Draconis should care one way or the other how Draconis should care one way or the other how much Earth is tilted towards the Sun.]much Earth is tilted towards the Sun.]Getting holidays in magical perspective

File: ss198912 -


  • r Zodiac of Denderah and wondered what stars might fit the Denderah and wondered what stars might fit the pictures? Have you wondered just how close pictures? Have you wondered just how close Thuban (alpha Draconis) was to the true celestial Thuban (alpha Draconis) was to the true celestial north pole, and when? What did the sky look like north pole, and when? What did the sky look like when the first Egyptians


  • iac is only the center, and the whole part of the Zodiac is only the center, and the whole presents a much tougher puzzle to solve.presents a much tougher puzzle to solve.In the year 3000 BCE Thuban (alpha Draconis) In the year 3000 BCE Thuban (alpha Draconis) was at 23h 36m 50.0s right ascension (longitude) was at 23h 36m 50.0s right ascension (longitude) and +88° 50’ 49” declination (latitude). Today and +88°

File: ss199912 -


  • refer. I myself prefer to work with a PC).Set worked hard and fought to death with his Set worked hard and fought to death with his enemies to become the star called enemies to become the star called Alpha DraconisAlpha Draconis in the Constellation of the Thigh. We must work in the Constellation of the Thigh. We must work hard to become kings or queens in our kingdoms. hard to become kings or queens in our kin

File: Mckenna, Terence - Invisible Landscape -


  • *. The time which this prolonged axis needs tocircumscribe the ecliptical North Pole is roughly 26,000 years,during which period it points to one star after another: around3000 B.C. the Pole star was alpha Draconis; at the time of theGreeks it was beta Ursea Minoris; for the time being it is alphaUrsea Minoris; in a.d. 14,000 it will be Vega. The equinoxes, thepoints of intersection of ecliptic and equator, swi

File: Blavatsky, Anthropogenesis -


  • of the erection of the Great Pyramid can be ascertained. "Assuming that the longnarrow downward passage was directed towards the pole star of the pyramid builders, astronomers have shown that . . . .Alpha Draconis, the then pole-star, was in the required position about 3,350 B.C., as well as in 2,170 B.C. (Proctor,quoted by Staniland Wake.) But we are also told that "this relative position of Alpha Draconis an

File: Blavatsky, Cosmogenesis -


  • e and time evolved out of human speculation. These forms were Cosmic and astronomical, theistic and pantheistic,abstract and concrete. They became in turn the Polar Dragon and the Southern Cross, the Alpha Draconis of the Pyramid, and theHindu-Buddhist Dragon, which ever threatens, yet never swallows the Sun during its eclipses. Till then, the Tree remained ever green,for it was sprinkled by the waters of life;

File: Helen Blavatsky - The Secret Doctrine -


  • and time evolved out of human speculation. These forms were Cosmic and astronomical, theistic and pantheistic, abstract and concrete. They became in turn the Polar Dragon and the Southern Cross, the Alpha Draconis of the Pyramid, and the Hindu-Buddhist Dragon, which ever threatens, yet never swallows the Sun during its eclipses. Till then, the Tree remained ever green, for it was sprinkled by the waters of lif


  • f the erection of the Great Pyramid can be ascertained. "Assuming that the long narrow downward passage was directed towards the pole star of the pyramid builders, astronomers have shown that . . . . Alpha Draconis, the then pole-star, was in the required position about 3,350 B.C., as well as in 2,170 B.C. (Proctor, quoted by Staniland Wake.) But we are also told that "this relative position of Alpha Draconis a

File: Defending Sacred Ground -


  • re two schools of thought in our galaxy. There are the regressives, who are races that carry fear and because of that want to control others. The hierarchy of the regressives starts with a group from Alpha Draconis. The Andromedans have no idea where the Alpha Draconians came from, but what they have learned through interaction with other dimensional races is that somebody brought the Draconians to this univers


  • herships the creation of a self-rule government. The first on Earth; America. In the month of February, in the year 1894, the object photographed striking a huge black object was a carrier craft from Alpha Draconis. On April 4, 1892, the craft that crossed the surface of the moon was not a large bird, it was a craft that looked like it had wings. It was a craft from Alpha Draconis. This same ship was last in th


  • nario is the theme of the movie Independence Day , which aired in the theatres nationally on July 7, 1996]. A large ship came out of the huge craft and approached the planet Bila, and reptilians from Alpha Draconis disembarked. Apparently, the Alpha Draconians and the Lyrans were afraid of each other. I told you before that the Alpha Draconians were apparently the first race in our galaxy to have interstellar s


  • lever, and they can also be extremely sinister. They apparently were brought by someone to our time and space, our universe, in full physicality, and dumped here. I don't know who. They were taken to Alpha Draconis because the nature of that place gave them the best chance of survival. So, they were kicked out of some other place. They are a major factor to be reckoned with. They are for the most part Service-t


  • and then move to Russia. It's a foregone conclusion that they will be here first. Val: So, again, another aspect of this submitted question is: what should one do when encountering these beings from Alpha Draconis? Are there details on precise protocols as you gave relative to peaceful beings? Alex: I have a protocol for the Alpha Draconians. Run away. Val: That's pretty precise. Alex: That's all I know, is to


  • very very long time. Few races today remain as their pure original genetic stock, with the exception of two races that the Andromedan's say are really "clean". Those two races are the reptilians from Alpha Draconis and the other are those that we know as the Elohim, which are a very ancient race of humans survived the wars in Lyrae. All other races in this universe, as far as the Andromedans know, are a mixture


  • me that there is a group that has offered to help our earth governments with the problem of the Greys, and even to give them weapons to fight the Greys. The ones who responded are the reptilians from Alpha Draconis. Ironically, the only real enemy the Greys have and that human beings on Earth have. Now, interestingly, the Greys actually work for the Draconians. It's all part of a setup. We will invite them in h


  • t orbit than it is now. It had plant life and some very basic life forms which didn't evolve there, but were brought to both Mars and Earth 189 million years ago by traders, explorers and miners from Alpha Draconis, Ursa Major and Minor, Lyrae, the Pleiadies, Zeta Reticuli and Sirius. Now, there have been some other groups that have passed through here, but those groups were predominantly those who worked our s

File: Dulce Book -


  • 'Connell: According to TAL, ages ago "...a CONFLICT with other beings, ELs [human giants] destroyed most of the Reptoid civilization, which forced some into deep caverns & others to leave earth -- to Alpha Draconis and/or Altair in the constellation Aquila, which in ancient lore was associated with evil reptilian creatures... The conflict is a Species War, between the Evadamic Seed & the 'Serpent' [draconian] S


  • selves [long ago]. The aliens that I've dealt with, the Ones who came from the constellation of Lyra... they actually had a massive explosion on their planet (caused by invading reptilian forces from Alpha Draconis, as some contactee accounts suggest? - Branton). They had to evacuate and migrated to the Pleiadean constellation where they knew other alien civilizations were already living. There are many differe


  • e holds the genetically coded instructions that guide the transformation of a single cell, a fertilized egg, into a biological being (Note: Contactee Alex Collier claims that the reptiloid species of Alpha Draconis and Rigel Orion, although involved in short-term mind-control projects, are also interested in long term genetic-control, that is introducing genetic information into a conquered race in order to kee


  • ized, the first 'target' should be the underground systems of planet EARTH. Once these are fully 'cleaned out' along with LUNA and MARS, then RIGEL and BELLATRIX ORION should be targeted, followed by ALPHA DRACONIS and EPSILON BOOTES, and also ZETA II RETICULI and CAPPELLA, and whatever other strongholds might become known in the course of time. - Branton) There are indications that the ritual of the Eucharist


  • n based in Taygeta Pleiades, Vega Lyra, Iumma [Wolf 424], Procyon, Tau Ceti, Alpha Centauri, Epsilon Eridani, etc.; 3) The DRACONIAN EMPIRE -- mostly yet not entirely excluded to reptiloids. Based in Alpha Draconis, Epsilon Bootes, Zeta II Reticuli, Polaris, Rigel Orion, Bellatrix Orion, Capella, etc. The Federation and Empire especially, have waged wars with each other in past centuries and millennia throughou

File: MATRIX V - Quest of the Spirit - The Ultimate Frontier - The Code to the Matrix -


  • u began to realize how many of them are here and they never tire in fooling man and wo men into worshipping them. This story of the Serpent even survives within the star s as a star chart will reveal Alpha Draconis (One Female Dracon) wrapped around 1/3 of the stars includin g our Pole star Polaris. It is said this begins the importance of the number 33 or a third. Old tales from England concluded that you had

File: Valdamar Valerian - Matrix V Gold Edition Volume I _ Quest of the Spirit - The Ultimate Frontier (2003, Leading Edge Research Group) -


  • Earth physical bodies. Throw them in one then watch what happens. No, if you want safe incarnations, go Andromedan. If you want rapid progression, go Earth. Question 78: "If someone had incarnated on Alpha Draconis previously, would they be inclined to be ritualistic and domineering?" Answer: Remember in my materials, I’ve said how Orion and Sirius placed DNA commands in the Earth body. This includes the traits

File: Internet Book Of Shadows -


  • he Fourth and Fifth dynasty's. (Notably Cheops took no chances in the great Pyramid's design -- although outwardly a solar monument he had a hole bored through the stones aligned with the position of Alpha Draconis (a star in the Great Bear called Thuban = "the Subtle One" a Set cult title?) just in case that was where his ka was heading. During the next few dynasties (4 - 17), Set is generally

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